
Transifex + Ghost

How to use Ghost and Transifex together

Ghost integrates with Transifex Live to provide localised, translated versions of your site for international visitors.

By installing the Transifex onto your site with a JavaScript snippet, your Ghost site becomes instantly translatable. You’ll be able to seamlessly save strings from your website to Transifex, review translations as they appear on the front-end, and publish them - all without any dependencies.

Transifex is a simple, clientside JavaScript solution to translating your website and works best when you want minimal overhead and a very simple way to provide content in different languages to your readers. It does not provide any advanced functionality such as custom routing with /en/ and /de/ base-URLs.

To integrate with Ghost, head over to Transifex and create a new project.

Create a new Transifex project

When asked to choose your project type, select Live Project

Add a website resource & adjust settings

Once your project is created, add your website resource, click into it, then click on the Settings link for the project.

Copy the Transifex Live snippet

Now copy the provided JavaScript code snippet to your clipboard

Install the snippet in Ghost

Then, in your Ghost Admin area, head over to the Code Injection settings page and paste the Transifex snippet into the Header section. Hit the save button, and you’re all done.

Start translating your site

Now when you navigate to you’ll see that it’s possible to start translating the content! From here, you can continue on and follow the full Transifex Guide to Managing Your Translations.