# VolSa 2 Volsa 2 is a simple command line sample manager for KORG **Vol**ca **Sa**mple **2** that works over ALSA MIDI sequencer. It can list, upload, download and remove samples via USB. *This project is in early alpha stage. Use it at your own risk.* There is also an Electron-based GUI available at [Turbnok/volsa2gui](https://github.com/Turbnok/volsa2gui). ## Installation To build and install volsa2-cli you need alsa-lib and Rust 1.64.0 or higher. The most convenient way is to use `cargo install` command: ```sh cargo install volsa2-cli ``` This way the binary will end up in your `$HOME/.cargo/bin` (or `$CARGO_HOME/bin`). Make sure to add it to your `$PATH`. Otherwise you can clone the repository and build it. ```sh git clone https://github.com/00nktk/volsa2 cd volsa2 cargo build --release ``` ## Usage Use `--help` to print command description and available options. ```sh volsa2-cli --help ``` ### List (`ls`) ```sh volsa2-cli list ``` This command lists samples loaded into Volca Sample 2 memory. Use `-a`/`--show-empty` flag to include empty slots in the output. ### Download (`dl`) ```sh volsa2-cli download ``` This will download sample from slot ``. You can specify output path via `-o`/`--output`. By default the sample is saved in the working directory named the same way as on the device. ### Upload (`up`) ```sh volsa2-cli upload [] ``` Loads a sample from `` into `` slot. If no `` is specified, will use the first empty slot. Sample is converted to 31.25kHz mono. *Currently only WAV files are supported*. Volsa2 will offer you to backup the sample if the desired slot is occupied. ##### Options: - `-m`/`--mono-mode` - Lets you choose which channel to use as mono. Available options are: `left`, `right`, `mid`, `side`. Default is `mid` (mono mix). - `-o`/`--output` - If specified, will save converted audio at the provided path. - `--dry-run` - Convert the sample, but do not load it into the device. ### Remove (`rm`) ```sh volsa2-cli remove ``` Erases sample at slot `` from the device memory. Use `-p`/`--print-name` if you want to print the name of the sample.