集団災害を主とする災害医学に関連する用語を英語で調べることができます。 提供 日本集団災害医学会 URL https://square.umin.ac.jp/jadm/ |
集団災害医学用語 のさくいん |
- facial injury
- facial trauma
- faeco-oral diseases
- fall
- Famine Early Warning System
- famines
- fasciotomy
- fat embolism syndrome
- fault
- feco-oral diseases
- Federal Emergency Management Agency
- Federal Response Plan
- felt earthquake
- femur fracture
- fetal dose
- fetal uptake
- field amputaion
- field office
- field operations
- field triage
- fifty percent lethal dose
- fifty percent lethal time
- Financial Services Agency
- fire alarm
- fire alarm box
- fire alarm system
- Fire and Disaster Management Agency
- fire department
- fire department headquarters
- fire fighting
- fire fighting water sources
- fire helicopter
- Fire Organization Act
- Fire Organization Law
- fire prevention
- fire proof district
- fire protection
- fire protection plan
- fire service
- Fire service Act
- fire spread
- fire spreading
- fire station
- fire station division
- fire suppression
- fire warning
- Fire, Disater Management Radio Communication Network
- fireboat
- firebreaks
- first aid
- first responder
- flail chest
- flammability
- flash flood
- flashback
- flood
- flood control
- Flood Control Act
- flood plain
- flood warning
- fluid resuscitation
- focal area
- focal region
- focal source
- Foehn phenomena
- food aid program
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
- food distribution program
- food for work
- food hygiene
- food security
- food stocks
- food-borne disease
- forced displacement
- forced migration
- forced repartriation
- foreign body
- Foreign Humanitarian Assistance
- foreign policy
- forensic medicine
- forerunning phenomena of volcanic eruptions
- foreshock
- Forest Act
- forest fire
- Fossa Magna
- foundation construction
- foundation ground
- foundation structure
- Free On Board
- frostbite
- Fujita scale