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A Laravel-based REST API for resizing images with user-defined dimensions (width and height)

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Image Manipulation API - Laravel Application

The Image Manipulation API is a Laravel application that provides a fast and secure way to resize images based on user-defined dimensions. This API utilizes Laravel's Sanctum authentication to ensure secure access to its features. Users can send an image to the API, along with the desired dimensions (width and height), and receive the resized image in return.


Image Manipulation API Collection on my Postman profile:


Database design:

image_manipulation_api database design

Creating an account to generate a Sanctum Access Token:





1- Token-based Authentication using Laravel Sanctum package.

2- Using Laravel API Resources and Resource Collection classes.

3- Using Form Request classes for complex validation.

4- Rate Limiting to restrict the number of requests to the API per minute.

5- Using Regular Expression with the resizing API endpoints.

6- Laravel Breeze package.

7- Intervention Image package for image manipulation.

8- Route Model Binding.

Application Routes and API Endpoints:

All the application routes and API Endpoints are defined in both web.php (registration and login routes to get an acess token) and api.php (API endpoints) files.

Installation & Configuration:

1- Open your terminal, and use the 'git clone' command, or just download the ZIP project.

2- Navigate/Change into (using the cd command) to the project root directory, then run the 'composer install' command.

3- Run the 'npm install' command (and only in case you face any issues/errors, run the 'npm audit fix' command), and then run the 'npm run build' command.

4- Create a MySQL database named `image_manipulation_api`, then import the image_manipulation_api database SQL Dump File into your `image_manipulation_api` database.

5- Navigate to the .env file and configure/update it with your MySQL database credentials and other configuration settings.

6- Run the 'php artisan serve' command.

7- To get an access token to be able to use the API, open your browser and visit http: to access Image Manipulation API application, then click on Register, then after completing the registration process, click on 'Create new token' to get a new access token, then give a name to your new access token, then click on 'Generate', then copy your new access token to paste in your HTTP Client (like Postman).

** Ready-to-use registered accounts credentials you can use to log in:

Email: [email protected], Password: 123456

8- Open your HTTP Client such as Postman, create a new Collection, name it 'Image Manipulation API'. Click on your Imgae Manipulation API Collection, then go to 'Variables' tab, then create a variable with the value of the Access Token that you've copied when you registered your account, then click 'Save'. Go to 'Authorization' tab, the in the 'Type' drop-down menu, choose 'Bearer Token'. This way you can inherit this Access token in All your requests to the API in this Collection.

9- Add your first request, then go to 'Authorization' tab, click on 'Inherit auth from parent'.

10- In your request, go to 'Headers', add two headers: 'Accept': 'application/json' and 'Content-Type': 'application/json'.

** Check the API Collection on my Postman Profile:

** Also, you can test the API Endpoints using Postman. Here is the API's Postman Collection .json file Postman Collection file you can download and import in your Postman.


For ALL your requests to the Image Manipulation API, you must add the following three Headers:

a- 'Authorization' Header with the value of the Access Token you've obtained when you registered your account.

b- 'Accept' Header with the value of 'application/json'.

c- 'Content-Type' Header with the value of 'application/json'.

API Endpoints:

1- Create an album (POST):

POST /api/v1/album

  • "name" key, which is your album name, must be provided in your request's JSON body.

2- Get all albums (that ONLY belong to the authenticated/logged-in user) (GET):

GET /api/v1/album


Contributions to my Image Manipulation API Laravel application are most welcome! If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements or want to add new features, please open an issue or submit a pull request.