独禁法(独占禁止法)に関連する法令・訴訟や手続きなどに関する専門用語の英語訳を調べることができます。 提供 競争法研究協会 URL https://www.jcl.gr.jp/ |
英和独禁法用語辞典 のさくいん |
- complaiance program
- complainant
- complaint
- compulsory cartel
- compulsory license
- concentration
- concentration ratio
- concertaion
- concerted action
- concerted activity
- concerted practice
- concerted refusal to deal
- conciliation
- conclusive presumption
- concur
- concurrent jurisdiction
- concurring opinion
- conditional contract
- conditional sales agreement
- confiscation
- conflict of law
- conglomerate
- conglomerate merger
- Congress
- conscious adherrence
- conscious parallelism
- conscious uniformity
- consent decree
- consent judgement
- consent order
- conservation
- consideration
- consignment
- consignment contract
- consolidation
- consolidation of claims
- consortium
- conspiracy
- conspiracy to monopolize
- conspirator
- consumer boycott
- Consumer Good Pricing Act
- consumer sovereignty
- consumer welfare
- consumerism
- contempt of court
- contestability
- contestable market
- contestable theory
- continuing penalties
- contract
- contracting party
- contracting-out
- contrary to the public interest
- contributory infringement
- control
- convenants not to compete
- convenants not to sue
- convenience store
- convict
- conviction
- cooling-off period
- cooperative advertising
- cooperative agreement
- cooperative association
- copyright
- corespondent
- corporate revolution
- corporation
- corraborating evidence
- corrective advertising
- cost justification defense
- cost-benefit analysis
- cost-plus pricing
- cost-push inflation
- costing agreement
- counsel
- count
- counter selling
- counterclaim
- countervailing power
- Cournot’s point
- court
- covert agreement
- covert mutual understnding
- co~conspirator
- creative destruction
- credible threat
- crime
- criminal action
- criminal case
- criminal proceedings
- criminal sanction
- cropland diversions
- cross claim
- cross elasticity of demand
- cross elasticity of supply
- cross examination
- cross licensing
- cross subsidization