| Tuan Zhuan: |
In Xiao Guo (we see) the small (lines) exceeding the others, and (giving the intimation of) progress and attainment. Such 'exceeding, in order to its being advantageous, must be associated with firmness and correctness:' - that is, it must take place (only) according to (the requirements of) the time. The weak (lines) are in the central places, and hence (it is said that what the name denotes) may be done in small affairs, and there will be good fortune. Of the strong (lines one) is not in its proper place, and (the other) is not central, hence it is said that (what the name denotes) 'should not be done in great affairs.' (In the hexagram) we have 'the symbol of a bird on the wing, and of the notes that come down from such a bird, for which it is better to descend than to ascend, thereby leading to great good fortune:' - to ascend is contrary to what is reasonable in the case, while to descend is natural and right. |