Field | Value |
System control number | 90680858 |
scn | 90680858 |
autid | x90680858 |
handle | |
Status | kat2 |
Authority type | PERSON |
Created date | Sat Jul 31 00:00:00 CEST 1993 |
Last update date | Wed Apr 01 14:39:26 CEST 2020 |
Deleted | false |
Personal name | Theophania |
Titles and other words associated with a name | keiserinne, gemalinne til Otto II, tysk-romersk keiser |
Dates associated with a name | 958-991 |
Personal name (See From Tracing) | Theophano |
Titles and other words associated with a name (See From Tracing) | Empress, consort of Otto II, Holy Roman Emperor |
Dates associated with a name (See From Tracing) | 958-991 |
Personal name (See From Tracing) | Theophanu |
Titles and other words associated with a name (See From Tracing) | Heiliges Römisches Reich, Kaiserin |
Dates associated with a name (See From Tracing) | 960-991 |
670$a | Viaf |
670$u | |