Code review at the speed of email July 25, 2022 on Drew DeVault's blog

I’m a big proponent of the email workflow for patch submission and code review. I have previously published some content (How to use’s send-email feature, Forks & pull requests vs email, which demonstrates the contributor side of this workflow, but it’s nice to illustrate the advantages of the maintainer workflow as well. For this purpose, I’ve recorded a short video demonstrating how I manage code review as an email-oriented maintainer.

Disclaimer: I am the founder of SourceHut, a platform built on this workflow which competes with platforms like GitHub and GitLab. This article’s perspective is biased.

This blog post provides additional material to supplement this video, and also includes all of the information from the video itself. For those who prefer reading over watching, you can just stick to reading this blog post. Or, you can watch the video and skim the post. Or you can just do something else! When was the last time you called your grandmother?

With hundreds of hours of review experience on GitHub, GitLab, and SourceHut, I can say with confidence the email workflow allows me to work much faster than any of the others. I can review small patches in seconds, work quickly with multiple git repositories, easily test changes and make tweaks as necessary, rebase often, and quickly chop up and provide feedback for larger patches. Working my way through a 50-email patch queue usually takes me about 20 minutes, compared to an hour or more for the same number of merge requests.

This workflow also works entirely offline. I can read and apply changes locally, and even reply with feedback or to thank contributors for their patch. My mail setup automatically downloads mail from IMAP using isync and outgoing mails are queued with postfix until the network is ready. I have often worked through my patch queue on an airplane or a train with spotty or non-functional internet access without skipping a beat. Working from low-end devices like a Pinebook or a phone are also no problem — aerc is very lightweight in the terminal and the SourceHut web interface is much lighter & faster than any other web forge.

The centerpiece of my setup is an email client I wrote specifically for software development using this workflow: aerc.1 The stock configuration of aerc is pretty good, but I make a couple of useful additions specifically for development on SourceHut. Specifically, I add a few keybindings to ~/.config/aerc/binds.conf:

ga = :flag<Enter>:pipe -mb git am -3<Enter>
gp = :term git push<Enter>
gl = :term git log<Enter>

rt = :reply -a -Tthanks<Enter>
Rt = :reply -qa -Tquoted_thanks<Enter>

V = :header -f X-Sourcehut-Patchset-Update NEEDS_REVISION<Enter>
A = :header -f X-Sourcehut-Patchset-Update APPLIED<Enter>
R = :header -f X-Sourcehut-Patchset-Update REJECTED<Enter>

The first three commands, ga, gp, and gl, are for invoking git commands. “ga” applies the current email as a patch, using git am, and “gp” simply runs git push. “gl” is useful for quickly reviewing the git log. ga also flags the email so that it shows up in the UI as having been applied, which is useful as I’m jumping all over a patch queue. I also make liberal use of \ (:filter) to filter my messages to patches applicable to specific projects or goals.

rt and Rt use aerc templates installed at ~/.config/aerc/templates/ to reply to emails after I’ve finished reviewing them. The “thanks” template is:

X-Sourcehut-Patchset-Update: APPLIED


{{exec "{ git remote get-url --push origin; git reflog -2 origin/master --pretty=format:%h | xargs printf '%s\n' | tac; } | xargs printf 'To %s\n   %s..%s  master -> master'" ""}}

And quoted_thanks is:

X-Sourcehut-Patchset-Update: APPLIED


{{exec "{ git remote get-url --push origin; git reflog -2 origin/master --pretty=format:%h | xargs printf '%s\n' | tac; } | xargs printf 'To %s\n   %s..%s  master -> master'" ""}}

On {{dateFormat (.OriginalDate | toLocal) "Mon Jan 2, 2006 at 3:04 PM MST"}}, {{(index .OriginalFrom 0).Name}} wrote:
{{wrapText .OriginalText 72 | quote}}

Both of these add a magic “X-Sourcehut-Patchset-Update” header, which updates the status of the patch on the mailing list. They also include a shell pipeline which adds some information about the last push from this repository, to help the recipient understand what happened to their patch. I often make some small edits to request the user follow-up with a ticket for some future work, or add other timely comments. The second template, quoted_reply, is also particularly useful for this: it quotes the original message so I can reply to specific parts of it, in the commit message, timely commentary, or the code itself, often pointing out parts of the code that I made some small tweaks to before applying.

And that’s basically it! You can browse all of my dotfiles here to see more details about my system configuration. With this setup I am able to work my way through a patch queue easier and faster than ever before. That’s why I like the email workflow so much: for power users, no alternative is even close in terms of efficiency.

Of course, this is the power user workflow, and it can be intimidating to learn all of these things. This is why we offer more novice-friendly tools, which lose some of the advantages but are often more intuitive. For instance, we are working on user interface on the web for patch review, mirroring our existing web interface for patch submission. But, in my opinion, it doesn’t get better than this for serious FOSS maintainers.

Feel free to reach out on IRC in on Libera Chat, or via email, if you have any questions about this workflow and how you can apply it to your own projects. Happy hacking!

  1. Don’t want to switch from your current mail client? Tip: You can use more than one 🙂 I usually fire up multiple aerc instances in any case, one “main” instance and more ephemeral processes for working in specific projects. The startup time is essentially negligible, so this solution is very cheap and versatile. ↩︎

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