Carola Jones
A maker of unique handmade embellishments for the body, walls, tables and the garden. Materials from earthenware and porcelain clays, cloth, yarn, paper and glass beads. I am a writer, visual storyteller, dreamer, working traveler, Pow Wow dancer, art+design+techmology teaching artist -- indigo dyeing on Skaru:'re (Tuscarora) ancestral homeland in Eastern North Carolina. Descendant From Tuscarora and Seminole Bloodlines.
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Teaching Documents by Carola Jones
Jones, Carola
A reflective account of the "reconceptualization" of teaching strategies associated with art appreciation at Chowan University. Focusing on two essential questions: 1) What Do I Want To Make Today?” and 2) What If?” I am researching instructional designs to construct an inclusive model to enhance student success. Fashioning an art appreciation college course using “effective teaching practices” based on the elements of art and principles of design combined with Google for Education.
Jones, Carola
A reflective account of the "reconceptualization" of teaching strategies associated with art appreciation at Chowan University. Focusing on two essential questions: 1) What Do I Want To Make Today?” and 2) What If?” I am researching instructional designs to construct an inclusive model to enhance student success. Fashioning an art appreciation college course using “effective teaching practices” based on the elements of art and principles of design combined with Google for Education.