
## My Sieve
### Challenge
> We have captured one of the most brilliant spies who successfully broke a private key! All the [information](https://cr.yp.toc.tf/tasks/recovered_54f706f7fb8fc9718a4600d0000987ea4bcb03d8.txz) gathered and we believe they are enough to reconstruct the way he used to break the key. Now, can you help us to find the secret message?

We are given the encrypted flag:

enc = 17774316754182701043637765672766475504513144507864625935518462040899856505354546178499264702656639970102754546327338873353871389580967004810214134215521924626871944954513679198245322915573598165643628084858678915415521536126034275104881281802618561405075363713125886815998055449593678564456363170087233864817

A corrupted pem file:

-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

and a `msieve.dat` file, which is a file outputted while using msieve https://github.com/radii/msieve.

### Solution

#### Msieve

Looking at the data file, we see that a `~350` bit number


was factored. We can recover the factors using the command:

./msieve 17012713766362055606937340593828012836774345940104644978558327325254454345526470012917476548051189037528193

where we must ensure the data file is in the correct directory. Looking into the log file we find:

Fri Jul 30 19:34:05 2021 Msieve v. 1.46
Fri Jul 30 19:34:05 2021 random seeds: 98cfb443 69ab82cc
Fri Jul 30 19:34:05 2021 factoring 17012713766362055606937340593828012836774345940104644978558327325254454345526470012917476548051189037528193 (107 digits)
Fri Jul 30 19:34:06 2021 no P-1/P+1/ECM available, skipping
Fri Jul 30 19:34:06 2021 commencing quadratic sieve (106-digit input)
Fri Jul 30 19:34:06 2021 using multiplier of 11
Fri Jul 30 19:34:06 2021 using generic 32kb sieve core
Fri Jul 30 19:34:06 2021 sieve interval: 39 blocks of size 32768
Fri Jul 30 19:34:06 2021 processing polynomials in batches of 6
Fri Jul 30 19:34:06 2021 using a sieve bound of 4223251 (149333 primes)
Fri Jul 30 19:34:06 2021 using large prime bound of 633487650 (29 bits)
Fri Jul 30 19:34:06 2021 using double large prime bound of 6968329308179250 (45-53 bits)
Fri Jul 30 19:34:06 2021 using trial factoring cutoff of 53 bits
Fri Jul 30 19:34:06 2021 polynomial 'A' values have 14 factors
Fri Jul 30 19:34:06 2021 restarting with 35905 full and 2217078 partial relations
Fri Jul 30 19:34:06 2021 149536 relations (35905 full + 113631 combined from 2217078 partial), need 149429
Fri Jul 30 19:34:07 2021 begin with 2252983 relations
Fri Jul 30 19:34:07 2021 reduce to 393304 relations in 11 passes
Fri Jul 30 19:34:07 2021 attempting to read 393304 relations
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 recovered 393304 relations
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 recovered 385553 polynomials
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 attempting to build 149536 cycles
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 found 149535 cycles in 5 passes
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 distribution of cycle lengths:
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 length 1 : 35905
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 length 2 : 25563
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 length 3 : 24612
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 length 4 : 20585
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 length 5 : 15651
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 length 6 : 10638
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 length 7 : 6982
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 length 9+: 9599
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 largest cycle: 19 relations
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 matrix is 149333 x 149535 (43.3 MB) with weight 10166647 (67.99/col)
Fri Jul 30 19:34:08 2021 sparse part has weight 10166647 (67.99/col)
Fri Jul 30 19:34:09 2021 filtering completed in 3 passes
Fri Jul 30 19:34:09 2021 matrix is 143467 x 143531 (41.8 MB) with weight 9815366 (68.38/col)
Fri Jul 30 19:34:09 2021 sparse part has weight 9815366 (68.38/col)
Fri Jul 30 19:34:09 2021 saving the first 48 matrix rows for later
Fri Jul 30 19:34:09 2021 matrix is 143419 x 143531 (24.4 MB) with weight 7565741 (52.71/col)
Fri Jul 30 19:34:09 2021 sparse part has weight 4961307 (34.57/col)
Fri Jul 30 19:34:09 2021 matrix includes 64 packed rows
Fri Jul 30 19:34:09 2021 using block size 57412 for processor cache size 65536 kB
Fri Jul 30 19:34:09 2021 commencing Lanczos iteration
Fri Jul 30 19:34:09 2021 memory use: 24.2 MB
Fri Jul 30 19:34:10 2021 linear algebra at 4.2%, ETA 0h 0m
Fri Jul 30 19:34:34 2021 lanczos halted after 2270 iterations (dim = 143416)
Fri Jul 30 19:34:34 2021 recovered 16 nontrivial dependencies
Fri Jul 30 19:34:35 2021 p2 factor: 11
Fri Jul 30 19:34:35 2021 prp53 factor: 37517726695590864161261967849116722975727713562769161
Fri Jul 30 19:34:35 2021 prp53 factor: 41223455646589331474862018682296591762663841134030283
Fri Jul 30 19:34:35 2021 elapsed time 00:00:30

and so we have the three factors of the number:

Fri Jul 30 19:34:35 2021 p2 factor: 11
Fri Jul 30 19:34:35 2021 prp53 factor: 37517726695590864161261967849116722975727713562769161
Fri Jul 30 19:34:35 2021 prp53 factor: 41223455646589331474862018682296591762663841134030283

Now the question was, how does this 350 bit integer relate to the corrupted public key?

#### Corrupted Key

Looking at the corrupted key, we see 4 `*` though the file. This means naively we have `64**4` different `N` which are valid. The assumption was that one of these `N` would share factors the factored number from msieve.

Looking into the pem format, we actually find the first character must be `i` and so only three chr remain to be searched through. To try and find the correct `N` we looked for `gcd(X,N)!=0` for all possible keys:

from math import gcd

corrupt_N = 0xa4460442c93712c2504a98445057f04792ead2e509d8cfb466d7c3a3c6eb964f700051eab3abb7c72127b2d8d104b6b6a5fc013bbf60f2e7d0d81e8440028b9641dd376585a7bd4e665a86117293661c88fca80f853ad0567021b3319f2ec4ec5a57be2faaa7ab8f1c91235e2b5d9f9039c34cfd330cf38874ae5fc82aaa96b1
X = 0x1dabd3bb8e99101030cd7094eb15dd525cb0f02065694604071c2a8b10228f30cc12d08fc9caa8d97c65ff481
offsets = [356, 620, 752]

for a in range(64):
for b in range(64):
for c in range(64):
N = corrupt_N | (a<<offsets[0]) | (b<<offsets[1]) | (c<<offsets[2])
if gcd(N, X) > 2**32:
print(a, b, c)
print(gcd(N, X))

However, running this script we found no values of `N` which had `X`, or a factor of `X` as a common divisor. The rest of the CTF we tried guessing other things, but nothing worked out.

During the CTF, this was solved once, by HXP, who solved it by using `X//11` as the public key:

from Crypto.Util.number import *
p = 37517726695590864161261967849116722975727713562769161
q = 41223455646589331474862018682296591762663841134030283
N = p*q
phi = (p-1)*(q-1)
e = 0x10001
d = pow(e,-1,phi)
enc = 17774316754182701043637765672766475504513144507864625935518462040899856505354546178499264702656639970102754546327338873353871389580967004810214134215521924626871944954513679198245322915573598165643628084858678915415521536126034275104881281802618561405075363713125886815998055449593678564456363170087233864817
flag = long_to_bytes(pow(enc,d,N))
# b'CCTF{l34Rn_WorK_bY__Msieve__A5aP}'

This was an unintended solution, and worked as the flag was small enough. Seeing this, it's dissapointing that we didnt try this guess, but we were so sure the .pem was needed for the solve, I guess this didnt occur to any of us.

### True Solution

After the CTF ended, the real pem was released.

$ cat pubkey.pem
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

$ cat pubkey_corrupted.pem
-----END PUBLIC KEY-----

It turns out that `N` was corrupted not only in the four `*` throughout the file, but additionally the chracaters at the end of the first three lines were also modified... Using the correct pem we find:

x = 17012713766362055606937340593828012836774345940104644978558327325254454345526470012917476548051189037528193
n = 115356776450250827754686976763822189563265178727141719602571509315861796708491086355344129261506721466097001689191320289269213116060519988849918021824941560396659801251826221296538423055226122464968459205865316769204109964482429845998764457962631301677585992875791654646257335269595789163018282966936558671537
print(gcd(x, n))
# 1546610342396550509721576417620728439706758721827694998050757029568586758684224546628861504368289912502563

and so our idea was right, but we didnt not understand all the changes. Essentially after factoring `X` with msieve, the challenge was to replace all `*` and also know to modify the end of each line. If you have any intuition on why this is the case, I would love to know.

##### Flag


Original writeup (https://blog.cryptohack.org/cryptoctf2021-hard#my-sieve).