# Release history ### v0.26.1 - Fixed bug affecting parsing of git config in some environments. ### v0.26.0 - Use GPT-4 Turbo by default. - Added `-3` and `-4` switches to use GPT 3.5 or GPT-4 (non-Turbo). - Bug fix to avoid reflecting local git errors back to GPT. - Improved logic for opening git repo on launch. ### v0.25.0 - Issue a warning if user adds too much code to the chat. - https://aider.chat/docs/faq.html#how-can-i-add-all-the-files-to-the-chat - Vocally refuse to add files to the chat that match `.aiderignore` - Prevents bug where subsequent git commit of those files will fail. - Added `--openai-organization-id` argument. - Show the user a FAQ link if edits fail to apply. - Made past articles part of https://aider.chat/blog/ ### v0.24.1 - Fixed bug with cost computations when --no-steam in effect ### v0.24.0 - New `/web ` command which scrapes the url, turns it into fairly clean markdown and adds it to the chat. - Updated all OpenAI model names, pricing info - Default GPT 3.5 model is now `gpt-3.5-turbo-0125`. - Bugfix to the `!` alias for `/run`. ### v0.23.0 - Added support for `--model gpt-4-0125-preview` and OpenAI's alias `--model gpt-4-turbo-preview`. The `--4turbo` switch remains an alias for `--model gpt-4-1106-preview` at this time. - New `/test` command that runs a command and adds the output to the chat on non-zero exit status. - Improved streaming of markdown to the terminal. - Added `/quit` as alias for `/exit`. - Added `--skip-check-update` to skip checking for the update on launch. - Added `--openrouter` as a shortcut for `--openai-api-base https://openrouter.ai/api/v1` - Fixed bug preventing use of env vars `OPENAI_API_BASE, OPENAI_API_TYPE, OPENAI_API_VERSION, OPENAI_API_DEPLOYMENT_ID`. ### v0.22.0 - Improvements for unified diff editing format. - Added ! as an alias for /run. - Autocomplete for /add and /drop now properly quotes filenames with spaces. - The /undo command asks GPT not to just retry reverted edit. ### v0.21.1 - Bugfix for unified diff editing format. - Added --4turbo and --4 aliases for --4-turbo. ### v0.21.0 - Support for python 3.12. - Improvements to unified diff editing format. - New `--check-update` arg to check if updates are available and exit with status code. ### v0.20.0 - Add images to the chat to automatically use GPT-4 Vision, by @joshuavial - Bugfixes: - Improved unicode encoding for `/run` command output, by @ctoth - Prevent false auto-commits on Windows, by @ctoth ### v0.19.1 - Removed stray debug output. ### v0.19.0 - [Significantly reduced "lazy" coding from GPT-4 Turbo due to new unified diff edit format](https://aider.chat/docs/unified-diffs.html) - Score improves from 20% to 61% on new "laziness benchmark". - Aider now uses unified diffs by default for `gpt-4-1106-preview`. - New `--4-turbo` command line switch as a shortcut for `--model gpt-4-1106-preview`. ### v0.18.1 - Upgraded to new openai python client v1.3.7. ### v0.18.0 - Improved prompting for both GPT-4 and GPT-4 Turbo. - Far fewer edit errors from GPT-4 Turbo (`gpt-4-1106-preview`). - Significantly better benchmark results from the June GPT-4 (`gpt-4-0613`). Performance leaps from 47%/64% up to 51%/71%. - Fixed bug where in-chat files were marked as both read-only and ready-write, sometimes confusing GPT. - Fixed bug to properly handle repos with submodules. ### v0.17.0 - Support for OpenAI's new 11/06 models: - gpt-4-1106-preview with 128k context window - gpt-3.5-turbo-1106 with 16k context window - [Benchmarks for OpenAI's new 11/06 models](https://aider.chat/docs/benchmarks-1106.html) - Streamlined [API for scripting aider, added docs](https://aider.chat/docs/faq.html#can-i-script-aider) - Ask for more concise SEARCH/REPLACE blocks. [Benchmarked](https://aider.chat/docs/benchmarks.html) at 63.9%, no regression. - Improved repo-map support for elisp. - Fixed crash bug when `/add` used on file matching `.gitignore` - Fixed misc bugs to catch and handle unicode decoding errors. ### v0.16.3 - Fixed repo-map support for C#. ### v0.16.2 - Fixed docker image. ### v0.16.1 - Updated tree-sitter dependencies to streamline the pip install process ### v0.16.0 - [Improved repository map using tree-sitter](https://aider.chat/docs/repomap.html) - Switched from "edit block" to "search/replace block", which reduced malformed edit blocks. [Benchmarked](https://aider.chat/docs/benchmarks.html) at 66.2%, no regression. - Improved handling of malformed edit blocks targetting multiple edits to the same file. [Benchmarked](https://aider.chat/docs/benchmarks.html) at 65.4%, no regression. - Bugfix to properly handle malformed `/add` wildcards. ### v0.15.0 - Added support for `.aiderignore` file, which instructs aider to ignore parts of the git repo. - New `--commit` cmd line arg, which just commits all pending changes with a sensible commit message geneated by gpt-3.5. - Added universal ctags and multiple architectures to the [aider docker image](https://aider.chat/docs/docker.html) - `/run` and `/git` now accept full shell commands, like: `/run (cd subdir; ls)` - Restored missing `--encoding` cmd line switch. ### v0.14.2 - Easily [run aider from a docker image](https://aider.chat/docs/docker.html) - Fixed bug with chat history summarization. - Fixed bug if `soundfile` package not available. ### v0.14.1 - /add and /drop handle absolute filenames and quoted filenames - /add checks to be sure files are within the git repo (or root) - If needed, warn users that in-chat file paths are all relative to the git repo - Fixed /add bug in when aider launched in repo subdir - Show models supported by api/key if requested model isn't available ### v0.14.0 - [Support for Claude2 and other LLMs via OpenRouter](https://aider.chat/docs/faq.html#accessing-other-llms-with-openrouter) by @joshuavial - Documentation for [running the aider benchmarking suite](https://github.com/paul-gauthier/aider/tree/main/benchmark) - Aider now requires Python >= 3.9 ### v0.13.0 - [Only git commit dirty files that GPT tries to edit](https://aider.chat/docs/faq.html#how-did-v0130-change-git-usage) - Send chat history as prompt/context for Whisper voice transcription - Added `--voice-language` switch to constrain `/voice` to transcribe to a specific language - Late-bind importing `sounddevice`, as it was slowing down aider startup - Improved --foo/--no-foo switch handling for command line and yml config settings ### v0.12.0 - [Voice-to-code](https://aider.chat/docs/voice.html) support, which allows you to code with your voice. - Fixed bug where /diff was causing crash. - Improved prompting for gpt-4, refactor of editblock coder. - [Benchmarked](https://aider.chat/docs/benchmarks.html) at 63.2% for gpt-4/diff, no regression. ### v0.11.1 - Added a progress bar when initially creating a repo map. - Fixed bad commit message when adding new file to empty repo. - Fixed corner case of pending chat history summarization when dirty committing. - Fixed corner case of undefined `text` when using `--no-pretty`. - Fixed /commit bug from repo refactor, added test coverage. - [Benchmarked](https://aider.chat/docs/benchmarks.html) at 53.4% for gpt-3.5/whole (no regression). ### v0.11.0 - Automatically summarize chat history to avoid exhausting context window. - More detail on dollar costs when running with `--no-stream` - Stronger GPT-3.5 prompt against skipping/eliding code in replies (51.9% [benchmark](https://aider.chat/docs/benchmarks.html), no regression) - Defend against GPT-3.5 or non-OpenAI models suggesting filenames surrounded by asterisks. - Refactored GitRepo code out of the Coder class. ### v0.10.1 - /add and /drop always use paths relative to the git root - Encourage GPT to use language like "add files to the chat" to ask users for permission to edit them. ### v0.10.0 - Added `/git` command to run git from inside aider chats. - Use Meta-ENTER (Esc+ENTER in some environments) to enter multiline chat messages. - Create a `.gitignore` with `.aider*` to prevent users from accidentaly adding aider files to git. - Check pypi for newer versions and notify user. - Updated keyboard interrupt logic so that 2 ^C in 2 seconds always forces aider to exit. - Provide GPT with detailed error if it makes a bad edit block, ask for a retry. - Force `--no-pretty` if aider detects it is running inside a VSCode terminal. - [Benchmarked](https://aider.chat/docs/benchmarks.html) at 64.7% for gpt-4/diff (no regression) ### v0.9.0 - Support for the OpenAI models in [Azure](https://aider.chat/docs/faq.html#azure) - Added `--show-repo-map` - Improved output when retrying connections to the OpenAI API - Redacted api key from `--verbose` output - Bugfix: recognize and add files in subdirectories mentioned by user or GPT - [Benchmarked](https://aider.chat/docs/benchmarks.html) at 53.8% for gpt-3.5-turbo/whole (no regression) ### v0.8.3 - Added `--dark-mode` and `--light-mode` to select colors optimized for terminal background - Install docs link to [NeoVim plugin](https://github.com/joshuavial/aider.nvim) by @joshuavial - Reorganized the `--help` output - Bugfix/improvement to whole edit format, may improve coding editing for GPT-3.5 - Bugfix and tests around git filenames with unicode characters - Bugfix so that aider throws an exception when OpenAI returns InvalidRequest - Bugfix/improvement to /add and /drop to recurse selected directories - Bugfix for live diff output when using "whole" edit format ### v0.8.2 - Disabled general availability of gpt-4 (it's rolling out, not 100% available yet) ### v0.8.1 - Ask to create a git repo if none found, to better track GPT's code changes - Glob wildcards are now supported in `/add` and `/drop` commands - Pass `--encoding` into ctags, require it to return `utf-8` - More robust handling of filepaths, to avoid 8.3 windows filenames - Added [FAQ](https://aider.chat/docs/faq.html) - Marked GPT-4 as generally available - Bugfix for live diffs of whole coder with missing filenames - Bugfix for chats with multiple files - Bugfix in editblock coder prompt ### v0.8.0 - [Benchmark comparing code editing in GPT-3.5 and GPT-4](https://aider.chat/docs/benchmarks.html) - Improved Windows support: - Fixed bugs related to path separators in Windows - Added a CI step to run all tests on Windows - Improved handling of Unicode encoding/decoding - Explicitly read/write text files with utf-8 encoding by default (mainly benefits Windows) - Added `--encoding` switch to specify another encoding - Gracefully handle decoding errors - Added `--code-theme` switch to control the pygments styling of code blocks (by @kwmiebach) - Better status messages explaining the reason when ctags is disabled ### v0.7.2: - Fixed a bug to allow aider to edit files that contain triple backtick fences. ### v0.7.1: - Fixed a bug in the display of streaming diffs in GPT-3.5 chats ### v0.7.0: - Graceful handling of context window exhaustion, including helpful tips. - Added `--message` to give GPT that one instruction and then exit after it replies and any edits are performed. - Added `--no-stream` to disable streaming GPT responses. - Non-streaming responses include token usage info. - Enables display of cost info based on OpenAI advertised pricing. - Coding competence benchmarking tool against suite of programming tasks based on Execism's python repo. - https://github.com/exercism/python - Major refactor in preparation for supporting new function calls api. - Initial implementation of a function based code editing backend for 3.5. - Initial experiments show that using functions makes 3.5 less competent at coding. - Limit automatic retries when GPT returns a malformed edit response. ### v0.6.2 * Support for `gpt-3.5-turbo-16k`, and all OpenAI chat models * Improved ability to correct when gpt-4 omits leading whitespace in code edits * Added `--openai-api-base` to support API proxies, etc. ### v0.5.0 - Added support for `gpt-3.5-turbo` and `gpt-4-32k`. - Added `--map-tokens` to set a token budget for the repo map, along with a PageRank based algorithm for prioritizing which files and identifiers to include in the map. - Added in-chat command `/tokens` to report on context window token usage. - Added in-chat command `/clear` to clear the conversation history.