May Require up to 1 week lead time prior to shipment.
This item is non-returnable.
Intended Use
For use with the IMMULITE and IMMULITE 1000 Systems. Follow instructions in the IMMULITE or IMMULITE 1000 Operator’s Manual.
Catalog Number: LSUBX
Materials Supplied Substrate IMMULITE 1000
Two bottles (LSUB5), 105 mL each (approximately 500 tests), of ready-to-use substrate, consisting of a
phosphate ester of adamantyl dioxetane in an AMP2 buffer, with enhancer.
Store at 2 – 8 °C before opening.
Stable on board after opening at 15 – 28 °C for 30 days, or until expiration date.
Allow substrate to equilibrate at room temperature (about 20 minutes) prior to opening bottle and dispensing
Precipitates or turbidity may indicate deterioration. Do not use if the normal appearance (clear and colorless)
has been altered.
Light Sensitivity
Protect the Chemiluminescent Substrate from direct sunlight.
Avoid Contamination
Do not touch the spike with bare or gloved hands when changing bottles. Do not remove rubber stopper. Do
not introduce syringe needles or other foreign objects into the bottle. Do not pool partial bottles of Substrate.
If the bottle is removed from the IMMULITE Analyzer for any length of time, replace the protective plastic cover
on the spike.