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Deploying with helm to kubernetes

  1. Create a cluster
  2. Label the nodes in the node pool
    kubectl label nodes <node-1> <node-2> <node-3> node-role=worker
  3. Deploy ingress-nginx
  4. Install external-DNS
    helm repo add bitnami
    helm install external-dns bitnami/external-dns \
        --set provider=digitalocean \
        --set digitalocean.apiToken=YOUR_DIGITALOCEAN_API_TOKEN
  5. Deploy internal nats
  6. Create an opaque secret named "rusltemania" with the key postgres-password filled in with a random password
  7. Deploy internal postgres
  8. Deploy rustlemania without SSL
  9. Deploy cert-manager
  10. Create a cert-manager issuer
  11. Upgrade rustlemania to include SSL