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GPRS C SDK Build environment installation on Linux

Pay Attention

important, please read first

  • SDK does not have a specific IDE, and the user chooses the code editor to edit the code.(Like vscode, sublime, atom, eclipse, source insight, or other editors you are familiar with. )

  • Please modify the editor settings. The end of the file symbol is set to UNIX style (<LF> (\n) end), and file encoding is UTF-8

  • if you are cloned using git, set the git at pull not to convert <LF> to <CR><LF>, set the method reference here

Download tool chain, debug tool and SDK

  • Download CSDTK4.2 Linux version:

  • Get SDK

    • download SDK
    • or clone by git:git clone --recursive (pay attention --recursive is needed, or compile will fail for lake of files)
    • Check C_SDK platform/csdk folder, there should be some folders and file, if not, you may get source code with wrong way, check and download again


Install dependences for compile tool

sudo apt install build-essential gcc-multilib g++-multilib libzip-dev zlib1g lib32z1

Install dependences for coolwatcher

sudo apt install build-essential libqt4-qt3support itcl3 itk3 iwidgets4

and maybe other compatible libs in ther latest ubuntu

sudo apt install libpng12-0 libusb-0.1-4

CSDTK set up

  • Create a project folder e.g. ~/projects
mkdir ~/projects
  • Decompress CSDTK42_Linux.tar.gz to a folder, ~/software/CSDTK for example, and then execute, the first parameter is the location of CSDTK, the second parameter is the location of your projects
cd ~/software
tar -xzvf CSDTK42_Linux.tar.gz
./ ./ ~/projects


  • Decompress the CSDK downloaded to GPRS_C_SDK folder into a directory, such as ~/projects/GPRS_C_SDK, use the underscore(_) instead of minus(-).

  • Check if the SDK have full files, check platform/csdk folder, if no debug and release folders, you download the wrong SDK file, please download again in release page or clone by command git clone --recursive

  • compile

cd ~/projects/GPRS_C_SDK
./ demo gpio

if you put you GPRS project in the projects folder(you set by command ./ ./ ~/projects before), you can use a script to go to the project folder quikly as follow

./ demo gpio

Then you can use ./ script to build project:

  • ./ $PROJ:compile app module,e.g.:./ app to compile the source code of app folder
  • ./ demo $PROJ:compile demo project, e.g.:./ demo gpio to compile gpio demo
  • ./ clean $PROJ:clear the build files of $PROJ
  • ./ clean all:clear all the build files
  • ./ demo $PROJ release:build a release version, e.g.:./ demo gpio release,if the last parameter is not release, it will be default to debug version. The GDB can be used to debug errors after system crashed in debug version, but release version can not, watch dog activate in release version,it will auto restart system when system crashed!


./ demo gpio

A build folder will be generated after compile, there's two *.lod files in th hex folder, it's the target file that burn(download) to dev board

  • about target hex file(*.lod)

There's two hex file,(*_B*.lod and *_flash.lod), you must burn the bigger one to dev board at the first time, then you can just burn the little one to reduce the doanload time. And you must download the bigger if you update the SDK version

Other Problems

  • If error occured, please compare the documents carefully to see if the operation is wrong,and find in issue

  • Way A: github add issue

  • Way B: Ai-Thinker forum