Journal of the Faculty of Philosophy in Sarajevo (History, History of Art, Archeology) / Radovi (Historija, Historija umjetnosti, Arheologija), ISSN 2303-6974 on-line
Results presented in this paper are part of an extensive research in BiH emigration of the second... more Results presented in this paper are part of an extensive research in BiH emigration of the second half of the 20th century conducted during a field trip in Berlin, Germany. This paper aims at presenting the foundations from which the emigration originated after the Second World War and then changes which occurred during the 1960s when a large number of people from Yugoslavia and Bosnia and Herzegovina left for temporary employment in Germany, Austria, Switzerland and other Western European countries, as well as to look into models and reasons for the transformation of identity of BiH migrants in Germany after the 1960s. With the aim to identify the pattern according to which the workers with temporary employment abroad created their identities, this paper dedicates special attention to the transformation of identity, i.e. it indicates how identity transformed under the changed circumstances and in an altered context. However, research focuses on a part of BiH emigration in Germany, ...
Talks by Amir Duranović
Papers by Amir Duranović
u Bosni i Hercegovini o Mehmedu Spahi, Džemalu Bijediću i Aliji Izetbegoviću. Autor analizira metodološke pristupe, izvornu podlogu, narative i utjecaj navedenih biografija zajedno sa vlastitim, ali i drugim kritičkim osvrtima objavljenim u Bosni i Hercegovini i drugdje.Takvim pristupom autor nastoji ukazati na stanje u savremenoj bosanskohercegovačkoj historiografiji
za studiju o političkom i kulturnom naslijeđu
Adila Zulfikarpašića, njegovom porijeklu,
odnosu prema politici, emigraciji,
političkom angažmanu i najznačajnijoj
zadužbini savremene bošnjačke kulturne
scene – Bošnjačkom institutu – Fondaciji
Adila Zulfikarpašića, koja je osnovana u
In this paper, the author gives
a draft for a study on the political and
cultural heritage of Adil Zulfikarpašić, his
origin, attitude towards politics, emigration,
political engagement and the most
important endowment of the contemporary
Bosniak cultural scene - the Bosniak
Institute - Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation,
which was founded in Switzerland and
now operates in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
It is possible to show that trends exist in Bosnian historiography, both positive that open a completely new thematic framework that will be presented in more detail in this book, and negative, such are ideologically motivated revisionist accounts of the past, primarily of the more recent past. However, a vigilant reader will notice that one cannot draw a conclusion that the circumstances in Bosnian historiography are identical to those in the neighbouring countries. The point of observable difference is the approach to a systematic comprehension of the history of historiography or understanding of the development of historical science in the context of the development of new information technologies. Thus, in the Croatian historiography, for example, there have been cases of several notable books on historiography and its development, while in Serbia, for example, there is a research on the relationship between the information sciences and historiography and their interdependence. The transformation of the science of history in the methodological sense, the development of new approaches and widening the spectrum of historical sources will most certainly influence the “selection of historical themes that will be studied”, and we are convinced that, keeping in mind a wider socio-political context that tends from time to time to kidnap science from the hands of professionals, the science of history needs to be defended not only at a single historiographical front, not only through themes related to political, diplomatic or military history, meaning, the grand traditional themes, but also through widening the spectrum of research possibilities in relation to the new sources and the new media, as well as to the areas of social, economic, gender, or environmental history, to point to certain segments, in order to preserve the understanding of the term history and its significance within the scientific discourse. In that sense, as associates on this project, we have attempted to analyse the relationship between historiography and nationalism, but have decided to set the perspective to the segments that we found to have been left at the margin of historical debates and research because of the relationship of nationalism towards historiography, or because they have influenced the creation of politically motivated views of the past, most frequently to serve the needs of the daily politics. Thus, at that very place we have tried to present the subtitle of our project “At the Margin of History” also through a prism of research of the marginalised social groups, national minorities, ways in which the former have been presented in the textbooks in the Bosnian educational system, or through the place and role of the individual in different socio-political contexts in which the relationship towards the past has changed through the examples of the interpretation of the fate of an individual or a group. Each of the aforementioned units, represented as a separate research paper, aims here to show the justification researching the topics the way the authors do it, but also to humbly contribute the understanding of history and the role of historians in the society, in a much wider framework that the one which is, in our opinion, still present in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is a (mere) justification of the contemporary political concepts and projects, because, even through these examples, one can see that history is a brilliant indicator of the complexity of all that happened in the past as compared to what is happening today.
u Bosni i Hercegovini o Mehmedu Spahi, Džemalu Bijediću i Aliji Izetbegoviću. Autor analizira metodološke pristupe, izvornu podlogu, narative i utjecaj navedenih biografija zajedno sa vlastitim, ali i drugim kritičkim osvrtima objavljenim u Bosni i Hercegovini i drugdje.Takvim pristupom autor nastoji ukazati na stanje u savremenoj bosanskohercegovačkoj historiografiji
za studiju o političkom i kulturnom naslijeđu
Adila Zulfikarpašića, njegovom porijeklu,
odnosu prema politici, emigraciji,
političkom angažmanu i najznačajnijoj
zadužbini savremene bošnjačke kulturne
scene – Bošnjačkom institutu – Fondaciji
Adila Zulfikarpašića, koja je osnovana u
In this paper, the author gives
a draft for a study on the political and
cultural heritage of Adil Zulfikarpašić, his
origin, attitude towards politics, emigration,
political engagement and the most
important endowment of the contemporary
Bosniak cultural scene - the Bosniak
Institute - Adil Zulfikarpašić Foundation,
which was founded in Switzerland and
now operates in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
It is possible to show that trends exist in Bosnian historiography, both positive that open a completely new thematic framework that will be presented in more detail in this book, and negative, such are ideologically motivated revisionist accounts of the past, primarily of the more recent past. However, a vigilant reader will notice that one cannot draw a conclusion that the circumstances in Bosnian historiography are identical to those in the neighbouring countries. The point of observable difference is the approach to a systematic comprehension of the history of historiography or understanding of the development of historical science in the context of the development of new information technologies. Thus, in the Croatian historiography, for example, there have been cases of several notable books on historiography and its development, while in Serbia, for example, there is a research on the relationship between the information sciences and historiography and their interdependence. The transformation of the science of history in the methodological sense, the development of new approaches and widening the spectrum of historical sources will most certainly influence the “selection of historical themes that will be studied”, and we are convinced that, keeping in mind a wider socio-political context that tends from time to time to kidnap science from the hands of professionals, the science of history needs to be defended not only at a single historiographical front, not only through themes related to political, diplomatic or military history, meaning, the grand traditional themes, but also through widening the spectrum of research possibilities in relation to the new sources and the new media, as well as to the areas of social, economic, gender, or environmental history, to point to certain segments, in order to preserve the understanding of the term history and its significance within the scientific discourse. In that sense, as associates on this project, we have attempted to analyse the relationship between historiography and nationalism, but have decided to set the perspective to the segments that we found to have been left at the margin of historical debates and research because of the relationship of nationalism towards historiography, or because they have influenced the creation of politically motivated views of the past, most frequently to serve the needs of the daily politics. Thus, at that very place we have tried to present the subtitle of our project “At the Margin of History” also through a prism of research of the marginalised social groups, national minorities, ways in which the former have been presented in the textbooks in the Bosnian educational system, or through the place and role of the individual in different socio-political contexts in which the relationship towards the past has changed through the examples of the interpretation of the fate of an individual or a group. Each of the aforementioned units, represented as a separate research paper, aims here to show the justification researching the topics the way the authors do it, but also to humbly contribute the understanding of history and the role of historians in the society, in a much wider framework that the one which is, in our opinion, still present in Bosnia and Herzegovina, which is a (mere) justification of the contemporary political concepts and projects, because, even through these examples, one can see that history is a brilliant indicator of the complexity of all that happened in the past as compared to what is happening today.
from the countries of South-East Europe on historiography
and nationalism in the regional context during
2018, as part of the project “Historiography and Nationalism:
At the Margin of History”, discussion and regional
cooperation has transformed into a series of research
issues that the authors of this book offer as their own
perspective, or regarding the development of historiography
and the relationship of nationalisms towards
historiography in a longer period of time, or as transformations
of certain historiographies on certain, very
concrete issues from the past. In the third variant, those
are the examinations of the place and the role of historians, individually or institutionally, in creating both the
discourse on very concrete issues of ways and models of
discussion about the past, history and historiography, as
well as the political influence on the work of historians.
That is why the views on historiography and nationalism
in the South-East Europe, the texts that are contained
in this book, should, in our opinion, be read in a comparative
perspective, for, in that case, their research value
and authors’ insights will be fully reflected. The book
offers an overview of the situation with the Croatian
and Montenegrin historiography in a chronologically
longer perspective, so as to point to the main currents,
institutional development, research-institutional and
personnel issues with which the aforementioned historiography
are faced, but also point to the possible development
perspectives. In case of presenting a segment
of Serbian historiography, the presented opinion offers
the main currents of the argument for a “symbiotic relationship
between nationalism and historiography” in
Serbia, primarily through examples of historiographical
transformation of the relationship towards the Other
in the WWII, while the papers treating the issues from
(North) Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Greece
show the place and the role of historiography in the contemporary
discussions, most frequently those regarding
identity and politics, daily politics, as well as quite rarely,
but strictly scientific, historiographic. From such perspectives,
owing to a comparative insight into the situation
in the region, a careful reader will notice similarities
and differences both in the approach of the authors and
their understanding of the relationship between historiography
and nationalism, and a clear sameness – a close
connection between political and historiographical
discourse. That, furthermore, indicates the situation in
Amir Duranović - Ogledi o historiografiji i nacionalizmu u jugoistočnoj Evropi: prilozi komparativnom čitanju savremene historije i historiografije 18
regional historiographies, and calls for a dialogue, opening
of new themes in which every generation of historians
has a right to say something personal in their own
communication with the historical sources. For, history,
of course, can be understood as a “permanent dialogue
between historians and their historical sources.”
and development of BiH historiographical
institutions, focusing more on the achievements BiH
historiography in the context of a wholesome comprehension
of the place and the role of migrations in the
history of Bosnia and Herzegovina. In that context, the
author especially focuses on the important work of BiH
historiography, the book entitled Migracije i Bosna i Hercegovina
[Migrations and Bosnia and Herzegovina] that
chronologically observes the phenomenon of migrations
from the Middle Ages until the modern time, while,
thematically, the book treats the issues in political, socio-
economic, as well as history of certain ethnic groups,
women, individuals. In such a context, the author especially
focuses on some possible research perspectives by
presenting the introductory considerations into the proceedings
entitled Nacije i migracije: studije iz bosanskohercegovačke
historiografije [Nations and Migrations:
Studies from the BiH Historiography] that offers a new
insight and perspectives on the selected topics in the
contemporary BiH history, as well as possibilities for a
comparative reading and further historical elaborations
Zato riječi zahvalnosti idu Husniji Kamberoviću, predsjedniku Udruženja za modernu historiju (UMHIS), čijih je programskih sadržaja ovaj projekt jedan dio, Marion Kraske i Ameli Sejmenović Burić iz Fondacije Heinrich Bӧll u Sarajevu, jer se raduju našem radu i uspjehu, te svim mojim dragim kolegicama i kolegama koji su svojim radom omogućili nastanak i ove knjige. To su autori tekstova Branimir Janković, Adnan Prekić, Milivoj Bešlin, Ruža Fotiadis, Petar Todorov i Husnija Kamberović, koji su svojim autorskim prilozima omogućili realizaciju ideje koju sam nekoliko posljednjih godina razvijao u razgovorima s kolegom i prijateljem čiji je doprinos realizaciji projekta u cjelini zaista veliki, a to je Enes Omerović, koji je zajedno s Verom Katz također doprinio okončanju i ovog projekta. Potpunosti pripreme i realizacije ove knjige svoj doprinos dali su Mirela Omerović profesionalnom lekturom, kao i kolega Halid Bulić – onda kada je zaista trebalo, Selma Đuliman prijevodima rezimea na engleski jezik, Melisa Forić podrškom u završnoj fazi pripreme knjige za štampu. Asim Bilić je i ovu knjigu pripremao jednako vrijedno kao i prethodne, iako smo u ovoj godini, slijedeći odnose u jugoistočnoj Evropi, aplicirali novi logo Fondacije Heinrich Bӧll, jer je (Bivša Jugoslavenska) Republika Makedonija postala Republika Sjeverna Makedonija, a i to je pitanje tretirano sadržajem ove knjige.
Uz već iskazane riječi zahvalnosti, posebnu zahvalnost svi mi zajedno dugujemo onima čija se imena uglavnom ne nalaze u ovoj knjizi, ali koji su strpljenjem i razumijevanjem omogućavali mir da bi preuzete obaveze bile dovedene do kraja. Zato u ime svih nas, aktivnih učesnika u realizaciji projekta, posebno zahvaljujem članovima naših porodica. Bez njih bi sve ovo bilo drugačije i teže, ali samo uz njihovu podršku ima smisla.
Nastavljajući uspješnu saradnju sa kolegicama i kolegama u okviru projekta „Historiografija i nacionalizam“ koji je podržala Fondacija Heinrich Bӧll – Bosna i Hercegovina, Albanija, Sjeverna Makedonija, tokom ove 2019. godine smo u Udruženju za modernu historiju (UMHIS) pripremali dvije knjige. Prva, koju upravo sada držite u rukama, fokusirana je na nacije i migracije, odnosno nudi tekstove iz savremene bosanskohercegovačke historiografije o temama koje autori u ovoj knjizi obrađuju u kontekstu migriranja ljudi i ideja. Smatrali smo opravdanim ponuditi historijsku perspektivu na ranija bosanskohercegovačka iskustva migracija cijeneći da time možemo unaprijediti kako historiografiju tako i danas aktuelne diskusije o migracijama ne samo u Bosni i Hercegovini nego i u znatno širem kontekstu. Kolegice i kolege koji su svojim konkretno konceptualiziranim radovima ukazali na motive, iskustva i načine migriranja prema Bosni i Hercegovini, ali i iz Bosne i Hercegovine, obradili su ona pitanja za koja je u dosadašnjoj bosanskohercegovačkoj historiografiji bilo istraživačkog prostora, manje ili više, a ovdje ponuđenim radovima nude mnoštvo novih saznanja, ali i novih perspektiva. Druga knjiga, Ogledi o historiografiji i nacionalizmu u jugoistočnoj Evropi, fokusirana je na pregled stanja u historiografijama u regionu s fokusom na utjecaj nacionalizma na historiografske trendove.
Kako smo protekle 2018. godine imali veoma pozitivna iskustva u realizaciji projekta, kreiranu atmosferu i pozitivnu energiju smo željeli sačuvati i proširiti na još jednu godinu saradnje što smo, duboko vjerujem, i uspjeli. Podrška koju smo u Udruženju za modernu historiju (UMHIS) dobili od profesora Husnije Kamberovića bila je presudna da nastavimo sarađivati sa dragim prijateljima iz Fondacije Heinrich Bӧll na čemu smo posebno zahvalni. Na putu od pripreme aplikacije za realizaciju projekta pa do završne faze, uz podršku kolege i prijatelja Enesa Omerovića, još jednom želim naglasiti ohrabrenje i podršku naših prijatelja iz Fondacije Heinrich Bӧll. Marion Kraske i Amela Burić Sejmenović bile su spremne saslušati naše dileme i konkretnim prijedlozima pomoći da se dileme otklone.
Posebno sam zahvalan timu saradnica i saradnika, Veri Katz, Amili Kasumović, Husniji Kamberoviću i Enesu Omeroviću jer su svojim vrijednim radom pripremili tekstove u skladu sa projektnim ciljevima i idejom koju smo željeli zajedno prezentirati. Uz autore, dakako, doprinos uobličavanju ovog projekta u formi knjige dali su i kolege Edin Radušić i Branimir Janković, čija su stručna čitanja i recenzije unaprijedile ponuđene tekstove. Kolegica Mirela Omerović je, sada već poslovično, lekturu obavila korektno i profesionalno, a draga prijateljica Selma Đuliman prijevode sažetaka na engleski jezik. Kolegica Minela Radušić je pratila nastajanje knjige i učila o onim aspektima rada koji će joj u budućnosti biti korisni. Format knjige i dio dizajnerskih rješenja smo zadržali iz prethodne godine jer smo ovogodišnjim naslovima željeli izdanja predstaviti u formi za koju se nadamo da će jednog dana biti prepoznata kao svojevrsna edicija. Za to je zaslužan prijatelj Asim Bilić, na čemu smo također zahvalni.
Na kraju, ali sigurno najvažnije, u svoje lično ime, ali i u ime kolegica i kolega koji su radili na pripremi ove knjige, najiskrenije se zahvaljujemo članovima naših porodica, jer su imali i još uvijek imaju razumijevanja za naš rad i naša odsustva. Lično, kao voditelj projekta, uz zahvalnost svim prethodno spomenutim kolegicama i kolegama, želim još jednom naglasiti podršku svoje porodice, supruge i djece, vjerujući da svi zajedno dijelimo radost još jednog uspješno realiziranog projekta.
Sarajevo, 17/11/2019. Amir Duranović
‚Naša Bosna‘ – ‚Bečka škola‘ Mjesta pamćenja, percepcije, mostovi i prelamanja u odnosu Austrije – Bosne i Hercegovine
Sarajevo, April 2016
Co-Organizers Prof. Clemens Ruthner/Trinity College Dublin, Prof. Vahidin Preljevic/University of Sarajevo
Contributions to the 20th Century Environmental History in Bosnia and Herzegovina
The issue of the relationship between man and nature and their mutual connection and condition is as old as the life of humans in nature. Thus, the fact that environmental history, of which numerous and well-founded historiographic texts have been written, is a very young academic discipline is rather surprising. Attempts of the European colonial powers resulted in a considerable progress in relation to the study of the relationship between the natural environment and the society, for those researchers studied nature and social relations in colonies for the purpose of alleviating the management processes in the conquered territories. It was only in the mid-20th century onwards that environmental history saw the strongest swing, when it was established a separate research area; that coincides with a profound industrial development, as well as the accompanying important environmental protection issues, fight against air and environmental pollution, as well as attempts to reduce the negative effects on the natural ambience in which we now live. Thus, the discipline developed in parallel to the environmental movement, and environmental history reasonably found its place in texts of the most prominent 20th century historians (e.g. F. Braudel). Although in the case of BiH historiography it is difficult to find examples of large projects or papers that could be measured against the respective examples in the BiH neighbourhood in terms of the approach, method, selection and analysis of themes and selection of the archive material, it should be noted that it is perhaps necessary to invest additional effort in order to present the authors and their papers in BiH historiography, but also beyond historiography itself, even in the broadest sense, since they did present the topics we here elaborate. The publication we hereby present focuses on three keywords – floods, earthquakes and smog, containing texts that on the examples from Bosnia and Herzegovina present the relationship between man and nature in the time of great floods, earthquakes and air pollution. Our goal is to present to the audience the reading material containing new perspectives and new possibilities in research, all for the purpose of bringing BiH historiography closer to the current trends, as well as to explore the possibilities of new research that historians can and need to be able to recognise.
Key words: environmental history, historiography, Bosnia and Herzegovina, flood, earthquake, smog.