import $Ref from "./ref.js"; import Pointer from "./pointer.js"; import { ono } from "@jsdevtools/ono"; import * as url from "./util/url.js"; import type $Refs from "./refs.js"; import type { DereferenceOptions, ParserOptions } from "./options.js"; import type { JSONSchema } from "./types"; import type $RefParser from "./index"; import { TimeoutError } from "./util/errors"; export default dereference; /** * Crawls the JSON schema, finds all JSON references, and dereferences them. * This method mutates the JSON schema object, replacing JSON references with their resolved value. * * @param parser * @param options */ function dereference = ParserOptions>( parser: $RefParser, options: O, ) { const start =; // console.log('Dereferencing $ref pointers in %s', parser.$refs._root$Ref.path); const dereferenced = crawl( parser.schema, parser.$refs._root$Ref.path!, "#", new Set(), new Set(), new Map(), parser.$refs, options, start, ); parser.$refs.circular = dereferenced.circular; parser.schema = dereferenced.value; } /** * Recursively crawls the given value, and dereferences any JSON references. * * @param obj - The value to crawl. If it's not an object or array, it will be ignored. * @param path - The full path of `obj`, possibly with a JSON Pointer in the hash * @param pathFromRoot - The path of `obj` from the schema root * @param parents - An array of the parent objects that have already been dereferenced * @param processedObjects - An array of all the objects that have already been processed * @param dereferencedCache - An map of all the dereferenced objects * @param $refs * @param options * @param startTime - The time when the dereferencing started * @returns */ function crawl = ParserOptions>( obj: any, path: string, pathFromRoot: string, parents: Set, processedObjects: Set, dereferencedCache: any, $refs: $Refs, options: O, startTime: number, ) { let dereferenced; const result = { value: obj, circular: false, }; if (options && options.timeoutMs) { if ( - startTime > options.timeoutMs) { throw new TimeoutError(options.timeoutMs); } } const derefOptions = (options.dereference || {}) as DereferenceOptions; const isExcludedPath = derefOptions.excludedPathMatcher || (() => false); if (derefOptions?.circular === "ignore" || !processedObjects.has(obj)) { if (obj && typeof obj === "object" && !ArrayBuffer.isView(obj) && !isExcludedPath(pathFromRoot)) { parents.add(obj); processedObjects.add(obj); if ($Ref.isAllowed$Ref(obj, options)) { dereferenced = dereference$Ref( obj, path, pathFromRoot, parents, processedObjects, dereferencedCache, $refs, options, startTime, ); result.circular = dereferenced.circular; result.value = dereferenced.value; } else { for (const key of Object.keys(obj)) { const keyPath = Pointer.join(path, key); const keyPathFromRoot = Pointer.join(pathFromRoot, key); if (isExcludedPath(keyPathFromRoot)) { continue; } const value = obj[key]; let circular = false; if ($Ref.isAllowed$Ref(value, options)) { dereferenced = dereference$Ref( value, keyPath, keyPathFromRoot, parents, processedObjects, dereferencedCache, $refs, options, startTime, ); circular = dereferenced.circular; // Avoid pointless mutations; breaks frozen objects to no profit if (obj[key] !== dereferenced.value) { obj[key] = dereferenced.value; derefOptions?.onDereference?.(value.$ref, obj[key], obj, key); } } else { if (!parents.has(value)) { dereferenced = crawl( value, keyPath, keyPathFromRoot, parents, processedObjects, dereferencedCache, $refs, options, startTime, ); circular = dereferenced.circular; // Avoid pointless mutations; breaks frozen objects to no profit if (obj[key] !== dereferenced.value) { obj[key] = dereferenced.value; } } else { circular = foundCircularReference(keyPath, $refs, options); } } // Set the "isCircular" flag if this or any other property is circular result.circular = result.circular || circular; } } parents.delete(obj); } } return result; } /** * Dereferences the given JSON Reference, and then crawls the resulting value. * * @param $ref - The JSON Reference to resolve * @param path - The full path of `$ref`, possibly with a JSON Pointer in the hash * @param pathFromRoot - The path of `$ref` from the schema root * @param parents - An array of the parent objects that have already been dereferenced * @param processedObjects - An array of all the objects that have already been dereferenced * @param dereferencedCache - An map of all the dereferenced objects * @param $refs * @param options * @returns */ function dereference$Ref = ParserOptions>( $ref: any, path: string, pathFromRoot: string, parents: Set, processedObjects: any, dereferencedCache: any, $refs: $Refs, options: O, startTime: number, ) { const isExternalRef = $Ref.isExternal$Ref($ref); const shouldResolveOnCwd = isExternalRef && options?.dereference?.externalReferenceResolution === "root"; const $refPath = url.resolve(shouldResolveOnCwd ? url.cwd() : path, $ref.$ref); const cache = dereferencedCache.get($refPath); if (cache) { const refKeys = Object.keys($ref); if (refKeys.length > 1) { const extraKeys = {}; for (const key of refKeys) { if (key !== "$ref" && !(key in cache.value)) { // @ts-expect-error TS(7053): Element implicitly has an 'any' type because expre... Remove this comment to see the full error message extraKeys[key] = $ref[key]; } } return { circular: cache.circular, value: Object.assign({}, cache.value, extraKeys), }; } return cache; } const pointer = $refs._resolve($refPath, path, options); if (pointer === null) { return { circular: false, value: null, }; } // Check for circular references const directCircular = pointer.circular; let circular = directCircular || parents.has(pointer.value); circular && foundCircularReference(path, $refs, options); // Dereference the JSON reference let dereferencedValue = $Ref.dereference($ref, pointer.value); // Crawl the dereferenced value (unless it's circular) if (!circular) { // Determine if the dereferenced value is circular const dereferenced = crawl( dereferencedValue, pointer.path, pathFromRoot, parents, processedObjects, dereferencedCache, $refs, options, startTime, ); circular = dereferenced.circular; dereferencedValue = dereferenced.value; } if (circular && !directCircular && options.dereference?.circular === "ignore") { // The user has chosen to "ignore" circular references, so don't change the value dereferencedValue = $ref; } if (directCircular) { // The pointer is a DIRECT circular reference (i.e. it references itself). // So replace the $ref path with the absolute path from the JSON Schema root dereferencedValue.$ref = pathFromRoot; } const dereferencedObject = { circular, value: dereferencedValue, }; // only cache if no extra properties than $ref if (Object.keys($ref).length === 1) { dereferencedCache.set($refPath, dereferencedObject); } return dereferencedObject; } /** * Called when a circular reference is found. * It sets the {@link $Refs#circular} flag, and throws an error if options.dereference.circular is false. * * @param keyPath - The JSON Reference path of the circular reference * @param $refs * @param options * @returns - always returns true, to indicate that a circular reference was found */ function foundCircularReference(keyPath: any, $refs: any, options: any) { $refs.circular = true; if (!options.dereference.circular) { throw ono.reference(`Circular $ref pointer found at ${keyPath}`); } return true; }