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129 lines (61 loc) · 3.4 KB


Overview The eight queens puzzle is the problem of placing eight chess queens on an 8×8 chessboard so that no two queens threaten each other. thus, a solution requires that no two queens share the same row, column, or diagonal.

Project Structure

├── model
│ ├──
├── solvers
│ ├──
│ ├── Genetic
│ ├──
│ ├──
├── test
│ ├──Sample_Input.txt
├── utils
│ ├──Reader

Models and Utils

Reader :
Use it to read sample input file to get initalBoard.we can represent a 8-queen sol in a 2 dimension list filled with 0 and then, fill it with 8 ones representing the position of the queen. A better and simpler representation is that a list of length 8. Each index specifies a column of the board. The value of each index is between 0 and 7 representing the the row of a queen in a column.

Take the board as we described in Reader and holding all required info about the board like he cost of this board by using two methods:


  • Hill Climbing
    Start : Looping on all cells and compute cost in each one then select the best solution.
    Restart: change the initial state in case of algorithm stucks in local optima .

  • K-Beam
    GenerateBoards: generate k random boards.
    selectTheBest: get the best K solutions.
    Addsolutions: add the best solutions of each successor.

  • Genetic Algorithm
    InitializeEnvironment: get P random solutions where P is the population size.
    checkGoal: check if the solution with cost equals zero exists in the environment.
    Crossover: make the crossover operation between two chromosomes.
    Mutation : using many approaches for mutation and select one of them randomly.
    updateEnvironment: set the environment to the new chromosomes.

  • CSP
    initialDomains: create the valid domain for each variable.
    updateDomains: after assignment of any variable we need to update the domains of neighbours.
    isDanger: if our path may lead to wrong answer.
    updateVisits: to track the visited nodes after each assignment.
    Allvisited: check if all successors of this node is visited or not.
    Choice: choose the assignment that may not lead to the wrong answer.

Sample runs

  • Hill Climbing

To start Hill climbing algorithms we need to set parameters hc = HC(initialSate,Dimension,False) #using initial State, Dimension of board,to restart algorithm till solve set True

  • K-Beam

To start K-Beam algorithm we need 2 values k = Beam(K,Dimension) #parameters: value of K, Dimension of board (Hint:random start) Start algorithm with K=8 and Dimension = 8

  • Genetic Algorithm

To start genetic algorithm ga = GA(500,Dimension,3) #parameters: population size , Dimension of board, crossover (Hint:random start)

Start algorithm with population size =500 and Dimension = 8 and crossover =3

  • CSP

To start CSP we just need to pass Dimension csp = Backtracking(Dimension)#parameters: Dimension of board (Hint:random start)


  • Green queen means this queen is not attacking any other queen
  • In genetic algorithms it may stuck because mutation doesn’t provide new solution we tried to solve this problem by adding many approaches for mutation and select one randomly. In K-Beam algorithm for K>100 it may lead to a solution.