Weblio英和和英辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- C
- CA
- CB
- CC
- CD
- CE
- CF
- CG
- CH
- CI
- CJ
- CK
- CL
- CM
- CN
- CO
- CP
- CQ
- CR
- CS
- CT
- CU
- CV
- CW
- CX
- CY
- CZ
- C(50音)
- C(タイ文字)
- C(数字)
- C(記号)
- common control channel synchronization
- COMMON control section
- common control system
- common conversation
- common coral tree
- common corn salad
- common cotton grass
- Common cottongrass
- common coupling
- common crane
- Common crane
- Common Crane
- common crane boom
- common crier
- common crop
- common crossing
- common cry
- common cuckoo
- Common Cuckoo
- common currency
- common cutting plane method
- common cutting sphere
- common cuttlefish
- Common cuttlefish
- Common Cuttlefish
- common daisy
- common dandelion
- common data
- common data description
- common database
- common decency
- common decrease
- common defect
- Common Defect
- common denominator
- common design
- Common designations of white people and black people
- common desktop environment
- Common Desktop Environment
- common devil's claw
- common die
- common difference
- common disaster clause
- common disease
- common display logic
- common divisor
- common dog tapeworm
- common dogbane
- common dolphin
- Common dolphin
- common domain
- common drain
- common drug
- common duckweed
- common duct
- common education
- Common education
- common eel
- common eider
- Common eider
- Common Eider
- common eland
- Common eland
- Common Eland
- common elder
- Common Electrode
- common electrodes
- common element
- common emitter
- Common emitter
- common emitter current-gain band product
- common equity
- common era
- Common Era
- common european ash
- common european dogwood
- common european earwig
- common European earwig
- common european jay
- common evening primrose
- common everyday affair
- common evil
- common exhaust pipe
- common expense
- common expression
- common external tariff
- common facial vein
- Common facial vein
- common facilities
- common factor
- common fate
- common fault
- common features
- common feldspar
- common fennel
- common fenugreek
- common fibular nerve
- Common fibular nerve
- common field
- common fields
- common fig
- common fig tree
- Common fish weirs
- common flat pea
- Common flexor sheath of hand
- Common Foreign and Security Policy
- common forest
- common form
- common format
- common foundation
- common four-o'clock
- common foxglove
- common fraction
- common frame
- common fresh water clam
- common friend
- common front
- common function
- comm
- Common gamma chain
- common garden cress
- Common Garden Cress
- common garter snake
- common gateway interface
- Common Gateway Interface
- common gender
- common general technical knowledge
- common genital duct
- common ginger
- Common gold fishes
- common goldeneye
- Common goldeneye
- Common Goldeneye
- common good
- Common good
- Common Good
- common grape hyacinth
- common grape vine
- common ground
- Common Ground
- common groups
- common gum cistus
- common hake
- Common hake
- Common hakes
- common hamster
- Common Hardware Reference Platform
- common heath
- common height
- common hepatic artery
- Common hepatic artery
- common hepatic duct
- Common hepatic duct
- common herd
- common hop
- common hops
- common horehound
- Common Horehound
- common horsetail
- common hyacinth
- common iguana
- common iliac arteries
- common iliac artery
- Common iliac artery
- common iliac lymph nodes
- Common iliac lymph nodes
- Common iliac nodes
- common iliac vein
- Common iliac vein
- common immunodeficiency
- common in the world
- common information model
- Common Information Model
- Common Information Model Object Manager
- common intellectual property
- common interests
- common interests of the creditors
- Common Intermediate Language
- common interosseous artery
- Common interosseous artery
- common ion
- common ion effect
- common item
- common items
- common ivy
- Common Japanese paper
- common jasmine
- common joist
- common juniper
- Common Juniper
- common jury
- common key cryptography
- common key cryptosystems
- common key system
- common kingfisher
- Common Kingfisher
- common kingsnake
- common knowledge
- Common knowledge
- Common Labels
- common labor
- common laburnum
- Common laburnum
- common lady's-slipper
- common land
- common language
- common language in the company disadvantage
- common language runtime
- Common Language Runtime
- common language runtime host
- Common Language Runtime support
- Common Language Specification
- common language system
- common law
- Common law
- common lettuce
- common lilac
- common limpet
- common line
- common link
- common lisp
- Common Lisp
- common logarithm
- Common logarithm
- common louse
- common lynx
- common mackerel
- Common mackerel
- common madia
- common maidenhair
- Common maidenhair
- common mallow
- Common mallow
- common man
- Common Man
- common management information protocol
- Common Management Information Protocol
- common management information service
- common marigold
- common market
- Common Market
- Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa
- Common Market of the South
- common marmoset
- common marmosets
- common mask
- common matrimony vine
- common measure
- common medicament
- Common medicine bottles
- Common membranous limb of semicircular ducts
- common memory
- common metal
- Common metals, unwrought or semi-wrought
- common meter
- common method
- common migraine
- common milkwort
- common millet
- Common millet
- Common Millet
- common minnow
- Common minnow
- common mode
- Common mode
- common mode choke
- common mode current
- common mode failure
- common mode interference
- common mode noise
- common mode noise reduction
- common mode radiation
- common mode rejection
- common mode rejection ratio
- Common Mode Rejection Ratio
- common mode signal
- common mode transformer
- common mode voltage
- common model
- common modiolar vein
- Common modiolar vein
- common mold
- common mood
- common moonseed
- common moonwort
- common moorhen
- Common moorhen
- Common Moorhen
- common morel
- common morning glory
- common mosquito
- common mugwort
- common mullein
- Common mullein
- common multiple
- common murre
- Common murre
- Common Murre
- common myrtle
- common name
- Common name
- common names
- common nardoo
- Common nasal meatus
- common network
- common newt
- common nightshade
- common noise
- common normal line
- common noun
- Common noun
- common nuisance
- common nutcracker
- common oak
- common object file format
- Common Object File Format
- Common Object Model
- common object request broker architecture
- Common Object Request Broker Architecture
- common obligation
- common occurrence
- common octopus
- Common octopus
- Common Octopus
- common of piscary
- Common of piscary
- common ontology
- common open software environment
- Common Open Software Environment
- Common Operating Environment
- common opossum
- Common opossum
- common or garden
- common ordinary cycloid
- common osier
- common ownership
- Common oyster
- Common palmar digital arteries
- Common palmar digital nerves of median nerve
- Common palmar digital nerves of ulnar nerve
- common part
- common parts
- Common parts
- common pasture
- common pea
- Common pear plants
- common people
- common pepper
- common peroneal nerve
- Common peroneal nerve
- common perpendicular
- common perpendicular of two lines
- common person
- common pilot channel
- common pitcher plant
- common plantain
- Common plantar digital arteries
- Common plantar digital nerves of lateral plantar nerve
- Common plantar digital nerves of medial plantar nerve
- common plate
- common platform
- common pleas
- Common Pleas
- common plow
- common plum
- common point
- common polypody
- common pond-skater
- common pool
- common portion
- common position
- common possession
- common practice
- common prayer
- Common Prayer
- common privet
- Common privet
- common problem
- common program
- Common Programming Interface for Communications
- common programming support system
- common projectile
- common property
- common purpose
- common purse
- common purslane
- common quality
- common raccoon
- common racoon
- common rafter
- common ragweed
- Common rail
- common rail injection system
- common ratio
- Common Redpoll
- common redshank
- Common redshank
- Common Redshank
- common reed
- common return
- common return circuit
- common riding
- Common Riding
- common room
- common rorqual
- common rose mallow
- Common Rosefinch
- common roundworm
- Common RSS Data Store
- Common RSS Feed List
- Common Rue
- common ruin
- common rule
- common run
- common run of men
- common rush
- common sage
- Common sage
- common salt
- Common satsuma
- common saying
- Common scenery
- common school
- common scissors crossing
- common scold
- Common scold