# Random Encounters Reworked ![ambushed tutorial](./docs/ambushed.webp)
contracts ---------------------- bounties ---------------------- events
- Randomly generated monster contracts, monster hunts, and monster ambushes - Custom monster trophies to provide Geralt coins for his hunts - Ecosystem simulation with a unique food chain - Events that react to your actions, fight noise attracts creatures, blood and corpses attract necrophages - New unique spawn points all over the world and for any kind of creature - Perfect performances, no FPS drop on an encounter - Complete mod menu to change anything you want # Installing - Written guides: [The quick guide (install script)](https://aelto.github.io/tw3-random-encounters-reworked/#install) | [The in-depth guide](https://aelto.github.io/tw3-random-encounters-reworked/indepth-guide/) | [The in-depth guide (Old-Gen)](https://aelto.github.io/tw3-random-encounters-reworked/indepth-guide/oldgen.html) - Video guides: [Vanilla Next-Gen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pQRPjLat-oc) | [W3EER Next-Gen ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R148q8_k2NQ) | [Vanilla Old-Gen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBLdV3T2IKs) # Uninstalling - [The in-depth guide](https://aelto.github.io/tw3-random-encounters-reworked/indepth-guide/#part-7) # Questions? If you have questions about the mod, what it offers and how to tweak the settings, the [Random Encounters Reworked Bible](https://aelto.github.io/tw3-random-encounters-reworked/rer-bible/) was made for that # Contributing ## To the mod itself I would gladly accept PRs for Random Encounters Reworked. If you have suggestions or ideas you would like to implement yourself please submit an issue or a PR so we can discuss about it (to ensure it follows the vision i have for the mod) then feel free to submit code. - The mod's source code is now written in the `cahirc` language, [a homemade language](https://github.com/Aelto/tw3-cahirc-language) i made myself to make our lives easier. In general, most vanilla witcherscript you could write will successfuly compile with `cahirc` as well. Read its documentation for more information. - The source code for the mod is in `/src` - Various utility scripts can be found in the `scripts` folder, for example a simple `install` script to quickly drop all the source code into the mods folder in your game. - Most of the edits in the vanilla code are in the form of shared utilities, which can be found at a different repository: [`tw3-sharedutils`](https://github.com/Aelto/tw3-shared-utils). This helps ensure the vanilla edits RER introduces are kept to a minimum and are well thought. ## Add-ons If you wish to make an add-on for the mod to modify its behaviour at runtime, please refer to the [addons documentation](/docs/guides/addons.md)