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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Breast Feeding Helps To Prevent Asthma in Children

Biggs Chiropractic & Acupuncture Web Site

Mothers who breast feed their children for 4 months or longer help to prevent asthma in their children. A recent study of 4,000 children in Sweden showed that of those that were exclusively breast fed, 12% developed asthma by the age of 8.  Of the children that were not breast fed, 18 percent developed asthma.

This study confirms what nature tells us, if we would all simply listen. Now, pay attention, because I am going to simplify this for everyone so that we can all understand...

Man, no matter how educated, advanced, or intelligent he becomes, cannot produce a nutrient supplement or food replacement that is better for babies than what nature provides for them through mother's milk, period.

Life is amazing. A mother's body produces the perfect food for her baby. 

The following is true also, by extrapolation.  The best foods for adult humans are not genetically altered or processed. They come from simple God-given sources.  The closer that we stick to nature in our eating habits, the better off we all are.

Lets go one step further.  Your own body is its own best healer.  Health and wellness is not the result of a man made medication. Medications are manufactured for the treatment of human beings when health fails, but medications fail to restore health.  At best, they help to control an acute situation or to manage a chronic one.  Health will never be found in a pharmaceutical.

Health is not the merely the absence of disease or symptoms. It is the 100% optimal function of all cells, systems, organs of the body.  Chiropractic adjustments, proper nutrition, massage, whole foods, healthy relationships, work, exercise.  These are what promote health.... along with mother's milk.

Keith E. Biggs, DC

3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206
[email protected]
Office:  480-985-3334
Cell:     480-375-0068

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Live 12 Years Longer

A recent study at the University of Oslo took a look at nearly 5000 British adults. They compared the life span of those that committed 4 common health bad habits to those that did not. The four bad habits are Smoking, Drinking too much, Poor diet, and Inactivity.

On the average, those that did not smoke, drank less, exercised 2 or more hours per week, and included three or more servings of fruits and vegetables lived 12 years longer than their peers that had the four bad health habits.

Though not a guarantee that you will live longer if you comply with good health habits, this is another strong study that advocates a good health lifestyle.

Keith E. Biggs, DC

3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206
[email protected]
Office:  480-985-3334
Cell:     480-375-0068

Monday, April 26, 2010

Migraine Headaches

Migraines can be debilitating. They typically are described as severe headaches that affect one side of the skull. Other symptoms of migraines are nausea, vomiting and muscle tension. Bright lights, loud noises and certain smells can make a migraine worse.

According to a recent article by the faculty at Harvard Medical School, "migraines can start off with visual disturbances known as auras, a feature that distinguishes them from other types of headaches. A migraine sufferer, for example, may see flashing zigzag lines or blank spots. Rarely, aura involves temporary vision loss or tingling or weakness on one side of the body. Migraines with aura are called classic migraines, and those without are called common migraines."

Although migraines are poorly understood, there are some well know triggers. These, according to the article, include "stress, missing meals, lack of sleep, certain odors, alcohol and some foods. Many women have menstrual migraines associated with the drop in estrogen levels in the days just before and after menstrual bleeding begins."

Some people find relief in medications, but the authors at Harvard feel that the best treatment for migraines is to find out what the triggers are for a patient, and then have the patient avoid those triggers.  All medications, though affective, have side affects that can be quite harmful.

For some patients, chiropractic adjustments of the neck and upper mid back region have been beneficial. Adjustments cause a neurological reflex that relaxes the muscles of the neck and upper back. As stated earlier, stress can be a trigger, so any method that helps to reduce tension through the neck and upper back can be helpful. Massage therapy, for some, is an alternative and affective method of treatment.

Keith E. Biggs, DC
Chiropractor in Mesa, AZ

3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206
[email protected]
Office:  480-985-3334
Cell:     480-375-0068

Delay Leads to Spinal Decay

In my chiropractic in Mesa, AZ, I have seen thousands of patients over the past 20 years. The vast majority have had complaints of the spinal variety, including neck pain, lower back pain, and mid back pain. The most common of those is clearly the lower back pain.

A close analysis of the structure of the lower back and it becomes obvious why the lower back is the cause of so much trouble. The bones, or vertebra in the lower back are basically like building blocks. Between the blocks are pads of cartilage. These are the discs. They are growing into and attached to both the vertebra above and the one below. There is no such thing as a "slipped disc". The weight of the entire upper body is supported by the discs and vertebra in the low back area. That is a lot of weight and force on relatively small bones and joints.

When people say that they have a slipped disc, what is really happening is that a disc is bulging or herniating, placing pressure on either the spinal cord nerves or nerves as they pass out of the spine and travel to other parts of the body.  In the lower back, these nerves control organs in the lower stomach region and muscles in the legs.

Pain in the lower back is not a problem. The true problem is what is CAUSING the pain to be felt in the lower back.  I know that this is a hard concept for some, but the more you think about it, the more it makes sense.  When a patient is suffering from pain in the lower back, the astute doctor will look at treating the CAUSE of the pain, and not the pain itself. When the cause of pain is dealt with, the pain subsides on its own. Most lower back pain is caused by a lifetime of small and seemingly insignificant injuries to the back, with the occasional severe injury thrown in on top, just for good measure.

When even the small injuries are not taken care of, the injured bones, discs, and joints begin to gradually decay. This often happens over years, and with very little or only occasional pain, but left uncorrected, the decay or degeneration continues.

Degenerative joint disease eventually leads to even more pain causing conditions, such as stenosis, where bone spurring and abnormal growth at the injured joint results in more severe pressure on the cord or nerves. In most cases, by the time that the back pain becomes so severe that the patients can't stand it, they already have a lot of degeneration in the spine due to years of neglect.

The moral of the story is this: like your permanent teeth, you only get one set of vertebra and discs in your lifetime. You can either take measures to help prevent decay, even when they don't hurt, or you can neglect your teeth or spine, and end up with a condition that cannot be repaired.  Unlike your teeth, however, when your spine wears out, there are nothing like dentures to replace it with.

On my website, there is a page dedicated to back exercises. Please feel free to check it out, but if you are new to back exercises, you should seek help from a professional (me!). I can be reached by email or phone.

Keith Biggs, DC
3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ

[email protected]

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Headache Treatment

Many headaches are caused by tightness and tension in the neck and upper back area. Abnormal muscle and joint function can cause significant and persistent head pain. It can also affect the function of the jaw and face muscles, resulting in jaw joint malfunction, commonly known as TMJ dysfunction.

When a patient presents with a headache pain, we begin with a consultation and examination. If it is found that the cause of the headaches is related to the muscles and joints of the neck and upper back, we have many tools and methods at our disposal.

Therapies such as ultrasound and electrical stimulation can help to promote healing and reduce muscle tension. Chiropractic adjustments help to restore neck joint motion. Decompression traction can be used if it is found that there is degeneration, or arthritis in the neck, which causes nerve irritation and muscular spasm, leading to headaches.

Acupuncture has also been found to be helpful in reducing pain and tension in the neck region and in reducing headache pain.

Notice that I did not say that what you need is more pain medication?  I hope that you did. Pain medications, though helpful for the short term, only cover up the symptoms and don't treat the cause of the pain. Over the long term, they can create dependency, cause addiction, affect the liver, kidneys, stomach, and heart.

If you have headaches, PUT DOWN THE PILL BOTTLE and lets take a look. Simple therapies might be your answer.

Keith E. Biggs, DC

3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206
[email protected]
Office:  480-985-3334
Cell:     480-375-0068

Low Back Pain

Lower back pain, with pain spreading into the buttocks or down the leg can be serious. Often, patients in my office mistake these symptoms for muscle strains in the lower back. A good physical examination can shed some light on the issue.  Here are a few questions that I ask during my consultation and examination.
  • What makes it worse, standing or sitting?
  • How did the condition begin?
  • Have you ever had the pain before?
  • How Often do you have back pain episodes?
  • What makes it better?
  • Does the pain spread to other locations in the body, like down the legs?
  • Do you have any numbness, tingling or other sensations in the legs or feet?
  • Have you lost any bladder control?
  • Do you get sudden sharp pains that cause the feeling that your legs are going to give out from under you?
  • Have you ever fallen due to the pain?
  • Does it hurt to cough or sneeze or laugh?
  • Does it feel like one or both of your legs have weakness?
  • Is their a dead sensation to your thigh or leg?
  • Have you ever had past surgeries in the back?
  • Have you been diagnosed with Osteoporosis or Osteopenia?
  • What medications are you taking, both over the counter and through your medical doctor?
A diagnosis of the cause of your lower back problem begins with a good consultation, followed by a good examination, and if necessary, imaging such as x-rays or an MRI.  True, some lower back conditions can be muscle spasms, but my question to any patient is: What is going on in the spine that is causing the back muscles to spasm? The muscles, after all, are the slaves to the nervous system, and without proper nerve function and joint function, the muscles are going to be in spasm, causing pain.

Undiagnosed back issues lead to more advanced back issues. Lets talk, and take a look at yours, before it gets worse.

Keith E. Biggs, DC

3617 E. Southern, Suite 8
Mesa, AZ  85206
[email protected]
Office:  480-985-3334
Cell:     480-375-0068

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Neck Pain and Degeneration

Today I saw a patient in my chiropractic office that has experienced neck pain for quite a while. The patient has been seen before, but has always been too busy to follow through with any chiropractic treatment protocol that I recommended.

As a chiropractor, and friend, I was worried when I began to see the tell tell signs of nerve irritation during my examintion. I found a slight decrease in strength in the patients dominant arm muscles, even though sensations of touch and pressure were unaffected.

I ordered x-rays on this patient, and my fears were confirmed. Even though this patient had not suffered continuous neck pain through the years, the x-rays clearly revealed his problem. There was a significant amount of disc degeneration in lower neck. This was seen as disc space narrowing and the formation of bone spurs.

The spine houses the delicate cord, and allows channels through which delilcate nerves exit the spine and travel to all parts of the body. When wear and tear is present, the potential for serious nerve pinching increases, and the result is neck pain, muscle spasm, arm pain, headaches, and in severe cases, loss of muscle strength.

This patient waited to long. The patient ignored the early warning signs of neck pain and stiffness, rationalizing that the pain was not always present. Now, there is permanent damage in the lower neck joints.

Not all is lost. Chiropractic adjustments, decompression traction, therapy, and exercise are likely to dramatically help. First, by reducing the pain suffered by the patient, and second, by slowing the degenerative process through the restoration of normal joint function. The down side, however, is that the degeneration will gradually increase with time, and at the level present in this patient, it could not be reversed.

The moral of the story is to treat the condition early. Don't wait until the damage is irreversible.

High Sugar Diet Increases Heart Risks

I remember about 15 years ago talking to a holistic nutritionist who told me that the way to lower cholesterol was to reduce sugar intake. At the time I knew that reducing fat intake often had little or no affects on cholesterol levels, but I was somewhat shocked by the connection between sugar intake and cholesterol levels in the blood. Non the less, I took his advice and began instructing patients with heart disease and high cholesterol levels to reduce their simple sugar intake.

According to this article, my old friend nutritionist was right on. Researchers at the Emory University School of Medicine and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have found a definite link between diets with high refined carbohydrate or sugar content and increased heart disease risks.

Food high in sugars or refined carbohydrates include not only sugar, but syrup, honey, juices, and other beverages, white flour, and refined foods.

Interesting enough, complex carbohydrates, like those found in vegetables, whole fruits (not juices), and whole grains has been shown to decrease cholesterol levels and thus reduce heart disease risks.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

High Fat Diet During Pregnancy Causes Breast Cancer in Decendents

According to a recent article, rats that ate a high fat diet during pregnancy cause their daughters and grand-daughters to be subject to an increased risk of contracting breast cancer. The implications are that during pregnancy, women should concentrate on a well balanced diet, complete with supplementation of vitamins and minerals. Those that eat too much fat can actually increase cancer risks for generations to come. The interesting thing to note is that the mother rat's son's daughters were at equal risk!

Now pregnant mothers, don't run out and stop eating fats completely. They are essential for the formation of many parts of the body, in particular they form protective layers around nerves and are found in high concentrations in the brain.

The best oils and fats are from deep water fish, virgin olive oil, and flax seed oil, to name a few. The important thing to remember is that YOU SHOULD NOT HEAT THESE OILS! When they are heated, they change and become oils and fats that are not healthy for you (this is easily seen by comparing the viscosity of oil when it has cooled after being used for frying to the viscosity of oil before cooking). Good oils are used as supplements or for flavor on vegetables, salads, etc.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Asthma and Vit D

There are some indications that Vit D deficiency might lead to more severe asthma and allergies. Considering the relative possible up-side of taking the vitamin verses the non-existent down side, it makes sense to try it for yourself or with your kids. A recent article said that the use of Vitamin D also appears to enhance the effects of the steroid based inhalers.

Try it, Vitamin D

Study Shows Chiropractic Beneficial

A recent review showed that chiropractic care was beneficial for the treatment of lower back pain, but said that "the review found no evidence that chiropractic works significantly better than care provided by other clinicians."(see the article "Chiropractic Treatment Offers Some Relief for Early Low Back Pain")

This is probably true, since the "care provided by other clinicians" in the study included that of "massage, heat and cold, exercise, physiotherapy, analgesics, lumbar support, spinal manipulation and education." I might have lost my mind, but other than the "analgesics"(pain medications), that sounds a lot like what I do every single day in my office. Could it be that the "other clinicians" are finally coming around to the realization that back pain is best treated non-surgically and through manipulation, massage, and therapy?

The problem with this simple review is that the author never addresses the long negative effects of the therapies involved. Lets say, for argument sake, that the pain medication is just as beneficial as chiropractic adjustments for the treatment of back pain. What about the long term effects of medication vs manipulation?

It makes since to choose what works, and what doesn't harm. Chiropractic is safe. Good chiropractors will combine manipulation with massage, therapy, education, exercise training, and wellness care. All can be safely done without the negative long and short term effects of a medication.

FDA Considers Pulling the Plug

The FDA is considering ending trials on Avandia, (see the article "FDA Mulls Killing Safety Study on Diabetic Drug") a new medication for the treatment of Diabetes. There is concern that the new drug is linked to increased heart disease in those using the drug.

I have said this for years. Every drug has the actions that are beneficial, at the expense of actions that are damaging. The positive effects are touted as lifesaving, where-as the damaging results of taking the drug are dismissed as being "side effects." That way, they don't sound so ominous.

The pharmaceutical companies are always under the gun to manufacture the new, latest, and greatest medication. It is the only way that they can survive. The medication is always touted as having wonderful life saving qualities, and the side effects are either non-existent or very minimal. The drug is tested and then released into the general public, where it finally, whether we like to hear it or not, is truly tested... on you and me.

Typically, 5-10 years after a medication is released, we begin to see the true nature of the "side effects". Kidney damage, liver damage, heart disease, immune suppression, etc etc. The medication that was the miracle of modern science only a few short years before suddenly becomes the subject of a medical scandal and the target of legal action by disgruntled patients or survivors of "victims" of the evil drug.

Who is to blame? We are! We keep ignoring the things that help us to be healthy, opting instead for the false promise of health in a bottle. We don't strive for health, but we eagerly ingest or inject medications once we inevitably become sick! True health will never be found in a bottle or vile of medication. Health is found in healthy eating, exercise, nutrition, chiropractic care, acupuncture... all when we are feeling WELL, not when we are finally feeling sick. Every day I see patients that come into me with substantial health issues, the kind that they have ignored for years. They want miracles in exchange for the decades of neglect towards their own health. Often I can give them some relief, and then, they immediately return to their own self-damaging practices and lifestyle, only to repeat the discomfort and increase their health issues.

Avandia is not the solution for diabetes. Sure, it might help some to manage the condition until its negative effects become too difficult to defend legally. But not to worry, there will be a new and improved drug on the horizon that will carry the promise of a cure without side effects.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Liz Taylor Refuses Neck Surgery

I came across this article about Liz Taylor, and how she is suffering from a lot of neck pain. The author quoted a source as saying that she doesn't want to have any more surgery, even though she "needs" surgery on her neck to relieve nerve pressure.

Perhaps she does “need the operation”, but maybe not. Who is the source? What is his/her background? Is he/she even in a health care field? How about poor Ms Taylor. Can Ms. Taylor withstand the rigors of another surgery? Are her heart and lungs in good enough shape? What are her chances of passing away while on the table? What type of spinal surgery is proposed, and what are the potential risks vs benefits of the surgery? What are the potential short and long term complications of having the surgery verses not having the surgery? It sounds like I am harping on Ms. Taylor and the “source” quoted in the article, but in fact, I am simply asking many of the questions that I ask my patients when they consider surgery. Spinal surgery is risky, could kill her, and might not relieve her pain. Surgery should never be considered lightly.

Contrary to popular belief, spinal surgery does not cure anything. It only sometimes helps the patient to manage and control symptoms. Pain is not the disease, it is the symptom. The pain is caused, most likely in Ms Taylor's case, by spinal degenerative changes. Has she tried acupuncture? How about cervical traction? Could she get some relief from massage therapy, exercises, or even gentle chiropractic work?

I trust Ms. Taylor to make the best decision for herself. I would encourage her, and anyone else considering spinal surgery, to weigh the options, and exhaust all alternatives to surgery first. Only then can a educated decision be made.

Click Here to find out more about neck pain.

Dr. Biggs

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Infertility and Omega 3 Fatty Acid

If you have a rat that is infertile, there could be a simple explanation (no ladies, I am not talking about your significant other when I say rat...)

A study at the University of Illinois has recently shown that they can cause infertility in male lab rats by restricting their Omega 3 Fatty Acid docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The infertility was reversed when DHA was re-introduced to the rats.

Omega 3 Fatty Acids serve many purposes, and are what we call some of the "essential fatty acids" which means that they cannot be produced in the body. They must come in through food sources.

Essential fatty acids are needed by by every living cell within the body. They are known to help reduce cholesterol levels, improve hair and skin health, help avoid heart conditions, help prevent arthritis, and reduce the risk of blood clot formation. The brain contains large concentrations of Essential Fatty Acids, where they assist in normal function and health of the brain.

Now, at least in rats, there is evidence that DHA is essential for normal sperm formation and motility. Without it, rats cannot reproduce.

The treatment of Infertility is a multi-million dollar business in this country. It would make sense that if you or somebody you know is trying to start a family, a simple and very inexpensive step that should be taken would be the supplementation of the diet with Omega 3 fatty acids. These are found primarily in fresh deep water fish and fish oils, canola oil, flax see oil, walnut oil, and some vegetable oils. In order for these oils to be affective, they cannot be subjected to heat either in processing or in cooking.

Monday, April 12, 2010

I Can't Say It Any Better...

John Skipper clearly defines a common problem for those of retirement age. The government doesn't know what to do with you if you are healthy. On the other hand, they will gladly treat you into the grave. Congratulations to Nora Bigger for fighting against the system, for staying healthy in spite of her government!

The government can't seem to figure out that if a person is healthy and NOT receiving costly life-saving procedures and medications, they actually cost a lot less! In one of my recent posts, for example, I talked about the cost of spinal surgery for back pain verses chiropractic care. One surgical procedure on the lower back will cost the taxpayers $30,000-$100,000! On the other hand, a person could see a chiropractor for back pain and in a lifetime would not spend that much money! (not to mention that many people have serious complications related to surgery, such as death, disability, etc, which costs the system hundreds of thousands of dollars per incident.

We are all going to age. The goal is to age in as healthy a manor as possible. We should aspire to a high QUALITY of life, for as long as possible, with a peaceful exit at the end. Who wants to be alive and miserable? NOT ME! Too often, however, modern medicine struggles to keep us alive and miserable for as long as possible. The result is a prolonged life but with a poor quality of life.

Our health care system should be focusing more time, effort and resources on improving the quality of life through PROMOTING a healthy lifestyle and Wellness practices like acupuncture, nutrition, chiropractic, etc. Less should be spent in the struggle to prolong the misery of a chemically supported life.

To some, this will sound harsh. To me, this point of view sounds very humanitarian. Even the most harsh critic, if he would look deep inside of himself, has probably said at least once, when a loved one has passed, "It was their time, they were so miserable, they have gone to a better place."

Life is precious, but there is more to life than just living.

Friday, April 9, 2010

Back Pain Options

There are a lot of choices out there when it comes to dealing with lower back pain. That is a good thing! Some people will respond to one form of treatment, and others will respond to something altogether different. The prudent practitioner expands his/her capabilities so that more people can be helped.

I recently read an article that talked about options for lower back pain. In it, the author talked about alternative treatment methods for dealing with lower back pain. She listed massage, medications, and chiropractic as potentially helpful. She should have included acupuncture as well. They also talked about implanting electrodes along the spinal chord in order to numb the area with electrical stimulation.

This is a viable option, but understand that often the electrodes don't even have to be surgically placed. Many people respond to simple TENS, or Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. A TENS unit is a simple battery powered device that is worn on the belt, with electrical wires that run to pads that are stuck to the skin over the area of pain. For about $100.00, many find this very helpful. With a TENS unit, you don't run the risk associated with surgeries, such as infection, allergic reactions, rejections, stroke, CV events, etc. EVERY SURGERY IS RISKY! And in spite of what you might think, surgery doesn't cure or correct your spinal condition, it simply helps to manage it. Lower back pain is usually caused by malfunctioning joints in the lower back, muscle tightness or spasm, and nerve irritation, possibly due to disk degeneration or bulging. No electrical current will cure these problems, though it might help to ease the pain associated with them.

Before you try ANY surgery, try everything else. Surgery is irreversible and risky, and should be your last resort for treatment of back pain.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Surgeons Ordering More Expensive and More Risky Spinal Surgeries

I have been in practice for 20 years. During that time, I have treated the elderly and the young. I have had my successes, and my failures. I am very proud of my record. I love my patients, and I care deeply about how they respond to my treatment.

I honestly believe that my medical physician colleagues are, for the most part, equally invested in their patients.

A recent JAMA article takes a close look at current trends in spinal surgical procedures ordered and performed on elderly patients with a condition known as Spinal Stenosis. The researches indicated that there are basically three kinds of surgeries performed for Spinal Stenosis. The first, called "decompression", refers to the removal of some of the bone in the spine in order to take pressure off of the spinal cord or nerve roots. According to the study, this procedure, of the three, presents the patient with the least amount of risk, and it is the least expensive at an approximate cost of $30,000.

The other two types of surgical procedures are spinal fusions. A simple fusion involves 1-2 disc levels, while a complex fusion involves more than 2 disc levels and requires a surgical approach from two angles. The fusion surgeries cost typically $60,000-$90,000 each.

Here is the scary part of this whole nasty business...

In the period of 2002-2007, the rate of spinal complex fusion procedures increased "15-fold, from 1.3-19.9 per 100,000 beneficiaries," while the rate of decompression surgeries declined. To make things worse, those that undergo complex spinal fusion surgeries experience life threatening complications more than twice as often as those that have spinal decompression surgery without fusion.

So, the more expensive and more invasive surgical procedure is on the rise, while the easier and less complicated and less expensive surgery is on the decline. Something smells... something smells bad.

An AP article was published today. According to a quote in this article, "aggressive marketing of devices used in complex fusions is likely playing a role in the increase." The article also states that "allegations of kickbacks to spine surgeons for using products and questionable financial arrangements to doctors as consultants have plagued the multibillion-dollar industry. One company, Medtronic Inc., reached a $40 million settlement with the U.S. Justice Department in a whistleblower case that included allegations the company paid doctors to use its spine surgery products. The company denied any wrongdoing."

The cost to Medicare for the three spinal surgeries combined is $1.65 billion per year. Try not to choke...

I treat many patients with spinal stenosis. It is a condition that does not get better, and gradually gets worse. I treat them with Chiropractic Adjustments ($30.00, as per Medicare), spinal traction, and simple therapies, like electrical stimulation and ultrasound. Some will respond to simple exercises (by the way, medicare will not pay for electrical stimulation, ultrasound, exercise therapy, or traction....) Although not all of them respond to my treatment, I have saved you, and me, the taxpayers, MILLIONS OF DOLLARS by preventing or eliminating, in some cases, the need for ANY spinal surgery. It is something that I am very proud of.

But the smell keeps getting worse... many of the patients that undergo spinal surgeries late in life never fully recover. They end up in nursing homes and under hospice care, where they continue to drain the coffers of Medicare.

So.... let me boil this all down to its lowest common denominator:

According to Medicare and spinal surgeons, $90,000 spinal surgeries are just fine. What makes them extra special is that they are probably not necessary most of the time, they cause more injuries than other less expensive procedures, they are more expensive (which obviously makes them of more value... right?), and they can lead to disability and dependency on the medicare system.

How about option #3? Chiropractic care: It is less expensive, has minimal or no side affects, and helps the patient to be more independent.

Please excuse my sarcasm. In reality, it ought to be enough to make us all cry... to cry out and wonder what is going on, Write your Senator and Congressmen. Ask them to expand chiropractic coverage and to include it in any health care reform legislation. It could save us all a ton of money.

Health Care Reform, Who is to Blame?

I came across a wonderful article in a magazine of my profession, Dynamic Chiropractic. In it, the author describes several of the problems related to the current health care system.

There are clearly issues on all sides of the question. Doctors have created to the problem, and so have the patients, the insurance companies, and government. The result is a run-away train on a track that ends at the sharp edge of a cliff. If something is not done, the train will without doubt reach the end of the track and crash into the abyss.

The question is, should the train be slowed, or should it be allowed to crash.
Both are painful, and hard to imagine.

If the current system were allowed to continue unchanged, a wreck is the final outcome. But out of the ashes, the health care systems would be re-born, in a new and cleansed state. All parties involved would have to make concessions, and a streamlined and new system would emerge.

If reform is instituted, perhaps the train can be slowed, but would the reform be strong and stern enough and applied in the right areas in order to flip the switch and move the train onto a totally different track, or would it simply slow the train and delay the painful unavoidable end?

I believe that the best option is strong reform that doesn't result in a government universal health system. Rules should be put in place that prevent the expensive and discriminatory practices within the industry on all sides. The insurance company officers and administrators should not be allowed to glean the financial benefits awarded the insurance companies by cutting coverages and increasing premiums. There are too many hands in the cookie jar, and I am not talking about the doctors.

There also needs to be tort reform. Doctors cannot be expected to make good, logical decisions regarding tests and examinations if they are constantly under fear of lawsuit. The practice of medicine requires judgment calls, and when the doctor is working in fear of reprisal, he/she will order questionable tests simply so that they can defend themselves in court with the argument that "they did everything that they could", even if the tests were illogical.

Reform is painful, and difficult. Part of me feels that the train wreck is the best option, even though it would likely mean the demise of my practice and others like it. But then again, the recently passed law, I believe, simply will augment the current problems by creating an even larger and heavier middle man. I hope that I am wrong. There are only so many cookies in the cookie jar.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sport Chiropractic

Sixer's guard Lou Williams has been suffering with back pain this year, and in fact has missed a few games over the past few weeks.

Now, considering the fact that the Sixer's have invested a ton of money (5 mil this season) and time in Mr Williams, I am sure that they anxious to have him healthy and are willing to provide the best of health care for him in order to get him back onto the floor. Every day that he sits out of the roster costs the organization money. Mr Williams is also a competitor, and he wants to help his team and organization out by performing his absolute best.

According to the article, of all the physicians available to treat Williams, he flies home to see his chiropractor. In fact, he has been seeing his chiropractor every day.

The treatment has been helping, and he said that he was feeling a lot better.

Chiropractic is the treatment of choice of many past and present top athletes. They feel that chiropractic helps to reduce pain, increase flexibility, endurance, and performance.

Chiropractic is also a great value. You don't need a multi million dollar contract to see one.

So, if Chiropractic is the answer for million dollar athletes, it just might be the answer for you.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Something Stinks, and its Not Acupuncture

Acupuncture continues to dominate the health care news lately... A new article on US News and World Report indicates that acupuncture might be helpful in treating patients that have lost their sense of smell after an infection. The name of the condition is post-viral olfactory dysfunction (PVOD), according to the article. The unfortunate part about this study is that it is very small, with only 15 participants. The upside is that if you are suffering from olfactory sensory loss (a loss of smell), then acupuncture could very well help you.

The first step would be to perform an accurate analysis of your "Chi" through the use of a computerized system. We use the Acugraph. The next step would be to treat acupuncture points that create balance for YOU, and acupuncture points related to the sense of smell.

The other positive thing about this approach to PVOD is that there are no side affects. The article in US News and World Report states that there is no medication approved for the treatment of PVOD. For that, we can all be thankful...

Massage can Help Low Back Pain

A recent article out of Germany states that Massage and Acupressure can help to ease lower back pain. Although this is obvious to many of us, it is worth noting when others move out of the darkness and into the light.

According to the article, "Peter Sawicki, director of the German Institute for Quality and Efficiency in Health Care, an independent scientific institute that investigates the benefits and harms of medical interventions, says research suggests that classic massage, Thai massage and acupressure can relieve lower back pain that has lasts longer than several weeks. "

He further goes on to say, however, that massage is not enough. Can anyone guess what else Mr. Sawicki claims should be included in an appropriate treatment protocol?

Peter Sawicki states that "people have better pain relief and mobility if they combine massages with exercises and stretching."

It is no doubt that massage is beneficial, and that it is even better when combined with active patient stretching and exercises. As many of you are aware, even more benefits can be achieved with massage, chiropractic adjustments, and exercise.

The moral of the story: Do you exercises and stretches! If you don't have any, check my website. Many are posted there. The key is to do them every day, just like brushing your teeth.

But exercising alone, just like massage or chiropractic care alone, isn't enough. Schedule and follow through with your chiropractic spinal adjustments. Get monthly massages.

Its what the doctor orders.