Joplin deletes local file

Dear All,

I think I figured out what caused this issue.
It should be related to the WebDAV provider, it only support one time max 600 requests, so Joplin cannot finish even a single sync, the sync is cut unexpectedly, so next time, when Joplin would like to sync again, it finds some file in local but not in WebDAV, so it try to delete local files…I don’t know if this could be improved, such as sync a part only each time? when I try to use onedrive, although the first time I met “self signed certificate in certificate chain”, maybe due to I use Corporate PC, but when I tried again, it worked, I don’t know why.

I leave this post here to advise thoese who also try the same solution, since I cannot find the reason initially and have to copy all my notes again…that time I thougt Joplin was a fake note(sorry…).
the WebDAV I used initially is from, they do a lot of propoganda in some Chinese web site and their portal(, but they hide their free WebDAV has this side effect which may frustrating.


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