{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":807188200,"defaultBranch":"master","name":"helix","ownerLogin":"AlfGalf","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":true,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2024-05-28T16:15:01.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/54592751?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":false},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1716913179.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"af83df46db2eb3cf58f60f0d0ce5816402b4605f","after":"860f00223297e6fcd40d59db924ab1832fe2d843","ref":"refs/heads/add-clipboard-option","pushedAt":"2024-09-09T10:47:38.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"AlfGalf","name":"Alfie Richards","path":"/AlfGalf","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/54592751?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add clipboard provider configuration (#8826)\n\nThis change adds the `clipboard-provider` setting to the `editor` section\nof configuration.\n\nThis option can have values of:\n- `none` (use an internal buffer)\n(on windows only)\n- `windows` (use native windows clipboard)\n(on MacOS only)\n- `macos` (use pbcopy/pbpaste)\n(on neiter of the above)\n- `wayland`\n- `xclip`\n- `xsel`\n- `win23yank` (for wsl)\n(on all targets with \"term\")\n- `termux`\n- `tmux`\n- `term` (osc codes)\n- `custom` (see below for the configuration)\n\nNote for a custom provider the configurations should look like:\n```toml\n[editor.clipboard-provider.config]\ncopy = [\"tee\", \"test.txt\"]\npaste = [\"cat\", \"test.txt\"]\nprimary-copy = [\"tee\", \"test-primary.txt\"] // optional\nprimary-copy = [\"cat\", \"test-primary.txt\"] // optional\n```\n\nThis can be configured at runtime with the usual:\n```\nset clipboard-provider term\n```\nNote: I was unable to work out a syntax expression for setting a `custom`\nprovider at runtime. In my opinion this is probably a fine limitation to\nhave but I am curious if there is a correct way I couldn't work out.\n\nThis ports over the previous provider selection logic so hopefully the\nsame default behaviour should apply.\n\nI updated the health command to reflect the provider.\nNote: this required reading the user configurations within the health command\nwhich warrants discussion as this seems to not have been done before.\n\nThis is my first contribution, I am a C++ developer by profession and\na rust hobyist at best so nits and style updates very welcome.\n\nNote: This adds the `nonempty` crate as a new dependency.\nThis is because I wanted a way to fail parsing custom commands if they\nwere empty and didn't want to write custom parsign Serde code.\nI do not know what the process is for considering new dependencies and\nam very willing to change this for an alternative solution when presented\nwith a better one! I looked for a `serde` annotation as I thought that\nwas likely but couldn't find one.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add clipboard provider configuration (helix-editor#8826)"}},{"before":"d26be6ff60863f98d74729ea5cde211e938ff669","after":"af83df46db2eb3cf58f60f0d0ce5816402b4605f","ref":"refs/heads/add-clipboard-option","pushedAt":"2024-09-09T10:26:40.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"AlfGalf","name":"Alfie Richards","path":"/AlfGalf","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/54592751?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add clipboard provider configuration (#8826)\n\nThis change adds the `clipboard-provider` setting to the `editor` section\nof configuration.\n\nThis option can have values of:\n- `none` (use an internal buffer)\n(on windows only)\n- `windows` (use native windows clipboard)\n(on MacOS only)\n- `macos` (use pbcopy/pbpaste)\n(on neiter of the above)\n- `wayland`\n- `xclip`\n- `xsel`\n- `win23yank` (for wsl)\n(on all targets with \"term\")\n- `termux`\n- `tmux`\n- `term` (osc codes)\n- `custom` (see below for the configuration)\n\nNote for a custom provider the configurations should look like:\n```toml\n[editor.clipboard-provider.config]\ncopy = [\"tee\", \"test.txt\"]\npaste = [\"cat\", \"test.txt\"]\nprimary-copy = [\"tee\", \"test-primary.txt\"] // optional\nprimary-copy = [\"cat\", \"test-primary.txt\"] // optional\n```\n\nThis can be configured at runtime with the usual:\n```\nset clipboard-provider term\n```\nNote: I was unable to work out a syntax expression for setting a `custom`\nprovider at runtime. In my opinion this is probably a fine limitation to\nhave but I am curious if there is a correct way I couldn't work out.\n\nThis ports over the previous provider selection logic so hopefully the\nsame default behaviour should apply.\n\nI updated the health command to reflect the provider.\nNote: this required reading the user configurations within the health command\nwhich warrants discussion as this seems to not have been done before.\n\nThis is my first contribution, I am a C++ developer by profession and\na rust hobyist at best so nits and style updates very welcome.\n\nNote: This adds the `nonempty` crate as a new dependency.\nThis is because I wanted a way to fail parsing custom commands if they\nwere empty and didn't want to write custom parsign Serde code.\nI do not know what the process is for considering new dependencies and\nam very willing to change this for an alternative solution when presented\nwith a better one! I looked for a `serde` annotation as I thought that\nwas likely but couldn't find one.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add clipboard provider configuration (helix-editor#8826)"}},{"before":"bbee06ccf53a8738f56de708d8205c63389ae69a","after":"d26be6ff60863f98d74729ea5cde211e938ff669","ref":"refs/heads/add-clipboard-option","pushedAt":"2024-06-12T23:35:10.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"AlfGalf","name":"Alfie Richards","path":"/AlfGalf","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/54592751?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Addressing feedback:\n\n- Cleaned up clippy lints\n- Removed `nonempty` dependency in favor of `helix-stdx-nonempty.rs`\n- Changed Register initialisation signature to take clipboard provider\n rather than configuration struct.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Addressing feedback:"}},{"before":"fda31dec8532fa8845de3a383050205c321d74ec","after":"bbee06ccf53a8738f56de708d8205c63389ae69a","ref":"refs/heads/add-clipboard-option","pushedAt":"2024-06-06T01:32:12.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"AlfGalf","name":"Alfie Richards","path":"/AlfGalf","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/54592751?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Addressing feedback:\n\n- Cleaned up clippy lints\n- Removed `nonempty` dependency in favor of `helix-stdx-nonempty.rs`\n- Changed Register initialisation signature to take clipboard provider\n rather than configuration struct.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Addressing feedback:"}},{"before":"8eb67a296f869c6d278ec88796e5b4b714927cb2","after":"fda31dec8532fa8845de3a383050205c321d74ec","ref":"refs/heads/add-clipboard-option","pushedAt":"2024-05-28T19:58:28.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"AlfGalf","name":"Alfie Richards","path":"/AlfGalf","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/54592751?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add clipboard provider configuration (#8826)\n\nThis change adds the `clipboard-provider` setting to the `editor` section\nof configuration.\n\nThis option can have values of:\n- `none` (use an internal buffer)\n(on windows only)\n- `windows` (use native windows clipboard)\n(on MacOS only)\n- `macos` (use pbcopy/pbpaste)\n(on neiter of the above)\n- `wayland`\n- `xclip`\n- `xsel`\n- `win23yank` (for wsl)\n(on all targets with \"term\")\n- `termux`\n- `tmux`\n- `term` (osc codes)\n- `custom` (see below for the configuration)\n\nNote for a custom provider the configurations should look like:\n```toml\n[editor.clipboard-provider.config]\ncopy = [\"tee\", \"test.txt\"]\npaste = [\"cat\", \"test.txt\"]\nprimary-copy = [\"tee\", \"test-primary.txt\"] // optional\nprimary-copy = [\"cat\", \"test-primary.txt\"] // optional\n```\n\nThis can be configured at runtime with the usual:\n```\nset clipboard-provider term\n```\nNote: I was unable to work out a syntax expression for setting a `custom`\nprovider at runtime. In my opinion this is probably a fine limitation to\nhave but I am curious if there is a correct way I couldn't work out.\n\nThis ports over the previous provider selection logic so hopefully the\nsame default behaviour should apply.\n\nI updated the health command to reflect the provider.\nNote: this required reading the user configurations within the health command\nwhich warrants discussion as this seems to not have been done before.\n\nThis is my first contribution, I am a C++ developer by profession and\na rust hobyist at best so nits and style updates very welcome.\n\nNote: This adds the `nonempty` crate as a new dependency.\nThis is because I wanted a way to fail parsing custom commands if they\nwere empty and didn't want to write custom parsign Serde code.\nI do not know what the process is for considering new dependencies and\nam very willing to change this for an alternative solution when presented\nwith a better one! I looked for a `serde` annotation as I thought that\nwas likely but couldn't find one.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add clipboard provider configuration (helix-editor#8826)"}},{"before":"7987799257a2c707ec8e9f352442d9048d8dd924","after":"8eb67a296f869c6d278ec88796e5b4b714927cb2","ref":"refs/heads/add-clipboard-option","pushedAt":"2024-05-28T18:39:06.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"AlfGalf","name":"Alfie Richards","path":"/AlfGalf","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/54592751?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add clipboard provider configuration (#8826)\n\nThis change adds the `clipboard-provider` setting to the `editor` section\nof configuration.\n\nThis option can have values of:\n- `none` (use an internal buffer)\n(on windows only)\n- `windows` (use native windows clipboard)\n(on MacOS only)\n- `macos` (use pbcopy/pbpaste)\n(on neiter of the above)\n- `wayland`\n- `xclip`\n- `xsel`\n- `win23yank` (for wsl)\n(on all targets with \"term\")\n- `termux`\n- `tmux`\n- `term` (osc codes)\n- `custom` (see below for the configuration)\n\nNote for a custom provider the configurations should look like:\n```toml\n[editor.clipboard-provider.config]\ncopy = [\"tee\", \"test.txt\"]\npaste = [\"cat\", \"test.txt\"]\nprimary-copy = [\"tee\", \"test-primary.txt\"] // optional\nprimary-copy = [\"cat\", \"test-primary.txt\"] // optional\n```\n\nThis can be configured at runtime with the usual:\n```\nset clipboard-provider term\n```\nNote: I was unable to work out a syntax expression for setting a `custom`\nprovider at runtime. In my opinion this is probably a fine limitation to\nhave but I am curious if there is a correct way I couldn't work out.\n\nThis ports over the previous provider selection logic so hopefully the\nsame default behaviour should apply.\n\nI updated the health command to reflect the provider.\nNote: this required reading the user configurations within the health command\nwhich warrants discussion as this seems to not have been done before.\n\nThis is my first contribution, I am a C++ developer by profession and\na rust hobyist at best so nits and style updates very welcome.\n\nNote: This adds the `nonempty` crate as a new dependency.\nThis is because I wanted a way to fail parsing custom commands if they\nwere empty and didn't want to write custom parsign Serde code.\nI do not know what the process is for considering new dependencies and\nam very willing to change this for an alternative solution when presented\nwith a better one! I looked for a `serde` annotation as I thought that\nwas likely but couldn't find one.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add clipboard provider configuration (helix-editor#8826)"}},{"before":null,"after":"7987799257a2c707ec8e9f352442d9048d8dd924","ref":"refs/heads/add-clipboard-option","pushedAt":"2024-05-28T16:19:39.000Z","pushType":"branch_creation","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"AlfGalf","name":"Alfie Richards","path":"/AlfGalf","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/54592751?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Add clipboard provider configuration (#8826)\n\nThis change adds the `clipboard-provider` setting to the `editor` section\nof configuration.\n\nThis option can have values of:\n- `none` (use an internal buffer)\n(on windows only)\n- `windows` (use native windows clipboard)\n(on MacOS only)\n- `macos` (use pbcopy/pbpaste)\n(on neiter of the above)\n- `wayland`\n- `xclip`\n- `xsel`\n- `win23yank` (for wsl)\n(on all targets with \"term\")\n- `termux`\n- `tmux`\n- `term` (osc codes)\n- `custom` (see below for the configuration)\n\nNote for a custom provider the configurations should look like:\n```toml\n[editor.clipboard-provider.config]\ncopy = [\"tee\", \"test.txt\"]\npaste = [\"cat\", \"test.txt\"]\nprimary-copy = [\"tee\", \"test-primary.txt\"] // optional\nprimary-copy = [\"cat\", \"test-primary.txt\"] // optional\n```\n\nThis can be configured at runtime with the usual:\n```\nset clipboard-provider term\n```\nNote: I was unable to work out a syntax expression for setting a `custom`\nprovider at runtime. In my opinion this is probably a fine limitation to\nhave but I am curious if there is a correct way I couldn't work out.\n\nThis ports over the previous provider selection logic so hopefully the\nsame default behaviour should apply.\n\nI updated the health command to reflect the provider.\nNote: this required reading the user configurations within the health command\nwhich warrants discussion as this seems to not have been done before.\n\nThis is my first contribution, I am a C++ developer by profession and\na rust hobyist at best so nits and style updates very welcome.\n\nNote: This adds the `nonempty` crate as a new dependency.\nThis is because I wanted a way to fail parsing custom commands if they\nwere empty and didn't want to write custom parsign Serde code.\nI do not know what the process is for considering new dependencies and\nam very willing to change this for an alternative solution when presented\nwith a better one! I looked for a `serde` annotation as I thought that\nwas likely but couldn't find one.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Add clipboard provider configuration (helix-editor#8826)"}}],"hasNextPage":false,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"startCursor":"Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK7MjAyNC0wOS0wOVQxMDo0NzozOC4wMDAwMDBazwAAAASwxdGm","endCursor":"Y3Vyc29yOnYyOpK7MjAyNC0wNS0yOFQxNjoxOTozOS4wMDAwMDBazwAAAARWEO0O"}},"title":"Activity ยท AlfGalf/helix"}