Support devkitPro
All the devkitPro toolchains are free, donations and other forms of support are entirely voluntary. Having said that a lot of our users like our toolchains so much they have asked how they can help ensure devkitPro toolchains stay available. If you'd consider making a regular donation then please give some thought to contributing via our Patreon instead.
Like all software, there are costs associated with producing and distributing the devkitPro toolchains.
A lot of time is spent :-
- Writing and updating tools and maintaining scripts.
- Documenting the tools.
- Answering questions ( Several a day usually ).
- Maintaining this web site.
- Reading bug reports and taking appropriate action.
- Explaining to our life partners why we’re working on devkitPro toolchains instead of taking them out to the movies.
It costs money to :-
- Host the web site.
- Buy development tools and books.
- Build, keep and run test machines.
- Maintain a nutritious diet of caffeine and stale cookies for those late nights of programming.
- Take our wives/girlfriends out sometimes so we can get some peace to work.
How much you donate is entirely up to you. You can contribute a little each month via our Patreon or here are some numbers to think about for a one off donation.
$5 | A ham and cheese sandwich with pickles for lunch | |
$10 | A couple of pints of beer | |
$15 | Dinner for two at the local fast food emporium | |
$30 | Dinner at some place a little more upmarket | |
$1000 | Someone's rent paid for a month or so | |
$1000000 | A developer can retire immediately and spend more time on free software. |
So whatever it is worth to you is, well, what it is worth to you. If you want to donate, Buy a beer, contribute a little each month or help us retire. The choice is yours. We appreciate any contributions and Thank you!