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The ORKTest project is an Objective-C test-bed used by the ResearchKit™ framework developers to test API features during development. When adding a new feature to the ResearchKit framework, please either add a way to test it in this ORKTest project, or consider creating a new project to use for testing. We also use this project to check for regressions.

This project is not intended as an example of best practice in use of the ResearchKit framework. For that, see the samples directory or the documentation instead.

Instead, this project should give good coverage of the features in the ResearchKit framework. For example, the project enables localization to all the supported languages, even though the survey content is not itself localized. This allows us to test the localized parts of the ResearchKit framework, but is not something you should do in a real app. As another example, rotation is enabled on the iPhone, even though in real use it would be atypical to enable rotation for most steps.

The ORKTest tests include a module called ORKESerialization, a JSON serialization module for the ResearchKit framework. ORKESerialization can serialize and deserialize all the ResearchKit framework model objects, and all ResearchKit framework results, to and from JSON.

Build Requirements

  • Xcode 7.0
  • iOS 9.0 SDK or later

Runtime Requirements

  • iOS 8.0 or later

Using the App

You can run ORKTest on a device or in the iOS Simulator.

To run on device, you will need to use a provisioning profile that includes the appropriate HealthKit entitlement.

When launching ORKTest, you will see an array of buttons. Each button corresponds to a task that can be used for testing. Information on the results and progress of the task are logged to the console.