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Developer Guide

Based on the distributed Broker design, XingTian divides the reinforcement learning process into two parts: Learner and Explorer. As shown in the following figure, Learner obtains the trajectory data through the broker for iterative update of model policies. While, the Explorer uses Broker to update their exploration models and collect exploration trajectory data.

The XingTian reinforcement learning library exposes the interfaces of the Algorithm, Model, Agent, and Environment application modules to developers. The following figure shows the relationship between the four application modules. Algorithm is instantiated in the training process and is used to iteratively update the model weight. The updated iteration weight is distributed to the Agent through the distributed background for interactive exploration in the environment. The Agent is instantiated only in the data sampling process. Developers can add classes based on their requirements and register the classes with the system. Then the classes can be combined in the YAML configuration file.

Add Algorithm

The working directory of the Algorithm module is xt/algorithm.

The system provides the Algorithm base class to abstract phased operations in the algorithm training pipeline, including :

  • prepare_data: data preparing for training
  • train_ready:whether call train operation
  • update_weights_map:Updates the policy relationship between agents and weights in the multi-agent module.
  • checkpoint_ready:check whether need checkpoint
  • predict:inference with state
  • save:save model
  • restore:restore model

Create a target folder in the xt/algorithm directory and implement in the folder. After inheriting the base class, Developer only need to implement the prepare_data and train interfaces. and register with the system through @Registers.algorithm. The following is an example:

from xt.algorithm import Algorithm
from zeus.common.util.register import Registers

class NewAlgorithm(Algorithm):
    def train(self):
        # your train processing, to update the weights of models
    def prepare_data(self, train_data, **kwargs):
        # train_data point to the total trajectory of all agents

Add Model

The working directory of the Model module is xt/model.

The Model module is used to define the architecture of the deep network to perform the inference and training processes of the network. Considering the differences between the backends of different deep learning frameworks, the system abstracts the XtModel base class of Tensorflow. Users who use the Tensorflow backend can directly inherit this base class. The PyTorch backend users can inherit the torch.nn.Module base class based on the traditional deep learning method to implement logic such as model definition, prediction, and training. Register with the system through @Registers.model. The following is an example:

import torch
from zeus.common.util.register import Registers

# Pytorch 
class NewPyTorchModel(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init(self, model_info):
        # init model architecture
    def forward(self, inputs):
        # inference 
# Tensorflow 
# tf_compat cover compactibility among different versions tensorflow
from xt.model.tf_compat import K, Dense, Input, Model, Adam  
from xt.model import XTModel

class NewTFModel(XTModel):
    def create_model(self, model_info):
        # create model architecture
    def train(self, state, label):
        # train process

Add Agent

The Agent module is responsible for the interaction logic between the algorithm and the environment, and integrates data of different trajectory in the multiagent. The working directory is xt/Agent. Generally, developers only need to inherit the Agent base class and implement the infer_action and handle_env_feedback interfaces.

from zeus.common.util.register import Registers
from xt.agent import Agent

class NewAgent(Agent):
    def infer_action(self, state, use_explore):
        Infer an action with the `state`
        :param state:
        :param use_explore: Used True, in train, False in evaluate
        :return: action value
    def handle_env_feedback(self, next_raw_state, reward, done, info, use_explore):
        # do process on the environment's feedback

Add Environment

The environment module encapsulates the differences between different environments and provides APIs compatible with Gym. Developers only need to implement the init_env, reset, and step methods. Its working directory is xt/environment.

from xt.environment.environment import Environment
from zeus.common.util.register import Registers

class NewEnv(Environment):
    """It encapsulates an openai gym environment."""

    def init_env(self, env_info):
        create a atari environment instance

        :param: the config information of environment.
        :return: the instance of environment

    def reset(self):
        reset the environment, if done is true, must clear obs array

        :return: the observation of gym environment
        return state

    def step(self, action, agent_index=0):
        Run one timestep of the environment's dynamics.
        Accepts an action and returns a tuple (state, reward, done, info).

        :param action: action
        :param agent_index: the index of agent
        :return: state, reward, done, info
        return state, reward, done, info