Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH)

Xane Builds and Best IVs

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This is a ranking page for the hero Xane - Autumn Trickster from the game Fire Emblem Heroes (FEH). Read on to learn the best IVs (Individual Values), best builds (Inherit Skill), weapon refinement, stats at Lv 40, and more for Xane.

Heroes With the Same Name
Xane - Autumn Trickster Icon Xane

Focus - Double Special Heroes June 2021 Featured Heroes
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Winter Hilda IconWinter Hilda
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Xane IconXane
Winter Sephiran IconWinter Sephiran

Xane Rating and Basic Information

FEH Xane Banner

Overall Rating 8.0/10
Reroll Ranking (excluding Inherit Skill) A
(▶Reroll Ranking)
Ranking (including Inherit Skill) A
(▶FEH Tier List)

Xane - Autumn Trickster: Basic Information

Color / Weapon Type / Move Type
What Kind of Character Are They? ・Stats equal to the strongest stats of all allies wihin 3 spaces calculated independently!
・Stronger with more allies around
・Grants offensive buffs and adaptive damage to adjacent physical allies

Xane Skills at 5★

Might: 14  Range: 2
Grants HP+5. Unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = highest respective stat from among allies within 2 spaces during combat. (Calculates each stat bonus independently at start of combat. If unit's stat is highest, unit's stat will decrease.)

Range: 1
Moves adjacent ally to opposite side of unit.

Grants Atk/Res+X to unit during combat. (X = 2 x number of allies within 2 spaces + 1; max 7.)

If adjacent infantry allies use sword, lance, axe, bow, or dagger, grants Atk/Spd+2 to those allies and calculates their damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat. (Does not affect damage dealt by Specials that trigger before combat.)

Xane Best IVs

Recommended IVs

Stat Superboon/Superbane IV Recommendation
HP (26) Normal HP ★★★★★
Atk (20) No Attack IV ★★★★☆
Spd (8) No Spd IV ★★★★☆
Def (6) Def Boon ★★☆☆☆
Res (8) Res Bane ★★★☆☆

◯ = Stat gains +4 with a superboon, ✕= Stat goes down by -4 with a superbane, - = No assets or flaws

See the IV Checker for All Units Trait Fruits—How to Change IVs

When using an Ascendant Floret, we recommend getting the next superboon if it fits the hero. If not, consider what stat your hero needs most.


The best IVs for Xane are +HP and -Def. His weapon skill, Jokers Wild allows him to copy every other stat so Atk/Spd/Res/Def do not matter that much. This increases his survivability. His Def is of less importance if Jokers Wild is not in play, so it is safe to take as a bane.

+HP for a +10 Merge

We recommend a +HP IV when merging Xane to 10. This is for the same reasons as above. At max merges he will reach 59 HP if you include Jokers Wild's HP boost. This makes him very tanky especially when the effects of his weapon skill is utilized properly.

If you do not plan to make use of Jokers Wild's effects, you should go for a +Atk or +Spd IV instead.

Xane Best Builds

Max Investment Xane

Special Skill IconFlare
Attuned Skill Icon: -

How to Use, Explanation

This build uses Laguz Friend 4 and Firestorm Boost 3 to improve bulk, and grant missing effects such as Tempo and Null Follow-Up with the other skill slots. Since Xane copies ally's stats, adding in-combat effects is the way to go to improve Xane's combat.

Budget Xane

Special Skill IconIceberg
Emblem Icon: -
Attuned Skill Icon: -

How to Use, Explanation

This is a budget build for Xane that allows him to utilize the effects of Jokers Wild for cheap.

Source Heroes for All Skills

Xane Best Weapon Refine

Effect of Xane's Refined Weapon

Exclusive Weapon Effect from Refining (Special Effect Type)
SP: 400
Might: 14 Range: 2 HP:
Grants HP+5.
Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range.
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5, grants bonus to unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = highest respective stat from among allies within 3 spaces - unit's stat values (calculates each stat bonus independently at start of combat; if unit's stat is highest, unit's stat will decrease), and deals damage = 20% of unit's Spd during combat (excluding area-of-effect Specials).
At start of player phase or enemy phase, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6, 【Hexblade】, and 【Null Panic】 to allies within 3 spaces of unit for 1 turn.
If unit is within 3 spaces of an ally, grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+5 and reduces damage from foe's first attack by 20% of the greater of unit's Def or Res during combat ("first attack" normally means only the first strike; for effects that grant "unit attacks twice," it means the first and second strikes), and also, if foe's attack can trigger foe's Special and unit's Res ≥ foe's Res+5, inflicts Special cooldown count+1 on foe before foe's first attack during combat (cannot exceed the foe's maximum Special cooldown).
Arena Medal:500 Divine Dew:200

We recommend the Special Effect Refine for Jokers Wild

Refined Jokers Wild copies the highest Atk/Spd/Def/Res (each stat copied individually) among allies in 3 spaces, making Xane have the highest base stats in combat among all your allies.

At the start of both phases, refined Jokers Wild grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6, 【Hexblade】, and 【Null Panic】 to allies within 3 spaces of Xane.

Refined Jokers Wild also grants Xane HP+5, a Close Counter effect, Atk/Spd/Def/Res+10 in combat, true damage equal to 20% of Xane's Spd, true damage reduction on foe's first Atk equal to the greater of Xane's Def/Res, and inflicts a Scowl effect onto Xane's foe.

This weapon refine improves upon Xane's unique niche and boosts both offense and defense.

Xane Stats

Stat Rankings

Neutral Stats at Lv. 40 (5★)
HP 47 47
Rank: 42/1200
Atk 30 30
Rank: 1072/1200
Spd 34 34
Rank: 624/1200
Def 25 25
Rank: 737/1200
Res 30 30
Rank: 387/1200

Stat Values

Lv 40+10 Stats (5★)

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
+10 Merges W/ Skill Bonuses 57 48 39 29 35 208
Lv.40 +10 52 34 39 29 35 189

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
Lv.40 +10
54 34 38 29 34 189
Lv.40 +10
51 37 38 29 34 189
Lv.40 +10
51 34 41 29 34 189
Lv.40 +10
51 34 38 33 34 190
Lv.40 +10
51 34 38 29 37 189

Stats at Lv 40

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
5★- Adjusted for Skills 52 44 34 25 30 185
5★ Lv.40 47 30 34 25 30 166
4★ Lv.40 44 36 32 23 28 163

Initial Stats (with Skills)

HP Atk Spd Def Res Total
5★ Lv.1 26 20 8 6 8 68
4★ Lv.1 20 14 8 5 8 55

Stat Comparison of Similar Heroes

39 47 16 38 48 188
37 47 35 21 48 188
40 45 47 30 26 188
41 42 45 38 17 183
40 47 16 32 47 182
39 46 30 24 43 182
42 41 16 39 42 180
37 20 47 28 46 178
40 44 27 23 43 177
38 45 18 35 41 177
37 39 45 16 40 177
40 42 16 42 37 177
40 42 14 38 42 176
37 46 27 18 46 174
37 45 47 27 18 174
39 41 43 26 24 173
38 46 46 20 22 172
40 43 42 21 25 171
38 42 31 19 41 171
36 42 33 17 43 171
36 42 34 16 43 171
38 42 42 23 26 171
38 40 41 17 35 171
41 35 35 28 28 167
37 35 39 15 40 166
Xane Icon Xane
47 30 34 25 30 166
38 42 30 16 37 163
38 42 40 19 23 162
39 40 27 21 35 162
39 39 20 19 38 155

Note: Stats bonuses from skills are not taken into account.

Xane Roles, Strengths, and Weaknesses

Xane Roles

Xane - Autumn Trickster Roles
Close Physical AttackClose-Physical Ranged Physical AttackRanged-Physical Close Magic AttackClose-Magic Ranged Magic ImageRanged-Magic
Physical Wall ImagePhysical Wall Magic WallMagic Wall Effective ImageEffective Weapon Movement AssistImageMovement Assist
Exclusive Skill ImageExclusive Skill No All Range Counterattack ImageAll-Range Counter RecoveryRecovery No Refresher ImageRefresher
No Legendary Hero ImageLegendary No Mythic Hero ImageMythic No Duo and Harmonized ImageDuo /
No Resplendent ImageResplendent

Xane is a ranged physical attacker (range = 2). Therefore, when not accounting for the Weapon Triangle, the amount of damage he deals will be equivalent to his Atk minus the foe's Def stat.

Xane Strengths

Adopt your allies' stats with Jokers Wild!

Jokers Wild possesses one of the most interesting weapon effect in the game. It makes Xane's Atk/Spd/Def/Res equal to the highest individual stat among all allies within 2 spaces of him. Each stat is calculated independently so you can get a defensive unit like Gatrie and an offensive unit like Cordelia and put them within 2 spaces of Xane. If done so, Xane adopts Gatrie's monstrous defensive stats and Cordelia's high offensive stats.

The only drawback to this is that a stat will go down if said stat on Xane is higher than any of the units' same stat within 2 spaces. Plan accordingly and turn Xane into an absolute beast of a unit!

When refined, Jokers Wild copies the highest Atk/Spd/Def/Res (each stat copied individually) among allies in 3 spaces instead of 2, extending the range of its copy abilities.

At the start of both phases, refined Jokers Wild grants Atk/Spd/Def/Res+6, 【Hexblade】, and 【Null Panic】 to allies within 3 spaces of Xane.

Refined Jokers Wild also grants Xane HP+5, a Close Counter effect, Atk/Spd/Def/Res+10 in combat, true damage equal to 20% of Xane's Spd, true damage reduction on foe's first Atk equal to the greater of Xane's Def/Res, and inflicts a Scowl effect onto Xane's foe.

This weapon refine improves upon Xane's unique niche and boosts both offense and defense, ensuring that Xane enters combat with the best stats possible.

Xane Weaknesses

Reliant on allies' stats

As disucssed, Xane's main strength lies in Jokers Wild being able to copy allies' stats. Xane's stats are nothing special. In fact, the balance in his stats makes it hard for him to find a specific niche. Please be mindful when using Xane as his gimmicks are effective, but they require lots of planning and strategy to be effective.

Weak against Raven tomes

Because Xane is a colorless unit, he is at a weapon-triangle disadvantage when up against Raven tome users. Watch out for Cecilia as she carries one of the most powerful Raven tomes in Tome of Order.

Should you Unlock Potential?

Should You Unlock Potential for this Hero? S Rank Icon

We Recommend You Unlock Potential for Xane - Autumn Trickster!

We can say with confidence that you should use Unlock Potential to bring Xane - Autumn Trickster from 4 Stars to 5 Stars. Xane - Autumn Trickster is a very useful attack phase mage, so we recommend you Unlock Potential for Xane - Autumn Trickster if your team lacks a strong attack phase mage.

Unlock Potential Tier List

Xane - List of Skills


Skill Name Might Range Effect Learned At
4 2 No Effect 4★
6 2 No Effect 4★
9 2 No Effect 4★
14 2 Grants HP+5. Unit's Atk/Spd/Def/Res = highest respective stat from among allies within 2 spaces during combat. (Calculates each stat bonus independently at start of combat. If unit's stat is highest, unit's stat will decrease.) 5★


Skill Name Range Effect Learned At
1 Moves adjacent ally to opposite side of unit. 4★


This Hero has no Special skills that can be learned.


Skill Name Effect Learned At
Grants Atk/Res+X to unit during combat. (X = 2 x number of allies within 2 spaces + 1; max 3.) 4★
Grants Atk/Res+X to unit during combat. (X = 2 x number of allies within 2 spaces + 1; max 5.) 4★
Grants Atk/Res+X to unit during combat. (X = 2 x number of allies within 2 spaces + 1; max 7.) 5★
If adjacent infantry allies use sword, lance, axe, bow, or dagger, calculates their damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat. (Does not affect damage dealt by Specials that trigger before combat.) 4★
If adjacent infantry allies use sword, lance, axe, bow, or dagger, grants Atk/Spd+1 to those allies and calculates their damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat. (Does not affect damage dealt by Specials that trigger before combat.) 4★
If adjacent infantry allies use sword, lance, axe, bow, or dagger, grants Atk/Spd+2 to those allies and calculates their damage using the lower of foe's Def or Res during combat. (Does not affect damage dealt by Specials that trigger before combat.) 4★

Xane as a Source Hero

Xane Avatar

Value of Skills ★★☆☆☆

Inheriting Atk/Res Form 3 or Inf. Hexblade 3

Xane can be used to inherit the skills Atk/Res Form 3 or Inf. Hexblade 3. However, Xane is a powerful special hero whom you can only get from specific banners. Please think carefully before fodderring him off!

How to Get Xane / Illustrations / Voice Actor / Quotes

How to Get Xane

Obtained through a Special Summoning Event!

Xane is a limited time Hero who can be pulled from a Special Heroes Summoning Event. They do not appear in regular summons.

Note: Not currently a featured hero in any Summon events.

Current Focuses and Which You Should Pull From

Voice Actor and Illustrator Information

Voice Actor
Brandon McInnis
Illustrator Nekomochi
Appears In


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All Types of Colorless Weapons

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2 Anonymous7 days

He is 9.0 the refine is crazy, CC and copies stats better than how he did last time. There are now better skills to put on him.

1 Joyeuseover 4 years

Xane at 8.0?? Give the guy some reconsideration because all he needs is a truck of damage behind him and a truck of defense close with CC and null follow-up and he is arguably the strongest unit in the game

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