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Hyperparameter Tuning

A PredictionIO engine is governed by a set of parameters, these parameters determines which algorithm is used as well as the parameter for the algorithm. It naturally raises a question of how to choose the best set of parameters. The evaluation module facilitates user to tune the engine to obtain the best parameter set.

Quick Start

We demonstrate the evaluation with [the classification template] (/templates/classification/quickstart/). The classification template uses naive bayesian algorithm that has a smoothing parameter. We evaluate the prediction quality against different parameter value to find the best one.

Edit the AppId

Edit MyClassification/src/main/scala/Evaluation.scala to specify the appId you used to import the data.

object EngineParamsList extends EngineParamsGenerator {
  private[this] val baseEP = EngineParams(
    dataSourceParams = DataSourceParams(appId = <YOUR_APP_ID>, evalK = Some(5)))

Building and run the evaluation

To run evaluation, the command pio eval is used. It takes to mandatory parameter,

  1. the Evaluation object, it tells PredictionIO the engine and metric we use for the evaluation; and
  2. the EngineParamsGenerator, it contains a list of engine params to test against. The following command kickstarts the evaluation workflow for the classification template.
$ pio build
$ pio eval org.template.classification.PrecisionEvaluation \

You will see the following output:

[INFO] [CoreWorkflow$] CoreWorkflow.runEvaluation
[INFO] [EvaluationWorkflow$] Iteration 0
[INFO] [EvaluationWorkflow$] EngineParams: {"dataSourceParams":{"":{"appId":18,"evalK":5}},"preparatorParams":{"":{}},"algorithmParamsList":[{"naive":{"lambda":10.0}}],"servingParams":{"":{}}}
[INFO] [EvaluationWorkflow$] Result: 0.9281045751633987
[INFO] [EvaluationWorkflow$] Iteration 1
[INFO] [EvaluationWorkflow$] EngineParams: {"dataSourceParams":{"":{"appId":18,"evalK":5}},"preparatorParams":{"":{}},"algorithmParamsList":[{"naive":{"lambda":100.0}}],"servingParams":{"":{}}}
[INFO] [EvaluationWorkflow$] Result: 0.9150326797385621
[INFO] [EvaluationWorkflow$] Iteration 2
[INFO] [EvaluationWorkflow$] EngineParams: {"dataSourceParams":{"":{"appId":18,"evalK":5}},"preparatorParams":{"":{}},"algorithmParamsList":[{"naive":{"lambda":1000.0}}],"servingParams":{"":{}}}
[INFO] [EvaluationWorkflow$] Result: 0.4444444444444444
[INFO] [CoreWorkflow$] Stop spark context
[INFO] [CoreWorkflow$] Optimal score: 0.9281045751633987
[INFO] [CoreWorkflow$] Optimal engine params: {

The console prints out the evaluation metric score of each engine params, and finally pretty print the optimal engine params. Amongst the 3 engine params we evaluate, lambda = 10.0 yields the highest precision score of 0.9281.

Detailed Explanation

An engine often depends on a number of parameters, for example, naive bayesian classification algorithm has a smoothing parameter to make the model more adaptive to unseen data. Comparing with parameters which are learnt by the machine learning algorithm, this smoothing parameter teaches how the algorithm works. Therefore, they are usually called hyperparameters.

In PredictionIO, we always take a holistic view of an engine. An engine is comprised of a set of DAS controllers, as well as the parameter for each controller. In the evaluation, we attempt to find out the best hyperparameters for an engine, which we call engine params. With an engine params, we can deploy a complete engine.

This section demonstrates how to select the optimal engine params whilst ensuring the model doesn't overfit using PredictionIO's evaluation module.

The Evaluation Design

The PredictionIO evaluation module finds out the best engine params for an engine.

Given a engine params, we instantiate an engine and evaluate it with existing data. The data is splitted into two sets, a training set and a validation set. The training set is used to train the engine, the same way as how we deploy a prediction engine described in earlier sections. The validation set is used to validate the engine, we query the engine with the test set data. We define a metric to compare predicted result returned from the engine with the actual result which we obtained from the test data. The goal is to maximize the metric score.

This process is repeated many times with a series of engine params. At the end, PredictionIO returns the best engine params.

We demonstrate the evaluation with [the classification template] (/templates/classification/quickstart/).

Evaluation Data Generation

In evaluation data generation, the goal is to generate a sequence of (training, validation) data tuple. A common way is to use a k-fold generation process. The data set is splitted into k folds. We generate k tuples of training and validation sets, for each tuple, the training set takes k - 1 of the folds and the validation set takes the remaining fold.

To enable evaluation data generation, we need to define the actual result and implement the method for generating the (traingin, validation) data tuple.

Actual Result

In MyClassification/src/main/scala/Engine.scala, the ActualResult class defines the actual result:

class ActualResult(
  val label: Double
) extends Serializable

This class is used to store the actual label of the data (contrast to PredictedResult which is output of the engine).

Implement Data Generation Method in DataSource

In MyClassification/src/main/scala/DataSource.scala, the method readEval method reads, and selects, data from datastore and returns a sequence of (training, validation) data.

class DataSource(val dsp: DataSourceParams)
  extends PDataSource[TrainingData, EmptyEvaluationInfo, Query, ActualResult] {

  def readEval(sc: SparkContext)
  : Seq[(TrainingData, EmptyEvaluationInfo, RDD[(Query, ActualResult)])] = {
    require(!dsp.evalK.isEmpty, "DataSourceParams.evalK must not be None")

    // The following code reads the data from data store. It is equivalent to
    // the readTraining method. We copy-and-paste the exact code here for
    // illustration purpose, a recommended approach is to factor out this logic
    // into a helper function and have both readTraining and readEval call the
    // helper.
    val eventsDb = Storage.getPEvents()
    val labeledPoints: RDD[LabeledPoint] = eventsDb.aggregateProperties(
      appId = dsp.appId,
      entityType = "user",
      // only keep entities with these required properties defined
      required = Some(List("plan", "attr0", "attr1", "attr2")))(sc)
      // aggregateProperties() returns RDD pair of
      // entity ID and its aggregated properties
      .map { case (entityId, properties) =>
        try {
        } catch {
          case e: Exception => {
            logger.error(s"Failed to get properties ${properties} of" +
              s" ${entityId}. Exception: ${e}.")
            throw e
    // End of reading from data store

    // K-fold splitting
    val evalK = dsp.evalK.get
    val indexedPoints: RDD[(LabeledPoint, Long)] = labeledPoints.zipWithIndex

    (0 until evalK).map { idx => 
      val trainingPoints = indexedPoints.filter(_._2 % evalK != idx).map(_._1)
      val testingPoints = indexedPoints.filter(_._2 % evalK == idx).map(_._1)

        new TrainingData(trainingPoints),
        new EmptyEvaluationInfo(), { 
          p => (new Query(p.features.toArray), new ActualResult(p.label)) 

The readEval method returns a sequence of (TrainingData, EvaluationInfo, RDD[(Query, ActualResult)]. TrainingData is the same class we use for deploy, RDD[(Query, ActualResult)] is the validation set, EvaluationInfo can be used to hold some global evaluation data , it is not used in the current example.

Lines 11 to 41 is the logic of reading and transformating data from the datastore, it is equvialent to the existing readTraining method. After line 41, the variable labeledPoints contains the complete dataset with which we use to generate the (training, validation) sequence.

Lines 43 to 57 is the k-fold logic. Line 45 gives each data point a unique id, and we decide whether the point belongs to the training or validation set depends on the mod of the id (lines 48 to 49). For each point in the validation set, we construct the Query and ActualResult (line 55) which is used validate the engine.

Evaluation Metrics

We define a Metric which gives a score to engine params, the higher the score, the better the engine params is. In the classification template, we use the Precision score, which measure the portion of correct prediction among all data points.

In MyClassification/src/main/scala/Evaluation.scala, the class Precision implements the precision score. It extends a base helper class AverageMetric which calculates the average score overall (Query, PredictionResult, ActualResult) tuple.

case class Precision 
  extends AverageMetric[
      EmptyEvaluationInfo, Query, PredictedResult, ActualResult] {
  def calculate(query: Query, predicted: PredictedResult, actual: ActualResult)
  : Double = (if (predicted.label == actual.label) 1.0 else 0.0)

Then, implement a Evaluation object to define the engine and metric used in this evaluation.

object PrecisionEvaluation extends Evaluation {
  engineMetric = (ClassificationEngine(), new Precision())

Parameters Generation

The last component is to specify the list of engine params we want to evaluate. In this guide, we discuss the simplest method. We specify an explicit list of engine params to be evaluated.

In MyClassification/src/main/scala/Evaluation.scala, the object EngineParamsList specifies the engine params list to be used.

object EngineParamsList extends EngineParamsGenerator {
  // Define list of EngineParams used in Evaluation

  // First, we define the base engine params. It specifies the appId from which
  // the data is read, and a evalK parameter is used to define the
  // cross-validation.
  private[this] val baseEP = EngineParams(
    dataSourceParams = DataSourceParams(appId = 18, evalK = Some(5)))

  // Second, we specify the engine params list by explicitly listing all
  // algorithm parameters. In this case, we evaluate 3 engine params, each with
  // a different algorithm params value.
  engineParamsList = Seq(
    baseEP.copy(algorithmParamsList = Seq(("naive", AlgorithmParams(10.0)))),
    baseEP.copy(algorithmParamsList = Seq(("naive", AlgorithmParams(100.0)))),
    baseEP.copy(algorithmParamsList = Seq(("naive", AlgorithmParams(1000.0)))))

A good practise is to first define a base engine params, it contains the common parameters used in all evaluations (lines 7 to 8). With the base params, we construct the list of engine params we want to evaluation by adding or replacing the controller parameter. Lines 13 to 16 generate 3 engine parameters, each has a different smoothing parameters.

Running the Evaluation

It remains to run the evaluation. Let's recap the quick start section above. The pio eval command kick starts the evaluation, and the result can be seen from the console.

$ pio build
$ pio eval org.template.classification.PrecisionEvaluation \
[INFO] [CoreWorkflow$] Optimal score: 0.9281045751633987
[INFO] [CoreWorkflow$] Optimal engine params: {


  • We deliberately not metion test set in this hyperparameter tuning guide. In machine learning literature, the test set is a separate piece of data which is used to evaluate the final engine params outputted by the evaluation process. This guarantees that no information in the training / validation set is leaked into the engine params and yields a biased outcome. With PredictionIO, there are multiple ways of conducting robust tuning, we will cover this topic in the coming sections.