# Intro This is still a work in progress. This is a neat application aimed for education & interactive coding sessions. Instead of everyone using their own screen this allows for a more collaborative experience. The instructor can see the students code live on their screen, they can setup challenges and reward students and so on ... The instructor will host a room and learners/students can join using their laptops, phones and so on ... Behind the scenes, It uses WebRTC (peer-to-peer) connection when online, or WebSockets when you want to host locally on the same network. This has the advantage that none of the students code or your own gets stored on any servers, and is secure. However, the main disadvantage, is that the host should setup the enviorments. (more on this later) # Guide ... wip # Screenshots ... wip # Credits This project uses a combination of the following two templates, go check them out, they are awesome: * [cawa vite electron template](https://github.com/cawa-93/vite-electron-builder) * [electron-vite tool vue template](https://electron-vite.org/)