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  • setup dev env for web3 fork: npm run dev in forked repo
    • updated the connection to get multiple transactions (which aren't parsed)
  • npx ts-node {ts_file_here}.ts
    • orca.ts: first attempt at orca txs -- retired
    • index.ts: view signatures + txs which attempt to capture arb
      • change i_difference to go ahead or behind the block where my arb landed
        • 1 behind = where the arb landed
        • up to 4 behind where people attempt the arb but the size is too big
    • analyze.ts: analyze the arbitragers which attempted the arb including metrics such as #txs fail/success, total profit etc.
      • results/: JSON results of the above script
  • analyze the results from analyze.ts further in python
  • arbitragers/: folder of all arbitrager signers going back up to 4 blocks and ahead 1 of mine