斎藤國治, 村上文昭訳
中央書院 1981.11
[par] Thomas Norton & Thomas Sackville ; introd. et bibliographie par Paul Bacquet ; traduction et notes par Jean-Paul Socard
Aubier Montaigne [1976] Collection bilingue
Dent 1974 New ed., with revised contents / edited by T.W. Craik Everyman's university paperbacks 491
Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton ; edited by Irby B. Cauthen, Jr.
University of Nebraska 1970 Regents Renaissance drama series / general editor, Cyrus Hoy
Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton ; edited by Irby B. Cauthen Jr
Edward Arnold 1970 Regents Renaissance drama series / general editor, Cyrus Hoy
: pbk
[by] Arsanes
Theatrum Orbis Terrarum , Da Capo Press 1970 The English experience, its record in early printed books published in facsimile no. 233
Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton
Scolar P. 1968 1st ed., 2nd printing, reprinted
Alexander Nowell ; edited for the Parker Society, by G.E. Corrie
Johnson Reprint 1968
by Thomas Dekker, Henry Chettle and William Haughton . ed. by Alexander Dyce . by Nicholas Udall . by Thomas Norton and Thomas Sackville
Kraus Reprint 1966 Shakespeare Society of London publications v. 3 . Old Plays ; no. 6, 11, 23, 34
edited by John S. Farmer
C. W. Traylen 1966 Early English dramatists
Barnes & Noble 1966 Early English dramatists
introduction by Ashley Thorndike
Dent 1958 [1958 ed.] Everyman's library no. 491-492 ; Poetry & drama
v. 1 : Pre-Shakespearean tragedies , v. 2 : Pre-Shakespearean comedies
by Thomas Sackville and Thomas Norton
AMS Press 1970 1st AMS ed The Tudor facsimile texts TFT 32
Early English Drama Society 1906 Early English dramatists
written in Latine by John Caluine ; and translated into English according to the authors last edition ..., by Thomas Norton ; whereunto there are newly added in the margent of the booke, notes conteyning in briefe the ſubſtance of the matter handled in each ſection
Printed by H. Middleton, for W. Norton Anno Dom. 1587