Why Should You Document your Journey?

20 Nov, 2021

Why Should You Document your Journey?

Documentation is a way to make information accessible to anyone.

In ancient times, people use to document their theories, learning, experiences, stories, poems on paper. And, that writing used to be so good that after 3000–5000 years we are able to access those documents.

The same thing is happening over the Internet just the difference is we do not use pen & paper. And, we have cloud storage for our future generations.

But the point is there has been something about your journey that anyone will be able to access that to know about you.

As human beings, we all want to be remembered after we die.

And for that reason, we struggle for our whole life.

But, Have you think your struggle will be worthy for your future generations if you will not able to show “what you actually did in your struggling time?”.

Without accessing any of your creation, stories, achievements, experiences, how an individual is going to remember you or learn from your struggle?

Okay, forget about future generations for a minute.

How anyone from your generation, older/younger generation is going to know about your creations, achievements that you are working on, and have worked on in past?

Is there any way to let’s say I can access your journey?

If you are doing this, I would love to hear about that.

And, if you are not doing then how can you document your journey?

To solve this problem, we have created our platform Fueler.io. Here you will be able to document your whole journey, you will be able to add your works, creations, achievements, awards you have earned in your life.

The best thing about this is that you will get a link to view your documented journey and can share with anyone to take a look into your journey and learn from your struggles, ups, and downs.

Sounds interesting?

Wanna give this a try? Explore Here

Here are some of the inspirations, you can look into to get an idea about it.

Let me know, what’re your thoughts about these.

Thanks for being with me.

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