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Full text of "Explosives and their power [microform]"

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THE  great  work  of  M.  Berthelot  has  for  some  years  been  a 
mine  from  which  copious  stores  of  valuable  matter  have  been 
obtained  and  translated  into  various  languages. 

So  far,  however,  no  English  translation  or  adaptation  of  the 
book,  as  a  whole,  has  appeared. 

The  idea  of  making  such  a  translation,  or,  rather,  condensation^ 
of  M.  Berthelot's  somewhat  bulky  volumes  occurred  some  time 
ago  to  Mr.  Hake  and  myself.  Circumstances,  however,  notably 
the  appointment  of  Mr.  Hake  to  the  Inspectorship  of  Explosives 
in  the  Colony  of  Victoria,  and  a  considerable  pressure  on  my 
own  time,  prevented  our  carrying  out  this  project  in  the  way 
originally  intended.  But  Mr.  Macnab,  then  associated  with, 
and  subsequently  successor  to,  Mr.  Hake  in  his  London  business, 
has  undertaken  and  carried  out  the  larger  portion  of  the  very 
laborious  work  involved,  and  thus  it  is  really  to  his  energy 
and  kindness  that  the  work  as  it  now  appears  is  due.  M. 
Berthelot's  reputation  as  a  scientist  is  world-wide ;  his  atten- 
tion was  first  especially  drawn  to  explosives  in  the  year  1870, 
and  his  labours  have  been  continued  with  little,  if  any,  inter- 
mission to  the  present  time. 

The  great  key-note  of  the  work  now  translated  is  the  applica- 
tion of  thermo-chemistry  to  the  study  of  explosives.  Though 
not  the  first  in  this  field,  yet  M.  Berthelot  has,  in  the  extent 
and  variety  of  his  researches,  eclipsed  his  colleagues,  and  it  is 
mainly  due  to  him  that  thermo-chemistry  occupies  the  position 
which  it  now  holds  in  this  department  of  science. 

The  book  does  not  pretend  to  be  a  practical  guide  to 
manufacture,  but  is,  on  the  other  hand,  most  valuable  to  the 


manufacturer  and  practical  experimentalist  in  the  indications 
which  it  gives  of  the  properties  and.  powers  likely  to  be 
possessed  by  an  explosive  already  made,  or  by  one  in  con- 

Scores  of  useless  and  dangerous  mixtures  would  never  have 
seen  the  light  had  the  inventors  known  and  profited  by  what 
M.  Berthelot  has  told  us. 

Since  the  publication  of  M.  Berthelot's  work,  new  explosives 
have  come  prominently  on  the  scene  both  for  military  and  civil 

Perhaps  the  most  noteworthy  of  these  are  the  various  so- 
called  "  flameless  "  and  "  smokeless  "  explosives.  To  the  first 
of  these  belongs  a  group,  whose  main  constituents  are  nitrate 
of  ammonium  mixed  with  dinitrobenzol,  or  other  nitro- 
derivative  of  the  benzol  series.  Such  are  Eoburite,  Bellite, 
Securite,  and  Ammonite,  all  of  which  are  in  use  in  this  country 
for  blasting  purposes,  especially  in  fiery  mines.  To  the  second 
class  belongs  the  very  numerous  but  not  very  varied  group  of 
"  smokeless "  or  quasi-smokeless  powders.  Of  these,  one  or 
another  has  been  adopted  by  most  nations  for  military  purposes. 
They  are  divisible  into  two  distinct  classes,  viz.  those  which 
consist  of  nitrocellulose  as  their  main  constituent,  and  those 
which  have  not  only  nitrocellulose,  but  nitroglycerin  as  their 
principal  constituents. 

To  these  two  classes  they  alf  practically  belong  up  to  the 
present  time,  though  there  are  almost  innumerable  variations  in 
added  ingredients  or  details  of  manufacture.  By  far  the  oldest 
is  the  simple  nitrocellulose  powder.  Some  forms  of  it  have  been 
widely  used  for  many  years  in  the  sporting  world.  The  older 
powders,  however,  though  excellent  for  shot-guns,  failed  in  the 
uniformity  of  result  so  essential  in  a  military  arm,  and  the  diffi- 
culties have  been  but  comparatively  recently  overcome. 

The  close  attention  which  has  been  paid  of  late  years  to  the 
subject  of  explosives  has  not  been  without  its  effect  on  the 
oldest  of  them.  Gunpowder,  not  so  very  long  ago  a  somewhat 
haphazard  mixture,  has  been  made  to  take  its  place  as  an 
explosive  deserving  and  obtaining  at  least  as  much  care  in 
its  manufacture  and  treatment  as  the  so-called  "  chemical 

Picric  acid,  too,  under  various  names  and  in  various  shapes, 
has  advanced  from  the  rank  of  a  u&eful  article  of  ordinary 
commerce  to  that  of  a  powerful  destructive  agent. 


But  of  all  these  recent  advances  the  germs  may  be  found  in 
M.  Berthelot's  work,  not  necessarily  in  all  cases  originated  by 
him,  but  more  or  less  worked  out,  examined,  and  compared, 
and  having,  so  to  speak,  the  soil  prepared  for  their  subsequent 
growth.  As  previously  stated,  a  certain  amount  of  omission 
and  condensation  has  been  exercised,  for  the  original  volumes 
consist  rather  of  a  series  of  essays  than  one  connected  work, 
and  this  condensation  became,  to  avoid  repetition,  not  only 
advisable,  but  necessary.  Several  portions,  consisting  of  matter 
of  merely  historical  interest,  such  as  the  history  and  origin  of 
explosives,  and  the  history  of  methods  of  extraction  of  saltpetre 
in  France,  have  been  omitted. 

M.  Berthelot  adheres  to  the  older  chemical  notation;  this 
has  been  replaced  by  that  more  recently  introduced  and  now 
most  commonly  in  use. 

It  should  be  added  that  this  book  has  been  produced  with 
the  full  consent  of  M.  Berthelot,  who  has  also  suggested  what 
Mr.  Macnab  has  carried  out,  viz.  the  addition  of  abstracts  of 
some  of  M.  Berthelot's  essays  published  since  the  appearance 
of  the  main  work,  and  principally  relating  to  the  propagation 
of  detonation  in  explosive  gaseous  mixtures,  with  further 
studies  on  the  "  explosive  wave  "  in  solid  and  liquid  bodies. 

J.  P.  C. 




The  force  of  explosive  substances — Maximum  work — High  and  low  explosives 
— Distribution  of  energy — Mixtures  and  definite  chemical  compounds 

Page  1-4 


Products  of  explosive  decomposition — Seven  modes  of  decomposition  of 
ammonium  nitrate — Progressive  heating  or  sudden  decomposition — Dis- 
sociation modifies  the  heat  disengaged,  volume  of  gas,  diminishes 
pressure — Calculated  and  actual  temperature  and  pressure  ..  5-13 


Heat  produced  generally  positive— Calculation  of  heat  disengaged — Definition 
of  small  and  large  calorie — Potential  energy  of  an  explosive — Practical 
result  14-17 


Pressure  of  gases — Temperature — Specific  heat — Direct  measurement  of 
pressure — Crusher  guage — Theory  of  crushing  manometers — Theoretical 
calculations — Density  of  charge  and  specific  pressure — Maximum  effort — 
"  Characteristic  product "  18-34 


Duration  of  explosive  reactions — Origin  of  reactions — Sensitiveness  of  explo- 
sive substances — Molecular  rapidity  of  reactions — Increases  with  tempera- 
ture, and  with  density  of  body — Influence  of  process  of  inflammation — of 
shock  —  Combustion  and  detonation  —  Combustion  effected  by  nitric 
oxide — Decomposition  of  endothermal  combinations,  acetylene,  cyanogen, 
etc.  35-74 



Explosion  by  influence — Dynamite  detonates  neighbouring  cartridges  in 
indefinite  numbers — Explosion  transmitted  by  water — Theory  founded 
on  existence  of  the  "  explosive  "  wave — Abel's  theory  of  "  synchronous 
vibrations" — Explanation  of  these  experiments  according  to  the  two 
waves,  one  mechanical,  the  other  chemical — Chemical  stability  of 
matter  in  sonorous  vibration  ..  ..  ..  ..  Page  75-87 


Explosive  wave — Analogies  and  differences  between  this  and  the  sound  wave 
— Comparative  rapidity  of  the  two  kinds  of  wave — Experimental  arrange- 
ments— Tubes  of  lead,  glass,  caoutchouc — Tables  showing  theoretical 
and  found  velocities  of  the  wave  in  various  gaseous  mixtures — Influence 
of  initial  inflammation — Propagation  of  explosive  wave  quite  distinct  from 
ordinary  combustion  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  ..  88-113 



General  principles — General  theorems  on  reactions — Theorems  on  formation 
of  salts ;  organic  compounds — Relative  to  variation  of  heat  of  combination, 
with  the  temperature  and  pressure — Thermo-chemical  tables  ..  114-144 


Calorimetric  apparatus— Calorimetric  bomb — Heat  of  combustion  of  gases 



Heat  of  formation  of  oxygenated  compounds  of  nitrogen—  Energy  of  nitrates 
to  be  explained  on  thermo-chemical  grounds — Heat  of  formation  of  nitric 
oxide — Combustion  of  cyanogen  by  oxygen  and  nitric  oxide — Heat  of 
formation  of  nitrogen  monoxide ;  of  dissolved  and  anhydrous  nitrogen 
trioxide  and  the  nitrates ;  of  nitric  peroxide — Formation  of  nitrogen 
trioxide — Heat  disengaged  by  successive  fixation  of  equivalents  of  oxygen 
— Heat  of  formation  of  dilute,  monohydrated,  and  anhydrous  nitric  acid 
— Hyponitrous  acid  and  Irpponitrites — Character  of  nitric  oxide  160-201 


Heat  of  formation  of  the  nitrates — Combustion  of  explosive  mixtures  contain- 
ing nitrates — Gunpowder  imperfectly  utilizes  energy  of  its  components — 
Saltpetre  not  a  very  good  agent  of  combustion — Reason  for  superiority 
of  organic  compounds  derived  from  nitric  acid  ..  ..  202-206 



Origin  of  the  nitrates — Natural  nitrification — Chemical  and  thermal  conditions 
of  nitrification — Necessity  for  alkaline  media  and  oxygen — Transforma- 
tion of  free  nitrogen  into  nitrogenous  compounds — Action  of  high  and 
low  tension  electricity — 'Importance  of  atmospheric  electricity  in  fixing 
nitrogen  on  vegetable  tissues  ..  ..  ..  ..  Page  207-236 


Heat  of  formation  of  hydrogenated  compounds  of  nitrogen — Ammonia  and 
ammoniacal  salts — Volatility  of  ammonium  nitrate — Formation  of  hydro- 
oxylamine,  ethylamine,  trimethylamine,  oxamide,  formamide  ..  237-260 


Heat  of  formation  of  nitrogen  sulphide — nitrogen  selenide         ..         261-263 


Heat  of  formation  of  compounds  formed  by  the  action  of  nitric  acid  on  organic 
substances— Heat  produced  by  their  combustion  inversely  proportional 
to  heat  produced  by  union  of  the  acid  with  the  organic  principle — Nitro- 
benzene — Dinitrobenzene  —  Chloronitrobenzene  —  Nitrobenzoic  acid  — 
Picric  acid — Nitric  ether — Nitroglycerin — Nitromannite — Nitric  deriva- 
tives from  complex  alcohols — Nitrostarch— Gun-cotton  ..  264-289 


Diazo-compounds — Excess  of  energy  which  they  contain— Diazobenzene 
nitrate — Explosion— Products  of  decomposition  ..  ..  290-296 


Heat  of  formation,  decomposition,   and  combustion  of  mercury  fulminate 



Heats  of  formation  of  the  cyanogen  series— Cyanogen— Hydrocyanic  acid- 
Three  methods  adopted  for  measuring  its  heat  of  formation — Potassium 
and  ammonium  cyanides — Mercury  and  silver  cyanides — Double  cyanides 
of  mercury  and  potassium  ;  silver  and  potassium — Potassium  ferrocyanide 
— Cyanogen  chloride  and  iodide — Potassium  cyanate  ..  299-343 


Oxygenated  compounds  of  chlorine,  bromine,  and  iodine — Thermal  formation 
of  chlorates — Combustion  effected  by  potassium  chlorate  disengages  more 
heat  than  by  free  oxygen — Successive  degrees  of  oxidation  of  chlorine — 
Perchloric  acid  and  salts — Explanation  of  the  stability  of  the  dilute  acid 
and  instability  of  the  pure  acid— Bromic  and  hypobromous  acid— lodic 
acid— Comparison  of  chlorates,  bromates,  and  iodates  ..  344-363 



Metallic  oxalates— Conditions  under  which  they  are  explosive  Page  364-366 



Classification  of  explosives — Definition  of  explosives — General  list — First 
group :  explosive  gases — Second  group :  gaseous  detonating  mixtures — 
Third  group:  definite  inorganic  compounds  —  Fourth  group:  definite 
organic  compounds,  solid  or  liquid— Fifth  group :  mixtures  of  definite 
explosive  compounds  with  inert  bodies — Sixth  group :  mixtures  formed 
by  an  oxidisable  explosive  compound  and  a  non-explosive  oxidising  body 
— Seventh  group:  mixtures  with  an  explosive  oxidising  base — Eighth 
group :  mixtures  formed  by  oxidisable  and  oxidising  bodies,  neither  of 
which  are  explosive  separately  ..  ..  ..  .*  ..  367-370 


General  data  respecting  the  employment  of  a  given  explosive — Chemical 
equation — Heat  of  formation  of  bodies  involved  and  their  products 
— Specific  heats  —  Temperatures  —  Densities  —  Pressures  —  Empirical 
measures  of  force  of  explosives — Practical  questions  relative  to  employ- 
ment, handling,  manufacture,  and  storage — Tests  of  stability  371-382 


Explosive  gases  and  detonating  gaseous  mixtures — Their  maximum  work — 
Comparison  with  work  of  solid  and  liquid  explosives  —  Influence  of 
pressure  and  initial  temperature — Temperature  of  inflammation — Mixtures 
of  liquefied  gases— Gases  and  combustible  dusts  ..  ..  383-401 


Definite  non-carburetted  explosive  compounds  —  Nitrogen  sulphide  and 
chloride — Potassium  chlorate  —  Ammonium  nitrate,  perchlorate,  and 
bichromate  402-417 


Nitric  ethers— Nitro-ethylic  ether — Nitro-methylic  ether— Dinitro-glycolic 
ether— Nitroglycerin— Nitromannite 418-430 


Dynamites — Necessity  of  special  detonator— Classification — Dynamite  proper 
— Properties— Precautions  when  using— Rapidity  of  detonation— Gases 
produced— Dynamite  with  ammonium  nitrate,  and  with  nitrocellulose 
base  431-443 



Gun-cotton  and  nitrocelluloses — Their  composition — Conditions  and  tests  of 
stability — Heat  of  formation  and  of  total  combustion  and  of  decomposition 
— Variation  of  products  according  to  density  of  charge — Gun-cotton 
mixed  with  nitrates  and  chlorates  ..  +..  ..  Page  444-460 


Picric  acid  and  picrates— Potassium  picrate  mixed  with  nitrate  and  with 
chlorate 461-467 


Diazo-compounds — Mercury  fulminate  mixed  with  nitrate  and  with  chlorate 
— Diazobenzene  nitrate — Sprengel  acid  explosives — Perchloric  ethers — 
Silver  oxalate 468-476 


Powders  with  a  nitrate  base— "Reactions  between  sulphur,  carbon,  their 
oxides  and  salts — Decomposition  of  the  alkaline  sulphites  and  hypo- 
sulphites by  heat — The  charcoals  employed  in  the  manufacture  of 
powder — Total  combustion  powders — Service  powders — Products  of 
combustion — Theory  of  the  combustion  of  powder — Comparison  between 
theory  and  observation — Sporting  and  blasting  powder— Powders  with 
sodium  nitrate  and  barium  nitrate  base  ..  ..  ..  477-517 


Powders  with  chlorate  base — Dangers  of  chlorate  powders — Explanation  of 
their  easy  inflammation  and  shattering  effects— Comparison  between 
nitrate  and  chlorate  powders 518-526 


Conclusions — Summary  of  the  work  ..         ..         ..         ..         ..     527-542 


Abstracts  of  papers  by  MM.  Berthelot  and  Vieille  on  "Detonating  Gaseous 
Mixtures,"  "  The  Rapidity  of  Detonation  in  Solid  and  Liquid  Explosives," 
"The  Explosive  Wave,"  "The  Different  Modes  of  Decomposition  of 
Picric  Acid  and  Nitro  Compounds  " 543-553 

INDEX  ••          ••     555 


Page  124,  add,  w  The  large  calorie  is  the  unit  employed,  and  the  equivalents 

represent  grams." 
„      160,  line  7,  for  "these  two  substances"  read  "nitre  and  other  compounds 

containing  oxygen." 
„    288,  line  2  from  bottom}  for  "  carbon  monnade  "  read  "  carbonic  oxide." 


BOOK    I. 




THE  force  of  explosive  substances  is  expressed  by  the  pressure 
which  they  exert,  and  by  the  work  which  they  accomplish.  In 
a  confined  space,  pressure  results  in  the  simple  rending  of  the 
envelope,  without  any  subsequent  work  being  effected.  This  is 
exemplified  by  the  fracture  of  a  shell,  through  the  freezing  of 
water  contained  in  it,  or  the  splitting  of  a  rock  by  hydraulic 
wedges.  The  effect  of  an  explosive  would  be  to  disperse  the 
fragments  of  the  shell,  or  to  pulverise  or  displace  the  rock. 
This  subsequent  action  represents  the  mechanical  work  of  the 
explosive  substance. 

The  pressure  is  due  to  the  gases  evolved,  and  is  dependent  on 
their  volume  and  temperature.  The  work  done  depends  princi- 
pally on  the  amount  of  heat  disengaged,  which  is  a  measure  of 
the  energy  developed. 

In  other  words,  the  maximum  work  that  an  explosive 
substance  is  capable  of  producing,  is  proportionate  to  the 
amount  of  heat  disengaged  during  its  chemical  transformation. 

This  may  be  expressed  in  kilogrammetres  by  the  formula 
425  Q,  where  Q  is  the  number  of  units  of  heat  evolved. 

This  theoretical  limit  is  never  reached  in  practice,  but  still  a 
knowledge  of  it  is  indispensable,  as  it  is  the  only  absolute 
point  of  comparison. 

The  effective  transformation  of  this  energy  into  work, 
depends  on  the  volume  of  the  gases  evolved,  the  amount  of  heat 
generated,  and  on  the  law  of  expansion. 

A  fraction  only  of  the  energy  can  be  actually  realized  in 


practice,  in  the  form  of  useful  work,  a  considerable  amount 
being  absorbed  in  heating  the  surrounding  medium,  in  creating 
in  it  wave-motion,  and  in  various  other  ways.  For  instance,  in 
blasting  rock,  the  useful  work  consists  partly  in  shattering  the 
rock,  and  partly  in  displacing  the  shattered  masses.  The 
remaining  energy  is  absorbed  by  work,  owing  to  (1)  incomplete 
combustion,  (2)  compression  and  chemical  changes  induced  in 
the  surrounding  material  operated  on,  (3)  energy  expended  in 
the  cracking  and  heating  of  the  material  which  is  not  displaced, 
(4)  the  escape  of  gas  through  the  holes  and  fissures  caused  by 
the  explosion. 

The  calculation  of  the  distribution  of  the  energy  of  an 
explosive  between  the  mechanical  work  accomplished,  the  heating 
of  the  surrounding  medium,  and  the  vibratory  movement  com- 
municated to  the  ground  or  air,  etc.,  is  very  complicated,  and 
will  be  treated  of  in  a  later  portion  of  this  work. 

A  knowledge  of  the  special  properties  of  explosives  enables 
us  to  judge,  more  or  less,  which  particular  explosive  is  likely  to 
be  suitable  for  a  particular  class  of  work.  In  popular  language, 
they  are  divided  into  "  High "  and  "  Low,"  and  of  these  two 
classes,  Dynamite  and  Gunpowder  may  be  taken  as  the  par- 
ticular types,  but  no  hard  and  fast  line  can  be  drawn  between 

Generally  speaking,  we  mean  by  "  high  "  explosives,  those  in 
which  the  chemical  transformation  is  very  rapid,  and  which 
exert  a  crushing  or  shattering  effect;  a  comparatively  slow 
chemical  transformation  and  propelling  effect  being,  on  the 
other  hand,  characteristic  of  a  "  low  "  explosive. 

In  mercury  fulminate  we  have  an  extreme  instance  of  rapid 
chemical  transformation,  accompanied  by  intense  local  action, 
and  other  phenomena  common  to  this  class  of  explosives. 

The  more  common  "  high "  explosives  are  bodies  containing 
a  large  amount  of  oxygen,  and  possessing  a  definite  chemical 

They  are  produced  by  the  action  of  nitric  acid  on  organic 
substances  forming  nitric  ethers  (nitroglycerin,  nitromannite) 
or  nitro-substitution  compounds  (picric  acid  and  its  derivatives). 

In  consequence  of  the  intimate  contact  of  the  combustible 
and  the  oxygen  in  such  compounds,  a  more  energetic  and  rapid 
action  is  developed  on  explosion  than  that  which  would  result 
from  a  simple  mixture. 

Perchloric  ethers  and  mercury  oxycyanide  produce  analogous 
effects,  as  also  ammonium  nitrate,  bichromate  and  perchlorate 
(under  certain  conditions),  the  acid  giving  up  its  oxygen,  and 
the  ammonia  its  hydrogen. 

Formerly  the  force  of  an  explosive  was  deduced  from  the 
weight  of  available  oxygen  which  it  contained;  but  this  idea 
is  inaccurate,  for  oxygen  does  not  necessarily  enter  into  the 


composition  of  an  explosive  substance.  Take,  for  instance, 
diazobenzol  and  nitrogen  sulphide  or  chloride,  bodies  which  are 
formed  with  absorption  of  heat  from  their  elements,  and  which 
decompose  with  a  reverse  thermal  action.  * 

An  explosive  compound  may  be  employed  either  in  a  pure 
state  or  mixed  with  an  inert  substance,  as  in  the  case  of 
dynamite,  a  mixture  of  silicious  earth  and  nitroglycerin. 

The  effect  of  such  mixture  is  to  diminish  the  violence  of  the 
explosion,  and  to  give  to  it  a  propelling  or  rending  action  rather 
than  a  shattering  one. 

Or  an  explosive  compound  may  be  mixed  with  a  substance 
which  increases  the  force  of  the  explosion,  as  in  the  case  of 
nitroglycerin  mixed  with  an  active  base.  And  here  it  is  well 
to  distinguish  three  fundamental  cases,  based  on  the  relation 
between  the  oxygen  and  the  combustible  elements  in  the  ex- 
plosive body. 

This  relation  is  either  that  of  a  total  combustion,  as  in  the 
case  of  silver  oxalate,  resolvable  by  the  explosion  into  carbonic 
acid  and  metallic  silver. 

C2Ag204  =  2C02  +  Ag2. 

Or  the  oxygen  is  deficient,  which  is  the  case  in  potassium 
picrate  and  in  gun-cotton. 

Or,  on  the  contrary,  the  oxygen  is  in  excess;  which  is  the 
case  in  nitromannite  and  nitroglycerin. 

In  the  last  case  there  may  be  an  advantage  in  utilising  the 
whole  energy  of  the  explosive  body  by  adding  a  combustible 
such  as  carbon,  or  better,  nitrocotton,  an  explosive  in  itself,  in 
suitable  proportions. 

In  the  second  case,  where  there  is  a  deficiency  of  oxygen,  an 
oxidising  agent  such  as  potassium  nitrate,  may  be  added  to  the 

Mixtures,  however,  in  which  total  combustion  takes  place  are 
not  always  those  which  produce  the  greatest  effect  in  a  given 
weight  and  under  given  conditions. 

Gunpowder,  for  example,  mixed  with  a  quantity  of  nitre 
sufficient  for  complete  combustion,  develops,  weight  for  weight, 
less  gas,  and  consequently  less  pressure,  and  produces  less  effect 
than  ordinary  powder,  in  which  there  is  a  deficiency  of  oxygen. 

The  effects  which  result  from  the  substitution  of  one  salt  for 
an  equivalent  salt,  in  explosive  mixtures,  deserve  particular 
attention.  Let  us  confine  ourselves  to  the  nitrates  and  to 
a  simple  substitution  which  does  not  change  the  nature  of  the 
powder;  for  instance,  sodium  nitrate,  or  barium  nitrate,  for 
potassium  nitrate. 

The  substituted  salt,  in  equivalent  proportions,  would  hardly 
change  the  amount  of  heat  liberated  nor  the  volume  of  the 
gases  in  the  case  of  total  combustion. 


But,  supposing  even  that  in  an  incomplete  combustion,  such 
as  that  of  gunpowder,  no  change  in  the  chemical  reactions  were 
produced,  nevertheless  the  substitution  of  barium  nitrate  for 
potassium  nitrate  would  result  in  an  increase  of  the  absolute 
weight  of  the  mixtures,  and  consequently  diminished  pressure 
and  less  heat  evolved  per  kilogramme,  for  the  reason  that  the 
equivalent  of  potassium  nitrate,  KN03  being  101,  and  that  of 
barium  nitrate  130'5,  the  weight  of  the  oxidising  agent  neces- 
sary to  burn  a  given  weight  of  combustible  is  increased  one-third. 

The  equivalent  of  sodium  nitrate,  NalSTOg,  being  85,  there  will 
be  a  less  weight  of  it  required  than  of  potassium  nitrate. 

The  heat  set  free  by  this  weight,  which  supplies  an  equal 
amount  of  oxygen  to  the  combustible,  is,  moreover,  about  the  same. 

The  substitution  of  sodium  nitrate  for  potassium  nitrate  is 
therefore  advantageous  in  this  respect.  Unfortunately,  the 
hygroscopic  properties  of  sodium  nitrate  are  against  its  general 

Copper  nitrate,  Cu(N03)2,  would  doubtless  be  preferable  to  any 
other,  because  its  equivalent  is  a  little  less  than  that  of  potassium 
nitrate,  and  more  especially  as  this  salt,  in  its  equivalent  pro- 
portions, supplies  to  the  combustible  bodies  a  fifth  more  oxygen 
than  the  alkaline  nitrates,  in  consequence  of  the  total  reduction 
of  the  copper.  This  deserves  attention,  for  potassium,  sodium, 
and  barium  remain  after  the  explosion  in  the  state  of  car- 
bonates. By  reason  of  this  twofold  circumstance,  viz.  the 
lesser  equivalent  and  the  larger  proportion  of  oxygen  available, 
the  heat  developed  by  the  same  weight  of  copper  nitrate  in 
burning  the  same  combustible  is  considerably  in  excess  of  that 
produced  by  the  alkaline  salts.  Unfortunately,  copper  nitrate 
has  such  a  strong  affinity  for  water  that  it  has  hitherto  been 
found  impossible  to  obtain  it  in  the  anhydrous  form. 

Lead  nitrate,  Pb(N03)2,  and  silver  nitrate,  AgN03,  are,  on  the 
contrary,  easy  to  obtain  anhydrous,  and  offer  as  oxidising  agents 
advantages  equal,  if  not  superior,  to  those  of  copper  nitrate 
when  employed  in  equivalent  proportions. 

But  weight  for  weight  this  advantage  no  longer  exists, 
because  their  equivalents  (165*5  and  171)  are  too  high.  The 
price  of  silver  nitrate  would,  moreover,  militate  against  its 
general  adoption,  and  lead  nitrate  gives  off  very  dangerous 
fumes  in  confined  places. 

It  has  been  considered  advisable  to  enter  into  these  details 
in  order  to  show  what  a  variety  of  conditions  have  to  be 
considered  in  order  to  produce  an  explosive  applicable  to  a 
particular  class  of  work,  and  in  which  the  nature  and  proportions 
of  the  constituents  are  such  as  to  develop  the  maximum  effect. 
In  order  to  work  successfully  to  this  end  it  is  necessary  that  all 
experiments  should  be  directed  by  certain  laws  deduced  from 
chemical  and  dynamical  considerations. 



1.  THE  composition  of  the  products  of  explosion  can  be  foreseen 
whenever  the  explosive  substance  contains  enough  oxygen  to 
transform  the  elements  into  stable  compounds,  and  at  the 
highest  degree  of  oxidation,  as  in  the  case  of  nitroglycerin  and 
nitromannite.  This  limit  corresponds  also  to  the  maximum 
thermal  effect.  It  is  not  always  attained  in  practice,  especially 
by  the  mixtures  which  contain  potassium  nitrate,  on  account  of 
the  rapidity  of  the  chemical  and  mechanical  reactions  and  of 
the  cooling. 

The  explosive  decomposition  of  certain  binary  compounds, 
such  as  nitrogen  sulphide,  gives  rise  also  to  known  products. 

2.  On  the  contrary,  when  the  oxygen  does  not  suffice  for 
total   oxidation,  or  when  ternary  substances  (not   containing 
oxygen),  such   as  diazobenzol,  are    in   question,  the  products 
formed  generally  vary  with  the  conditions  of   the  explosion, 
temperature,  pressure,  expansion,  mechanical  effects,  etc.    This  is 
also  the  case  with  black  powder,  gun-cotton  and  potassium  picrate. 

Under  these  circumstances,  the  composition  of  the  products 
cannot  be  determined  beforehand,  but  must  be  ascertained  by 
special  analyses,  and  for  each  condition  of  the  reaction. 

3.  In  this  connection,  experiments  may  be  given  relative  to 
the  influence  of  the  initial  temperature  and  the  rapidity  of 
heating  on  the  mode  of  decomposition  of  bodies,  and  especially 
the  seven  different  modes  of  the  decomposition  (some  endo- 
thermal,  others   exothermal)  of  ammonium  nitrate,  a  definite 
compound,  which  leads  to  more  decisive  conclusions  than  simple 

4.  The  following  are  the  seven  different  modes  of  decomposi- 
tion which  ammonium  nitrate  undergoes. 

(a)  The  dissociation  or  partial  decomposition  of  fused  or  even 
gaseous  ammonium  nitrate  into  gaseous  nitric  acid  and  ammonia, 
which  seems  to  be  first  produced  and  at  a  low  temperature. 
It  corresponds  necessarily  with  absorption  of  heat,  namely, 


—  41,300  cal.  when  the  solid  nitrate  is  used,  and  about  —  37,000 
when  the  salt  is  fused. 

(6)  The  formation  of  nitrogen  monoxide  from  ammonium 
nitrate  at  a  higher  temperature,  and  when  the  heat  is  carefully 
regulated.  The  reaction  :  NH4N03  (solid)  =  N20  +  2H20  (gas) 
develops  +  10,200  cal.,  the  fused  salt  about  +  14,000  cal. 

If  the  salt  be  supposed  to  be  previously  decomposed  into 
gaseous  nitric  acid  and  ammonia,  and  the  action  to  have  really 
taken  place  between  these  two  compounds,  the  formation  of 
nitrogen  monoxide,  HN03  gas  +  NH3  =  N20  4-  2H20,  would 
develop  +  51,500  cal. 

(c)  When    rapidly    heated,    the    explosive    decompositions, 
properly  so  called,  of  ammonium  nitrate  take  place ;  one  of 
them  produces  nitrogen  and  oxygen. 

NH4N03  =  N2  +  0  +  2H20  (gas). 

This  reaction  develops  from  the  solid  salt  +  30,700  cal. ;  from 
the  fused  salt,  about  -f  35,000  cal. 

(d)  Nitrogen  and  nitrogen  dioxide  are  also  formed — 

2NH4N03  =  N202  +  N2  +  4H20, 

and  +  9200  cal.  are  given  off  when  the  salt  is  solid  and  about 
+  13,000  cal.  when  it  is  fused. 

(e)  Heat  is  also  liberated  when  ammonium  nitrate  gives  rise 
to  nitrogen,  water  and  nitrogen  tetroxide — 

4KE4N03  =  3N2  +  N204  +  8H20 

-f  29,500  caL  being  set  free  from  the  solid  salt,  and  +  33,500 
cal.  from  the  fused  salt. 

(/)  The  ammonium  nitrate  may  also  be  conceived  as  being 
transformed  into  nitrogen,  water  and  nitrogen  trioxide. 

3HN4N03  =  2N2  +  N203  +  6H20. 

This  reaction  liberates  +  23,300  cal.  from  the  solid  salt,  and 
about  4-  27,000  cal.  from  the  fused ;  but  never  takes  place 
alone,  as  nitrogen  trioxide  exists  only  in  the  dissociated  state  in 
presence  of  nitrogen  dioxide  and  nitrogen  tetroxide. 

(g)  Lastly,  ammonium  nitrate  can  be  resolved  into  gaseous 
nitric  acid,  nitrogen  and  aqueous  vapour  under  certain  influences 
such  as  spongy  platinum. 

5NH4N03  =  2HN03  +  4£T2  +  9H20 

yielding  +  33,400  cal.  from  the  solid  salt,  and  about  +  37,500 
cal.  from  the  fused. 

These  different  modes  of  decomposition  of  ammonium  nitrate, 
which  may  be  distinct  or  simultaneous,  or  more  exactly  the 
predominance  of  any  one  of  them,  depend  on  their  relative 
rapidity  and  on  the  temperature  at  which  decomposition  is  pro- 
duced. This  temperature  is  not  fixed,  but  is  itself  subordinate 
to  the  rapidity  of  heating.  It  has  been  established  by  a  great 


number  of  observations,  that  each  mode  of  decomposition  of  a 
given  substance  commences  at  a  certain  temperature,  and  in 
a  given  time  a  limited  weight  of  substance  is  decomposed. 

Special  stress  is  laid  upon  the  singular  property  which 
ammonium  nitrate  possesses  of  undergoing  several  distinct 
modes  of  decomposition,  according  to  the  rapidity  of  heating 
and  the  temperature  to  which  the  substance  is  raised.  Of  these 
decompositions,  some  take  place  with  liberation  of  heat,  others 
with  absorption  of  heat. 

5.  A  similar  property  is  possessed  by  most  bodies  which  liberate 
heat  during  decomposition,  and  especially  by  explosive  bodies, 
properly  so  called.     It  is  particularly  manifested  in  proportion 
to  the  difference  of  the  local  conditions  developed  by  progressive 
heating  in  a  mass  which  is  not  instantaneously  decomposed. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  sudden  explosion  of  detonating  sub- 
stances, when  they  consist  of  a  definite  compound  such  as  gun- 
cotton,  nitroglycerin,  mercury  fulminate,  etc.,  and  when  the 
explosion  is  readily  brought  about,  the  reaction  being  uniformly 
distributed  throughout  the  entire  mass,  appears  likely,  generally 
speaking,  to  give  rise  to  simple  and  stable  products.  The 
extreme  conditions  of  temperature  and  molecular  vibration 
which  accompany  the  phenomena  hardly  allow  of  its  being 
otherwise  in  a  molecularly  homogeneous  mass. 

This  is,  in  fact,  what  has  been  verified  during  the  explosion 
of  gun-cotton,  as  studied  by  Sarrau  and  Vieille. 

If  previous  observers  have  noticed  more  complicated  decom- 
positions, it  is  because  the  conditions  have  been  such  that 
the  mass  underwent  partial  coolings,  and  was  decomposed  at 
certain  points  by  distillation  rather  than  by  true  explosion. 

From  researches  made  in  conjunction  with  Vieille  on  the 
explosion  of  mercury  fulminate,  it  has  been  established  that  this 
substance  is  also  decomposed  in  the  most  simple  manner  into 
carbonic  oxide,  nitrogen,  and  mercury.  With  gunpowder  the 
diversity  of  local  conditions  of  combustion  cannot,  under  any 
circumstances,  be  avoided,  because  a  mechanical  mixture  of 
three  pulverised  bodies  can  never  attain  the  same  degree  of 
homogeneousness  as  a  true  chemical  combination. 

6.  However,  each  of  the  products  of  the  explosion  is  none  the 
less  formed  according  to  a  regular  law";  all  result,  in  short  from 
a  small  number  of  definite  transformations  occurring  at  various 
points  of  the  mixture,  and  the  diversity  of  which  is  the  conse- 
quence of  the  variety  of  the  local  conditions. 

If  the  products  remained  in  contact  for  a  sufficient  time,  they 
would  undergo  reciprocal  actions,  which  would  bring  them  to 
the  state  corresponding  to  the  maximum  heat  liberated  (at  the 
temperature  and  under  the  same  conditions  of  the  experiment) ; 
but  the  sudden  cooling  which  they  experience  prevents  this 
state  from  being  realised. 


The  mode  of  expansion,  the  nature  of  the  work  accomplished, 
and  the  more  or  less  complete  transformation  of  the  heat  into 
work  at  the  moment  of  explosion  must  necessarily  play  an 
important  part  in  this  connection. 

This  diversity  in  the  products  helps  to  explain  the  very  varied 
effects  which  the  explosion  of  one  and  the  same  body  may 
produce,  according  to  the  method  of  inflammation. 


1.  In  order  to  have  a  clearer  idea  of  the  effects  produced  by 
explosive  substances,  it  is  necessary  to  examine  not  only  the 
products  obtained  after  cooling,  but  also  those  which  are  pro- 
duced during  the  explosion,  and  starting  from  the  moment  when 
the  system  reaches  the  maximum  temperature.  Now,  these 
first  products  are  sometimes  simpler  than  those  which  are 
observed  after  cooling ;  they  result  partly  from  the  formation  of 
a  lower  compound.  For  instance,  from  a  polysulphide  splitting 
up  into  sulphur  and  monosulphide,  and  partly  from  incomplete 
combination,  as  in  the  case  of  a  mixture  of  water  vapour  with 
its  elements,  hydrogen  and  oxygen. 

In  the  above  connection  it  is  indispensable  to  take  account  of 
the  phenomena  of  dissociation. 

The  quantities  of  heat  and  the  gaseous  volumes  under  dis- 
cussion are  calculated  at  0°  C.  and  760  mm.  This  calculation 
is  admissible  for  explosive  compounds  which  can  be  resolved 
into  their  elements,  such  as  nitrogen  sulphide,  or  for  those 
which  give  simple  and  stable  products,  such  as  mercury  fulmi- 
nate, which  can  be  completely  decomposed  into  mercury, 
nitrogen  and  carbonic  acid.  But  it  is  inadmissible  when  car- 
bonic acid,  water  vapour,  potassium  polysulphide,  sulphate, 
or  carbonate,  etc.,  are  formed.  In  these  cases  the  compounds 
probably  do  not  exist  as  such.  At  the  high  temperature  developed 
during  the  reaction  they  are,  no  doubt,  replaced  either  wholly 
or  in  part  by  simple  combinations,  perhaps  even  by  their 
elements.  Consequently  the  quantity  of  heat  corresponding  to 
the  real  reactions  is  less  than  the  quantity  measured  or  calcu- 
lated from  the  products  observed  after  cooling,  and  lowers  the 
maximum  temperature,  as  well  as  the  corresponding  pressure. 
This  last  point  is  worthy  of  closer  examination. 

2.  The  pressure  of  a  gaseous  system  is  always  diminished  by 
the  fact  of  dissociation. 

At  first  sight,  this  would  seem  to  be  a  paradox,  as  dissocia- 
tion has  the  effect  of  increasing  the  volume  of  gases  reduced  to 
0°  and  760  mm.,  when  there  has  been  condensation  in  the  act 
of  combination,  as  in  the  formation  of  water  vapour  or  carbonic 
acid.  But,  on  closer  examination,  it  will  be  found  that  in  all 
known  cases  of  combination  accompanied  by  condensation,  the 


heat  developed  by  the  reaction  is  such  that  it  increases  the 
gaseous  volume  if  the  reaction  take  place  under  constant 
pressure,  it  consequently  increases  the  pressure  if  kept  at 
constant  volume.  The  effects  are  such  that  the  heat  liberated 
increases  the  gaseous  volume  in  a  proportion  greater  than  the 
condensation,  the  latter  being  calculated  upon  the  hypothesis  of 
a  total  combination  effected  at  the  initial  temperature  of  the 
system.  In  other  words,  the  pressure  of  a  gaseous  system 
cannot  diminish,  generally  speaking,  through  the  fact  of  an 
exothermal  reaction,  when  it  takes  place  at  constant  volume,  and 
gives  rise  only  to  gaseous  products. 

But  dissociation  being  an  endothermal  reaction  the  increase  of 
gaseous  volume  due  to  that  action  is  more  than  counterbalanced 
by  the  diminution  of  volume  due  to  the  absorption  of  heat,  and 
consequently  the  pressure  can  never  be  increased  by  dissociation. 

3.  Let  us  calculate  these  changes. 

The  pressure  depends  on  the  temperature  developed,  and  on 
the  state  of  condensation  of  the  products.  Let  t  be  the  tempe- 
rature developed  by  the  real  reaction,  taking  place  at  a  constant 
volume,  and  supposing  the  whole  of  the  heat  liberated  to  have 
been  employed  in  heating  the  products.  Let  V  be  the  sum  of 
the  volumes  of  the  gaseous  bodies  which  form  part  of  the  initial 
system,  supposing  them  reduced  to  0°  and  760  mm. 

At  the  temperature  t  the  final  system  contains  a  certain 
number  of  gaseous  bodies.  Further,  let  Vx  be  the  reduced 
volume  which  these  bodies  would  occupy  if  they  could  be 
brought  without  change  of  state  to  0°  and  760  mm. 

V       1 

The  ratio  of  the  reduced  volumes  ^  =—  expresses  the  con- 

V          rC 

densation  produced  by  the  reaction.  It  is  applicable  to  every 
pressure  and  temperature  according  to  the  ordinary  laws. 

An  arithmetical  value  can  easily  be  found  for  this  ratio  for 
every  chemical  reaction  of  which  the  formulae  are  related  to  the 
molecular  volumes.  For  example — 

1       2 
H2  4-  0  =  H20  (gaseous)  gives  -^  =  - 

i       2 
CO  +  0  =  C02  (gaseous)  gives  L  =  - 

K        o 

Now  let  us  calculate  the  pressure  developed  during  the 
reaction,  occurring  at  constant  volume  and  at  the  temperature 
t ;  the  initial  temperature  being  zero,  and  the  initial  pressure  h. 

Admitting  the  laws  of  Mariotte  and  Gay-Lussac,  the  pressure 
will  become 

h  X  \(l  +  at) 
a  being  equal  to  ^}s,  as  is  known. 


This  pressure  will  be  superior  to,  less  than,  or  equal  to,  the 
initial  pressure  according  as  1  +  at  is  greater,  less  than,  or  equal 


We  should  note  that  t  =  —  ;  Q  being  the  quantity  of  heat 


developed  in  the  reaction  and  c  the  mean  specific  heat  of  the 
products  between  zero  and  t°. 

4.  Further,  the  pressure  increases  if  the  condensation  is  nil, 
that  is  if  k  =  1  (chlorine  and  hydrogen  ;  combustion  of  cyanogen 
by  oxygen).  It  increases  especially  if  expansion  occurs,  that  is 
when  k  <  1  (combustion  of  acetylene  by  oxygen)  assuming  that 
Q  is  positive  in  every  direct  and  rapid  reaction  between  gaseous 

Now  let  Tc  >  1  this  condensation  is  always  comprised  between 
certain  limits  for  definite  gaseous  compounds,  limits  such  that 
K  =  4,  3,  2,  1  J.  Hence  the  fundamental  condition, 

1  +  a     <  £  or  Q 


a  condition  which  is  necessary  for  a  diminution  of  pressure, 
cannot  be  realised  except  in  quite  exceptional  cases,  in  which 
the  heat  disengaged  by  an  internal  reaction  is  very  slight,  and 
beyond  the  scope  of  any  observed  reactions.  We  can  assure 
ourselves  of  this  by  making  the  calculation  by  means  of  the 
specific  heats  at  constant  volume  deduced  from  specific  heat  at 
constant  pressure  which  Eegnault  has  determined  for  many 

5.  The  calculation  may  also  be  made  in  a  more  general 
manner  by  admitting  with  M.  Clausius  that  the  specific  heats 
at  constant  volume  have  an  identical  value  for  the  atomic 
weights  of  the  various  simple  bodies  ;  that  this  value  is  equal  to 
2  '4:  a  number  which  is  found  for  H  =  1,  in  fact,  that  it  does 
not  change  by  the  fact  of  combination. 

Now,  W  being  the  quantity  of  heat  disengaged  in  a  reaction 
between  gaseous  bodies  in  relation  to  the  atomic  weights,  and 
M  the  number  of  atomic  weights  which  are  engaged  in  the 
reaction,  the  pressure  will  only  diminish  if  we  have 

W  <  655M(&  -  1). 

It  is  easy  to  see  that  this  condition  is  not  fulfilled  in  the 
best  known  gaseous  combinations.  In  making  the  calculation, 
whether  by  the  aid  of  this  formula,  or  the  foregoing,  no  example 
has  been  discovered  of  diminution  of  pressure  among  the 
numerous  reactions  which  have  been  examined. 

It  should  be  noted  that  it  is  sufficient  to  make  the  calculation 
for  the  supposed  total  reaction,  the  result  being  the  same  for  the 
supposed  partial  reaction,  that  is  to  say,  in  the  case  of  dis- 
sociation. This  can  be  easily  proved,  for  the  uncombined 


portion  does  not  contribute  any  heat  and  only  operates  by  the 
difference  between  the  specific  heat  of  the  compounds  and  the 
sum  of  that  of  the  components,  a  difference  which  is  nil 
according  to  the  hypothesis  of  Clausius. 

6.  Without  carrying  this  discussion  any  further,  the  following 
general  proposition  may  be  deduced  from  it  relative  to  chemical 

When  the  heat  disengaged  in  a  reaction  taking  place  between 
gaseous  bodies,  and  with  the  exclusive  formation  of  gaseous  pro- 
ducts, is  entirely  applied  to  heating  the  products,  then  there  is 
always  increase  of  pressure,  the  volume  being  constant. 

This  proposition  has  very  important  applications  in  the  study 
of  explosive  substances ;  but,  of  course,  it  is  applicable  only  to 
gases  forming  gaseous  products,  for  it  is  evident  that  the  forma- 
tion of  a  solid  compound  from  gaseous  components  would  cause 
a  reduction  of  pressure. 

The  influence  of  dissociation  being  thus  marked  by  a  lowering 
in  the  pressure  of  the  gaseous  systems,  it  must  also  be  observed 
that  its  existence  and  effect  should  not  be  unduly  exaggerated ; 
the  latter  must  be  less  than  one  would  at  first  suppose  on 
account  of  certain  compensations. 

We  will  dwell  a  little  on  this  matter  on  account  of  its  great 

7.  The  actual  temperature  which  is  developed  in  an  explosive 
reaction  is  in  general  less  than  the  temperature  calculated  in 
accordance  with  the  specific  heats  of  the  gas,  estimated  at  about 
the  normal  pressure  and  ordinary  temperature,  since  the  specific 
heat  of  greatly  compressed  gases  is  not  constant.     In  fact,  the 
specific  heat  of  gases  formed  with  condensation  increases  with 
the  temperature,  according  to  the  facts  observed  by  Eegnault 
and  M.  E.  Wiedemann   on  gaseous  carbonic  acid   and  other 
compound  gases.     It  must  also  increase  with  the  pressure,  at 
one    and  the    same    temperature,  in  proportion    as    the    gas 
approaches  the  liquid  state,  the  specific  heat  of  a  liquid  being 
nearly  always  greater  than  that  of  the  same  body  in  its  gaseous 
form,  at  the  same  temperature.     An   equal  quantity  of  heat 
applied  to  compressed  gases,  such  as  those  which  are  produced 
in   explosive  phenomena,  will  therefore  produce  less  rise  in 
temperature  than  if  their  specific  heat  were  constant,  and  equal 
to  that  of  the  same  gases  at  the  normal  pressure,  as  is  generally 
assumed  in  these  calculations. 

Hence  a  smaller  increase  in  dissociation,  which  depends 
chiefly  on  the  temperature.  It  is  further  limited  by  another 
circumstance,  relative  to  the  pressure  developed. 

8.  Now,  the  actual  pressure  is  not  so  much  diminished  as 
one  might  judge  from  a  calculation  founded  on  the  ordinary 
laws  of  gases,  and  on  the  lowering  of  the  theoretical  temperature. 
The  laws  of  Mariotte  and  of  Gay-Lussac  are  hardly  applicable 


in  the  case  of  such  enormous  pressures  as  those  observed  in  the 
combustion  of  powder.  With  greatly  compressed  gases  the 
pressure  varies  with  the  temperature  much  more  rapidly  than 
would  follow  from  these  laws ;  it  approaches  the  rate  observed 
by  physicists  in  the  study  of  vapours.  For  a  given  temperature 
the  pressure  is  therefore  generally  higher  than  that  which  would 
be  given  by  calculating  according  to  the  ordinary  laws  of  gases. 
This  tends  to  compensate  in  the  calculation  of  pressures  the 
contrary  influences  exercised  by  the  variation  in  the  specific 

Now,  the  phenomena  of  dissociation  depend  on  the  pressure, 
as  well  as  on  the  temperature.  The  state  of  combination  of 
elements,  all  things  else  being  equal,  is  higher  as  the  pressure 
is  greater — a  relation  which  is  easily  conceived  a  priori,  and 
which  is  confirmed  by  experiments  relative  to  the  decomposition 
of  acetylene  into  carbon  and  hydrogen  at  different  pressures  by 
the  electric  spark.1  But  the  pressures  increase  with  the  tempe- 
ratures, and  even  much  more  rapidly,  as  has  just  been  stated ; 
the  decomposing  influence  of  the  temperature  can  therefore  be 
compensated,  either  wholly  or  in  part,  by  the  opposite  influence 
of  pressure. 

9.  The  inverse  action  of  these  two   classes  of  phenomena 
remains  such  that   a  substance  undergoing  transformation  at 
constant  volume  without  loss  of  heat,  will  tend  towards  a 
certain  limiting  state ;  the  transformation  of  the  first  portions 
will  at  first  raise  the  temperature  and  pressure  to  the  point  at 
which  dissociation  will  limit  the  phenomenon.     This  is  also  a 
theoretical  maximum,  since  the  mass  is  continually  cooled  by 
radiation  and  conduction.     But  the  greater  the  mass  operated 
upon,  the  nearer  will  this  result  be  approached. 

10.  The  phenomena  of  dissociation  do  not  only  exert  their 
influence  on  the  maximum  effort  which  the  explosive  substance 
can  develop,  but  they  also  come  into  play  during  the  first  period 
of  expansion.     In   proportion   as   the   gases   of  the  explosive 
expand  in  acting  on  the  projectile,  they  cool,  in  consequence  of 
which  the  elements  enter  into  combination  in  a  more  complete 
manner  and  with  the  formation  of  more  complicated  compounds. 
From  this  there  results  a  new  disengagement  of  heat  which 
increases  without   ceasing  during   the  whole   of  a   period   of 

Therefore,  in  general,  the  transformation  effected  in  the  bore 
of  a  cannon  cannot  be  regarded  as  adiabatic.  The  temperature 
of  the  gases  will  not  be  lowered  by  a  quantity  any  way  pro- 
portionate to  the  exterior  work  done,  even  independently  of  the 
losses  of  heat  due  to  exterior  causes  of  cooling;  seeing  that 
restoration  of  heat  takes  place  through  the  chemical  reaction, 
during  a  considerable  period. 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4e  se'rie,  torn,  xviii.  p.  196.    1869. 


11.  The  true  pressures  will  therefore  always  be  greater,  except 
at  the  commencement,  than  those  calculated  from  the  quantity 
of    heat    actually   disengaged   at   the    moment  of    maximum 

On  the  other  hand  they  will  be  at  first  less  than  the  pressure 
calculated  from  the  quantity  of  heat  observed  in  the  calorimeter 
at  the  ordinary  temperature.  But  this  latter  difference 
diminishes,  and  finally  disappears  altogether  in  proportion  as 
the  volume  increases,  the  reactions  becoming  more  complete. 
The  curve  of  the  true  pressures,  expressed  as  a  function  of  the 
volumes,  is  at  first  more  drawn  out  than  the  curve  of  the 
theoretical  pressures  with  which  it  finally  coincides,  when 
the  state  of  combination  of  the  elements  has  become  the  same 
as  at  the  ordinary  temperature. 

12.  To  sum  up,  the  quantity  of  heat  and  consequently  the 
maximum  work  which  explosive  substances  can  develop  while 
burning  in  a  constant  volume,  may  be  calculated  independently 
of  the  phenomena  of  dissociation,  provided  the  final  state  of 
combination  of  the  elements  be  exactly  defined. 

Thus  the  knowledge  of  the  initial  composition,  and  that  of 
the  products  determine  the  potential  energy,  whilst  pressure  and 
expansion  are  subordinates  to  dissociation. 



1.  THE  total  quantity  of  heat  disengaged  during  an  explosive 
reaction,  can  be  experimentally  measured  in  a  calorimeter. 
The  apparatus  employed  for  this  purpose  will  be  described 
further  on.  The  quantity  of  heat  is  generally  positive.  There  are, 
however,  certain  reactions,  such  as  that  of  tartaric  acid  on  sodium 
bicarbonate,  which  develop  gas  and  at  the  same  time  produce 
cold.  The  explosion  of  the  containing  vessel  might  thus 
coincide  with  the  latter  phenomena.  It  would  be  the  same 
with  the  explosion  of  a  vessel  containing  a  compressed  gas.  But 
these  are  exceptional  cases,  and  outside  of  the  ordinary  applica- 
tions of  explosives. 

2.  The  heat  developed  can  be  calculated  after  deducting  the 
mechanical  effects,  when  the  products  of  the  explosive  reaction 
are  exactly  known,  and  when  the  heat  of  formation  of  the  original 
substances,  as  well  as  of  the  products,  from  the  elements  is  also 
known.     It  is  only  necessary  to  deduct  the  former  quantity  of 
heat  from  the  latter  to  obtain  the  heat  developed  daring  the 

3.  The  calculations  are  made  from  the  thermo-chemical  data 
contained  in  the  tables  (pp.  125-144).      These  tables  are  taken 
from  the  author's  "  Essai  de  Mecanique  Chimique." 

4.  The  quantity  of  heat  necessary  to  raise  1  grm.  of  water 
from  0°  to  1°  is  generally  called  a  calorie.     This  unit  is  every- 
where employed  to  represent  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  trans- 
formation of  1  grm.  of  matter. 

But  the  magnitude  of  the  quantities  of  heat  disengaged  when 
chemical  reactions  are  referred  to  the  equivalent  weights 
(expressed  in  grms.)  has  rendered  necessary  the  use  of  a  unit 
a  thousand  times  greater ;  this  is  the  large  Calorie,  the  quantity 
of  heat  necessary  to  raise  1  kgm.  of  water  from  0°  to  1°. 

5.  To  find,  for  example,  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  detonation 
of  nitroglycerin,  under  constant  pressure,  in  the  open  air, 

2(C3H5N309)  =  6C02  +  5H20  liquid  +  3N2  +  0. 
According  to  the  tables,  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  union  of 


the  elements  of  nitroglycerin,  C3  +  H5  +  N3  +  09  =  C3H5  (N03)3 
liquid,  amounts  to  +  98'0  Cal. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  formation  of  the  products — 

3(0  +  02)  =  3C02  disengages     +     94  x  3  =  282 

i[5(H2  +  0)  =  5H20]    „  +34-5x5  =  172-5 

Total 454-5 

The  heat  disengaged  by  the  explosion  will  therefore  be 
+  454-5  -  98-0  =  +  356-5  Cal. 

This  is  the  heat  set  free  by  the  decomposition  of  one  equivalent 
of  nitroglycerin  under  atmospheric  pressure  about  the  tempera- 
ture of  15°. 

6.  If  the  decomposition  take  place  in  a  closed  vessel,  under 
constant  volume,  rather  more  heat  will  be  set  free;  because 
the  gases  developed  by  the  nitroglycerin  in  the  open  air,  effect 
a  certain  amount  of  work  in  driving  back  the  atmosphere,  and 
this  work  consumes  a  corresponding  amount  of  heat. 

The  excess  of  heat  resulting  from  an  explosion  in  a  closed 
vessel  may  be  calculated  by  the  aid  of  the  following  formula : 

(1)     Qtr  =  Qtp  +  (N'  -  N)0-54  +  0'002£. 

Q,tp  expresses  the  heat  disengaged  at  constant  pressure,  Qtr  the 
heat  disengaged  at  constant  volume,  t  the  surrounding  tempera- 

N  and  N'  are  defined  as  follows : — Let  I  be  the  number  of 
litres  occupied  by  the  original  gas  in  the  closed  vessel  in  which 
the  explosion  has  taken  place,  the  gases  assumed  to  be  reduced 
to  0°  and  760  mm.,  and  I'  the  number  of  litres  occupied  by  the 
gases  after  explosion,  reduced  to  0°  and  760  mm.  Eeplace  I  by 
the  expression  22*32N,  and  I'  by  22-32N',  in  order  to  compare 
the  volume  of  the  gases  with  that  occupied  by  2  grms.  of 
hydrogen  H2,  taken  as  unity,  namely  22*32  litres. 

The  formula  (1)  establishes  a  general  relation  between  the 
heat  of  the  reactions  taking  place  at  constant  pressure  and 
those  in  constant  volume.  The  author  has  demonstrated  this  in 
his  "  Essai  de  Mecanique  Chimique,"  torn.  i.  p.  44. 

Let  this  formula  be  applied  to  the  decomposition  of  nitro- 
glycerin, this  substance  being  taken  at  15°.     In  this  case  we 
may  put  N  =  0. 

N,  =  3X4  +  5X2  +  3X2  +  1  =  29  =  ^ 

4  4 

Qfir  =  typ  +  7-25  X  0-54  +  7'25  X  0*002  X  15  =  Qtp  + 
4-13  =  360-6  Cal. 

This  quantity  applies  to  the  weight  represented  by  the  formula 
C3H5(N03)3,  namely  227  grms.  One  grm.  will  therefore  give 
1590  small  calories. 


This  figure  is  deduced  from  the  heat  of  formation  of  water, 
carbonic  acid  and  nitroglycerin,  the  latter  being  taken  from  the 
three  following  data : — the  heat  of  combustion  of  glycerin, 
which  leads  to  its  heat  of  formation ;  the  heat  of  formation  of 
nitric  acid  ;  and  lastly,  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  action  of  this 
acid  on  the  glycerin. 

Sarrau  and  Vieille  have  measured  directly  the  heat  disengaged 
by  the  explosion  of  nitroglycerin  in  a  closed  vessel,  and  have 
found  1600  cal.  for  one  grm. 

The  figures  1590  and  1600  have  thus  been  obtained  by  the 
two  inverse  methods  just  indicated,  and  they  are  as  concordant 
as  can  be  expected,  taking  into  consideration  the  small  errors 
inseparable  from  all  experiments. 

7.  It  should  be  remarked  here,  that  the  quantity  of  heat  dis- 
engaged by  an  explosive  is  only  a  fixed  quantity,  which  can  be 
calculated  beforehand,  when  the  material  undergoes  total  com- 
bustion, otherwise  the  heat  cannot  be  calculated  for  lack  of 
knowledge  of  the  products  of  combustion,  for  these  can  vary 
with  the  pressure,  the  manner   of  ignition,  and  many  other 
circumstances  (pp.  6,  7). 

Further,  when  working  with  closed  vessels,  the  oxygen  of  the 
air  contained  in  the  space  plays  a  part  when  the  combustion  is 
incomplete — its  effect  is  greater  the  smaller  the  density  of  charge. 
Thus,  in  calorimetric  experiments  it  is  advisable  to  operate  in 
an  atmosphere  of  nitrogen  when  there  is  not  total  combustion. 
The  walls  of  the  vessel,  especially  when  of  iron  or  copper,  bear 
a  part  in  the  chemical  reaction  which  has  often  been  overlooked. 
These  metals  are  oxidised  at  the  expense  of  the  air  or  of  the 
nitrates,  or  attacked  by  the  sulphur,  etc.  Hence  there  are 
subsidiary  disengagements  of  heat  which  affect  the  determina- 
tions. To  avoid  these  troubles  the  author  conducts  all  his 
determinations  in  vessels  lined  with  platinum. 

8.  In  what  has   preceded  it  has   been  supposed  that  the 
chemical  reaction  was  not  accompanied  by  any  special  mechanical 
effect.     But  in  general  the  object  of  explosions  is  to  do  certain 
work ;  the  measure  and  valuation  of  this  work  ought  to  be  made 
in   each   particular   case.      Hence  result  most  important  but 
complicated  calculations  for  the  theory  of  firearms,  in  which  the 
expansion  of  the  gases  plays  an  important  part.     Details  of 
these  will  be  found  in  the  memoirs  of  Sarrau,  De  Saint  Eobert, 
Noble  and  Abel,  Sebert  and  Hugoniot,  and  other   authorities 
who  have  devoted  special  attention  to  ballistics. 

9.  Without  any  theory  the  sum  of  this  work  might  be  arrived 
at  by  an  inverse  process,  namely,  by  effecting  the  explosive 
reaction  in  a  calorimeter,  and  measuring  the  heat  disengaged  at 
the  instant  in  which  the  work  is  accomplished.     The  difference 
between  the  quantity  of  heat  disengaged  in  a  reaction  effected 
without    mechanical    effects,    and    the    same    reaction    with 


mechanical  effects,  measures  the  heat  consumed  by  these 
mechanical  effects.  But  it  is  not  easy  to  carry  out  exact  calori- 
metric  experiments  under  these  conditions. 

10.  However,  the  heat  disengaged  measures  the  maximum 
work  which  the  explosive  can  accomplish  acting  under  atmo- 
spheric pressure.  It  suffices  to  multiply  this  quantity  of  heat 
by  425,  the  mechanical  equivalent  of  it  to  express  this  work  in 
kilogrammetres.  This  is  the  value  of  its  potential  energy. 

The  potential  energy  of  an  explosive  must  not  be  confounded, 
as  has  sometimes  been  done,  with  the  heat  of  combustion  of  a 
substance  combustible  by  air  or  oxygen ;  for  example,  in  com- 
paring what  has  been  called  the  potential  of  coal  with  the 
potential  of  .powder.  For  the  energy  of  the  powder  is  contained 
entirely  in  itself,  while  the  energy  of  coal  in  combustion  resides 
not  in  the  inflammable  body  alone,  but  in  a  system  composed 
of  this  body  and  the  air  necessary  to  bum  it.  Even  in  the  case 
of  an  explosive  the  total  heat  disengaged  at  the  ordinary  tem- 
perature is  not  in  general  that  which  regulates  the  pressure 
developed  at  the  moment  of  explosion.  This  latter  quantity  of 
heat  corresponds  solely  to  the  formation  of  compounds  actually 
existing  at  the  temperature  and  in  the  conditions  of  the 
explosion ;  that  is  to  say,  it  is  subordinate  to  dissociation.  For 
example,  if  at  the  temperature  of  explosion  the  carbonic  acid  is 
dissociated  to  the  extent  of  one-third  into  carbonic  oxide  and 
oxygen,  it  would  be  necessary  to  deduct  from  the  heat  trans- 
formable into  work,  the  heat  corresponding  to  the  metamor- 
phosis of  this  third  consisting  of  carbonic  oxide. 

11.  From  what  has  been  said  it  will  be  seen  that  it  is  very 
interesting  to  compare  the  potential  of  an  explosive  with  the 
work  which  the  gases  developed  by  its  explosion  could  accom- 
plish in  the  ease  of  an  indefinite  expansion.  This  point  has 
hitherto  only  been  experimentally  studied  in  the  case  of  powder ; 
the  discussion  of  the  results  observed  would  lead  to  questions  in 
mechanics  which  are  foreign  to  the  chief  subject  of  this  book. 
It  will  only  be  added  that,  according  to  the  most  recent  experi- 
ments— those  of  Sebert  and  Hugoniot l — the  ratio  between  the 

total  and  potential  work  for  powder  would  be  ;  ',  or 

305  kgm. 

44  per  cent.  This  ratio  coincides  approximately  with  the  ratio 
in  weight  of  gaseous  products  to  the  saline  products  of  the 
explosion.  In  practice  the  limit  of  work  which  1  kgm.  of 
powder  can  effect  falls  to  90,000  kgms.,  that  is  to  say,  below 
one-third  of  its  potential  energy. 

1  "  Memorial  de  1'Artillerie  de  Marine,"  torn.  x.  p.  184.     1882. 



§  1.  VOLUME  OF  GASES. 

THE  volume  of  gases  formed  and  their  temperature  determine 
the  pressure  developed  when  the  explosive  substance  is  decom- 
posed in  a  constant  volume.  M.  Berthelot  proceeds  to  show 
how  these  various  data  are  obtained,  and  gives  the  usual 
formulae  found  in  text-books. 


1.  The  temperature  developed  by  an  explosive  substance 
can  be  directly  measured,  in  principle  at  least.     But,   as  a 
matter  of  fact,  this  measurement,  which  is  exclusively  that 
of  very  high  temperatures,  presents  extreme  difficulties,  and 
there  is  hardly  any  known  case  in  which  they  have  been  com- 
pletely surmounted.     All  that  is  known  is,  that  the  explosion 
of  powder  develops  a  temperature  higher  than  that  required  for 
the  fusion  of  platinum,  that  is  to  say,  than  1775°. 

2.  The  theoretical  calculation  of  the  temperature  can  be  per- 
formed in  the  following  manner. 

The  temperature,  T,  developed  in  any  reaction,  such  as  an 
explosion,  is  calculated  by  dividing  the  quantity  of  heat  dis- 
engaged, Q,  by  the  mean  specific  heat  of  the  products,  c,  esti- 
mated between  T  and  the  surrounding  temperature. 

This  expression  is  exact,  provided  the  true  specific  heat  be 
introduced  into  it,  as  well  as  the  quantity  of  heat  corresponding 
to  the  formation  of  the  products  which  really  exist  at  the 
temperature  and  under  the  conditions  of  the  explosion. 

3.  Theory  further  shows  that  the  heat  disengaged,  and,  conse- 
quently, the  temperature  produced,  are  independent  of  the  size 


of  the  receptacle  in  which  the  operation  has  taken  place,  when- 
ever the  chemical  reaction  remains  the  same. 

Hence  it  is  also  the  same  with  the  ratio  between  the  initial 
pressure  and  the  developed  pressure  at  constant  volume.  This 
is,  in  fact,  what  follows  from  Joule's  law,  provided  that  such  a 
law  apply  to  gases  so  highly  compressed  as  those  with  which 
we  are  concerned. 

4.  We  will  now  examine  to  what  degree  these  various  theo- 
retical data  are  really  known. 

On  the  one  hand,  the  products  which  exist  at  the  maximum 
temperature,  and  under  the  conditions  of  the  explosion,  are  not 
necessarily  identical  with  those  which  are  found  after  cooling. 
At  this  high  temperature,  the  component  elements  can  be  only 
partially  combined,  or  transformed  into  simpler  compounds. 
Therefore  the  heat  disengaged  at  the  moment  of  the  explosion 
will  be  diminished.  On  the  other  hand,  the  state  of  combina- 
tion is  the  more  advanced,  and  the  dissociation  less,  as  the 
pressure  developed  is  more  considerable.  In  general,  the 
maximum  temperature  appears  to  be  very  much  below  the 


1.  The  specific  heat  of  gases,  which  is  the  base  of  all  these 
calculations,  requires  to  be  defined.     For  the  sake  of  greater 
simplicity,  the  specific  heat  really  observable,  at  the  ordinary 
temperature,  in  products  obtained  after  cooling,  is  adopted,  this 
specific  heat  being  taken  at  constant  volume,  if  the  reaction 
take  place  in  a  closed  receptacle ;  or  at  constant  pressure,  if  we 
operate   at  atmospheric  pressure.     The  table  of  these  specific 
heats  will  be  given  on  pp.  141-143. 

2.  However,  these  suppositions  are  not  accurate.     The  specific 
heat  taken  at  the  ordinary  temperature,  T,  does  not  remain  con- 
stant at  higher  temperatures  for  compound  bodies,  whatever  be 
their  state ;  it  is  not  even  so  for  simple  bodies  in  the  liquid  or 
solid  state.     In  reality  the  greater  number  of  these   specific 
heats  increase  rapidly  with  the  temperature.     More  especially, 
the  specific  heat  of  gases  compressed  to  several  thousand  atmo- 
spheres, such  as  results  from  the  explosion  of  powder  or  nitro- 
glycerin,  is  unknown,  and  it  doubtless  varies  extremely  with  the 
temperature  and  pressure.     Its  variations  should  be  similar  to 
those  of  liquids,  from  which  the  state  of  gases  so  compressed  is 
not  very  remote.     Now,  the  specific  heat  of  certain  liquids,  such 
as  alcohol,  can  be  doubled  between  limits  of  temperature  so 
little  separated  as  0°  and  150°,  according  to  the  experiments  of 
Eegnault,1  and  those  of  Him.2    This  is  therefore  a  very  uncertain 

1  "  Relation  des  experiences,"  etc.,  torn.  ii.  p.  272.     1862. 

2  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4e  s<Srie,  torn.  x.  p.  86.     1867. 

C  2 


3.  Attempts  have  been  made  to  supplement  it  by  an  hypo- 
thesis more  arbitrary,  doubtless,  but  convenient  for  calculations. 
This  hypothesis  consists  in  regarding  all  compound  bodies  as 
possessing,  at  a  high  temperature,  a  constant  specific  heat,  inde- 
pendent of  temperature  and  pressure,  and  equal  to  that  of  the 
sum   of  their  gaseous  elements,  of  course  at  constant  volume. 
This  specific  heat  will  be  the  same,  and  equal  to  4' 8  for  every 
gaseous  element  of  a  weight  such  that  it  occupies  the  molecular 
volume  taken  as  unity. 

4.  The  sum  of  the  specific  heats  can  therefore  be  found  by 
multiplying  the  sum  of  the  molecular  volumes  concerned  in  the 
reaction  by  4*8,  and  dividing  by  the  unit  volume. 

§  4.  PRESSURE. 

The  pressure  developed  at  the  moment  of  the  explosive 
reaction  can  either  be  calculated  a  priori,  or  directly  measured. 
This  subject  will  be  divided  into  four  sections,  viz. : — 

Direct  measurements  (1st  section). 

Calculations  (2nd  section). 

Density  of  charge  and  specific  pressure  (3rd  section). 

Lastly,  the  "  characteristic  product,"  a  term  of  comparison 
wholly  deduced  from  purely  empirical  data. 

First  Section. — Direct  Measurements. 

1.  Direct  measurements  are  made  with  the  aid  of  various 
apparatus,  some  based  on  the  static,  others  on   the  dynamic 
method,  that  is,  on  the  study  of  the  law  of  the  movement 
imparted  to  a  heavy  body. 

2.  The  earliest  and  simplest  of  all  the  apparatus  is  that  of 
Eumford  (1792),  who  experimentally  ascertained   the  weight 
capable  of  keeping  in  equilibrium  the  pressure  of  powder  gases.1 
The  results  obtained  by  this  instrument  for  densities  of  charge 
comprised  between  01  and  0*3  do  not  greatly  deviate  from  the 
most  recent  figures  observed  by  Noble  and  Abel.     Above  these 
densities  Kumibrd's  figures  are  excessive. 

3.  The  Eodman  punch  (1857)  and  its  modifications,  as  well 
as  the  Uchatius  eprouvette  (1869),  are  based  on  the  size  of  an 
indent  made  on  a  copper  disc  by  a  steel  punch  fitted  to  a  piston 
acted   on   by  the  gases   of  the   explosive   substance.     In   the 
apparatus  of  Meudon,  successively  improved  by  Colonels  Mont- 
luisant  and  Keffye,  the  "  flowing "  of  a  cylindrical  mass  of  lead, 
thrust  by  the  gases  into  a  conical  channel  of  smaller  dimensions, 
is  observed. 

The  crusher  gauge  of  the  English  Commission  on  explosive 
substances,  deduces  the  pressure  from  the  crushing  of  a  copper 

1  "  Trait^  sur  la  poudre  par  Uppman  et  Meyer  traduit  et  augmente  par 
Desortiaux,"  p.  562.  1878. 



cylinder.  All  these  instruments  should  be  checked  by  com- 
parison, by  studying  the  effects  of  well-known  pressures  and 
drawing  up  corresponding  tables. 

4.  The  spring  dynamometer  of  Le  Boulenge  may  be  mentioned, 
and  the  manometric  balances  of  Marcel  Deprez  based  on 
opposite  pressures.  An  account  of  them  will  be  found  in  the 
"  Traite  sur  la  poudre  "  already  quoted  (p.  572). 

In  the  same  work  will  also  be  found  a  description  of  the 
apparatus  founded  on  the  dynamic  method,  such  as  the  experi- 
ments made  with  the  ballistic  pendulum  by  Cavalli  (1845-1860), 
and  by  Neumann  (1851),  the  use  of  Schulze's  chronographs 

Fig.  1. 

(1864),  Noble  (1872),  Noble  and  Abel  (1874),  the  use  of  the 
ballistic  pendulum  fitted  with  a  metallic  plate  to  measure 
the  effect  of  impact,  by  Ph.  Hess,  and  the  other  similar  ap- 
paratus invented  by  that  learned  Austrian  officer  (1873-1879), 
the  use  of  Captain  Eicq's  recorder  (1873),  that  of  the  Boulenge 
monograph,  of  the  accelerometer  and  accelerograph  of  Marcel 
Deprez  and  Sebert  (1873-1878),  that  of  the  velocimeter  due  to 
Sebert,  a  learned  officer  to  whom  we  owe  so  many  ingenious 
inventions,  etc.  However  noteworthy  these  instruments  may 
be,  their  description  would  carry  us  too  far,  and  it  does  not 
enter  into  the  scope  of  the  present  work. 


5.  The  "crusher"  employed  in  the  experiments  which  the 
author  made  in  common  with  M.  Vieille,  will  only  be  described. 
In  this  is  measured  the  crushing  of  a  small  cylinder  of  copper 
placed  between  a  fixed  anvil  and  the  head  of  a  piston  with  a 
base  of  known  section  which  receives  the  action  of  the  gases. 

The  eprouvette  is  of  mild  steel,  0*022  metres  in  internal 
diameter,  of  a  thickness  equal  to  the  calibre  and  of  a  capacity 
of  24*3  cms.  It  is  fitted  at  one  end  with  a  plug  containing 
the  crushing  apparatus  which  serves  for  the  measurement  of 
the  pressures,  the  other  end  is  closed  by  a  plug  carrying  the 
firing  arrangement. 

In  order  to  avoid  all  local  action  at  the  contact  with  the 
metal,  the  charge  is  suspended  in  the  centre  of  the  eprouvette 
in  the  form  of  a  cylindrical  cartridge,  of  a  shape  similar  to  the 
interior  of  the  chamber.  A  fine  iron  wire  capable  of  being 
brought  to  a  red  heat  by  electricity  traverses  the  cartridge. 

Fig.  1  shows  the  drawing  of  this  eprouvette,  frequently 
employed  in  the  investigations  of  the  Commission  des  matieres 
explosives.  It  consists  of  a  cylindrical  tube  of  mild  steel, 
A,  strengthened  externally,  according  to  Schultz's  system,  by  a 

Fig.  2.— End  view  of  the  eprouvette. 

steel  wire  0'8  mm.  in  diameter  wound  on  the  tube  at  a  tension 
of  35  kilog.  The  strengthening  covering  consists  of  fifteen  coils 
of  wire. 

The  cylinder  is  closed  at  both  ends  by  the  steel  plugs  BB', 
the  joint  between  the  plugs  and  the  tube  being  formed  by 
annular  copper  gas  checks,  cc'.  The  plugs  are  screwed  into 
two  discs  of  wrought  iron  DD',  which  latter  are  held  together 
by  six  bolts  EE'  (Fig.  2). 

The  ignition  of  the  charge  is  effected  by  the  incandescence  of 
a  metallic  wire,  stretched  between  two  supports,  W ',  one  of 


which  is  fixed  on  the  plug,  and  the  other  on  a  central  metallic 
rod,  n,  which  traverses  the  plug,  from  which  it  is  isolated  through 
the  interposition  of  a  thin  coating  of  shellac.  The  crusher,  as  is 
well  known,  was  proposed  and  applied  in  1871  in  England  by 
Captain  Noble,  in  his  researches  on  the  combustion  of  powder. 
It  is  fitted  to  the  plug,  B',  and  consists  of  a  piston,  a,  of  tempered 
steel,  easily  fitting  in  a  channel  following  the  axis  of  the  plug, 
and  of  a  cylinder  of  copper,  r,  0-008  metres  in  diameter  and 
0*013  metres  in  height,  placed  between  the  piston-head  and 
stopper  screwed  into  the  plug. 

6.  In  the  method  of  calibration  adopted  by  the  naval  artillery, 
the  cylinders  are  crushed  under  weights  acting  without  initial 
velocity,  and  the  reduced  heights  of  the  crushed  cylinders  are 
measured.     From   this,   by  interpolation,   is   derived  a  table 
establishing  empirical  relations  between  these  heights  h,  called 
remaining  heights,  and  the  corresponding  weights,  R.     Taking  IT 
to  represent  the  maximum  pressure  developed  in  an  experiment, 
and  w  the  area  of  the  base  of  the  piston,  TT  is  calculated  by  the 
ratio  TTW  =  E.     In  order  to  keep  the  pressure  within  the  limits 
of  the  testing  table,  it  is  sufficient  to  vary  the  base  of  the  piston. 

The  results  obtained  are  compared  by  introducing  into  the 
same  chamber  increasing  weights  of  the  explosive  substance. 
The  ratio  of  the  weight  of  the  explosive  to  the  internal  volume 
of  the  eprouvette,  is  termed  the  density  of  charge  (see  p.  28). 

7.  The  theory  of  crushing  manometers,  such  as  the  crusher 
above  described,  has  been  examined  in  a  most  thorough  manner 
by  Sarrau  and  Vieille.1     They  first  calibrated  the  apparatus  by 
crushing  the  cylinder  progressively  and  slowly  by  very  small 
amounts,  until  it  supported  without  permanent  deformation  a 
given  charge.     From   this  was  obtained  a  ratio   between   the 
final  charge,  called  the  force  of  calibration  (force  de  tarage),  9  and 
the  diminution  in  the  height  of  the  cylinder,  that  is,  the  corre- 
sponding crushing  E.     K0  and  K  being  constants  independent  of 
the  explosive,  0  varying  from  1000  kgms.  to  3500  kgms.,  we 

(1)     0  =  K0  +  K£ :  K0  =  541 :  K  =  535, 

the  units  being  the  millimetre  and  kilogramme. 

This  relation  being  established,  how  can  the  resulting  indica- 
tion be  applied  to  experiments  ?  Two  limiting  cases  present 
themselves : 

(a)  The  development  of  the  pressure  is  slow  enough,  and  the 
mass  of  the  crushing  piston  small  enough,  to  permit  of  the 
forces  of  inertia  being  neglected ;  in  this  case  there  is  practically 
equilibrium  between  the  pressure  developed  by  the  explosion 
and  the  resistance  of  the  cylinder.  The  maximum  pressure  is 

1  u  Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  1'Academie  des  Sciences,"  pp.  26,  130, 
et  180.  1882. 


then  equal  to  the  force   of  calibration   corresponding  to  the 
crushing  observed.     It  is  given  by  formula  (1). 

(5)  The  development  of  the  pressure  is  so  rapid  that  the 
displacement  of  the  piston  taking  place  during  the  development 
of  the  maximum  pressure  may  be  disregarded,  the  piston 
having,  besides,  a  sufficient  mass;  in  this  case  the  movement 
of  the  piston  may  be  regarded  as  effected  under  constant 
pressure  from  the  start,  and  throughout  the  whole  of  its 
duration.  The  calculation  shows  that  the  value  of  this  pressure 
is  equal  to  a  force  of  calibration  corresponding  to  half  the 

8.  In  practice,  and  for  a  given  explosive,  it  has  to  be  ascer- 
tained whether  the  instrument  works  at  one  or  other  of  these 
limits,  then  to  estimate  the  maximum  pressure  applicable  to  the 
intermediate  cases.  Hence,  it  is  necessary  to  register  the 
duration  of  the  crushing,  as  well  as  the  law  of  the  movement  of 
the  piston,  and  to  compare  the  latter  with  the  results  given  by 
calculation  for  the  movement  of  the  piston  crushing  the  cylinder 
under  the  action  of  a  force  which  would  be  a  function  of  the 
time.  Theory  shows  that  the  phenomenon  is  ruled  by  the 
ratio  existing  between  the  effective  duration,  T,  of  the  crushing 
taking  place  under  variable  pressure  and  the  duration,  r0,  of  this 
crushing  caused  by  a  constant  force  acting  on  the  piston  without 
initial  velocity. 

However,  it  is  preferable  to  substitute  for  a  correction  which 
is  always  somewhat  doubtful,  data  obtained  under  experimental 
conditions  near  one  or  other  limit.  We  will  give  some  results. 

The  authors  have  found  for  gunpowder,  that   the  crushing 

remains  the  same   when  —  varies  from  4'8  to  251,  variations 


which  depend  upon  the  degree  of  aggregation  of  the  powder 
(dust,  grain,  cake,  compressed  blocks).  We  are,  therefore,  always 
in  the  neighbourhood  of  the  first  limit  ;  that  is  to  say,  formula 
(1)  is  applicable  in  all  cases. 

The  maximum  pressure  of  powder  gases  at  the  density  of 
charge  0'70  has  thus  been  found  equal  to  3574  kgms.  per 
sq.  cm.  Powdered  potassium  picrate,  on  the  contrary,  was 
so  rapidly  decomposed  that  no  appreciable  value  could  be 
observed  for  T  (expressed  in  ten-thousandths  of  a  second). 
The  maximum  pressure  was  found  equal  to  1985  kgms.  under  a 
density  of  charge  0*30.  The  same  salt  in  compressed  blocks 
gave  a  more  appreciable  duration  of  combustion  ;  or  0*0005  sees. 
to  0*0006  sees,  and  a  less  amount  of  crushing.  It  is,  therefore, 
the  other  limit  which  must  be  applied,  and  this  has  been  ex- 
perimentally verified. 


With  powdered  gun-cotton  (density  of  charge  0'20),  r  is  also 
inappreciable,  and  the  maximum  pressure  equal  to  1985  kgms., 
the  weight  of  the  piston  having  varied  from  727  grms.  to 
42*7  grms.  Dynamite  (density  of  charge  0'30)  is  decomposed 
slower  than  gun-cotton,  but  quicker  than  black  powder;  the 
detonation  being  of  course  produced  by  the  aid  of  fulminate. 
It  therefore  supplies  an  intermediate  case,  in  which  the  dis- 
cussion of  the  measurements  is  more  delicate.  By  employing 
pistons  of  medium  weight,  and  even  light  pistons,  it  is  very 
difficult  to  attain  the  lower  limit  (1),  at  least  with  a  certainty 
comparable  to  that  of  the  experiments  relative  to  the  preceding 
substances.  On  the  other  hand,  towards  the  opposite  limit 

(2),  the  ratio  -  may  be  neglected  by  giving  the  piston  a  mass 


of  4  kgms. ;  the  crushing  was  then  nearly  double  that  obtained 
with  pistons  weighing  3 '8  grms.  and  6*9  grms.  Hence,  it  can 
be  seen  that  the  two  limiting  cases  have  been  realized  with 
dynamite,  as  also  the  intermediate  cases,  by  modifying  the  mass 
of  the  piston. 

The  maximum  pressure  for  a  piston  of  4  kgms.  has  been 
found  equal  to  2413  kgms.  per  sq.  cm.  for  the  density  of 
charge  0'30.  With  a  piston  of  mean  weight,  that  is  weighing 
only  5 9 '7  grms.,  the  density  of  charge  still  being  0'30,  dynamite 
and  picrate  give  the  same  crushing;  however,  the  maximum 
pressures  are  very  different. 

What  characterises  the  experiments  made  with  dynamite  is, 
that  the  calculation  made  for  very  light  pistons  from  formula  (1), 
and  for  very  heavy  pistons  from  formula  (2),  should  give,  and  in 
fact  does  give,  the  same  figure  for  the  value  of  the  pressure 

It  is  clear  from  the  above  with  what  precaution  the 
crushers  must  be  employed  to  measure  the  maximum  pressures 
of  explosives.  The  study  of  these  pressures  should  be  made  by 
the  new  method  of  Sarrau  and  Vieille. 

9.  It  should  here  be  remarked  that  the  measurements  thus 
obtained  correspond  only  to  a  certain  mean  of  pressures,  a  mean 
which  is  capable  of  being  considerably  exceeded  at  certain 
points.  In  reality,  the  gases  suddenly  developed  by  the 
chemical  reaction  represent  real  whirlwinds  in  which  there 
exist  jets  of  matter  under  very  different  states  of  compression, 
and  an  interior  fluctuation.  This  is  shown  by  the  mechanical 
effects  produced  by  these  gases  on  solid  substances,  and 
especially  on  metals,  which  are  hollowed  and  furrowed  in  places 
as  if  they  had  received  the  impress  of  an  extremely  hard  solid 

The  measurement  of  initial  pressures  in  cannons  likewise 
manifests  local  irregularities  and  differences,  sometimes  enor- 
mous, between  the  pressures  observed  at  the  same  instant  at 


various  points  of  the  chamber  where  the  combustion  of  the 
powder  takes  place. 

The  pressure,  then,  is  not  uniform,  and  it  may  vary  in  an 
almost  discontinuous  manner  as  well  as  the  movement  at  first 
communicated  to  the  projectile. 

Second  Section.  —  Calculations. 

In  order  to  give  a  better  idea  of  the  value  of  the  results 
calculated  by  the  ordinary  laws  of  gases,  such  as  there  are 
known  at  about  the  atmospheric  pressure  and  the  ordinary 
temperature,  we  will  give  the  experimental  measurements  made 
on  certain  explosive  bodies,  which  do  not  give  dissociable 
products  (at  least  to  an  appreciable  extent),  and  which  give  by 
their  decomposition  elementary  bodies  or  gases  formed  without 
condensation  :  for  example,  carbonic  oxide,  of  which  the  specific 
heat  is  comparable  to  that  of  the  simple  gases.  Such  are 
nitrogen  sulphide,  decomposable  into  sulphur  and  nitrogen,  and 
mercury  fulminate,  decomposable  into  mercury  and  carbonic 
oxide.  They  will  supply  us  with  types  for  calculations  of  this 

1.  Take,  for  instance,  10  grms.  of  mercury  fulminate  de- 
tonating in  a  capacity  of  50  cms.  (density  of  charge  0'2).  The 
heat  liberated  amounts  to  114,500  cal.  for  the  reaction, 

C2HgN202  =  2CO  +  N2  +  Hg  ; 

but  the  mercury  being  gaseous,  the  heat  of  vaporisation  must 
be  deducted  in  calculating  the  pressure,  say  15,400  ;  which 
reduces  the  heat  available  for  increasing  the  pressure  to 
99,100  cal. 

Taking  for  the  value  of  the  specific  heat  at  constant  volume 
of  carbonic  oxide  as  well  as  for  that  of  nitrogen  and  mercury, 
each  at  its  molecular  weight,  the  figure  4'8  (a  figure,  moreover, 
which  is  in  accordance  with  experiment  for  the  two  first  bodies), 
and  neglecting  the  deviation  which  exists  between  this  number 
and  the  specific  heat  of  liquid  mercury,  we  find  for  the  tempera- 
ture produced  — 

The  volume  of  the  permanent  gases  (nitrogen  and  carbonic 
oxide)  given  by  the  reaction  and  reduced  to  0°  and  0'760  metres 
will  be  22-32  litres  X  3. 

At  a  temperature  t  it  becomes 

22-32  X  3  X  (l  +  2^). 

To  this  should  be  added,  starting  from  360°,  and  at  the  pressure 
0760  metres,  a  volume  22*32  lit.  (l  +  ^73  j  of  mercurv  vapour. 


We  will  thus  definitely  obtain  at  the  temperature  t,  supposed 
higher  than  360°,  and  at  the  normal  pressure,  a  volume  of  gas 

equal  to  89'28  lit.  (l  +  ^~\ 

At  5161°  this  would  make  1776  litres  from  a  weight  of  ful- 
minate equal  to  284  grms.  Now,  the  capacity  in  which  the 
explosion  took  place  being  50  cms.  for  10  grms.,  would  be 
1*42  litres  for  284  grms.  Hence  the  corresponding  pressure 

would  be,  by  Mariotte's  law,  — —  =s  1251  atm,,  or  1293  kgms. 

per  sq.  cm.  The  experiment  made  with  a  crusher  gave  a 
crushing  c  of  2*4  mms.  Mercury  fulminate  belonging  to  the 
class  of  explosives  for  which  the  duration  of  the  development 
of  the  pressure  may  be  neglected  (p.  23)  compared  with  the 
duration  of  working  of  the  crushing  apparatus,  formula  (2) 

(p.  24)  should  be  applied,  that  is,  541  +  535^.     This  gives  1183 


kgms.  per  sq.  cm.  Water  between  1293  and  1183  is  hardly 

Similarly  for  the  density  of  charge  0*3  theory  deduced  from 
Mariotte's  law  gives  1939  kgms.,  and  the  crusher  1871  kgms. 

It  should  further  be  noted  that  the  value  1183  leads  to 
the  specific  pressure  5915  kgms.,  while  the  value  1871  gives 
6233  kgms.  (pressure  of  unit  weight  in  unit  volume)  ;  figures 
which  are  sufficiently  close  to  each  other  to  allow  of  the  mean 
being  taken — 6100  kgms.  in  round  numbers. 

2.  Take,  again,  nitrogen  sulphide.  This  body  has  been  ex- 
ploded in  a  closed  vessel,  and  it  has  been  found  that 

NS  ic=  N  +  S,  develops  +  32,300  cal. 

To  calculate  the  pressure  at  the  moment  of  explosion  the  heat 
absorbed  by  the  vaporization  of  the  sulphur  must  be  deducted. 
If  this  transformation  took  place  towards  448°,  it  would  absorb 
about  2600  cal.,  and  there  would  remain  +  29,700  cal.  But  .this 
figure  is  still  too  high,  the  temperature  of  the  sulphur  being  raised 
during  the  explosion  to  a  point  at  which  this  body  resumes  its  theo- 
retical gaseous  density,  instead  of  a  triple  density  which  it  has  at 
448°.  This  new  transformation  absorbs  a  considerable  quantity 
of  heat,  which  we  will  estimate  provisionally  after  the  analogy 
of  the  polymers  at  15,000  or  20,000  cal.  for  S4,  or  8000  to 
10,000  cal.  for  S2.  We  thus  arrive  at  about  24,000  cal.,  a 
figure  which  will  be  employed  in  default  of  fuller  knowledge. 
Let  us  admit  that  the  sum  of  the  specific  heats  at  constant 
volume  of  nitrogen  and  sulphur  be  equal  to  4'8  at  every 
temperature,  and  neglect  the  differences  between  the  theoretical 
specific  heat  of  sulphur  and  its  real  specific  heat,  in  the  solid 
and  liquid  states,  in  order  to  simplify  the  calculations. 


The  temperature  of  the  system  developed  by  the  explosion 
will  then  be  — 


The  volume  of  the  permanent  gases  considered  at  a  sufficiently 
high  temperature  and  at  the  normal  pressure,  being  here 


22-32  lit.  (1+-) 

at  4375°  will  be  380  litres,  this  volume  being  yielded  by  46  grins, 
of  nitrogen  sulphide. 

Such  a  weight  exploding  in  a  capacity  of  230  cms.  would 
develop  by  Mariotte's  law  a  pressure  equal  to  1652  atm.,  or 
1707  kgms.  per  sq.  cm. 

Now,  the  trial  made  with  a  crusher  at  a  density  of  charge 
0*20,  and  calculated  by  the  old  process,  gave  1703  kgms.  Here 
the  calculated  pressure  is  practically  equal  to  the  pressure  given 
by  the  crusher.  But  according  to  the  new  theory  it  would  be 
necessary  to  correct  the  latter  figure,  and  to  take  into  account 
the  uncertainty  of  the  estimation  of  the  heat  of  transformation 
of  sulphur. 

Hence  it  will  be  seen  that  direct  experiments  are  necessary. 
However,  deviations  of  quite  a  different  kind  might  have  been 

Third  Section. — Density  of  Charge  and  Specific  Pressure. 

1.  The  relation  between  the  number  of  grammes  expressing 
the  weight  of  the  explosive  substance  and  the  number  of  cubic 
centimetres   expressing  the   capacity  in  which   the   explosion 
takes  place  is  termed  density  of  charge.     Now,  if  bodies  sus- 
ceptible of  being  completely  transformed  into  gas  at  the  tempera- 
ture of  the  explosion  be  operated  upon,  Mariotte's  law  shows  that 
the  pressure  developed  should  be  proportional  to  the  density  of 
charge.     The  temperature,  moreover,  would  remain  the  same 
in  all  cases. 

2.  This  relation  may  be  regarded  as  accurate  for  very  low 
densities  of  charge  ;  the  ordinary  laws  of  gases  being  applicable 
between  these  limits.     But  it  ceases  to  be  so  for  medium  den- 
sities, starting  from  01  to  0'2,  as  might  be  expected,  owing  to 
the  inaccuracy  of  Mariotte's  and  Gay-Lussac's   laws   for  the 
corresponding  pressures. 

3.  However,  strange  to  say,  the  relation  again  tends  to  exist 
for  high  densities  of  charge,  which  are  the  most  interesting  for  us. 
This  approximate  coincidence  results,  doubtless,  from  some  com- 
pensation between  the  variation  of  the  pressures,  which  is  more 
rapid  than  Mariotte's  law  would  show,  and  the  variation  in  the 
specific  heats,  which  increase  with  the  temperature  and  pressure 


(see  p.  11),  instead  of  remaining  constant,  as  we  have  assumed 
in  our  calculations.  The  dissociation,  moreover,  must  be  nil,  or 
reduced  to  the  minimum  for  such  considerable  pressures.  This 
phenomenon  does  not  enter  into  the  question  for  nitrogen 
sulphide,  a  compound  resolvable  into  its  elements  by  explosion. 

4.  However  this  may  be,  this  relation  has  been  found  to  be 
approached  by  Sarrau  and  Vieille  in  their  researches  on  nitro- 
glycerin  and  gun-cotton,  substances  furnishing  no  solid  residue, 
and  such,  moreover,  that  the  products  of  their  explosion  are  sus- 
ceptible of  dissociation. 

5.  The  experiments  the  author  has  made  in  common  with 
M.  Vieille  on  nitrogen   sulphide,  and  on   mercury  fulminate 
under  the  conditions  where  the  explosive  substance  is  entirely 
changed  into  gas,  and,  what  is  most  essential   into  non-dis- 
sociated gases,  confirm  it  in   a  most  positive  manner.     For 
example,  mercury  fulminate  having  been  taken  with  densities 
of  charge  equal  to  0'20  and  0*30,  the  results  given   by  the 
crusher,  calculated  according  to  the  new  estimate  of  the  force  of 
calibration  (forces  de  tarage),  show  for  a  density  of  charge  equal 
to  unity  (1  grm.  in  1  cm.)  5915  kgms.  according  to  the  first  ex- 
periment ;  6233  according  to  the  second  (see  pp.  26,  27),  figures 
which  are  sufficiently  near  each  other  for  us  to  admit  the  verifi- 
cation of  the  law.     Similarly  with  nitrogen  sulphide,  for  the 
density  of  charge  0'30  we  have  found,  from  the  indication  of  the 
crusher  calculated  in  the  ordinary  way,  a  pressure  of  2441 
kgms.,  which  gives  8140  for  the  density  1.     A  second  experi- 
ment made  with  the  density  0'2,  which  reduced  to  unity  gives 
8500  kgms.,  shows  scarcely  any  deviation. 

Lastly,  for  gun-cotton,  Sarrau  and  Vieille  have  found  at 
different  densities  of  charge,  figures  fluctuating  near  a  constant 
value  of  about  10,000  kgms.,  according  to  their  new  theory. 

6.  All  these  figures  verify  the  approximate  proportion  between 
the  pressure  developed  and  the  density  of  charge.     Some  of 
these  have  been  calculated  by  means  of  the  indications  of  the 
crushers,  according  to  the  old  method  of  estimating  the  forces  of 
calibration,  and  by  simply  deducing  the  pressure  from  the  re- 
maining height  of  the  crushed  cylinder.     But  it  is  easy  to  show 
that  the  same  practical  verifications  may  be  arrived  at,  at  least 
for  high  pressures,  by  the  new  theory  of  Sarrau  and  Vieille. 
Let  us  first  suppose  the  pressure  equal  to  the  force  of  calibration. 

0  =  K0  +  KE 

in  the  case  of  explosive  substances  of  which  the  action  is  not 
too  rapid  (p.  23) ;  K0  and  K  being  constants  independent  of 
the  explosive  substance.  Hence  it  results  that  for  high  pressure 
the  pressure  tends  to  become  proportional  to  s.  The  indications 
based  on  the  force  of  calibration  calculated  on  the  old  system 
retain,  therefore,  their  signification  in  this  case,  and  it  is  the 


same  with  the  empirical  relations  which  may  be  deduced  from 
these  indications. 

Now  take  an  explosive  substance  of  which  the  action  is 
extremely  rapid  (p.  24).  In  this  case  the  pressure  is  equal  to 
a  force  of  calibration  corresponding  to  the  half  of  the  crushing, 


K0  +  —  c,  the  constants  retaining   the   same  value   as   above. 

Here  again,  for  one  and  the  same  substance,  the  high  pressures 
tend  to  become  proportional  to  the  crushing  £  ;  but  the  indica- 
tions deduced  from  the  calibration  must  be  reduced  by  half. 

7.  Thus  the  limiting  value  of  the  pressure  reduced  to  the 
unit  of  density  of  charge  appears  to  be  a  constant;  let  it  be 
called/;  then 

s  being  the  pressure  observed  for  a  density  of  charge,  A.  This 
constant  is  characteristic  for  each  explosive  substance,  and  may 
be  called  specific  pressure.  It  corresponds  to  one  of  the  defini- 
tions which  has  been  given  of  the  force  of  explosive  substances, 
viz.  the  pressure  developed  by  unit  weight  of  the  substance 
detonating  in  unit  volume, 

8.  Maximum  Effort.     It  should  be  observed,  however,  that 
the  specific  pressure   does  not  represent  the   maximum   effort 
which  an  explosive  substance  can  develop.     In  fact,  this  effort 
is  that  of  a  substance  detonating  in  a  space  entirely  filled,  that 
is,  in  a  space  equal  to  its  own  volume.     Now  the  latter  only 
corresponds  to  the  specific  pressure  for  a  body  of  which  the 
absolute  density  equals  unity.     It  will  therefore  be  less  for  a 
body  of  which  the  density  is  less  than  unity,  as  in  the  case  of 
gaseous  mixtures  and   explosive  gases,  as  well  as  of  certain 
liquids.     On  the  contrary,  it  will  be  greater  for  all  solid  ex- 
plosive substances  known  up  to  the  present. 

It  may  be  calculated,  and  in  fact,  from  the  preceding  law  it 
is  easy  to  estimate,  the  effort  of  a  substance  detonating  in  a 
completely  filled  space,  it  being  sufficient  to  multiply  the 
characteristic  number  of  the  pressures  by  the  real  density  of 
the  pure  substance.  For  instance,  the  density  of  mercury  ful- 
minate being  equal  to  4!42,  this  body  would  develop  a  pressure 
of  about  27,000  kgms.  per  sq.  cm.  by  exploding  in  its  own 
volume  :  an  enormous  figure,  and  higher  than  that  of  all  known 

9.  Up  till  now,  in  the  calculations  of  the  specific  pressure  and 
of  the  maximum  effort,  we  have  supposed  that  the  explosive 
substance  is  entirely  transformed  into  gaseous  products.     But  it 
may  happen  that  a  portion  of  the  substance  keeps  its  solid 
state,  which  is  the  case,  for  instance,  with  dynamite,  a  mixture 
of  nitroglycerin  and  silicious  earth.     The  volume  of  the  latter 



solid  matter  must  then  be  deducted  from  that  of  the  capacity  in 
which  the  explosion  occurs. 
We  can  put,  more  simply, 

$i  being  the  pressure  observed  (in  kgms.),  A  the  density  of 
charge  (ratio  between  the  number  of  grms.  representing  the 
weight  of  the  substance  and  the  number  of  cub.  cms.  repre- 
senting the  capacity),  a  the  volume  expressed  in  cub.  cms., 
of  the  solid  or  liquid  products  resulting  from  the  combustion 
of  1  grm.  of  explosive  substance,  measured  at  the  temperature 
of  the  explosion.  j 

Further,  putting  —  =  n ;  /=  s^n  -  a),  n  here  expressing  the 

ratio  of  the  capacity,  expressed  in  cub.  cms.,  to   the   weight   L 
of  the  substance  expressed  in  grms.  f 

10.  The  relation  thus  modified  has  been  verified,  at  least 
approximately  for  dynamite,  by  Sarrau  and  Yieille. 

It  also  represents  the  experiments  of  Noble  and  Abel  on 
the  explosion  of  black  powder.  In  fact,  by  supposing  a  =  0'68 
and  /  =  2193  kgms.,  the  numbers  found  by  these  authorities 
give  for  pebble  and  K.L.G.  powders, 

Pressure  per  sq.  cm. 



235  kgms. 

At  first  sight  it  appears  that  these  latter  results  tend  to 
exclude  the  hypothesis  of  the  total  vaporisation  of  the  products 
yielded  by  the  explosion  of  black  powder.  However,  the  easy 
vaporisation  of  potassium  sulphide  at  temperatures  lower  than 
1000°  tends  to  encourage  the  supposition  with  respect  to  this 
body  that  it  assumes  the  gaseous  form  at  the  temperature  of  the 
explosion  of  powder,  and  the  experiments  l  of  Bousingault  would 
also  permit  of  our  conceiving  the  gaseous  state  of  potassium 
sulphate  and  carbonate.  This  point,  therefore,  remains  reserved. 
There  is  all  the  more  reason  for  this,  as  the  co-efficient,  a,  can  be 

1  "  Annales  de  Chime  et  de  Physique,"  4'  sdrie,  torn.  xii.  p.  428. 

Density  of 



231  kg 











0-6    ... 





...     3912 






explained  equally  well  by  the  new  laws  applicable  to  the  calcu- 
lation of  pressures  in  very  highly  compressed  gases. 

Instead  of  the  above  formula,   the   following  may   be  em- 
ployed :  — 

Sl  " 

which  gives  somewhat  higher  results,  but  which  would  appear 
preferable  in  some  respects.1 

11.  In  the  calculations  in  Book  III.,  it  has  been  thought 
useful,  notwithstanding  the  previous  reservations,  to  give  the 
calculation  of  the  theoretical  pressure  according  to  the  laws  of 
Mariotte  and  Gay-Lussac.     But  care  has  been  taken  to  define 

the  result  with  reference  to  the  density  of  charge  —  ,  instead  of 


merely  taking  the  density  1. 

This  offers  the  advantage  that  the  figure  thus  defined  has 
a  physical  signification  for  low  densities  of  charge.  For  high 
densities  its  value  becomes  more  and  more  dubious.  However, 
it  can  still  be  employed  in  a  certain  number  of  comparisons,  as 
follows  from  what  has  preceded. 

12.  The  permanent  pressure  will  also  be  given,  that  is,  the 
pressure  exerted  by  the  permanent  gases,  produced  by  the  ex- 
plosion in  a  completely  closed  and  resisting  vessel,  and  reduced 
to  0°.     This  pressure  will  always  be  calculated  for  a  density  of 

charge  _.     In  fact,  it  cannot  exceed  the  tension  of  liquefaction 

of  the  gases  experimented  upon. 

Fourth  Section.  —  "  Characteristic  Product" 
1.  Another  simpler  term  of  comparison  deduced  solely  from 
experimental  data  can  be  presented  in  the  study  of  the  pressure 
developed  by   explosive   substances,   viz.   the   product  of   the 
reduced  volume  of  the  gases,  V0,  by  the  heat  liberated,  Q,  this 
product  being  divided  by  the  specific  heat,  c.     The  latter  is 
calculated  by  referring  it  to  the  weight  of  matter  capable  of 
producing  this  volume  and  quantity  of  heat. 
By  this  means  is  obtained  the  expression 

which  may  be  termed  the  "  characteristic  product." 

2.  It  is  sufficient  to  divide  it  by  the  actual  volume,  n  (ex- 
pressed in  cub.  cms.),  of  the  capacity  in  which  the  unit  weight 
of  the  explosive  substance  has  been  placed,  in  order  to  refer 

it  to  the  density  of  charge  -  : 


1  "  Memorial  de  1'Artillerie  de  Marine,"  torn.  x.  p.  187. 




3.  In  the  case  where  there  exist  along  with  the  gases  fixed 
substances,  so  that  the  unit  weight  of  the  explosive  substance 
yields  a  quantity  of  fixed  substance  occupying  a  fraction  of  a 

V  0 

cub.  cm.,  a,  it  will  be  necessary  to  replace  -2-X-  by 


(n  —  a)c 

4.  The  expression  which  has  just  been  defined  is  almost 
exactly  proportional  to  the  theoretical  pressure  for  any  two 
explosive  substances  capable  of  being  entirely  changed  into  gas 
at  the  temperature  of  the  explosion. 

Now,  for  a  given  substance,  the  theoretical  pressure  is  given 
by  the  expression 

If  the  temperatures  were  reckoned  from  the  absolute  zero  this 
expression  would  become 


that  is  to  say,  that  it  would  be  identical,  with  the  exception  of 
a  multiple,  with  the  characteristic  product. 

For  another  substance,  enclosed  in  the  same  capacity,  under 
the  same  density  of  charge  there  will  be 

an  expression  which  would  become  from  the  absolute  zero 


273^'  ' 

In  reality  action  takes  place  at  an  initial  temperature  higher 
than  the  absolute  zero;   but  it  should  be  noted  that  if  the 

quotient  ^—  represents  a  number  much  greater  than  unity, 

the  ratio  of  the  theoretical  pressures  for  two  given  substances, 
that  is 


will  be  practically  the  same  as  the  simpler  ratio, 

Vo  Q     <f 

5.  In  the  case  where  the  specific  heats  are  the  same,  or  very 
nearly  so,  which  is  that  of  powders  having  a  nitrate  as  base,  and 
a  certain  number  of  other  explosive  substances,  this  ratio 
reduces  itself  to 

6.  In  other  cases,  if  it  be  supposed  with  some  mathematicians 
that  the  specific  heat  of  a  compound  is  equal  in  theory  to  the 
sum  of  those  of  its  elements,  the  ratio  of  the  specific  heats 

c'  a' 

-  might  be  replaced  by  the  ratio  *  of  the  number  of  the  atoms, 

c  q 

that  is,  of  the  elementary  units  of  the  compound  (each  of  these 
units  being  referred  to  its  atomic  weight),  or 


But  this  formula  is  very  open  to  dispute,  owing  to  the  inac- 
curacy of  the  hypothesis  relative  to  the  specific  heats  (see  p.  19). 
On  this  point,  we  will  only  state  that  the  specific  heat  of  a 
molecule  of  potassium  sulphate  would  be  according  to  theory  l 
equal  to  24  x  7  =  16*8,  while  experiments  have  given,  even 
near  the  ordinary  temperature,  3  3  '2,  that  is,  the  double.  It 
would  be  easy  to  give  very  numerous  examples  of  the  same 
kind,  derived  from  the  study  of  solid  and  liquid  compounds. 

7.  Owing  to  these  disagreements,  it  is  preferable  to  take  for  c 
and  c'  their  experimental  values,  and  to  admit  that  their  ratio 
remains  nearly  constant,  notwithstanding  the  doubts  which  are 
connected  with  the  application  of  these  values  to  very  high 

The  ratio  of  the  characteristic  products 

therefore  only  retains  a  purely  empirical  meaning,  but  it  offers 
the  advantage  of  being  calculable  for  the  unit  weight,  from 
simply  experimental  data,  and  without  introducing  any  hypo- 
thesis relative  to  the  laws  of  gases.  It  furnishes  the  elements 
of  a  first  comparison  between  explosive  substances,  in  the  room 
of  a  more  perfect  theory. 

1  2-4  is  the  specific  heat  at  constant  volume  of  the  simple  gases. 



1.  THE  chemical  transformation  in  a  mass  which  explodes, 
arises  and  is  propagated  with  a  certain  rapidity,  the  knowledge 
of  which  is  of  primary  importance  for  theory,  as  well  as  practice. 
In  fact,  the  rapidity  with  which  the  gases  are  liberated  depends 
upon  it,  and  consequently  the  velocity  communicated  to  pro- 
jectiles, as  also  the  effects  produced  in  blasting  at  the  expense  of 
the  rocks  which  it  is  desired  to  break  up,  or  the  obstacles  to  be 
removed  in  military  engineering.  Now  the  heat  liberated  by  a 
given  reaction  may  be  almost  entirely  employed  to  heat  the 
gases  and  increase  their  pressure,  if  the  reaction  be  very  rapid ; 
while  it  is  dissipated  to  no  purpose  by  radiation  and  conduction 
if  the  reaction  be  slow. 

In  the  former  case  the  effects  may  be  very  various. 

When  an  instantaneous  decomposition  takes  place,  a  given 
quantity  of  explosive  substance  crushes  on  the  spot  the  portions 
of  rock  with  which  it  is  in  contact.  Its  energy  is  therefore 
consumed  in  a  work  almost  useless  from  the  industrial  point  of 
view,  but  which  is  sometimes  desired  in  military  engineering, 
with  a  view  to  hollowing  a  primary  chamber,  destined  to  contain 
a  larger  charge  of  explosive.  If  the  development  of  the  gases 
be  less  sudden,  though  still  extremely  rapid,  the  same  quantity 
of  explosive  may  on  the  other  hand  dislocate  the  rock  by 
producing  extended  fissures  in  it,  and  by  hurling  abruptly  aside 
the  nearest  portions  of  rock,  which  is  in  general  the  result  aimed 
at  by  miners. 

This  action  is  transformed  in  certain  cases  into  a  general 
shaking,  which  causes  the  ground  to  tremble  and  considerably 
displaces  the  centres  of  gravity  of  stones  and  other  objects,  thus 
destroying  the  stability  of  masonry  and  fortified  works. 

Lastly,  the  same  quantity  of  explosive  sometimes  reduces  its 
effects  to  elastic  displacements,  and  an  undulating  movement 

D  2 


of  the  ground,  which  are  propagated  to  a  distance  without  great 
local  destruction,  the  pressures  developed  having  been  exerted 
sufficiently  slowly  to  give  the  rock  or  wall  time  to  displace  itself 
very  slightly  "  en  masse."  In  this  case  the  explosive  substance 
will  have  produced  scarcely  any  useful  effect. 

This  question  of  the  duration  of  reactions  playing  an  essential 
part  in  all  questions  relative  to  explosive  substances,  has  led  the 
author  to  bring  together  here  the  principal  considerations  and 
experiments  to  which  it  has  given  rise,  experiments  on  which  he 
has  been  engaged  for  many  years. 

2.  The  chemical  transformation  of  the  explosive  substance 
has  therefore  to  be  defined  from  the  threefold  point  of  view  of 
its  origin,  its  duration,  and  its  propagation. 


1.  A  reaction,  once  started,  continues  by  itself,  being  propa- 
gated either  by  simple  progressive  inflammation,  or  by  almost 
instantaneous  detonation. 

2.  In  all  cases  relative  to  the  usual  explosive  substances,  to 
develop  the  reaction  requires  preliminary  work,1  a  sort  of  pre- 
paration which  is  represented  by  the  necessity  of  raising  the 
substance  to  a  certain  initial  temperature,  such  as  315°  for  black 
powder,  190°  for  mercury  fulminate,  etc.     Indeed,  if  it  were 
otherwise,  no  explosive  substance  could  be  prepared  beforehand 
and  stored  in  a  magazine. 

But  to  what  point  are  these  notions  applicable  to  the  cases  in 
which  the  reaction  results  from  a  shock,  a  sudden  pressure,  or 
any  mechanical  influence  ? 

3.  The  author  is  of  opinion  that  every  explosive   reaction 
should  be  attributed  to  a  preliminary  heating,  which  is  gradually 
transmitted,  directly  or  indirectly,  raising  successively  all  the 
parts  of  the  matter  to  the  temperature  of  decomposition. 

Shock  pressure,  friction,  or  mechanical  effects  are  only 
efficacious  by  causing  this  preliminary  heating,  and  sometimes 
propagating  it  in  virtue  of  the  direct  or  alternative  transforma- 
tions of  the  energy  into  heat,  and  according  to  the  various 
mechanisms,  to  which  reference  will  be  made  in  §  6. 

4.  This  being  granted,  let  it  be  noted  that  the  decomposition 
of  one  and  the  same  substance  can  take  place  at  very  unequal 
temperatures  and  velocities;  a  substance  slowly  decomposable  at 
a  certain  temperature  being  able  to  exist  at  much  higher  tempe- 
ratures, though  during  a  gradually  shortening  interval. 

It  is  in  this  way  that  certain  explosive  substances  are  some- 
times spontaneously  decomposed  with  great  slowness,  from  the 
ordinary   temperature,   and   only  produce   detonations   if   the 
temperature  be  raised  intentionally  or  by  accident. 
1  "  Essai  de  M^canique  Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  p.  6. 


The  author  has,  moreover,  developed  the  whole  of  this  theory 
in  another  place,1  and  recalls  it  in  order  to  thoroughly  fix  the 

5.  It  plays  a  very  important  part  in  the  explanation  of  the 
mode  of  formation  of  the  secondary  compounds,  produced  by  the 
explosion  of  powder,  several  of  these  compounds  being  formed 
at  the  very  outset,  at  temperatures  which  would  gradually 
destroy  them  if  they  lasted  long  enough.  But  the  suddenness 
of  the  cooling  keeps  the  compounds,  such  as  formic  acid, 
ammonia,  nitric  acid,  from  the  destruction  which  they  would 
quickly  undergo  if  they  were  maintained  in  a  constant  manner 
at  the  initial  temperature  of  their  formation.  In  fact,  this  sudden 
cooling  brings  them  to  the  temperature  at  which  they  are  defi- 
nitely stable. 


1.  This  sensitiveness  depends  both  on  condition  of  heating, 
and  on  the  mode  of  propagation  of  the  reactions.     It  varies 
according  to  circumstances.     One  substance  is  sensitive  to  the 
slightest  rise  in   temperature,  another  to   a   sudden   pressure, 
another  to  shock,  properly  so  called,  another  detonates  with  the 
least  friction.     Thus  for  example,  silver  oxalate  detonates  at 
about  130°,  nitrogen  sulphide  at  about  207°,  mercury  fulminate 
at  a  temperature  near  this,  about  190°,  and  nevertheless  the 
fulminate  is  much  more  sensitive  to  shock  and  friction  than 
nitrogen  sulphide   and  silver  oxalate.     There   exist  therefore 
special  properties,  depending  on  the  individual  structure  of  each 
substance,  particularly  for  the  solids,  which  favour  decomposi- 
tion under  given  circumstances.     But  there  also  exist  general 
conditions,  which  it  will  now  be  useful  to  state. 

2.  The    sensitiveness    exhibited    by    the    same    substance 
increases  with  the  initial  temperature  at  which  the  operation 
is  performed,  that  is,  a  temperature  nearer  to  that  at  which  the 
body  commences  to  be  spontaneously  decomposed,  the  explana- 
tion of  this  being  that  the  heat  liberated  by  the  reaction  proper 
undergoes  less  loss  by  radiation,  and  that  it  raises  to  the  desired 
degree  a  greater  weight  of  the  non -decomposed  substance. 

A  portion  of  the  sensitiveness  will  be  rendered  still  greater 
if  this  limit  be  exceeded,  that  is,  if  the  conditions  prevail  under 
which  a  slow  decomposition  may  be  transformed  by  the  least 
heating  into  a  rapid  decomposition. 

A  substance  taken  near  and  especially  above  this  limit  may 
be  said  to  be  in  the  state  of  chemical  tension. 

For  example,  celluloid,  a  body  which  does  not  detonate 
under  the  hammer  at  the  ordinary  temperature,  acquires  the 
property  of  detonating  when  heated  to  about  its  softening  point, 
1  "  Essai  de  M^canique  Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  p.  58  and  following. 


viz.  towards  160°  to  180°,  a  point  which  is  near  the  temperature 
of  the  rapid  decomposition  of  the  substance. 

3.  When  two  different  explosive  substances  are  compared, 
which  are  decomposed  at  the  same  temperature  and  with  similar 
rapidity,  their  relative  sensitiveness  to  shock  and  friction,  at  a  lower 
temperature,  depends  on  the  quantity  of  matter  over  which,  from 
the  first  instant,  the  work  of  the  shock  or  of  the  friction  is  dis- 
tributed; that  is  to  say,  it   depends  on  the  cohesion  of  the 
substance,  which  regulates  at  the  point  struck  the  transforma- 
tion of  energy  into  heat,  and   consequently,  the  temperature 
developed  around  this  point. 

4.  Cohesion,  also,  generally  intervenes  in  the  case  of  direct 
inflammation ;  the  same  quantity  of  heat  produced  by  the  com- 
bustion of  the  first  portions,  being  able  to  raise  to  the  degree  of 
decomposition  the  temperature  of  a  small  quantity  of  matter,  to 
which  it  is  exclusively  applied,  while  if  it  be  distributed  over  a 
greater  mass  the  temperature  of  the  latter  will  not  be  raised  to 
the  degree  requisite  for  the  decomposition  to  be  propagated. 

5.  The  mass  heated  remaining  the  same,  and  the  substances 
being  different,  the  sensitiveness  depends  on  the  initial  temperature 
at  which  decomposition  commences.     This  temperature  being  con- 
siderably lower,  for  example,  for  potassium  chlorate  than  for 
the  nitrate,  the  chlorate  powder  will  be  more  sensitive  in  this 

6.  The  sensitiveness  depends  furthermore  on  the  quantity  of 
heat  liberated  by  decomposition ;  that  is  to  say,  that  the  sensitive- 
ness will  be  greater,  all  things  else  being  equal,  if  the  reaction 
liberates  more  heat. 

7.  The  same  quantity  of  heat  will  produce  different  effects  on  the 
same  weight  of  matter  according  to  the  specific  heat  of  the  latter. 
For  instance,  potassium  chlorate,  the  specific  heat  of  which  is 
0*209,  substituted  for  an  equal  weight  of  potassium  nitrate,  of 
which  the  specific   heat  is   0*239,  in  the  composition  of  an 
explosive  mixture  should  give,  and  in  fact  does  give,  a  more 
sensitive  powder  than  the  nitrate. 

This  condition  contributes,  with  the  lower  temperature  of 
decomposition  and  the  absence  of  cohesion,  to  render  the  chlorate 
powders  eminently  dangerous. 


First  Section. — General  Phenomena. 

1.  The  rapidity  of  a  reaction  must  be  regarded  in  a  different 
manner  according  as  it  is  the  question  of  a  homogeneous  system, 
and  especially  of  a  gaseous  system,  submitted  to  identical  con- 
ditions of  temperature  and  pressure  in  all  its  parts,  or  if  the 
system  be  submitted  at  one  point  to  a  rise  in  temperature  or 


to  a  shock  capable  of  producing  an  explosion  which  is  then 
gradually  propagated. 

Let  us  first  examine  the  former  case.  We  shall  distinguish 
the  molecular  rapidity  of  the  reactions,  which  is  defined  by  the 
quantity  of  matter  transformed  at  a  fixed  temperature  and  con- 
stant pressure,  under  invariable  conditions,  and  the  rapidity  of 
propagation  of  reactions. 

For  greater  clearness  the  phenomena  will  be  treated  in  a 
general  manner  in  the  first  section,  then  the  molecular  rapidity 
of  reactions  in  a  homogeneous  system,  submitted  to  uniform 
conditions  and  contained  in  an  enclosure  to  which  it  cannot 
yield,  and  from  which  it  cannot  borrow  heat,  will  be  specially 
studied  (second  section).  Lastly,  a  system  also  homogeneous, 
but  which  can  lose  heat,  will  be  examined  (third  section). 

2.  Suppose,  first,  a  certain  body,  or  a  certain  mixture,  capable 
of  undergoing  a  chemical   transformation.     When  the  whole 
mass   is  placed  under  the  same   conditions   of    temperature, 
pressure,  or  of  vibratory  movement,  etc.,  it  seems  as  if  the 
reaction  must  be  instantaneously  developed  in  all  the  parts  at 
the  same  time ;  the  sudden  explosions  of  nitrogen  chloride  and 
of  nitroglycerin  would  seem  favourable  to  this   idea   at   first 
sight.     However,  a   closer  observation  proves   that  molecular 
reactions  generally  require  a  certain  time  for  their  accomplish- 
ment, even  when  they  liberate  heat.     Such  is,  for  instance,  the 
decomposition  of  formic  acid  into  hydrogen  and  carbonic  acid, 
which   can   be  easily  followed   experimentally   owing  to  the 
slowness  with  which  this  decomposition  is  effected.     Carried 
out  in  a  closed  vessel  and  maintained  at  the  fixed  temperature 
of  260°,  it  requires   many  hours.     Nevertheless  this   reaction 
liberates  5800  cal.  per  equivalent  of  formic  acid,  viz.  126  cal. 
per  gramme.1  * 

3.  The  following  are  further  examples  of  reactions  liberating 
a  large  quantity  of  heat,  without,  however,  being  instantaneous. 

Thus,  acetylene,  changed  into  benzene  towards  a  dull  red  heat 
by  a  slow  reaction,  liberates  at  the  same  volume  half  as  much 
heat  again  as  a  detonating  mixture  formed  of  oxygen  and 
hydrogen  in  the  proportions  of  water,  viz.  85,500  cal.  for 
33-6  litres  of  acetylene  (reduced  to  0°  and  0-760),  instead  of 
59,000  cal.,  produced  by  the  formation  of  gaseous  water  by 
means  of  the  same  volume  of  electrolytic  gas. 

It  is  about  four  times  as  much  as  the  heat  liberated  by  a 
chlorate  powder,  weight  for  weight,  viz.  2192  cal.  per  1  grm.  of 
transformed  acetylene,  instead  of  590'6  cal.  for  1  grm.  of 
potassium  chlorate  powder. 

Cyanogen  liberates  three  times  as  much  (1435  cal.  per  1  grm.) 
as  the  same  weight  of  chlorate  powder,  and  this  number  is 

1  "  Essai  de  M&anique  Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  p.  17,  and  especially  p.  58  and 


double  that  of  the  heat  liberated  by  an  explosive  mixture  formed 
of  electrolytic  gas  at  the  same  volume,  viz.  33*6  litres,  or 
112,000  cal.  instead  of  59,000,  when  the  cyanogen  is  decom- 
posed into  free  carbon  and  nitrogen  by  the  electric  spark. 
Nevertheless,  even  though  the  carbon  immediately  commences 
to  be  precipitated,  the  cyanogen  does  not  detonate  under  the 
influence  of  the  spark,  nor  even  of  the  voltaic  arc,  which  is  a 
proof  of  the  slowness  of  the  reaction  thus  caused. 

Under  other  conditions,  however,  the  cyanogen  and  acetylene 
can  be  decomposed  with  detonation  into  their  elements,  but  it  is 
neither  by  simple  heating  nor  by  the  action  of  the  electric  arc 
or  spark  (see  p.  67). 

Instances  might  be  multiplied  of  these  facts l  which  comprise 
the  explosive  bodies,  properly  so  called,  when  maintained  at  a 
temperature  slightly  less  than  that  which  determines  the  ex- 
plosion. Silver  oxalate,  for  instance,  is  slowly  decomposed  at 
100°,  while  it  detonates  sharply  at  a  slightly  higher  temperature. 

4.  In  a  word,  every  molecular  reaction  effected  by  simple 
heating  at  a  constant  temperature  in  a  homogeneous  body  and 
submitted  to  conditions  which  appear  identical  for  all  its  parts, 
has  a  characteristic  coefficient  relative  to  the  duration.     This 
coefficient  depends  on  the  temperature,  the  pressure,  and  the 
relative  proportions;  it  plays   a  very  important  part  in   the 
study  of   the  unequally   destructive  properties   of   explosive 

This  will  be  exemplified  by  a  few  applications. 

5.  The  longer  or  shorter  duration  of  a  reaction  does  not  change 
the  quantity  of  heat  liberated  by  the  total  transformation  of  a 
given  weight  of  explosive   matter.     But  if  the  gases   formed 
gradually  expand,  for  instance,  as  in  a  cannon,  owing  to  the 
change  of  capacity,  increased  by  the  flight  of  the  projectile,  or 
owing  to  cooling  due  to  contact  with  the  walls  of  the  vessel ; 
under  these  circumstances  the  initial  pressures  will  be  less  the 
longer  the  transformation  of  a  given  weight  of  matter  lasts. 

On  the  contrary,  when  a  very  rapid  transformation  of  the 
whole  mass  in  a  closed  vessel,  allows  the  initial  pressures  to 
attain  the  immensity  of  their  theoretical  limits,  or  to  approach 
it,  it  is  difficult  to  construct  vessels  strong  enough  to  contain 
the  gases  of  explosion. 

6.  This  explains  the  influence  of  resisting  envelopes  and  of 
tamping,  an  influence  which  is  especially  apparent  with  slow 
powders,  but  which  is  also  observed  with  rapid  powders,  par- 
ticularly in  detonators. 

At  the  moment  of  the  explosion  the  pressure  at  first  developed 
around  the  ignited  point  tends  to  diminish,  owing  to  the  expan- 
sion of  the  gases,  and  in  proportion  as  the  products  are  dis- 
tributed throughout  a  more  considerable  space.     If  the  gases 
1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4e  se'rie,  torn,  xviii.  p.  142. 


retained  the  whole  of  their  heat  the  pressure  after  some  instants 
would  depend  solely  on  the  extent  of  the  space.  The  pressure 
would  be  greater  the  more  limited  the  space;  the  maximum 
pressure  corresponding  to  the  explosion  of  the  substance  in  its 
own  volume,  and  the  molecular  rapidity  of  the  reaction  exerting 
no  influence.  But  this  is  an  extreme  limit,  owing  to  the  losses 
of  heat  which  the  products  of  the  explosion  continually  undergo 
by  contact,  conduction,  and  radiation ;  hence  results  a  cooling, 
which  lowers  the  temperature,  and  therefore  the  pressure,  as 
well  as  the  rapidity  of  the  chemical  reaction.  The  initial 
pressure  tends  to  approach  this  limit,  the  more  rapid  the  powder, 
the  smaller  the  capacity  enclosing  the  powder,  and  the  more 
resisting  the  walls  of  this  capacity,  which  enables  them  to  hold 
the  compressed  gases  during  a  longer  period. 

7.  The  same  will  happen,  not  only  when  an  explosive  body  is 
placed  in  a  fixed  and  resisting  capacity,  but  also  if  it  be  placed 
in  a  thin  envelope,  or  under  a  stratum  of  water,  or  even  in  the 
open  air.  In  fact,  when  the  duration  of  reaction  decreases 
beyond  measure,  the  gases  liberated  develop  pressures  which 
increase  with  an  extreme  rapidity,  so  rapidly,  indeed,  that  the 
surrounding  bodies,  solid,  liquid,  or  even  gaseous,  have  not  time 
to  put  themselves  in  motion  in  order  to  yield  gradually  to  these 
pressures ;  these  bodies,  therefore,  offer  to  the  expansion  of  the 
gases  resistances  comparable  to  those  of  a  fixed  wall. 

It  is  known  that  a  film  of  water  on  the  surface  of  nitrogen 
chloride  is  sufficient  to  give  rise  to  such  effects.  A  drop  of  this 
substance  placed  in  a  watch-glass  may  detonate  without  breaking 
it,  while  if  it  be  covered  with  a  little  water  the  glass  is  broken. 
By  operating  on  a  slightly  larger  mass,  even  the  plank  upon 
which  the  vessel  is  placed  may  be  pierced  under  these  conditions. 

The  same  result  may  sometimes  be  attained  by  increasing  the 
mass  of  the  explosive  substance;  the  gases  first  ignited  not 
having  time  to  dissipate,  are  then  acting  as  tamping.  This  effect 
becomes  greater  and  greater,  as  the  temperature  of  the  substance, 
and  therefore  the  rapidity  of  the  reaction,  increases. 

It  is  in  this  way  that  compressed  dynamite  and  gun-cotton, 
substances  capable  of  being  inflamed  without  danger  by  the  aid 
of  an  ignited  body  when  operated  upon  in  small  quantities,  have 
sometimes  caused  terrible  explosions,  owing  to  the  general 
inflammation  of  a  considerable  mass. 

To  sum  up,  the  nearer  the  duration  of  the  reaction  approaches 
being  instantaneous,  the  nearer  the  initial  pressure,  even  in  an 
open  vessel,  approaches  the  theoretical  pressure,  the  latter  being 
calculated  for  the  case  of  a  decomposition  effected  in  a  constant 
capacity  entirely  filled  by  the  explosive  substance.  It  is  thus 
that  the  extraordinary  destructive  effects  produced  by  mercury 
fulminate,  nitroglycerin,  or  compressed  gun-cotton  can  be 


We  shall  now  analyse  the  phenomena  in  a  more  precise 

Second  Section. — A  homogeneous  system  submitted  to  uniform 
conditions  and  contained  in  an  enclosure  to  which  it  cannot  yield, 
and  from  which  it  cannot  take  any  heat. 

Let  it  be  a  homogeneous  system  capable  of  disengaging  heat 
by  chemical  transformation. 

The  case  will  first  be  examined  where  this  system  is  sub- 
mitted to  uniform  conditions  in  all  its  parts,  and  contained  in  an 
enclosure  to  which  it  cannot  yield,  and  from  which  it  cannot  take 
any  heat.  Under  these  theoretical  conditions,  the  mass  of  the 
matter  is  of  no  importance. 

1.  The  molecular  rapidity  of  reactions  in  a  homogeneous  system, 
everything   else   being  equal,   increases  with  the   temperature.1 
Indeed,  it  increases  according  to  a  very  rapid  law,  as  is  proved 
by  the  author's  experiments  on  ethers,2  the  rapidity  being  then 
represented  by  an  exponential  function  of  the  temperature,  a 
function   of  which  the   numerical  value,  in   the  formation  of 
acetic  ether,  is  22,000  times  greater  near  200°  than  near  7°. 

2.  The  temperature  of  the  system  increases,  at  least  up  to  a 
certain  limit,  by  the  very  effect  of  the  reaction. 

The  temperature  of  the  system  increases,  at  first  incessantly, 
and  does  so  up  to  a  limit  defined  by  the  figure  obtained  by 
dividing  the  heat  liberated  by  unit  weight  by  the  specific  heat 
of  the  system. 

Further,  the  rapidity  with  which  the  system  tends  towards 
this  limit  goes  on  increasing  according  as  the  rise  in  tempera- 
ture produced  by  the  reaction  itself  is  more  considerable. 

In  a  gaseous  system  contained  in  a  fixed  enclosure  the 
acceleration  will  become  even  greater,  at  least  at  the  commence- 
ment, and  this  owing  to.  the  influence  of  pressure,  which 
necessarily  increases  by  the  fact  of  the  rise  in  temperature. 
In  short,  the  author  has  established  that,  everything  else  being 
equal,  and  while  operating  at  a  fixed  temperature,  the  reactions 
are  affected  more  rapidly  in  liquid  than  in  gaseous  media. 
In  gaseous  media,  in  particular,  he  has  recognised  that  the 
reactions  are  the  more  rapid  the  greater  the  pressure.3 

3.  The  molecular  rapidity  of  the  reactions  in  a  homogeneous 
system,  increases  with  the  condensation  of  the  substances,  or  more 
simply,  the  rapidity  of  the  reactions  increases  with  the  pressure  in 
gaseous  systems* 

Thus,  in  an   enclosure   supposed   impermeable  to  heat  the 

1  "  Essai  de  Me"canique  Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  p.  64. 

2  Ibid.,  p.  93.  3  Ibid.,  p.  94. 

4  In  solid  or  liquid  systems,  on  the  contrary,  the  pressure  exerts  little 
influence  according  to  the  author's  experiments,  which  is  conceivable  because 
it  hardly  modifies  the  state  of  condensation  of  the  substances. 


elementary  rapidity  of  the  reactions  will  go  on  incessantly 
increasing,  for  the  twofold  reason  that  the  temperature  is  con- 
tinually rising  and  that  the  pressure  of  the  gases  is  continually 

However,  the  influence  of  pressure  will  be  more  sensible  at 
the  beginning  than  at  the  end  of  the  experiment,  seeing  that  the 
non-combined  part  diminishes  more  and  more,  and  that  there 
arrives  a  moment  when  the  tension  proper  of  this  part,  con- 
sidered independently  of  the  rest,  ceases  to  go  on  increasing  in 
consequence  of  the  heating. 

4.  The  molecular  rapidity  of  reactions  in  a  homogeneous  system 
depends  on  the  relative  proportions  of  the  components. 

When  operating  at  constant  temperature,  the  combination  is 
greatly  accelerated  by  the  presence  of  an  excess  of  either  of  the 

At  constant  temperature,  the  action  is,  on  the  contrary,  checked 
by  the  presence  of  an  inert  substance  which  acts  by  diminish- 
ing the  state  of  condensation  of  the  substance. 

At  variable  temperature  the  reactions  are  a  fortiori  retarded 
by  the  presence  of  an  inert  body,  such  as  the  nitrogen  of  the 
air,  or  the  silica  of  ordinary  dynamite,  this  inert  body  absorbing 
the  heat  and  lowering  the  temperature  of  the  system  without 
exerting  any  influence  tending  to  accelerate  it  by  its  presence. 

At  variable  temperature  the  reaction  is  generally  slower  in 
presence  of  an  excess  of  one  of  the  components  than  if  equal- 
equivalents  be  used,  the  necessity  of  heating  this  excess  more 
than  compensating  its  accelerating  influence. 

It  is  clear  that  if  the  proportion  of  the  inert  matter  be  such 
that  the  temperature  of  the  system  cannot  be  raised  to  the 
degree  necessary  for  the  combination  to  be  continued  of  itself 
the  reaction  will  cease  to  be  explosive,  and  even  to  propagate 

It  is  in  this  way  that  the  character  of  explosive  substances 
may  be  changed  by  mixture  with  an  inert  body.  The  follow- 
ing are  some  characteristic  facts. 

Dynamite  of  75  per  cent,  is  less  shattering  than  pure  nitrp- 
glycerin.  However,  such  dynamite  cannot  be  employed  in 
charging  shells,  as  the  latter  would  explode  in  the  bore  of  the 
cannon,  under  the  influence  of  the  initial  shock  of  the  powder. 
Dynamite  of  50  or  60  per  cent,  can,  on  the  contrary,  be  employed 
in  hollow  projectiles,  which  may  be  fired  from  cannons  without 

This  is  not  all.  With  dynamite  of  60  per  cent,  the  projectile 
can  explode  at  the  point  of  arrival,  even  without  a  special  fuse, 
if  it  be  arrested  by  a  very  resisting  body,  such  as  an  armour 
plate,  the  rise  of  temperature  which  results  from  the  trans- 
formation of  the  energy  into  heat,  produced  by  the  sudden 
stoppage,  being  sufficient  to  cause  the  explosion.  But  if  the 


charge  of  nitroglycerin  be  lowered  to  30  or  40  per  cent,  the 
shell  charged  with  such  dynamite  will  require  the  employment 
of  a  percussion  fuse  in  order  to  explode,  as  in  the  case  of  black 
powder.  It  is  true  that  such  dynamite  scarcely  offers  any 
advantage  over  ordinary  powder. 

Another  essential  point  is  that  not  only  the  molecular 
rapidity  is  diminished  under  these  conditions,  but  also  the 
rapidity  of  inflammation  and  the  rapidity  of  combustion  of  an 
explosive  substance  are  also  extremely  retarded  when  it  is 
mixed  with  an  inert  body  in  proportions  approaching  those 
which  correspond  to  the  limits  of  inflammability.  Consequently, 
towards  these  limits  inflammation  becomes  uncertain,  com- 
bustion is  badly  propagated,  and  the  explosive  character  of  the 
phenomenon  ceases  to  be  manifest. 

Third  Section. — A  homogeneous  system  submitted  to  uniform 
conditions  but  capable  of  losing  heat. 

1.  These  general  relations  being  established  for  a  system 
where  all  the  heat  which  it  liberates  is  employed  to  raise  the 
temperature,  we  come  to  the  real  case,  that  in  which  the  system 
still  supposed  homogeneous  and  submitted  to  uniform  conditions  at 
the  outset  yields  a  portion  of  its  heat  to  the  surrounding  bodies  by 
radiation  or  conduction.  The  mass  of  the  substances  employed, 
which  does  not  come  into  question  in  principle  in  the  first  case, 
here  plays  an  essential  part. 

In  short,  whenever  the  rapidity  of  the  reactions  is  not  great, 
a  part  of  the  heat  produced  will  be  gradually  dissipated,  and  the 
elevation  of  temperature  will  soon  attain  a  certain  limit.  This 
limit  will  be  that  at  which  the  loss  of  heat  produced  by  the 
external  actions  is  equal  to  the  gain  due  to  the  internal  reactions 
of  the  system,  the  reaction  will  then  take  place  with  a  certain 
rapidity  constant  or  nearly  so,  without  however  becoming 

This  is  the  case  of  a  substance  fusing  under  ordinary  con- 
ditions, and  it  is  also  the  case,  generally  in  a  marked  degree  of 
slowness,  of  a  small  quantity  of  an  explosive  substance  which 
is  spontaneously  decomposed. 

But  if  the  mass  operated  upon  be  increased,  supposing  it 
contained  in  a  fixed  capacity,  the  quantity  of  heat  lost  by 
radiation  or  conduction  at  a  given  temperature  of  the  system 
will  be  less ;  the  total  quantity  of  heat  retained  in  the  interior 
at  the  end  of  a  given  time  will  therefore  be  increased.  Thus 
the  temperature  of  such  a  system  must  be  higher  whether  it 
tend  towards  a  new  limit  superior  to  the  preceding  or  whether 
its  increase  becomes  more  and  more  rapid  and  finally  explosive, 
owing  to  the  correlative  increase  in  the  pressures. 

This  same  correlative  accelerating  of  the  pressures  and  of  the 
rapidity  of  the  reactions  plays  an  important  part  in  the  inter- 


pretation  of  the  effects  of  tamping,  as  has  been  said  before 
(pp.  40,  41). 

It  is,  further,  in  this  way  that  every  fusing  substance  may  be 
transformed  into  a  detonating  substance,  when  the  mass  of  it 
contained  in  a  given  capacity  is  increased,  of  course  without 
any  change  being  made  either  in  the  orifices  or  the  form  of  the 

The  difference  between  the  various  modes  of  decomposition 
of  an  explosive  substance,  according  as  its  mass  is  more  or  less 
considerable,  deserve  particular  attention,  for  it  is  continually 
occurring  in  practice. 

2.  This  is  noticeable  even  when  there  is  an  escape  for  the 
gases  of  the  explosion,  provided  the  explosive  mass  be  large 
enough.    It  is  thus  that  the  decomposition  of  a  fusing  sub- 
stance, taken  at  constant  weight,  and  contained  within  a  given 
capacity,  may  change  into  explosion,  when  the  orifice  of  this 
capacity  is  contracted  in  such  a  manner  that  the  inward  pressure 
and  temperature  may  increase  beyond  a  certain  limit. 

3.  The  same  remark  applies  to  spontaneous  decomposition  of 
great  masses  of  matter.     Slow  at  first  at  the  ordinary  tempera- 
ture, they  quicken  under  the  influence  of  that  very  increase  in 
temperature  to  which  they  themselves  give  rise.     It  may  also 
happen  that  this  rise  in  temperature  changes  the  character  of 
the  decomposition  by  causing  a  fresh  reaction  after  the  initial 
one,  throwing  off  more  heat.     The  rise  in  the  temperature  of 
the  mass  hence  still  further  increases,  even  to  the  extent  of 
producing  a  tumultuous  reaction,  and  a  general  explosion. 

4.  These   facts,   often   observed  in  laboratories,   have  been 
quoted  to  account  for  the  spontaneous  explosions  of  gun-cotton 
and  nitroglycerin,  and  their  tendency  is  to  cause  us  to  regard 
as  especially  dangerous  any  explosive  substance  in  which  the 
process  of  decomposition  has  commenced. 

5.  These   considerations   demonstrate  the   cause   of  general 
explosions,  not  only  of  explosive  substances  contained  in  very 
solid  vessels,  but  even  in  vessels  whose  resistance  is  very  slight, 
such  as  wooden  cases  or  thin  metallic  envelopes,  and  again  of 
explosions  of  substances  piled  up  in  the  open  air  when  the 
accumulation   of   these   substances    permit  of    a  rise  in  the 
temperature   and   of   a  gradual  acceleration  in   the  reaction 
(see  p.  41). 

6.  General  explosions  may  also  occur  with  substances  divided 
into    very   small    quantities,    if    these    small    quantities    are 
sufficiently  close  to  one  another  to  constitute  a  large  mass  in 
the  aggregate,  and  if  the  mechanical  effects  admit  of  accumula- 
tion and  to  produce  a  common  result. 

The  precautions,  therefore,  both  for  storage  and  use,  should  be 
taken  just  as  though  all  the  individual  portions  of  the  explosive 
substance  were  collected  into  one  single  mass.  Herein  lie  the 


consequences  which  theory  has  pointed  to  as  possible,  and  the 
accidental  realisation  of  which  has  been  proved  by  terrible 

Thus,  for  instance,  the  experiments  made  by  the  Birmingham 
Chamber  of  Commerce  on  the  transport  and  storage  of  amorces 
have  shown  that  capsules  each  containing  0'015  grms.  of 
fulminate,  do  not  explode  en  masse  either  under  the  influence 
of  a  shock,  or  when  crushed  by  the  wheels  of  a  locomotive,  or 
when  placed  in  an  incandescent  muffle,  or  in  the  centre  of  a 
burning  furnace. 

Yet  this  is  not  so  if  the  charge  of  fulminate  contained  in  the 
capsules  be  considerably  increased.  The  feeling  of  security 
created  by  these  first  experiments  no  longer  exists  even  in 
England,  in  consequence  of  the  explosion  of  a  vessel  loaded 
with  amorces  in  the  Thames. 

Experience  has  in  fact  shown  that  the  explosion  of  one  single 
strong  fulminating  capsule  is  sufficient  to  cause  the  explosion 
of  all  the  capsules  placed  in  the  same  case.  If  the  case  itself 
explodes,  all  the  adjoining  cases  will  also  explode. 

It  is  on  account  of  analogous  phenomena  that  the  small 
fulminating  caps  (amorces),  used  as  children's  playthings,  have 
only  too  often  given  rise  to  serious  accidents. 

At  Yanves,  near  Paris,  a  child  was  amusing  itself  by  letting 
off  one  of  these  amorces  between  the  blades  of  a  pair  of  scissors, 
when  two  packets  of  six  hundred  amorces  that  were  lying  on 
the  table  exploded  at  the  same  moment.  The  child  was  killed, 
the  chair  shattered,  and  the  flooring  staved  in. 

The  explosion  which  occurred  in  Paris,  in  the  Rue  Beranger, 
on  May  14,  1878,  may  also  be  mentioned,  in  a  store  con- 
taining amorces  intended  for  children's  toys.  These  amorces 
were  composed  as  follows : — One  kind,  called  single,  of  a 
mixture  of  potassium  chlorate  (12  parts),  amorphous  phosphorus 
(6  parts),  lead  oxide  (12  parts),  and  resin  (I  part) ;  the  others, 
called  double,  consisted  of  a  mixture  of  potassium  chlorate 
(9  parts),  amorphous  phosphorus  (1  part),  antimony  sulphide 
(1  part),  flowers  of  sulphur  (0'25  part),  and  nitre  (0*25  part). 
The  latter,  more  sensitive  to  friction,  averaged  O'Ol  grm.  in 
weight.  From  six  to  eight  millions  of  these  amorces  pasted 
on  paper  slips,  in  lots  of  five  each,  were  piled  up  in  the  ware- 
house in  boxes.  A  few  of  these  having  become  ignited  by  an 
accident,  -  the  origin  of  which  was  never  clearly  ascertained, 
caused  the  whole  to  explode.  One  building  suddenly  gave 
way,  the  fapade  being  blown  out,  and  the  stonework  hurled 
some  distance.  One  stone,  measuring  a  cubic  metre,  was  thrown 
to  a  distance  of  fifty-two  metres.  A  great  part  of  the  adjoining 
building  was  also  destroyed,  fourteen  persons  were  killed  on  the 
spot,  and  sixteen  received  injuries. 

These  terrible  effects  are  explained  when  we  consider  that 


the  weight  of  the  entire  explosive  matter  contained  in  the 
amorces  amounted  to  about  64  kgms.,  and  that  its  force,  owing 
to  the  composition  of  this  matter,  was  equal  to  a  force  of 
226  kgms.  of  black  powder.1 

It  is  essential,  that  persons  having  explosive  substances 
under  their  charge  should  never  lose  sight  of  the  conviction 
that,  from  the  facts  and  general  truths  which  have  just  been 
stated,  preventive  measures  should  always  be  prescribed  on  the 
hypothesis  of  a  total  explosion. 


1.  Let  us  now  examine  the  case  of  a  homogeneous  system,  but 
subject  to  different  conditions  in  its  various  parts,  such  as  those 
resulting  from  ignition  at  one  point,  or  from  a  local  shock,  con- 
ditions to   which  some  of  the  facts  quoted  in  the  preceding 
paragraph  may  be  ascribed. 

For  propagating  the  transformation  in  a  mass  which  explodes, 
and  is  not  subject  to  the  same  conditions  in  all  its  parts,  the 
physical  conditions  of  temperature,  pressure,  etc.,  which  have 
incited  the  phenomenon  at  one  point  must  reproduce  them- 
selves successively  from  layer  to  layer  throughout  every  part  of 
the  whole  mass. 

On  this  head  attention  may  be  called  to  the  numerous 
experiments  made  by  artillerymen,  as  to  the  rapidity  of  the 
combustion  of  ordinary  powder,  and  as  to  that  of  gun-cotton ; 
the  rapidity  varying  according  to  the  physical  construction  and 
chemical  composition  of  the  powders.  We  will  firstly  sum 
up  these  results,  as  well  as  those  observed  with  mixtures  of 
gaseous  explosives,  that  is  to  say,  the  observations  relating  to 
the  rapidity  of  combustion  of  mixtures  of  oxygen  and  hydrogen, 
or  of  carbonic  oxide,  or  of  hydrocarbon  gases. 

We  shall  then  speak  of  the  new  and  unexpected  results 
furnished  by  the  study  of  gun-cotton  and  nitroglycerin ;  describe 
the  new  conception  of  the  employment  of  caps,  and  the  hitherto 
unknown  distinction  between  the  simple  ignition  and  the 
genuine  explosion  of  explosive  matters  will  be  discussed ;  a 
distinction  which  the  author's  recent  experiments  led  him  to 
extend  to  gaseous  mixtures  themselves.  Then  it  will  be 
attempted  to  apply  these  differences  to  theoretical  conceptions. 
Thus  we  shall  be  led  on  to  the  notion  of  the  explosive  wave, 
which  will  form  the  subject  of  a  special  chapter. 

2.  According  to  Piobert,2  the  rapidity  of  the  combustion  of 
powder  in  the  open  air,  observed  on  vertically  placed  prisms  of 
known  length,  the  lateral  surfaces  of  which  were  greased  for  the 

1  These  facts  have  been  taken  from  the  report  presented  by  the  Committee 
of  Inquiry. 

2  Piobert,  "  Traite  d'Artillerie,"  partie  thSorique. 


purpose  of  ensuring  the  regularity  of  the  phenomenon,  has  been 
found  to  be  between  10  and  13  mms.  per  second  for  service  powder. 
It  varies,  moreover,  in  an  inverse  ratio  to  the  apparent  density 
of  the  powder,  in  which  the  fire  propagates  itself  in  successive 

3.  The  velocity  of  combustion  in  this  sense,  that  is  to  say,  the 
velocity  with  which  the  reaction  is  transmitted  into  the  interior 
of  a  single  explosive  mass,  should  not  be  confounded  with  the 
velocity  of  inflammation,  that  is,  with  the  time  necessary  for  the 
propagation  of  the  same  reaction  in  a  whole  formed  out  of  a 
series  of  small  masses  or  grains  placed  side  by  side.     In  order 
to  characterise  the  difference  between  these  two  velocities,  we 
shall  give  the  experiments  made  by  Piobert  with  hollow  iron 
semi-cylinders  of  various  lengths.    The  velocity  of  inflammation, 
measured  in  the  open  air,  varies  in   the  old  service  powders 
from  1*5  metre  to  3'4  metres  per  second ;  in  tubes  closed  at  one 
end,  from  0*30  metre  to  1*5  metre,  according  as  the  grain  is 
0*2  mm.  or  2*5  mms.  in  diameter.     The  increase  is  in  propor- 
tion to  the  size  of  the  grain.     These  figures  are  very  different 
from  those  given  above  for  the  velocity  of  combustion   in  a 
single  mass. 

4.  The  combustion  velocity  of  powder  depends  on  the  pressure 
of  air  or  of  the  surrounding  gases. 

At  the  end  of  the  seventeenth  century,  Boyle  made  some 
experiments  on  the  combustion  of  powder  in  a  vacuum,  and 
observed  that,  under  these  circumstances,  the  grains  of  powder 
projected  on  a  red-hot  iron  fused  with  detonating.  If  we  try 
a  certain  number  of  grains  at  the  same  time,  explosion  results ; 
doubtless  because  the  conditions  of  local  pressure  are  changed 
round  each  grain  which  deflagrates. 

Huyghens  repeated  the  same  experiment  by  igniting  powder 
by  means  of  a  lens  which  concentrated  the  solar  rays. 

If  the  heating  is  progressive,  as  would  be  obtained  by  the 
radiation  from  a  lighted  coal,  the  sulphur  may  either  be  sub- 
limed, thus  destroying  the  homogeneity  of  the  compound,  or  the 
powder  can  be  fused  according  to  Hawksbee  (1702). 

These  experiments  have  been  often  tried  with  various  modi- 
fications, such  as  the  employment  of  a  platinum  wire  brought  to 
red  heat  by  electricity,  for  the  purpose  of  igniting  the  powder 
in  a  vacuum  (Abel).  Bianchi  has  thus  observed  that  gun- 
cotton  slowly  decomposes  in  a  vacuum  before  exploding,  and 
this  result  has  since  been  extended  to  nitroglycerin  by  Heeren 
and  AbeL 

Mercury  fulminate  on  the  other  hand  explodes  in  a  vacuum 
when  placed  in  contact  with  a  brass  wire  heated  to  redness ; 
but  the  explosion  does  not  propagate  itself  to  grains  which  are 
not  contiguous,  as  it  would  do  under  atmospheric  pressure. 

5.  Not  only  does  a  vacuum  prevent  the  explosion  of  the  powder 


but  every  diminution  in  pressure  retards  it.  In  1855,  Mitchell 
observed  that  fuses  burn  slower  on  high  mountains  ;  some  very 
exact  experiments  were  made  in  this  respect  by  Frankland  in 
1861  in  his  own  laboratory,  and  afterwards  by  De  Saint-Robert 
in  the  Alps.  Under  pressures  varying  between  0'722  metre 
and  O405  metre,  that  is  to  say,  below  atmospheric  pressure,  the 
velocity  of  the  combustion  of  powder  would  be  practically 
represented,  according  to  De  Saint-Robert,  by  such  a  formula  as 
the  following :  „ 

V  =  A/, 

A  being  a  constant,  and  p  expressing  the  pressure. 

These  effects  are  to  be  attributed  to  the  greater  or  less  velocity 
with  which  the  heated  gases  escape  before  having  had  time  to 
heat  the  adjacent  portions  of  the  solid  matter.  This  is  equiva- 
lent to  saying  that  pressure  lessens  the  number  of  gaseous 
particles  brought  up  to  a  high  temperature  which  at  every 
moment  come  in  contact  with  the  solid  particles  not  yet  ignited 
and  share  with  them  their  energy,  so  as  to  place  themselves  in 
equilibrium  of  temperature. 

Whatever  the  pressure,  if  it  operates  under  a  constant 
volume,  the  initial  temperature  of  these  particles  remains  prac- 
tically the  same ;  at  least,  so  long  as  the  chemical  reaction  is 
not  modified.  But  if  operating  under  a  constant  pressure,  the 
case  will  be  otherwise,  the  temperature  being  lowered  lay  the 
expansion  of  the  gases. 

6.  On  the  other  hand,  the  combustion   velocity  of  powder 
increases  with  great  rapidity,  once  we  obtain  the  considerable 
pressures  which  are  produced  in  cannons  and  guns.     Thus,  for 
instance,  Captain  Castan  estimated  the  combustion  velocity  of 
powder,  in  the  interior  of  large  bore  cannons,  at  0*32  metre 
per  second,  instead  of  about  O'l  metre  in  the  open  air. 

7.  The  combustion  velocity  of  other  explosive  substances  has 
not  formed  the  object  of  such  numerous  experiments  as  that  of 
black  powder ;  moreover,  it  gives  rise  to  fresh  observations  and 
to  a  theory  of  an  entirely  different  order,  as  will  presently  be 

Piobert  estimated  the  combustion  velocity  of  non-compressed 
gun-cotton  at  eight  times  more  than  that  of  service  powder;  which 
estimate  was  applied  to  a  progressive  combustion  effected 
without  detonation. 

8.  These    researches   were    extended   to   explosive    gaseous 
mixtures.     In  1867,  Bunsen 1  estimated  the  velocity  of  combus- 
tion for  electrolytic  gas  (hydrogen  and  oxygen)  at  34  metres  per 
second,  and  at  only  one  metre  per  second  for  the  mixture  of 
carbonic   oxide   and  oxygen   in   equivalent  proportions,  these 
mixtures  being  taken  under  atmospheric  pressure.     He  deter- 

1  "  Annalee  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4e  se*rie,  torn.  xiv.  p.  449. 



mined  its  rate  of  flow  through  a  narrow  orifice,  ignited  the  jet 
and  endeavoured  to  discover  what  was  the  minimum  rate  of 
liow  at  which  the  flame  would  remain  stationary  at  the  orifice 
without  going  back  into  the  interior.  Mallard1  made  several 
experiments  on  various  mixtures  of  air  and  of  marsh  gas,  or  of 
coal  gas;  he  found  that  the  velocity  of  combustion  defined 
as  above  rapidly  diminishes  in  proportion  as  the  ratio  of  the 
gases  which  do  not  contribute  to  the  combustion  is  increased,  the 
maximum  speed  being  0'560  metre  per  second  in  the  case  of 
a  mixture  of  eight  parts  by  volume  of  air  and  one  part  of 
marsh  gas.  If  a  mixture  contain  twelve  parts  of  air  and  one 
part  of  marsh  gas  it  will  descend  to  O04  metre.  With  coal 
gas  and  air  the  maximum  velocity  obtained  has  been  almost 
double.  Mallard  and  Le  Chatelier  have  recently  returned  to 
this  question  by  other  processes  which  have  given  them  very 
varied  results  according  to  the  mode  of  combustion.  This  will 
be  referred  to  later  on,  and  the  existence  of  detonating  velocities 
for  the  same  gaseous  mixtures  reaching  almost  up  to  3000 
metres  per  second,  and  the  causes  of  these  differences  will  be 

9.  The  study  of  new  explosive  substances  has  in  fact  led  to 
a  fuller  knowledge  of  the  mode  of  propagation  of  chemical 
reaction  in  the  interior  of  a  mass  in  combustion ;  and  it  has 
radically  modified  the  ideas  which  prevailed  on  this  question. 
At  one  time,  when  black  powder  was  the  only  known  explosive, 
the  only  point  studied  was  how  to  ignite  it,  the  effects  of  con- 
secutive explosion  not  appearing  to  depend  on  the  process  of 
ignition.     But  nitroglycerin   and   gun-cotton   have   evinced   a 
singular  diversity  in  this  respect. 

10.  To  form  a  correct  conception  of  them,  mention  must  first 
be  made  of  the  phenomena  of  shock  and  of  other  analogous 
causes  capable  of  producing  deflagration. 

Shock  could  hardly  of  itself  affect  the  decomposition  of  a 
substance  which  absorbs  heat,  unless  recourse  be  had  to  colossal 
masses  animated  by  enormous  energy  and  concentrating  all  their 
action  on  a  very  small  quantity  of  matter,  which  is  very  difficult 
to  effect.  For  instance,  the  energy  of  a  weight  of  1630  kgms. 
falling  from  a  height  of  1  metre,  would  be  necessary  in  order  to 
decompose  1  grm.  of  water,  assuming  that  by  any  artifice  the 
totality  of  this  energy  could  be  transmitted  to  a  gramme  of 

On  the  other  hand,  if  the  decomposition  of  the  substance 
disengages  heat,  we  can  conceive  that  a  limited  energy  would 
suffice  to  provoke  it,  provided  it  were  applied  in  its  entirety  to 
a  very  small  quantity  of  matter  whose  temperature  it  raised  to 
the  desired  degree  for  determining  reaction. 

Thus  a  few  heavy  strokes  of  a  hammer  on  potassium  chlorate 
1  "  Annales  de  Mines,"  torn.  viii.  3e  livraison.  1871. 


wrapped  in  a  sheet  of  platinum  and  placed  on  an  anvil,  will  be 
sufficient  to  give  rise  to  the  formation  of  very  sensible  traces  of 
potassium  chloride,  whereas  under  similar  conditions  potassium 
sulphate  gives  no  indication  whatever  of  decomposition.  But 
the  decomposition  of  potassium  sulphate  into  potassium  sulphide 
and  oxygen  absorbs  heat,  whereas  the  decomposition  of  potas- 
sium chlorate  into  potassium  chloride  disengages  heat  (11,000 
cal.  for  KClOa). 

11.  This  condition,  however,  is  not  sufficient  for  shock  to 
produce  a  detonation.  It  is  further  necessary  that  the  energy 
developed  by  the  decomposition  of  the  first  portions  should  be 
able  to  communicate  itself  to  the  neighbouring  parts,  so  as  to 
determine  step  by  step  the  decomposition  of  the  whole  mass. 
The  most  favourable  condition  is  evidently  that  one  in  which 
the  particles  of  the  explosive  substance  are  in  movement  and 
animated  by  an  energy  of  such  a  nature  that  their  sudden 
stoppage  would  transform  this  force  into  heat  in  the  interior  of 
the  substance  itself.  The  substance  is  thus  heated  in  a  uniform 
and  sudden  manner ;  if  the  proper  temperature  be  attained,  the 
explosion  occurs  immediately.  Such  conditions  may  be  realized 
on  the  sudden  stoppage  of  a  bomb-shell  charged  with  dynamite 
which  meets  with  a  resisting  surface  (see  p.  43).  In  an  opposite 
sense  it  may  be  noted  that  the  shock  of  a  hammer  which  is 
hardly  sufficient  to  produce  on  some  isolated  points  the  desired 
conditions  with  pure  potassium  chlorate  is,  on  the  contrary, 
very  efficacious  with  nitroglycerin.  Even  the  fall  of  a  weight 
of  4*7  kgms.  from  a  height  of  0*25  metre  on  to  a  drop  of  nitro- 
glycerin covering  a  surface  of  2  sq.  cms.  is  sufficient  to  cause 
the  explosion  of  this  substance.1  On  the  other  hand,  nitro- 
glycerin mixed  with  a  silicious  earth  constitutes  dynamite,  a 
substance  which  is  very  slightly  susceptible  to  shock,  because 
the  porous  and  cellular  structure  of  the  silica  militates  against 
the  immediate  and  local  communication  of  energy  to  a  very 
small  portion  of  nitroglycerin  when  regarded  apart  from 
the  rest. 

Further,  the  explosion  of  black  powder  causes  nitroglycerin 
to  explode,  whereas  it  does  not  produce  the  explosion  of 
dynamite,  at  least  in  the  open  air  and  with  weak  charges. 

But  this  inertness  disappears  under  the  influence  of  certain 
particularly  violent  shocks,  such  as  that  of  mercury  fulminate. 
Again,  the  explosion  of  nitroglycerin  is  very  different,  according 
as  it  is  pure  or  mixed  with  another  body  or  is  operated  on  by  a 
simple  shock,  by  contact  with  a  body  in  weak  ignition,  or  in 
active  ignition,  or,  again,  by  the  aid  of  an  ordinary  fuse;  or, 
finally,  by  the  contact  of  a  strong  priming  of  mercury  fulminate. 

1  Ch.  Girard,  Millot  et  Vogt  ("  Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  1'Acade'mie 
des  Sciences,"  torn.  Ixxi.  p.  691). 




1.  According  to  the  method  employed  for  ignition,  dynamite 
may  be  quietly  decomposed  without  any  flame ;  or  it  may  burn 
briskly ;  or,  again,  give  rise  to  an  explosion  properly  so  called, 
either   moderate,  or  capable  of  dislocating   rocks,  or   even  of 
locally    crushing   them    and   of    producing  the   most  violent 

2.  The  substances  which  determine  these  latter  effects  have 
received  more  especially  the  name  of  detonators.     Noble  was 
the  first  to  recognise  the  character  of  these  when  experimenting 
on  nitroglycerin  in  1864,  and  from  thence  he  deduced  the  con- 
venient method   of  exploding   this    substance    effectually   by 
means  of  a  priming  of  mercury  fulminate. 

Gun-cotton  does  not  present  less  variety.  Abel  has  published, 
with  reference  to  this  matter,  since  the  year  1868,  some  very 
curious  experiments,  which  similarly  tend  to  establish  a  great 
diversity  between  the  conditions  of  deflagration  in  this  substance 
according  to  the  mode  of  detonating  it.1  Eoux  and  Sarrau 
have  generalised  these  phenomena  by  distinguishing  what  they 
have  termed  the  explosions  of  the  first  and  of  the  second  order, 
a  real  distinction,  yet  one  which  appears  insufficient,  by  reason 
of  its  too  absolute  character. 

3.  However  strange  this  diversity  may  appear  at  first  sight, 
the  author  holds  nevertheless  that  thermo-dynamic  theories  are 
capable   of  accounting   for  it  by  a   suitable  analysis   of  the 
phenomena  of  shock. 

In  fact,  the  variety  of  explosive  phenomena  depends  on  the 
speed  with  which  the  reaction  is  propagated,  and  on  the  more 
or  less  intense  pressures  which  result  therefrom. 

Take  the  simplest  case,  that  of  an  explosion  determined  by 
the  fall  of  a  weight  from  a  certain  height.  At  first  one  would 
be  inclined  to  attribute  the  effects  observed  to  the  heat  dis- 
engaged by  the  compression  due  to  the  shock  of  the  suddenly 
arrested  weight.  But  calculation  shows  that  the  stoppage 
of  a  weight  of  several  kgms.  falling  from  a  height  of 
0*25  metre  or  0*50  metre  cannot  raise  the  temperature  of  the 
explosive  mass  more  than  a  fraction  of  a  degree,  if  the  resultant 
heat  be  uniformly  distributed  throughout  the  entire  mass. 
Such  mass  could  therefore  never  reach  to  a  high  temperature, 
such  as  190°  and  200°,  for  instance,  in  the  case  of  nitroglycerin, 
a  temperature  to  which  it  would  seem  necessary  to  raise  the 
entire  mass  suddenly  in  order  to  produce  explosion. 

It  is  by  a  different  mechanism  that  the  energy  of  the  weight 
transformed  into  heat  becomes  the  origin  of  the  effects  observed. 

1  "Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  I'Acad&nie  des  Sciences,"  torn.  Ixix. 
pp.  105  a  121.  1869. 


It  is  sufficient  to  admit  that  pressures  which  result  from  the 
shock  exercised  on  the  surface  of  nitroglycerin  are  too  sudden 
to  distribute  themselves  uniformly  throughout  the  whole  mass, 
and  that  consequently  the  transformation  of  the  energy  into 
heat  takes  place  more  especially  in  the  first  layers  reached  by 
the  shock.  If  this  be  sufficiently  violent,  these  layers  may  thus 
be  suddenly  raised  up  to  about  200°,  and  they  will  immediately 
decompose,  producing  a  great  quantity  of  gases.  The  produc- 
tion of  gas  is,  in  its  turn,  so  sudden  that  the  striking  body  has 
not  time  to  displace  itself,  and  the  sudden  expansion  of  the 
gases  of  the  explosion  produces  a  first  shock,  doubtless,  more 
violent  than  the  first  on  the  layers  situated  below.  The  energy 
of  this  new  shock  changes  itself  into  heat  in  the  layers  which  it 
first  reaches.  It  determines  their  explosion,  and  this  alternation 
between  a  shock  developing  an  energy  which  becomes  changed 
into  heat,  and  a  production  of  heat  which  raises  the  temperature 
of  the  heated  layers  up  to  the  degree  of  a  new  explosion  capable 
of  reproducing  a  shock,  transmits  the  reaction  from  layer  to 
layer  throughout  the  entire  mass.  The  propagation  of  the 
deflagration  thus  takes  place  by  virtue  of  phenomena  comparable . 
to  those  which  give  rise  to  a  sound  wave ;  that  is  to  say,  by 
producing  a  true  explosive  wave  which  travels  with  a  rapidity 
incomparably  greater  than  that  of  a  simple  inflammation, 
induced  by  the  contact  of  a  body  in  ignition  and  effected  in 
conditions  under  which  the  gases  freely  expand  as  they  are 
produced.  We  shall  define  this  explosive  wave  and  study  its 
characteristics  in  Chapter  VII. 

4.  The  reaction  induced  by  a  first  shock  in  a  given  explosive 
substance  propagates  itself  with  a  rapidity  which  depends  on 
the  intensity  of  the  first  shock,  seeing  that  the  energy  of  the 
latter  transformed  into  heat  determines  the  intensity  of  the  first 
explosion,  and  consequently  that  of  the  entire  series  of  consecu- 
tive effects.  Now  the  intensity  of  the  first  shock  may  vary 
considerably  according  to  the  mode  in  which  it  is  produced. 
The  effect  of  the  blow  of  a  hammer  may  vary  in  its  dura- 
tion, for  instance,  from  yJ0  to  -nyj-<ro  °f  a  second,  according  to 
whether  the  blow  be  given  with  a  hammer  with  a  flexible 
handle,  or  with  a  block  of  steel,  as  shown  by  Marcel  Deprez's 

It  follows,  then,  that  the  explosion  of  a  solid  or  liquid  mass 
may  develop  itself  according  to  an  infinite  number  of  different 
laws,  each  of  which  is  determined  c&teris  paribus  by  the  original 
impulse.  The  more  violent  the  initial  shock,  the  more  sudden 
will  be  the  decomposition  induced,  and  the  more  considerable 
will  be  the  pressures  exercised  during  the  entire  course  of  this 
decomposition.  One  single  explosive  substance  may  therefore 
give  rise  to  the  most  diverse  effects  according  to  the  process  of 


5.  Effects  vary  similarly  according  to  whether  the  substance 
is  pure  or  associated  with  foreign  substances,  and  again  accord- 
ing to  the  structure  of  the  latter.     This  is  shown  by  dynamite, 
a  mixture  of  nitroglycerin  with  silica ;  which  has  lost  a  great 
part  of  its  sensitiveness  to  ordinary  shock,  yet  it  remains  explo- 
sive under  the  shock  of  a  ball,  and  particularly  under  the  shock 
of  mercury  fulminate. 

6.  Gun-gotton  impregnated  with  water  or  paraffin  becomes 
equally  non-sensitive  to  a  shock.     In  order  to  explode  it  a  small 
supplementary  cartridge  of  dry  gun-cotton  powder  primed  with 
fulminate  must  be  employed. 

If  a  small  quantity  of  camphor  be  incorporated  with  nitro- 
cellulose its  susceptibility  to  explosion  by  shock  is  almost 
completely  annihilated,  at  least  at  the  ordinary  temperature ;  to 
such  an  extent  that  this  association  constitutes  a  substance  now 
employed  for  various  purposes  under  the  name  of  celluloid. 

7.  Blasting  gelatin,  which  is  made  of  nitroglycerin  and  nitro- 
cotton,  sometimes  with  the  addition  of  camphor,  constitutes  an 
elastic  mass  very  slightly  sensitive  to  shock,  and  which  in  like 
manner  requires  an  auxiliary  cartridge  of  dry  gun-cotton  also 
primed  with  fulminate. 

8.  The   change   introduced   by  the   camphor  and   resinous 
matters  in  the  explosive  properties  of  such  substances,  results 
from  the  modification  supervening  in  the  cohesion  of  the  mass. 
The  mass  has  acquired  a  certain  elasticity  and  solidity  of  parts, 
by  reason  of  which  the  initial  shock  of  the  detonator  is  at.  once 
propagated  throughout  a  much  larger  mass  (see  p.  38).    Besides, 
a  portion  of  the  effects  of  the  shock  is  expended  in  the  work  of 
tearing  up  and  separation,  a  small  portion  of  it  remains,  which 
is   susceptible  of  heating  the  parts  directly  struck,  and  this 
heating  is,   moreover,   distributed   throughout   a    large    mass. 
Hence  a  sudden  and  local  rise  in  temperature,  capable  of  deter- 
mining chemical  and  consecutive  mechanical  actions,  becomes 
more  difficult ;  it  will  require  the  employment  of  a  detonator 
of  much  greater  weight.    This  results  from  the  preceding  theory. 

9.  But  camphor,  on  the  other  hand,  should  not,  and  does  not, 
in  fact,  exercise,  as  experience  proves,  any  specific  action  on  a 
discontinuous  powder,  such  as  potassium  chlorate  powders.     It 
is  this  which  also  explains  the  fact  that  blasting  gelatin,  when 
frozen,  recovers  a  sensitiveness  to  shock  which  may  be  compared 
with    that   of  nitroglycerin ;    the   continuity   of  it  has   been 
destroyed  by  the  crystallisation  of  this  substance. 

10.  Hence  we  see  the  importance  of  primers,  until  recently 
regarded  as  simple  agents  intended  to  communicate  flame  to 
powder.      In   fact    these   primers,   provided    only   their   bulk 
be  sufficient,  regulate   by  their   nature  the   character   of  the 
initial   shock,   and   consequently   the   character  of  the   entire 
explosion.     In  this   case  they  take  the   name   of  detonators, 


properly  so  called.  Pure  mercury  fulminate  is  especially  em- 
ployed in  this  respect ;  it  is  the  most  powerful  of  detonators,  that 
is  to  say,  its  shock  is  more  violent  and  more  sudden  than  that 
of  any  other  substance,  which  is  explained  by  the  suddenness  of 
its  decomposition,  together  with  the  extraordinary  magnitude 
of  the  pressure  which  it  would  develop  when  detonating  in  its 
own  volume  (almost  26000atm.).  At  page  52  a  certain  number 
of  characteristic  facts  nave  been  cited  relative  to  this  specific 
influence  of  primers.  We  shall  return  to  this  subject. 


1.  Progressive  combustion  has  particularly  preserved  the 
name  of  combustion;  the  name  detonation  being  reserved  to 
almost  instantaneous  combustion  with  expansion  of  gas.  From 
this,  again,  we  get  the  distinction  proposed  by  Sarrau  between 
the  explosions  termed  of  the  first  order,  such  as  those  of  black 
powder,  which  are  really  ordinary  combustions,  and  the  ex- 
plosions termed  of  the  second  order,  or  detonations  properly  so 
called,  such  as  that  of  nitroglycerin,  produced  by  a  strong 
priming  of  mercury  fulminate. 

Nevertheless,  the  facts  known  do  not,  in  the  author's  opinion, 
compel  us  to  admit  a  difference  in  the  nature,  and  a  line  of 
absolute  demarcation  between  the  two  orders  of  phenomena; 
they  tend  rather  to  place  these  latter  under  an  aspect  showing 
an  indefinite  variety  comprised  between  two  extreme  limits : — 

(a)  The  detonation  of  the  explosive  substance  in  its  own 
volume  reaching  the  maximum  of  temperature  and  pressure, 
and  consequently  the  maximum  of  speed  which  chemical 
reaction  realised  under  these  conditions  involves.  This  effect  is 
produced  when  the  substance  retains  the  totality  of  its  energy, 
that  is  to  say,  of  the  heat  developed  in  the  chemical  transforma- 
tion up  to  the  moment  when  this  latter  propagates  itself  to  the 
adjacent  portions.  Detonation  is  especially  produced  by  a  very 
sudden  shock.  Gases  formed  at  the  point  where  the  shock  is 
produced  at  first  have  not,  so  to  speak,  time  to  become  dis- 
placed, and  they  immediately  communicate  their  energy  to  the 
parts  in  contact ;  the  action  is  thus  propagated  into  the  entire 
mass  with  a  sort  of  regularity,  producing  in  it  a  veritable 
explosive  wave. 

,  The  velocities  of  propagation  which  have  been  measured  with 
dynamite  and  compressed  gun-cotton  belong  to  this  order  of 
detonations,  and  they  are  very  different  from  those  of  combustion 
of  black  powder.  For  instance,  the  Austrian  artillerists  have 
observed  a  velocity  exceeding  6000  metres  per  second  when 
detonating  a  dynamite  cylinder  67  metres  in  length ;  Colonel 
Se'bert  has  observed  velocities  of  5000  to  7000  metres  (a  mean 
velocity  of  6138  metres)  in  pulverulent  gun-cotton  compressed 


into  long  leaden  tubes.  Further  on  it  will  be  seen  that  the 
author,  together  with  M.  Vieille,  has  measured  velocities  of 
several  thousands  of  metres  per  second  in  explosive  gaseous 

(b)  Progressive  combustion  transmitting  itself,  step  by  step, 
under  the  conditions  in  which  the  cooling  due  to  conductivity 
by  contact  with  inert  substances,  etc.,  lowers  the  temperature  to 
the  lowest  degree  compatible  with  the  continuation  of  the  re- 
action ;  all  heat  is  thus  dissipated  with  the  exception  of  a  very 
small  fraction  necessary  to  propagate  the  reaction  in  the 
adjacent  parts.  The  velocity  of  combustion  in  explosive  gases 
measured  by  Bunsen  (p.  49)  is  attributable  to  this  mode  of 

In  the  case  of  solid  or  liquid  explosives  the  propagation  of 
simple  inflammation  is  rendered  more  difficult  by  the  movement 
of  the  gases,  which  distribute  themselves  throughout  a  large 
space  around  the  point  inflamed,  instead  of  acting  in  a  volume 
equal  to,  or  slightly  different  from  that  of  the  original  bodies  ; 
they  thus  share  their  temperature  with  a  large  mass  of  the  sub- 
stance up  to  such  a  point  that  the  latter  cannot  be  raised  to  the 
desired  degree  for  it  to  commence  decomposition.  Thus  we 
often  see  the  substance  dispersed  by  the  gases  without  ex- 
periencing total  combustion,  and  even  without  undergoing  any 
change.  This  happens  particularly  with  explosive  substances 
not  confined  within  an  envelope  which  concentrates  the  action 
of  the  gases  and  gives  to  it  a  common  resultant  (p.  40). 

This  is  the  case  with  nitroglycerin,  which  is  found  unaltered 
in  the  vicinity  of  progressive  deflagrations,  and  it  also  occurs 
with  dynamite  placed  on  the  ground  in  a  thin  layer.  Damp 
gun-cotton,  which  is  not  inflammable,  has  also  furnished 
numerous  instances  of  this  dispersion  resulting  from  the  use 
of  an  insufficient  detonator.  It  is  by  reason  of  this  special 
action  of  gases  that  a  simple  inflammation  of  a  dynamite 
cartridge,  owing  to  the  use  of  a  badly  placed  fuse  or  of  ful- 
minate not  in  sufficiently  close  contact,  should  be  avoided, 
inflammation  thus  preceding  the  direct  action,  which  ought  to 
be  produced  in  immediate  contact  with  the  fulminate. 

2.  Between  these  two  limits  an  entire  series  of  intermediate 
states  are  observed,  and  they  are  unlimited  in  number  as  the 
various  modes  of  inflaming  dynamite  demonstrate.  This  is 
proved  by  the  influence  of  a  sufficiently  strong  tamping  (p.  40), 
which  transforms  an  inflammation  into  a  true  detonation. 

Finally,  we  might  here  cite  the  inequality  of  the  effects 
produced  by  successive  explosions  of  charges  of  the  same 
agent  detonating  by  influence  at  limiting  distances  beyond 
which  the  explosion  would  no  longer  propagate  itself  (see 
further  on). 

This  variety  in  the  phenomena  is  due  to  two  orders  of  causes, 


the   one   being   mechanical   and  the   other   more   particularly 

3.  From  a  mechanical  point  of  view  it  is  conceivable  that 
between  the  two  limits  of  progressive  combustion  and  detona- 
tion the  intermediate  modes  of  propagation  and  reaction  may, 
according  to   circumstances,  be   produced  (p.  53),  combustion 
tending  to  transform  itself  more  or  less  quickly  into  detonation. 
But  only  the  two   limits  should  be   regarded  as  constituting 
regular   standards.     This   will  be  more  fully  defined  in   the 
chapter  relating  to  the  explosive  wave. 

4.  Chemical  phenomena   themselves  may  vary,  at  any  rate 
under  certain  conditions.     In  fact,  the  mode  of  decomposition  is 
not  unique,  unless  the  explosive  substance  contains  sufficient 
oxygen  to  cause  a  total  combustion,  as  happens  in  the  case  of 
nitroglycerin   and  nitromannite.     It  is  further  essential  that 
this  total  combustion  should  have  really  taken  place;   which 
does  not   necessarily  occur,  especially  in   slow  inflammations, 
effected  at  as  low  a  temperature  as  possible  and  in  which  in- 
complete reactions  may  at  first  become  developed. 

5.  But  it  often  happens  that  oxygen  is  deficient,  or  that  the 
first  reaction  gives  rise  to  a  bad  distribution  of  this  oxygen,  as 
in   the   case   where  nitroglycerin   burns   slowly,  producing    a 
nitrous   vapour,   and  fixed   or  gaseous   matters,   incompletely 
burned.    Under  these  circumstances  the  possible  decompositions 
are  manifold;  their  number  depends  on  the  temperature,  on  the 
pressure,  and  on  the  quickness  of  the  heating.    We  have  already 
pointed   out  this   case  for    ammonium  nitrate   (p.   6) ;    it  is 
generally   observed  in    organic    substances   decomposable    by 
heating.1    Mixtures  such  as  black  powder  are  equally  susceptible 
of  it. 

6.  Among  the  numerous  decompositions  of  the  same  sub- 
stance, those  which  develop  the  greatest  heat  are  those  which 
also  generate  the  most  violent  explosive  effects,  all  things  else 
being  equal.     This  is  evident,  since  the  volume  of  gases  (re- 
duced to  0°  and  760  mm.)  reaches  its  maximum  value  at  the 
same  time.     But  it  takes  place  in  other  cases,  the  decomposition 
being  always  followed  by  a  diminution  of  pressure,  as  has  been 
elsewhere  shown  (p.  8). 

On  the  other  hand,  these  are  not  generally  the  reactions 
which  manifest  themselves  at  the  lowest  temperature  possible. 
If,  therefore,  the  explosive  body  receive  in  a  given  time  a 
quantity  of  heat  which  is  insufficient  to  carry  its  temperature 
up  to  a  degree  which  corresponds  to  the  most  violent  reactions, 
it  will  experience  a  decomposition  capable  of  disengaging  less 
heat,  or  even  of  absorbing  it ;  and  it  will  by  this  decomposition 
become  completely  destroyed  without  developing  its  most 
energetic  effects. 

1  "  Essai  de  M&anique  Chimique,"  torn.  n.  p.  45. 


The  contrary  will  happen  if  the  body  be  rapidly  heated  up  to 
the  temperature  corresponding  to  the  most  energetic  reaction. 

7.  In   fine,  the   multiplicity  of  possible   reactions   involves 
a   complete   series   of  intermediate   phenomena,  especially  as, 
according  to  the  mode  of  heating,  it  may  happen  that  several 
decompositions  will  succeed  one  another   progressively.     This 
succession  of  decompositions  gives  place  to  effects  even  more 
complicated,  as  Jungfleisch   has   pointed   out,  when   the   first 
decomposition,  instead  of  producing  a  total  elimination  of  the 
decomposed  part  (changed  into  gaseous  or  volatile  substances), 
results  in  a  division  of  the  primitive  substance  into  two  parts  ; 
the  one  gaseous,  which  becomes  eliminated,  and  the  other  solid 
or  liquid,  which  remains  exposed  to  the  consecutive  action  of 
heating.     The  composition  of  this  residue  being  no  longer  the 
same — which  happens,  for  instance,  with  nitroglycerin  which 
has  at  first  disengaged  a  portion  of  its  oxygen  in  the  form  of 
nitrous  vapours — the  effects  of  its  consecutive  destruction  may 
be  completely  changed. 

8.  Such  are  the   causes,  some   chemical,  some  mechanical, 
owing  to  which  nitroglycerin  and  compressed  gun-cotton  each 
produce  such  different  effects,  according  as  they  are  inflamed  by 
the  aid  of  a  body  feebly  ignited  by  a  flame,  by  an  ordinary 
fuse,   or   again  by  the   aid   of  a   cap   charged  with   mercury 

For  example,  Eoux  and  Sarrau  have  found  that  the  necessary 
charges  for  breaking  a  bomb  shell,  vary  cceteris  paribus,  in  an 
inverse  ratio  to  the  following  numbers,  the  value  of  which  is 
calculated  by  taking  gunpowder  as  unit. 

Detonation.  Inflammation. 

Nitroglycerin         lOO     4-8 

Compressed  gun-cotton     6-5     3-0 

Picric  acid  5-5     2-0 

Potassium  picrate 5-3     1*8 

The  weight  of  the  bursting  charge  with  black  powder,  itself 
under  the  influence  of  nitroglycerin  primed  with  fulminate,  has 
been  reduced  in  the  proportion  of  4'34  to  1. 

This  inequality  in  the  force  of  the  same  powder  according  to 
the  method  of  ignition,  is  also  partially  attributable  to  the 
cooling  produced  by  the  walls  in  a  slower  reaction ;  but 
generally  it  results  from  a  change  occurring  in  the  chemical 

9.  The  diversity  of  the  effects  is  less  marked  with  non-com- 
pressed gun-cotton,  because  the  influence  of  the  initial  shock  is 
exercised   on    a  smaller  quantity  of  matter,  and   particularly 
because  the  propagation  of  the  successive  reactions  in  the  mass 
develops  therein   weaker   initial   pressures   and  a  less   direct 
transformation  of  energy  into  heat  transmitted  to  the  explosive 
body.     The  cause  of  this  is  the  interposed  air.     Consequently 


the  explosive  wave  can  only  be  produced  with  difficulty  in  such 
a  substance. 

Compressed  gun-cotton  itself  is  less  compact  than  nitro- 
glycerin  owing  to  its  structure.  This  is  the  reason  why 
pressures  which  are  due  to  shocks  should  become  sensibly 
attenuated  by  the  existence  of  interstices.  Gun-cotton  is  there- 
fore more  difficult  to  explode  than  nitroglycerin.  Nitroglycerin 
explodes  by  the  fall  of  a  weight  from  a  lesser  height,  by  the 
use  of  a  priming  charged  with  gun-cotton,  or  a  mixture  of 
fulminate  and  potassium  chlorate,  etc. ;  whereas  gun-cotton  does 
not  explode  under  the  influence  of  nitroglycerin,  nor  under  the 
influence  of  a  mixture  of  fulminate  and  chlorate,  it  requires  the 
more  sudden  shock  of  pure  mercury  fulminate. 

This  latter  agent  is  also  less  efficacious  if  it  be  employed 
exposed  than  if  it  be  placed  in  a  thick  copper  or  tin  covering ; 
it  is  less  efficacious  in  an  envelope  made  of  paper  or  tinfoil, 
than  in  a  copper  envelope;  it  is  still  less  efficacious  if  the 
priming  be  not  in  contact  with  the  gun-cotton.  Finally,  if  it 
T5e~plaeed  in  a  leaden  tube,  an  elastic  substance  which  at  once 
yields  to  pressure,  its  effect  becomes  nullified. 

Nitroglycerin  is  less  explosive  under  the  influence  of  a 
priming  of  fulminate  if  it  be  inflamed  before  the  explosion  of 
the  fulminate,  the  previous  inflammation  producing  a  certain 
void  between  the  two  (p.  56).  The  absence  of  immediate  contact 
between  the  dynamite  contained  in  the  cartridges  and  the 
priming  of  fulminate  is  prejudicial  for  the  same  reason,  the 
shock  being  partially  deadened  by  the  interposed  air.  The 
sensitiveness  to  the  action  of  the  fulminate  is  greater  in 
dynamite,  containing  liquid  nitroglycerin,  than  in  that  con- 
taining frozen  nitroglycerin,  which  is  similarly  explained  by 
the  absence  of  homogeneity  in  congealed  dynamite,  in  which 
nitroglycerin  is  partially  separated  from  the  porous  silica  owing 
to  its  solidification. 

10.  All  these  phenomena  are  explained  by  the  more  or  less- 
considerable  value  of  initial  pressures,  by  their  more  or  less 
sudden  development,  and  by  their  more  or  less  easy  communica- 
tion to  the  rest  of  the  mass ;  that  is  to  say,  by  the  conditions 
which  regulate  the  energy  transformed  into  heat  in  a  given  time 
in  the  interior  of  the  first  layers  of  the  explosive  substance 
which  are  reached  by  the  shock  (see  pp.  52,  53). 

The  quantity  of  energy  thus  transformed  depends  therefore 
both  on  the  suddenness  of  the  shock,  and  on  the  greatness  of 
the  work  which  it  is  capable  of  developing,  Now  here  we  have 
two  data,  which  vary  with  each  explosive  substance.  For 
instance,  the  most  suitable  primings  are  not  always  those  in 
which  the  explosion  is  the  most  instantaneous.  Abel  has 
recognised  that  nitrogen  chloride  is  not  very  efficacious  in 
inflaming  gun-cotton;  nitrogen  iodide,  so  sensitive  to  the  least 


friction,  remains  absolutely  powerless  with  gun-cotton.  Now 
nitrogen  chloride  is  precisely  one  of  the  explosive  bodies  of 
which  we  are  treating  here,  which  develop  the  least  heat  con- 
sequently the  least  work,  for  a  given  weight,  owing  to  the  high 
figure  of  the  equivalent  of  chlorine.  We  therefore  see  that  it  is 
necessary  to  use  more  of  it  by  way  of  priming.  As  to  nitrogen 
iodide,  according  to  the  analogies  taken  from  iodo-substitution 
compounds,1  and  from  the  great  weight  of  the  equivalent  of 
iodine,  its  explosion  should  develop  much  less  heat  and  much 
less  work  for  the  same  weight  than  even  nitrogen  chloride  ;  its 
impotence  is  therefore  easily  understood. 


It  is  advisable  to  consider  here  the  conditions  which  deter- 
mine the  commencement  of  reactions,  conditions  which  are  of 
fundamental  importance  in  the  study  of  explosive  substances 
and  on  the  knowledge  of  which  the  study  of  the  combustion 
effected  by  nitric  oxide  throws  a  very  special  light. 

1.  Nitric  oxide  contains  more  than  half  its  weight  of  oxygen, 
and  this  oxygen,  in  connection  with  a  combustible  body,  disen- 
gages 21,600  cal.  more  than  free  oxygen  (0  =  16  grm.).    It  there- 
fore seems  that  nitric  oxide  should  be  a  more  active  burning 
agent  than  free  oxygen.     Nevertheless,  this  only  happens  under 
peculiar  circumstances,  noticed  by  chemists  from  the  commence- 
ment  of  the   nineteenth   century,  which   have  given   rise  to 
experimentSj  which  are  produced  in  every  course  of  lectures, 
but  have  not  as  yet  been  properly  explained.     The  author  has 
resumed  this  study,  which  appears  to  throw  a  good  deal  of  light 
on  the  work  which  precedes  reactions,  and  on  the  manifold 
equilibriums  of  which  one  and  the  same  system  is  susceptible. 

2.  Let  us  place  in  the  presence  of  free  oxygen  two  gases  sus- 
ceptible  of  combination  with  it,  in  the  same   proportions   of 
volume,  such  as  nitric  oxide  and  hydrogen  previously  mixed  in 
equal  volumes,  N02  +  H2  4-  02,  nitric  peroxide  is  immediately 
formed,  hydrogen  being  unaffected  (respecte).     This  preference 
is  manifested,  evidently,  owing  to  the  inequality  of  the  initial 
temperature  of  the  two  reactions,  nitric  peroxide  being  formed 
in  the  cold ;  whereas  water  is  produced  only  at  about  500°  to 

3.  Nevertheless,   this   explanation  is   less   decisive  than  it 
appears  to  be,  since  the  combination  of  nitric  oxide  and  hydro- 
gen liberates  a  great  quantity  of  heat    (1900  cal.),  say  two- 
thirds  of  the  heat  of  formation  of  gaseous  water  (29,500  cal.). 
Now  this  heat  should  raise  the  temperature  of  the  system  to  the 
degree  at  which  oxygen  and  hydrogen  combine. 

In  order  fully  to  demonstrate  the  phenomenon,  the  experi- 
1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4*  s£rie,  torn.  xx.  p.  449. 


ment  was  repeated,  doubling  the  quantity  of  oxygen,  so  that  the 
proportion  of  this  element  sufficed  for  the  combustion  of  the 
hydrogen  and  also  nitric  oxide. 

The  reaction  produced  under  these  conditions  does  not  give 
rise  to  the  combustion  of  hydrogen,  the  nitric  peroxide  being 
formed  alone,  whether  the  nitric  oxide  be  introduced  into  the 
mixture  made  beforehand  of  oxygen  and  hydrogen,  or  the  oxygen 
be  introduced  into  a  mixture  previously  formed  of  hydrogen  and 
nitric  oxide. 

Now  the  temperature  developed  by  this  formation  would  be 
927°,  according  to  the  calculation  based  on  the  known  specific 
heats  of  the  elements,  and  supposing  that  of  the  nitric  peroxide 
to  be  equal  to  the  sum  of  its  components.  It  seems  difficult  to 
explain  these  facts,  except  by  supposing  the  real  temperature  to 
be  much  lower ;  that  is,  by  attributing  to  the  nitric  peroxide 
a  specific  heat  greater  than  that  of  the  elements,  as  is  the  case 
with  the  chlorides  of  phosphorus,  arsenic,  silicon,  tin,  titanium, 
etc.,  in  the  gaseous  state,1  and  probably  increasing  with  the 
temperature,  as  in  the  case  of  carbonic  acid. 

This  has,  in  fact,  been  verified  experimentally  by  the  author 
and  M.  Ogier.2  The  temperature,  calculated  according  to  these 
new  data,  falls  to  700°,  and  even  lower. 

There  is,  moreover,  no  exceptional  property  of  the  nitric 
oxide  to  prevent  combustion.  In  fact,  if  the  inflammable 
temperature  of  a  mixture  of  oxygen  and  combustible  gas,  such  as 
oxygen  and  phosphoretted  hydrogen,  be  notably  lower,  it  will 
suffice  to  introduce  a  few  bubbles  of  nitric  oxide,  in  order  to 
ignite  it  at  once. 

4.  When  these  experiments,  with  a  mixture  of  hydrogen  and 
nitric  oxide,  are  carried  out  over  mercury,  a  complication  takes 
place  which  corresponds  to  a  new  distribution  of  the  oxygen, 
the  mercury  intervening  as  a  third  combustible  body,  forming 
basic  nitrates  and  nitrites. 

The  quantity  of  oxygen  absorbed  is  almost  double,  but  the 
hydrogen  remains  unconsumed. 

5.  These  facts  being  admitted,  let  us  see  what  happens  when 
we   try   to   ignite   a   mixture   of  hydrogen   and   nitric   oxide. 
Berthollet  and   H.   Davy  found  that  ignition   does  not  take 
place,  either  under  the  influence  of  the  electric  spark,  or  the 
influence  of  a  body  in  a  state  of  combustion.     Further,  a  lighted 
match  is  extinguished  in  a  similar  gaseous  mixture.     If  some- 
times the  hydrogen  of  this  mixture  becomes  ignited,  it  is  outside 
the  test  tube  and  at  the  expense  of  the  oxygen  in  the  atmo- 

Nevertheless,  the  flame  of  the  match,  or  the  electric  spark, 
brings  about,  at  the  point  heated,  decomposition  of  nitric  oxide 

1  "  Essai  de  Me'canique  Chimique,"  torn.  1.  pp.  336  and  400. 

2  "  Bulletin  de  la  Socie'td  Chimique,"  2'  s^rie,  torn,  xxxvii.  p.  335. 


into  its  elements ;  for  this  decomposition  takes  place  at  from 
500°  to  550°,  according  to  the  author's  experiments.1  But  the 
oxygen  is  gradually  taken  up  by  the  surplus  of  oxide,  without 
uniting  in  any  notable  proportion  with  the  hydrogen,  as  has 
been  shown. 

6.  The   reaction   between  hydrogen   and   nitric  oxide  takes 
place,  howeyer,  when  it  is  excited  by  a  series  of  sparks,  but 
gradually  and  locally.     In  fact,  at  the  end  of  ten  minutes  the 
mixture  of  nitric  oxide  and  hydrogen  in  equal  volumes,  NO  + 
H2,  was  reduced  to  one  half  in  these  conditions.     After  some 
hours   the  nitric   oxide  had  disappeared,  but  there  remained 
several  hundredth  parts  of  free  hydrogen,  and  a  basic  salt  had 
been  formed  at  the  expense  of  the  mercury.     This  latter  forma- 
tion proves  that  the  oxygen  set  free  by  the  sparks  was  seized,  to 
a  fractional  extent,  by  the  nitric  oxide  to  produce  nitric  per- 
oxide, a  gas,  the  presence  of  which  was  quite  manifest.     This 
nitric  peroxide  gas,  in  its  turn,  is  partially  destroyed  by  the 
hydrogen  under   the   influence   of  the   spark,   whilst   another 
portion  oxidises  the  mercury,  and  thus  a  portion  of  the  oxygen 
is  withdrawn  from  the  ulterior  reaction  of  the  hydrogen. 

In  a  word,  the  formation  of  nitric  peroxide  is  intermediate 
between  the  decomposition  of  the  nitric  oxide  and  the  oxidation 
of  at  least  a  portion  of  the  hydrogen.  We  have  then, — 

(1)  NO  =  N  +  0. 

(2)  NO  +  0  =  N02. 

(3)  N02  +  2H2  =  2H20  +  N. 

Therefore,  in  order  that  the  hydrogen  may  be  regularly 
oxidised,  it  is  not  the  nitric  oxide  which  it  is  necessary  to 
decompose,  but  the  nitric  peroxide,  a  very  stable  compound,  the 
destruction  of  which  requires  an  extremely  high  temperature. 
This  accounts  for  the  fact  that  the  combustion  induced  by  flame 
or  electric  sparks  is  not  propagated. 

7.  The  same  experiments  were  repeated  with  a  mixture  of 
nitric  oxide  and  carbonic  oxide  : 

NO  +  CO. 

According  to  "W.  Henry,  this  mixture  is  also  not  ignited  by  a 
lighted  match,  which  is  extinguished  in  it,  nor  by  electric 

Nevertheless,  it  was  observed  that  a  series  of  sparks  continued 
during  some  hours  decomposed  it  completely.  Only  half  of  the 
carbonic  oxide  is  thus  converted  into  carbonic  acid,  and  the 
combustion  is  so  imperfect  that  a  little  carbon  is  precipitated  on 
the  platinum  wires,  as  if  pure  carbonic  oxide  had  been  employed. 
The  surplus  oxygen  of  the  oxide  forms  first  of  all  nitric  per- 
oxide, and  then  basic  salts  of  mercury. 

Here  again,  the  temperature  produced  by  the  spark  was 
1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5*  G^rie,  torn.  vii.  p.  197. 


sufficient  to  burn  the  carbonic  oxide,  but  all  round  the  path  of 
the  spark  the  temperature  fell  rapidly  to  a  point  at  which  it 
could  still  decompose  the  nitric  oxide,  without  igniting  the 
carbonic  oxide. 

The  oxygen  formed  at  the  expense  of  the  former  compound 
thus  produced  nitric  peroxide  gas  with  the  surplus. 

8.  The  contrast  will  be  remarked  between  this  experiment 
and   the   sudden   combustion  of  carbonic   oxide   produced  by 
mercury  fulminate  detonating  in  nitric  oxide  (see  further  on). 
The  fact  is  that  the  latter  agent  sets  free  at  once  all  the  oxygen 
of  the  oxide  without  passing  through  the  state  of  nitric  per- 

9.  Let  us  examine  more  closely  the  list  of  gases  and  other 
bodies  capable  of  burning  direct  at  the  expense  of  the  nitric 
oxide  by  simple  inflammation,  or  electric  sparks,  and  seek  the 
causes  of  the  difference  which  exists  between  the  reaction  of 
these  bodies  and  of  those  which  do  not  burn  immediately. 

The  following  do  not  ignite  :  — 

Nitric  oxide  and  hydrogen  in  equal  volumes, 

Nitric  oxide  mixed  in  the  same  way  with  carbonic  oxide, 

NO  +  CO. 

Nitric  oxide  mixed  with  marsh  gas, 
4NO  +  CH4. 
Nitric  oxide  mixed  with  methyl  chloride, 

3NO  +  (CH3C1). 

And  even  nitric  oxide  mixed  with  methylic  ether, 
6NO  +  (CH3)20. 

The  combination  of  these  mixtures  does  not  take  place  by 
contact  with  a  small  flame,  nor  under  the  influence  of  electric 

Sulphur  also,  when  simply  ignited,  is  extinguished  in  nitric 

This  absence  of  combustion  is  especially  remarkable  with 
methylic  ether,  which  takes  the  same  quantity  of  oxygen  and 
disengages  nearly  the  same  quantity  of  heat  as  ethylene,  a  gas 
which  burns,  on  the  contrary,  at  the  expense  of  the  nitric  oxide. 
The  two  mixtures  occupy,  moreover,  the  same  volume. 

10.  On  the  other  hand,  the  contact  of  a  lighted  match  ignites 
the  following  mixtures  when  formed  according  to  equivalent 
ratios  of  volume  :  — 

Nitric  oxide  mixed  with  cyanogen, 

2NO  +  CN. 
Nitric  oxide  mixed  with  acetylene, 

5NO  +  C2H2. 
Nitric  oxide  mixed  with  ethylene, 

6NO  +  C2H4. 


These  combustions,  started  by  a  small  flame  in  a  test  tube,  are 
gradual  and  progressive,  and  only  produce  very  feeble  explosions 
like  that  of  carbonic  oxide  and  oxygen. 

By  means  of  a  powerful  electric  spark  combustion  also  takes 
place,  and  with  singular  violence,  which  shows  the  difference  in 
the  mode  of  propagation  of  the  chemical  action. 

Here  it  may  be  mentioned  that  phosphorus  burns  briskly  in 
nitric  oxide,  that  the  same  takes  place  with  boiling  sulphur, 
with  carbon  previously  made  incandescent,  and  that  carbon 
bisulphide  also  burns  briskly  in  this  gas  ;  these  are  well-known 

11.  The  principal  cause  of  these  diversities  is  the  difference 
in  the  temperatures  developed  by  the  combustible  bodies  burning 
at  the  expense  of  the  nitric  oxide. 

The  theoretical  calculation  of  these  temperatures  may  be  made 
by  admitting,  in  the  ordinary  way,  that  the  specific  heat  of  a 
compound  gas  is  equal  to  the  sum  of  its  elements,  and  that  each 
of  the  latter  taken  at  its  molecular  weight  possesses  the  same 
specific  heat  as  hydrogen,  that  is,  6 '8  for  H2  =  2  grms.  at 
constant  pressure.  Temperatures  thus  calculated  are  certainly 
not  the  real  temperatures,  yet  it  may  be  admitted  that  the  order 
of  relative  amounts  is  the  same,  and  that  is  sufficient  for  our 

Mixtures  which  do  not  ignite. 

Theoretical  temperature 
of  combustion. 

NO  +  H2  (water,  gaseous) 5900° 

NO  +  CO     ,.  6600° 

3NO  +  CH3C1  (water,  gaseous)      5700° 

4NO  +  CH4  (water,  gaseous)         6300° 

6NO  +  (CH8)20  (water,  gaseous) 6000° 

2NO  +  S  taken  at  15°        6600° 

Mixtures  which  do  ignite. 

Theoretical  temperature 
of  combustion. 

2NO  +  CN   ... ...  8500° 

5NO  +  C2H2  (water,  gaseous)        8700° 

6NO  +  C2H4  (water,  gaseous)        7400° 

6NO  +  CS2 ...  7500° 

2NO  +  C      ...         8200° 

5NO  +  P2     10200° 

4NO  +  PH3 8400° 

2NO  -j-  S  previously  heated  to  450°          ...  7050° 

It  will"  be  observed  that  the  theoretical  temperature  of 
combustion  of  sulphur,  taken  at  about  15°  by  nitric  oxide,  is 
very  near  the  limit ;  it  therefore  does  not  burn.  On  the  contrary, 
if  the  sulphur  be  contained  in  a  heated  receptacle  and  kept  at 
a  temperature  of  about  450°  by  boiling,  the  nitric  oxide  being 
rapidly  raised  by  contact  with  the  vessel  to  about  the  same 
temperature,  and  thus  the  temperature  of  combustion  of  the 


mixture  be  raised,  then  the  sulphur  should  burn  in  nitric 

This  is  what  is  noticed,  as  we  know,  in  operating  with 
sulphur  placed  in  a  small  crucible  previously  brought  to  a 
red  heat. 

The  temperatures  of  combustion  estimated  in  this  way  are 
generally  very  near  those  estimated  by  the  employment  of  free 
oxygen,  the  excess  of  heat  produced  by  the  decomposition  of 
nitric  oxide  being  compensated  by  the  necessity  of  heating  the 
nitrogen.  All  these  figures,  however,  do  not  express  absolute 
values,  yet  they  may  be  regarded  as  marking  the  relative  order 
of  temperatures  of  combustion. 

12.  This  table,  understood  in  this  manner,  shows  that  the 
property  of  burning  at  the  expense  of  nitric  oxide  under  the 
influence  of  a  flame  or  electric  spark,  depends  more  especially 
on  the  temperatures  developed.     The  comparison  of  ethylene 
with  methylic   ether  is  particularly  decisive   in  this  respect, 
since  the  relations  of  volume  between  the  combustible  and  the 
combustive  gas  are  exactly  the  same,  and  the  heats  disengaged 
(451,100  cal.   and  443,800  cal.)   do   not  sensibly  differ,   but 
methylic  ether  also  contains  the  elements  of  water,  which  lowers 
the  temperature  of  combustion. 

In  short,  among  the  bodies  comprised  in  the  table,  none  of 
those  which  develop  a  theoretical  temperature  below  7000°  will 
ignite,  whereas  all  the  bodies  which  develop  a  higher  tempera- 
ture either  burn  or  detonate.  It  is  possible  that  this  circum- 
stance is  connected  with  the  previous  formation  of  nitric 
peroxide  at  the  expense  of  nitric  oxide  (see  p.  62),  and  con- 
sequently with  the  necessity  for  a  very  high  temperature  in 
order  to  regenerate,  at  the  expense  of  the  nitric  oxide,  the 
oxygen  which  is  indispensable  to  combustion. 

13.  Instead  of  destroying  nitric  peroxide  by  heating  it  to  an 
excessively   high   temperature,   it    can  be  decomposed    by   a 
chemical  reaction  at  a  lower   temperature,  which  lowers  the 
theoretical  limit  of  the  temperature  of  combustion. 

This  is  precisely  what  happens  in  the  case  of  ammonia  gas. 
This  gas,  in  fact,  mixed  with  nitric  oxide, 

3NO  +  2NH3, 

ignites  with  a  match,  and,  according  to  W.  Henry,  detonates 
under  the  influence  of  the  electric  spark.  The  theoretical 
temperature  of  combustion  of  the  mixture  (5200°)  is,  however, 
less  than  all  the  foregoing  temperatures.  But,  on  the  other 
hand,  nitric  peroxide  reacts  even  when  cold  on  ammonia  gas, 
and  the  reaction  develops  itself  still  more  simply  by  the  intro- 
duction of  oxygen  into  a  mixture  of  nitric  oxide  and  of  ammonia 
gas.  When  cold  it  will  produce  both  nitrogen  and  ammonium 

1  "Essai  de  M^canique  Chimique,"  torn.  i.  p.  331. 



nitrate,1  which  at  a  high  temperature  resolves  itself  into  nitrogen 
and  water.     Therefore  we  definitely  obtain 

2NO  +  0  +  2H3N  =  4N  +  3H20   disengages  (water,  gaseous) 

+  98,000  cal. 

Every  portion  of  nitric  oxide  destroyed  by  the  spark  with  the 
formation  of  free  oxygen,  determines,  therefore,  a  new  reaction 
which  disengages  heat,  and  easily  propagates  the  combustion  of 
the  system,  which  does  not  take  place  in  gases  which  do  not 
exercise  a  special  reaction  on  nitric  peroxide. 


1.  So  far,  we  have  treated  more  especially  of  the  combustion 
and  detonation  of  mixtures  and  combinations  containing  such 
combustible  elements  as  carbon,  hydrogen,  sulphur,  and  the  com- 
bustive  elements  such  as  oxygen.  But  as  the  theories  which  we 
are  considering  are  based  essentially  on  the  disengagement  of 
heat  and  the  development  of  the  gases  produced  by  transforma- 
tion, they  lead  to  consequences  of  a  very  special  character,  which 
are  very  interesting  as  regards  the  decomposition  of  endothermal 
combinations  such  as  acetylene,  cyanogen,  and  nitric  oxide. 

Acetylene,  cyanogen,  and  nitric  oxide  are,  in  fact,  formed 
from  their  elements  with  the  absorption  of  heat.  This  absorp- 
tion amounts  to 

A -61,100  cal.2  for  acetylene  (C2H2  =  26  grms.) 
A  -  74,500  cal.  for  cyanogen  (2CN  =  52  grms.) 
A -31 ,600  cal.  for  nitric  oxide  (NO  =  30  grms.) 

If  we  succeed  in  rapidly  decomposing  these  gases  into  their 
elements,  such  a  quantity  of  heat  reproduced  inversely  will 
raise  the  temperature  up  to  3000°  in  acetylene  and  nitric  oxide, 
up  to  4000°  in  cyanogen,  according  to  a  calculation  founded  on 
known  specific  heats  of  the  elements. 

The  proper  figures  for  this  calculation  are  as  follows.  We 
will  admit  for  the  mean  specific  heat  of  carbon  C2  =  24  grms., 
the  value  12 ;  for  that  of  hydrogen  H2  =  2  grms.,  6'8  at  constant 
pressure,  and  4'8  at  constant  volume,  these  latter  values  being 
equally  applicable  to  nitrogen  N2  =  28  grms.,  and  to  oxygen 
02  =  32  grms.  at  the  same  volume.  We  thus  find, 

For  acetylene  decomposed  under  constant  pressure  3300°, 
under  constant  volume  3640°. 

For  cyanogen  decomposed  under  constant  pressure  3960°, 
under  constant  volume  4375°. 

1  See  author's  remarks,  "Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  59  sdrie, 
torn.  vi.  p.  208. 

2  This  figure  refers  to  carbon  as  diamond ;  in  amorphous  carbon  such  as  is 
precipitated  at  the  time  of  decomposition  we  should  obtain  6000  cal.  less. 
The  same  remark  applies  to  cyanogen  as  the  mean  specific  heat  of  carbon. 


For  nitric  oxide  decomposed  under  constant  pressure  3200°, 
under  constant  volume  4500°. 

It  is  understood  that  the  calculation  of  these  temperatures  is 
subordinate  to  the  presumed  constancy  of  the  specific  heats. 
Whatever  opinion  is  held  in  this  respect  it  is  certain  that  it 
gives  an  idea  on  temperature  more  probable  in  the  present  case, 
where  it  is  a  question  of  an  elementary  decomposition,  than  in 
reactions  in  which  compound  bodies  are  formed,  such  as  in  the 
combustions  of  hydrogen  or  carbonic  oxide,  combustions  which 
are  limited  in  their  progress  by  the  dissociation  of  compound 

2.  However,  it  has  not  been  possible  up  to  the  present  to 
effect  the  explosion  of  acetylene,  or  cyanogen,  or  of  nitric 

Whereas  hypochlorous  gas  detonates  under  the  influence  of 
slight  heat,  when  in  contact  with  a  flame,  or  a  spark,  in  spite 
of  the  smaller  amount  of  heat  liberated,  +  15,200  cal.  (for 
C120  =  87  grms.),  which  can  only  raise  the  elements  of  this  gas 
to  '1250°,  on  the  other  hand,  acetylene,  cyanogen,  and  nitric 
oxide  do  not  detonate  either  by  simple  heating  or  by  contact 
with  flame,  nor  even  under  the  influence  of  the  spark  or  even 
the  electric  arc. 

These  differences  are  important.  The  diversity  which  exists 
between  the  mode  of  destruction  of  endothermal  combinations 
is  due  in  each  given  reaction  to  the  necessity  of  a  kind  of  pre- 
paration, and  a  certain  amount  of  preliminary  work.  The 
author  has,  besides,  examined l  the  characters  and  the  generality 
of  this  preliminary  work  in  the  production  of  chemical  re- 
actions. Now  the  work  necessary  for  resolving  the  compounds 
named  into  the  elements  does  not  appear  to  consist  in  a  simple 
heating,  slow  and  progressive  in  its  nature,  at  least  within  the 
limits  of  the  temperature  above  pointed  out.  In  fact,  acetylene, 
cyanogen,  and  nitric  oxide  never  explode,  as  far  as  the  author's 
experience  goes,  no  matter  to  what  temperature  they  are  raised. 

It  is  not  that  these  compound  gases  are  absolutely  very 
stable — they  in  fact  decompose  frequently,  and  even  according 
to  experience  at  a  dull  red  heat,  either  with  the  formation  of 
polymers  (benzene  by  acetylene),  or  with  a  fresh  distribution  of 
their  elements  (nitrogen,  monoxide,  and  nitric  peroxide,  by 
nitric  oxide)  2 — but  they  do  not  explode  in  spite  of  the  very  great 
liberation  of  heat  accompanying  these  changes,  probably  by 
reason  of  the  slowness  of  their  action,  nor  do  they  explode, 
which  is  stranger  still,  under  the  influence  of  electric  sparks,  in 
spite  of  the  excessive  and  sudden  heat  which  these  latter  develop. 
Carbon,  however,  on  the  passage  of  the  sparks,  is  precipitated  at 
once  from  acetylene  or  cyanogen,  while  hydrogen  and  nitrogen 

1  "  Essai  sur  la  M^canique  Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  p.  6. 

2  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5"  s£rie,  tom.  vi.  p.  198. 

F  2 


are  liberated.  The  electric  arc  accelerates  in  a  peculiar  degree 
the  decomposition  of  the  cyanogen  in  which  it  is  produced,  yet 
without  rendering  it  explosive.1  Nitrogen  and  the  oxygen  of 
the  nitric  oxide  also  separate  on  the  passage  of  the  electric 
spark.  As  a  matter  of  fact  the  oxygen  of  this  latter  gas 
becomes  united  with  the  excess  of  the  surrounding  oxide  and 
generates  nitric  peroxide.  A  portion  of  the  hydrogen  and  of 
the  carbon  liberated  at  the  expense  of  the  acetylene  also 
reunites  under  the  influence  of  the  electricity  so  as  to  recon- 
stitute this  hydrocarbon,  the  whole  forming  a  system  in 
equilibrium.2  To  these  circumstances  might  be  attributed 
the  absence  of  the  propagation  of  the  decomposition,  but  this 
explanation  is  not  sufficient  for  the  cyanogen,  which  becomes 
entirely  decomposed,3  without  possibility  of  reconversion. 

Nor  does  this  suffice  for  arseniuretted  hydrogen,  a  gas 
decomposable,  according  to  Ogier,  with  liberation  of  36,700  cal. 
(AsH3  =  78  grms.). 

This  latter  gas  is  so  very  unstable  that  it  is  continually 
decomposing  at  normal  temperature,  if  kept  in  sealed  glass 
tubes.  It  is  well  known  with  what  facility  even  the  last  trace 
is  decomposed  by  heat  in  Marsh's  apparatus.  A  series  of 
electric  sparks  will  also  completely  destroy  it.  Nevertheless, 
arseniuretted  hydrogen  does  not  explode,  as  the  author  has 
shown,  either  under  the  influence  of  progressive  heat  or  under 
that  of  the  electric  sparks. 

3.  Thus,  in  the  endothermal  combinations  already  enumerated, 
there  exists  a  condition,  associated  with  their  molecular  con- 
stitution, which  prevents  the  propagation  of  the  chemical  action 
under  the  influence  of  mere  progressive  heating  or  of  the 
electric  spark,  at  least  so  long  as  the  temperature  remains  below 
certain  limits. 

We  are  aware  that  the  study  of  explosive  substances  presents 
circumstances  which  are  analogous.  The  simple  ignition  of 
dynamite,  for  instance,  would  not  suffice  to  cause  its  explosion  ; 
on  the  contrary,  Nobel  has  shown  that  explosion  is  produced  by 
the  influence  of  special  detonators,  such  as  mercury  fulminate, 
and  which  are  susceptible  of  developing  a  very  violent  shock. 
The  thermodynamic  theory  has  already  been  given  (p.  53)  of 
these  effects,  which  appear  to  be  due  to  the  formation  of  a 
veritable  explosive  wave,  which  wave  is  totally  distinct  from 
the  sonorous  waves,  properly  so  called,  since  it  results  from  a 
certain  cycle  of  mechanical,  calorific,  and  chemical  actions,  which 
reproduce  themselves  step  by  step,  transforming  themselves  one 
into  the  other;  this  is  shown  in  the  experiments  which  the 

1  "  Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  I'Acad&nie  des  Sciences,"  xcv.  p.  955. 

2  '"  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4"  se*rie,  torn,  xviii.  pp.  160,  199. 

3  That  is,  it  does  not  contain  any  trace  of  a  hydrogenated  body  susceptible 
of  forming  hydrocyanic  acid,  which,  on  the  contrary,  gives  rise  to  equilibrium. 


author  made,  together  with  Vieille,  on  mixtures  of  hydrogen 
and  other  combustible  gases  with  oxygen.  It  has  in  like 
manner  been  shown  that  the  great  effectiveness  of  mercury 
fulminate  as  a  detonator  is  explained,  not  only  by  the  rapidity 
of  decomposition  in  this  body,  but  more  particularly  by  the 
enormous  pressure  which  it  develops  when  exploding  in  its 
own  volume,  pressures  far  above  those  of  all  known  bodies, 
and  which  may,  according  to  our  tests,  be  estimated  at  over 
27,000  kgms.  per  sq.  cm. 

This  led  to  the  detonation  being  attempted  of  acetylene, 
cyanogen,  and  arseniuretted  hydrogen  under  the  influence  of 
mercury  fulminate,  and  the 
trials  were  completely  suc- 
cessful. The  following  are 
the  details. 

4.  Acetylene. — Introduce 
a  certain  volume  of  acety- 
lene, from  20  c.c.  to  25 
c.c.,  for  instance,  into  a 
small  test  tube,  E,  the  walls 
of  which  should  be  very 
thick.  In  the  centre  of  the 
gaseous  mass  place  a  small 
cartridge,  K,  containing  a 
small  quantity  of  fulmi- 
nate (about  O'l  grm.),  and 
traversed  by  a  very  thin 
metallic  wire  in  contact  at 
the  other  end  with  the  iron 
fitting  of  the  test  glass,  an 
electric  current  will  bring  Pi 
this  wire  to  a  red  heat. 
All  this  is  supported  by  a 
tube  containing  a  second 
wire  fused  into  the  tube, 
and  extending  outwards  as 
far  as  F.  The  capillary 
glass  tube  CO,  in  the  form 
of  an  inverted  syphon,  is 

Fig.  3. 

fixed  into  a  plug  D,  which  closes  the  test  tube. 

Fig.  3  shows  the  system  in  readiness ;  Fig.  4  shows  the  glass 
tube  provided  with  its  inner  wire. 

Fig.  5  shows  the  steel  plug  in  its  natural  size,  with  the  hole 
T,  into  which  the  above-named  cap  is  screwed. 

Fig.  6  gives  in  its  natural  size  the  steel  cap  P,  through  which 
there  is  a  passage  for  the  tube,  which  is  cemented  into  this  cap 
along  with  the  second  wire. 

This  arrangement  will  permit  of  the  test  tube  being  filled 



with  gas  over  mercury,  and  of  there  introducing  the  wires 
fitted  with  their  fuses  and  adjusted  to  the  plug.  This  is  then 
closed  by  a  bayonet  fastening,  and  the  detonation  is  effected 
under  a  constant  volume. 

For  this  purpose,  the  current  is  passed ;  the  fulminate  goes 

off,  a  violent  explosion  is 
caused,  and  a  large  flame  ap- 
pears in  the  test  tube.  After 
cooling,  the  glass  will  be  found 
filled  with  black  finely  divided 
carbon,  the  acetylene  has  dis- 
appeared, and  free  hydrogen 
remains.1  Unscrew  the  cap  P 
under  the  mercury,  remove  it 
with  the  capillary  tube,  and 
then  collect  and  examine  the 
gases  contained  in  the  test 

The  acetylene  is  thus  purely 
and  simply  decomposed  into  its 
elements — 

C2H2  =  C2  -f-  H2. 

Scarcely  a  trace  of  the  original  gas 
will  be  found,  and,  if  any,  it  will  not  be 
more  than  a  hundredth  of  a  cub.  cm.,  and 
this  is  doubtless  some  portion  not  reached 
by  the  explosion. 

The  reaction  is  so  rapid  that  the  small  car- 
tridge of  thin  paper  which  enveloped  the  fulmi- 
nate will  be  found  torn,  but  not  burned,  even 
FiS-  4-        in  its  thinnest  fibres  ;  and  this  is  explained,  if  we 
note  that  the  time  during  which  the  paper  re- 
mained in   the  explosion   centre  was  about   ^^^wcf  °f  a 
second,  according  to  the  thickness  of  the  paper  and  the  known 
data  relative  to  the  rapidity  of  this  order  of  decomposition. 

The  carbon  set  free  exhibits  the  same  general  conditions  as 
that  obtained  in  a  tube  at  a  red  heat ;  it  is  mainly  amorphous 
carbon,  and  not  graphite ;  it  dissolves  almost  totally  when  treated 
several  times  with  a  mixture  of  fuming  nitric  acid  and  potassium 
chlorate.  ^  Nevertheless,  in  this  way,  it  gives  a  trace  of  graphite 
oxide,  which  proves  that  it  contains  a  trace  of  graphite,  pro- 
duced doubtless  by  the  transformation  of  the  amorphous  carbon 
under  the  influence  of  the  excessive  temperature  to  which  it  has 
been  subjected. 

The  author  has,  in  fact,  shown  that  amorphous  carbon  heated 
up  to  about  2500°  by  electrolytic  gas  commences  to  change  into 

1  Mixed  with  nitrogen  and  carbonic  oxide  proceeding  from  the  fulminate. 
and  which-  have  been  formed  independently. 



graphite,  and  that  the  lamp-black  precipitated  by  the  incom- 
plete combustion  of  the  hydrocarbon  also  contains  a  trace 
of  it.1 

5.  Cyanogen. — The  same  test  carried  out  with  cyanogen  is 

Fig,  5. 

Fig.  6. 

equally  successful ;  the  cyanogen  detonates  under  the  influence 
of  the  fulminate,  and  resolves  itself  into  its  elements. 
2ONT  =  C2  4-  Na. 

Thus  we  can  produce  free  nitrogen,  and  amorphous  carbon  in 
a  highly  divided  state  similar  to  what  is  obtained  by  the 
electric  spark.  This  carbon  marks  paper  as  plumbago  will  do. 
Yet  it  is  by  no  means  real  graphite,  because  it  will  almost 
totally  dissolve,  if  repeatedly  treated  with  a  mixture  of  fuming 
nitric  acid  and  potassium  chlorate.  Still  one  trace  of  graphitic 
oxide,  left  as  a  residue,  bears  witness  to  the  existence  of  a  trace 
of  graphite,  as  in  the  case  of  acetylene. 

This  test  is  not  always  successful.  Sometimes  the  explosion 
of  the  fulminate  takes  place  without  precipitating  the  carbon  of 
the  cyanogen. 

Nitro-diazobenzene,  which  was  also  tested  by  using  it  as 
a  detonator  instead  of  fulminate,  decomposed  without  causing 
the  cyanogen  to  explode.  Even  the  mode  of  decomposition  of 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5*  seVie,  torn.  xix.  p.  418.  The 
voltaic  arc  produces  a  more  complete  transformation;  but  then  the  effects 
of  the  heat  become  complicated  by  those  of  electricity  (p.  419). 


nitro-diazobenzene  was  different  under  circumstances  in  which 
the  detonator  is  destroyed  at  a  slight  pressure,  from  its  decompo- 
sition in  the  calorimetric  bomb  under  a  high  pressure,  as 
observed  by  Vieille  and  the  author.  Instead  of  obtaining  all  the 
oxygen  from  the  compound  in  the  state  of  carbonic  oxide  at  the 
same  time  as  free  nitrogen  and  a  nitrogenous  carbon  of  a  very 
porous  and  dense  nature,  on  this  occasion,  along  with  the 
nitrogen,  only  one-fourth  of  the  volume  of  the  theoretical  car- 
bonic oxide  was  observed,  along  with  some  phenol  and  a  tarry 

6.  Nitric  oxide. — This  body  explodes  under  the  influence  of 
mercury  fulminate,  but  the  phenomenon  is  more  complicated 
than  with  the  former  gases,  the  carbonic  oxide  produced  by  the 
fulminate  burning,  at  the  expense  of  the  oxygen  of  the  nitric 
oxide,  to  form  carbonic  acid.     This  combustion  appears  to  have 
taken  place  at  the  expense  of  free  oxygen,  and  not  of  nitric  per- 
oxide formed  transitorily.     In  fact,  the  mercury  is  not  attacked, 
contrarily  to  what  always  happens  when  this  gas  appears  for  a 

We  therefore  have, 

NO  =  N  +  0 
CO  +  0  =  C02. 

The  combustion  even  of  carbonic  oxide  is  characteristic,  for 
nitric  oxide,  mixed  with  carbonic  oxide,  does  not  explode  either 
by  simple  inflammation,  or  by  the  electric  spark. 

7.  Arseniuretted  hydrogen. — Arseniuretted  hydrogen  has  ex- 
ploded under  the  influence  of  the  fulminate,  and  has  become 
absolutely  resolved  into  its  elements,  arsenic  and  hydrogen. 

AsH3  =  As  +  H3. 

8.  Here  will  be  given  experiments  on  the  sudden  decomposi- 
tion  of  nitrogen   monoxide  into   nitrogen   and   oxygen.     This 
decomposition,  which  liberates  -f  20,600  cal.  (N20  =  44  grins.), 
may  be  caused  by  the  sudden  compression  of  30  c.c.  of  this 
gas  reduced  to  ^^  of  their  volume  by  the  sudden  fall  of  a  ram 
weighing  500  kgms.1 

On  the  other  hand,  nitrogen  monoxide  only  decomposes 
gradually  under  the  influence  of  progressive  heat  or  of  electric 

9.  All  these  tests  are  in  reference  to  gases.     But  solid  or 
liquid  eridothermal  combinations  offer  the  same  variety.     While 
nitrogen  chloride  and  iodide  explode  under  the  influence  of  a 
slight  heat,  or  of  slight  friction,  nitrogen  sulphide  requires  to  be 
heated  up  to  207°,  or  requires  violent  concussion,  in  order  to 
explode   and  to  become  resolved  into  its  elements.     It  then 
liberates  4-  32,300  cal.  (NS2  =  46  grms.),  according   to  tests 
which  the  author  has  made  along  with  Vieille. 

1  "  Annals  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  s&ie,  torn.  iv.  p.  145. 


10.  Potassium  chlorate,  itself  a  body  which  liberates  -f  11,000 
cal.  (KC103  =  122-6  grms.)  when  decomposing  into  oxygen  and 
potassium   chloride,   may   undergo   this    decomposition   at   an 
ordinary  temperature,  if  struck  violently  with  a  hammer  on  an 
anvil,  after  being  enveloped  in  a  thin  sheet  of  platinum.     It  has 
been  found,  in  fact,  that  in  this  way  an  appreciable  quantity  of 
chloride  is  found.     Pure  chlorate,  in  a  state  of  fusion,  explodes 
much  more  easily,  and  sometimes  of  itself,  if  the  heating  be  too 
sudden.     This  detonation  has  been  the  cause  of  more  than  one 
accident  in  laboratories. 

11.  As   a  further  instance  may  be  mentioned  celluloid   (a 
variety  of  nitro-cotton,  mixed   with  various   substances).     At 
ordinary  temperatures  it  is  a  very  stable  substance.    The  author, 
however,  observed  that  this  body  explodes  when  brought  up  to 
the  temperature  at  which  it  softens,  and  in  this  state  struck 
with  a  hammer  on  an  anvil. 

Generally  speaking,  compounds  and  explosive  mixtures 
become  more  and  more  sensitive  to  shocks  in  proportion  as  they 
approach  the  temperature  of  their  initial  decomposition  (see 
p.  37). 

12.  Two  other  experiments  were  made,   which  it  may  be 
useful  to  point  out,  in  spite  of  their  negative  character.     One  of 
them  consisted  in  exploding  the  fulminate  in  an  atmosphere  of 
gaseous  chlorine.     Assuming  the  compound  nature  of  chlorine 
regarded  as   an  endothermal   radical  containing   oxygen,  one 
would  have  been  able  to  observe  the  products  of  the  decomposi- 
tion caused  by  the  explosion  of  the  fulminate,  yet  the  results 
were  negative,  as,  of  course,  was  to  be  expected,  in  accordance 
with  received  ideas.     The  chlorine  had  scarcely  been  introduced 
into  the  atmosphere  when  the  fulminate  exploded  of  itself,  yet 
the  chlorine  was  not  destroyed. 

This  gas  having  been  subsequently  absorbed  by  agitating 
it  with  mercury,  carbonic  oxide  and  nitrogen  remained  in  the 
proportion  of  gaseous  volumes  answering  to  the  fulminate ;  that 
is  to  say,  without  any  excess  of  carbonic  acid,  or  of  any  other 
product  formed  at  the  expense  of  the  chlorine. 

13.  An  attempt  was  also  made  to  destroy  glucose,  on  the 
assumption  that  fermentations  are  exothermal  operations.1     A 
strong  capsule  of  fulminate,  containing  1*5  grms.  of  this  body, 
was  exploded  in  a  metallic  cartridge  completely  filled  with  an 
aqueous  20%  solution  of  glucose.     But  the  result  was  negative. 

14.  In  fine,  acetylene,  cyanogen,  and  arseniuretted  hydrogen, 
that  is  to  say,   gases  formed  by  the   absorption  of  heat  but 
which  do  not  explode  by  simple  heating,  may  be  caused  to 
explode  under  the  influence   of  a    sudden    and  very   violent 
shock,  such  as  that  which  results  from  the  explosion  of  the 
mercury  fulminate.      This   shock,   in  reality,   only  reaches  a 

1  "  Essai  de  Mdcanique  Chimique,"  torn.  xi.  p.  55. 


certain  stratum  of  the  gaseous  molecules,  to  which  it  communi- 
cates an  enormous  energy.  Under  this  shock  the  molecular 
edifice  loses  its  relative  stability,  for  which  it  was  indebted  to 
a  special  structure.  Its  interior  connections  having  become 
broken,  it  crumbles,  and  the  initial  force  becomes  immediately 
strengthened  by  everything  which  answers  to  the  heat  of  the 
decomposition  of  the  gas.  Hence  a  fresh  shock,  caused  by  the 
adjacent  stratum,  which  also  causes  its  decomposition,  the 
actions  co-ordinate  themselves,  reproduce  and  propagate  one 
another,  step  by  step,  with  similar  characteristics,  and  in  an 
extremely  short  interval  of  time,  after  the  manner  of  the 
explosive  wave,  until  the  total  destruction  of  the  system  is 

These  are  the  phenomena  which  bring  to  light  the  direct 
thermo-dynamic  relations  existing  between  chemical  and 
mechanical  actions. 




1.  So  far  we  have  studied  the  development  of  explosive 
reactions  either  from  the  point  of  view  of  their  duration  in 
a  homogeneous  system,  all  the  parts  of  which  are  maintained  at 
an  identical  temperature,  or  from  their  propagation  in  an  equally 
homogeneous  system  which  is  fired  directly  by  means  of  a  body 
in  ignition  or  by  a  violent  shock.  But  the  study  of  explosive 
substances  has  revealed  the  existence  of  another  mode  of  pro- 
pagating reactions  in  explosives ;  this  propagation  taking  place 
at  a  distance  and  through  the  medium  of  the  air  or  of  solid  bodies 
which  of  themselves  do  not  participate  in  the  chemical  change. 

We  now  refer  to  explosions  by  influence,  which  hitherto  have 
been  suspected  from  certain  known  facts  in  connection  with  the 
simultaneous  explosion  of  several  buildings,  widely  separated,  in 
catastrophes  at  powder  works. 

Attention  has  been  especially  called  to  this  class  of  phenomena 
by  the  study  of  nitroglycerin  and  gun-cotton. 

2.  We  will  first  cite  some  characteristic  facts. 

A  dynamite  cartridge  exploded  by  means  of  a  priming  of 
fulminate  causes  the  explosion  of  cartridges  in  its  vicinity,  not 
only  by  contact  and  by  direct  shock,  but  even  at  a  distance. 
An  indefinite  number  of  cartridges  in  a  straight  line  or  regular 
curve  can  also  be  exploded  in  this  way. 

The  distances  at  which  explosion  will  propagate  itself  are, 
comparatively  speaking,  considerable.  Thus,  for  instance,  with 
cartridges  contained  in  stiff  metallic  cases,  and  placed  on  firm 
ground,  the  explosion  caused  by  100  grms.  of  Vonges  dynamite 
(75%  of  nitroglycerin,  25%  of  randanite,  that  is  to  say  of  silica 
in  a  very  finely  divided  state),  communicates  itself  to  a  distance 
of  0-3  metre,  according  to  Captain  Coville's  tests.  D  being  the 
distance  in  metres  and  C  the  weight  of  the  charge  in  kgms., 
the  tests  of  this  officer  have  given  D  =  3'0  C. 

With  cartridges  resting   on  a  rail   he   obtained  D  =  7*0  C. 


On  a  loose  or  free  soil  the  distances  were  less.  When  the 
cartridge  was  suspended  in  the  air,  detonation  did  not  take  place 
by  influence,  probably  because  the  cartridge  not  being  fixed 
could  easily  recoil,  thus  diminishing  the  violence  of  the  shock. 

However,  there  are  trials  on  record  which  show  that  air  is 
sufficient  to  transmit  detonation  by  influence,  although  less 
easily,  and  when  dealing  with  large  masses. 

With  dynamite  containing  less  nitroglycerin  (55%  of  nitro- 
glycerin,  and  45%  of  Boghead  ashes)  placed  in  cartridges  of 
a  similar  nature  and  laid  on  the  ground,  the  trials  made  by 
Captain  Pamard  gave  shorter  distances:  D  =  0'9  C. 

If  metallic  casings  having  less  resistance  be  used,  the  distance 
to  which  the  explosion  propagates  itself  is  similarly  reduced. 

Dynamite  when  merely  spread  about  on  the  ground  even 
ceases  to  propagate  the  explosion. 

Experiments  made  in  Austria  have  given  similar  results. 
They  have  shown  that  the  explosion  communicates  itself  both 
in  the  open  air  with  intervals  of  0*04  metre  and  through  deal 
planks  0*018  metre  thick.  In  a  leaden  tube,  with  a  diameter 
equal  to  0*15  metre  and  1  metre  long,  a  cartridge  placed  at  one 
extremity  will  cause  the  explosion  of  another  cartridge  placed 
at  the  opposite  end. 

The  transmission  of  the  explosion  is  more  easily  effected  in 
tubes  of  cast  iron.  Joints  lessen  the  susceptibility  of  trans- 

3.  The  explosion  thus  propagated  may  grow  weaker  from  one 
cartridge  to  another  and  even  change  its  character.  Thus 
according  to  experiments  made  by  Captain  Muntz  at  Versailles 
in  1872,  a  first  charge  of  dynamite  when  exploding  direct  had 
made  a  crater  in  the  ground  the  radius  of  which  was  0*30  metre. 
The  second  charge,  which  exploded  by  influence,  produced  a 
hollow  merely  of  0*22  metre ;  the  effect  of  the  detonation  had 
therefore  become  lessened.  This  diminution  should  become 
manifest  particularly  towards  the  limit  of  the  distances  at  which 
the  influence  ceases. 

In  the  same  way  four  tinplate  screens  were  placed  at  intervals 
of  0'040  metre,  and  a  small  cylinder  of  gun-cotton  was  placed 
against  each  of  them,  the  whole  fixed  on  a  board.  At  a  distance 
of  0*015  metre  in  front  of  the  first  screen,  a  similar  cylinder 
was  exploded.  All  the  cylinders  exploded,  but  a  progressive 
diminution  was  observed  in  the  cavities  produced  in  the  board 
placed  below  each  cylinder. 

According  to  these  facts,  propagation  by  influence  depends 
both  on  the  pressure  acquired  by  the  gases  and  on  the  nature  of 
the  support.  It  is  not  even  necessary  that  this  support  should 
be  firm. 

It  has  been  ascertained  that  these  effects  are  not  generally 
due  to  simple  projections  of  fragments  of  casing  or  of  the  neigh- 


bouring  substances,  although  such  projections  often  play  a 
certain  part.  In  this  respect,  the  real  character  of  the  effects 
produced  is  shown  more  particularly  from  tests  made  under  water. 

4.  In  fact,  when  experimenting  in  water,  below  a  depth  of 
1-30  metres  a  charge  of  dynamite  weighing  5  kgms.  will  cause 
the  explosion  of  a  charge  of  4  kgms.  situated  at  a  distance  of 
3  metres. 

The  water  therefore  transmits  the  explosive  shock,  at  any 
rate  to  a  certain  distance,  in  the  same  way  as  a  solid  body. 
This  transmission  is  so  violent  that  fishes  are  killed  in  ponds 
within  a  certain  radius  by  the  explosion  of  a  dynamite  cartridge ; 
this  process  is  sometimes  employed  by  fishermen,  but  has  the 
disadvantage  of  destroying  all  the  fish. 

5.  Similar  trials  have  been  made  by  Abel  with  compressed 
gun-cotton.     According  to  his  observations  the  explosion  of  a 
first  block   determines   the   explosion   of  a   series   of  similar 
blocks.     This  propagation  has  also  been  studied  under  water ; 
the  explosion  of  a  torpedo  charged  with  gun-cotton  causing  the 
explosion  of  neighbouring  torpedoes   placed  within  a   certain 

Sudden  pressures  transmitted  by  water  have  even  been 
measured  by  the  aid  of  the  lead  crusher  at  different  distances, 
such  as  2'50  metres,  3'50  metres,  4*50  metres  and  5*50  metres. 
They  decrease  with  the  distance,  as  might  be  expected.  Besides, 
experience  proves  that  the  relative  position  of  the  charge  and  the 
crusher  is  immaterial,  and  this  is  in  accordance  with  the  principle 
of  equal  transmission  of  hydraulic  pressures  in  all  directions. 

6.  Explosions  of  fulminating  substances,  propagating  them- 
selves suddenly  to  a  great  number  of  amorces,  belong  to  the 
same  order  of  explosions  by  influence. 

The  explosion  in  the  Eue  Beranger  has  been  previously 
mentioned  (p.  46).  The  experiments  made  on  that  occasion  by 
Sarrau  showed  that  amorces,  similar  to  those  which  caused  this 
catastrophe,  will  burn  successively  by  simple  inflammation 
during  a  fire  without  giving  rise  to  a  general  explosion,  whereas 
the  explosions  of  some  of  these  amorces  each  containing  O'OIO 
grm.  of  explosive  matter,  if  produced  by  a  sudden  pressure, 
determines,  by  influence,  the  explosions  of  neighbouring  packets 
even  when  not  contiguous,  and  when  situated  at  a  distance  of 
0*15  metre.  A  general  explosion,  therefore,  can  be  easily  pro- 
duced by  influence  under  these  conditions. 



1.  It  follows  from  these  facts,  and  particularly  from  experi- 
ments made  under  water,  that  explosions  by  influence  are  not 
due  to  inflammation,  properly  so  called,  but  to  the  transmission 


of  a  shock  resulting  from  enormous  and  sudden  pressures 
produced  by  nitroglycerin  or  gun-cotton,  the  energy  of  which 
shock  is  transformed  into  heat  in  the  explosive  substance  (see 
pp.  36,  57). 

2.  In  an  extremely  rapid  reaction,  the  pressure  may  approach 
the  limit  corresponding  to  the  matter  exploding  in  its  own 
volume;  and  the  disturbance  due  to  the  sudden  development 
of  pressures,  nearly  theoretical,  may  propagate  itself  either  by 
the  mediation  of  the  ground  and  of  the  supports,  or  through 
the  air  itself,  when  projected  en  masse,  as  has  been  shown  by 
the  explosions  of  certain  powder  mills,  gun-cotton  magazines, 
and  also  by  some  of  the  experiments  made  with  dynamite  and 
compressed  gun-cotton.     The  intensity  of  the  shock  propagated 
either  by  a  column  of  air  or  by  a  liquid  or  solid  mass,  varies 
according  to  the  nature  of  the  explosive  body  and  its  mode  of 
inflammation ;  it  is  more  violent  the  shorter  the  duration  of  the 
chemical  reaction  and  the  more  gas  there  is  developed ;  that  is 
to  say,  a  stronger  initial  pressure  and   a  greater  heat,  or,  in 
other  words,  greater  work   for  an  equal  weight  of  explosive 
substance  (see  pp.  40,  41). 

3.  This  transmission  of  the  shock  is  more  easily  effected  by 
solids  than  by  liquids,  and  more  easily  by  liquids  than  by  gases  ; 
in  the  case  of  gases  it  takes  place  all  the  more  easily  if  they  are 
compressed.     It  is  propagated  all  the  more  easily  through  solids 
when  these  are  hard ;  iron  transmits  better  than  earth,  and  hard 
earth  better  than  soft  soil. 

Any  kind  of  junction  has  a  tendency  to  weaken,  especially  if 
any  softer  substance  intervene.  Hence  the  employment  as  a 
receptacle  of  a  tube  formed  of  a  goose  quill,  will  stop  the  effect 
of  mercury  fulminate,  whereas  a  copper  tube  or  capsule  trans- 
mits this  effect  in  all  its  intensity. 

Explosions  by  influence  propagate  themselves  all  the  more 
easily  in  a  series  of  cartridges,  if  the  casing  of  the  first  deto- 
nating cartridge  is  very  strong ;  this  allows  the  gases  to  attain 
a  very  high  pressure  before  the  bursting  of  the  casing  (p.  40). 

The  existence  of  an  air-space  between  the  fulminate  and  the 
dynamite,  will,  on  the  other  hand,  diminish  the  violence  of  the 
shock  transmitted,  and  consequently  that  of  the  explosion.  As 
a  general  rule,  the  effect  of  shattering  powders  is  lessened  when 
there  is  no  contact. 

4.  In  order  to  form  a  complete  idea  of  the  transmission  by 
supports  of  sudden  pressures  which  give  rise  to  shock,  it  is  well 
to  bear  in  mind  the  general  principle  whereby  pressures  in  a 
homogeneous  mass  transmit  themselves  equally  in  all  directions, 
and  are  the  same  over  a  small  surface,  whatever  may  be  the 
direction.    The  explosions  produced  under  water  with  gun-cotton 
show,  as  has  been  said  above,  that  this  principle  is  equally  ap- 
plicable to  sudden  pressures  produced  by  explosive  phenomena. 


But  this  ceases  to  be  true  when  passing  from  one  medium  to 

5.  If  the  chemically  inactive  substance  which  transmits  the 
explosive  movement  be  fixed  in  a  given  position  on  the  ground 
or  on  a  rail  on  which  the  first  cartridge  has  been  placed,  or 
again,  held  by  the  pressure  of  a  mass  of  deep  water,  in  which 
the  first  detonation  has  been  produced,  the  propagation  of  the 
movement  in  this  matter  could  scarcely  have  taken  place  except 
under  the  form  of  a  wave  of  a  purely  physical  order,  a  wave,  the 
character  of  which  is  essentially  different  to  the  first  wave 
which  was  present  at  the  explosion,  the  latter  being  both  of  a 
chemical  and  physical  order,  and  having  been  developed  in  the 
explosive  body  itself.  While  the  first  or  chemical  wave  pro- 
pagates itself  with  a  constant  intensity,  the  second,  or  physical 
wave,  transmits  the  vibration  starting  from  the  explosive  centre, 
and  all  around  it,  with  an  intensity  which  diminishes  in  inverse 
ratio  to  the  square  of  the  distance.  In  the  immediate  neigh- 
bourhood of  the  centre,  the  displacement  of  molecules  may 
break  the  cohesion  of  the  mass,  and  disperse  it,  or  crush  it  by 
enlarging  the  chamber  of  explosion,  if  the  experiment  be  carried 
out  in  a  cavity.  But  at  a  very  short  distance,  and  the  greatness 
of  this  depends  on  the  elasticity  of  the  surrounding  medium, 
these  movements,  confused  at  first,  regulate  themselves,  so  as  to 
give  rise  to  the  wave  properly  so  called,  characterised  by  sudden 
compressions  and  deformations  of  the  substance.  The  amplitude 
of  these  undulatory  oscillations  depends  on  the  greatness  of  the 
initial  impulse. 

They  progress  with  an  excessive  rapidity,  at  the  same  time 
constantly  decreasing  in  intensity,  and  they  maintain  their 
regularity  up  to  points  at  which  the  medium  is  interrupted. 
There  these  sudden  compressions  and  deformations  change  their 
nature,  and  transform  themselves  into  an  impelling  movement, 
that  is  to  say,  they  reproduce  the  shock.  If  then  they  act  on  a 
fresh  cartridge  they  will  cause  it  to  explode.  This  shock  will 
further  be  attenuated  by  distance,  owing  to  the  decrease  thus 
introduced  into  its  intensity.  Consequently  the  character  of 
the  explosion  may  be  modified.  The  effects  will  thus  diminish 
up  to  a  certain  distance  from  the  point  of  origin,  beyond  which 
distance  the  explosion  will  cease  to  produce  itself. 

When  the  explosion  has  taken  place  in  a  second  cartridge  the 
same  series  of  effects  is  reproduced  from  the  second  to  the  third 
cartridge,  but  they  depend  upon  the  character  of  the  explosion 
in  the  second  cartridge  and  so  on. 

6.  Such  is  the  theory  which  appears  to  the  author  to  account 
for  explosions  by  influence,  and  for  the  phenomena  which 
accompanies  them.  It  rests  on  the  production  of  two  orders  of 
waves,  the  one  being  the  explosive  wave,  properly  so  called, 
developed  in  the  substance  which  explodes,  and  consisting  of  a 


transformation  incessantly  reproduced  from  chemical  actions 
into  calorific  and  mechanical  actions,  which  transmit  the  shock 
to  the  supports  and  to  contiguous  bodies ;  and  the  other  purely 
physical  and  mechanical,  which  also  transmits  sudden  pressures 
around  the  centre  of  vibration  to  neighbouring  bodies  and  by  a 
peculiar  circumstance  to  a  fresh  mass  of  explosive  matter. 

The  explosive  wave,  once  produced,  propagates  itself  without 
diminishing  in  force,  because  the  chemical  reactions  which 
develop  it  regenerate  its  energy  proportionately  along  the  whole 
course ;  whereas  the  mechanical  wave  is  constantly  losing  its 
intensity  in  proportion  as  its  energy,  which  is  determined ^only 
by  the  original  impulsion,  is  distributed  into  a  more  considerable 
mass  of  matter. 

7.  A   different   theory   than  this   was   at  first  proposed  by 
Abel,  namely,  the  theory  of  synchronous  vibrations,  of  which  it 
will  be  well  to  speak  now.     According  to  this  authority  the 
determining  cause  of  the  detonation  of  an  explosive  body  resides 
in  the  synchronism  between  the  vibrations  produced  by  the 
body  which  provokes  the  detonation  and  those  which  would  be 
produced  by  the  first  body  when   detonating,   precisely  as   a 
violin-string  resounds  at  a  distance  in   unison  with   another 
chord,  set  in  vibration.     In  support  of  this,  Abel  cited  the 
following  facts.     In  the  first  place,  detonators   appear   to  be 
special  for  each  kind  of  explosive  substance.      For  instance, 
nitrogen  iodide,  which  is  very  susceptible  to  shock  and  friction, 
does  not  appear  to  be  able  to  cause  the  detonation  of  compressed 
gun-cotton.     Nitrogen  chloride,  so  easily  explosive  of  itself,  only 
produces  detonation  when  a  weight  ten  times  that  of  the  neces- 
sary fulminate  is  employed.     In  the  same  way  nitroglycerin  does 
not  cause  the  detonation  of  gun-cotton  in  sheets  on  which  the 
envelope  containing  it  is  placed.     In  this  way  23'3  grms.  of 
nitroglycerin  have  been  made  to  detonate  without  success.     On 
the  other  hand,  the  inverse  influence  is  proved,  775  grms.  of 
compressed  gun-cotton  having  detonated  nitroglycerin  enclosed 
in  an  envelope  of  thin  foil  at  a  distance  of  0'02  metre.     A 
priming  formed  of  a  mixture  of  potassium  ferrocyanide  and 
potassium   chlorate    will    not    cause   gun-cotton    to   detonate 
(according  to  Brown). 

Finally,  according  to  Trauzl,  a  much  greater  weight  of  a 
priming  made  of  a  mixture  of  mercury  fulminate  and  potassium 
chlorate. should  be  taken  than  if  it  were  formed  of  fulminate 
alone.  Nevertheless  the  heat  liberated  by  unit  weight  is  one- 
fifth  greater  with  the  former  mixture. 

8.  Champion  and  Pellet  have  adduced  the  following  experi- 
ments in  support  of  this  ingenious  hypothesis :  they  fixed  on 
the   string   of  a    contra-bass    particles    of  nitrogen  iodide,   a 
substance   which   detonates  by  the   slightest  friction.      They 
then  caused  the  strings  of  a  similar  instrument  situated  at  a 


distance  to  vibrate  ;  detonation  took  place,  but  only  for  sounds 
higher  than  a  given  note,  which  note  represented  sixty  vibrations 
per  second.  They  then  took  two  conjugate  parabolic  mirrors 
fixed  2'5  metres  apart,  and  they  placed  along  the  line  of  foci  at 
different  points  a  few  drops  of  nitroglycerin  or  grains  of  nitrogen 
iodide,  then  they  caused  the  detonation  of  a  large  drop  of  nitro- 
glycerin on  one  of  the  foci ;  they  observed  that  the  explosive 
substances  placed  on  the  conjugate  focus  exploded  in  unison,  to 
the  exclusion  of  similar  substances  placed  at  other  points.  A 
coating  of  lamp-black  placed  on  the  surface  of  mirrors  served 
to  prevent  any  reflection  and  the  concentration  of  the  calorific 

9.  None  of  these  tests,  however,  are  conclusive,  and  several 
of  them  appear  absolutely  contrary  to  the  theory  of  synchronous 
vibrations.     In  the  first  place  it  may  be  remarked  that  the  fact 
of  a  certain  musical  note  being  capable  of  determining  each 
kind  of  explosion  has  never  been  established  properly;  it  is 
only  below  a  certain  note  that  the  effects  cease  to  be  produced, 
whereas  they  take  place  by  preference,  and  whatever  be  the 
explosive  body,  in  the  sharpest  notes.     Besides,  the  effects  cease 
to    be    produced    at   distances    incomparably   less    than    the 
resonance  of  the  chords  in  unison,  which  proves  that  detonations 
are  functions  of  the  intensity  of  mechanical  action  rather  than 
of  the  character  of  the  vibration  which  determines  them.     De- 
tonation also  ceases  to  be  produced  when  the  weight  of  the 
detonator  is  too  slight,  and  consequently  when  the  energy  of  the 
shock  is   attenuated.     The    specific   vibrating  note,   however, 
which  determines  explosion  should  always  remain  the  same. 
For  instance,   cartridges  of  75   per   cent,   dynamite   cease  to 
explode   when   the   capsule   contains    less    than   0'2   grm.   of 
fulminate ;  the  explosion  only  being  insured  in  any  case  at  the 
regulation  weight  of  1  grm.     This  confirms  the  existence  of  a 
direct  relation  between  the  character  of  the  detonation  and  the 
intensity  of  the  shock  produced  by  one  and  the  same  detonator. 

If  it  were  true  that  gun-cotton  could  explode  nitroglycerin 
by  reason  of  the  synchronism  of  the  vibration  transmitted,  it  is 
difficult  to  understand  why  reciprocal  action  does  not  take 
place ;  whereas  the  absence  of  reciprocity  is  easily  explained  by 
the  difference  in  the  structure  of  the  two  substances,  which 
plays  an  important  part  in  the  transformation  of  energy  into 
work  (p.  38). 

10.  This  same  diversity  of  structure  and  the  modifications 
which  it  introduces  into  the  transmission  of  the  phenomena  of 
shock,  and  the  transformation  of  mechanical  energy  into  calorific 
energy,  may  be  quoted  in  order  to  account  for  the  facts  observed 
by  Abel. 

The  difference  between  the  energy  of  pure  fulminate  and  that 
of  fulminate  when  mixed  with  potassium  chlorate  is  not  any 


less  easy  to  explain ;  the  shock  produced  by  the  former  body 
being  more  sudden  by  reason  of  the  absence  of  all  dissociation  of 
the  product,  which  is  no  other  than  carbonic  oxide ;  this  absence 
should  be  opposed  to  the  dissociation  of  carbonic  acid  which  is 
produced  in  the  second  case.  Probably  also  the  formation  of 
potassium  chloride  disseminated  in  the  gases  produced  with  the 
aid  of  potassium  chlorate  serves  to  attenuate  the  shock,  like  the 
silica  in  dynamite. 

11.  All  the  effects  observed  with  nitrogen  iodide  are  explained 
by  the  vibration  of  the  supports,  and  by  the  effects  of  the 
resulting  friction,  this  substance  being  eminently  susceptible  to 

12.  The  experiment  with  the  conjugate  mirrors  is  accounted 
for  quite  as  fairly  by  the  concentration  of  movements  of  the 
air  in  the  focus,  and  consequently  by  the  mechanical  effects 
resulting  therefrom. 

13.  Lambert  has  further  shown  in  experiments  carried  out  on 
behalf  of  the  Commission  des  substances  explosives  that  in  the  case 
of  the  explosion  of  dynamite  cartridges  when  produced  in  cast- 
iron  tubes  of  large  diameter,  there  did  not  appear  to  be  any 
difference  as  far  as  regards  detonations  caused   by  influence 
between  the  nodal  and  internodal  parts  of  the  tube. 

14.  Being  anxious  to  clear  up  the  question  altogether,  by 
eliminating  the  influence  of  the  supports  and  the  diversity  of 
cohesion  and  of  the  physical  structure  of  solid  explosive  sub- 
stances, the  author  has  undertaken  special  tests  on  the  chemical 
stability  of  matter  in  sonorous  vibration.     A  summary  of  the 
result  will  now  be  given. 


1.  A  large  number  of  chemical  transformations  are  now 
attributed  to  the  energy  of  ethereal  matter,  animated  by  these 
vibratory  and  other  movements  which  produce  calorific,  luminous, 
and  electric  phenomena.  This  energy,  when  communicated  to 
ponderable  matter,  produces  therein  decompositions  and  combi- 
nations. Is  it  the  same  with  the  ordinary  vibrations  of  ponder- 
able matter — that  is  to  say,  with  sonorous  vibrations  which  are 
transmitted  according  to  the  laws  of  acoustics  ?  The  question 
is  a  very  interesting  one,  and  touches  especially  on  the  study  of 
explosive  substances. 

The  ingenious  experiments  above  recorded  have  been  published 
by  Noble  and  Abel,  as  well  as  by  Champion  and  Pellett,  and 
many  authorities  admit  that  explosive  bodies  may  detonate 
under  the  influence  of  certain  musical  notes,  which  would 
cause  them  to  vibrate  in  unison.  However  seductive  the  theory 
may  be,  the  results  obtained  so  far  do  not,  however,  establish  it 
beyond  dispute.  Explosions  of  dynamite  and  gun-cotton  by 



influence  are  explained  more  simply,  as  has  been  said  above,  by 
the  direct  effect  of  the  shock  propagated  by  gases  at  short 
distances,  beyond  which  they  do  not  propagate  themselves  in 
any  way.  As  to  nitrogen  iodide,  which  is  the  subject  of  the 

principal  observations  relative  to  explosions  by  resonance,  it  is 
a  powder  so  sensitive  to  friction  that  it  may  be  asked  whether 
its  detonation  does  not  take  place  by  shock  and  by  the  friction 
of  the  supports,  the  real  seat  of  resonance  in  unison. 




2.  The  author  deemed  it  expedient  to  make  fresh  researches 
with  gases  and  with  liquids,  which  substances  are  more  suitable 
for  propagating  the  vibratory  movement,  properly  so  called, 
than  a  powder.  Substances  were  selected  decomposable  with 

liberation  of  heat,  so 
as  to  lessen  the  im- 
portance of  the  part 
played  by  the  vibratory 
movement,  in  propa- 
gating reaction  with- 
out compelling  it  to 
do  all  its  work  in  virtue 
of  its  own  energy. 
Finally,  experiments 
were  made  on  un- 
stable bodies,  and  even 
during  a  state  of  con- 
tinuous decomposition 
which  it  was  merely  a 
question  of  accelerat- 
ing; these  apparently 
are  the  most  favour- 
able conditions.  The 
whole  question  was  to 
make  the  substance 
resound  into  chemical 
transformation.  The 
trials  were  carried  out 
by  two  processes  which 
correspond  to  vibra- 
tions of  very  unequal 
rapidity,  namely : — 

1st.  By  means  of  a 
large  horizontal  tuning 
fork  moved  by  an  elec- 
tric   interruptor,   and 
one   of   the    arms    of 
which  was  loaded  with 
a  bottle  of  250  cms. 
capacity,      containing 
the  gas  or  liquid,  the 
other  arm  bearing  an 
equivalent  weight.  The 
effective  vibration   of 
the  bottle  has  been  verified,  as  also  that  of  the  liquid,  otherwise 
manifested  by  ordinary  optical  appearances.     This  arrangement 
has  supplied  about  100  simple  vibrations  per  second  (Fig.  7). 
2nd.  By  means  of  a  large  horizontal  glass  tube  sealed  at  both 


ends,  holding  about  400  c.c.,  60  cms.  long  and  3  cms.  wide, 
placed  in  longitudinal  vibration  by  the  friction  of  a  horizontal 
wheel  provided  with  a  moist  piece  of  felt.  This  very  simple 
appliance,  which  Koenig  has  arranged,  produced,  during  experi- 
ments on  ozone,  7200  simple  vibrations  per  second,  according 
to  observations  taken  by  this  expert  (Fig.  8). 

The  sharpness  of  this  note  is  almost  intolerable. 

The  following  are  the  results  observed  with  ozone,  arseniu- 
retted  hydrogen,  and  sulphuric  acid  in  the  presence  of  ethylene, 
oxygenated  water,  and  persulphuric  acid. 

3.  Ozone. — The  oxygen  used  contained  such  proportions  of 
ozone  as  58  mgrms.  per  litre,  a  degree  easily  obtainable  with  the 
author's  appliances.     With  the  tuning  fork  (100  vibrations),  a 
state  of  vibration  having  been  maintained  for  an  hour  and  a 
half,  the  amount  of  ozone  in  the  gas  remained  constant,  both 
with  dry  ozone  and  with  ozone  mixed  with  10  c.c.  of  water. 
This  latter  did  not  either  lower  the  degree  of  the  ozone  or 
supply  oxygenated  water.1 

With  the  tube  and  wheel  (7200  vibrations),  the  state  of  vibra- 
tion being  maintained  for  half  an  hour,  the  degree  of  dry  gas 
did  not  vary.  The  absorption  of  the  ozone  was  determined 
subsequently  by  standard  solution  of  arsenious  acid :  the  dimi- 
nution in  the  strength  of  the  latter  was  found  equivalent  to 
171  div.  of  permanganate ;  while  this  diminution  was  precisely 
171  in  an  equal  volume  of  the  same  gas  analysed  previous  to 
the  test. 

Now,  ozone  is  a  gas  which  is  transformed  into  ordinary 
oxygen  with  liberation  of  heat  ( — 14,800  cal.  for  Oz.  = 
24  grms.),  and  it  became  transformed  spontaneously  in  a  slow 
and  continuous  manner,  passing  from  53  mgrms.  to  29  mgrms. 
in  24  hours,  when  it  was  left  to  itself  in  the  conditions  above 
given.  Nevertheless,  it  may  be  seen  that  its  transformation 
was  not  accelerated  by  a  movement  which  caused  it  to  vibrate 
7200  times  per  second  for  half  an  hour.  Its  spontaneous 
decomposition  could  not  therefore  be  attributed  to  these 
sonorous  vibrations  which  constantly  traverse  all  bodies  in 

Such  an  absence  of  reaction  is  not,  on  the  other  hand, 
explicable  by  an  inverse  influence,  for  a  similar  tube  filled  with 
pure  oxygen  did  not  modify  the  strength  of  the  arsenious 
solution  after  similar  vibration  and  for  a  similar  space  of  time. 

4.  Arseniuretted  Hydrogen. — A  similar  vibratory  movement 
communicated  to  a  tube  filled  with  this  gas,  and  afterwards 
sealed,   did   not  modify  it;   nevertheless,  in  the  space  of  24 
hours,  the  tube  began  to  be  covered  with  a  coating  of  metallic 

1  In  these  experiments  it  will  be  well  to  guard  against  the  alkalinity  of 
glass,  which  will  rapidly  destroy  the  ozone.  When  using  pulverised  glass 
one  is  specially  exposed  to  this  accident. 


arsenic,  as  a  tube  does  which  is  filled  with  the  same  gas  and 
which  has  not  undergone  any  vibration.  This  gas  reduces  itself 
into  its  elements,  liberating,  according  to  Ogier,  +  36,700  cal., 
which  explains  its  instability.  We  see,  therefore,  that  it  is  not 
increased  by  the  sonorous  vibrations. 

5.  Ethylene  and  Sulphuric  Acid. — The  author  endeavoured  to 
accelerate  the  slow  combination  of  these  two  bodies,  which  is  so 
easily  effected  under  the  influence  of  continuous  agitation  and  by 
the  concurrence  of  shocks  produced  by  a  mass  of  mercury,  by 
having  recourse  to  the  vibratory  movement.     This  slow  com- 
bination is  exothermal. 

A  bottle  of  240  c.c.  containing  pure  ethylene,  and  also  5 
c.c.  to  6  c.c.  of  sulphuric  acid  and  mercury,  has  been  set  in 
vibration  by  a  tuning  fork  (100  vibrations  per  second) ;  the  acid 
vibrated  and  was  pulverised  on  the  surface ;  yet  at  the  end  of 
half  an  hour  the  absorption  of  gas  was  slight,  and  very  nearly 
the  same  as  in  a  similar  bottle  kept  immovable  in  a  distant  room. 

6.  Oxygenated     Water. — 10    cc.    of    a    solution    containing 
9 '3   mgrms.  of  active  oxygen,  placed  in  a  bottle  of  250  c.c. 
capacity,  are  not  altered  in  degree  by  the  effect  of  the  movement 
of  the  tuning  fork  (100  vibrations  per  second)  kept  up  for  half 
an  hour.     Yet  the  liquid  actually  vibrated  and  lost  0'9  mgrms. 
of  oxygen   every  24  hours ;   10  c.c.  of  a   solution  containing 
6 '3  mgrms.  of  active  oxygen  set  in  vibration  (7200  vibrations) 
in  a  tube  of  4  c.c.  full  of  air  for  half  an  hour  gave  afterwards 
6*25  mgrms. 

7.  Persulphuric   Acid. — Same  results   with  the   tuning  fork 
(100  vibrations);  initial  degree  13   mgrms.,  final   degree  12'6 
mgrms.     With   the   tube  (7200  vibrations),  initial  degree  3*6 
mgrms.,  final  degree  2*8  mgrms.     The  difference  here  appears 
slightly  to  exceed  the  rapidity  of  spontaneous  decomposition, 
this  rapidity  being  greater  than  with  oxygenated  water,  but  it 
scarcely  ever  exceeds  the  limit  of  error. 

The  results  observed  with  these  liquids  merit  all  the  more 
attention  since  it  has  been  possible  to  assimilate  these  systems 
a  priori  to  the  liquids  containing  oxygen  in  a  state  of  super- 
saturated solution,  a  solution  which  agitation,  and  particularly  a 
vibratory  movement,  will  reduce  to  its  normal  state.  In  fact, 
the  foregoing  liquids  will  certainly  hold  a  certain  quantity  of 
oxygen  in  this  state,  as  may  be  easily  proved ;  but  this  amount 
of  oxygen  does  not  act  either  on  the  permanganate  or  on  the 
potassium  iodide  employed,  and  it  should  be  studied  apart.  As 
a  matter  of  fact,  it  does  not  intervene  here  in  any  equilibrium 
of  dissociation  capable  of  being  influenced  by  the  separation  of 
the  oxygen  and  the  oxygenated  water.  It  would  doubtless  be 
otherwise  in  a  system  in  a  state  of  dissociation,  and  the 
equilibrium  of  which  would  be  maintained  by  the  presence  of  a 
gas  actually  dissolved;  but  then  it  would  no  longer  be  a  question 


of  a  direct  influence  of  the  vibratory  movement  on  chemical 
transformation.  The  tests  made  with  gases  such  as  ozone  and 
arseniuretted  hydrogen  are  not  subject  to  this  complication; 
they  tend  to  do  away  with  the  hypothesis  of  a  direct  influence 
of  sonorous  vibrations,  even  when  very  rapid,  of  the  gaseous 
particles  on  their  chemical  transformation. 

8.  It  has  been  said  that  there  is  among  the  incessant  and  reci- 
procal shocks  of  gaseous  particles,  when  in  motion  in  an  enclosed 
space,  a  certain  number  which  are  susceptible  of  raising  the 
particles  which  undergo  them  to  very  high  temperatures.     If  it 
were  really  so,  a  mixture  of  oxygen  and  hydrogen  elements, 
which   combine  towards  6500°,  would  become  gradually  trans- 
formed into  water,  ammonia  gas,  decomposable  at  about  800°, 
would  slowly  change  into  nitrogen  and  hydrogen,  etc.   The  author 
never   observed  anything  like  this  in   these  gaseous   systems 
preserved  for  a  period  of  ten  years.     If  this  effect  does  not 
take  place,  it  is  probably  due  to   the  loss  of  energy  in   each 
gaseous   particle    regarded    individually,   and  even   its    total 
energy  remains  comprised  within  certain  limits. 

9.  In  fine,  matter  is  stable  under  the  influence  of  sonorous 
vibrations,  whereas  it  transforms  itself  under  the  influence  of 
ethereal  vibrations.     This   diversity  in  the  mode  of  action  of 
two  kinds  of  vibrations  is  not  surprising  if  we  consider  to  what 
extent  the  sharpest  sonorous  vibrations  are  incomparably  slower 
than  luminous  or  calorific  vibrations. 

10.  Yet  there  appears  little  doubt  that  the  propagation  of 
explosion  by  influence  is  caused  by  virtue  of  an  undulatory 
movement;  a  complex  movement  of  a  chemical  and  physical 
order  in  the  explosive  substance  which  is  transformed,  whereas 
it  is  purely  physical  in  intermediate  substances  whose  nature  is 
not  changed.     What  also  distinguishes  this  kind  of  movement 
from  sonorous  vibrations,  properly  so   called,  is  the   extreme 
intensity,  that  is  to  say,  the  greatness  of  the  energy  which  it 
transmits.     It  is  thus  that  the  explosive  wave  propagates  itself 
in  the  substance  which  explodes,  not  by  reason  of  a  single  shock, 
the  energy  of  which  would  become  weaker  as  it  propagates 
itself,  but  by  reason  of  a  series  of  similar  shocks  incessantly 
reproduced,  and  which,  as  they  continue,  regenerate  the  energy 
throughout  the  wave.     On  the  other  hand  the  propagation  by 
air  or  by  supports  is  effected  solely  by  reason  of  the  energy  of 
the  last  shock  communicated  by  the  explosive  substance,  an 
energy    which   is   no   longer    regenerated   and  which  rapidly 
weakens  by  distance. 

The  explosive  substance  does  not  detonate  because  it  transmits 
the  movement,  but,  on  the  contrary,  because  it  stops  it,  and 
because  it  transforms  its  mechanical  energy  on  the  spot  into 
calorific  energy  capable  of  suddenly  raising  the  temperature  of 
the  substance  up  to  a  degree  which  causes  its  decomposition. 




1.  THE  study  of  the  various  modes  of  decomposition  of 
explosive  substances,  and  especially  that  of  detonation  as  com- 
pared with  combustion,  and  of  explosions  by  influence,  leads  to 
the  admission  of  the  existence  of  a  wave  motion  peculiar  to  and 
characteristic  of  explosive  phenomena;  this  is  the  explosive 
wave.  It  will  be  more  accurately  and  completely  denned  by 
showing  how  it  is  propagated  in  gaseous  systems.  The  results 
of  the  experiments  which  the  author  undertook  in  conjunction 
with  M.  Vieille  led  to  the  examination  of  the  rate  of  propagation 
of  the  explosion  in  gases,  the  physical  constitution  of  which 
gives  to  these  researches  a  peculiar  theoretical  interest.  In  the 
experiments  the  conditions  of  the  phenomena,  the  pressure  of 
the  gases,  their  nature  and  relative  proportion,  and  the  form, 
dimensions  and  nature  of  the  vessels  in  which  they  are  con- 
tained, were  varied.  They  confirmed  the  existence  of  a  new 
kind  of  wave  motion  of  a  compound  nature,  i.e.  produced  by 
a  certain  concordance  between  the  physical  and  chemical 
impulses  in  the  matter  undergoing  transformation.  The  wave 
motion  once  produced  is  then  propagated  from  layer  to  layer 
throughout  the  whole  mass,  in  accordance  with  the  successive  im- 
pulses of  the  gaseous  molecules  brought  to  a  more  intense  state 
of  vibration  by  the  heat  given  off  in  their  combination  and 
transformed  with  but  very  slight  displacement  of  their  original 
position.  Similar  phenomena  may  be  developed  in  explosive 
solids  and  liquids. 

Such  effects  are  comparable  to  those  of  a  sound  wave,  but 
with  this  important  difference,  that  the  sound  wave  is  transmitted 
onwards  by  degrees  with  little  active  energy,  a  very  small  excess 
of  pressure,  and  with  a  velocity  which  depends  solely  on  the 

1  "  Comptes  Rendus  des  stances  de  l'Acade*mie  des  Sciences,"  torn,  xciii. 
p.  21 ;  torn.  xciv.  pp.  101,  149,  822 ;  torn.  xcv.  pp.  151  and  199. 


physical  constitution  of  the  vibrating  medium,  this  velocity 
being  the  same  for  all  kinds  of  vibrations.  But,  in  the  case  of 
the  explosive  wave,  it  is  the  change  of  chemical  constitution 
which  is  propagated  communicating  to  the  moving  system 
enormous  energy  and  considerable  excess  of  pressure.  The 
velocity  of  the  explosive  wave  is  also  much  greater  than  that 
of  sound  waves  transmitted  through  the  same  medium. 

The  explosive  phenomenon  is  not  reproduced  periodically,  it 
gives  rise  to  one  single  characteristic  wave,  whereas  the 
phenomenon  of  sound  is  generated  by  a  periodical  succession  of 
waves  resembling  one  another. 

The  characteristics  of  this  new  wave  are — 

(1)  It  is  propagated  uniformly,  as  shown  in  the  experiments 
made  with  oxyhydric,  oxycarbonic,  and   oxycyanic   mixtures, 
which  were  made  successively  in  tubes  of  lead,  gutta-percha 
and  glass,  with  lengths  varying  from  40  to  30  and  20  metres. 

It  is  certain  that  disturbances  are  produced  near  the 
extremities  of  the  tubes.  However,  they  do  not  extend  far 
under  the  conditions  of  the  experiments ;  in  fact,  the  experiments 
made  with  the  tube  closed,  open  at  either  or  both  ends,  gave 
the  same  velocity,  which  remained  the  same  for  a  given  length. 

(2)  The  velocity  of  the  explosive  wave  depends  essentially  on 
the  nature  of  the  explosive  compound,  and  not  on  the  composi- 
tion of  the  tube  containing  it  (lead,  gutta-percha). 

(3)  The  influence  of  the  diameter  of  the  tube  on  the  velocity 
of  the  wave  is  not  appreciable  between  diameters  of  5  mms. 
and    15  mms.     It   is,  however,   manifest  in  a  capillary  tube, 
but  the  diminution,  even  in  this-  extreme  case  (2390   metres 
instead  of  2840  metres),  is  not  excessive.     In  short,  the  velocity 
depends  less  and  less  on  the   diameter  in  proportion  as  the 
increase  of  the  latter  leaves   more  liberty  to  the  individual 
movements  of  the  gaseous  particles  and  diminishes  the  friction 
against  the  sides  of  the  tube. 

These  conclusions  are  in  accordance  with  those  of  M. 
Regnault  on  the  velocity  of  the  sound  wave  in  tubes.1 

(4)  The  velocity  of  the  explosive   wave  is  independent  of 
pressure,  between  the  limits  1  and  3,  as  referred  to  the  pressure 
of  the   atmosphere.     This   is   a   fundamental   property,  for  it 
establishes  the  fact  that  the  rate  of  propagation  of  the  explosive 
wave  is  governed  by  the  same  general  laws  as  the  velocity  of 

(5)  The  theoretical  relation  which  exists  between  the  velocity 
of  the  explosive  wave  and  the  chemical  nature  of  the  gas  which 
transmits  it  is  more  difficult  to  establish,  this  velocity  depend- 
ing on  the  temperatures,  and  these  not  being  the  same  in  the 
combustion  of  two  different  systems. 

The  inequality  of  the  temperatures  results  from  the  unequal 

1  "  Me*moires  de  1'Acade'mie  des  Sciences,"  torn,  xxxvii.  p.  456. 


magnitude  of  the  quantities  of  heat ;  for  instance,  68,200  cal. 
for  CO  +  0 ;  59,000  cal.  for  H2  +  0,  supposing  the  water  to  be 
in  the  gaseous  form ;  it  also  results,  for  the  same  quantity  of 
heat,  from  the  inequality  of  the  specific  heats.  The  calculation 
of  these  temperatures  remains  doubtful,  on  account  of  dissocia- 
tion and  uncertainties  surrounding  the  value  of  specific  heats  at 
high  temperatures. 

An  idea  of  the  theoretical  relation  that  regulates  the  velocity 
of  the  explosive  wave  may  be  formed,  however,  if  it  be  noted 
that  the  total  energy  of  the  gas,  at  the  moment  of  explosion, 
depends  on  its  initial  temperature,  and  on  the  heat  given  off 
during  the  combination  itself.  These  two  data  determine  the 
absolute  temperature  of  the  system,  which  is  in  proportion  to 
the  energy  of  translation  (Jrav2)  of  the  gaseous  molecules. 
That  is  to  say,  the  excess  of  energy  communicated  to  the  mole- 
cules by  the  act  of  the  chemical  combination  is  simply  the  heat 
given  off  in  the  reaction ;  the  pressure  exercised  by  the  molecules 
on  the  sides  of  the  vessels  is  the  immediate  translation  of  it, 
according  to  the  most  recent  theories. 

Thus  a  point  is  reached  where  mechanical  notions  and 
thermal  notions  tend  to  intermingle. 

To  formulate  this,  the  rate  of  translation  of  the  molecules  at 
the  moment  of  combination  is  proportional,  according  to  the 
relation  of  the  energy,  to  the  square  root  of  the  ratio  of  the 
absolute  temperature  T,  to  the  density  of  the  gas  as  compared 
with  air,  or,  as  M.  Clausius  expresses  it, 

0  =  29-354  metres  \/- 

In  reality,  the  physical  notion  of  the  temperature  T  does  not 
enter  into  this  estimation  of  the  velocity,  and  the  formula 
simply  expresses  the  fact  that  the  translating  energy  of  the 
molecules  of  the  gaseous  system  produced  by  the  reaction,  and 
containing  all  the  heat  developed  by  the  latter,  is  proportional 
to  the  energy  of  translation  of  the  same  gaseous  system,  con- 
taining only  the  heat  which  it  retains  at  zero. 

This  formula  has  been  verified,  approximately  at  least,  for 
a  score  of  gaseous  compounds,  differing  greatly  in  their  com- 
position (as  described  hereafter). 

2.  Thus  it  seems,  that  in  the  act  of  explosion,  a  certain 
number  of  gaseous  molecules  amongst  those  forming  the  portion 
that  is  first  ignited,  are  hurled  forward  with  the  velocity  corre- 
sponding to  the  maximum  temperature  developed  by  the 
chemical  combination,  the  shock  which  they  impart  determines 
the  propagation  of  this  combination  into  the  next  section,  and 
the  movement  is  reproduced  from  section  to  section  with  a 
velocity  if  not  identical  with,  at  least  comparable  to,  that  of  the 
molecules  themselves. 



The  transmission  of  the  energy,  under  these  conditions  of 
extreme  rapidity  of  action,  is  perhaps  effected  with  greater 
facility  between  gaseous  molecules  of  the  same  nature,  in  virtue 
of  a  kind  of  unison  causing  similar  movements,  than  between 
the  molecules  of  gas  and  the  enclosing  vessel. 

The  action  is  not  the  same,  as  will  be  shown,  in  cases  where 
the  system  in  ignition  has  time  to  lose  a  portion  of  its  heat, 
which  is  communicated  to  foreign  gases  or  to  bodies  in  the 
vicinity  not  capable  of  undergoing  the  same  chemical  trans- 


1.  The  mode  of  procedure  adopted  in   this   study  is   very 
simple.     It  consists, 

(1)  In  filling  with  a  detonating  mixture  under  a  given  pressure, 
a  tube  of  great  length  (about  40  metres,  Figs.  9  and  10). 

(2)  In  effecting  the  ignition  at  one  of  the  extremities,  by  means 
of  an  electric  spark  (Fig.  11). 

(3)  In  interrupting,  by  means  of  the  flame  itself,  two  electric 

Fig.  9.— Tube  with  its  interrupters. 

currents,  placed  at  certain  points  in  the  tube,  the  interval 
between  which  is  exactly  defined  by  two  couplings  which 
connect  the  consecutive  portions  of  the  tube  (Figs.  13  and  14). 
The  currents  are  transmitted  along  very  narrow  strips  of  tin 
(Fig.  12),  gummed  upon  paper,  and  held  by  the  couplings 
between  the  two  insulating  discs  of  leather,  which  have  a  hole 
in  the  centre,  so  as  to  establish  the  complete  continuity  of  the 
bore.  These  strips  are  arranged  normally  to  the  direction  of 
the  flame. 

A  grain  (about  '010  of  a  gramme)  of  mercury  fulminate 
exploding  on  contact  with  the  flame,  destroys  the  strip  and 
interrupts  the  current. 

Potassium  picrate  has  also  been  used  to  produce  the  same 

The  gaseous  compound  is  ignited  by  means  of  an  electric  spark, 
either  at  the  beginning  of  the  tube  or  at  some  given  point. 



2.  These  arrangements  will  now  be  described  in  detail. 

The  tube  has   sometimes   been  laid  in  a  single   horizontal 

straight  line,  and  sometimes  in  a  succession  of  parallel  rows,  as 

shown  in  Fig.  9.      The  tube  is  represented  as  fixed  upon  a 

vertical  wooden  frame.     It  is  provided  with  two  terminal  taps, 

A  and  B,  and  an  intermediate 
interrupter,  C. 

Fig.  10  represents  one  of 
the  terminal  taps  without 
any  additional  mechanism. 

Fig.  11  represents  a  tap 
with  a  lateral  tube  enclosing 
an  insulated  metallic  wire. 

Fig.  10.— Terminal  Tap. 

The  spark  is  made  to  flash  between  the  wire  and  the  metallic 
casing  of  this  pipe. 

Fig.  12  shows  the  arrangement  of  one  of  the  strips  to  be 
broken  by  the  explosion ;  s  s  is  the  strip  of  tin,  p  p  is  the  slip 

of  paper  on  which 
the  tin  is  glued. 

The  tin  is  ex- 
posed at  the  point 
V  of  the  tube  T, 
which  is  shown  in 

The  grain  of  ful- 
minate is  placed 
at  i. 

Fig.  13  repre- 
sents the  section  of 

Fig.  11. — Tap  and  Apparatus  for  igniting  by 

the  coupling  at  right  angles  to  the  axis  of  the  tube. 

The  coupling  is  marked  C  C  C  C.  It  is  formed  of  four  semi- 
circular pieces  facing  each  other  in  pairs,  two  only  being  shown 
in  the  figure ;  they  are  clamped  together  and  round  the  tube  T, 
by  means  of  the  screws  E  E. 

Fig.  14  represents  a  section  following  the  axis  of  the  tube. 

The  tube  T  T  T  T  shown  in  this  figure  is  not  the  tube  of 
gutta-percha  itself,  but  a  brass  tube  of  the  same  section,  on 
which  the  gutta-percha  tube  is  fitted,  either  on  one  side 
only,  or  on  both  sides  at  once,  as  in  Fig.  9.  This  arrange- 
ment is  necessary  for  clamping  the  coupling  and  fixing  the 

C  C  C  C  are  the  four  parts  of  the  coupling,  the  screws  not 
being  shown  in  order  not  to  complicate  the  figure.  The  channel, 
V  V,  serves  for  the  passage  of  the  gas. 

The  strip  of  tin,  s  s,  is  held  in  position  by  small  metallic 
supports,  r  r,  on  which  the  wires  conveying  the  electric  current 
are  fixed. 

Between  the  portions  of  the  coupling,  C  C,  are  the  two  discs 



of  insulating  leather,  shown  here  only  in  section,  their  projection 
being  given  in  Fig.  12  (see  letter  T). 

The  grain  of  fulminate  is  always  at  i. 

The  time  that  elapsed  between  the  two  interruptions  was 
estimated  by  means  of  the  Le  Boulenge  chronograph,  this 
instrument  being  capable  of  measuring  to  the  ^o~o~<T(J  °f  a  second. 

Fig.  12.— Strip  of  tin. 

Fig.  13.— Coupling  section  at  right  angles  to  the 
axis  of  the  tube. 

The  chronograph  (Figs.  15  and  16)  consists  of  two  funda- 
mental parts. 

a.  The  chronometer  T  (Fig.  15),  a  long  cylindrical  rod  sus- 
pended vertically,  provided  with  zinc  casing  tubes,  E,  and  held 
by  magnetic  attraction  to  the  extremity  of  an  electro-magnet, 
M,  through  which  passes  the  first  current  destined  to  be 

1.  The  registering  apparatus,  T  (Fig.  16),  a  similar  cylinder 



held  by  the  electro-magnet,  M,  through  which  passes  the  second 

current  also  destined  to  be  interrupted. 

A  catch,  C,  consists  of  a  knife  edge  (a  circular  milled  head  of 

hardened  cast  steel),  mounted  upon  a  spring  which  may  be  held 

firm,  or  tightened  by  the  handle  of  a  lever. 

The    chronometer,   on    its    circuit    being    broken,   becomes 

detached  and  falls  vertically  freely;  the  second  circuit  being 

next  broken,  the  registering  apparatus  falls  in  its  turn,  comes  in 

contact  with  the  free  extremity  of  the  lever  and  disengages  the 

catch,  the  knife  is  projected  forward,  strikes  the  chronometer 

in  its  course,  and  imprints  upon  its 
casing  a  mark,  the  position  of  which 
enables  the  rapidity  of  the  pheno- 
menon to  be  calculated.  The  details 
of  this  calculation,  with  corrections, 
will  be  found  in  the  "Traite  sur 
la  poudre,"  etc.,  traduit  et  augmente 
par  Desortiaux,  pp.  538  and  542. 
1878  (Dunod). 

This  method  was  found  preferable 
to  the  registration  by  mechanical 
processes;  the  latter  are  subject  to 
irregularities  which  are  of  great  im- 
portance in  such  rapid  phenomena. 

The  use  of  too  short  tubes  for  con- 
taining the  gases  was  avoided,  as  this 
would  exaggerate  errors  and  expose 
the  experiments  to  those  well-known 
disturbances    which    arise    in     the 
vicinity  of  the  source  of  the  waves. 
Eeference  will  be  made  to  this  point 
as  it  is  one  of  great  interest,  and  it  will  be  shown  at 
ne  time  that  the  variation  in  pressure  of  the  gases  is 

propagated  with  exactly  the  same  rapidity  as  the  ignition  of 

the  detonators. 

Fig.  14. — Section  following  the 
axis  of  the  tube. 

the  same 


Our  experiments  had  reference, 

1.  To  the  arrangement  of  the  tube  ; 

2.  To  its  .composition  ; 

3.  To  its  characteristics,  whether  open  or  closed ; 

4.  To  its  length ; 

5.,  To  the  initial  pressure  of  the  gaseous  compound ; 

6.  To  the  composition  of  this  compound  which  was  varied 
sometimes  by  introducing  an  inert  gas,  and  sometimes  by  modi- 
fying the  nature  of  the  combustible  gas. 

Arrangement  of  the  tube. — The  first  experiments  were  made 



with  rectilinear  and  horizontal  leaden  tube  42*45  metres  long  1 
and  '005  of  a  metre  in  diameter. 

It  was  filled  with  an  electrolytic  mixture  of  hydrogen  and 
oxygen,  under  atmospheric  pressure.  After  each  experiment, 
the  tube  was  dried  by  causing 
a  current  of  dry  air  to  circulate 
through  it  for  several  hours. 

The  following  table  gives  all 
the  experiments.  The  extreme 
results  have  not  been  eliminated 
from  it  as  is  sometimes  done. 

Time  observed                Velocity  per 

in  seconds. 




...     2901-0  metres. 



...     2908-1       „ 



...     3050-9      „ 



...     2821-2      „ 



...     2675-5      „ 



...     2877-6      „ 



...     2871-8      „ 



...     2783-1      „ 

Mean  0-014860  2861-1       „ 

The  mean  variation  in  one  ex- 
periment amounts  to  79  metres, 
the  maximum  variation  to  -f- 190 
metres  and  -  186  metres,  corre- 
sponding to  intervals  of  time 
equal  to  +  0-00095,  or  at  the 
maximum  nearly  joW  °f  a 
second,  the  mean  error  being 
half  this  quantity.  With  the 
oxyhydrogen  mixture,  the  mean 
length  measured  on  the  rod  of 
the  chronographs  is  equal  to 
•0448  metre,  which  figures  give 
a  clearer  idea  of  the  degree  of 
exactness  attained  in  measure- 
ments of  this  order.  With  the 
mixture  of  carbonic  oxide  and 
oxygen,  this  length  amounted 
to  107  metre. 

The  mean  error  in  the  experi- 
ments is  ten  times  as  great  as 
that  recorded  by  the  chrono- 
graph. This  arises,  not  from 
the  instrument  itself,  but  from 
the  unequal  delays  occurring  in 
the  process  of  interruption  employed.  It  is  known  that  such 
1  All  the  lengths  are  taken  between  the  two  interruptions. 

Fig.  15. — Le  Boulenge  Chronograph- 



errors  exist  in  all  processes  of  this  nature,  and  their  magnitude 
must  be  estimated  in  each  instance.  In  this  case  it  amounted 
to  2 '8  per  cent,  of  the  quantity  measured,  on  an  average,  and 
to  6 '6  in  extreme  cases. 

Some  trials  made  with  a  vertical  tube,  shorter  it  is  true,  gave 
the  same  velocities  as  with  the  hori- 
zontal tube. 

The  rectilinear  arrangement  of  the 
tube  such  as  was  employed  at  first, 
required  too  extensive  a  space,  and 
could  only  be  effected  in  the  open  air 
and  under  conditions  that  were  difficult 
to  maintain  and  vary  in  prolonged  ex- 
periments. For  this  reason  the  idea 
was  conceived  of  laying  the  tube  in  the 
laboratory  itself,  in  parallel  horizontal 
rows  separated  by  bends  with  a  con- 
siderable radius  of  curvature ;  the  whole 
was  fixed  upon  a  vertical  frame  (see 
Fig.  9,  p.  91). 

In  this  operation  the  length  of  the 

*ube was -'^dby •? of a metre. 

bringing  it  to  43135  metres. 
The  detonation  was  repeated  under  these  new  conditions, 
which  gave  for  the  velocity  per  second — 



Average     ...     2788-3 

These  figures  are  rather  lower  than  in  the  preceding  experi- 
ment, but  they  do  not  fall  below  the  mean  limits  of  error.  It 
may  therefore  be  assumed  that  the  velocity  is  the  same  in  the 
bent  tube  as  in  the  straight  one,  and  the  general  mean,  2841 
metres,  will  be  adopted. 

Composition  of  the  tube. — The  unexpected  magnitude  of 
this  velocity,  which  is  intermediate  between  the  velocity  of 
sound  in  the  detonating  gaseous  compound  and  in  the  metal 
constituting  the  tube,  gave  rise  to  some  doubts.  Was  it  really 
the  rate  of  propagation  of  the  detonation  that  was  being 
measured,  or  was  it  not  rather  some  particular  vibratory 
movement  propagated  by  the  metal,  arising  from  the  explosion, 
produced  at  its  extremity  ? 

It  seems,  however,  hardly  probable  that  a  propagation  of  this 
nature  could  cause  the  detonation  of  the  fulminate,  when  we 
consider  the  weakness  of  the  movement  thus  transmitted,  and 
again  the  intervention  of  the  leather  discs  T,  between  the  metal 


and  the  strips  of  tin  (Fig.  12).  We  may  also  mention  the 
absence  of  detonation  in  certain  grains  of  fulminate  which  had 
been  slightly  greased  by  accident,  a  circumstance  which  retarded 
the  heating  without  otherwise  modifying  the  explosive  property. 
Again,  when  the  flame  is  extinguished  in  its  course,  as  we 
observed  with  the  capillary  glass  tube,  the  furthest  registering 
apparatus  remains  intact.  We  could  not  however  feel  assured 
on  this  point  until  we  succeeded  in  reproducing  our  experiments 
and  obtaining  the  same  velocities  in  a  tube  of  caoutchouc,  a 
substance  which  could  not  be  suspected  of  propagating  the 
vibratory  movement  like  metals.  This  was  rendered  possible 
by  the  fact  that  the  internal  combustion  of  the  gaseous  mixture 
is  so  rapid  that  it  does  not  affect  the  material  of  which  the  tube 
is  made.  This  caoutchouc  tube  was  40109  metres  long,  and 
several  mms.  thick,  its  external  diameter  being  5  mms.,  and  it 
was  capable  of  supporting  either  a  vacuum  or  an  interior  pressure 
of  several  atmospheres  without  any  appreciable  deformation. 
It  was  fixed  upon  the  frame  already  described,  in  parallel  lines 
(Kg-  9). 

These  were  the  results : — 

Velocity  per  second. 

2685  metres. 
2911       „ 
2994      ,„ 
2672      „ 

2788      „ 

Mean     ...     2810      ,, 

This  mean  agrees  with  the  value,  2841,  obtained  with  the 
leaden  tube,  within  the  limits  of  error. 

The  propagation  of  the  explosive  phenomenon  is  thus  inde- 
pendent of  the  composition  of  the  tube,  provided  that  the 
internal  diameter  remains  the  same. 

We  now  come  to  some  experiments  made  with  a  system  of 
glass  tubes,  the  total  length  of  which  was  43*24  metres,  but  the 
mean  internal  diameter  only  '0015  metre.  These  were  capillary 
tubes,  each  2  metres  in  length,  connected  end  to  end  by  means  of 
caoutchouc  tubes,  the  whole  being  fixed  upon  the  frame  before 
mentioned  (p.  91).  The  bends  were  made  with  the  same  glass 
tubing.  We  found — velocity  per  second,  2403  and  2279  metres ; 
mean,  2341  metres. 

These  figures  are  rather  lower  than  the  foregoing  ones,  no 
doubt  owing  to  the  difference  in  the  diameter ;  the  propagation 
of  the  explosion  being  impeded  in  a  capillary  tube,  as  is  the 
case  also  with  the  propagation  of  sound.  The  experiments 
made  in  glass  enable  us  to  see  the  propagation  of  the  flame. 
Working  in  darkness,  we  see  the  entire  length  of  the  tube 
lighted  up  at  the  same  moment,  the  eye  not  being  able  to 
perceive  the  progress  of  the  flame. 



It  sometimes  happens  that  the  flame  does  not  reach  the  end 
of  the  tube,  probably  in  consequence  of  the  insufficient  heating 
of  the  sections  in  advance  of  the  mixture  in  ignition.  One  of 
the  trials  led  to  some  important  observations  on  this  point.  The 
flame  being  stopped  in  its  course,  without  however  going  out, 
the  aqueous  vapour,  condensed  behind  it,  produced  a  backward 
draught  upon  the  gas,  and  a  return  of  the  flame  was  observed 
very  clearly  towards  its  starting-point,  this  movement  lasting 
during  a  very  appreciable  interval  of  time,  a  second,  perhaps, 
for  a  distance  of  2  metres.  This  shows  well  the  difference 
between  the  progressive  combustion  of  the  gaseous  compound 
and  its  detonation  properly  so  called. 

Diameter  of  the  Tubes.— In  order  to  investigate  more  fully 
the  influence  of  the  diameter  of  the  tubes,  it  was  thought 
advisable  to  make  fresh  measurements  with  a  leaden  tube,  the 
internal  diameter  of  which  was  equal  to  15  mms.,  i.e.  three 
times  as  great  as  the  preceding  one,  and  30 '43  metres  long. 
Three  experiments  gave  2754,  2975,  3019  metres;  mean, 
2916  metres. 

The  experiments  made  with  a  leaden  tube,  the  diameter  of 
which  was  equal  to  5  mms.,  having  given  2841  metres,  we  see 
that  the  velocity  is  to  all  intents  independent  of  the  diameter 
of  the  tubes,  reckoning  from  5  mms. 

It  must  be  noted,  however,  that  in  a  capillary  glass  tube 
(diameter  1*5  mms.),  the  velocity  was  found  to  be  equal  to 
2341  metres,  i.e.  it  was  somewhat  lower. 

Closing  of  the  Tube. — It  may  be  asked  is  the  rate  of  pro- 
pagation of  the  detonation  the  same  whether  the  tube  be 
open  or  closed  ?  It  is  only  the  latter  case  that  strictly  fulfils 
the  conditions  of  combustion  within  a  constant  volume.  To 
meet  this  question,  experiments  were  made  (with  the  caoutchouc 
tube),  leaving  open  first  the  orifice  farthest  from  the  point  of 
ignition ;  then  the  one  nearest  to  this  point ;  and,  finally,  both 
at  once. 

Three  experiments  of  this  nature  gave — 

Velocity  per  second. 

The  farthest  orifice  only  being  open        ...         2645  metres. 
The  nearest  orifice  only  being  open         ...         3052       ,, 
The  two  open  together      ...  ...        2766      „ 

Mean        ...        2821       „ 

The  mean,  with  the  same  tube  entirely  closed,  was  2810. 

Thus  the  velocities  have  been  found  to  be  to  all  intents  the 
same  in  all  four  cases.  We  see  by  this  that  the  propagation  of 
the  detonation  is  so  rapid  that  while  it  is  taking  place  the  gases 
are  not  projected  forward,  and  have  not  time  to  escape  from  the 
tube  to  any  appreciable  extent — at  least,  in  narrow  tubes.  This 
is  explained  by  the  fact  that  the  detonation  proceeds  more 


rapidly  than  sound  in  the  same  gases,  taken  at  the  ordinary 
temperature.  The  condensation  of  the  aqueous  vapour,  which 
is  effected  behind  the  flame,  is  also  of  little  importance,  since 
the  time  is  too  short  to  allow  of  its  taking  place  to  any 
appreciable  extent. 

Influence  of  the  Detonators. — Do  the  minute  detonators,  em- 
ployed for  interrupting  the  electric  current  of  the  registering 
apparatus,  help  to  regulate  the  propagation  of  the  inflammation  ? 
In  order  to  answer  this  question,  it  was  sufficient  to  measure,  not 
the  time  that  elapsed  between  the  destruction  of  two  fulminate 
interrupters,  placed  at  opposite  extremities  of  the  tube,  but  the 
interval  between  the  breaking  of  the  induction  current  of  the 
coil  that  produced  the  spark  at  the  beginning  of  the  tube  and 
the  ignition  of  the  fulminate  interrupter  placed  at  the  farthest 
end  of  it. 

The  intervals  of  time  observed,  for  a  length  of  40*054  metres, 
were — 

•012556,  -012288,  '012904  sees. 
Mean  =  -012583  sees. 

But  there  are  errors  in  these  figures,  arising  from  delays  in 
the  registration,  delays  unequal  in  principle,  as  two  different 
kinds  of  signals  are  involved.  The  difference  between  these 
two  delays  was  calculated  by  measuring  the  time  that  elapsed 
between  the  signal  of  the  spark  and  that  of  an  interrupter 
•05  metre  away.  This  time  is  negative,  i.e.  the  delay  in  the 
signal  of  the  spark  is  greater  than  that  in  the  signal  of  the 
interrupter.  Three  experiments  gave — 

•001559,  -001968,  -002129  sec. 
Mean  =  -001885  sec. 

This  correction,  added  to  the  above  experiments,  gives 
"014468  sees.,  bringing  the  velocity  to  2770  metres  per  second. 
The  experiment  made  with  two  similar  interrupters  gave 
2810  metres,  the  agreement  of  which  result  shows  that  the 
velocity  observed  is  independent  of  the  detonators. 

This  is  still  more  clearly  shown  in  some  experiments  here- 
after described  (p.  108),  in  which  the  propagation  of  the  pressures 
had  been  registered  by  effecting  the  initial  ignition  by  means  of 
an  electric  spark.  In  fact,  the  propagation  of  the  pressures 
starting  a  few  centimetres  from  the  beginning  of  the  tube 
proceeds  with  a  velocity  of  about  2700  metres,  a  rate  in  accord- 
ance with  the  results  above  mentioned. 

Length  of  the  Tube. — It  now  remained  to  ascertain  whether 
the  propagation  of  the  explosion  takes  place  uniformly  in 
the  tubes.  This  is  clearly  proved  in  the  following  experi- 

With  the  caoutchouc  tube  5  mms.  in  diameter  these  results 
were  obtained — 




Distance  of  interrupters. 

40-109  metres 
29-982        * 

Mixture  (H2  +  0). 





Distance  of  interrupters. 

40-059  ... 
299821  ... 
20-0922  . 

Mixture  (CO  +  0). 











Again  with  the  glass  tube  1*5  mms.  in  diameter — 
Mixture  (H2  +  0). 

Distance  of  interrupters. 

43-340  metres  3 


2341  metres. 

In  all  these  measurements,  the  differences  between  the 
velocities  measured  with  unequal  lengths  do  not  exceed  the 
limits  of  error. 

Pressure. — The  pressure  was  varied  in  the  ratio  of  about 
1  to  3.  The  caoutchouc  tube  (40*054  metres  long)  was  employed, 
and  with  three  different  gaseous  mixtures. 

Mixture  (H2  +  0). 

Pressure  (expressed  by  the  height 
of  a  column  of  mercury). 

0-560  metre 
0-760      „ 
1-260      „ 


2763  metres. 
2800      „ 
2776      „ 

Mixture  (CO  +  0). 


0-570  metre 
0-760      „ 
0-854      „ 



1120  metres. 
1089      „ 
1072      „ 


\1124J     » 


1  A  section  of  tubing  13  metres  long  filled  with  the  same  compound  was 
afterwards  added  on ;  i.e.  the  interrupter  was  placed  in  the  path  of  the  flame, 
and  not  at  the  extremity  of  the  tube. 

2  The  interrupter  was  placed  half-way  along  the  tube,  in  the  path  of  the 

3  This  time  the  interrupter  was  placed  at  the  end  of  the  tube. 


Mixture  of  cyanogen  and  oxygen  (CN  +  02) 

Pressure.  Velocity. 

0-388  metre          .........        2171-4  metres. 

0-758      „  ... 

0-878      „ 

Same  conclusions. 

Thus,  as  far  as  the  experiments  went,  the  rate  of  propagation 
of  the  detonation,  either  with  the  mixture  of  hydrogen  and 
oxygen,  or  with  the  mixture  of  carbonic  oxide  and  oxygen,  is 
practically  independent  of  the  pressure,  like  the  velocity  of 
sound  and  the  rate  of  translation  of  the  gaseous  molecules, 
which  are  analogous  phenomena. 


1.  We  have  now  established  the  fact  that  the  explosive  wave 
is  propagated  uniformly  and  that  its  velocity  is  independent 
of  the  pressure,  and  also  of  the  composition  and  diameter  of  the 
tubes,  beyond  a  certain  limit.     Thus,  this  velocity  constitutes 
for  each  inflammable  compound,  a  true  specific  constant,  the 
knowledge  of  which  is  of  great  interest,  from  the  point  of  view 
of  the  theory  of  the  movements  of  gases,  and  also  from  that  of 
the   employment  of  explosive  substances.     For  this  reason  it 
was  thought  expedient  to  go  more  deeply  into  the  study  of  this 
question,  extending  our  operations  to  a  large  number  of  mixtures 
differing  greatly  in  their  composition. 

2.  Each  experiment  was  repeated  two  or  three  times  ;  it  was 
generally  performed  in  the  caoutchouc  tube,  40  metres  long, 
with  an  internal  diameter  of  5  mms.,  and  of  great  thickness  (as 
already  described,  p.  97).     The  results  obtained  are  shown  in 
five  tables,  containing  the  most  remarkable  cases.    In  these  tables, 
the  first  column  gives  the  composition  of  the  initial  mixture  ; 
the  second,  the  density  of  the  products  of  combusition  p,  as 
compared  with  that  of  air,  taken  as  unit  ;  the  third,  the  number, 
N,  of  molecular  volumes  of  the  elements  (supposing  them  to  be 
gaseous)  entering  into  reaction,  the  volume  being  — 


N  [  22-32  litres  X  -  —  X  (1  X  at)]  ; 

the  fourth  column  gives  the  heat,  Q,  given  off  by  the  reaction, 
the  water  being  supposed  to  be  in  a  gaseous  form  *  ;  the  fifth 
column  gives  the  square  root  of  this  quantity,  VQ  5  the  sixth 

contains  the   quotients  —  —  —'  6*8  being  the  constant  of  the 

1  This  quantity  was  measured  near  zero  ;  but  it  would  be  little  different  at 
zero  in  the  cases  considered  here,  especially  if  the  specific  heat  of  the  com- 
pound were  estimated  as  the  sum  of  the  specific  heats  of  its  elements. 


specific  heats  of  the  elements  under  a  constant  pressure  ;  this  is 
the  theoretical  temperature,  T,  of  the  reaction  ;  the  seventh 
gives  the  theoretical  values,  0,  of  the  mean  rate  of  translation 
per  second  of  the  gaseous  molecules  constituting  the  products  of 
the  combustion,  a  rate  calculated  for  the  temperature  T,  accord- 
ing to  the  formula  of  Clausius  (see  p.  90). 


This  is  a  velocity  which  we  propose  to  compare  with  the  ex- 
perimental velocity  of  the  explosive  wave,  U,  which  is  shown  in 
the  eighth  column. 

3.  The  temperature,  T,  is  here  calculated  from  the  specific 
heats  of  the  elements  under  a  constant  pressure.  The  results 
thus  obtained,  agree  in  general  with  the  observations  (columns 
7  and  8)  ;  they  agree  far  better  than  if  the  calculation  were 
made  from  the  specific  heats  at  a  constant  volume,  although 
the  latter  method  would,  on  first  thought,  seem  the  more 

We  may  account  for  the  intervention  of  the  specific  heats 
under  a  constant  pressure,  if  we  consider  that  the  combustion, 
in  passing  from  layer  to  layer,  is  preceded  by  the  previous 
compression  of  the  layer  of  gas  that  it  is  about  to  transform. 
From  that  time  the  combustion  takes  place  under  a  constant 
pressure  throughout  the  tube.  It  might  be  thought  that  the 
temperature,  T,  must  be  increased  by  the  elevation  of  tempera- 
ture produced  by  this  previous  compression.  But  we  must 
take  into  account  the  fact  that  the  combustion  of  each  layer 
produces,  at  the  same  time  as  heat,  the  work  necessary  for 
compressing  the  following  layer  ;  i.e.  it  loses  in  this  way  exactly 
the  same  quantity  of  heat  as  it  has  gained  by  its  own  com- 
pression. In  short,  as  regards  elevation  of  temperature,  the 
effect  is  the  same  as  if  we  were  working  under  a  constant 
pressure.  The  agreement  '  between  the  figures  calculated  and 
the  numbers  observed  confirms  this  view  of  the  phenomena.1 

The  fact  is,  the  physical  conception  of  the  temperature,  T, 
does  not  enter  into  this  estimate  of  the  velocity,  and  the  calcu- 
lation simply  shows  that  the  energy  of  translation  of  the  mole- 
cules of  the  gaseous  system  produced  by  the  reaction,  and 

1  It  is  assumed  here  that  the  specific  heat  of  a  compound  gas  under  a 
constant  p'ressure  is  the  sum  of  the  specific  heats  of  its  elements,  which 
assumption  is,  in  reality,  only  true  when  the  volume  is  constant,  or,  for  the 
two  specific  heats,  in  the  case  of  gases  formed  without  condensation.  But 
this  underestimate  in  the  case  of  the  specific  heat  under  a  constant  pressure, 
of  gases  formed  with  condensation,  is  to  a  certain  extent  compensated  by  the 
fact  that  the  specific  heat  of  these  gases  rises  with  the  temperature  :  this  is 
proved  by  the  study  of  the  specific  heats  of  carbonic  acid,  nitrogen  monoxide, 
etc.  ("  Essai  de  Mdcanique  Chimique,"  torn.  i.  p.  440).  This  hypothesis  may, 
therefore,  be  admitted  for  a  first  approximation. 


retaining  all  the  heat  thereby  developed,  is  proportional  to  the 
energy  of  translation  of  the  same  gaseous  system,  containing 
only  the  heat  that  it  retains  at  zero. 
4.  Here  follow  the  series  of  tables  : — 



.of      1 

Nature  of  the 

of  the 

of  the 

Heat of 
1  combus- 
tion (water 


Velocity  found  by 


Q       T 





N  X6-8"1 


U  (per  sec.). 





Hydrogen  .... 







2810  (p.  97) 


Carbonic  Oxide   .     . 







1089  (p.  100) 

2CO  +  O2 
Acetylene  or  Ethine  . 








C2H2  +  05 


Ethylene  .... 
C2H4  +  O6 








Ethane      .... 








C2H6  +  07 

'9Q1Q  <>\ 

Methane         .     .     . 








2  CH4  +  08 

£t£i\j\J  \J  1 

Cyanogen       .     .     . 







2195  (p.  101) 

According  to  the  figures  in  this  table,  the  theoretical  velocity 
is  very  near  the  velocity  found  by  experiment  for  hydrogen. 

For  the  hydrocarbons  and  for  cyanogen,  this  theoretical 
velocity  is  rather  too  high,  the  discrepancies  being  comprised 
between  five  and  twelve  hundredths,  i.e.  the  formula  keeps 
within  an  approximate  value. 

For  carbonic  oxide  the  discrepancy  is  much  greater,  exceed- 
ing forty  hundredths ;  thus  the  formula  is  not  applicable  to  this 
.  gas  (see  p.  107). 

It  will  be  seen  that  it  remains  approximate,  even  for  gases 
that  are  formed  with  absorption  of  heat,  and  that  give  rise,  upon 
their  formation,  to  the  highest  temperatures  of  combustion,  such 
as  cyanogen  and  acetylene. 

It  is  also  approximate  for  very  different  ratios  of  volume 
between  the  combustible  gases  and  the  oxygen,  such  as  2 :  5,  6, 
7,  8,  in  the  series  of  the  hydrocarbons,  and  2  :  1  for  the 

Lastly,  it  is  approximate  for  very  unequal  ratios  of  condensa- 
tion in  the  combination,  such  as  a  condensation  of  a  third 
(hydrogen),  of  a  seventh  (acetylene),  or  the  absence  of  all  con- 
densation (ethylene,  methane,  cyanogen) ;  or  even  an  expansion 
(ethane).  In  the  calculation  of  these  volumes  the  water  is 



assumed  to  be  in  the  gaseous  state  in  the  hydrocarbons,  a  con- 
dition that  does  not  enter  into  the  case  of  carbonic  oxide  or 

Thus  it  seems  to  be  an  established  fact  that  the  proposed 
formula  represents  approximately  the  velocity  of  the  explosive 
wave  for  hydro-carbon  gases. 

5.  This  conclusion  may  be  extended  to  the  mixtures  formed 
with  these  gases  and  hydrogen,  or  even  carbonic  oxide,  as  will 
be  shown,  the  hydrogen  imparting  to  these  mixtures  a  law  of 
detonation  similar  to  its  own. 




Nature  of  the 

of  the 

of  the 

Heat of 
tion (water 


Velocity  found  by 


Q        T 




V  Q 


U  (per  sec.). 





Carbonic  oxide    and 









CO  +  H2  +  02 

2CO  +  3H2  +  05 








Ethylene  and  hydro- 
gen   .... 
C2H4  +  H2  +  07 







J2411-4  U417 
\2422     Jz* 

C2H4  +  2H2  +  08 







(2671     U,7q 
\2487-5  /zo/y 


Ethane  and  hydrogen 







{2227  [2250  J 

C2H6  +  H2  +  08 


1  Different  preparations. 



Nature  of  the 

of  the 

of  the 

Heat of 
tion (water 


Velocity  found  by 


<j               m 




V  Q 

NX6  8=T 


U  (per  sec.). 





Nitrogen     monoxide 

and  hydrogen    . 








N2O  +  H2 
—  and  carbonic  oxide 
N20  +  CO 








—  and  cyanogen 








2N2O  +  CN 

Nitrogen  dioxide  and 







The  detonation 


was  not  pro- 

N202 +  CN 

pagated     in 

the  tube. 



With  the  nitrogen  monoxide,  the  velocity  found  by  experi- 
ment is  near  the  theoretical  value  for  compounds  containing 
hydrogen  or  cyanogen.  With  carbonic  oxide  we  find  the  same 
anomaly  as  with  oxygen. 

6.  One  of  the  most  interesting  examples,  and  one  most  strongly 
confirming  the  theory,  is  the  case  of  the  isomeric  compounds, 
i.e.  those  in  which  the  composition  of  the  final  system  is  the 
same.  In  fact,  in  these  cases  the  influence  of  the  individual 
nature  of  the  combustible  gases,  and  even  that  of  the  combustive 
ones,  is  eliminated. 




Nature  of  the 

of  the 

of  the 

Heat of 
tion (water 


Velocity  found  by 


Q       T 




V  Q 



U  (per  sec.). 

First  Group.  —  Hydro-Carbon  Gases  and  pure  Oxygen. 

(1)  Methane  and  Isomeric  Mixtures. 





2(CH4  +  04).     .     . 








C2H6  +  H2  +  08      . 
C2H4  +  2H2  +  08     . 








C2H6  +  0T 

(2)  Ethane  and  Isomeric  Mixtures. 

0-985    I   7-5    I  359,300  I  598  I    7050    I    2483   1  2363 
0-985    I   7-5    |  380,400  |  617  |    7460    [    2551    |  2417 

Second  Group. — Hydro-carbon  Gases  compared  with 
Oxy-carbon  Mixtures. 

(3)  Ethylene  and  Isomeric  Mixtures. 

C2H4  +  06  .  .  . 
2(00  -f-  H2  +  02)  . 








C2H6  +  07  .  .  . 
2CO  +  3H2  +  05  . 



1)  Eth 

ane  and  It 


c  Mixture 




2CN  +  N2  +  04.  . 
2(00  +  N2  +  O)  . 



))  Cyai 

aogen  mix 


h  Nitroge 

n  and  Isomeric  Mixtures. 

9qq4    |/2116-0\ 
2334    \1971-2/m 
1661    |  1000  ?l 

Third  Group.  —  Compound  Oxygen  yielding  Gases,  compared 
with  Mixtures  formed  with  pure  Oxygen. 

H2  -f  N20      . 
H2  +  N2  +  0      .     . 




79,600  1  281 
59,000  |  243 




CO  +  N2O 

CO  +  N2  +  0  .  . 



r)  Cart 

>onie  Oxid 




1000  ?  l 

1  The  detonation  is  not  usually  propagated.    However,  this  figure  was  found  among 
the  author's  notes  without  other  detail. 



These  compounds  satisfy  the  law  fairly  closely,  with  the  ex- 
ception of  the  carbonic  oxide.  The  isomeric  compounds  have 
generally  approximate  velocities.  They  enable  us  to  appreciate 
more  exactly  the  influence  of  the  heat  given  off,  Q,  eliminating 
that  of  the  density,  the  specific  heat  of  the  products,  and  even 
of  individual  composition,  which  are  the  same. 

Thus,  in  order  to  make  a  comparison,  it  is  merely  necessary 
to  divide  the  velocities  found  by  V  Q! 



1st  system 
2nd     „ 
3rd     „ 
4th      „ 
5th      „ 
6th      „ 




It  will  be  seen  in  general  the  coincidence  is  still  more  marked, 
with  the  exception  of  the  fifth  system,  in  which  carbonic  oxide, 
which  does  not  satisfy  the  general  theory,  is  compared  with 

We  will  now  examine  the  influence  of  inert  gases,  which  do 
not  participate  in  the  chemical  reaction. 




Nature  of  the 

of  the 

of  the 

Heat of 
tion (water 


Velocity  found  by 









U  (per  sec.) 





Hydrogen  and  nitro- 









H2  +  N2  +  0 















0-267H  -I-  0-733  air 








0-233H  +  0-768  air     0-885 







0-217H  +  0-783_air 







The  detonation 

was  not  pro- 


Carbonic  oxide  and 


CO+  O 








CO  +  N2  +  O 










0-3CO  +  0-7  air 







The  detonation 

was  not  pro- 








Heat of 


Nature of  the 

of  the 

of  the 

tion (water 


Velocity  found  by 








U  (per  sec.). 





Methane  and  nitrogen 
CH4  +  04 
CH4  +  2N2  +  04 








CH4  +  4N2  +  04 








1  The  detonation 

CH4  +  7-52N2  +  O4^ 
methane  and  air     / 







was  not  pro- 

Cyanogen  and  nitro- 

2CN  +  O4 








2CN  +  N2  -f  O4 








2CN  +  2  N2  +  04 








2CN+4N2  +  04 







The  detonation 

was  not  pro- 


Detonation  was    not    effected  in  a 
CO  +  N2  +  O  is  doubtful. 

mixture   richer   in   nitrogen.      The  mixture 

The  general  relations  were  the  same,  except  for  the  com- 
pounds that  border  upon  the  limit  at  which  the  detonation 
ceases  to  be  propagated,  such  as  the  mixture  of  cyanogen  with 
twice  its  volume  of  nitrogen,  that  of  methane  with  four  times 
its  volume  of  nitrogen,  carbonic  oxide,  etc.  With  hydrogen 
and  an  excess  of  nitrogen,  there  was  also  a  decided  fall  in  the 

7.  To  sum  up,  the  velocity  of  translation  of  the  gaseous  mole- 
cules, preserving  the  whole  of  the  energy  corresponding  to  the 
heat  given  off  by  the  reaction,  may  be  regarded  as  a  limit 
representing  the  maximum  rate  of  propagation  of  the  explosive 

But  this  velocity  is  diminished  by  the  contact  of  gases  and 
other  foreign  bodies ;  and  also  when  the  mass  ignited  at  the 
beginning  is  too  small  and  too  rapidly  cooled  by  radiation ;  and 
again  when  the  elementary  velocity  of  the  chemical  reaction 1 
is  too  feeble,  as  seems  to  be  the  case  with  carbonic  oxide.  Under 
these  conditions  the  wave  slackens,  and  may  even  stop  alto- 
gether, the  combustion  being  then  propagated  from  layer  to 
layer  at  a  much  slower  rate.  Reference  will  be  made  to  this 
point  again. 

1  "  Essai  de  Mecanique  Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  p.  14. 




1.  It  is  now  proposed  to  study  the  conditions  of  the  establish- 
ment of  the  explosive  wave,  and  the  period  of  variable  condition 
preceding  this  establishment,  a  period  analogous  to  that  which 
precedes  the  establishment  of  the  sound  wave. 

2.  The  following  process  has  enabled  precise  measurements 
to  be  made  of  the  variation  of  the  velocities  during  very  short 

intervals  of  time,  such 
as  *0003  of  a  second. 

A  revolving  cylinder 
gives  the  following  re- 

(1)  The  spark  that 
determines  the  initial  in- 
flammation at  the  mouth 
of  the  tube;  the  trace  of 
this  spark  is  shown  at  e 
(Fig.  18). 

(2)  The  movement  of  a 
very  light  piston,  placed 
at  the  other  extremity  of 
the  tube,  in  which  it  moves 
freely.  This  piston  is  shown 
in  Fig.  17  in  projection 
upon  the  revolving  cylinder. 
The  details  of  its  construc- 
tion are  here  shown :  i.e. 
the  tube,  the  piston  fur- 
nished with  its  pencil  in- 
tended to  trace  its  course 

upon  the  cylinder,  and  lastly  the  terminal  cap  of  the  piston 

In  this  way  is  recorded  the  time  that  elapses  between  the 
two  phenomena  and  the  law  of  the  movement  of  the  piston 
(Fig.  18). 

The  delays  are  thus  avoided  which  might  result  either 
from  the  employment  of  a  metallic  manometer  or  from  the 
propagation  of  the  phenomena  to  an  auxiliary  vessel.  Each 
number  gives  the  average  of  from  two  to  five  experiments, 
made  with  electrolytic  gas  (Ha  +  0)  in  a  caoutchouc  tube 
5  mms.  in  diameter.  We  will  first  study  the  velocities, 
then  the  corresponding  pressures,  and  lastly  the  limits  of 

17. — Registration  of  variable 



3.  Velocities  (per  second). 

Mean  velocities 

instance  irom 
of  inflamm.' 
the  pis 

0-020  mel 

me  poii 
ition  to 




.    0-000275  sees. 
.    0-000342    „ 
.     0-000541     „ 
.     0-002108    „ 
.    0-007620    „ 
.    0-015100    „ 

from  the 

72-72  metres 
..      146-20      „ 
..     924-40      „ 
..   2491-00      „ 
..   2649-00      „ 
..   2679-00      „ 

in  each 

72-7  metres 
..      448-0      „ 
..    2261-0     „ 
..     3031-0     „ 
..    2710-0     „ 
..    2706-0      „ 

Hence  it  is  seen  that  the  velocity  increases  rapidly  from  the 
starting  point  to  the  fifth  cm.,  from  which 
point  the  numbers  obtained  may  be  re- 
garded as  almost  constant,  at  least  within 
the  limit  of  the  errors  of  the  experiments, 
which  have  a  very  considerable  relative 
value  at  the  commencement,  for  such  short 

The  establishment  of  a  regular  system 
can  only  be  effected  successfully  when  the 
sparks  that  inflame  the  compound  are 
strong  enough.  With  feeble  sparks,  the 
period  of  variable  condition  can  be  greatly 
prolonged :  over  a  space  of  10  metres, 
mean  velocities  of  2126  metres  and  even 
661  metres  were  thus  obtained.  Analogous 
phenomena  are  observed  with  the  other  ex- 
plosive compounds.  Electrolytic  gas  mixed 
with  nitrogen,  for  example  H2  +  0  +  2N, 
gave  a  velocity  of  41 -9  metres  per  second 
in  the  two  first  cms.,  1068  metres  in  the 
consecutive  sections  of  5*25  metres,  and 
1163  metres  in  the  consecutive  sections 
of  10  metres. 

The  influence  of  the  initial  inflammation 
is  in  this  case  still  more  marked,  the  velo- 
city having  fallen  by  accident  to  445  and 
435  metres,  without  any  apparent  change 
in  the  power  of  the  initial  spark ;  more- 
over, the  nature  of  its  product,  in  this  case, 
indicated  a  different  mode  of  combustion. 

These  discrepancies  are  not,  in  general, 
observed1  with  the  process  of  registration 
based  upon  the  employment  of  the  ful- 
minate interrupters,  which  tends  to  prove 
that  the  fulminate,  by  the  sudden  pressures 

1  Mention  may  here  be  made  of  an  experiment  in  which  the  compound 
H2  +  0  +  N  gave  an  exceptional  velocity  of  1564-5  metres,  instead  of  the 
normal  result  2121  metres ;  probably  on  account  of  the  exceptional  weakness 
of  the  priming. 


which  it  develops,  helps  the  gaseous  column  to  take  up  the 
detonation  at  once,  which  result  it  would  attain  later  with  less 
regularity  by  the  ordinary  inflammation. 

4.  Pressures. — These  are  deduced  from  the  path  traced  by  the 

For  explosive  gas  (H2  +  0),  the  piston,  placed  at  2  cms.  from 
the  point  of  ignition,  is  projected  forward  at  first  by  a  pressure 
of  500  to  600  grms.  per  sq.  cm.,  but  this  pressure  falls  very 
quickly,  until  it  becomes  nil  and  even  negative  (on  account  of 
the  condensation  of  the  aqueous  vapour)  at  the  end  of  '0005  of 
a  second. 

At  -5  of  a  metre  from  the  beginning,  a  pressure  of  1-2  kgms. 
was  found. 

At  5*25  metres  from  the  point  of  inflammation  the  first  dis- 
placement of  the  piston  took  place  under  a  pressure  of  about 
5  kgms.  per  sq.  cm. ;  and  this  pressure  at  the  end  of  '00125  of 
a  second,  was  still  more  than  3  kgms. 

Now,  at  this  moment,  the  inflammation  progressed  2 '7  metres 
in  a  similar  tube,  according  to  the  velocities  mentioned  above. 

It  will  be  seen,  then,  that  in  this  part  of  the  tube  a  con- 
siderable gaseous  column,  formed  of  aqueous  vapour,  is  main- 
tained at  a  high  pressure,  whereas  at  the  beginning  the  pressure 
produced  in  one  section  by  the  combustion  of  the  mixture  is 
almost  instantaneously  annulled  by  the  condensation  of  the 
sections  in  front  of  it;  otherwise,  the  increase  in  pressures 
corresponds  to  the  increase  in  velocity.  It  was  found  that  the 
maximum  of  pressure  developed  by  the  mixture  H2  +  0,  burn- 
ing in  a  closed  vessel,  is  about  7  kgms.  In  this  case  the  cooling 
influence  of  the  sides  of  the  vessel  may  be  disregarded.  In 
abnormal  cases,  when  the  rate  of  propagation  falls  below  2000 
metres  the  pressure  falls  at  the  same  time,  which  shows  plainly 
the  correlation  of  the  two  kinds  of  phenomena. 

5.  Limits  of  Detonation. — It  is  possibly  due  to  similar  causes 
that  certain  explosions  of  firedamp  attain   an  exceptional  rate 
of  propagation  and  unusual  violence.    When  the  explosive  wave 
is  not  propagated,  combustion  may  still  take  place  to  a  certain 

The  limit  of  detonation  in  oxyhydrogen  compounds  is  at 
about  22  per  cent,  of  hydrogen,  whereas  the  ordinary  limit  of 
combustion  in  mixtures  of  hydrogen  and  oxygen  is  at  about  6 
per  cent,  of  hydrogen. 

As  the  lower  limit  of  detonation  is  approached  the  velocity 
of  the  wave  falls  considerably  below  the  theoretical  velocity 
(see  above).  The  mixtures  of  cyanogen  and  nitric  oxide  such 
as  CN  -f  2 NO  show  some  points  of  interest.  This  compound, 
contained  in  an  eudiometer,  is  exploded  violently  by  a  powerful 
spark.  When  ignited  with  a  match  it  burns  progressively. 
But,  on  the  other  hand,  we  did  not  succeed  in  propagating  the 


explosive  wave  through  the  tubes.  Here  is  found  the  same 
resistance  to  combustion  that  is  characteristic  of  the  compounds 
formed  with  nitric  oxide  (p.  63),  a  resistance  that  only  dis- 
appears in  compounds  that  are  capable  of  developing  an 
excessive  temperature.  In  short,  in  the  experiments  described 
above,  we  did  not  observe  any  rate  of  propagation  of  the  wave 
below  1000  metres  per  second. 

Moreover,  the  propagation  of  the  wave  ceased  whenever  the 
theoretical  temperature,  T,  of  the  compounds  formed  with  free 
oxygen  fell  below  2000°  (for  hydrogen  or  cyanogen  associated 
with  nitrogen)  or  1700°  (for  carbonic  oxide  or  methane  asso- 
ciated with  nitrogen) ;  figures  corresponding  to  a  lower  limit  of 
the  energy  of  the  molecules. 

Finally,  the  propagation  of  the  wave  ceased  every  time  the 
volume  of  the  products  of  combustion  amounted  to  less  than 
the  quarter  (for  hydrogen  and  nitrogen)  or  even  the  third  (for 
methane  or  cyanogen  associated  with  nitrogen)  of  the  total 
volume  of  the  final  compound. 

6.  Taking  all  these  observations  into  consideration,  the  pro- 
pagation of  the  explosive  wave  is  quite  a  distinct  phenomenon 
from   ordinary  combustion.     It   only   occurs   when   the  layer 
ignited  exercises  the  greatest  possible  pressure  upon  the  next 
layer,   i.e.   when   the  ignited    gaseous   molecules   possess    the 
maximum  velocity  and  consequently  the  maximum  translating 
energy  ;    which  is  simply  the  mechanical  expression  of  the  fact 
that  they  preserve  almost  the  whole  of  the  heat  developed  by 
the   chemical  reaction.     This   is   shown   by  the   approximate 
agreement   of    the    calculations    based  upon    the    theoretical 
estimate  of  the  translating  energy  with  the  values  obtained  by 
experiment  for  the  velocity  of  the  explosive  wave.     It  is  also 
shown  by  the  correlative  increase  of  the  pressure  and  velocities 
towards  the  point  of  ignition. 

7.  The  first  coincidence   shows,  moreover,  that  dissociation 
has  little  influence  in  these  phenomena ;  perhaps  because  it  is 
restrained  by  the  high  pressure  developed  along  the  path  of  the 
wave  and  by  its  short  duration.     If  this  were  not  the  case,  the 
energy,  and  consequently  the  velocity,  would  fall  far  below 
the  value  calculated. 

The  influence  of  dissociation  seems  also  annulled  by  the  fact 
that  the  velocity  of  the  wave  is  independent  of  the  initial 
pressure  (without  admitting  that  dissociation  is  independent  of 
the  pressure). 

8.  It  may,  however,  be  remarked  in  conclusion,  that  it  is  the 
undulatory  movement  which  is  propagated,  and  not  the  gaseous 
mass  which  is  transported  with  such  great  velocities.     In  fact, 
the  velocity  of  the  wave  is  the  same,  as  has  been  shown,  in  a 
tube  open  at  both  ends,  closed  at  one  end  and  open  at  the  other, 
or  even  closed  at  both  ends. 


This  result  is  also  obtained  in  the  experiments  with  the 
oxyhydrogen  mixture,  in  which  the  same  velocity  was  found 
either  for  the  propagation  of  the  flame  (as  attested  by  the 
destruction  of  the  solid  fulminate  interrupters)  or  for  the  propa- 
gation of  the  pressure  (as  shown  by  the  piston).  The  tracings 
also  show  that  the  pressure  attains  its  maximum  instantly 
upon  the  contact  of  the  ignited  layer  with  the  layer  immediately 
in  front  of  it. 

9.  Several  conditions  contribute  to  the  production  of  these 
effects.     In  the  first  place,  it  is  necessary  that  the  mass  ignited 
at  the  commencement  should  not  be  too  small,  in  order  that 
radiation  and  conduction  may  not  be  given  time  to  deprive  this 
mass  of  an  amount  of  heat,  i.e.  of  energy,  greater  than  that 
which  is  indispensable  for   the  propagation  of  the  wave.     In 
fact,  if  the  radius  of  the  sphere  ignited  is  equal  to  the  thickness 
of  the  radiating    layer,   the  loss   of   heat  is   proportionately 
greater  than  if  the  radiating  layer  is  merely  a  fraction  of  this 

Moreover,  when  the  number  of  molecules  surrounding  the 
point  first  ignited  is  too  small  they  may  not  contain  the  com- 
bustive  and  the  combustible  elements  in  the  exact  ratio  that 
corresponds  to  the  average  composition  of  the  mixture;  this 
would  lower  the  temperature  of  this  section,  and  consequently 
the  energy  of  the  molecules. 

Another  circumstance,  no  less  important,  is,  that  the  ele- 
mentary velocity  of  the  chemical  reactions,  at  the  temperature 
of  the  combustion,  should  be  sufficiently  great  for  the  heat 
given  off  in  a  given  time  to  maintain  the  system  at  the  point 
required ;  a  condition  which  is  all  the  more  important  when 
the  elementary  velocity  of  the  reactions  increases  rapidly  with 
the  temperature.  It  can  even  be  conceived  that  the  explosive 
wave  is  only  propagated  if  its  theoretical  velocity  (rate  of 
translation  of  the  molecules)  is  below,  or  at  the  most  equal  to, 
the  elementary  velocity  of  the  reaction. 

10.  Thus  there  is  a  limit  in  the  condition  that*  corresponds 
to  the  propagation  of  the  explosive  wave ;  this  is  the  regime  of 

But  it  is  easy  to  conceive  quite  a  different  limit,  in  which 
the  excess  of  pressure  of  the  ignited  section  upon  the  following 
one  tends  to  fall  to  zero,  and  consequently  the  excess  of  velocity 
in  the  translation  of  the  molecules,  i.e.  the  excess  of  their 
energy,  or,  what  is  the  same  thing,  the  excess  of  heat  which 
they  contain,  has  the  same  tendency.  In  such  a  system  the 
heat  will  be  almost  entirely  lost  by  radiation,  conduction,  the 
contact  of  surrounding  bodies  and  of  inert  gases,  etc.,  with 
the  exception  of  the  very  small  quantity  that  is  required  for 
raising  the  adjacent  portions  to  the  temperature  of  combustion  ; 
this  is  the  regime  of  ordinary  combustion,  to  which  the  measure- 


ments   of  Bunsen,  Schlcesing,  and   Mallard  and  Le   Chatelier 

We  may,  moreover,  imagine  the  existence  of  velocities  that 
are  intermediate  between  these  two  limits ;  but  they  do  not 
constitute  a  regular  system.  In  fact,  the  passing  from  one 
regime  to  the  other  is  accompanied,  as  is  generally  the  case  with 
transitions  of  this  kind,  by  violent  movements,  and  extensive 
and  irregular  displacements  of  matter,  during  which  the  propa- 
gation of  the  combustion  takes  place  in  virtue  of  a  vibratory 
movement  increasing  in  amplitude  and  gaining  in  velocity.1 
Thus  the  regime  of  combustion,  developed  under  conditions  of 
continually  increasing  pressure,  ends  by  arriving  at  the  regime 
of  detonation.  These  two  regimes,  and  the  general  conditions 
that  define  the  establishment  of  each  of  them,  and  the  transition 
from  one  to  the  other,  apply  not  only  to  gaseous  explosive  com- 
pounds, but  also  to  solid  and  liquid  explosive  systems,  seeing 
that  the  latter  are  wholly  or  partially  transformed  into  gas,  at 
the  time  of  the  detonation. 

1  See  Mallard    and    Le    Chatelier,    "Comptes    Rendus  des  stances  de 
l'Acade*mie  des  Sciences,"  torn.  xcv.  pp.  599,  1352. 






THERMO-CHEMISTRY  is  based  on  the  following  three  fundamental 
principles : — 

(1)  MOLECULAR  WORK.  This  furnishes  the  measure  of  chemical 

TIONS.  The  heat  disengaged  in  a  definite  chemical  transformation 
remains  constant,  like  the  sum  of  the  weights  of  the  elements. 

(3)  MAXIMUM  WORK,   The  forecast  of  chemical  phenomena  is, 
in  virtue  of  this  principle,  brought  to  the  purely  physical  and 
mechanical  notion  of  the  maximum  work  accomplished  by  the 
molecular  reactions. 


1.  The  quantity  of  heat  liberated  in  any  reaction  measures  the 
sum  of  chemical  and  physical  work  accomplished  in  this  reaction. 

Now  the  heat  liberated  in  chemical  action  may  be  attributed  to 
loss  of  energy,  to  changes  of  movement,  and,  lastly,  to  the  relative 
changes  which  take  place  at  the  moment  when  the  different  mole- 
cules fly 'towards  one  another  in  order  to  form  new  compounds. 

It  follows  from  this  principle  that  the  heat  liberated  in  a  re- 
action is  precisely  equal  to  the  amount  of  work  which  would 
have  to  be  accomplished  to  restore  the  bodies  to  their  primitive 
state.  This  work  is  at  once  chemical  (changes  of  composition) 
and  physical  (changes  of  condition)  ;  the  former  alone  can  serve 
as  measure  of  the  affinities.  We  further  see  that  the  heat 
liberated  in  one  and  the  same  combination  varies  with  the 
changes  of  state  (solid,  liquid,  gaseous,  or  dissolved),  with  the 
external  pressure,  with  the  temperature,  etc.  Hence  the  neces- 
sity of  defining  all  these  conditions  for  each  of  the  bodies 
experimented  upon. 

2.  In  general  the  heat  of  molecular  combination  which  expresses 


the  real  work  of  the  chemical  forces  (affinities)  must  be  referred  to 
the  reaction  of  perfect  gases  taking  place  at  constant  volume  ;  that  is 
to  say,  that  the  components  and  the  compounds  must  all  be  brought 
to  the  state  of  perfect  gases  and  react  in  an  unvarying  space. 

In  the  cases  in  which  the  reaction  of  the  gases  with  formation 
of  gaseous  products  gives  rise  to  a  change  of  volume  at  constant 
pressure  the  heat  liberated  necessarily  varies  with  the  tempera- 
ture ;  but  the  variation  is  slight  enough  to  be  neglected,  as  long 
as  we  consider  intervals  of  temperature  which  are  not  very  far 
apart,  and  even  up  to  100°  or  200°. 

Table  I.  (p.  125)  gives  the  principal  data  known  on  the  subject. 
It  expresses  the  heat  liberated  in  reactions  between  gaseous 
bodies  at  constant  pressure  with  formation  of  gaseous  products. 

3.  In  default  of  these  conditions,  which  it  is  rarely  possible 
to  realise,  it  is  permissible  to  refer  the  reactions  of  the  bodies  to 
the  solid   state;  as  has  already  been  done  in  the  case  of  the 
specific  heats,  according  to  the  law  of  Dulong.     In  this  state 
the  influences  of  the  external  pressure  and  changes  of  tempera- 
ture become   only   slightly   sensible,  and   in  consequence   all 
bodies  are  more  comparable  than  in  the  other   states.     The 
quantities  of  heat  liberated  hardly  vary  as  long  as  the  interval 
between  the  temperatures  at  which  the  reactions  are  carried  out 
does  not  exceed  100°  to  200°. 

4.  There  remain   the  following  definitions: — we  shall  term 
exothermal  every  reaction  which  liberates,  and  endothermal  every 
reaction  which  absorbs  heat. 


If  a  system  of  simple  or  compound  bodies,  under  given  con- 
ditions, undergo  physical  or  chemical  changes  capable  of  bringing 
it  to  a  new  state  without  giving  rise  to  any  mechanical  effect 
exterior  to  the  system,  the  quantity  of  heat  liberated  or  absorbed  by 
the  effect  of  these  changes  depends  solely  on  the  initial  and  final 
state  of  the  system.  It  is  the  same  whatever  the  nature  or  the 
sequence  of  the  intermediate  states  may  be.  This  principle  is 
demonstrated  by  the  aid  of  the  preceding,  combined  with  the 
principle  of  energy.  From  it  there  follow  various  very  important 
consequences,  such  as  the  following,  which  are  simply  stated, 
those  who  wish  to  go  more  fully  into  this  subject  being  referred 
to  the  author's  "  Essai  de  Me'canique  Chimique." 

1°.  General  Theorems  on  Reactions. 

Theorem  I. — The  heat  absorbed  in  the  decomposition  of  a  body  is 
exactly  equal  to  the  heat  at  the  time  of  the  formation  of  the  same 
compound,  since  the  initial  and  final  states  are  identical. 

This  relation  has  been  pointed  out  by  Laplace  and  Lavoisier 


as  far  back  as  1780.  It  enables  us  to  measure  the  chemical 
work  of  electricity,  of  light,  of  heat,  etc. 

Theorem  II. — The  quantity  of  heat  liberated  in  a  series  of 
chemical  and  physical  transformations  accomplished  successively  or 
simultaneously,  in  one  and  the  same  operation,  is  the  sum  of  the 
quantities  of  heat  liberated  in  each  isolated  transformation,  (all  the 
bodies  being  brought  to  absolutely  identical  physical  conditions.) 

It  is  in  this  way  that  the  heat  liberated  by  reactions  referred 
to  the  solid  state  is  calculated. 

Theorem  III. — If  two  series  of  transformations  be  carried  out, 
starting  from  two  distinct  initial  states,  and  arriving  at  the  same 
final  state,  the  difference  between  the  quantities  of  heat  liberated 
in  the  two  cases  will  be  precisely  the  quantity  liberated  or 
absorbed  when  the  transformation  is  from  one  of  the  initial 
states  to  the  other. 

In  this  way  is  calculated  the  heat  liberated  by  the  union  of 
water  with  acids,  bases,  anhydrous  salts,  by  the  synthesis  of 
alcohols,  etc. 

The  same  theorem  is  employed  to  calculate  the  heat  liberated 
by  the  transformation  of  an  explosive  substance,  whenever  this 
transformation  does  not  occasion  a  total  combustion,  but  the 
products  are  defined  by  analysis.  In  a  word,  it  is  sufficient  to 
know,  first,  the  heat  produced  by  the  total  combustion  of  this 
substance,  a  heat  which  may  be  experimentally  measured  by 
detonating  the  substance  in  pure  oxygen;  second,  the  heat 
liberated  by  the  total  combustion  of  the  products  of  explosion, 
which  may  be  calculated  when  these  products  are  known  and 
well-defined.  The  difference  between  these  two  quantities 
represents  the  value  sought. 

Theorem  IY. — The  same  conclusion  is  arrived  at  when  the 
two  initial  states  are  identical,  the  two  final  states  being  different. 

This  relation  serves  as  base  to  a  number  of  calorimetric 
methods  introduced  into  thermo-chemistry  during  the  last  few 
years,  because  it  renders  it  unnecessary  to  define  the  inter- 
mediate states  in  complex  reactions. 

It  is  specially  applicable  to  explosive  substances  when  com- 
bustion is  incomplete  and  gives  rise  to  imperfectly  known 
products.  In  short,  it  is  sufficient  to  detonate  the  substance, 
first,  in  pure  oxygen,  which  gives  rise  to  total  combustion ;  then 
in  nitrogen,  which  yields  incompletely  burnt  products.  The 
heat  liberated  in  each  of  the  explosions  is  measured,  and  the 
difference  between  the  two  figures  expresses  the  heat  of  com- 
bustion of  the  products  of  the  second  explosion ;  that  is,  the 
energy  capable  of  being  utilised  in  total  combustion. 

Theorem  V. — Substitutions. — If  one  body  be  substituted  for 
another  in  a  combination,  the  heat  liberated  "by  the  substitution  is 
the  difference  between  the  heat  liberated  by  the  direct  formation  of 
the  new  combination,  and  by  that  of  the  original  combination. 


This  theorem  is  applicable  to  reciprocal  replacements  among 
the  metals,  the  metalloids,  bases,  acids,  etc. 

Theorem  VI. — Indirect  reactions. — If  a  compound  yield  one  of 
its  elements  to  another  'body,  the  heat  liberated  by  this  reaction  is 
the  difference  between  the  heat  liberated  by  the  formation  of  the  first 
compound,  by  means  of  the  free  element,  and  the  heat  liberated  by  the 
formation  of  the  new  compound,  by  means  of  the  same  free  element. 

The  theorem  is  applicable  to  indirect  oxidations,  hydrogena- 
tions,  and  chlorinations,  to  metallurgical  reactions,  to  the  study 
of  explosive  substances,  etc. 

In  the  latter  study  it  gives  the  difference  between  the  heat  of 
combustion  by  free  oxygen,  and  the  heat  of  combustion  by 
combined  oxygen. 

The  oxidiser  (nitrate,  chlorate,  bichromate,  metallic  oxide,  etc.) 
is  not  a  simple  magazine  of  oxygen,  as  was  formerly  said ;  for 
generally  this  oxygen  has  lost  a  portion  of  its  energy,  equivalent 
to  the  heat  of  the  first  combination.  In  certain  cases,  on  the 
contrary,  such  as  where  potassium  chlorate  is  employed,  the 
combined  oxygen  liberates  more  heat  than  the  free  would  do. 

Theorem  VII. — Slow  reactions. — The  heat  liberated  in  a  slow 
reaction  is  the  difference  between  the  quantities  of  heat  liberated 
when  the  system  of  the  components  and  that  of  the  products  of  the 
slow  reaction  are  brought  by  the  aid  of  the  same  reagent  to  the  same 
final  state. 

This  finds  numerous  applications  in  organic  chemistry,  in  the 
study  of  ethers,  amides,  etc. 

2°.  Theorems  on  the  Formation  of  Salts. 

Theorem  I. — The  heat  of  formation  of  a  solid  salt  is  obtained 
by  adding  the  heats  liberated  by  the  successive  actions  of  the 
acid  on  water  (Dt  at  the  temperature  t\  of  the  base  on  water 
(D7),  and  of  the  dissolved  acid  on  the  dissolved  base  (Q£),  then 
by  subtracting  from  the  sum  the  heat  of  solution  of  the  salt 
(A£),  all  being  measured  at  the  same  temperature. 

In  general,  calling  S  the  heat  liberated  in  the  reaction  of  a 
system  of  solid  bodies,  transformed  into  a  new  system  of  solid 
bodies,  by  means  of  a  solvent,  we  shall  have — 

S  =  2Dt  +  Q*  -  SA£. 

D£,  D'£,  Qt,  A2,  are  obtained  by  experiment.  They  are  quantities 
such  that  all  of  them  vary  considerably  with  the  temperature  t ; 
while  the  quantity  S  is  almost  independent  of  the  temperature 
— at  least,  within  very  wide  limits,  as  will  be  presently  shown. 

Theorem  II.— The  heat  of  formation  of  saline,  add,  and 
alkaline  hydrates  is  the  difference  between  the  heat  of  solution  of 
the  anhydrous  body  and  that  of  the  hydrated  body,  in  the  same 
proportion  of  water  and  at  the  same  temperature. 

Theorem  III. — The  heat  of  formation  of  a  double  crystallised 
salt  is  equal  to  the  difference  between  the  heat  of  solution  of  the 


double  salt  and  the  sum  of  the  heats  of  solution  of  the  component 
salts,  increased  by  the  heat  liberated  ly  the  mixture  of  the 
solutions  of  the  separate  salts,  the  whole  at  the  same  temperature 
and  in  presence  of  the  same  quantity  of  water. 

Theorem  IV. — The  heat  of  formation  of  acid  salts  is  calculated 
in  a  similar  manner. 

Theorem  V. — Changes  of  state  of  precipitates. — The  difference 
between  the  quantities  of  heat  liberated  or  absorbed  during  the  re- 
dissolving  of  a  precipitate,  under  two  different  states,  at  the  same 
temperature,  and  in  the  same  solvent  is  equal  to  the  heat  brought 
into  action  when  the  precipitate  passes  from  one  state  to  another. 

Theorem  VI. — Influence  of  dilution. — The  heat  of  formation  of 
dissolved  salts  varies  in  general  with  the  dilution  and  temperature. 
The  variation  of  this  quantity  of  heat  with  the  dilution  at  a  given 
temperature  is  expressed  by  the  formula — 

M'  -  M  =  A  -  (8  -f  S')> 

M  being  the  heat  liberated  by  the  reaction  of  an  acid  and  a 
base,  taken  at  a  certain  degree  of  concentration  at  this  tempera- 
ture; M',  the  heat  liberated  by  the  same  reaction,  the  two 
bodies  being  taken  at  a  different  degree  of  concentration ; 
A  the  heat  liberated  (or  absorbed)  when  the  solution  of  the  salt 
is  brought  from  the  degree  of  concentration  corresponding  to 
the  first  reaction  to  the  concentration  corresponding  to  the 
second.  S  and  £'  are  the  analogous  values,  which  correspond  to 
the  respective  changes  of  concentration  of  the  acid  and  of  the 
base,  always  at  the  given  temperature. 

From  a  suitable  degree  of  dilution,  such  as  1QOH20  to  1 
equiv.  of  an  acid  or  of  a  base,  the  variation  M'  —  M  generally 
reduces  itself  to  negligable  quantities,  that  is  to  say,  within  the 
limits  of  experimental  error.  But  it  should  be  remarked  that 
the  variation  M'  —  M  ceases  to  be  negligable,  even  within  these 
limits,  for  salts  formed  by  the  union  of  bases  with  alcohols  or 
weak  acids,  or  by  the  union  of  any  acid  with  wedk  bases,  such 
as  the  metallic  oxides.  For  such  salts,  moreover,  the  variation 
M'  —  M  tends  to  reduce  itself  to  A,  because  S  and  §'  become 
inappreciable.  Thus — 

Theorem  VII. —  Under  these  conditions  the  heat  of  dilution  of 
the  salt  represents  the  variation  in  the  heat  of  combination. 

This  action  of  water  constitutes  a  true  characteristic  of  weak 
acids  and  bases.  The  preceding  theorems  are  applicable  not 
only  to  salts  but  to  every  compound,  or  system  of  compounds 
solid  or  in  solution. 

Theorem  VIII. — The  reciprocal  action  of  acids  on  the  salts  which 
they  form  with  the  same  base,  in  presence  of  the  same  quantity,  of 
water,  may  be  expressed  at  a  given  temperature  by  the  relation 

K!  -  K  =  M  -  M1? 
M,  M!  being  the  heats  liberated  by  the  separate  union  of  the 


two  acids  with  the  base;  K,  K^  the  heats  disengaged  by  the 
action  of  the  salt  formed  by  the  other  acid. 

Theorem  IX. — Similarly  the  reciprocal  action  of  bases  on  the 
salts  which  they  form  with  the  same  acid 

K'i  -  K'  =  M  -  ML 

Theorem  X. — The  reciprocal  action  of  the  four  salts  formed  by 
two  acids  and  two  bases  is  expressed  by  the  formula 

K!  -  It  =  (M  -  M')  -  (ML  -  M'O, 

K  being  the  heat  liberated,  when  the  solutions  of  two  salts  with 
different  acids  and  bases  (potassium  sulphate  and  sodium  nitrate) 
are  mixed,  and  Kj  the  heat  liberated  when  the  reciprocal  pair 
are  mixed  (sodium  sulphate  and  potassium  nitrate).  This 
theorem  enables  us  to  determine  the  double  saline  decompositions 
which  are  effected  in  solutions,  when  two  salts  of  the  same  acid 
or  the  same  base  are  unequally  decomposed  by  the  same  quantity 
of  water,  which  happens  in  the  case  of  weak  acids  and  bases, 
and  the  metallic  oxides. 

3°.  Theorems  on  the  formation  of  Organic  Compounds. 

The  heat  of  formation  of  organic  compounds,  by  means  of  their 
elements,  cannot  be  directly  measured,  but  it  may  be  calculated 
by  the  aid  of  various  theorems,  which  follow  from  the  second 

Theorem  I. — Difference  between  the  heats  of  formation  from  the 
elements. — Let  there  be  two  distinct  systems  of  compounds,  formed 
from  their  elements,  carbon,  hydrogen,  oxytfen  and  nitrogen,  or 
from  very  simple  binary  compounds,  such  as  water,  carbonic  acid, 
carbonic  oxide,  ammonia  j  the  difference  between  the  heat  of  forma- 
tion of  the  first  system  and  that  of  the  second  is  equal  to  the  heat 
liberated  when  one  of  the  systems  is  transformed  into  the  other. 

It  is  in  this  way  that  the  heat  of  formation  of  bodies  belong- 
ing to  the  cyanogen  series  has  been  measured. 

Theorem  II. — Difference  between  the  heats  of  combustion. — 
The  heat  of  formation  of  an  organic  compound  by  its  elements  is 
the  difference  between  the  sum  of  the  heats  of  total  combustion  of 
its  elements  by  free  oxygen  and  the  heat  of  combustion  of  the  com- 
pound with  formation  of  identical  products. 

It  is  in  virtue  of  this  principle  that  most  of  the  heats  liberated 
by  the  formation  of  organic  compounds  and  their  reciprocal 
transformations  have  been  obtained. 

Theorem  III. — Conversely,  the  heat  of  combustion  of  a  body 
formed  of  carbon,  hydrogen,  oxygen  and  nitrogen,  is  calculated  by 
means  of  its  heat  of  formation.  It  is  sufficient  to  find  the  sum 
of  the  quantities  of  heat  liberated  when  the  carbon  and  hydrogen 
supposed  free,  which  enter  into  the  composition  of  this  body,  are 
changed  into  water  and  carbonic  acid,  and  to  deduct  from  this 
sum  the  heat  of  formation. 


Theorem  IV. — Formation  of  alcohols. — The  heat  liberated 
when  an  alcohol  is  formed  by  the  union  of  water  and  of  a 
hydrocarbon  is  the  difference  between  the  quantities  of  heat  liberated 
ivhen  the  alcohol  and  the  hydrocarbon  form  one  and  the  same 
combination  with  an  acid  such  as  sulphuric  acid. 

The  formation  and  the  decomposition  of  conjugate  bodies 
(ethers,  amides,  etc.)  give  rise  to  various  other  theorems,  analogous 
to  those  relative  to  the  salts,  but  which  are  omitted  in  order  not 
to  unduly  extend  this  summary. 

4°.  Theorems  relative  to  the  Variation  of  the  Heat  of 
Combination  with  the  Temperature. 

In  general,  the  quantity  of  heat  liberated  in  a  chemical 
reaction  is  not  a  constant  quantity  ;  it  varies  with  the  changes 
of  state,  as  has  been  said  above;  but  it  also  varies  with  the 
temperature,  even  when  each  one  of  the  reacting  substances 
preserves  the  same  physical  state  during  the  interval  considered. 
This  variation  is  calculated  in  the  following  manner  for  any 
reaction  whatever,  according  to  the  second  principle. 

The  reaction  may  be  determined  at  an  initial  temperature,  t, 
and  the  heat  liberated,  Qt,  may  be  measured. 

The  component  bodies  may  also  be  raised  separately  from  the 
temperature  t  to  the  temperature  T :  which  absorbs  a  quantity 
of  heat,  U,  depending  on  the  changes  of  state  and  of  the  specific 
heats,  then  the  reaction  is  determined,  which  liberates  Q£; 
lastly,  the  products  are  brought  by  a  simple  lowering  of  tempera- 
ture from  T  to  t,  which  liberates  a  quantity  of  heat,  V,  also 
depending  on  the  changes  of  state  and  of  the  specific  heats.  The 
initial  and  final  states  being  the  same  in  both  processes  the 
quantities  of  heat  liberated  are  equal,  that  is  to  say  : — 

Theorem  I. — The  difference  between  the  quantities  of  heat  liber- 
ated by  the  same  reaction,  at  two  distinct  temperatures,  is  equal  to  the 
difference  between  the  quantities  of  heat  absorbed  by  the  components 
and  by  their  products,  during  the  interval  of  the  two  temperatures. 

QT  =  Q*  +  U  -  V. 
U  —  V  represents  the  variation  in  the  heat  of  combustion. 

Theorem  II. — If,  during  the  interval  T  —  t,  none  of  the  original 
or  final  bodies  undergoes  change  of  state,  this  expression  reduces 
itself  to  the  sum  of  the  mean  specific  heats  of  the  first  bodies 
during  this  interval,  minus  the  sum  of  the  mean  specific  heats  of 
the  second  bodies,  multiplied  by  the  interval  of  the  temperatures. 
U  -  V  =  (Sc  -  SoO  (T  -  t). 

The  heat  of  combination  will  go  on  increasing  or  diminishing 
with  the  temperature,  and  may  even  change  in  sign,  according 
as  the  first  sum  is  greater  than  the  second,  or  vice  versa. 

Theorem  III. — Gaseous  combinations  formed  without  condensa- 
tion.— In  order  that  the  heat  liberated  may  be  independent  of  the 
temperature,  the  two  above  sums  must  be  equal.  Now  this 


equality  exists  in  fact  for  compound  gases  formed  without  conden- 
sation. It  is  admitted  that  it  should  exist  in  principle  for  per- 
fect gases,  if  the  combination  were  effected  at  constant  volume, 
hence  the  definition  (p.  114)  of  the  molecular  heat  of  combination. 

Theorem  IV. — Combinations  referred  to  the  solid  state. — The 
same  equality  exists  approximately  for  solid  bodies ;  the  specific 
heat  of  these  compounds,  referred  to  equivalent  weights,  being 
nearly  the  same  as  the  sum  of  those  of  their  components.  The 
heats  of  combination  can  therefore  be  referred  to  the  solid  state, 
as  validly  as  the  atomic  specific  heats  already  are  by  Dulong's 
law;  which  shows  the  importance  of  the  expression  S  given 
above.  The  liquid  or  dissolved  state  does  not  present  the  same 
advantages ;  for  instance,  the  heat  liberated  in  the  reaction  of 
dilute  hydrochloric  acid  on  dilute  soda,  these  two  bodies  being 
taken  at  a  given  degree  of  concentration,  varies  from  -f- 14*7  Gal. 
to  4-  10-4  CaL,  between  0  and  100°,  that  is  to  say,  nearly  by 
half  the  latter's  value. 

Theorem  V. — The  heat  liberated  or  absorbed  during  solution  of 
an  anhydrous  salt  changes  continually  in  amount  with  the  tempe- 
rature of  solution;  since  the  specific  heat  of  saline  solutions 
differs,  generally  speaking,  from  the  sum  of  the  specific  heats  of 
the  salt  and  water  taken  separately. 

It  is  smaller  with  the  majority  of  the  dilute  solutions  formed 
by  the  inorganic  salts.  But  the  contrary  holds  good  with  the 
solutions  of  various  organic  salts.  The  heat  of  solution  of 
anhydrous  salts  changes  as  a  rule  even  in  sign,  for  an  interval 
in  temperature  not  exceeding  100°  to  200°;  sometimes  this 
change  of  sign  occurs  near  the  surrounding  temperature,  and 
can  be  determined  by  direct  experiments. 

Hence  it  follows  that  those  of  the  inorganic  salts  which  pro- 
duce cold  when  dissolving  in  water,  at  the  ordinary  temperature, 
produce  on  the  contrary  heat  at  a  higher  temperature,  whence  it 
also  follows  that  there  exists  a  temperature  for  which  no  thermal 
variation  is  produced  during  solution. 

These  results,  of  which  the  development  and  demonstration 
will  be  found  in  the  author's  "  Essai  de  Mecanique  Chimique," 
torn.  i.  p.  123,  et  seq.,  prove  that  solution  has  hitherto  errone- 
ously been  assimilated  to  fusion. 

5°.  Theorems  relative  to  the  Variation  of  the  Heat  of  Combination 
with  the  Pressure. 

Theorem  I. — In  gaseous  combinations  and  reactions  the  heat 
liberated  is  independent  of  the  pressure,  operating  at  a  constant 

This  statement  is  no  other  than  Joule's  law,  and  is  only  true 
for  slight  pressures  and  on  the  assumption  that  there  is  no 
appreciable  internal  work  in  the  gases,  this  work  being  in  fact 
negligible  for  gases  remote  from  the  point  of  liquefaction  and  at 
a  low  pressure. 


Theorem  II. — In  gaseous  combinations  and  reactions  effected 
without  condensation,  the  heat  liberated  is  the  same,  whether  at 
constant  volume  or  at  constant  pressure. 

Such  is  the  case  with  the  combustion  of  cyanogen,  whether 
by  free  oxygen  or  nitric  oxide. 

Theorem  III. — In  reactions  effected  with  condensation  the  heat 
liberated  at  a  constant  pressure,^?,  at  the  atmospheric  pressure 
for  example,  and  at  a  given  temperature,  t,  is  connected  with  the 
heat  liberated  at  constant  volume,  v,  and  at  the  same  tempera- 
ture, by  the  following  relation — 

Qtv  =  Qtp  +  0-542  (N'  -  N)  +  0'002*. 

N  here  expresses  the  quotient  by  22'32  of  the  number  of  litres 
occupied  by  the  component  gases  reduced  to  0°  and  0760 
metres,  and  N'  the  same  quotient  for  the  resulting  gases. 

This  theorem  is  of  great  importance  in  calorimetric  measure- 
ments relative  to  explosive  substances.  It  enables  the  difference 
between  the  two  quantities  of  heat  at  constant  pressure  and 
volume  to  be  calculated  for  every  reaction  of  which  the  formula 
is  known  (see  p.  15).  It  is  not  only  applicable  to  reactions 
where  all  the  bodies,  components  as  well  as  products,  are 
gaseous,  but  also  to  those  where  some  of  them  only  possess  the 
solid  or  liquid  state  at  the  outset,  or  assume  it  at  the  end. 


Every  chemical  change,  effected  without  the  intervention  of  a 
foreign  energy,  tends  towards  the  production  of  the  body  or  of  the 
system  of  bodies  liberating  the  most  heat. 

The  necessity  of  this  principle  may  be  seen  by  observing  that 
the  system  which  has  liberated  the  greatest  possible  amount  of 
neat,  no  longer  possesses  in  itself  the  energy  necessary  for 
effecting  a  new  transformation.  Every  fresh  change  requires 
work,  which  cannot  be  performed  without  the  intervention  of  a 
foreign  energy.  On  the  other  hand,  a  system  still  capable  of 
liberating  heat  by  a  fresh  change  possesses  the  energy  necessary 
for  effecting  this  change  without  any  auxiliary  intervention. 

The  foreign  energies  here  in  question  are  those  of  physical 
agents:  light,  electricity,  heat;  the  energy  of  disaggregation 
developed  by  solution ;  lastly,  the  energy  of  chemical  reactions, 
simultaneous  to  that  under  consideration.  Now,  the  interven- 
tion of  electric  or  luminous  energies  in  a  chemical  phenomenon 
is  ordinarily  apparent,  and  it  is  the  same  with  chemical  energy, 
borrowed  from  a  simultaneous  reaction.  The  only  cases  which 
call  for  discussion  are  those  in  which  calorific  energy  and  the 
energy  of  disaggregation  by  solution  intervene.  They  are  dis- 
tinguished by  the  following  general  character,  that  these  energies 
are  exercised  solely  to  regulate  the  conditions  of  existence  of  each 
compound  regarded  separately  without  in  any  other  way  inter- 
vening in  the  place  of  the  reciprocal  chemical  actions. 


Thus  they  are  manifested  under  the  conditions  where  they 
provoke  either  the  change  of  physical  state  (liquefaction,  vapori- 
sation) of  any  one  of  the  bodies  experimented  on,  regarded 
separately,  or  its  isomeric  modification,  or  its  total  or  partial 
decomposition.  It  is  furthermore  evident,  generally  speaking, 
that  a  compound  can  only  take  part  in  a  reaction,  if  it  exist  in 
the  isolated  state  under  the  conditions  of  the  experiment,  and 
in  the  proportion  in  which  it  can  exist.  This  remark  rightly 
understood,  can,  strictly  speaking,  be  made  to  apply  in  practice, 
for  it  is  sufficient  to  regard  each  of  the  components  and  of  the 
products  in  a  system,  and  to  know  its  individual  state  of 
stability  or  of  dissociation,  under  given  conditions,  in  order  to 
be  able  to  apply  the  principle.  It  is,  moreover,  necessary  to  take 
into  account  in  calculations  and  reasonings  all  the  compounds 
capable  of  existing  under  the  conditions  of  the  experiment,  such 
as  double  salts,  acid  salts,  perchlorides,  hydrates,  etc.,  and 
secondary  compounds  of  every  kind,  which  are  ordinarily 
neglected  in  the  general  interpretation  of  reactions,  but  each 
of  which  contributes  its  quota,  and,  so  to  speak,  its  weight  to 
the  thermal  balance  of  affinities. 

Lastly,  let  us  note  that  in  the  calculation  of  the  quantities  of 
heat  liberated  by  a  transformation,  we  should  consider,  as  far  as 
possible,  the  corresponding  bodies  in  the  initial  and  final  system 
taking  them  under  the  same  physical  state.  This  mode  of  pro- 
ceeding offers  the  advantage  of  putting  aside,  without  further 
discussion,  a  whole  class  of  foreign  energies,  such  as  the 
energies  consumed  in  changes  of  physical  state. 

We  do  not  wish  to  enter  here  upon  more  extended  develop- 
ments ;  it  will  suffice  to  refer  the  reader  to  the  detailed  discus- 
sion which  is  to  be  found  in  "  Essai  de  Mecanique  Chimique." 1 
There  it  will  be  seen  how  the  third  principle  is  deduced  from 
the  experimental  study  of  the  phenomena  of  combination  and 

The  following  theorems  are  given  which  are  applicable  to  a 
large  number  of  phenomena : — 

Theorem  I. — No  endothermal  reaction  is  possible  without  the 
intervention  of  foreign  energies. 

Theorem  II. — A  system  is  the  more  stable,  everything  else  being 
equal,  the  larger  the  fraction  of  its  energy  which  it  has  lost. 

Theorem  III. — Every  chemical  equilibrium  results  from  the 
intervention  of  certain  dissociated  compounds,  that  is  to  sayt  in 
the  state  of  partial  and  reversible  decomposition,  which  act  at 
once  by  themselves,  as  compounds,  and  by  their  components. 

Under  these  conditions,  there  always  intervene,  in  opposition 
to  the  chemical  energies  properly  so  called,  foreign  energies, 
electric  or  calorific,  the  latter  especially.8 

1  Tom.  ii.  pp.  421-471.  2  Ibid.  pp.  424-438. 

3  "  Essai  de  Mecanique,"  chap.  ii.  pp.  439  and  following. 


Exothermal  reactions  are,  as  has  just  been  said,  the  only  ones 
which  can  be  effected  without  the  aid  of  a  foreign  energy. 
However,  they  often  require,  in  order  to  start  them,  the  inter- 
vention of  a  certain  preliminary  work,  analogous  to  ignition. 

Theorem  IV. — An  exothermal  reaction  which  does  not  take  place 
of  itself  at  a  certain  temperature,  can  almost  always  take  place  of 
itself  at  a  higher  temperature,  that  is  to  say,  in  virtue  of  the 
work  of  heating. 

Theorem  V. — It  can  likewise  take  place  at  the  ordinary  tempe- 
rature, with  the  aid  of  a  suitable  auxiliary  work,  and  especially 
with  the  aid  of  chemical  work,  due  to  a  simultaneous  and 
correlative  reaction. 

Theorem  VI. —  Within  the  limits  of  temperature  at  which 
exothermal  reactions  take  place,  they  do  so,  generally  speaking,  more 
rapidly  the  higher  the  temperature. 

Theorem  VII. — Successive  transformations  can  only  take  place 
directly  without  the  intervention  of  foreign  energies,  if  each  of 
the  transformations,  regarded  separately,  as  well  as  their  definite 
sum,  be  accompanied  by  a  liberation  of  heat. 

In  other  words,  the  energy  proper  to  a  system  may  be  ex- 
pended either  all  at  once,  or  little  by  little,  and  according  to 
several  distinct  cycles,  but  there  cannot  be  a  gain  of  energy,  due 
to  the  internal  actions  alone,  in  any  of  the  intermediate  changes. 
We  shall  give  lastly,  a  theorem  of  the  greatest  importance  in 
the  study  of  saline  and  many  other  reactions. 

Theorem  VIII. — Every  chemical  reaction  capable  of  "being 
accomplished  without  the  aid  of  preliminary  work  and  indepen- 
dent of  the  intervention  of  an  energy  foreign  to  that  of  the  bodies 
present  in  the  system,  is  of  necessity  produced,  if  it  liberate  heat. 

It  is  in  virtue  of  the  third  principle  that  the  forecast  of  chemical 
phenomena  is  reduced  to  the  purely  physical  and  mechanical 
notion  of  maximum  work  effected  by  the  molecular  actions. 

5.  Numerical  Tables. 

The  following  tables  give  the  principal  data  relative  to  the 
quantities  of  heat  liberated  by  the  formation  of  compounds  used, 
or  capable  of  being  used,  as  explosives. 

In  these  tables  the  authorities  for  the  different  determinations 
are  indicated  by  their  initials,  viz. : — 

Al  =  Alluard  Gh  =  Graham  Pf  =  Pfaundler 

An  =  Andre*  G  =  Grassi  Rech  =  Rechenberg 

A  =  Andrews  Ha  =  Hammerl  R  =  Regnault 

B  =  Berthelot  H  =  Hautefeuille  Sab  =  Sabatier 

Cal  =  Calderon  Hs  =  Hess  Sa  =  Sarrau 

Ch  =  Chroutschoff  Jo  =  Joannis  S  =  Silbermann 

Ds  =  Desains  L  =  Louguinine  T  =  Thomsen 

Dv  =  Deville  M  =  Mitscherlich  Tr  =  Troost 

Dt  =  Ditte  Og  =  Ogier  Vie  =  Vieille 

D  =  Dulong  P  =  Person  Vi  =  Vielle 

F  =  Favre  Pett  =  Pettersen  W  =  Woods 

%*  The  authority  preferred  is  bracketed ;  F.  &  S.  [T]. 






of  gaseous 



Hydrochloric  acid 

H  +  C1 


+    22-0 


Hydrobromic  acid 

H  +  Br 


+    13-5 

T.  [B.] 

Hydriodic  acid       .     . 

H  +  I 


-     0-8 



H2  +  O 


+   29-5  X  2 


Hydrogen  sulphide 


+     3-6x2 

T.  H. 

Ammonia    .... 

H8  +  N 


+    12-2 

B.  T. 

Nitrogen  monoxide     . 
Nitric  oxide 



-    10-3  x  2 
-   21-6 

F.  &  S.  [B.] 
[B.]  T. 

Nitrogen  trioxide  . 

N2  +  0, 


-    111x2 


Nitric  peroxide 

N  +  02 


-      2-6 


Nitrogen  pentoxide    ^ 


-      0-6x2 


Nitric  acid  .      .     .    '7 

N2+  035+  H 


+    34-4 


Chlorine  monoxide 

C12  +  0 

43-5  x  2 

-     7-6x2 


Sulphur  chloride   . 
„        dioxide     .     . 

S2  +  C12 

67-5  X  2 
32  X  2 

+      8-1x2 
+   35-8x2 


„        trioxide    . 

S  +  O, 

40  X  2 

+   48-2  X  2 


„        trioxide    .     . 

S02  +  O 

40  X  2 

+    12-4x2 


„        oxychloride  . 

S02  +  01, 

67-2  X  2 

+      6-6x2 



24  X  2 

-    14-8  X  2 


Carbon  dioxide 

co  +  o 

22  X  2 

+   34-1  X  2 

„       oxychloride     . 

CO  +  C12 

49-5  x  2 

+     9-4x2 


„       oxysulphide    . 

co  +  s 

SOX  2 

—      1-8x2 


Hydrocyanic  acid  . 

CN  +  H 


+     7-8 


Cyanogen  chloride 

CN  +  C1 


+      1-6 



C.IL  4-  H- 


+    21-1 


Propane      .... 

v/2-LJ-4     i^  A    2 


n       •*  * 

+    22-8 


Dibromethane  .     . 

C2H4  +  Br8 


+    29-1 


Glycolic  ether  .     .     . 

C2H2  +  0 


+    33-0 


Aldehyde    .... 

C2H2  +  0 


+    65-9 


Acetic  acid  .... 

C2H4  +  O2 


+    13-3 


C2H4  +  H2O 


+    16-9 


Formic  acid      .     .     . 

CO  +  H2O 


+     3-1 


»>        »»         ... 

C02  +  H2 


-     5-8 


Chlorethane     .     .     . 

C2H4  +  HC1 


+   31-9 



C2H4  +  HBr 


+   32-9 


lodethane    .... 

C2H4  +  HI 


+   39-0 


Ethyl  acetate    .     .     . 

C/2H4  +  O2H4O2 


+    13-2 


Ethylidene  chloride    . 

C2H2  +  2HC1 


+    29x2 

B.  &  Og. 

Amyl  chloride  .     . 

C5H10  +  HC1 


+    16-9 


,,      bromide  . 

C5H10  +  HBr 


+    13-2 


„     iodide     .     . 

C5H10  +  HI 


+    10-6 


Nitric  acid  .... 
Acetic  acid  .... 

N205  +  H20 
C4H60,  +  H20 


+     5-3 
+    10-0 


Chloral  hydrate     .     . 
„       alcoholate  . 

C2HC18O  +  H2  O 


+      2-0 
+     1-6 


Diamylene  .... 

2C  H 


+    15-4 


Benzene      .... 



+  171 




+    70-5 


Aldehyde         !     !     ! 



+    32-9 


1  D.  Hs.  F.  &  S.  G.  A.  T.  B. 

D.  F.  &  S.  G.  A.  B.  T. 




N205  +  H20     (solid)  +    1-1 

N205  +  K20          „  +  64-2 

N205  -f  Na20        „  +  54-4 

N20S  +  BaO          „  +  40-7 

N205  +  SrO          „  +  38-1 

N20a  +  CaO          „  +  29-6 

N205  +  PbO          „  +  21-4 

N205  +  Ag80        „  +  19-2 


I205  +  K20       (solid)  -I-  51-6] 

I30a  +  BaO  „  +  34-9 


SO3  +  H2O 

(solid)  +    9-9 

S03  +  K20 

„      +  71-3 

SO3  +  Na2O 

„      +  61-7 

SO3  +  BaO 

„      +  51-0 

SO3  +  SrO 

„      +  47-8 

S03  +  CaO 

„      +  42-0 

S03  +  PbO 

»      +  30-4 

SO,  +  ZnO 
S03  +  CuO 
S03  +  Ag2 



P205  +  3H20    (solid) 
P2O5  +  3Na2O       „ 
P2O5  +  3CaO         „ 

+  19-7 
+  19-5 
+  28-0 

+  4-9 
+  39-8 
+  26-7 


C4H4O3  +  H2O  (solid)  +    4-1 
C4H403  +  Na20    „      +38-1 



(solid)  +  K2O    +  40-3 

„      +  Na2O  +  34-9 

„      +  BaO    +  25-0 

4- CaO    +18-7 





NnO.  4-  K,O 

+  70-7 

Nitrates  .... 

N2O5  +  Na2O      .... 

-|-  60-9 

N2OS  +  BaO                    .     . 

+  47-8 

Nitrites    ... 

N2O,  +  BaO  

+  33-8 

Sulphates      .... 

§3  +  K2O     
33  +  K20    
3  +  Na2O 

+  76-6 
+  95-7 
+  67-2 

3  +  BaO     

+  56-9 

Sulphites      .... 
Acetates        .... 

12S02  +  K20    
C4H608  +  K20     .... 
C4H603  +Na20    .... 
C4H603  +  BaO     .... 
CO2  +  K2O     

+  53-1 
+  66-8 
+  55-1 
+  47-0 
+  35-5 
+  43-3 

CO2  +  Na2O   
COo  4-  BaO 

+  37-9 
+  28*0 

C02  +  SrO 

+  26-7 

CO2  +  CaO     

+  21-7 

CO2  +  PbO          .... 

+  10-8 

C02  +  Ag20  

+    9-8 





Acid  4-  base  =  salt  +  water  (solid). 

The  heat  disengaged,  S,  has  the  property  of  not  varying  sensibly  with  the 
temperature  contrariwise  to  what  happens  in  the  reactions  of  dissolved  bodies 
(p.  117).  ('*  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  serie,  torn.  iv.  p.  74.) 

of  the 











+  42-6 
+  36-1 
+  31-7 
+  29-2 

+  25-5 
+  22-3 
+  18-5 
+  16-7 
+  13-5 
+  7-6 

+  21.9 
+  18-3 
+  15-2 
+  14-7 
+  10-6 
+  4-5 

+  22-5 
+  17-4 

+  "8-2 

+  30-5 
+  24-3 

+  407 
+  34-7 
+  33-0 
+  29-5 
+  24-7 
+  15-6 

+  29-4 
+  26-5 
+  20-81 
+  21-3 
+  18-9 
+  13-2 

+  27-1 
+  22-9 

+  16-71 



+  T9-7 
+  18-0 

+  6-2 
+  5-4 
+  9-1 

+  3-3 
+  4-3 
+  5-1 

+  7-6 



+  11-9 
+  10-5 
+  19-9 
+  17-9 

+  11-5 

+  13-1 
+  12-5 

K  +  31'5 

1  This  number  refers  to  precipitated  salts  which  contain  combined  water. 




(1)  From  the  solid  1 

lydrated  acid  and  gaseous  base 
HNO8  +  NH3 
CH202  +  NH3 
C2H402  +  NH8 
C7H602  +  NH8 
C6H3(N02)303  +  NH3 
H2S04  +  2NH 
C2H204  +2NH3 
C4H604  +  2NH3       . 
cid  and  base  gaseous. 
HC1  +  NH3    . 


+    34-0 
+    21-0 
+    18-5 
+    17-0 
+    22-9 
+    33-8 
+    24-4 
+    19-7 

+    42-5 
+    45-6 
+    44-2 
+    20-5 
+    23-0 
+    26-0 
+    29-0 
+    41-9 
+    39-8 
ee  gaseous. 
+    47-1 
+    33-7 
+    41-5 
+    53-5 
+    30-4 
+    31-6 

+    76-7 
+    71-2 
+    56-0 
+    42-4 
+    64-8 
+    87-9 
+    79-7 
+  142-4 
+    70-8 





(2)  A 

HBr  +  NH3  . 


HI  +  NH3 

HCy  +  NH3  . 


H2S  +  NH3 


C2H402  +  NH3    .... 
CH2O2  +  NH3     .... 
HN03  +  NH3      .     .     .     . 
HC1  +  C3H9N     .     .     .     . 

id,  water,  and  the  base,  all  thr 
N205  +  H20  +  2NH8    .     . 
N20,  +  H20  +  2NH3    .     . 
C2H20  +  H20  +  NH8   .     . 
SO3  +  H2O  +  2NH3      .     . 
C02  +  H20  +  NH8  .     .     . 
CO  +  H20  +  NH3    .     ,     . 
beir  gaseous  elements. 
C1  +  H4  +  N      .     .     .     . 
Br  (gas)  +  H4  +  N  .     .     . 
I(gas)4-H4  +  N     .     .     . 
S(gas)  +  Hs  +  N    .     .     . 
02  +  H4  +  N2     .     .     .      . 
08  +  H4  +  N2     .     .     .     . 
Cl  +  04  +  H4  +  N  .     .     . 
8  +  04  +  H8  +  N2  .     .     . 
Cl  +  H4  +  N  +0    .     .     . 


Trimethylamine  chloride 
(3)  From  the  anhydrous  oxyac 


Formate     •     •     •                • 

(4)  From  t 
Chloride     .     .  ^  .     .     .     . 


Iodide  •     •           .... 


Nitrite  ...           ... 



Hydroxylamine  Chloride 



1  i 

l>00<£>  OO 

Oi  CO        COO-*  Ai  Oi 

ciirH   :<Ni-«       :  :<MT-I 


J  r-l  r-t  •*! 

I~t  l>  00  <-i 

CO      .         *H|1<|> 

1  +  +  +  + 

+     +1+        +      1  +     +      1 

II  +++ 

CO  CO  tt>  CO  CO  r-l  -^ 


1  1  1  1  1  1  + 

5  5  «  ^ 

*  44  w-  'M"*  L?"  w 

&  H  o  o 










->   B 

MM     WM 


C5  00  *0  plO  O 


+++++   +1  +++++++  1  1+       II  1  +++++ 



GO         •*  OS  1C               T*  rH  O:  O  CO  t>  CO                      CO  O                      00  CO         O  O 

.g       <jq  cb  •*           t>  »o  rH  o  t>  cs  cb                do  10                <N  TH       o  r-i 



+  •+++'"+++++++'   "++"   '++'++' 



(N  O  »O  rH                *?  T1         »O                                     *f  CO 

i>  <>i  cb  cb          !2  S     »>                      o  3<i 

:   :  t-«h     : 


1   1 

cogs                                                             cp                                               pip  qs  TH  co  op  THOO  o 

H  cb  o  os      : 

+^"                          i                    ijtiiii  i! 


»p  o  o  o  »p 

;(N  1-1  00  OS  1C  10  cVj  rH  O  00  CO  00  OS  »O  t-  CO  <M     CN 

00     W 

--      N      N      M 

O    02    02 

o  o  o  02    2 

O    O    O    O      OQ 

Q     o 

o     o  -    . 

O   O   O  O     02 

^3^-3    o      S 

rUrl         S  3 

Sf«§  §  § 

5     Q 

*J£  A          ^  ,5 

P      J? 


03  'S 

.2  a 

,T3   03 


232^23      2S    .2^0202 

<D    S  *c  •*    •  ^ 

ft  t-          fc       J3  T* 

11  '  '  I  I 










Heat  disengaged. 

Solid  state. 


K2  4-  0  (Beketoff) 


+    48-6 

+    82-3 

Potash  ...... 

K2  +  O  4-  H2O 


4-    69-8 

+    82-3 

K2  +  H2  +  02 

4-  104-3 

+  116-8 

Na2  +  O  (Beketoff) 


4-    50-1 

+    77-6 

Soda                 .      .      . 

tfa2  4-  O  +  H2O 


4-    67-8 

4-    77-6 

Na2  +  H2  +  02 

+  102-3 

+  112-1 

/N  +  H3  +  H20 
\N  +  H5  4-  0 



4-    21-0 
+    90-0 

Ca  +  O 


4-    66-0 

+    75-05 

Ca  +  O  +  H2O 


+    73-5 

4-    75-05 

Ca  +  H2  +  O2 


4-  108-0 

+  109-55 

Sr  +  0 


+    65-7 

4-    79-1 

Jgr  +  O  +  H2O 


+    74-3 

+    79-1 

Sr  +  H2  +  O2 


4-  108-8 

+  113-6 


Ba  +  0 



x+    14-0 

Barium  dioxide    . 

BaO  +  O 


4-      6-05 

Magnesia  .     .     .     .     . 

/Mg  +  0  +  H20 
\Mg  +  H2  +  02 


4-    74-9 
4-  109-4 

Alumina    .     .     .     •     . 

A12  +  O3  +  3H2O 


/+  195-8  or 
\+    65-3x3 

Manganese  protoxide 

Mn  +  O 


4-    47-4 

„         dioxide    . 

Mn  +  O2 


+    58-1 

Permanganic  acid 

/Mn2  +  O7  +  H2O 
\      (hydrated) 



4-    89 

Chromic  acid  .... 

Cr2O3  4-  O3 


4-     3-1 

/+      4-2  or 
\  +      1-4  X  3 

Iron  protoxide 

Fe  +  O 


4-    34-5 

Iron  peroxide  .... 

Fe2  4-  03 


/+    95-6  or 
\+    31-9  x  3 

Iron  (magnetic)  oxide 

Fe3  +  O4 


/  4-  134-5  or 
\+    33-6  x  4 

(FeO  +  Fe203 


+      4-5 

Auric  oxide     .... 

Au2  +  03 


-      5-6 

Zinc  oxide  (anhydrous)  . 

Zn  +  O 


+    43-2 

„         (hydrous) 

Zn  4-  O  4-  H2O 


4-    41-8 

Cadmium  oxide    . 

Cd  +  0 


+    33-2 

Lead  oxide  (anhydrous)  . 

Pb  +  O 


+    25-5 

„          (hydrous) 

Pb  4-  0  +  H20 


+    26-7 

Cuprous  oxide 
Cupric  oxide  (anhydrous) 

Cu2  +  O 
Cu  +  O 


4-    21-0 
+    19-2 

„          (hydrous)  . 

Cu  4-  O  4-  H2O 


4-    19-0 

Stannous  oxide 

Sn  +  O 


4-    34-9 

Stannic  oxide  . 



4-    67-9 

Mercurous  oxide 

Hg2  +  0 


+    21-1 

Mercuric  oxide 

Hg  +  0 


4-    15-5 

Silver  oxide     . 



4-      3-5  2 

„      sesquioxide 

Ag4  +  08 


4-    10-5 

Bismuth  oxide 

Bi  +  03 


4-    68-3 

Antimonious  oxide 



+    88-7 

Antimonic  oxide  . 



+  114-9 

1  The  heats  of  solution  of  the  alkalis  are  by  Berthelot.    Without  modifying  the 
experimental  bases  of  Thomsen,  his  calculations  in  Tables  X.  and  XL  have  been 
corrected  by  the  small  amounts  necessary  to  put  them  in  accord  with  the  other  data 
of  the  present  Tables,  such  as  the  heat  of  formation  of  water,  +  34-5  instead  of  +  3±-7. 

2  Corrected  by  Berthelot. 






Heat  disengaged. 


Solid  Salt. 

Dissolved  Salt. 


chloride  . 

K  +  C1 


+  105-0 

+  100-8 


chloride  . 

Na  +  Cl 


+   97-3 

+    96-2 


chloride  . 

N  +  H4  +  C1 


+   76-7 

+    72-7 


chloride  . 

Sr  +  Cl2 


+   92-3 

+    97-8 


chloride  . 

Ba  +  C12 


»+   31-7 

*+   32-7 





Gas.         Liquid 

Gas.        Liquid. 

bromide  . 

K  +  Br 


+  100-4    +96-4! 

+  95-0   +91-0 






iodide     . 

K  +  I 


+    85-4  j  +  80-0 

+  80-1   +74-7 






Heat  disengaged,  the 
body  being 




Potassium  sulphide  . 

K2  +  S 


+  51-1 

+  56-2 

T.  Sab. 

Potassium  polysulphide 
Potassium  sulphydrate 
Sodium  sulphide 

K2S  +  S3 
K2S  +  H2S 
Na2  +  S 


+    6-2 
+    9-2 
+  44-2 

+    2-6  2 
+    2-9  2 
+  51-6 

T.  Sab. 

Sodium  polysulphide 

Na.S  +  S3 


+    5-1 

+    2-5  2 


Sodium  sulphydrate 

Na2S  +  H2S 


+   9-3 

+   3-9  « 


Ammonium  sulphide 

N2  +  He  +  S 


+  28-4 


Ammonium  sulphydrate 
Ammonium  sulphydrate 

(NH4)2S  +  H2S 
N2  +  H10  +  S2 


+  39-8 

+   3-02 
+  36-6 



Strontium  sulphide 

Sr  +  S 


+  47-6 

+  53-0 


Calcium  sulphide 

Ca  +  S 


+  46-0 

+  49-0 


Barium  sulphide 

Ba  +  S 




Iron  sulphide 

Fe  +  S 


+  11-9 


Zinc  sulphide 

Zn  +  S 


+  21-5 


Lead  sulphide     . 

Pb  +  S 


+    8-9 


Copper  sulphide 

Cu2  +  S 


+  10-1 


Copper  sulphide 

Cu  +  S 


+    5-1 


Mercury  sulphide 
Silver  sulphide  . 

Ag2  +  S 


+    9-9 
+    1-5 


1  These  numbers  refer  to  solid  sulphur ;  when  the  sulphur  is  gaseous,  about 
448°,  it  is  necessary  to  add  +  1-2.     Towards  1000°  the  correction  would  be  much 
larger,  but  it  is  not  known  with  certainty. 

2  Components  dissolved. 

K   2 


c>  t>  •*  rt 

cb  i>  co  eb  o 

CO  ?O  <M  i-<  I-H 

O5  O 

1  ++++  1  +++++++ 

<N  »O  CO  tD  "^  ^  O5  O  O   CO  »H  O  "*" 

00  O  O  t-  O  1O  rH  (N  (fq    b-  O5  OO  CO 

T*<  co  co  CD  <M  I-H  o  i>    :GO  :«sr-i  o 

+++++!+++*+  ++  + 

'    I    + 

1  + 

111  + 

•  * 

I  + 

CO  <N  l> 
<N  »O  <N 

*P  *?     T1  T1       T1  T1   T1  ^ 

|>  l>      ,!H  TH  rH  -f  »O  »O  OS  «O  «O  Al  T^-I  O5  t>  i-i  CO  00  QO     r^ 
«O  CO  •*  ^  ?O  «O  T^  (M  (M  00  X  »O  OS  00  t>  »O  O     00 




6  «  « 
+      + 






yanic  acid 















Heat  disengaged. 


/N  4-  03  +  K 
N  +  03  4-  Na 
N2  +  03  4-  H4 

N2  4-  O6  4-  Sr 


4-  118-7 
4-  110-6 
4-   87-9 
4-  109-8 


N2  4-  O6  4-  Ca 
N2  4-  06  +  Pb 

/S4-04  +  Na2 
S  +  04  4-  H8  4-  N2 
S  +  O4  +  Sr 
S  4-  04  4-  Ca 
S  4-  O4  4-  Mg 


+  101-2 
-f   52-8 
4-    28-7 
+  171-1 
4-  163-2 
4-  141-1 
4-  164-7 
4-  160-0 
4-  150-6 

S  4-  04  4-  Mn 
S  +  04  +  Pb 
S  4-  O4  4-  Zn 
\S4-04  +  Cu 
\S  +  04  4-  Ag2 
g2  +  O7  +  K2 


4-  123-8 
4-  107-0 
+  114-4 
+   90-2 
+    82-9 
+  236-0 

S2  4-  O6  4-  K2 


+  205-7 


g  +  03  +  K2 


+  136-3 

g2  4.  Q5  4-  K2 


4-  184-6 

Hyposulphite            .           • 

S2  4-  O3  4-  K2 


4-  133-4 

01  4-  03  +  K 
KC1  +  O3 
01  4-  O3  4-  Na 


+    94-6 
-    11-0 
4-   85-4 

NaCl  +  O3 
BaCl2  +  06 
/Br.  gas  4-  03  +  K 

<         iZTt        ,     f\ 


-    12-3 
-    12-6 
+   87-6 


\    KBr  +  O3 
JI  gas  +  03  +  K 


4-  128-4 
+    44.1 

Phosphates                          . 

/Cl  4>O4  4-3K 
KC1  4-  04 

\NaCl  4-4  04 
BaCl2  +  08 
NCI  4-  04  +  N  +  H4 



•±t  A 

4-  112-5 
4-     7-5 
4-  110-2 
+     3-0 

+      I'l 

4-   79-7 
4-  451-6 

i  4fiO'6 

Carbonates     (carbon      dia- 

\P2  4-  O8  +  Ca3 
C  +  03  4-  K2 
C  4-  03  4-  Na2 
C  4-  O3  4-  Sr 
C  +  O3  4-  Ca 
(  C  4-  03  4-  Mg 
\  C  4-  O3  4-  Mn 


+  138-9 
4-  135-1 
4-  139-4 
4-  134-7 
+  133-8 
4-  104-0 


C  +  03  4-  Pb 
\  C  4-  O3  4-  Zn 
\C  4-  03  +  Ag2 
C  +  O3  +  K  +  H 
JC4-  O3  +  Na  +  H 


4.   83-2 
+    97-1 
4-    60-2 
4-  232-8 
4-  227-0 

Formiates  (carbon  diamond) 
Acetates  (carbon  diamond) 

|  C  4-  O3  +  N  +  H4 
JC  4-  H  +  K  4-  02 

C2  +  H3  4-  K  +  022 
C2  +  H3  +  Na  +  02 
C2  +  H7  +  N  +  02 


4-  205-6 
+  154-8 
4-  149-6 
4-  184-9 
4-  179-2 
+  159-6 



TAKEN   IN  THEIR  ACTUAL   STATE. — (Continued.) 




leat  disengaged. 

(C2  +  K2  +  04 


+  323-6  or 
161-8  x  2 

Oxalates  (carbon  diamond)  . 

)  C2  +  Na2  +  04 
j  C2  +  H8  +  N2  +  04 

134  | 
124  | 

+  313-8  or 
156-9  X  2 
+  272-4  or 
136-5  X  2 



+  158-5  or 

\  C2  -i-  Ag2  +  O4 

304   ^ 

79-2  x  2 


/Cr203  pp.  +  05  +  K2 
\Cr03  pp.  +  0  +  Na2 


+  206-7 
+  190-3 


/2(Cr03)  pp.  +  0  +  K2 
\2(CrO8)  pp.  +  O  +N2  +  H8 


+  115-5 
+    85-4 



(S03  +  K2SO4  =  K2S2Oy 
|H2SO4  sol  +  K2SO4  = 


+   13-1 
+     7-5 

S04  sol  +  Na2S04  = 



+     8-1 

CrO8  +  K2CrO4 


+      1-9 


K20  +  H20 


+    21-2 


Na2O  +  H2O 


+    17-8 

BaO  +  H2O 


+     8-8 

SrO  +  H2O 
CrO  +  H2O 


+     8-6 
+     7-55 


Name  of  Oxidising  Agent. 



Heat  disengaged. 

Free  oxygen    .           ... 



A  Calories 

Copper  oxide  .           ... 



A  -  19-2 

Lead  oxide      .           ... 



A  -  25-5 

Stannous  oxide 

•  SnO 


A  -  34-9 

Stannic  oxide  .           ... 



A  -  34-0 

Antimony  oxide 



A  —  31-1 

Mercury  oxide 



A  -  15-5 

Bismuth  oxide 

Bi  O 


A  -  23-0 

Silver  oxide    .           ... 



A-   3-5 

Nitrogen  monoxide  . 



A  +  10-3 

Nitric  oxide    



A  +  10-8 

Nitric  peroxide  (liquid)  .     . 



A-   0-4 

Nitric  acid  (liquid)   . 



A-    1-4 

Potassium  nitrate      .     .     . 



A-   5-4  or  A  -2-5 

Sodium  nitrate     .... 



A  —   4-4  or  A  —  2-3 

Strontium  nitrate      .     .     . 

"'Sr(NO  ) 


A-   5-4 

Barium  nitrate     .... 



A-    5-5 

Lead  nitrate    



A-    8-8 

Silver  nitrate             .     . 

i  AffNO, 


A—   4-8 

Ammonium  nitrate    . 



A  +  25-0 

Potassium  chlorate    . 



A+    1-8 

Potassium  perchlorate    . 



A-   0-9 

Manganese  dioxide    . 



A  —  10-7 

Potassium  bichromate     . 



A-   7-9 





NH4NO3  solid1  == 

N20  +  2H20                




+  29-5 
+  50-1 
+  28-5 

+  48-8 
+  52-7 

+  10-2 
+  30-7 
+    9-2 
+  23-3 
+  29-5 
+  33-4 

N  +  O  +2H  O           .          

N  +  NO  +  2H2O         

KN2  +  N2O3  +  6H2O       

£(3N2  -f  N2O4  +  8H2O)    

i(2HNO  +  4N  +  9H2O)      

HNO  +  NH   (both  gaseous)                            . 




6    S 






*    * 

S  «« 


Sw  . 





•§,«?,  ii 

"333  d4 

CO        V 

s  a 



S  s 


eq.  =  15  lit. 





K2O      . 
NH3      . 
CaO  («) 
MnO  («) 
FeO      . 
NiO      . 

13-8  (") 



11  -3 















ZnO      . 
PbO      . 













HgO     . 

Ag20  . 














iCr,O,  . 











If  the  salt  were  fused  the  numbers  should  be  increased  by  about  +  4. 
1  eq.  =  2  litres.  »  1  eq.  =  25  litres. 

1  eq.  =  6  litres.  5  1  eq.  =  10  litres. 

ates  as  we 

pitated,  this  applies  to  the  earthy  and  metallic  oxalates  and  carbon- 
__  ..  3ll  as  to  the  metallic  oxides  and  sulphides.  7  Crystallized. 

1  eq.  =  4  litres ;  this  applies  to  all  salts  formed  by  insoluble  oxides. 
Very  dilute. 

10  HgCl2  -  solid ;  -+  11-0 ;  HBr  dilute :  HgBr2  -  dissolved ;  +  13-7 ;  solid  + 
15-4  ;  HI  dilute ;  HgI2  red  ;   +  23-2. 

11  HBr  dilute  and  Ag2O;  +22-5  to  25-5.    HI  dilute  +  Ag20 ;  26-5  at  first, 
afterwards  +  32-1. 






g         a 

+    + 


«     ^99 
+     +  +  + 

i  10  O  ^-  US  O  US  O 

+  + 1 

iOrt    •*    *- *s  •<»«  r-i  p  oo      <£> 
•+  I      I     +  +  +  +  I    I       + 

to  ta 

00      O«OOOOOOO 
«       CO  tH«-          *~*~ 


OOOO    0 





fl  •  •  "§^  -ag  • 

•a  1  •  •     §§  .os« 

^.242  g    2        go  S  »  5^a  |  *"3         £««      gja1^' 

'Hit  I 




1  i 

«s  as  co  as  4)i  *-  e* 

O5  C<1  05  N  \O  OS  1- 

+  +  +  +  +  +  + 




0+  +  + 


within  about  om 
alue  of  the  heat 





*  as 


ill!  "fraiijiirj 

gzlg       SS3===t|a&J 








Physical  state  of 
the  Compounds. 


Ethylic  aldehyde    .     . 

C2H4  +  0 


r+  65-9 

\  +    71-9 


Ortho-propylic  aldehyde 
Iso-propylic  aldehyde    . 

}C3H6  +  0 


/  +    87-3 
\  +    83-3 


(  +  133-2 

Gas,  liquid 

Acetic  acid  .... 

C2H4  +  Oz 


{  +  138-3 


1  +  133-9 


Propionic  acid    .     .     . 

C3H6  +  O2 


+  153-3 


Oxalic  acid    .... 

C2H2  +  04 

+  258-0 


Acetic  acid    .... 

C2H2  +  O  +H20 


/+  118-7 
\+  121-2 




Formic  acid  .... 

CH4  +  03 

CH2O2  +  H20 

+  143-5 


4-  147-3 



Both  bodies 

Acetic  acid  .... 

C4H40  +O 


4-    67-3 
4-    66-4 

Actual  state 

Propionic  acid  .     .     . 

C3H60  +  O 


4-   74-0 

Actual  state 


Liquid  formic  acid  . 
Liquid  acetic  acid   . 
Liquid  valerian  ic  acid  . 
Solid  margaric  acid 

CH40  +  02 
C2H60  +  02 
C5H120  +  02 
C16H340  +  02 

CH2O2  +H2O 
C2H402  +  H20 
C5H1002  +  H20 
C16H3202  +  H20 

4-  100-0 
4-  125-1 
+  131-0 
+  180-0 

Actual  state 
Actual  state 
Actual  state 
Actual  state 

Solid  oxalic  acid 

/C2H60  +  05 
\C2H402  +  03 

C2H204  +  2H20 
C2H204  +  H20 

+  261-0 
+  139-4 

Actual  state 
Actual  state 








Formic    amide 

CH202,  NH3  diss. 

CH3NO  (diss.) 


-     1-0 

Formic  nitril  or 


•  j 
acid  . 

CH202,  NH3  diss. 

HCN  (diss.) 


-    10-4 

Oxamide  . 

C2H204,  2NH3  cryst. 

C2H4N202  (solid) 


-      1-2x2 


(liquid    ) 

(  liquid 


+    ll'S 


2C5H10  gaseous 

C10H20  liquid 


+    22-3 


(  gaseous 


+    15-4 

Benzene    .     . 

3C2H2  (actual  reaction) 

C6H6  (gas) 


+  171-0 

Dipropargyl  . 

J3C2H2  (theoretical  action) 
\C6He  (Benzene  idem.) 

}C6H6  (gas) 

78     { 

+  100-5 
-    70-5 



Organic  compound  +  HN03  liquid  =  Nitric  derivative  +  H20  (liquid). 





Nitric  ether  (B.)  . 
Nitroglycerin  (B.) 



+    6-2 
+    4-7x3 

Nitromannite  (B.) 
Gun-cotton  (B  )   . 




+    3-9x6 
+  11-4X  11 
+  36-6 
+  36-2  x  2 

Nitrobenzene  (B.) 
Dinitrobenzene  (B.) 

Picric  acid  (Sa.  &  Vie.) 
Chloronitrobenzene  (B.) 



+  34-0  X  3 
+  36-4 

Nitrobenzoic  acid  (B.) 



+  36-6 

Nitronaphthaline  (Tr.  &  H.) 
Nitrotoluene  (Tr.  &  H.)  .     . 



+  36-5 
+  38-0 





of  Fusion. 

Heat  of 





—  0-13 



+    113-6 

—  1-49 



+    113-6 



Phosphorus       .... 




+      44-2 
—      39-5 

—  0-15 
—  0-28 






+    335-0 

—  0-53 





+    265-0 
+    235'0 

—  0-84 




+      30-0 

—  0-66 





+    500-0 






+    954-0 






+  1775-0 





+  1500-0 

—  1-9 





+     o-o 

-  0-715 


Iodine  chloride. 
Nitrogen  pentoxide     .     . 



+      25-0 
+      29-5 
—      47-0 



Sulphuric  acid       .     .     . 
Sulphuric  acid  (hydrate)  . 
Naphthalen       .... 




+       8-0 
+       8-8 
+      79-0 
+      17-0 



Formic  acid 
Acetic  acid       .           . 
Benzene            .           . 
Nitrobenzene    .           .     . 
Phenol  ...           .     . 



+        8-2 
+      17-0 
+       4-5 
+       3-0 
+     42-0 

—  2-43 
—  2-34 



Potassium  nitrate        .     . 
Sodium  nitrate  . 




+    333-5 
+    306-0 










Bromine  (liquid)     •           •           . 









Sulphur  (liquid)     .     .     .     . 









Water      ....           ... 









Hydrofluoric  acid    . 
Nitrogen  monoxide 
Nitric  peroxide 
Nitrogen  pentoxide  (liquid) 
Nitric  acid    ... 








Sulphurous  anhydride  . 
Sulphuric  anhydride  (solid) 
Carbonic  acid  (solid)    . 
Carbon  disulphide  .     .     . 








Cyanogen  chloride  






r  H 









CL  H 




Methyl  alcohol  .           .     . 





Ethyl  alcohol     





Aldehyde      .     . 










Formic  acid  




B.  &  Og. 




B.  &  Og. 

Ethyl  acetate     





Ordinary  ether  

CoH/CoH  O) 




The  calculation  of  the  pressures  exerted  at  the  moment  of 
decomposition  of  an  explosive  substance,  requires  not  only  the 
knowledge  of  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  transformation,  but 
also  that  of  the  specific  heat  of  the  products  of  the  explosion 
and  their  volume.  It  is  equally  necessary  to  know  the  specific 
heat  of  the  component  bodies,  in  order  to  know  the  effects  of  a 
certain  heating  on  these  bodies.  Finally,  the  volume  which 
they  occupy  for  a  given  weight,  and  which  is  deduced  from 
their  density,  plays  an  essential  part  in  the  valuation  of  the 
density  of  charge  and  specific  pressure  (p.  28).  These  con- 
siderations have  induced  the  author  to  give  the  following 
tables : — 




Specific  Heat  at  constant  pressure, 





to  Igrm. 

to  the  mole- 


22-32  litres. 





6-82  1 












0-121  (0°-200°) 


Carbonic  oxide  . 





Nitric  oxide       .     .     . 





Nitrogen  monoxide 
Carbonic  acid    . 




0-226  (0°-200°) 
0-215  (0°-200°) 


Sulphurous  anhydride 
Water  vapour   . 
Hydrochloric  acid  gas  . 



0-154  (0°-200°) 
0-480  (128°-220°) 


Sulphuretted  hydrogen  gas 





Ammonia  gas    .... 



0-535  (0°-200°) 




0-593  (0°-200°) 


Ethylene     .... 



0-404  (0°-200°) 


1  These  numbers  represent  small  calories.     The  specific  heats  at  constant 
volume  are  deduced  from  these  by  subtracting  the  constant  2. 


Specific  Heats  refen 





to  1  gnn. 

to  the 


0-203  solid 


Sulphur       .... 



0-234  liquid  (120°  to 

O    LA 






rO-19  solid 
\0-20  liquid 







Antimony    .... 
Bismuth       .... 













(0-202  graphite,  coke 
\0-24  1  calcined  wood 











Copper   . 
Lead       . 





Silver     . 










Gold       . 










Specific  Heats  referred 

to  1  grm. 

to  the 


Magnesia     .... 
Chromium  oxide    . 





Alumina      .... 




11  '2 

Ferric  oxide 





Zinc  oxide   .... 









Copper  oxide    .     .     . 




Lead  oxide  .... 
Stannic  oxide    . 










CHLORIDES      AND       SUL- 


Ammonium  chloride    . 





Potassium  chloride 





Sodium  chloride     .     . 





Barium  chloride     . 





Calcium  chloride    . 





Silver  chloride  . 





Potassium  sulphide     . 
Sodium  sulphide    . 




8-9  l 
8-9  l 

Iron  sulphide    .     .     . 





Potassium  ferrocyanide 






Potassium  nitrate  .     . 

Sodium  nitrate  . 
Barium  nitrate       .     . 
Strontium  nitrate  . 
Lead  nitrate 





JO-239  solid 
\0-332  liquid 


Silver  nitrate    . 





Ammonia  nitrate    .     . 







Potassium  sulphate 





Sodium  sulphate     .     . 





Calcium  sulphate    . 





Barium  sulphate    .     . 





Strontium  sulphate 





Magnesium  sulphate   . 





Copper  sulphate 
Potassium  hyposulphite 
Sodium  hyposulphite  . 






Potassium  chromate    . 





Potassium  bichromate 





Lead  chromate       .     . 






Potassium  carbonate    . 





Sodium  carbonate  .     . 
Calcium  carbonate  . 





Barium  carbonate  . 





Lead  carbonate       .     . 





1  Theoretical  valuation. 




Specific  Heats  referred 




to  1  grra. 

to  the 



Potassium  chlorate 





Potassium  perchlorate 










(1-0  liquid 
\0-50  solid 


Nitric  acid  . 



0-445  liquid 


Sulphuric  acid 




0-34  liquid 
0-44  liquid 





0-595  about  20° 


Cane  sugar 







The  specific  heats  of  solid  compounds  can  be  approximately 
calculated  from  the  sum  of  those  of  their  elements ;  the  latter 
being  taken,  not  with  the  real  values  which  they  possess  in 
the  free  state,  but  with  the  values  calculated  by  Kopp  from  the 
mean  of  the  observed  values  for  their  compounds.  He  has  thus 
obtained  the  following  empirical  values  referred  to  the  equiva- 
lent weights  : — 

6-4  for  K,  Li,  Na,  Rb,  Tl,  Ag,  As,  Bi,  Sb,  Br,  I,  Cl. 
5-4  for  P. 
5-0  for  F. 
3-8  for  Si  (28). 

3-2  for  Al,  Au,  Ba,  Sr,  Ca,  Cd,  Co,  Cr,  Cu,  Fe,  Hg,  Ir,  Mg,  Mn,  Ni,  Os,  Pb, 
Pd,  Pt,  R,  Sn,  Ti,  Mo,  N,  Zn,  Se,  Te. 
2-7  for  S  (16),  B  (11). 
2-3  for  H. 
2-0  for  0  (8). 
1-8  for  C  (12). 












cub.  cms. 

i'3-5  diamond 



9*27  crrnnhifp 


AAt  grapiiii/c 
1-57  amor  ph. 

w     1 














il/O  *J 


-LA    T 











1-  o 


o  o 







O    1 



09.  K 



Magnetic  iron  oxide 


O£i  O 


D  »7 


A  i 

Lead  oxide  .     . 





Tin  oxide     .     . 





Chromium  oxide 





Alumina       .     . 



3-5  to  4-1 

15  to  12-5 

Silica       .     .     . 





Potassium  chloride 





Sodium  chloride 





Barium  chloride      . 





Strontium  chloride 
Ammonium  chloride 





Potassium  cyanide 





Potassium  nitrate    . 
Sodium  nitrate  . 







Barium  nitrate  . 





Lead  nitrate 





Silver  nitrate 





Ammonium  nitrate 





Potassium  carbonate 





Sodium  carbonate    . 
Barium  carbonate   . 






Strontium  carbonate 
Calcium  carbonate  . 





Potassium  sulphate 
Sodium  sulphate     . 





Barium  sulphate     . 
Strontium  sulphate 






Calcium  sulphate    . 





Potassium  chlorate 





Potassium  bichromate 





Cane  sugar  .... 





(    145    ) 




1.  THE  author  has  carried  out  almost  all  the  measurements  of 
the  quantities  of  heat  liberated  or  absorbed  in  his  experiments 
with  the  water  calorimeter.  It  is  very  well  adapted  for  deter- 
minations concerning  explosive  substances.  This  instrument, 
employed  by  Dulong  and  Regnault,  and  also  by  Thoinsen, 
appears  to  offer  the  guarantees  of  the  greatest  accuracy.  In 
fact,  the  quantities  determined  by  it  approach  as  closely  as 
possible  the  theoretical  definition  of  the  "  calorie "  ;  whilst 
the  ice  calorimeter  of  Lavoisier  and  Laplace,  as  well  as  that  of 
Bunsen,  and  the  mercury  calorimeter  of  Favre  and  Silbermann, 
determine  different  quantities,  such  as  the  weight  of  water 
liquefied,  or  the  expansions  of  certain  liquids.  The  relation  of 
these  quantities  to  the  calorie  must  be  found  separately,  by  a 
system  of  special  experiments,  and  it  is  liable  to  incessant 
variation,  according  to  the  conditions  of  the  surrounding 
medium.  In  the  use  of  these  instruments,  therefore,  all  the 
uncertainties  of  indirect  measurements  occur. 

2.  The  conditions  under  which  the  calorimeter  is  employed 
are  very  simple,  and  capable  of  being  easily  reproduced  by  all 
chemists  and  physicists  who  desire  to  carry  out  similar  experi- 
ments. The  measurements  are,  moreover,  more  promptly 
executed,  and  the  calculation  easier  than  by  any  other  method. 
For  the  complete  discussion  of  the  process,  the  verification  of 
the  thermometers,  and  the  arrangements  special  to  certain  ex- 
periments, the  reader  is  referred  to  the  author's  "Essai  de 
Mecanique  Chimique,"  where  these  subjects  are  more  fully 


1.  The  apparatus  consists  of  three  fundamental  parts,  viz.  a 
calorimeter;  a  thermometer;  an  envelope.  The  annexed 




sketch  will  give  a  sufficient  idea  of  the  apparatus  (scale  one- 

2.  The  calorimeter,  properly  so  called,  consists  of  a  platinum, 
brass,  or  glass  vessel,  with  very  thin  walls,  goblet  shaped,  pro- 
vided with  various  fittings,  and  placed  on  three  cork  points. 
We  shall  now  describe  it  in  detail. 

In  the  greater  number  of  the  experiments,  a  cylindrical 
platinum  vessel,  capable  of  containing  at  least  600  cub.  cms.  of 
liquid,  was  used.  It  is  0120  metre  in  height  by  0'085  metre  in 

Fig.  19. — Berthelot's  Calorimeter,  with  its  Envelopes. 

GG,  calorimeter  of  platinum;  C,  the  cover;  09,  calorimetric  thermometer;  EE, 
silver-plated  envelope;  C',  cover  of  same;  HH,  double  envelope  of  tin  plate,  filled 
with  water ;  C",  cover  of  same ;  AAA,  stlrrer ;  tt,  its  thermometer ;  <p<j>,  jacket  of 
thick  felt  covering  the  tin  plate  envelope. 

diameter,  and  weighs  63 '43  grms.  It  is  provided  with  a 
platinum  cover,  fixed  with  a  bayonet  joint  on  the  edges  of  the 
cylindrical  vessel,  and  pierced  with  various  holes  for  the  passage 
of  the  thermometer,  stirrer,  conducting  tubes  for  the  gases, 
liquids,  etc.  This  cover  weighs  1218  grms. 

It  is  only  employed  in  certain  experiments,  the  calorimeter 
being  for  the  most  part  uncovered. 

In  experiments  in  which  the  equilibrium  of  temperature  is 



almost  instantaneous,  the  cover  and  the  stirrer  may  be  omitted, 
and  the  thermometer  itself  employed  to  agitate  the  liquid,  which 
simplifies  operations. 

Under  these  conditions  the  calorimeter  is  very  simple,  as  will 
be  seen.  Keduced  to  water  it  is  equivalent  to  3  grms.  to  4  grms., 
according  to  the  accessory  pieces,  that  is  to  say,  that  its  calori- 
metric  mass  does  not  exceed  the  two-hundredth  part  of  the 
mass  of  the  aqueous  liquids  which  it  contains,  a  circumstance 
which  is  very  favourable  to  accuracy  in  experiments. 

The  author  has  also  used  several  other  platinum  calorimeters, 
one  with  capacity  of  1  litre,  which  has  served  for  the  greater 
number  of  his  experiments  on  the  detonation  of  gases,  another 
of  2-5  litres. 

In  certain  experiments  where  it  was  necessary  that  contact 
with  the  air  should  be  completely  avoided,  glass  phials  containing 
700  cms.  to  800  cms.  have  been 
used  as  calorimeters,  always  plac- 
ing them  in  the  same  protecting 
envelope.  These  instruments 
give  measurements  which  are  the 
more  exact  the  larger  they  are, 
but  on  the  condition  of  con- 
suming larger  weights  of  the 
substances.  This  limits  the  use 
of  the  large  instruments.  On 
the  contrary,  the  small  ones  are 
more  subject  to  corrections  for 
cooling  which  may  be  neglected 
with  calorimeters  of  half  a  litre 
and  upwards,  for  the  duration  of 
an  ordinary  experiment  (one  to 
two  minutes)  and  whenever  the 
excesses  of  temperature  remain 
less  than  2°. 

3.  Stirrer. — In  the  experiments 
in  which  the  stirring  of  the  water 
by  means  of  the  thermometer 
was  insufficient,  or  presented  any 
difficulty,  a  stirrer  of  special  form 
was  employed,  superior  to  those 
hitherto  used,  because  it  more 
completely  mixes  all  the  layers 
of  water,  with  less  expenditure 
of  force. 

This  stirrer  (Fig.  20)  consists  of  four  wide  helicoidal  blades, 
A  A'  A"  A/"  very  thin,  inclined  at  about  45°  to  the  vertical  and 
normal  to  the  internal  surface  of  the  cylinder  employed  as  a 
calorimeter.  They  are  mounted  on  a  frame  formed  of  two 


Fig.  20. 


horizontal  rings,  B  B',  which  hold  the  frame  together  at  its  ends, 
and  of  four  strong  vertical  rods,  the  whole  being  in  platinum  or 
brass,  as  may  be  required. 

The  blades,  about  O'OIO  metre  in  width,  and  the  rings  of  equal 
breadth,  are  arranged  so  as  to  form  a  frame,  concentric  to  an 
internal  cylindrical  space,  the  whole  being  in  its  turn  enveloped 
and  almost  touched  by  the  cylindrical  vessel,  V  V,  which  con- 
stitutes the  calorimeter. 

Two  of  the  vertical  rods  are  prolonged  about  0'15  metre  above 
the  calorimeter,  and  joined  at  their  upper  end  by  a  half  ring  of 
wood,  C  C,  of  suitable  width  and  thickness.  The  lower  ring  is 
provided  with  four  small  feet  or  prolongations,  a  few  millimetres 
in  length,  and  arranged  so  that  the  stirrer  rests  on  their  rounded 
ends,  at  the  bottom  of  the  calorimeter. 

The  whole  may  be  seen,  in  the  centre  of  the  calorimeter 
(Fig.  20).  In  the  cylindrical  space  surrounded  by  the  stirrer 
are  placed  the  thermometer  and  suitable  apparatus. 

In  order  to  employ  this  stirrer,  the  half  ring  is  held  in  the 
hand,  or  by  some  mechanical  appliance  (turn-spit,  hydraulic,  or 
electro-magnetic  motor,  etc.),  the  stirrer  is  lifted  a  few  millimetres, 
and  a  horizontal  and  rotary  movement  around  its  vertical  axis 
is  imparted  to  it.  This  movement  is  alternating,  and  comprises 
an  arc  of  from  30°  to  35°.  In  consequence  the  water  in  the 
calorimeter  is  impelled  towards  the  centre,  and  at  all  heights  at 
the  same  time,  being  sharply  thrust  forward  by  the  heficoidal 
blades,  which  strike  the  water  at  an  angle  of  45°  with  the 

The  degree  of  perfection  which  is  hereby  attained  in  the 
mixture  of  the  layers,  and  the  promptitude  with  which  this 
result  is  obtained,  even  with  a  slight  effort  and  slow  movement, 
are  surprising. 

Besides,  the  stirrer  not  coming  continually  out  of  the  liquid, 
as  happens  with  stirrers  moved  up  and  down,  is  not  exposed  to 
the  very  sensible  evaporation  to  which  the  latter  give  rise,  nor 
to  the  causes  of  error  which  result  therefrom. 

4.  The  calorimeter  just  described  may  be  employed  under 
extremely  varied  conditions.  A  full  account  will  be  found  in 
the  "Essai  de  Me'canique  Chimique"  and  in  the  author's 
"Memoires."  Some  of  the  special  instruments  employed  for 
effecting  chemical  reactions  in  the  interior  of  this  calorimeter 
will  be  described  in  the  following  chapters,  in  connection  with 
the  experiments  for  which  they  have  been  constructed. 


1.  A  description  will  now  be  given  of  the  apparatus  used  to 
measure  by  detonation  both  the  heat  of  combustion  of  hydro- 
carbon gases,  or  by  an  inverse  process  the  heat  of  formation  of 


the  oxygen  yielding  gases  such  as  nitrogen  monoxide  and 
dioxide,  the  apparatus  employed  not  having  been  described  in 
the  work  previously  quoted. 

2.  The  method  consists  in  mixing  in  a  suitable  vessel  the  gas 
or  vapour  with  the  proportion  of  oxygen  strictly  necessary  to 
burn  it  completely,  or  even  with  a  slight  excess  of  oxygen  when 
this  excess  is  not  detrimental ;  then,  in  causing  the  explosion  of 
the  mixture  in  a  closed  vessel,  and  at  constant  volume.     The 
detonator  having  been  previously  placed  in  a  calorimeter,  the 
heat  produced  is  measured.     By  proceeding  in  this  manner, 
the  combustion  lasts  only  a  fraction  of  a  second,  and  is  always 
total,  at  least  for  gases  properly  so  called ;  in  short,  the  calori- 
metric  measurement  is  effected  in  the  shortest  possible  time — 
that  is  to  say,  under  the  conditions  of  the  greatest  accuracy. 

3.  From  this  measurement  is  deduced,  by  calculation,  the  heat 
liberated  by  the  total  combustion  of  the  gas,  simple  or  com- 
pound.    If,  further,  the  sum  of  the  quantities  of  heat  liberated 
by  the  combustion  of  the  elements,  when  the  gas  is  compound, 
be  known,  it  is  sufficient  to  deduct  from  this  sum  the  heat  of 
combustion  of  the  said  compound  gas  to  obtain  the  heat  of 
formation  of  this  gas,  by  means  of  its  elements. 

For  example,  marsh  gas,  CH4,  taken  at  the  weight  of  16  grms., 
liberates,  when  burning  at  constant  pressure,  213*5  Cal.  Now 
its  elements  liberate  respectively,  for  C  =  12  grms.,  taken  in  the 
diamond  form,  94  Cal.,  and  for  H4  =  4  grms.,  138  Cal. ;  hence 
we  conclude  that  the  formation  of  marsh  gas  from  its  elements 
C  (diamond)  +  H4  =  CH4;  liberates  +  94  +  138  -  213-5  = 
+  18-5  Cal. 

4.  The  same  method  has  enabled  the  author  to  measure  in  an 
inverse  sense  the  heat  of  formation  of  nitric  oxide  employed 
as  oxygen  yielding  gas.  This  gas,  mixed  with  hydrogen,  does 
not  detonate  under  the  influence  of  the  electric  spark ;  but  it 
explodes  violently  when  mixed  with  ethylene  or  cyanogen. 
Such  a  mixture  has,  therefore,  been  made  in  the  proportions 
strictly  necessary  for  total  combustion,  exploded  in  the  apparatus, 
and  the  heat  liberated  measured. 

The  same  experiment  has  been  made  with  the  same  com- 
bustible gases  and  pure  oxygen. 

This  having  been  done,  it  is  sufficient  to  deduct  the  heat 
liberated  in  the  first  case  from  that  produced  in  the  second,  in 
order  to  obtain  the  heat  of  formation  of  nitric  oxide  by  its 
elements  without  any  other  data  than  these  two  intervening  in 
this  calculation.  In  this  way  we  find  a  negative  number,  viz. 
-  21-6  Cal.  for  N  +  0  =  NO  (30  grms.),  which  means  that  the 
combustion  of  an  oxidisable  body,  effected  by  nitric  oxide, 
liberates  more  heat  than  the  same  combustion  effected  by  pure 

Thus  nitric  oxide  is  formed  from  its  elements  with  absorp- 



tion  of  heat,  and  contains  more  energy  than  the  oxygen  and 
nitrogen  which  constitute  it.   This  circumstance  is  all-important, 

for  it  explains  the  combustion 
power  of  the  oxygenated  com- 
pounds of  nitrogen. 

5.  This  being  established,  we 
proceed  to  describe  the  apparatus 
employed,  and  to  give  some  types 
of  experiments  in  order  to  charac- 
terise the  method.  As  for  the  forms 
of  the  apparatus,  they  belong  to 
two  models — the  ellipsoidal  and 
the  semi-cylindrical  bomb,  the 
method  of  closing  these  two  models 
being  slightly  different.  But  the 
introduction  of  the  gases,  their 
extraction,  the  ignition,  and  the 
measurement  of  the  heat  liberated 
are  always  effected  in  the  same 

Fig.  21  represents  the  calori- 
rnetric  bomb  employed  for  the 
author's  first  measurements.  Its 
capacity  is  218  cms.,  and  its  value 
in  water  51  grms. 

It  is  formed  of  a  receiver,  B'B', 
and  of  a  cover,  BB  (Fig.  22),  held 
together  by  a  screw  joint  provided 
with  lugs,  00,  both  of  steel  plate, 
2*5  mms.  in  thickness.  They  were 
electro-plated  internally  with  a  very  thick  layer  of  gold,  weighing 
about  22  grms.,  which  resisted  all  the  explosions.  At  first  the 

bomb  was  plated  internally  with 
platinum,  but  platinum  thus  de- 
posited does  not  stand  prolonged 
use.  After  a  certain  number  of 
observations,  the  platinum  is  raised, 
I  or  eliminated,  during  cleaning,  and 
-  the  exposed  iron  becomes  oxidised 
during  the  explosions,  especially 
when  water  is  formed.  Platinum 
electro-plating  was  therefore  com- 
pletely abandoned.  The  weight 
of  the  gold  fixed  on  the  interior 
should  be  determined  by  special 
weighings,  so  as  to  be  able  to  find  the  value  of  it  in  water, 
simultaneously  with  that  of  the  steel.  The  exterior  surface  of 
the  bomb  was  also  nickel-plated,  to  render  it  less  oxidisable. 

Fig.  21. — Calometric  bomb 

Fig.  22.— Cover. 



The  cover  carries  laterally  an  insulating  ivory  fitting  traversed 
by  a  platinum  wire,//,  which  is  fitted  with  a  small  screwed 
portion,  which  holds  it  in  the  ivory.  By  this  wire  the  electric 
spark  is  made  to  pass. 

In  every  experiment,  before  closing  the  apparatus,  a  small 
mica  disk,  pierced  in  the  centre,  is  fitted  to  the  surface  of  the 
ivory  to  protect  the  latter  from  the  flame  of  the  explosion. 
The  gases  are  introduced  at  the  outset,  and  extracted  at  the  end 

Fig.  23. — Bomb  suspended  in  the  calorimeter. 

by  the  aid  of  a  mercury  pump,  combined  with  an  apparatus 
similar  to  Eegnault's  eudiometer,  but  greater  in  capacity  (half  a 
litre) ;  this  introduction  being  effected  through  an  orifice,  p, 
which  can  be  stopped  at  will  by  the  screw  W,  fitted  with  a 
head  0  and  a  channel  KK'. 

Fig.  23  shows  the  calorimetric  bomb  in  place  inside  the 
calorimeter,  with  its  supports  and  the  glass  three-way  cocks  for 
operating  it. 



6.  M.  Golaz  also  constructed  for  the  author  another  apparatus 
of  a  similar  form,  whoUy  of  platinum  internally,  Covered 
externally  with  sheet  steel.  The  screw  and  the  tube  which  it 
traverses  are  entirely  of  platinum,  which  allows  of  passin- 
chlorine,  and  sulphuretted  or  acid  gases  through  it.  The  con* 

Fig.  24. 

struction    of  this    platinum 

Fig.  25. 

screw  is   a  real   masterpiece   of 


Fig.  24  is  the  drawing  of  this  apparatus  complete  Fig  25 
represents  the  receiver  apart.  Fig.  26,  the  cover  fitted  with  the 
closing  screw.  Fig.  27,  the  tightening  piece,  F  F,  of  the  cover 

Fig  26.— Cover.          Fig  27.— Tightening  piece.        Fig  28.— Auxiliary  nut. 

Lastly,  Fig.  28,  the  auxiliary  nut  E,  fitted  with  two  pins  a,  a', 
for  screwing  up  the  preceding  piece.  This  nut  does  not  form 
part  of  the  apparatus  immersed  in  the  calorimeter. 

The  second  apparatus  has  an  internal  capacity  equal  to 
247  cms.,  contains  662  grms.  of  platinum  and  419  grms.  of  steel, 
and  is  equivalent  in  water  to  70*4  grms. 

Its  dimensions  have  been  arranged  so  as  to  make  it  act  in  the 
calorimeter  of  1  litre,  containing  only  550  grms.  of  water. 

7.  By  proceeding  in  this  way,  the  elevation  of  temperature 
may  amount  to  1'5°  to  2'0°. 


The  calorimetric  measurements,  carried  out  to  within  ^J0  of 
a  degree,  involves  a  smaller  error  than  by  the  old  method, 
seeing  that  the  combustions  are  generally  total,  and  the  correc- 
tions extremely  reduced,  through  the  short  duration  of  the 

However,  the  accuracy  is  limited  by  the  weight  of  the 
substance  on  which  we  are  obliged  to  operate ;  the  weight  of 
the  carbonic  acid  formed  generally  not  exceeding  0*200  grms.  to 
0*300  in  the  most  favourable  cases. 

The  quantity  of  gas  burnt  may  be  estimated  either  from  its 
initial  volume,  or  from  the  weight  of  its  products. 

The  estimation  of  the  initial  volume  presents  great  difficulties, 
owing  to  the  necessity  of  taking  into  account  the  internal  spaces 
of  the  tubes  joining  the  bomb  to  the  receivers  in  which  the 
gases  are  measured.  It  has,  however,  been  effected  in  the  case 
of  hydrogen. 

But  in  the  majority  of  cases  it  is  preferable  to  weigh,  after 
combustion,  the  gaseous  products,  which  reduce  themselves 
ordinarily  to  carbonic  acid.  With  this  object  the  gases  are 
collected  from  the  bomb,  after  explosion,  by  means  of  a  mercury 
pump,  and  passed  through  a  tube  filled  with  pumice-stone  and 
sulphuric  acid,  which  dries  them,  then  through  a  Liebig  tube 
filled  with  potash,  followed  by  a  TJ  tube  filled  with  solid  potash, 
in  order  to  absorb  the  carbonic  acid.  The  bomb  is  thrice 
filled  with  air  free  from  carbonic  acid,  in  order  to  clear  out  the 
gases  completely,  and  each  time  the  gases  extracted  from  the 
bomb  are  passed  through  the  Liebig  tube.  The  latter,  and  the 
tube  filled  with  solid  potash,  are  finally  weighed.  It  is  necessary 
to  further  make  the  following  verifications. 

In  the  first  place,  the  combustion  of  each  gas  is  effected  in 
the  eudiometer,  over  mercury,  in  order  to  see  that  it  is  pure  and 
gives  the  theoretical  figures. 

Then  a  similar  combustion  is  carried  out  in  the  calorimetric 
bomb,  the  whole  of  the  gases  are  extracted  from  it  by  the  pump, 
and  collected  over  mercury.  After  the  absorption  of  the  car- 
bonic acid  and  of  the  oxygen,  it  is  ascertained  whether  there 
remains  any  trace  of  combustible  gas  (carbonic  oxide,  hydrogen, 
marsh  gas,  etc.). 

This  verification  is  made,  first  with  the  aid  of  acid  cuprous 
chloride,  then  by  means  of  a  fresh  attempt  at  burning,  by  a 
proper  quantity  of  oxygen.  If  nothing  burn,  there  is  added 
to  the  mixture  the  half  of  its  volume  of  electrolytic  gas,  and  the 
attempt  is  repeated. 

In  this  manner  it  has  been  ascertained  that  the  combustions 
are  total  with  all  hydrocarbon  gases  properly  so  called,  such  as 
methane,  methene,  ethylene,  ethene,  ethane,  dimethyl,  pro- 
pylene,  etc. 

8.  The  combustion  of  nitrated,  chlorinated,  brominated,  iodated 


and  sulphuretted  gases  can  likewise  be  effected  in  the  platinum 
detonator  which  has  just  been  described. 

9.  Not  only  are  permanent  gases   burnt  in  the   apparatus 
above  described,  but  it  is  easy  to  burn  in  them  every  vapour 
the  tension  of  which  is  sufficient  for  it  to  be  completely  trans- 
formed into  gas  in  the  volume  of  oxygen  capable  of  completely 
burning  it.     In  this  case  the  liquid  is  weighed  in  a  small  sealed 
glass  bulb,  and  the  bulb  is  placed  in  the  bomb ;  the  latter  is 
closed  and  filled  with  oxygen,  then  by  a  few  shocks  the  bulb  is 
broken.     In  a  few  moments  after  vaporisation  has  taken  place 
the  bomb  is  placed  in  the  calorimeter.     After  five  or  six  minutes, 
during  which  the  thermometer  is  observed,  the  gas  is  exploded, 
and  the  carbonic  acid  is  collected  and  weighed  as  above. 

By  proceeding  in  this  manner  we  have  the  advantage  of 
being  able  to  control  the  weight  of  carbonic  acid  obtained,  by 
the  weight  of  the  original  liquid. 

In  the  case  of  aldehyde,  glycolic  ether,  hydrocyanic  acid, 
hydrochloric  and  hydrobromic  ethers,  methylic  and  ethylic 
alcohols,  etc.,  the  operations  have  been  carried  out  in  the  above 

The  combustions  are  total  for  every  vapour  having  a  consider- 
able tension,  such  as  that  of  bodies  boiling  below  50°. 

But  for  the  less  volatile  bodies,  as  benzene,  there  is  no  longer 
the  same  certainty  of  total  combustion,  probably  owing  to  the 
condensation  of  some  trace  of  matter  on  the  walls  and  in  the 
grooves  of  the  apparatus.  In  this  exceptional  case,  the  detona- 
tion method  loses  some  of  its  advantages  and  requires  corrections 
similar  to  the  ordinary  method  by  combustion. 

10.  The  figures  obtained  by  detonation  have  not  exactly  the 
same  significance  as  those  obtained  in  the  ordinary  heats  of 
combustion  ;  the  latter  are  carried  out  at  constant  pressure,  the 
former  at   constant  volume.     By   this    method    numbers   are 
obtained  which  are  better  adapted  to  the  majority  of  theoretical 

It  is,  moreover,  easy  to  pass  from  the  numbers  obtained  at 
constant  volume  to  those  which  would  be  obtained  at  constant 
pressure.  According  to  the  formula  given  above 

Qtp  =  Qtv  +  0-5424  (N  -  N')  +  0-002  (1ST  -  W)t. 

Take,  for  example,  the  combustion  of  carbonic  oxide  at  15°. 
CO  4-  0  =  C02  liberates  at  constant  volume  +  68*0  Cal.  In 
order  to  pass  from  this  to  the  heat  liberated  at  constant  pressure 
we  should  note  that  on  one  hand  CO  occupies  a  unit  of  volume, 
0  a  half-unit.  Therefore 

N  =  l£. 

On  the  other  hand  C02  occupies  a  unit  of  volume. 

N'  =  l 
N  -  N'  =    . 


At  0°  we  should  therefore  have  for  the  difference  between  the 
heats  of  combustion  at  constant  pressure  and  at  constant 

+  0-54  X  J  =  +  0-27. 

At  15°  to  this  figure  must  be  added  +  0'03,  which  raises  the 
correction  to  +  0*30.     The  heat  of  combustion  of  carbonic  oxide 
at  constant  pressure  and  at  15°  will  therefore  be  +  68*3  Cal. 
Take  again  the  combustion  of  ethane — 

C2H6  +  07  =  2C02  +  3H20 

ff  =  l  +  3J  =  4J 
N'  =  2  (assuming  water  liquid) 

N  -  N'  =  2£. 

The  difference  between  the  two  heats  of  combustion  is  ex- 
pressed at  15°  by  +  1425  Cal. 

The  correction  relative  to  condensation  should  in  principle  be 
reduced  by  a  small  quantity  on  account  of  the  appreciable 
tension  of  water  vapour  at  15°,  but  this  quantity  may  be 
neglected,  owing  to  its  smallness,  in  the  present  calculation. 

11.  We   should,  on   the   contrary,  bear  in  mind  that  the 
correction  due  to  the  formation  of  water  vapour  is  very  appreci- 
able in  the  calculation  of  the  heat  of  combustion  at  constant 
volume,  as  well  as  at  constant  pressure,  seeing  that  it  represents 
the  formation  of  gaseous  water,  which  liberates  less  heat  than 
the  formation  of  liquid  water.     It  has  been  verified  in  all  these 
experiments  from  the  internal  capacity  of  the  bomb,  and  con- 
formably to  Kegnault's  tables  for  the  tension  of  water  vapour 
and  the  vaporisation  heat  of  water,  at  the  temperature  of  the 

12.  More  than  three  hundred  explosions  have  been  effected  in 
these  instruments.     No  accident  has  occurred  in  the  instruments 
themselves,  in  spite  of  the  magnitude  of  the  sudden  pressures 
developed  during  the  explosions.     These  pressures  are  estimated 
at  fifty  atmospheres  in  certain  cases   where   previously  com- 
pressed gaseous  mixtures  have  been  operated  upon. 

13.  We    have,   however,    twice    observed    the    spontaneous 
explosion  of  the  gaseous  mixtures  while  they  were  being  shaken 
in  closed  and  very  dry  glass  vessels,  with  mercury.    This  very 
serious  and  singular  accident  appears  due  to  internal  electric 
sparks,  produced  by  the  friction  of  the  mercury  on  the  glass  of 
the  flasks,  these  being  held  in  the  hand  and  realising  conditions 
of  condensation  similar  to  those  of  a  Ley  den  jar. 

14.  We  shall  now  expound  the  data  of  a  determination,  with 
the  object  of  showing  the  method  followed  in  the  experiments, 
verifications  and  calculations. 

Ethane. — The  gas  was  prepared  by  the  electrolysis  of 
potassium  acetate.  It  was  freed  from  carbonic  acid  by  potash, 
from  ethylene  by  bromine,  and  from  carbonic  oxide  by  a  pro- 


longed  shaking  over  mercury  with  its  own  volume  of  acid 
cuprous  chloride. 

Its  composition  was  verified ;  102  vols.  of  this  gas,  burnt  in 
the  eudiometer  by  a  slight  excess  of  oxygen  (360  vols.),  produced 
200 '5  vols.  of  carbonic  acid.  The  total  diminution  of  the 
volume  after  explosion  and  absorption  of  carbonic  acid,  amounted 
to  451  vols. ;  the  remainder,  deprived  of  the  excess  of  oxygen  by 
hydrosulphite,  yielded  two  volumes  of  nitrogen. 

According  to  the  formula  C2H6  -f  07  =  2C02  +  3H20, 
100  vols.  of  combustible  hydrocarbon  should  have  produced 
200  vols.  of  carbonic  acid,  occasioning  a  total  diminution  of  450 

The  gas  analysed  was  therefore  ethane,  containing  only  two 
hundredth  parts  of  nitrogen,  which  have  no  appreciable  influence 
on  the  heat  of  combustion. 

The  foregoing  results  show  that  the  gas  employed  is  really 
ethane,  and  that  its  combustion  by  a  slight  excess  of  oxygen  is 
total.  However,  it  has  appeared  useful  to  prove  that  the  com- 
bustion is  effected  in  the  same  manner  in  the  calorimetric 
bomb,  that  is  to  say,  that  the  above  equation  is  applicable  to 
the  measurement  itself. 

With  this  object,  the  bomb  was  filled  with  the  mixture  of 
ethane  and  oxygen  in  suitable  proportions,  placed  in  the  water 
of  the  calorimeter,  and  the  gases  exploded ;  then  the  whole  of 
the  gases  contained  in  the  bomb  were  extracted  by  the  aid  of 
a  mercury  pump,  passed  into  a  large  test-tube,  in  which  the 
carbonic  acid  was  absorbed  by  potash  and  the  excess  of  oxygen 
by  hydrosulphite. 

It  is  known  that  this  reagent  does  not  act  either  on  carbonic 
oxide  or  on  hydrocarbons.  The  residuum  thus  obtained  under- 
went no  diminution  of  volume  by  cuprous  chloride,  it  was  not 
combustible,  and,  mixed  with  half  of  its  volume  of  oxygen,  it 
did  not  explode  under  the  influence  of  the  electric  spark.  In 
another  trial,  for  greater  certainty,  the  analogous  residuum  was 
mixed  with  its  own  volume  of  electrolytic  gas  after  adding 
oxygen  to  it,  in  order  to  burn  the  last  traces  of  combustible 
gases,  if  such  existed.  But  this  test  showed  that  there  remained 
in  the  residuum  nothing  but  nitrogen.  The  combustion  of 
the  ethane-  in  the  calorimetric  bomb  had  therefore  been  total, 
as  well  as  in  the  eudiometer. 

The  following  are  the  figures  of  a  calorimetric  experiment 
performed  on  October  28,  1880. 

200  cub.  cms.  of  ethane  and  720  cub.  cms.  of  pure  oxygen 
were  mixed  over  mercury,  and  the  mixture  was  passed,  with  the 
aid  of  a  system  of  suitable  tubes,  into  the  calorimetric  steel 
bomb  lined  with  platinum,  shown  on  p.  152,  a  vacuum  having 
previously  been  created  in  the  bomb  with  the  aid  of  the  mercury 
pump.  The  cock  of  the  bomb  was  closed,  and  the  latter  was 


introduced  into  a  platinum  calorimeter  of  a  capacity  equal  to 
1  litre.  Owing  to  the  displacement  produced  by  the  bomb 
550  cub.  cms.  of  water  sufficed  to  fill  the  calorimeter  and 
cover  the  bomb,  with  the  exception  of  the  screw-cock.  The 
thermometer,  which  served  at  the  same  time  for  stirrer,  was 
put  in  place.  The  value  in  water  of  the  calorimeter,  the 
thermometer,  and  of  the  bomb  amounted  to  770-4  grms. 

The  whole  was  left  at  rest  for  some  time,  in  order  to  allow 
the  equilibrium  of  temperatures  to  become  established.  This 
accomplished,  the  following  is  the  course  of  the  thermometer : — 

At  the  outset 13-295° 

After  1  minute 13'295° 

„     2  minutes            13-295° 

„     3      „                  13-295° 

„     4     „                  13-295° 

„     5     „                  13-295° 

The  explosion  is  then  caused  by  passing  a  single  spark, 
supplied  by  a  very  small  induction  coil  and  a  bichromate  cell. 
The  noise  of  this  explosion  is  faint,  but  appreciable  with  ethane ; 
this  gas,  and  diallyl,  have  produced  the  greatest  noise.  Often, 
in  this  kind  of  experiments,  the  noise  of  explosion  is  not  even 
heard,  and  its  existence  only  known  by  the  heating  of  the  water 
in  the  calorimeter. 

The  following  is  the  continuation  of  this  experiment : — 

After    6  minutes  (from  the  outset)       14-740° 

„       7  „                  14-745° 

8  14-735° 

„       9  „                  14-725° 

„     10  „                  14-715° 

11  14-705° 

„     12  „  ...  14-695° 

The  readings  are  suspended. 

It  will  be  noticed  how  short  the  combustion  is,  and  how 
sharply  defined  are  the  phases  of  the  calorimetric  measurements. 
This  done,  the  carbonic  acid  is  extracted  from  the  bomb  with 
the  aid  of  the  mercury  pump,  it  is  dried  by  passing  it  through 
a  curved  tube  of  concentrated  sulphuric  acid,  and  a  U  tube 
filled  with  pumice-stone  and  sulphuric  acid,  then  it  is  slowly 
passed  through  a  Liebig  tube  with  liquid  potash,  followed  by  a 
small  U  tube  with  solid  potash. 

The  extraction  being  carried  out,  and  the  vacuum  established 
down  to  a  few  millimetres  of  mercury,  air  (freed  from  carbonic 
acid)  is  allowed  to  enter  the  bomb,  then  this  air  is  extracted  by 
the  pump  and  passed  in  its  turn  through  the  potash.  This 
operation  is  thrice  repeated  in  order  to  extract  the  last  traces  of 
carbonic  acid  formed  by  the  combustion.  The  extraction  lasts 
altogether  about  a  quarter  of  an  hour.  When  it  is  accomplished, 
the  Liebig  tube  joined  to  the  U  tube  is  weighed,  the  increase  of 


weight  being  equal  to  the  weight  of  carbonic  acid  formed.  It 
has  been  found  to  be  0*2090  grm.  in  the  above  experiment. 
This  being  established,  let  us  calculate  the  heat  produced.  It 
is  equal  to  the  product  of  the  masses  reduced  to  water  and 
multiplied  by  the  variation  of  temperature  ;  Sft  +  At 

Sju  =  550  +  77'4  =  6274, 

A*  =  14745  -  13-295,  or  1-45°  +  p, 

p  being  the  heat  lost  by  cooling. 

Now,  in  the  initial  period  of  five  minutes  which  preceded 
explosion  there  was  neither  gain  nor  loss.  The  maximum  was 
established  one  minute  and  a  half  after  explosion.  In  the  five 
following  minutes  (final  period)  the  loss  was  regular  and  equal 
to  0*01°  per  minute.  This  being  determined  between  the  fifth 
and  the  sixth  minute  the  loss  may  be  estimated  at  the  half,  or 
0-005°;  between  the  seventh  and  eighth  it  is  0-01°.  The  total 
correction  will  therefore  be  0'015,  which  makes  t  =  1465°. 

The  heat  liberated  is  6274  X  1465  =  919-14  cal.  But 
this  figure  does  not  correspond  to  a  total  transformation  of 
ethane  into  gaseous  carbonic  acid  and  liquid  water.  In  fact, 
a  certain  quantity  of  water  retains  the  gaseous  state  in  the 
interior  of  the  bomb.  This  quantity  is  easy  to  calculate,  for  it 
corresponds  to  the  maximum  tension  of  water  vapour  at  1474°, 
viz.  12*5  mms.  according  to  Eegnault's  tables.  The  capacity 
of  the  bomb  being  247  cub.  cms.,  and  the  density  of  water 
vapour  at  14*7°  being  supposed  theoretical  (which  is  very  near 
the  reality,  according  to  Eegnault's  experiments),  the  real 
weight  of  the  gaseous  water  remaining  in  the  bomb  may  be 
estimated  at 

-         1  2<F>  1 

0-806  grm.  x  -^-  X  —  X  -  -  -  =  0*0031  grm. 
1000       760      1  +  0*00367  x  1474 

Now,  the  vaporisation  of  this  weight  of  water  at  15°,  still  follow- 
ing Eegnault,  absorbs  —1*85  cal.,  a  quantity  which  must  be 
added  with  the  contrary  sign  to  919*14  cal.,  which  makes  in 
all  +  920-99  cal.  This  is  the  heat  liberated  by  the  combustion 
of  the  weight  of  ethane  which  gave  0-2090  grm.  of  carbonic 

But  1  equiv.  of  ethane  C2H6  =  30  grms.,  would  have  yielded 
88  grms.  of  carbonic  acid.  It  is  therefore  sufficient  to  calculate 
the  heat  liberated  by  the  formation  of  88  grms.  of  carbonic 
acid  to  obtain  the  heat  of  combustion  of  ethane  at  constant 
volume,  viz.  387*78  Cal. 

At  constant  pressure  this  figure  must  be  increased  by  1425, 
according  to  the  formula  on  page  154,  which  makes  389*21  Cal. 
This  is  the  heat  of  combustion  of  ethane  deduced  from  the  above 

15.  The  method  just  described  has  been  applied  to  the  study 


of  the  combustion  of  the  following  thirty  gases  and  vapours,  all 
combustible  bodies.1 


Carbonic  oxide. 

Hydrocarbons,  such  as  methane,  ethane,  ethylene,  acetylene, 
hydride  of  propylene,  propylene,  allylene,  benzine,  dipropargyl, 

Oxygenated  compounds,  such  as  methylic  ether,  glycolic 
ether,  aldehyde,  methylformic  and  ethylformic  ethers,  dimethylic 

Nitrated  compounds,  such  as  cyanogen,  hydrocyanic  acid, 
trimethylamine,  ethylamine. 

Chlorated,  bromated,  iodated  compounds,  such  as  methyl- 
chlorhydric,  methylbromhydric,  methyliodhydric,  ethylchlor- 
hydric  and  ethylbromhydric  ethers,  chlorides  of  methylene  and 

Sulphuretted  compounds,  such  as  carbon  disulphide. 

It  has  also  been  used  by  an  inverse  process  to  measure  the 
heat  of  formation  of  the  combustive  gases,  such  as  nitrogen 
monoxide,  and  nitric  oxide  (p.  149),  the  heat  of  formation 
of  these  gases  being  deduced  from  the  difference  between  the 
heats  of  combustion  of  the  same  carburetted  (carbone)  gas  by 
pure  oxygen  on  the  one  hand,  and  by  the  oxygenated  gas  on 
the  other. 

1  "Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  se*rie,  torn,  xxiji.  p.  115  and 

(    160    ) 




1.  POTASSIUM  nitrate,  otherwise  termed  nitre,  or  saltpetre,  has 
been  employed  for  many  centuries  as  an  ingredient  of  gun- 
powder. Its  use  was  discovered  by  empirical  means ;  but  theory 
only  commenced  to  throw  a  light  upon  it  a  century  ago,  when 
the  part  played  by  oxygen  in  combustion  was  discovered  by 
Lavoisier,  as  well  as  the  presence  of  a  great  quantity  of  oxygen 
in  potassium  nitrate,  but  the  difference  between  these  two 
substances  as  regards  their  explosive  action  has  only  become 
clear  within  the  last  few  years,  as  being  due  not  to  a  difference 
in  chemical  composition,  but  rather  as  explicable  on  thermo- 
chemical  grounds.1 

The  determinations  in  question  presented  extraordinary  diffi- 
culties, and  the  results  were  not  realized  at  the  first  attempt. 
They  only  reached  their  full  accuracy  after  a  series  of  experiments. 

Attention  has  since  been  directed  towards  obtaining  more 
exact  values,  and  the  scope  of  the  work  has  been  extended  to 
the  heat  of  formation  of  the  various  oxygenated  compounds  of 
nitrogen,  and  iis  theoretical  importance  has  therefore  consider- 
ably increased.  The  following  are  the  results  obtained  with 
nitric  oxide,  which  is  the  origin  of  most  of  the  others. 


1.  The  series  of  the  five  oxides  of  nitrogen,  formed  in  propor- 
tions varying  according  to  simple  ratios  of  weight  and  volume, 

1  The  measurement  of  the  heat  of  formation  of  potassium  nitrate  involved 
an  elaborate  series  of  experiments,  based  partly  on  the  previous  determinations 
of  Dulong,  Hess,  Graham,  Favre  and  Silbermann,  Andrews,  Wood,  Thomsen, 
Deville  and  Hautefeuille,  Bunsen  and  Schischkoff,  etc.,  but  largely  on  experi- 
ments begun  in  1870  by  the  author;  and  the  following  data,  relating  to  the 
heat  of  formation  of  the  oxygen  compounds  of  nitrogen,  were  an  outcome  of 
this  investigation. — EDS. 


is  one  of  the  most  important  in  chemistry.  The  knowledge  of 
the  heats  of  formation  of  these  oxides  offers  the  more  interest 
as  the  two  first  are  formed  with  absorption  of  heat  from  their 
elements,  while  the  three  others  are,  on  the  contrary,  formed 
with  liberation  of  heat  from  nitric  oxide,  which  plays  the  part  of 
a  true  radical.  A  knowledge  of  the  heats  of  formation  of  these 
bodies  is,  moreover,  indispensable  to  the  theoretical  study  of 
explosive  substances,  of  which  they  go  to  form  the  greater  part. 
Unfortunately,  the  exact  determination  of  these  quantities  pre- 
sents great  difficulties,  as  is  the  case  with  combinations  which 
cannot  be  brought  about  by  direct  synthesis. 

The  figure  deduced  by  Favre  and  Thomsen,  namely  267  Cal., 
from  the  action  of  chlorine  on  ammonia,  was  found  to  be  wide 
of  the  truth  by  the  author,  who  estimated  it  at  12*2  Cal.,  and 
this  last  figure  has  since  been  confirmed  by  Thomsen,  so  that  all 
values  up  to  that  date  in  which  the  formation  of  ammonia 
intervenes  have  to  be  corrected  by  14*5  Cal.  But,  before 
applying  such  a  correction  to  the  heat  of  formation  of  the 
oxides  of  nitrogen,  the  author  endeavoured,  with  success,  to 
measure  this  more  directly  by  comparing  the  heat  of  combustion 
of  methene  and  of  cyanogen  when  burnt  in  oxygen  and  in 
nitric  oxide  respectively.  The  results  obtained  were  practically 
identical,  and  the  method  admits  of  rapid  and  exact  manipula- 
tion, and  the  figures  obtained  are  therefore  incomparably  more 
valuable  than  the  previous  ones  based  on  no  less  than  nine 
experimental  data.  The  following  are  the  details  of  the 

The  combustible  chosen  was  cyanogen  or  ethylene.  It  was 
found  that  the  slow  combustion  of  a  mixture  of  cyanogen, 
ethylene  or  carbon  disulphide  with  nitric  oxide  always  pro- 
duced an  abundance  of  nitrous  vapours;  but  this  is  avoided 
by  detonating  the  cyanogen  and  nitric  oxide  in  the  calorimetric 

1.  Combustion  of  Cyanogen  by  free  Oxygen. 

The  explosion  of  the  following  gaseous  mixture:  26  grm. 
CN  +  02  =  C02  +  N  liberated  +  131'0,  and  +  1307,  the  mean 
being :  +  130*9 ;  explosion  at  constant  volume. 

Hence  we  obtain  the  heat  absorbed  in  the  union  of  carbon 
(diamond)  and  nitrogen. 

C  (diamond)  +  N"  =  CN  absorbs  -  36'9. 

In  another  series  of  experiments  made  by  burning  a  jet  of 
cyanogen  in  oxygen  at  constant  pressure  -I-  131 '6,  for  the  heat 
of  combustion,  and  -  37'6,  for  the  heat  of  formation,  were  the 
figures  obtained.  The  numbers  found,  whether  at  constant 
pressure  or  at  constant  volume,  can  therefore  be  regarded  as 
identical,  which  one  would  expect,  as  the  combustion  of 
cyanogen  by  free  oxygen  does  not  give  rise  to  any  change  of 



volume.      This    remark   applies   likewise  to   the    combustion 
of  cyanogen  by  nitric  oxide. 

2.  Combustion  of  Cyanogen  by  Nitric  Oxide. 

The  explosion  of  the  following  gaseous  mixture,  CN  +  2NO 
=  C02  +  N3  gave  +  175-3  ;  +  172-9  ;  +  175-0 ;  +  174-4 ;  + 
175 -3 ;  the  mean  being  174-6 ;  explosion  at  constant  volume. 

The  difference  between  this  number  and  the  figure  +  130-9 
obtained  with  free  oxygen  under  the  same  conditions,  viz.  the 
value  -|-  43*7,  represents  the  heat  liberated  by  the  decomposition 
of  2NO  into  its  elements.  According  to  these  two  data,  the 
union  of  nitrogen  with  oxygen  to  form  nitric  oxide  (NO 
30  grms.),  N  +  0  =  NO  absorbs  -  21-8  Cal. 

3.  Combustion  of  Ethylene  Try  free  Oxygen  and  Nitric  Oxide. 

Similar  experiments  were  made  with  ethylene,  and  yielded 
the  same  results.  It  is,  therefore,  unnecessary  to  enter  into 
details.  It  will  be  sufficient  to  state  that  the  difference  between 
the  numbers  observed  corresponding  to  the  union  of  the  elements 
nitrogen  and  oxygen  N  -f  0  =  NO,  was  -  21 -6  Cal. 


The  heat  of  formation  of  nitrogen  monoxide  was  measured  by 
exploding  carbonic  oxide  mixed  first  with  this  gas  and  then 
with  oxygen  and  taking  the  difference  of  the  two  results. 

1.  Combustion  of  Carbonic  Oxide  by  Oxygen. 

CO  (14  grms.)  +0  =  CO*  liberated  +  33'7  and  +  34'4.  The 
mean,  +  34'0,  refers  to  the  explosion  at  constant  volume. 

From  this  we  pass  to  the  heat  of  the  combustion  at  constant 
pressure  1  by  adding  0'14,  by  reason  of  the  condensation  which 
reduces  1 J  vols.  of  the  explosive  mixture  to  1  vol. ;  we  thus 
obtain  3414  cals.  This  figure  agrees  almost  exactly  with  that 
previously  obtained  by  the  combustion  of  a  jet  of  carbonic  oxide 
in  oxygen,  viz.  +  34-09.2  It  also  agrees  with  the  value  obtained 
by  the  wet  process  3  with  formic  acid,  by  oxidizing  on  one  hand 
the  formic  acid,  and  on  the  other  hand  transforming  it  into 
water  and  "carbonic  oxide.  By  this  method  the  combustion  of 
carbonic  oxide  gave  -f  34'25. 

2.  Combustion  of  Carbonic  Oxide  by  Nitrogen  Monoxide. 
CO  +  N20,  22  grms.  =  C02  +  N2  liberated ;  +  44'0  ;  -f  451 ; 
-f-  441,  the  mean  being  44"4 ;  explosion  at  constant  volume. 

1  "  Essai  de  Me*canique  Chimique,"  torn.  i.  p.  115. 

2  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5"  seVie,  torn.  xiii.  p.  13. 

3  Same  collection,  torn.  v.  p.  316. 



According  to  theory  this  number  is  the  same  at  constant 

It  follows  from  these  figures  that  the  formation  of  nitrogen 
monoxide  from  nitrogen  and  free  oxygen  at  constant  pressure 
N2  +  0  =  N20  absorbs  +  34'1  -  44'4  =  -  10'3 ;  or  for  N2  +  0 
=  N20  44  grms.  -  20*6  Cal. 

The  heat  absorbed  in  the  formation  of  the  monoxide  (—  10*3) 
is  practically  one  half  of  the  heat  absorbed  in  the  formation  of 
nitric  oxide  (—  21*6). 


1.  The  heat  of  formation  of  nitric  oxide   being  known,  it 
is  easy  to  obtain  from  it  those  of  the  higher  oxides ;  for  it  is 
easy  to  change  nitric  oxide,  under  conditions  of  calorimetric 
experiments,  into  nitrogen  pentoxide,  tetroxide,  and  trioxide. 

2.  Conversion   of  nitric   oxide  into   nitric   acid  by   several 
methods.      One  method  consists  in  first  forming  a  nitrite  and 
afterwards  oxidizing  it.     In  regard  to  the  formation  of  nitrites, 
nitric  oxide  and  oxygen  react  very  rapidly  upon  each  other, 
upon  contact  with  an  alkaline  base,  and  are  changed  almost  ex- 
clusively into  nitrites  whatever  be  the  relative  proportions  of 
the  two  gases.1 

This  experiment  was  made  in  a  closed  vessel  (Fig.  29)  of  a 
capacity   equal  to  800  cub.  cms. 
almost  filled  with  baryta  water,  the 
strength  and  weight  of  which  was 
accurately  measured. 

This  vessel  served  as  a  calori- 
meter; it  was  surrounded  by  an 
envelope,  as  in  the  annexed  figure. 

A  calorimetric  thermometer,  9, 
was  plunged  into  the  vessel,  pass- 
ing through  a  large  tube,  K,  at  the 
upper  orifice  of  which  it  was  fixed 
by  a  small  cork,  b.  The  vessel  itself 
was  closed  by  a  large  cork,  pierced 
with  four  holes,  one  for  the  passage 
of  the  tube,  K,  another  for  that  of 
a  tube,  t,  conducting  the  nitric 
oxide  and  dipping  into  the  liquid, 
a  third  hole  (hidden  by  the  large 

Fig.  29. 

tube  in  the  figure)  received  another  tube  for  supplying  the 

oxygen,  lastly  a  tube,  s,  for  carrying  away  the  excess  of  the  gases. 

Having  introduced  separately  into  the  calorimetric  apparatus 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  s£rie,  torn.  vi.  p.  193. 

M  2 


dry  nitric  oxide  and  oxygen,  and  shaken  them  incessantly,  the 
heat  liberated  and  the  increase  of  weight  was  measured  and  the 
amount  of  trioxide  and  pentoxide  formed  was  ascertained. 
The  weight  of  pentoxide  formed  is  always  very  slight,  it  has 
been  taken  account  of  in  the  calculations  according  to  the  data 
on  the  following  pages. 

The  following  was  found  upon  full  calculation, 

2NO  +  0  4-  BaO  =  (IST02)2Ba,  dissolved :  +  28'0  Cal. 

3.  Barium  Nitrite. — In  order  to  pass  from  barium  nitrite  in 
solution  to  nitrous  acid,  it  was  necessary  to  make  a  special 
study  of  barium  nitrite  itself,  this  salt  being  a  perfectly 
pure  and  well-defined  body,  and  intended  to  serve  as  starting 
point  for  other  experiments  on  the  respective  transformation 
of  the  nitrous  acid  and  of  the  nitrites  into  nitric  acid  and 

The  barium  nitrite  was  prepared  by  the  reaction  of  nitrous 
vapour  (starch  attacked  by  nitric  acid)  on  a  mixture  of  barium 
carbonate  and  hydrate  held  in  suspension  in  water.  The  barium 
nitrite  obtained  was  several  times  recrystallized,  and  its  purity 
verified  by  analysis. 

This  salt  crystallizes  in  brilliant  needle-shaped  prisms, 
gathered  together  without  order.  Very  slow  spontaneous 
evaporation  yields  large,  confused  twin  crystals,  which  have  the 
appearance  of  a  rather  acute,  double  hexagonal  pyramid.  This 
is  in  reality  a  limiting  form,  belonging  to  the  system  of  the 
straight  rhomboidal  prism,  and  analogous  to  that  of  potassium 
sulphate.  The  following  are  some  thermal  data  relative  to  this 
salt : — 

One  equivalent  (N02)2BaH20,  123'5  grms.  dissolved  in  60 
times  its  weight  of  water  absorbs  at  12°,  —  4'3  Cal. 

The  dissolving  of  the  anhydrous  salt  (N02)2Ba  =  114*5  grms. 
absorbs  at  12°,  -  2'84  Cal. 

It  follows  from  these  figures  that  the  reaction  (N"02)2Ba  solid 
+  H20  liquid  =  (N02).2BaH20  solid,  liberates  -f  T46. 

The  very  weak  solution  of  barium  nitrite,  decomposed  by 
dilute  sulphuric  acid,  liberates  for  1  equivalent,  +  7*9  Cal. 

Very  dilute  nitrous  acid  is  set  free  under  these  conditions 
without  very  sensible  formation  of  nitric  acid,  as  is  proved  by 
adding  potassium  permanganate  to  it.  Further,  the  formation 
of  barium  sulphate,  according  to  experiments  made  under  the 
same  conditions  of  dilution  and  temperature,  liberates  4-  18'50 ; 
starting  from  sulphuric  acid  and  the  diluted  base. 

From  these  figures  we  may  conclude  that,  N203  very  diluted  . 
+  BaO  diluted  =  Ba(N02)2  diluted,  liberates  +  10'6.     This  is 
3 '2  Cal.  less  than  nitric  and  hydrochloric  acid,  which  shows 
that  nitrous  acid  must  be  ranked  among  the  weak  acids. 

Dilute  hydrochloric  acid  completely  displaces   nitrous  acid 


from  alkaline  nitrites,  according  to  the  thermal  measurements, 
while  in  presence  of  baryta,  dilute  acetic  acid,  weaker  than 
hydrochloric  acid,  gives  rise  to  a  division,  variable  according  to 
the  relative  propositions. 

This  division  may  be  explained  by  partial  dehydration,  that 
is  to  say,  by  the  state  of  partial  dissociation  of  the  hydrate  of 
nitrous  acid  in  its  solution. 

4.  Ammonium  nitrite. — This  salt  in  the  solid  form  has  been 
but  little  studied.  The  author  having  had  occasion  to  prepare 
it  for  thermo-chemical  researches,  several  new  facts  have  been 
observed.  It  was  prepared  by  decomposing  pure  barium  nitrite 
by  ammonium  sulphate  in  exactly  equivalent  proportions  in 
the  cold.  The  filtered  liquid  was  evaporated  in  vacuo  over 
caustic  lime,  at  ordinary  temperatures.  The  operation  lasted 
several  weeks,  and,  owing  to  decomposition,  even  then  the  yield 
was  only  thirty  to  forty  per  cent,  of  that  required  by  theory. 
It  is  necessary  to  evaporate,  to  complete  dryness,  and  to  pre- 
serve the  solid  salt  in  vacuo,  over  caustic  lime.  The  mass  is 
white,  crystalline,  somewhat  elastic  and  tenacious,  so  that  it 
may  be  moulded  between  the  fingers,  and  adheres  to  the  sides 
of  the  containing  vessel.  It  is  perfectly  neutral,  and  corre- 
sponds to  the  formula  (NH4)  N02.  It  is  very  diliquescent.  At 
the  ordinary  winter  temperature,  it  decomposes  very  slowly ; 
at  that  of  summer  more  rapidly.  Heated  to  60°  or  70°  on  the 
water  bath,  it  detonates  violently  after  a  few  seconds.  It 
detonates  also  by  a  blow  from  a  hammer.  Its  decomposition 
disengages  weight  for  weight  about  three  quarters  as  much  heat 
as  nitroglycerin,  hence  its  activity.  It  cannot  be  kept  in  sealed 
tubes,  because  they  soon  explode,  from  the  pressure  of  the  gases 
generated.  It  is  best  kept  as  above. 

If  the  decomposition  take  place  with  explosion,  it  yields  only 
nitrogen.  When  gradually  decomposed  by  progressive  heating, 
the  salt  loses  at  first  a  little  ammonia,  and  afterwards  yields, 
together  with  free  nitrogen,  a  small  amount  of  the  monoxide, 
nitric  oxide,  and  trioxide  vapour. 

Its  very  slow  decomposition,  at  the  ordinary  temperature, 
yields  nitrogen  and  water,  without  affecting  its  neutrality. 

Aqueous  concentrated  solutions  decompose  more  rapidly  than 
the  dried  salt  in  the  cold,  so  that  when  agitated,  they  evolve 
gas  like  champagne.  Ammonium  nitrite  may  be  formed  syn- 
thetically by  mixing  together  nitric  oxide,  ammonia,  and  oxygen. 
The  solid  nitrite  condenses  on  the  walls  of  the  tube  in  crystal- 
line masses,  apparently  cubical  in  form. 

The  three  gases  immediately  react  on  each  other,  but  as  they 
do  not  contain  the  water  necessary  for  the  constitution  of 
ammonium  nitrite,  nitrogen  is  formed  at  the  same  moment. 
0  +  2NH3  =  2N2  +  3H20. 

2NO  +  0  +  2NH3  +  H20  =  2NH4N02. 


Both  reactions,  in  fact,  are  simultaneously  developed,  but 
the  volume  of  the  nitrogen  collected  is  much  greater  than 
that  which  should  be  produced  if  the  whole  of  the  available 
water  were  changed  into  ammonium  nitrite.  In  the  above 
experiments  it  represented  more  than  double  the  theoretical 
quantity,  which  is  easily  explained  by  the  simultaneous  de- 
composition of  a  portion  of  the  nitrite.  An  analysis  showed 
that  the  products  did  not  contain  any  sensible  proportion  of 

The  following  are  various  thermal  data  relative  to  ammonium 
nitrite.  NH4N02  (64  grms.)  dry  +  120  times  its  weight 
of  water  at  12'5°  absorbs  in  dissolving  475  Cal.  The  heat 
liberated  when  dilute  nitrous  acid  unites  with  ammonia  may 
be  deduced  from  the  heat  liberated  when  ammonium  sulphate  is 
precipitated  by  barium  nitrite,  N203  dilute  +  NH3  dilute  +  H2O 
liberates  -f  91. 

The  heat  liberated  by  its  decomposition  into  nitrogen  and 
water,  NH4N02  solid  =  N2  4-  2H20  liquid,  amounts,  according  to 
the  formula,  to  -f  73 '2 ;  the  water  being  gaseous,  we  should 
have  +  54  Cal. 

5.  Silver  nitrite. — By  double  decomposition  with  solutions  of 
different  degrees  of  concentration  N203  dissolved,  +  Ag2O  preci- 
pitated =  2AgN02  dissolved,  liberates  -}-  3*36.     N203  dissolved* 
4-  Ag20  precipitated  =  2AgN02  crystallised,  liberates  +  121. 

The  heat  absorbed  in  the  solution  of  an  equivalent  of  silver 
nitrite  is  equal  to  —  874  Cal. 

It  is  worthy  of  remark  that  the  thermal  formation  of  solid 
silver  nitrite  4-  821  exceeds  that  of  silver  nitrate  -f  10*9,  both 
formations  being  reckoned  from  the  diluted  base  and  acids  : 
while  the  formation  of  the  alkaline  nitrates,  such  as  solid 
barium  nitrate,  liberates  +  18*6,  and  that  of  ammonium  nitrate 
calculated  from  the  same  components  4-  187,  figures  which  are 
on  the  contrary  higher  than  the  heat  of  formation  of  the  corre- 
sponding nitrites.  In  fact,  the  formation  of  solid  barium  nitrite 
liberates  only  +  13 '4,  and  that  of  solid  ammonium  nitrite 
+  13*8. 

These  relations  deserve  some  attention,  for  they  tend  to 
connect  the  nitrites  with  the  chlorides  and  halogen  salts,  in  the 
case  of  which  the  thermal  formation  of  the  salts  of  silver, 
calculated  in  a  similar  manner,  exceeds  even  that  of  the  alkaline 
salts.  Such  relations  are  in  conformity  with  the  known 
analogies  between  the  group  (N02)  which  plays  the  part  of 
a  radical  compound  in  the  nitrites,  and  the  simple  radical 
halogens,  such  as  chlorine  and  its  congeners;  in  other  words, 
Ba(N02)2  is  here  compared  to  BaCl2  and  AgN02  to  AgCl. 

6.  Formation  of  nitrogen  trioxide. — The  preceding  numbers 
concerning  barium  nitrite  being  known,  the  heat  liberated  by 
the  transformation  of  nitric  oxide  into  dilute  nitrous  acid,  is 


deduced  from  them,  thus :  2NX3  +  O  4-  water  =  N203  dilute 
+  28-0  -  10-6  =  174  Cal.1 

From  this  figure,  and  from  the  heat  of  formation  of  nitric 
oxide,  is  deduced  the  formation  of  dilute  nitrogen  trioxide  from 
its  elements,  nitrogen  and  oxygen.  N2  4-  O3  +  water  =  N203 
dilute,  absorbs  —  4*2  Cal. 

The  experiments  relative  to  the  formation  of  nitrogen  trioxide 
might  be  quoted  here,  but  these  experiments  will  be  more  con- 
veniently described  after  those  relating  to  nitric  peroxide.  The 
numerical  result  will  suffice  at  present : — 

i(Na  +  08)  =  i(NaOa)  gas  absorbs  -  111  Cal.,  or  for  N203 
-  22-2  Cal. 

7.  Formation  of  the  nitrites  from  their  elements. — According 
to  the  above  numbers,  the  thermal  formation  of  the  nitrites  from 
their  elements  liberates — 

Salt  Salt 

dissolved.  anhydrous. 

Potassium  nitrite,  N  +  02  +  K  =  KN02        ...  +  887  ... 

Sodium  nitrite,  N  +  02  +  Na  =  NaN02        ...  +84-0  ... 

Ammonium  nitrite,  N2  +  02  +  H4  =  NH4N02  +60-0  ...     +64-8 

Barium  nitrite,2  N2  +  03  +  BaO  =  Ba(N02)2  +  26*8  ...     +  29'6 

Silver  nitrite,  N2  +  02  +  Ag  =  AgN02         ...  +2-7  ...     +11-4 


1.  The  heat  of  formation  of  this  body  was  measured  by  two 
inverse  methods,  and  according  to  three  distinct  processes, 
intended  to  control  one  another,  viz. 

(1)  By  synthesis  or  by  the  direct  reaction  of  nitric  oxide  on 
oxygen,  both  gases  being  employed  in  equivalent  ratios. 

(2)  By  the   transformation  of  the  already  formed   nitrogen 
tetroxide  into   nitric   acid   by   means   of  chlorine   and  water. 
By  the  transformation  of  the  same  nitric  peroxide  into  barium 
nitrate  by  means  of  barium  dioxide,  whence  we  pass  by  calcula- 
tion to  the  transformation  effected  by  means  of  free  oxygen. 
The  heat  liberated  by  the  direct  metamorphosis  of  nitric  oxide 
and  oxygen  into  dilute  nitric  acid,  being  known  from  former 

1  Favre  had  estimated  this  quantity  at  -6'6  Cal.  from  erroneous  data. 
Thomsen  calculated   +  18'2,  relying  upon  the  union  of  three  more  exact 
thermal  data,  one  derived  from  the  reaction  of  nitric  oxide,  and  oxygen  form- 
ing nitric  peroxide  (+  19'57),  another  from  the  dissolving  of  the  latter  body 
in  water  (+  7*75),  a  solution  which  he  supposes  to  give  rise  to  nitric  acid  and 
nitrous  acid  in  equal  equivalents,  the  last  datum  being  deduced  from  the 
reaction  of  chlorine  on  the  same  solution,  which  it  changes  entirely  into  nitric 
acid.     This  method  is  much  more  complicated  than  the  one  applied  above, 
and  is  founded  on  less  sure  reactions.      However,   the    results    coincide 

2  The  heat  of  formation  of  this  salt  has  been  given  from  baryta  only,  the 
heat  of  oxidation  of  barium  being  unknown.     In  the  transformation  of  barium 
nitrite  as  well  as  in  that  of  the  nitrate,  this  datum  moreover  suffices  for  all 
calculations  relative  to  explosive  substances,  as  these  calculations  can  always 
be  established  from  the  baryta  itself. 



experiments,  we  deduce  from  the  latter  trials  by  difference  the 
heat  which  would  be  liberated  by  the  metamorphosis  of  nitric 
oxide  and  of  oxygen  into  nitric  peroxide. 

The  first  method,  though  simpler,  is  less  exact  than  the 
others  from  a  consideration  of  the  weight  of  the  gases  employed, 
and  of  the  quantity  of  heat  produced. 

2.  First  process.  Nitric  oxide  and  oxygen. — Two  concentric 
glass  bulbs  are  enclosed  one  inside  the  other  and  sealed 
separately,  each  containing  one  of  the  dry  gases  in  the  exact 
ratio  of  2  volumes  nitric  oxide  (250  to  280  cub.  cms.)  to  1 
volume  of  oxygen  (see  Fig.  30). 

The  system  is  plunged  into  the  water  of  the  calorimeter,  then 
by  a  jerk  of  the  hand  the  internal  bulb  is  broken,  leaving  its 
envelope  intact.  Both  gases  react  at  once,  and  the  action  is 
allowed  to  complete  itself.  The  nitric  peroxide  remains  gaseous 
even  up  to  10°  or  15°,  because  its  tension  in  the  bulb  is  less  by 
a  third  than  the  atmospheric  pressure.  The 
latter  circumstance  slightly  lowers  the  figures 
which  would  be  observed  at  the  normal  pres- 
sure, viz.  by  0-3  Cal.  (p.  155). 

Operating  in  this  way  and  calculating  the 
reaction  at  constant  pressure1  the  following 
was  observed:— 2NO  +  02  =  N"204  gas  +  19'6  ; 
+  19-9  +  18-3  +  19-8  :  mean  +  194  Cal. 

3.  Second  process.  Nitric  peroxide,  gaseous 
chlorine  and  water. — In  principle,  this  reaction 
is  the  following :— N02  gas  +  Clgas  -f  H20  + 
water  =  HN03  dilute  +  HC1  dilute. 

The  heat  of  formation  of  water  (34*5  for 
H2  +  0)   and    that   of   dilute    hydrochloric 
acid  +  39-3   for   H  +  Cl  +  water  =  dilute 
HC1  being  taken  as  known. 
In  practice  it  has  been  found  preferable  to  operate  on  liquid 
nitric  peroxide,  and  this  led  the  author  to  determine  its  heat 
of  vaporisation,2  viz.  4'33  Cal.  for  N02  =  46  grms. 

The  weighing  of  liquid  nitric  peroxide  may  be  performed 
very  accurately  in  a  hermetically  sealed  bulb. 

In  order  to  weigh  chlorine  directly  in  the  same  way,  recourse 
was  had  to  the  following  artifice.  Instead  of  allowing  the  nitric 
peroxide  and  the  chlorine  to  act  directly  on  the  water,  the 
chlorine  was  absorbed  by  a  dilute  solution  of  potash,  the  latter 
being  in  excess,  the  heat  liberated  and  the  weight  of  chlorine 
absorbed  was  determined  by  means  of  the  vessel  shown  on 
page  163. 

1  Thomsen  obtained  +  19-57  by  introducing  both  gases  simultaneously  into 
a  chamber  placed  in  a  calorimeter. 

2  See  the  method  employed  ("  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  seVie, 
torn.  v.  p.  154). 

Fig.  30. 


A  volume  of  the  alkaline  solution  containing  a  weight  of  chlorine 
precisely  equal  to  that  of  the  nitric  peroxide  was  then  taken, 
and  the  bulb  containing  the  acid  placed  in  it.  The  bulb  was 
then  opened  by  the  breakage  of  one  of  its  points,  taking  care 
that  the  mixture  of  the  two  solutions  should  be  gradual,  and  the 
heat  liberated  during  the  reaction  measured. 

Lastly,  an  excess  of  dilute  hydrochloric  acid  is  added  to  the 
solution,  the  heat  liberated  by  this  addition  being  also  measured. 
Thus  the  whole  is  brought  to  a  very  simple  final  state,  that  of  a 
weak  aqueous  solution,  formed  by  an  equivalent  of  potash,  an 
equivalent  of  nitric  acid,  and  a  known  proportion  of  hydro- 
chloric acid  somewhat  greater  than  an  equivalent. 

In  an  independent  experiment  the  heat  liberated  by  the 
mixture  of  the  three  components  taken  directly  in  the  same 
proportions  and  degree  of  dilution  as  in  the  above  experiment 
was  measured. 

This  being  known  it  is  easy  to  deduce  from  the  data  obtained 
the  heat  liberated  by  the  following  transformation  : — 
N02  gas  +  Cl  gas  +  H20  -f  water  =  HN03  dilute  +  HC1  dilute. 

The  weight  of  N02  being  2-281  grms 17-9  Cal. 

„        1-125  grms 17'7     „ 

Mean    17-8    „ 

deducting  from  this  value  the  difference  in  the  heats  of  forma- 
tion of  dilute  hydrochloric  acid,  viz. : — 

39-3  -  34-5  =  +  4-8, 

we  find,  2N02  liquid  +  0  gas  +  water  =  2HN03  dilute  +  13*0. 
Adding  now  the  heat  of  vaporisation  of  nitric  peroxide,  we  obtain 
2N02  +  0  gas  +  water  =  2HN03  dilute  +  IT'3.1 

The  heat  liberated  by  the  transformation  of  nitric  oxide  and 
oxgyen  into  dilute  nitric  acid,  +  35*9  Cal.,  being  taken  as 
known,  we  shall  definitely  have  for  the  heat  liberated  by  the 
formation  of  gaseous  nitric  peroxide,  from  its  immediate  com- 
ponents, 2NO  +  02  =  2N02  gas  -f'35'9  -  17'3  =  18'6  according 
to  the  experiments  of  the  second  process. 

4.  Third  Process.  Nitric  peroxide  and  barium  dioxide. — This 
process  is  based  on  the  following  reactions,  2N02  -J-  Ba02 
=  (N03)2Ba.  But  this  reaction  does  not  take  place  with  pure 
and  anhydrous  bodies  under  the  conditions  adapted  for  calori- 
metric  measurements,  and  the  following  method  was  used. 

The  liquid  nitric  peroxide  is  weighed  in  a  bulb,  then  the 

1  Thomson  obtained  for  this  reaction  the  value  +  16-9.  In  order  to 
measure  it,  he  adopted  the  following  process,  which  is  less  certain  than  that 
indicated  in  the  test.  He  allowed  the  nitric  peroxide  gas  to  act  upon  water, 
so  as  to  dissolve  it,  which  liberates  +  7-75 ;  then  he  introduced  chlorine  into 
the  liquor,  which  liberates  +  14-28  more,  and  he  derives  from  these  data  the 
heat  of  oxidation  of  nitric  peroxide  gas,  forming  dilute  nitric  acid. 


equivalent  barium  dioxide  is  weighed,  the  latter  is  dissolved  in 
dilute  hydrochloric  acid  and  the  heat  liberated  measured.  Next, 
nitric  peroxide  is  allowed  to  react  gradually  upon  the  solution 
which  escapes  from  one  of  the  broken  points  of  the  bulb  which 
is  completely  immersed  in  the  solution.  The  heat  liberated 
during  this  second  reaction  is  also  measured. 

The  sum  of  the  two  results  gives  the  total  heat  corresponding 
to  the  following  transformation — 

2N02  liquid  -f  Ba02  anhydrous  +  2HC1  dissolved  =  2HN03 
dissolved  +  BaCl2  dissolved. 

It  is  immaterial  whether  we  suppose  the  baryta  united  with 
the  hydrochloric  acid,  or  with  the  nitric  acid,  or  shared  between 
both,  since  the  heat  liberated  by  the  union  of  this  base  with 
either  acid  is  the  same. 

The  foregoing  experiment  was  made  with  pure  and  anhydrous 
barium  dioxide. 

The  heat  of  formation  from  anhydrous  baryta  and  free  oxygen — 

BaO  +  0  =  Ba02  liberates  +  6'05  Cal.1 

This  quantity  being  known,  as  well  as  the  heat  of  solution  of 
anhydrous  baryta  in  dilute  hydrochloric  acid  (+  27*8) ;  lastly, 
the  heat  liberated  by  the  reaction  of  nitric  acid  (formed  from 
nitric  peroxide)  upon  dilute  barium  chloride  being  sensibly  nil  ; 
the  calculation  of  the  experiments  made  with  nitric  peroxide 
enables  the  heat  liberated  in  the  following  reaction  to  be 
arrived  at — 

2N02  liquid  +  0  gas  +  H20  =  2HN03  dilute. 

Weight.  Found. 

N02       2-279     +  12-4Cal. 

N02       1-358     +12-2    „ 

N02       0-951     +12-6    „ 

Mean     +  12'4    „ 

In  order  to  pass  to  gaseous  N02  we  must  add  the  heat  of 
vaporisation  of  this  body,  viz.  -f  4*33  ;  which  makes  altogether 
+  16-73. 

Finally,  this  number  deducted  from  the  heat  of  formation  of 
dilute  nitric  acid  by  nitric  oxide  and  oxygen  (viz.  +  3 5 '9) 
gives  for  the  formation  of  nitric  peroxide  gas  from  nitric  oxide 
and  oxygen,  +  35'9  -  16*73  =  +  19-17. 

5.  To  sum  up,  the  reaction  NO  +  0  =  N02  gas  liberates — 

According  to  direct  experiment +  19'4 

„        „    the  reaction  of  nitric  peroxide  gas  on  chlorine  ...     +  18-57 
„        „    the  reaction  of  nitric  peroxide  on  barium  dioxide     +19-17 

Mean + 19-04 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  se"rie,  torn.  vi.  p.  209. 


The  heat  of  formation  of  nitric  oxide  itself  from  the  elements 
being  —  21*6,  from  it  is  deduced  that  of  nitric  peroxide  gas. 
N  4.  02  =  N02  gas,  absorbs  —  2'6.  The  formation  of  liquid 
nitric  peroxide  on  the  contrary  liberates  heat,  viz.  -f  17. 

6.  The  figures  which  express  the  heat  of  formation  of  nitric 
peroxide  gas,  whether  from  nitrogen  and  oxygen  or  from  nitric 
oxide  and  oxygen,  were  obtained  near  the  ordinary  temperature. 
Their  value,  however,  becomes  notably  altered  when  referred  to 
a  higher  temperature.     In  fact,  the  specific  heat  of  nitric  per- 
oxide gas  varies  very  considerably  with  the  temperature.1    This 
gas  undergoes,  especially  between  26°  and  150°,  a  kind  of  mole- 
cular transformation  of  an   exceptional  order,   which  nearly 
doubles  its  density,  in  order  to  bring  it  to  a  value  corresponding 
to  the  molecular  weight  N02  =  46  grms.     This  transformation 
may  be  estimated  by  supposing  the  theoretical  specific  heat  of  the 
gas  constant  and  equal  to  the  sum  of  those  of  its  components. 

We  have  thus  found  that  the  transformation  absorbs 

From    27  to  67° 2'65  Cal. 

„       67  to  103° 1-75    „ 

„     103  to  150° 0-85    „ 

„     150  to  200° ...  0-03    „ 

Total 5-28    „ 

This  number,  added  to  the  heat  of  vaporisation  properly  so 
called,  viz.  4*3,  brings  the  heat  absorbed  to  nearly  9 '6.  Hence  it 
follows  that  the  reaction  of  nitric  oxide  on  oxygen,  NO  +  0  = 
N02  gas,  liberates  quantities  of  heat  decreasing  with  tempera- 
ture, at  least  from  26°  up  to  about  200°.  It  produces  only  4- 
13 '7  Cal.  towards  200°.  Similarly  the  formation  of  the  com- 
pound from  the  elements, 

N  +  02  =  N02, 

absorbs  quantities   of  heat  continually  increasing  in  absolute 
value,  or  —  7'9  towards  200°. 

These  figures  hardly  vary  from  200°  to  250°.  Beyond  this 
they  seem  to  decrease  again,  though  much  less  rapidly,  and 
in  conformity  with  what  happens  in  the  case  of  carbonic  acid 
and  gases  formed  with  condensation.2 

7.  Formation  of  nitrogen   trioxide. — The  calculation  of  the 
heat  of  formation  of  this  acid  has  not  been  given  above,  because 
it  is  inseparably  connected  with  the  experiments  relative  to 
nitric  peroxide.     Take  now  the  reaction 

2NO  +  0  =  N203. 

If  this  reaction  could  take  place  separately,  it  would  suffice  to 
bring  together  four  volumes  of  nitric  oxide  and  one  volume  of 
oxygen,  and  to  measure  the  heat  liberated. 

1  "  Bulletin  de  la  Socie*te*  Chimique,"  2e  se*rie,  torn,  xxxvii.  p.  434.     1882. 

2  "  Essai  de  Me"canique  Chimique,"  torn.  i.  p.  334. 


But  under  these  conditions  a  portion  of  the  two  gases  is 
always  changed  into  nitric  peroxide,  and  it  does  not  seem 
possible  to  obtain  nitrogen  trioxide  without  having  at  the  same 
time  the  products  of  its  transformation,  N02  and  NO,  the 
whole  constituting  a  system  in  equilibrium. 

However,  by  increasing  the  proportion  of  nitric  oxide,  that  of 
the  nitrogen  trioxide  is  increased.  But  we  are  limited  in  this 
respect  by  the  necessity  of  operating  upon  a  volume  of  oxygen 
sufficient  to  give  notable  calorimetric  effects. 

By  carrying  out  the  reaction  by  the  aid  of  a  system  ot 
concentric  bulbs  (see  p.  168),  containing  a  known  volume  of  the 
two  dry  gases  (about  400  cub.  cms.  of  NO),  the  heat  liberated  was 
measured,  the  proportion  of  NO  and  N02  formed  was  deter- 
mined by  absorbing  the  products  in  a  weak  alkaline  solution, 
the  weight  of  oxygen  employed  affording  a  verifying  equation. 

The  products  being  known  as  well  as  the  heat  of  formation  of 
NOa,  we  can  calculate  the  heat  of  formation  of  the  nitrogen 
trioxide.  The  datum  which  results  from  these  measurements, 
though  less  accurate  than  that  of  the  other  oxides  of  nitrogen,  is 
nevertheless  useful. 

From  the  mean  of  three  experiments,  2NO  -f  0  =  N203  gas 
liberates  -f-  10*5  Cal.  Hence  the  fixation  of  a  second  equivalent 
of  oxygen,  that  is,  the  transformation  of  the  nitrogen  trioxide 
into  nitric  peroxide  in  the  gaseous  state,  viz.  N203  +  0  =  2N02 
gas  liberates  +  19'0  -  10*5  =  8'5. 

8.  The  fixation  of  a  third  equivalent  of  oxygen,  transforming 
the    peroxide  into   nitric   anhydride.     2N02  +  0  =  N205  gas 
liberates  +  2;0. 

The  heat  liberated  by  the  same  weight  of  oxygen,  at  the 
ordinary  temperature,  decreases  according  as  the  oxygen  in- 
creases in  the  compound  of  nitrogen,  starting  with  nitric  oxide, 
a  fact  which  is  demonstrated  by  the  series  of  numbers  -f  10  f5 
+  8-5  +  2-0. 

The  latter  figure  is  in  keeping  with  the  slight  stability  of 
nitric  anhydride,  a  compound  which  cannot  be  formed  from 
nitric  oxide  by  direct  synthesis. 

9.  Direct  measurements,  independent  of  all  analysis,  show  that 
the  same  volume  of  oxygen,  in  the  presence  of  an  equal  or  more 
than  double  volume  of  nitric  oxide,  in  sealed  bulbs,  liberates 
the  more  heat  the  greater  the  volume  of  nitric  oxide,  and  conse- 
quently that  of  the  nitrogen  trioxide  formed.     This  result  con- 
tributes with  the  preceding  ones  to  prove  that  the  heat  liberated 
in  the  formation  of  nitric  peroxide   gas   is   not   double   that 
liberated  by  the  nitrogen  trioxide  gas,  contrary  to  the  relation 
existing  between  the  weights  of  oxygen  successively  fixed. 

Finally  the  formation  of  a  nitrous  gas  from  its  elements  at 
the  ordinary  temperature,  calculated  from  the  above  data — 

N2  +  03=  N203  gas,  absorbs  -*22'2. 



1.  The  heat  of  formation  of  nitric  acid  from  its  elements  is 
a  datum  of  the  first  importance,  and  may  be  deduced  from  that 
of  nitric  oxide.  Several  methods  were  employed.  We  shall 
first  indicate  them  in  principle  and  then  give  them  in  detail. 

(1)  BY  THE  NITRITES.      Having  first  formed  a  nitrite  in 
presence  of  a  base,  such  as  baryta,  the  barium  nitrite  is  trans- 
formed into  nitrate  ;  and  this  by  four  distinct  processes. 

(2)  BY  NITRIC  ACID  AND  BARIUM  DIOXIDE.    The  nitric  oxide 
is  dissolved  in  concentrated  nitric  acid,  which  changes  it  into 
nitrogen  trioxide,  the  latter  being  further  oxidised  after  dilution 
by  barium  dioxide. 

(3)  BY  NITRIC  PEROXIDE.     This  body  is  further  oxidised  by 
various  agents,  which  have  already  been  indicated.     They  may 
be  employed  either  to  measure  the  heat  of  formation  of  nitric 
peroxide,  deduced  from  that  of  nitric  acid,  which  is  known,  or 
to  measure  the  heat  of  formation  of  nitric  acid,  that  of  nitric 
peroxide  being  known. 

2.  First  method.  Transformation  of  barium  nitrite  into 
nitrate.  In  this  reaction  barium  nitrite  is  oxidised,  and  the 
heat  liberated  is  measured  by  four  processes  distinct  and  inde- 
pendent of  one  another. 

First  process.  Gaseous  chlorine. — Initial  system:  Ba(N02)2 
dissolved ;  C14  gas ;  H4  gas ;  02  gas ;  nBaO  dissolved ;  nHCl  dis- 
solved, these  bodies  being  all  separate  from  one  another.  Final 
system  :  Ba(N03)2  dissolved  ;  4HC1  dissolved ;  n(BaC!2  +  H20) 
dissolved,  these  bodies  being  mixed. 

It  is  first  of  all  supposed  that  H2  is  allowed  to  react  on  0, 
which  forms  water,  liberating  -f  69  Cal. ;  then  the  following 
experiments  are  carefully  carried  out.  Dry  chlorine  is  agitated 
with  baryta  water,  of  known  strength  and  weight,  in  a  calori- 
metric  flask  (p.  163) ;  the  heat  liberated,  Q,  is  measured,  and  the 
chlorine  absorbed,  p,  is  directly  weighed  to  within  O'OOl  grm. 
Care  is  taken  that  there  shall  remain  a  considerable  excess  of 
free  baryta,  and  agitation  is  kept  up  incessantly  during  the 
operation,  in  order  to  prevent  the  formation  of  any  other  oxide 
of  chlorine  than  hypochlorous  acid;  the  measurement  of  the 
heat  liberated  supplies  a  verification  in  this  respect.1 

A  quantity  of  barium  nitrite  strictly  equivalent  to  the  weight 
of  chlorine  absorbed  (Ba(N02)2  for  C12)  is  then  taken  and 
dissolved  separately  in  water,  the  solution  is  then  mixed  with 
that  of  the  hypochlorite,  an  operation  which  liberates  a  quantity 
of  heat,  £,  which  can  almost  be  neglected. 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  sdrie,  torn.  v.  pp.  335-338. 


Dilute  hydrochloric  acid  is  at  once  added  in  considerable 
excess,  which  liberates  a  fresh  quantity  of  heat,  Qx.  Under  these 
conditions  the  whole  of  the  chlorine  introduced  at  the  outset, 
is  at  the  end,  and  in  a  moment,  changed  into  hydrochloric  acid, 
as  can  be  easily  proved.  The  final  as  well  as  the  initial  state 
is  therefore  completely  definite.  The  sum 

Q  +  q  +  Qi 

represents  the  total  heat  liberated  during  the  passage  from  the 
initial  to  the  final  state  ;  or,  for  C12  =  71  grms. 

*  x  71  =  S. 


The  heat  liberated,  from  the  initial  to  the  final  system,  is 
therefore  69  +  S. 

But  we  could  have  passed  from  the  same  initial  to  the  same 
final  state  according  to  the  following  succession  —  unite  2H  with 
2C1,  forming  2HC1  dilute,  liberating  +  78-6  Cal.  ;  then  unite 
nHCl  dilute  with  nBaO  dissolved,  forming  nBaC!2  dissolved, 
which  liberates  +  13'85n  ;  lastly  unite  02  gaseous  -f  Ba  (N02)2 
dissolved,  which  produces  Ba(N03)2  dissolved,  liberating  x.  The 
thermal  sum  being  the  same  in  both  processes,  we  have  the 
equation  — 

S  -  13-85n  -  (78-6  -  69)  =  x. 

Three  concordant  experiments,  made  according  to  this  process, 
each  on  about  2  grms.  of  nitrite,  yielded 

x  =  221  Cal., 

a  value  which  corresponds  to  the  following  reaction,  Ba(N02)2 
dissolved  -f-  02  gas  =  Ba(N03)2  dissolved.  The  precautions  em- 
ployed in  these  experiments  to  avoid  the  use  of  gaseous  chlorine, 
either  in  a  neutral  or  acid  medium,  and  also  against  the  sudden 
transformation  of  the  chlorine  into  chloride,  or  the  variable  form- 
ation of  oxides  of  chlorine,  should  be  observed;1  free  hypochlorous 
acid  has  also  been  included,  because  this  acid  is  difficult  to 
obtain  quite  free  from  chlorine  or  the  higher  oxides  of  chlorine, 
besides,  it  decomposes  spontaneously,  and  also  in  presence  of 
bodies  which  it  oxidises,  especially  in  an  acid  medium.2 

Second  process.  Barium  dioxide.  —  The  barium  nitrite  is 
changed  into  nitrate  by  barium  dioxide  dissolved  in  hydrochloric 
acid.  Ba(N02)2  dilute  +  2BaO2  +  4HC1  dilute  =  Ba(N03)2 
dilute  +  2BaCl2  dilute  +  2H20. 

The  initial  system  is  the  following  :  — 

Ba(K02)2  dilute,  2BaO  anhydrous  ;  02  gas  ;  4HC1  dilute, 
all  these  bodies  being  separate. 

The  final  system  is  the  following  :  — 

Ba(N03)2  dilute,  2BaCl2  dilute  +  2H20. 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  serie,  torn.  v.  p.  322. 

2  Ibid.,  p.  342. 


We  may  pass  from  one  to  the  other  by  following  two  different 


Ba(N02)2  dilute  +  02  =  Ba(N03)2  dilute  ......  x 

2Ba02  anhydrous  +  4HC1  dilute  =  2BaCl2  dilute  +  2H20  +  55'58 

Sum    ......  +  55-58  +  x 

2(BaO  +  0)  =  2Ba02  anhydrous        ............         +  12-1 

2Ba02  +  4HC1  dilute,  then  reaction  of  this  solution  on  dis- 

solved Ba(N02)2    ..................  R 

Sum     ......         ...     R  -f  12-1 

K  being  determined  by  experiment  it  is  easy  to  calculate  x. 
The  experiment  is  carried  out  as  follows  :  — 

A  known  weight,  p,  of  anhydrous  barium  dioxide,  say  8  '5  grms. 
for  example,  is  dissolved  in  the  calorimeter  by  dilute  hydro- 
chloric acid;  the  quantity  of  heat  liberated,  Q,  is  measured. 

With  8'50  grms.  it  is  practically  equal  to  -^-  Cal.     To   the 


liquid  is  then  added  a  quantity  of  barium  nitrite  strictly 
equivalent  to  the  barium  dioxide  employed,  or  6'20  grms. 
The  nitrite  should  be  dissolved  beforehand  in  twenty-five  times 
its  weight  of  water,  and  the  temperature  of  the  solution 
accurately  measured  a  moment  before  it  is  mixed  in  the  calori- 
meter with  the  hydrochloric  acid  and  solution  of  barium  dioxide. 
Immediately  upon  this  mixture  being  effected,  several  pheno- 
mena are  produced  and  succeed  each  other  rapidly,  the  solution 
becomes  yellow,  then  for  a  moment  it  becomes  turbid,  as  if  a 
precipitate  were  forming  ;  a  few  excessively  fine  gaseous  bubbles 
appear  for  an  instant  without  giving  rise  to  the  production 
of  an  appreciable  volume  of  gas;  then  the  liquor  becomes 
perfectly  clear.  A  minute,  and  even  less,  suffices  for  the 
accomplishment  of  all  these  effects. 

At  this  point  the  liberation  of  heat  is  at  an  end,  and  the  nitrite 
entirely  changed  into  nitrate. 

From  the  data  observed  is  calculated  the  heat  liberated  during 
the  last  metamorphosis,  say  Q'. 

Hence  we  have,  calling  E  the  equivalent  of  barium  dioxide, 
Ba02  =  84'  5  grms.  as  the  expression  for  the  heat  liberated. 

therefore  the  heat  liberated  in  the  transformation  of  nitrite  of 
baryta  into  nitrate  will  be 

x  =  B  +  121  -  55-58  =  B  -  43'5. 


Experimental  results.    First  experiment  at  12° — 

2Ba02  dissolved  in  4HC1  dilute +22-02 

Reaction  on  Ba(N02)2  dissolved  +  43-23 

R  =  +  65-25 
whence  may  be  deduced 

x  =  -f  22-25. 

Second  experiment  at  12° — 

In  this  experiment  crystallised  barium  nitrite  was  directly 
dissolved  in  the  hydrochloric  solution  of  barium  dioxide. 

2Ba02  +  4HC1  dilute     +21-84 

Reaction  on  crystallised  Ba(N02)2H20  ...     +  38'75 

Sum +60-59 

This  experiment  was  purposely  made  with  crystallised  nitrite 
of  baryta  in  order  to  vary  the  conditions.  To  make  it  com- 
parable with  the  proceeding  it  is  necessary  to  add  to  the  number 
obtained  the  dissolving  heat  of  the  salt  at  the  same  temperature, 
taken  with  the  contrary  sign,  viz.  -{-  4*30. 

Hence  we  have 

E  =  +  64-89 

whence  may  be  deduced 

x  =  21-49 

The  two  experiments  have  therefore  given 

22-25  and  2149 
or  a  mean  of 

21-87  or  21-9  Cal. 

This  is  therefore  the  quantity  of  heat  liberated  in  the  following 
reaction : 

Ba(N02)2  dissolved  +  02  gas  =  Ba(N03)2  dissolved. 

Third  process.  Liquid  bromine. — The  theoretical  reaction  is 
the  following : — 

Ba(N02)2    dissolved  +  Br4  +  2H20  =  Ba(N03)2    dissolved  + 
4HBr  dissolved. 

Pure  liquid  bromine  is  weighed  in  an  hermetically  sealed  tube, 
say,  for  example,  2 '254  grms.  A  strictly  equivalent  weight  of 
pure  barium  nitrite  is  also  weighed.  The  water  is  placed  in  the 
calorimeter,  the  salt  is  dissolved  in  it,  and  the  tube  introduced. 
When  equilibrium  of  temperature  is  established  the  bromine 
tube  is  crushed,  and  the  whole  is  quickly  stirred. 

The  reaction  of  bromine  on  barium  nitrite  does  not,  however, 
take  place  so  rapidly  as  in  the  case  of  chlorine ;  it  does  not 
completely  dissolve  until  after  some  time,  and  the  solution  retains, 
even  after  twenty  minutes,  a  strong  odour  of  bromine.  In  a 


word,  the  nitrite  and  the  bromine  are  not  entirely  changed  into 
nitrate  and  hydrobromic  acid  under  these  conditions,  but  there 
exists  in  the  solution  a  bromonitric  compound  analogous  to 
aqua  regia,  and  the  continued  presence  of  which  interferes  with 
the  application  of  the  calorimetric  calculation  by  means  of  the 
equation  given  above. 

As  a  matter  of  fact  the  calculation  applied  to  the  results  of 
these  experiments  has  given  results  falling  below  the  theoretical 
reaction  Ba(N02)2  dissolved  -f  O2  =  Ba(N03)2  dissolved ;  the 
value  obtained  fluctuating  about  4- 18  Cal.  instead  of  -J-  22  Gal. 
These  results  are,  therefore,  not  included  in  the  averages  on 
account  of  the  incomplete  nature  of  the  transformation.  But  it 
has  been  thought  proper  to  point  out,  from  the  purely  chemical 
point  of  view,  the  true  character  of  the  reaction  of  bromine  on 
the  nitrites. 

Fourth  process.  Potassium  permanganate. — It  is  well  known 
with  what  accuracy  this  reagent  may  be  employed  to  convert 
nitrites  into  nitrates. 

The  experiments  were  performed  with  a  solution  of  absolutely 
pure  potassium  permanganate  of  known  strength,1  mixed  with 
a  large  excess  of  dilute  sulphuric  acid ; 2  for  instance,  192  cms.  of 
the  permanganate  solution  (20  grms.  =  1  litre)  and  1800  cms.  of 
a  solution  of  dilute  sulphuric  acid,  mixed  in  a  large  platinum 
calorimeter  and  2*470  grms.  of  crystallised  barium  nitrite, 
Ba(N02)2H20,  added.  The  reaction  is  instantaneous.  The  heat 
liberated  is  measured  as  soon  as  the  reaction  is  accomplished, 
the  excess  of  the  permanganate  is  reduced  by  a  standard  solution 
of  oxalic  acid  (160  cms.  for  instance),  the  whole  of  the  carbonic 
acid  formed  remains  dissolved.  The  quantities  of  heat  liberated 
in  this  second  reaction  are  also  measured. 

The  sum  of  the  quantities  of  heat  which  result  from  the  fore- 
going experiments  represents  the  heat  liberated. 

As  a  check,  the  excess  of  oxalic  acid  remaining  in  the  liquid 
is  ascertained.  These  measurements,  combined  with  the  data 
contained  in  the  author's  Memoir e  sur  la  chaleur  de  combustion 
de  I'acide  oxalique?  and  with  the  figures  obtained  in  the  reduction 
of  potassium  permanganate  by  oxalic  acid,4  enable  us  to  calculate 
the  heat  liberated  in  the  transformation  of  barium  nitrite  into 

Finally,  by  this  method  it  was  found  that  the  reaction 
Ba(N02)2  dissolved  -f  02  gas  =  Ba(N03)2  dissolved  liberates— 

First  trial       +  21-7  Cal. 

Second  trial +20-5    „ 

Mean        +  2M     „ 

These  results  are  rather  less  reliable  than  those  of  the  two 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  sdrie,  torn.  v.  p.  306. 

2  Ibid.,  p.  308.  3  Ibid.,  p.  305.  *  Ibid.,  p.  309. 



first  methods,  owing  to  the  complex  nature  of  the  thermal 
reactions  of  permanganate.  Their  mean,  however,  is  sufficiently 

To  sum  up,  the  reaction 

Ba(N02)2  dissolved  +  02  =  Ba(N03)2  dissolved  liberates— 

According  to  the  results  obtained  with  gaseous  chlorine          ...     +  22*1 
„  „  „  „  „    barium  dioxide  ...     +  21 '9 

„  „  „  „  „    potassium  permanganate     +21-1 

Mean +21-7 

This  value  is  applicable  not  only  to  the  oxidation  of  barium 
nitrite,  but  also  to  the  oxidation  of  all  dissolved  alkaline 

Hence  from  the  knowledge  of  the  heats  of  neutralisation 
of  nitrogen  trioxide  (4-  10*6)  and  nitric  acid  (-f  13*8)  by 
baryta : 

N203  very  diluted  +  02  +  H20  =  2HN03  dilute  liberates 
+  18-5  Cal. 

For  both  the  bodies  gaseous  we  have,  according  to  the  data 
given  further  on : 

NA  gas  +  02  =  N205  gas  liberates  +  10'5  Cal. 

Hence  the  change  of  the  nitrogen  trioxide  into  the  pentoxide 
liberates,  when  the  action  takes  place,  upon  the  gases,  +  10 '5  ; 
on  the  dissolved  bodies,  -f-  18'5 ;  lastly,  in  presence  of  alkalis, 
-f-  247.  The  great  difference  between  the  quantities  of  heat 
liberated  by  one  and  the  same  transformation,  according  to 
the  state  of  the  bodies,  deserves  attention,  being  due  to  the 
difference  in  the  heats  of  hydration  and  neutralisation  of  the 
two  acids. 

We  will  also  give  here  the  heats  of  oxidation  of  the  solid  and 
anhydrous  nitrites,  which  are  easily  calculated  if  their  dissolving 
heat  be  known. 

Dissolved  salts.        Solid  salts. 

Ba(N02)2  +  02  =  Ba(N03)2  liberates          ...     +21-7     ...     +23-5 

NH4N02  +  0  =  NH4N03  liberates +21-8     ...     +23-3 

AgN02  +  0  =  AgN03  liberates      +20-3     ...     +  17'2 

3.  Second  method.  By  nitric  acid  and  barium  dioxide.  A 
known  quantity  of  concentrated  and  pure  nitric  acid  is  allowed 
to  absorb  dry  nitric  oxide,  the  weight  of  which  is  determined 
by  a  fresh  weighing  after  having  measured  the  heat  liberated, 
say  Q  for  NO  =  30  grms.  The  concentrated  acid  is  contained 
in  a  small  tube,  which  is  weighed  and  closed  and  plunged 
into  the  calorimeter  throughout  the  whole  duration  of  the 
absorption.  A  thermometer  sensitive  to  20^  of  a  degree  gives 
the  temperature  of  the  calorimeter;  a  smaller  thermometer, 


sensitive  to  ^  of  a  degree,  gives  that  of  the  acid,  the  latter  being 
kept  as  near  as  possible  to  that  of  the  calorimeter.  The  cor- 
rections for  cooling  are  made  according  to  the  ordinary  processes.1 
It  is  with  the  aid  of  all  these  data  that  the  quantity,  Q,  is 
calculated.  Further,  a  weight  of  anhydrous  barium  dioxide 
equivalent  to  the  above  weight  of  nitric  oxide  absorbed  (3Ba02 
for  2NO)  is  dissolved  in  the  excess  of  dilute  hydrochloric 
acid,  which  liberates  QL.  The  concentrated  nitric  acid,  which 
has  dissolved  the  nitric  oxide,  is  then  mixed  in  the  calorimeter 
with  the  hydrochloric  solution  of  barium  dioxide.  The  whole  is 
thus  brought  to  the  final  state  of  dilute  nitric  acid  and  dilute 
barium  chloride,  liberating  a  measured  quantity  of  heat  equal 
to  Q2.  Lastly  is  dissolved  the  same  weight  of  the  same  pure 
nitric  acid  as  used  at  the  outset,  in  the  same  volume  of  dilute 
hydrochloric  acid,  which  liberates  a  quantity  of  heat,  P. 

As  a  check,  a  weighed  quantity  of  barium  dioxide  is  added  to 
the  solution,  which  should,  and  in  fact  does,  produce  the  same 
quantity  of  heat  as  if  it  were  dissolved  in  a  solution  containing 
only  hydrochloric  acid ;  which  proves  that  the  nitric  acid 
employed  is  very  free  from  nitrogen  trioxide. 

This  being  established  we  have  all  the  data  for  the  calcula- 
tion. Let  the  initial  system  be  03;  2NO;  3BaO  ;  m(2HN03 
+  fiAq) ;  6  HC1  dilute ;  these  bodies  being  taken  separately ; 
and  let  the  final  system  be  3(BaCl2  +  H20  dissolved  +  (m  -f  1) 
2HN03  dilute).  We  can  pass  from  one  to  the  other  according 
to  the  two  following  cycles : — 


3BaO  +  30  =  3Ba02  anhydrous  liberates     +  18-0  Cal. 

6HC1  dilute +  3Ba02 ..  >      ...         ...  Ql 

Reaction  of  NO  on  the  concentrated  nitric  acid        ...  Q 

Reaction  between  the  two  mixtures Q2 

Sum        ...  +  18-0  Cal.  +  Q  +  Qi  +  Q2 


3BaO  anhydrous  +  6HC1  dilute  liberates  +  27'8  x  3 

(according  to  the  author's  experiments)  or        ...  +  83' 4  Cal. 

2NO  +  03  +  water  =  2HN03  dilute x 

m(HN03  +  wAq)  +  water 

Sum         +  83-4  Cal.  +  x  +  P 

whence  we  deduce  the  value  of  x : 

+  18-0  Cal.  +  Q  +  Q!  +  Q2  =  4-  834  Cal.  +  x  +  P. 

The    experiments   gave  x  =  344   Cal.,   a   value  which   is 
slightly  too  small. 
4.  The  third  method  is  based  on  the  use  of  nitric  peroxide. 

1  "  Essai  de  Me*canique  Chimique,"  torn.  i.  p.  208. 

N  2 


The  results  have  been  given  above  (pp.  168  to  171).     They  may 
be  summed  up  as  follows  :  — 

NO  +  0  =  N02gas       ............... 

Liquefaction  of  N0a        ............... 

2N02  liquid  +  0  +  H20  +  water  =  2HN08  dilute     ... 

+    4'33 
+  12-7 

We  have  therefore  : 

2NO  -f  03  +  H20  +  water  =  2HN03  dilute  -f  364.1 

These  results  are  worthy  of  attention,  but  they  do  not  appeal- 
capable  of  great  accuracy,  owing  to  the  uncertainty  of  the 

5.  To  sum  up  the  results  of  the  different  methods  — 

NO  +  08  +  water  =  HN03  dilute  :  by  the  nitrites          ...     +  35'9 
„  „  „  „         by  nitric  acid  ...     +  34-4 

„  „  „  „         by  nitric  peroxide     ...     +36-3 

Mean    ............     +35-5 

However,  the  accuracy  of  the  three  methods  is  very  unequal,  so 
the  value  3  5  '9  will  be  adopted,  the  method  by  which  it  was 
obtained  being  most  reliable,  taking  the  two  other  figures  as 
mere  verifications. 

6.  Heat  of  formation  of  dilute  nitric  add  from  its  elements. 
This  heat,  calculated  from  nitrogen  and  oxygen,  is  easily  deduced 
from  the  preceding  results,  for  it  is  sufficient  to  deduct  from  the 
latter  the  heat  absorbed  in  the  formation  of  nitric  oxide. 

N2  4.  Q6  -f-  HaO  +  water  =  2  HN03  dilute  liberates  4-  35'9 
-  21-6  =  -f  14-3  Gal. 

If  we  consider  the  integral  formation  of  nitric  acid  from  its 
three  elements,  HN03,  we  must  add  the  heat  of  formation  of 
water,  viz.  +  34'5.  Thus  N2  -f  06  +  water  =  2HN03  dilute 
liberates  -f-  48*8  Cal.  Such  a  reaction,  therefore,  liberates  heat. 
Hence  it  can  take  place  directly,  and,  in  fact,  it  is  observed 
in  the  combustion  of  the  hydrogen  in  the  air,  but  it  only  affects 
a  small  quantity. 

7.  Heat  of  formation  of  nitric  acid.     It  is  sufficient  to  measure 
the  heat  liberated  by  the  solution  of  the  liquid  acid  in  a  large 
quantity  of  water,  viz.  +  7  '2.     We  have  therefore  — 

N2  +  08  +  H20  =  2HNOS  liquid  liberates  +    7-1 

N2  +  06  +  H2  =  2HNO,  „  +  41-6 

To  pass  from  the  gaseous  to  the  solid  state,  it  is  sufficient  to 
measure  the  heat  of  vaporisation  and  the  heat  of  fusion  at  a  low 
temperature  of  nitric  acid,  HN03  =  63  grms. 

The  result  found  for  the  heat  of  vaporisation  is  +  7'35,  and 
for  fusion—  0*6. 

1  Thomsen,  following  an  analogous  though  not  identical  cycle,  found 
+  36-47. 


We  have,  therefore,  neglecting  the  differences  between  the 
specific  heats  of  the  body  under  its  various  states  — 

Na  -f  05  +  H20  solid  =  2HN08  solid  (at  low  temperature)  ...  +   7-0 

„      =2HN08    „  ...     F  ......  +  42-2 

gas    =2HN08gas  .........  -    0-1 

„      =  2HNO,   „  ......  +34-4 

8.  Add  at  different  degrees  of  concentration.    To  pass  to  nitric 
acid  regarded   under  different  states   of   concentration,  it  is 
sufficient  to  know  its  heat  of  dilution,  under  its  various  states, 
and  to  add  it  to  the  foregoing  figures.     It  has  been  measured 
for  the  whole  scale  of  dilutions,  and  the  results  will  be  found 
in  the  "Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  se*rie,  torn.  iv. 
p.   446.     We  confine  ourselves  to  giving  here  the  heat  of 
formation    of     the    hydrate  HN03,    2H20,   which    represents 
approximately  the  acid  of  commerce. 

HN03  +  2H20  =  HN03'2H20  liquid,  liberates  +  5-0  Cal. 
Engravers'  aqua  fortis  approaches  the  formula 

HN03  +  6-5H20. 
The  formation  of  such  a  hydrate, 

HN08  +  6'5H20  =  HN03  6'5H20,  liberates  +  7'0. 

9.  Nitrogen  pentoxide,  N205.     Preparation.  It  is  well  known 
that  this  body  was  discovered  by  Sainte-Claire  Deville  in  the 
reaction  of  chlorine  on  silver  nitrate.     A  more  simple  method 
was  devised  by  the  author.     The  principle  of  the  process 
was  discovered  by  Weber  in  1872,1  and  consists  in  dehydrating 
nitric  acid  by  phosphoric  anhydride.     Nitric  acid,  cooled  by  a 
freezing  mixture,  is  mixed  with  pulverulent  phosphoric  oxide  in 
small  portions  at  a  time,  taking  care  to  avoid  any  elevation  of 
temperature.      The    temperature   of    the  mass   should    never 
exceed  0°.     When  a  little  more  than  its  weight  of  phosphoric 
oxide  has  been  added  to  the  nitric  acid,  the  mass  becomes  of 
the  consistency   of  a  jelly.     It  is   then   placed  in   a  roomy 
tubulated  retort  and   distilled  with   extreme   slowness.     The 
products   are  condensed   in   receivers    with  ground  stoppers, 
immersed  in  ice.    In  this  way  large,  brilliant,  colourless  crystals 
of  nitrogen  pentoxide  are  obtained,  which  are  perfectly  pure. 
From  150  grms.  of  nitric  acid  nearly  80  grms.  of  the  crystals 
were  obtained.     This  substance  is   non-explosive  either  as   a 
solid  or  in  vapour.     It  decomposes,  however,  very  easily,  and 
this  at  the  ordinary  temperature,  as  Deville  has  observed,  into 
nitric  peroxide  and  oxygen.     It  should   not  be   preserved  in 
hermetically  sealed  vessels.      It   keeps   well  in    good   glass- 
stoppered  bottles  placed  under  a  bell  glass  with  sulphuric  acid. 
In  the  air  the  crystals  evaporate  slowly,  evolving  abundant 
vapours,   but  not  liquefying.      Hence   they   can   be   weighed 

1  "  Ann.  Pogg.,"  torn,  cxlvii.  p.  113. 


without  difficulty.  Light  accelerates  its  decomposition,  as  does 
also  heat,  though  even  at  43°  it  is  not  very  rapid.  This 
change  into  nitric  peroxide  and  oxygen  is  endothermic,  and  is 
not  reversible. 

The  following  is  the  analysis  of  these  crystals  :  —  5  '5  55  grms. 
of  crystals  weighed,  and  dissolved  in  water,  yielded  a  solution 
which,  according  to  alkalimetric  test,  contained  5  '54  grms.  of 
nitrogen  pentoxide  ;  no  appreciable  quantity  of  nitrogen  trioxide 
was  present  (reaction  of  potassium  permanganate).  A  large 
quantity  having  been  prepared,  its  action  on  water  in  the 
calorimeter  was  studied,  taking  it  successively  under  the  three 
states,  solid,  liquid,  and  gaseous. 

Solid  state  — 

crystallised  +  H20  -f  water  at  10°  =  2HN03  dilute 
+  8-34  Cal. 


N205H20  pure  +  water  at  10°  =  2HN03  dilute  liberates  + 
718  Cal.  ; 


N205  solid  +  H20  liquid  =  2HN03  pure  and  liquid  liberates 
+  116  Cal. 

This  quantity  of  heat  is  very  small,  as  might  be  expected, 
owing  to  the  contrary  thermal  effect  produced  by  the  liquefaction 
of  the  anhydrides. 

Hence,  the  action  of  the  solid  anhydride  on  water  is  not  very 
violent,  which  confirms  in  another  way  the  above  result.  The 
union  of  the  solid  anhydride  with  atmospheric  aqueous  vapour 
is  likewise  slower  than  that  of  bodies  said  to  be  very  hygroscopic. 
In  fact,  at  the  ordinary  temperature,  the  anhydride  evaporates 
without  leaving  any  appreciable  quantity  of  dilute  acid.  The 
following  reaction  refers  to  the  solid  state  — 

N205  solid  +  BaO  solid  =  Ba(N03)2  solid  liberates  +  407. 

This  quantity  of  heat  is  less  by  +  10*3  than  that  liberated  by 
the  formation  of  barium  sulphate  starting  from  the  anhydrous 
acid  and  the  anhydrous  base,  both  being  solid,  viz.  +  51*0. 

Liquid  state.  —  Heat  of  fusion  was  determined  by  two 
methods  : 

(1)  By  the  solidification  of  the  dissolved  acid  contained  in 
a  tube,  immersed  in  the  calorimeter. 

(2)  By  dissolving  directly  the  solid  acid  in  water. 

The  following  figures  result  from  determination  of  the  above 
methods  :  — 

N205  (  =  54  grms.)  liquid,  in  becoming  solid,  liberates  +  414, 
or,  for  N208  (  =  108  grms.),  +  8'28. 


This  value  is  very  high  and  equal  to  about  six  times  the  heat 
of  solidification  of  water  (+  072  for  H20  =  9  grms.,  according 
to  Desains). 


N206  liq.  +  H20  liq.  =  2HNO3  liq.  and  pure  liberates  +  5-3  Cal. 
N206  liq.  +  H20  liq.  +  water  =  dilute  acid  -f  12'48  Cal. 

The  first  value  is  nearly  but  not  quite  equal  to  that  of  the 
heat  of  hydration  of  acetic  anhydride  (C4H603  liquid  +  H20 
liquid  =  C4H804  liquid  liberates  +  6'9),  but  the  second  is  much 
greater  than  the  heat  of  hydration  of  anhydrous  acetic  acid 
referred  to  the  dilute  acid  (  -f  7'3).  Hence  the  action  of  the 
liquid  nitrogen  pentoxide  on  water  is  extremely  violent  in  con- 
trast with  the  very  much  weaker  reaction  which  water  exercises 
on  the  solid  acid. 

Gaseous  state. — Heat  of  vaporisation.  N205  gas,  changed  into 
liquid,  liberates  +  242,  and  into  solid,  -f  6'56. 

This  quantity  was  determined  by  introducing  dry  air  charged 
with  nitrogen  pentoxide  vapour  into  the  water  of  the  calori- 
meter, at  a  temperature  of  43°.  The  preliminary  vaporisation 
of  the  pentoxide  in  the  current  of  air  was  produced  by  means 
of  a  small  air  bath. 

The  decomposition  of  the  pentoxide  into  the  tetroxide  and 
oxygen  is  not  appreciable  under  these  conditions  of  vaporisation. 

Known  weights  of  pentoxide,  previously  weighed  in  a  sealed 
tube,  have  been  operated  on,  the  result  being  checked  by  the 
acidimetric  test  of  the  aqueous  solution. 

By  this  means  is  obtained  the  heat  liberated  when  nitrogen 
pentoxide  is  changed  into  dilute  acid,  viz. 

N205  gas  +  water  =  dilute  acid,  at  -f- 10°  liberates  +  14-9. 

The  heat  of  vaporisation  of  the  liquid  acid  is  therefore  for 
the  weight — 

N205  =  54  grms. 
14-9  -12-48  =  2-42, 

or,  for  (N205  =108),  4'84  Cal. 

That  of  the  solid,  for  (N205  =  54  grms.)— 

14-90 -8-34  =  6-56, 
or,  for  (N205  =  108  grms.),  13'12. 

According  to  the  above  figures,  the  heat  of  vaporisation  of  the 
liquid  nitrogen  pentoxide  (admitting  £N203  =  2  vols.)  will  be  for 
N205,  4-84.  It  is  nearly  the  same  as  that  of  nitric  peroxide 
at  the  same  volume,  or  4*3  for  NO2.  It  is  also  nearly  the  same 
as  the  heat  of  vaporisation  of  nitrogen  monoxide,  viz.  4'42  for 
N20,  according  to  Favre. 

The  thermal  formation  of  nitrogen  pentoxide  from  the  elements 


is  deduced  from  the  foregoing  data.  Under  the  three  states  we 
have — 

N2  +  06  =  N205  gas +0-6 

N2  -f  06  =  N205  liquid  +  1-8 

N2  +  Ofi  =  N206  solid  +5-9 

10.  The  following  table  shows  the  thermal  formation  of  the 
oxides  of  nitrogen  under  the  gaseous  form,  referred  to  the 
ordinary  temperature : — 

N2  +  0  =  (2v.)N20  -  103. 

}     -  11-3 
N  +  0  =  (4v.)NO    -  21-6{ 

}     +10-5 

N2  +  03  =  (2v.)N203-H-l, 

}     +    8-5 
N  +  02  =  (4v.)N02  -    frtf 

\     +    2-0 

N2  +  06  =  (2v.)N206  -    06' 

It  will  be  seen  that  the  progressive  formation  of  the  oxides  of 
nitrogen  follows  a  peculiar  course.  It  first  absorbs  a  quantity 
of  heat  nearly  proportional  for  the  first  two,  then  liberates 
quantities  which  go  on  decreasing.  These  bodies  are  here 
given  under  the  gaseous  form,  the  only  one  which  is  really 
comparable.  The  most  stable  compound,  nitric  peroxide, 
corresponds  neither  to  the  maximum  nor  to  the  minimum  of 
the  heat  absorbed.  In  short,  there  exists  no  simple  numerical 
relation  between  the  quantities  of  heat  brought  into  action. 

The  most  general  fact,  following  from  the  foregoing  table,  is 
that  the  formation  of  all  the  oxides  of  nitrogen  from  their 
gaseous  elements  absorbs  heat,  their  decomposition  must  there- 
fore liberate  it.  Nevertheless  not  one  of  them  is  explosive  by 
simple  heating.  But  nitric  oxide,  formed  with  the  greatest 
absorption  of  heat,  is  decomposed  into  its  elements  with  facility, 
as  will  be  established  further  on  (see  p.  191).  The  heat  absorbed 
in  its  formation  renders  it  comparable  to  cyanogen  (  —  37*3  for 
C2N2)  or  to  acetylene  (  —  30-5  for  C2H2).  These  three  bodies  can, 
moreover,  undergo  a  true  explosion  under  the  influence  of  the 
sudden  and  violent  shock  of  mercury  fulminate  (p.  66).  These 
three  bodies  indicate  an  aptitude  for  combination  altogether 
comparable,  to  that  of  the  simple  radicals.  Hence  from  a 
knowledge  of  these  relations  may  be  understood  why  the 
formation  of  the  oxides  of  nitrogen  never  takes  place  directly, 
and  why  it  requires  the  aid  of  a  foreign  energy,  such  as  electri- 
city, or  of  a  simultaneous  chemical  action. 

It  also  explains  the  great  energy  of  explosive  mixtures  and 
compounds  formed  by  the  oxygen  compounds  of  nitrogen. 



1.  In  studying  the  products  of  the  reduction  of  the  nitrates 
by  sodium  amalgam,  Divers1  discovered  in  1871  a  new  salt, 
which  he  called  silver  hyponitrite,  and  of  which  he  determined 
the  composition  and  the  properties.    This  salt  and  its  derivatives 
have  since  been  the  object  of  researches  by  Van  der  Plaats2 
and  Zorn.8     These  chemists  have  attributed  to  silver  hyponitrite 
the  formula  AgNO,   which  would   suppose  it    derived   from 
nitrogen    monoxide,   associated   with   silver  oxide.      But    the 
recent  researches  which  Ogier  and  the  author  have  made  upon 
this  salt  from  a  chemical  and  thermal  point  of  view  have  led 
them  to  prefer  the  formula  Ag4N405,  that  is  to  say  2Ag20,N203, 
which  makes  of  the  hyponitrous  acid  a  sesquioxide  of  nitrogen. 

The  alkaline  hyponitrites  are  also  formed  in  the  electrolysis 
of  the  nitrites,  and  they  are  formed,  though  to  a  very  small 
amount,  in  the  decomposition  of  the  nitrites  by  heat,  especially 
in  presence  of  iron.  It  is  by  means  of  silver  hyponitrite  that 
hyponitrous  acid  and  its  salts  are  prepared ;  we  shall  speak, 
therefore,  first  of  all,  of  this  compound. 

2.  Silver  hyponitrite  is  a  yellow  amorphous  very  insoluble  body, 
which  is   precipitated   when   silver  nitrate  is   poured  into   a 
neutral  solution  of  alkaline  nitrite.     In  order  to  obtain  it  pure, 
it  must  be  re-dissolved  in  very  dilute  nitric  acid,  and  re-precipi- 
tated, by  neutralising  by  ammonia. 

This  body  undergoes  a  very  sensible  decomposition  when 
heated  to  100°  or  a  little  over. 

Hence  the  hyponitrite  should  be  dried  in  vacuo  at  the  ordi- 
nary temperature,  and  in  the  dark. 

Its  analysis  has  supplied  the  following  figures  : — 

Ag  76-2    76-1 

N 9-7    9-8 

O 14-1     14-1 

These  results  lead  to  the  formula — 

Calculated  from  Found. 

AgNO(138)      iAg4N4Ofl(284) 

Ag     78-3     ...    76-1     ...     76-1 

N       10-1     ...      9-9     ...      9-8 

0       10-6     ...     14-1     ...     14-1 

Hyponitrous  acid  has  therefore  as  formula  N4032H20,  which 
constitutes  it  a  sesquioxide  of  nitrogen,  corresponding  in  the 
anhydrous  state  to  the  formula  N403. 

1  «  Journal  of  the  Chemical  Society,"  vol.  xxiv.  p.  484 ;  "  Proceedings  of 
the  Royal  Society,"  vol.  xxii.  p.  425 ;  "  Bulletin  de  la  Socie'te'  Chimique, 
torn.  xv.  p.  176. 

2  "  Berichte  der  Deutsch.  Chem.  Ges.  Ber.,"  torn.  x.  p.  1508. 

3  Ibid.,  torn.  x.  p.  1306,  and  torn.  xv.  p.  1258. 


This  formula  accounts  for  the  existence  of  the  acid  salts, 
observed  by  Zorn. 

Silver  hyponitrite  is  decomposed  by  heat,  with  formation  of 
nitric  oxide,  nitrogen  trioxide,  and  metallic  silver — 

Ag4NA  =  2X0  +  NA  +  Ag4. 

But  the  nitrogen  trioxide  reacts  partially  upon  the  silver,  so 
as  to  reproduce  a  certain  quantity  of  nitrite,  and  even  nitrate 
of  silver. 

3.  By  decomposing  silver    hyponitrite    by    a    dilute    acid, 
hyponitrous  acid  is  obtained  in  an  aqueous  solution.     This  acid 
is  not  at  all  stable.     Its  solutions  raised  to  boiling  point  are 
decomposed,  yielding  nitrogen  monoxide  mixed  with  nitrogen, 
retaining  at  the  same  time  a  certain  quantity  of  dilute  nitric 
acid — 

4NA  dilute  +  H20  =  7£T20  +  2HN03. 

On  contact  with  the  air  they  absorb  oxygen  slowly,  becoming 
changed  into  nitric  acid. 

4.  We  have,  with  a  view  to  calorimetric  tests,  methodically 
subjected  hyponitrous  acid  to  the  action  of  the  three  following 
oxidising  bodies — iodine,  bromine,  and  potassium  permanganate. 

(1)  A  solution  of  iodine  in  potassium  iodide  did  not  exert 
any  appreciable  action  on  the  hyponitrous  acid  combined  with 
the  silver1  or  previously  liberated  by  an  equivalent  quantity 
of  dilute  hydrochloric  acid. 

(2)  The  oxidation   by  bromine  is   very  characteristic.      A 
known  weight  of  silver  hyponitrite,  2  grms.,  was  mixed  with 
hydrochloric  acid  in  excess,  and  an  aqueous  solution  of  bromine, 
also  slightly  in  excess,  the  strength  of  which  was  determined ; 
the  reaction  was   allowed  to  go  on  for  some  time,  when  the 
excess  of  bromine  was  determined.     This  method  tends  to  give 
rather  high  figures,  owing  to  the  evaporation  of  some  traces  of 

Or  the  hydrochloric  acid  may  be  mixed  beforehand  with 
bromine  water  in  which  salts  of  silver  have  been  dissolved 
(series  I.) ;  or  the  salt  dissolved  in  the  acid  and  the  bromine 
added  (series  II.,  p.  187). 

The  equivalent  ratio  between  the  silver  and  bromine  employed 
has  been  found  to  be  very  nearly  1 :  3 '5,  which  agrees  with  the 

Ag4N A + 7H20  +  14Br  =  4HX03  + 1  OHBr + 4  AgBr. 

The  formula  AgNO  would  require  the  ratio  1 :  4,  which  is 
greatly  higher  than  all  the  quantities  observed. 

(3)  The  oxidation  by  potassium  permanganate  gives  rather 
irregular  results,  the  oxygen  absorbed  varying  from  4'6  to  8'9 
per  cent.,  and  the  action  going  on  almost  indefinitely.    However, 

1  Except  the  conversion  of  the  silver  into  iodide. 


by  operating  in  presence  of  a  very  great  excess  of  sulphuric 
acid  more  concordant  results  may  be  obtained,  such  as  8'3 ; 
7-5;  8-4;  8;9. 

These  figures  correspond  sensibly  to  three  equivalents  of 
oxygen  absorbed. 

The  solutions  do  not  contain  ammonia,  but  liberate  by 
ebullition  a  considerable  quantity  of  nitrogen  monoxide.  In 
another  experiment,  the  oxygen  absorbed  and  the  nitrogen 
monoxide  were  ascertained  by  analysis.  The  following  results 
were  obtained : — 

0  fixed  :  8-3  : :  N20  liberated :  8'0  per  100  parts  of  salt. 

These  figures  correspond  very  sensibly  to  the  following 
transformation : — 

Ag4N405  +  03  +  H20  =  ]ST20  +  2HN03-  2  Ag20  combined  with 

the  acid. 

This  is  therefore  a  fresh  confirmation  of  the  formula.  The 
analysis  by  the  permanganate  must  be  made  by  introducing 
the  salt  of  silver  in  a  body  into  the  mixture  of  perman- 
ganate and  sulphuric  acid  made  beforehand  and  in  excess, 
as  the  hyponitrous  acid  set  free  slowly  absorbs  the  oxygen 
of  the  air. 

These  facts  being  established,  we  have  proceeded  to  the 
calorimetric  measurements,  and  successively  determined  the 
heat  of  formation  of  the  salt  of  silver,  that  of  the  acid  itself,  as 
well  as  the  heat  liberated  by  its  union  with  silver  and  potassium 

5.  Heat  of  formation  of  silver  hyponitrite.  We  determined 
the  heat  of  formation  of  silver  hyponitrite  by  oxidising  it  with 
bromine  water  in  accordance  with  one  of  the  foregoing 

The  figures  obtained  are  sufficiently  close.  The  following  is 
a  list  of  them : — 

First  Series. — Action  effected  by  a  single  operation  for  Ag=  108  grms. 

First  '        ...     29-83  Cal.\     m.ftn  o0.fio 

Second  ...    31-54    „  / 

Second  Series. — Successive  actions  of  HC1  and  Br. 

Third  ... 28-00  Cal.) 

Fourth  29-85     „    V     mean  28'62. 

Fifth  ...  28-00     „   ) 

The  general  mean  of  both  series  is  equal  to  29'65  Cal. 

The  experimental  ratio  between  the  silver  and  the  bromine 
absorbed  in  equivalents  was  found  to  have  a  mean  value  of 
3'71 ;  a  figure  which  is  rather  too  high,  owing,  as  before  stated, 
to  the  loss  of  bromine  by  evaporation.  The  theoretical  ratio  is 
3-50.  Let  therefore  the  initial  system  be  Ag4N405  +  7H20  + 


14Br  (gas)  -f  water,  the  final  state  is  arrived  at  by  the  following 
cycle : — 

N4  +  05  +  Ag4  =  N405Ag4. 

7(H2  +  0)  =  7H20  liberates  +  34-5  x  7             ...  =241-5 

4Br  gaseous  +  water  =  14Br  dissolved              ...  +    29'0 

Beaction  (for  Ag4)         +    59*3 

x  +  329-8 
the  final  state  being — 

2HN03  dilute  +  lOHBr  dilute  -f  4AgBr. 
The  same  final  state  may  be  arrived  at  by  the  following  cycle : — 

2(H  +  N  +  08)  +  water  =  2(HN03)  dilute  ...  +  97-6 
10(H  +  Br  gas)  +  water  =  lOHBr  dilute  ...  +167-5 
4(AgBr  gas)  =  4AgBr +  55'4 

+  320-5 
Both  thermal  sums  being  equal,  it  follows  that 

x  =  -9-3  Cal. 
This  is  the  heat  absorbed  in  the  reunion  of  the  elements 

Ag4  +  N4  +  05. 

We  have   further,  starting  with  nitrogen,  oxygen,  and  silver 
oxide — 

2Ag20  +  N4  +  03,  -  16-3  Cal. 

6.  Heat  of  formation  of  hyponitrous  acid.  To  pass  to  the  acid 
itself,  we  measured  the  heat  liberated  in  the  reaction  of  dilute 
hydrochloric  acid  on  silver  hyponitrite,  viz.  for  one  equivalent 
of  silver,  Ag,  contained  in  this  compound. 

+  8'' 

which  makes  for  Ag2  +  17 '88. 

The  hyponitrous  acid  exists,  moreover,  after  this  operation,  or 
at  least  throughout  the  duration  of  the  experiment,  as  is  shown 
by  the  agreement  of  the  estimations  of  bromine  effected  before 
and  after  the  action  of  the  hydrochloric  acid. 

This  being  established,  the  reaction 

2HC1  -f  Ag20  =  2AgCl  4-  H20  liberates  +  201 ; 
whence  it  follows  that 
N403  dilute  4-  2  Ag20  =  Ag4N405  liberates  +  40'2-17'9  =  +22-3, 

or  4-  1215  for  each  equivalent  of  oxide  combined.  Hence  we 
have  N4  4-  03  4-  water  =  N403  dilute  —  38*6  Cal.  Hyponitrous 
acid  is  therefore  formed  from  its  elements  with  absorption  of 
heat,  as  would  be  supposed  from  the  instability  of  the  acid  itself. 
Its  transformation  into  nitric  acid,  by  oxidation  (by  means  of 
bromine),  liberates  N403  dilute  4-  07  4-  2H20  =  4HM)3  dilute 


•f  67*2  or  -f  9'6  Cal.  per  equivalent  of  oxygen  fixed.  This 
figure  is  hardly  higher  than  that  obtained  for  the  transformation 
of  dissolved  nitrous  acid  into  dilute  nitric  acid.  N203  dilute 
+  02  +  H20  =  2HN03  dilute  +  1815,  or  9-25  cal.  for  each  0 
fixed.  However,  if  we  regard  the  two  successive  oxidations,  the 
calculation  shows  that  the  oxidation  of  the  nitrogen  trioxide 
forming  nitrous  acid  liberates  a  little  more  heat,  viz.  101  per  0 
fixed,  than  that  of  the  nitrous  acid  changed  into  nitric  acid,  viz. 
9 '25.  The  change  even  of  one  of  the  salts  into  the  other  would 
liberate,  for  solid  salts  of  silver — 

Hyponitrite  changed  into  nitrite  per  0  fixed  -f  10'4 
Nitrite  into  nitrate  -f  8*8. 

For  the  dissolved  salts  of  potassium  the  difference  is  increased, 
owing  to  the  difference  in  the  heats  of  neutralisation. 

Hyponitrite  changed  into  nitrite  per  0  fixed  +  13 '6. 
Nitrite  into  nitrate  4-  10'8. 

The  relations  are  always  of  the  same  kind. 

7.  The  oxidation  by  permanganate,  with  formation  of  nitrogen 
monoxide  (deducting  the  heat   due   to  the  reduction   of  the 
permanganate) — 

N403  dil.  +  03  +  H20  =  2HN03dil.  +  N20  gas  liberates  +  42 -3. 

The  slow  decomposition  of  the  hyponitrous  acid  in  contact  with 
the  air,  and  at  the  expense  both  of  the  free  oxygen  and  that 
dissolved  in  the  water,  liberates  exactly  the  same  quantity  of 
heat  with  formation  of  nitrogen  monoxide.  The  pure  and 
simple  separation  N403  dil.  =  2NO  +  N20  gas  would  liberate 
-f-  6 '4.  The  nitrogen  monoxide  can  moreover  be  formed  with- 
out nitric  acid  by  other  methods,  which  liberate  much  more 
heat,  and  are  therefore  preferable — 

7N403  +  water  =  7N20  gas  -f  2HN03  dil.  liberates  +  96'6, 
or  -{-  241  for  N403.  Combinations  of  hyponitrous  acid  present 
a  mobility  and  complexity  of  reactions  which  are  explained  by 
their  endothermal  formation.  Many  analogous  phenomena  are 
known  in  the  series  of  the  lower  oxides  of  sulphur  and 
phosphorus,  not  to  speak  of  hydroxylamine,  which  also  very 
easily  yields  nitrogen  and  nitrogen  monoxide. 

8.  The  heat  of  neutralisation  of  dilute  hyponitrous  acid  by 
silver  oxide  has  been  given  above,  viz. 

N403  dilute  +  2Ag204  =  Ag4N405  -f  1115  X  4. 
We  have  tried  also  to  estimate  the  heat  of  neutralisation  of 
hyponitrous  acid  by  the  alkalis,  by  decomposing  salts  of  silver 
by  the  alkaline  chlorides.  The  reaction  is  almost  instantaneous. 
We  obtained  i(Ag4N405  -f  4HC1)  dilute  at  about  14°  +  5'50 
Cal.  With  barium  chloride,  BaCl2,  the  liberation  of  heat  has 
been  more  considerable,  but  it  seems  to  be  complicated  by  the 


partial  precipitation  of  barium  hyponitrite.  With  ammonium 
chloride  there  is  produced  a  special  decomposition,  setting  free 
ammonia,  which  has  already  been  observed  by  Divers.  Accord- 
ing to  the  above  figures,  we  have,  for  potash  and  hyponitrous 
acid  at  14°— 

]ST403  dilute  +  2K20  dilute  liberates  2(+  8'9  +  13'8  +  2'75 
-  201)  =  +  2  x  5-35  Cal. 

Let  us  now  compare  these  results  with  the  analogous  numbers 
relating  to  the  two  other  acids  of  nitrogen — 

i(2HN03  dilute  +  Ag20,  forming  2AgN03)  solid...         +  10-7  Cal. 
i(N203  dilute  +  Ag20,  forming  2AgN02)  solid     ...         +  12-1     „ 
}(N408  dilute  +  2  Ag20,  forming  Ag4N406)  +  11-1     „ 

These  are  nearly  the  same  values  as  for  silver  oxide  forming 
solid  salts.  For  potash,  on  the  contrary,  forming  soluble  salts — 

i(2HN03  dilute  +  K20  dilute)       +  13-8  Cal. 

i(N203  dilute  +  K20  dilute)  +  10'6     „ 

i(N403  dilute  +  2K20  dilute)         +    5'4    „ 

The  relative  weakness  of  the  latter  acids,  a  weakness  which  is 
correlative  with  their  decreasing  percentage  of  oxygen,  is  here 
more  and  more  marked.1 


1.  The  carrying  out  of  so  many  thermal  determinations  has 
led  to  the  study  of  the   formation   and  decomposition  of  the 
various  oxides  of  nitrogen,  a   subject  which  had  not  been  re- 
considered since  the  time  of   Gay-Lussac,2  Dulong,3  Dalton,4 
and    Priestley.      Some    of  Peligot's5  famous   experiments    on 
nitric  peroxide  and  nitrogen  trioxide  have  also  been  repeated. 

The  results  obtained  were  unexpected,  and  contrary  to  the 
received  opinions  on  the  stability  of  nitric  oxide. 

2.  Nitrogen  monoxide,  according  to  Priestley,  is  decomposed  at 

1  We  think  it  well  to  give  here  the  calculation  of  the  heats  of  formation  of 
the  hyponitrites  according  to  the  old  formula.     The  calculation  can  only  be 
etfected  upon  the  supposition  that  the  oxidation  by  the  bromine  should  not  be 
quite  complete,  3*71  equivalents  of  oxygen  having  been  fixed  instead  of  4, 
which  is  equivalent  to  admitting  that  the  action  of  the  bromine  should  have 
liberated  +  30-65  Cal.   per  equivalent  of  silver   (taking  into  account  the 
formation  of  AgBr,  which  is  not  changed).     We  thus  find — 

J(N,  +  02  +  AgBr  =  2AgNO)      -    g-25 

N2  +  0  +  water  =  N20  dissolved -  22-90 

N20  dissolved  +  Ag20  =  2AgNG  precip +11-15 

N20  dissolved  +  K20  =  2KNO  dissolved  ...  +    5-35 

The  deductions  and  general  points  of  similarity  remain  moreover  the  same. 

2  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  torn.  i.  p.  394.     1816. 

3  Ibid.,  torn.  ii.  p.  517.     1816. 

4  Ibid.,  torn.  vii.  p.  36.     1817. 

5  Ibid.,  3e  serie,  torn.  ii.  p.  58.    1841. 


a  red  heat,  or  by  the  electric  spark,  into  nitrogen  and  oxygen. 
This  decomposition  is  the  easier,  as  it  liberates  heat. 

N20  =  N2  +  0  +  10-3  Cal. 

In  this  way,  it  is  not  accompanied  by  dissociation,  and  is  not, 
therefore,  reversible. 

Experiments  were  made  with  a  view  of  determining  at  about 
what  temperature  this  decomposition  commences,  and  if  nitric 
oxide  were  produced.  The  monoxide  resists  the  action  of  a 
moderate  heat  better  than  is  generally  supposed.  By  heating 
it  to  a  dull  red,  about  520°,  for  half  an  hour,  in  a  tube  of 
Bohemian  glass  hermetically  sealed,  hardly  1-5  per  cent,  is 
decomposed  into  nitrogen  and  oxygen.  The  decomposition  is, 
therefore,  extremely  slow.  Let  us  note  here  that  the  trans- 
formation of  nitrogen  monoxide  into  nitric  oxide  at  the  ordinary 

N20  =  N  +  NO,  would  absorb  -  I'O  Cal. 

The  sudden  compression  of  nitrogen  monoxide  in  an  apparatus 
analogous  to  the  gas  tinder  box  (briquet  a  gaz)  and  under  con- 
ditions capable  of  causing  the  explosion  of  a  mixture  of 
hydrogen  and  oxygen  only  produces  traces  of  decomposition. 

Nitrogen  monoxide,  mixed  with  oxygen  and  brought  to  a  dull 
red  heat  in  a  sealed  tube,  does  not  yield  nitric  oxide,  which  is 
intelligible,  its  formation  absorbing  heat :  i(N20  -f-  0  =  2NO) 
would  absorb  —  11 '3.  Finally,  it  must  be  remembered  that 
nitrogen  monoxide  does  not  exert  an  oxidising  action  in  the 
cold  upon  any  known  body,  and  that  it  is  neither  absorbed  nor 
decomposed  by  alcoholic  or  aqueous  potash. 

The  action  of  the  electric  spark  on  nitrogen  monoxide  was 
examined  principally  in  order  to  study  its  first  phases,  for  the 
general  products  have  already  been  noted  by  Priestley,  Grove, 
Andrews  and  Tait,  as  well  as  by  Buff  and  Hoffmann.  The 
experiment  was  made  in  a  sealed  tube  in  order  to  avoid  any 
secondary  action,  from  water  or  mercury. 

Decomposition  takes  place  rapidly,  and  nitrous  vapour  is 
immediately  formed.  One-third  of  the  gas  was  decomposed 
within  a  minute.  The  decomposed  part  was  divided  in  nearly 
equal  proportions  between  the  two  following  reactions  : — 

N20  =  N2      +0. 
4N20  =  N204  +  6JST. 

The  first  action  may  be  regarded  as  especially  due  to  the 
action  of  the  heat  of  the  spark;  the  second  to  the  heat  and 
electricity  combined.  Further,  both  reactions  are  exothermal : 
the  first  liberating  +  10'3  Cal.,  and  the  second  -f  38  Cal.,  that 
is  to  say  +  9*5  Cal.  for  every  equivalent  of  nitrogen  monoxide 
decomposed.  At  the  end  of  three  minutes,  with  stronger  sparks 
(six  Bunsen  elements),  nearly  three-quarters  of  the  gas  was 


decomposed ;  always  in  the  same  manner,  the  second  reaction 
slightly  prevailing.  Hence  it  will  be  seen  that  nitric  oxide  does 
not  and  cannot  appear  in  the  electric  decomposition  of  the 
monoxide,  since  the  latter  always  gives  rise  to  an  excess  of  free 

The  proportion  of  nitric  peroxide,  formed  in  these  experi- 
ments, represented  nearly  one-seventh  of  the  final  volume, 
a  proportion  which  cannot  be  very  far  removed  from  that  corre- 
sponding to  the  final  equilibrium  produced  by  the  spark  in  an 
equivalent  mixture  of  free  nitrogen  and  oxygen,  according  to 
experiments  detailed  further  on. 

3.  Nitric  oxide.  This  gas  is  reputed  one  of  the  most  stable. 
It  has,  however,  been  taught  that  the  spark  (Priestley)  or  the 
action  of  a  red  heat  (Gay-Lussac)  slowly  decomposes  nitric 
oxide  into  nitrogen  or  nitric  peroxide,  and  that  in  the  presence 
of  mercury  or  iron  there  remains  nothing  but  nitrogen  (Buff 
and  Hoffmann,  1860). 

These  opinions  do  not  appear  to  be  well  founded.  Mtric 
oxide l  contained  in  a  sealed  glass  tube  and  brought  to  a  dull 
red  heat,  about  520°,  commences  to  decompose.  At  the  end  of 
half  an  hour,  the  volume  of  the  gas  decomposed  amounts  to 
nearly  the  quarter  of  the  initial  volume.  The  decomposed 
portion  was  partly  broken  up  into  nitrogen  monoxide  and 
oxygen — 

2NO  =  N20  +  0,  a  reaction  liberating  +  H'3  Cal., 
and  partly  into  free  nitrogen  and  oxygen — 

2NO  =  N2  +  02,  a  reaction  liberating  -f-  21'6. 

The  first  reaction,  that  is  the  formation  of  nitrogen  monoxide, 
was  predominant ;  but  the  oxygen,  gradually  regenerated  in 
presence  of  an  excess  of  non-decomposed  nitric  oxide,  had 
partially  transformed  it,  at  first,  into  nitrogen  trioxide — 

2NO  -f  0  =  Na03  liberates  +  10-5; 
the  total  reaction, 

4NO  =  N20  +  N203,  liberating  +  217. 

Then,  the  oxygen  increasing  owing  to  a  more  advanced  decom- 
position, nitric  peroxide  is  formed — 

2NO  +  02  =  2N02  liberates  -f  19'0  ; 
the  total  reaction,  that  is  to  say 

4NO  =  N2  +  2N02,  liberating  +  40'6  Cal. 

1  This  gas  was  prepared  by  the  reaction  of  nitric  acid  on  a  boiling  solution 
of  ferrous  sulphate ;  it  is  the  only  reaction  which  yields  it  quite  pure.  The 
use  of  copper  and  nitric  acid,  even  very  dilute  and  cold,  always  gives  rise  to 
monoxide  of  which  the  proportion,  variable  with  the  length  of  duration  ot 
the  reaction,  may  amount  to  more  than  a  tenth  of  the  volume  of  the  gas 


Another  experiment,  lasting  six  hours,  under  the  same  con- 
ditions, gave  sensibly  the  same  results,  the  proportion  of  nitric 
oxide  decomposed  being  the  same,  and  of  monoxide  rather  less, 
but  always  very  considerable.  The  action  of  the  electric  spark 
confirms  and  extends  these  results.  It  commences  to  exert 
itself  with  extreme  promptitude,  and  presents  several  successive 
terms  which  deserve  attention. 

Operating  upon  the  gas  enclosed  in  sealed  tubes  with  rather 
weak  sparks  (two  Bunsen  elements)  a  sixth  of  the  gas  was 
already  decomposed  at  the  end  of  one  minute.  The  proportion 
would  certainly  have  been  larger,  if  the  platinum  electrodes 
were  situated  in  the  centre  of  the  mass  instead  of  being  at  the 
extremity,  which  retarded  the  mixture  of  the  gases.  About 
a  third  of  the  decomposed  product  consisted  of  nitrogen 
monoxide  — 

4NO  =  N20  +  NA, 

the  other  two-thirds  producing  nitrogen  and  nitric  peroxide  — 

N2  +  2N02. 

At  the  end  of  five  minutes  three-quarters  of  the  nitric  oxide 
was  decomposed  with  formation  of  nitrogen  monoxide  and 
nitrogen  trioxide  and  nitric  peroxide.  The  ratio  between  the 
nitrogen  monoxide  arid  the  nitrogen,  that  is,  between  the  two 
modes  of  decomposition,  was  nearly  the  same  as  above.  It  is 
further  necessary  to  distinguish  between  the  calorific  action  of 
the  spark,  which  causes  the  formation  of  monoxide  (a  body  not 
formed  by  the  spark  acting  on  the  elements),  as  well  as  of  a 
portion  of  free  nitrogen,  and  the  action  peculiar  to  electricity, 
as  shown  by  an  experiment  of  longer  duration. 

In  fact,  the  flow  of  sparks  prolonged  for  an  hour  leaves 
nothing  but  a  mixture  of  non-decomposed  nitric  oxide  (thirteen 
per  cent,  of  the  initial  volume),  nitrous  vapour  (more  than  forty 
per  cent.),  and  nitrogen.  But  no  appreciable  quantity  of 
monoxide  was  discovered.  This  gas  therefore  disappears  before 
the  nitric  oxide,  doubtless  under  the  influence  of  the  high 
temperature  of  the  spark. 

This  fact,  in  apparent  contradiction  to  the  initial  transforma- 
tion of  a  part  of  the  nitric  oxide  into  monoxide,  seems  to  show 
that  the  nitric  oxide  commences  to  undergo  decomposition  at 
a  lower  temperature  than  the  monoxide,  and  that  it  nevertheless 
lasts,  in  part,  longer,  or  at  a  higher  temperature,  in  presence  of 
the  products  of  its  decomposition. 

However,  the  still  more  prolonged  action  of  electricity  causes 
it  to  disappear  in  its  turn,  at  the  same  time  that  it  diminishes 
the  volume  of  the  nitrous  vapour  produced  in  the  first  period. 
After  eighteen  minutes  only  twelve  per  cent,  of  nitrous  vapour 
formed,  solely  of  nitric  peroxide.  The  gaseous  mixture  con- 



tained  N  =  44,  0  =  37,  N02  =  13  for  100  volumes  of  the 
original  gas. 

On  account  of  the  duration  of  the  reaction,  and  of  the 
antagonistic  influence  tending  to  the  formation  of  nitric  peroxide, 
in  a  mixture  of  pure  nitrogen  and  oxygen  traversed  by  the 
spark,  the  above  system  must  be  regarded  as  nearly  in  a  state 
of  equilibrium. 

But  to  return  to  the  nitric  oxide.  On  the  whole  this  compound 
is  less  stable  under  ordinary  conditions  than  the  monoxide, 
since  it  is  capable  of  producing  it  by  decomposition  under  the 
influence  of  heat  or  the  spark.  Here  an  apparent  contradiction 
between  the  known  properties  of  the  two  gases  manifests  itself. 
Why  do  carbon,  sulphur,  phosphorus,  when  once  ignited, 
continue  to  burn  more  easily  in  the  monoxide  than  in  the 
nitric  oxide,  a  circumstance  which  has  caused  until  now  a 
greater  stability  to  be  attributed  to  the  latter  gas  ?  The 
explanation  is  the  following  (see  pp.  62  and  63) :  on  the  one 
hand,  nitric  oxide  does  not  contain  more  oxygen  at  equal 
volumes  than  the  monoxide,  and,  on  the  other  hand,  this 
oxygen  only  becomes  available  in  totality  for  combustion  at  a 
much  higher  temperature,  the  nitric  oxide  being  at  first  changed 
to  a  great  extent  into  nitric  peroxide,  a  body  really  more  stable 
than  nitrogen  monoxide.  The  combustive  energy  of  the  nitric 
oxide,  at  the  temperature  of  incipient  red  heat,  must  therefore 
be  less  than  that  of  the  monoxide,  which  is  immediately  resolved 
into  nitrogen  and  free  oxygen. 

We  have  explained  in  the  same  way  the  impossibility  of 
exploding  a  mixture  of  nitric  oxide  and  hydrogen,  or  carbonic 
oxide.  The  combustion  produced  at  the  point  of  contact 
with  the  incandescent  body,  or  on  the  path  of  the  spark,  does 
not  raise  the  temperature  to  the  degree  requisite  for  the  de- 
composition of  nitric  peroxide,  whilst  explosive  mixtures 
liberating  far  more  heat,  as  is  the  case  with  cyanogen  and 
ethylene,  explode  with  extreme  violence. 

The  want  of  stability  of  nitric  oxide  is  equally  manifested  in 
a  number  of  slow  reactions,  carried  out  with  the  pure  gas  at  the 
ordinary  temperature,  whether  it  be  resolved  into  nitrite  and 
monoxide  under  the  influence  of  potash  (Gay-Lussac) — 

4NO  +  K20  dilute  +  water  =  2KN02  dissolved  +  N20 
liberates  +  39'2  Cal., 

or  whether  it  gradually  oxidise  various  mineral  bodies  in  the 
cold,  according  to  the  early  observers,  or  certain  organic  com- 
pounds, according  to  the  author's  own  experiments.1 

The  latter  reactions  take  place  in  various  ways.  Sometimes 
the  whole  of  the  nitrogen  of  the  nitric  oxide  is  set  free,  libe- 
rating -f  21 '6  more  than  the  heat  produced  with  free  oxygen. 

1  "  Chimie  organique  fondee  sur  la  synthese,"  torn.  ii.  p.  485. 


Sometimes  half  the  nitrogen  only  is  set  free,  a  slow  reaction 
observable  with  essence  of  turpentine  or  benzene,  which  leave 
a  residuum  of  nitrogen  equal  to  the  fourth  of  the  volume  of 
the  nitric  oxide.  Sometimes  nitrogen  monoxide  is  set  free, 
another  slow  reaction  observable  with  sodium  sulphide  or 
stannous  chloride,  which  leave  nitrogen  monoxide  and  nitrogen 
in  equal  volumes. 

Sometimes  even  ammonia  is  set  free,  with  the  aid  of  the 
hydrogen  of  water,  or  various  organic  compounds. 

Nitrogen  monoxide,  nitrogen,  and  ammonia  are  formed  from 
the  same  causes  in  the  greater  number  of  reactions  where  an 
oxidisable  body  tends  to  bring  nitric  acid  to  the  state  of 
nitric  oxide.  Hence  the  latter  gas,  prepared  by  the  reaction  of 
the  metals  on  dilute  nitric  acid,  is  seldom  pure. 

A  similar  tendency  to  slow  and  multiple  decompositions 
is  the  distinctive  character  of  unstable  compounds  formed 
with  absorption  of  heat.  Nitric  oxide  is  comparable,  under 
this  head,  with  cyanogen  and  acetylene.  Now,  all  these 
endothermal  compounds  have  a  capacity  for  entering  into 
reaction,  a  sort  of  chemical  plasticity  very  superior  to  that  of 
their  elements,  and  comparable  to  that  of  the  most  active 
radicals,  a  circumstance  which  may  be  explained  by  the  excess 
of  energy  stored  up  in  the  act  of  their  synthesis. 

The  potential  energy  of  the  elements  generally  diminishes  in 
the  act  of  combination ;  acetylene,  cyanogen,  and  nitric  oxide, 
however,  form  exceptions.  There  is  no  doubt  some  relation 
between  this  increase  of  energy  and  the  capacity  possessed  by 
these  compound  radicals  for  entering  directly  into  new  com- 
binations with  the  elements. 

Under  the  influence  of  electricity  we  obtain  the  direct, 
though  always  endothermal  reunion  of  the  elements  which 
form  either  acetylene  itself  or  the  hydrogenated  combination 
of  cyanogen,  or  the  super-oxidised  combination  of  nitric  oxide. 

4.  Nitrogen  trioxide.  Let  us  first  note  the  following  thermal 
relations  concerning  anhydrous  nitrous  acid  : 

N203  =  2NO  +  0  would  absorb  -  10-5  Cal. 
N203  =  2N02  liberates  +  8-5. 

Hence  it  follows  that  the  breaking  up  of  nitrous  acid  into 
nitric  oxide  and  peroxide, 

N203  =  NO  +  NO*  would  absorb  -  2'0  Cal. 

In  fact,  the  three  bodies  contained  in  the  last  equation  con- 
stitute a  system  in  the  state  of  dissociation,  a  system  of  which 
the  equilibrium  varies  with  the  relative  proportions,  temperature, 
condensation,  etc. 

Gay-Lussac  observed  that  oxygen  and  nitrogen,  mixed  in 
volumes  in  the  ratio  of  1  :  4  in  the  presence  of  a  concentrated 
solution  of  potash,  yield  only  nitrite. 

o  2 


The  same  reaction  occurs,  whatever  ~be  the  relative  proportions 
of  the  two  gases  and  the  order  of  the  mixture,  in  presence  of  con- 
centrated alkaline  solutions,  and  even  of  baryta  water.  Not 
only  do  the  ratios  between  the  volumes  of  the  gases  establish 
this  fact,  but  analyses  made  on  several  grammes  of  matter  have 
shown  that  the  proportion  of  nitrogen  trioxide  formed  corre- 
sponds to  96  or  98  per  cent,  of  the  nitric  oxide  employed. 

If  the  reaction  occur  without  proper  precautions  being  taken 
to  absorb  the  nitrogen  trioxide,  and  particularly  if  it  be 
executed  with  anhydrous  bodies,  nitric  peroxide  is  formed.1 
Nitrogen  trioxide  acid  cannot  exist  for  any  length  of  time 
except  in  the  presence  of  the  products  of  its  decomposition.  It 
is  this  complex  mixture,  variable  according  to  circumstances, 
which  constitutes  the  body  called  nitrous  vapour,  whenever 
oxygen  is  not  in  excess.  The  same  remark  applies,  moreover,  to 
the  liquid  acid,  the  purest  nitrogen  trioxide  which  has  been 
obtained  (Fritzche ;  Hasenbach),  containing  about  one-eighth 
of  nitric  peroxide,  according  to  the  analyses.  Peligot  has 
for  long  insisted  on  this  circumstance. 

In  presence  of  an  excess  of  oxygen,  there  is  formed,  or 
rather  there  exists,  only  nitric  peroxide,  as  is  known  from  the 
labours  of  Gay-Lussac,  Dulong  and  Peligot,  who  obtained  in 
this  way  the  crystallised  acid.  We  will  not  dwell  further 
on  this  point,  except  to  observe  that,  nitrogen  trioxide  being  the 
initial  product  of  the  reaction,  even  in  presence  of  an  excess  of 
oxygen,  we  are  forced  to  admit  that  nitric  peroxide  results 
from  this  nitrogen  trioxide,  combined  afterwards  with  a  second 
equivalent  of  oxygen — 

N203  +  0  =  2N02. 

In  a  dry  gaseous  mixture,  as  well  as  in  presence  of  water, 
the  formation  of  the  two  oxides  takes  place  almost  in- 
stantaneously. Admitting,  according  to  analogy,  and  in  con- 
formity with  an  approximate  gaseous  density  given  by 
Hasenbach,  that  the  formula  N203  represents  two  volumes,  the 
second  reaction  would  offer  this  remarkable  character,  hitherto 
unique  in  the  study  of  direct  actions,  of  a  real  gaseous  com- 
bination accompanied  by  increase  of  volume,  three  volumes  of 
the  component  gases  furnishing  four  volumes. 

1  The  experiments  were  made  with  a  system  of  two  concentric  bulbs  (see 
p.  168)  of  known  capacity,  hermetically  sealed,  one  containing  dry  oxygen, 
the  other  dry  nitric  oxide,  about  300  to  400  cms.  The  inner  bulb  is  broken, 
by  a  jerk,  and  the  two  gases  are  allowed  to  react.  When  the  reaction  is 
complete,  the  point  of  the  outer  bulb  is  broken  in  a  solution  of  potash  of 
known  strength ;  the  nitrogen  trioxide  and  nitric  peroxide  are  absorbed  with- 
out affecting  the  nitric  oxide.  The  nitrogen  trioxide  is  absorbed  without 
change,  as  proved  by  the  foregoing  tests.  Nitric  peroxide  in  the  state  of 
vapour  is  likewise  completely  absorbed,  being  changed  according  to  a  well- 
known  reaction  into  nitrogen  trioxide  and  nitric  acid. 


It  would  be  the  same  with  the  metamorphosis  of  nitrogen 
monoxide  into  nitric  oxide — 

N20  +  0  =  2NO, 

if  it  could  occur.  In  reality,  this  reaction  does  not  take  place 
directly,  being  endothermal.  But  (pp.  192  and  194)  the  real 
existence  of  the  inverse  decomposition,  which  presents  an 
anomaly  of  the  same  order  and  correlative,  has  been  established, 
viz.  a  simple  gaseous  decomposition  effected  with  contraction: 
four  volumes  being  changed  into  three.  The  relation  is  more 
clearly  defined  than  the  first,  if  not  in  principle,  at  least  in  fact, 
seeing  that  it  occurs  between  three  gases  of  which  the  density 
is  known.  If  nitric  peroxide  is  the  final  stage  of  oxidation  of 
anhydrous  nitrogen  trioxide  by  free  oxygen,  it  is  not  the  same 
with  nitrogen  trioxide  dissolved  in  water;  for  dilute  solutions  of 
nitrogen  trioxide  gradually  absorb  free  oxygen,  and  become 
gradually  changed  into  nitric  acid:  N203  +  H20  -h  02  =  2HN03 
dilute  liberates  -j-18'5.  If  ozone  be  substituted  for  oxygen  the 
oxidation  of  the  nitrogen  trioxide  is  instantaneous. 

We  now  return  to  the  action  of  water  on  nitrogen  trioxide. 
In  presence  of  water  the  anhydrous  acid  becomes  wholly  or  in 
part  hydrated  nitrogen  trioxide;  it  also  shows  a  tendency  to 
decompose  into  nitric  acid  and  nitric  oxide.  The  reaction 
3NA  gas  +  water  =  2HN03  dilute  +  4NO  liberates  +  44. 
But  this  last  reaction  only  takes  place  to  any  appreciable 
extent  if  water  be  present  in  sufficient  quantity.  In  this  case 
it  is  partially  decomposed  into  nitric  oxide  and  oxygen,  which 
gradually  transforms  another  portion  of  nitrogen  trioxide  into 
nitric  acid.  This  may  be  observed  by  treating  solutions  of 
barium  nitrite  of  various  degrees  of  concentration  with  dilute 
sulphuric  acid.  The  immediate  reaction  here  attributed  to 
nascent  oxygen  is  the  same  as  the  slow  reaction  of  free  oxygen 
on  dissolved  nitrogen  trioxide. 

From  the  well-known  reaction  of  water  on  anhydrous  nitrogen 
trioxide,  and  from  experiments  on  the  distribution  of  baryta 
among  dilute  hydrochloric  and  acetic  acid  and  nitrogen  trioxide, 
the  author  is  of  opinion  that  a  double  dissociation  is  observed 
when  nitrogen  trioxide  is  in  presence  of  an  insufficient  quantity 
of  water,  viz.  the  dissociation  of  the  hydrated  nitrogen  trioxide, 
which  is  partly  changed  into  water  and  anhydrous  acid,  and  the 
dissociation  of  the  anhydrous  nitrogen  trioxide,  which  is  partly 
changed  into  oxygen  and  nitric  oxide.  The  effects  are  moreover 
complicated  by  the  ulterior  action  of  the  oxygen  which  dis- 
appears in  transforming  another  portion  of  the  nitrogen  trioxide 
into  nitric  acid. 

Under  these  conditions,  the  nitric  oxide  being  eliminated 
as  produced,  it  would  seem  as  if  its  formation  should  be  in- 
definitely reproduced. 


But  the  progressive  dilution  of  the  portion  of  hydrated 
nitrogen  trioxide  which  remains  undecomposed  (a  dilution 
resulting  from  the  reaction  itself)  limits  more  and  more  the 
relative  proportion  of  anhydrous  acid  up  to  the  point  at  which 
the  small  quantity  of  nitric  oxide  remaining  dissolved  suffices 
to  ensure  the  stability  of  the  system.  Perhaps  dilution,  carried 
out  to  a  certain  degree,  completely  arrests  the  decomposition 
of  the  hydrated  nitrogen  trioxide,  no  longer  permitting  any 
portion  of  the  anhydrous  acid  to  subsist. 

In  practice  it  is  certain  that  a  final  system  is  realised  contain- 
ing at  one  and  the  same  time  water,  dilute  nitric  acid,  and 
hydrated  and  diluted  nitrogen  trioxide.  By  diminishing  the 
relative  proportion  of  water,  the  equilibrium  would  be  destroyed ; 
it  would  also  be  destroyed  by  raising  the  temperature,  which 
gives  rise  to  a  liberation  of  nitric  oxide.  Conversely,  the 
diminution  of  water  may  be  compensated  for  by  the  lowering  of 
the  temperature. 

5.  Nitric  peroxide.  We  shall  now  examine  the  degree  of 
stability  of  nitric  peroxide.  This  body  is  rightly  regarded  as 
the  most  stable  of  the  oxides  of  nitrogen ;  in  fact,  it  may  be 
heated  in  a  sealed  glass  tube  to  about  500°  for  an  hour,  without 
showing  the  least  sign  of  decomposition.  It  moreover  exerts  no 
reaction,  either  on  oxygen  in  a  cold  state,  or  on  free  nitrogen  at 
a  dull  red  heat  under  the  same  conditions.  However,  under 
the  influence  of  the  electric  current  the  mixture  of  oxygen 
and  nitric  peroxide  becomes  discoloured,  and  gives  rise  to 
a  new  compound,  pemitric  acid,1  about  which  very  little  is 

Nitric  peroxide  is  decomposed  into  its  elements  by  the  electric 
spark — 

2N02  =  £T2  +  04. 

^  After  an  hour,  as  much  as  a  quarter  was  decomposed.     After 
eighteen  hours,  a  mixture  was  obtained  containing  in  volume — 

1ST  =  28 ;  0  =  56 ;  N02  =  14 

We  should  note  that  the  decomposition  stops  at  a  certain 
point,  as  in  all  cases  where  the  electric  spark  develops  an 
inverse  action.  It  has,  indeed,  been  known  since  the  time  of 
Cavendish  that  the  spark  effects  the  combination  of  nitrogen 
with  oxygen.  But  this  combination,  effected  with  dry  gases, 
cannot  yield  anything  but  nitric  peroxide,  seeing  that  free 
oxygen  always  remains,  as  will  now  be  shown.  Operating  upon 
atmospheric  air  it  was  found  that  after  an  hour  7'5  per  cent., 
that  is,  a  third  by  volume,  had  yielded  nitric  peroxide.  Eighteen 
hours  of  electric  action  did  not  sensibly  alter  this  ratio. 

This  numerical  value  is  not  absolute.  An  exact  measurement 
would  call  for  more  numerous  experiments,  made  under  more 
1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  s^rie,  torn.  xxii.  p.  439. 


varied  conditions,  both  with  regard  to  electric  energy,  and 
pressure  and  the  relative  proportions  of  the  gases.  The 
important  point  is  the  existence  of  the  limits,  as  a  necessary 
consequence  of  the  two  antagonistic  reactions. 

The  action  of  water  on  nitric  peroxide  deserves  attention. 

If  the  water  be  in  small  quantity  and  the  nitric  peroxide 
liquid,  we  obtain,  as  is  well  known,  at  a  low  temperature, 
anhydrous  nitrogen  trioxide — 

4N02  +  H20  =  N203  +  2HX03. 

In  the  presence  of  a  large  quantity  of  water,  nitric  peroxide 
gas,  acting  gradually,  is  completely  absorbed  with  the  formation 
of  hydrated  nitric  acid  and  nitrogen  trioxide — 

4N  02  +  NH20  =  2HN03  dilute  +  N203  dilute. 

This  reaction  liberates  7*7  Cal.  for  N02  =  46  grms. 

But  liquid  nitric  peroxide,  in  presence  of  the  same  quantity 
of  water,  gives  rise,  generally  speaking,  to  some  nitric  oxide, 
according  to  the  following  reactions,  which  refer  to  quantities 
of  substances  of  which  the  proportion  is  variable  with  the 
conditions  of  contact : 

3N02  +  ^H20  =  2HN03  dilute  +  NO. 

This  reaction,  which  may  be  limited  almost  to  nil  when  contact 
is  gradually  effected,  liberates,  after  it  takes  place,  +  4*8  for 

The  following  experiment  is  easy  of  repetition,  and  clearly 
shows  both  modes  of  decomposition  of  nitric  peroxide  under  the 
influence  of  water.  Into  a  rather  large  tube,  closed  at  one  end 
and  formed  at  the  other  into  a  funnel,  is  poured  a  little  liquid 
nitric  peroxide,  which,  in  order  to  drive  out  the  air,  is  brought 
into  a  state  of  ebullition,  leaving  only  an  insignificant  quantity 
of  liquid.  The  tube  is  then  hermetically  sealed.  Liquid  peroxide 
is  then  poured  into  a  similar  but  much  smaller  tube  ;  the  air  is 
expelled  in  the  same  way  by  boiling,  and  the  tube  is  closed. 
After  cooling,  the  large  tube,  being  opened  over  water,  fills 
completely,  owing  to  the  total  decomposition  of  the  peroxide 
into  nitrogen  trioxide  and  nitric  acid.  On  the  other  hand,  the 
small  tube  is  only  partly  filled,  owing  to  the  formation  of  nitric 

The  difference  between  these  two  reactions  appears  to  be 
due  to  the  slight  stability  of  hydrated  nitrogen  trioxide  above 
defined  (p.  197).  If  the  peroxide  has  at  the  outset  enough  water 
to  form  hydrated  nitrogen  trioxide  without  decomposition  the 
absorption  is  complete.  This  is  the  case  with  gaseous  peroxide 
and  water  gradually  reacting  over  a  large  surface.  But  if  it 
comes  into  contact  at  one  point  with  too  small  a  quantity  of 
water  the  acid  will  be  partly  decomposed  with  formation  of 



nitric  oxide  which  will  not  be  redissolved.  Lastly,  the  contact 
of  the  same  quantities  of  substances,  effected  by  degrees,  will 
not  give  rise  to  nitric  oxide,  or  if  so,  only  to  a  very  small 

6.  Nitric  acid.     We  have   said  that  anhydrous  nitric   acid 
manifests  a  certain  tendency  to  be  spontaneously  decomposed  at 
the  ordinary  temperature,  and  this  appears  to  be  due  to  the 
action  of  light.     A  few  rays  of  sunlight  are  sufficient  to  cause 
an  abundant  liberation  of  oxygen  and  nitric  peroxide.     Sponta- 
neous decomposition  also  takes  place  in  diffused  light,  but  very 
slowly.    This  decomposition  is  accelerated  with  rise  in  tempera- 
ture,  without,  however,   being  very  rapid  up   to   43°.     It  is 
endothermal,  for  it  absorbs  —  2*0 ;  for  N205  gas  =  2N02  +  0, 
and  is  not  reversible,  dry  nitric  peroxide  not  absorbing  oxygen 
at  any  temperature,  as  has  been  proved  by  exact  analysis.     It  is 
well  known  that  light  also   decomposes  monohydrated  nitric 

7.  Heat  liberated  in  the  various  oxidations  effected  by  nitric 
acid.     The  oxidation  of  the  metals  and  other  oxidisable  bodies 
by  nitric  acid  gives  rise,  according  to  circumstances,  to  the  four 
lower  oxides  of  nitrogen,  to  nitric  peroxide,  nitrogen  itself,  to 
hydroxylamine,  ammonium  nitrate,  and  ammonia,  the  ultimate 
term  of  the  reduction  of  nitric  acid  by  hydrogenated  bodies. 
The  following  is  the  method  of  calculating  the  heat  liberated.    Q 
being  the  heat  supposed  to  be  produced  by  the  union  of  an 
equivalent  of  free  oxygen  (0  =  8  grms.)  with  the  oxidisable 
body,  the  latter  being  changed,  further,  either  into  an  oxide  or 
soluble  salt,  we  shall  have — 

The  products  being 

With  HN03  by 

With  HN03  +  4H02 
ordinary  acid. 

With  HN03 

N2O4  gas  +  O  yielded. 


Q  -  16-1 

Q  -  16-9 

N2O,  gas  +  O2  yielded 

(Q  -  9-1)  x  2 

(Q  -  12-3)  x  2 


N20,  diss.  +  02  yielded  . 

»        >» 

(Q  -  9-3)  x  2 

N2O2  gas  +  O3  yielded 
§N408  diss.  +  03.5  yielded 
N20  gas  +  04  yielded. 
N2  gas  +  O5  yielded    . 
2NH,O  diss.  +  Ofl  yielded 

(Q  -  9-6)  x  3 

>»      »»      »> 
(Q  -  4-3)  X  4 
(Q  -  1-4)  x  5 
2H2O  in  excess. 

»        » 

(Q  -'5-9)  x  4 
(Q  -  2-6)  x  5 
(Q  -  16-3)  x  6 

(Q-  12-0)  x  » 
(Q  -  6-1)  x  4 
(Q  -  2-8)  x  5 
(Q-16-4)x  6 

2NH3  +  08  yielded     .     . 

>»        »• 

(Q  -  12-0)  x  8 


2HNO3NH3  diss.  +  08  yielded 

fHN03  +  H20^ 


(Q  -  10-4)  x  8 


It  will  be  seen  that  the  heat  liberated  constantly  increases  from 
nitric  peroxide  to  nitrogen  according  as  the  reduction  becomes 
more  complete,  without,  however,  attaining  to  the  heat  which 
free  oxygen  would  produce.  When  hydrogen  comes  into  play, 
the  formation  of  hydroxylamine  and  ammonia  diminishes,  on  the 
other  hand,  the  heat  liberated. 


8.  We  give  also  the  figures  relating  to  nitrogen  trioxide. 

N203  dilute  = 

N202  +  0  yielded,       .liberates  Q-17'4 

N20  +  02      „  „        (Q-  3-0)  x  2 

N2  +  03         „  „        (Q  +  1-4)  x3 

N2H602  +  04  yielded  /3H20  supplemented!      „        (Q-20-1)  x  4 
2NH3  +  O.J        „        \    in  the  reaction)     /     „        (Q-13'0)  x  6 

It  is  well  known  that  nitrogen  trioxide  oxidises  bodies  more 
easily  than  nitric  acid.  This  difference  is  accounted  for  by  the 
state  of  dissociation  characteristic  of  nitrogen  trioxide  (pp.  196 
and  197). 

The  formation  of  ammonia  in  oxidations  effected  at  the 
expense  of  nitric  acid  is  equally  deserving  of  our  attention. 

It  is  a  secondary  reaction,  for  it  seems  to  be  produced  only 
by  the  action  of  free  hydrogen  (spongy  platinum)  or  by  a  metal 
capable  of  liberating  the  hydrogen  of  water  by  dissolving  in 
more  or  less  diluted  acids,  which  requires  the  subsidiary  relation 
Q  >  34-5.1 

In  order  to  form  a  proper  idea  of  the  conditions  of  this 
formation,  it  is  well  to  distinguish  the  general  function  of  dilute 
acids,  the  water  in  these  compounds  tending  to  be  destroyed  by 
the  metals  with  liberation  of  hydrogen,  from  the  special  function 
in  virtue  of  which  nitric  acid  produces  ammonia.  Take  dilute 
sulphuric  or  hydrochloric  acid  in  presence  of  a  metal  capable  of 
setting  free  its  hydrogen,  and  a  small  quantity  of  nitric  acid 
to  intervene,  we  shall  provoke  the  following  reaction  : — 

HN03  dil.  +  8H  =  NH3  dil.  +  4H20,  which  liberates  +  248*2, 
or  41*4  Cal.  for  every  equivalent   of  oxygen  (0  =  8  grms.) 
eliminated.     The    ammonia    combining    with    the    excess    of 
sulphuric  acid,  the  heat  liberated  will  be  raised  by  -f  12*4,  which 
makes  altogether  for  each  equivalent  of  oxygen  +  43*5. 

1  Or  rather  Q  >  34'5  -  S,  S  being  the  heat  of  solidification  of  hydrogen,  for 
it  would  be  necessary  to  compare  the  metal  and  hydrogen  under  the  same 
physical  state. 

(    202    ) 



1.  THIS  chapter  will  treat  of  the  heat  of  formation  of  potassium 
nitrate  and  the  other  nitrates,  used  in  the  manufacture  of  a  multi- 
tude of  explosive  mixtures. 

The  heat  of  formation  of  potassium  nitrate  from  its  elements 
is  easy  to  calculate  provided  we  know,  at  a  temperature  of 
about  15°— 

(1)  The  heat  of  formation  of  dilute  nitric  acid  from  nitrogen 
and  oxygen. 

N2  +  05  +  H20  +  water  =  2HN03  dil.  liberates  +  14'3. 

(2)  The  heat  of  formation  of  dilute  potash  from  potassium 
and  oxygen. 

K2  +  0  +  H20  +  water  =  2KHO  dil.  liberates  +  82'3. 

(3)  The  heat  liberated  in  the  combination  of  dilute  nitric  acid 
and  dilute  potash. 

KHO  dil.  +  HN03  dil.  =  KN03  dil.  +  H20  liberates  +  13-8. 

(4)  Lastly,  the  heat  which  would  be  liberated  if  the  solid 
potassium  nitrate  separated  itself  from  its  dilute  solution,  a 
heat  which  is  precisely  equal  in  absolute  value  to  the  heat 
absorbed  in  the  act  of  dissolving  the  same  salt,  but  with  the 
opposite  sign. 

KN03  dilute  =  KN"03  crystallised  -f  water  would  liberate  -f  8-3. 
The  sum  of  these  four  quantities,  viz. 

14-3  +  82-3  +  13-8  +  8'3  =  +  1187  Cal., 
exactly  expresses  the  heat  liberated  by  the  union  of  the  elements 
of  crystallised  saltpetre,  taken  at  the  weight  of  101  grms. 

N2  +  06  4-  K2  =  2KN03  solid  liberates  +  118'7. 
The  formation  of  dissolved  saltpetre  from  the  same  elements 
would  liberate  +  110*4. 

From  anhydrous  potash,  nitrogen  and  oxygen,  N2  -f  05  +  K20 
=  2KN03  solid  liberates  701. 


From  dissolved  potash,  the  formation  of  dissolved  saltpetre,  N, 
+  0,  +  K20  dilute  =  2KN03  dilute  liberates  +  281  only. 

2.  Similarly  we  have  for  sodium  nitrate — 

N2  +  06  +Na2  =  2NaN03  crystallised  +  110'6, 

and  for  the  dissolved  salt  -f  105*9. 
From  anhydrous  soda,  oxygen  and  nitrogen — 

N2  4-  05  +  Na^O  =  2NaN03  crystallised  +  60-5. 

From  dilute  soda  the  formation  of  dissolved  sodium  nitrate 
liberates  +  28 '0. 

3.  The  formation  of  ammonium  nitrate — 

N2  +  03  -f  H4  =  NH4lsr03  crystallised  +  87-9. 

The  dissolved  salt  +  817. 

If  we  suppose  that  the  equivalent  of  water  necessary  to  the 
constitution  of  the  ammoniacal  salts  is  formed  beforehand,  we 
have  liberated  for  the  salt  supposed  solid  +  53 '4  CaL,  for  the 
salt  supposed  dissolved  +  47'2  Gal.,  or  +  23'6  Cal.  for  each 
equivalent  of  nitrogen  entering  into  combination,  in  presence 
of  an  excess  of  water.  From  ammonia  gas  and  pre-existing 
water — 

N2  +  05  +  2NH3  +  H20  =  2NH4N03  crystallised  +  41-2. 
From  dilute  ammonia,  the  dissolved  salt  +  26'8. 

4.  The  formation  of  calcium  nitrate — 

N2  +  06  +  Ca  =  Ca(N03)2  anhydrous  +  101-3. 

For  the  dissolved  salt  +  103-3. 
From  anhydrous  calcium  oxide — 

N2  +  05  +  CaO  =  Ca(N03)2  anhydrous  +  35-3. 

From  dissolved  calcium  oxide,  the  salt  being  likewise  dis- 
solved, +  28-2. 

5.  The  formation  of  strontium  nitrate — 

N2  +  06  +  Sr  =  Sr(N03)2  anhydrous  +  109-8. 

For  the  dissolved  salt  -f  107'3. 
From  the  anhydrous  base — 

N2  +  05  +SrO  =  Sr(N03)2  anhydrous  +  41-1. 

From  dissolved  strontium  oxide,  the  salt  being  likewise   dis- 
solved, +  28-2. 

6.  The  formation   of  barium   nitrate   cannot  be  calculated 
from  the  elements,  because  the  heat  of  oxidation  of  barium  is 
unknown.      Fortunately,  this  total  heat  of  formation  never 
intervenes  in  calculations  relative  to  explosive  substances.     To 
calculate  the  thermal  effects  which  barium  nitrate  produces  in 
combustions   it  is   sufficient   to   know   its   heat   of  formation 
starting  from  anhydrous  baryta. 



]sr2  +  05  4-  BaO  =  Ba(N03)2  liberates  4-  47'2. 
From  the  dissolved  base,  the  salt  also  being  dissolved,  4-  28*2. 

7.  It  may  be  remarked  that  the  heat  of  formation  of  the 
alkaline   and   alkaline-earthy   nitrates,   by   means   of    gaseous 
nitrogen,  gaseous  oxygen,  and  the  dissolved  base,  is*  sensibly  the 
same   for  all.      The  same   figure  (4-  28  1)  applies  equally  to 
magnesium   nitrate,   as   it  is   formed   from   solid   magnesium 

8.  The    formation   of    the   anhydrous    nitrates    from    the 
anhydrous  base  and  anhydrous  nitric  acid,  whether  gaseous  or 
solid,  is  given  in  the  tables  on  p.  126.     Similarly,  the  forma- 
tion of  the  solid  nitrates,  formed  by  solid  hydrated  nitric  acid 
and  basic  hydrates  also  solid,  is  given  in  the  table  on  p.  127. 

9.  We   should  further  note  that  the  metamorphosis   of  the 
alkaline    nitrites    into    nitrates    M(N02)2    dissolved  4-  02  = 
M(N03)2  dissolved,  liberates  a   quantity  of  heat  nearly  equal 
to  4-  21f7,  and  sensibly  the  same  whatever  be  the  base  of  the 
salt  (p.  178). 

10.  The  heat  of  formation  of  the  anhydrous  magnesium,  iron, 
cobalt,  nickel,  and  manganese  nitrates,  cannot  be  calculated, 
these  salts  being  only  known  in  the  hydrated  state.     In  the 
dissolved   state  we  have,  from   the  metals   and  the  metallic 
oxides — 

N2  +  06  +  Mg 
N2  +  06  +  Mn 
N2  +  06  -f  Fe 
N2  +  06  +  Zn 
N2  +  06  +  Co 
N2  +  06  +  Ni 
N2  +  06  +  Cd 
N2  +  06  +  Cu 

11.  The  formation  of  lead  nitrate  from  the  elements 

N3  4-  06  4-  Pb  =  Pb(N03)2  anhydrous  liberates  4-  52'8. 

That  of  the  dissolved  salt  4-  48'7. 

The  formation  of  the  same  salt  from  the  anhydrous  oxide, 
N2  4-  05  4-  PbO  =  Pb(N03)2,  liberates  4-  27'3. 

The  dissolved  salt  4-  23'2. 
The  formation  of  silver  nitrate  from  the  elements 

N2  4-  06  4-  Ag2  =  2AgN03  anhydrous  liberates  4-  28'7. 

That  of  the  dissolved  salt  4-  23'0. 
The  formation  of  the  same  salt  from  the  oxide, 

N2  4-  05  4-  Ag20  =  2AgN03,  4-  25-2. 
The  dissolved  salt  4-  19'5. 

12.  We  will  add  the  following   general  remarks.     Between 
the   formation   of  two   salts   obtained   by   the   union   of   the 

rates      103-0 

N2  +  05  +  MgO  libe 
N2  +  05  +  MnO 
N2  +  05  +  FeO 
N2  +  05  +  ZnO 
N2  +  05  +  CoO 
N2  +  05  +  NiO 
N2  +  06  +  CdO 
N2  +  06  +  CuO 

;rates  +  58-1 
.     +  26-1 
+  25-0 
+  24-1 
9         +  24-9 
+  25-6 
+  24-4 
+  21-8 


same  alkaline  base  with  two  distinct  acids,  these  salts  being 
considered  under  the  solid  and  anhydrous  form,  we  find  a 
nearly  constant  thermal  difference,  whatever  be  the  base,  when 
we  reckon  the  quantities  of  heat  liberated  from  the  elements  up 
to  the  anhydrous  salts.  For  example,  the  formation  of  the 
anhydrous  potassium,  sodium,  ammonia,  calcium,  strontium, 
lead  and  silver  sulphates,  liberates  a  mean  value  of  54  Cal. 
more  than  the  formation  of  the  corresponding  nitrates. 

A  similar  difference  exists  between  the  nitrates  and  the 
majority  of  the  oxygen  salts.  It  exists  even  between  the 
alkaline  chlorides,  bromides,  and  iodides,  without,  however, 
extending  itself  to  the  anhydrous  metallic  chlorides. 

13.  These  numbers  permit,  as  will  be  shown  later,  of  estima- 
ting the  heat  liberated  by  any  decomposition  or  definite  com- 
bustion  of   service    powder    or    other    powders,   inflammable 
materials  or  explosive  mixtures   constituted   by  the   nitrates. 
It  is  with  the  aid  of  analogous  data,  derived  from  the  heat  of 
formation  of  nitric  acid,  that   we  can   calculate   the   heat  of 
formation  of  nitroglycerin,  and  of  organic  compounds  derived 
from  nitric  acid.     The  figures  thus  calculated  agree  moreover 
with  the  experiments  of  Sarrau  and  Vieille,  as  far  as  can  be 
expected  in  verifications  of  this  nature. 

14.  If  this  agreement  is  dwelt  upon,  it  is  because,  in  the 
author's  opinion,  the  applications  of  explosive  substances,  as 
well  as  the  applications  of  human  industry,  need  to  be  guided 
by  theoretical  notions.     We  must  raise   ourselves  above  em- 
piricism if  we  wish  to  obtain  the  most  favourable  results.     It 
is  thus  that  blasting  powder,  so  long  exclusively  employed  in 
practical  applications,  tends  to-day  to  be  replaced  by  dynamite 
in  the  majority  of  its  uses.     Now  this  substitution  is  encouraged 
and  regulated  by  theory.     Indeed,  the  latter  teaches  us  that 
blasting  powder,  as  well  as  service  powder,  is  far  from  utilising 
in  the  best  manner  the  combustive  energy  of  nitric  acid. 

In  the  combustion  of  ordinary  powder,  the  products  formed 
are  neither  the  most  oxidised,  nor  those  which  would  liberate 
the  most  heat  for  a  suitable  proportion  of  the  various  ingredients, 
seeing  that  the  maximum  of  heat  which  would  be  developed  by 
a  known  weight  of  saltpetre  acting  on  the  sulphur  and  the 
carbon  does  not  correspond  to  the  maximum  volume  of  the 
gases  liberated.  Between  these  two  data  of  the  problem, 
empiricism  has  led  to  a  sort  of  compromise  being  adopted, 
which  is  our  traditional  powder.  But  it  would  be  far  preferable 
to  arrange  in  such  a  manner  that  the  maximum  of  the  two 
effects  should  occur  in  it  for  the  same  proportions. 

This  is  not  all.  The  formation  of  potassium  nitrate  itself, 
reckoned  starting  either  from  nitric  acid  or  the  elements,  corre- 
sponds to  very  powerful  affinities  and  gives  rise  to  a  greater 
liberation  of  heat,  and  consequently  to  a  greater  expenditure  of 


energy  than  most  of  the  other  combinations  derived  from  nitric 

Theory  therefore  shows  that  saltpetre  is  not  a  favourable 
agent  of  combustion ;  and  in  this  way  it  explains  the  superiority 
of  the  organic  compounds  derived  from  nitric  acid,  and  especially 
the  nitric  ethers,  such  as  nitroglycerin.  As  a  matter  of  fact, 
the  author's  experiments  show  a  much  inferior  liberation  of 
heat,  that  is  to  say,  a  greater  preservation  of  energy  in  the 
formation  of  these  substances.  The  energy  introduced  into  an 
explosive  compound,  formed  by  the  same  weight  of  nitric  acid, 
is  in  nitroglycerin  double  that  which  is  found  in  service  powder. 
Hence  it  is  easy  to  understand  how  the  abandonment  of  blast- 
ing powder  for  industrial  purposes  is  gradually  extending. 
Perhaps  it  will  be  soon  the  same  with  service  powder,  if  practice, 
guided  by  the  new  theories,  succeeds  in  discovering  more  active 
nitrogenated  compounds  than  powder,  which  will  satisfy  the 
manifold  conditions  called  for  in  the  use  of  explosive  substances 
in  firearms. 

(    207     ) 




1.  THE  formation  of  nitre  in  nature  has  long  been  regarded  as  a 
most  obscure  phenomenon. 

It  has  long  been  known  that  the  alkalis  and  the  alkaline 
carbonates,  when  exposed  for  some  time  to  the  air,  yield  the 
reactions  of  nitric  acid.  Stahl  had  already  observed  this  two 
hundred  years  ago.  At  all  times  and  in  all  places,  under  the 
action  of  natural  forces,  there  are  produced  small  quantities  of 

2.  There  also  exist  certain  plants  which  appear  to  produce  salt- 
petre, at  the  expense  of  the  nitrated  combinations  contained  in 
the  soil  or  in  manures.     Such  are  borage,  pellitory,  beetroot, 
tobacco,  and  especially  plants  of  the  family  of  the  amarantaceae.1 
Nevertheless,  the  conditions  of  natural  nitrification  are  still 
imperfectly  known. 

3.  It  is  not  proposed  to  refer  here  to  the  sodium  nitrate 
mines  in  Chili,  formed  under  the  influence  of  geological  con- 
ditions  with   which   we  are   unacquainted,   but   only   to   the 
nitrification  going  on  every  day  under  our  eyes. 

4.  In  the  first  place,  we  know  that  nitric  acid  is  formed  in 
the   atmosphere  in   small  quantities  under  the  influence  of 
storms,  simultaneously  with  a  little   ammonium  nitrate,  and 
introduced  into  the  soil  by  rain  and  there  united  to  the  bases. 
This  formation  is  of  great  interest.     But  a  searching  examination 
has  shown  that  such  an  origin  does  not  suffice  -to  account  for 
the  production  of  the  nitrates  in  nature  and  their  concentration 
in  a  soil  impregnated  with  animal  matter. 

5.  As  a  matter  of  fact  natural  nitrification  results  principally 
from  the  slow  oxidation  of  the  nitrogenous  organic  compounds, 
or  even  of  ammonia,  effected  by  the  oxygen  of  the  air,  with  the 
aid  of  water  and  of  an  alkaline  or  earthy  carbonate. 

1  Compare  note  sur  Tattraction  du  salpetre,  par  Faucher  ("  Memorial  des 
potidres  et  salpetres,"  p.  162.  1883). 


Too  strong  a  light  checks  it.  Clayey  substances  and 
porous  matters  appear  to  favour  it,  but  it  does  not  appear 
that  free  nitrogen  intervenes  in  this  mode  of  formation  of 

6.  Various  questions  here  present  themselves.  Thus  it  has 
been  asked  whether  this  slow  oxidation  is  simply  provoked  by 
the  presence  of  clay  and  porous  bodies,  as  occurs  in  Kuhlmann's 
experiments,  where  the  ammonia  is  changed  into  nitrous  vapour 
and  nitric  acid  on  contact  with  spongy  platinum  and  oxygen  at 
about  300°. 

Are  the  humus  principles,  the  sulphuretted  and  ferruginous 
compounds,  and  the  other  oxidisable  bodies  which  are  decom- 
posed in  the  soil,  at  the  same  time  that  nitre  is  formed,  the 
medium  of  some  special  reaction  ? 

Do  they  provoke  the  oxidation  of  the  ammonia,  becoming 
oxidised  themselves,  as  occurs  with  copper  in  presence  of  the 
air  ?  Phosphorus  does  in  fact  exert  an  analogous  reaction,  and 
this  influence  has  also  been  attributed  to  humus. 

Does  an  oxidising  body  properly  so  called  intervene,  after  the 
manner  of  potassium  bichromate  and  sulphuric  acid,  or  of 
manganese  dioxide  at  a  red  heat,  when  the  latter  agent  changes 
the  ammonia  into  nitrous  vapour  ? 

Does  ozone  play  some  such  part,  as  held  by  Schonbein, 
according  to  whom  certain  plants  emit  ozone,  a  substance,  in 
fact,  capable  of  oxidising  ammonia  at  ordinary  temperatures, 
with  formation  of  nitrite. 

Lastly,  do  the  mycoderms  and  microbes  cause  this  oxidation 
after  the  manner  of  a  fermentation  ? 

Such  are  the  principal  hypotheses  which  have  been  brought 
forward  since  the  eighteenth  century  up  to  our  time  to  explain 
the  apparently  spontaneous  formation  of  nitre  in  nature. 

At  the  present  day  these  questions,  which  have  been  for  so 
long  a  time  the  object  of  controversy,  appear  to  have  made  a 
decisive  step  forward  in  consequence  of  the  recent  experiments 
of  Schloesing  and  Mimtz.1 

7.  These  investigators  have  found  that  the  nitrification  of 
ammonia  and  the  nitrogenous  organic  compounds  takes  place 
under  the  influence  of  pointed,  rounded,  or  slightly  elongated 
organised  corpuscles,  sometimes  adhering  in  pairs  of  very 
small  dimensions,  and  very  similar  in  appearance  to  the 
corpuscular  germs  of  bacteria.  These  corpuscles  occur  in  all 
arable  soils  and  in  sewage  water,  which  they  aid  in  purifying. 
They  cause  the  fixation  of  oxygen  upon  ammonia  and  nitrogenous 
substances,  generally  forming  nitrates,  sometimes  nitrites,  when 
the  temperature  is  below  20°  or  the  aeration  insufficient.  The 
nitrites  also  result  from  the  reduction  of  the  original  nitrates 

).  301,  1877;   torn.  Ixxxv.  p.  1018; 
torn. " 

1  "Comptes  rendus,"  torn.  Ixxxiv.  p.  301,  1877;   torn, 
m.  Ixxxvi.  p.  892 ;  torn.  Ixxxix.  pp.  891  and  1074 :  1879. 


by  the  intervention  of  the  butyric  ferment  and  of  analogous 
secondary  ferments.1 

Their  action  is  exerted  between  determinate  limits  of 
temperature.  Below  5°  it  is  inappreciable,  becoming  appreciable 
at  12°.  It  becomes  more  and  more  active  as  the  temperature 
rises  to  about  37°,  at  which  temperature  the  nitrification  is  ten 
times  more  rapid  than  at  14°,  though  still  rather  slow,  all  the 
other  conditions  moreover  being  the  same.  Beyond  this  it 
grows  slower;  at  about  45°  it  is  less  active  than  at  15°,  and 
ceases  completely  at  55°. 

According  as  the  temperature  rises,  and  especially  if  it  be 
brought  to  100°,  the  vitality  of  the  corpuscles  diminishes,  so 
that  mould  or  water  in  course  of  nitrification  loses  this  property 
without  recovering  it  after  cooling.  They  also  perish  under  the 
influence  of  the  vapours  of  chloroform  and  antiseptics. 

Moisture  is  indispensable  to  them.  It  is  even  sufficient  to 
dry  in  the  air  a  fertile  piece  of  mould  for  it  to  become  sterile 
after  a  time.  The  corpuscles  do  not  support  a  prolonged 
privation  of  oxygen,  at  least  when  operated  upon  in  a  liquid. 

They  act  equally  well  in  the  dark  or  under  the  influence  of 
a  moderate  light,  but  a  strong  light  is  prejudicial  to  them. 

Their  action  requires  the  aid  of  a  slight  alkalinity,  due 
either  to  the  presence  of  calcium  carbonate,  or  to  that  of  two  to 
three  thousandth  parts  of  alkaline  carbonates.  Beyond  this 
degree  alkalinity  injures  them,  which  accounts  for  the  un- 
favourable influence  exerted  by  liming  upon  nitrification.  The 
development  of  the  nitric  ferment  in  water  requires  the 
simultaneous  presence  of  an  organic  substance  and  a  nitrogenous 
compound.  But  the  ratio  between  the  carbonic  acid  and  the 
nitric  acid  produced  is  in  no  way  constant.  It  is  the  same  with 
the  absorption  of  oxygen,  which  is  continually  going  on  at  the 
expense  of  a  soil  which  has  been  rendered  sterile  by  a  tempera- 
ture of  100°  or  by  the  action  of  chloroform  vapours. 

The  nitric  ferment  is  multiplied  by  sowing  a  nourishing 
liquid,  or  earth,  with  a  small  piece  of  arable  soil  or  a  few 
cub.  cms.  of  sewage.  It  does  not  generally  exist  in  the  dust  in 
the  air.  Its  multiplication  is  slow,  and  seems  to  be  effected  by 
budding.  The  existence  or  absence  of  porous  bodies  appears  to 
have  very  little  to  do  with  nitrification,  contrary  to  the  views 
formerly  held. 

Ordinary  mould  and  mycoderms  are  quite  distinct  from  this 
ferment,  and  even  contrary  to  its  action.  In  fact,  they  destroy 

1  Dehe  rainet  Maquenne,  "  Comptes  rendus,"  torn.  xcv.  p.  691 ;  Gayen, 
same  collection,  torn.  xcv.  p.  1365.  These  auxiliary  ferments,  or  rather 
perturbators,  reduce  inversely  the  nitrates  with  production  of  nitrites, 
nitrogen  monoxide,  free  oxygen,  and  even  of  ammonia,  according  to  their 
nature  and  the  greater  or  less  intensity  of  their  action.  The  hyponitrites 
must  also  intervene. 



the  nitrites,  and  change  them  into  organic  nitrogenous  com- 
pounds during  the  development  of  their  mycelium.  They  act 
in  the  same  way  upon  ammonia  or  the  ammoniacal  salts,  and 
even  by  preference.  Later  on,  during  fructification,  a  portion 
even  of  the  nitrogen  is  eliminated  in  the  gaseous  form,  some- 
times with  intermediate  reproduction  of  ammonia. 

These  observations,  as  a  whole,  show  the  existence  of  par- 
ticular organised  beings,  analogous  to  the  acetic  ferment,  which 
cause  the  fixation  of  oxygen  upon  ammonia  and  nitrogenous 
organic  compounds,  and  consequently  the  change  of  these 
substances  into  nitrates.  They  go  far  to  resolve  the  problem  of 
nitrification,  effected  in  nature  at  the  expense  of  the  nitrogenous 
or  ammoniacal  compounds  ;  a  problem,  moreover,  which  is  quite 
distinct  from  the  fixation  of  free  nitrogen  taken  from  the 
atmosphere.  It  is,  however,  allied  to  it ;  for  natural  nitrifica- 
tion is  effected  upon  already  formed  and  pre-existing  nitrogenous 


1.  These  facts  being  admitted,  it  will  be  useful  to  show  that 
the  study  of  the  quantities  of  heat  liberated  during  the  act  of 
natural  nitrification  throw  a  fresh  light  upon  the  latter.     In 
order  to  render  the  discussion  clearer,  it  will  be  best  to  attempt 
at  the  outset  to  define  the  chemical  conditions  of  this  oxidation, 
as  far  as  can  be  done  in  the  present  state  of  our  knowledge. 

2.  The  most  developed  experiments  which  have  been  per- 
formed on  the  chemical  conditions  of  nitrification  are,  even  at 
the  present  day,  those  of  Thouvenel,  although  they  date  from 
nearly   a   century   ago.1     They   show   that   nitrification    takes 
place  principally  in   connection  with  the  gaseous  compounds 
produced  in  putrefaction,  mixed  with  an  excess  of  atmospheric 
air.     We  know  at  the  present  day  that  the  most  important  of 
these  compounds  are  ammonia,  ammonium  carbonate,  hydro- 
sulphide,  hydrocyanide,  and  perhaps  hydrocyanic  acid.     That 
it  requires  the  aid  of  moisture.     That  it  is  more  easily  effected 
in  the  presence  of  the  alkaline  or  earthy  salts  than  in  their 
absence.     Lastly,  it  hardly  occurs  save  with  carbonates,  to  the 
exclusion  of  sulphates.     For  example,  a  basket  pierced  with 
holes,   and  containing  well-washed  chalk,   being  placed   over 
blood  in  a  state  of  putrefaction,  the  chalk  was  found  after  some 
months  to  contain  2 -5  per  cent,  of  nitrate.     A  plate,  containing 
washed  mortar  and  placed  in  the  atmosphere  of  a  stable,  con- 
tains nitrates  at  the  end  of  three  weeks,  etc.     These  conditions 
agree   with   the   biological  conditions   which    preside    at    the 

1  "Me'moires  de  1'Acade'mie  des  Sciences"  (Savants  Strangers),  torn.  xi. 


development  of  the  nitric  ferment,  as  they  have  been  defined 

3.  These  various  circumstances  may  also  be  accounted  for 
from  the  chemical  point  of  view.  We  proceed  to  enter  into 
detail  upon  this  subject.  Ammonia  and  oxygen  are,  we  have 
said,  the  generators  of  the  nitrates.  Take,  first,  ammonia.  The 
liberation  of  gaseous  ammonia,  supplied  by  the  slow  transfor- 
mation of  nitrogenous  organic  principles,  takes  place  only  in  an 
alkaline  medium.  In  an  acid  liquid  it  is  clear  that  this 
liberation  cannot  take  place. 

Neither  can  it  take  place  in  a  liquor  capable  of  forming  only 
neutral  and  fixed  ammoniacal  salts  by  double  decomposition, 
such  as  the  sulphate. 

On  the  other  hand,  it  is  facilitated  when  the  liquor  can  give 
rise  by  double  decomposition  to  a  volatile  and  partly  dissociated 
ammoniacal  salt,1  such  as  the  carbonate.  /The  presence  of  a") 
fixed  alkali,  or  of  an  alkaline  carbonate,  is  not  only  useful  for 
setting  free  the  pre-existing  ammonia  of  the  ammoniacal  salts ; 
it  further  causes  the  generation  of  ammonia,  at  the  expense  of 
the  principal  organic  nitrates,  in  virtue  of  a  sort  of  predisposing 
affinity,  owing  to  the  intervention  of  the  excess  of  energy 
resulting  from  the  saturation  of  the  bases  by  the  acids  produced 
during  oxidation.  Let  us  now  turn  to  the  latter  phenomenon. 

Air,  or  rather  its  oxygen,  is  indispensable,  because  we  are 
here  dealing  with  a  phenomenon  of  oxidation  incapable  of 
taking  place  in  a  reducing  medium,  such  as  a  substance  under- 
going putrefaction. 

From  the  same  point  of  view,  the  presence  of  an  alkali,  or  of 
a  salt  having  an  alkaline  reaction,  is  very  efficacious  in  accele- 
rating the  oxidation  of  organic  principles  by  the  oxygen  of  the 
air,  and  at  the  ordinary  temperature,  while  they  offer  much  more 
resistance  in  an  acid  medium.  The  mode  itself  in  which  the 
oxidation  of  ammonia  takes  place  during  nitrification  helps  to 
account  for  the  efficacy  of  the  fixed  alkalies  and  their  carbonates. 
Now,  the  slow  oxidation  of  ammonia  develops  nitrous,  then 
nitric  acid,  which  must  gradually  combine  with  the  portions 
of  free  and  non-oxidised  ammonia.  Hence,  finally,  results 
ammonium  nitrate,  that  is,  a  salt  fixed  at  the  ordinary  tempera- 
ture and  devoid  of  alkaline  reaction.  If  a  nitrogenous  principle, 
taken  by  itself,  were  operated  upon,  half  the  ammonia  would 
thus  be  withdrawn  from  the  oxidising  action,  and  at  the  same 
time  the  liquor  would  constantly  tend  to  lose  the  alkaline 
reaction  due  to  the  existence  of  free  ammonia,  a  reaction  which 
facilitates  oxidation.  But  the  alkaline  carbonate  retains  the 
alkaline  character,  because  it  gradually  transforms  the  nitrate 
of  ammonia  into  fixed  alkaline  nitrate  and  ammonium  carbonate, 

1  "Essai  de  Mfoanique  Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  p.  717. 



which  is  partly  dissociated,  with  formation  of  free  ammonia. 
Now  the  latter  is  capable  of  ulterior  oxidation. 

Further,  the  author  has  established,  by  direct  and  accurate 
experiments,  that  dissolved  ammonium  nitrate  in  presence  of 
potassium  or  sodium  carbonate  is  instantly  transformed  into 
potassium  or  sodium  nitrate  and  ammonium  carbonate,  the 
strong  acid  taking  by  preference  the  strong  base  and  leaving  to 
the  weak  acid  the  weak  base.1  Calcium  carbonate  produces  the 
same  reaction.  "We  shall  return  to  the  consideration  of  this 
reaction  on  account  of  the  part  which  it  plays  in  natural 

If  we  now  consider  the  thermal  phenomena  which 
accompany  these  various  chemical  reactions,  we  shall  be  able 
to  understand  more  fully  the  part  played  by  them  in 

4.  Take  first  the  transformation  of  ammonia  into  nitrous 
acid,  nitric  acid,  and  ammonium  nitrate  2  — 

Nitrous  acid,  NH3  +  03  =  HN02  +  H20. 

Nitric  acid,  NH3  +  04  =  HN03  +  H20. 

Nitrate  ammonium,  2NH3  +  04  =  NH4N03  +  H20. 

The  formation  of  gaseous  ammonia  by  its  elements 
N  +  H3  =  NH3 

liberates,  according  to  the  author's  measurements,  +  12*2  Cal.  ; 
that  of  dissolved  ammonia  liberates  +  21  '06  Cal. 
Lastly,  the  formation  of  water, 

H2+  0  =  H20, 

liberates  +  34'5  or  +  29'5  according  as  the  water  is  produced 
in  the  liquid  or  the  gaseous  state.  It  follows  from  the  above 
that  the  oxidation  of  ammonia,  whether  rapid  or  slow,  liberates 
the  following  quantities  of  heat  according  to  the  nature  and  the 
state  of  the  products  to  which  it  gives  rise. 

(1)  Formation  of  nitrogen. 

2NH3  +  03  =  N  +  3H2(X 

Gaseous  ammonia  and  gaseous  water  +  88-5  -  12-2  =  +  76*3. 
Dissolved  ammonia  and  liquid  water  +  103-5  -  21-0  =  -f-  82-5. 
Gaseous  ammonia  and  liquid  water  +  103-5  -  12*2  =  +  91-3. 

(2)  Formation  of  nitrous  acid. 

-f  03  =  HN02  +  H20. 

Gaseous  ammonia,  water,  and  dilute  nitrous  acid    ...    +  87'1. 
Dissolved  ammonia,  water,  and  dilute  nitrous  acid  ...    4-  78  -3. 

1  "  Essai  de  Me*canique  Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  p.  717, 

2  It  would  be  well,  no  doubt,  also  to  establish  analogous  calculations  for  the 
hyponitrites  (see  p.  188). 



(3)  Formation  of  nitric  acid. 

NH3  +  04  =  HN03  +  H20. 

Gaseous  ammonia,  water,  and  gaseous  nitric  acid  +  81*2. 
Gaseous  ammonia,  liquid  water,  dilute  nitric  acid  +  105' 6. 
Dissolved  ammonia,  dilute  nitric  acid  ..  +96-8. 

(4)  Formation  of  dissolved  ammonium  nitrate. 

2NH3  +  04  =  NH4N03  +  H20. 
Gaseous  ammonia,  dissolved  nitrate          ...          +  125*3. 
Or,  for  KE3  -f  02,  +  62-6. 

(5)  Transformation  of  dissolved  ammonium  nitrite  into  nitrate 
ly  fixation  of  oxygen. 

This  transformation,  and  more  generally  that  of  a  dissolved 
nitrite  into  a  nitrate  of  the  same  base,  liberates  +  21*8 ;  a  value 
which  is  sensibly  the  same  for  the  various  dissolved  alkaline 
nitrites.  This  value  offers  the  more  interest,  as  the  change  of 
the  nitrites  into  nitrate  and  the  inverse  transformation  take 
place  in  nature,  as  shown  by  the  very  curious  experiments  of 
Chabrier1  and  the  recent  researches  of  Gayon,  Deherain,  and 

The  presence  of  the  nitrites  has  been  remarked  in  stables,  aa 
co-existing  with  the  nitrates,  by  Goppelsroder.  They  also  exist 
in  rainstorms.  The  hyponitrites  should  also  be  searched  for. 

5.  All  the  foregoing  figures  are  applicable  to  the  oxidation 
of  ammonia  by  free  oxygen,  whether  this  oxidation  take  place 
by  sudden  combustion,  or  whether  it  be  excited  at  a  lower 
temperature   by  spongy  platinum,  or  whether  it  take  place 
slowly  and  in  the  cold  state,  as  in  nitrification. 

They  show  that  the  formation  of  the  oxygenated  compounds 
of  nitrogen  by  the  oxidation  of  ammonia  always  takes  place 
with  liberation  of  heat.  It  can,  therefore,  always  take  place 
without  the  aid  of  any  foreign  energy;  the  microbes  con- 
fining themselves,  as  in  all  cases  where  their  action  is  exerted, 
to  cause  a  formation,  to  which  they  contribute  no  energy  of 
their  own. 

Conversely,  the  formation  of  ammonia  by  the  action  of 
hydrogen  on  the  various  oxides  of  nitrogen  liberates  more  heat 
than  the  same  formation  effected  by  means  of  free  nitrogen; 
which  accounts  for  the  greater  facility  of  the  first  reaction. 
But  it  is  not  necessary  to  go  at  length  into  this  subject,  which 
is  foreign  to  the  question  of  nitrification,  though  it  plays  a 
certain  part  in  the  reduction  of  the  nitrates  to  the  state  of 
ammonia  by  natural  agents. 

6.  Various   experiments  have  been  made  with   a  view   to 
discovering  whether  free  ammonia  could  be  directly  oxidised  by 

1  "  Oomptes  rendus  des  stances  de  1' Academic  des  Sciences,"  1871. 


the  oxygen  of  the  air,  at  the  ordinary  temperature,  with  the  aid 
of  time,  and  without  that  of  the  microbes. 

Large  flasks  full  of  air,  well  closed,  and  exposed  to  a 
moderate  light  in  presence  of  potash  and  its  dissolved  carbonate, 
were  employed.  There  was  also  introduced  simultaneously 
with  the  alkalies  a  small  quantity  of  oxidisable  substances, 
naturally  indicated  for  the  purpose,  such  as  glucose,  and 
essence  of  turpentine.  But  no  nitre  was  obtained  even  after 
several  months  (March  to  June,  1871).  In  spite  of  these 
negative  trials,  the  oxidation  of  ammonia  during  nitrification 
cannot  be  questioned,  but  the  conditions  attendant  upon  it  are 
only  known  since  the  already  cited  experiments  of  Schloesing 
and  Miintz. 

7.  It  will  be  interesting  to  further  examine  the  integral  trans- 
formation of  ammonium  nitrate  into  potassium  nitrate.  It  has 
been  stated,  in  fact,  that  ammonia  could  yield  at  first,  in  becom- 
ing oxidised,  ammonium  nitrate.  It  can  further  be  shown  that 
the  whole  of  the  nitrogen  contained  in  this  salt  passes  to  the 
state  of  potassium  nitrate. 

Two  phases  manifest  themselves  during  this  change. 
The  first  transformation  produces  potassium  nitrate  and 
ammonia,  finally  oxidisable.  This  transformation  is  effected, 
both  in  nature  and  in  the  laboratory,  by  dissolved  potassium 
carbonate.  The  double  decomposition  between  the  two  salts, 
separately  dissolved  in  equivalent  proportions,  gives  rise,  accord- 
ing to  the  author's  experiments,  to  a  noteworthy  thermal 
phenomenon;  that  is,  to  an  absorption  of  3  Calories  per 
equivalent.  This  phenomenon  shows  that  the  potassium 
carbonate  is  changed  into  ammonium  carbonate  in  the  liquor ; 
since  the  formation  of  the  latter  salt  by  means  of  the  dissolved 
acid  and  the  dissolved  base,  liberates  far  less  heat  than  that  of 
the  potassium  carbonate.1 

Now  the  ammonium  carbonate  thus  formed  in  the  solution 
disappears  by  reason  of  the  evaporation  of  the  liquor,  or  even 
by  the  mere  fact  of  the  diffusion  of  carbonic  acid  and  ammonia 
into  the  atmosphere ;  so  that  there  remains  nothing  at  the  end 
but  potassium  nitrate,  either  in  the  liquor  concentrated  by 
evaporation,  or  in  the  efflorescent  residuum  which  this  liquor 
yields  by  spontaneous  evaporation. 

The  ammonia,  on  the  other  hand,  after  having  been  brought 
to  the  gaseous  state,  is  separated  from  the  carbonic  acid,  owing  to 
the  diffusion  of  the  two  gases  into  the  atmosphere ;  it  is  oxidised 
afresh  under  the  'influence  of  the  same  causes,  whichever  they 
may  be,  that  have  already  changed  the  half  of  this  base  into 
nitric  acid.  The  other  half  becomes  in  its  turn  ammonium 
nitrate,  and  the  latter  body  again  reproduces  ammonia  by  the 
same  mechanism,  but  it  does  not  reproduce  more  than  a  quarter 

1  "  Essai  de  Mdcanique  Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  p.  717. 


of  the  original  quantity.  The  sequence  of  reactions  goes  on  in 
this  way  and  the  whole  of  the  ammonia  is  finally  changed  into 
potassium  nitrate,  provided  the  liquor  contains  an  excess  of 

The  transformation  of  ammonium  nitrate  into  calcium  or 
magnesium  nitrates  takes  place  in  virtue  of  similar  reactions, 
with  this  difference,  however,  that  the  double  decompositions 
can  take  place  between  ammonium  nitrate  and  the  earthy 
carbonates,  especially  when  the  latter  are  dissolved  by  carbonic 
acid  (bicarbonates).  Magnesium  carbonate  can  also  be  dissolved 
in  another  way,  forming  a  double  salt  with  ammonium  carbonate. 
Notwithstanding  these  diversities  of  detail,  the  general  mechan- 
isms remain  the  same  whether  in  the  case  of  potassium,  calcium, 
or  magnesium  nitrates. 

8.  Let  us  now  refer  nitrification  to  gaseous  ammonia,  and 
dissolved  potassium  nitrate,  without  concerning  ourselves  with 
the  media,  and  calculate  the  heat  liberated. 

2NH3  gas  +  402  +  K2C03  dilute  =  2KN03  dilute  +  3H20  + 

C02  dissolved.  This  reaction  liberates  109*2,  and  hardly  differs 
from  the  formation  of  dilute  nitric  acid. 

9.  In  cases  where  nitrification  is  not  effected  at  the  expense 
of  free  nitrogen  and  oxygen,  but  at  the  expense  of  free  oxygen 
and  of  a  pre-existing  nitrogenous  compound,  such  as  ammonia, 
the  cyanides,  etc.,  the  heat  liberated  varies  with  the  nature  of 
the   said   compound;    but  it  is    almost  independent   of    the 
particular  nature  of  the  dissolved  alkali  which  takes  part  in 
the  reaction  (potash,  soda,  lime) ;  it  is  also  the  same  with  the 
various  carbonates  compared  with  one  another.     This  results 
from  an  observed  fact,  viz.  that  the  union  of  the  same  acid  with 
the  various  fixed  alkalis  liberates  nearly  the  same  quantities 
of  heat. 

It  will  be  seen  from  these  data  that  natural  nitrification  once 
excited  and  under  the  conditions  in  which  it  occurs,  that  is,  in 
presence  of  alkaline  or  earthy  carbonates,  can  be  effected  without 
the  aid  of  any  foreign  energy. 

10.  It  is  effected  all  the  easier,  however,  when  this  aid  is  not 
wanting,  seeing  that  the  oxidation  of  the  nitrated  or  non-nitrated 
organic  principle  is  developed  at  the  same  time  as  that  of  the 
ammonia  yielded  by  those  principles,  and  liberates  an  additional 
quantity  of  heat.     This  point  deserves  to  be  developed. 

The  presence  of  an  alkali,  free  or  carbonated,  facilitates,  as 
has  been  said,  the  absorption  of  oxygen  by  the  organic  principle. 
Here  is  another  fact  which  may  be  accounted  for  by  thermal 
considerations;  for  the  oxygen  of  the  said  principles  forms 
acids,  the  formation  and  the  simultaneous  combination  of  which 
with  the  alkali  liberate  more  heat  than  the  pure  and  simple 
formation  of  the  same  free  acid  would  do.  For  example,  the 


change  of  alcohol  into  potassium  acetate,  when  in  contact  with 
dilute  potash,  liberates  13  Calories  more  than  its  change  into 
free  acetic  acid. 

The  oxidation  itself  often  becomes  more  thorough  under  the 
influence  of  this  additional  work,  which  further  increases  the 
liberation  of  heat.  This  is  the  case  with  alcohol.  It  is  well 
known  how  difficult  it  is  to  oxidise  alcohol  by  free  oxygen  at 
a  low  temperature  and  without  a  medium.  It  is  necessary  to 
raise  the  alcohol,  taken  by  itself,  to  a  very  high  temperature  in 
order  to  cause  it  to  absorb  oxygen,  forming  at  first  aldehyde 
and  acetic  acid.  But  it  is  otherwise  if  alcohol  be  placed  in 
presence  of  oxygen  and  of  an  alkali  simultaneously ;  then  the 
alcohol  is  gradually  oxidised  at  the  ordinary  temperature,  and 
it  forms  not  only  acetic  acid,  but  even  oxalic  acid,  or  rather  an 
oxalate.  Now  the  transformation  of  alcohol  into  dissolved 
potassium  oxalate  liberates  a  quantity  of  heat  (288)  nearly 
double  that  produced  by  the  transformation  of  alcohol  into 
acetate  (136). 

Phenomena  of  the  same  kind  are  very  common  in  organic 
chemistry.  They  certainly  play  a  part  in  natural  nitrification. 
In  the  author's  opinion  their  interpretation  should  be  sought  in 
thermo-chemical  considerations,  seeing  that  chemical  reactions 
are  the  easier,  cceteris  paribus,  the  greater  the  amount  of  heat 
liberated  by  them. 

11.  We  shall  show,  lastly,  how  an  analogous  concurrence  may 
be  brought  about,  under  the  hypothesis  that  the  nitrates  result 
directly  from  the  oxidation  of  nitrogenous  organic  principles. 
It  will  be  sufficient,  to  take  an  exact  instance,  to  calculate 
approximately  the  heat  liberated  in  the  nitrification  of  hydro- 
cyanic acid,  or  rather  of  potassium  cyanide,  a  calculation  not 
without  interest  in  itself,  the  cyanides  often  existing  in  bricks 
and  other  materials  capable  of  nitrification.  Take,  therefore, 

CNK  dissolved  +  50  =  KN03  -h  C02  gas. 

The  heat  liberated  amounts  to  +  177  Cal.  It  is  nearly 
double  the  heat  liberated  in  the  nitrification  of  ammonia,  at 
the  expense  of  dissolved  potassium  carbonate.  This  excess  is 
due  in  a  great  measure  to  the  oxidation  of  the  carbon ;  it  is 
probably  to  be  met  with  in  the  oxidation  of  the  other  nitro- 
genous organic  substances.  Gaseous  hydrocyanic  acid  and 
dilute  potash  would  liberate  +  186  Cal.  in  yielding  an  equivalent 
of  potassium  nitrate. 

Lastly,  dissolved  ammonium  cyanide  and  potash  absorb  nine 
equivalents  of  oxygen  in  being  transformed  into  potassium 
nitrate — 

CNH.NHs  dilute  +  K20  dilute  +  90  =  2KN03  dilute  +  C02 

gas  +  2H20, 


and  liberate  +  2791    Cal. ;    +  139'5   Cal.   per  equivalent   of 

All  these  numbers  exceed  that  corresponding  to  the  oxidation 
of  ammonia  alone  (-f  109),  there  is  therefore  ground  for  sup- 
posing that  nitrification  is  facilitated  by  the  simultaneous 
oxidation  of  the  carbon  contained  in  the  organic  principle. 


First  Section.  — Problem  of  ike  Fixation  of  Nitrogen  in  Nature. 

1.  The  problem  of  the  fixation  of  the  nitrogen  of  the  air 
and  its  transformation  into  nitrogenous  compounds,  such  as  the 
nitrates   or    aminoniaeal   salts   in   the   mineral   kingdom,   the 
alkalis,  amides,  and  albumenoid  compounds  in  the   vegetable 
and  animal  kingdom,  has  long  formed  a  subject  of  controversy. 
A  nitrogenous  compound  of  any  class  being  formed,  it  is  easier 
afterwards  to  change  it  into  a  compound  of  another  class,  and 
it  is  precisely  of  this  transformation  that  we  have  been  treating 
in  the   foregoing    paragraphs.     But   there    still    remains   the 
problem  of  the  formation  of  this  initial  compound,  for  nitrogen 
does   not  combine  directly   with   any   body   at  the   ordinary 
temperature  and  in  the  absence  of  the  conditions  which  will 
presently  be  indicated.     On  the  other  hand,  the  natural  nitro- 
genous compounds  tend  constantly  to  be  destroyed,  under  the 
diverse  influences  of  slow  or  rapid  combustion,  fermentation, 
putrefaction,   and   even   of  the   normal   nutrition  of  animals, 
influences  which  all  tend  to  set  free  nitrogen.     Hence  it  follows 
that  natural  nitrogenous  compounds  being  constantly  destroyed 
and  never  reproduced,  the  actual  supply  of  them  should  con- 
tinually diminish.     Thus  it  is  that  the  methodical  researches 
made  on  the  use  of  manures  in  agriculture  have  not  done  much 
more  than  reveal  causes  of  destruction,  without  establishing 
with  certainty  any  general  cause  of  regeneration,  that  is  to  say, 
any  cause  sufficiently  powerful  to  explain  the  reproduction  of 
the  nitrogenous   compounds.     Nevertheless,  vegetation  is  in- 
definitely prolonged,  and  without  languishing,  on  the  same  spot 
of  ground,  whenever  it  is   not  over  stimulated  and  rendered 
exhaustive  by  human  industry,  a  fact  which  seems  to  show 
that  there  exist  slowly  acting  causes  of  reproduction  of  nitro- 
genous compounds,  sufficiently  efficacious  to  support  spontaneous 
vegetation.     It  is  these  causes  which  we  are  about  to  consider. 

2.  Slow  oxidations.     From  the  purely  chemical  point  of  view, 
and  under  natural  conditions,  free  nitrogen  may  be  united  to 
oxygen  in  certain  slow  oxidations.     It  is  beyond  question,  for 
instance,  that  air  kept  for  some  time  in  contact  with  phosphorus 
contains  several  thousandth  parts  of  oxynitric  compounds,  it 
being  sufficient  to  agitate  this  air  with  lime  or  baryta  water,  and 


to  evaporate  the  latter  to  obtain  small  quantities  of  nitrates. 
Even  in  sudden  oxidations,  hydrogen,  and  the  hydrocarbon 
gases,  burning  in  oxygen  mixed  with  nitrogen,  yield  some  traces 
of  the  oxygen  compounds  of  nitrogen. 

3.  Ozone.     Schonbein    attributed    the  first  formation  to  the 
action  of  ozone,  formed  by  phosphorus,  on  free  nitrogen.    Ozone, 
he  said,  oxidises  nitrogen  in  the  cold,  especially  in  presence  of 
water  or  alkalis ;  its  formation  in  the  atmosphere  would  account 
for  the  natural  formation  of  nitric  acid,  which  would  reduce  the 
problem  of  the  formation  of  the  latter  to  that  of  ozone. 

But  this  theory  has  fallen  in  face  of  the  experiments 
separately  by  Carius  and  the  author,1  experiments  from  which 
it  results  that  pure  ozone  does  not  oxidise  nitrogen  in  any  way. 
The  assertions  of  Schonbein,  according  to  which  the  evaporation 
of  water  in  presence  of  nitrogen  is  sufficient  to  cause  the 
combination  of  these  two  bodies  and  the  formation  of  ammonium 
nitrate,  have  likewise  been  found  erroneous,  since  he  seems  to 
have  neglected  the  pre-existence  of  traces  of  nitrates  in  the 
waters  upon  which  he  operated. 

It  is  none  the  less  certain  that  the  slow  oxidation  of  phos- 
phorus and  the  rapid  combustion  of  hydrogen  and  the  hydro- 
carbon bodies  develop  nitrous  compounds.  But  these  are 
exceptional  reactions  not  sufficiently  widespread  nor  efficacious 
to  account  for  the  whole  of  the  natural  phenomena. 

4.  Function    of  porous  bodies.     The   same   may  be   said  of 
Longchamp's  theory,  according  to  which  nitrogen  is  absorbed  in 
presence  of  alkalis  and  porous  bodies.     The  sole  experiments 
which  have  been  cited  in  confirmation  up  to  the  present,  are 
those  of  M.  Cloez,  according  to  which  a  million  litres  of  air, 
directed  during  a  period  of  time  amounting  to  six  months  across 
pumice-stone  impregnated  with  potassium  carbonate,  yielded  a 
few  milligrammes  of  nitrates.     This  quantity  is  too  small  for 
its  origin  to  be  attributed  with  certainty  to  free  nitrogen.     The 
least  trace  of  nitrated  compounds  of  mineral  or  organic  origin, 
not  arrested  by  the  purifying  agents  (acid   and    alkaline)  in 
passing  across,  perhaps  even  a  trace  of  neutral  and  volatile 
compounds,   would   be   sufficient   to   account    for   such   small 
quantities   of  nitrates.     Whatever  be   the   interest   of    these 
observations,  there  is   therefore  no   certain   conclusion  to  be 
derived  from   them,   so  long   as    the   conditions   involve    the 
formation  of  traces  of  nitrates  only. 

5.  Nascent  hydrogen.     It  has,  in  like  manner,  been  supposed 
that  free  nitrogen  can  be  united  to  hydrogen,  especially  under 
the  conditions  in  which  the  latter  is  formed  at  the  expense  of 
hydrogenated  bodies.     The  formation  of  rust  by  the  slow  oxida- 
tion of  iron  is  especially  cited  with  reference  to  this  point.     In 
this  formation  traces  of  ammonia  have  been  found.     But  these 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  se'rie,  torn.  xii.  p.  440. 


traces  are  attributed  by  the  majority  of  authors  to  the  presence 
of  nitric  acid 1  or  other  nitrogenous  compounds  in  the  atmosphere. 
The  appearance  of  ammonia  in  the  reaction  of  the  metals  (iron, 
zinc,  arsenic,  lead,  tin)  upon  dissolved  alkaline  hydrates,  appears 
in  the  same  way  due  to  the  existence  of  a  trace  of  cyanides  or 
nitrates  in  these  alkalis. 

6.  Earthy  substances.     Mulder  has  asserted  that  during  the 
slow  alteration  of  earthy  substances,  small  quantities  of  ammonia 
are  formed.     But  quantitative  measurements  have   not  shown 
that  these  quantities  are  capable  of  compensating  the  incessant 
loss  of  nitrogen  produced  during  vegetation. 

7.  Hence  the  purely  chemical  reactions  which  take  place  in 
nature  seem  insufficient  to  explain  the  incessant  reproduction  of 
the  nitrogenous  combinations. 

Nevertheless,  the  latter  does  take  place,  but  it  results,  in  the 
opinion  of  the  author,  from  an  energy  foreign  to  purely  chemical 

It  is  electricity  which  causes  the  fixation  of  free  nitrogen,  and 
principally  at  the  ordinary  temperature  and  at  the  low  tensions 
which  electricity  possesses  at  the  surface  of  the  earth  every- 
where and  at  all  times,  even  during  the  finest  weather. 

Second  Section. — Actions  of  Electricity  in  general. 

1.  Electricity  can  be  employed  under  various  forms  to  excite 
chemical  reactions,    viz.  voltaic   current,  electric   arc,   electric 
spark,  or  silent  discharge.     The  last-named  mode  of  action  may 
itself  be  effected  in  several  ways ;   for  instance,  by  suddenly 
varying  the  potential,  by  the  effect  of  rapid  discharges,  some- 
times all  in  one  direction,  sometimes  in  alternate  directions,  or 
again   by  maintaining  the  potential  constant   throughout   the 
whole  duration  of  the  experiment.     Now  it  is  certain,  and  this 
is  a  fundamental  fact,  that  all  the  modes  of  action  of  electricity, 
with  the  exception  perhaps  of  the  voltaic  current  traversing 
liquid  electrolytes,  bring  about  the  chemical  activity  of  nitrogen, 
but  in  very  different  ways.   Before  reviewing  them,  let  us  decide 
a  preliminary  question. 

2.  Does  there  exist  a  special  isomeric  modification  of  nitrogen 
analogous   to    ozone,   which    is    the    origin    of   the    nitrated 
compounds  ?     This  is  the  point  which  the  author  has  set  him- 
self to  clear  up.     He  has  observed  that  the  activity  of  nitrogen 
is  only  called  into  play  at  the  moment  when  this  element  is 
submitted  to  the  action  of  electricity.     Pure  nitrogen,  however, 
does  not  undergo  appreciable  permanent  modifications  either  by 
the  action  of  the  arc,  or  by  that  of  the  spark,  or  of  the  silent 
discharge.     In   fact,  nitrogen  brought  into  immediate  contact 
with  hydrogen  at  a  distance  of  a  few  centimetres,  by  silent 
discharge  tubes,  or  by  spaces  in  which  it  undergoes  the  action 

1  Cloez,  "  Comptes  rendus,"  torn.  lii.  p.  527. 



of  the  arc  or  that  of  a  series  of  strong  sparks,  never  shows  any 
sign  of  combination.  It  is  the  same  with  nitrogen  brought 
afterwards  into  contact  with  oxygen,  and  also  with  organic 
substances.  In  all  known  cases  it  is  necessary  that  nitrogen 
and  the  organic  substance,  or  hydrogen,  or  oxygen  should 
simultaneously  undergo  the  electric  action  for  the  combination 
to  take  place. 

3.  The  appliances  in  which  the  arc  or  spark  is  first  caused  to 

act  on  nitrogen  can  be  easily 

For  the  silent  discharge  the 
apparatus  shown  in  the  annexed 
figure  is  employed. 

The  apparatus  consists  of  a 
glass  tube,  c,  provided  with  two 
tubular  passages,  a  and  ~b.  An- 
other tube,  d,  penetrates  into  the 
first  tube  which  surrounds  it,  and 
is  ground  into  it  at  c.  It  is  filled 
with  a  conducting  liquid  (water 
acidulated  with  sulphuric  acid), 
the  whole  being  placed  in  a 
test  glass  filled  with  the  same 

The  electrodes  of  a  powerful 
Euhmkorff  machine  communi- 
cate with  the  liquid  in  the  in- 
ternal tube  and  with  the  external 

The    silent   discharge    takes 
place  in  the  annular  space  com- 
prised between  the  tubes  c  and  d. 
It  acts  upon  the  gases  which 
enter  at  a  and  escape  at  b.     The 
3piSita=_    nitrogen  which  issues  from  this 
H  apparatus  has  acquired  no  fresh 

4.  The  same  negative  results 
Fig.  31.— Berthelot's  silent  discharge  were  obtained  by  the  author  with 
apparatus  for  the  modification  of  hydrogen  in  presence  of  organic 

substances,   either   nitrogen    or 

oxygen,  immediately  after  the  hydrogen  had  undergone  the 
action  of  the  sparks,  or  of  the  silent  discharge,  results  which  are 
very  different  from  those  observed  with  oxygen.  There  does 
not  therefore  appear  to  exist  for  nitrogen  or  hydrogen  any 
permanent  electrical  modification,  analogous  to  that  of  oxygen 
forming  ozone. 



Third  Section. — Action  of  the  Voltaic  Arc  and  the  Electric  Spark. 

1.  We  shall  now  study  the  action  of  electricity  under  its 
various  forms  in  bringing  about  nitrogenous  combinations,  by 
acting  upon  nitrogen  in  presence  of  the  other  elements. 

Under  the  form  of  the  voltaic  arc,  or  the  spark,  electricity 
produces  in  fact  the  union  of  nitrogen  with  oxygen  (synthesis 
of  the  nitric  compounds),  the  union  of  nitrogen  with  hydrogen 
(synthesis  of  ammonia),  the  union  of  nitrogen  with  acetylene 
(synthesis  of  hydro- 
cyanic acid). 

2.  These  reactions  can 
easily  be  produced  with 
the  following  apparatus, 
which  does  not  require 
either  the  use  of  plati- 
num  wires    fused    into 
the  glass  or  special  con- 
ductors.     Bent       glass 
tubes  and  free  platinum 
wires  suffice. 

The  following  is   the 

arrangement.  The  gas  (measured  or  not)  is  placed  in  an  ordinary 
test-tube,  in  a  mercury  trough ;  then  into  this  test-tube  are  intro- 
duced two  gas- tubes,  twice  bent  to  slightly  obtuse  angles  (Fig.  32), 
but  still  keeping  the  same  direction.  The  tubes  being  open  at 
both  ends,  their  introduction 
is  effected  without  difficulty 
and  without  establishing  com- 
munications with  the  atmo- 
sphere. This  done,  a  thick 
and  long  platinum  wire  is 
taken,  of  which  the  length 
considerably  exceeds  that  of 
the  bent  tube,  and  it  is  intro- 
duced by  the  external  orifice 
of  one  of  the  tubes,  by  push- 
ing it  gently  through  the 
mercury  which  fills  the  tube ; 
it  is  thus  got  past  the  bends  Fig.  33.— Action  of  the  electric  spark 
until  its  end  passes  out  of  the  on  gases* 

internal  orifice  of  the  tube.     The  same  operation  is  performed 
with  a  second  platinum  wire  slipped  through  the  second  tube. 

Two  insulated  conductors  are  thus  obtained,  which  are  put 
into  communication  with  the  two  poles  of  a  Kuhmkorff  coil, 
or  any  other  generator  of  high  tension  electricity.  The  spark 
passes  between  the  two  points  situated  in  the  interior  of  the 
test-tube,  the  distance  and  relative  positionwJich  can  be 


regulated  at  will.     Fig.  33  shows  the  tubes  in  place  and  the 
experiment  ready. 

3.  Now,  if  mixed  dry  nitrogen  and  oxygen,  or  even  atmospheric 
air,  are  subjected  to  the  action  of  a  series  of  electric  sparks, 
after  a  few  minutes  the  test-tube  is  filled  with  nitrous  vapour, 
but  it  would  need  several  hours  to  arrive  at  the  limit  of  the 
reaction.     This  is,  moreover,  never  complete,  the  spark  inversely 
decomposing  nitric  peroxide  (see  p.  198). 

4.  If  the  operation  take  place  in  presence  of  a  solution  of 
potash,  the  acid  gases  are  gradually  absorbed  and  potassium 
nitrate  is   finally   obtained.      This   is   Cavendish's   celebrated 
experiment  (1785). 

5.  The  combination  of  nitrogen  with  oxygen   requires  the 
intervention  of  a  foreign  energy  represented  by   —  21*6  CaL, 
when  the  union  of  nitrogen  with  oxygen  takes  place,  forming 
nitric  oxide — 

N  +  0  =  NO. 

The  latter  compound  afterwards   unites   with    an    excess    of 
oxygen,  forming  nitric  peroxide. 
The  definitive  formation, 

N  -f  02  =  N02  gaseous, 

only  corresponds  to  an  absorption  of  —  2 '6  Cal.  at  the  ordinary 
temperature,  a  quantity  which  increases  to  about  —  7  Cal. 
towards  200°. 

6.  It  is  precisely  in  virtue  of  analogous  reactions  developed 
in  the   atmosphere   during  the  passage   of  forked   and  sheet 
lightning  that  nitric  and  nitrous  acids  are  formed.     These  acids 
appear  in  rainstorms,  partly  in  the  free  state  and   partly  as 
ammonium  nitrate  or  alkaline  nitrates,  the  latter  being  derived 
from  the  dust  of  the  air.     For  example,  Filhol,  at  Toulouse, 
obtained  per   cubic  metre  of  rain,  T09  grms.  of  nitric   acid. 
From  the  analyses  of  M.  Barral,  one  hectare  of  ground  at  Paris 
would  have  received  in  November,   1852,  from   the  rain,   659 
grms.  of  nitrogen  in  the  form  of  nitric  acid.     These  quantities 
are  considerable,  nevertheless  the  analysis  of  cultivated  plants 
has  shown  that  they  do  not  suffice  to  make  good  the  losses  of 
nitrogen  taken  from  the  soil  by  vegetation. 

Fourth  Section. — Actions  of  the  Silent  Discharge  at  High  Tension. 

1.  The  combination  of  nitrogen  and  oxygen  with  the  formation 
of  nitrous   compounds   is   not   only  produced  by  the  electric 
spark,  but  also  by  the  action  of  the  silent  discharge,  when  the 
electric   tension   is   very  great   (see   the  instruments,  pp.  226 
and  230). 

2.  This  is,  again,  a  condition  which  occurs  in  the  atmosphere. 
During  the  interval  of  time  which  precedes  the  instant  when 
the  discharges  of  lightning,  properly  so  called,  trace  a  certain 


line  in  the  atmosphere,  there  are  very  widespread  surfaces 
which  gradually  become  electrified  by  influence,  then  suddenly 
discharge  themselves  at  the  moment  of  the  explosions  (return 
shock).  Over  these  electrified  surfaces  there  are  exerted  certain 
chemical  reactions  analogous  to  those  developed  by  the  silent 
discharge  at  a  high  tension  and  with  a  suddenly  varying 
potential.  These  are,  moreover,  accidental,  local,  and  momentary 
effects,  as  well  as  those  of  lightning  properly  so  called.  It  is 
probable  that  they  are  especially  produced  on  mountains  and 
isolated  peaks. 

3.  The  electric  influence  thus  causes  the  formation  of  hypo- 
nitric  and  nitric  acids,  and  even  that  of  pernitric  acid,1  an  un- 
stable compound  produced  by  the  reaction  of  the  silent  discharge 
at  a  high  tension  on  a  mixture  of  hyponitric  acid  and  oxygen. 

4.  Nitrogen  and  water.     Under  the  influence  of  high  electric 
tensions,  free  nitrogen  and  water  combine  to  form  ammonium 
nitrite,  according  to  the  author's  experiments 2 — 

N2  +  2H20  =  NH4N02, 

the    energy   necessary  for   this  reaction  (—  73  '2   Cal.)  being 
supplied  by  electricity. 

5.  The  effects  just  described  are  produced  under  the  influence 
of  external  discharges  of  the  Euhmkorff  coil,  the  potential  of 
the  electrified  bodies  thus  passing  in  a  very  short  interval  of 
time  through  all  values,  from  zero  to  a  limit  amounting  to 
several  thousand  volts. 

6.  The  same  effects  also  take  place,  each  pole  being  alternately 
charged  with  positive  and  negative   electricity,  as   with  the 
Euhmkorff  coil,  or  each  pole  being  constantly  charged  with  the 
same  electricity,  as  may  be  obtained  by  the  Holtz  machine. 

7.  But  these  reactions  gradually  become   weakened  if  the 
potential  be  lowered,  and  finally  cease  entirely,  when  it  fails 
below  a  certain  limit,  relatively  very  high,  that  is,  reaching  to 
several  hundred  volts.     Below  this  limit  nitrogen  and  oxygen 
cease  to  combine,  although  ozone  is  still  formed. 

8.  It  should  be  noted  that  this  limit  of  potential  is  far  higher 
than  the  ordinary  tensions  which  atmospheric  electricity  can 
assume,  except  in  stormy  weather.     The  direct  formation  of  the 
oxygenated  compounds  of  nitrogen  in  nature  is,  therefore,  limited 
to  the  conditions  of  very  great  electric  tension  and  the  influence 
of  storms. 

9.  We  will  examine,  from  the  same  point  of  view,  the  com- 
bination of  nitrogen  with  hydrogen  ;  that  is  to  say,  the  formation 
of  ammonia  by  the  action  of  electricity. 

1  "Annals  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5"  se"rie,  torn.  xxii.  p.  432.     The 
author  had  noticed  the  formation  of  the  last  combination ;  but  it  has  been 
demonstrated  in  a  more  complete  manner  and  studied  more  particularly  by 
Chappuis  and  Hautefeuille. 

2  Same  collection,  5'  se*rie,  torn.  xii.  p.  455. 



Take,  first,  the  action  of  the  spark.  It  is  well  known  that 
ammonia  is  decomposed  by  a  series  of  sparks  into  its  elements, 
the  volume  of  the  gas  being  practically  doubled  after  a  rather 
short  period  of  time.  Nevertheless,  there  remains  a  trace  of 
ammonia,  not  capable  of  measurement,  though  capable  of  being 
manifested,  as  will  be  presently  shown.  Now,  nitrogen  and 
hydrogen  undergo  reciprocally  a  commencement  of  combination, 
by  the  action  of  a  series  of  electric  sparks.  However,  the  pro- 
portion of  ammonia  formed  is  so  slight  as  not  to  be  shown  by  a 
change  in  volume.  But  it  is  sufficient  to  introduce  into  the 
gases  a  bubble  of  hydrochloric  acid  gas  to  produce  abundant 
fumes.  (In  order  that  the  experiment  may  be  reliable,  it  is 
necessary  to  operate  with  gases  thoroughly  dried  before  the 
experiment  and  over  dry  mercury,  the  least  trace  of  water 
vapour  being  indicated  in  the  same  way  by  hydrochloric  acid 
gas.)  This  reaction  is  so  delicate  that  it  reveals  the  thousandth 
part  of  a  mgrm.  in  a  small  volume  of  gas. 

To  accumulate  the  effects  of  this  reaction,  it  is  sufficient  to 
operate  in  presence  of  dilute  sulphuric  acid,  so  as  to  gradually 
absorb  the  ammonia.  It  is  then  easy  to  collect  a  considerable 
quantity  of  it  at  the  end  of  a  sufficient  time.  The  author  has 
not  been  able  to  discover  the  inventor  of  this  experiment,  but 
it  appears  as  already  classic  in  the  first  edition 
of  Kegnault's  "Traite  de  Chimie,"  printed  in 
1846,  and  dates  from  still  further  back. 

10.  The  action  of  the  silent  discharge  is  far 
more   efficacious   than   that   of    the   spark   in 
causing  the  union  of  nitrogen  with  hydrogen. 

The  silent  discharge  has  also  the  double 
property  of  decomposing  ammonia  into  its 
elements  and  of  combining  elementary  nitrogen 
and  hydrogen.  These  two  gases  being  mixed 
in  the  ratio  of  three  volumes  of  hydrogen  to 
one  volume  of  nitrogen,  if  the  silent  discharge 
be  made  to  act  upon  the  mixture,  after  a  few 
hours  as  much  as  three  per  cent,  of  the  mixture 
will  be  found  to  have  been  transformed  into 
ammonia.  The  latter  may  then  be  measured 
by  volume,  and  manifested  by  all  its  reactions. 

11.  The  apparatus  which  was  most  commonly 
employed  for  making  the  silent  discharge  act  upon 
the  gases  is  formed  of  two  distinct  glass  tubes — 

(1)  A  very  thin  stoppered  tube,  enlarged  at  the  lower  part, 
and  forming  a  test-tube,  so  arranged  as  to  permit  of  the  intro- 
duction, the  extraction,  and  the  rigorously  exact  measurement 
of  the  gases  over  mercury,  all  as  clearly  and  easily  as  with 
ordinary  gas  test-tubes. 

This  tube  is  surrounded  by  a  thin  strip  of  platinum,  arranged 

Fig.  34.  —  Silent 
discharge  test- 



spirally  on  its  external  surface  (Fig.  34),  this  strip  being  fixed 
with  gum.  The  whole  glass  surface  in  contact  with  the 
atmosphere  is  carefully  coated  with  shellac,  in  order  to  insulate 
it  more  fully. 

(2)  A  V  tube  (Fig.  35),  slightly  less  in  diameter  than  the 
test-tube,  so  arranged  as  to  be  able  to  be  introduced  into  it, 
almost  without  friction. 

This  tube  is  closed  at  one  of  its  ends  (Fig.  35),  and  filled  with 
dilute  sulphuric  acid. 

The  test-tube  being  placed  over  a  large  mercury  trough,  the 
gases  on  which  it  is  desired  to  operate  are  introduced  into  it 
after  having  been  measured  in  a  graduated  test-tube  with  the 
usual  precautions.  The  volume  is  regulated  according  to  the 
capacity  of  the  test-tube,  diminished  by  that  of  the  vertical 
portion  of  the  V  tube.  It  is  also  necessary  to  take  account  of 
the  increase  of  volume  pro- 
duced by  decomposition,  if 
there  be  occasion  to  do  so. 
The  closed  part  of  the  V  tube 
is  then  introduced  into  the 
interior  of  the  test-tube,  first 
having  been  filled  with  water 
acidulated  with  sulphuric 

Then,  the  test-tube  being 
held  in  the  left  hand,  a  small 
porcelain  basin,  like  those 
usually  employed  for  measur- 
ing nitrogen  in  organic  com- 
pounds, is  introduced  by  the 
right  hand  under  the  mercury, 
and  passed  under  the  test- 
tube,  held  vertically,  when  Fig-  35> 
the  whole  is  taken  away,  so  as  to  isolate  the  test-tube  arranged 
over  the  basin,  as  in  Fig.  36. 

It  is  held  in  place  with  the  aid  of  the  wooden  jaw  of  a 
Gay-Lussac  support,  which,  for  the  sake  of  simplicity,  has  not 
been  shown.  This  support,  at  the  same  time,  applied  against 
the  platinum  strip  in  Fig.  36,  keeps  in  place  a  thin  sheet  of 
platinum,  fixed  at  the  end  of  a  wire  communicating  with  one 
of  the  poles  of  a  very  large  Euhmkorff  coil,  whilst  the  other 
pole  is  attached  to  a  second  wire  which  dips  into  the  acidulated 
water  of  the  V  tube. 

12.  The  combination  of  nitrogen  with  hydrogen,  as  well  as 
that  of  oxygen  and  nitrogen,  ceases  below  a  certain  potential  of 
the  electric  apparatus,  which  produces  the  silent  discharge.     It 
does  not  take  place  at  all  at  the  low  tensions. 

13.  The  combination   of  free   nitrogen  with  the  hydrocarbon 




compounds  is  of  great  importance.  Before  the  author's  experi- 
ments it  was  entirely  unknown.  It  is  a  remarkable  circum- 
stance that  this  combination  takes  place  equally  well  with  the 
highest  and  even  the  lowest  electric  tensions,  contrary  to  what 
happens  in  the  case  of  oxygen  and  hydrogen.  The  products, 
moreover,  vary  according  to  the  greatness  of  the  electric  tensions. 
14.  Hydrocyanic  acid.  In  allowing  the  voltaic  arc  or  the 
electric  spark  to  act  directly  upon  gases,  the  author  has  observed 
that  acetylene  and  nitrogen  combine  directly  at  equal  gaseous 
volumes,  forming  hydrocyanic  acid.  The  same  reaction  takes 
place  with  every  hydrocarbon  gas  or  vapour  capable  of  forming 
acetylene  under  the  influence  of  the  spark.  This  formation  of 

Fig.  36. — Action  of  the  silent  discharge  on  mercury. 

hydrocyanic  acid  constitutes  the  best  defined  positive  character 
of  nitrogen  and  is  the  easiest  to  show. 

If  a  series  of  strong  sparks  be  passed  into  a  mixture  formed 
by  the  two  pure  gases,  the  gases  assume  almost  immediately 
the  characteristic  odour  of  hydrocyanic  acid. 

After  a  quarter  of  an  hour,  or  even  less,  if  the  sparks  are 
long  and  strong  the  reaction  is  already  well  advanced.  It  is 
then  sufficient  to  agitate  the  gas  with  potash  to  change  the  acid 
into  alkaline  cyanide  and  to  manifest  the  reactions  which  are 
characteristic  of  it  (Prussian  blue,  etc.) 

Under  the  circumstances  just  described  the  formation  of 
hydrocyanic  acid  is  accompanied  by  that  of  carbon  and  hydro- 
gen, formed  in  virtue  of  a  distinct  but  simultaneous  decomposi- 


tion  of  the  acetylene.  But  this  complication  may  easily  be 
avoided  by  adding  beforehand  to  the  mixture  a  suitable  volume 
of  hydrogen,  for  instance,  ten  times  the  volume  of  the  acetylene ; 
no  further  deposit  of  carbon  is  then  observed,  and  the  reaction 
absolutely  corresponds  to  the  following  equation  : — 

C2H2  +  N2  =  2CNH. 

The  presence  of  the  hydrocyanic  acid  formed  is  not,  however, 
completely  accomplished  under  the  conditions  just  described, 
and  the  reaction  ceases  at  a  certain  limit,  because  the  hydro- 
cyanic acid  is  inversely  decomposed  by  the  spark,  into  nitrogen 
and  acetylene.  But  if  the  hydrocyanic  acid  be  gradually 
removed  by  potash,  care  being  taken  to  dry  the  gases  each  time, 
before  renewing  the  action  of  the  spark,  a  given  volume  of 
nitrogen  may  be  completely  transformed  into  the  acid,  as  has 
been  expressly  verified.  Hydrocyanic  acid  is  formed  solely  by 
the  action  of  the  spark  or  arc,  and  not  of  the  silent  discharge. 

15.  Nitrogen  and  organic  compounds.     Nevertheless  nitrogen 
is  also  absorbed  by  organic  matters,  when  operating  with  the 
silent  discharge  by  means  of  a  powerful  Euhmkorff  coil  and 
the  test-tube  just   described.     It  is   easy  to   observe  (at   an 
ordinary  temperature)  the  absorption  of  a  measurable  volume  of 
nitrogen  either  by  hydrocarbons  (benzene,  essence  of  turpentine, 
etc.),  or  by  ternary  substances,  such  as  ether,  moist  dextrine,  or 

16.  Nitrogen  and  hydrocarbons.     The  experiment  is  very  well 
defined  with  benzene,  a  compound  devoid  of  oxygen,  1  grm. 
of  benzene  absorbing  in  a  few  hours   4  to   5   cub.   cms.   of 
nitrogen,  the  greater  part  remaining  unaltered.     The  reaction 
is  effected  principally  between  electrified  benzene,  in  vapour,  or 
under  the  form  of  very  thin  liquid  layers,  and  nitrogen  gas.     It 
gives  rise  to  a  polymeric  and  condensed  compound,  a  sort  of 
solid  resin,  which  collects  on  the  surface  of  the  glass  tubes 
through  which  the  discharge  is  effected.     This  compound,  when 
highly  heated,  is  decomposed,  with  liberation  of  ammonia.     But 
free  ammonia  does  not  pre-exist,  nor  is  it  formed  by  the  silent 
discharge,  either  in  the  dissolved  state  in  the  excess  of  benzene, 
or  in  the  gases.    The  latter,  moreover,  contain  a  little  acetylene, 
which  appears  constantly  in  the  reaction  of  the  silent  discharge 
on  the  hydrocarbons.      Essence  of  turpentine  also  gave  rise  to  an 
absorption  of  nitrogen,  in  reality  slower  under  the  same  con- 
ditions.    There  was  also  produced  a  condensed  resinous  body, 
which  liberates  ammonia  on  ignition. 

The  vapour  of  ether  also x  absorbs  nitrogen.  Methane  behaves 
in  the  same  manner.  It  yields  at  once  (in  a  small  quantity)  a 
very  condensed  solid  nitrogenous  product,  which  liberates 
ammonia,  by  heat,  and  free  ammonia,  which  remains  mixed 
with  the  non-condensed  gases.  With  acetylene,  the  principal 



product  is  a  polymeric  substance,  discovered  by  Thenard. 
Nitrogen  and  acetylene,  moreover,  do  not  form  hydrocyanic 
acid  under  the  influence  of  the  silent  discharge,  a  result  which 
contrasts  with  the  abundant  formation  of  this  compound  under 
the  influence  of  the  spark.  However,  the  condensed  product 
formed  by  acetylene  modified  in  presence  of  nitrogen,  when 
subsequently  destroyed  by  heat,  liberates  towards  the  close 
some  traces  of  ammonia. 

17.  Nitrogen  and  carbohydrates.     The  following  are  various 
experiments  relative  to  the  absorption  of  nitrogen  by  the  action 
of  the  silent  discharge  at  high  tension,  which  are  calculated  to 
show  that  this  absorption  really  takes  place,  when  operating 
with  the  principal  constituents  of  vegetable  tissues,  either  with 
pure  nitrogen  or  in  presence  of  oxygen,  that  is,  by  bringing 
atmospheric  air  into  action. 

White  filter  paper  (cellulose  or  ligneous  principle)  slightly 
moistened  and  submitted  to  the  influence  of  the  silent  discharge, 
in  presence  of  pure  nitrogen  absorbs  a  very  marked  quantity  of 
it  in  the  space  of  eight  to  ten  hours.  It  is  sufficient  to  heat  the 
paper  strongly  afterwards  with  soda-lime,  to  liberate  from  it  a 
great  quantity  of  ammonia.  The  original  paper  did  not  appre- 
ciably yield  any  under  the  same  conditions.  Ammonia,  besides, 
is  only  produced  towards  a  dull  red  heat  by  the  destruction  of 
a  particular  and  fixed  nitrogenous  compound,  as  with  the 

18.  The  presence  of  oxygen  does  not  prevent  this  absorption 
of  nitrogen.     The  following  experiment  shows  this.     The  glass 
tubes  through  which  the  electric  influence  is  exerted  having 
been   covered  with  a  thin  coat  of  a  syrup-like   solution  of 
dextrine   (a  few   decigrammes  in   all),   a  certain   volume  of 
atmospheric  air  was  introduced  into  them  over  mercury. 

After  having  made  the  silent  discharge  act  for  about  eight 
hours,  an  absorption  of  2'9  per  cent,  of  nitrogen  and  7'0  of 
oxygen  in  100  volumes  of  the  original  air  was  observed.  It 
will  be  seen  that  the  absorption  of  the  oxygen  was  not  total 
under  these  conditions.  As  a  check  the  organic  matter  remain- 
ing on  the  surface  of  the  tubes  was  collected  and  heated  with 
soda-lime,  it  liberated  ammonia  in  great  abundance  and  only 
towards  a  dull  red  heat,  which  completes  the  demonstration. 
For  the  rest,  it  was  not  found  that  free  ammonia,  nitric  or 
nitrous  acids  were  formed  in  any  appreciable  amount,  at  least 
under  these  conditions. 

19.  The  principal  phenomenon  is  therefore  the  production  of 
a  complex  nitrogenous  compound  by  the  direct  union  of  free 
nitrogen  with  the  carbohydrate  experimented  upon,  a  reaction 
perfectly   comparable  to   those  which   must  be   produced  in 
nature,  by  the  contact  of  vegetable  matter  with  the  electrified 
atmospheric  air. 


20.  The  absorption  of  nitrogen  by  organic  compounds  takes 
place  likewise  under  the  influence  of  loth  kinds  of  electricity. 
It  takes  place  in  just  as  well  defined  a  manner  with  the  lowest 
as  with  the  highest  tensions,  but  in  a  time  which  is  the  longer, 
the  lower  is  the    electric  tension.     It  is  very  marked   even 
with  the  low  tensions  which  no  longer  yield  the  oxides  of 
nitrogen.     This  absorption  has  been  verified,  both  by  insulating 
the   silver  or  platinum1  armatures  held  in   contact  with  the 
paper  and  the  gases,  and  also  by  insulating  the  paper  itself 
from  all  metallic  contact  between  two  glass  surfaces.     At  the 
same  time  as  the  fixed  nitric  compounds  already  referred  to,  and 
under  these  conditions,  no  trace  of  ammonia  was  formedt  and 
no  trace  of  nitric  or  nitrous  acid,  or  of  hydrocyanic  acid. 

21.  Working  under  similar  conditions,  and  with  very  low 
tensions,  it  was  found  that  the  fixation  of  the  nitrogen  was 
especially  abundant  with  paper,  less  with  ether,  and  still  less 
with  benzene,  a  diversity  corresponding  to  the  unequal  stability 
of  these  principles  and  to  the  different  nature  of  the  nitrogenous 
principles  derived  from  them.     With  paper  especially,  there 
are  produced  at  the  same  time  insoluble   nitrogenous   com- 
pounds, very  slightly  coloured,  which  remain   fixed  upon  the 
woody  fibre,  and  nitrogenous  bodies  which  are  soluble  in  water 
and  almost  colourless,  which  are  condensed  upon  the  sheet  of 
platinum ;  the  latter  contain  such  large  quantities  of  nitrogen 
that  they  yield  free  ammonia  which  turns  litmus  paper  blue, 
even  without  any  addition  of  soda-lime. 

22.  The  experiments  just  described  define  the  general  con- 
ditions of  the  chemical  reactions   produced  by  the  silent  dis- 
charge, but  they  do  not  indicate   clearly   the  effects   of  the 
electrical  tension,  free  from  all  complications.     In  fact,  in  the 
experiments  made  with  the  help  of  the  Kuhmkorff  apparatus,  or 
the  Holtz  machine,  the  tension  changes  continually  during  the 
interval  between  the  outer  sparks,  and  this  between  limits  that 
vary  by  several  thousand  volts. 

What  is  the  influence  of  these  .incessant  variations  and  the 
sudden  alternations  accompanying  them?  Are  the  chemical 
reactions  determined  by  the  very  fact  of  these  alternations  and 
the  molecular  shocks  and  vibrations  resulting  from  them,  or  can 
the  chemical  reactions  be  produced  by  a  simple  difference  of 
potential,  or  a  simple  determination  of  the  gaseous  molecules, 

1  The  metallic  armatures  had  been  brought  to  a  red  heat  in  the  open  air 
before  each  experiment  in  order  to  destroy  every  trace  of  organic  matter  on 
their  surfaces.  Care  must  be  taken  not  to  touch  them  with  the  fingers.  The 
Swedish  paper  and  the  dextrine  employed  did  not  contain  more  than  a  ten- 
thousandth  part  of  nitrogen  according  to  a  special  analysis,  a  proportion  which 
is  of  no  account  when  a  few  centigrammes  of  paper  are  operated  upon.  This 
verification  must  be  made  each  time  upon  strips  taken  from  the  same  sheet  of 
paper  and  in  an  alternate  manner,  the  paper  sometimes  accidentally  contain- 
ing nitrogenous  substances. 



without  there  being  either  any  voltaic  current  properly  so  called, 
as  with  a  closed  battery,  or  elevation  of  temperature,  as  with 
the  spark,  or  sudden  and  incessant  variations  of  tension,  as  with 
the  silent  discharge  developed  under  influence  of  the  Holtz  or 
Kuhmkorff  machines  ?  The  following  experiments  were  made 
in  order  to  solve  these  questions. 

Fifth  Section. — Action  of  Electricity  at  very  Low  Tension. 
1.  These  fresh  trials  were  made  with  a  battery,  without  closing 

Fig.  37. — Apparatus  open. 

Fig.  38.— Apparatus  arranged 
for  the  experiment. 

the  circuit,  and  under  such  conditions  that  the  entire  experi- 
ment resolved  itself  into  the  establishment  of  a  constant 
difference  of  potential  between  the  two  armatures.  This 
difference  was  measured  by  the  electro-motive  force  of  five 
Leclanche  cells  (a  force  equivalent  to  about  seven  Daniell  cells) 
in  the  greater  number  of  the  experiments  about  to  be  described. 
Each  experiment  lasted  from  eight  to  nine  consecutive  months. 
2.  Metallic  armatures  had  to  be  given  up  on  account  of  the 
special  reactions  they  bring  about,  and  it  was  necessary  to 



place  the  gases  in  the  annular  space  separating  two  concentric 
glass  tubes  fused  together  at  the  top. 

The  apparatus  is  shown  on  the  preceding  page.  The  inner 
tube  is  open  and  filled  with  dilute  sulphuric  acid ;  the  outer  one 
is  closed  at  the  blowpipe,  and  plunged  into  a  test-glass  contain- 
ing the  same  acid.  The  gases  and  other  bodies  are  introduced 
beforehand  into  the  annular  space,  by  means  of  small  tubes, 
which  are  then  closed  at  the  blowpipe.1  The  positive  pole  of 
the  battery  is  put  in  communication  with  the  acid  liquid  of  the 
inner  tube,  which  acts  as  armature  ;  and  the  negative  pole  with 
the  acid  liquid  of  the  test-tube,  which  acts  as  a  second  arma- 
ture, separated  from  the  first  by  a  dielectric  formed  of  two 
thicknesses  of  glass  and  the  gaseous  stratum  between.  The 
gases  are  thus  contained  in  a  space  completely  closed  by  fusion 
of  the  glass  without  any  metallic  contact. 

3.  The  following  results  were  observed  under  these  conditions : 
the  formation  of  ozone,  into  which  it  is  not  necessary  to  enter 
here;  the  absorption  of  the  free   nitrogen   by  the   paper  and 
by  the  dextrine ;  and  the  formation  of  special  nitrogenous  com- 
pounds, exactly  as  in  the  experiments  on  p.  229. 

4.  Some  of  the  experiments  were  made  under  quantitative 
conditions,  so  as  to  measure  the 

weight  of  nitrogen  absorbed  in  a 
given  time.  For  this  purpose  over 
half  the  outer  surface  of  a  large 
cylinder  of  thin  glass,  A,  termi- 
nated by  a  spherical  cap,  a  sheet 
of  Swedish  paper,  weighed  before- 
hand and  damped  with  pure  water, 
was  laid.  The  other  half  of  the 
same  outer  surface  was  coated  with 
a  syrupy  solution  of  dextrine  tested 
and  weighed  under  conditions  that 
enabled  us  to  know  exactly  the 
weight  of  dry  dextrine  employed. 
The  inner  surface  of  the  cylinder 
had  been  covered  beforehand  with 
a  sheet  of  tinfoil  (internal  armature).  This  cylinder  was  placed 
upon  a  glass  plate,  and  then  covered  over  with  a  concentric 
cylinder  of  thin  glass,  B,  as  closely  as  possible,  the  inner  surface 
of  this  cylinder  being  left  uncovered,  and  the  outer  surface 
covered  with  a  sheet  of  tinfoil  (external  armature). 

The  system  of  two  cylinders  was  covered  with  a  bell-glass,  C, 
to  keep  out  dust,  and  placed  upon  a  glass  plate,  arranged  so  as 
to  keep  the  apparatus  airtight. 

The  internal  armature  was  put  in  communication  with  the 
positive  pole  of  a  battery  formed  of  five  Leclanche  cells,  arranged 
1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  se>ie,  torn.  xii.  p.  463. 

Fig.  39.— Slow  fixation  of  the 


in  series,  the  external  armature  with  the  negative  pole  of  the 
same  battery.  In  this  way  there  was  a  constant  difference  of 
potential  between  the  two  armatures  of  tinfoil,  separated  by 
the  two  thicknesses  of  glass,  by  the  stratum  of  air  between,  and 
lastly  by  the  paper  or  dextrine  applied  to  one  of  the  cylinders. 
Before  the  experiment  the  nitrogen  was  estimated  in  the  paper 
and  in  the  dextrine  (working  upon  two  grammes  of  dry  material), 
and  was  found  to  be,  in  1000  parts — 

Paper  -10,  dextrine  12. 

At  the  end  of  a  month  (November),  having  worked  at  first  with 
a  single  Leclanche  element, 

Paper  10,  dextrine  17, 

mould  had  formed.  There  being  no  variation  in  the  paper  and 
very  little  in  the  dextrine,  the  experiment  was  continued  with 
five  Leclanche  cells  for  seven  months,  the  outside  temperature 
being  raised  little  by  little  until  at  times  it  reached  30°.  Again 
mould  was  observed.  At  the  end  of  this  period,  in  1000  parts, 
the  nitrogen  was  found  to  be — 

Paper  *45,  dextrine  1*92. 

The  space  between  the  two  cylinders  was  from  three  to  four 
millimetres.  Another  trial,  made  at  the  same  time,  with  nearly 
treble  the  space  between  two  other  concentric  cylinders,  similar 
to  the  first,  gave,  in  nitrogen  in  1000  parts — 

Paper  '30,  dextrine  114. 

All  these  analyses  go  to  establish  the  fact  that  there  is  a  fixation 
of  nitrogen  upon  paper  and  upon  dextrine,  i.e.  upon  vegetable 
substances  that  are  not  directly  nitrogenous,  under  the  influence 
of  excessively  low  electrical  tensions. 

The  effects  are  here  provoked  by  the  difference  of  potential 
existing  between  the  two  poles  of  a  battery  formed  of  five 
Leclanche  cells,  a  difference  that  may  be  compared  to  atmospheric 
electricity  acting  at  short  distances  from  the  earth. 

5.  The  influence  of  the  mould,  observed  in  the  course  of  the 
experiments,  cannot  be  taken  into  account,  for  Boussingault  has 
proved,  by  very  careful  analysis,1  that  this  vegetable  substance 
does  not  possess  the  power  of  fixing  atmospheric  nitrogen. 

6.  The  influence  of  light  did  not  enter  into  the  above  ex- 
periments, in  which  the  fixation  of  the  nitrogen  was  effected  in 
total  darkness.     Other  experiments,  however,  performed  in  the 
light,  showed  that  light  does  not  impede  the  electrical  fixing  of 
the  nitrogen. 

7.  The  reactions  just  described  are  determined  by  very  low 
electrical  tensions,  the  value  of  which  is  quite  comparable  to 
those  of  atmospheric  electricity,  as  is  shown  by  the  measure- 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  3e  se*rie,  torn.  Ixi.  p.  363. 


ments    published    by   Thoinsen,   Mascart,   and  various   other 

8.  In  order  to  complete  this  demonstration,  it  was  thought 
expedient  to  operate  upon  atmospheric  electricity  itself.  For  this 
purpose,  the  author  worked  by  means  of  the  difference  of 
potential  existing  between  the  earth  and  a  stratum  of  air  about 
two  metres  above  it  in  the  garden  of  the  observatory  at 

The  results  obtained,  during  experiments  which  lasted  from 
July  29  to  October  5,  1876,  i.e.  rather  more  than  two  months, 
will  now  be  given,  the  mean  electrical  tension  having  been 
about  that  of  three  and  a  half  Daniell  cells,  and  having 
fluctuated  in  absolute  value  from  +  60  Daniell  to  about  —  180 
Daniell,  in  the  apparatus. 

In  all  the  tubes,  without  exception,  whether  they  contained 
pure  nitrogen  or  ordinary  air,  whether  they  were  hermetically 
sealed  or  in  free  communication  with  the  atmosphere,  the 
nitrogen  fixed  itself  upon  the  organic  substance  (paper  or 
dextrine),  forming  an  amide  compound,  which  was  decomposed 
by  soda-lime  at  about  300°  to  400°,  with  regeneration  of 

The  same  substances,  left  freely  exposed  to  the  atmosphere 
of  a  room  apart  from  the  laboratory,  did  not  give  the  least  sign 
of  the  fixation  of  nitrogen. 

The  quantity  of  nitrogen  thus  fixed  under  the  influence  of 
atmospheric  electricity  is,  moreover,  very  small  in  each  tube. 
This  may  be  explained  by  the  smallness  of  the  weight  of 
organic  matter  (a  few  centigrammes),  by  the  slowness  of  the 
reactions,  and  lastly  by  the  limited  extent  of  the  surfaces 
influenced.1  As,  however,  the  number  of  tubes  capable  of 
being  arranged  in  the  same  circuit  might  certainly  be  very 
much  increased,  without  affecting  the  electrical  effects  any  more 
than  the  chemical  effects  derived  from  them,  we  see  that  the 
quantity  of  nitrogen  capable  of  being  deposited  on  a  surface 
covered  with  organic  matter  at  the  end  of  a  suitable  time  may 
be  rendered  considerable  without  any  other  depositing  influence 
being  brought  to  bear  upon  it  than  the  natural  difference  of 
potential  between  the  earth  and  the  strata  of  air  two  metres 
above  it.  We  thus  find  ourselves  in  conditions  similar  to  those 
of  vegetation  increased  in  the  relation  existing  between  the 
distance  from  the  outflow  tube  in  the  Thomsen  apparatus  to 
the  earth  and  the  distance  between  the  two  armatures  of  the 
author's  tubes. 

1  No  trace  of  nitric  acid  was  found  either  in  the  water  which  had  been  in 
contact  with  the  organic  substances,  or  in  special  tubes  containing  only  air 
and  water  and  subjected  simultaneously  to  atmospheric  electricity.  The 
silent  discharge  under  these  conditions  of  feeble  tension  does  not,  therefore, 
seem  to  determine  the  union  of  the  nitrogen  with  oxygen,  so  as  to  form  nitric 


9.  Two  of  the  experiments  enable  the  demonstration  to  be 
carried  even  further.     In  fact,  the  damp  paper  contained  in  two 
tubes  (nitrogen  with  an  armature  of  silver  in  the  inner  tube,  air 
with  an  armature  of  platinum  in  the  annular  space)  was  found 
to  be  covered  with  greenish  stains,  formed  of  microscopic  algae, 
with  fine  filaments  interlaced  and  covered  with  fructifications. 
They  derived  their  origin,  no  doubt,  from  some  germs  introduced 
accidentally  before  the  closing  of  the  tubes.     Now,  in  these  two 
tubes  there  was  much  more  nitrogen  fixed  than  in  tubes  deprived 
of  vegetable  matter.     In  the  nitrogen  tube  especially,  the  gases 
emitted  a  sourish  and  slightly  foetid  odour,  similar  to  that  of 
certain  fermentations,  and  the  deposition  of  nitrogen  was  much 
greater  than  in  any  of  the  others. 

10.  From  these  facts  it  follows  that  the  deposition  of  nitrogen 
in  nature,  which  is  indispensable  for  the  formation  of  nitrates, 
and  also  for  the  development  of  vegetable  life,  may  take  place 
directly   and   under   normal    atmospheric   conditions,   without 
necessarily  being  correlative  either  with  the  formation  of  ozone 
or  with  the  previous  production  of  ammonia  or  nitrous  com- 
pounds ;  this  last-named  production  only  taking  place  with  the 
help  of  stormy  and  exceptional  tensions. 

We  know,  however,  that  working  in  a  closed  space,  Boussing- 
ault,  whose  ability  is  well  known,  did  not  succeed  in  proving 
the  absorption  of  free  nitrogen.  But  atmospheric  electricity  at 
a  low  tension  did  not  act  in  these  experiments  in  vitro,  in  which 
the  potential  is  the  same  at  all  the  internal  points  of  the 
apparatus,  and  its  intervention  is  apparently  of  a  nature  to 
modify  the  conclusions  of  this  eminent  authority. 

11.  The  result  of  the  author's  experiments  is  to  show  clearly 
the  influence  of  a  new  natural  cause,  an  influence  of  great 
importance  to  vegetation.     Up  to  the  present,  whenever  the 
question  of  atmospheric  electricity  has  been  studied  from  an 
agricultural  point  of  view,   only  its  luminous    and    violent 
manifestations   have  been  considered,   such    as   thunder    and 
lightning.     Even  the  action  in  nature  of  those  high  tensions 
which    determine    the  formation   of   nitrous    compounds    by 
influence  had  scarcely  been  taken  into  consideration  before  the 
author's  experiments  (p.  215). 

In  all  cases,  only  the  formation  of  nitric  and  nitrous  acids 
and  of  ammonium  nitrate  was  studied.  The  author  considers 
that  up  to  the  present  there  has  been  no  other  suggestion  made 
with  regard  to  the  influence  of  atmospheric  electricity  being 
capable  of  constituting  the  distant  and  indirect  source  of  the 
fixing  of  nitrogen  on  vegetable  substances.  Before  the  experi- 
ments just  described,  there  was  no  idea  of  the  direct  reactions 
that  can  take  place  between  vegetable  matter  and  atmospheric 
nitrogen  under  the  influence  of  feeble  electrical  tensions. 
The  starting  into  activity  of  the  nitrogen  under  these  feeble 


tensions  is,  however,  of  great  interest,  and  it  is  these  feeble 
tensions  that  seem  to  be  the  most  efficacious,  the  slightness  of 
the  effects  being  compensated  by  their  duration  and  by  the  vast 
extent  of  the  surfaces  influenced.  We  have  to  do  with  quite 
a  new  kind  of  action,  until  now  completely  unknown,  which  is 
working  incessantly  under  the  most  unclouded  sky,  to  deter- 
mine a  direct  fixing  of  nitrogen  upon  vegetable  tissues.  In 
studying  the  natural  causes  capable  of  acting  upon  the  fertility 
of  the  soil,  and  upon  vegetation,  causes  which  it  has  been  sought 
to  define  by  meteorological  observations,  we  must  for  the  future 
take  into  consideration  not  merely  luminous  or  calorific 
influences,  but  also  the  electrical  condition  of  the  atmosphere. 

12.  We  will  now  specify  more  particularly  the  character  of 
these  reactions  in  nature.     When  studied  at  a  given  spot,  and 
over  a  small  surface,  they  can  certainly  be  only  very  limited, 
otherwise  the  humic    substances  in   the   soil   would  rapidly 
become  rich  in  nitrogen ;  whereas  the  regeneration  of  naturally 
nitrogenous  substances,  when  exhausted  by  cultivation,  is,  on 
the  contrary,  as  we  know,  excessively  slow. 

But  this  regeneration  is  indisputable,  for  in  no  other  way 
can  we  account  for  the  unlimited  fertility  of  soils  that  receive 
no  manure,  such  as  the  meadows  on  high  mountains,  as  studied 
by  Truchot,  in  Auvergne.1 

It  will  be  remembered  that  Messrs.  Lawes  and  Gilbert,  in 
their  celebrated  agricultural  experiments  at  Eothampstead,  came 
to  the  conclusion  that  the  nitrogen  in  certain  crops  of  leguminous 
plants  exceeds  the  sum  of  the  nitrogen  contained  in  the  seed, 
the  soil,  and  in  the  manure,  even  adding  the  nitrogen  supplied 
by  the  atmosphere  under  the  known  form  of  nitrates  and 
ammoniacal  salts ;  a  result  which  is  all  the  more  remarkable, 
seeing  that  a  portion  of  the  nitrogen  combined  is  eliminated  in 
a  free  state  during  the  natural  transformations  of  vegetable 
products.  We  observe,  therefore,  only  the  difference  between 
these  two  effects,  i.e.  that  the  actual  fixing  of  nitrogen  is  much 
greater  than  the  apparent.  In  most  cases  it  is  concealed  by  the 
causes  of  loss.  The  above-mentioned  writers  concluded  from 
their  observations  that  there  must  exist  in  vegetation  some 
source  of  nitrogen  sufficient  to  account  for  the  great  mass  of 
combined  nitrogen  in  existence  on  the  surface  of  the  globe. 
But  the  source  of  this  was  until  now  quite  unknown.  Now,  it 
is  precisely  this  hitherto  unknown  source  of  nitrogen  that  would 
seem  to  be  established  in  the  author's  experiments  on  the 
chemical  reactions  provoked  by  electricity  at  low  tensions,  and 
especially  atmospheric  electricity. 

13.  To   complete    this   explanation,   we  will    compare   the 
quantitative   data   of  the   experiments   with   the   richness   in 
nitrogen  of  the  vegetable  tissues  and  organs  that  are  renewed 

1  "  Annales  agronomiques,"  torn.  i.  pp.  549  and  550.    1875. 


each  year.  The  leaves  of  trees  contain  about  *008  of  nitrogen, 
wheat  straw  about  '003. 

Now,  the  nitrogen  fixed  upon  the  dextrine,  in  the  experiments, 
at  the  end  of  eight  months,  amounted  to  about  '002  (p.  232),  i.e. 
a  nitrogenous  substance  was  formed  of  a  richness  almost  com- 
parable to  that  of  herbaceous  tissues,  produced  in  vegetation  in 
the  same  space  of  time,  with  the  help  of  the  influences  exercised 
by  natural  electrical  tensions,  which  may  be  compared  to  those 
of  the  foregoing  experiments. 

14.  This  new  cause  of  the  fixing  of  the  atmospheric  nitrogen 
in  nature  is  of  the  highest  importance.  It  engenders  condensed 
nitrogenous  products  of  the  humic  order,  so  widely  diffused  over 
the  surface  of  the  glode.  However  limited  the  effects  may  be 
at  each  moment  and  at  each  point  of  the  terrestrial  superficies, 
they  may,  however,  become  very  considerable,  on  account  of 
the  extent  and  continuity  of  a  reaction  working  universally  and 

(    237    ) 





1.  THE  heat  of  formation  of  ammonia,  of  nitric  oxide,  of  water, 
of  carbonic  acid,  and  of  hydrochloric  acid,  constitute,  perhaps, 
the  most  important  data  of  thermo-chemistry.  The  three  last 
have  been,  for  the  last  forty  years,  the  subject  of  numerous 
direct  measurements  on  the  part  of  the  most  skilled  experi- 
mentalists ;  they  may  therefore  be  looked  upon  as  known  within 
one  or  two  per  cent,  of  their  absolute  value.  In  the  foregoing 
chapter  the  heat  of  formation  of  nitric  oxide  has  been  given,  and 
we  may  now  proceed  to  study  that  of  ammonia.  Before  the 
author's  last  researches  it  was  only  known  in  a  somewhat 
unsatisfactory  manner;  two  measurements  only  had  been 
taken  of  it,  and  these  by  an  indirect  process  without  control. 

2.  It  is  by  making  chlorine  act  upon  diluted  ammonia,  and 
then  weighing  the  chlorine  absorbed,  that  Favre  and  Silbermann, 
and  afterwards  Thomsen,  endeavoured  to  estimate  the  heat  of 
formation  of  ammonia.  They  assumed  that  the  reaction  worked 
upon  the  whole  of  the  chlorine  according  to  the  following 
formula,  which  is  admitted  in  the  elementary  treatises,  but  in 
none  of  these  works  is  the  quantitative  realisation  of  this 
equation  verified  by  the  calorimeter — 

4NH3  dilute  +  301  gas  =  N  gas  +  3NH4C1  dilute. 

Favre  and  Silbermann  obtained  results  which,  for  fourteen 
grammes  of  nitrogen,  gave — 

N  +  H3  =  NH3  gas  +  2273  Cal. 
U  +  H3  +  water  =  NH3  dissolved  +  3147. 

Thomsen,  having  repeated  the  same  experiment,  obtained 
different  results— 


N  +  H3  =  NH3  gas,  -|-  26-71  Cal. 
]ST  -f  H3  +  water  =  NH3  dissolved,  +  3515  Cal. 

The  difference  is  considerable,  amounting  to  4  Cal.,  or  nearly 
20  per  cent.  Thomsen  tried  to  reconcile  these  figures  by  re- 
calculating the  figures  of  Favre  and  Silbermann,  according  to 
his  own  data  regarding  the  heat  of  formation  of  hydrochloric 
acid  and  ammonium  chloride.  But  corrections  of  this  kind  are 
very  problematical,1  seeing  that  the  figures  of  the  above-men- 
tioned writers  form  a  complete  whole  :  the  cause  of  the  divergence 
is  apparently  quite  a  different  one. 

3.  In  fact,  some  years  ago,  the  author  began  to  doubt  the 
accuracy  of  all  these  figures,  in  the  course  of  his  studies  of  the 
heat  of  formation  of  the  oxygen  acids  of  the  halogen  elements.2 
Having  measured  that  of  the  hypobromites,  he  thought  it  might 
serve  to  determine  that  of  urea,  in  accordance  with  the  process 
of  analysis  generally  followed  for  that  substance.  But  it  was 
desirable  first  to  verify  the  reaction  of  the  hypobromites  upon 
ammonia  itself,  and  it  was  then  found  that  extraordinary  losses 
of  heat  took  place,  quite  irreconcilable  with  those  that  could  be 
calculated  from  the  data  that  have  been  accepted  with  regard  to 
ammonia.  The  experiments  were  made,  starting  with  pure 
liquid  bromine  of  a  determined  weight.  It  was  dissolved  in  a 
weak  solution  of  soda,  and  the  heat  liberated  was  measured  ; 
then  weak  ammonia  was  also  added  in  considerable  excess,  and 
the  second  escape  of  heat  was  measured.  The  total  result  must 
represent  the  transformation  of  the  bromine,  ammonia,  and  soda 
into  sodium  bromide,  water,  and  nitrogen  — 

6Br  +  2NH3  dilute  +  3^0  dilute  =  6NaBr  +  3H20  +  N2. 

This  is  the  thermal  result  observed,  as  obtained  from  the  effect 
of  the  two  operations,  performed  one  after  the  other  — 

£(6Br  acting  on  3Na20)  dilute  .........       +18-0 

NH3  dilute  acting  on  the  hypobromite  ...         ...        +  88'8 

Total     ...  +  106-8 

1  It  would  at  least  be  as  reasonable  to  correct  Favre  and  Silberrnann's 
results  by  the  following  considerations.     Their  data  were  almost  all  obtained 
with  the  mercury  calorimeter;   now  the  unit  employed  by  them  in  this 
instrument  was  apparently  too  high  by  about  one-tenth,  according  to  the 
error  that  they  committed  in  the  estimation  of  the  heat  of  neutralisation  of 
nitric  acid,  hydrochloric  acid,  etc.    All  the  quantities  that  enter  into  the  calcu- 
lation of  the  heat  of  formation  of  ammonia,  and  consequently  this  heat  of 
formation  itself,  should  therefore  be  reduced  in  the  same  proportion. 

2  "Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5'  se*rie,  torn.  v.  p.  333,  hypo- 
chlorites;   torn.  x.  p.  377,  chlorates;   torn.  xiii.  pp.  18  and  19,  bromates  et 
hypobromites ;  p.  20,  iodates.     See  Book  II.  chap.  XII.  of  the  present  work. 


If  we  admit  the  preceding  reaction,  we  shall  take — 

As  the  initial  condition         J(6Br  +  6H  +  2N  +  3Na20  dilute) 
Final  condition          ...        |(6NaBr  dissolved  +  3H20  +  N2) 


£[6(H  +  Br)  +  water  =  6HBr  dilute] +  88- 5  (B) 

J[6HBr  dilute  +  3Na20  dilute] +  41-1  (B) 

N  +  H3  +  water  =  NH3  dilute     x 

Successive  reactions  of  the  bromine  upon  the  soda  and  of  the 
hypobromite  upon  the  ammonia,  -f  106'8,  whence  we  get 
x  =  +  22-8  in  place  of  +3515  or  31'5.  The  same  experiment, 
repeated  with  potash  and  with  baryta,  gave  similar  results.  It 
was  proved,  moreover,  by  collecting  over  mercury  the  nitrogen 
set  free,  that  the  reaction  differs  little  from  the  above  equation ; 
in  fact,  the  volume  of  nitrogen  given  off  amounted  to  about 
nine- tenths  of  the  theoretical  value,  a  secondary  phenomenon1 
having  abstracted  from  the  fundamental  transformation  a  por- 
tion of  the  bromine  employed. 

Whatever  hypothesis  may  be  formed  as  to  the  missing  tenth, 
we  cannot  explain  the  difference  between  3515  and  22'8. 

In  other  words,  these  experiments,  which  are  very  simple  and 
easily  executed  with  the  calorimeter,  gave  12*35  Cal.  more  than 
were  indicated  by  the  received  numbers ;  an  excess  which  is  too 
great  to  be  explained  by  any  error  in  the  experiments.  How- 
ever, even  the  heat  of  formation  of  the  ammonia  does  not  come 
out  with  sufficient  accuracy  in  these  trials ;  fearing,  therefore, 
some  mistake  in  such  an  important  question,  the  further  study 
of  this  subject  was  postponed.  It  was,  however,  recently 
resumed,  with  the  following  results. 

4.  It  was  first  attempted  to  determine  whether  chlorine,  in 
the  presence  of  dilute  ammonia,  really  decomposes  it  without 
heat,  with  the  immediate  liberation  of  a  quantity  of  nitrogen 
equal  to  the  chlorine  employed.  The  experiment  is  easily 
made.  We  require  merely  to  pass  a  known  volume  of  chlorine 
(displaced  in  a  gasometer  by  a  flow  of  concentrated  sulphuric 
acid)  through  diluted  ammonia,  taken  at  the  surrounding- 
temperature  and  enclosed  in  a  small  receiver,  so  as  to  collect 
the  gases  given  off.  It  was  found  in  two  experiments  made 
with  an  excess  of  ammonia  (which  is  necessary  in  order  to 
avoid  the  formation  of  nitrogen  chloride) — 

Chlorine  140  cc.,  nitrogen  20'5  cc.,  instead  of  467  cc. 
„       243     „         „        32        „        „          81     „ 

1  The  formation  of  a  small  quantity  of  bromate  ? 


Moreover,  these  figures  vary  considerably,  according  to  the 
conditions  of  the  experiments,  as  might  be  expected.  It  would 
be  easy  to  reduce  them  still  further,  and  perhaps  even  to  annul 
them  altogether,  by  taking  precautions  to  diminish  the  elevation 
of  temperature  developed  upon  the  first  contact  of  the  chlorine 
with  the  ammonia,  a  diminution  which  was  not  attempted  by 
any  special  contrivance.  As  they  are,  these  numbers  are  in 
relation  to  the  same  conditions  in  the  calorimetric  measure- 
ments, and  they  are  sufficient  to  establish  the  incomplete 
character  of  the  reaction. 

The  liquids  thus  subjected  to  the  action  of  chlorine  contain 
ammonium  hypochlorite,  a  compound  previously  mentioned  by 
Balard  and  by  Soubeyran,  who  had  prepared  it,  the  one  with 
hypochlorous  acid,,  the  other  with  chloride  of  lime.  The 
presence  of  hypochlorous  acid  may,  in  fact,  be  manifested  in 
it.  Perhaps  there  are  also  some  chloro-substitution  bases,  inter- 
mediate between  nitrogen  chloride  and  ammonia. 

The  above  liquids  are  in  an  unstable  condition;  they  are 
continually  giving  off  nitrogen.  We  have  merely  to  pour 
them  off  into  another  vessel  or  stir  them  with  a  rod  in  order 
to  make  them  pass  into  the  gaseous  form.  They  are  well 
adapted  to  the  repetition  of  Gernez's  elegant  experiments. 
Even  after  a  day  or  two,  the  slow  liberation  of  the  nitrogen 

The  author  tried  whether  he  could  obtain  at  one  stroke  the 
nitrogen  in  solution,  by  adding  to  the  liquid  an  excess  of 
hydrochloric  acid.  The  liquid,  which  had  at  first  furnished 
32  cms.  of  nitrogen,  gave  off  upon  this  second  operation 
38*6  cms. ;  in  all,  70'6  cms.  instead  of  81  cms.  This  last  deficit 
results  either  from  the  solution  of  a  small  quantity  of  nitrogen, 
owing  to  the  great  volume  of  the  final  liquid,  or  to  some 
quantity  of  chlorine  being  employed  in  a  secondary  reaction, 
such  as  the  formation  of  a  little  chlorate  or  perchlorate.  How- 
ever this  may  be,  the  facts  above  mentioned  show  the  causes  of 
the  errors  of  the  first  experimentalists.  The  action  of  chlorine 
upon  ammonia  could  not,  at  any  rate  under  the  conditions 
with  which  they  worked,  be  employed  for  measuring  the  heat 
of  formation  of  this  substance. 

The  action  of  the  hypobromites  would  seem  to  be  preferable, 
judging  from  the  measurement  of  the  volume  of  nitrogen 
liberated.  This  reaction,  however,  was  not  wholly  satisfactory. 
The  object  in  view  was  arrived  at  by  quite  another  method, 
which  is  very  simple  and  apparently  faultless,  as  regards  the 
completeness  of  the  reaction,  the  direct  combustion  of  the 
ammoniacal  gas  was  effected  by  means  of  free  oxygen. 

5.  Combustion  of  ammonia.  The  combustion  of  ammoniacal 
gas  in  free  oxygen  is  effected  with  the  same  facility  as  that  of 
hydrogen.  It  may  easily  be  performed  in  the  glass  combustion 



vessel  described  elsewhere,1  and  which  has  already  been  used 
by  M.  Ogier  and  the  author  for  burning  pure  carbonic  oxide, 
acetylene,  olefiant  gas,  benzene,  cyanogen,  phosphuretted, 
arseniuretted  and  silicated  hydrogen,  for  forming  hydrochloric 
acid  gas,  etc.  It  is  shown  in  the  subjoined  figure. 

This   reaction,   when   effected    satisfactorily,   produces   only 
nitrogen  and  water,  in  accordance  with  the  equation 

2NH  +  0 


The  greater  part  of  the  water  is  condensed  in  the  combustion 
tube,  and  the  surplus  upon  the  solid  potash  in  two  consecutive 
U-shaped  tubes.  This  surplus  re- 
presents a  very  small  proportion 
of  the  water  formed,  a  proportion 
corresponding  to  the  normal 
saturation  with  the  vapour  of 
water  of  the  gases  set  free.  Its 
gaseous  form  has  been  taken  into 
consideration  in  the  calculations. 
The  weight  of  the  water  is  fur- 
nished by  the  variation  in  the 
weight  of  the  vessel  (filled  with 
pure  oxygen)  and  of  the  U-shaped 
tubes.  From  this  we  deduct  the 
weight  of  the  ammonia  consumed, 
27  grms.  of  water  being  furnished 
by  17  grms.  of  ammonia. 

The  combustion  should  take 
place  all  at  once  and  without 
relighting,  an  operation  which 
necessitates  the  opening  of  the 
vessel  and  involves  losses  of 
watery  vapour.  If  the  condensed 
water  shows  any  signs  of  the 
presence  of  the  oxygen  compounds 
of  nitrogen,  the  quantity  does 
not  exceed  some  ten  thousandths, 
that  is  to  say,  it  may  be  dis- 

The  combustion  of  the  ammonia,  moreover,  is  complete,  for 
no  appreciable  trace  of  it  was  found  in  the  condensed  water,  and 
a  tube  of  pumice-stone  and  sulphuric  acid  placed  as  a  test  at  the 
end  of  the  U-shaped  tubes  of  solid  potash,  never  increased  in 
weight  in  the  experiments. 

These  facts  being  stated,  the  following  results  were  obtained 
under  constant  pressure,  at  about  12°  :— 

1  "  Essai  de  M&anique  Chimique,"  torn.  i.  p.  246. 

Fig.  40. — Combustion  of  ammoniacal 


Weight  of  water  obtaiaed.  "^T^SSS* 

0-880  grms. 
0-819     „ 
1-004     „ 
1-110     „ 

+  91-1  Cal. 
+  90-7  „ 
+  91-7  ,, 
+  91-4  „ 
+  91-4  , 

Mean          +  91-3    „ 

The  heat  of  combustion  of  ammonia  in  solution  will  thus  be 
+  82*5. 

6.  It  is  easy  to  deduce  from  this  the  heat  of  formation  of 
ammonia  by  its  elements,  without  resting  on  any  other  basis 
than  the  heat  of  formation  of  water.     This  being  admitted, 
according  to  the  following  data — 

H2  +  0  =  H20  liquid  gives  off  +  34'5, 
we  deduce — 

N  +  H3  =  NH3  gas  liberates  +  103*5  -  91*3  =  +  12*2. 

The  author  found l  that  the  solution  of  the  ammoniacal  gas 
in  a  large  quantity  of  water  gives  off  +  8*82.  Thus — 

N  4.  H3  -f  water  =  NH3  dilute  gives  off  4-  21  Cal. 

The  value  obtained  with  the  hypobromite  (-f  22*8)  differs  little 
from  this ;  but  it  is  necessarily  less  exact  on  account  of  the 
complication  of  the  reactions. 

The  author  therefore  adopts  the  respective  values  of  +21 
and  +  12-2  for  the  formation  of  ammonia  in  solution  and  in  the 
gaseous  form. 

Between  the  result  +  12*2  and  the  figures  +26*7  previously 
adopted,  there  is  a  discrepancy  of  14*5 ;  this  is  the  greatest 
experimental  error  that  has  up  to  the  present  been  committed 
in  thermo-chemistry.  Its  source  has  been  shown,  and  it  has 
been  rectified  accordingly. 

7.  Some  months  after  the  first  publication  of  the  results  of 
the  author's  researches,  Thomsen  repeated  the  experiments,  and 
he  obtained  for  the  heat  of  combustion  of  ammonia  +  90 '65,  a 
value  agreeing  with  +91*3  within  the  limits  of  error  allowed 
in  experiments  of  this  order.     This  is   an  important   confir- 
mation of  the  experiments.     The  heat  of  formation  of  ammonia 
seems,  therefore,  to   be   definitely  fixed   at    +  12*2,  or  very 
near  this. 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  serie,  torn.  iv.  p.  526. 





1.  The  table   of    the  heat   of    formation   of    the   principal 
ammoniacal  salts  from  their  elements  follows  : 



Chloride         •                • 

<51  4-  H4  -f  N 

4-  76-7 

4-  72  '7 


Br  gas4-  H4  +  N 

4-  71'2 

4-  66'7 


Br  liquid 
Br  solid 

4-  67-1 

4-  62'6 

Iodide            •                • 

I  SAB  -4-  IL  4-  N 

4-  56-0 

4-  52-4 

I  solid 

4-  49-6 

+  46-0 

Sulphide  .     .... 

S  gas  4-  H4  4-  N 


4-  39-2 

S  solid 

4-  39-8 

4-  36-6 

C  diamond  4-  H4  +  N- 

4-    3-2 

—    1-2 

Nitrite            .... 

N,  +  H,  4-  O, 

4-  64-8 

4-  60-1 


No  4-  H.  4-  O 

4-  87*9 

4-  81-7 

Perchlorate    .... 

C1  +  N  +  H4  +  O4 
S  solid  4-  N2  4-  H8  4-  04 

4-  79-7 
4-  141-1 

4-  73-3 
4-  140-5 

Bicarbonate  .... 
Acetate     .           .     . 

C  (diam.)  4-  N  4-  H4  4-  O3 
0  (    „    )  +  N  +  H5  +  02 
Ga(          S  4.  N  4-  H  4-  O« 

4-  159-6 

4-  199-H 
4-  126-5 
4-  159-8 


CL  (          i)  4-  No  4-  Ha  4-  O, 

4-  272-4 

4-  264-4 

2.  The  heat  of  formation  of  the  same  salts  in  .a  solid  form, 
from  ammoniacal  gas  and  anhydrous  or  hydrated  acids,  taken 
in  the  gaseous  form  and   in  the  solid  form,  has  been  given 
(p.  127). 

3.  We  may  also  observe  that  the  difference  between  the  heats 
of  formation  from  the  elements,  of  anhydrous  salts  of  potash 
and  ammonia  formed  by  strong  acids,  such   as   the  nitrates, 
sulphates,  perchlorates,  is  almost  constant,  being  about  +  30 
Cal.     But  this  difference  decreases  for  weaker  acids ;  it  falls  to 
25  Cal.  with  the  formates,  oxalates,  acetates,  bicarbonates,  etc. 


1.  It  has  been  shown  how  ammonium  nitrate  may  be  decom- 
posed in  seven  different  ways,  according  to  the  process  of  heat- 
ing (p.  5).     Here  certain  experiments  may  be  mentioned  that 
indicate  an  eighth  mode  of  action  of  heat,  viz.  the  volatilization 
pure  and  simple  of  this  salt. 

2.  Ammonium  nitrate  melts   at   about  152°,  a  temperature 
which  the  water,  previously  existing  or  formed  by  the  decom- 
position of  the  salt,  does  not  allow  us  to  fix  very  accurately. 
It  is  only  at  210°  that  it  begins  to  decompose,  that  is,  sufficiently 
to  furnish  an  appreciable  volume  of  gas  in  a  few  minutes,  for 
the  decomposition  begins  really  at  a  lower  temperature.     This 
decomposition  becomes  more  and  more  active,  in  proportion  as 




the  temperature  of  the  salt  melted  is  raised  by  some  source  of 
heat,  without,  however,  the  temperature  being  arrested  at  any 
fixed  point  between  200°  and  300°.  Pure  nitrogen  monoxide  is 
thus  given  off. 

But  if  we  go  on  raising  the  temperature,  the  reaction  becomes 
explosive  at  the  time  that  the  multiple  products  appear  that 
are  due  to  the  many  distinct  modes  of  simultaneous  decom- 
position, such  as  are  shown  on  p.  5  of  this  work.  All  these 
phenomena  are  of  the  same  order  as  those  manifested  generally 
by  exothermal  reactions,  and  their  variety  is  a  characteristic  of 
explosive  substances. 

3.  However,  according  to  the  author's  experiments  on  the 
decomposition  of  ammonium  nitrate,  even  with  the  greatest 
care,  the  quantity  of  nitrogen  monoxide 
collected  remains  always  considerably  less 
than  the  theoretical  quantity.  This  is 
on  account  of  the  volatility,  real  or  ap- 
parent, of  the  ammonium  nitrate.  The 
difference  is  very  great,  even  if  we  work 
with  the  lowest  possible  temperature,  and 
in  such  a  way  as  to  prevent,  as  far  as 
possible,  the  portions  sublimed  in  the 
cold  parts  of  the  apparatus  from  gradually 
falling  into  the  heated  parts  at  the  same 
time  as  the  condensed  water. 

4.  We  can,  in  fact,  sublime  ammonium 
nitrate  without  destroying  it  to  any 
extent  (Fig.  41)  .  by  placing  this  salt, 
previously  melted,  in  a  capsule,  E,  which 
is  closed  by  means  of  a  sheet  of  blotting 
paper  fastened  over  the  top  and  sur- 
mounted by  a  cardboard  cylinder,  CC', 
the  latter  being  filled  with  large  pieces  of  glass.  This  is  heated 
over  a  sand  bath,  S,  by  means  of  a  Bunsen  burner,  B,  properly 
regulated,  care  being  taken  that  the  temperature  of  the  melted 
salt  (which  is  shown  by  a  thermometer,  0,  plunged  obliquely 
into  it)  does  not  exceed  190°  to  200°.  A  very  considerable 
proportion  of  the  salt  is  then  sublimed  in  beautiful  brilliant 
crystals,  adhering  to  the  sides  of  the  capsule  and  to  the  lower 
surface  of  the  paper.  A  portion  of  the  salt  even  passes  through, 
and  condenses  above  the  capsule,  in  the  form  of  a  white  smoke 
very  finely  divided  and  very  difficult  to  collect. 

At  first,  the  existence  of  some  special  compound  in  this 
smoke,  such  as  nitric  amide,  was  suspected;  but  its  identity 
with  ammonium  nitrate  was  proved  by  a  complete  analysis. 
The  temperature  of  the  paper  thus  traversed  by  the  vapour 
may  rise  above  120  and  even  130  degrees  (as  shown  by  a 
horizontal  thermometer,  t,  laid  upon  the  upper  surface  of  the 

Fig.  41.— Sublimation  of 
ammonium  nitrate. 


paper)  without  the  paper  being  affected  to  any  considerable 
extent.  This  experiment  has  some  importance,  as  it  shows  that 
ammonium  nitrate  may  be  volatilised  as  it  is  without  being 
at  first  resolved  into  ammonia  and  gaseous  nitric  acid — 

NH4N03  =  HN03  +  NH3, 

which  would  afterwards  re-combine,  the  mixture  when  dis- 
sociated possessing  all  the  energy  of  the  simple  components. 
In  fact,  we  cannot  understand  how  the  vapour  of  nitric  acid 
could  be  in  contact  with  the  paper,  at  a  temperature  which 
necessarily  ranges  between  130°  and  190°,  without  oxidising  it 
or  destroying  it  instantaneously. 

5.  Ammonium  nitrate,  from  the  point  of  view  of  its  volatility, 
and  on  account  of  many  considerations,  may  be  regarded  as  a 
typical  explosive  substance.  In  fact,  pure  nitroglycerin  may 
also  be  evaporated  without  decomposition.  Picric  acid  itself 
gives  off  very  appreciable  vapours,  which  sublime,  and  are 
condensed  without  alteration  when  the  substance  is  heated 
with  great  care. 


1.  We  know  that  hydroxylamine  is  a  product  of  reduction 
intermediate  between  hyponitrous  acid  and  ammonia.     It  may  be 
formed  in  a  number  of  oxidations.     It  was  thought  expedient 
to   determine  its  heat  of  formation,  and  this   was   done   by 
decomposing  its  hydrochloride  by  means  of  a  saturated  aqueous 
solution  of  potash,  very  fine  and  very  pure  crystals  of  the  salt 
being  employed. 

2.  Hydroxylamine,  exposed  under  these  conditions,  is   im- 
mediately resolved  into  nitrogen  and   ammonia,  according  to 
M.  Lossen's  observations. 

After  having  ascertained  that  no  other  product  was  formed 
(with  the  exception  of  a  few  hundred  ths  of  nitrogen  monoxide) 
during  the  first  moments  of  a  sudden  reaction,  and  that  the 
proportion  of  hydroxylamine  thus  destroyed  at  the  ordinary 
temperature  and  in  a  few  minutes  may  amount  to  four-fifths  of 
its  total  weight,  the  reaction  was  reproduced  in  the  calorimeter, 
working  with  a  known  weight  of  hydrochloride,  and  collecting 
the  gases  given  off  over  the  water  in  the  calorimeter  itself, 
so  as  to  measure  them  exactly. 

3.  We   will  now   describe   the   apparatus   employed  in  the 
experiments  (Fig.  42). 

(1)  At  the  bottom  of  a  large  tube,  TT,  closed  at  one  end,  is 
placed  a  known  weight  of  aqueous  solution  of  potash,  saturated 
at  the  temperature  of  the  experiment. 

(2)  In  this  large  tube  is  suspended  above  the  potash  a  smaller 
tube,  tt,  containing  exactly  one  grm.  of  hydroxylamine  hydro- 



(3)  The  small  tube  is  wound  round  with  a  thick  and  heavy 
spiral  of  platinum,  gg,  intended  later  on  to  plunge  the  system 
below  the  level  of  the  potash,  and  thus  to  determine  the  contact 
and  the  reaction  between  the  alkaline  solution  and  the  solid  salt. 

(4)  The  upper  end  of  this  spiral  is  hooked  on  to  a  platinum 
wire  2^  mm*,  in   diameter,  stretched  between  the  two   copper 
wires   of  a   small  electric  cable  of  gutta-percha,   KK.     This 
cable  is  intended  to  convey  the  current,  which  is  to  heat  to 
redness  and  finally  melt  the  little  platinum  wire,  allowing  the 
small  tube  to  fall  into  the  solution  of  potash,  where  the  salt 
will  react  after  its  submersion. 

(5)  The  large  glass  tube,  TT,  is  closed  with  a  cork,  through 
which  on  one  side  passes  the  cable  which  winds  in   and  out 
until  outside  the  apparatus,  and  through  the  other  side  is  passed 
a  tube,  dd,  used  for  the  liberation  of  gases. 

(6)  This  large  glass  tube,  TT^  and  the  tube  dd,  including  the 

curved  extremity  of  this  latter, 
through  which  the  gases  are  to 
escape,  are  contained  together 
in  a  small  bell  glass  rather  wide 
and  capable  of  containing  200  to 
250  cms.  of  gas,  a  volume  con- 
siderably larger  than  that  of  the 
gases  given  off  in  the  reaction. 

(7)  This  bell  glass  is  in  its 
turn  placed  upside  down  with 
its  tubes  and  appurtenances, 
in  an  ordinary  platinum  calori- 
meter, CC,  of  a  capacity  of 
1050  cms.,  but  containing  only 
850  grms.  of  distilled  water. 

Thick  copper  wires,  uu,  ar- 

Fig.  42. 

ranged  beforehand  in  the  form-  of  a  star  round  a  central  point 
on  the  upper  surface  and  on  the  axis  of  the  bell  glass,  support 
it  and  keep  it  in  a  fixed  position  under  the  water.  These 
wires  are  connected  with  a  centra!  rod,  S,  which  rises  verti- 
cally above  the  apparatus,  and  enables  it  to  be  attended  to 
without  any  special  instrument  being  introduced  into  the 
calorimeter. " 

It  need  not  be  said  that  the  weight  of  .each  portion  of  this 
complicated  apparatus  was  determined  beforehand,  so  as  to 
enable  us  to  reduce  the  submerged  masses  to  units  of  water. 
Moreover,  special  measurements  of  the  specific  heat  of  the  cable 
and  that  of  the  cork  were  taken ;  these  measurements  may  be 
made  somewhat  roughly,  since  the  weight  of  the  cable  sub- 
merged does  not  exceed  a  few  grammes ;  that  of  the  cork  is 
still  less.  As  to  the'  glass,  copper,  and  platinum,  their  specific 
heat  is  known. 



(8)  The  parts  being  all  adjusted,  the  air  is  exhausted  in  the 
bell  glass  by  means  of  an  inverted  syphon. 

(9)  Then  we   have  merely  to   follow  the  progress  of  the 
thermometer,  0,  for  ten  minutes. 

(10)  We  then  heat  and  finally  melt  the  little  platinum  wire 
by  means  of  a  current  of  four  Bunsen  elements,  the  hydroxy- 
lamine hydrochloride  falls  into  the  potash  and  is  immediately 
destroyed.     The  gases  produced  by  its  destruction   are  given 
off  under  the  bell  glass.     We  give  this  glass  a  rotatory  move- 
ment for  a  few  minutes  by  means  of  the  rod  S,  taking  care  to 
keep  it  completely  submerged.     Headings  of  the 
thermometer  are  taken  every  minute.  ± 

(11)  This  done,  we  break  the  bottom  of  the 
large  glass  tube  by  means  of  a-  platinum  crusher 
introduced  from  outside  and   fixed   at  the  ex- 
tremity of  a  long  rod  of  the  same  metal  (Fig.  43) ; 
the  liquids  and  other  substances  contained  in  the 
tubes  spread  out  into  the  calorimeter  and  remain 
in  it  completely  intermingled,  this  being  effected 
by  a  suitable  agitation  which  is  easily  performed 
by  means  of  the  rod  S. 

(12)  During  this  interval,  and  for  a  little  while 
after,  the  progress  of  the  thermometer  is  followed ; 
all  the  thermal  data  are  thus  determined. 

(13)  This  being  done,  all  that  remains  is   to 
know  the  volume  of  nitrogen  developed  by  the 
decomposition.      For  this   purpose  we   put   the 
platinum   calorimeter  with  the   bell  glass  into 
the  water  contained  in  a  very  large  earthen  pan, 
so  as  completely  to  submerge  them.     The  bell 
glass  is  then  raised,  so  as  to  render  it  independent 
of  the  calorimeter,  and  the  gases  are  transferred 
to  a  graduated  testing  apparatus. 

These  gases  contain  the  nitrogen  given  off  Fig.  43.— Plati- 
(mixed  with  three  or  four  per  cent,  of  nitrogen  num  crusher, 
monoxide,  according  to  the  analyses),  plus  the 
air  contained  at  first  in  the  large  tube  and  in  the  liberating 
tube.  The  volume  of  this  air  is  known  by  the  previous  gauging 
of  the  tubes,  if  we  deduct  the  liquid  volumes  of  the  potash 
and  the  various  other  objects  introduced  into  the  tube  for  the 
experiment.  These  volumes  having  been  each  measured  sepa- 
rately, we  succeed,  finally,  in  ascertaining  within  about  half 
a  cubic  centimetre  the  volume  of  nitrogen  given  off  by  the 
destruction  of  the  hydroxylamine. 

In  the  author's  experiments  this  volume  corresponded  to 
78  and  79  per  cent,  of  the  weight  of  the  salt  subjected  to  the 
reaction.  The  surplus  of  the  salt,  or  more  correctly  the  surplus 
of  the  hydroxylamine  derived  from  it,  is  found  unaltered  in  the 


water  of  the  calorimeter,  where  it  is  mixed  with  the  excess  of 

The  apparatus  just  described  is  very  complicated,  but  the 
experiment  is  in  itself  very  simple ;  it  admits  of  a  very  accurate 
measurement  of  the  heat  given  off,  and  the  conditions  at  the 
commencement  being  ascertained  with  exactness,  it  is  possible 
to  arrive  at  a  strictly  definite  final  condition  in  one  operation. 

4.  In  order  to  calculate  the  decomposition  of  pure  hydroxy- 
lamine,  it  is  necessary  to  measure — 

(1)  The  total  heat  given  off  in  the  reaction  just  described. 

(2)  The  heat  given  off  by  an  equal  weight  of  the  same  potash 
reacting  upon  the  weight   of    pure   water   contained  in   the 

(3)  The  heat  absorbed  by  the  solution  of  an  equal  weight 
of  pure  hydroxylamine  hydrochloride  in  the  same  quantity  of 

(4)  The  heat  given  off  when  the  hydroxylamine  hydrochloride 
in  a  weak  solution  is  decomposed  by  the  diluted  potash ;  in  this 
case  the  hydroxylamine  is  set  at  liberty  at  first  without  being 

All  these  data  being  obtained  by  special  experiments,  it  is 
easy  to  calculate  the  heat  given  off  by  the  simple  destruction*  of 
an  equivalent  of  hydroxylamine. 

5.  The  results  deduced  from  the  experiments  are  as  follows  : — 

3NH30  dissolved  =  N2  +  NH3  +  3H20  disengaged1  +  57'3  &  +  56'7;  mean 

+  57-0  Gal 

Other  distinct  experiments  have  given  : — 

NH30  diss.  +  HC1  dilute  at  24°  liberates 2          +  9'2 

NHgOHCl  cryst,  (1  p.  of  salt  +  90  p.  of  water)  in  dis- 
solving at  24°  -  3-31 

(NH30)2S04H2  cryst.  +  100  parts  of  water  at  12-5        ...  -  2-90 

(NH30)2  dilute  +  H2S04  dilute,  at  12-5 +  10-8 

6.  Formation  from  the  elements : — 

N  +  H3  +  0  =  NH30  dissolved  liberates  ...         .  +    19-0 

N  +  H3  +  0  +  HC1  dilute  =  NH3OHC1  diss +    28-2 

N  +  H4  +  0  +  Cl  gaseous  =  NH3OHC1  cryst.  ...         ,  +    70-8 

N2  +  H6  +  02  +  S04H2  dilute  =  (NH30)2H2S04  diss..  +    29'8 

N2  +  H8  +  06  +  S  ~  (NH30)2H2S04  cryst +  138-8 

7.  Different  modes  of  formation  : — 


NH3  diss.  +  0  =  NH30  diss.  will  absorb      ...  -  2-0 

NH3HC1  diss.  +  0  =  NH3OHC1  diss -  7-2 

NH3HC1  cryst.  +  0  =  NH3OHC1  cryst.       ...         -  5'9 

1  In  the  calculation  of  the  experiments  the  formation  of  a  little  nitrogen 
monoxide  was  taken  into  account,  say  3  to  4  per  cent.,  under  the  conditions  in 
which  I  was  working. 

2  According   to   the  decomposition   of  pure   hydrochloride    dissolved  in 
water,  by  dilute  potash. 



(NH3)2H2S04  diss.  +  0  =  (NH30)2H2S04  diss -  5-7 

(NH3)2H2S04  cryst.  +  0  =  (NH30)2H2S04  cryst -  4-1 

We  see  that  a  fixed  oxidation  would  absorb  quantities  of  heat 
varying  from  —  2 '6  to  —  7 '2;  according  to  whether  it  takes 
place  on  free  hydroxylamine  or  on  its  salts  in  solution.  It  is 
essential  to  note  that  this  quantity  is  negative,  unlike  what 
takes  place  for  oxides  of  nitrogen.1  Moreover,  the  three  above- 
mentioned  reactions  are  purely  theoretical ;  they  are,  however, 
worthy  of  mention,  as  by  their  endothermal  nature  they  may  be 
compared  to  the  formation  of  oxygenated  water  and  to  that  of 
nitrogen  monoxide. 

We  get  for  the  formation  of  hydroxylamine  by  the  hydrogena- 
tion  of  nitric  oxide — 

NO  +  H3  +  water  =  NH30  diss.  +  40-6. 

This  last  reaction  is  effected,  in  fact,  by  means  of  nascent 
hydrogen,  that  is  to  say,  in  reactions  which  furnish,  in  addition, 
the  heat  which  would  have  been  given  off  at  the  time  of  the 
formation  of  the  free  hydrogen,  under  the  same  conditions. 

8.  Eeactions  of  hydroxylamine.     Action  of  hydrogen — 

NH30  dissolved  +  H2  =  NH3H20  dissolved  +  71*0. 

We  see  by  this  that  the  hydroxylamine  will  be  easily  changed 
into  ammonia  by  the  nascent  hydrogen.  This  is  why  the 
production  of  the  first  body,  in  the  reduction  of  the  oxides  of 
nitrogen,  requires  very  special  conditions.  Among  all  the 
formations  of  nitric  compounds  that  nitric  acid  can  effect  by 
producing  oxidation,  that  of  hydroxylamine  gives  off  the  least 
heat.  In  fact,  each  equivalent  of  oxygen  imparted  by  the 
dilute  nitric  acid  to  the  body  to  be  oxidised  with  the  formation 
of  hydroxylamine  gives  off  —  16*4  Gal.  less  than  free  oxygen, 
whereas  the  free  formation  of  ammonia  gives  off  only  —  12'1  Gal. 
less,  that  of  nitric  oxide  -  12  Gal.,  that  of  nitric  peroxide 
-  9-6  Gal,  that  of  nitrogen  -14  Gal.,  etc.2 

9.  Action  of  oxygen.     Heat  of  combustion — 

2NH30  dilute  +  0  =  ¥2  +  3H20  liquid  +  84'5. 

The  combustion  of  dilute  ammonia  gives  off  a  little  less,  or 
-f  82*5 ;  but  it  requires  three  times  as  much  oxygen  for  the 
same  weight  of  nitrogen  contained  in  the  compound. 

We  get— 

2NH30  dilute  +  02  =  N20  gas  +  3H20  liquid       +74-2 

4NH30     „      +  05  =  N403  dilute  +  6H20  liquid +  65'4 

2NH30     „      +04  =  N203     „     +  3H20     „     +80-3 

2NH30     ,;     +05  =  2HN03::     +  2H20     „     +98-8 

1  p.  171,  nitric  oxide ;  pp.  178  and  179,  nitrogen  trioxide ;   p.  189,  nitric 

2  See  p.  200. 


or  for  each  fixed  equivalent  of  oxygen   (8  grms.),  371,  261, 
201,  19-8. 

10.  Action  of  dilute  alkalis. 

The  reaction  of  the  alkalis  upon  the  salts  of  hydroxylamine 
is  worthy  of  notice.  Dilute  alkalis  confine  themselves  to  dis- 
placing the  hydroxylamine,  at  least  in  an  operation  of  short 
duration.  The  measurement  of  the  heat  given  off  shows  that 
hydroxylamine  is  a  much  weaker  base  than  baryta,  potash,  and 
even  ammonia.  In  fact,  with  dilute  potash  and  the  hydro- 
chloride  it  was — 

2NH3OHC1  dissolved  -f  K2O  dilute  at  23°,  +  444 ; 
with  dilute  baryta  and  the  sulphate  at  12'5°— 

2(KE30)H2SOi  dilute  -f  BaO  dilute,  4-  7'8  ; 
likewise  with  ammonia  and  the  chloride — 

]STH3OHC1  dissolved  +  NH,  dilute  at  12-5°,  +  3'35. 

These  thermal  measurements  show  that  the  displacement  of 
the  hydroxylamine  by  the  ammonia  is  complete,  i.e.  in  pro- 
portion to  the  weight  of  this  base.  It  is  the  same  even  when 
we  employ  only  half  the  ammonia  necessary  for  a  complete 

Hydroxylamine  is,  therefore,  one  of  the  weakest  of  bases, 
hence  its  salts  offer  a  very  pronounced  acid  reaction. 

It  was  found  that  the  sulphuric  acid,  which  is  combined  with 
it,  might  be  accurately  estimated  by  an  alkalimetric  test; 
almost  like  the  soda  in  borax,  but  by  an  opposite  test. 

11.  The   concentrated   alkalis   act  very  differently,  for  they 
determine  the  decomposition  of  hydroxylamine  itself.     Thus 
with  concentrated  potash  we  get  destruction  of  the  hydroxy- 

12.  Ammonia.     1.  With  a   saturated    aqueous    solution   of 
ammonia  at  about  zero,  the  hydroxylamine  is  displaced  in  its 
salts  without  undergoing   decomposition*  even   at  the  end  of 
several    days.      2,  With    ammoniacal    gas   and   solid   hydro- 
xylamine hydrochloride  there  is   slow  decomposition   of  the 
hydroxylamine.     Theory  indicates  that  the  displacement  pro- 
perly so  called — 

NH3OHC1  solid  -|-  NH3  gas  =  NH4C1  solid  +  1STH3O,  liberates 

-f  12-6  -  a, 

a  being  the  heat  of  dissolution  of  NH3O,  a  compound  which 
appears  to  be  liquid. 

In  fact,  it  was  observed  that  the  dry  hydrochloride  absorbs  the 
ammoniacal  gas  immediately,  in  the  proportion  of  one  equivalent, 
and  even  a  little  more.  If  we  employ  a  considerable  excess  of 
ammoniacal  gas,  working  over  mercury,  and  immediately  remove 


this  excess  by  means  of  a  gas  pipette,  the  gas  separated  contains 
barely  a  few  hundredths  of  a  gas  almost  insoluble  in  water 
(nitrogen  or  nitrogen  monoxide),  which  shows  that  the  decom- 
position of  the  hydroxylamine  is  almost  inappreciable  under 
these  conditions.  However,  the  gas  so  separated  contains  a  few 
hundredths  of  the  vapour  of  hydroxylamine.  We  may  prove 
this  by  the  following  process.  This  gas  is  heated  with  a  few 
drops  of  water,  which  dissolve  the  vapour  at  the  same  time  as 
the  ammonia  ;  the  gas  not  dissolved  is  taken  away  by  means  of 
a  gas  pipette,  then  we  add  to  the  water  a  large  piece  of  potash 
(with  its  surface  previously  damped,  so  as  to  eliminate  the 
gases  adhering  to  it)  ;  under  these  conditions  the  hydroxylamine 
which  existed  in  the  water,  and  consequently  in  the  ammoniacal 
gas  which  this  water  had  dissolved,  is  immediately  destroyed 
with  formation  of  nitrogen,  which  is  really  produced  and  which 
may  then  easily  be  observed. 

Hydroxylamine  may  then  be  regarded,  according  to  these 
facts,  as  existing  in  a  free  state  and  in  a  liquid  form,  in  the 
testing  apparatus,  where  it  impregnates  the  ammonium  chloride. 

Its  vapour  tension,  as  deduced  from  the  preceding  experi- 
ments, would  indicate  a  boiling  point  near  that  of  water. 

But  hydroxylamine  so  formed  does  not  exist  long  in  a  state 
of  purity  ;  it  is  destroyed  little  by  little,  giving  rise  especially 
to  nitrogen  monoxide  and  ammonia  — 

4KE30  =  £T20  4-  2NH3  +  3H20. 

At  the  end  of  forty-eight  hours^  nearly  two-thirds  had  under- 
gone this  transformation,  as  found  by  an  exact  analysis  made  of 
the  products  derived  from  a  known  weight  of  the  hydrochloride  ; 
about  a  seventh  had  in  the  same  time  changed  into  nitrogen  and 

The  fundamental  reaction,  which*  in  this  case  produces  nitrogen 
monoxide,  gives  off,  according  to  calculation,  -f-  48*4  Gal.,  a 
result  relating  to  the  following  conditions  — 

4NH30  dilute  =  N2Q'gas  -f  2NH3  dilute  -J-  3H20  liquid. 

The  real  reaction,  N"H3  being  supposed  to  be  gaseous,  and  a 
being  the  heat  of  solution  of  NH30>  gives-  off  4-  39*6  —  a. 

We  see  that  all  these  quantities  are  far  below  the  heat  given 
off  in  the  reaction,  engendered  by  nitrogen,  viz.  +  57.  This  ex- 
plains why  this  last  reaction  preponderates  under  the  influence 
of  concentrated  potash. 

13.  From  these  facts  it  follows  that  hydroxylamine  is  only 
stable  in  presence  of  acids,  but  its  union  with  these  agents 
deprives  it  of  part  of  its  energy.  This  is,  moreover,  generally 
the  case  in  chemistry;  a  system  is  the  more  stable,  all  else 
being  equal,  in  proportion  as  the  fraction  of  its  energy  which  it 
loses  is  greater  (see  p.  123). 


In  the  same  way,  it  was  found  that  hydrochloric  acid  gas  in 
excess,  and  also  boron  fluoride,  do  not  determine  the  decompo- 
sition of  hydroxylamine,  notwithstanding  their  avidity  for  the 
water  which  might  be  formed  at  its  expense.  But  this  relative 
stability  is  explained  by  the  preceding  considerations,  i.e.  in 
proportion  to  the  formation  of  the  saline  compounds. 

But  on  the  contrary,  hydroxylamine,  when  free  or  dissolved 
in  a  very  small  quantity  of  water,  i.e.  possessed  of  all  its  energy, 
manifests  a  strong  tendency  to  spontaneous  destruction,  and 
this  destruction  works  in  a  way  that  gives  off  the  more  heat  the 
more  suddenly  it  is  effected. 

14.  To  recapitulate  these  various  processes  of  decomposition. 

(1)  In  the  most  simple  decomposition 

NH30  dissolved  =  N  -f  H  +  H20  -f  water  would  liberate 

+  50-0. 

But  this  sudden  reaction  has  not  been  observed ;  the  nascent 
hydrogen  remained  completely  associated  with  the  nitrogen 
in  these  conditions,  and  it  forms  ammonia,  a  formation  ac- 
companied by  a  second  liberation  of  heat. 

(2)  In  a  sudden  reaction  we  see  the  transformation  of  a  third 
of  the  nitrogen  into  ammonia,  as  follows — 

3NH30  dilute  =  JSTH3  dilute  +  2N  +  3H2O, 

a  reaction  which  gives  off  in  addition  -f-  7,  or  altogether  +57. 

We  observe  also  the  absence  of  the  compound  NH,  which  one 
would  think  ought  to  appear  under  these  conditions.  Though 
sought  for  particularly,  no  trace  of  it  was  obtained. 

The  formation  of  water  itself,  which  it  would  seem  a  priori 
ought  to  be  effected  in  preference,  preponderates  only  in  the 
sudden  reaction  brought  about  by  potash;  probably  by  reason 
of  the  tendency  of  this  alkali  to  form  hydrates  with  liberation 
of  heat.  Thus  the  slightest  influence  determines  the  manner 
in  which  this  unstable  compound  is  destroyed. 

(3)  On  the  contrary,  in  the  spontaneous   decomposition  of 
hydroxylamine,  such  as  takes  place   in  the  presence  of  am- 
moniacal  gas,  we  see  chiefly  nitrogen  monoxide  appear,  with  less 
liberation  of  heat   (  +  484  X  2  instead   of  +  57  X  2,  all  the 
substances  being  supposed  to  be  in  solution). 

15.  Constitution.     This  last  decomposition,  effected  upon  two 
molecules  of  hydroxylamine,  one  of  which  abstracts  the  hydro- 
gen from  the  other,  recalls  the  resolution  of  an  aldehyde  into 
the  corresponding  alcohol  (or  rather  carburet)  and  acid.    We 
may  here  remark  that  the  slow  decomposition  of  hydroxylamine 
is  at  the  same  time  that  which  develops  least  heat  and  which  is 
produced  in  preference,  under  conditions  in  which  most  care  is 
taken.     Moreover,  it  takes  place  at  exactly  the  same  temperature 
as  the  decomposition  that  gives  off  the  most  heat.     But  these 


various  relations  are  not  necessary,  and  we  might  quote  contrary 
examples  in  which  a  slow  decomposition  gives  off  more  heat  than  a 
rapid  one  effected  at  the  same  temperature  (decomposition  of 
barium  dioxide  by  a  diluted  acid,  with  the  rapid  formation  of 
oxygenated  water,  which  is  itself  slowly  resolved  into  water  and 
free  oxygen ;  the  decomposition  of  a  hypochlorite  by  a  dilute 
acid,  &c.). 

The  initial  temperature  of  the  reactions  is  not  connected  except 
in  a  general  manner  with  their  unequal  thermal  value,  as  is  shown 
by  the  comparison  of  the  reactions  of  potassium  chlorate  and 
iodate.  In  short,  the  conditions  of  more  or  less  rapid  action  or 
higher  or  lower  initial  temperature  are  not  those  that  regulate 
the  phenomena. 

On  the  contrary,  the  phenomena  are  determined,  on  the  one 
hand,  l>y  the  general  tendency  towards  the  conservation  of  the 
initial  molecular  condition,  arid,  on  the  other  hand,  ly  the  tendency 
of  any  system  towards  the  condition  that  corresponds  to  the 
maximum  of  heat  given  off.  This  last  condition  is  realised  fully 
whenever  the  corresponding  bodies  can  begin  to  be  produced  in 
the  conditions  of  the  experiments.  It  is  in  order  to  avoid,  so 
far  as  possible,  the  realisation  of  conditions  favourable  to  the 
production  of  these  bodies  that  we  avoid  raising  the  temperature 
and  hurrying  the  reactions.  We  thus  keep  as  closely  as 
possible  to  the  primitive  molecular  type. 

Without  dwelling  longer  on  considerations  of  this  order,  it 
may  be  said  in  conclusion  that  the  thermal  observations  confirm 
and  specify  the  unstable  properties  of  hydroxylamine,  and  this 
instability  is  due  to  the  exothermal  character  of  its  various 


First  Section — General  Remarks. 

1.  Ammonia,  on  uniting  with  organic  compounds,  such  as 
hydrocarbons,  alcohols,  aldehydes,  acids,  forms  compounds  of 
various  natures,  alkalis  and  amides  in  particular.1 

The  thermal  study  of  these  compounds  has  been  very  little 
worked.  It  would  be  of  great  interest  in  the  study  of  the  force 
of  explosive  substances  derived  from  ammoniacal  salts,  cyanides, 
diazo  compounds,  etc.  The  author  measured  the  heat  of  for- 
mation of  the  cyanide  compounds,  of  several  diazo  compounds, 
and  of  some  alkalis  and  amides.  As  special  chapters  are 
devoted  to  the  cyanide  series  and  the  diazo  compounds,  the 
alkalis  and  amides  will  only  be  discussed  here. 

i  "  Traite  Ele'mentaire  de  Chimie  Organique,"  torn.  xi.  pp.  224  and  313. 
Second  edition  (1881),  with  the  collaboration  of  M.  Jungfleisch,  published  by 


Second  Section — Ethylamine. 

1.  This  alkali  is  gaseous  in  summer ;  it  boils  at  +  18'1,  it  is 
extremely  soluble  in  water,  and  forms  well-defined  salts. 

2.  Analysis.     Its  purity  was  proved  by  eudiometric  analysis, 
a  more  reliable  process  than  analysis  by  weight  for  such  com- 
pounds.    These  are  the  results  in  volume  : — 


Volume  of  the  Gas. 

C02  produced. 


Total  diminution  after 
combustion  and 
absorption  of  C02. 

Found  100 




Calculated      100 




3.  Heat  of  combustion  of  ethylamine.  Four  detonations  made 
with  weights  of  this  base  ranging  between  '11  and  '12  of  a  grm. 
gave,  at  about  20 '5°  with  gaseous  ethylamine  (C2H7N  =  45 
grms.),  the  volume  being  constant — 

2C2H7N  gas  +  As  =  4C02  gas  +  7H20  liquid  +  Na. 

According  to  the  initial 
weight  of  the  alkali. 

416-3  Cal. 
409-3   „ 
400-7    „ 
402-7    „ 

Mean  407-2    , 

According  to  the  final 
weight  of  the  carbonic  acid. 

413-0  Cal. 
403-3   „ 
406-4   „ 
416-4   „ 

Mean  409-3    , 

The  general  mean  4-  408*5  must  be  increased  by  1*2  to  pass 
to  the  ordinary  heat  of  combustion  under  constant  pressure, 
which  makes  4-  409*7  Cal.  This  number  entails  a  limit  of 
error  of  about  ±  4  Cal.,  an  uncertainty  that  also  occurs  in  the 
following  deductions. 

4.  Heat  of  formation.  The  heat  of  combustion  of  the 
elements  being  +  42  9 '5,  we  get  for  the  heat  of  formation — 

From  the  elements — 

C2  (diamond)  -f  H7  +  N  =  C2H7N  gas  +  19-8 

C2  (charcoal)  „  „  +25-8 

From  ammonia — 

C2  (diamond)  +  H4  +  NH3  =  C2H7N  gas       +7-6 

C2  (charcoal)  „  „  + 13-6 

From  ethylene — 

C2H4  +  NHS  =  C2H7N  +23-0 

From  alcohol — 

C2H5(HO)  gas  +  NH3  gas  =  C2H7N  +  H20 +6-1 

5.  Solution  in  water.     Two   experiments   made   at   190°  on 



weights   of  gaseous   ethylamine,   equal   respectively   to   2*555 
grms.  and  2*415  grms.,  and  dissolved  in  400  grms.  of  water 
gave  for  C2H7]Sr  (45  grms.);   +  12*92  and  +  12*90  ;  mean  12*91 
Cal.     These  results  exceed  those  of  ammonia  by  one-half. 
6.  Formation  of  salts  in  solution  at  190°. 

C2H7N  (1  eq.  =  7  litres)  +  HC1  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)  liberates  -f  13-2 
+  C2HA  „  „          4-12-9 

+  H2S04  „  „          4-15-2 

figures  that  are  intermediate  between  those  given  .by  potash  and 

Third  Section. — Trimethylamine. 

1.  This   is   a  liquid  that   boils   at   9°;   it  is   consequently 
gaseous  at  the   ordinary  temperature.     It  is  ^ery  soluble  in 
water  and  forms  well-defined  salts. 

2.  Analysis.     These  are  the  results  obtained  -by  eudiometric 
analysis : — 


Volume  of  the  Gas. 

C02  produced. 


Total  diminution  after 
combustion  and 
absorption  of  <!02. 

Found  100 
Calculated       .....     100 




3.  Heat  of  combustion  of  trimethylamine.     Three  detonations 
made  with  weights  of  the  base  ranging  between  112  grms.  and 
•186   grms.   gave   for   C3H9N   (59   grms.),   the   volume    being 
constant — 

2C3H9lSr  +  021  =  6C02  gas  +  9H2O  liquid  -f  N2. 

According  to  the  initial  weight  586*2,  583*5,  601*1 ;  mean 
+  590*3. 

According  to  the  final  weight  of  the  carbonic  acid,  on  an 
average  +  591-7. 

The  general  mean  is  +  590*5,  which  gives  for  the  heat  of 
combustion  at  a  constant  pressure  -f-  592,  with  a  limit  of  error 
of  about  +  6  Cal.,  an  uncertainty  that  applies  to  the  following 

4.  Heat  of  formation. 

From  the  elements — 

C3  (diamond)  +  H9  +  N  =  C3H9N  gas      -  9-5 

C3  (charcoal)  „  „  -  0-5 

From  ammonia — 

C3  (diamond)  +  H6  +  NH3  =  C3H9N  gas +2-7 

C3  (charcoal)  „  „  +6-3 

From  methylic  alcohol — 

3[CH3(HO)]  +  NH3  =  (CH2)3NH3  -1-  3H20  gas   ...     -7-3x3 


The  exact  deductions  that  can  be  drawn  from  the  heats  of 
combustion  are  really  only  valid  for  low  heats  of  combustion  or 
for  considerable  differences,  and  attention  must  be  called  to  the 
limits  of  error  involved  in  calculations  of  this  kind,  in  order  to 
prevent  any  misapprehensions. 

5.  Solution  in  water.     Three  experiments,  made  at  about  20°, 
on  weights  of  the  base  equal  respectively  to  4*753,  4*994,  and 
4-633  grms.,  and  dissolved  separately  in  400  grms.  of  water, 
gave  for  C3H9N  (59  grms.)  gaseous  +  270  H20  about  +  12*82, 
+  12-76,  -f  13-2 ;  on  an  average  +  12-90  Cal. 

This  figure  is  equal  to  the  heat  of  solution  of  ethylamine,  and 
it  shows  in  both  bases  a  special  affinity  for  water. 

6.  Dilution.     This  affinity  may  be  shown  still  more  clearly 
as  regards  trimethylamine,  by  experiments  on  dilution. 

A  liquid  saturated  at  about  19°  contained  409*6  grms.  of  the 
base  per  litre,  or  478  grms.  per  kilog.  Its  density  was  *858 
at  16°.  It  corresponded  to  C3H9N  +  7*17H20. 

On  being  diluted  with  thirty  times  its  volume  of  water,  it 
gave  off  +  3*89  Cal.  at  19°. 

Thus  C3H9N,  on  combining  with  7*17H20,  gives  off  only  + 
9  Cal.,  and  that  its  subsequent  dilution  gives  off  about  half  as 
much  heat. 

For  purposes  of  comparison  we  may  repeat  here  some  of  the 
figures  obtained  with  ammonia. 

NH3  +  7H20,  by  its  subsequent  dilution,  gives  off  +  -32. 
JSTH3  -j-  19H20,  gives  off  only  -f  *02. 

These  figures  show  that  ammonia  has  much  less  tendency 
than  trimethylamine  to  form  hydrates. 

The  heat  of  dilution  of  the  latter  base  when  concentrated  is 
very  considerable,  and  its  value  amounts  to  even  double  that  of 
potash  and  soda,  taken  at  a  corresponding  degree  of  concentra- 
tion. The  heat  of  dilution  of  concentrated  trimethylamine  is 
quite  comparable  to  that  of  the  hydracids.  Now,  such  values 
express  the  formation  of  certain  successive  hydrates,1  a  very 
important  circumstance  in  the  study  of  the  reactions  of 
hydracids,  as  well  as  those  of  trimethylamine. 

7.  Formation  of  salts  in  solution.     At  21°  it  was  found — 

C3H9N  (1  eq.  =  5  litres)  +  HC1  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)    ...     +    8*9 

„  „  +  C2H402  „  ...     +    8-3 

+  H2S04  „  ...     +10-9 

As  a  check  to  these  results,  we  get  by  a  double  reciprocal 
decomposition — 

C3H9N  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)  +  KC1  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)        +  4-40\,,,     ,T 
K20  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)  +  C3H9NHC1  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)  -  O28/M 

1  "  Essai  de  Me'canique  Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  pp.  151,  167. 


From  these  data  it  follows  that  the  heat  given  off  by  the 
union  of  potash  with  hydrochloric  acid  exceeds  by  -f  47  that 
given  off  by  trimethylamine  (p.  118),  which  gives  for  the  com- 
bination of  this  base  in  solution  with  dilute  hydrochloric  acid, 
the  value  +  9,  which  results  agree  with  that  given  above. 

We  also  see,  by  the  above  numerical  experiments,  that  the 
potash  entirely,  or  almost  entirely,  displaces  the  trimethylamine 
in  its  acid  compounds.  It  seems,  however,  that  there  are  some 
indications  of  division — 

C3H9N  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)  +  NH3HC1  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)  -  2'33\M      M,_    ,   „  . 
NH3  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)  +  CSH9NHC1  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)  +  M7/M 

The  division  of  the  acid  between  the  two  bases  is  here 
evident.  It  is  no  doubt  due  to  the  formation  of  dissolved 
hydrates  of  trimethylamine  as  mentioned  above,  and  also  of  its 
hydrate,  which  is  discussed  further  on.  Without  entering 
further  into  this  point,  we  will  content  ourselves  with  saying 
that  we  deduce  from  these  figures,  for  the  heat  of  neutralisation 
of  trimethylamine  by  hydrochloric  acid,  +  8 -95. 

The  three  values  found  agree,  viz.  8 '9,  9,  8*95.  They  are 
lower  by  about  a  third  than  the  heats  of  neutralisation  of  potash 
by  the  corresponding  acids ;  they  are  even  lower  than  the  results 
obtained  with  ammonia.  Their  numerical  values  approximate, 
on  the  contrary,  to  the  heats  of  neutralisation  of  the  same  acids 
by  hydroxylamine  and  by  aniline,  bases  which  are  much  weaker 
than  ammonia. 

Again,  we  find — 

C3H9N  (1  eq.  =  8  litres)  +  C02  (44grms.  in  26  litres)  liberates  +  4-4 
C3H9NHC1  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)  +  Na2C03  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)     „      -  M7 

The  last  value  indicates  the  transformation  of  trimethylamine 
chloride  into  sodium  chloride,  the  strong  base,  i.e.  the  soda, 
taking  the  strong  acid,  i.e.  the  hydrochloric  acid,  as  it  happens 
also  between  ammonium  chloride  and  sodium  chloride,  and  for 
the  same  reasons.1  If  we  suppose  the  reaction  to  be  total,  we 
deduce  from  it  that  C02  in  solution,  +  C3H9N  in  solution, 
would  give  off  -f-  4'1  in  the  presence  of  4  litres  of  water. 

In  the  presence  of  17  litres  of  water  the  experiment  gave  a 
lower  value,  which  seems  to  indicate  the  gradual  dissociation 
of  the  carbonate  by  dilution,  always  as  with  ammonia.2 

8.  Trimethylamine  hydrochloride.  The  heat  of  formation  of 
this  salt  has  already  been  given  in  a  state  of  solution.  In  order 
to  estimate  it  in  a  solid  state  the  heat  of  solution  was  determined 
upon  a  fine  specimen,  supplied  by  M.  Vincent,  carefully  dried 
upon  blotting  paper,  under  a  bell  glass  over  sulphuric  acid. 

1  For  discussions  of  reactions  of  this  order,  see  "Essai  de  Me'canique 
Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  pp.  712  and  717. 

2  «  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4a  seVie,  torn,  xxxix.  pp.  477-485. 



The  analysis  of  it  agreed  pretty  closely  with  the  formula — 

10   gnns.  of  this  salt  were  dissolved  in  500   grms.  of  water 
at  180°. 

A  slight  absorption  of  heat  was  produced,  answering  to 
-•5  Gal.,  for 

C3H9NHCL  =  95-5  grms. 

According  to  this  result, 
C3H9NCgas  +  HClgas  =  C3H9NHC1  solid  liberates  +  39*8  Gal. 

This  value  is  lower  than  the  heat  of  formation  of  solid 
ammonium  chloride  starting  from  its  gaseous  components,  or 
+  45-5  Gal. 

But  the  value  deduced  probably  does  not  represent  the  actual 
heat  of  formation  of  trimethylamine  chloride  as  it  exists  in 
diluted  solutions.  In  fact,  this  salt  attracts  the  atmospheric 
moisture  with  such  avidity  that  it  falls  almost  immediately 
into  a  liquid  state,  which  indicates  the  formation  of  a  definite 
hydrate  in  its  solutions,  whereas  ammonium  chloride  seems  to 
exist  in  its  solutions  in  an  anhydrous  state.  The  heat  of 
formation  of  anhydrous  trimethylamine  chloride  must  there- 
fore be  increased  in  its  solutions  by  the  heat  of  formation  of 
its  hydrate,  if  we  wish  to  calculate  the  energy  really  called 
into  action  in  the  formation  of  the  chloride  in  solution,  i.e.  the 
true  energy  put  forth  in  the  reactions  of  this  substance.1 


1.  The  amides  are  derived,  in  general,  from  the  union  of  the 
acids  and  ammonia,  with  separation  of  water,  that  is,  they  are 
ammoniacal  salts  deprived  of  the  elements  of  water.     This  class 
comprises  a  number  of  very  important  compounds ;  it  extends 
even  as  far  as  the  albumenoid  principles  which  form  the  basis 
of  animal  tissues  and  organs.     Many  explosive  substances  are 
also  included  in  it.     But  their  thermal  study  is  not  as  yet  far 
advanced,  with  the  exception  of  that  of  the  cyanide   series, 
which   will  be   discussed  in   a   subsequent  chapter.     Besides 
these,  the  .author  has  only,  up  to  the  present,  examined  two 
amides,  viz.  oxamide  and  formamide. 

2.  Oxamide.     Oxamide  is   a  solid   body,   almost  insoluble, 
differing  from  ammonium  oxalate  by  the  elements  of  water — 

C2H204(NH3)2  =  C2H4N202  +  2H20. 
It  may  be  obtained,  either  by  the  decomposition  of  the  salt, 

1  We  must  also  take  into  account  its  own  state  of  dissociation  as  a 
hydrate  and  as  an  anhydrous  salt.  "  Essai  de  Mecanique  Chimique," 
torn.  ii.  p.  445. 

OXAMIDE.  259 

or  by  the  reaction  of  ammonia   upon  oxalic  ether,  a  reaction 
more  accessible  to  measurement. 

A  +  2CAO, 

In  fact,  the  reaction  of  ammonia  upon  oxalic  ether  is 
immediate.  This  circumstance  was  taken  advantage  of  to 
determine  the  heat  of  formation  of  oxamide.  For  example, 
1-9495  grm.  of  oxalic  ether  and  10  cms.  of  a  very  concentrated 
solution  of  ammonia  were  enclosed  in  a  phial, 

(NH33H20  about), 

the  two  bodies  being  brought  together  in  a  little  receiver 
immersed  in  the  water  of  the  calorimeter.  The  reaction  is 
complete  at  the  end  of  three  or  four  minutes.  The  products  are 
then  mixed  with  the  water  of  the  calorimeter,  so  as  to  bring  the 
whole  into  a  state  of  dilute  aqueous  solution. 
All  the  calculations  being  made,1 

(C2H4)2C2H204  pure  +  2NH3  dilute 
=  C2H4lsr202  solid  +  2C2H60  dilute 

gave  off  +  26-2  and  +  26'6,  on  an  average  -f  26'4,  or  13'2  x  2. 
Now  the  formation  of   ammonium   oxalate,   by  means  of 
oxalic  ether  and  ammonia,  in  the  presence  of  a  large  quantity 
of  water — 

(C2H4)2C2H204  pure  +  2NH3  dilute 
=  C2H2042NH3  dissolved  +  2C2H60  dilute, 

would  give  off  +  16'0  X  2. 

By  subtracting  from  the  difference  (16'0  —  13'2)  x  2,  the  heat 
of  solution  of  the  ammonium  oxalate,  or  —  4  x  2,  we  find  that 
the  formation  of  oxamide  from  the  solid  salt, 

C2H2042ISrH3  cryst.  =  C2H4lSr202  +  2H20  liquid,  absorbs  -  2'4 
or  -  1-2  x  2. 

In  the  conditions  of  direct  metamorphosis,  by  the  action  of 
heat  on  ammomium  oxalate,  the  water  takes  a  gaseous  form. 

C2H2042NH3  cryst. 
=  C2H4£T20  +  2H202  gas  absorbs  -  217  or  -  10'8  x  2. 

From  the  above  measurements  we  deduce  the  heat  of  forma- 
tion of  oxamide  from  the  elements 

C2  (diamond)  +  H4  +  N2  -f  02 .  .  .  .  +  140'0. 

3.  Formamide.  It  was  found  that  the  transformation  of 
formic  amide  into  formic  acid  and  ammonia  (or  rather  into 

1  The  author  also  studied  the  action  of  dilute  ammonia  upon  oxalic 
ether,  dissolved  beforehand  in  a  large  quantity  of  water.  This  reaction  gave 
off  +  8-2  x  2.  It  did  not  produce  oxamide,  all  the  bodies  remaining  in 
solution,  even  after  several  days,  no  doubt  in  the  form  of  oxamic  ether. 



ammonium  chloride)  is  effected  by  means  of  concentrated 
hydrochloric  acid. 

According  to  the  figures  obtained,  the  reaction  CH3NO  diss. 
+  H20  =  CH202NH3  in  solution,  gives  off  +  1/0. 

The  opposite  reaction,  the  two  conditions  being  similarly 
comparable,  absorbs  —  1,  a  result  very  near  —  1/2  observed 
with  oxamide.  It  is  also  very  near  the  absorption  of  heat 
produced  in  the  formation  of  ethers. 

Eeciprocally,  the  fixing  of  the  water  on  the  oxamide  (as  upon 
formamide)  with  the  production  of  ammoniacal  salts,  gives  off 
in  heat  -j-  2*4  for  oxamide,  always  like  the  fixing  of  water  on 
the  ethers. 

4  We  see  by  this  that  the  hydration  of  organic  compounds 
generally  gives  off  heat,  whether  we  are  considering  the  decom- 
position of  ethers  dissolved  in  acids  and  dilute  alcohols,  the 
transformation  of  amides  into  ammoniacal  salts,  the  transforma- 
tion of  anhydrous  acids  into  hydrated  acids,  or  of  the  acid 
chlorides  into  hydrochloric  acid  and  dilute  organic  acids. 
This  is  a  very  general  result,  to  which  attention  was  drawn  in 
1865,  and  which  is  confirmed  and  put  in  a  definite  form  by  the 
present  experiments.  Its  importance  in  the  theory  of  animal 
heat  may  be  easily  understood.  From  a  more  technical  point 
of  view,  this  relation,  and  especially  the  values  found  for  the 
hydration  of  oxamide  and  formamide,  may  be  useful  in  the 
approximate  calculation  of  the  heat  of  formation  of  amidated 
compounds  capable  of  being  employed  in  the  manufacture  of 
explosive  substances. 

(    261    ) 




1.  THIS  body  is  a  solid,  crystallised,  yellow,  explosive  substance, 
expressed  by  the  formula  NS,  and  by  the  equivalent  46.  It  is 
prepared  by  the  action  of  ammoniacal  gas  upon  sulphur 
chloride,  dissolved  in  carbon  disulphide.2 

The  specimen  used  in  these  experiments  gave  upon  analysis — 

Found.  Calculated. 

N 69-64 69-56 

S     30-41     30-44 

H    ...  ...      0-01     — 

2.  Nitrogen  sulphide  is  stable  at  the  ordinary  temperature. 
It  is  preserved  without  alteration  both  in  dry  and  in  damp  air. 
It  may  be  moistened  and  then  dried  at  50°  without  any  appreci- 
able alteration,  even  should  these  operations  be  repeated  several 

Its  density  at  15°  was  found  to  be  equal  to  2'22. 

Nitrogen  sulphide  detonates  with  violence  upon  being  struck 
with  a  hammer,  but  its  sensitiveness  to  this  shock  is  less  than 
that  of  mercury  fulminate. 

On  being  heated  it  explodes  at  207°  and  above  this  heat.  Its 
decomposition  is,  however,  much  slower  than  that  of  mercury 
fulminate  or  diazobenzol  nitrate.  We  may  remark  that  this 
temperature  of  conflagration  is  near  that  of  the  combustion 
of  sulphur  freely  exposed  to  air. 

3.  Heat  of  detonation.     The  decomposition  of  the  nitrogen 
sulphide  was  provoked  in  a  pure  dry  atmosphere  of  nitrogen,  in 
a  bomb  lined  with  platinum. 

It  was  ignited  by  means  of  a  very  fine  metallic  wire,  plunged 
nto  the  substance  and  heated  to  incandescence  by  means  of  ail 

1  This  study  was  made  jointly  with  M.  Vieille. 

2  Fordoz  et  Gelis,  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  3°  serie,  torn, 
xxxii.  p.  385. 


electric  current.    Two  experiments  gave,  the  volume  being 
constant — 

Weight  of  the  Heat  given  off  Per  equivalent 

substance.  per  grm.  (46  grms.). 

2-997  grms 701-1 

2-979     „        700-4 

Mean  700-7 

At  a  constant  pressure,  we  should  have  had  +  31  '9.  The 
experiment  gave  for  1  grm.  243*1  cms.  of  gas  (the  volume  being 
reduced  to  0°  and  76  metre).1 

Theory  gives  242*2  cub.  cms. 

These  gases  consisted  of  pure  nitrogen,  within  about  25o^n- 
Thus  the  decomposition  was  produced  according  to  the  equation 
NS  =  N  -|-  S,  i.e.  the  nitrogen  sulphide  is  resolved  purely  and 
simply  into  its  elements. 

4.  Heat  of  formation.     From  these  results  we  conclude  that 
the  formation  of  nitrogen  sulphide  from  its  elements, 

N  +  S  =  NS,  absorbs  -  32*2  Cal, 

the  volume  being  constant,  or  31*9  Cal.  at  a  constant  pressure. 

This  formation  is,  therefore,  endothermal,  which  explains  why 
it  does  not  take  place  directly.  But  it  is  effected  by  making 
ammoniacal  gas  act  upon  sulphur  chloride.  The  chlorine  in 
this  latter  compound  unites  with  the  hydrogen  of  the  ammonia 
to  form  hydrochloric  acid,  and  consequently  ammonium  chloride, 
while  the  nitrogen  sulphide  is  forming.  This  transformation 
finally  gives  off  4-  123*0  Cal.  The  energy  consumed  in  the 
association  of  the  sulphur  and  the  nitrogen  (—31*9)  is  thus 
furnished  by  the  formation  of  the  hydrochloric  acid,  or  rather 
by  that  of  the  ammonium  chloride,  at  the  expense  of  the  sulphur 
chloride  and  the  ammoniacal  gas  (+  230*1  —  75*2). 

5.  It  will  be  observed  that  the  combination  of  the  nitrogen 
with  the  sulphur  absorbs  heat  (—  31*1  Cal.),  exactly  like  the 
combination  of    nitrogen  with   oxygen   (—  21*6   Cal.).      The 
nitrogen   sulphide  is,  therefore,  analogous   to   nitric   oxide   as 
regards  its  endothermal  character,  as  well  as  its  formula.     This 
is  a  fresh  proof  of  the  general  analogy  existing  between  the 
conditions  of  formation  of  oxygenated  compounds  and  those  of 
sulphuretted  compounds.     It  is  difficult  to  carry  further  these 
points  of  resemblance  in  the  heats  of  formation,  seeing  that  the 
conditions  of  the  two  compounds  are  not  comparable,  any  more 
than  the  conditions  of  the  elements,  although  a  certain  com- 
pensation may  be  allowed  between  the  solid  form  of  the  sulphur 
and  that  of  nitrogen  sulphide. 

6.  Heat  of  combustion.     If  we  are  working  in  air  or  in  oxygen, 
nitrogen  sulphide  burns — 

NS  +  02  =  N  +  S02, 
and  gives  off  -f  101*1  at  a  constant  pressure. 



1.  This  compound  is   similar  to  nitrogen  sulphide;   it  has 
recently  been  the  subject  of  careful  study  on  the  part  of  M. 
Verneuil,1   who   has   fixed  its  formula  at  NSe.      He  kindly 
furnished  M.  Vieille  and  the  author  with  a  specimen  for  the 
experiments  which  they  were  making  upon  explosive  substances. 

It  is  an  amorphous  powder,  of  a  deep  orange  colour,  very 
dangerous  to  handle.  It  explodes  at  about  230°,  according  to 
M.  Verneuil.  It  also  explodes  either  by  friction  or  by  a  very 
slight  percussion  of  iron  upon  iron,  or  a  more  violent  percussion 
of  wood  upon  iron.  The  contact  of  a  drop  of  sulphuric  acid 
also  makes  it  explode. 

2.  Heat  of  detonation.     We  effected   the  explosion  in   our 
usual  apparatus  by  the  same  process  as  we  adopted  for  nitrogen 
sulphide.     Working  with  3  grms.  of  the  substance,  two  trials 
gave,  for  the  reaction — 

NSe  (93  grms.)  =  1ST  +  Se 

+  42-9  Cal.  and  -f  42'4  Gal.,  on  an  average  +  42'6  Gal.  with 
a  constant  volume,  or  +  42 '3  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  a  value 
which  is  only  approximate,  owing  to  the  difficulty  of  obtaining 
this  substance  quite  pure. 

3.  Heat  of  formation.     We  conclude  from  these  observations 
that  the  nitrogen  selenide  is  formed  from  its  elements,  with  an 
absorption  of  heat  equal  to  —  42*3  Cal.  at  a  constant  pressure. 

4  The  heat  of  combustion. 

NSe  +  02  =  N  +  Se02 

is  equal  to  +  99'9  Cal. 

5.  Thus  nitrogen  selenide  is  an  endothermal  combination 
( —  42'3).  It  may,  therefore,  in  this  respect  be  classed  with 
nitrogen  oxide  (—  21*6  Cal.)  and  nitrogen  sulphide  (—  31'9 
Cal.),  the  condition  of  these  bodies  being  almost  comparable  as 
regards  the  nitrogen  sulphide  and  selenide,  and  the  heats 
absorbed  forming  a  sort  of  arithmetical  progression  at  the  rate 
of  about  10 '5.  In  all  cases  they  increase  in  absolute  value 
with  the  equivalent,  in  accordance  with  a  relation  that  is  pretty 
general  among  the  series  of  similar  compounds,2  such  as  the 
series  of  chlorine,  bromine,  and  iodine ;  the  series  of  nitrogen, 
sulphur,  and  selenium,  etc.  It  follows  that  in  such  series  the 
explosive  character  of  the  endothermal  compounds  becomes  more 
and  more  pronounced  in  proportion  as  their  atomic  weight  is 

1  "  Bulletin  de  la  Socie'te'  Chimique,"  2"  se*rie,  torn,  xxxviii.  p.  548. 

2  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5"  seVie,  torn,  xxxii.  p.  391. 

(    264    ) 




1.  A  LARGE  number  of  artificial  compounds  result  from  the 
association  of  organic  principles  with  nitric  acid.  These  com- 
pounds are  generally  explosive,  and  they  play  an  important 
part  both  in  warfare  and  in  mining  industry.  In  order  to 
estimate  their  explosive  force,  it  is  necessary  to  know  the  heat 
disengaged  in  their  decomposition.  In  fact,  the  explosive  force 
of  nitro-carbon  compounds  results  from  a  kind  of  internal  com- 
bustion analogous  to  that  of  ordinary  gunpowder,  from  which, 
however,  it  is  distinguished  by  the  fact  that  the  nitric  acid  and 
combustible  principle  are  intimately  combined,  instead  of  being 
simply  mixed  together,  as  in  the  case  of  ordinary  gunpowder. 
This  force  is  greater  in  proportion  as  the  combustion  develops 
more  gas  and  more  heat.  Now,  if  all  else  be  equal,  the  heat 
disengaged  by  the  combustion  will  be  inversely  proportional 
to  that  disengaged  by  the  previous  union  of  the  nitric  acid 
with  the  organic  principle. 

2.  The  heat  disengaged  in  the  formation  of  the  following 
more  important  nitrated  compounds  by  means  of  nitric  acid 
was  determined — nitric  ether,  nitroglycerin,  nitro-mannite,  gun- 
cotton,  nitro-cellulose  or  xyloidin,  the  nitro,  dinitro,  and  chloro- 
nitrobenzene,  and  nitrobenzoic  acid.  The  heat  of  formation  of 
trinitrophenol,  otherwise  called  picric  acid,  and  of  its  salts, 
was  deduced  from  calculations  based  on  certain  analogies 
which  have  just  been  confirmed  by  some  experimental  de- 
terminations of  Sarrau  and  Vieille.  In  1871  Troost  and 
Hautefcuille  had  published,  a  few  days  after  the  author's 
communication,  some  measurements  relating  to  the  heat  of 
formation  of  various  nitrated  derivatives,  the  results  agreeing 
very  closely. 


3.  We  may,  then,  arrive  at  the  heat  disengaged  in  the  forma- 
tion of  nitrated  compounds  from  pure  nitric  acid  and  organic 
principles,  such  as  alcohol,  benzene,  phenol,  glycerin,  mannite, 
cellulose,  etc.  But  this  quantity  does  not  enable  us  to  calculate 
the  heat  given  off  by  their  explosive  decomposition,  even  if  we 
know  exactly  the  products  of  this  decomposition.  It  is  neces- 
sary, in  addition,  to  have  the  heat  of  formation  of  these 
products  from  their  elements,  together  with  that  of  nitric  acid, 
water,  and  the  original  compound  that  gave  rise  to  the  nitrated 

The  products  of  the  explosive  decomposition  of  nitrated  com- 
pounds are  generally  simple,  e.g.  water,  carbonic  acid,  and 
nitrogen ;  these  three  being  the  only  substances  produced  in  a 
complete  combustion,  such  as  that  of  nitroglycerin  or  nitro- 
mannite.  But  in  incomplete  combustion,  where  the  oxygen  is 
deficient,  as  in  that  of  gun-cotton,  we  get  also  carbonic  oxide, 
hydrocyanic  acid,  hydrogen,  marsh  gas,  occasionally  oxides  of 
nitrogen,  etc.  The  heat  of  formation  of  all  these  substances 
should  be  known  beforehand. 

In  fact,  the  heat  of  formation  of  all  these  compounds  has 
already  been  given  (pp.  128,  et  seq.),  together  with  that  of  nitric 
acid  from  its  elements.  With  regard  to  the  original  generator 
of  the  nitrogenous  body,  its  heat  of  formation  may  be  determined 
by  its  total  combustion  in  oxygen,  or  by  various  other  processes. 
For  all  the  substances  enumerated  above,  the  heat  of  formation 
will  be  found  in  the  thermo-chemical  tables  (pp.  136, 137).  We 
will  give  an  example,  in  order  to  make  this  clear.  Let  us 
estimate  the  heat  disengaged  in  the  combination  of  the  elements 
of  nitric  ether.  For  this  purpose  we  add  the  heat  disengaged  in 
the  formation  of  alcohol,  C2H60  (+70  Cal.),  to  that  disengaged 
in  the  formation  of  nitric  acid,  HN03  -f  41*6  Cal.,  and  then  to 
the  sum  we  add  that  disengaged  in  the  reciprocal  reaction  of 
these  two  bodies  (+  6*2  Cal.),  which  reaction  produces  nitric 
ether.  The  sum  of  these  three  quantities,  minus  the  heat  of 
formation  of  the  water  eliminated  in  the  reaction  (H20),  i.e. 
69  Cal.,  gives  the  quantity,  +  49*&  Cal.,  which  represents  the 
heat  disengaged  by  the  combination  of  the  elements  of  nitric 
ether.  On  subtracting  this  quantity  from  the  heat  disengaged 
by  the  pure  and  simple  combustion  of  the  said  elements  by 
means  of  free  oxygen,  we  get  the  heat  of  total  combustion  of 
nitric  ether  in  free  oxygen,  or  +  311'2  Cal. 

4.  In  this  way  were  calculated  both  the  heat  of  formation 
from  the  elements,  and  the  heat  of  total  combustion,  of  nitric 
ether,  nitroglycerin,  gun-cotton,  and  nitrobenzene. 

The  heat  liberated  "by  their  explosive  decomposition  can  be  at 
once  deduced,  provided  that  we  know  exactly  the  real  equation 
representing  this  decomposition.  It  is  also  necessary  to  take 
into  account,  in  the  calculations,  the  conditions  of  the  decom- 


position  ;  for  the  figures  are  not  the  same  when  we  are  working 
at  constant  pressure,  as  in  the  open  air,  as  when  we  are  working 
at  constant  volume,  as  in  a  bomb  shell  or  other  closed  vessel. 
The  rule  for  determining  corrections  of  this  nature  has  already 
been  given  (p.  15). 

5.  Conversely,  if  we  know  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  decom- 
position of  an  explosive  substance,  in  a  closed  vessel,  as  well 
as  the  exact  nature  of  the  products,  it  is  easy  to  deduce  the 
heat  of  formation  of  the  nitrated  compound  from  its  elements. 
Sarrau  and  Vieille  have  followed  this  method.     It  furnishes  us 
with  a  check  on  the  results  obtained  by  the  direct  method,  as 
the  two  series  of  data  should  at  least  agree  within  the  limits  of 
error  allowed  in  experiments  of  this  kind. 

6.  Sometimes  the  products  of  the  decomposition  are  either 
not  well  known,  or  are  too  complicated,  or  imperfectly  defined 
as  to  their  physical  condition — as  in  the   case  in  which  are 
formed  carbonaceous  substances  still  retaining  nitrogen,  hydrogen, 
oxygen,  etc.     This  is  what  happens,  for  instance,  with  diazo- 
benzene  nitrate  and  with  the  picrates. 

In  cases  of  this  kind,  the  heat  developed  by  the  explosion  is 
always  a  useful  quantity  to  measure,  but  it  cannot  be  calculated 
a  priori. 

7.  For  a  great  number  of  applications   it  is  necessary  to 
measure  the  heat  of  formation  of  such  explosive  compounds 
from  their  elements.     We  then  have  recourse  to   a  general 
method,  which  consists  in  causing  the  body  to  explode  in  an 
atmosphere  of  pure  oxygen.   This  converts  it  entirely  into  water, 
nitrogen,  and  carbonic  acid.     Calculation  then  becomes  easy. 
This  method  was  employed  for  diazobenzene  nitrate;    Sarrau 
and  Vieille  also  adopted  it  for  the  picrates. 

8.  Instead  of  oxidising  the  body  by  free  oxygen,  we  may  do 
so  by  means  of  an  oxidising  compound.     This  is  frequently 
done  in  practice,  such  as  when  gun-cotton  or  the  picrates  are 
mixed  with  potassium  nitrate,  ammonium  nitrate,  potassium 
chlorate,  or  even  sometimes  certain  metallic  oxides. 

Under  these  circumstances  it  is  convenient  to  calculate  the 
heat  of  combustion  of  the  hydrocarbon  compound,  taking  into 
account  the  heat  of  formation  of  the  oxidising  body,  according 
to  the  table  on  page  134. 

The  calculation  is  easy  if  the  oxidising  substance  be  potassium 
chlorate,  each  equivalent  of  oxygen  supplied  entailing  a  supple- 
mentary disengagement  of  T83  Cal. 

With  ammonium  nitrate,  the  additional  energy  is  enormous, 
amounting  to  +  25'05  Cal.  per  equivalent  of  oxygen. 

With  potassium  nitrate  the  calculation  is  somewhat  more 
complicated,  on  account  of  the  alkali  present,  which  may  change 
into  carbonate  or  sulphate,  according  to  circumstances.  Let 
us  take,  for  example,  a  compound  containing  carbon  in  sufficient 


quantity  to  convert  all  the  potash  into  potassium  carbonate. 
The  five  equivalents  of  oxygen  supplied  by  the  potassium  nitrate 
will  give  off,  then,  27  Cal.  less  than  if  they  were  free,  and 
generated  with  the  carbon,  free  carbonic  acid;  or  54  Cal. 
for  each  equivalent  of  oxygen.  We  may  even  add  that  this 
estimate  is  not  quite  exact  whenever  cooling  takes  place  in  an 
atmosphere  of  carbonic  acid  and  aqueous  vapour,  because  these 
convert  the  neutral  carbonate,  K20,  C02,  into  the  bicarbonate ; 
K20,  H20,  2C02,  causing  a  complementary  disengagement  of 
248  Cal.  (beginning  from  liquid  water).  Consequently,  the  excess 
of  heat  developed  during  the  combustion  of  a  hydrocarbon 
compound,  in  free  oxygen,  over  that  developed  by  the  same 
combustion  by  means  of  potassium  nitrate,  is  reduced  to  14*6 
Cal.  only  for  KN03  (=  101  grins.),  i.e.  to  2*9  Cal.  for  each 
equivalent  of  oxygen  employed. 

9.  We  will  add  that,  in  cases  where  the  combustion  of  the 
explosive  body  is  rendered  complete  by  the  addition  of  an 
oxidising  agent,  we  must  not  forget  that  the  weight  of  the  latter 
is  added  to  that  of  the  explosive  substance ;  so  that  a  gramme 
of  the  mixture,  subjected  to  total  combustion,  may  give  off  less 
heat  than  a  gramme  of  the  explosive  body  decomposing 
separately  in  pursuance  of  a  less  complete  oxidation.  Various 
compensations  may  be  made  with  respect  to  this.  For  instance, 
when  it  is  required  to  make  up  one  kilogramme  of  an  explosive 
mixture,  copper  oxide  is  the  most  efficacious  of  the  oxides  in 
use,  on  account  of  the  smallness  of  its  equivalent  (79*2  grms.) 
and  the  comparatively  low  value  (38*4  Cal.)  of  its  heat  of 
formation.  Lead  oxide  presents  the  double  inconvenience  of  an 
equivalent  three  times  as  high  (223  grms.)  and  a  greater  heat 
of  formation  (51*0  Cal.),  which  diminishes  in  a  corresponding 
degree  the  heat  given  off  in  combustion  in  which  it  is  the 

The  oxides  of  mercury  and  silver  present,  on  the  contrary, 
smaller  heats  of  formation  (31-0  Cal.  and  7'0  Cal.).  But  the 
thermal  increase  resulting  from  this  is  counterbalanced  with 
the  unit  of  weight,  by  the  magnitude  of  their  equivalents  (216 
grms.  and  232  grms.). 

The  oxides  of  tin  and  antimony,  which  are,  for  a  given 
weight,  somewhat  richer  in  oxygen  than  copper  oxide,  have 
heats  of  formation  that  are,  for  each  equivalent  of  oxygen, 
almost  double  that  of  the  latter. 

It  has  been  thought  advisable  to  give  these  numbers,  because 
they  render  definite  and  correct  many  of  the  current  ideas  on 
combustion  by  means  of  metallic  oxides.  We  see  that  prefer- 
ence should  be  given  to  copper  oxide  on  account  of  the  smallness 
of  its  equivalent  If  lead  oxide,  and  particularly  the  oxides  of 
mercury  and  silver,  seem  to  be  more  powerful,  it  is  no  doubt 
because  they  react  and  decompose  at  a  lower  temperature ;  a 


circumstance  which  enables  the  reaction  to  commence  and 
continue  with  greater  vigour.  Thus  the  explosives  which  they 
form  act  with  greater  violence.  But  their  useful  effects,  as 
regards  both  work  and  pressure,  are  much  less,  even  in  the  case 
of  silver  oxide,  which  is  so  easily  decomposed,  and  of  mercuric 
oxide,  which,  on  the  other  hand,  furnishes  a  gaseous  metal. 

10.  We  will  conclude  with  one  remark.     When  the  explosive 
substance  is   an  acid,  such  as  picric   acid,  its   salts,  already 
existing    as    such,   will    produce   a  less    useful    effect    than 
simple  mixtures  of  picric  acid  and  metallic  oxide;  for  their 
formation  involves,  at  the  moment  of  the  union  of  the  acid  with 
the  oxide,  a  liberation  of  heat,  i.e.  a  loss  of  energy.     But,  on  the 
other  hand,  simple  mixtures  will  be  more  dangerous,  less  stable, 
and  also  subject  to  spontaneous  explosions,  owing  to  the  possible 
combination  of  the  acid  with  the  metallic  oxide. 

11.  We  have  just  calculated  the  heat  of  formation  of  a 
nitrated  derivative,  supposing  that  of  the  generator  to  be  known. 
Conversely,  if  we  know  the  heat  of  formation  of  a  nitrogenous 
body  from  its  elements,  together  with  that  of  nitric  acid  and 
water,  and  also   the  heat  disengaged  in  the  reaction  of  the 
nitric  acid  on  the  original  generator  of  the  nitrogenous  body, 
the  heat  of  formation  of  this  original  generator  can  itself  be 
calculated.     We  may  observe  that  this  method  is  less  direct 
than  the  immediate  combustion  of  the  last  compound ;  therefore 
the  results  are   less    exact      They   are,  however,   useful  as 

12.  Such  are  the  general  conclusions  that  can  be  deduced 
from  the  measurement  of  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  combina- 
tion of  nitric  acid  with  organic  compounds.     These  having  been 
given,  the  experiments  of  the  author,  dating  from  1871,  will 
now  be  described. 

First  of  all,  it  will  be  remembered  that  the  action  of  nitric 
acid  on  organic  substances  gives  rise  to  compounds  of  two  dis- 
tinct kinds,  formed  according  to  a  similar  equation  and  with  a 
similar  separation  of  the  elements  of  water ;  the  one  kind  con- 
sists of  true  ethers,  capable  of  being  decomposed  by  alkalis 
with  regeneration  of  nitric  acid  and  alcohol,  whereas  the  other 
kind,  designated  specially  by  the  name  of  nitro-  compounds,  can 
no  longer  be  split  up  by  distinct  reactions,  so  as  to  reproduce 
the  generating  substances,  which  are,  in  the  most  simple  cases, 
nitric  acid  and  a  hydrocarbon.  The  cause  for  this  difference  of 
reactions  will  be  explained  later  on.  The  ethers  themselves 
are  divided  into  two  groups,  according  to  whether  they  are 
formed  from  true  alcohols,  simple  in  their  function,  or  from 
alcohols  of  mixed  function,  such  as  cellulose,  or  condensed  ether, 
derived  from  several  molecules  of  glucose,  which  is  itself  an 
aldehydic  alcohol. 

The  heat  of  formation  of  several  bodies  belonging  to  these 


three  groups  was  measured  and  found  to  differ  according  to  the 
diversity  of  functions  of  the  bodies  experimented  on. 


Nitro-compounds  result  from  the  action  of  nitric  acid  upon 
organic  substances,  with  separation  of  water.  For  instance, 
C6H6  4-  HN03  -  H20 ;  one,  two,  three,  or  four  equivalents  of 
nitric  acid  may  thus  enter  into  combination  with  either  a  hydro- 
carbon, an  acid,  an  alcohol,  an  alkali,  etc.  Compounds  of  this 
class  are  formed  principally  in  the  aromatic  series,  i.e.  in  the 
series  of  compounds  derived  from  benzene,  or  rather,  condensed 
acetylene.  Up  to  the  present  the  terms  of  this  series  are  the 
only  ones  which  have  been  employed  in  connection  with  ex- 
plosive substances ;  they  are  also  the  only  ones  that  have  been 
studied  by  the  author. 

It  will  be  recollected  that  when  nitro-compounds  are  treated 
with  alkalis,  they  do  not  reproduce  nitric  acid,  but  various 
bodies  of  a  special  character,  and  nitrogenous,  like  the  generators 
themselves.  Treated  with  reducing  agents,  nitro-compounds  do 
not  reproduce  the  original  body,  but  an  amide. 

1.  Nitrobenzene,  C6H5N02. 

1.  The  reaction  for  the  production  of  this  compound  is  as 
follows  :— C6H6  +  HN03  =  C6H6N02  +  H20. 

This  was  performed  in  a  little  platinum  cylinder,  floating  in 
a  platinum  calorimeter  containg  500  grms.  of  water.  The  same 
conditions  were  observed  as  in  the  calorimetric  experiments. 
The  density  of  the  acid  used  was  1*5,  and  its  composition  corre- 
sponded to  the  formula,  HN03  +  -335H20. 

Fifteen  grms.  of  this  acid  were  poured  into  the  little  platinum 
cylinder,  which  was  then  closed  with  a  cork  coated  with 
paraffin.  The  temperature  of  the  water  in  the  calorimeter  was 
taken  by  means  of  a  thermometer  sensitive  to  ^J<j  of  a  degree ; 
and  the  temperature  of  the  nitric  acid  with  a  smaller  thermo- 
meter sensitive  to  ^  of  a  degree. 

The  two  temperatures  being  made  to  agree,  the  cork  was  then 
removed,  and  the  benzene  allowed  to  drop  into  the  nitric  acid 
through  a  pipette  having  a  very  tapering  mouth,  and  only  allow- 
ing exceedingly  small  drops  to  pass  through.  During  this 
procedure  the  acid  was  continually  stirred,  so  as  to  mix  it 
gradually  with  the  benzene ;  the  water  in  the  calorimeter  was 
also  stirred.  In  this  way  a  known  weight  of  benzene  was  intro- 
duced— 1-835  grm.  and  3*670  grms.  respectively  in  two  different 
experiments — the  operation  of  pouring  in  lasting,  in  all,  two 

The  cylinder  was  then  corked  up  and  worked  through  the 


water  of  the  calorimeter,  being  pushed  along  by  means  of  the 
large  calorimetric  thermometer,  which  also  served  to  agitate  the 
water  at  the  same  time.  The  progress  of  this  thermometer  was 
followed,  also  that  of  the  small  thermometer  immersed  in  the 
acid.  At  the  end  of  six  minutes,  the  two  thermometers  gave 
readings  agreeing  within  about  one-tenth  of  a  degree,  which 
difference  represented  the  excess  of  the  temperature  of  the  acid 
over  the  water  in  the  calorimeter  ;  the  variation  of  temperature 
in  the  two  experiments  being  170°  and  3-45°  respectively. 
Lastly,  the  rate  of  cooling  was  noted. 

The  following  data  were  then  known.  On  the  one  hand,  the 
weights  of  the  water,  the  platinum,  and  thermometer  reduced  to 
units  of  water,  and  also  their  variation  of  temperature ;  on  the 
other  hand,  the  weights  of  the  acid  and  benzene,  and  also  the 
thermal  variation  involved  by  their  combination,  which  had 
converted  the  benzene  into  nitrobenzene,  with  the  simultaneous 
production  of  water. 

The  heat  communicated  to  the  water,  platinum,  and  thermo- 
meters may  easily  be  calculated.  But  an  exact  calculation  of 
the  heat  communicated  to  the  mixture  of  acid  and  nitrobenzene 
would  require  a  knowledge  of  its  specific  heat.  Now,  it  is 
sufficient  to  know  that  this  specific  heat  approximates  pretty 
closely  to  '47,  which  is  the  same  as  that  of  the  acid  employed. 
Thus,  in  the  two  experiments  in  question,  the  mass  of  acid  and 
nitrobenzene,  reduced  to  units  of  water,  will  be  from  about  8*5 
to  9 '5  grms.,  amounting  to  about  one-sixtieth  of  the  entire 
heated  mass.  This  fraction  is  so  small  as  to  be  of  slight  im- 
portance in  the  calculation  of  the  heat  disengaged.  Thus  the 
latter  can  be  estimated  within  the  limits  of  experimental 
error  without  its  being  necessary  to  measure  more  exactly 
the  specific  heat  of  the  mixture. 

We  may  thus  make  a  complete  calculation  of  the  heat  dis- 
engaged in  the  reaction  that  has  taken  place  in  the  calorimeter. 
It  is  brought  by  calculation  to  an  equivalent  of  nitrobenzene, 
i.e.  Q,  for  the  weight,  C6H5N02  =  123  grms. 

The  compound  formed  under  these  conditions  is  really  nitro- 
benzene. To  make  sure  of  this,  it  was  precipitated,  after  the 
experiment,  by  means  of  water,  and  its  density  taken,  which 
was  found  to  be  equal  to  1194  at  14°.  Now,  Kopp  has 
given  the  value  1187  at  the  same  temperature.  The  differ- 
ence, therefore,  is  so  slight  that  the  reaction  may  be  accepted  as 
true.  This  reaction,  however,  under  the  conditions  of  the 
author's  experiment,  is  complicated  by  two  circumstances, 
which  must  be  taken  into  consideration.  On  the  one  hand,  the 
nitrobenzene  remains  dissolved  in  the  excess  of  acid ;  and  on 
the  other,  the  reaction  itself  gives  rise  to  water  which  must  give 
off  a  certain  amount  of  heat,  owing  to  its  combination  with  the 
excess  of  acid.  In  order  to  be  able  to  bring  in  this  last  factor, 


a  special  series  of  experiments  was  made  for  the  purpose  of 
measuring  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  same  acid,  when  treated 
with  certain  proportions  of  water,  which  are  increased  from  a 
limit  below  that  produced  in  the  experiments  given  to  one  a 
little  above  it.  These  experiments  were  carried  out  at  the 
same  temperature,  under  the  same  conditions,  and  on  the  same 
day — each  trial  being  twice  repeated.  In  this  way  were 
obtained  two  pairs  of  results,  from  which  it  was  easy  to  trace 
the  curve  representing  the  heats  of  hydration  of  the  acid,  be- 
tween limits  which  comprised  the  hydration  in  the  preparation 
of  the  nitrobenzene.  The  heat,  q,  corresponding  to  the  propor- 
tion of  water  formed  at  the  same  time  as  the  nitrobenzene  may 
thus  be  calculated. 

2.  Lastly,  there  was  selected  from  amongst  these  mixtures  the 
one  that  agreed  best  with  the  final  data  of  the  experiment  re- 
lating to  the  formation  of  the  nitrobenzene.    In  it  was  dissolved 
pure  nitrobenzene,  in  the  same  relative  proportions ;  the  heat  of 
solution  was  very  small.     It  was  brought,  by  calculation,  to  the 
data  of  the  experiment  relating  to  the  formation  of  nitrobenzene, 
which  gave  a  value,  qlt  for  the  weight,  C6H5N02.     In  short,  the 

Q  -  2  -  <?i> 
represents  the  heat  disengaged  in  the  following  reaction  : — 

C6H6  +  (HN03  +  -335H20) 
=  C9H5N02  +  H20  +  -335H20. 

The  numbers  found  in  the  two  experiments  were,  +  35  and 
4-  35*2,  average  35*10.  In  order  to  make  this  number  apply  to 
true  monohydrated  acid,  HN03,  we  must  add  to  it  the  heat 
given  off  in  the  reaction  of  '335H20  upon  this  last  acid ;  or 
-h  1*5,  according  to  the  author's  experiments.1 

3.  We  get  then,  finally— 

C6H6  (pure)  +  HN03  (pure)  +  H20  disengages  +  36'6  Cal. 

4.  It  is  easy  to  deduce  from  this  the  heat  of  formation  of 
nitrobenzene  from  its  elements — 

C6  (diamond)  +  H5  +  N  +  02  disengages  +  4'2. 
In  short,  it  was  found  that — 

Benzene,  C6  (diamond)  +  H6  =  C6H6  (liquid)      ...         +5-0 
Nitric  acid,  H  +  N  +  03  =  HN03  (liquid)  ...         +  41-6 

Reaction     ...  ...  ...  ...  ...         -|-  36-6 

Sum  +  73-2 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  seVie,  torn.  iv.  p.  448. 


On  the  other  hand — 

C6  +  H6  +  N  +  02  =  C6H6N02  (liquid)         x 

H2  +  0  =  H2  0  (liquid)          +69 

Sum     ...         +  69  +  x 

whence,  x  =  +  4*2  for  123  grms. 

5.  Decomposition   ly   heat.     We    know    that    nitrobenzene 
is  not,  properly  speaking,  an  explosive  substance.     It  may  be 
distilled  at  a  certain  temperature.     If,  however,  it  is  subjected 
to  great  heat,  a  powerful  reaction  is  effected  between  the  oxygen 
of  the  nitrous  molecule  and  the  hydrocarbon  elements  of  the 
benzene  molecule.     But  the  products  of  this  reaction  are  im- 
perfectly known. 

6.  The  heat  of  complete  combustion  of  nitrobenzene  is  cal- 
culated from  the  above  data  ;  that  of  the  elements  being — 

12C  +  1202  =  12C02         4-564-0 

i(5H2  -  50  =  5H20)         +  172-5 

+  736-5 

On  subtracting  the  heat  of  formation  of  nitrobenzene  +  4'2  we 

J  (2C6H5N02  liquid  +  250  =  12C02  +  5H20  liquid  +  ET2)  gives 
off  +  732-3  Cal. 

This  weight  relates  to  123  grms.  For  1  grm.  we  should  get 
5952  cal. 

2.  Dinitrobenzene,  C6H4(N02)2. 

This  substance  was  prepared  by  dissolving  a  known  weight 
of  nitrobenzene  in  nitrosulphuric  acid.  The  apparatus  was  the 
same  as  for  nitrobenzene,  and  the  experiment  was  performed  in 
exactly  the  same  manner.  In  the  platinum  cylinder  were  placed 
35  grms.  of  a  mixture  previously  prepared  from  1500  grms.  of 
nitric  acid  similar  to  that  already  described,  and  2944  of  boiled 
sulphuric  acid. 

In  these  35  grms.  of  nitro-sulphuric  acid  were  dissolved :  in 
one  experiment,  T262  grm.,  and  in  another  2'534  grms.  of 
nitrobenzene.  The  elevations  of  temperature  were  73°  and  T44° 

It  was  proved  that  the  nitrobenzene  was  entirely  converted 
into  dinitrobenzene.  The  calculations  and  corrections  for 
obtaining  the  quantity  Q  were  made  as  previously  (p.  270). 
'The  calculation  of  q  (p.  271)  is  somewhat  complicated.  In 
fact,  the  formation  of  the  dinitrobenzene,  in  this  case,  produces 
two  phenomena :  it  changes  the  hydration  of  the  nitrosulphuric 
acid  and  also  alters  the  relation  between  the  nitric  and  sulphuric 
acids,  causing  the  latter  to  predominate,  as  a  portion  of  the 
nitric  acid  disappears,  owing  to  the  fact  of  the  combination.  In 


order  to  estimate  correctly  the  influence  of  these  two  effects 
which  would  enter  into  subsequent  operations,  it  was  necessary 
to  make  several  series  of  experiments.  In  the  first  place,  it 
was  convenient  to  measure  directly,  two  experiments  being 
made  in  each  case,  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  mixing  of  the 
nitric  acid 

(HN03  -  -335  H20) 

with  the  boiled  sulphuric  acid,  in  four  different  proportions, 
chosen  so  as  to  comprise  within  their  limits  all  the  cases 
possible  in  the  experiments  which  were  performed.  In  this 
way  the  curve  was  obtained  for  the  quantities  of  heat  produced 
for  the  whole  series  of  intermediate  mixtures. 

Then  considerable  quantities  of  each  of  these  liquids  were 
prepared  and  proportions  of  water  added  to  them,  increasing 
according  to  distinct  ratios,  which  also  comprised  within  their 
limits  all  the  cases  possible  in  the  experiments.  Each  time  the 
heat  disengaged  was  measured,  and  curves  constructed  for  the 
heats  of  hydration  of  these  various  systems  of  mixtures. 

Thus  were  obtained  the  elements  necessary  for  calculating  by 
interpolation  the  quantity  q,  in  all  cases  included  within  the 
limits  of  the  experiments. 

This  method  is  somewhat  tedious,  but  it  seemed  to  be  the 
most  suitable  for  the  object  in  view,  viz.  the  study  of  a  series 
of  analogous  formations.  If,  however,  there  were  only  one 
experiment  of  this  kind  to  make,  it  would  be  preferable  to 
measure  the  heat  given  off  in  three  cases  only,  viz.  the  mixing 
of  the  two  acids  in  their  initial  proportions;  the  mixing  of 
the  two  acids  in  their  final  proportions,  in  which  they 
exist  after  the  performing  of  the  experiments;  and  lastly, 
by  the  addition  of  water  (in  the  proportion  furnished  by  this 
experiment)  to  the  mixture  of  the  two  acids  corresponding  to 
the  final  proportions. 

Lastly,  the  quantity,  q1  (p.  271),  was  measured  directly,  by 
dissolving  a  known  weight  of  crystallised  dinitrobenzene  in  a 
mixture  of  the  two  acids  and  water  of  proportions  similar  to 
those  of  the  final  condition  of  the  liquid,  that  gives  rise  to  the 
dinitrobenzene.  This  quantity  is  negative,  as  generally  happens 
when  solid  bodies  are  dissolved.  It  was  found  equal  to  -  2 -6 9 
for  C6H4(N02)2. 

We  thus  arrive  definitely  at  the  quantity 

Q  -  q.  -  ft- 

But  this  quantity  relates  to  the  formation  of  dinitrobenzene  by 
means  of  the  nitrosulphuric  acid  of  the  experiments.  In  order 
to  apply  the  reaction  to  pure  nitric  acid,  we  must,  in  addition, 
take  into  account  the  heat  given  off  by  the  previous  combina- 
tion of  the  two  acids,  and  also  that  by  the  union  of  HN03  with 
•335  H20. 



2.  It  was  found,  after  making  all  the  necessary  calculations, 
that  the  theoretical  reaction — 

C6H5N02  (pure)  +  HN03  (pure)  =  C6H4(N02)2  (crystal.)  +  H20, 
disengages  -J-  36*45  and  +  36*35  ;  average,  4-  36*4. 

This  result  is  to  all  intents  the  same  as  in  the  formation  of 
mononitrobenzene ;  +  36'6 ;  or,  in  other  words,  the  heat  dis- 
engaged is  proportioned  to  the  number  of  equivalents  of  acid  linked 
on  to  the  hydrocarbon. 

The  complete  formation  of  dinitrobenzene,  starting  from 
benzene — 

C6H6  +  2HN03  =  C6H4(N02)2  +  2H20, 

would  give  off  +  73. 

3.  These  numerical  values  show  that  the  formation  of  nitro- 
compounds  involves  a  considerable  loss  of  energy ;  it  is  much 
greater  than  that  entailed  by  the  formation  of  nitric  ethers,  as 
we  shall  presently  show. 

We  can  therefore  understand  why  the  explosive  energy  of  the 
latter  compounds  is  greater,  and  their  stability  less.  We  can 
also  understand  why  nitro-compounds  do  not  act  like  ethers, 
the  latter  being  capable  of  decomposition  by  potash  with  re- 
formation of  an  alcohol  and  acid.  Potash,  which,  when 
combined  with  dilute  nitric  acid,  gives  off  only  137  Cal., 
cannot  furnish,  by  a  simple  reaction,  the  energy  required  for  the 
reproduction  of  the  acid  and  benzene,  the  union  of  which,  in 
order  to  form  nitrobenzene,  has.  disengaged  36*5  Cal.  This 
energy,  on  the  contrary,  is  available  in  the  case  of  nitric  ether 
and  nitroglycerin,  which  require  only  4  to  6  Cal.  for  the  re- 
generation of  each  equivalent  of  acid. 

4  Moreover,  the  figures  -f  36 '5,  relating  to  nitrobenzene,  are 
worthy  of  notice  from  another  point  of  view.  In  fact,  this 
quantity  is  approximately  three-quarters  of  the  heat  disengaged 
in  the  action  of  hydrogen  on  dilute  nitric  acid,  with  the 
formation  of  nitrous  acid,  which  remains  in  solution. 

H2  +  HN03  (dissolved)  =  H20  +  HN02  (dissolved)  gives  off 

+  50-5. 

In  this  reaction,  the  action  of  the  hydrogen  is,  in  certain  respects, 
similar  to  that  of  benzene  in  the  formation  of  nitrobenzene. 

5.  This  shows  that  the  formation  of  nitrobenzene  and  similar 
substances  may  be  compared  to  oxidation. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  formation  of  nitric  ether  and  nitro- 
glycerin, which  causes  the  liberation  of  much  less  heat, 
represents  a  simple  substitution  of  the  elements  of  the  acid  for 
the  elements  of  water. 

6.  The   decomposition   of  nitrobenzene  may  be  effected  by 
sudden  heating ;  but  the  products  have  not  been  studied. 


7.  The  formation  of  dinitrobenzene  from  its  elements — 

C6  (diamond)  +  H4  +  N2  +  04  =  C6H2(N02)2  (dissolved) 
gives  off  12-7  for  168  grms. 

8.  The    heat    of    complete    combustion    of    dinitrobenzene 
(=  168  grms.)—- 

C6H4N204  +  010  =  6C02  +  2H20  +  N2, 

gives  off  +  689 '3  Cal.  for  168  grms.,  which  amounts,  for 
1  grm.,  to  4103  cal.  All  these  calculations  were  made  for 
dinitrobenzene  obtained  without  heat ;  in  the  action  of  dinitro- 
benzene on  nitric  acid,  and  without  having  regard  to  the  mixture 
of  isomeric  substances  produced  in  this  case.  The  observations 
which  have  been  published1  tend,  moreover,  to  show  that 
various  isomeric  substances  of  the  same  chemical  function  are 
formed,  causing  disengagements  of  heat  almost  identical. 

3.  Chloronitrdbenzene,  C6H4C1(N02). 

The  formation  of  this  compound  takes  place  according  to  the 
following  equation : — 

C6H5C1  +  HN03  =  C6H4C1(N02)  +  H20. 

It  was  found  that  this  reaction  gives  off  +  36*4. 

We  know  that  several  isomeric  substances  are  formed.  The 
heat  of  solution  in  a  mixture  similar  to  that  formed  in  the 
reaction  was  determined. 

The  details  of  these  experiments  may  be  omitted,  as  they  are 
similar  to  those  already  described. 

The  heat  of  chlorination  of  benzene  being  unknown,  it  is  not 
possible  to  calculate  the  heat  of  formation  of  the  above  sub- 
stance from  its  elements. 

4.  Nitrobenzoic  Acid,  C7H5(N02)02. 

The  formation  of  this  compound  takes  place  according  to  the 
following  equation : — 

C7H602  +  HN03  =  C7H5(N02)02  +  H20. 
This  reaction  gives  off  -f  36*4. 

We  see  that  this  value  is  nearly  constant  for  the  nitration 
of  benzene  and  all  its  immediate  derivatives.  The  formation  of 
nitrobenzoic  acid  from  its  elements  is  easily  calculated  if  we 
admit  for  the  heat  of  formation  of  benzoic  acid  the  value  -f  54 
(Kechenberg).  We  then  get — 

C7  (diamond)  +  H5  +  N  +  O4  =  C7H5(Isr02)02  -  +  H2  (liquid) 
gives  off  +  63  Cal.  for  167  grms. 

The  "heat  of  complete  combustion  of  the  same  substance 
=  761-5  Cal.  for  167  grms.,  or  3772  cal.  for  1  grm. 

1  "  Bulletin  de  la  Soci&e*  Chimique,"  2e  sfrie,  torn,  xxviii.  p.  530. 

T   2 


5.  Nitro-derivatives  of  the  Aromatic  Series  in  general. 

1.  It  has    just  been  shown  that  the  formation  of  a  nitro- 
compound,   belonging    to    the    aromatic    series,   is    generally 
accompanied  by  a  liberation  of  heat  approximately  =  +36  Cal. ; 
this  number  was  also  obtained  by  Troost  and  Hautefeuille  for 
the  derivatives  of  toluene  and  naphthalene.     It  will  be  shown 
presently  that  it  also  holds  for  the  formation  of  trinitrophenol, 
otherwise  called  picric  acid. 

2.  This  being  admitted,  it  is  easy  to  give  general  formulae  for 
calculating  d,  priori  the  heat  of  formation  of  a  nitro-compound 
from  its  elements,  and  also  its  heat  of  combustion,  provided 
that  we  possess  these  data  for  the  original  hydrocarbon. 

Let  A  be  the  heat  of  formation  of  the  generating  substance ; 
4-  41'6  Cal.  being  that  of  nitric  acid ;  -f  364  the  heat  of 
nitration ;  and  lastly  +  69  the  heat  of  formation  of  water ; 
the  equation  representing  nitration  is  as  follows  : — 

K  +  HN03  =  X  +  H20, 

and  from  it  we  arrive  at  the  expression  for  the  heat  of  formation 
of  the  nitro-compound,  X,  or 

A  +  41-6  +  36-4  -  69  =  A  +  9  Cal. 
For  a  binitrated,  trinitrated,  etc.,  compound,  we  shall  get — 
A  +  18  Cal. ;  A  +  27  Cal ;  and  generally,  A  +  9rc. 

3.  In  the  same  way,  the  heat  of  complete  combustion  of  a 
nitro-compound  is  deduced  from  that  of  the  original   hydro- 
carbon.    The  latter  being  supposed  =  Q ;  that  of  the  mononitro- 
compound,  which  contains  one  equivalent  less  of  hydrogen,  will 
be  Q  -  34-5  -  9  =  Q  -  43'5 ;  for  a  dinitro-compound,  Q  -  87 ; 
for  a  trinitro-compound,  Q  —  130 '5.     These  formulae  must  only 
be  regarded  as  approximate,  as  the  effect  of  the   nitration  is 
often  complicated  by  the  change  of  physical  condition,  which 
should  be  taken  into  consideration  separately. 

4.  The  large  quantity  of  heat  liberated  in  the  formation  of 
nitro-compounds,  when  using  pure  nitric  acid,  enables   us  to 
understand  the  formation  of  the  same  compounds  when  using  a 
mixture  of  nitric  and  sulphuric  acids.     We  know  for  a  fact  that 
this  mixture  is  employed,  in  preference  to  pure  nitric  acid,  for 
the  preparation  of  nitro-derivatives ;  but  this  is  an  empirical  fact. 

The  theoretical  explanation  of  it  may  be  given;  it  results 
from  the  difference  between  the  heat  of  formation  of  sulphuric 
derivatives  and  that  of  nitro-derivatives,  joined  to  the  tendency 
of  sulphuric  acid  to  form  a  secondary  hydrate  with  the  water 
resulting  from  the  formation  of  the  nitro-compound.  For 
instance,  the  formation  of  benzene-sulphonic  acid— 

C6H6  +  H2S04  =  C6H6S03  +  H20,  gives  off  +  14'3  -  a;1 

1  a  represents  the  heat  of  solution  of  benzene-sulphonic  acid  in  water ;  a 
positive  quantity  amounting  to  a  few  Calories. 


whereas  that  of  nitrobenzene — 

C6H6  +  HN03  =  C6HJlsr02  +  H20,  gives  off  +  36'6. 
The  difference  between  these  two  quantities,  -f  22 '2  4-  a,  is 
enormous  and  cannot  be  compensated,  either  by  the  difference 
in  the  quantities  of  heat  disengaged  by  the  union  of  H2O  with 
the  excess  of  nitro-sulphuric  acid,  in  the  two  experiments,  or 
by  the  difference  in  the  respective  heats  of  solution,  in  the  same 
liquid,  of  nitrobenzene  and  benzene-sulphonic  acid.  The  differ- 
ence is  further  increased  by  the  heat  of  formation  of  the 
secondary  sulphuric  acid  hydrate.  Thus  the  formation  of  nitro- 
benzene gives  off  much  more  heat  than  that  of  benzene-sul- 
phonic acid ;  the  formation  of  the  nitro-derivative,  in  preference 
to  a  sulphuric  derivative,  is  therefore  a  natural  consequence 
of  the  general  principles  of  thenno-chemistry. 

6.  Trinitrophenol,  or  Picric  Acid  and  its  Salts. 

1.  Let  us  apply  these  formulae  to  picric  acid.     This  acid  is 
derived  from  phenol,  by  the  replacement  of  three  atoms  of 
hydrogen — 

C6H60  +  3HN03  =  C6H3(N02)30  +3H20. 

Now  the  heat  of  formation  of  phenol  may  be  estimated  either 
at  +  34  Gal.,  or  at  -f  28  Cal.,  according  to  whether  we  adopt 
the  heat  of  combustion  of  Favre  and  Silbermann  (737)  or  that 
of  M.  Eechenberg  (743),  the  difference  between  which  values 
does  not  amount  to  quite  one-hundredth. 

We  will  take  the  mean,  31  Cal.,  for  an  equivalent,  229  grms. 
This  being  allowed,  the  heat  of  formation  of  picric  acid  from  its 
elements,  C6  (diamond)  -f  H3  +  N3+07,  will  be  +  31  -f  27  = 
+  58  Cal.  for  229  grms. ;  the  heat  of  combustion  being  +  609'5  Cal., 
according  to  our  formulae. 

2.  It  is  easy  to  proceed  from  this  to  the  heat  of  formation  of 
picrates.     Let  ammonium  picrate  be 

C6H2(N02)30]SrH4  =  246  grms. 

According  to  the  calculations,1  the  formation  of  this  body  by 
means  of  pure  acid  and  ammonia  gas — 

C6H3(N02)30  (solid)  +  NH3  (gas), 

disengages  -f  22*9  Cal.,  which  gives,  for  the  heat  of  formation  of 
the  salt  from  its  elements,  for  246  grms. — 

C«  +  H6  +  2N2  +  07 ;  +  58  +  12'2  +  22-9  =  +  831  Cal. 

Messrs.  Sarrau  and  Vieille  2  found  +  80*1  Cal.  for  combustion  in 
oxygen,  a  value  agreeing   with   the   former  within   the  limit 

1  Table  v.  p.  127. 

2  "Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  1'Acad^mie  des  Sciences,"  torn,  xciii. 
p.  270. 


of  experimental  errors ;  as  the  difference  does  not  amount  to 
half  per  cent,  of  the  heat  of  combustion.  In  fact,  the  heat 
of  total  combustion  of  this  salt  is,  according  to  calculation  4- 
688  Gal.,  according  to  experiment  +  691,  for  246  grms.,  or, 
for  1  grm.,  2797  cal. 

3.  We  now  come  to  potassium  picrate — 

C6H2(N02)3KO  =  267  grms. 
According  to  table  iv.,  p.  127,  the  reaction  of  the  acid  and  base — 

C6H3(lSr02)30  (crystal.)^  KHO  (solid) 
=  C6H2K(N02)30  (solid)  +  H20  (solid),  gives  off  +  30-5  Cal. 

Admitting  that  K  +  H  +  0  =  KHO  gives  off  +  104'3,  we  get 
for  the  heat  of  formation  of  potassium  picrate  from  its  elements, 
for  267  grms.— 

C6  +  H2  +  K  +  N3  +  07 ;  +  58  +  104-3  +  30'5  -  704  = 
+  1224  cal. 

Sarrau  and  Vieille  gave,  for  combustion  in  oxygen,  4-  117*5 
Cal.  The  difference  in  these  values  amounts  to  less  than 
one-hundredth  of  the  total  heat  of  combustion,  thus  being 
within  the  limits  of  error ;  more  so  when  we  take  into  account 
that  the  action  of  the  water,  formed  in  the  combustion,  on  the 
the  potassium  bicarbonate  has  been  disregarded  by  these  writers 
in  their  calculation,  as  well  as  the  partial  dissociation  of  the 
last-named  salt. 

4.  The  heat  of  total  combustion  of  potassium  picrate,   with 
formation  of  potassium  bicarbonate,  amounts  to  61947  Cal.,  or, 
for  1  grm.,  2321  cal. 

5.  The  explosive  decomposition  of  potassium  picrate  gives  rise 
to  complex  products  :  carbonic  acid,  carbonic  oxide,  hydrocyanic 
acid,  free  hydrogen,  nitrogen,  marsh  gas.     The  relative  propor- 
tion of  these  bodies  varies  with  the  conditions. 

Thus  carbonic  acid  and  marsh  gas  increase  with  the  pressure, 
at  the  expense  of  the  carbonic  oxide  and  hydrogen. 

As  to  the  solid  residue,  it  is  composed  of  potassium  carbonate 
and  cyanide  containing,  according  to  Sarrau  and  Vieille,  the 
third  of  the  alkaline  metal,  with  a  small  quantity  of  carbon. 
With  a  density  of  charge  of  '5,  the  results  observed  by  these 
writers  are  represented  approximately  by  the  following  empiric 
equation : — 

16C6H2K(N02)30  =  4KCN  +  6K2C03  +  21C02  +  52CO  + 
6CH4  +  22N2  +  4H2  +  70. 

According  to  this  equation,  an  equivalent  of  potassium  picrate 
(267  grms.)  would  disengage,  in  decomposing,  +  2084  Cal.,  or, 
for  1  grm.,  780  cal. 



General  Remarks. 

1.  Nitric  ethers  are  obtained  by  the  action  of  nitric  acid  upon 
alcohols,  accompanied  by  the  substitution  of  the  elements  of 
water  for  those  of  acid  ;  1,  2,  3  to  6,  and  even  more  equivalents 
of  acid  may  take  the  place  of  H20,  2H20,  3H20  to  6H20,  etc.,  in 
the  alcoholic  molecule.     For  instance — 

Nitric  ether,  C2H4(H20)  +  HN03  =  C2H4(HN03)  +  H20. 
Nitroglycerin,  C3H2(H20)3  +  3HN03  =  C3H2(HN03)3  +  3H20. 

2.  The  equations  representing  the  formation  of  nitric  ethers 
are  analogous  to  those  for  nitro-compounds.      But  there  is  a 
fundamental    reaction    that  characterises   the    nitric    ethers ; 
namely,  that  they  reproduce  the  acid  and  original  alcohol,  under 
the  prolonged  influence  of  water  and  dilute  alkalis,  which  does 
not  happen  in  the  case  of  nitro-compounds.     Eeducing  agents 
also   decompose   the   nitric   ethers   with  reproduction   of    the 
original  alcohol,  whereas,  in  the  case  of  nitro-compounds,  the 
same  agents  form  compound  ammonias. 

3.  These  differences  in  reactions  are  correlative  with  the  un- 
equal quantity  of  heat  given  off  in  the  action  of  nitric  acid  on 
various  organic  compounds.     If  it  gives  rise  to  a  nitro-derivative 
(p.  276),  it  disengages  on  an  average  4-  36  Cal.,  or,  in  the  case  of 
an  alcohol,  properly  so  called,  to  an  ether,  it  disengages  4-  5  to 
4-  6  Cal.,  and  4- 1 1  Cal.  at  the  most,  in  the  case  of  complex 
bodies  with  analogous  functions,  such  as  cellulose.     It  is  this 
that  causes  the  greater  instability  of  nitric  ethers.    The  presence 
of  alkalis,  or  even  moisture,  is  sufficient  to  cause  a  change  in 
them  after  a  little  while. 

But  this  circumstance  gives  greater  energy  to  nitric  ethers  in 
their  use  as  explosives  ;  the  combustive  energy  of  the  nitric  acid 
being  much  less  weakened  at  the  time  of  its  first  combination 
with  the  organic  compound. 

This  being  understood,  we  will  now  examine  the  thermal 
formation  of  nitric  ethers,  beginning  with  those  derived  from 
ordinary  alcohol. 

1.  Nitric  Ether,  C2H4(HN03)  =  91  grms. 

The  formation  of  this  ether  was  effected  in  a  calorimeter,  in 
a  direct  manner,  by  means  of  pure  alcohol  and  nitric  acid, 
sp.  gr.  1'5,  and  without  the  addition  of  any  other  auxiliary 
body.  The  product  is  approximately  the  same  as  would  be 
expected  from  theory.  The  experiment,  as  has  been  said,  can 
be  performed  directly,  but  it  is  a  very  delicate  operation. 

It  is  effected  in  the  apparatus  already  described  (p.  269),  by 


letting  pure  alcohol  fall,  in  exceedingly  minute  drops,  into  nitric 
acid,  which  is  pure  and  free  from  nitrous  compounds.  With 
each  addition  the  acid  is  stirred  vigorously,  in  order  to  avoid 
any  local  elevation  of  temperature.  At  the  same  time  the 
vessel  containing  the  acid  is  moved  about  in  the  water  of  the 
calorimeter,  so  as  to  cause  the  gradual  absorption  of  the  heat 

These  are  essential  conditions.  When  they  are  very  scrupu- 
lously observed,  we  succeed  in  avoiding  all  secondary  reactions, 
as  well  as  any  disengagement  of  nitrous  vapours,  and  in  con- 
verting the  alcohol  entirely,  or  almost  entirely,  into  nitric  ether, 
as  we  can  prove  by  precipitating  the  mixture,  immediately  it  is 
formed,  by  means  of  water,  and  collecting  and  weighing  the 
ether  produced. 

The  addition  of  urea  to  the  pure  nitric  acid  does  not  render 
the  experiment  more  successful ;  but  it  is  different  when  a  less 
concentrated  acid  is  used,  as  in  the  usual  method  of  preparation 
of  nitric  ether. 

The  only  essential  condition  is  that  the  drops  of  alcohol 
should  be  excessively  small,  and  very  rapidly  mixed  with  the 
mass,  so  as  to  avoid  any  local  elevation  of  temperature,  which 
would  promote  secondary  reactions. 

The  experiment  does  not  always  succeed,  and  it  is  better 
only  to  take  into  consideration  the  calorimetric  measurements 
got  by  means  of  a  successful  reaction.  On  some  occasions  7'6, 
on  others  15  grins,  of  nitric  acid  and  "84  grm.  of  alcohol  were 
experimented  upon  by  the  author.  After  the  reaction,  the 
products  should  immediately  be  poured  into  water,  otherwise 
a  secondary  reaction  begins  to  manifest  itself.  The  latter 
reaction  is  also  quickly  developed  when  pure  nitric  ether,  pre- 
pared beforehand,  is  dissolved  in  pure  nitric  acid,  an  operation 
which  the  author  was  compelled  to  perform  in  the  calorimeter, 
in  order  to  complete  the  data  of  the  calculations  relating  to 
the  formation  of  nitric  ether. 

2.  After  all  calculations,  it  is  found  that  the  formation  of 
nitric  ether — 

C2H60  (liquid)  +  HN03  (liquid)  =  C2H4(HN03)  (liquid) 
+  H20  (liquid), 

gives  off  -f  6'2  Cal. ;  the  bodies  being  supposed  pure,  separated 
from  each  other,  and  taken  at  the  ordinary  temperature. 

The  heat  of  solution  of  nitric  ether  in  water  was  also 
measured  : 

C2H4(H]Sr03)  (1  part)  +  180  parts  of  water  gives  off  +  '99  ; 
whence  we  get 

C2H60  (in  solution)  +  HN03  (in  solution)  =  C2H4(HN03)  (in 
solution)  +  H20  +  water  absorbs  -  3 '2  Cal. 


We  see  that  the  thermal  effect  varies  inversely  with  the  dilu- 
tion, just  as  in  the  case  of  ethyl-sulphuric  acid,  and  those  acids 
allied  to  it. 

The  formation  of  nitric  ether  is,  in  this  respect,  analogous 
to  that  of  those  from  organic  acids,  in  which  case  their  pro- 
duction causes  absorption  of  heat,  whether  the  bodies  in  ques- 
tion be  in  solution  or  in  a  pure  state.1 

But,  on  the  contrary,  the  formation  of  nitric  ether  from  con- 
centrated acid  gives  rise  to  disengagement  of  heat.  This 
opposition  results  from  the  great  difference  of  energy  existing 
between  nitric  acid  in  the  pure  state  and  that  diluted  with 

3.  The  formation  of  nitric  ether  from  its  elements — 

C2  (diamond)  +  H5  +  N  +  03  =  C2H4(HN03)  (liquid), 

gives  off  +  49-3  Cal.  for  91  grms.,  or,  for  1  grm.,  542  cal. 

4.  Decomposition. — Nitric  ether  may  be  distilled  with  great 
regularity,  but  care  must  be  taken  to  avoid  all  local  overheating. 
The  approach  of  a  flame,  or  even  a  temperature  of  about  300°, 
causes  the  ether  to  explode  with  violence.     A  terrible  accident, 
which  happened  at  a  chemical  works  at  St.  Denis,  has  shown  the 
dangers  attendant  upon  the  handling  of  large  quantities  of  this 
ether.     The  products  of  this  explosion  have  not  been  analysed. 
The  oxygen  contained  in  the  compound  is,  moreover,  insufficient 
to  oxidise  the  carbon  and  hydrogen,  even  supposing  the  first 
body  to  be  converted  only  into  carbon  monoxide.  Admitting  the 
following  reaction — 

C2H4(HN03)  =  2CO  +  H20  +  3H  +  N, 

the  composition  of  the  liquid  ether,  with  the  formation  of  liquid 
water,  would  give  off  +  71 '3  Cal.  for  91  grms.  If  the  ether 
and  water  were  in  the  gaseous  form,  the  figures  would  be 
slightly  different,  amounting,  for  1  grm.,  to  787  cal. 

5.  The  heat  of  total  combustion  of  nitric  ether  by  means  of 
pure  oxygen — 

£[2C2H4(HN03)  +  70  =  4C02  -  5H20  -  N2], 
gives  off  +  311-2  Cal.  for  91  grms.,  or  3420  cal.  for  1  grm. 

2.  Nitroglycerin,  C3H2(HN03)3  =  227  grms. 

1.  Nitroglycerin  was  prepared  in  a  calorimeter,  by  means  of 
nitrosulphuric  acid,  and  under  conditions  similar  to  those 
recently  described  by  M.  Champion ;  conditions  under  which 
the  product  amounts  to  only  four-fifths  of  the  theoretical  value, 
owing  to  unavailable  secondary  oxidations.  Quantities  of  1*201 
grm.  and  T934  grm.  of  glycerin  were  experimented  upon.  It 
1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  serie,  torn.  ix.  p.  344. 


was  contained  in  a  little  capsule,  accurately  weighed,  and  poured 
drop  by  drop  into  the  middle  of  the  nitrosulphuric  mixture. 
When  a  sufficient  quantity  of  glycerin  had  been  poured  out 
the  capsule  was  re-weighed ;  the  loss  in  weight  showed  the 
quantity  of  glycerin  introduced. 

2.  All  necessary  calculations  having  been  made,  it  was  found 
that  the  ordinary  reaction,  i.e.  the  case  in  which  the  substances 
are  taken  in  their  actual  condition — 

C3H803  +  3HN03  =  C3H2(HN03)3  +  3H20, 

gives  off  +  14'7 ;  or  -f  4*9  for  each  equivalent  of  acid  that  has 
entered  into  combination. 

These  figures,  which  are  rather  below  those  obtained  for  nitric 
ether,  show  that  both  the  acid  and  the  glycerin  have  preserved 
almost  all  their  reciprocal  energy  throughout  the  reaction,  a 
circumstance  which  explains  the  remarkably  easy  decomposition 
of  nitroglycerin  and  the  formidable  effects  thereof. 

3.  Again,  we  find  that 

C3H803  (in  solution)  +  3H£T03  (diluted)  =  C3H2(HN03)3  (pure) 
-f  3H20  (liquid),  absorbs  -  8'8,  or  -  2-9  X  3. 

Therefore  we  have  thermal  inversion,  arising  from  the  solution 
of  the  substances  ;  exactly  as  in  the  case  of  nitric  ether.  This  is 
another  point  of  resemblance  between  nitroglycerin  and  ethers 
formed  from  organic  oxy-acids. 

4.  The  heat  of  formation  of  nitroglycerin  from  its  elements  may 
be  calculated  from  its  heat  of  formation,  as  deduced  from  the 
heat  of  combustion  which  was  observed  by  M.  Louguinine.     We 
thus  find 

Ce  (diamond)  +  H5  +  N3  +  09  gives  off  +  98  Cal.  for  227  grms., 
or  432  cal.  for  1  grm. 

5.  The  heat  of  total  combustion  and  the  heat  of  complete  decom- 
position are,  in  this  case,  interchangeable  terms,  since  nitro- 
glycerin contains  an  excess  of  oxygen — 

i[2C3H2(HN03)3  =  6C02  +  5H20  +  3N2  +  0]. 

Sarrau  and  Vieille  have  verified  the  reality  of  this  reaction. 

From  the  preceding  data,  we  find  that  the  heat  of  combustion 
is  equal  to  +  356'5  Gals.,  or,  for  1  grm.,  1570  cal. 

Sarrau  and  Vieille  obtained  -f  360 '5  Cal. ;  a  value  agreeing 
as  nearly  as  could  be  expected. 

Nitroglycerin  is  decomposed  differently  if  it  is  ignited  as 
dynamite,  i.e.  an  intimate  mixture  of  silica  and  nitroglycerin, 
and  if  the  gases  which  are  formed  are  allowed  to  escape  freely, 
under  a  pressure  nearly  equal  to  that  of  the  atmosphere.  Sarrau 

1  "Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  I'Acad&nie  des  Sciences"  torn,  xciii. 
p.  270. 



and  Vieille  obtained  under  these  conditions,  for  100  volumes  of 


NO  48-2 

CO  35-9 

C02  12-7 
H  1-6 

N  1-3 



These  conditions  are  similar  to  those  under  which  a  mining 
charge,  simply  ignited  by  the  cap,  burns  away  slowly  under  a 
low  pressure  ;  this  is  called  a  miss-fire. 

3.  Nitromannite,  C6H2(HN03)6  =  452  grins. 

1.  This  substance  was  prepared  by  means  of  nitrosulphuric 
acid.     The  reaction  is  slow  and  somewhat  prolonged.     One  grm. 
of  mannite  and  30  grms.   of  acid  liquid  were  operated  upon. 
Assuming  the  reaction  to  have  been  complete,  the  numbers  that 
were  observed  gave  +  23*5  Gal.  for  the  reaction 

C6H1406  +  6HN03  =  C6H2(HN03)e  +  6H20, 

or  -f-  3 '92  Gal.  per  equivalent  of  fixed  nitric  acid. 

2.  The  heat  of  formation  of  nitromannite  from  its  elements  is 
calculated  from  the  above  figures,  together  with  the  heat  of 
formation  of  mannite,  as  deduced  from  its  heat  of  combustion 
(760  Gal.),  which  was  obtained  by  M.  Eechenberg.     We  thus 

C6  (diamond)  -f  H8  -f  N6  -f  018  gives  off  +  156-5  Gal.  for 
452  grms. 

Sarrau  and  Vieille  deduced  from  the  heat  of  combustion 
of  nitromannite  itself  its  heat  of  formation,  +  165*1  Gal.  for 
452  grms.,  a  value  sufficiently  close  to  the  above  if  we  take 
into  account  the  heats  of  combustion  given  below;  for  the 
difference  between  the  heats  of  combustion  calculated  and  those 
found  by  experiment  does  not  amount  to  one-hundredth. 

The  heat  of  combustion  of  nitromannite  is  the  same  as  its  heat 
of  decomposition,  this  substance  containing,  like  nitroglycerin, 
an  excess  of  oxygen — 

C6H2(HN03)6  =  6C02  +  4H20  +*Na  +  02. 

This  reaction  gives  off,   according  to   calculation,  564  -f-  276 
-  1561  =  +  683-9  Gal.  for  452  grms. 

Sarrau  and  Vieille  found  directly  678'5  Gal.,  or,  for  1  grm., 
1501  cal. 

4.  Heat  of  Formation  of  Nitric  Ethers  in  general 

1.  It  is  desirable  to  treat  here  of  ethers  formed  from  true 
alcohols,  which  have  simple  functions  (p.  268). 


According  to  the  preceding  data,  the  formation  of  a  nitric 
ether,  by  means  of  alcohol  and  nitric  acid,  would  give  off,  on  an 
average,  -h  5  Cal.  for  each  equivalent  of  fixed  nitric  acid.  This 
quantity  may  be  used  to  calculate  the  heat  of  formation  and 
the  heat  of  combustion  of  nitric  ethers  that  have  not  as  yet  been 

2.  Let  us  suppose  an  ether  to  be  formed  from  an  alcohol, 
represented  by  the  letter  K ;  the  ether  being — 

K  +  fiHN03  -  7&H20. 

The  heat  of  formation  of  the  ether  from  its  elements  will  be 
deduced  from  the  heat  of  formation,  A,  of  the  alcohol  by  the 
following  formula: — 

A  -f  41-671  -f  5n  -  697i  =  A-  22'4n. 

It  is  lower  than  the  heat  of  formation  of  the  original  body ; 
a  fact  which  distinguishes  ethers  from  nitro-compounds  (p.  276), 
the  heat  of  formation  of  which,  on  the  contrary,  exceeds  that  of 
the  original  substance  by  +  $n  Cal.  The  difference,  which  is 
31 '4  Cal.  for  each  equivalent  of  fixed  nitric  acid,  denotes  the 
excess  of  energy  of  a  nitric  ether  over  that  of  an  isomeric  nitro- 
derivative,  formed  from  the  same  original  substance ;  benzyl 
nitrate,  for  instance,  as  compared  with  nitrobenzyl  alcohol. 

3.  The  heat  of  decomposition  of  a  nitric  ether  can  thus  be 
calculated  a  priori,  if  its  products  be  known ;  as  in  the  case  in 
which  the  substance  contains  an  excess  of  oxygen. 

4.  The  heat  of  total  combustion  of  a  nitric  ether  is  deduced  in 
all  cases  from  that  of  the  original  alcohol.     This  being  equal  to 
Q,  the  formula  of  the  ether  deduced  from  n  equivalents  of  nitric 
acid  will  contain  riH.  less,  and  its  heat  of  combustion  will  be — 

Q  -  34-5/1  -f  22-4^  =  Q  -  12'ln. 

If,  for  example,  we  take  nitroglycerin  (n  =  3),  we  shall  get 
Q  =  392'5  Cal.,  according  to  M.  Louguinine's  data  for  glycerin. 
The  heat  of  total  combustion  of  nitroglycerin,  calculated  by 
the  formula,  will  then  be  -f-  356-2.  Messrs.  Sarrau  and  Vieille 
found  by  experiment,  +  360*5.  The  discrepancy  amounts  to 
one-hundredth,  and  includes  both  the  error  made  in  the  heat 
of  combustion  of  glycerin  and  also  that  of  nitroglycerin. 

5.  In  order  to  make  these  points  clear,  let  us  calculate,  accord- 
ing to  the  above  formula,  the  formation  of  methyl  nitrate — 

C  +  H3  +  N  +  03  =  CH2(HN03). 

The  formation  of  methyl  alcohol  from  its  elements,  A,  =  62 ;  we 
shall  therefore  get  +  39 '6  for  the  formation  of  methyl  nitratefrom 
the  elements. 

The  heat  of  total  combustion  of  this  ether  will  be — 

+  157-9  for  77  grms.,  or  2050  cal.  for  1  grm. 


Assuming  the  following  equation  to  represent  the  explosive 
decomposition  of  this  ether — 

i[2CH2(HN03)  =  C02  +  CO  +  N2  +  3H20], 
the  heat  disengaged  would  be  +  123'8  Cal.  for  77  grms.     But 
if  we  prefer  to  assume  that  the  decomposition  answers  to  the 
formula — 

J(2C02  +  N2  +  H2  +  2H20), 

we  shall  get  +  1241  Cal.,  which  is,  to  all  intents,  the  same. 
This  gives  for  1  grm.,  1602  cal. 
6.  Let  us  also  take  the  formation  of  ethylene  nitrate — 


A,  =  11T7,  derived  from  the  heat  of  combustion  of  glycol,  as 
observed  by  M.  Louguinine.  The  quantity  4-  66*9  Cal.  for 
1  equivalent  =  152  grms.  thus  expresses  the  heat  of  formation 
from  the  elements. 

The  heat  of  decomposition  will  in  this  case  be  identical  with 
the  heat  of  total  combustion — 

C2H2(HN03)2  =  2C02  +  2H20  +  N2 
gives  off  -f  258-8  Cal.  for  152  grms.,  or,  for  1  grm.,  1956  cal. 

Since  it  does  not  contain  any  excess  of  oxygen,  ethylene 
nitrate  must  therefore  be  an  explosive  substance  with  maximum 

5.  Nitric  Derivatives  from  Complex  Alcohols. 

1.  We  may  now  proceed  to  nitric  derivatives  produced  from 
alcohols  of  complex  function.     The  only  ones  that  have  been 
studied  from  a  thermal  point  of  view  are   cellulose  and  its 
isomers,  which  are  alcoholic  ethers,  themselves  derived  from 
glucose,  an  aldehydic  alcohol.1 

2.  These  compounds,  when  treated  with  water  or  alkalis,  do 
not  decompose  in  a  simple  manner,  i.e.  so  as  to  reproduce  the 
original  nitric  acid  and  cellulose ;   but  give  rise  to   complex 
reactions,   which  are  imperfectly   known,   and  in  which  the 
aldehydic  function  seems  to  play  a  part. 

On  the  other  hand,  when  treated  with  reducing  agents,  so 
as  to  cause  the  destruction  of  the  nitric  acid,  they  reproduce 
the  cellulose,  which  still  retains  its  original  properties. 

3.  The  greater  stability  possessed  by  this  class  of  nitric  de- 
rivatives, when  treated  with  agents  of  hydration,  corresponds, 
as  we  shall  show,  to  the  greater  heat  of  nitration,  i.e.  to  the 
more  considerable  loss  of  energy  in  the  act  of  preparation.2 

Only  two  derivatives  of  this  order  have  been  studied  from  a 
thermal  point  of  view,  viz.  gun-cotton  and  xyloidin. 

1  See  the  author's  "  Traits'  e'le'mentaire  de  Chimie  organique,"  torn.  i.  p.  371. 
1881.    Dunod. 

2  See  the  theorem  on  p.  123. 


6.  Nitrostarch  (Xyloidin). 

1.  This  body  answers  to  the  formula  in  the  following  equa- 
tion :  — 

C6H1006  +  HNOS  =  C6H804(HN03)  +  H20, 

or  rather,  to  a  multiple  of  this  formula,  if  we  admit  that  starch 
is  itself  a  condensed  body,  derived  from  several  molecules  of 
glucose  — 

Since  the  value  of  n  is  not  definitely  known  as  yet,  it  is  con- 
venient, for  the  sake  of  simplicity,  to  reduce  the  data  to  a  value 
of  n  =  1. 

2.  Nitrostarch  was  prepared  from  a  mixture  of  dry  starch  and 
nitric  acid,  sp.  gr.  1*5.     It  was  found  that  the  reaction  — 

C6H1005  +  HN03  =  C6H804(HN03)  +  H20, 

gives  off  12  *4  Cal,  the  nitrostarch  separating  out  in  a  solid 

This  is  almost  the  same  value  for  each  equivalent  of  fixed 
acid  as  we  get  for  gun-cotton. 

It  will  be  noticed  that  this  value  is  double  that  got  for  nitric 
ether  and  nitroglycerin,  while  it  is  only  a  third  of  the  heat 
disengaged  in  the  formation  of  nitrobenzene.  Gun-cotton  and 
xyloidin  behave  as  substances  intermediate  between  nitro-com- 
pounds  and  normal  nitric  ethers  ;  they  also  resist  alkalis  far 
better  than  nitric  ethers. 

3.  The  heat  of  formation  of  nitrostarch  from  its  elements  may 
be  calculated,  if  we  admit,  with  M.  Eechenberg,  that  the  heat 
of  total  combustion  of  starch  is  equal  to  +  726  Cal.  ;  its  heat  of 
formation  will  be  equal  then  to  183  Cal     We  shall  find,  then, 

C6  +  H9  +  N  +  07  gives  off  +  183  +  41-6  +  12-4  -  69  = 

+  168  Cal.  for  207  grms., 
or,  for  1  grm.,  812  cal. 

4.  The  heat  of  decomposition  could  only  be  calculated  if  the 
products  of  this  decomposition  were  given  ;  but  they  have  not 
as  yet  been  studied,  and  the  quantity  of  oxygen  contained  in 
the  compound  is  far  from  being  sufficient  for  its  complete  com- 

5.  The  heat  of  total  combustion  is  equal  to  706'5  Cal.  for  207 
grms.,  or,  for  1  grm.,  3413  cal. 

7.  Pernitro-cellulose,  or  Gun-cotton. 

1.  This  substance  results  from  the  action  of  nitric  acid  upon 
cellulose,  the  latter  being  taken  under  the  particular  form 
of  cotton.  Nitric  acid  replaces  the  elements  of  water  of  the 
cellulose,  without  altering  in  any  way  its  physical  appearance. 


Several  compounds  may  in  this  way  be  formed,  distinguished 
from  each  other  by  the  amount  of  nitric  acid  which  they  contain. 
For  the  sake  of  simplicity  they  are  generally  classified  under 
three  heads — 

Mononitrocellulose  C6H804(HN03) 

Dinitrocellulose        C6H603(HN03)2 

Trinitrocellulose       C6H402(HN03)3 

but  these  proportions  are  not  always  strictly  observed.  As 
a  matter  of  fact,  the  formula  for  cotton  is  higher  than  C6H1005 ; 
it  is  a  multiple  of  this  quantity.  Moreover,  the  quantity  of 
nitric  acid  indicated  by  the  third  formula  is  somewhat  higher 
than  the  maximum  quantity  that  is  ever  united  to  the  cotton ; 
in  fact,  the  latter  falls  appreciably  below  this  value,  according 
to  most  exact  analyses  and  syntheses.  As  no  other  thermal 
experiments  have  as  yet  been  made  with  gun-cotton,  we  pro- 
pose to  discuss  this  compound  in  detail. 

Admitting  the  formula  of  cellulose  to  be  €241140020,  the  for- 
mulae of  gun-cotton  that  best  represent  that  formed  in  the 
experiments  are  the  following: — 

C24H20010(HN03)10)  or  C21H1809(HN03)U. 

The  slight  difference  between  the  two  formulae  is  owing  to 
the  small  quantity  of  carbon  retained  in  the  ashes  under  the 
form  of  carbonate,  which  is  disregarded  in  the  second  formula. 
The  latter,  however,  seems,  on  the  whole,  preferable. 

2.  Gun-cotton   was  prepared  in  a  calorimeter  by  means  of 
nitrosulphuric  acid,  and  under  the  same  conditions  as  those  in 
the  preparation  of  nitrobenzene  (p.  270).    1*188  and  1-241  grm. 
of  dry  cotton  were  used.     The  reaction  being  prolonged,  the 
experiment  was  each  time  stopped  at  the  end  of  twenty  minutes. 
The  gun-cotton  was  then  washed,  dried,  and  weighed,  which 
gave  the  proportion  of  acid  fixed.     This  proportion  was  found  to 
be  somewhat  below  that  corresponding  to  complete  nitration, 
but  the  experiment  had  not  lasted  long  enough  for  this.     In 
each  case  9  equivalents  of  nitric  acid,  instead  of  10  or  11,  were 
fixed  on  to  C24H40020. 

From  the  results  obtained,  we  calculate  the  heat  given  off  to 
be  102  Cal.  for  9HN03;  or,  +  11*4  Gal.  for  each  equivalent  of 
fixed  nitric  acid.  We  may,  therefore,  admit  that  the  fixing  of 
11HN03,  according  to  the  formula 

CU^A,,  +  11HN03  -  11H20, 

would  disengage  4-125*4  Cal. ;  or  +  114  Cal.  for  the  formula 
QJ^Oao  4-  10HN03  -  10H20, 

which  represents  the  conventional  composition  of  gun-cotton. 

3.  The  value  +  11  '4  is  very  near  that  of  +  124  found  for 
nitrostarch,  which  justifies  us  to  a  certain  extent  in  assuming 


that  for  each  nitric  equivalent  fixed  on  to  a  carbohydrate,  a 
heat  of  about  -f-  12  Cal.,  on  an  average,  is  liberated.  This 
value,  it  may  be  repeated,  is  double  that  of  the  heat  of  formation 
of  the  nitric  ethers  properly  so  called. 

4.  In  order  to  deduce  from  this  the  heat  of  formation  of  gun- 
cotton  from  its  elements,  it  would  be  necessary  to  determine  the 
heat  of  formation  of  cotton  itself,  which  is  at  present  unknown. 

5.  Messrs.  Sarrau  and  Vieille  have  measured  the  heat  given  off 
in  the  decomposition  of  gun-cotton.     As  this  varies  with  the  con- 
ditions, they  give  results  for  the  decomposition  that  furnishes 
the  foUowing  products,  15CO  +  9C02  -f  HH  +  UN  +  9H20. 
From  this  we  deduce,  for  the  heat  of  total  combustion  of  gun- 
cotton  — 

QM  +  H48  +  UN  +  °42  (=  1143  grms.),  the  value  -f  633  Cal. 

On  oxidising  the  gun-cotton  by  means  of  ammonium  nitrate, 
they  obtained  a  result  leading  to  +  698  Cal.  The  discrepance 
in  the  two  values  shows  the  difficulty  of  carrying  out  experi- 
ments which  are  of  this  nature,  and  are  based  upon  complicated 
reactions.  The  above  figures  may,  however,  serve  as  approximate 
data  until  the  discovery  of  a  more  definite  method. 

According  to  the  first  value,  the  heat  of  total  combustion  of 
gun-cotton  in  free  oxygen  would  be  562*5  cal.  for  1  grin. 

The  heat  of  formation  from  its  elements  would  be  624  Cal.  for 
1143  grms. 

6.  We  will  now  say  a  few  words  about  the  explosive  decom- 
position of  gun-cotton  conducted  in  a  closed  vessel  and  at 
constant  volume  ;  this  formed  the  subject  of  a  carefully  studied 
and  very  interesting  paper  by  Messrs.  Sarrau  and  Vieille.1 
They  found  that  the  volume  of  the  gases  (reduced  to  0°  and 
760  mms.),  and  also  their  relative  proportion,  vary  with  the 
density  of  charge,  i.e.  with  the  pressure  developed  at  the 
moment  of  the  explosion.  These  are  some  of  the  results  — 

Density  of  charge          ......  0-01  0*023  0'2  0-3 

Volume  of  gases  (reduced)  per 

grm.  of  material        ......  658-5  670-8  682-4  _ 

/CO  49-3  43-3  37-6  34-7 

Composition  of  the  gases  <*>•  *$  J4-6  27-7  30-6 

per  100  volumes                 g  127  172  184  17;4 


0-0  trace  0-6  1-6 

From  this  table  it  follows  that  the  quantities  of  carbonic  acid 
and  hydrogen  increase  with  the  density  of  charge  ;  whereas  that 
of  carbon  monnade  diminishes.  We  notice,  moreover,  the  pro- 
duction of  an  appreciable  and  increasing  quantity  of  marsh  gas. 

1  "  Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  1'  Acad&nie  des  Sciences  "  torn.  xc. 
p.  1058. 



If  we  disregard  it,  the  following  formulae  express  these  facts  :  — 


Density  0-01 
„       0-023 
„       0-21 

33CO  +  15C02  +  8H2  +  21H20  +  11N2 
3000  +  18C02  +  11H2  +  18H20  +  11N2 
2700  +  21C02  +  14H2  +  15H20  +  11N2 
2600  +  22C02  +  15H2  +  14H20  +  11N2 

Thus,  with  low  densities  of  charge,  the  reaction  produces 
volumes  of  carbonic  oxide,  carbonic  acid,  and  hydrogen,  which 
are  represented,  to  all  intents,  by  the  simple  ratio,  4,  2,  1, 
whereas,  under  greater  densities,  the  quantities  produced 
approximate  more  and  more  clearly  to  the  limit — 

24CO  +  24C02  +  17H2  +  12H20  +  UN,. 

We  may  assume  that  the  last  formula  fairly  represents  the 
mode  of  decomposition  realised  under  ordinary  conditions  of 
practice  in  which  gun-cotton,  with  great  densities  of  charge,  is 

It  will  be  observed  that  neither  nitric  oxide  nor  any  other 
nitrous  vapours  are  produced  in  the  explosive  decomposition  of 
gun-cotton  in  a  closed  vessel. 

7.  It  is  otherwise  when  the  gun-cotton  is  ignited  by  means 
of  a  red-hot  wire,  and  the  gases  are  allowed  to  escape  freely, 
under  a  pressure  very  nearly  equal  to  that  of  the  atmosphere, 
so  as  to  prevent  their  being  heated.  Under  these  conditions, 
which  are  those  of  a  miss-fire,  the  above-mentioned  writers 
obtained  per  100  vols. 

K)  24-7 

See  table,  p.  33. 






This  again  shows  the  multiplicity  of  decomposition  that  the 
same  explosive  substance  can  undergo  (see  p.  7). 


(    290    ) 




1.  NITROGENOUS  organic  compounds  are  derived  from  mineral 
substances  containing  nitrogen  by  their  combustion  with  non- 
nitrogenous  substances,  this  combustion  being  accompanied  by 
the  separation  of  the  elements  of  water.1 

We  thus  obtain  —  either  derivatives  from  the  hydrogenated 
compounds  of  nitrogen,  such  as  those  from  ammonia,  alkalis, 
and  amides,  which  were  discussed  in  Chapter  VI.,  and  those 
from  hydroxylamine,  with  which  we  have  nothing  to  do  at  this 
point,  or  derivatives  from  oxygenated  compounds  of  nitrogen, 
such  as  the  nitric  derivatives,  i.e.  the  nitric  ethers  and  nitro- 
compounds  discussed  in  Chapter  VIII.  ;  to  these  we  may  add,  on 
the  same  principle,  nitrous  derivatives,  nitrous  ethers,  nitroso- 
compounds,  not  as  yet  used  as  explosive  substances,  and 
hyponitrous  derivatives,  hardly  known. 

2.  The  hydrogenated  and  oxygenated  compounds  of  nitrogen 
may  also  be  associated  two  and  two,  three  and  three,  etc.,  in 
the  formation  of  the  same  organic  derivative  ;  they  form  bodies 
of  complex  function,  which  are  designated  by  the  names  diazo-, 
triazo-,  etc.,  derivatives. 

Now,  compounds  of  this  order  seem  to  be  called  upon  to  play 
some  part  in  the  application  of  explosive  substances.  Let  us 
take  the  simplest  of  them,  viz.  those  derived  from  ammonia 
and  nitrous  acid,  associated  simultaneously  with  the  same 
organic  compound.  Such  a  one  is  diazobenzene,  derived  from 
phenol  and  the  two  above-mentioned  nitrogenous  compounds  — 

C6H60  +  HN02  +  NH3  -  3H20 
Such  a  body  contains  the  nitrogenous  residues  both  of  ammonia 

1   "  Trait^   &£mentaire   de   Chimie  Organique,"  by  MM.  Berthelot   and 
Jungfleisch,  torn.  ii.  p.  313.     1881.     Dunod. 


and  of  nitrous  acid.  Under  certain  conditions  it  takes  up  the 
elements  of  water,  reproducing  phenol  and  free  nitrogen — 

C6H4N2  +  H20  =  C6H60  +  N2. 

In  this  case  the  nitrogen  is  produced  by  the  reciprocal  reaction 
of  the  two  nitrogenous  components,  precisely  as  in  its  produc- 
tion from  the  direct  reaction  of  ammonia  and  nitrous  acid,  the 
original  generators. 

3.  The  heat  disengaged  in  the  formation  of  a  diazo-compound 
is  far  below  thatfwniciiwould  be  produced  in  the  formation  of 
nitrogen  by  the  direct  reaction  of  ammonia  and  nitrous  acid. 
In  other  words,  the  water  eliminated  in  the  original  reaction 
that  engenders  the  diazo-compound,  did  not  at  the  time  of  its 
formation  give  off  the  same  quantity  of  heat  as  if  it  had  been 
formed  directly  by  the  reaction  of  the  two  nitrogenous  generators 
in  a  free  state.  Thus,  the  diazo-compound  contains  an  excess 
of  energy  which  renders  it  liable  to  sudden  decomposition.  It  is 
a  highly  explosive  body.  This  theory  leads  us  to  foresee  the 
explosive  properties  of  diazo-compounds.  Only  one  of  these 
has,  as  yet,  been  studied  from  this  point  of  view;  namely, 
diazobenzene ;  and  its  properties  fully  bear  out  the  forecasts 
of  this  theory.  For  purposes  of  application  diazobenzene 
nitrate  is  especially  worthy  of  study.  It  is  a  crystalline 
compound,  more  easily  handled  than  diazobenzene  itself,  and 
containing,  besides,  a  greater  amount  of  energy,  on  account 
of  the  additional  presence  of  the  nitric  acid,  which  is  calculated 
to  exercise  an  oxidising  action  upon  the  carbon.  M.  Vieille 
and  the  author  have  studied  its  thermal  and  mechanical 


1.  Diazobenzene  nitrate  is  an  explosive  substance  which  is 
solid  and  crystalline.     It  answers  to  the  formula — 


its  equivalent  being  equal  to  167. 

It  has  been  proposed  to  use  this  body  as  a  priming.  In 
virtue  of  its  various  modes  of  decomposition  it  is  now  employed 
in  industry  in  the  manufacture  of  colouring  matters. 

M.  Vieille  and  the  author  have  studied  its  preparation, 
stability,  density,  and  also  its  detonation  (both  with  respect  to 
the  heat  disengaged  and  also  to  the  nature  of  the  products),  its 
heat  of  combustion  and  of  formation  from  the  elements,  and 
lastly,  the  pressures  developed  by  its  detonation  in  a  closed 
vessel ;  but  the  examination  of  this  last  branch  of  the  subject 
will  be  reserved  for  Book  III. 

2.  Preparation.     Aniline  is   the   starting-point  in  the   pre- 

u  2 


paration  of  diazobenzene ;  that  used  in  the  experiments  was 
of  excellent  quality  as  regards  purity. 

3.  Diazobenzene  nitrate   was   prepared  by   the  well-known 
(Griess's)  process  of  treating  aniline  nitrate  with  nitrous  acid. 
Five  to  6  grms.  of  pure  aniline  nitrate  were  taken.    This  was 
pounded  and  mixed  with  a  little  water,  so  as  to  form  a  paste, 
which  was  placed  in  a  tube  surrounded  with  a  refrigerating  mix- 
ture.  A  current  of  nitrous  acid  was  then  slowly  introduced  into 
it,  the  mixture  being  continually  stirred,  so  as  to  carefully  avoid 
any  heating.    The  liquid  at  first  turns  a  deep  red,  but  afterwards 
assumes  a  lighter  tint.   As  soon  as  it  begins  to  give  off  nitrogen 
the  operation  is  stopped.     We  then  add  to  the  liquid  its  own 
volume  of  alcohol,  and  subsequently  an  excess  of  ether,  which 
precipitates  diazobenzene  nitrate.     The  latter  is  washed  upon  a 
cloth  with  pure  ether;  it  is  then  pressed  and  dried  in  vacuo. 
In  this  way  67  per  cent,  of  the  theoretical  yield  was  obtained. 

4.  Stability.     Diazobenzene  nitrate  placed  in    a   dry  atmo- 
sphere, and  protected  from  the  light,  has  been  preserved  for  two 
months  and  longer,  without  alteration,     When  exposed  to  day- 
light, it  becomes   pink,  and   then    changes  more   and   more, 
although  slowly. 

This  alteration  is  much  more  marked  under  the  influence  of 
moisture;  the  compound  first  emits  an  odour  of  phenol,  and 
assumes  a  peculiar  tint ;  then,  after  a  time,  it  expands,  becoming 
black  and  giving  off  gases.  Merely  breathing  upon  this  com- 
pound will  cause  it  to  turn  red. 

On  contact  with  water,  it  is  immediately  destroyed,  giving  off 
nitrogen,  phenol,  and  various  other  products — 

C6H5N2N03  +  H20  =  C6H60  +  N2  +  HN03. 

Diazobenzene  nitrate  is  quite  as  sensitive  to  a  shock  as  mercuric 
fulminate;  when  struck  by  a  hammer,  or  rubbed  rather 
vigorously,  it  detonates.  It  is  much  more  susceptible  to  the 
influence  of  moisture  and  light  than  the  fulminate. 

5.  When  heated  beyond  90°,  diazobenzene  nitrate  detonates 
with  extreme  violence.     Below  this  temperature  it  decomposes 
gradually  and  without  detonation ;  at  least,  when  it  is  heated 
in  small  quantities.     We  see  by  this  that  diazobenzene  nitrate 
is   much  more   sensitive  to  heat  than  mercuric  fulminate — a 
compound  whose  point  of  deflagration  under  the  same  conditions 
is  about  195°. 

6.  Density.    The  density  of  diazobenzene   nitrate   has  been 
found  to  be  equal  to  1/37,  by  means  of  the  volumenometer, 
or  one-third  that  of  the  fulminate.      A  high  pressure  slowly 
brought  to  bear  on  this  body  brings  it  to  an  apparent  density 
approximating  to  unity. 

7.  Composition.      0*5  grm.  burnt  by  detonation  in  an  atmo- 
sphere  of   pure   oxygen,  gave  the    theoretical    proportion   of 


carbonic  acid  to  within  about  3  J0th  (less).  There  was  neither 
carbon  monoxide  nor  any  other  combustible  gas  in  the  residue. 
Experiments  were  made  with  0'5  grm.,  suspended  by  means 
of  a  metallic  wire,  capable  of  being  made  red-hot  by  an  electric 
current,  in  the  centre  of  a  platinum  vessel  filled  with  pure 
oxygen.  The  average  of  two  experiments  gave  0*4296  carbonic 
acid ;  the  quantity  calculated  being  0'43  grm. 

8.  Heat  of  formation  from  the  elements.     According  to  the 
total  heat  of  combustion,  which  will  be  given  further  on — 

C6  (diamond)  +  H6  +  N3  +  03  =  C6H5N2N03,  absorbs  -  47'7  Cal. 

The  formation  of  nitric  acid,  H  +  N  +  30  =  HN03  (liquid), 
gives  off  +  41*6  Cal. ;  we  therefore  conclude  that,  taking  into 
account  the  nitric  acid  previously  existing — 

C6  +  H4  +  N2  +  HN03  (liquid)  =  C6H^N2N03  absorbs  -  89  Cal. 

This  value  gives  a  more  exact  notion  of  the  heat  of  formation 
of  diazobenzene  itself.  But  we  have  to  subtract  from  it  the 
heat  disengaged  by  the  combination  of  the  diazobenzene  with 
the  nitric  acid.  But  free  diazobenzene  is  itself  a  liquid  body, 
too  imperfectly  defined  to  have  enabled  one  to  study  it. 

However  this  may  be,  these  negative  values  correspond  very 
well  with  the  explosive  properties  so  characteristic  of  this 

The  decomposition  of  diazobenzene  nitrate  by  means  of  water, 
with   the  reproduction  of  dissolved  phenol  and  dilute  nitric^ 
acid — 

C6H5N2N03  +  H20  =  C6H60  +  N2  +  HN03  (diluted), 

gives  off  +  1081  Cal. 

9.  Heat  of  detonation.      This  term  is   used   to  express  the 
heat  given  off  by  the  simple  explosion  of  diazobenzene  nitrate, 
an  explosion  that  gives  rise  to  complex  products. 

This  explosion  was  effected  in  an  atmosphere  of  nitrogen,  in  a 
steel  bomb  lined  with  platinum ;  it  was  ignited  by  means  of 
the  galvanic  heating  of  a  fine  platinum  wire.  The  nitrate  was 
placed  in  a  little  tin  cartridge,  which  was  suspended  in  the 
centre  of  the  bomb,  so  as  to  avoid  local  actions  arising  out  of 
contact  with  the  walls. 

The  results  (in  two  experiments  which  were  made  upon 
1-6  grms.)  were :  688'9  and  686-6  Cal.;  the  mean  being  687*7  Cal. 
per  kgm.,  or  6877  cal.  per  grm.  This  gives  for  an  equi- 
valent (=  167  grins.)  4-  114*8  Cal.,  at  a  constant  volume. 

10.  The  volumes  (reduced)  of  the  gases  produced  were  815*7 
and    820    litres ;    average  =  817*8   litres  per  kgm.,   or  136*6 
litres  per  equivalent  (167  grms.). 

11.  Under  the  conditions  of  the  experiments  that  were  made. 


i.e.  with  a  low  density  of  charge,  the  composition  of  these  gases 
was  as  follows : — 



3-2  or,  for  136-6  litres  .  4-4 

48-65                „  .  66-4 

2-15                 „  .  2-9 

27-7                 „  .  37-9 

18-3                „  .  25-0 

100-0  136-6 

It  may  be  observed  in  this  explosive  decomposition— 
(a)  That    a  considerable   quantity   of   hydrocyanic   acid  is 

(&)  That  the  whole  of  the  oxygen,  to  within  about  one-hun- 
dredth, is  found  as  carbon  monoxide ;  i.e.  the  carbon  takes  up 
all  the  oxygen,  while  water  is  not  formed  to  any  appreciable 
extent  in  the  detonation. 

(c)  That  only  three  quarters  of  the  nitrogen  is  disengaged  in  a 
free  state,  one-fifteenth  being  given  off  as  hydrocyanic  acid.     The 
remainder  is  contained  in  the  carbonaceous  products  of  the  ex- 
plosion; a  fraction,  however — about  one-fifth  of  the   surplus 
nitrogen — is  found  condensed  as  ammonia,  as  will  be  shown  pre- 
sently ;  but,  all  allowance  being  made,  the  greater  part  (about 
half  an  equivalent)  remains  united  with  the  carbon,  under  the 
form  of  a  special  fixed  nitrogenous  compound. 

(d)  That  the  free  hydrogen  amounts  to  almost  three  and  a  half 
equivalents  out  of  the  five  equivalents  that  the  substance  con- 
tained ;  one  half  equivalent  goes  to  form  marsh  gas,  another 
half  equivalent  goes  to  form  ammonia  and  hydrocyanic  acid,  and 
the  last  half  equivalent  remains  united  with  the  carbon. 

(e)  That  exactly  half  the  carbon  forms  carbon  monoxide.     A 
ninth  of  the  remainder  goes  to  form  hydrocyanic  acid  and  marsh 

(/)  That  the  solid  residue  contains  nearly  half  (|)  its  weight 
of  carbon.  A  ninth  of  the  remainder  enters  into  the  acid  and 
marsh  gas.  The  gross  composition  of  the  residue  approximates 
pretty  closely  to  the  proportions  represented  by  C5H2N2 ;  it  is 
therefore  a  carbon  rich  in  nitrogen  and  hydrogen,  combined 
under  the  form  of  condensed  and  polymerised  bodies  of  the 
paracyanogen  type. 

(g)  That  the  gaseous  products  comprise,  according  to  the 
calculation  of  the  preceding  analyses,  75*9  per  cent.,  by  weight, 
of  the  substance.  A  direct  experiment  effected  by  observing 
the  loss  of  weight  of  the  apparatus  when  the  gases  are  allowed 
to  escape  freely  after  the  explosion,  gave  75*6. 

(Ti)  That,  therefore,  the  solid  residue  comprises  241  per  cent, 
by  weight.  It  exists  as  charcoal  reduced  to  an  impalpable 
powder  which  is  very  voluminous  and  emits  an  ammoniacal 
odour.  The  quantitative  analysis  of  free  ammonia  in  the 


residue  was  effected  without  heat  by  means  of  the  Schloesing 
process,  when  it  was  found  to  represent  'Oil  grm.  per  gramme 
of  the  explosive  compound.  In  the  gases  themselves,  we  found 
0*00042  grm.  of  ammonia. 

12.  The  following  table  sums  up  these  results,  the  weights 
being  expressed  in  parts  per  thousand : — 

Nitrogen  ...- 
Oxygen    ... 


Carbon     ...H 

Gaseous  proc 
Residue  ... 

1  in  the  form  of  HCN 

I  combined  in  the  charcoal     ... 
in  the  form  of  CO 

16-7  [  215-5  ) 
9-2)              }•  251-2 
35-6  j 
20-5  \ 

fl       26*9) 
2:o)                   29'9 
3-0  * 
14-3  \  239-6  ) 
9-5J              >  431-3 
230-3  J 

in  the  form  of  CH4 

jj                    5)           -tlv^JM                          ... 

„     NH3 
combined  in  the  charcoal     ... 
'  in  the  form  of  CO 
„    HCN 
„          „    CH4 
„          „    fixed  matter 

nets         ...    769-7  1  1000 

The  result,  769*7,  is  higher  than  the  weight  of  gas  given  above 
(758-6),  as  it  includes  the  ammonia. 

13.  Equation  of  decomposition.     We  see,  from  this  table  and 
from  the  discussion  that  arose  when  these  gases  were  being 
studied,   that,  if  we   disregard  the   complications   caused  by 
secondary  formations  (hydrocyanic  acid,  ammonia,  marsh  gas), 
the  principal  reaction  is  reduced  to  the  following : — 

C6H5N2N03  =  SCO  +  3C  +  5H  +  3K 

In  reality,  about  one-tenth  of  the  carbon  that  is  not  combined 
with  the  oxygen,  remains  united  with  the  hydrogen  and  nitrogen, 
in  a  gaseous  form,  constituting  marsh  gas  and  hydrocyanic  acid. 
One-third  of  the  hydrogen  goes  to  form  these  same  gases, 
together  with  ammonia  and  fixed  compounds.  Lastly,  one- 
fourth  of  the  nitrogen  goes  to  form  ammonia,  hydrocyanic  acid, 
and  nitrogenised  charcoal. 

14.  The  simple  decomposition  of  diazobenzene  nitrate  so  as 
to  give  carbon  monoxide  and  free  elements — 

SCO  +  3C  (diamond)  +  5H  +  3tf, 

should  disengage  201*6  Cal.  at  constant  pressure ;  i.e.  204*7  Cal. 
at  constant  volume  according  to  the  heat  of  total  combustion, 
instead  of  -f  114'8,  which  was  actually  found.  This  proves  that 
the  formation  of  secondary  products  has  absorbed  —  8 9 '9  Cal. 

Such  an  absorption  of  heat  results  principally  from  the  forma- 
tion of  the  nitrogenised  charcoal ;  the  exothermal  formation  of 
ammonia  and  marsh  gas  almost  counterbalancing  the  endo- 
thermal  formation  of  hydrocyanic  acid. 


This  fact  is  in  accordance  with  the  general  result ;  according 
to  which  the  carburets,  that  are  only  slightly  hydrogenated,  and 
the  carbonaceous  substances,  retain  a  considerable  portion  of  the 
energy  of  their  complex  generators  ;  their  energy  exceeds  more 
or  less  that  of  the  elements  themselves. 

This  remark,  which  was  at  first  made  concerning  acetylene, 
has  a  very  wide  application  in  pyrogeneous  decompositions ;  it 
explains  the  singular  conditions  under  which  certain  endothermal 
compounds  are  generated,  at  the  very  moment  that  organic  com- 
pounds are  destroyed  by  heat. 

15.  Seat  of  total  combustion.  Combustion  was  started  by 
galvanic  ignition  of  a  fine  platinum  wire,  in  an  atmosphere  of 
pure  oxygen.  It  gave  off,  for  167grms.  (1  equiv.),  +  783 -9  Cal. 
at  constant  volume  (two  experiments),  which  gives  782*9  Cal. 
at  constant  pressure ;  or,  for  1  grm.,  469 f4  cal.  at  constant 

If  the  oxidation  is  complete,  the  reaction  may  be  represented 
by  the  following  equation  : — 

i[2C6H5N2N03+  230  =  12C02  +  5H20  +  3NJ 

The  Jieat  of  combustion  lyy  oxygen  with  reproduction  of  nitric 
acid — 

C6H5lSraN03  +  702  =  6C02  +  2H20  +  1ST2  +  HlSTOg, 

would  give  off,  in  addition,  the  heat  of  formation  of  nitric  acid 
combined  with  two  equivalents  of  water — 

HN03,  2H20, 
or  +  46-6 ;  altogether  +  829'5  Cal. 

(  297  ) 



1.  WE  know  the  part  played  by  mercuric  fulminate  in  the 
manufacture  of  priming.  This  compound  probably  belongs  to 
the  class  of  diazo-compounds.  M.  Vieille  and  the  author  have 
studied  its  heat  of  decomposition,  from  which  may  be  determined 
the  heat  of  formation. 

2.  The  fulminate  used  in  our  experiments  was  taken  from  the 
regulation  detonators  used  by  the  Government.     These  deto- 
nators contain  1/5  grm.  of  fulminate,  and  are  manufactured  at 

3.  Its  analysis  gave — 


C        ...        8-35  C        ...        8-45 

0        ...      11-05  0        ...      11-30 

N       ...        9-60  N       ...        9-85 

Hg      ...      71-30  Hg     ...      70-40 

100-34  100-0 

The  mercury  was  weighed  as  sulphide,  the  substance  having 
previously  been  oxidised  by  means  of  hydrochloric  acid  and 
potassium  chlorate.  It  is  slightly  in  excess.  This  fact  arises 
from  the  presence  of  a  small  quantity  of  metallic  mercury 
mechanically  mixed  with  the  substance. 

The  nitrogen  and  hydrogen  were  determined  volumetrically 
after  detonation  of  the  substance.  The  hydrogen  may  be  dis- 
regarded, its  presence  being  due  to  some  accidental  circumstance. 
The  carbon  and  oxygen  were  determined  together,  as  carbon 
monoxide  after  detonation,  by  which  only  slight  traces  of 
carbonic  acid  are  produced.  In  fact,  five  experiments  gave  for 
one  gramme  of  the  substance,  234'2  cc.,  containing,  per  100 
volumes — 

C02          ...  0-15 

CO  ...  65-70 
N  ...  32-26 
H  1-80 

Theory  requires  235 '6  cc. 


The  detonation  should  be  effected  in  an  atmosphere  of 
nitrogen  in  order  to  avoid  the  partial  oxidation  of  the  carbon 

4.  Heat    of    decomposition.      Detonation,    effected    in    the 
calorimetric  bomb,  gave  for  one  equivalent  (  =  284  grms.)  4- 
116  Gal.  at  constant  volume,  which  corresponds  to  the  following 
decomposition : — 

CHg(N02)CN  =  200  +  N2  +  Hg, 

or  114*5  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  which  for  one  grm.  =  403 

According  to  this  equation,  only  carbon  monoxide,  nitrogen, 
and  mercury  vapour  are  formed.  One  only  of  these  bodies  is  a 
compound ;  it  is  stable  and  not  susceptible  of  dissociation,  which 
accounts  for  the  suddenness  of  the  explosion.  Moreover,  the 
heat  is  disengaged  at  first,  and  all  the  gases  are  produced  without 
the  occurrence  during  cooling  of  any  progressive  recombination, 
which  would  tend  to  moderate  the  expansion  and  diminish  the 
violence  of  the  first  shock. 

The  condensation  of  the  mercury  vapour,  however,  exercises 
an  influence  of  this  kind ;  but  only  after  the  principal  cooling 
has  lowered  the  temperature  below  360°. 

5.  Heat  of  formation  from  the  elements.     From  the  above 
data  we  find  that 

C2  (diamond)  +  Hg  +  N2  +  02 

absorbs  +  51*6  -  114*5  =  -  62*9  Cal.  for  284  grms. 

There  is,  therefore,  absorption  of  heat  in  the  formation  of  the 
fulminate — a  property  in  concordance  with  the  explosive 
character  of  the  substance. 

6.  Heat  of  total  combustion.    Admitting  the  following  re- 

CHg(N02)C£T  +  02  =  2C02  +  Hg  +  N2, 

we  shall  get  +  250 -9  Cal.  for  one  equivalent ;  or  for  one  grm., 
883  cal. 

This  combustion  may  be  effected,  in  the  case  of  primings,  by 
mixing  potassium  chlorate  with  the  fulminate,  which  causes 
the  heat  disengaged  to  amount  to  +  262*9  Cal.  per  equivalent. 
But  in  this  instance  we  are  heating  406*6  grms.  of  material 
instead  of  284  grms ;  we  get  then  for  one  grm.,  647  cal. 

We  should  also  note  the  effects  of  expansion,  due  to  the  dis- 
sociation of  the  carbonic  acid,  which  renders  the  mixture  less 
sudden  in  its  effects  than  pure  fulminate. 

(    299    ) 




series  of  compounds  in  chemistry  are  of  greater  importance 
than  that  of  cyanogen,  owing  to  the  nature  of  the  compound 
radical  that  constitutes  the  characteristic  pivot  of  the  series.  It 
is  the  only  electro-negative  radical  that  has,  up  to  the  present, 
been  isolated.  The  exceptional  properties  of  simple  cyanides, 
with  their  resemblance  to  the  salts  of  the  halogen  elements,  and 
the  still  more  singular  properties  of  the  double  cyanides,  add  to 
the  interest  of  the  cyanogen  series.  Several  of  the  compounds 
derived  from  it  are  employed  in  the  manufacture  of  explosives. 

In  1871,  1875,  and  finally  in  1879  and  1881,  the  author 
devoted  long  courses  of  experiments  to  the  thermal  study  of 
this  series,  which  are  published  in  the  "  Annals  de  Chimie  et 
de  Physique,"  5e  serie,  torn.  v.  p.  433;  and  torn,  xxiii.  pp. 
178,  252. 

These  experiments,  which  were  commenced  during  the  spring 
and  summer  of  1871,  partly  at  Versailles  and  partly  at  Paris,  in 
the  midst  of  the  tumults  of  that  year  of  trouble,  presented 
great  difficulties  and  even  serious  dangers,  for  it  was  necessary 
to  use  pure  hydrocyanic  acid  and  liquefied  cyanogen  chloride, 
which  are  the  most  poisonous  substances  known. 

The  calculation  of  the  fundamental  quantities  is  based 
principally  on  the  measurements  that  were  made  of  the  heats 
of  formation  of  cyanogen,  hydrocyanic  acid,  potassium  cyanate, 
and  cyanogen  chloride.  The  experiments  on  which  the  calcula- 
tion of  these  quantities  was  based  will  be  given  in  full.  But 
various  alterations  have  been  made  in  the  values  deduced  from 
them,  principally  on  account  of  the  complication  caused  in  the 
calculations  by  the  intervention  of  the  heat  of  formation  of 
ammonia.  It  has  already  been  shown  (pp.  237-242)  to  what 
degree  the  former  estimates  of  this  quantity  were  inaccu- 
rate, and  the  methods  employed  to  rectify  them.  In  1882, 


M.  Joannis  completed  the  author's  results,  in  the  laboratory  of 
the  latter,  by  a  prolonged  study  of  various  simple  cyanides, 
ferrocyanides,  ferricyanides,  and  sulphocyanides.  His  paper 
will  be  found  in  full,  in  the  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique," 
5e  se"rie,  torn.  xxvi.  p.  482.  The  author's  results  concerning 
explosive  substances  have  been  given  in  table  x.,  p.  132. 

§  2.  CYANOGEN. 

1.  The  heat  of  formation  of  cyanogen  has  been  measured  in 
two  ways — by  ordinary  combustion  and  by  detonation.     The 
following  is  the  principle  upon  which  the  calculation  is  based. 
The  heat  of  formation  required  depends  on  the  heat  of  formation 
of  carbonic  acid,  which  is  regarded  as  equal  to  94  Cal.  for 

C  (diamond)  +  02  =  C02. 

On  subtracting  twice  this  quantity  from  the  heat  of  com- 
bustion of  cyanogen,  referred  to  the  weight,  which  answers  to  the 
equation — 

C2N2  +  202  =  2C02  +  N* 

the  difference  represents  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  decomposi- 
tion of  the  cyanogen.  Consequently,  this  same  difference  taken 
with  the  opposite  sign,  expresses  the  heat  absorbed  in  the  com- 
bination of  the  carbon  and  nitrogen. 

2.  It  is  convenient  to  begin  with  ordinary  combustion,  by 
means  of  which  the  following  results  were  obtained. 

The  combustion  of  cyanogen  by  pure  oxygen  is  easily  effected 
in  the  little  glass  combustion  vessel  shown  on  p.  241.  With 
a  suitable  excess  of  oxygen  there  is  no  formation  of  carbon 
monoxide ;  so  that  we  are  at  once  enabled  to  deduce  the  weight 
of  cyanogen  consumed  from  the  weight  of  carbonic  acid  which 
is  formed  and  collected  in  a  bulbed  tube  (into  which  is  subse- 
quently introduced  a  lump  of  solid  potash). 

This  combustion,  however,  presents  a  complication  owing 
to  the  formation  of  a  little  nitric  peroxide.  This  body  is 
absorbed  by  the  potash,  together  with  the  carbonic  acid;  its 
weight  should  therefore  be  deducted.  To  do  this,  it  is  deter- 
mined by  consecutive  operations.  For  example,  assuming  that 
the  original  nitric  peroxide  has,  on  contact  with  the  potash, 
been  converted  into  nitrous  and  nitric  acids,  we  can  then  titrate 
the  nitrous  acid  by  means  of  potassium  permanganate.  The 
correction  resulting  from  this  is  not  of  much  importance ;  in  the 
author's  experiments  it  varied  from  one  to  three  hundredths  of 
the  total  weight  of  the  carbonic  acid.  This  correction  involves 
another  of  still  less  importance,  based  on  the  fact  that  the 
formation  of  nitric  peroxide  from  its  elements  causes  an 
absorption  of  heat  (—  2*6)  which  should  be  added  to  that 


obtained  by  the  calorimeter;  but  this  new  addition  is  insig- 

On  calculation,  the  following  values,  referred  to  26  grms.  of 
cyanogen,  were  obtained  : — 

Weight  of  cyanogen 

•419  grm 133-2  Cal. 

•630    „  130-0    „ 

•574    „  131-3    „ 

•732    „  129-6    „ 

Mean        ...        131-6 

i.e.  for  52  grms.  (=  C2N2)  -f  263'2  Cal. 

3.  The  author  had  also  recourse  to  detonation  in  the  calori- 
metric  bomb  (p.  148).  In  this  way,  the  value  +  261*8  was 
obtained.  This  result  was  obtained  at  constant  volume,  but 
it  also  applies  to  combustion  at  constant  pressure ;  the  com- 
bustion of  cyanogen  not  giving  rise  to  any  change  of  volume. 

It  will  be  convenient  to  adopt  the  mean  of  the  two  results, 
viz.  -f  262 '5  Cal.  Thomsen,  who  has  repeated  these  experi- 
ments quite  recently,  and  after  the  publication  of  the  above 
results,  obtained  +  261'3,  which  comes  as  near  as  can  be  expected. 

Dulong  had  obtained  in  1843  -f  270  Cal. :  the  discrepancy 
in  this  value  will  not  seem  excessive,  when  we  take  into  con- 
sideration to  what  perfection  calorimetric  methods  have  been 
brought  since  that  time. 

From  results  made,  it  follows  that 

C2  (diamond)  4-  N2  absorbs  —  74*5. 

If  the  carbon  is  supposed  to  be  in  the  condition  of  charcoal,  we 
should  only  get  —  68 -5.  Thus  cyanogen,  CN,  like  acetylene, 
CH,1  nitric  oxide,  NO,  and  all  other  substances  acting  as  true 
compound  radicals,  is  a  body  formed  with  absorption  of  heat ; 
a  circumstance  to  which  attention  has  already  been  called  more 
than  once,  as  it  seems  calculated  to  account  for  the  very 
character  of  this  real  compound  radical,  which  manifests  in  its 
combinations  an  energy  greater  than  that  of  its  free  elements. 
The  energy  of  these  latter  is  increased  by  this  absorption  of  heat, 
instead  of  being  weakened,  as  is  the  case  in  combinations  that 
give  off  heat,  and  this  increase  of  energy  renders  the  compound 
system  comparable  to  the  more  active  elements. 


1.  The  heat  of  formation  of  hydrocyanic  acid  is  deduced  by 
means  of  three  methods,  or  series  of  independent  measurements, 
the  results  of  which  agree. 

1  Acetylene  and  cyanogen  are  here  considered  under  the  same  volume  as 
the  simple  radicals  H  and  Cl. 


The  author  first  took,  in  1871,  as  his  starting-point — 

(a)  The  conversion  of  hydrocyanic  acid  into  formic  acid  and 

(Z>)  The  conversion  of  mercuric  cyanide  by  gaseous  chlorine 
and  alkalis  into  carbonic  acid,  hydrochloric  acid,  mercuric 
chloride,  and  ammonium  chloride. 

These  two  methods  are  based  upon  the  employment  of  the 
wet  process.  They  require  the  knowledge  of  a  great  many 
auxiliary  data,  and  especially  of  the  heat  of  formation  of 
ammonia.  Now,  the  heat  of  formation  of  ammonia  as  adopted 
in  the  first  calculations,  according  to  Thomson's  measurements, 
which  were  then  universally  accepted,  was  reputed  to  be  equal 
to  +  35'15  (NH3  in  solution).  As  this  number  should  be 
reduced  to  +  21,  according  to  later  conclusions  (p.  242),  the 
correctness  of  which  Thomsen  has  himself  acknowledged,  it 
became  necessary  to  deduct  the  difference  between  these  two 
values,  i.e.  14*15,  from  the  heat  of  formation  (from  the  elements) 
of  hydrocyanic  acid  and  also  from  that  of  cyanides.  But  it  was 
thought  necessary  to  check  this  correction  by  measuring  the 
heat  of  formation  of  hydrocyanic  acid  by  means  of  experiments 
of  another  order,  which  are  quite  independent  of  the  heat  of 
formation  of  ammonia,  and  in  which  the  number  of  auxiliary 
data  was  as  limited  as  possible. 

(c)  This  purpose  was  effected  by  burning  a  mixture  of  hydro- 
cyanic acid  gas  and  oxygen  by  detonation  in  the  calorimetric 
bomb — 

2HCN  +  50  =  2C02  +  N2  +  H20. 

Three  data  only  are  required  in  this  case,  viz.  the  heats  of 
combustion  of  carbon,  hydrogen,  and  hydrocyanic  acid.  The 
experiments  made  according  to  this  method  will  be  described 

2.  First  Method. — Combustion  of  hydrocyanic  acid.  Pure  liquid 
hydrocyanic  acid  is  introduced,  by  distillation,  into  little  phials 
of  thin  glass,  care  being  taken  to  keep  the  weight  of  the  acid 
within  suitable  limits  ('14  to  *1 5  of  a  gramme  in  these  experi- 
ments). These  limits  are  regulated  by  the  capacity  of  the 
calorimetric  bomb,  the  tension  of  hydrocyanic  acid  vapour  at 
the  temperature  of  the  experiment,  and  the  necessity  of  intro- 
ducing into  the  bomb  a  sufficient  amount  of  oxygen  to  obtain 
total  combustion.  The  tension  of  hydrocyanic  gas  being  about 
•59  of  a  metre  at  18°,  i.e.  almost  three-quarters  that  of  the 
atmosphere,  it  is  easy  to  fulfil  the  conditions  required. 

The  phial,  sealed  up  and  weighed,  furnishes  the  exact  weight 
of  hydrocyanic  acid.  This  phial  is  carefully  placed  in  the 
bomb,  which  is  then  closed,  and  filled,  by  means  of  an  orifice, 
with  pure  dry  oxygen  at  a  suitable  pressure.  The  orifice  is 
then  carefully  closed,  and  the  phial  containing  the  hydrocyanic 


acid  broken  to  pieces  by  being  violently  shaken.  The  acid  is 
thus  wholly  converted  into  gas  and  constitutes  with  the  oxygen 
a  detonating  mixture. 

This  being  done,  the  bomb  is  placed  in  the  calorimeter,  and 
thermal  equilibrium  established ;  we  note  the  progress  of  the 
thermometer  and  then  proceed  to  detonate  the  mixture. 
After  the  detonation,  we  again  follow  the  progress  of  the 
thermometer.  The  gas  is  then  extracted  by  means  of  a  mercury 
pump,  and  caused  to  pass  first  through  a  drying  apparatus,  and 
then  through  tubes  containing  potash.  The  bomb  is  then 
purified  by  filling  it  several  times  with  dry  air,  which  is  also 
passed  through  the  same  tubes,  so  as  to  extract  the  whole  of  the 
carbonic  acid. 

This  can  thus  be  weighed,  which  affords  a  valuable  check  on 
the  combustion. 

Special  trials  showed  that  the  quantity  of  nitrous  compounds 
formed  in  the  combustion  was  negligable,  but  that  a  trace  of 
hydrocyanic  acid  always  escaped.  The  latter  was  determined 
each  time  in  the  potash,  after  the  weighing;  it  amounted  to 
between  half  a  hundredth  and  a  hundredth  of  the  original  weight. 
This  was  taken  into  account. 

These  points  having  been  settled,  the  heat  disengaged  was 
calculated  in  two  ways ;  either  by  considering  it  in  relation  to 
the  weight  of  hydrocyanic  acid  employed  (minus  the  trace 
which  is  not  oxidised),  or  to  the  weight  of  carbonic  acid 
obtained  (with  the  same  deduction).  The  list  of  results  observed 
may  be  given.  The  heat  absorbed,  owing  to  the  tension  of  the 
aqueous  vapour  in  the  bomb  at  the  temperature  of  the  experi- 
ment, was  taken  into  account ;  also  +  0'4  was  added  to  all  the 
results  obtained,  in  order  to  allow  for  the  fact  that  the  detona- 
tion was  effected  at  constant  volume.  The  heats  of  combustion 
given  below  are  supposed  to  be  obtained  at  constant  pressure. 
We  will  now  give  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  combustion  of 
27  grms.  of  gaseous  hydrocyanic  acid  (HCN  =  27  grins.),  effected 
by  means  of  free  oxygen  at  constant  pressure. 

According  to  the  final  weight  According  to  the  initial  weight 

of  the  hydrocyanic  acid.  of  the  carbonic  acid. 

158-9  163-4 

160-0  161-3 

154-2  155-6 

159-0  160-4 

160-1  160-3 

Mean    ...  158-4  Mean     ...  160-2 

The  general  mean,  159'3,  of  the  two  calculations  will  be 
adopted.  Thomsen,  according  to  results  which  he  published 
after  those  just  given,  obtained  by  ordinary  combustion 
-j-  159*5,  a  value  agreeing  with  that  of  the  author  as  closely  as 
could  be  expected. 


It  is  a  fact  worthy  of  mention  that  this  number  exceeds  the 
united  heats  of  combustion  of  the  carbon  and  hydrogen  con- 
tained in  the  hydrocyanic  acid,  whatever  form  the  carbon  may 
be  in. 

C  (diamond)  +  02  =  C02     +  94  (charcoal)      +    97 
£[H2  +  0  =  H20  (liquid)]    +  34-5      „  +    34-5 

+  128-5  +  131-5 

According  to  these  figures  and  this  method,  the  formation  of 
hydrocyanic  gas  from  its  elements,  H  +  C  -f  N  =  HCN,  absorbs 
+  128-5  -  159-3  =  -  30-2  when  the  carbon  is  in  the  form  of 
diamond,  and  -  27*2  when  it  is  in  the  form  of  charcoal. 

3.  Second  Method. — Conversion  of  the  hydrocyanic  acid  into 
formic  acid  and  ammonia.  This  change  is  effected  by  means  of 
concentrated  hydrochloric  acid.  In  addition  to  the  data  con- 
cerned in  the  direct  experiment  we  must  also  have  the  heat  of 
formation  of  ammonia,  the  heat  of  combination  of  this  base  with 
hydrochloric  acid,  the  heat  of  dilution  of  hydrochloric  acid, 
and,  lastly,  the  heat  of  combustion  of  formic  acid,  carbon,  and 
hydrogen,  so  that  we  have,  in  all,  six  auxiliary  data. 

A  known  weight  of  pure  hydrocyanic  acid  was  decomposed 
in  the  calorimeter  by  means  of  very  concentrated  hydrochloric 
acid.  When  the  change  was  effected,  it  was  proved  to  be  com- 
plete or  practically  so ;  the  mixture  was  diluted  with  a  large 
quantity  of  water,  and  the  new  quantity  of  heat  evolved 
measured.  In  a  similar  way  was  measured  the  heat  disengaged 
by  the  mixing  of  the  same  quantities  of  concentrated  hydro- 
chloric acid  and  water. 

From  this  was  deduced  the  quantity  of  heat  that  would  be 
disengaged  by  the  following  reaction : — 

HCN  (pure  and  liquid)  +  HC1  (diluted)  +2H20  =  H2C02  (in 
solution)  f  NH4C1  (in  solution);  or  -f  1115  Cal. 

Experiments. — Some  details  of  one  of  the  experiments  taken 
as  a  type  may  now  be  given. 

Preliminary  operations. — The  calorimeter  contains  500  cms. 
of  water.  It  is  placed  in  a  double  enclosure,  in  the  centre  of  a 
quantity  of  water,  the  temperature  of  which  is  exactly  the  same, 
i.e.  to  within  0*1  of  a  degree,  as  that  of  the  water  in  the  calori- 
meter, and  that  of  the  room  in  which  the  experiment  is  being 
performed.  This  point  is  essential. 

In  the  centre  of  the  calorimeter  is  placed  a  little  cylinder  of 
thin  platinum,  of  a  capacity  of  about  50  cms.,  with  no  opening 
at  the  base,  and  closed  at  the  top  by  means  of  a  cork  coated 
with  paraffin.  This  cylinder  floats  in  the  water  of  the  calori- 
meter, in  which  it  is  immersed  nearly  up  to  its  top.  We  first 
introduce  into  it  35  grms.  of  hydrochloric  acid,  which  is  concen- 


trated  but  not  saturated ;  then  we  place  in  the  same  cylinder  a 
glass  phial  containing  1*591  grm.  of  absolutely  pure  hydro- 
cyanic acid — the  phial  itself  weighs  1*568  grm. — it  is  very  thin 
and  elongated  into  a  point  at  each  end,  so  as  to  be  easily 
broken  when  the  cylinder  is  shaken. 

These  operations  having  been  quickly  performed,  and  the 
phial  being  sealed,  the  cylinder  is  corked  up,  and  the  calori- 
metric  thermometer  observed  during  an  interval  of  ten  minutes. 
There  was  absolutely  no  variation  during  this  interval  in  the 
experiment  performed.  The  temperature  was  about  20°. 

First  stage. — After  the  preliminary  operations,  we  raise  the 
platinum  cylinder  a  little  by  means  of  a  pair  of  wooden  pincers, 
without,  however,  drawing  it  entirely  out  of  the  water,  and 
shake  it  violently  so  as  to  break  the  phial.  It  is  then  plunged 
immediately  into  the  calorimeter,  and  the  course  of  the  thermo- 
meter again  observed  at  the  end  of  each  minute.  Eeaction 
takes  place,  and  the  heat  given  off  is  gradually  absorbed  by 
the  water  of  the  calorimeter.  The  variation  of  temperature  is 
most  rapid  at  the  commencement,  but  the  maximum  tempera- 
ture is  not  produced  until  after  a  considerable  length  of  time. 
It  exceeds  the  original  by  +  1'3°.  It  lasts  for  a  quarter  of 
an  hour  and  then  the  temperature  slowly  falls.  We  follow 
this  cooling  for  forty  minutes,  during  which  interval  it  only 
amounts  to  0*17  of  a  degree.  This  is  the  first  stage  of  the 

Second  stage. — We  next  incline  the  platinum  cylinder  and 
open  it  under  the  water  of  the  calorimeter,  so  as  to  fill  it ;  the 
contents  of  the  cylinder  are  mixed  with  those  of  the  calorimeter 
by  stirring,  until  the  thermometer,  on  being  plunged  alternately 
into  the  calorimeter  and  cylinder,  indicates  exactly  the  same 
temperature.  This  is  the  second  stage  of  the  operation.  It 
lasts  about  a  minute,  and  gives  rise  to  an  excess  of  -f- 1*5°  over 
the  temperature  of  the  calorimeter  at  the  beginning  of  this 
stage,  or  -f  2-6°  over  the  temperature  at  the  beginning  of  the 
entire  experiment,  i.e.  at  the  beginning  of  the  first  stage.  The 
rate  of  cooling  during  an  interval  of  five  minutes  is  then 
observed  and  the  experiment  is  ended. 

Verifications. — We  then  make  sure,  by  means  of  suitable 
reactions  (the  formation  of  Prussian  blue),  that  the  liquid 
contains  no  appreciable  quantity  of  hydrocyanic  acid — the 
latter  having  been  entirely  converted  into  formic  acid  and 
ammonium  chloride. 

Moreover,  in  order  to  calculate  the  rate  of  cooling  during 
the  first  stage  of  the  experiment,  we  proceed,  by  the  addition 
or  subtraction  of  suitable  quantities  of  water,  to  bring 
the  temperature  of  the  liquid  contained  in  the  calorimeter 
(the  mass  of  water  being  kept  constant  during  these  fresh 
mixtures)  to  +  1*3°  above  that  of  the  enclosing  vessel  and 


surrounding  atmosphere,  which  should  not  vary  to  any  appre- 
ciable extent  during  the  whole  course  of  the  experiment  We 
then  follow  for  half  an  hour  the  rate  of  cooling,  which  corre- 
sponds to  this  fresh  increase  of  temperature,  the  conditions 
observed  being,  as  nearly  as  possible,  the  same  as  those  of  the 
first  stage. 

The  above  experiment  gave — 

Initial  temperature  of  the  calorimeter  ...     +19*82 

Initial  temperature  of  the  enclosing  vessel         ...     +  19'98 
Final  temperature  of  the  enclosing  vessel          ...     +  20'06 

Calculation  from  the  experiment. — We  now  have  to  calculate 
the  actual  quantity  of  heat  disengaged  during  this  experiment. 
It  is  obtained,  as  we  know,  by  multiplying  the  masses  em- 
ployed, reduced  to  units  of  water  by  the  variation  of  tempera- 
ture observed,  this  variation  increasing  with  the  lowering  of 
temperature  produced  during  cooling. 

Masses  reduced  to  units  of  water. — Of  the  substance  em- 
ployed, the  mass  existing  at  the  end  of  the  experiment  consists 
of  that  in  the  water,  which  contains  about  ?-^o  its  weight  of 
hydrochloric  acid,  goW  °^  ammonium  chloride,  and  about  as 
much  formic  acid.  Their  weight  being  known  from  the  original 
data,  the  density  is  next  taken,  and  then  the  volume  calculated. 
We  assume  that  1  cc.  of  this  liquid  absorbs  1  cal.  for  a  rise  in 
temperature  of  1°,  an  hypothesis  sufficiently  near  the  truth  for 
calculations  of  this  kind.1 

We  reduce  to  units  of  water  the  various  vessels  of  platinum 
and  glass  that  are  used,  and  also  the  thermometer  (that  is,  the 
portion  submerged),  multiplying  the  weight  of  each  vessel  or 
portion  of  vessel  by  its  specific  heat.  The  sum  of  all  these 
masses  represents  the  total  mass  that  has  been  subjected  to  the 
variation  of  temperature  observed. 

The  actual  variation  of  temperature  is  the  apparent  variation 
plus  that  corresponding  to  the  heat  lost  during  the  first  and 
second  stages  of  the  experiment. 

The  calculation  of  these  quantities  will  now  be  given,  and 
first  of  all,  that  during  the  second  stage,  as  it  is  the  easiest. 

Heat  lost  during  the  second  stage. — This  is  easily  calculated,  for 
the  duration  of  the  second  stage  is  only  one  minute,  with  a 
final  excess  of  temperature  of  2 '5°  above  that  of  the  enclosing 
vessel.  In  fact,  the  loss  of  heat  during  the  few  following 
minutes  was  measured  and  found  to  be  almost  uniform.  We 
calculate  from  this  the  mean  loss  during  one  minute ;  then  we 
multiply  the  quantity  thus  got  by  the  fraction  f ,  for  we  assume 
that  the  excess  of  temperature  in  the  calorimeter,  which 
varied  from  1*5°  to  2*6°  during  one  minute,  has  caused  a  loss 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4*  se"rie,  torn.  xxix.  p.  163. 


equal  to  that  which  would  have  resulted  for  a  mean  excess  of 
1*5  +  2-6       90 

T     =  2' 

The  resulting  correction  is  very  insignificant ;  it  only  amounted 
to  0-02  of  a  degree  in  1'5°. 

We  then  calculate  the  total  heat,  Qi,  disengaged  during  the 
second  stage  by  multiplying  the  sum  of  the  masses,  reduced  to 
units  of  water,  by  the  apparent  variation  of  temperature,  added 
to  that  corresponding  to  the  heat  lost. 

Heat  lost  during  the  first  stage. — The  loss  of  heat  during  the 
first  stage  requires  a  more  complicated  mode  of  calculation. 
This  first  stage  is  divided  into  periods  of  at  least  five  minutes, 
according  to  the  rapidity  of  the  heating,  until  the  maximum 
temperature  is  attained.  The  mean  temperature  of  each  period 
is  written  down,  and  also  the  excess  of  this  mean  temperature 
over  the  initial  temperature. 

The  duration  of  the  maximum  temperature  constitutes  a 
separate  period,  corresponding  to  the  maximum  excess  of  tem- 

The  time  following  this  maximum  is  also  divided  into 
periods  of  five  minutes,  and  opposite  each  period  are  written  the 
mean  temperature  and  the  excess  of  temperature. 

At  the  end  of  this  time  it  was  observed  that  the  rapidity  of 
cooling  was,  for  the  same  excess  of  temperature  over  the  initial 
temperature,  exactly  the  same  as  in  a  check  experiment  made  a 
little  later,  and  in  which  care  was  taken  to  reproduce  this 
excess  under  the  same  conditions. 

This  verification  proves  that  the  reaction  was  quite  complete, 
and  that  the  data  of  the  check  experiment  may  be  applied  to 
the  calculation  of  losses  of  heat  during  the  reaction  itself. 

In  fact,  this  check  experiment  gives,  without  any  hypothesis, 
the  losses  of  heat  experienced  by  the  calorimeter  for  a  series  of 
excesses  of  temperature  similar  to  those  of  the  reaction,  and 
under  conditions  exactly  parallel. 

We  then  write  down  the  loss  of  heat  experienced  by  the 
system  in  one  minute  for  each  mean  excess  of  temperature 
answering  to  each  period ;  we  multiply  this  loss  by  the  duration 
of  the  period,  generally  five  minutes  (except  in  the  case  of  the 
maximum,  which  is  longer).  We  then  find  the  sum  of  all  these 
losses,  and  add  them  to  the  variation  of  temperature  actually 

To  come  to  figures,  it  may  be  said  that,  the  variation  observed 
being  +  1/26°,  the  correction  was  -f  0'234°,  which  will  not  seem 
too  great  in  an  experiment  of  such  long  duration. 

We  have  now  only  to  multiply  the  corrected  variation  of 
temperature  by  the  sum  of  the  heated  masses  (reduced  to  units 
of  water),  in  order  to  obtain  the  quantity  of  heat,  Q2,  disengaged. 
It  is  advisable  to  give  these  details,  because  they  afford  as 

x  2 


exact  an  idea  as  possible  of  experiments  of  this  kind,  and  of  the 
difficulties  which  they  present.  Of  course,  we  could  not  expect 
the  same  degree  of  accuracy  as  in  experiments  of  short  duration, 
but,  nevertheless,  the  errors  can  hardly  exceed  '05  of  the  total 

4  Calculation  from  tfo  theoretical  reaction.  It  now  remains 
for  us  to  deduce  from  the  numbers  observed  the  values  which 
are  applicable  to  the  reaction  taken  from  a  theoretical  point 
of  view.  For  this  purpose,  the  same  weight  is  taken  of  the 
same  solution  of  concentrated  hydrochloric  acid,  viz.  35  grms. 
(or  a  weight  very  near  to  this,  in  which  case  the  results  are 
afterwards  referred  to  this  weight  by  proportional  calculation) ; 
it  is  dissolved  in  the  same  quantity  (500  cc.)  of  water  at  the 
same  temperature  ;  then  the  heat,  Q3,  disengaged  is  measured. 

This  quantity  being  known,  the  difference,  Q!  4-  Q2  —  Q3, 
represents  exactly  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  conversion  of  the 
weight  employed  of  pure  hydrocyanic  acid  by  means  of  hydro- 
chloric acid  (diluted),  into  formic  acid  (diluted),  and  ammonium 
chloride  (diluted),  as  the  initial  state  and  the  final  state  are 
absolutely  identical.  Multiplying  this  quantity  by  the  ratio  of 
the  equivalent  (HCN  =  27  grms.)  to  the  weight  of  hydrocyanic 
acid  actually  employed,  we  obtain  the  heat  disengaged  in  the 
theoretical  reaction — 

HON"  (pure  and  liquid)  +  HC1  (diluted)  +  2H20 
=  H2C02  (diluted)  +  £TH4C1  (diluted). 

The  following  numbers  were  found  by  experiment,  +  11-54  and 
•f  10'76,  or,  on  an  average,  +  1115. 

5.  From  this  is  deduced  the  heat  of  formation  of  hydrocyanic 
acid  from  its  elements,  carbon  (diamond),  gaseous  hydrogen,  and 
gaseous  nitrogen — 

H  +  C  +  N  =  HCN  (pure  and  liquid),  absorbs  -  22'6. 
In  short,  supposing  the  initial  system  to  be 

5H  +  C  +  N  +  02  -f-  HC1  (diluted), 
and  the  final  system 

H2C02  (diluted)  +  NH4C1  (diluted), 
we  pass  from  one  to  the  other  by  two  different  processes. 


H2  +  C  +  02  =  H2C02  (pure)  disengages         +  93-00 

H2C02  (pure)  and  water +  Q'10 

N  +  H3  =  NH3  (in  solution)       +  21-00 

NH3  (diluted)  +  HC1  (diluted)  =  NH4C1  (diluted)      ...  +  12-45 

Sum  +  126-55 



2(H2  +  0)  =  2H20         

H  +  C  +  N  =  HCN  (pure  and  liquid) 

Reaction  of  HC1  (diluted)  

Sum        ...     +  149-15 

x  =  -  149-15  +  126-55  =  -  22'6. 

This  value  applies  to  liquid  hydrocyanic  acid. 

6.  Vaporisation  of  hydrocyanic  acid.  In  order  to  pass  to  the 
gaseous  state  of  the  acid,  we  must  determine  the  heat  absorbed 
in  its  vaporisation.  To  do  this,  the  following  method  was 
adopted,  which  may  be  applied  to  all  liquids  of  similar  volatility. 
It  consists  in  vaporising  them  in  a  current  of  dry  gas  and 
measuring  the  heat  absorbed.  We  pour  into  a  glass  phial  a 
known  weight,  say  1'396  grm.,  of  pure  hydrocyanic  acid;  we 
then  seal  up  the  phial,  which  should  be  thin  and  provided  with 
two  points  easily  broken.  This  is  introduced  into  a  little  glass 
receiver,  fitted  with  a  worm  and  arranged  so  that  a  regular 
current  of  air  may  be  made  to  circulate  in  it  by  means  of  an 
aspirator,  the  gaseous  current  first  passing  through  the  recipient 
and  then  through  the  worm. 

This  little  system  is  plunged  into  the  calorimeter,  which  con- 
tains 500  grms.  of  water.  It  is  immersed  almost  up  to  the 
orifice  of  the  receiver,  which  is  closed  by  a  cork  through  which 
a  tube  is  passed,  by  means  of  which  the  current  of  air  may  pass. 

This  air  is  perfectly  dry,  and  its  temperature  during  its 
passage  is  shown  by  a  thermometer  indicating  twentieths  of  a 
degree;  the  volume  of  this  air  is  determined  sufficiently 
accurately  for  the  calculation  into  which  it  enters,  by  measuring 
the  volume  of  water  that  has  flowed  from  the  aspirator.  It 
may  be  added  that  a  solution  of  alkali  was  placed  between  the 
worm  and  the  aspirator  in  order  to  absorb  the  hydrocyanic  gas, 
and  thereby  prevent  its  noxious  fumes.  These  preparations 
having  been  made,  the  phial  being  still  closed,  a  certain  volume 
of  air  is  allowed  to  circulate  for  twenty  minutes  through  the 
receiver  and  worm,  in  order  to  estimate  the  cooling.  The 
experiment  for  which  the  results  are  given  gave  a  value  of  0 
for  the  initial  cooling.  This  result  is  easily  explained,  as  the 
temperature  of  the  water  in  the  calorimeter  was  +  20'07,  that 
of  the  water  of  the  enclosing  vessel,  +  20-22,  and  that  of  the 
surrounding  air,  +  20'8. 

The  phial  is  then  broken  against  the  sides  of  the  receiver  by 
the  violent  shaking  of  the  latter.  The  gaseous  current  is  allowed 
to  continue  circulating,  and  the  thermometer  is  read.  The 
experiment  lasts  twenty  minutes,  during  which  the  liquid  acid 
has  entirely  disappeared,  and  the  minimum  temperature  is 
reached  almost  immediately.  This  minimum  corresponds  to  a 


fall  of  temperature  of  -  0'510°.  The  circulation  of  the  gaseous 
current  is  continued  for  twenty  minutes  longer,  in  order  to 
measure  the  re-heating,  which,  under  these  conditions,  is  very 

We  then  possess  all  the  data  necessary  for  calculating  the 
heat  of  vaporisation  of  hydrocyanic  acid  under  the  conditions 
described  above. 

It  was  found — 

For  HCN  =  27  grms.  (1st  trial) 5'680 

For  HCN  =  27  grms.  (2nd  trial)  . . .     5-730 

Mean         ...     5-705 

Thus  the  formation  of  gaseous  hydrocyanic  acid  from  its  elements, 
according  to  this  method — 

H  +  C  (diamond)  +  N  =  HCN"  (gas),  absorbs  -  28*3. 

7.  Solution  of  hydrocyanic  acid.     The  solution  of  the  liquid 
acid  in  water  may  give  rise  to  either  a  disengagement  or  to 
an   absorption  of  heat,  according  to   the  relative   proportions, 
and  also  to   the  temperature  if  the  proportion  of  water  be 

In  this  case  only  the  heat  disengaged  in  the  presence  of  a 
large  quantity  of  water  was  measured.  It  was  found  that 

HCN  (liquid)  +  60H2O,  at  19°,  disengages  +  040. 

8.  Third  Method. — Conversion  of  mercuric  cyanide  into  mercuric 
chloride,  carbonic  acid,  and  ammonia.     This  method  consists  in 
dissolving  gaseous  chlorine  in  water  contained  in  a  closed  calori- 
meter, weighing  it,  and  treating  the  solution  obtained  with  an 
exactly   equivalent   weight    of   mercuric    cyanide ;   the  latter 
becomes  converted  into  mercuric  chloride  and  cyanogen  chloride 
(in  solution) — 

i[2Cla  (in  solution)  +  Hg(CN)2  (in  solution)  =  HgCl2  (in 
solution)  +  2CNC1  (in  solution)]. 

The  quantity  of  water  to  be  employed  must  be  calculated,  so 
as  to  be  much  greater  than  would  be  necessary  to  hold  in 
solution  the  whole  of  the  carbonic  acid  finally  formed.  We 
then  add  diluted  potash,  in  proportions  equivalent  to  the  chlorine, 
so  as  to  obtain  potassium  chloride  and  potassium  cyanate — 

CNC1  (in  solution)  +  K20  (diluted)  =  KCNO  (in  solution) 
+  KC1  (diluted). 

Without  troubling  ourselves  whether  the  action  is  more  or 
less  complete,  we  immediately  pour  an  excess  of  diluted  hydro- 
chloric acid  into  the  same  calorimeter,  so  as  to  bring  the  whole 

1  Bussy  and  Buignet,  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4e  se*rie,  torn, 
iii.  p.  235. 


mass  to  the  final  state  of  carbonic  acid  (in  solution),  ammonium 
chloride  (in  solution),  potassium  chloride,  and  mercuric  chloride 
(in  solution).  We  thus  get  — 

KCNO  (diluted)  +  HC1  (diluted)  +  H2O  =  C02  (in  solution) 
+  NH3  (diluted)  -f  KC1  (diluted). 

We  measure  the  total  heat  disengaged  in  this  series  of  re- 
actions; the  whole  series  occupying  a  period  not  exceeding 
from  twenty  to  twenty-five  minutes.  Then  we  make  sure  that 
there  is  no  cyanogen  compound  remaining  in  solution  ;  this  is 
confirmed  by  the  quantitative  estimation  of  the  ammonia,  made 
in  the  cold  by  the  Schloesing  process. 

The  total  heat  disengaged  by  this  series  of  reactions  being 
known,  the  following  data  are  brought  into  the  calculation  —  the 
heats  of  combustion  of  carbon  and  hydrogen,  the  heat  of  oxida- 
tion of  mercury,  the  heat  of  chlorination  of  hydrogen,  the 
heat  of  formation  of  ammonia,  the  heats  of  combination  of 
mercuric  oxide  with  hydrochloric  and  hydrocyanic  acids,  and 
lastly,  the  heats  of  combination  of  diluted  potash  and  dis- 
solved ammonia  with  hydrochloric  acid  ;  making  in  all,  nine 
auxiliary  data. 

In  short,  we  proceed  from  the  initial  state,  which  is  — 

i[C2  +  N2  +  4H2  +  Hg  +  2C12  +  202  +  2K20  (diluted) 
-I-  4HC1  (diluted)], 

to  the  final  state  — 

J[2C02(in  solution)  +  2NH4C1  (diluted)  +  2H20  +  4KC1 
(diluted)  +  HgCl2  (diluted)]. 

By  one  mode  of  procedure,  the  compounds  of  the  final  state 
may  be  formed  directly  ;  the  heat  of  formation  of  mercuric 
chloride  in  particular  being  determined  from  the  heats  of  forma- 
tion of  water,  mercuric  oxide,  and  hydrochloric  acid,  together 
with  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  solution  of  the  oxide  in  this 

By  a  second  method,  the  diluted  hydrocyanic  acid  and  mer- 
curic oxide  are  formed  first,  and  then  combine. 

H  +  C  +  N  (liquid)  disengages    ...         .........  x 

HCN  (liquid)  and  water     ...............     +    0-4 


]  ...............     4-15-5 


HgO  +  2HCN  (diluted)  =  Hg  (CN)2  (diluted)  +  H20]       +  15.46 

We  then  add  to  this  sum  the  total  amount  of  heat  disengaged 
in  the  calorimeter  during  the  course  of  the  operations,  without 
troubling  about  the  chemical  nature  of  the  intermediate 

The  details  of  the  experiments  will  not  be  given  here,  as 
they  will  be  found  further  on,  under  cyanogen  chloride.  It 
will  merely  be  remarked  that  the  quantity,  x,  calculated  from 


experiments  of  this  order  and  from  the  value  at  present  adopted 
for  the  formation  of  ammonia  (p.  242),  was  found  to  be  equal 
to  —  24'3.  This  relates  to  liquid  hydrocyanic  acid.  We  get 
then,  according  to  this  method — 

H  +  C  +  N  =  HCN  (gas)  -  30. 

9.  In  short,  the  following  numbers  have  been  obtained  for 
the  formation  of  hydrocyanic  gas — 

By  the  first  method  (detonation)      —30-2 

By  the  second  method  (formic  acid  and  ammonia)  ...     —  28*3 

By  the  third  method  (mercuric  cyanide  and  chlorine)       ...     —  30'0 

Mean          ...     -  29'5 

This  mean  value  will  be  adopted  to  express  the  heat  absorbed 
by  the  combination  of  the  elements — 

H  +  C  (diamond)  +  N  =  HCN  (gas)  -  29-5  Gal. 

HCN  (liquid),  we  should  get —23-8    „ 

.  HCN  (in  solution)         —  23'4    „ 

10.  From  these  figures  it  follows  that  cyanogen  and  hydro- 
cyanic acid  are  both  formed  from  their  elements  with  absorption 
of  heat.     This  circumstance  explains,  as  has  already  been  said, 
the  character  of  cyanogen  as  a  compound  radical,  and,  in  a  more 
general  manner,  the  tendency  of  cyanogen  and   hydrocyanic 
acid   to   form  direct   combinations  and   polymeric  compounds, 
and  to  give  rise  to  complex  reactions.     The  fresh  determi- 
nations which   are  here  published   confirm  the  views  which 
were   expressed  by  the  author  on   this  subject  twenty  years 
ago,  with  regard  to  cyanogen,  acetylene,  and  endothermal  com- 

11.  It  will  be  remembered  that  cyanogen,  hydrocyanic  acid, 
acetylene,  etc.,  may  be  regarded  as  following  the  general  rule 
applicable  to  chemical  compounds,  i.e.  as  being  formed  with 
disengagement  of  heat;   if  we  assume  that  the  carbon,  when 
under  the  form  of  diamond  or  charcoal,  does  not  correspond  to 
true  elementary  carbon,  the  latter  would   be   comparable  to 
hydrogen,  and  would  probably  be  in  the  gaseous  state,  charcoal 
and  diamond   representing  its   polymeric  forms.     In   passing 
from  the  gaseous  to  the  polymeric  and  condensed  state,  the 
elementary  carbon  would  give  off  a  considerable   quantity  of 
heat,  which  is  greater  than  that  absorbed  in  the  formations  of 
acetylene  (-  30'5  for  C  =  12)  and  cyanogen  (-37'3). 

The  quantity  of  heat  developed  by  the  condensation  of  the 
elementary  carbon  might  even  be  estimated  at  4-  42*6  for 
diamond  and  +  39*6  for  charcoal,  if  we  assume  that  the  successive 
formation  from  the  gaseous  carbon  of  the  products  of  the  two 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4e  se*rie,  torn.  vi.  pp.  351  et  433. 


degrees  of  oxidation  of  carbon,  viz.  carbon  monoxide  and 
carbonic  acid,  gives  off  the  same  quantity  of  heat.  These  are 
conjectures  of  some  interest,  and  have  been  accepted  by  various 
savants  since  they  were  first  broached.1 

12.  However  this  may  be,  the  figures  actually  obtained  lead 
us  to  conceive  a  very  definite  opinion,  which  is  confirmed  by 
experiment.     In  fact,  they  show  that  the  formation  of  hydro- 
cyanic gas  from  cyanogen  and  hydrogen — 

H  +  CN  =  HCN,  gives  off  +  7-8  Gal. 

This  formation  is  therefore  exothermal ;  a  circumstance  which 
led  to  the  suspicion  that  it  might  be  effected  directly,  notwith- 
standing the  negative  experiments  that  had  been  made  previously 
by  Gay-Lussac.  In  fact,  the  direct  combination  of  the  two 
gases  was  effected  directly  by  means  of  time  and  heat  alone, 
and  under  conditions  comparable  with  those  in  the  synthesis  of 
the  hydracids  of  the  halogen  elements  properly  so  called.2 

13.  The  synthesis  of  gaseous  hydrocyanic  acid  from  acetylene 
and  free  nitrogen,  a  synthesis  very  easy  to  effect  through  the 
action  of  the  electric  spark,  as  was  discovered  in  1868 — 

C2H2  +  N2  =  2HCN,  disengages  +  2'1  Gal., 

a  positive  though  very  low  quantity. 

14.  As  to  the  formation  of  hydrocyanic  acid  from  ammonium 
formate  and  formamide,  which  is  the  simplest  type  of  a  general 
reaction  in   organic  chemistry,  viz.  that  for  the  formation  of 
nitrils,  it  is  worthy  of  special  attention. 

Let  the  reaction  be  as  follows : — 

NH4CHG2  =  HCN  +  2H20, 

the  water  and  the  acid  being  supposed  to  be  separate. 

This  reaction,  if  it  could  be  effected  with  solid  bodies  at  the 
ordinary  temperature,  so  as  to  produce  water  and  liquid  hydro- 
cyanic acid,  would  absorb  —  137  Gal.  Effected  with  the  dis- 
solved salt,  it  would  absorb  -  104  Gal. 

Let  us  again  note  the  initial  system — 

H2C02  (pure),  NH3  (diluted),  HC1  (diluted)  ; 
and  the  final  system — 

HCN  (pure),  HC1  (diluted),  2H20. 
We  may  pass  from  one  to  the  other  by  two  different  methods. 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4e  se*rie,  torn,  xviii.  pp.  161,  173, 
and  especially  175. 

2  Ibid.,  5e  se'rie,  torn,  xviii.  p.  378.     The  heat  of  formation  of  hydrocyanic 
acid,  admitted  in  the  article  quoted,  was  estimated,  by  means  of  the  data  then 
known,  at  +  26'9 ;  this  is  too  high,  but  the  sign  of  the  phenomenon  remains 
the  same,  and,  consequently,  the  preconceived  idea  of  its  beingsynthetic. 




H2C02  (pure)  +  water        ...  +0-08 

H2C02  (diluted)  +  NH3  (diluted) +  12-0 

Separation  of  solid  ammonium  formate +    2'9 

NH4CH02  (solid)  =  HCN  (liquid)  +  2H20  (liquid)        ...  +     x 
HC1  (diluted)  no  change. 

Sum  +  15-0  +  x 


NH3  (diluted)  +  HC1  (diluted)      +  12-4 

H2C02  (pure)  +  water        +    O08 

NH4C1  (diluted)  +  H2C02  (in  solution)  =  HCN   (liquid) 

+  HC1  (diluted)  +  2H20       -11-15 

Sum          ...     +    1-3 
x  =  -  15  +  1-3  =  -  137  Cal. 

In  fact,  the  salt,  when  melted,  is  really  destroyed,  with  the 
production  of  water  and  hydrocyanic  acid,  both  in  a  gaseous 
form  ;  it  thus  absorbs,  besides  the  —  137  Cal.  mentioned  above, 
the  heat  necessary  for  the  vaporization  of  these  two  substances, 
i.e.  a  value  approximately1  =  —  (57  4-  19*3)  +  F,  where  F  is 
the  heat  of  fusion  of  the  salt.  This  gives  then  -  387  4-  F, 
which  amounts  to  about  —  36  Cal. 

A  similar  absorption  would  no  doubt  be  produced  if  the 
ammonium  formate  could  exist  in  a  gaseous  form  and  be  decom- 
posed as  such. 

In  short,  the  formation  of  formonitril  from  ammonium  formate 
absorbs,  whatever  hypothesis  is  adopted,  a  great  quantity  of 
heat ;  a  result  in  accordance  with  what  happens  in  most  decom- 

We  may  go  further  than  this.  In  fact,  the  dehydration  of 
ammonium  formate  is  effected  by  two  stages,  formamide  and 
water  being  first  produced — 

NH4CH02  =  CNH30  +  H20. 

The  liquid  formamide  was  acted  upon  by  means  of  con- 
centrated hydrochloric  acid,  so  as  to  give  the  opposite  reaction. 
From  the  numbers  observed  it  was  deduced  that  the  theoretical 
reaction,  i.e.  in  the  case  of  the  use  of  diluted  acid,  would  give 
off  +  1*4  Cal.,  a  value  which  is  probably  too  low,  and  is  given 
here  with  some  diffidence,  as  the  formamide,  being  in  the  liquid 
state,  cannot  be  guaranteed  pure.  It  is  practically  applicable 
to  the  change  of  formamide  (in  solution)  into  ammonium 
formate  (in  solution),  the  value  deduced  being  -f-  1. 

We  conclude,  from  these  figures,  that  the  decomposition  of 
the  melted  ammonium  formate  into  gaseous  formamide  and 

1  The  term  approximately  is  used,  because  the  heats  of  vaporisation  of  the 
bodies  concerned  in  the  experiment  at  the  temperature  of  decomposition  of 
ammonium  formate  (180°  to  200°)  are  not  the  same  as  at  the  boiling  points. 


steam  will  absorb  about  +  18  Cal.  (supposing  the  vaporisation 
of  the  formamide  to  absorb  from  6  to  8  Cal.). 

The  two  stages  of  the  dehydration  of  crystallised  ammonium 
formate,  which  is  changed  first  into  gaseous  amide  and  then  into 
gaseous  nitril,  would  correspond  to  thermal  phenomena  that 
may  be  considered  as  having  equal  effects,  the  first  stage  absorb- 
ing -  18  Gal,  and  the  two  stages  together  —  36  Cal.  But  this 
equality  would  only  exist  when  the  products  are  considered  in 
the  gaseous  state. 

Conversely,  the  fixing  of  the  elements  of  water,  either  upon 
the  formamide  or  upon  the  formonitril  (in  solution),  so  as  to 
reproduce  the  ammonium  salt  (in  solution),  gives  off  a  quantity 
+  1  Cal.  for  the  amide,  and  +  104  for  the  nitril  ;  quantities 
which  are  very  unequal  but  both  positive. 

This  is  another  proof  of  the  disengagements  of  heat  which 
may  result  from  simple  hydration  effected  by  the  wet  process, 
and  especially  so  from  that  of  amides,  which  play  a  very  im- 
portant part  in  the  study  of  the  reactions  of  organic  nitrogenous 
principles,  and  that  of  animal  heat.1 

The  formation  of  cyanides  will  now  be  explained. 

1.  It  was  found,  by  experiment,  that  at  about  20°  — 

HCN  (liquid),  on  being  dissolved  in  40  times  its  weight  of  water,       Cal. 

gives  off  .....................  +0-40 

i[2HCN  (diluted)  +  K20  (diluted)]         ............  +  2'96 

KCN  (pure),  on  being  dissolved  in  50  times  its  weight  of  water, 

absorbs     ......        i.;"^     .........  ...  -2-86 

From  this  we  deduce  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  formation  of 
solid  potassium  cyanide  from  the  elements  — 

K  -f  C  -f  N  =  KCN  (crystalline)  disengages  -f  30'3 
The  calculation  is  as  follows  :  — 

Initial  system;  £[&,+  C2  -f  N2  -f  H2  +  0]. 

Final  system  ;  i[2KCN  (crystal.)  +  H20  (liquid  and  separate)]. 


H  +  C  -h  N  =  HCN  (liquid)  absorbs  -  23-8 

HCN  +  nAq             .........                                ...  +    0-4 

-"K2  +  0+riAq  =  K20  (diluted)]  ............  +82-3 

2HCN  (in  solution)  +  K,0   (in  solution)  =  2KCN    (in 

solution)  +  H20]           ...............  +    3*0 

Separation  of  KCN  (solid)    ...............  +    2'9 

Sum  ...     +  64-8 

1  "Annales  de  Chiruie  et  de  Physique,"  4e  se'rie,  torn.  vi.  p.  461. 



K  +  C  +  N  =  KCN  (crystalline) x 

i[H2  +  0  =  H20  (liquid)] ,.         ...     +  34-5 

Sum    ...     +34-5  +  03 
x  =  +  64-8  -  34-5  =  +  30-3. 

2.  The  direct  formation  of  potassium  cyanide  from  the  union 
of  its  elements,  as   expressed  by  chemical  equation,  and  the 
corresponding  disengagement  of  heat,  is  not  really  effected  at 
the  ordinary  temperature.     But  it  is   admitted   that  it  does 
actually  take   place  at   a  very  high  temperature,  when  free 
nitrogen  is  made  to  act  upon  charcoal  impregnated  with  potas- 
sium  carbonate  ;    i.e.   under    conditions    where    potassium  is 
generated.     At   this   temperature,   the    potassium   cyanide  is 
melted  or  perhaps  even  gaseous,  a  change  of  state  which  causes 
an  absorption  of  heat ;  but,  on  the  other  hand,  the  potassium  is 
gaseous,  which  compensates  this  absorption.     If  free  nitrogen, 
carbon,  and  potassium  do  really  combine  without  any  other 
intermediate  reaction,  such  as   the   formation  of  an  acetylide 
(this  formation  has  not  been  proved  to  take  place),  we  should 
be  led  to  admit  that  the  total  synthesis  of  potassium  cyanide 
disengages  heat,  under  the  actual  conditions  of  the  reaction. 

Be  the  disengagement  produced  at  once  or  by  successive 
reactions,  it  does  not  explain  the  total  synthesis. 

3.  We   come  now  to   a    clearer   synthesis.     The  union  of 
cyanogen  with  potassium  takes   place,  as   we  know,  directly. 
This  union,  calculated  for  the  following  states  of  the  substances 
concerned — 

K  (solid)  -f  CN  (gas)  =  KCN  (crystallised),  disengages 
+  67-6  Cal. 

These  figures  justify  the  direct  synthesis  of  potassium  cyanide 
from  cyanogen.  But  this  quantity  is  lower  than  that  dis- 
engaged by  the  union  of  the  same  metal,  in  the  solid  state,  with 
halogen  elements  in  the  gaseous  state. 


Cl  +  K  =  KC1  (solid)  gives  off        +  105*6 

Br  (gas)  +  K  =  KBr  gives  off          +100*4 

I  (solid)  +  K  =  KI  gives  off +    85-4 

This  difference  explains  why  chlorine,  bromine,  and  iodine 
decompose  potassium  cyanide  in  solution ;  cyanogen  is  liberated 
and  combines,  besides,  with  half  the  halogen,  causing  a  slight 
additional  disengagement  of  heat — 

[+  1-6  for  CNC1  (gas) ;   +  4-2  for  CNI  (solid).] 

4.  It  may   also  be  mentioned,  in   order   to   complete   this 
parallel,   that  the   formation  of  potassium   cyanide   from   the 
hydracid  (diluted)  and  potash — 

HCN  (diluted)  +  KHO  (diluted)  =  KCN  (in  solution)  +  H20, 


disengages  much  less  heat  (+  3*0)  than  the  formation  of  the 
chloride,  bromide,  and  iodide  of  potassium  under  the  same 
conditions  (which  disengages  13 "7). 

This  difference  would  be  increased  by  17  Cal.,  if  the  hydro- 
chloric and  hydrocyanic  acids  were  considered  in  the  gaseous  state. 

Hydrocyanic  acid  is  therefore  much  less  powerful  than  the 
hydracids  derived  from  halogen  elements ;  it  is  even  displaced 
in  potassium  cyanide  in  solution  by  most  acids.1  This  inert- 
ness of  hydrocyanic  acid  itself  contrasts  with  the  greater  energy 
of  the  complex  acids  which  it  forms  when  associated  with 
metallic  cyanides ;  hydroferrocyanic  acid,  for  example ;  this  will 
be  referred  to  later  on. 

5.  The  conversion  of  potassium  cyanide  into  formate — 

KCN  (in  solution)  +  2H20  =  KCH02(in  solution) 
+  NH3  (in  solution),  gives  off  +  9*5  Cal. 

This  reaction  does  take  place  in  solutions  of  the  cyanide, 
although  slowly. 

The  same  reaction,  effected  on  the  dry  salt  by  means  of 
aqueous  vapour,  produces  formate  and  ammonia  gas ;  it  is  much 
more  rapid,  but  gives  off  double  the  amount  of  heat :  —  17'7. 

If  the  temperature  is  raised,  the  reaction  becomes  complicated, 
owing  to  the  ultimate  destruction  of  the  formate  by  the  heat  or 
excess  of  alkali ;  this  reaction,  which  takes  place  at  about  300° 
and  finally  transforms  the  potassium  cyanide  into  potassium 
carbonate — 

KCN  (solid)  +  KHO  (solid)  +  2H20  (gas)  =  K2C03  (solid) 
+  NH3  (gas),  gives  off  +  374. 

This  point  is  important,  because  it  is  one  of  the  most 
effective  causes  of  the  destruction  of  potassium  cyanide  during 
its  industrial  preparation;  in  this  case  the  melted  salts  are 
operated  upon,  and  this  fact  causes  a  slight  modification  of  the 
above  values ;  without,  however,  altering  their  general  signifi- 
cation. When  exposed  to  the  oxygen  of  the  air,  we  know  that 
potassium  cyanide  is  readily  converted  into  potassium  cyanate. 
This  reaction  will  be  referred  to  at  a  later  period. 


1.  It  was  found  that  the  combination  of  hydrocyanic  acid  in 
solution,  with  ammonia  in  solution,  gives  off  -J-  1*3  Cal.     The 
solution  of  freshly  prepared  ammonium  cyanide  ( 1  part  of  salt 
to  180  parts  water)  absorbs  -  4'36  for  NH4CN  (=  44  grms.). 

2.  From  these  figures  it  follows  that  the  union  of  hydrocyanic 
gas  and  ammonia  gas,  with  formation  of  solid  cyanide — 

HCN  (gas)  +  NH3  (gas)  =  NH4CN,  gives  off  +  20'5. 
1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  49  serie,  torn.  xxx.  p.  492. 


This  is  only  half  the  heat  disengaged  in  the  similar  formations 
of  chloride  ( +  42'5),  bromide,  and  iodide  of  ammonium  ; l  the 
acetate  comes  nearer  (+  28*2),  and  the  hydrosulphide  nearer 
still  (+23). 

3.  Starting  from  the  elements,  we  should  get — 

N2  +  C  +  2H2  =  NH4CN  (solid)  gives  off  +  40-5  Gal. 

The  analogous  formation  of  ammonium  chloride  gives  off 
+  767. 

4.  Lastly,  the  heat  of  formation  of  ammonium  chloride  from 
the  elements  is  less  than  that  of  potassium  chloride  by  28'3 
Cal. ;    whereas,  between  the  formation  of  ammonium  cyanide 
and  that  of  potassium  cyanide,  the  thermal  difference  is  27'1. 
The  difference  in  the  two  cases  is  therefore  almost  the  same; 
i.e.  this  state  does  not  depend  on  the  halogen  generator. 


1.  It  was  found  that  gaseous  cyanogen  combines  directly,  not 
only  with  potassium,  but  also  with  certain  true  metals,  such 
as  iron,  zinc,  cadmium,  lead,  and  even  copper ;  but  this  tendency 
towards  direct  combination  does  not  extend  to  mercury  and  silver. 

2.  The  reactions  are  effected  by  heating  cyanogen  and  the 
metals  in  sealed  tubes,  to  100°  for  the  first-named  metals,  and 
to  about  300°  for  the  two  last. 

3.  Such  combinations  are  always  attended  by  a  disengage- 
ment of  heat.     In  particular,  according  to  M.  Joannis — 

J[Zn  -f  (CN)a  =  Zn(CN)2]  gives  off  +  28'5. 
J[Cd  +  (ON),  =  Cd(CN)2]  gives  off  +  19-8. 
From  the  elements,  on  the  contrary — 

J[Zn  +  C2  +  N2  =  Zn(CN)2]  absorbs  -  8-8. 
£[Cd  +  C2  -  N2  =  Cd(CN)2]  absorbs  -  17-5. 


1.  Formation  from  the  acid  and  the  oxide.  It  was  found,  by 
experiment,  that  dilute  hydrocyanic  acid  and  mercuric  oxide — 

i[2HCN  (1  equiv.  =  2  litres)  +  HgO  (precipitated  and  diluted 
with  10  litres  of  water)],  gives  off  -f  15-48. 

An  excess  of  hydrocyanic  acid  does  not  cause  any  alteration 
in  this  value,  which  is  considerable,  exceeding  even  the  heat 
given  off  in  the  action  of  dissolved  hydrochloric  acid  on  potash. 

It  is  owing  to  this  difference  in  values  that  potash,  combined 
with  hydrocyanic  acid,  with  which,  moreover,  it  gives  off  much 

1  See  p.  127. 


less  heat  (3*0),  is  displaced  by  mercuric  oxide.     On  the  other 
hand,  the  solution  of  this  salt — 

£[Hg(CN)2  (solid)  +  water  (1  to  40)]  -1-5  ; 

£[2HCN  (in  solution)  +  HgO  =  Hg(CN)2  (solid)]  ...  +  17'0 
M2HCN  (liquid  and  pure)  +  HgO  =  Hg(CN)2  (solid)]  +  17-4 
£[2HCN  (gas)  +  HgO  =  Hg(CN)2  (solid)  +  H20  (gas)]  +  18'3 

We  will  compare  this  last  result  with  the  heat  of  formation  of 
mercuric  chloride. 

j[2HCl  (gas)  +  HgO  =  HgCl2   (solid)  +  H20  (gas)]  gives  off 

+  23-5, 

which  value  exceeds  that  of  formation  of  mercuric  cyanide  by 
4-8  only. 

These  figures,  and  the  conclusions  resulting  from  them,  will 
be  referred  to  again. 

2.  Formation  of  mercuric  cyanide  from  the  elements. 

l[Hg  (liq.)  +  C2  (diamond)  +  N2  (gas)  =  Hg(CN)2  (solid)] 
absorbs  -  254  Gal. 

Let  the  initial  system  be — 

and  the  final  system — 

i  [Hg(CTST)2  (solid)  +  H20  (liquid  and  separate)] ; 
we  pass  from  one  to  the  other,  by  the  two  following  steps  : — 


*(Hg  +  0  =  HgO)  gives  off +  15-5 

fl  +  c+  N=  HCN  (in  solution)  absorbs      -  23-4 

Union  of  these  two  bodies  gives  off    ...         ...         ...  +  15'5 

Separation  of  Hg(CN)2  (solid)  gives  off         +    1-5 

Sum        ...     +9-1 

tH2+  0  =  H20  (liquid)]       ...                    +34*5 
Hg  +  C2  +  N2  =  Hg(CN)2  (solid)] x 

Sum        ...     +  34-5  -f  x 
x  =  -  25-4. 
The  salt  in  solution,  -  26-9. 

There  is,  therefore,  absorption  of  heat  in  the  formation  of 
mercuric  cyanide  from  the  elements ;  exactly  as  in  the  case  of 
hydrocyanic  acid.  The  figures  even  are  very  much  the 
same  (p.  312). 

3.  But,  on  the  contrary,  the  union  of  gaseous  cyanogen  with 
liquid  mercury  at  the  ordinary  temperature — 

i[Hg  (liquid)  +  (CNa)  (gas)  =  Hg(CN)2  (solid)],  gives  off 
+  37-3  -  25-4  =  +  H-9. 


This  quantity  is  19 '5  less  than  the  heat  disengaged  in  the  direct 
formation  of  mercuric  chloride — 

i[Hg  (liquid)  +  C12  (gas)  =  HgCl2  (solid)]  +  314. 

4.  The  same  quantity  of  heat  is,  on  the  contrary,  absorbed  in 
the  ordinary  preparation  of  cyanogen,  by  the  decomposition  of 
mercuric  cyanide.     To  this  must  be  added  the  heat  of  vaporisa- 
tion of  the  mercury,  which  brings  the  absorption  of  heat  to 
about  —  194  for  the  reaction — 

i[Hg(CN)2  (solid)  =  Hg  (gas)  +  (CN)2  (gas)]. 
We  may  observe  that  this  result  is  very  near  that  ( -  224) 
which  accompanies  the  analogous  decomposition  of  mercuric 
iodide  into  gaseous  iodine  and  gaseous  mercury.  But  this  last 
reaction  is  accompanied  by  phenomena  of  dissociation  due  to  the 
opposite  tendency  of  iodine  and  mercury  to  recombine — a 
tendency  which  does  not  exist  on  the  part  of  the  components  of 
mercuric  cyanide.1 

5.  Substitution  of  chlorine  for  the  cyanogen  and  formation  of 
cyanogen  chloride.     The  simple  substitution  of  gaseous  chlorine 
for  gaseous  cyanogen — 

i[Hg(CN)3  (solid)  +  C12  (gas)  =  HgCl2  (solid)  +  (ON*  (gas)], 

assuming  the  salts  to  be  either  in  the  solid  state  or  in  solution 
(the  heats  of  solution  of  both  salts  are  the  same),  would  give  off 
.+  194, 

In  fact,  this  substitution  is  accompanied  by  a  simultaneous 
formation  of  cyanogen  chloride — 

^[Hg(CN)2  (solid)  +  2C12  =  HgCl2  (solid)  +  2CNC1  (gas)]  gives 

off  +  21-3, 

or,  if  the  cyanogen  chloride  be  supposed  liquid,  +  2  9 '6. 

All  the  bodies  being  in  solution  except  the  chlorine,  we  must 
add  to  this  quantity  the  heat  of  solution  of  cyanogen  chloride. 

In  fact,  the  heat  given  off  in  this  reaction,  all  the  bodies 
except  the  chlorine  being  in  solution,  was  measured  and  found 
to  be  =  +  27*5  (the  cyanogen  chloride  being  also  in  solution). 

This  figure  seems  to  indicate  that  the  heat  of  solution  of 
gaseous  cyanogen  chloride  is  very  near  its  heat  of  liquefaction, 
as  might  be  expected.  Unfortunately,  this  action  is  not  instan- 
taneous, and  this  fact  diminishes  the  certainty  of  accuracy  of  the 
estimates,  and  leads  us  to  fear  some  complication,  attributable  to 
secondary  reactions  of  the  chlorine  on  the  water. 

6.  Reciprocal  displacements  of  the   hydrochloric   and  hydro- 
cyanic acids.     According  to  the  above  remarks,  the  formation  of 
mercuric  cyanide  in  solution,  from  the  acid  in  solution   and 
precipitated  mercuric  oxide,  gives  off  -f  1548,  i.e.  -f  6*02  more 
than  that  for  mercuric  chloride  (+  946).      The  same  difference 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  se*rie,  torn,  xviii.  p.  382. 


exists  in  the  solid  salts,  if  we  always  reckon  from  the  diluted 
hydracids.  These  latter  being  monobasic,  the  thermal  inequality 
that  has  been  just  mentioned  indicates  that  dilute  hydrocyanic 
acid  must  entirely  displace  hydrochloric  acid  from  its  combina- 
tion with  mercuric  oxide. 

Here  is  an  experiment  that  fully  bears  out  this  supposition : 

/ £[Hg(CN)2  (1  eq.  =  16  litres)  +  2HC1  (1  eq.  =  4  litres)]  +  0\M  -  Mt  =  +  5-9 
\|[HgCl2  (1  eq.  =  16  litres)  +  2HCN  (1  eq.  =  4  litres)]  +  5'9  /calculated  +  6'0 

The  reaction  is  all  the  more  remarkable,  as,  according  to 
thermal  observations  made,  the  dilute  hydrochloric  acid 
completely  displaces  the  hydrocyanic  acid  in  dissolved  potassium 
cyanide.  It  was,  moreover,  easy  to  foresee  that  this  would  be 
the  case  in  the  last  instance,  for 

i[2HCN  (in  solution)  +  K20  (diluted)]  gives  off  +    2'96)  M      M      . «.«, 
J[2HC1  (in  solution)  +  K20  (diluted)]       „      „  +  13'59f  Mi~ 

The  decomposition  of  dissolved  mercuric  chloride  by  dilute 
hydrocyanic  acid  is  all  the  more  remarkable  from  the  fact 
that  solid  mercuric  cyanide  is  decomposed  by  concentrated 
hydrochloric  acid ;  it  is  in  this  way  that  pure  hydrocyanic 
acid  is  prepared.  But  this  decomposition — the  opposite  of 
that  which  takes  place  in  weak  solutions — is  easily  explained 
by  thermal  theories.  In  fact,  it  is  due  to  the  action  of  the 
anhydrous  hydrochloric  acid  contained  in  the  liquors,  when 
we  are  operating  without  heat ;  or  formed  under  the  influence 
of  heat,  when  we  proceed  by  distillation.  Now,  this  anhydrous 
hydracid  possesses,  in  relation  to  the  hydrate  of  the  same  acid, 
the  energy  which  the  latter  has  lost  in  forming  a  definite 
hydrate ;  the  magnitude  of  which  energy  is  sufficient  to  reverse 
the  reaction.1 

Moreover,  hydrochloric  acid  gas  displaces,  immediately  and 
without  heat,  the  hydrocyanic  acid  gas  of  crystallised  mercuric 
cyanide.  This  process  for  preparing  the  latter  gas  has  been 
mentioned.  According  to  calculation,  the  reaction  disengages 
+  5*2  Cal.  Attention2  has  already  been  called  to  these  two 
reactions  and  their  mechanism,  which  is  frequently  met  with 
under  other  circumstances,  such  as  when  we  are  comparing  the 
reactions  of  concentrated  .acids  or  alkalis  with  those  of  the 
same  acids  or  alkalis  diluted.  It  is  the  existence  of  a  certain 
proportion  of  acid  (or  alkali),  either  not  combined  with  water 
or  combined  in  the  state  of  a  less  advanced  hydrate  in  the 
concentrated  liquids,  and  also  the  formation  of  such  an  acid, 
dehydrated  under  the  influence  of  heat,  that  causes  the  inverse 
reaction ;  and  this  is  in  proportion  to  the  excess  of  energy  that 
the  anhydrous  acid  possesses,  in  comparison  with  the  hydrate  of 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  se"rie,  torn.  iv.  p.  465,  and  4s 
se*rie,  torn.  xxx.  p.  494. 

2  "  Essai  de  Me'canique  Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  p.  547. 



the  same  acid,  with  which  it  co-exists  in  the  liquors.  This 
excess  of  energy  exactly  measures  the  tendency  to  produce  the 
inverse  reaction,  which,  however,  ceases  as  soon  as  the  anhy- 
drous hydracid  contained  in  the  liquor  is  saturated. 

But,  on  the  contrary,  the  reaction  could  not  be  foreseen,  as  has 
been  supposed  by  various  writers,1  from  the  knowledge  of  the 
quantity  of  heat  disengaged  in  the  dilution  of  the  concentrated 
acid,  the  bulk  of  which  becomes  a  dilute  acid.  Not  only  is  this 
mode  of  prediction  not  justified  in  principle,  since  it  makes  no 
distinction  between  the  anhydrous  acid  and  its  hydrates  in 
solution,  but  it  leads  to  conclusions  which  are  quite  contra- 
dicted by  experiment.  For  example,  mercuric  cyanide  is  still 
decomposed  in  the  cold  by  hydrochloric  acid  of  a  density  I'lO 
(which  nearly  corresponds  to  HC1  -f  7H20) ;  the  dilution  of 
such  a  hydrochloric  solution  gives  off  only  1-7  Cal.  Now,  this 
excess  would  have  to  be  equal  to  +  6*0  for  the  reaction  to  be 
reversed,  according  to  the  theory  that  we  must  reject ;  i.e.  that 
the  inversion  is  solely  due  to  the  heat  of  dilution  taken  in  the 
mass.  This  excess  is  so  great  that  the  dilution  of  even  the  most 
concentrated  hydrochloric  acid  could  not  make  up  for  it. 

The  greater  number  of  reciprocal  displacements  give  rise  to 
the  same  observations,  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  dilution  of 
concentrated  acids  or  alkalis  being  scarcely  ever  sufficient  to 
supply  the  whole  of  the  body  in  solution  with  the  energy 
necessary  to  reverse  the  chemical  reaction ;  whereas  this  energy 
is,  on  the  contrary,  supplied  by  the  hydration  of  the  portion  of 
acid  (or  alkali)  which  existed  in  the  liquor  in  a  dissociated 

7.  But  to  return  to  mercuric  cyanide.  Theory  indicates  that 
the  displacement  of  hydrochloric  acid  by  hydrocyanic  acid  in 
mercuric  chloride  may  be  observed  still  more  clearly  if  we 
substitute  an  alkaline  cyanide  for  the  free  hydrocyanic  acid.  In 
fact,  in  this  case,  we  shall  get,  besides,  the  difference  of  the 
heats  of  neutralisation  of  both  acids  by  the  alkali.  This  is 
confirmed  by  experiment. 

i[2KCN(l  equiv.  =  8  litres)  +  HgCl2  (1  equiv.  =  4  litres)] 

disengages  +  16*7. 

J[2KC1(1  equiv.  =  8  litres)  -f-  Hg(CN)a  (1  equiv.  =  4  litres)] 
disengages  -f  0. 

Now,  calculation  gives — 
(M-M1)-(M'-M'1)  =  (13'6 -3) -(9-5 -15-5)  =  +  16-6, 

a  result  quite  consistent  with  the  above.  Thus,  the  reality  of  a 
double  integral  interchange  between  the  bases  and  acids  in 
solution  is  fully  established.  This  is  one  of  the  most  glaring 
cases  in  which  the  so-called  saline  thermo-neutrality  which  was 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5s  s6rie,  torn.  iv.  p.  464. 


formerly  accepted  is  found  to  be  at  fault.  The  result  observed 
agrees  perfectly  with  that  calculated,  when  this  calculation 
is  based  upon  the  hypothesis  of  a  total  conversion  into  mercuric 
cyanide  and  potassium  chloride  in  solution.  Moreover,  this 
does  not  affect  the  reciprocal  reaction  between  the  two  last  salts 
when  in  solution ;  i.e.  the  formation  of  a  double  cyanide,  which 
will  be  discussed  presently. 

8.  A  reciprocal  action  of  this  kind  is  easily  shown  between 
potassium  cyanide  in  solution,  and  solid  mercuric  iodide,  which 
enters  into  solution — 

J[HgI2  (solid)  +  4KCN(1  equiv.  =16  litres)],  total  solution, 

+  97. 

The  solution  of  the  solid  body  takes  place,  in  this  case,  with 
a  considerable  disengagement  of  heat,  on  account  of  the  heats 
of  formation  of  the  double  salts  that  are  generated  and  remain 
in  solution. 

9.  The  formation   of    the  mercuric   oxycyanides  from   the 
combination  of  the  cyanide  with  the  oxide  may  be  mentioned 
here.   This  combination  is  effected  with  disengagement  of  heat 
(Joannis) — 

i[Hg(CN)2  (solid)  +  HgO  =  Hg(CN)2,HgO  (solid)]  gives  off 

+  1*2. 

This  oxycyanide,  when  heated,  explodes,  in  consequence  of 
the  combustion  of  part  of  its  carbon  by  the  oxygen  which  it 

1.  Formation  from  the  acid  and  base. 

Some  experiments  were  made  on  the  heat  of  formation  of  silver 
(6)  AgN03(l  equiv.  =  16  litres)  +  HCN(1  equiv.  =  4  litres) 

+  1572, 
from  which  is  got — 

J[2HCN  (in  solution)  +  Ag?0  (precipitated)  =  2AgCN 
(precipitated)]  gives  off  +  20'9. 

(6)  AgN03  (1  equiv.  =  16  litres)  +  KCN  (I  equiv.  =  4  litres) 

+  26-57, 
from  which  is  got — 

£[HCN  (in  solution)  -f  Ag20  (precipitated)  =  2AgCN 
(precipitated)]  gives  off  +  20*9, 

a  value  identical  with  the  above.     It  is,  moreover,  almost  the 
same  as  the  heat  disengaged  in  the  formation  of  silver  chloride. 
Again,  we  get  from  the  above  results : 

|[2HCN  (liquid)  4-  Ag20  (precipitated)  =  2AgCN  -i-  H20  (liquid)]  +  21'3 
£[ 2HCN  (gas)  +  Ag20  (precipitated)  =  2AgCN  +  H20  (liquid)]  +  27'0 
i[2HCN  (gas)  +  Ag20  (precipitated)  =  2AgCN  +  H20  (gas)]...  +  22-2 

Y  2 


this  last  value  being  only  approximate,  on  account  of  the 
physical  changes  experienced  by  the  silver  oxide  and  cyanide. 
It  is  less  by  a  third  than  the  heat,  33*2,  given  off  in  the 
analogous  formation  of  silver  chloride.  These  values  explain 
why  hydrocyanic  acid  displaces  nitric  acid  from  its  combina- 
tion with  silver  oxide,  and  why  silver  cyanide  resists  the  action 
of  dilute  nitric  acid. 

2.  Formation  from  the  elements. 
1.  Ag  -f  C  (diamond)  +  N  +  AgCN  absorbs  -  13'6. 

The  calculation  of  this  value  is  as  follows  :  — 
Initial  system  : 

£[Ag2  +  C2  +  N2  +  H2  +  0], 
Final  system  : 

i[2AgCN  (solid)  +  H20  (liquid)]. 


J[Ag2  +  0  =  Ag20]  disengages         .........     +    3-5 

H  +  C  +  N  =  HCN  (diluted)  absorbs          ......     -  23'4 

|[Ag20  +  2HCN  (diluted)]  disengages          ......     +  20'9 

Sum        ...     +    0-8 

H20]        ...............     +34-5 

Sum        ...     +  34-5  +  x 

whence,  x  =  —  337. 
2.  Again,  we  have  — 

Ag  +  ON  (gas)  =  AgGN  gives  off  +  3*6. 

Let  us  compare  the  differences  observed  between  the  heats 
of  formation  of  the  chloride  and  cyanide,  formed  by  the  same 
metal  or  system  of  elements.  For  potassium,  the  difference  is  — 

105-67-6=  +374; 
for  ammonium  — 

76-7  -  40-5  =  +  36-2. 

The  value  here  is  almost  the  same.     But  the  figures  become 
very  unequal  for  metallic  salts,  such  as  those  from  silver  : 

For  silver  and  mercury  we  observe  that  the  value  is  only 
half  that  relating  to  alkaline  salts. 


The  same  differences  exist  for  cyanides  when  compared  with 
bromides  (Br  gas) — 


K]        85-4  -  67-6  =  17-8 

Hg]      22-4  -  11-9  =  10-5 

Ag]       19-7  -    3-6  =  16-1 

Also  between  cyanide  and  iodides  (I  gas) — 


K]         100-4  +  67-5  =  32-8 

Hg]       30-4  +  11-9  =  18-1 

27-7  +    3-6  =  24-1 



These  inequalities  result  from- the  great  quantity  of  heat 
disengaged  by  the  union  of  the  hydrocyanic  acid  with  metallic 
oxides  as  compared  with  the  small  quantity  disengaged  in  the 
union  of  the  same  acid  with  alkalis. 


It  is  now  necessary  to  find  the  heat  of  formation  of  double 
cyanides,  such  as  the  cyanides  of  mercury  and  potassium,  silver 
and  potassium,  and  also  that  of  ferrocyanides,  which  are  worthy 
of  particular  attention. 

1.  Cyanide  of  mercury  and  potassium :  Hg(CN2),  2KCN.  This 
compound  offers  a  remarkable  example  of  a  double  salt  which 
exists  and  is  even  undoubtedly  generated  in  solutions.  In  fact, 
it  was  found  that  its  two  components,  when  in  solution,  give  off 
a  great  quantity  of  heat  if  merely  mixed  together — 

-J[Hg(CN)a  (1  equiv.  =  16  litres)  +  2KCN  (1  equiv.  =  4  litres)] 

+  5-8. 

This  quantity  represents  nearly  two-thirds  of  the  heat  dis- 
engaged by  the  union  of  the  two  salts  when  in  the  solid  state. 
The  latter  value  is  calculated  by  means  of  the  following  data : — 

KCN,  on  being  dissolved  in  40  times  its  weight  of  water       —  2-96 

i[Hg(CN)2],  on  being  dissolved  in  40  times  its  weight  of  water  ...  —  1-60 
i[2KCN,  Hg  (ON)  J,  on  being  dissolved  in  40  times  its  weight  of  water  —  6'96 

These  data  go  to  show  that  the  combination 

J[Hg(CN)2  (dry)  +  2KCN  (dry)  =  Hy(CN)2, 2KCN  (dry)], 
disengages  -f  8 -3, 

which  is  a  considerable  quantity  of  heat.  It  approaches,  and 
even  exceeds,  the  heat  disengaged  in  the  formation  of  many 
metallic  salts,  from  the  anhydrous  acid  and  base.  However, 
the  double  cyanide,  in  solution,  is  immediately  decomposed  by 
diluted  hydrochloric  acid,  with  separation  of  its  components ; 
the  mercuric  cyanide  being  regenerated  unaltered  in  the  liquor, 
and  the  potassium  cyanide  being  converted  into  potassium 

This  was  discovered  by  measuring  the  heat  disengaged  in  the 


reaction.  This  measurement  proves,  in  fact,  that  dilute  hydro- 
chloric acid,  acting  on  the  solution  of  the  double  cyanide, 
separates  the  components,  with  reproduction  of  potassium 
chloride  and  hydrocyanic  acid : 

[iHg(CN)2,  2KCN  (20  litres)  +  2HC1  (1  equiv.  =  2  litres],  +  5*2 

-4HC1  „  +0 

The  calculation,  based  upon  these  last  data,  indicates  the 
following  value:  -f  3'0  -f  5'8  +  5'2  =  +  14;0  for  the  heat  dis- 
engaged in  the  union  of  hydrochloric  acid  with  potash  ;  a  value 
which  agrees  to  all  intents  with  the  actual  value  +  13 '6,  that 
is,  if  the  liquors  are  as  much  diluted  as  in  the  above. 

2.  Cyanide  of  silver  and  potassium :  AgCN,  KCN.  This  salt, 
so  much  used  in  electro-plating,  acts  in  a  manner  similar  to  the 
above.  It  is  formed  by  the  direct  action  of  potassium  cyanide 
in  solution  on  precipitated  silver  cyanide,  the  latter  becoming 
dissolved  with  disengagement  of  heat — 
KCN  (1  eq.  =  4  litres)  +  AgCN"  (precipitated)  -f  water  (20  litres) 

gives  off  -f  5*6. 

The  reaction  disengages  almost  the  same  quantity  of  heat  as 
that  in  the  case  of  mercuric  cyanide,  notwithstanding  the  solid 
state  of  the  silver  cyanide. 

This  is  a  fresh  instance  of  the  solution  of  a  precipitate  being 
effected  with  disengagement  of  heat,  in  consequence  of  the  for- 
mation of  a  double  salt.  The  phenomena  are  dependent  on  this 
formation,  independently  of  the  solubility  or  insolubility  of  the 
original  metallic  cyanide  (mercuric  or  silver),  as  the  double  salt 
is  formed  with  disengagement  of  heat,  and  is  stable  in  the 
presence  of  excess  of  the  dissolving  agent. 

It  was  also  found  that  the  solution  of  the  soluble  salt — 

AgCN,  KCN  (solid)  (1  part  =  40  parts  of  water),  absorbs  -  8'55. 

"We  conclude  from  these  data,  and  also  the  heat  of  solution  of 
potassium  cyanide,  that  the  combination — 

AgCN  (precipitated)  +  KCN  (dry)  =  AgCN,  KCN"  (dry), 
disengages  +  11 '2. 

The  double  salt  in  solution  is  immediately  decomposed  by 
dilute  hydrochloric  acid,  with  reproduction  of  potassium 
chloride  and  hydrocyanic  acid,  as  is  proved  by  thermal 
measurements.  At  the  same  time  a  precipitate  of  silver 
chloride  is  produced,  mixed  with  a  considerable  proportion  of 
cyanide,  as  might  be  expected ;  for  the  formation  of  both  salts 
from  the  diluted  hydracids  and  precipitated  silver  oxide  causes 
the  liberation  of  about  the  same  quantity  of  heat  (-f  20'9). 

The  double  cyanide  of  silver  and  potassium,  however,  con- 
stitutes a  firmer  combination  than  is  usually  met  with  in 
ordinary  double  salts.  In  fact,  dilute  acetic  acid  separates 
silver  cyanide  from  it  only  in  a  very  incomplete  manner,  giving 


off  only  +  1'7  Cal.,  instead  of  -f  4*8,  which  would  correspond 
to  a  total  decomposition.  Tartaric  acid  gives  similar  results. 
It  would  seem,  then,  that  the  liquors  contain  a  hydro-argento- 
cyanic  acid,  already  mentioned  by  Meillet  ;  a  complex  acid, 
which  can  only  exist  in  the  presence  of  water  and  another  acid, 
so  as  not  to  give  rise  to  phenomena  of  equilibrium,  and  con- 
sequently to  a  partial  decomposition.  The  solutions  of  this 
complex  acid  produce  results  in  silver-plating  that  are  almost 
as  well  marked  as  those  produced  by  alkaline  cyanide  solutions, 
as  there  was  occasion  to  prove. 

This  compound  forms  a  very  remarkable  intermediate  step  in 
the  formation  of  those  special  molecular  types  that  constitute 
the  complex  cyanides. 

3.  Potassium  ferrocyanide.     A  more  decided  stability  charac- 
terises the  double  cyanide  of  potassium  and  iron,  known  as 
ferrocyanide.     Although  the  thermal   study  of  its   formation 
presents  great  difficulties,  owing  to  the  fact  that  we  cannot  start 
with  isolated  iron  cyanides,  nevertheless  it  is  undoubtedly  worth 
while  giving  the  results  of  the  experiments  performed,  with  the 
admission  that  they  are,  no  doubt,  imperfect. 

4.  The  heat  of  solution  of  both  dry  and  hydrated  potassium 
ferrocyanide  was  first  measured,  the  former  in  fifty  parts  of 
water,  the  latter  in  forty  parts  of  water.      It  was  found  that 
at  11° 

^[K4Fe(CN)6,  3H20]  (211-2  grins.),  in  dissolving,  absorbs  -  846. 
i[K4Fe(CN)6  (dry)J  „  „  -  5-98. 

From  these  figures  it  follows  that  the  union  of  the  water  with 
the  dry  salt  — 

i[K4Fe(CN)6  +  3H20  (solid)  =  K4Fe(CN)6,  3H20  (crystal)],  gives 
off  +  0-34,  or  +  Oil  for  each 

a  quantity  which  is  very  small,  but,  according  to  certain  experi- 
ments,1 comparable  to  that  which  is  disengaged  in  the  formation 
of  the  hydrated  calcium  and  copper  acetates. 

5.  The  heat  of  neutralisation  of  hydroferrocyanic  acid  by  bases 
cannot  be  conveniently  measured  directly,  on  account  of  the 
difficulty  of  obtaining  the  free  acid  in  a  perfect  state  of  purity. 
The  latter  object  was  attempted  by  indirect  means,  i.e.  by  dis- 
placing the  acid  from  its  salts  by  more  powerful  acids. 

On  mixing  a  diluted  solution  of  ferrocyanide  — 

i[K4Fe(CN)6]  =  4  litres, 

with  diluted  hydrochloric  acid  (1  eq.  =  2  litres),  we  observe 
that  there  is  absolutely  no  change  of  temperature,  either  because 
there  is  no  reaction,  or  because  the  two  acids  disengage  the 
same  quantity  of  heat  in  acting  on  the  potash,  in  which  case 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  se*rie,  torn.  iv.  p.  127. 


they  would  share  between  them  the  base  in  the  liquor.     This 
last  supposition  seems  the  more  probable. 

In  fact,  on  mixing  the  ferrocyanide  with  dilute  sulphuric 
acid  we  actually  observe  a  progressive  division  of  the  base 
between  the  acids  and  a  displacement,  which  tends  to  become 
total  in  the  presence  of  a  great  excess  of  sulphuric  acid.  Among 
the  various  experiments  that  were  made  with  regard  to  this 
question,  the  following  only  will  be  quoted : — 

J[KJFe(CN)e  (6  litres)  +  H2S04  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)]  disengages 

+  1107. 

<L[K4Fe(CN)'6   (6    litres)  +  2eH2S04   (1   eq.  =  2   litres)]    dis- 
engages +  0'181. 

Upon  continuing  the  progressive  additions  of  sulphuric  acid, 
an  absorption  of  heat  is  produced  owing  to  the  formation  of  the 

With  a  large  excess,  added  all  at  once — 

i[K4Fe(CN)6  (4  litres)  +  10H2S04  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)]  +  0-966. 

These  phenomena  may  be  compared  to  those  in  the  reaction  of 
sulphuric  acid  upon  chlorides,1  although  the  values  are  some- 
what different.  They  also  show  a  progressive  division  of  the 
base  between  the  two  acids.  If  we  admit  that  i[10H2S04]  are 
sufficient  to  abstract  almost  the  whole  of  the  potash  from  the 
ferrocyanide,  according  to  what  happens  in  the  case  of  chlorides, 
nitrates,  etc.,  we  can  calculate  the  heat,  X,  disengaged  in  the 
action  of  dissolved  hydroferrocyanic  acid  on  diluted  potash.  In 
short,  +  15 '7  being  the  heat  disengaged  by  the  action  of 
sulphuric  acid  on  potash,  and  —  1/75  the  heat  absorbed  in  the 
action  of  J[4H2S04  (diluted)]  on  £[K2S04]  in  solution  (so  as  to 
form  bisulphate),  we  shall  get  for  the  reaction  we  are  seeking — 

i[i(H4Fe(C]Sr)6  =  4  litres)  +  K20  (1  eq.  =  2  litres)]  gives  off 
X  =  15-71  -  1-75  -  J(0-97)  =  +  13-5. 

This  number  is,  to  all  intents,  the  same  as  that  which  repre- 
sents the  heat  disengaged  (13'6)  by  the  combination  of  hydro- 
chloric and  nitric  acids  with  potash,  whence  it  follows  that 
hydroferrocyanic  acid  is  a  powerful  one,  and  may  be  compared 
with  the  mineral  acids.  We  know,  in  fact,  that  it  displaces 
carbonic  and  acetic  acids.  The  apparent  absence  of  thermic 
reaction  between  hydrochloric  acid  and  ferrocyanide  in  solution 
is  consistent  with  these  results. 

6.  Nothing  is  easier  than  to  pass  from  this  to  the  formation 
of  Prussian  Uue.  It  was  found,  in  fact,  that  -I12[3K4Fe(CN)6 
=  (4  litres)  +  2Fe2(S04)3  (1  equiv.  =  2  litres)  =  (Fe7(CN)18 
(precip.)  +  6K2S04  (diss.)]  disengages  +  2-54  to  +  278,  the 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4"  s6rie,  torn.  xxx.  p.  524. 


heat  disengaged  gradually  increasing  with  the  time;  as  fre- 
quently happens  in  the  formation  of  amorphous  precipitates.1 
Similarly : 

1i2[3(K4Fe(C]Sr)6  =  4  litres)  +  2Fe2(N03)6  (1  equiv.  =  2  litres)  = 
Fe7(CN)18)  (precipitated)  4-  2KN03  (in  solution)]  disengages 
+  0-725. 

According  to  the  result  furnished  by  the  ferric  sulphate,  the 
substitution  of  potash  for  ferric  oxide  (K20  for  Fe^)  in  Prussian 
blue  gives  off  -f  7'2 ;  and  according  to  the  result  furnished  by 
the  nitrate,  +  7'2  ;  thus  the  two  results  agree.  Admitting 
that  in  the  formation  of  potassium  ferrocyanide, 

£[H4Fe(CN)6  (diluted)  +  2K20  (diluted)],  disengages  +  13'5 
X  2  =  +  27, 

we  conclude  that  the  formation  of  Prussian  blue,  with  the  same 
acid  and  precipitated  ferric  oxide — 

£  [3H4Fe(CN)6  (diluted)  +  2Fe2O3  (precipitated)],  gives  off 
+  6-3x2=-}-  12-6. 

The  value  6-3  is  little  different  from  the  value  5*7,  which 
represents  the  heat  of  combination  of  nitric  and  hydrochloric 
acids  with  ferric  oxide ;  this  is  a  fresh  proof  of  the  analogy 
existing  between  hydroferrocyanic  acid  and  the  mineral  acids. 
However  +  6'3  is  greater  than  5'7,  which  explains  why  diluted 
hydrochloric  acid  does  not  decompose  Prussian  blue,  with 
formation  of  ferric  chloride. 

7.  Hydrocyanic  acid,  one  of  the  weakest  acids  known,  thus 
constitutes,  when  combined  with  ferrous  cyanide,  a  powerful 
acid,  comparable  in  every  respect  with  nitric,  acetic,  and  hydro- 
chloric acids.     This  is  a  fresh  proof,  which  helps  to  establish 
the  theory  that  the  acid  properties  that  are  most  marked,  even 
in    compounds    containing    carbon     and    hydrogen,    are    not 
necessarily  connected  in  any  way  with  the  presence  or  propor- 
tion of  oxygen. 

8.  We  now  have  to  measure  the  heat   disengaged  in  the 
formation  of  ferrocyanide.    The  following  results  were  found : — 

i[FeS04  (1  equiv.  =  2  litres)  +  2Fe2(S04)3  (1  equiv.  =  2  litres) 
+  6K20(1  equiv.  =  2  litres)]  gives  off  -f  23'2. 

Adding  to  the  above  mixture  ^[6HCN  (1  equiv.  =  4  litres)], 
we  observe  a  fresh  disengagement  of  +  3 9 -3,  which  represents 
the  formation  of  ferrocyanide  from  hydrocyanic  acid  and  the 
two  oxides — 

£[6HCN(in  solution)  +  2K20  (in  solution)  +  FeO  (precipitated) 
=  K4Fe(CN)6  (in  solution)]  gives  off  +  39'3. 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  s&ie,  torn.  iv.  pp.  174,  181. 


As  a  proof, 

J[6HC1]  (1  equiv.  =  2  litres) 

was  added  to  the  liquid  ;  this  gave  off  +  25'0  Cal.,  with  the 
production  of  an  abundant  precipitate  of  Prussian  blue;  the 
heat  disengaged  varied,  during  this  precipitation,  from  23  to 
25.  To  sum  up,  the  hydrochloric  acid  should  produce  the 
following  reactions  :  — 

£[2HC1  (diluted)  +  K20  (diluted)  =  2KC1  (diluted)]    ...  + 

£[6HC1  (diluted)  +  Fe203  (precipitated)  =  Fe2Cl6  (diluted)]  +  11-4      ,  oc  . 
K2Fe2Cl6  (diluted)  +  3K4Fe(CN)6  (in  solution)  =  Fe7(CN)18  |  +  ^ 

+  12KC1  (diluted)]       ...............  +    1-4J 

The  approximate  consistence  between  the  values  25  and  2  6  '4 
is  as  close  as  can  be  hoped  for  in  the  study  of  such  precipitates, 
the  state  of  which  varies  with  the  conditions. 

9.  We  may  conclude,  further  — 

i[18HCN  (diluted)  +  3FeO  (precipitated)  +  2Fe203  (precipitated) 

=  Fe7  (CN)w  (precipitated)]  gives  off  +  24-9. 

i[6HCN  (diluted)  +  FeO  (precipitated)  =  H4Fe  (CN)6  (in  solu- 

tion)], +  12-3. 

These  values  were  verified  by  means  of  the  direct  formation 
of  Prussian  blue  from  potassium  cyanide  and  the  two  sulphates 
of  iron  : 

equiv.  =  2  litres)  +  3FeS04  (1  equiv.  =  2  litres)  + 
2Fe2(S04)3  (1  equiv.  =  2  litres)  =  Fe7(CN)18  (precipitated) 
+  9K2S04  (diluted)]  gives  off  +  37*5. 

The  difference  between  the  heat  of  formation  of  the  alkaline 
sulphate  and  that  of  the  iron  sulphates,  reckoning  from  the 
oxides,  being  12'5  4-  111  -  471  =  -  23'2,  and  the  heat  of 
formation  of  3KCN  from  potash  being  8  '9,  we  can  easily 
determine  from  these  data  the  heat  disengaged  in  the  formation 
of  Prussian  blue  from  hydrocyanic  acid  : 

i[18HCN  (diluted)  +  3FeO  +  2Fe203  =  Fe7(CN)18]  gives  off 
37-5  +  8-9  -23-2  =  +23-2; 

a  value  sufficiently  near  to  24*9,  which  was  obtained  in  another 
way,  but  is  a  less  accurate  result. 

10.  It  is  now  possible  to  draw  a  few  general  conclusions 
from  these  results. 

The  first  that  occurs  to  us  relates  to  the  heat  disengaged  in 
the  formation  of  the  ferrocyanide,  starting  from  hydrocyanic 
acid  or  from  potassium  cyanide. 

J[6HCN"  (in  solution)  +  3K20  (diluted)]  gives  off  +  8'7. 

J[6HCN  (in  solution)  +  2K20  (diluted)  +  FeO  (precipitated)] 

gives  off  +  39-3. 

We  see  that  the  substitution  of  ferrous  oxide  for  potash,  with 


formation  of  ferrocyanide,  gives  off  a  considerable  proportion 
of  heat:  viz.  39'3  -  8*7  =  +  30'6.  Moreover,  only  a  single 
equivalent  of  ferrous  oxide  is  required  to  constitute  hydroferro- 
cyanic  acid. 

These  figures  also  explain  the  displacement  observed,  and 
correspond  to  the  constitution  of  a  new  molecular  type, — that 
of  hydroferrocyanic  acid. 

In  fact,  we  conclude  from  them  that 

i[6HCN  (in  solution)  +  FeO  (precipitated)]  gives  off  +  12*3, 

which  quantity  exceeds  the  heat  (-f  9'0)  disengaged  by  the 
combination  of  i[3K20  (diluted)]  with  i[6HCN]. 

There  are  here  two  simultaneous  reactions,  viz.  the  union 
of  six  molecules  of  hydrocyanic  acid  into  a  type  six  times  as 
condensed,  and  the  reaction  of  the  ferrous  oxide  which  enters 
into  the  constitution  of  this  new  type :  H4Fe(GN")6 . 

In  the  same  way,  for  Prussian  blue,  the  fact  has  been 
established  elsewhere  that 

i[3H4Fe(CN)6  (diluted)  +  2Fe203  (precipitated)]  gives  off  + 12-6 

=  6-3  x  2, 

or  almost  the  same  quantity  as  in  the  union  of  the  same  oxide 
with  diluted  hydrochloric  and  nitric  acids. 
From  hydrocyanic  acid  itself  we  get — 

i[18HON  (diluted)  +  3FeO  +  2Fe203  =  Fe7(CN)l8  (precipi- 
tated)] +  24-9  =  8-3  x  3. 

The  magnitude  of  this  last  quantity,  which  is  three  times  that 
of  the  heat  disengaged  by  potash  in  its  combination  with  hydro- 
cyanic acid,  enables  us,  as  before,  to  account  for  the  formation 
of  the  new  molecular  type  of  ferrocyanides,  and,  in  a  more 
general  manner,  for  the  formation  of  double  cyanides. 

11.  This  consistency  in  effects  also  explains,  by  the  greater 
quantity  of  heat  disengaged,  the  greater  apparent  affinity  pre- 
sented by  ferrous  oxide,  as  compared  with  potash,  in  its  union 
with  hydrocyanic  acid ;  this  is  contrary  to  what  happens  in  the 
comparison  of  the  formation  of  the  ordinary  oxysalts,  sulphates, 
nitrates,  acetates,  etc.,  from  diluted  acids  and  alkaline  bases, 
with  that  of  those  salts  from  the  same  salts  with  metallic 

12.  Could  we  not  explain  by  some  similar  circumstance  why 
silver  and  mercuric  oxides,  as  well  as  ferrous  oxide,  give  off 
more  heat  than  diluted  potash  in  their  combination  with  hydro- 
cyanic acid?     In  a  word,  are   mercuric  and  silver   cyanides 
really  represented  by  the  simple  formulae 

AgCN  and  Hg(CN)2, 

those  of  potassium  cyanide  and  hydrocyanic  acid  being  KCN 
and  HCN  ?  or  ought  we  rather  not  regard  them  as  being  them- 


selves  cyanides  of  a  more  condensed  type,  such  as  Hg2(CN)4 
and  Ag2(CN)2?  The  heat  disengaged  by  their  union  with 
potassium  cyanide,  so  as  to  form  double  cyanides,  such  as 
K2Hg(CN)4 ;  KAg(CN)2,  even  in  dilute  solutions,  would  support 
this  opinion ;  as  it  would  result  from  the  transition  from  the 
simple  type  potassium  cyanide  to  the  complex  type  constituting 
the  double  cyanides — 

Hg(CN)2  +  2KCN  =  HgK2(ON)4 

AgCN  +  KCN  =  AgK  (CST)2. 

Besides,  hydrocyanic  acid  is  not  the  only  acid  that  gives 
rise  to  the  general  inversion  of  ordinary  affinities,  as  shown  by 
the  corresponding  thermal  effects,  between  the  alkaline  oxides 
and  metallic  oxides.  It  is  exactly  the  same  with  hydrosul- 
phuric  acid.1 

13.  However  it  may  be  with  regard  to  these  last  consider- 
ations, it  remains  no  less  a  fact  that  metallic  oxides  give  off 
more  heat  than  alkaline  bases  in  uniting  with  hydrocyanic 
acid;   which  explains   why  they  displace  them.     It  may  be 
repeated  that  thermo-chemistry  thus  explains  the  constitution 
of  complex  cyanides — new  molecular  types,  very  superior  to  the 
primitive  type,  as  regards  the  energy  of  their  affinities  towards 
bases,  and  the  stability  of  the  resultant  salts,  very  superior  to 
hydrocyanic  acid,  which  aids  in  their  formation  by  its  conden- 

Hydrocyanic  acid,  the  common  generator  of  these  condensed 
types,  is  moreover  distinguished  by  the  fact  that  it  is  formed 
from  the  elements  with  an  absorption  of  heat  amounting  to 
29-5 ;  in  other  words,  its  formation  has  stored  up  an  excess  of 
energy  that  gives  it  a  special  tendency  towards  successive 
combinations  and  molecular  condensations. 

14.  We  will  give,  in  conclusion,  the  heat  of  formation  of 
potassium   ferrocyanide  from   its    elements,   a   quantity    that 
enters  into  the  study  of  certain  explosive  substances. 

From  cyanogen,  we  should  get — 

J[2Ka  +  Fe  +  3(CN)2  =  K4Fe(CN)6  (solid)]  gives  off  +  183*6, 

or  +  61-2  x  3. 
From  the  elements — 
£[2K2  +  Fe  +  60  +  31ST2  =  K4Fe(C]Sr)6]  +  717,  or  +  23'9  x  3. 

These  values  are  near  those  that  correspond  to  the  formation 
of  potassium  cyanide ;  viz.  from  cyanogen,  +  67'6 ;  and  from 
the  elements,  +  30'3. 

The  hydrated  salt  contains,  in  addition,  three  equivalents  of 
water,  3H20,  the  union  of  which  in  a  liquid  form  with  the 
anhydrous  salt  gave  off  2[  -j-  2 *48] ;  which  makes  altogether  for 
the  crystallised  yellow  prussiate  from  the  elements  and  water, 
+  94-2  Cal.] 

1  See  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  se'rie,  torn.  iv.  p.  186. 



1.  Cyanogen  chloride  was  prepared  in  the  form  of  a  colourless, 
dry  and  pure  liquid ;  its  purity  was  proved  by  the  determina- 
tion of  the  chlorine  contained  in  a  given  weight  of  the  com- 
pound.    This  done,  several  samples  of  it  were  weighed  into 
sealed  phials ;  the  weight  of  these  samples  was  approximately 
2   grms.;    being   1/946  grin.,   24675  grins.,   2-137  grms.,  and 
so  on. 

2.  This  cyanogen  chloride  was  converted  into  carbonic  acid 
(in  solution)  and  ammonium  chloride — 

CNC1  (liquid)  +  2H20  +  water  =  C02  (in  solution)  +  NH4C1 

(in  solution). 

The  heat  disengaged  during  this  transformation  was  measured 
by  the  following  method,  which  consists  in  treating  the  cyanogen 
chloride  with  potash  and  hydrochloric  acid  successively. 

Preliminary  operations. — A  solution  of  potash  containing 
about  1  equiv.  (471  grms.)  in  10  litres  of  liquid  was  introduced 
into  the  calorimeter,  a  proportion  of  it  being  taken  that 
would  represent  rather  more  than  3  equiv.  for  1  equiv.  of 
chloride  (CNC1  =  61*5  grms.) ;  i.e.  about  1  litre  of  the  alkaline 

The  rate  of  cooling  during  an  interval  of  ten  minutes, 
measured  before  the  actual  experiment,  was  found  to  be  nil ; 
which  is  explained  by  the  fact  that  the  temperature  of  the 
liquid  was  21*51°,  that  of  the  enclosing  vessel  being  21 '31°. 

The  phial  containing  the  cyanogen  chloride  is  surrounded 
with  a  thick  platinum  wire,  wound  into  a  spiral,  so  as  to  add 
weight  to  the  phial  and  form  a  system  that  will  remain  at  the 
bottom  of  the  water  whether  the  phial  be  full,  empty,  or  giving 
off  gases.  This  system  is  placed  in  a  dry  glass  tube,  which  is 
surrounded  with  ice,  a  little  thermometer  and  a  piece  of  potash 
being  put  by  the  side  of  the  phial;  then  we  wait  until  the 
thermometer  records  a  temperature  as  near  zero  as  possible ; 
0*5°  for  example.  It  is  necessary  to  take  the  precaution  of 
cooling  the  phial  beforehand,  if  we  wish  to  be  able  to  open  it 
afterwards  without  loss  or  projection,  after  its  introduction  into 
the  calorimeter,  seeing  that  cyanogen  chloride  boils  at  12°,  and 
that  it  would  be  violently  expelled  if  the  point  of  the  closed 
phial  were  broken,  in  which  it  had  been  kept  a  liquid  at  a 
temperature  of  21°,  in  virtue  of  its  own  pressure. 

First  stage  of  the  experiment. — The  phial  having  been  thus 
prepared  beforehand,  and  kept  in  a  cold  dry  tube  (dry,  in  order 
to  prevent  the  condensation  of  moisture  on  the  surface  of  the 
phial),  the  calorimeter  is  made  ready.  We  then  take  the 
platinum  spiral  surrounding  the  phial,  and  plunge  the  whole, 


spiral  and  phial,  into  the  calorimeter,  the  water  in  which  should 
completely  cover  the  two  points  of  the  phial.  We,  however, 
keep  the  lower  point  from  touching  the  bottom  of  the  calori- 
meter, so  as  to  prevent  the  possibility  of  its  getting  broken  in 
the  course  of  the  subsequent  operations.  When  these  pre- 
parations are  completed,  we  break  the  upper  point  of  the  phial, 
by  a  sharp  blow  with  a  platinum  hammer  against  a  piece  of 
glass  resting  on  this  point,  or  in  some  similar  way ;  but  the 
lower  point  must  be  carefully  kept  intact.  Under  these  con- 
ditions, cyanogen  chloride  is  at  once  given  off,  escaping  in 
gaseous  bubbles  from  the  broken  point ;  these  are  absorbed,  as 
they  appear,  by  the  alkaline  solution.  The  operation  proceeds 
with  extreme  regularity,  if  all  the  prescribed  precautions  have 
been  observed. 

Nevertheless,  we  follow  at  each  minute  the  course  of  the 
calorimetric  thermometer.  At  the  end  of  about  20  minutes, 
the  vaporisation  is  complete  and  the  maximum  temperature 
attained.  It  exceeds  the  original  temperature  by  about  2°. 
The  phial  is  then  completely  broken  up  with  the  hammer,  in 
order  to  destroy  the  last  traces  of  cyanogen  chloride,  and 
complete  the  mixture. 

The  first  stage  of  the  operation  converts  the  cyanogen 
chloride  into  potassium  chloride  and  cyanate  (or  rather 
isocyanate),  mixed  with  a  certain  quantity  of  potassium  and 
ammonium  carbonates. 

The  proportion  of  these  products  of  a  further  reaction  varies 
according  to  the  concentration  of  the  potash  and  various  other 
circumstances ;  it  seems  to  increase  little  by  little,  by  a  slow 
reaction.  We  cannot,  therefore,  stop  at  this  point,  as  it  does  not 
furnish  a  reliable  basis  for  calorimetric  computations. 

Second  stage  of  the  experiment. — This  is  why,  when  the 
maximum  has  been  reached  and  the  phial  broken,  we  introduce 
into  the  calorimeter  a  certain  quantity  of  dilute  hydrochloric 
acid,  rather  more  than  would  be  required  to  exactly  neutralise 
the  potash  used  in  the  experiment  The  temperature  of  this 
acid  is,  moreover,  obtained  with  exactness  by  special  measure- 
ment. A  new  reaction  is  immediately  developed ;  a  reaction 
which  rather  rapidly,  but  not  instantaneously,  converts  the 
potassium  cyanate  (iso-)  into  potassium  chloride  and  carbonic 
acid  in  solution.  In  order  to  avoid  the  liberation  of  this  last 
gas,  in  consequence  of  the  liquid  being  mixed  with  air,  this 
liquid  is  agitated  by  means  of  a  stirrer  that  moves  horizontally 

(P-  W7). 

The  maximum  is  attained  in  six  minutes.  It  exceeds  the 
original  temperature  by  about  3°.  It  lasts  three  minutes,  and 
then  the  temperature  begins  to  fall.  The  progress  of  this  cool- 
ing is  followed  during  thirty  minutes.  The  actual  experiment 
lasts  about  as  long. 


During  all  this  time  the  temperature  of  the  enclosing  vessel 
only  varied  from  21'21°  to  21'37°. 

Study  of  the  cooling. — We  then  take  a  diluted  solution  of 
potassium  chloride,  occupying  the  same  volume  as  the  above 
liquid  ;  this  is  introduced  into  the  same  vessel  and  the 
temperature  raised  so  as  to  exceed  by  3°  that  of  the  enclosing 
vessel,  just  given.  The  progress  of  the  cooling  is  again  followed 
for  ten  minutes ;  then  the  excess  of  temperature  is  reduced  to 
2°  by  substituting  a  suitable  volume  of  a  cold  solution  of  the 
same  composition  for  the  heated  solution  contained  in  the 
calorimeter.  We  then  repeat  the  experiments  on  the  rate  of 
cooling,  corresponding  to  this  last  excess.1 

Calculations. — We  thus  possess  all  the  necessary  data  for 
calculating  the  heat  disengaged  during  the  experiment.2  This 
calculation  is  made  without  the  aid  of  hypotheses,  and  according 
to  the  rules  already  laid  down  for  hydrocyanic  acid  (p.  306). 

In  this  way  we  obtain  the  quantities  of  heat  disengaged 
during  the  two  stages  of  the  experiment ;  or,  ql  -f-  qz.  The 
correction  due  to  the  cooling  is  8  per  cent,  for  the  first  stage  of 
the  experiment  in  question;  it  reaches  12  per  cent,  for  the 
second  stage.  The  total  quantity  of  heat  disengaged  represents 
the  conversion  of  the  liquid  cyanogen  chloride  into  carbonic 
acid  in  solution  and  ammonium  chloride,  plus  the  heat  pro- 
duced in  the  complete  saturation  of  the  potash  employed  by 
dilute  hydrochloric  acid.  P  being  the  weight  of  this  potash, 
it  would  give  off,  if  treated  separately  with  hydrochloric  acid, 

— h  13 '6  Cal.     Let  $3  be  the  quantity  of  heat  disengaged 

by  the  conversion  of  the  cyanogen  chloride  into  carbonic  acid 
and  ammonium  chloride  under  the  influence  of  pure  water ;  we 
then  get — 

fc  =  2i  +  ft  -  ~  13-6  Cal. 

We  have  now  only  to  multiply  the  quantity,  q3,  by  the  inverse 
ratio  of  the  weight,  p,  employed  to  the  equivalent  of  cyanogen 

(\~\  •£* 
chloride  (61*5  grms.).      It  was   found  that  q3  X =  61*68 

Cal.  (according  to  the  average  of  the  experiments).  This  value 
represents  the  heat  disengaged  in  the  following  reaction : — 

CNC1  (liquid)  +  2H20  +  water  =  C02  (in  solution)  +  NH4C1 

(in  solution). 

1  For  this  method,  see  "Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  46  seYie, 
torn.  xxix.  p.  158. 

2  The   only  unknown  quantity  is  the   specific  heat  of  liquid  cyanogen 
chloride.     The  approximate  value,  0*4,  was  taken:  it  is  near  enough,  on 
account  of  the  extreme  smallness  of  the  corresponding  correction. 


3.  Heat  of  formation  of  cyanogen  chloride  from  the  elements. 
This  quantity  is  easily  deduced  from  the  above  value.  Let  the 
initial  system  be — 

C  +  N  +  Cl  +  2H2  +02  +  water ; 
and  the  final  system — 

C02  (gas)  +  NH4C1  (in  solution). 
We  pass  from  one  to  the  other,  by  two  different  methods  : 


C  (diamond)  +02  =  C02  (gas)     +  94-0 

Solution  of  C02      +  5*6 

HC1  =  HC1  (in  solution) +  39-3 

NH3  =  NH3  (in  solution)  +  21-0 

Union  of  NH3  +  HC1  =  NH4C1  (in  solution)     ...  +  12-45 

Sum        +172-35 


+  138 

2(H2  +  0)  =  2H20 

C  +  N  +  Cl  =  CNC1  (liquid) 

CNC1  (liquid)  +  2H20  +  water  =  C02  (in  solu- 
tion) +  NH4C1  (in  solution)  +    61'7 

Sum        x  +  199-7 


x  =  -  27-35. 

This  is  the  quantity  of  heat  absorbed  during  the  formation 
of  cyanogen  chloride  from  the  elements — 

C  (diamond)  +  N  +  Cl  =  CNC1  (liquid)  absorbed  -  27'35. 

We  will  pass  on  to  the  gaseous  compound. 

4.  Vaporisation  of  cyanogen  chloride.  The  heat  absorbed  in 
this  operation  was  measured  in  a  direct  manner,  i.e.  by  sub- 
merging in  the  water  of  a  calorimeter  (500  cc.)  which  was  at 
20°  a  phial  containing  a  known  weight,  2-069  grms.  for 
instance,  of  liquid  cyanogen  chloride.  The  phial  had  been 
cooled  beforehand  to  nearly  zero  and  weighted  with  a  platinum 
wire,  as  already  described.  Only  the  upper  point,  instead  of 
being  opened  directly  into  the  liquid  of  the  calorimeter,  was 
fitted  with  a  little  worm  through  which  the  gaseous  chloride 
was  given  off.  This  gas  was  then  conveyed  outside  the  calori- 
meter, and  absorbed  by  a  solution  of  potash.  The  operation 
lasts  about  twenty-five  minutes.  All  calculations  being  made, 
the  following  number  was  found  for  the  vaporisation  of  CNC1 
(  =  61-5  grms.) ;  -  876  Cal.  absorbed. 

This  value  comprises — 

(a)  The  heat  of  vaporisation  of  cyanogen  chloride  at   +  12'7°. 

(b)  The  heat  absorbed  by  the  liquid,  which  has  been  raised 
from  1°  to  +  12-7°. 


(c)  The  heat  absorbed  by  the  gas,  which  has  been  raised  from 
127°  to  197°  (the  average  temperature  during  the  vaporisation). 

These  two  last  quantities  are  relatively  small.  They  could 
only  be  estimated  exactly  if  we  knew  the  specific  heats  of 
cyanogen  chloride  in  the  liquid  and  the  gaseous  states  at 
the  temperatures  indicated.  In  default  of  any  direct  data, 
approximate  values  were  used;  the  total  value  of  these  two 
quantities,  moreover,  representing  a  very  small  quantity  as 
compared  with  the  heat  of  vaporisation  itself.  Let  us  admit 
for  these  specific  heats  the  mean  value  +  0*4,  deduced  from 
observation  made  on  similar  liquids.  Consequently,  the  heat 
absorbed  in  the  accessory  operations  (b  and  c)  will  be  estimated 
at  0*46 ;  a  correction  entailing  probable  error  amounting  to  not 
more  than  a  fourth  of  its  value.  The  heat  of  vaporisation  of 
cyanogen  chloride  will  be,  for  CNC1  (=  61*5  grms.),  —  8*3  Cal. 

Thus  the  formation  of  gaseous  cyanogen  chloride  from  its 
elements — 

C  (diamond)  +  N  4-  Cl  +  CNC1  (gas),  absorbs  -  357. 

These  figures  exceed  in  absolute  value  the  heat  absorbed  in  the 
formation  of  hydrocyanic  acid  ;  for — 

H  +  C  4-  N  =  HCN  (gas),  absorbs  -  29'5. 

The  formation  of  cyanogen  chloride  from  the  elements  is,  there- 
fore, endothermal,  like  that  of  hydrocyanic  acid,  but  even  in 
a  higher  degree.  This  circumstance  explains  why  cyanogen 
chloride  is  so  apt  to  undergo  polymeric  transformations  and 
other  condensations. 

5.  Union  of  cyanogen  with  chlorine.  From  the  above  data 
we  deduce — 

CN  (gas)  +  Cl  (gas)  =  CNC1  (gas)  gives  off  +  37'3  -  357  = 

+  1-6. 
CN  +  Cl  =  CNC1  (liquid)  +  9-9. 

These  values  were  checked  by  another  method. 

We  know  that  cyanogen  chloride  is  easily  formed  by  the 
action  of  mercuric  cyanide,  in  solution,  on  chlorine.  The  heat 
disengaged  in  this  operation  was  measured. 

i[Hg(CN)2  (in  solution)  +  2C12  (gas)  =  HgCl2  (in  solution) 
+  2CNC1  (in  solution). 

The  value  +  17'5  Cal.  was  found. 

The  calculation,  supposing  the  cyanogen  chloride  to  be 
liquefied  instead  of  being  in  solution,  would  give  +  29'6 ;  the 
difference  does  not  exceed  the  limits  allowed  in  experiments  of 
this  kind,  or  the  differences  which  exist  between  solution  and 
liquefaction.  This  is,  therefore,  at  least  an  approximate  check 
on  the  heat  of  formation  of  cyanogen  chloride. 



The  heat  of  formation  of  liquid  cyanogen  chloride  from 
chlorine  and  cyanogen,  or  +  9*9,  is  quite  comparable  to  the 
heat  of  formation  of  iodine  chloride  and  iodine  bromide,  under 
the  same  form — 

I  (gas)  +  01  =  IC1  (liquid)  +  9-8  ;  IC1  (solid)  +  12-1. 
I  (gas)  +  Br  (gas)  =  IBr  (solid)  +  11-9. 

This  is  another  point  of  resemblance  between  cyanogen  and 
the  halogens.  In  the  formation  of  cyanogen  chloride,  as  well 
as  in  the  combinations  of  the  halogen  elements  with  one  another, 
there  is  hardly  any  other  heat  given  off  than  that  which  corre- 
sponds to  the  change  of  state  of  the  compound,  i.e.  to  the  con- 
version of  the  gaseous  body  into  liquid  or  solid. 

6.  Substitution  of  chlorine  for  the  cyanogen.  From  the  previous 
results  we  conclude  that  the  simple  substitution  of  chlorine  for 
hydrogen  in  gaseous  hydrocyanic  acid — 

Cl  +  HCN  (gas)  =  CNC1  (gas)  +  H, 

would  absorb  —  6'2.  Such  a  reaction  is  therefore  impossible, 
unless  accompanied  by  the  formation  of  secondary  products, 
furnishing  supplementary  energy.  On  the  contrary,  the  simple 
substitution  of  chlorine  for  the  cyanogen — 

Cl  +  HCN  (gas)  =  HC1  (gas)  +  CN  (gas), 

would  give  off  +  14*2. 

Lastly,  the  simultaneous  formation  of  cyanogen  chloride  and 
gaseous  hydrochloric  acid — 

C12  +  HCN  (gas)  =  CNC1  (gas)  +  HC1  (gas),  would  give  off 

+  15-8. 

We  see  that  this  last  formation  answers  to  the  maximum  of 
heat  disengaged.  This  reaction,  in  fact,  is  produced  in  prefer- 
ence to  any  other.  It  is  all  the  more  readily  effected  as  the 
combination  between  the  cyanogen  chloride  and  hydrochloric 
acid  gives  off  a  fresh  quantity  of  heat,  at  least  if  the  substances 
are  in  the  liquid  state,  which  again  acts  in  the  same  way. 
However,  the  effects  of  these  direct  reactions  between  chlorine 
and  free  hydrocyanic  aeid  are  complicated  by  various  secondary 
reactions  which  are  imperfectly  understood.  The  direct  reactions 
become  more  obvious,  if  we  are  operating  on  cyanides,  the 
corresponding  bodies  being  always  considered  in  comparable 
forms : 

KCN   (solid)  +  da  (gas)  =  KC1  (solid)  +  CNC1  (gas)  would 

give  off  +  39-0. 
i[Hg(CN)2  (solid)  +  2C12  (gas)  =  HgCl2  (solid)  +  2CNC1  (gas)] 

gives  off  +  21-3. 

All  these  quantities  of  heat  are  positive.     The  formation  of 


liquid  cyanogen  chloride,  together  with  mercuric  chloride,  gives 
off  -f-  7 '3  more ;  or,  altogether,  -f-  29'6.  If  we  suppose  the 
mercuric  cyanide  to  be  in  solution,  as  well  as  the  cyanogen 
chloride,  these  figures  do  not  vary  to  any  appreciable  extent.  The 
number  -f  27*5,  instead  of  +  29*6,  was  found  by  experiment. 

7.  We  must  also  note  the  action  of  water  on  cyanogen  chloride. 
Water  first  dissolves  it,  and  then  slowly  converts  it  into  car- 
bonic acid  and  ammonium  chloride ;  a  reaction  similar  to  that 
in  the  case  of  amides.     According  to  calculation — 

CNC1  (liquid)  +  2H20  (liquid)  =  C02  (gas)  +  NH4C1  (in  solu- 
tion) +  55*9. 
CNCl(gas)  +  2H20.(solid)  =  C02(gas)  +  NH4C1  (solid)  +  65-4. 

8.  The  heat  of  combustion  of  cyanogen  chloride  would  be  as 
follows : — 

CNC1  (gas)  +  02  =  C02  +  N  +  Cl  +  1297. 

We  know  that  this  combustion  does  not  take  place  directly. 


1.  This    substance    was  synthetically  prepared  from  pure 
potassium  cyanide  in  aqueous   solution    (1  eq.  =   6*5   litres) 
and  solid  iodine.     The  reaction  is  easy  and  rapid.     In  a  first 
experiment,  potassium  cyanide  was  used,  which  had  been  pre- 
pared beforehand  and  proved  to  be  pure.     It  was  found  that 

KCN  (1  eq.  =  6-5  litres)  +  I2  (solid)  =  CNI  (in  solution)  +  KI 
(in  solution)  +  6'36  Cal. 

In  a  second  experiment,  pure  hydrocyanic  acid  was  used,  of 
which  a  certain  weight  was  dissolved  in  a  diluted  equivalent  of 
potash,  so  as  to  give  a  solution  containing  KCN  (1  eq.  =  2  litres). 
On  the  addition  of  a  corresponding  quantity  of  solid  iodine,  the 
value,  +  6*21  Cal.,  was  obtained.  We  will  adopt  the  average, 
+  6-3. 

2.  Solution  in  water.     The  solution  in  water  of  crystallised 
cyanogen  iodide  (6*3  grms.  to  500  cc.  of  water)  absorbs,  at  20°, 
-  2-78. 

3.  Formation  from  the  elements. 

Initial  system :  K  4-  C  (diamond)  +  N  +  I2  (solid)  4-  water. 
Final  system :  CNI  (in  solution)  +  KI  (in  solution). 


K  4  C  (diamond)  +  N  =  KCN  (solid)        +30-3 

Solution          -    2-9 

Keaction  of  I2  (solid)  ...         +    6- 3 

Sum         +33-7 




K  +  I  (solid)  =  KI  (in  solution)      +  74-7 

C  (diamond)  4-  N  + 1  (solid)  =  CNI  (in  solution)  ...  x 

Sum        ...         +  74-7  +  x 

X  =  -  41  ; 

a  value  which  applies  to  cyanogen  iodide  in  solution.  For  solid 
iodide,  we  get — 

C  (diamond)  +  N  +  I  (solid)  =  CNI  (solid),  -  38-2. 

4.  Union  of  iodine  with  cyanogen. 

CN  +  I  (solid)  =  CNI  (solid)  +  0'9. 
CN  +  I  (gas)  =  CNI  (solid)  +  6-3. 

These  values  are  very  little  less  than  that  of  the  heat  of 
formation  of  liquid  cyanogen  chloride,  or  +  9 -9.  They  are  less 
than  the  values  relating  to  solid  iodine  chloride  (+  121)  and  to 
solid  iodine  bromide  (+  1*9).  The  difference,  however,  is  not 
very  great ;  another  confirmation  of  the  general  analogy  of  all 
these  components  (see  p.  338). 

5.  Substitution.     The  substitution  of  iodine  for  the  hydrogen 
of  hydrocyanic  acid,  with  the  simultaneous  formation  of  hydri- 
odic  acid  and  cyanogen  iodide — 

HCN  (gas)  +  I2  (solid)  =  CNI  (solid)  +  HI  (gas),  would  absorb 

-  131. 

Thus  this  reaction  does  not  take  place  in  a  direct  manner.  But, 
on  the  contrary,  we  note  the  action  of  iodine  on  cyanides,  which 
takes  place  owing  to  the  extra  energy,  due  to  the  action  of  the 
alkaline  iodide.  This  is  the  calculation,  all  the  bodies  being 
brought  to  a  similar  state — 

KCN  (solid)  +  I2  (solid)  =  KI  (solid)  +  CNI  (solid)  ...         +  13-3  Cal. 

AgCN  (solid)  +  I2  (solid)  =  Agl  (solid)  +  CNI  (solid)        ...         +  11-6    „ 
i[Hg(CN)2  (solid)  +  21,  (solid)  =  HgI2  (solid)  +  2CNI  (solid)      ]+    6-0    „ 

Here,  it  may  be  repeated,  there  is  disengagement  of  heat  due 
to  the  formation  of  the  metallic  iodide :  which  formation  is 
necessary  in  order  to  ensure  the  combination  between  the 
cyanogen  and  iodine. 

6.  It  had  already  been  found  convenient  to  study  the  thermal 
formation -of  cyanogen   bromide   from  bromide   and  dissolved 
potassium  cyanide,  but  this  formation  is  almost  immediately 
followed  by   secondary  reactions,  which  are  indefinitely  pro- 
longed and  cast  a  doubt  on  the  numerical  results  observed  at 
first.     Therefore  it  was  thought  advisable  to  suppress  them. 

§  12.    POTASSIUM  CYAN  ATE. 

1.  Pure  potassium  cyanate  was  decomposed  by  means  of 
dilute  hydrochloric  acid.  If  a  quantity  of  water  is  used, 


sufficient  to  keep  the  whole  of  the  carbonic  acid  formed  in  solu- 
tion, the  decomposition  is  complete  at  the  end  of  a  few  minutes  : 

KCNO  (in  solution)  +  2HC1  (in  solution)  +  H2O 
=  C02  (in  solution)  +  KC1  (in  solution)  +  NH4C1  (in  solution). 
This  reaction  gives  off,  according  to  the  experiment  performed, 
+  28-8  Cal. 

2.  On    the   other  hand,  the   solution  of  potassium   cyanate, 
KCNO  (1  part  of  salt  to  300  parts  of  water),  absorbs  -  5'2. 

3.  Formation  of  potassium  cyanate  from  the  elements.     This  is 
deduced  from  the  above  data. 

Initial  system  : 

K  +  C  (diamond)  +  N  +  2H2  +  02  +  Cl* 
Final  system  : 

C02  (in  solution)  +  KC1  (in  solution)  +  NH4C1  (in  solution). 


=  C02       .........  -    94-0 

Solution      ............  +      5-6 

K  +  Cl  =  KC1  (in  solution)         ...  +  100-  8 

N  +  H3  =  NH3  (in  solution)        ...  +    21-0 

H  +  Cl  =  HC1  (in  solution)         ...  +    39-3 

HC1  +  NH3  =  NH4C1  (solution)  ..  +    12-45 

+  273-15 


K+C+N+0=  KCNO  (solid)  a 

Solution      ............  —  5-2 

2(H  +  Cl)  =  2HC1  (diluted)        ...  +  78-6 

H2  +  0  =  H20      ......  +  69-0 

+  142-4  +  x 
Reaction        ...         +   28-8 

+  171-2+a; 
x  =  273-15  -  171-2  =  +  102. 

Thus,  the  formation  of  solid  potassium  cyanate  from  the 
elements,  K  +C  (diamond)  +  N  +  O  =  KCNO,  gives  off  +  102-0. 
If  the  salt  is  in  solution,  •+  96*8. 

This  same  formation,  from  diluted  potash  — 

i[C2  +  N2  +  0  4-  K20  (diluted)  =  2KCNO  (in  solution)],  gives 

off  +  15-5. 

From  gaseous  cyanogen  — 

CN  +  K  +  0  =  KCNO  (solid)  ......         +139-3 

M(CN)2  +  0  +  K20  (diluted)  =  2KCNO  (in  solution)]      ...         +51-8 
CN2  +  K20  (diluted)  =  KCNO  (diluted)  +  KCN  (diluted)  +    34-2 

4.  All  these  values  exceed  the  heats  disengaged  in  the  analo- 
gous reactions  of  the  halogen  elements  properly  so  called. 


For  example — 

C12  (gas)  +  K20  (diluted)  =  KC10  (diluted)  +  KC1  (in  solution) 
gives  off  only  -j-  2  5 '4. 

There  is,  besides,  the  difference  that  the  complex  nature  of 
cyanogen  and  its  tendency  either  to  form  polymeric  compounds 
and  other  condensed  bodies,  or  to  reproduce  ammonia  and  its 
derivatives,  gives  rise  to  a  number  of  secondary  reactions, 
which  are  not  observed  in  the  case  of  chlorine.  These  reactions 
take  place  all  the  more  readily  in  proportion  as  the  heat 
disengaged  by  the  direct  reaction  is  itself  greater,  and  therefore 
furnishes  a  greater  reserve  of  energy  for  other  transformations. 

5.  The  union  of  dry  potassium  cyanide  with  gaseous  oxygen, 
to  form  solid  cyanate — 

KCN (solid)  +  0  (gas)  =  KCNO  (solid),  would  give  off  +  102 
-  30-3  =  +  717 ; 

a  very  high  value,  being  nearly  three-quarters  of  the  heat 
(+  94'0)  disengaged  in  the  combustion  of  the  carbon  contained 
in  the  cyanide. 

These  figures  relate  to  the  bodies  when  considered  in  their 
actual  state ;  under  which  condition,  up  to  the  present,  the 
absorption  of  oxygen  by  potassium  cyanide  has  not  been 
observed,  perhaps  because  it  has  not  been  looked  for.  On  the 
contrary,  if  the  potassium  cyanide  be  in  the  melted  state,  the 
absorption  takes  place  easily,  as  we  know.  Now,  the  values 
which  have  just  been  calculated  may  be  applied  approximately, 
at  a  high  temperature,  to  the  same  bodies  in  the  known 
conditions  of  their  actual  reactions ;  for  the  melting  of  the 
cyanide  and  that  of  the  cyanate  must  absorb  quantities  of  heat 
which  are  little  different.  As  regards  the  heat  disengaged  by 
the  oxidation  of  its  potassic  compound,  cyanogen  resembles 
iodine,  but,  on  the  contrary,  differs  from  chlorine.  In  fact,  we 

KC1  +  03  =  KC103  (solid)  absorbs     -11 

KBr  +  03  =  KBrO3  (solid)       „         -  11-1 

KI  +  08  =  KI03  (solid)  gives  off       +  44-1 

KCN  +  0  =  KCNO  (solid)  gives  off +  71-7 

a  progression  which  is  the  reverse  of  that  which  characterises 
the  union  of  the  same  metal,  such  as  potassium,  with  the  same 
series  of  halogen  bodies,  such  as  chlorine  (+  105*0),  gaseous 
bromine  (+  100*4),  gaseous  iodine  (+  8 5 '4),  and  cyanogen 
(+  67-6). 

We  can  understand,  from  the  above  figures,  why  potassium 
cyanide  shows  such  a  great  tendency  to  become  oxidised,  either 
under  the  influence  of  oxidising  agents,  or  even  under  the 
influence  of  the  air. 

The  combustible  nature  of  one  of  the  elements  contained  in 
cyanogen  is,  besides,  opposed  to  its  forming  the  peroxygenated 


acids  which  are  produced  in  the  case  of  chlorine  and  the  halogen 
elements ;  such  compounds  would  have  too  great  a  tendency  to 
be  converted  into  carbonic  acid. 

The  total  combustion  of  potassium  cyanate  in  the  solid  state — 

i[2KCNO  +  03  =  K2C03  +  C02  +  N2],  would  give  off  +  83*9. 

6.  The  facility  with  which  potassium  cyanate  is  converted 
into  ammonia,  even  by  the  simple  fact  of  its  prolonged  contact 
with  water,  is  easily  explained ;  for — 

£[2KCNO  (in  solution)  +  4H20  =  K2C03  (in  solution) 
+  (NH4)2C03  (in  solution)],  gives  off  +  20  Gal. 

This  is  again  a  reaction  of  amides. 

The  well-known  conversion  of  melted  potassium  cyanate,  by 
means  of  aqueous  vapour,  into  melted  potassium  carbonate, 
carbonic  acid  and  ammonia  gas,  gives  off  about  +  9  Cal. 

The  change  of  potassium  cyanide  under  the  united  influence 
of  oxygen  and  aqueous  vapours  at  a  high  temperature  into 
carbonate  and  ammonia — a  change  which  is  so  pernicious  in  the 
industrial  preparation  of  the  prussiates — is  as  easily  explained 
by  thermo-chemistry.  In  fact,  we  should  get,  at  the  ordinary 
temperature — 

J[2KCN  (solid)  +  02  +  3H20  (gaseous)  =  K2C03  (solid) 
+  C02  (gas)  +  2NH3  (gas)]  +  79-3. 

Towards  a  red  heat  this  value  should  still  keep  the  same,  as 
the  cyanide  and  the  carbonate  are  similarly  fused. 

A  rapid  resume  has  been  made  of  the  more  immediate 
deductions  from  the  new  values  relating  to  the  heat  of  forma- 
tion of  cyanogen,  hydrocyanic  acid,  and  cyanides.  It  would  be 
easy  to  develop  and  extend  these  conclusions  to  innumerable 
other  reactions,  the  subject  being  most  fruitful.  Any  one  can 
do  this  as  far  as  he  deems  expedient  or  interesting.  The  general 
table  of  the  thermal  formation  of  the  cyanogen  compounds  will 
be  found  on  p.  132. 

(  344  ) 





CHLORINE  and  the  halogen  elements  form  with  oxygen  a  series 
of  compounds  analogous  with  the  oxygenated  compounds  of 
nitrogen,  and  which  comprise  even  an  additional  member,  viz. 
perchloric  acid.  Most  of  these  compounds  are  energetic  oxidis- 
ing agents,  either  in  the  wet  or  in  the  dry  way,  and  some  of 
their  salts  (especially  the  chlorates)  play  an  important  part  in 
the  manufacture  of  explosive  substances.  This  circumstance, 
therefore,  makes  it  desirable  to  measure  their  heat  of  formation. 


1.  The  thermal  formation  of  chloric  acid  and  chlorates  has 
been  already  examined  by  Favre,  Frankland,  and  Thomsen,  but 
with  very  different  results. 

Favre 1  tried  to  measure  the  heat  liberated  in  the  action  of 
gaseous  chlorine  on  concentrated  potash ;  according  to  him,  the 
union  of  chlorine  and  oxygen  to  form  chloric  acid — 

i[H20  +  C12  +  0B  +  water  =  H20,  C1205  (diluted)], 

would  absorb  —  65 '2  Cal.  The  decomposition  of  solid  potassium 
chlorate  into  oxygen  and  potassium  chloride — 

KC103  =  KC1  +  03,  would  then  liberate  +  64-9. 

But  the  learned  author's  calculation  is  complicated,  and  is  based 
on  uncertain  data,  such  as  the  supposed  insolubility  of  the  salts 
formed  in  the  alkaline  solution. 

Frankland,2  having  oxidised  various  organic  substances,  some 

1  "Journal  de  Pharmacie  et  de  Chimie,"  36  s£rie,  torn.  xxiv.  p.  316.     1853. 

2  "  Philos.  Magazine,"  vol.  xxxii.  p.  184.    1866. 


with  free  oxygen,  others  with  potassium  chlorate,  found  in  three 
trials  that  the  excess  of  heat  developed  by  9 -75  grms.  of 
potassium  chlorate  amounted  to  378,  326,  and  341,  respectively ; 
or,  taking  the  average,  to  348  Cal.,  which  would  give  for 

KC103(  =  122-6  grms.)  -h  4'37  Cal., 

a  value  subject  to  the  doubts  involved  by  such  an  indirect 

Finally,  Thomsen 1  reduced  a  diluted  solution  of  chloric  acid 
by  means  of  sulphurous  acid — an  operation  which  can  be  easily 
carried  out  in  a  calorimeter ;  on  the  other  hand,  he  decomposed 
potassium  chlorate  by  means  of  the  heat  produced  by  the  com- 
bustion of  hydrogen — a  process  which  does  not  seem  to  admit 
of  such  accuracy  as  the  former  one. 

He  deduced  from  his  trials  the  following  results : — 

i[H20  +  C12  +  05  +  water  =  H20,  C1205  (diluted)],  -  10-2 
KC103  (solid)  =  KC1  (solid)  +  O3,  +  9-8. 

2.  The  following  are  the  results  arrived  at  by  the  author. 
Following  the  method  he  constantly  adopted,  he  took,  to  start 
with,  a  crystallised  and  definite  salt,  in  preference  to  a  titrated 
solution,  or  a  solution  containing  the  acid  prepared  by  precipita- 
tion —  solutions    whose    composition    is    always    less    exact. 
Barium  chlorate  was  used,  which  was  in  very  fine  crystals,  and 
corresponded  to   the  formula  Ba(C103)2  +  H20.      Analysis  of 
this  salt  gave — 

BaS04  H20 

Found  72-2        5'7 

Calculated      72-3        5'6 

This  salt,  when  dehydrated  and  then  heated  in  a  tube,  is  im- 
mediately decomposed  with  a  very  marked  incandescence,  and 
a  kind  of  explosion  which  throws  off  to  some  distance  a  white 
powder,  consisting  of  barium  chloride ;  these  effects  are  observed 
even  when  only  a  few  grammes  of  the  dry  salt  are  operated 
upon.  It  is  well  known  that  analogous  phenomena  may  be 
observed  with  potassium  chlorate,  but  barium  chlorate  exhibits 
them  to  a  far  greater  degree.  This  proves  that  its  decomposition 
is  exothermal. 

3.  A  known  weight,  2'5  grms.,  of  this  salt  was  dissolved,  in 
one   case  in  400    cc.,   in   another  in   900   cc.   of  water,   and 
reduced  by  means   of  100  cc.  of  a   moderately  concentrated 
solution  of  sulphurous  acid.     The  barium  chlorate  is  thus  com- 
pletely converted  into  barium  sulphate  and  hydrochloric  acid, 
as  was  ascertained  by  various  determinations.     The  reduction 
is  effected  more  rapidly  according  as  the  solution  is  less  diluted, 
all  other  things  being  equal.     With  500  cc.  of  liquid,  and  2'5 

1  "  Journal  fur  Praktische  Chemie,"  Band  xi.  s.  138.    1875. 


grms.  of  salt,  at  12*5°,  it  lasted  six  to  seven  minutes ;  with 
1000  cc.,  and  the  same  weight  of  salt,  it  lasted  fourteen  to 
fifteen  minutes.  At  22°  the  duration  of  the  reactions  was  found 
to  differ  but  little ;  which  proves  that  the  preceding  difference 
does  not  depend  on  the  unequal  heating  produced  by  the  re- 
action (6-5°  in  the  first  trial,  3*2°  in  the  second).  The  sulphurous 
acid  should  be  considerably  in  excess ;  when  operating  with  only 
a  very  slight  excess,  the  reaction  effected  at  23°  lasted  nearly 
twenty  minutes,  instead  of  seven. 

All  these  durations  of  the  reactions  can  be  clearly  defined 
according  to  the  movement  of  the  thermometer  compared  with 
the  rate  of  cooling  of  a  similar  liquid  of  the  same  weight,  and 
brought  to  the  same  heat,  but  in  which  no  chemical  reaction  is 

4.  For  the  reaction 

4[Ba(C103)a  dissolved  +  6 S02  (dissolved)  =  BaS04  (precipitated) 
+  2HC1  (dilute)  +  5H3S02  (dilute)], 

the  following  quantities  of  heat  were  obtained : — 

Initial  Heat  liberated  for 

temperature.  Weight  of  salt.  equivalent  weights. 

23°         ..        2-500  Ba(C108)a  +  HaO         ...  213-8  Cal. 

2-500     215-2    „ 

1-544  Ba(C103)a  anhydrous     ...  215-2    „  (2  trials) 

2-500  Ba(C103)a  +  HaO          ...  214-3 


it  «JW/    J-MVl  V^l\_/o  la    T    AAoV'  •••  •**  «*        ), 

2-500  Ba(C10s)a  +  HaO          ...        212-3    „ 
At  19°  we  should  have,  on  an  average  ...        214-3    „ 

On  the  other  hand,  direct  trials  gave  for  the  heat  liberated  by 
the  action  of  dilute  sulphuric  acid  on  barium  chlorate  taken 
with  the  same  degree  of  dilution  as  in  the  preceding  experi- 

i[H2S04  dilute  +  Ba(C103)a  (dissolved)],  at  19°,  +  4-6  ; 

whence  we  obtain  for  the  union  of  dilute  chloric  acid  with 
baryta — 

i[2HC103  (dilute)  +  BaO  (dissolved)]  +  13-8  ; 
and  for  the  reduction  of  free  chloric  acid — 

^[2HC1O3  (dilute)  +  6S02  (dissolved)  =  6H2S04  (dilute) 
~  +  2HC1  (dilute)]  liberates  +  214*3  -  4-6  =  +  209-7. 

5,  Let  us  note  now  the  following  data : — 

J[SOa  (dissolve^  +  2H90  +  Clf  (gas)  =  HaS04  (dilute) 

+  2Iiri  ^dissolved)]  liberates  +  36*95 l 

H  +  Cl  =  lirl  Dilute)        +  39-3 

tfH,  +  0  =  HaO  (dilute)] +  34-5 

1  Thomson. 


We  deduce  from  these  numbers — 

J[S02  (dissolved)  4-  0  (gas)  +  H20  =  H2S04  (dilute)]  4-  3215; 
and  consequently — 

i[H20  4-  C12  +  06  -f  water  =  H20,  C1205  (dilute)]  -  12'0. 
This   number  depends   on  the   heats   of  formation   of  water, 
hydrochloric  and  sulphuric  acids. 

6.  Hence  it  is  that  the  formation  of  dilute  chloric  acid  from 
its  elements — 

£[C12  4-  06  4-  H2  4-  water  =  H20,  C1205  (dilute)],  liberates 

+  22-5. 

The  conversion  of  dilute  chloric  acid  into  dilute  hydrochloric 
acid  and  gaseous  oxygen — 

HC103  (diluted)  =  HC1  (diluted)  +  03,  liberates  4-  16'8. 

This  value  plays  an  important  part  in  oxidations. 

7.  It  is  the  same  for  dissolved  chlorates,  decomposed  into 
chlorides  and  free  oxygen ;  for  the  heat  liberated  in  the  action 
of  various  bases  on  hydrochloric  and  chloric  acids  is  essentially 
the   same.     In   fact,   the   following    numbers   were   found   at 

J[2HC1  (diluted)]  J[2HC10,  (diluted)] 

+  *[K20  (diluted)]       +13-7  +13-7 

+  |[Na20  (diluted)]     + 13-7  + 13-7 

+  |[BaO  (diluted)]      +  13-85  + 13-8 

8.  Returning  to  the  heats  of  solution  of  chlorides  and  chlorates, 
the  values  of  which  have  been  given  elsewhere,1  we  obtain  the 
heat  of  decomposition  of  chlorates  into  chlorides  and  oxygen 
(referred  to  the  ordinary  temperature) — 

KC103  (solid)  =  KC1  (solid)  4-  03  4-  ll'O ; 
instead  of  4-  9 '8,  given  by  Thomsen.    These  values  are  very  near 
each  other.     It  was  also  found  that 

NaC103  (solid)  =  NaCl  (solid)  4-  03  4- 12'3. 
J[Ba  (C103)2  (solid)  =  BaCl2  (solid)  4-  30  J  4- 12-6. 

Even  at  the  temperature  of  the  reactions,  that  is  to  say,  at 
500°  or  600°,  the  quantities  of  heat,  for  solid  salts,  are  nearly 
the  same,  as  may  be  established  by  calculation.  For  instance, 
the  specific  heat  of  potassium  chlorate  for  the  equivalent  weight 
KC103  is  equal  to  23'8  ;  for  KC1  4-  03,  the  sum  of  the  specific 
heats  amounts  to  23 '3.  The  term  U  —  V,  which  expresses  the 
variation  of  the  heat  of  combination,  is  therefore  equal  to 

4-  0-5  cal.  (T  -  t) ; 

or,  for  an  interval  between  zero  and  500°,  0'25  Cal.,  which  is 
an  insignificant  increase  in  comparison  with  4-11-0. 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5'  se*rie,  torn.  iv.  pp.  103.  104. 


It  follows  from  these  numbers  that  combustion  effected  ly 
solid  potassium  chlorate  liberates  more  heat  than  the  same  com- 
bustion effected  by  means  of  free  oxygen;  viz.  by  +  T83  Cal. 
for  each  equivalent  of  oxygen  (0  =  8)  consumed  (p.  134). 

9.  The  formation  of  chlorates  from  the  elements — 

K  +  Cl  +  03  =  KC103  (solid)  liberates  +  94'6  Cal. 
Na  +  Cl  +  03  =  NaC103  (solid)  liberates  +  85'4  Cal. 

These  quantities  scarcely  vary  with  the  temperature ;  at  least 
when  the  metals  are  solid.  In  fact,  the  specific  heat  of  the 
system  of  elements,  K  +  Cl  +  03,  is  21*3  ;  heat  of  the  compound 
KC103  is  23-8.  We  have  then  U  -  V  =  -  2-5  cal.  (T  -  t)t 
or,  what  is  the  same  thing,  -  0'0025  Cal.  (T  -  t)y  if  we  adopt 
the  same  unit  as  for  the  formation  of  chlorates.  An  interval  of 
100°,  then,  only  produces  an  increase  of  -  0'25  Cal.  in  the  heat 

10.  Various  reactions.     The   action   of  gaseous  chlorine  on 
diluted   potash  may  be   considered   as   forming   either  hypo- 
chlorite,  or  chlorate,  or  free  oxygen. 

(a)  With  hypochlorite — 

6C1  +  3K20  (diluted)  =  3KC10  (dissolved)  +  3KC1  (diluted). 

According  to  the  experiments  performed,1  the  reaction  liberates 

+  25-4  x  3  =  +  76-2. 

With  soda,  we  have,  +  75'9  ;  with  baryta,  +  75'8. 

(b)  This  reaction  may  also  form  chlorate — 

6C1  +  3K20  (diluted)  =  KC103  (dissolved)  +  5KC1  (dilute), 

which  liberates,  with  potash,  +  94'2 ;  with  soda,  +  94'2 ;  with 
baryta,  +  95'0. 

(c)  The  formation   of    potassium  perchlorate   and  chloride, 
referred  to  the  same  weight  of  chlorine  as  the  preceding — 

|[8C1  +  4K20  (diluted)  =  7KC1  (dissolved)  +  KC104 
(dissolved)],  liberates  +  11  TO. 

With  soda,  +  111-0 ;  with  baryta,  -f  111-8. 

(d)  Finally,  the  same  reaction  may  develop  chloride  and  free 
oxygen —  p 

6C1  +  3K20  (diluted)  =  6KC1  (dissolved)  +  03, 

which  liberates,  with  potash,  +  111-0;  with  soda,  +  110*0;  with 
baryta,  +  111'8. 

It  follows  from  these  numbers  that  the  formation  of  the 
hypochlorite  corresponds  to  the  least  liberation  of  heat ;  then 
comes  the  chlorate,  and  finally  the  perchlorate  and  free  oxygen, 
which  liberate  the  most  heat,  the  two  quantities  being,  moreover, 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  seVie,  torn.  v.  pp.  335,  337,  338. 

6C1  +  3H20  +  water  =  3HC10  (diluted)  +  3HC1  (diluted)  liberates 


sensibly  the  same.  When  hypochlorite  is  changed  into 
chlorate — 

3KC10  (dissolved)  =  KC103  (dissolved)  +  2KC1, 
heat  is  liberated  to  the  amount  of 

-f  18'0,  for  potassium  salts  ;  4-  18'3,  for  sodium  salts  ;  +  19'9, 
for  barium  salts. 

The  second  decomposition,  that  of  the  dissolved  chlorate  into 
chloride,  liberates  -f-  16*8  for  the  three  salts  as  before  stated. 

The  conversion  of  dissolved  chlorate  into  perchlorate  liberates 
sensibly  the  same  quantity  of  heat. 

It  is  seen  that  the  relative  stability  of  the  solutions  keeps 
increasing  from  the  hypochlorite  to  the  chlorate,  then  to  the 
perchlorate  and  to  free  oxygen,  which  is  consistent  with  what 
we  know  from  chemistry. 

Finally,  if  we  refer  the  actions  to  the  formation  of  the  acids 
themselves,  which  gives  at  least  the  heat  liberated  by  their 
union  with  the  bases,  we  have — 

+   5-7 

_____        + 12-0 
liberates  +28-9 

The  thermal  relations,  therefore,  remain  the  same. 

11.  Successive  degrees  of  oxidation.  Let  us  now  examine  the 
heats  of  formation  of  the  different  acids  of  chlorine. 

From  the  experiments  performed — 

A2     +  C12  +  02  +  water  =  H20,  C1202  (dilute)]  absorbs  ...        -    2'9 
H20  +  C12  +  05  +  water  =  H20,  C1206  (dilute)]  absorbs  -  12-0 

H20  +  C12  +  07  +  water  =  H20,  C1207  (dilute)]  liberates          +    4-9 

There  is  then,  in  the  first  place,  an  absorption  of  heat  which 
increases  according  as  the  proportion  of  oxygen  united  to  equal 
weights  of  chlorine  increases  in  the  compound ;  this  is  the  case 
for  the  first  two  compounds. 

But,  on  the  contrary,  heat  is  liberated  in  the  case  of  the 
third,  to  the  extent  of  -f-  16*9  for  0 ;  formation  of  perchloric 

The  same  relations  subsist  if  we  take  oxygen  as  the  unit  and 
vary  the  chlorine.  For  a  given  weight  of  oxygen,  such  as 
£[05]  =  40  grms.,  united  to  01  =  35 '5  grms.  in  dissolved 
chloric  acid,  there  is  an  absorption  of  —  12'0.  The  same  weight 
of  oxygen,  when  united  to  C16  =  177*5  in  dissolved  hypo- 
chlorous  acid,  gives  rise  to  an  absorption  of 

-2-9x5=-  14-5, 

which  is  more  considerable.  But  this  increase  in  the  heat 
absorbed  does  not  extend  to  perchloric  acid  ;  it,  on  the  contrary, 


gives  rise  to  a  liberation  of  heat  of  -f  3 '5,  for  the  same  weight 
of  oxygen. 

These  relations  are  the  more  remarkable  in  the  acids  of 
chlorine,  since  the  formation  of  successive  combinations  of  one 
and  the  same  element  with  oxygen  generally  liberates  heat,  as 
is  shown  by  the  history  of  the  oxygenated  combinations  of 
sulphur,  selenium,  phosphorus,  arsenic,  etc. 

12.  Nevertheless,  similar  anomalies  are  found  in  the  study  of 
the  combinations  of  iodine  and  nitrogen  with  oxygen.    In  fact,  if 
we  compare  hypoiodous,  iodic,  and  periodic  acids,  J  [I2  +  0  -f- 
water  =  I20  (in  solution)]  absorbs,  according  to  the   author's 
experiments,  a  quantity  of  heat  notably  superior,  in  absolute 
value,  to  —  5*2. 

*[L  +  Ofi  +  water  =  L05  (dissolved)]  liberates       ...         +  21-5  (Thomsen) 

or         ...         +  22-2  (Berthelot) 
i[I2  +  07  +  water  =  I207  (dissolved)]  liberates       ...         +  13-5  (Thomsen) 

Hence  it  is  seen  that  the  heat  liberated  presents  a  minimum 
and  a  maximum,  neither  of  which  corresponds  to  the  highest 
degree  of  oxidation.  The  combinations  of  nitrogen  and  oxygen 
present  an  analogous  minimum  for  nitric  oxide  (p.  84).  These 
numbers  are  given  here  in  order  to  show  how  difficult  it  is  to 
generalise  the  relations  between  the  quantities  of  heat  disengaged 
or  absorbed,  and  the  multiple  proportions  of  the  successive 
combinations  of  two  elements. 

If  the  minimum  of  heat  liberated  or  the  maximum  of  heat 
absorbed  corresponded  in  all  cases  to  the  first  term  formed  by  the 
successive  union  of  two  elements,  and  if  the  heat  liberated  then 
increased  regularly  with  the  proportion  of  the  variable  element, 
it  might  be  supposed  that  one  of  the  elements — the  one  con- 
sidered as  constant — undergoes  a  special  isomeric  modification 
preceding  the  combination,  and  from  which,  as  a  starting-point, 
the  quantities  of  heat  should  be  reckoned.  But  it  seems 
difficult  to  admit  this  hypothesis  in  the  oxygenated  series  of 
nitrogen,  iodine,  and  even  chlorine,  series  in  which  the  thermal 
minimum  and  maximum  correspond  neither  to  the  first  nor  to 
the  second  degree  of  oxidation. 

13.  It  was    thought    desirable    to    pursue    the   comparison 
further,  and  to  extend  it  to  chlorous  acid.     To  this  end  it  was 
attempted  to  prepare  a  definite  salt,  barium  chlorite,  which, 
according  to  Millon,  should  be  a  crystallised  salt.     By  closely 
following   the    author's   instructions,  a    crystallised   salt    was 
obtained,  presenting    a    scaly    appearance — as    he    says — and 
giving  by  analysis  numbers  which  essentially  correspond  to  the 
formula  Ba(C102)2;    but  a  closer  examination  showed  that  the 
salt  was  nothing  but  a  mixture  of  barium  chloride  and  per- 
chlorate  in  equivalent  proportions  (with  a  small  percentage  of 
chlorite) — 

BaCl2  +  Ba(C104)2. 


This  substance  presents  the  same  percentage  composition  as  the 
chlorite.  It  appears  that  its  formation  in  the  action  of  chlorous 
acid  on  the  alkalis  must  account  for  the  discoloration  of  the 
solution  which  takes  place,  as  is  known,  after  some  time. 


1.  The  result  of  the  researches  made   on  the   oxy  acids  of 
chlorine  and  other  halogen  elements  led  to  the  study  of  the 
heat   of  formation  of  perchloric  acid;   the  results,  which  are 
with  great  difficulty  obtained,  demonstrate  a  certain  number  of 
new  chemical  facts.     They  show  at  the  same  time  how  thermo- 
chemistry explains  the  differences  of  stability  and  activity  which 
exist  between   pure  perchloric  acid  and  the  same  acid  when 
combined  with  a  more  considerable  quantity  of  water. 

2.  In  fact,  it  is  known,  principally  from  the  researches  of 
Eoscoe,1   that  there   exist   several  hydrated   perchloric   acids, 
namely,   monohydrated   acid,  properly  so   called,  or  HC104,  a 
crystallised  hydrate,  HCIOJIA  and  a  hydrate,  HC1042H20, 
volatile  at  200°,  and  partly  dissociable,  even  under  the  conditions 
of  its  distillation. 

These  experiments  were  reproduced;  it  was  even  succeeded 
in  obtaining  the  first  acid  in  the  crystallised  form.  It  suffices 
to  take  the  liquid  acid,  which  contains  a  slight  percentage  of 
water  in  excess,  and  to  place  it  in  a  cooling  mixture.  The  acid 
becomes  crystallised,  and  the  mother-liquid  is  decanted.  It  is 
allowed  to  liquefy,  and  then  recrystallised,  which  finally  gives 
an  acid  fusible  at  15°,  a  point  of  fusion  which  is  still  not  high 
enough.  Its  composition  was  proved  by  analysis.  It  is  a  body 
which  eagerly  absorbs  water  and  emits  dense  fumes  on  contact 
with  the  air. 

3.  The  solution  of  monohydrated  liquid  HC104,  at  19°,  in  one 
hundred  times  its  weight  of  water,  liberates  +  20*3  Cal.     This 
is  rather  a  delicate   experiment,  owing  to  the  rapidity  with 
which  the  acid  attracts  moisture  while  being  weighed,  and  also 
to  the  violence  with  which  it  reacts  on  the  water  at  the  time  of 
the  calorimetric  part  of  the  experiment.     The  preceding  figure 
is  enormous;  it  exceeds  the  heat  of  solution  of  all  ordinary 
monohydrated  acids — being,  for  instance,  more  than  double  that 
of  hydrated  sulphuric  acid,  H2S04.     It  is  even  nearly  equal  to 
the  heat  of  solution  of  anhydrous  sulphuric  acid  (+  187)  and 
anhydrous  phosphoric  acid   (+  20'8),  which   are   the   highest 
hitherto  known;    but  they   refer  to   anhydrous   bodies.      The 
figure  +  20*3  also  exceeds  the  heats  of  solution  of  hydracids, 
although  the  latter  are  increased  from  6  Cal.  to  8  Gal,  owing  to 
their  gaseous  state. 

This  enormous  heat  of  hydration  of  perchloric  acid  explains 
3  "  Annalen  der  Chemie  und  Pharmacie,"  Band  cxxxi.  s.  376.    1861. 


the  great  difference  which  exists  between  the  reactions  of  this 
acid  when  diluted  with  water — a  condition  under  which  it  is 
almost  as  stable  as  dilute  sulphuric  acid — and  those  of  the 
monohydrated  acid,  which  ignites  hydriodic  acid  gas,  and  acts 
with  explosive  violence  on  oxidisable  bodies.  This  subject  will 
be  referred  to  again  later  on. 

4  Monohydrated  perchloric  acid  decomposes  spontaneously, 
as  Eoscoe  observed.  It  is  at  first  colourless,  but  it  assumes  a 
yellow,  then  a  red  and  brownish-red  colour,  and  eventually 
liberates  gases  which  render  the  containing  vessels  liable  to 
burst ;  this  is  the  more  to  be  feared  since  the  necks  of  emery 
flasks  soon  become  stopped  up  through  the  formation  of  crystals 
of  the  second  hydrated  perchloric  acid. 

The  acid  which  has  suffered  a  partial  decomposition  is  not 
suitable  for  measuring  the  heat  of  hydration  on  account  of  its 
becoming  less  and  less  considerable,  owing  to  the  formation  of 
water  which  accompanies  this  decomposition.  Notwithstanding 
this  formation  of  water,  the  acidimetric  value  of  the  acid — 
referred  to  the  equivalent  weight  of  perchloric  acid — does  not 
fall,  and  it  may  even  apparently  increase  a  little,  since  the 
lower  oxygenated  acids  of  chlorine  have  an  equivalent  less  than 
that  of  perchloric  acid.  This  is  a  cause  of  error  which  should 
be  noted. 

5.  A  similar  decomposition  is  produced  under  the  influence 
of  heat,  and  prevents  the  re-distillation  of  perchloric  acid.     It 
takes   place   in   the  very  conditions   of  its   preparation   from 
potassium  perchlorate  and  sulphuric  acid,  as  is  shown  by  the 
constant  liberation   of    chlorine  which  accompanies   the   dis- 
tillation.    It  appears  that  the  monohydrated   acid  cannot  be 
separated  unless  carried  away  in  a  current  of  gas ;  it  is  only 
obtained  in  small  quantities.     This  depends  on  the  fact  that  the 
decomposition  of  perchloric  acid  liberates  heat.     Even  in  its 
preparation  from  potassium  perchlorate  and  concentrated  sul- 
phuric acid,  the  reaction,  when  once  started  by  the  action  of  an 
external  source  of  heat,  continues  of  itself,  after  the  removal  of 
this  source,  and  sometimes  with  a  violence  sufficient  to   give 
rise  to  an   explosion.    This  fact  proves  that   the  reaction  is 
exothermal.      At   the    same   time,   chlorine    and    oxygen   are 
liberated,  which  carry  away  the  perchloric  vapour  and  render 
its  condensation  difficult. 

6.  Some  details  may  now  be  given  respecting  the  oxidising 
characters  exhibited  by  perchloric  acid. 

In  dilute  solution,  this  acid  is  not  reduced  by  any  known 
body.  No  action  is  caused  by  sulphurous,  hydrosulphuric, 
hydrosulphurous,1  or  hydriodic  acid,  by  free  hydrogen,  zinc 

1  It  was  especially  proved  by  accurate  weighing,  that  this  acid,  which  was 
recently  declared  capable  of  reducing  perchlorates,  does  not  act  in  reality 
except  on  the  small  quantities  of  chlorates  often  contained  in  perchlorates. 


in  the  presence  of  acids,  sodium  amalgam  in  the  presence 
of  pure  acidulated  or  alkaline  water,  or  by  electrolysis.  Per- 
chloric acid  and  perchlorates  in  solution  are  even  as  stable  as 

The  hydrates  HC1O4,  2H2O  (liquid)  and  even  HC104,  H20 
(crystallised),  hydrates  whose  heat  of  solution  only  rises  to 
-f  5-3  Cal.  for  the  former,  and  +  7*7  Cal.  for  the  latter,1  seem 
to  be  scarcely  more  active  than  the  diluted  acid  itself,  from 
determinations  made  with  hydriodic  gas,  sulphurous  acid,  and 
arsenious  acid. 

Monohydrated  perchloric  acid  acts  quite  differently ;  which 
can  be  explained  by  the  fact  that  it  also  liberates  -f-  20*3  Cal. 
in  its  solution.  When  brought  into  contact  with  oxidisable 
bodies  it  sometimes  remains  almost  inactive  just  as  in  the  case 
of  nitric  acid  and  iron  (the  passive  state) ;  on  the  other  hand,  it 
sometimes  attacks  them  suddenly  and  with  explosive  violence. 
It  causes  the  ignition  of  hydriodic  acid  and  sodium  iodide  ;  it 
attacks  arsenious  acid,  etc,,  very  energetically.  With  hydro- 
genised  bodies  the  formation  of  water  modifies  the  action — by 
converting  a  portion  of  the  acid  into  a  higher  hydrate. 
Arsenious  acid  does  not  present  this  disadvantage ;  it  produces 
an  oxychloride,  intermediate  between  this  body  and  arsenic 
acid,  and  to  which  reference  has  already  been  made  while 
treating  of  the  reciprocal  displacements  of  oxygen  and  halogen 
bodies.2  Nevertheless,  it  has  been  impossible  to  utilise  this 
reaction  for  calorimetric  measurements,  even  by  dissolving  these 
products  in  soda,  owing  to  the  uncertain  constitution  of  the 
arsenic  acid  formed,  which  presents  differences  similar  to  those 
of  the  several  phosphoric  acids.  Hence  it  is  that  the  saturation 
of  arsenic  acid  by  soda  liberates  much  less  heat  than  that  of 
normal  arsenic  acid.  It  is  this  fact  that  interferes  with  all  the 

7.  It  is  only  necessary  to  cite  the  following  figures,  which 
show  the  multiplicity  of  the  simultaneous  modes  of  decom- 
position of  perchloric  acid.3  1*175  grm.  of  this  acid,  in 
presence  of  a  great  excess  of  arsenious  acid,  was  distributed  in 
the  following  manner:  0*264  grm.  yielded  all  its  oxygen  (04) 
to  the  arsenious  acid ;  0*139  grm.  was  destroyed  in  HC1 
-f  04,  which  fixed  itself  on  the  same  acid ;  0*145  grm.  in  C12 
+  07  (fixed  on  the  arsenious  acid)  -f  H20  ;  0*645  grm.  left 

According  to  a  special  determination  made,  only  a  few 
milligrammes  formed  chlorous  acid. 

The  heat  liberated  in  the  combination  of  perchloric  acid  with 
various  bases,  at  18°,  was  measured. 

1  About  +  11*7  in  the  liquid  state. 

2  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5"  serie,  torn.  xv.  p.  211. 

3  See  pp.  6,  7. 

2  A 


i[2HC104  (1  equivalent  =  6  litres)  +  Na20  (1  equivalent  =  6 

litres)]  disengages  +  14'25 

£[2HC104  (1  equivalent  =  6  litres)  +  2  equivalent  Na20  (1  equi- 
valent =  6  litres)]  disengages  +  0'07 

£[2HC104  (1  equivalent  =  6  litres)  4-  BaO  (1  equivalent  =  6 

litres)]  disengages  +14-47 

i[2HC104  (1  equivalent  =  6  litres)  +  2  equivalent  BaO  (1  equi- 
valent =  6  litres)]  disengages  4-  0'08 

HC104  (1  equivalent  =  6  litres)  +  NH3  (1  equivalent  =  4  litres) 

disengages  +  12'90 

HC104  (1  equivalent  =  6  litres)  +  2  equivalent  NH3  liberates      ...     +    O'OO 

Potash  liberated  the  same  quantity  of  heat  as  soda,  but  the 
potash  solutions  were  taken  twice  as  weak  in  order  to  avoid 
precipitation  of  the  perchlorate. 

The  heat  of  solution  of  the  perchlorate  may  now  be  added : 

KC104  +  water  absorbs      —12*1. 

NaC104  (at  100°)     -    3-5 

i[Ba(C104)2]  at  100°  -    0-9 

NH4C104at20°       ...        ...        ...  -    6-36 

8.  Let  us  moreover  examine  the  heat  of  formation  of  perchloric 
acid  and  perchlorates  from  their  elements. 

The  author  and  M.  Vieille  determined  the  heat  of  formation 
of  potassium  perchlorate  by  mixing  it  in  precisely  equivalent 
proportions  with  a  combustible  substance,  such  as  potassium  or 
ammonium  picrate,  explosive  in  itself  and  therefore  capable  of 
giving  rise  to  an  instantaneous  reaction.  This  same  substance 
being  burnt,  on  the  other  hand,  by  means  of  free  oxygen,  the 
difference  between  the  two  quantities  of  heat  measured 
represents  the  excess  of  heat  developed  by  the  reaction  by 
means  of  free  oxygen  over  the  heat  developed  by  the  reaction 
by  means  of  combined  oxygen :  that  is,  the  heat  absorbed  (or 
liberated)  by  the  decomposition  of  potassium  perchlorate  into 
free  oxygen  and  potassium  chloride — 

KC104  (solid)  =  KC1  (solid)  +  202. 

This  quantity  is  derived  from  two  experimental  data  only  ;  it  is 
independent  of  the  heats  of  combustion  of  potassium,  carbon, 
and  hydrogen,  as  also  of  that  of  ehlorination  of  potassium. 

It  was  found  each  time  that  the  weight  of  the  potassium 
chloride  formed  (determined  as  silver  chloride)  was  within  ^J^ 
of  that  which  corresponded  to  the  complete  decomposition  of  the 
perchlorate.  On  the  contrary,  the  combustion  of  the  picrate 
was  not  found  to  be  complete  when  the  operations  were  con- 
ducted in  an  atmosphere  of  nitrogen;  a  certain  deficit  being 
noticeable  in  the  carbonic  acid,  which  is  accounted  for  by  the 
free  carbon  and  carbon  monoxide.1  For  this  reason  it  was 

1  A  corresponding  fraction  of  the  ox}'gen  of  the  perchlorate  is  liberated 
owing  to  the  simultaneous  decomposition  of  this  salt,  but  this  in  no  way  affects 
the  calculation.  Moreover,  let  us  bear  in  mind  that  the  combustion  of 
potassium  picrate  converts  the  potash  into  bicarbonate,  as  was  proved. 


deemed  advisable  to  operate  in  an  atmosphere  of  oxygen,  which 
completes  the  combustion,  as  was  proved  by  the  determination 
of  the  carbonic  acid. 

Three  series  of  experiments  were  made;  namely,  with 
potassium  picrate,  ammonium  picrate,  and  picric  acid ;  but 
only  the  first  two  gave  satisfactory  results,  as  the  combustion 
of  the  picric  acid  was  never  complete,  probably  owing  to  its 
being,  to  a  certain  extent,  volatile. 

The  numbers  obtained  with  potassium  picrate  burnt,  in  the 
one  case  by  pure  oxygen,  and  in  the  other  by  perchlorate, 
differ  by  —  8*6  Cal. ;  the  numbers  obtained  with  ammonium 
picrate,  by  —  6*5  Cal. ;  results  which  agree  as  closely  as  could 
be  expected  for  values  which  represent  the  difference  of 
numbers  that  are  far  too  high.  We  shall  adopt  the  mean 
—  7'5  Cal.  as  corresponding  to  the  reaction — 

KC104  (solid)  =  KC1  (solid)  +  202  gas. 

This  decomposition,  when  effected  at  the  ordinary  temperature, 
would  then  absorb  heat,  contrary  to  what  takes  place  in  the 
decomposition  of  potassium  chlorate,  which  liberates  heat  to 
the  amount  of  +  ll'O  Cal. 

It  is  easy  to  calculate  the  heat  of  formation  of  potassium 
perchlorate  from  the  elements.  For,  if  we  admit  that 

K  +  Cl  =  KC1  (solid)  liberates        +  105-0  Cal. 

K  +  Cl  +  04  =  KC104  (solid)  liberates      +  112-5    „ 

From  this  figure  and  the  preceding  data  it  follows  that 

H  +  Cl  +  202  =  HC104  (liquid,  pure)  disengages        +19-1 

H  +  Cl  +  202  +  water  =  HC104  (diluted) 

K  +  Cl  +  202  =  KC104  (solid)  +  112-5  dissolved 

Na  +  Cl  +  202  =  NaC104  (solid)  +  100-2  dissolved 

N  +  H4  +  Cl  +  202  =  NH4C104  (solid)  +  79-7  dissolved 

+  39-35 
+  100-4 
+  96-7 
+  73-3 
KC103  +  0  =  KC104  (solid)  +  17-9 

9.  We  derive  from  these  figures — 

HC104  (pure,  liquid)  =  HC1  (gas)  +  04  liberates         ...         ...  +      2'9 

i[2HC104  (pure,  liquid)  =  C12  +  07  +  H20  (gas)],  +  9'9 ;  H20 

(Kquid) +    14-9 

HC104  (diluted)  =  HC1  +  04       nil 

J[2HC104  (diluted)  =  Cl,  +  07  +  H20  liquid)]  -      4-9 

numbers  which  account  for  the  difference  between  the  stability 
of  the  concentrated  and  diluted  acids,  and  also  for  the  easy  decom- 
position of  the  concentrated  acid. 

10.  The  perchlorates  in  solution  are  converted  into  chlorides 
with  scarcely  any  thermal  phenomenon,  but  it  is  different  with 
the  solid  salts.     In  fact — 

KC104  (solid)  =  KC1  (solid)  +  202  -  7-5 

NaC104  (solid)  =  NaCl  (solid)  +202    -  3-0 

£[Ba(C104)2  solid  =  BaCl2  (solid)  +  402]        ...         -  1-1 

The  conversion  of  a  solid  perchlorate  into  chloride,  at  the 
Ordinary  temperature,  therefore,  absorbs  heat ;  that  is  to  say,  it 

2  A2 


could  not  become  explosive;  whereas,  according  to  the 
measurements  made,  the  contrary  is  the  case  with  chlorates. 

The  sign  of  the  phenomenon,  however,  does  not  seem  neces- 
sarily to  change  with  elevation  of  temperature ;  the  molecular 
heat  of  potassium  perchlorate  (2 6 -3),  for  instance,  being  smaller 
than  the  sum  of  those  of  the  chloride  and  oxygen  (33'9) ;  that  is 
to  say  that,  towards  400°,  the  divergence  in  absolute  value 
would  be  increased  by  about  3  Cal. 

11.  The  conversion  of  potassium  chlorate  into  perchlorate  is 
therefore  exothermal,  as  might  be  foreseen. 

At  the  ordinary  temperature, 

4KC103  =  3KC104  +  KC1  would  liberate  +  63. 
This   is,  moreover,   in   conformity   with  the   thermal   relation 
already  observed  between  the  hypochlorites  and  chlorates,  the 
latter  being  more  stable  than  the  former,  but  also  being  formed 
with  a  smaller  absorption  of  heat. 

12*  The  thermal  relations  also  show  that  the  decomposition 
of  ammonium  perchlorate  must  be  explosive,  for — 

NH4C104  (solid)  =  Cl  +  02  +  N  +  2H20     (liquid)      liberates 

+  58-3  Cal. 

NH4C104  (solid)   =  Cl  +  02  +  N  +  2H20  (water   as   vapour) 
liberates  +  38'8  Cal. 

With  the  salt  in  a  melted  state  we  should  have,  in  addition,  the 
heat  of  fusion.  This  is  verified  by  experiment.  In  fact, 
ammonium  perchlorate^  when  heated,  first  melts ;  then  the 
liquid  becomes  incandescent,  assuming  a  spheroidal  form;  the 
brilliant  bead  thus  produced  is  decomposed  with  great  rapidity 
into  free  chlorine,  oxygen  and  water,  with  the  production  of  a 
yellowish  flame.  The  salt  does  not,  however,  detonate;  at 
least  when  only  a  small  quantity  is  operated  on.  These 
phenomena  resemble  those  of  the  decomposition  of  ammonium 
nitrate  (nitrum  flammans),  but  possess  rather  more  intensity. 

13.  Reference  has  been  already  made  to  the  great  heat  of 
solution  (+  20*3)  of  hydrated  perchloric  acid  HC1O4,  which  is 
more  than  double  that  of  all  the  other  monohydrated  acids,  and 
is  comparable  to  that  of  the  most  powerful  anhydrous  acids. 
The  greatness  of  the  heat  liberated  is  followed  up  to  the 
secondary  hydrates.1  That  of  the  second  hydrate, 

HC104  (liquid)  +  H20  (liquid)  =  HC104,  H20  ; 

liberates  (the  hydrate  being  solid)  -f-  12*6  Cal. ;  and,  if  con- 
sidered as  a  liquid,  about  +  8*6.  The  formation  of  the  third 
hydrate — 

HC104,  H20  +  H20  =  HC104,  2H20  (liquid), 

1  With  regard  to  the  heat  of  dilution  of  perchloric  acid,  which  presents 
some  remarkable  peculiarities,  see  researches  made,  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de 
Physique,"  5e  se'rie,  torn,  xxvii.  p.  222. 


liberates  also  -f  7'4 ;  a  value  comparable  to  the  heat  of  for- 
mation of  the  secondary  hydrated  sulphuric  acid.  These 
numbers  tend  to  support  the  opinion  that  considered  the 
hydrated  perchloric  acids  as  the  last  indication  of  the  penta- 
basic  character  recognised  in  perchloric  acid.  Such  a  character 
would  only  declare  itself  by  the  formation  of  hydrates  with  an 
abundant  liberation  of  heat,  perchloric  acid  only  forming 
monobasic  salts.  In  another  series — HRQ3 — it  has  been  shown 
already  how  to  pass  from  monobasic  chloric  and  nitric  acids  to 
tribasic  phosphoric  acid  by  means  of  iodic  acid,  which  presents 
certain  intermediate  characters.1 

We  see  by  these  details  how  thermo-ehemistry  accounts  for 
the  characteristic  properties  of  perchlorates,  and  especially  for 
the  singular  opposition  which  exists  in  the  energetic  oxidising 
reactions  of  the  concentrated  acid,  and  the  great  stability  of  the 
diluted  acid. 


1.  The  thermal  formation  of  bromic  acid,  potassium  bromate, 
and  potassium  hypobromite  was  studied. 

2.  Very  pure  potassium  bromate  was  used,  which  had  been 
prepared  and  analysed  by  the  author  himself. 

It  was  dissolved  in  water. 

KBr03  -f  water   (1  part  of  salt  -f  50  parts  of  water),  at  11°, 
absorbs  -  9'85  Cal. 

This  solution  was  reduced  by  means  of  an  aqueous  solution 
of  sulphurous  acid ;  also  the  heat  liberated  by  the  union  of  the 
diluted  bromic  acid  with  the  potash  was  measured ;  this  is 
essentially  the  same  as  the  heat  of  neutralisation  of  chloric, 
hydrobomic,  and  hydrochloric  acids  (4-  13*7)  by  the  same 

3.  All  calculations  being  made,  it  was  found  for  bromic  acid 
that— - 

J  [Br2  (liq.)  +  05  -f  H20  +  water  =  H20,  Br205  (diluted)] 

absorbs  -  24'8. 

Thomsen,  having  reduced  the  same  acid  by  means  of  stan- 
nous  chloride,  found  —  21'8,  but  on  substituting  in  the 
calculation  of  his  experiments  the  number  3 8 '5,  which  seems  to 
be  the  more  accurate,2  for  the  number  38'0,  which  he  adopted 
for  the  chlorination  of  stannous  chloride,  he  also  arrived  at 
-  24-8. 

From  this  we  get — 

i[Br2  (gas)  +  05  -f  H20  +  water  =  H20,Br2O5  (diluted)],  -  2O8  ; 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  torn.  xii.  pp.  313,  314. 

2  Ibid.,  5e  se>ie,  torn.  v.  p.  330 


a  number  almost  double  that  of  the  heat  absorbed  by  the 
formation  of  chloric  acid  (—  12*0). 

4.  Again,  for  bromic  acid  (and  bromates  in  solution) — 

HBr03  (diluted)  =  HBr  (diluted)  +  03,  +  15-5  ; 
and  for  solid  potassium  bromate — 

KBr03  (solid)  =  KBr  +  03,  +121 ; 

values  which  are  essentially  the  same  as  for   chloric  acid  in 
solution  (+  16*8)  and  for  solid  potassium  chlorate  (  +  ll'O). 
Finally,  from  the  elements — 

K  -f  Br(gas)  +  03  =  KBr03  (solid)  liberates  +  89'3. 

&  Hypobromous  add. — The  hypobromites  are  easily  formed 
by  the  action  of  bromine  on  alkaline  solutions. 

It  was  found,  in  presence  of  an  excess  of  alkali,  the  bromine 
being  liquid,  that — 

Na20  (1  equiv.  =  3  litres)  H-  Br  (14-318  grms.  and  3-365  grms.)  at  9°  +  6-0 
K20  (1  equiv.  =  4  litres)  +  Br  (15-801  grms.  and  5'734  grms.)  at  11°  +  5-95 
BaO  (1  equiv.  =  6  litres)  +  Br  (12-096  grms.  and  12-339  grms.)  at  13°    +  5-7 

Admitting  that  diluted  hypobromous  acid,  when  combining 
with  bases,  liberates  the  same  quantity  of  heat  as  hypochlorous 
acid ;  that  is  to  say,  +  9*5  ;  it  may  be  deduced  from  the  pre- 
ceding figures  that — 

J[Br2  (liquid)  +  O  +  water  =  Br20  (diluted)],  -  67; 
i[Br2  (gas)  +  0  +  water  =  Br20  (diluted)],  -  31. 

The  latter  number  is  essentially  the  same  as  what  was  observed 
for  the  formation  of  hypochlorous  acid  (  — 2'9). 

The  alkalies,  moreover,  dissolve  a  greater  quantity  of  bromine 
than  that  which  corresponds  to  the  formation  of  hypobromous 
acid.  Thus  baryta  water  dissolves  in  the  cold  nearly  2  eq.  of 
bromine :  or  Br4  for  BaO.  These  facts  are  explained  by  the 
simultaneous  formation  of  alkaline  bromides1  and  of  hypo- 

Before  pursuing  these  comparisons  further,  it  is  advisable  to 
study  the  thermal  formation  of  the  oxygenated  compounds  of 

§  5.   lODIC  ACID   AND   lODATES. 

1.  The  results  will  be  given  which  were  obtained  by  the 
action  of  iodine  on  potash,  by  which  are  formed  hypoiodous  and 
iodic  acids.  It  will  then  be  convenient  to  examine  the  reaction 
of  iodic  acid  on  water  and  alkalies,  and  also  finally  to  compare 
the  thermal  formation  of  the  oxygenated  salts  derived  from 
chlorine,  bromine,  and  iodine,  endeavouring  at  the  same  time  to 
deduce  therefrom  some  new  data  for  molecular  mechanics. 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  58  se*rie,  torn.  xxi.  pp.  375,  378. 


2.  If  iodine  be  dissolved  in  diluted  potash,  at  the  ordinary 
temperature,  with  the  aid  of  the  crusher  described  in  p.  247, 
two  thermal  effects  succeed  each  other  very  rapidly.  During 
the  first  minute  a  lowering  of  the  temperature  is  observed,  which 
reaches  —  0'30°  when  we  dissolve,  for  instance,  31  grms.  of  iodine 
in  500  cc.  of  a  solution  containing  one  quarter  of  an  equivalent 
of  potash  per  litre. 

This  initial  phenomenon  corresponds  to  the  solution  of  the 
greater  portion  of  the  iodine  employed.  Effects  of  the  same 
sign  take  place  with  solutions  twice  and  four  times  as  diluted. 
As  soon  as  these  effects  are  produced  the  thermometer  begins  to 
rise  again  in  consequence  of  a  new  reaction,  which  lasts  four  to 
five  minutes,  while  the  whole  of  the  iodine  becomes  dissolved. 
All  the  reaction  can  be  effected  with  equivalent  proportions 
(excepting  a  trace  of  free  iodine  or  some  other  compound  which 
turns  the  liquor  slightly  yellow).  At  this  moment  the  solution 
contains  potassium  iodate  and  iodide,  according  to  the  well- 
known  reaction — 

3I2  +  3K20  (diluted)  =  6KI  (dissolved)  +  KIO3  (dissolved). 

3.  It  may  be   that  the  initial  phenomenon  is   due  to   the 
formation  of  a  hypoiodite — 

I2  +  K20  (diluted)  =  KIO  (diluted)  +  KI  (diluted) ; 

but  this  body  has  only  a  momentary  existence,  and  is  changed 
forthwith  into  iodate  at  the  ordinary  temperature. 

4.  It  is  well  known  that  the  same  reaction  with  the  hypo- 
chlorites  is  only  produced  very  rapidly  at  100°. 

The  hypobromite,  with  an  excess  of  alkali,  resists  much 
longer,  as  has  been  proved. 

5.  This  unequal  stability  of  the  three  salts  is  explained  by 
the  inverse  progression  of  the  stability  of  the  chlorates,  bromates, 
and  iodates,  as  will  be  seen  by-and-by.     Free  hypochlorous  acid 
is,  on  the  contrary,  the  most  stable  of  all ;  for  it  can  be  dis- 
placed unchanged  when  cold  by  carbonic  acid,  and  even  by 
acetic  acid,  whereas  either  of  the  latter  acids,  when  in  presence 
of  the  hypobromites,  separate  the  bromine  at  once,  as  Ballard  has 
observed  from  the  beginning.     This  bromine  is  probably  mixed 
with    some   other    compound,   as    was   ascertained    from   the 
measurement  of  the  heat  liberated. 

6.  Let  us,  however,  return  to  the  formation  of  the  hypoiodite. 
When  iodine  is  added  to  diluted  potash  in  successive  fractions — 
for  instance,  in  twice  or  three  times — each  addition  gives  rise  to 
the  same  succession  of  phenomena,  namely,  to  a  lowering  of 
temperature,   immediately   followed    by  an   increase   of  heat; 
which  shows  that  the  effect  is  very  characteristic  of  the  reaction 
itself,  and  independent  of  the  fractions  of  iodine  and  potash 
already   combined.     These   singular    effects,   which    only   the 


thermometer  can  reveal  to  us,  require  to  be  determined  by 
figures : 

i[I2  +  K20  (1  equiv.  =  2  litres)]  at  14°— 

First  effect :  absorption  ...         . .  ^         ...         —  0*58 

Second  effect :  liberation  +  0'65 

Total  effect        ...  +0-07 

I2  +  K20  (1  equiv.  =  4  litres)]  at  15°— 

1  'ing  half  the  iodine :  first  effect     -  0'38 

second  effect +0-30 

Total  effect  ,,.  -0-08 

Adding  the  surplus  of  iodine :  first  effect  ...  -  0-19 

„                „               second  effect  .,.  +0-17 

Total  effect  ...  -  0-02 

The  total  effect  of  the  two  effects  united  ...  -  0-10 

I2  +  K20  (1  equiv.  =  8  litres)]  at  15°— 

"irst  effect         -  1-27 

Second  effect  +1-18 

Total  effect        ,,.         -  0-09 

Let  us  note  here  that  the  first  thermal  effect,  namely,  the 
cooling,  does  not  afford  an  exact  measure  of  the  heat  absorbed 
in  the  corresponding  reaction  (formation  of  hypoiodite),  but  only 
a  superior  limit,  since  the  fresh  rise  in  the  temperature  succeeds 
too  rapidly. 

7.  It  being  admitted  that  the  final  product  of  the  preceding 
reaction  is  potassium  iodate  in  solution — 

61  (solid)  -f  3K20  (diluted)  =  KIO3  (dissolved)  +  5KI  (dilute); 
and  also  that  the  formation  of  diluted  potassium  iodide — 
K  -f  I  -f  water  =  KI  (diluted)  liberates  +  747  Cal.; 

we  pass  from  this  to  anhydrous  iodic  acid,  monohydrated  acid, 
and  solid  potassium  iodate,  by  means  of  the  following  data : — 

(a)  Potassium  iodate  in  solution. 

i[2HI03  (1  equiv.  =  1  litre)  +  K20  (1  equiv,  =  1  litre)  =  2KI03 

(dissolved)],  at  13°  +  14-30 

i[2HI03  (1  equiv.  =  4  litres)  +  K20  (1  equiv.  =  4  litres)  =  2KI03 

(dissolved)]  ...  ., +  14-25 

These  numbers  slightly  exceed  the  heat  of  neutralisation  of 
nitric  acid  by  potash.  This  excess  was  ascertained  by  the 
method  of  reciprocal  double  decompositions ;  that  is,  by  treating 
alternately  dissolved  potassium  iodate  with  diluted  nitric  acid, 
and  potassium  nitrate  with  iodic  acid,  in  presence  of  the  same 
quantities  of  water. 

(b)  Solution  of  hydrated  iodic  acid. 

HI03  (crystallised)  (1  part  to  45  parts  of  water)  4-  water,  at  12°, 

-  2-67. 


Ditte  found  -  2'24,  and  Thomsen  -  217,  at  a  slightly  different 

(c)  Dilution  of  iodic  acid. 

HI03  (1  equiv.  =  1  litre)  +  its  volume  of  water,  at  13°      ...         -  0-30 
HIO  (1  equiv.  =  2  litres)  +  „  „  ...         -  0-08 

HI03  (1  equiv.  =  4  litres)  +  „  „  ...         -  O'O 

(d)  Solution    of  anhydrous  iodic  acid. — This  body  was  pre- 
pared pure,  and  its  composition  ascertained  by  analysis. 

^[I205  (1  part  to  45  parts  of  water,  at  12°)  4-  water,  -  0'81. 

Ditte  found  —  0*95,  and  Thomsen  —  0*89,  at  a  slightly  different 

(e)  Solution    of    semihydrated     iodic    acid. — This     body    is 
crystallised  and  well  defined.    The  composition  was  ascertained. 

J[2HI03I205  (1  part  4-  45  part  of  water,  at  12°)  4-  water,  -  2-86. 

(/)  It  was  thought  necessary  to  ascertain  whether  the  three 
solutions  formed  by  anhydrous,  monohydrated,  and  semi-hydrated 
acid  contain  the  acid  in  the  same  molecular  state. 

To  this  end,  these  solutions  were  treated,  as  soon  as  they 
were  made,  with  potash  (1  equiv.  ==  2  litres).  They  all  liberated 
the  same  quantity  of  heat — 

For£[I006]          +  14-28 

ForHIO, +14-31 

i[2HI03,I2OJ     ...  +14.35 

(g)  Solution  of  the  potassium  iodates, — Neutral  iodate  (crystal- 

KI03  (crystallised)  (1  part  4-  40  parts  of  water)  4-  water,  at  12°, 

-  6-05. 

KI03  (1  equiv.  =  2  litres)  4-  its  volume  of  water,  at  13°,  -  0-36 
KI03  (1  equiv.  =  4  litres)  -f        „  „  „         -  0-0 

Acid  iodate  (crystallised) — 

KI03,HIO3  (crystallised)  (1  part  4-  40  parts  of  water) 
4-  water  -11-8 

(h)  Formation  of  iodic  acid  from  the  elements. — From  the  pre- 
ceding data  we  deduce — 

J[I2  solid  4-  05  +  water  =  H20,  I205  diluted],  +  22-6. 
This   number,    obtained   by  the   synthetical   method,   is   con- 
sistent with  the  value  4-  21'5  found  by  Thomsen,  by  means  of 
analytical  processes. 
We  have,  moreover — 

_  +  06  =  I205  (anhydrous)]       ...  +  18-0  Cal. 

I2  (gas)  +  06  =  I205  (solid)         +23-4     „ 

+  I  +  03  +  water  =  HI03  (dissolved)  ...  +  57-1     „ 

H  +  I  +  03  =  HI03  (crystallised)  +  59-8     „ 

J[H20  (solid)  +  I205  (solid)  =  2HI03  (crystallised)]  +  1-13     „ 


According  to  the  last  number  the  hydration  of  the  iodic  acid 
does  not  liberate  more  heat  than  the  hydrated   salts  do,  and 
about  the  same  quantity  as  anhydrous  nitric  acid. 
We  have  also — 

J[IA  (solid)  +  2HIO  (solid)  =  2HI03,  I205],  +  0'62  ; 
HIO  (dissolved)  =  HI  (dissolved)  +  03  (gaseous),  -  43-9. 

(i)  Salts. 

|[I205  +  K20  =  2KI03  (solid)]       +  55'5 

i[I205  +  BaO  =  Ba(I03)2  (solid)] +  34'9 

HI03  (cryst.)  +  KHO  (solid)  =  KI03  (cryst.)  +  H20  (solid)       ...  +  31-5 

i[2HI03  (cryst.)  +  Ba(HO)2  (solid)  =  Ba(I03)2  (solid)  +  2H20  (solid)]  +  25'6 

The  formation  of  solid  potassium  iodate,  shown  by  the  above 
figure,  liberates  far  less  heat  than  the  sulphate  (4-  71'1, 
anhydrous  substance ;  407,  hydrated  substance)  and  potassium 
nitrate  (  +  64*2,  anhydrous;  +42*6,  hydrated).  On  the  contrary, 
it  exceeds  to  a  notable  degree  that  of  the  monobasic  organic 
salts,  such  as  the  acetate  (+  55*1,  anhydrous ;  -f  21'9,  hydrated). 
It  is,  however,  comparable  to  that  of  the  salts  of  the  most 
powerful  organic  acids,  such  as  potassium  oxalate  (+  29 '4,  see 
table,  p.  127),  or  again,  acid  iodate — 

KI03  (crystallised)  +  HI03  (solid)  =  KI03,  HI03  (solid),  +  31, 

the  value  of  the  class  of  ordinary  double  salts.  We  have 
finally  from  the  elements — 

K  +  I  (solid)  +  03  =  KI03  (solid)            +  123-9 

With  I  (gas)             +  129-3 

KI03  (solid)  =  KI  (solid)  +  03      -    44-1 

KI03  (in  solution)  =  KI  (in  solution)   +  03         ...  -    43'4 

8.  The  heat  liberated  by  the  formation  of  solid  potassium 
iodate  from  the  elements  (+  129'3)  exceeds  that  of  the  solid 
bromate  and  chlorate.  In  fact,  it  was  found  that — 

K  +  Cl  +  03  =  KClOg  disengages +    94-6 

K  +  Br  (gas)  +  03  =  KBr03  disengages     ...         +    87 "6 
K  +  I  (gas)  +  03  =  KI03  disengages          ...         +  129'3 

It  is  well  known  that  the  relative  stability  of  the  three  salts 
goes  on  increasing  from  the  bromate  to  the  chlorate  and  then  to 
the  iodate.  This  becomes  still  more  evident  by  the  comparison 
of  the  heat  brought  into  play  when  the  three  solid  salts  are 
decomposed,  with  the  liberation  of  oxygen. 

KClOg  =  KC1  +  03  disengages         +    11-0 

KBr03  =  KBr  +  03        „  +    11-1 

KI03  =  KI  +  03  absorbs       -    44-1 

Not  only  is  the  decomposition  of  the  iodate  more  difficult 
owing  to  its  endothermal  character,  but  it  is  accompanied  by 
phenomena  of  dissociation,  the  dry  potassium  iodide  absorbing 
the  free  oxygen.1  Chloric  (-  12'0),  bromic  (-  24'8),  and  iodic 

1  "  Annales  de  Physique  et  de  Chimie,"  5"  se'rie,  torn.  xii.  p.  313. 


(+  22*6),  acids  diverge  still  more,  one  from  the  other,  and 
present  differences  which  are  not  the  same  as  for  their  salts. 

9.  Let  us  now  compare  the  three  principal  reactions  to  which 
the  systems  formed  by  halogens  and  alkali  are  susceptible. 


3C12  gas  +  3K20  (diluted)  =  3KC10  (dissolved)  +  3KC1  (dissolved)  +    76-2 

KC103  (dissolved)  +  5KC1  (dissolved)      +    94-2 

6KC1  (dissolved)  +  03       +111-0 

The  liberation  of  heat  and  the  stability  continue  to  increase 
from  the  hypochlorite  to  the  chlorate  and  free  oxygen. 


3Br2  (gas)  +  3K20  (dissolved)  =  3KBrO  (dissolved)  +  3KBr  (dissolved)   +  57-6 

KBr03  (dissolved)  +  5KBr  (dissolved)       +  54'0 

6KBr  (dissolved)  +  03         +  74'4 

The  formation  of  hyprobromite  liberates  a  rather  greater 
quantity  of  heat  than  that  of  the  bromate,  which  explains  the 
relative  stability  of  the  former  compound.  However,  the  forma- 
tion of  bromide  and  oxygen  is  still  the  reaction  which  liberates 
most  heat.  It  is,  moreover,  well  known  that  concentrated 
potash  can  yield  oxygen  by  its  action  on  free  bromine. 

"  w 

3I2  +  3K20  =  3KIO  (dissolved)  +  3KI  (dissolved)         ...         +  24-9  -  3a 

KI03  (dissolved)  +  5KI  (dissolved) l         +  31-8 

6K1  (dissolved)  +  03       ' -  12'3 

Here  the  formation  of  the  iodate  exceeds  all  the  others.  The 
liberation  of  oxygen  would  even  involve  an  absorption  of  heat, 
contrary  to  what  takes  place  with  the  chlorate  and  bromate. 
Moreover,  this  liberation  does  not  take  place  at  the  ordinary 
temperature  ;  it  is  only  effected  with  the  aid  of  a  foreign  energy 
which  is  got  in  the  act  of  heating. 

We  see  that  the  principal  chemical  circumstances  attending 
the  formation  of  the  combinations  between  oxygen  and  the 
halogens  are  in  harmony  with  thermal  data. 

1  Calculated  from  the  figures  on  p.  360,  admitting  that  they  represent  a 
maximum  value  for  the  formation  of  hypoiodite. 

(    364    ) 



1.  THERE  exists  a  certain  number  of  non-nitrogenised  com- 
pounds, formed  in  a  regular  manner,  i.e.  from  the  elements,  in 
consequence  of  a  succession  of  exothermal  reactions,  which, 
nevertheless,  through  heating  or  a  shock  capable  of  determining 
decomposition,  give  rise  to  explosive  phenomena.  They  are 
compounds  of  such  a  kind  that  their  elements  have  not  reached 
the  most  stable  state  of  combination,  i.e.  the  state  to  attain 
which  they  have  liberated  the  greatest  possible  amount  of 

We  have,  for  instance,  silver  and  mercuric  oxalates— bodies 
which  detonate  when  suddenly  heated  or  submitted  to  a  violent 
shock.  Such  a  decomposition  converts  them  into  carbonic  acid 
and  metal,  in  consequence  of  a  real  internal  combustion  by 
which  the  oxygen  of  the  metallic  oxide  attacks  the  oxalic  acid 
and  completely  oxidises  it.  This  combustion,  however,  is  only 
possible  when  the  heat  it  liberates  surpasses  that  of  the 
oxidation  of  the  metal  plus  the  heat  of  neutralisation  of  the 
metal.  In  other  words,  in  order  that  an  oxalate  may  possess 
such  properties,  the  reaction 

M2C204  =  2C02  +  M2 

must  be  exothermal.  Such  is  the  fundamental  condition  which 
distinguishes  explosive  oxalates  from  such  as  are  not. 

2.  Let  us  elucidate  these  notions  by  calculating  the  heat 
brought  into  play  by  the  decomposition  of  the  principal  metallic 

For  this  purpose  the  heat  of  formation  of  dissolved  oxalic 
acid  from  its  elements *  was  first  measured — 

H2  +  C2  (diamond)  +  O4  water  =  H2C2O4  (dissolved)  (90  grms.) 
liberates  +  1947  Gal. 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5e  s£rie,  torn.  vi.  p.  304. 



We  find,  moreover,  the  heat  of  formation  of  metallic  oxides  in 
the  tables  (p.  130). 

These  are  the  values  relative  to  the  more  common  metallic 
oxalates : — 

Zn  +  0  =  ZnO 
Pb  +  0  =  PbO 
Cu  +  0  =  CuO 
Hg  +  0  =  HgO 

Ag2  +  0  =  Ag20 

+  86-4 
+  53-4 
+  38-0 
+  31-0 
+  7-0 

By  the  method  of  double  decomposition  the  heat  liberated 
by  the  union  of  the  metallic  oxides  with  oxalic  acid  was 
measured ;  or l 

H2C204  (diluted)  +  ZnO  (precipitated)  =  ZnC204  +  H20 
H2C204       „        +  PbO  „  =  PbC204  +  H20 

H2C204       „        +  CuO  „  =  CuC204  +  H20 

H2C204       „        +HgO          „  =  HgC204  +  H20 

H2C204       „        +Ag20         „  =  Ag2C204  +  H20 

These  data  having  been  obtained,  it  is  only  necessary  to  add 
together  the  heats  of  formation  of  the  oxalic  acid,  the  metallic 
oxide  and  that  of  their  reciprocal  combination,  and  then  deduct 
the  heat  of  formation  of  water,  H20  (69  CaL),  in  order  to 
find  the  heat  of  formation  of  the  metallic  oxalate  from  its 

+  25-0 
+  25-6 
+  18-4 
+  14-0 
+  25-8 

Acid  (solid) 
Zinc  salt 
Lead  salt 
Copper  salt 
Mercuric  salt 
Silver  salt 

H2  +  C2  +  04  =  H2C204 

Zn  +  C2  +  04  =  ZnC204 

Pb  +  C2  +  04  =  PbC204 

Cu  +  CL  +  04  =  CuC204 

.. ,, .  Hg  +  d;  +  04  =  HgC204 

,        Ag2  +  C2  +  04  =  Ag2C204 

+  197-0 
+  237-1 
+  204-7 
+  182-1 
+  170-7 
+  158-5 

3.  If  we  note  the  heat  of  formation  of  2  eq.  of  carbonic  acid 
from  carbon  (diamond)  and  oxygen,  or 

2(0  +  Oa)  =  2C02  liberates  +  188-0, 

it  is  easy  to  calculate  the  heat  brought  into  play  when  an 
oxalate  is  decomposed  into  gaseous  carbonic  acid  and  free 
metal,  the  reaction  being  referred  to  the  ordinary  temperature — 

H2C204  (solid)  =  H2  +  2C02 
ZnC2O4  =  Zn  (solid)  +  2C02 
PbC204  =  Pb  (solid)  +  2C02 
CuC204  =  Cu  (solid)  +  2C02 
HgC204  =  Hg  (liquid)  +  2C02 
Ag2C204  =  Ag2  (solid)  +  2C02 

-  9-0 

-  49-1 

-  16-7 
+    5-9 
+  17-3 
+  29-5 

4.  We  see  from  this  that  zinc  and  lead  oxalates  cannot  be 
decomposed  into  carbonic  acid  and  metal  with  a  liberation  of 

1  The  calculation  is  made  here  on  the  supposition  that  the  precipitated 
oxalates  are  anhydrous,  or  rather,  that  the  heat  liberated  is  essentially  the 
same  for  the  anhydrous  and  precipitated  salts ;  which,  in  fact,  has  been 
proved  to  be  the  case  for  the  salts  of  mercury  and  silver. 


heat.  In  fact,  this  reaction  does  not  take  place ;  at  least,  not 
without  a  strange  complication. 

It  would  seem  at  first  sight  that  oxalic  acid  is  in  the  same 
position ;  but  this  is  only  true  when  we  start  from  the  acid  in 
a  solid  state.  In  fact,  the  acid  partly  assumes  the  gaseous 
state,  at  the  moment  of  decomposition ;  for  observation  proves 
that  a  portion  is  always  volatilised  under  these  conditions. 
However,  this  volatilisation  of  the  solid  acid  must  from  analogy 
absorb  about  8  to  12  Cal.  Taking  this  quantity  into  considera- 
tion, we  see  that  oxalic  acid,  when  gaseous,  is  on  the  confines  of 
an  exothermal  decomposition,  which  explains  its  instability. 
When  the  acid  is  in  solution,  the  decomposition  is  in  reality 
exothermal,  for 

H2  +  C2  +  04  +  water  =  H2C204  liberates  +  1947, 

2C02  (gas)  +  water  =  2C02  (dissolved)  +  199-2. 

The  difference,"  +  4'5  Cal.,  represents  the  heat  liberated  in  the 
reaction.  Copper  oxalate  is  also  on  the  confines,  and  even 
beyond,  its  decomposition  being  exothermal.  Finally,  that  of 
mercuric  and  silver  oxalates  is  positively  exothermal. 

5.  Nevertheless,  as  regards  mercuric  oxalates  the  heat 
liberated  is  limited,  from  a  certain  temperature,  by  the  vola- 
tilisation of  the  mercury,  which  absorbs  —  15 '4;  but  this 
restriction  does  not  exist  in  the  case  of  silver  oxalate ;  and,  in 
fact,  this  compound  is  very  explosive.  It  explodes  very 
energetically  when  subjected  to  a  shock  or  when  heated  to 
about  130°.  At  100°  and  lower  it  decomposes  slowly  and 

We  see  from  these  facts  how  thermo-chemistry  explains  the 
explosive  properties  of  certain  metallic  oxalates,  and  also  the 
difference  which  exists  between  the  conditions  of  decomposition 
of  these  and  other  oxalates. 






1.  ANY  system  of  bodies  capable  of  developing  permanent  gases 
or  substances  which  assume  the  gaseous  state  in  the  conditions 
of  reaction,  such  as  water  above  100°,  mercury  above  360°,  etc., 
may  constitute  an  explosive  agent.  Even  gaseous  bodies  assume 
the  same  character  if  compressed  beforehand,  or  if  their  volume 
increases  in  consequence  of  some  transformation.  For  this 
purpose  it  is  not  necessary  that  the  temperature  of  the  system 
should  rise,  although  this  condition  is  generally  fulfilled  and 
tends  to  increase  the  effects. 

2.  Nevertheless,  this  definition  of  explosive  agents,  although 
exact  from  an  abstract  point  of  view,  is  too  wide  for  practice, 
which  only  utilises  such  systems  as  are  susceptible  of  a  rapid 
transformation  and   accompanied   by   the   liberation   of  great 

3.  Moreover,  the  initial  system  should  be  able  to  subsist  of 
itself,  at  least  for  some  time ;   its  transformation   only  taking 
place  if  provoked  by  some  external  circumstance,  such  as  fire, 
shock,  friction,  or  again  by  the  intervention  of  small  quantities 
of  a  chemical  agent,  acting  either  in  consequence  of  its  own 
reactions,  which   propagate   themselves   chemically   (sulphuric 
acid  in  presence  of  potassium  chlorate  mixed  with  organic  sub- 
stances), or  because  it  produces  a  sudden  shock,  determining  by 
its  mechanical  effects  the   production   of  the  explosive  wave 
(p.  88)  and  general  explosion. 



1.  Let  us  enumerate  the  explosive  bodies  which  fulfil  these 
conditions.     They  belong  to  eight  distinct  groups  of  substances. 
These  are — 

First  group. — Explosive  gases,  such  as — 

(1)  Ozone,  hypochlorous  acid,  the  gaseous  oxides  of  chlorine, 
etc.,  which  detonate  under  very  slight  influences — for  instance, 
slight  heating  or  sudden  compression. 

(2)  Various  gases  also  formed  with  absorption  of  heat,  but  more 
stable,  gases  which  do  not  explode  under  the  influence  of  pro- 
gressive heating  or  moderate  compression.     Nevertheless,  they 
may   explode   through  the   detonation   of  mercury  fulminate. 
Such     are    acetylene,    nitric    oxide,    cyanogen,    arseniuretted 
hydrogen,  etc.  (p.  66). 

2.  Second   group. — Detonating  gaseous  mixtures  formed   by 
the  association  of  oxygen  or  chlorine,  oxides  of  nitrogen  with 
hydrogen,   hydrogenated    gases,   and   carburetted   and    hydro- 
carburetted  gases  or  vapours. 

3.  Third    group. — Explosive    inorganic    compounds,    definite 
bodies,  liquids  or  solids,  capable  of  exploding  by  shock,  friction, 
or  heating,  such  as — 

(1)  Nitrogen  sulphide,  nitrogen  chloride,  and  nitrogen  iodide. 
Mercury  nitride  and  some  other  metallic  nitrides.     Fulminating 
gold  and  mercury  oxides,  which  are  also  nitrated  derivatives. 

(2)  The  liquid  oxacids   of  chlorine  and  concentrated  per- 
manganic acid. 

(3)  Solid  ammoniacal  salts  formed  by  the  oxacids  of  chlorine, 
nitrogen,  chromium,  manganese,  and  similar  substances. 

4.  Fourth  group. — Explosive  organic  compounds,  definite  bodies, 
solid  or  liquid,  capable  of  exploding  by  shock,  friction,  or  heat- 
ing, such  as — 

(1)  Nitric   ethers   properly   so   called;    nitric   ether,   nitro- 
glycerin,  nitromannite,  etc. 

(2)  The  nitric  derivatives  of  the  carbohydrates :  cotton,  paper, 
wood,  various  kinds  of  cellulose,  dextrine,  sugar,  etc. 

(3)  Nitro-derivatives,    especially    aromatic    derivatives — for 
instance,  trinitro-phenol  and  its  salts  (picric  acid  and  picrates), 
nitro-oxyphenol  (oxypicric   acid   and   oxypicrates),  tetranitro- 
methane,    chloropicrine   (chloronitro-methane).     Nitromethane 
and  its  homologues,  as  well  as  their  derivatives,  are  also  classed 

(4)  The  diazo  derivatives,  such  as  diazobenzene  nitrate  and 
similar   bodies,  nitrolic  acids  and  other  polynitro-derivatives, 
nitro  ethane,  to  which  the  fulminates  of  mercury  and  silver, 
etc.,  seem  to  belong. 

(5)  The  derivatives  of  highly  oxygenated  mineral  acids,  such 
as,  on  the  one  hand,  nitrites,  nitrates,  chlorates,  perchlorates, 


chromates,  permanganates  of  organic  alkalis ;  on  the  other  hand, 
nitrous  ethers,  perchloric  ethers,  etc. 

(6)  Here   we   may   also   add  the   explosive   derivatives    of 
hydrogen  peroxide ;  ethyl,  acetyl,  etc.,  peroxides. 

(7)  The  hydrocarbon  derivatives  of  mineral  oxides  which  can 
be  easily  reduced,  especially  the  salts  of  silver  and  mercury 
oxides,  such  as  silver  oxalate,  mercury  oxycyanide,  etc. 

(8)  The  derivatives  of  the   hydrocarbons   and   other  bodies 
characterised   by  an   excess  of  energy  with   relation  to  their 
elements,  such  as  metallic  acetylides,  etc. 

5.  Fifth  group. — Mixtures  of  definite  explosive  compounds  with 
inert  bodies.     Each  of  the  preceding  compounds,  whether  solid 
or  liquid,  can  be  mixed  with  inert  bodies,  destined  to  attenuate 
the   effects.     Dynamite,  properly  so   called,  with  a   silica  or 
alumina  base,  wet  gun-cotton,  or  soaked  with  paraffin,  nitro- 
glycerin  dissolved  in  methylic  alcohol,  camphorated  gun-cotton 
and  dynamite,  etc.,  constitute  such  mixtures. 

6.  Sixth  group. — Mixtures  formed  ~by  an  explosive  oxidisaUe 
compound  and  a  non-explosive  oxidising  body  destined  to  complete 
the  combustion  of  the  former.     Such  are — 

(1)  Gun-cotton  mixed  with  potassium  or  ammonium  nitrate 
potassium  picrate  mixed  with  potassium  chlorate  or  nitrate,  etc 

(2)  Also  the  mixtures  of  nitric  acid  with  nitro  compounds, 
such  as  dinitrobenzene,  the  nitro  toluenes,  picric  acid  (trinitro- 
phenol),  etc.,  generally  mixed  in  the  form  of  paste. 

(3)  The  mixtures  of  nitric  peroxide  and  nitro  compounds  are 
also  classed  here. 

7.  Seventh  group. — Mixtures  with  an  explosive  oxidising  base. 

(1)  The  mixtures  formed  by  an  explosive  body  containing 
an    excess    of    oxygen   (nitroglycerin,   nitromannite)   and   an 
oxidisable  body  such  as  carbon  dynamite. 

(2)  Analogous  bodies,  in  which  the  oxidising  and  oxidisable 
bodies  are  both  explosive,  such  as  blasting  gelatin  formed  by 
the  association  of  nitrocellulose  and  nitroglycerin,  etc. 

8.  Eighth  group. — Mixtures  formed  by  oxidisable  and  oxidising 
bodies,  solid  or  liquid,  neither  of  these  being  explosive  separately. 
This  group  comprises  — 

(1)  Black  powder  formed  by  the  association  of  sulphur  and 
carbon  with  potassium  nitrate  and  constituting  the  varieties 
designated  as  service,  sporting,  and  blasting  powder,  etc. 

(2)  The  various  powders  formed  by  the  association  of  hydro- 
carbon compounds,  charcoal,  coal,  wood,  sawdust,  various  kinds 
of  cellulose,  starch,  sugar,  ferrocyanide,  or  by  the  association  of 
sulphur  and  metals  with  potassium,  sodium,  barium,  strontium, 
lead,  etc.,  nitrates. 

(3)  The  liquid  or  pasty  mixtures  formed  by  the  association  of 
liquid  nitric  acid  either  with  a  combustible  liquid  or  with  a  solid 
substance  on  which  it  does  not  exercise  an  instantaneous  action. 



(4)  Here  we  may  class  the  mixture  of  liquid  nitric  peroxide 
with  various  oxidisable  substances,  such  as  carbon  disulphide 
or  petroleum  spirit. 

(5)  The  powders  formed  by  the  association  of  combustible 
bodies  with  chlorates  and  perchlorates. 

(6)  The  powders  formed  by  the  association  of  combustible 
bodies   with   various    combustive   bodies,   such    as    potassium 
bichromate,  chromic  acid,  the  oxides  of  copper,  lead,  antimony, 
bismuth,  etc. 

(7)  To  the  mixtures  of  this  group  may  be  assimilated  the 
mixtures  formed  by  the  association  of  a  sulphide,  a  metallic 
phosphide  or  an  analogous  binary  compounds  with  another  metal 
capable   of    displacing    the    former    under   the   gaseous   form 
(mercury,  for  instance)  with  the  liberation  of  heat. 

§  3.  DIVISION  otf  THE  THIRD  BOOK. 

The  variety  of  explosive  mixtures  thus  practically  created 
with  a  view  to  their  being  applied  is  indefinite.  Nevertheless 
the  number  of  the  Usual  Compounds  is  limited,  and  we  will 
designate  the  principal  ones  we  intend  to  examine  specially; 
but  first  of  allj  in  Chapter  II.  we  shall  present  the  general  data 
which  it  is  necessary  or  useful  to  know  in  order  to  define  the 
manufacture  and  employment  of  a  given  explosive. 

Chapter  III.  will  comjttise  the  study  of  explosive  gases, 
detonating  gaseous  mixtures,  and  analogous  substances  (groups 
1  and  2). 

Chapter  IV.  is  devoted  to  nOn-caYbonated  explosive  com- 
pounds (3rd  group). 

In  Chapter  V.  we  shall  treat  of  nitric  ethers  properly  so 
called  (4th  group). 

The  sequence  of  the  substances  belonging  to  this  group  is 
studied  in  the  following  four  chapters;  which  also  comprise  the 
mixtures  of  the  5th,  6th,  and  7th  groups.  The  dynamites  will 
be  examined  in  Chapter  VI. 

Gun-cotton  and  allied  bodies  in  Chapter  VII. 

Picrates  in  Chapter  VIII. 

Dinitro  compounds  in  Chapter  IX. 

Lastly  the  eighth  group  will  be  examined,  viz. :  Powders  with 
a  nitrate  base  in  Chapter  X. ; 

Powders  with  a  chlorate  base  in  Chapter  XI. 

And  we  shall  conclude  with  some  general  considerations. 

(    371     ) 




1.  EXPLOSIVE  bodies  cannot  be  employed  profitably  and  securely 
unless  they  are  characterised  by  a  certain  number  of  data, 
theoretical  as  well  as  practical,  which  will  now  be  enumerated. 

2.  First  as  regards  theoretical  data.     They  have  been  given  in 
principle  in  Book  I. ;  but  it  seems  desirable  to  summarise  them 
here  from  a  more  special  point  of  view.     These  data  refer  to 
eight  orders  of  measurements,  namely : 

(1)  The  chemical  equation  of  transformation. 

(2)  The  heats  of  formation  of  the  components  and  products. 

(3)  Their  specific  heats. 

(4)  Their  densities. 

(5)  The  pressures  developed. 

(6)  The  initial  work  which  determines  the  reaction  (tempera- 
ture  of  inflammation,  nature  of  shock,  etc.) 

(7)  The  law  which  determines  the  rapidity  of  the  transforma- 
tion with  reference  to  temperature  and  pressure. 

(8)  The  total  work  which  an  explosive  substance  can  effect 
(potential  energy). 

Each  of  these  orders  of  measurements  embraces  several  dis- 
tinct determinations. 

3.  The  chemical  equation   of  the   explosive   transformation 
comprises  : 

(1)  A  knowledge  of  the  original  bodies  and  of  the  products  as 
regards  their  nature  and  relative  weight. 

(2)  The  knowledge  of  the  volume  of  the  permanent  gases,  re- 
duced to  0°  and  0*760  metres,  which  the  transformation  develops 
(p.  18).     This  volume  may  be  calculated  a  priori,  or  measured 
directly  and  as  an  essential  element  of  chemical  analysis. 

(3)  A  knowledge  of  the  gaseous  volume  (reduced  by  calculation 
to  0°  and  0*760  metres)  of  the  products  actually  liquid  or  solid, 



but  capable  of  assuming  the  gaseous  state  at  the  temperature 
of  explosion.     Much  discussion  often  arises  on  this  head. 

(4)  The  knowledge  of  the  state  of  dissociation  of  the  products 
at  the  moment  of  explosion  and  during  the  period  of  cooling 
(p.  8). 

In  fact,  up  to  the  present  this  datum  is  known  with  precision 
for  scarcely  any  compound  body,  and  our  ignorance  in  this 
respect  is  one  of  the  principal  causes  of  the  divergence  observed 
between  the  practical  results  and  the  data  of  theoretical  calcula- 

(5)  The  knowledge  of  the  weight  of  oxygen  actually  employed 
in  the  explosive  reaction. 

(6)  The  knowledge  of  the  weight  of  oxygen  required  for  total 
combustion  is  deduced  from  the  preceding. 

4.  The  heats  of  formation  of  the  components  and  products 
comprise : 

(1)  The  knowledge  of  the  heats  of  formation  of  these  various 
bodies  from  their  elements ;   quantities  given  in  the  thermo- 
chemical  tables  (p.  125  and  following). 

(2)  Their  heat  of  total  combustion  by  free  oxygen,  or  ly  the 
oxidising  compounds  (nitrates,  chlorates,  oxides,  etc.). 

(3)  The  knowledge  'of  the  heat   of  vaporisation   of  bodies 
actually  liquid  or  solid,  but  capable  of  assuming  the  gaseous 
state  in  the  conditions  of  the  explosion  (p.  140). 

(4)  The  heat  liberated  by  the  explosive  transformation  is  also 
deduced  from   the  foregoing  data,  which   are  supposed  to  be 
known.     On  the  other  hand,  it  may  be  measured  directly  and 
employed  in  the  inverse  calculation  of  these  same  data. 

5.  The   specific  heats  of   the   components  and  products  are 
generally  known  by  the   tables  for  the   ordinary  temperature 
(pp.  141-143).     For  high  temperatures,  such  as  are  developed 
during  the  explosion,  our  knowledge  on  this  point  is  very  im- 

From  the  mean  specific  heat  of  the  products  is  deduced  the 
temperature  developed  during  the  explosion.  The  calculation  is 
made  according  to  the  knowledge  of  the  quantities  of  heat 
(pp.  11  and  19)  ;  but  the  accuracy  of  the  result  is  subordinated 
to  the  knowledge  of  the  dissociation  and  that  of  the  specific 
heats  (see  p.  18). 

Processes  of  direct  measurement  for  the  temperatures  would 
be  preferable ;  but  hitherto  it  has  not  been  possible  to  try  them 
with  any  probability,  except  in  one  single  case,  namely  with 
black  powder. 

6.  The   densities   of  the   components  and  products  may  be 
measured  at  the  ordinary  temperature  (p.  144). 

(1)  The  molecular  volumes  are  obtained  from  them.  A 
knowledge  should  be  added  of  the  co-efficients  of  expansion  of 
the  various  solid,  liquid,  or  gaseous  bodies,  so  as  to  deduce 


therefrom  the  exact  volume  of  the  products  at  the  tempera- 
ture of  explosion.  Unfortunately  these  are  data  which  are  bu't 
little  known,  and  we  generally  content  ourselves  with  the 
densities  in  the  cold  for  solids  and  liquids,  and  the  densities 
calculated  according  to  Mariotte's  and  Gay-Lussac's  laws  for 

(2)  These  data  are  necessary  to  calculate  a  priori,  according 
to  the  same  laws,  the  theoretical  pressure  which  the  explosive 
would  develop  when  detonating  in  its  own  volume  (p.  30). 

(3)  They  would  be  equally  useful  for  calculating  the  theoretical 
pressure  under  any  density  of  charge  (p.  30),  that  is  to  say,  the 
real  volume  occupied  by  the  gases  at  the  moment  of  explosion  ; 
but  for  this   purpose   the  real   density  of  solid,  liquid,   and 
gaseous  products  should  be  known  exactly. 

7.  The  pressures  developed  must  be  measured  directly  (p.  20). 

(1)  Under  various  densities  of  charge. 

(2)  A  curve  is  deduced  therefrom  which  permits  us  to  esti- 
mate according  to  the  experiments  themselves,  the  real  pressure 
developed  under  a  density  equal  to  the  unit,  viz.  the  specific 
pressure  (p.  30)  as  well  as, 

(3)  The  maximum  pressure  developed  by  the  explosive.     It 
is  that  of  a  body  detonating  in  its  own  volume  (p.  30). 

If  we  admit  that  there  exists  a  proportion  between  the 
pressures  and  high  densities  of  charge  (p.  30),  the  specific 
pressure,  namely  the  pressure  developed  under  a  density,  equal 
to  the  unit,  will  characterise  the  force  of  the  explosive. 

The  effective  measurements  thus  obtained  for  the  real 
pressures  should  be  compared  with  the  theoretical  pressures 
calculated,  as  has  been  said,  with  the  aid  of  Mariotte's  and 
Gay-Lussac's  laws.  In  this  calculation  the  volume  occupied 
by  the  solid  or  liquid  products  must  be  taken  into  account. 

(4)  A  more  certain  datum,  and  one  that  is  more  easily  calcu- 
lated a  priori  and  verified  experimentally,  is  the  permanent 
pressure  exercised  by  the  gases  of  explosion  reduced  to  0°  in 
a  determinate  and  sufficiently  resisting  capacity  (p.  32).     It  is 
often  limited  by  the  liquefaction  of  the  products,  such  as  car- 
bonic acid. 

(5)  As  a  term  of  comparison,  the  characteristic  product,  if  not 
absolute  at  least  relative,  can  be  given,  namely,  the  product  of 
the  heat  liberated  multiplied  by  the  reduced  volume  of  the 
gases  and  divided  by  the  specific  heat  of  the  bodies  formed 
(p.  32).     This  product  gives   essentially  in  theory  the   same 
relations  between  the  various  explosive  substances  as  the  theo- 
retical pressure. 

8.  The  initial  work  which  determines  the  reaction  seems 
to  be  summed  up  in  a  knowledge  of  the  following  data : — 

(1)  The  temperature  of  incipient  reaction,  a  temperature  which 
must  be  measured  directly. 


(2)  The  smallest  shock  which  will  cause  decomposition,  also 
the  effects  due  to  the  shock,  or  the  application  of  fire  would  be, 
no  doubt,  derived  therefrom  in  a  complete  theory. 

In  the  absence  of  this  theoretical  datum,  we  measure  the 
minimum  fall  of  a  given  weight  which  is  required  to  cause  the 
substance  to  explode  when  placed  in  definite  conditions. 

More  generally,  but  in  a  vaguer  manner,  we  ascertain  whether 
it  explodes  by  the  shock  of  iron  on  iron,  bronze  on  bronze, 
stone  on  stone,  wood  on  wood,  iron  on  bronze,  stone,  wood, 
bronze  on  stone  or  wood,  stone  on  wood,  or  by  friction  exercised 
in  various  conditions,  etc. 

9.  The  law  of  the  rapidity  of  decomposition,   in   cases   of 
simple  ignition,  and  the  rapidity  of  propagation  of  the  explosive 
wave  in  other  cases  (p.  88),  is  of  primary  importance,  but  this 
law  is  generally  not  known. 

10.  The   total   work  performed    by   an  explosive  substance 
in  given  conditions  corresponds  to  the  difference  between  the 
heat  liberated  by  the  chemical  transformation  effected  without 
external  work  and  the  heat  really  liberated  in  the  conditions  of 
the   experiment,   a   difference   which  might,   if    necessary,   be 
measured  experimentally. 

In  principle  the  maximum  work  would  be  measured  by  the 
liberated  heat  itself  (potential  energy),  but  we  have  only  to  con- 
sider the  work  which  may  be  performed  by  the  gases  developed 
by  the  explosion  in  the  case  of  indefinite  expansion.  The  theory 
of  these  effects  has  only  been  broached  for  service  powder 
(p.  17). 

11.  In   practice  this   deficiency  is   made  up  by   empirical 
notions  drawn  from  the  study  of  the  effects  of  each  explosive  on 
various  kinds  of  vessels  and  materials.     These  effects  are  more- 
over complex,  for  they  often  result  at  the  same  time  from  the 
total  work,  the  pressure  exercised,  the  law  of  rapidity,  and  the 
nature  of  the  materials. 

Without  entering  into  circumstantial  details,  may  be  cited 
as  an  instance  the  trial  of  the  force  of  an  explosive  substance 
according  to  the  size  of  the  capacity  produced  by  its  explosion 
in  a  block  of  lead  (Abel's  process).  For  instance,  a  block  of 
lead  is  taken,  250  mm.  square,  280  mm.  high,  and  weighing 
175  kgnL  Following  the  axis,  a  cylindrical  channel  is  bored 
with  a  diameter  comparable  to  that  of  a  miner's  boring  tool 
(28*5  mm.),  and  178  mm.  deep.  A  determinate  weight  of  the 
explosive  substance  (10,  20,  or  30  grms.)  is  placed  at  the  bottom, 
and  if  necessary  it  can  be  arranged  under  an  impermeable 
covering.  A  detonator  is  introduced  at  the  end  of  a  fuse  of 
suitable  length,  and  the  hole  is  then  filled  up  with  water,  which 
serves  as  tamping.  The  explosion  is  then  effected,  and  the 
capacity  of  the  pear-shaped  chamber  produced  is  afterwards 
measured.  The  proportion  between  the  increase  of  the  capacities 


produced  under  the  influence  of  equal  weights  of  the  various 
explosives  may  be  taken  as  comparative  measurements  of  their 
power.  When  the  substance  is  too  active,  a  system  of  rents  is 
produced,  following  almost  a  diagonal  direction  in  any  vertical 
section  passing  through  the  axis  of  the  block,  and  tending  to 
detach  a  kind  of  truncated  cone  in  the  total  mass.  This  accident 
can,  however,  be  avoided  by  diminishing  the  weight  of  the 

It  has  been  found  that  the  relations  of  the  increases  of  capacity 
obtained  with  variable  weights  of  different  materials  remain  the 
same,  the  weight  being  moreover  very  small  in  comparison  with 
that  of  the  block.  Here  are  some  of  these  relations  which 
express  the  increase  of  capacity  produced  by  I  grin,  of  explosive 
according  to  the  experiments  of  the  Commission  des  substances 
explosives  : — 


Nitromannite 43 

Nitroglycerin         ..         ...         ...         ...     35 

Dynamite  75%       ...         .„         ..,         ...     29 

Dry  gun-cotton      ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...         ...     34 

Ditto  (0-40  grm.)  +  ammonium  nitrate  (0-60  grm.)       ...         ...     32 

Ditto  (0-50  grm.)  +  potassium  nitrate  (0'50  grm.)         21 

Mercury  fulminate ..13-5 

Ditto,  eliminating  the  weight  of  the  mercury  by  calculation     ...     45 
Panclastites :  1  vol.  carbon  disulphide  +  1  vol.  nitric  peroxide     25 

2  vols.  CS2  +  1  vol.  N02 ' 18 

3  vols.  CS2  +  5  vols.  N02  (complete  oxidation).,..         ...         ...     28 

1  vol.  essence  of  petroleum  l  +  1  vol.  N02        28 

2  vols.  essence  of  petroleum  l  +  1  vol.  N02 ...     18 

1  vol.  nitrotoluene  +  1  vol.  N02  ... 29 

This  process  furnishes  very  interesting  comparative  data,  but 
it  does  not  apply  to  slow  powders,  such  as  black  powder,  as  the 
tamping  is  then  driven  forward  before  the  chamber  has  been 

In  the  case  of  rapid  powders  the  relations  are  not  the  same  as 
those  resulting  from  the  quantities  of  heat  and  of  the  gaseous 
volumes.  Thus  these  two  quantities  are  nearly  the  same  for 
nitroglycerin  and  nitromannite,  whereas  the  capacities  are  greater 
by  a  fourth  in  the  case  of  the  latter  substance,  doubtless  because 
its  explosion  is  effected  in  a  shorter  time. 

The  classification  of  the  relative  force  of  explosives  according 
to  their  effects  changes  very  much  according  as  the  operation 
is  carried  out  with  or  without  tamping.  Generally  speaking, 
studies  of  this  kind  are  only  fully  valid  for  works,  effects,  and 
materials  comparable  to  those  which  formed  the  object  of  the 
preliminary  experiments. 

12.  Such  is  the  ensemble  of  the  scientific  data  we  must 
endeavour  to  obtain  before  laying  claim  to  the  complete  theory 
of  a  given  explosive  substance. 

1  Containing  one-tenth  of  its  volume  of  carbon  disulphide. 


In  fact  and  in  practice  these  data  are  less  numerous  than 
might  be  inferred  from  the  preceding  statements.  In  the  present 
state  of  our  knowledge  they  are  reduced  practically  to  the 
following : — 

(1)  Chemical  equation  of  the  transformation. 

(2)  Heat  developed  by  this  transformation, 

(3)  Volume  reduced  to  0°  and  760  mm.  of  the  gases  and 
bodies  capable  of  being  rendered  gaseous  in  the  conditions  of 
the  transformation. 

(4)  Pressures  developed. 

(5)  More  or  less  crude  empirical  indications  referring  to  the 
work  effected. 

These  five  orders  of  data  regulate  our  knowledge  of  the  force 
of  explosive  substances. 

Let  us  remark  here  that  the  first  three  measurements  are 
deduced  simply  from  the  chemical  equation  of  the  phenomenon, 
and  the  thermo-chemical  tables ;  the  fourth  and  fifth  would  be 
calculated  by  the  preceding  if  the  laws  respecting  the  thermo- 
dynamics of  gases  and  those  of  the  resistance  of  substances  were 
sufficiently  well  known, 


1.  In  practice  an  explosive  substance  must  satisfy  a  certain 
number  of  conditions  which  we  will  now  summarise.     These 
conditions  refer  to  the  employment,  manufacture,  preservation, 
and  stability  of  the  explosive  substance.    Let  us  commence  with 
the  employment. 

2.  The  explosive  substance  placed  in  a  small  volume  and  under 
a  moderate  weight  should  develop  a  considerable  quantity  of  gas 
and  a  great  amount  of  heat,  circumstances  which  exclude  ex- 
plosive gases  and  detonating  gaseous  mixtures,  at  least  in  most 

3.  The  chemical  transformation  which  the  substance  under- 
goes should  be  produced  in  a  very  short  space  of  time,  so  that  the 
heat   may   not   be   gradually   dissipated,  which  would  greatly 
reduce  the  pressure. 

Let  us  remark,  moreover,  that  the  effort  of  a  sudden  pressure 
produces  very  different  effects  of  rupture  on  a  given  substance 
to  what  would  have  been  the  case  if  the  same  pressure  had  been 
exercised  slowly. 

In  mining  works,  or  with  firearms,  a  slow  reaction  would  tend 
to  let  the  gases  escape  little  by  little  through  the  interstices  of 
the  earth  or  the  charge. 

4.  The  empirical  measurement  of  the  force  of  an  explosive 
substance  will  be  effected  by  means  of  a  system  of  tests  approach- 
ing as  far  as  possible  the  conditions  of  its  practical  employment. 


In  the  absence  of  these  conditions,  which  are  not  very 
suitable  for  precise  comparisons,  trials  are  made  on  a  small 
scale,  such  as — 

The  use  of  the  testing  mortar  on  ballistic  pendulum  for  powders 
intended  to  throw  projectiles  from  firearms ; 

The  use  of  bombs  of  different  thicknesses  from  which  the 
bursting  charge  (p.  58)  and  the  mode  of  fragmentation  are 
studied ; 

The  rupture  of  freestone,  rails,  T-iron,  iron  girders,  masses  of 
rolled,  cast,  or  wrought  iron,  beams  of  different  kinds  of  wood, 
and  different  scantlings,  by  charges  laid  on  their  surface ; 

The  curve  imparted  to  thick  iron  plates  in  comparative 
conditions ; 

The  crushing  of  a  small  block  of  lead  by  a  charge  placed  on 
its  surface,  with  or  without  tamping ; 

The  crushing  of  a  copper  cylinder  (p.  20)  ; 

The  form  and  size  of  the  chambers  produced  in  a  mass  of 
clay  or  lead  by  the  explosion  of  an  internal  charge  (see  p. 
374),  etc. 

We  shall  refer  to  the  technical  treatises  and  memoirs  for  the 
description  of  these  various  tests,  as  it  would  be  almost  impos- 
sible to  give  the  exact  theory  of  them  at  present. 

5.  The  explosive  substance  should  be  capable  of  being  handled 
and  transported  by  road  or  railway  with  at  least  relative  safety, 
and  it  must  not  be  too  sensitive  to  shocks  or  friction.     This  is 
the  reason  why  pure   nitroglyeerin  and  chlorate  powders  are 
almost  excluded  in  practice. 

The  same  circumstance  forbids  the  employment  of  dynamite 
and  pure  gun-cotton  in  warfare,  since  these  substances  explode 
from  the  shock  of  a  ball. 

6.  The  substance  should  only  explode  in  conditions  which  are 
precisely  known,  and  capable  of  being  produced  or  avoided  at 
pleasure ;  for  instance — special  ignition,  the  use  of  certain  caps 
and  fuses ;  the  employment  of  electricity  to  heat  a  wire  or  produce 
a  spark;  the  shock  of  two  metal  pieces  arranged  beforehand; 
definite  chemical  reaction — for  instance,  that  of  sulphuric  acid 
on  potassium  chlorate  mixed  with  a  combustible  body,  etc. 

The  conditions  under  which  the  explosive  substance  is 
brought  to  explode  should  be  realisable  without  too  much 
difficulty ;'  thus  the  explosion  of  paraffined  gun-cotton  becomes 
almost  impossible  above  a  certain  quantity  of  paraffin.  In  the 
same  way  a  mixture  of  petroleum  spirit  and  nitric  peroxide  in 
equal  volumes  does  not  explode  under  the  influence  of  an 
ordinary  fulminate  cap,  while  it  does  so  by  the  addition  of  a 
tenth  part  of  carbon  disulphide,  etc. 

7.  The  explosion  should  produce  effects  foreseen  beforehand, 
at  least  in  a  certain  limit,  such  as  direction,  general  characters, 
and  intensity. 


Thus  too  sudden  a  reaction  brought  about  in  a  firearm  causes 
its  rupture  before  the  projectile  has  time  to  be  displaced.  Any 
substance  capable  of  producing  such  effects  must  be  excluded, 
and  this  prevents  the  employment  of  pure  nitroglycerin  or 
potassium  picrate  in  firearms. 

A  shell  should  be  broken  into  large  pieces  and  not  pulverised 
by  the  explosion  of  the  internal  substance,  and  this  circumstance 
opposes  the  use  of  pure  mercury  fulminate.  The  reaction  of 
the  powder  in  the  weapon  should  be  sufficiently  progressive  for 
the  projectile  to  acquire  a  determinate  initial  velocity. 

8.  From  a  more  particular  point  of  view,  the  explosive  sub- 
stance  should  not    injure   the    weapons ;    either   by   chemical 
reaction,  sulphurising,  oxidation,   etc,,  or  by  fouling  (ash   and 
fixed  substances,  leading,  etc.),  or  by  mechanical  wear  and  tear. 

9.  In  subterranean  works  the  explosive  substance  must  not 
produce  any  deleterious  gases  capable  of  suffocating  the  workmen 
(carbonic     oxide,    sulphuretted     hydrogen,    nitrous     vapours, 
hydrocyanic  vapours,  etc,). 

In  general  it  should  not  produce  too  much  smoke  in  warfare. 

10.  On  the  contrary,  in  certain  military  operations  it  may  be 
useful  to  produce  a  great  deal  of  smoke,  in  order,  for  instance,  to 
mask  a  movement  or  some  works. 

It  may  also  be  useful  to  produce  deleterious  gases  in  order  to 
render  the  gallery  of  a  mine,  etc.,  impracticable  for  some  time. 

11.  The  pyrotechnical  effects,  such  as  signals,  lighting,  bon- 
fires, etc.,  represent  quite  a  different  order  of  special  conditions 
to  be  fulfilled,  but  on  which  we  shall  not  dwell,  as  this  subject 
is  foreign  to  the  present  work. 

12.  The   necessity   of  dividing   the   explosive  substances,  or  of 
making  them  into  a  determinate  form,  enters  into  consideration 

Thus  dynamite  and  the  powders  properly  so  called  are  more 
easily  divided  than  gun-cotton  into  small  pulverulent  masses, 
destined  to  be  introduced  into  some  cavity  whose  cracks  and 
fissures  they  fill  up,  such  as  a  blast^hole. 

On  the  other  hand,  compressed  gun-cotton  may  be  easily 
divided  and  worked  with  tools  so  as  to  give  it  a  special  form 
independent  of  any  covering ;  special  care  is  taken  to  impregnate 
it  beforehand  with  paraffin,  a  substance  which  moreover  has  the 
advantage  of  diminishing  the  explosive  sensitiveness  of  gun- 

13.  In  various  cases  the  explosive  substances  are  compressed 
or  agglomerated  under  an  hydraulic  press  in  order  to  increase  the 
density  and  modify  the  law  of  propagation  of  the  ignition.    Black 
powder  and  gun-cotton  are  very  suitable  for  this  operation,  which 
it  would  be  perilous  to  attempt  with  fulminate  or  chlorate  powders. 

14.  Let  us  cite  again   the  employment  of  fulminating  sub- 
stances under   the  form  of  caps,  ordinary  or  strong  detonators, 


which  are  destined  to  provoke  the  explosion  of  a  considerable 
mass  of  another  substance  (p.  54). 

They  are  treated  in  small  quantities,  and  precautions  are 
taken  against  the  dangers  presented  by  their  preparation  and 
manipulation,  dangers  which  would  not  be  accepted  in  industries 
for  a  substance  manufactured  or  employed  in  large  masses. 

We  shall  restrict  ourselves  to  the  indications  which  have  just 
been  enumerated  and  which  correspond  to  the  principal  uses  of 
explosive  substances  in  war  and  industry,  As  regards  the 
effects  themselves  which  it  is  proposed  to  accomplish,  it  can 
easily  be  understood  that  the  diversity  of  these  special  effects 
required  from  explosive  substances  is  unlimited. 


1.  The  manufacture  of  explosives  ought  to  be  effected  under 
conditions  of  cost  proportioned  to  their  industrial  uses,  one  and 
the  same  effect  being  produced  in  mines  or  industries  in  general 
at  the  lowest  possible  price.     In  military  matters  this  condition 
also  intervenes,  but  in  a  minor  degree,  since  facility  and  safety 
of  employment  outweigh  all  other  considerations. 

2.  The  manufacture  must  be  carried  on  regularly  and  without 
danger,  or  at  least  with  as  little  danger  as  possible  to  the  work- 
people and  neighbourhood. 

3.  The  inconveniences  resulting  through  noxious  gases,  noise, 
and  damage  arising  from  accidental  explosions  must  also  be 
taken  into  consideration. 


1.  It   should    be   possible   to    keep    explosives    without    any 
spontaneous  decomposition  in   the   ordinary  state  of  the  atmo- 
sphere, in  various  climates,  under  moderate  conditions  of  tempera- 
ture and  light,  in  an  average  hygrometric  state,  etc. 

2.  Direct  sunlight  is  bad  for  nitro  compounds,  as  it  often 
leads  to  their  chemical  decomposition. 

3.  Extensive  variations   of  temperature  also  exercise  an  im- 
portant influence,  particularly  if  they  determine   the   freezing 
of  certain  ingredients,  such  as  nitroglycerin  in  the  dynamites, 
or  if  they  increase  the  fluidity  of  certain  bodies,  such  as  nitro- 
glycerin itself,  and  consequently  their  tendency  to  exudation. 
The  separation  between  nitroglycerin  and  its  absorbent  can  thus 
take  place  by  the  fact  of  repeated  variations  of  temperature  or 
even  of  repeated  freezing  and  thawing.     Under  the  influence  of 
a    somewhat  high   temperature,    such   as   occurs    in   practice, 
especially  in  hot  countries,  certain  compounds  may  gradually 
evaporate  slowly  and  modify  the  primitive  composition  of  the 
mixtures.     This  occurs,  for  instance,  to  ordinary  dynamite  heated 


for  a  long  time  on  a  sand-bath,  as  the  nitroglycerin  gradually 
evaporates  and  the  substance  consequently  loses  part  of  its  power. 
The  elevation  of  the  temperature  might  also  give  rise  to  the 
rapid  vaporisation  of  certain  components  and  consequently  to 
their  elimination,  for  instance  in  the  case  of  compounds  con- 
taining nitric  peroxide,  which  boils  at  26°. 

4.  The  state  of  preservation  should  remain  satisfactory  even 
in  very  varied    hygrometric    conditions    of    the    surrounding 

It  is  this  condition  which  has  led  to  deliquescent  bodies  such 
as  sodium  nitrate  being  excluded  from  the  manufacture  of 
service  powder.  This  salt  should  also  be  avoided  in  the  manu- 
facture of  dynamite,  seeing  that  the  accidental  formation  of  a 
concentrated  solution  of  sodium  nitrate  due  to  the  deliquescence 
of  the  solid  salt  determines  the  separation  of  the  existing 
nitroglycerin  and  transforms  this  substance  into  a  non-homo- 
geneous and  very  dangerous  mixture. 

Diazobenzene  nitrate  becomes  completely  decomposed  under 
the  influence  of  moisture. 

5.  The  salts  with  which  sea  air  is  impregnated  constitute  a 
special  cause  of  change  which  must  be  borne  in  mind,  especially 
as  regards  explosives  which  are  to  be  employed  on  board  ships, 
or  even  conveyed  by  them,  since  the  air  eventually  penetrates 
into  the  best  closed  vessel,  owing  to  the  variations  of  tempera- 
ture and  pressure. 

6.  From  this  point  of  view  it  is  useful  to  know  whether  an 
explosive  substance  resists  the  action  of  liquid  water,  which  may 
accidentally  moisten   explosive   substances,  especially   at   sea. 
It  is  well  known  that  water  destroys  service  powder  by  dis- 
solving the  saltpetre :   by  a  kind  of  liquefaction  it  gradually 
displaces  the  nitroglycerin  in  silicious  dynamite. 

Dynamites  which  contain  nitrates  are  also  decomposed  by 

Silicious  dynamite  deposited  in  running  water  gradually 
loses  its  nitroglycerin  by  way  of  solution,  since  nitroglycerin  is 
slightly  soluble  in  water. 

On  the  other  hand,  pure  water  does  not  affect  gun-cotton 
whether  the  latter  be  simply  moistened  or  plunged  into  running 
water.  The  inflammability  of  the  substance,  which  is  checked 
by  the  presence  of  water,  reappears  completely  after  drying. 

Moistened  gun-cotton  can  moreover  be  kept  and  even 
employed  in  that  state  with  less  danger  of  accidental  ignition 
than  in  the  dry  state. 

However,  gun-cotton  which  is  kept  moistened  for  a  long  time 
may  become  the  seat  of  mould  and  other  microscopic  plants 
which  alter  the  properties  in  the  long  run. 

7.  The   slow  exudation   of  the   nitroglycerin  in   dynamites 
made  with  bad  materials  forms  an  obstacle  to  their  preservation, 


and  also  a  serious  danger,  for  it  tends  to  substitute  pure  nitro- 
glycerin  for  a  substance  which  is  but  little  sensitive  to  shocks 
or  friction,  while  the  former  is,  on  the  contrary,  extremely 

It  has  been  stated  how  freezing  followed  by  thawing,  and 
even  the  action  of  water,  might  also  give  rise  to  exudation. 

8.  The  possible  separation  of  the  various  ingredients  of  a 
mixture  under  the  influence  of  jolting  arising  from  conveyance 
by  sea  or  land  is  also  to  be  considered. 

9.  The  slow   action  which   the  metals,  constituting   metallic 
cartridges,  exercise  on  the  saltpetre  and  the  sulphur  contained 
in  cartridges,  especially  if  these  are  even  slightly  hygrometric, 
may  determine  the  oxidation  and  sulphurising  of  these  metals  at 
the  expense  of  the  saltpetre  and  sulphur.     Hence  there  arises 
at  length  a  certain  weakening  of  the  effects  obtained  with  recent 
powders,  according  to  the  experiments  made  by  Colonel  Pothier. 

We  then  see  how  the  preservation  of  explosives  gives  rise  to 
very  varied  special  problems.  It  suffices  at  present  to  have 
pointed  out  the  preceding. 


1.  The  tests   of  stability  to  which    a  given    explosive    is 
subjected  in  practice,  comprise  the  most  essential  conditions 
among  those  which  have  been  just  enumerated.     These  are — 

2.  Stability  on  exposure  to  air.     The  substance  must  maintain 
itself,  when   in  contact  with  air,  without  evaporation,  lique- 
faction, or  apparent  alteration,  even   after   having   been  kept 
several  days.     It  must  not  attract  atmospheric  moisture. 

3.  Neutrality.     It  should  in  general  be  neutral  and  preserve 
this  neutrality;  above  all,  it  must  not  liberate  acid  vapours 
even  when  heated  for  some  minutes  in  a  bath  kept  about  60°. 

4.  Exudation.     It   must  not  allow  the  liquid  substances  it 
contains,  such  as  nitroglycerin,  to  exude,  either  spontaneously 
or  by  a  slight  pressure  such  as  is  applied  when  pushing  back 
the  substance  gently  with  a  wooden   piston   in  a   brass  tube 
pierced  with  lateral  holes.     In  this  trial  the  piston  should  not 
be   pressed   by   hand   but   by   a   weight,   which    is   gradually 
increased  until  exudation  takes  place. 

When  heated  to  about  55°  to  60°  in  a  bath,  the  substance 
should  not  give  rise  to  the  separation  of  small  drops  even  under 
a  slight  pressure. 

When  subjected  to  a  temperature  below  zero,  arid  then 
brought  back  to  the  ordinary  temperature,  and  that  several 
times,  it  ought  also  not  to  produce  exudation. 

Nor  should  exudation  take  place  under  the  influence  of  air 
saturated  with  moisture ;  for  instance,  should  the  substance  be 
left  for  a  fortnight  in  a  chamber  containing  damp  tow. 


It  should  also  be  ascertained  whether  the  substance,  when 
subjected  for  several  days  to  a  series  of  shocks  in  conditions 
similar  to  such  as  would  arise  during  conveyance  by  sea  or  land, 
occasions  the  separation  of  some  of  its  components. 

These  exudation  tests  are,  above  all,  essential  as  regards 
dynamites,  as  the  separation  of  the  nitroglycerin  tends  to  make 
them  very  dangerous. 

5.  Shock.     It  should  be  tried  whether  the  substance  explodes 
by  the  shock  of  a  hammer  on  an  anvil,  or  better  still  by  the 
fall  of  a  given  weight  falling  from  various  heights  on  a  portion 
of  the  substance  placed  on  an  anvil. 

An  explosive  should  not  explode  through  the  shock  or  friction 
of  wood  on  wood  or  of  wood  on  metal  (bronze  or  iron).  Some 
substances  do  not  explode  by  the  shock  of  bronze  on  bronze, 
but  do  so  by  iron  on  iron. 

The  accidental  introduction  of  some  grain  or  fragment  of 
sand  or  other  hard  rock  facilitates  the  explosion,  especially  by 

The  action  of  the  shock  of  bullets  at  different  distances 
should  be  studied,  especially  in  the  case  of  substances  intended 
for  military  operations. 

6.  Immersion.     The   explosive    substance    is   placed   under 
water  without  any  covering  for  fifteen  to  twenty  minutes.     It 
ought  neither  to,  dissolve  nor  split  up,  nor  give  rise  to  the 
separation  of  small  liquid  drops.     This  test  is  only  applicable  to 
substances  which  are  liable  to  be  in  contact  with  water  when  used. 

7.  Heat.     It    is    first    ascertained    whether    the    substance 
becomes  inflamed  when  in  contact  with  an  ignited  body,  and 
how  it  burns  in  this  condition. 

The  influence  of  very  slow  progressive  heating  is  also  studied 
in  order  to  see  whether  it  gives  rise  to  the  partial  evaporation 
of  any  of  its  components. 

We  then  proceed  to  more  rapid  heating,  placing,  for  instance, 
a  small  quantity  of  the  substance  in  a  thin  metallic  capsule, 
which  is  laid  on  the  surface  of  an  oil  or  a  mercury  bath l  main- 
tained beforehand  at  a  fixed  temperature.  It  is  ascertained  at 
what  temperature  the  explosion  takes  place,  and  whether  simple 
burning  or  even  progressive  decomposition  can  take  place  at  a 
lower  temperature. 

These  general  questions  being  defined,  we  proceed  to  the 
study  of  the  various  groups  and  kinds  of  explosive  substances. 
Let  it,  however,  be  remembered  that  it  is  not  intended  to  give 
an  individual  and  a  practical  history  of  each  of  them  in  all  its 
details,  which  would  lead  us  too  far ;  but  we  especially  wish  to 
point  out  the  scientific  data  which  characterise  them  by  study- 
ing the  principal  explosive  bodies  hitherto  known,  these  bodies 
being  considered  as  typical  of  all  similar  substances. 

1  The  capsule  must  then  be  made  of  platinum. 

(    383    ) 




THIS  chapter  comprises  the  study  of  definite  explosive  gases ; 
of  detonating  gaseoUs  mixtures  formed,  for  instance,  by  the 
association  of  oxygen  with  a  combustible  gas ;  of  liquefied 
mixtures  of  gas  ;  and,  finally,  of  the  mixtures  of  gas  with  com- 
bustible dust.  The  Study  of  all  these  systems  is  connected 
with  that  of  the  gases  themselves. 


1.  There  exists  a  certain  number  of  definite  gases,  capable  of 
transforming  themselves  with  explosion  under  the  influence  of 
a  shock,  sudden  compression,  heating,  the  electric  spark,  etc. 
Such  are  ofcone  and  the  oxygenated  compounds   of  chlorine, 
which  explode  through  sudden  compression  or  heating.     These 
bodies  are  characterised  by  the  fact  that  their  formation,  either 
from  ordinary  oxygen,  as  in  the  case  of  ozone,  or  from  their 
elements,  as  in  the  compound  gases,  takes  place  with  absorption 
of  heat. 

This  last  characteristic  belongs  also  to  other  gases,  whose 
explosive  decomposition  could  not  be  determined  for  a  long 
time,  such  as  the  oxygenated  compounds  of  nitrogen,  acetylene, 
and  some  other  hydrocarbon  gases,  arseniuretted  hydrogen, 
cyanogen,  the  vapour  of  hydrocyanic  acid,  cyanogen  chloride, 
the  vapour  of  carbon  disulphide.  Latterly,  however,  the  author 
has  succeeded  in  making  gases  of  this  kind  explode  under  the 
influence  of  mercury  fulminate  (p.  66). 

2.  The  heat  liberated  by  the   decomposition   of    explosive 
gases  is  known.     It  is  precisely  equal  to  the  heat  absorbed  in 
formation  (p.  115).     Starting  from  this  datum,  we  can  then 
calculate  the  pressure  and  the  temperature  developed  by  the 
explosion  according  to  Mariotte's  and  Gay-Lussac's  laws,  and 


by  employing  the  specific  heats  of  the  gaseous  elements 
measured  at  the  ordinary  temperature.  Let  us  note  that  here 
there  pan  be  no  question  of  dissociation,  since  the  products  of 
the  explosion  are  elementary  gases. 

Belying  on  these  principles,  the  heat  liberated,  the  tempera- 
ture produced,  and  the  pressure  developed  for  ozone  and 
hypochlorous  gas,  will  first  be  given.  As  regards  chlorous  and 
hypochlorous  gas,  no  measurement  has  been  taken  up  to  now. 
A  summary  of  the  results  referring  to  nitric  oxide,  cyanogen, 
and  acetylene  will  be  added. 

3.  Ozone  is  changed  into  ordinary  oxygen  at  the  ordinary 
temperature.  This  transformation  is  all  the  more  rapid  accord- 
ing as  we  operate  on  a  mixture  of  oxygen  and  ozone  richer  in 
ozone,  for  the  latter  has  never  been  isolated  in  a  state  of  purity.1 

It  is  accelerated  with  the  temperature  and  becomes  explosive 
under  the  influence  of  sudden  compression.2  The  heat  liberated 
is  equal  to  14-8  Cal.  for  24  grms.  of  ozone,  occupying  11 '16  lit. 
or  29'6  Cal.  for  the  molecular  weight,  Oz  =  03  (48  grms.), 
according  to  the  author's  experiments,8  that  is,  '616  Cal.  per 
kgm.  of  substance. 

The  specific  molecular  heat  of  oxygen  being  equal  to  6*95  for 
32  grms.  (or  02)  at  constant  pressure,  if  we  suppose  this  specific 
heat  to  be  invariable,  the  temperature  attained  by  pure  ozone 
when  being  transformed  into  oxygen  would  then  be  2840°  at 
constant  pressure.  .At  constant  volume  the  specific  molecular 
heat  is  5'0  for  02,  and  the  heat  liberated  reaches  29-9  Cal. 
Consequently,  the  specific  heat  being  supposed  constant,  the 
temperature  produced  would  be  3987°.  . 

The  pressure  developed  at  constant  volume,  calculated 
according  to  this  datum,  would  be  equal  to  2  3 '4  atm. 

Such  are  the  characteristic  data  of  ozone,  supposing  it  to  be 
pure  and  taken  under  the  normal  pressure.  If  this  be  dwelt 
upon,  it  is  because  this  transformation  represents  a  typical  case 
in  the  theory  of  explosive  bodies,  since  it  is  only  a  question  of  a 
simple  gas  changing  as  regards  condensation. 

In  practice,  since  pure  ozone  has  never  yet  been  obtained,  the 
transformation  is  effected  in  a  mixture  of  ozone  and  ordinary 
oxygen.  Let  us  give,  moreover,  the  calculation  of  the  pressure 
developed  for  a  mixture  capable  of  supplying  after  transforma- 
tion a  weight  of  oxygen  proceeding  from  the  ozone  equal  to  a 
sixteenth  of  the  total  weight  (6 '2  hundredths),  a  mixture  which 
can  be  easily  prepared  under  ordinary  circumstances  with  the 
author's  apparatus  (p.  220). 

1  Upon  the  rapidity  of  the  transformation,  see  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de 
Physique,"  5"  s^rie,  torn.  xiv.  p.  361,  and  torn.  xxi.  p.  162. 

*  Chappuis  et  Hautefeuille,  "  Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  1'Academie 
des  Sciences,"  torn.  xci.  p.  522. 

3  "Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  torn.  x.  p.  152 


The  heat  liberated  is  always  the  same  for  a  given  weight  of 
ozone,  but  it  is  distributed  between  the  oxygen  derived  from  it, 
and  the  excess  of  the  same  gas  which  pre-existed.  Consequently, 
the  temperature  produced  at  constant  volume  will  be  245°,  and 
the  pressure  developed  about  1*9  atm. 

4.  Hypochlorous  acid  explodes  under  the  influence  of  a  tem- 
perature above  60°,  or  under  the  influence  of  a  spark,  shock,  etc. 

Thus  it  liberates  7*6  Gal.  by  C120  =  43*5  grms.,  occupying 
1T6  lit.  or  15'2  Cal.  for  the  molecular  weight  (87  grms.). 
C12O  =  C12  +  O  liberates  15 -2  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  or 
175  cal.  per  gramme  of  substance. 

The  specific  heat  of  0  being  3'5  and  that  of  C12  8 '6,  the  sum 
is  12il  at  constant  pressure,  and  the  temperature  developed  in 
the  final  mixture  of  the  elements  in  consequence  of  their  sepa- 
ration will  be  then      '        =  1256°. 
\.2t'  J. 

At  constant  volume  the  sum  of  the  specific  heats  of  the 
elements  is  reduced  to  lO'l,  and  the  heat  developed  rises  to 
15'5  Cal.  The  temperature  produced  rises  then  to  1530°,  and 
the  pressure  calculated  to  9*9  atm. 

5.  It  has  been  deemed  useful  to  give  these  results,  since  they 
are  typical,  owing  to  the  gaseous  character  of  the  components 
and  products  and  the  elementary  nature  of  the  latter.     From 
the  same  point  of  view,  it  is  also  interesting  to  mention  the 
explosions  of  nitric  oxide,  acetylene,  and  cyanogen,  although 
they  only  take  place  under  the  influence  of  mercury  fulminate. 

6.  The  decomposition  of  nitric  oxide  into  elements,  as  it  is 
brought  about  by  fulminate  (p.  72),  becomes  complicated,  owing 
to  the  combustion  of  carbonic  oxide  produced  by  the  detonation. 
If  it  could  be  produced  isolated,  it  would  develop  less  pressure 
than  pure  ozone.     In  fact,  we  arrive  at  the  following  figures : — 
Heat  liberated, 

Q  =  -f  21-6  Cal.  for  NO  (30  grms.) ; 
temperature  developed  at  constant  volume, 

t  =  4204° ; 
pressure  produced, 

p  =  16*4  atm. 

7.  The  detonation  of  acetylene,  also  induced   by  fulminate 
(p.  69),  gives  rise  to  the  following  effects : — 

Heat  liberated, 

Q  =  61  Cal.  for  C2H  (26  grms.) ; 
temperature  developed  at  constant  volume, 

t  =  6220°; 
pressure  produced, 

p  =  23-8  atm. 



8.  The  detonation  of  cyanogen  caused  by  fulminate  (p.  71) 
corresponds  to  the  following  effects  : — 
Heat  liberated, 

Q  =  74-5  CaL  for  C2N2  (52  grms.) ; 
temperature  developed  at  constant  volume, 

t  =  7600°; 
pressure  produced, 

p  =  28-8  atm. 

In  these  calculations  it  is  supposed  that  the  molecular  heat 
of  solid  carbon  is  equal  to  that  of  gaseous  oxygen  at  constant 

We  see  from  these  figures  that  the  temperature  developed 
and  the  pressure  produced  by  acetylene  and  cyanogen  would 
exceed  the  effects  produced  by  all  other  explosive  gases,  even  if 
we  take  into  consideration  the  solid  state  of  the  carbon. 


1.  Chlorine  and  oxygen  are  the  only  simple  gases  which  can 
supply  explosive  gaseous  mixtures  by  their  association  with 
combustible  gases,  hydrogenated  or  carburetted.     Among  the 
compound  gases,  the  chlorine  and  nitrogen  oxides  share  this 

2.  In  the  following  table  the  characteristic  data  have  been 
given  for  the  principal  detonating  gaseous  mixtures  constituted 
by  these  various  gases,  whether  combustive  or  combustible. 

Here  the  heat  liberated  results  from  the  formation  of  certain 
compound  bodies ;  consequently  the  maximum  pressure,  calcu- 
lated theoretically,  might  be  considerably  diminished  in  practice, 
owing  to  dissociation.  It  might  also  be  diminished  owing  to 
the  variation  of  the  specific  heats.  We  shall  revert  to  this 
subject  later  on,  but  first  give  the  theoretical  values. 

3.  According  to  this  table,  the  maximum  work  which  can  be 
accomplished  by  one  kgm.  of  the  various  explosive  gases,  work 
which  is   in   proportion  to   the  heat  liberated,    that  is,    the 
potential  energy  of  these  mixtures,  varies  only  from  single  to 
double  for  gases  containing  carbon  and  hydrogen  mixed  with 
pure  oxygen  (the  water  being  supposed  to  be  gaseous). 

Moreover,  this  work  is  nearly  the  same  for  the  various 
hydrocarbon  gases. 

Such  work  exceeds,  moreover,  that  of  all  the  solid  or  liquid 
explosive  compounds  taken  under  the  same  weight.  With 
hydrogen  and  oxygen,  for  instance,  it  is  four  times  as  great  as 
that  of  ordinary  powder,  and  twice  as  great  as  that  of  nitro- 









I     0     00     W5        0     T*  00     THW-*<03i 
tl    II     £f    il        <M     <N<N     CO^^^ 

»0»0     ^  »O 
'^'*     0  T* 


1-1  i-H  C^  <N  I-H  ri  (M  <N  CO  <M  <M 


(M  <N  (M  IM 


cp  co  h- t>  N  <?*  »ft  gi 

S  SS 


t  + 

W    W 

~  ^  o 

00    0      0      0      0      000      0   00 









f>  fe  S^ 

|-2  £g 




With  hydrocarbon  gases  it  is  three  times  that  of  powder,  and 
one  and  a  half  times  as  much  as  that  of  nitroglycerin.  How- 
ever, the  advantages  which  might  result  from  the  potential 
energy  of  explosive  gaseous  mixtures  compared  to  that  of  solids 
and  liquids  are  counterbalanced  in  practice  by  the  difficulties 
arising  from  the  greater  volume  of  the  gaseous  mixtures  and  the 
necessity  of  keeping  them  in  resisting  envelopes.  From  this 
point  of  view  of  the  potential  energy  of  gaseous  mixtures, 
referred  to  the  unit  of  weight,  no  coinbustive,  generally  speak- 
ing, rivals  pure  oxygen,  seeing  that  every  other  oxidising  com- 
pound contains  inactive  elements  (useless  weight),  which  share 
the  heat  without  supplying  sufficient  compensating  energy  at 
the  moment  of  the  destruction  of  the  oxidising  compound. 

4.  We  must  remark  that  the  theoretical  pressures  calculated 
for  the  various  explosive  mixtures  scarcely  vary,  except  from 
single  to  double,  these  being  limits  which  we  shall  find  by-and- 
by,  between  the  pressure  really  observed,  notwithstanding  the 
diversity  of  composition   and  the  condensation   of  the  gases 
taken  into  consideration. 

5.  Moreover,  the  pressures  calculated  are  purely  theoretical, 
and  only  intended  to  serve  as  terms  of  comparison. 

In  fact,  the  figures  measured  by  observers  are  much  lower, 
which  is  explained  either  by  the  short  duration  of  the  state  of 
integral  combination  which  seems  to  correspond  to  the  explosive 
wave,  or  by  the  inaccurate  estimation  of  the  specific  heats 
employed  in  the  calculations,  or,  finally,  by  dissociation. 

Let  us  follow  up  this  question. 

It  suffices  to  admit  the  existence  of  a  certain  dissociation  in 
order  to  reduce  the  pressures  by  one-half,  or  even  one-third,  of 
the  calculated  values. 

Nevertheless,  the  rapidity  of  propagation  of  the  explosive 
wave  as  it  has  been  measured  (p.  101)  seems  to  indicate  that  at 
the  moment  of  its  production  the  explosive  system  contains  all 
the  heat  liberated  by  an  integral  combination.  The  propagation 
of  the  wave  is,  however,  so  rapid  that  the  pressure  observed 
probably  corresponds  in  every  kind  of  apparatus  to  a  system 
which  is  already  partially  cooled,  and  it  is  this  reduced  pressure 
which  seems  to  correspond  to  the  case  of  ordinary  combustion. 
We  might  .also  explain  the  results  observed  by  accepting  the 
variation  of  specific  heats,  especially  if  we  double  the  mean 
specific  heat  of  water  vapour  or  of  carbonic  acid.1 

Experience  has  not  yet  expressed  a  definite  opinion  respecting 
these  different  manners  of  conceiving  the  phenomenon.  It 
tends,  however,  to  show  that  the  part  played  by  dissociation  had 
been  exaggerated  at  first. 

6.  Let  us  now  cite  the  figures  really  observed  for  pressures 
subject  to  the  reservations  just  named. 

1  See  "  Essai  de  Me'canique  Chimique,"  torn.  i.  pp.  344  et  346. 


According  to  Bunsen's  experiments,1  made  by  raising  a  valve 
loaded  with  a  weight,  a  mixture  of  carbonic  oxide  and  oxygen 
burnt  at  constant  volume  only  develops  10*3  atm.,  instead  of 
24  as  calculated.  The  number  observed  would  correspond  to  the 
combination  of  only  one-third  of  the  mixture  on  the  hypotheses 
of  dissociation.  Such  a  calculation  is,  however,  based  on  the 
employment  of  far  too  low  a  specific2  heat  for  the  carbonic  acid. 

A  mixture  of  hydrogen  and  oxygen,  burnt  at  constant  volume, 
develops  also,  according  to  Bunsen,  9*6  atm.  instead  of  20  atm. 
as  calculated.  The  number  observed  would  correspond  again 
to  the  combination  of  a  third  of  the  mixture  on  the  hypotheses 
of  dissociation,  but  it  is  subject  to  the  same  objection  for  the 
specific  heat. 

Mallard  and  Le  Chatelier  arrived  at  approximate  experi- 
mental values  by  their  measurements,  based  on  the  employment 
of  a  metallic  manometer;  say  8*6  atm.  for  the  mixture  of 
carbonic  oxide  and  oxygen,  9*2  atm.  for  the  mixture  of  hydrogen 
and  oxygen,  14  atm.  for  methane  and  oxygen,  8  atm.  for  chlorine 
and  hydrogen,  etc. 

The  following  are  the  numbers  observed  by  the  author  and 
M.  Vieille  with  the  principal  detonating  mixtures,  by  another 
method  based  on  the  registration  of  the  pressures  by  means  of  a 
movable  piston  :  — 

Hydrogen  and  oxygen  :  H2  +  0          ...... 

Hydrogen  and  nitrogen  monoxide  :  H2  +  N20 
„        nitrogen  and  oxygen  :  H2  +  N2  +  0 

„      :  H2  +  2N3  +  0 
Carbonic  oxide  and  oxygen  :  CO  +  0  ...... 

„          „    and  nitrogen  monoxide  :  CO  +  N20 
„    nitrogen  and  oxygen  :  CO  +  N2  +  0 
„     :CO  +  N  +  0 
„          „    hydrogen  and  oxygen  :  CO  +  H2  +  02 


7'7  atm.  to    9  63 
9  -7 

„  6        5  8-3 

Methane  and  oxygen  :  CH4  +  04         ............  13-6 

Acetylene  and  oxygen  :  C2H2  +  06     ............  13'7 

Ethylene  and  oxygen  :  C2H4  +  06       ............  13-8 

Ethane  and  oxygen  :  C2H6  +  07  ............  11-9 

Ethylene,  hydrogen,  and  oxygen  :  C2H4  +  H2  +  07  ......  13-3 

Cyanogen  and  oxygen  :  2CN  +  04       ............  19*5 

Cyanogen,  nitrogen,  and  oxygen:  2CN  +  N2  +  04  ......  15'6 

Cyanogen  gives  the  maximum  pressure  according  to  theory. 
However,  the  values  observed  are  only  two-fifths  of  the 
theoretical  values  for  hydrogen,  carbonic  oxide,  and  methane. 
They  are  reduced  to  about  a  third  for  the  other  hydrocarbons 
and  for  cyanogen. 

It  results  from  these  indications  that  the  real  relations  of  the 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4e  se*rie,  torn.  xiv.  p.  446.    1868. 

2  See  the  author's  remarks  on  this  point  ("  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Phy- 
sique," 5'  s^rie,  torn.  xii.  p.  306). 

3  According  as  the  experiment  was  made  in  a  chamber  of  300  cc.  or  4  litres. 


pressures  observed  do  not  differ  very  much  from  the  theoretical 
pressures,  so  that,  if  necessary,  the  latter  may  be  employed  in 
the  comparisons,  at  least  for  a  first  approximation. 

7.  By  replacing  pure  oxygen  by  its  mixture  with  nitrogen, 
that  is,  by  atmospheric  air,  in  order  to  effect  the  combustion  of 
the  gases   and  vapours,  we  obtain   systems   which   are  very 
interesting  in  their  applications.    In  fact,  it  is  a  similar  mixture 
of  air  and  methane  which  constitutes  the  fire-damp  so  much 
dreaded  in  mines. 

A  similar  mixture,  composed  of  air  and  coal  gas,  has  often 
given  rise  to  serious  accidents  in  houses  and  sewers. 

The  vapour  of  ether,  carbon  disulphide,  and  petroleum 
spirit,  associated  with  air,  have  more  than  once  produced  fires 
and  explosions  in  manufactories  and  laboratories.  Let  us  now 
examine  more  closely  the  effects  of  this  substitution  of  air  for 

8.  It  does  not  change  the  heat  liberated,  and  consequently  it 
does  not  affect  the  maximum  work  which  can  be  developed  by 
a  given  weight  of  the  combustive  body. 

9.  On  the  contrary,  it  modifies  the  pressures,  and  that  in  two 
ways.     In  fact,   at  first  sight  it  may  be  conceived  that  the 
theoretical  pressures  should  decrease  by  one-half,  or  even  more, 
owing  to  the  necessity  of  heating  the  nitrogen,  and  even  the 
excess  of  oxygen,  which  lowers  the  temperature.     For  instance, 
hydrogen  mixed  with  five  times  its  volume  of  air  would  not 
develop,  according  to  theory,  more  than  8'5  atm.,  instead  of 
20   atm.,   and   only   5'1   atm.   with   ten  times  its  volume  of 

10.  These  figures  are  still  above  the  real  values,  for  the  same 
reasons  that  lower  the  pressures  with  pure  oxygen,  that  is  to 
say,  on  account  of  dissociation,  or  rather,  the  increase  of  the 
specific  heats  (p.  388). 

However,  the  influence  of  these  causes  is  limited  by  the 
lowering  of  the  temperature.  Thus,  according  to  Bunsen,  one- 
half  of  the  mixture  of  carbonic  oxide  and  oxygen  would  burn, 
instead  of  one-third,  as  soon  as  the  temperature  falls  below 
2560°.  Below  1146°  the  quantity  burnt  would  again  increase, 
and  continue  to  do  so  until  total  combustion  took  place. 
Nevertheless,  the  last  figures  must  be  looked  upon  as  doubtful. 
In  fact,  they  have  been  derived  from  observed  pressures,  assum- 
ing the  specific  heats  to  be  constant,  which  is  not  admissible ; l 
now  the  effects  observed  can  be  explained  equally  by  the  varia- 
tion of  the  specific  heats,  a  variation  which  cannot  be  disputed 
for  compound  gases. 

For  instance,  since  the  specific  heat  of  carbonic  acid  increases 
with  the  temperature,  the  gaseous  mixture  which  contains  it  is 
brought  to  a  lower  temperature  by  a  given  quantity  of  heat, 
1  See  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  5"  se*rie,  torn.  xii.  p.  305. 


and  the  pressure  developed  is  diminished  to  the  same  extent. 
The  difference  is,  however,  diminished  by  the  introduction  of  a 
certain  quantity  of  inert  gas,  which  tends  of  itself  to  lower  the 
temperature.  The  pressure  will  even  be  reduced  proportionately 
still  more  for  such  mixtures  than  for  explosive  mixtures  con- 
taining no  inert  gases. 

11.  This  is  confirmed  by  experience.  As  far  back  as  1861, 
Him  measured  the  pressure  developed  by  the  combustion  of  air 
mixed  with  one-tenth  of  its  volume  of  hydrogen,  and  he  found 
3*25  atm.,  instead  of  5*14  atm..  The  reduction  would  be  about 
one-third,  instead  of  being  greater  than  the  half,  as  with  pure 

Mallard  made  similar  observations 1  on  various  mixtures  of 
air  and  combustible  gases. 

Finally  may  be  cited  the  recent  experiments  of  Mallard 
and  Le  Chatelier  on  the  pressures  developed  by  mixtures  of 
air  and  methane,  and  also  on  mixtures  of  air  and  coal  gas.2 
The  measurements  of  these  authors  were  effected  by  means 
of  a  hollow  spring,  which  served  as  a  registering  manometer 
and  communicated  with  a  combustion  chamber  of  4  litres 


0-94  (CO  +  0)  mixed  with  0-06  of  inert  gas  (nitrogen  and  water  vapour)  8-6 

0-31  (CO +  6)  „  0-66  of  C02,  0-02,  0-01  water  vapour  6-0 

0-955  (H2  +  0)  „  0-03  N  +  0-015  water  vapour  9-2 

0-67  „  „  0-32  0  +  0-01            „  8-3 

0-65  „  „  0-34  H  + 0-01            „  8-1 

0-49  „  „  0-490  +  0-02           „  7-2 

0-32  „  „  0-67  H  + 0-01  6-3 

0-33  „  „  0-65  N  + 0-02  6-3 

0-19  „  „  0-54  H  +  0-25  N  +  0-02  water  vapour  5-15 

0-17  „  „  0-14  H  +  0-69  N  +  0-02          „  5-0 

0-95  (H  +  Cl)  „  0-03  H  +  0-02  water  vapour  8-1 

0-74  „  „  0-25  C1  + 0-01          „  7-1 

0-51  „  „  0-47  H  + 0-02          „  7-0 

0-41  „  „  0-59  H  + 0-01          „  6-0 

The  detonating  mixture  with  a  methane  base  (CH4  +  04), 
mixed  with  three  times  its  volume  of  air,  gave  pressures  ap- 
proaching 7  atm. 

With  the  same  mixture,  when  pure,  the  figure  rose  to  14  atm. 

The  following  is  a  table  of  some  observations  which  M. 
Vieille  and  the  author  made  by  means  of  a  movable  piston  : — 

I.  Mixture  of  two  combustible  gases. 


CO  +  H2+02 7-8 

2CO  +  H6  +  06  8-3 

C2H4+H2  +  07  13-3 

1  "  Annales  des  Mines,"  torn.  vii.     1871. 

8  "  Journal  de  Physique,"  2e  se'rie,  torn.  i.  p.  182. 








11.  Mixture  of  detonating  gases  with  an  inert  gas. 

H2  +  0  +  N2 
H2  +  0  +  N4 
H2  +  N2  +  N20 
CO  +  0  +  N2 
CO  +  0  +  N 
CN  +  02  +  N 

From  these  various  measurements  very  important  results 
may  be  deduced  for  the  theoretical  study  of  the  temperatures 
of  combustion,  specific  heat  and  dissociation  ;  but  this  discussion 
would  lead  us  too  far,  and  it  suffices  to  cite  the  above-mentioned 
figures  as  terms  of  comparison. 

12.  The  temperature  may  be  lowered  to  a  limit  at  which  the 
inflammation  ceases  to  propagate  itself,  and  this  limit  is  interest- 
ing, since  it  is  the  same  as  that  which  commences  to  produce 
the  inflammation  of  the  mixture  in  an  adverse  sense. 

We  have  here  two  distinct  notions  to  define :  the  composition 
limit,1  and  the  temperature  limit. 

13.  Composition  limit  of  inflammability.     An  explosive  gaseous 
mixture   ceases  to  burn  when  the  relative  proportion  of  one 
of  its  components  falls  below  a  certain  proportion.    For  instance, 
3  vols.  of  electrolytic  gas,  formed  by  1  vol.  of  oxygen  and  2  vols. 
of  hydrogen,  cease  to  ignite  when  mixed  with  27  vols.  of  oxygen 
or  with  24  vols.  of  hydrogen. 

A  similar  volume  of  water  vapour,  above  100°,  also  prevents 
ignition.  It  is  the  same  at  the  ordinary  temperature  with 
18  vols.  of  nitrogen,  12  vols.  of  carbonic  oxide,  9  vols.  of 
carbonic  acid,  6  vols.  of  ammonia  gas,  hydrochloric  acid  or 
sulphurous  acid,  etc. 

Three  vols.  of  gas,  formed  by  1  vol.  of  oxygen  and  2  vols.  of 
carbonic  oxide,  ceases  to  ignite  when  mixed  with  10  vols.  of 
carbonic  oxide  or  29  vols.  of  oxygen. 

The  mixture  of  methane  with  air  only  gives  rise  to  an  exact 
combustion  when  it  is  formed  by  9*5  vols.  of  air  for  1  vol.  of 
methane.  It  ceases  to  burn  where  the  proportion  of  air  exceeds 
17  vols.  to  20  vols.  These  are  very  important  data,  owing  to 
the  presence  of  fire-damp  in  mines. 

The  combustion  is  incomplete  near  the  limits  of  inflamma- 

These  limits,  however,  vary  considerably  according  to  the 
process  of  inflammation,  and,  above  all,  with  the  temperature 
and  mass  of  the  body  in  ignition,  which  serves  to  produce  the 

They  also  vary  according  to  the  nature  of  the  electric  spark, 
when  the  latter  is  employed  to  produce  ignition,  the  spark  pro- 
duced with  the  aid  of  a  condenser  being  much  more  efficacious 

1  See  "  Essai  de  M<?canique  Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  pp.  73  et  343. 


than  ordinary  sparks.  All  this  can  be  easily  understood,  since 
the  igniting  agent  propagates  the  combustion  around  itself  in  a 
sphere  which  is  more  or  less  extended,  according  to  the  quantity 
of  heat  it  supplies  itself.1 

Hence  variations  and  strange  phenomena  result  in  a  mixture 
limit,  the  mixture  becoming  filled  with  small  disseminated 
flames,  which  are  propagated  hither  and  thither,  and  whose 
production  precedes  the  state  of  general  combustion.  These 
curious  effects  have  been  the  object  of  special  study  by  Schlce- 
sing  and  Demondesir. 

The  singular  phenomena  witnessed  in  the  Solfatara  at  Pozzuoli 
could  also  be  cited.  Towards  certain  points,  especially  in  a 
depression,  vaporous  wreaths  are  liberated,  irregular  jets  of 
water  vapour  mixed  with  a  trace  of  sulphuretted  ^hydrogen. 
It  suffices  to  bring  near  them  some  ignited  body,  such  as 
tinder,  when  the  sulphuretted  hydrogen  burns  in  contact  with 
the  air  in  which  it  is  disseminated,  with  the  production  of  a 
cloud  which  gradually  extends  and  propagates  itself  all  round 
to  a  considerable  distance.2 

The  easy  ignition  of  sulphur  and  its  compounds  is  a  great 
factor  in  this  circumstance,  but  has  nothing  to  do  with  explo- 
sive phenomena. 

From  the  point  of  view  of  mechanical  effects  produced  by 
a  detonating  mixture,  the  rapidity  with  which  the  ignition  is 
propagated  is  very  essential,  the  latter  taking  place  sometimes 
by  ordinary  combustion,  and  sometimes  owing  to  a  real  ex- 
plosive wave,  which  proceeds  with  incomparably  greater  rapidity 
(pp.  49,  55,  88,  90).  Now,  the  limits  of  composition  at  which 
the  explosive  wave  ceases  to  be  produced  are  far  higher  than 
those  which  correspond  to  simple  ignition.  This  is  a  very 
important  result  as  regards  applications  (see  p.  110).  The  limit 
of  inflammability,  and  especially  the  more  or  less  easy  propaga- 
tion of  the  inflammation,  is  influenced  by  the  pressure,  which 
increases  the  mass  of  heated  matter  in  a  given  time  and  extent, 
and  consequently  checks  the  influence  of  cooling. 

The  limit  is  also  influenced  by  the  initial  temperature  of  the 
mixture.  That  is,  the  excess  of  temperature  of  the  body  which 
produces  ignition  above  that  of  the  inflammable  mixture  ought 
to  be  less  according  as  the  latter  mixture  is  raised  beforehand  to 
a  higher  temperature  (see  p.  64). 

Generally  speaking,  in  order  that  the  propagation  of  the  com- 
bustion may  take  place,  it  is  necessary  that  the  heat  liberated 
by  the  ignition  of  the  first  parts  should  be  sufficient  to  repro- 
duce in  the  adjoining  portions  the  initial  temperature  at  which 
the  combustion  commenced. 

1  "  Essai  de  M^canique  Chimique,"  torn.  ii.  pp.  338,  343  et  346. 

2  Melloni  et  Piria,  "  Annales  de  Chimie   et  de  Physique,"  2"  se'rie,  torn. 
Ixxiv.  p.  331. 


This  is  also  a  question  in  which  there  intervene,  at  the  same 
time,  the  quantities  of  heat  liberated,  the  specific  heats  of  the 
products  of  combustion,  and  those  of  the  gases  in  excess  with 
which  these  products  are  mixed.  The  variation  of  the  specific 
heats  of  the  compound  gases  with  the  temperature  enters 
then  into  consideration  here.  If  this  were  not  the  case,  it  would 
always  be  easy  to  calculate  d  priori  the  temperature  limit. 
We  will  cite  various  facts  respecting  the  latter  temperature. 

14.  Temperature  of  inflammation.  This  temperature,  which 
corresponds  to  the  minimum  of  work  required  to  produce  the 
reaction,  presents  a  certain  amount  of  interest  as  regards  appli- 
cations. It  has  been  frequently  studied  since  the  time  of 
H.  Davy.  On  this  point,  the  following  are  the  most  recent 
data,  due  to  Mallard  and  Le  Chatelier 1 : — 

2  vols.  H  +  1  vol.  0 
1     „    H  +  2    „    0 

1  „  air  +  2    „    H 

2  „  air  +  1 

M         , ,    cm.     ~r    JL        jj       o-j.  ..  ...         *ju\j 

1    ,,0+2    „    H  +  3vols.C02  ...     560°  „  590° 

1    ,,0+5    „  CO 

...     550°  to  570° 

...     530° 

...     530°  „  570° 


630°  „  650° 

650°  „  660° 


1  ,,0+2  ,,CO 

2  ,,0+1  „  CO 

1  ,,0+2  „  CO  +  3  vols.  C02  ...     700°  „  715< 

2  „  air  +  1  „  CO  +  3  „     C02  ...     715°  „  725° 

0  nil        PIT  (650°  explosion 

58  »l  »bil*          \600°  slow  combustion 

1  „    0  +2  ,,CH4         650°  to  660° 

1  ,,CH4+9  „  air  ...            ...     lower  than  750° 

It  is  remarkable  how  the  ignition  temperature  of  detonating 
mixtures  formed  by  the  association  of  oxygen  either  with 
hydrogen,  carbonic  oxide,  or  with  methane,  is  but  slightly 
modified  by  the  introduction  of  even  a  considerable  volume  of 
foreign  gases.  The  same  happens  at  least  as  long  as  the  limits 
at  which  the  mixture  ceases  to  burn  are  not  approached. 

Nevertheless,  the  addition  of  an  equal  volume  of  carbonic 
acid  has  a  greater  influence  on  carbonic  oxide  than  on  hydrogen, 
as  if  the  very  products  of  the  combustion  of  the  mixture 
exercised  a  special  influence  on  the  ignition  temperature. 

The  authors  also  observed  that  there  exist  very  notable 
differences  between  the  different  intervals  of  time  required  to 
ignite  a  gaseous  mixture  brought  to  a  given  temperature.  Thus 
the  mixtures  containing  hydrogen  or  carbonic  oxide  ignite  im- 
mediately, whilst  a  certain  time  is  required  for  the  mixtures  of 
methane  with  air  or  oxygen.  Hence  it  is  that  a  bar  of  iron 
when  brought  to  a  red  heat  does  not  ignite  these  mixtures, 
since  the  gases  escape  before  having  been  subjected  to  the 
influence  of  this  temperature  for  a  sufficient  time.  These 

1  "  Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  TAcade'mie  des  Sciences,"  torn.  xci. 
p.  825. 


observations  are  very  important  as  regards  the  study  of  fire 

15.  The  oxidation  of  gases  and  of  organic  substances  heated 
to  300°  or  400°  may  be  slowly  effected,  with  a  phosphorescent 
glow,  only  visible  in  the  dark,  such  as  is  seen  when  ether  or 
absolute  alcohol  is  poured  on  a  red-hot  brick.     The  very  products 
of  the  oxidation  are  thus  changed,  as  aldehyde  is  formed  by 
means  of  ether.     If,  however,  these  reactions  are  prolonged, 
especially  in  the  presence  of  a  porous  body  of  small  mass,  the 
oxidation  is  rendered  more  active  by  the  very  heat  it  liberates, 
and  it  may  raise  the  temperature  of  the  system  up  to  the  sudden 
and  explosive  degree  of  ignition.     This  happens  sometimes  with 
cotton  impregnated  with  oil,  with  slowly  burning  tinder,  with 
brown  coal,  etc.     It  has  been  observed  that  in  manufactories 
and  powder  magazines  serious  accidents  have  been  caused  by 
this  cause   of  ignition,  that  is  to   say,   due  to  the  elevation 
of   temperature,   owing  to    slow    oxidation,    which    gradually 

16.  Gases  containing  sulphur  ignite  at  much  lower  tempera- 
tures than  hydrocarbon  gases,  from  250°  for  example.     With 
reference  to  this  matter  may  be  instanced  the  following  experi- 
ment.    Taking  two  flat  dishes,  ether  is  poured  into  one  and 
carbon  disulphide  into  the  other.    If,  then,  a  piece  of  red-hot  coal, 
but  emitting  no  flame,  be  introduced  into  the  ether  it  is  extin- 
guished ;  but  if  it  be  only  rolled  in  it  so  as  to  make  the  super- 
ficial incandescence  disappear,  and  we  introduce  it  at  once  into 
the  carbon  disulphide,  the  latter  becomes  ignited  and  can  then 
ignite  the  ether  placed  beside  it. 

Certain  compounds,  such  as  chlorinated  and  brommated 
acetylene,  ignite  spontaneously  in  contact  with  air  in  consequence 
of  analogous  phenomena.  The  same  is  the  case  with  several 
phosphoretted  compounds. 

17.  Let  us  now  return  to  the  question  of  pressures.     Instead 
of  burning  a  combustible  gas  by  pure  oxygen,  we  should  be 
inclined  to  expect  some  advantage  arising  from  nitrogen  mon- 
oxide or  nitric  oxide,  seeing  that  by  their  own  decomposition 
these  gases  supply  an  additional  volume  of  nitrogen   and  a 
supplementary  quantity  of  heat.     Nevertheless  these  advantages 
are  nearly  compensated  by  the  necessity  of  heating  the  nitrogen 
(Table  on  p.  387). 

18.  It  would  be  quite  another  thing  if  we  only  considered 
the   total  work,   for   since   this    is   proportional   to   the   heat 
liberated  it  is  increased  with  nitrogen   monoxide  and   nitric 

There  also  exist  certain  oxidising  solids,  such  as  potassium 
chlorate,  which  supply  more  heat  than  free  oxygen.  On  the 
other  hand,  pure  oxygen  produces  more  than  poljassium  nitrate, 
and  more  than  most  of  its  liquid  or  solid  compounds. 


The  heating  of  the  elements,  excepting  oxygen,  consumes, 
moreover,  a  portion  of  this  work,  and  this  limits  the  elevation  of 
the  temperature  and  pressure,  as  has  just  been  said.  Moreover, 
let  us  note  that  the  storage  of  oxygen  in  its  compounds  is  always 
very  costly. 

Hence  it  can  scarcely  be  expected  that  economical  engines 
can  be  invented  which  will  derive  their  motive  power  from  solid 
explosive  substances,  such  as  ordnance  powder,  as  Papin  once 
imagined.  Nevertheless,  such  machines,  if  they  could  be  con- 
trolled, would  perhaps  be  applicable  to  special  conditions,  where 
the  reduction  of  the  volume  of  the  apparatus  would  be  of 
paramount  consideration. 

19.  From  these  facts  and  considerations  it  results  that  the 
employment  of  gaseous  mixtures  appears  more  economical  in 
machines  than  that  of  other  explosive  mixtures,  solid  or  liquid. 
In  fact,  gas  engines  are  based  on  the  combustion  of  coal  gas  by 
air.     However,  in  this  case,  the  combustible  and  the  combustive 
are  introduced  from  without  and  the  products  are  gradually 
discharged,  and  this  limits  the  volume  of  the  apparatus. 

20.  The  gaseous  mixtures  we  have  under  consideration  have 
been  supposed  to  be  produced  under  atmospheric  pressure ;  the 
theoretical  pressures  which  they  then  develop,  being  comprised 
between  18  atm.  and  51  atm.,  are  far  removed  from  the  pressures 
developed  by  most  explosives,  whether  solid  or  liquid.     The 
effective  pressures  are  even  far  less,  since  they  do  not  exceed 
20  atm.  (p.  389),  a  result  which  differs  from  the  opinions  enter- 
tained by  most  persons  during  the  siege  of  Paris. 

21.  It  would  be  advantageous  to  compress  gaseous  explosive 
mixtures  beforehand,  but  the  pressures  developed  would  become 
comparable  to  those  of  solid  or  liquid  mixtures  only  by  employ- 
ing  enormous   compressions   capable   of   reducing  the  initial 
volume  of  the   mixture  to  one-hundredth,  or   a  still  smaller 
fraction,  that  is  by  bringing  it  to  a  density  equal  to  that  of  solids 
or  liquids.     Apart  from  the  practical  difficulties  attending  such 
a  compression,  it  would  result  in  liquefying  most  of  the  hydro- 
carbon gases  without  liquefying  the  oxygen  at  the  same  time, 
which  would  destroy  the  homogeneity  of  the  explosive  mixture 
and  the  possibility  of  its  immediate  ignition. 


In  this  case  certain  advantages  could  be  obtained  by  the 
employment  of  nitrogen  monoxide  in  the  liquid  state  or  of  liquid 
nitric  peroxide,  a  compound  which  may  be  likened  to  a  liquefied 
gas  owing  to  its  great  volatility. 

The  oxides  of  chlorine,  whose  combustive  properties  would  be 
extremely  valuable  if  they  were  not  too  dangerous  to  manipulate, 


in  consequence  of  their  liability  to  explode  spontaneously,  need 
not  be  considered.  The  oxides  of  nitrogen,  on  the  contrary,  are 
stable  in  the  cold. 

Now,  the  liquid  oxides  of  nitrogen  can  be  associated  with 
liquefied  hydrocarbons  in  hermetically  closed  vessels.  Thus  we 
obtain  mixtures  whose  theoretical  explosive  force  is  comparable 
to  that  of  the  most  energetic  compounds,  such  as  nitroglycerin 
or  the  mixtures  of  potassium  chlorate  with  gun-cotton  or 
potassium  picrate. 

Such  mixtures  of  liquefied  gases  formed  by  the  oxides  ot 
nitrogen  do  not  detonate  directly,  but  may  do  so  under  the 
influence  of  primings  of  mercury  fulminate,  and  this  makes  up 
the  resemblance  between  such  mixtures  and  dynamite. 

During  the  siege  of  Paris  the  author  made  some  trials  of  this 
kind  with  liquid  nitrogen  monoxide. 

Eecently  M.  Turpin  thought  of  having  recourse  to  nitric  per- 
oxide, which  is  more  easily  handled,  since  it  remains  liquid  up 
to  about  26°  and  may  then  be  easily  mixed  with  various  com- 
bustible compounds,  such  as  carbon  disulphide,  ether,  petroleum 
spirit,  etc.  This  is  the  base  of  the  panclastites  patented  by  this 
ingenious  inventor. 

It  is  not  yet  known  how  far  such  a  volatile  body  as  nitric 
peroxide,  the  vapour  of  which  it  is  so  dangerous  to  breathe,  and 
which  is  so  corrosive,  could  be  applied.  It  may,  however,  be 
noted  that  this  body  nearly  represents  liquid  oxygen,  the  loss  of 
energy  being  almost  nil  in  its  formation  (p.  128).  Its  explosive 
decomposition  presents  the  disadvantage  of  heating  the  nitrogen 
which  does  not  intervene  in  the  combustion. 

The  study  of  mixtures  of  this  kind  presents  very  great  variety, 
but  the  reactions  they  develop  are  but  imperfectly  known,  except 
as  regards  the  systems  which  correspond  to  total  combustion. 
We  shall  therefore  limit  ourselves  to  these. 

The  following  figures  will  serve  to  show  the  theoretical 
energy  of  the  mixtures  formed  by  liquid  nitrogen  monoxide  and 
nitric  peroxide. 


Explosive  material. 

Heat  disen- 
gaged by  1  grm. 
water  gaseous. 

volume  of 
the  gases 

Permanent  pres- 
sure at  0°  under 
density  of  charge 
1  3 

pressure  at 
moment  of  ex- 

Nitrogen  monoxide  and) 
liquefied  ethane      .      > 
C2H6  +  7N20        .     . 
Ethylene8  or  analogous) 
liquid  hydrocarbons   .  > 
C2H4+6N20      .     .     .) 
Liquefied  acetylene  *      .  \ 
C2H2  +  5N20      .     .     ./ 
Liquid  benzene   .     .     .\ 
C6H6+15N20    .     .     ./ 
Liquefied  cyanogen  8     .) 
C2N2  +  4N20      .     .     ./ 
Liquidcarbon  disulphide\ 
CS2  +  6N20.     .     .     ./ 

Liquid  nitrobenzene       .  \ 
2C6H5N02  +  25N20      ./ 










«-  016 



n  -  0-12 

n  -  0-07 



n  -  0-07 




n  -  0-04 


Liquid    nitric    peroxide  j 
and  liquid  *                  .  > 
2C2H6  +  7NO      .     .     .) 
Liquefied  cvanogen  .     .  \ 
C3N2  +  2N02      .     .     ./ 

Liquid  nitrobenzene      .\ 
4C6N5N02  +  25N02      ./ 
Liquidcarbon  disulphide\ 
CS2  +  3N025      .     .      ./ 

Nitroglycerin  .     . 







n  -  0-28 



n  -  0-12 





n  -  0-20 


1  This  volume  ought  really  to  be  multiplied  by  (1  +  a  0  to  render  the 
water  actually  gaseous  at  t. 

2  One  grm.  in  n  cubic  centimetres ;  water  liquid.     These  figures  are  only  valid 
when  «is  sufficiently  large  for  the  carbonic  acid  not  to  be  liquefied,  or  in  the  case 
of  carbon  dlsulphide,  the  sulphurous  acid. 

3  Favre  found  the  heat  of  liquefaction  of  N20  =  44  grms.  to  be  =  4'4  Cal. 
This  figure  has  been  taken  for  the  other  liquefied  gases. 

4  Nitric  peroxide  is  incompatible  either  with  ethylene  or  benzene. 

5  Turpin  employed  barely  half  the  proportion  of  nitric  peroxide  indicated 
here;  this  gave  rise  to  incomplete  combustion  with  deposition  of  sulphur. 



1.  A  gas  may  form  explosive  mixtures,  not  only  by  its  asso- 
ciation with  another  gas,  but  also  with  a  solid  or  liquid  dust. 
Hence  we  obtain  systems  of  a  very  special  order.     Their  explo- 
sive nature  may  easily  be  conceived,  seeing  that  these  systems, 
when  once  ignited,  give  rise  to  sudden  expansion,  accompanied 
by  an  increase  of  pressure.     However,  the  explosion  of  such  a 
system  is  necessarily  slower  than   that  of  a  purely  gaseous 
mixture,  since  the  propagation  of  the  reaction  only  takes  place 
as  each  solid  particle  is   reached  by  the  incandescent  gases 
arising   from   the   combustion   of  the   neighbouring    particles. 
Hence  we  may  conceive  the  influence  exercised  .by  the  slightest 
trace  of  combustible  vapour  or  gas  already  mixed  with  air  in 
facilitating  ignition. 

2.  Explosions  of  this  kind  have  been  observed  in  coal  mines, 
in  flour  mills  and  warehouses,  and  in  places  containing  sulphur 
in  the  form  of  an  impalpable  powder. 

The  clouds  formed  by  petroleum  vapours  and  other  volatile 
hydrocarbons  have  also  given  rise  to  similar  explosions  in 
cellars  or  magazines,  or  even  in  the  open  air,  but  in  this  case 
the  effects  are  of  a  mixed  character,  owing  to  the  peculiar 
vapour  tension  of  these  hydrocarbons,  a  portion  of  which  should 
be  considered  as  gaseous  in  these  mixtures. 

3.  Eeference  will  only  be  made  to  mixtures  formed  by  air 
associated  with  a  combustible  dust.     Let  us  first  define  the 
limits  which  correspond  to  the  maximum  effect  with  mixtures 
of  air  and  combustible  dust,  supposed  to  be  effected  in  suitable 
proportions  at  the  moment  of  explosion. 

(1)  Mixtures  of  air  and  charcoal.     One  cubic  metre  of  air 
may  by  its  oxygen  generate  208  litres  of  carbonic  acid  reduced 
to  0°  and   760   mm.     The  same  volume   of  air   would   burn 
112  grms.  of  pure  carbon.     Now  such  a  system,  namely,  an 
intimate   and   as  uniform  a  mixture  as   possible   of   air  and 
carbon  in  the  form   of  powder  would   develop   a   theoretical 
pressure  of  15*5  atm.  if  it  were  burnt  at  constant  volume.     If 
the  quantity  of  charcoal  were  doubled  (224  grms.)  and  the 
whole  could  be  changed  into  carbonic  oxide,  we  should  obtain 
416  litres  of  the  latter  gas,  and  the  pressure  developed  would 
be  6 '7  atm. 

If  necessary,  carbonaceous  dusts  may  be  assimilated  to  carbon 
for  similar  effects. 

At  any  rate  we  see  that  the  maximum  limit  of  theoretical 
pressures  which  can  be  developed  by  the  combustion  of  a 
carbonaceous  dust  is  similar  to  the  pressures  developed  by  fire- 
damp itself. 

(2)  Mixtures  of  air  and  starch.     Let  us  take  it  to  be  starch 
dust  which,   to  facilitate  calculation,  we   may   substitute  for 


flour :  1  cubic  metre  of  air  would  burn  255  grms.  of  starch 
(C6H10O5),  developing  a  theoretical  pressure  rather  above  that 
which  carbon  would  produce  (owing  to  the  aqueous  vapour). 

(3)  Mixtures  of  air  and  sulphur.  Finally  1  cubic  metre  of  air 
would  burn  about  300  grms.  of  powdered  sulphur,  developing  a 
pressure  of  11  atm. 

4.  The  limits  we  have  just  defined  presuppose  a  uniform  dis- 
tribution of  the  dust  in  the  air,  which,  however,  can  only  be 
realised  under  very  special  conditions  of  movement  and  division 
of  the  dust. 

It  is,  moreover,  difficult  to  reproduce  them  by  experiment. 

Such  systems,  moreover,  supposing  them  to  be  produced 
instantaneously,  cannot  exist  in  the  same  state,  without  violent 
agitation,  since  the  action  of  gravity  tends  to  separate  the  com- 
ponents, contrary  to  what  occurs  with  systems  formed  by  the 
mixture  of  two  gases. 

In  a  system  consisting  of  gas  and  dusts  the  relative  propor- 
tions are  therefore  continually  modified  by  time,  as  are  also  the 
combustible  properties  of  the  system  which  can  only  maintain 
their  maximum  for  a  very  short  period. 

5.  On  the  contrary,  however,  combustible  dusts  mixed  with 
air  remain  inflammable  far  beyond  the  combustible  limits  of 
purely  gaseous  mixtures,  and  one  single  grain  in  a  state   of 
ignition  suffices  to  propagate  the  flame,  either  to  the  neighbour- 
ing strata,  or  to  the  surface  of  the  surrounding  solid  bodies. 

Such  seem  to  be  the  most  ordinary  conditions  of  the  accidents 
produced  by  inflammable  dusts  at  the  bottom  of  mines.  They 
are  due  to  a  propagated  inflammation  rather  than  to  a  real  ex- 
plosion. Nevertheless,  the  expansion  of  the  gases  is  sufficiently 
sudden  to  produce  violent  mechanical  effects,  which  are  very 

6.  The  propagation  of  fire  in  a  mixture  of  air  and  combustible 
dust  is  intensified   by  the  movements  of  expansions  and  the 
projection  of  gaseous    masses,  inflamed   at  the   very   outset. 
Hence  it  is  as  regards  coal-mines  that  experience  has  led  to 
attributing  a  very  dangerous  part  to  carbonaceous  dust,  raised 
like  a  whirlwind  when  a  blast  is  fired,  and  which  propagates 
fire  and  asphyxia  even  to  a   great  distance  in  the   galleries. 
Thus  it  has  happened  that  a  blast,  the  flame  of  which  did  not 
extend  beyond  4  metres,  has  propagated  combustion  through 
the  dust  that  was  raised,  to  a  distance  of  more  than  14  metres, 
and  reached  workmen  who  thought  they  were  out  of  danger. 

Blastings  which  blow  out  are  especially  dangerous  in  this 

At  the  outset  a  real  amplification  of  the  flame  is  produced ; 
afterwards  it  is  a  simple  propagation  of  the  ignition  of  the  dust. 

The  finer  the  dust  is  the  more  the  volume  of  the  initial  flame 
provoking  the  phenomenon  can  be  limited. 


7.  The  proportion  of  volatile  substances  which  coal  dust  can 
supply   also   plays   an    essential    part,   for  these   substances, 
reduced  to  vapour  by  combustion,  in  their  turn  promote  the 
propagation  of  the  ignition.     This  dust,  however,  only  burns  in 
an  incomplete  manner  and  by  means  of  a  kind  of  distillation 
which  deprives  it  of  its  hydrogen,  leaving  as  a  residuum  portions 
of  coke  adhering  to  the  walls  and  wood-work.     Owing  to  this 
fact  it  is  not  the  mixture  of  air  and  dust  effected  in  theoretical 
proportions  which  is  the  most  combustible,  but  a  mixture  which 
is  richer  in  carbon,  seeing  that  only  the  superficial  layers  of  the 
grains  take  part  in  the  combustion. 

8.  Finally,  the  propagation  of  the  inflammation  is  effected  all 
the  better  if  the   air  in   the  mine  already  contains  a  small 
quantity  of  some  combustible  gas,  such  as  methane,  the  propor- 
tion of  which  is  often  too  feeble  for  it  to  form   by  itself  a 
detonating  mixture  with  the  air  in  the  mine. 

In  mixtures  of  this  kind,  even  an  inert  dust,  such  as  magnesia, 
lowers  the  limits  of  combustibility ;  a  mixture  containing  only 
2'75  of  fire-damp  may  thus  burn,  but  in  this  case  the  combus- 
tion does  not  propagate  itself.  This  circumstance  seems  to  be 
due  to  the  storage  of  heat  by  the  magnesia,  which  then  heats 
the  neighbouring  gaseous  particles,  and  consequently  lowers 
their  limit  of  combustibility  (p.  393). 

Combustible  dusts  are  evidently  more  efficacious.  They 
increase,  moreover,  the  violence  of  the  explosion  produced  by 
fire-damp,  owing  to  the  volume  of  the  gases  and  the  supple- 
mentary heat  they  supply.  Besides  this,  they  tend  to  increase 
the  quantity  of  carbonic  oxide  which  is  so  dangerous  to  the 

All  these  circumstances,  observed  by  engineers  and  managers 
of  mines,  have  been  made  the  object  of  methodical  experiments 
by  Galloway  and  Abel  in  England,  and  also  by  Mallard  and 
Le  Chatelier  in  France,1  in  an  inquiry  recently  instituted  by  the 
fire-damp  commission.  For  further  details  the  reader  is  referred 
to  the  publications  issued  by  that  commission. 

1  "  Annales  des  Mines,"  Janvier  et  FeVrier,  1882. 

2  D 

(    402    ) 


§   I- 

THE  general  list  of  these  compounds  has  been  given  on 
p.  368.  The  only  ones  which  have  been  the  object  of  sufficiently 
accurate  experiments  to  speak  of  them  here  are — nitrogen 
sulphide,  nitrogen  chloride,  potassium  chlorate,  and  certain 
ammoniacal  salts  of  the  higher  oxygenated  acids,  such  as 
ammonium  nitrate,  perchlorate,  and  bichromate. 


1.  Nitrogen    sulphide    contains,   for   1   equiv.  =  46    grms., 
32  grms.  of  sulphur  and  14  grms.  of  nitrogen.     Or  for  1  kgm., 
sulphur  696  grms.,  nitrogen  304  grms.     Its  density  is  equal  to 
2*22.     It  is  solid  and  crystallised.     Heated  to  207°  it  is  decom- 
posed, suddenly  and  explosively,  into  sulphur  and  nitrogen. 

2.  According  to  the  thermal  study  which  we  have  made  of 
this  body  (p.  262),    its   explosive    decomposition  at  constant 

NS  =  SN, 

liberates  +  32*2  Cal.  for  46  grms. ;  at  constant  volume  4- 
31-9  Cal. 

3.  It  develops  1116  litres  of  nitrogen. 

This  gives  for  1  kgm.  694  Cal.  and  242-6  litres  of  nitrogen 
reduced  to  0°  and  760  mm. 

At  the  temperature  of  explosion,  sulphur  should  be  regarded 
as  gaseous  and  even  as  possessing  its  theoretical  density,  which 
it  acquires  beyond  800°,  according  to  Troost  and  Deville.  The 
total  volume  of  the  gases  for  1  kgm.  would  then  be  at  the 
temperature  t :  48 5 -2  litres  (1  +  at). 

To  calculate  the  theoretical  pressure  at  constant  volume  it  is 
necessary  to  know  the  specific  heats  of  sulphur  under  its 
various  states,  and  the  heats  of  transformation  of  this  body  in 
passing  from  the  solid  to  the  liquid  state,  and  from  the  liquid 


to  the  gaseous  state,  lastly  from  the  gaseous  state  developed 
towards  448°,  in  which  sulphur  has  a  density  treble  its  theo- 
retical density,  to  the  state  in  which  it  resumes  its  normal 
density.  This  calculation  cannot  be  performed  solely  upon  the 
basis  of  experimental  data,  which  are  partly  wanting.  We 
have  shown  how  they  can  be  compensated  for,  up  to  a  certain 
point  (p.  27).  The  reader  will  there  find  the  data  for  the 
calculation,  of  which  the  results  will  simply  be  given  here. 

4.  The  theoretical  temperature  developed  by  the  explosion 
of  nitrogen  sulphide  may  be  estimated  at  4375°. 

5.  Let  us  now  estimate  the  pressures. 

Take  first  the  permanent  pressure,  that  is,  the  pressure  after 
cooling,  the  explosion  having  taken  place  in  a  constant  capacity. 
For  a  density  of  charge  equal  to  unity,  the  pressure  at  0°  would 
be  242'6  atm.,  if  the  volume  occupied  by  the  sulphur  were 
nil.  But  one  litre  in  reality  contains  340  c.c.  of  solid  sulphur  ; 
the  permanent  pressure  will  therefore  become  367'6  atm.  ;  or 
390  kgm.  per  square  centimetre,  admitting  Mariotte's  law. 

If  the  nitrogen  sulphide  had  exploded  in  an  entirely  filled 
capacity,  that  is  to  say  in  its  own  volume,  one  kgm.  would 
occupy  only  450  c.c.  After  explosion,  the  volume  of  the  solid 
sulphur  being  deducted,  there  would  remain  110  c.c.  for  the 
nitrogen;  which  would  bring  the  theoretical  pressure  to 
2205'6  atm.,  or  2340  kgm.  per  square  centimetre. 

In  general,  one  kgm.  of  this  substance  enclosed  in  a  capacity 

of  n  litres,  that  is  to  say,  supposing  the  density  of  charge  to  be  -, 

the  permanent  pressure  per  square  centimetre  will  be  — 

250*4  kgm. 
n  -  0-340  * 

a  theoretical  value  which  will  be  the  nearer  the  real  one  the 
greater  n  is. 

6.  The  calculation  of  the  pressures  developed  at  the  moment 
of  explosion  is  more  hypothetical  ;  we  shall,  however,  refer  to  it 
as  a  term  of  comparison  (see  p>  28).     This  calculation  should 
be  performed  on  the  supposition  of  the  sulphur  being  gaseous  at 
the  time  of  the  explosion.     The  pressure  developed  will  then 
be,  for  a  density  of  charge  equal  to  unity  — 

485-2  atm.  (l  -f^). 
Supposing  t  =  4375°,  as  has  been  said  above, 


and  the  above  product  becomes  8246  atm.  ;  or  8555  kgm.  per 
square  centimetre. 

2  D  2 


If  the  nitrogen  sulphide  exploded  in  its  own  volume,  we 
should  have  18702  kgm. 

More  generally  for  the  density  of  charge  -  we  shall  have  — 



These  are  the  theoretical  figures. 

7.  The  following  are  the  real  figures  which  we  have  obtained 
with  the  apparatus  described  (p.  21)  :  — 

Density  of 
charge.  Pressures. 

0-1        ...............          815kgm. 

0-2        ...............        1703    „ 

0-3        ...............        2441    „ 

which  gives  for  a  density  equal  to  unity,  8150,  8515,  and  8137  ; 
mean,  8270  ;  a  value  only  slightly  lower  than  the  figure  8555, 
deduced  from  theory. 

These  pressures  are  nearly  the  same  as  those  of  mercury 
fulminate.  However,  nitrogen  sulphide  is  much  less  sudden  in 
its  effects,  owing,  doubtless,  to  a  certain  expansion  produced  by 
the  successive  transformations  which  the  sulphur  undergoes  in 
cooling  —  change  of  gaseous  density,  liquefaction,  and  solidi- 
fication. Hence  it  follows  that  the  effects  produced  by  the  two 
substances,  regarded  as  detonators  and  playing  the  part  of  caps, 
must  be  very  dissimilar. 


1.  Nitrogen  chloride  is  considered  to  be   one  of  the   most 
dangerous  bodies  to  handle,  owing  to  the  facility  with  which  it 
explodes,  by  shock,  friction,  or  contact  with  various  bodies. 

2.  Its  equivalent  =  120*5  grms. 

3.  Composition  — 

Nitrogen        ............         116 

Chlorine         ...         .........        884 


4.  It  is  liquid,  but  may,  however,  be  evaporated  in  a  current 
of  air  at  ttie  ordinary  temperature. 

5.  Its  density  is  equal  to  T65. 

6.  Nitrogen  chloride  is  decomposed  when  heaterl  even  below 
100°,  and  is  slowly  destroyed  at  the  ordinary  temperature.     It 
explodes  on  contact  with  a  great  number  of  bodies. 

7.  Nitrogen  chloride  explodes,  resolving  itself  into  its  ele- 
ments — 

NC13  =  N  +  C13. 

It  develops  in  this  way  44*64  litres  of  permanent  gases,  or 
370  litres  per  kilogramme. 


The  quantity  of  heat  liberated  in  this  reaction  is  considerable, 
but  not  well  known.  Indeed,  the  experiments  of  Sainte-Claire, 
Deville,  and  Hautefeuille  on  this  point1  have  given  two 
numbers  which,  calculated  with  the  values  actually  adopted  for 
the  heats  of  formation  of  ammonia  and  its  chloride  (pp.  237  and 
243),  vary  almost  from  the  single  to  the  double. 

8.  The  permanent  pressure  may,  however,  be  calculated.     For 

' .  1  .  , ,  .      370-4  atm.        3827  kgm. 

a  density  of  charge  —  it  would  be ,  or s — 

n  n  n 

per  square  centimetre,  supposing  n  large  enough,  in  order  that 
the  chlorine  may  not  assume  the  liquid  state. 

On  the  contrary,  if  the  chlorine  be  liquefied,  the  density  of 
liquid  chlorine  being  1*33,  1065  grms.  of  this  body  will  occupy 
807  c.c.,  and  hence  the  pressure  developed  by  the  nitrogen, 
which  formed  only  the  fourth  of  the  gaseous  volume  at  the 

normal  pressure,  will  be *>  a  much  lower  figure  than 

n  —  0*80 

that  yielded  by  nitrogen  sulphide. 

9.  The  maximum  work  which  can  be  developed  by  nitrogen 
chloride  is  considerable,  but  the  actual  data  tend  to  show  that 
this  work  is  greatly  inferior  to  that  of  black  powder,  when  an 
equal  weight  of  both  these  substances  are  exploded  in  any  equal 
capacity.     These  are  results  which  seem  at  first  sight  to  contra- 
dict what  is  known  of  the  terrible  phenomena  produced   by 
nitrogen  chloride.     Nitrogen  chloride  is,  in  fact,  regarded  as  the 
type  of  these  shattering  substances,  which  cannot  be  employed 
in  firearms  to  effect  the  same  work  of  projection  wnich  powder 
realises  by  its  progressive  expansion. 

10.  We  shall  now  try  to  account  for  these  differences. 

The  principal  one  must  doubtless  be  attributed  to  the  nature 
of  the  products  of  explosion  and  the  complete  absence  of  every 
compound  capable  of  dissociation.  The  pressure  and  the  work 
result  from  the  heat  liberated  by  the  decomposition  of  the 
nitrogen  chloride.  Now,  the  latter  gives  rise  to  elementary 
bodies  which  have  no  tendency  to  recombine,  whatever  be  the 

1  "Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  TAcad^mie  des  Sciences,"  torn.  Jxix. 
p.  152.  The  authors  employed  two  reactions — that  of  chlorine  on  ammonium 
chloride  in  presence  of  water,  and  that  of  hypochlorous  acid  on  the  same 
salt,  and  they  believed  the  results  which  follow  from  their  measurements 
were  concordant.  But  the  values  deduced  from  the  data  they  adopted, 
putting  aside  certain  errors  in  calculation,  would  be  51'7  and  39'3.  By 
reckoning,  still  with  the  aid  of  their  measurements  but  by  means  of  the  heats 
of  formation  actually  received  for  ammonia,  hydrochloric  acid,  and  ammonium 
chloride,  we  find :  57'8  and  37-8.  The  discordance  in  these  results  is  prob- 
ably owing  to  the  reactions  not  taking  place  entirely  according  to  the  formulae 
indicated.  It  would  be  well  to  resume  these  measurements,  operating  upon 
pure  nitrogen  chloride  and  by  the  decomposition  method,  synthesis  being 
here  very  uncertain. 


temperature  and  pressure.  The  initial  pressure  will  therefore 
at  once  attain  its  maximum,  and  nitrogen  chloride  at  once  yield 
the  whole  work  of  which  it  is  capable,  whether  in  dislocating 
the  materials  on  which  it  acts,  or  by  crushing  them,  if  they  are 
not  sufficiently  compact,  or,  lastly,  by  communicating  to  them  its 
energy  under  the  form  of  movements  of  projection  and  rotation. 

Moreover,  the  pressure  will  decrease  very  suddenly,  as  much 
by  the  fact  of  these  transformations  as  by  that  of  the  cooling 
and  of  the  expansion  of  the  gases  ;  and  it  will  decrease  without 
any  fresh  quantity  of  heat,  gradually  reproduced,  intervening  to 
moderate  the  rapid  fall  in  pressure.  An  enormous  initial 
pressure,  becoming  almost  suddenly  lowered,  are  conditions 
eminently  favourable  to  the  rupture  of  vessels  containing 
nitrogen  chloride. 

These  conditions  contrast  with  those  which  accompany  the 
combustion  of  powder,  as  in  the  latter  the  final  state  of  combina- 
tion of  the  elements  is  not  produced  at  the  very  first  in  a  com- 
plete manner,  but  becomes  more  advanced  according  as  the 
temperature  falls.  The  initial  pressure  could  therefore  be  less 
with  powder  than  with  nitrogen  chloride.  But,  to  compensate 
this,  it  decreases  less  quickly,  owing  to  the  intervention  of  the 
fresh  quantities  of  heat  produced  during  the  period  of  cooling. 
These  considerations  have  already  been  insisted  upon  (p.  12). 

In  order  to  fully  explain  the  differences  observed  between  the 
properties  of  nitrogen  chloride  and  those  of  ordinary  powder, 
the  duration  of  the  molecular  reactions  must  also  be  taken  into 

The  almost  instantaneous  transformation  of  nitrogen  chloride 
develops  pressure  of  which  the  sudden  increase  does  not  give 
the  surrounding  bodies  time  to  put  themselves  into  motion,  and 
thus  gradually  yield  to  these  pressures.  It  is  well  known  that 
a  film  of  water  on  the  surface  of  nitrogen  chloride  is  sufficient 
to  produce  such  effects. 

11.  This  would  be  the  proper  place  to  speak  of  nitrogen 
iodide,  a  compound  so  sensitive  to  shock  and  to  friction  that  it 
is  hardly  possible  to  isolate  it.  Everybody  has  seen  the  experi- 
ments of  which  this  body  is  the  subject  in  public  lectures. 
But  it  is  so  unstable  that  up  to  the  present  it  has  not  been 
possible  to  determine  its  composition  with  certainty.  No 
attempt  has  been  made  to  measure  its  heat  of  formation. 


1.  Potassium  chlorate  is  not  explosive  by  simple  shock  or 
friction  at  the  ordinary  temperature.  However,  the  powdered 
salt,  wrapped  in  a  thin  piece  of  platinum  foil  and  strongly  struck 
with  a  hammer  on  an  anvil,  yields  some  chloride;  that  is  to 
say,  it  undergoes  partial  decomposition. 


When  melted  and  heated  too  suddenly,  it  is  decomposed  with 
incandescence,  and  sometimes  causes  dangerous  explosions. 

2.  The  equivalent  of  potassium  chlorate  is  122*6. 

3.  Composition — 

Oxygen  392 

Potassium        319  \ 

Chlorine  289  / 



4.  Density,  2'33. 

5.  Heat  of  formation — 

Cl  +  O3  +  K  =  C103K  liberates  +  94  Cal. 

6.  The  salt  melts  at  334°,  without  undergoing  decomposition, 
at  least  if  the  operation  is  carried  on  at  constant  temperature. 
It  decomposes  slowly  at  352°,  but  more  rapidly  if  the  tempe- 
rature be  suddenly  raised. 

This  decomposition  is  effected  by  two  distinct  processes. 
The  salt  heated  with  precaution  yields  a  large  quantity  of 
potassium  perchlorate — 

4C103K  =  KC1  +  3C104K, 

a  reaction  which  liberates  +  51*5  Cal.,  but  which  would  give 
rise  to  no  gas  if  it  were  developed  alone. 

As  a  matter  of  fact,  it  is  always  accompanied  by  another 
transformation,  effected  on  a  considerable  portion  of  matter, 
viz.  the  direct  decomposition  of  potassium  chlorate  into  potassium 
chloride  and  oxygen — 

C103K  =  KC1  +  03. 

The  latter  reaction  becomes  more  and  more  predominant, 
according  as  the  operation  takes  place  at  a  higher  temperature, 
or  as  the  substances  are  superheated.  It  even  seems  to  be  the 
only  one  that  takes  place  in  presence  of  copper  oxide  or  of 
manganese  dioxide. 

7.  This  decomposition,  referred  to  the  ordinary  temperature, 
liberates  +11  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  or  +  11*8  at  constant 

This  makes  per  kilogramme,  81 '6  Cal.  at  constant  pressure 
and  8  7 '4  Cal.  at  constant  volume. 

At  350°  and  upwards,  this  reaction  liberates  more  heat,  the 
potassium  chlorate  being  melted,  but  the  exact  figure  cannot  be 
given,  the  melting  heat  of  the  salt  not  having  been  measured. 

8.  We  thus  obtain  33'48  litres  of  gas  (reduced  volume),  or, 
per  kilogramme,  2731  litres  at  the  normal  pressure  and  at  0°. 

9.  The  molecular  specific  heat  of  potassium  chloride  being 
12*9  and  the  special  molecular  heat  of  oxygen,  O3,  at  constant 
volume,  7'4,  this  makes  in  all  20 -3.     From  this  we  conclude 


that  if  these  data  remained  constant,  the  theoretical  temperature 
of  the  products  would  be  581°  at  constant  volume. 

The  initial  body  being  taken  at  t,  the  theoretical  temperature 
would  be  581°  +  t.  Take,  for  instance,  t  =  400°,  the  tempe- 
rature developed  by  the  decomposition  would  reach  982°.  It 
would  even  then  be  increased  by  some  hundred  degrees,  on 
account  of  the  heat  of  fusion  of  potassium  chlorate. 

None  of  these  theoretical  data  are  too  much  at  variance  with 
observable  results,  if  the  incandescence  developed  at  the  moment 
of  the  explosive  decomposition  of  potassium  chlorate  be  taken 
into  account. 

10.  The  permanent  pressure,  after  cooling,  is  calculated,  de- 
ducting the  volume  of  the  potassium  chloride,  or  304  c.c.  per 
kilogramme  of  the  fixed  capacity,  in  which  decomposition  took 

place.     For  a  density  of  charge  -,  we  have — 

2731  atm. 

n  -  0-304 
or,  which  is  the  same  thing — 

282-2  kgm. 
n  -  0-304 

which  makes  for  n  =  1 :  405  kgm.  per  square  centimetre. 
If  the  chlorate  be  supposed  to  explode  in  its  own  volume, 

n  =  (r^-=  0*429,  that  is,  the  permanent   pressure  would   be 


2306  kgm. 

11.  At  the  temperature  of  decomposition,  the  latter  being 
supposed  produced  without  the  aid  of  an  external  heating,  the 
theoretical  pressure  is  nearly  trebled.  It  becomes,  in  fact, 
neglecting  the  dilation  of  the  potassium  chloride — 

_  855  atm.  __  869  kgm. 

n  -  0-304  n  -  0'304      n  -  0-304 

per  square  centimetre. 

This  makes  for  n  =  1 :  1248  kgm. 


1.  The  equivalent  is  equal  to  64  grms. 

2.  The  following  is  the  composition : — 

Nitrogen          437-5 

Hydrogen        62-5  \  w  .      nro  ^ 

Oxygen  500-0  /  Water  562'5 



The  density  is  not  known. 

3.  The  dry  salt  may  explode  when  suddenly  heated,  even 
below  80°. 

4.  It  is   decomposed   principally  into   water  and   nitrogen, 
N02HNH3  =  N2  +  2H2O,  which  yields  22'32  litres  of  permanent 
gases,  or,  for  1  kgm.,  349  litres. 

5.  The    same    reaction   liberates   -f  73'2    Gal.   at    constant 
pressure  and  -f-  734  Cal.  at  constant  volume,  or,  for  1  kgm., 
1144  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  1153  Cal.  at  constant  volume. 

6.  At  the  temperature  of  the  explosion  the  water  is  gaseous, 
which  trebles  the  volume  of  the  gases.     The  latter  therefore 

66-96  litres  (l  +  — 

On  the  other  hand,  the  heat  developed  must  be  referred  to 
the  formation  of  gaseous  water,  which  reduces  it  to  4-  5  3  '8  Cal. 

7.  The  theoretical  temperature  of  the  products  is  obtained  by 
dividing  53,800  by  19'2,  which  gives  2800. 

8.  The  permanent  pressure  is  obtained  by  subtracting  from 
the  fixed  capacity  the  volume  of  the  water,  or  562  c.c.  for 
1  kgm. 

For  the  density  of  charge,  —  ,  it  will  therefore  be  — 

349  atm.         361  kgm. 
n  -  0-5625  °r  n  -  0'56 

for  n  =  1  :  820  kgm.  per  square  centimetre. 

9.  At    the    theoretical   temperature   of    decomposition    the 
pressure  becomes,  the  water  being  gaseous  — 

1147  \l  +  273J      12961  atm.       13393  kgm. 
-  =  _  _  or  -  -, 

n  n  n 

which  makes  for  n  =  1  :  13,393  kgm.  per  square  centimetre. 


1.  Equivalent  =  80  grms. 

2.  Composition  — 

Nitrogen      .........        350 

Hydrogen     .........          50    Water        ...        450 

Oxygen        .........        600    Excess  of  oxygen  200 


3.  Density,  1'707. 

4.  Heat  of  formation  from  the  elements  — 

N2  +  H4  +  O3  =  N03HNH3  +  87'9  Cal. 


5.  This  salt  commences  to  decompose  a  little  above  100°,  not 
without  being  partly   sublimed   (p.  243).     Towards   200°,   it 
separates  in  a  sufficiently  definite  manner  into  nitrogen  mon- 
oxide and  water,  without,  however,  there  being  a  fixed  tempera- 
ture at  which  this  destruction  takes  place. 

If  the  salt  be  superheated,  and  especially  from  230°  upwards, 
the  decomposition  grows  more  and  more  rapid  (nitrum  flammans) 
and  ends  by  becoming  explosive  at  the  same  time  as  the  salt 
becomes  incandescent  (p.  6). 

6.  A   sudden  decomposition  yields   at   the   same    time    as 
nitrogen  monoxide   various  products  corresponding  to  simul- 
taneous decompositions,  so  that  ammonium  nitrate  can  undergo 
eight  distinct  transformations,  several  of  which  are  simultaneous 
in  certain  explosive  decompositions.     We  proceed  to  enumerate 
them,  calculating  for  each  of  them  the  heat  developed,  the 
permanent  pressure,  the  theoretical  temperature  and  pressure. 

7.  —  (1st)    The   integral  volatilisation   absorbs   an   unknown 
quantity   of  heat,   and   therefore    affords   no   opportunity   for 

8.  —  (2nd)  The  integral  dissociation  into  acid  and  base, 

N03HNH3  (solid)  =  N03H  (gas)  -f  NH3  (gas),  would  absorb  -  41  '3  ; 
The  fused  salt,  -  37'3. 

This  makes,  for  one  kgm.  of  solid  salt,  516  Cal.  Hence  this 
reaction  is  not  explosive  and  cannot  be  produced  without  foreign 

9.  —  (3rd)  The  formation  of  nitrogen  and  free  oxygen  — 

N03HNH3  (solid)  *  N?  +  O  +  2H20, 
would,  on  the  contrary,  liberate  heat,  viz.  at  constant  pressure. 

The  water  being  liquid,  4-  50*1  Cal.  ;  the  water  being  gaseous, 
4-  307  ;  at  constant  volume  these  figures  become  -1-  50*9  and 
4-  337.  There  is,  therefore,  produced,  at  the  temperature  t,  a 
gaseous  volume  equal  to 

33*5  litres  (1  4-  ^IT  ),  the  water  being  liquid  ; 

or  781  litres  (  1  4-  0=5),  tne  water  being  gaseous. 
Or  for  1  kgm.,  4187  litres  (l  4-  <Tzr  ),the  water  being  liquid; 

>  Zfo/ 

or  976  litres  (l  4-  ^),  the  water  being  gaseous. 
V         2*1  &' 

The  theoretical  temperature  developed  at  constant  volume  would 



The  permanent  pressure  at  0°,  taking  into  account  the  volume 
of  the  liquid  water  (450  c.c.  for  1  kgm.),  will  be,  for  a  density 

of  charge  —  — 

4187  atm.  Qr  432  kgm. 

n  -  0-450       n  -  0450 

For  n  =  1,  we  should  have  in  theory  787  kgm.  per  square 
centimetre.  The  salt  being  decomposed  in  its  own  volume, 
that  is,  1  grm.  occupying  0'585  c.c.,  the  permanent  pressure 
becomes  3200  kgm. 

At  the  temperature  developed  by  decomposition,  the  water 
being  gaseous,  the  theoretical  pressure  would  be — 

976  V  +  273~/      6344  atm.       6555  kgm. 

—  =?  -  -  or 

n  n  n 

The  salt  being  decomposed  in  the  same  volume  which  it 
occupies  in  the  solid  state,  11,200  kgm, 

These  values  represent  the  maximum  of  the  effects  which  can 
be  produced  by  the  decomposition  of  ammonium  nitrate,  all  the 
following  reactions  producing  less  heat  and  a  less  volume  of  gas. 

10. — (4th)  The  formation  of  nitrogen  monoxide  is  the  pre- 
ponderating reaction  when  we  proceed  by  progressive  heating. 
This  reaction, 

N03HNH3  (solid)  N20  +  2H20, 

would  liberate — 

Liquid  water,  -f  29*5  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  4-  301  at  con- 
stant volume. 

Gaseous  water,  4-  10'2  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  -f  121  at  con- 
stant volume. 

The  volume  of  the  gases  produced  at  the  temperature  t  will 

22-3  litres  (l  4-  ^),  the  water  being  liquid, 

66-9  litres  (l  +  ^r ),  the  water  being  gaseous ; 
\          Zio/ 

or  for  1  kgm. — 

278-7  litres  ( 1  +  7=r\  the  water  being  liquid, 
>         2 to/ 

836'2  litres  (l  +  •7—- \  the  water  being  gaseous. 
\         27o/ 

The  theoretical  temperature  at  constant  volume  is — 


The  permanent  pressure,  at  0° — 

2787  atm.       288  kgm.  m 
n  _  0-45    °rw  -  0-450* 

but  this  value  ^  only  applicable  when  n  is  large  enough  for  the 
nitrogen  monoxide  not  to  be  liquefied.  For  high  densities  of 
charge  it  becomes  imaginary. 

At  the  theoretical  temperature,  the  water  being  gaseous,  the 
pressure  would  be — 

+  2737      2559  atm.       2642  kgm. 

^^ or  • 

n  n  n 

The  salt  being  decomposed  in  the  volume  which  it  occupies 
in  the  solid  state,  4500  kgm.  All  these  values  hardly  amount 
to  more  than  the  third  of  the  figures  corresponding  to  the  forma- 
tion of  free  nitrogen. 

11. — (5th)  The  formation  of  nitric  oxide, 

N03HNH3  (solid)  =  N  +NO  +  2H20, 
would  liberate — 

Liquid  water,  -f  28*2  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  +  29*3  at  constant 

Gaseous  water,  -|-  9*2  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  +  11 '2  at  constant 

The  volume  of  the  gases  produced  at  the  temperature  t — 

3 3 *5  litres  (l  +  ^7;),  the  water  being  liquid ; 

78*1  litres  (l  +  ^/> the  water  being  gaseous. 

This  volume  is  the  same  as  in  the  case  of  the  formation  of 
free  nitrogen. 

The   theoretical  temperature  at  constant  volume,  = 



The  permanent  pressure  at  0°  is  the  same  as  for  the  formation 

of  free  nitrogen,  viz.  —  '  ;  it  is,  moreover,  imaginary  for 

n  —  0*450 

high  densities  of  charge,  nitric  oxide  becoming  liquefied. 

At  the  theoretical  temperature,  the  water  being  gaseous,  the 
pressure  would  be — 

976  V1  +  273)      2753  atm.       2840  kgm. 

=  QJ.     . 

n  n  n 

The  salt  decomposed  in  the  volume  which  it  occupies  in  the 


solid  state,  4860  kgm.  ;  values  nearly  the  same  as  those  corre- 
sponding to  nitrogen  monoxide. 

12.  —  (6th)  The  formation  of  nitrogen  trioxide  — 

3N03H,  NH3  (solid)  =  4N  +  N203  +  6H20. 

Liquid  water,  +  42*5  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  4-  43*1  at  constant 

Gaseous  water,  4-  23'3  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  4-  251  at  constant 


The  volume  of  the  gases  at  the  temperature  t  is  the  same  as 
for  nitrogen  monoxide,  viz.  — 

4-  22*3  litres  (1  4-  T^A  the  water  supposed  liquid  ; 
\         273/ 

4-  66'9  litres  (\  -J  --  \  the  water  supposed  gaseous. 
\         273/ 

In  all  cases  this  reaction  can  only  be  developed  upon  a 
fraction  of  matter  ;  nitrogen  trioxide  existing  only  in  the  dis- 
sociated state  in  presence  of  nitric  oxide  and  nitric  peroxide, 
which  are  in  excess.  Hence  it  appears  useless  to  give  the 
calculations  relative  to  the  pressures  and  temperatures,  a  remark 
which  is  equally  applicable  to  the  following  reactions. 

(7th)  The  formation  of  nitric  peroxide, 

2N03HNH3  (solid)  =  N3  4-  NOa  4-  4H2O, 
would  liberate  —  • 

Liquid  water,  4-  48  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  4-  49*5  at  constant 

Gaseous  water,  4-  29*5  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  4-  31*4  at  constant 


The  volume  of  the  gases,  at  the  temperature  t,  is  the  same  as 
for  nitrogen  monoxide  and  for  nitrogen  trioxide. 
(8th)  The  formation  of  gaseous  nitric  acid, 

5N03HNH3  (solid)  =  2HN03  4-  8N  4-  9H20, 

would  liberate,  the  acid  and  the  water  being  gaseous,  and  not 
combined,  +  33'4  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  4-  351  Cal.  at  con- 
stant volume. 

The  volume  of  the  gases  at  the  temperature  ty  the  water  and 

the  acid  assuming  the  gaseous  state,  would  be  67  litres  (1  4-  ^«\ 

(          t 
That  of  the  permanent  gases,  17  '8  litres  (l  -f  ;~A  being  the 

least  of  all.     On  the  contrary,  the  heat  liberated  is  the  greatest. 
But  this  mode  of  decomposition  is  accessory. 

13.  We  have  deemed  it  useful  to  develop  the  study  of  the 
manifold   and   simultaneous   modes   of  decomposition   of  am- 


monium  nitrate,  as  typical  in  the  study  of  explosive  substances  ; 
this  multiplicity  of  simple  reactions  not  being  known,  generally 
speaking,  with  precision,  for  the  other  bodies.  It  will  be  noticed 
with  regard  to  this  point  that  in  the  explosive  decompositions  of 
this  salt,  the  heat  at  constant  volume  may  vary  from  +  351  Cal. 

to  11*2  Cal.  ;  the  volume  of  the  gases,  from  62*5  litres  (  1  -f-  ~^o 

/          t  \  ^        *1 

to  78-1  litres 

§  7.  AMMONIUM  PERCHLOHATE  :  C104H,  NH3. 

1.  Equivalent,  117-5. 

2.  Composition  — 

Cl  ...        ..  ..........  =  302 

N  ...............  =  119 

H  ......        ;.,        ^        ...  =  34 

0  ,,.        .<*        .........  =  545 


3.  Heat  of  formation  from  the  elements  — 

Cl  +  N  +  H4  +  04  =  C104H,  NH3  +  797. 

4.  The  decomposition  of  this  salt  by  heat  has  already  been 
studied  (p.  356).     The  principal  reaction  is  C104H,  NH3  (solid) 
=  Cl  +  O2  +  N  +  2Hj,0  (gaseous)  +  38*3  Cal.  ;  the  water  being 
liquid,  +  58  ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  4963  Cal. 

At  constant  volume  we  should  have,  -h  59  '5  Cal.,  the  water 
being  liquid,  and  -f-  40  '7,  the  water  being  gaseous. 

5.  This  reaction  produces  at  the  temperature  t}  the  water 

being    supposed    liquid,    44'6    litres   M  -f  —  -  )  ;    the   water 

\         273/ 

gaseous,  89'3  litres  ^1  +  —  J;  of,  for  one  kgm.,  379'6  litres 

(l  +  ^|)i  the  water  being  liquid,  and  759*2  litres  (l  +  -~^t 

the  water  gaseous. 

6.  Theoretical  temperature  at  constant  volume, 

40700  -  1563° 

7.  The  permanent  pressure  at  0°,  for  a  density  of  charge  —  , 

taking  into  account  the  volume  of  the  liquid  water  (307  c.c.  for 
1  kgm.),  would  be  — 

379-6  atm>       392  kgm. 

n  -  0-307  °1%  n  -  0'307 


But  this  figure  is  only  applicable  to  low  densities  of  charge. 
For  high  densities  the  chlorine  is  liquefied  and  occupies  227  c.c. 
The  volume  of  the  permanent  gases  is  in  this  way  diminished 
by  one-fourth. 

The  permanent  pressure  then  becomes  -     -^  —  -  ,  which  makes, 

n  —  Q'534 

for  n  =  1,  631  kgm.  per  square  centimetre. 

At  the  theoretical  temperature  of  decomposition,  the  water 
and  the  chlorine  being  gaseous,  the  pressure  becomes  — 

893  atm.l 

.  6Q()4 

-  =  _    -  or  -  §_, 
n  n  n 

figures  which  are  not  very  remote  from  the  maximum  effects  of 
which  ammonium  nitrate  is  capable. 

The  decomposition  which  served  as  base  for  the  foregoing 
calculations  is  not  exclusive,  a  small  quantity  of  perchlorate 
being  decomposed  at  the  same  time  with  formation  of  hydro- 
chloric acid  ;  now 

2C104NH3  =  2HC1  +  3H20  +  N  +  05  liberates  +  30-8  Gal, 
producing  1004  litres  (l  -f  ^zr)  of  gas.     But  this  reaction  is 

\  Z7o/ 



1.  We  shall  take  this  salt  as  a  type  of  the  ammoniacal  salts 
formed  by  the  metallic  oxacides. 

Its  equivalent  is  126*4. 

2.  Composition  — 

N  ...............  =1  111 

Cr  ...............  =  415 

H  ...............  =     32 

0  ...............  =  442 


3.  The  heat  of    formation   from   the    elements    cannot   be 
calculated,  the  heat  of  oxidation  of  chromium  being  unknown. 
But  the  decomposition  of  the  salt  not  producing   any  oxide 
lower    than   the    chromium    sesquioxide,    it    is    sufficient    to 
calculate  its  formation  from  this  oxide   and   the   pre-existing 
water  contained  in  salts  of  ammonia. 

The  author  has  thus  found  :  l 

Cr203  (precip.)-h  04  +  H8  +  N2  =  Cr2O3  +  2NH3  +  H20  (solid) 

+  79-0  Cal. 

1  "  Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  1'Acade'mie  des  Sciences,"  torn.  xcvi. 
pp.  399  and  536. 


Cr203  (precip.)  +  H20  (liquid)  +  O3  +  H6  +  N2  =  Cr206, 

(NH4)20  (solid)  liberates  +  44'5. 

Cr203  (precip.)   +  03  +  2H3N  (dissolved)  +  H20  (liquid)  = 
Cr206,  (NH4)2O  =  solid  +  23'5  ;  dissolved  +  17'3. 

Some  remarks  are  here  necessary. 

The  above  figures  are  relative  to  a  special  state  of  chromium 
oxide,  namely  when  precipitated  cold  from  dilute  chrome  alum, 
by  dilute  potash,  used  in  strictly  equivalent  quantity.  But 
they  vary  according  to  the  manifold  states  of  this  oxide  ; l  the 
variation  by  the  precipitated  oxide  may  amount  to  as  much  as 
4-  6*9  Gal.  according  to  the  author's  observations.  With  the 
anhydrous  oxide,  and  especially  with  the  state  produced  by 
ignition,2  the  difference  would  be  even  greater,  a  circumstance 
which  explains  the  greater  resistance  to  the  acids  of  calcined 
chromium  oxide.  In  the  case  of  the  formation  of  the  chromates 
the  heat  liberated  must  be  diminished  by  the  heat  of  transfor- 
mation of  the  ordinary  chromium  oxide  into  calcined  oxide,  say 
for  example  —  q.  This  quantity  is,  on  the  contrary,  added  to 
the  heat  liberated  by  the  explosive  decompositions  in  which 
the  chromates  intervene. 

4.  Ammonium  bichromate,  briskly   heated,  becomes   incan- 
descent and  is  tumultuously  decomposed  with  formation  of  water 
and  chromium  oxide  in  virtue  of  a  real  internal  combustion — 

Cr206(NH4)20  =  Cr203  +  4H20.+  N2. 
This  reaction  liberates — 

The  water  liquid,  +  59  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  +60*4  Cal. 

at  constant  volume. 

The   water  gaseous,    39'0   Cal.  +  q   at   constant    pressure,  + 
40*4  Cal.  at  constant  volume. 

The  direct  reaction  of  chromic  acid  on  ammonia  gas,  in  the 
absence  of  water,  would  liberate  nearly  the  double 

C206  (solid)  +  2NH3  (gas)  =  Cr203  +  N2  +  3H20  (gas)  + 
73 '3  Cal.  +  2  at  constant  pressure. 

5.  The  explosive   decomposition   of  ammonium  bichromate 
produces  the  following  gaseous  volumes  : — 

The  water  liquid,  11 -2  litres  (l  +  -^~) » 

\         2il6/ 

The  water  gaseous,  557  litres  ( 1  -f-    — \ 

\  ZiioJ 

1  "  Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  FAcad^mie  des  Sciences,"  torn.  xcvi.  p.  87. 
1  Beraeims. 


Or  for  1  kgra. — 

88-6  litres  (l  +  —  \  the  water  liquid; 

44*3  litres  (1  4-  970)'  ^e  wa^er  gaseous. 

6.  Theoretical  temperature,  at  constant  volume  (the  chromium 

oxide  solid),   -f  =  1300°,   or,    more    accurately,    1300° 



7.  Permanent  pressure  at  0°,  taking  into  account  the  volume 
of  the  liquid  water  and  of  the  chromium  oxide  (density  -f  5  "2) — 

88-6  atrn.      ^   91*6  kgm. 
n  -  0401  (  r  n  -  0401* 

For  n  =  1,  we  have  153  kgm.  per  square  centimetre,  a  much 
lower  pressure  than  that  of  the  foregoing  bodies. 

At  a  high  temperature,  the  vaporisation  of  the  water  tends  to 
increase  fivefold  the  pressure  which  would  be  attributable  to 
nitrogen  alone. 

Hence,  at  the  theoretical  temperature  of  the  decomposition, 
we  should  have  the  pressure1 — 

273  /      2570  atm.         2656  kgm. 

n  -  0116  "   n  -  0116      '    n  -  0116 

For  n  =  1,  this  figure  is  increased  to  about  2990  kgm. 
All  these  values  are  much  lower  than  those  relative  to  the 
foregoing  bodies ;  that  is,  ammonium  nitrate  and  perchlorate. 

1  Neglecting  the  quantity  q> 

2  E 

(    418    ) 



§  i.       ,;••••'       ~— 

WE  shall  describe  the  following  ethers  regarded  as  types  of 
the  nitric  derivatives  of  monatomic  and  polyatomic  alcohols:  — 

Nitric  ether  of  ordinary  alcohol,  of  which  the  author  has 
measured  the  heat  of  formation. 

Nitro-methylic  ether,  employed  lately  in  dyeing. 

Dinitric  ether  of  glycol,  remarkable  because  its  decomposition 
corresponds  to  a  total  combustion  without  an  excess  of  any 

Trinitric  ether  of  glycerin  or  nitroglycerin. 

Lastly,  hexanitric  ether  of  mannite,  or  nitromannite. 

It  would  be  advisable  to  add  to  these,  for  the  sake  of  com- 
pleteness, the  explosive  mixtures  formed  by  the  association  of 
an  organic  compound  with  fuming  nitric  acid,  or  with  nitric 
peroxide,  but  these  mixtures  are  elsewhere  studied. 

§2.  NITRO-ETHYLIC  ETHER:    C2H4(HN03). 

1.  Equivalent,  91. 

2.  Composition  — 

C  .........                   ...  rr  264 

H  ...............  =  55 

N  ...............  =  154 

O  ...............  =  527 


3.  The  body  is  liquid,  boiling  at  86°. 

4.  Density  :  1132  at  0°. 

5.  This  ether  can  be  inflamed  when  a  small  quantity  of  the 
liquid  is  operated  upon.     In  this  way  nitrous  vapour  is  formed 
in  abundance,  but  if  the  vapour  of  the  ether  be  superheated 
beforehand,  it  explodes  violently. 


6.  The  heat  of  formation  from  the  elements  has  been  found 
(p.  279)- 

C2  (diamond)  +  H5  +  N  +  03  =  C2H4(N03H)  (liquid)  +49'3  Cal. 

In  the  gaseous  state  it  should  be  nearly  +  42  Cal. 

The  heat  of  total  combustion  of  the  liquid  body  by  an  excess 
of  oxygen,  +  311'2  Cal. 

7.  The  following  decomposition, 

C2H4(N03H)  =  2CO  +  H20  +  3H  +  N, 

would  liberate,  the  ether  and  water  being  liquid,  +  71'3  Cal.  at 
constant  pressure,  -f  73  '5  Cal.  at  constant  volume.  All  the 
bodies  being  supposed  gaseous,  the  heat  liberated  must  have 
nearly  the  same  value. 

Lastly,  the  ether  being  liquid  and  the  water  gaseous,  we 
should  have,  -f  61'3  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  -f  64'6  Cal.  at 
constant  volume. 

For  1  kgin.  we  should  have  at  constant  pressure,  the  ether 
and  the  water  being  liquid,  783'5  Cal.  ;  at  constant  volume, 
791-6  Cal. 

We  shall  not  here  examine  the  other  possible  modes  of 

8.  The  volume  of  the  permanent  gases,  at  the  temperature  t, 
will  be,  for  1  equiv.  =  91  grms.  — 

89  -3  litres  (l  +  7^)>  the  water  being  gaseous,  111  '6  litres 

\         2ii  o/ 

(l  +  7^3)  ;  °r>  for  1  kgm,  981-3  litres  (l  +  j~^  for  the  per- 
manent gases,  1226  litres  (l  +  —  f—  J  if  gaseous  water  be  added. 

9.  The  theoretical  temperature,  at  constant  volume  — 


-  =  2424°. 

10.  The  permanent  pressure,  at  0°  (the  liquid  water  occupying 
198  c.c.)— 

981  atm.        1016  kgm. 

n  =   0198  °r  n  -  0198* 

But  this  formula  is  only  applicable  to  low  densities  of  charge, 
owing  to  the  liquefaction  of  carbonic  acid  produced  at  high 

11.  The  pressure  developed  at  the  theoretical  temperature  and 
calculated  according  to  the  laws  of  gases  — 

12137  atm.  nr  12541  kgm. 
n  n 

2  E  2 

•  W 



1.  Equivalent,  77. 

2.  Composition — 

C  =  156 

H  =  39 

N  =  182 

0  =  623 


3.  This  body  is  liquid,  boiling  at  66°. 

4.  Density  at  20° :  1182. 

5.  This   ether  can  be  inflamed  in  small  quantities   at   the 
ordinary  temperature,  but  its  vapour,  superheated  to  about  150°, 
explodes  violently.     It  may  even  explode  cold,  on  contact  with 
a  flame,1  and  communicate  the  explosion  to  liquid  ether. 

6.  Heat  of  formation  from  the  elements  (p.  284) — 

C  (diamond)  +  H3  +  N  +  03  =  CH2(N03H)  (liquid)  +  39'6  Cal. 

7.  The  ether  being  gaseous,  this  figure  must  be  nearly  +  32. 
The  heat  of  total  combustion  of  the  liquid  body,  +  157'9. 

8.  Admitting  the  following  decomposition — 

2CH2(N03H)  =  C02  +  CO  +  3H20  +  N2, 

the  heat  liberated  at  constant  pressure  would  be,  the  ether  being 
liquid,  the  water  gaseous,  +113  Cal.  at  constant  pressure, 
+  114  Cal.  at  constant  volume;  the  ether  and  water  being 
both  liquid,  +  123*8  Cal.,  or  for  1  kgm.  1605. 

All  the  other  bodies  being  gaseous  the  heat  liberated  remains 
nearly  the  same. 

9.  The  volume  of  the  permanent  gases  for  1  equiv.,  33*5  litres 
/.          t  \  /  t  \ 

\    *  273/'        the  Water  Saseous  66'9  lltres  V1  +  273J;or'for 

1  kgm.,  for  the  permanent  gases  435  litres  (I  +  070)'  wnen 

the  water  is  gaseous  869  litres  (l  +  ^=^ 

10.  Theoretical  temperature  at  constant  volume — 


11.  Permanent  pressure,  at  0°  (the  liquid  water  occupying 
351  c.c.) — 

435  atm.          448  kgm. 

n  -  0-351        n  -  0:351 
This  value  is  applicable  only  to  low  densities  of  charge,  that 
1  Explosion  at  Saint-Denis,  November  19,  1874. 


is  to  say,  within  the  limits  in  which  carbonic  acid  retains  the 
gaseous  state. 

12.  Pressure    ab    the    theoretical    temperature,    calculated 
according  to  the  laws  of  gases — 

669  atm.  (l  + 

15052  atm. 

n  n 

or  15,534  kgm.  per  square  centimetre. 

The  permanent  pressures  are  much  lower  than  for  nitro- 
e  thy  lie  ether,  but  the  heat  liberated  is  more  than  double,  which 
gives  an  advantage  to  the  theoretical  pressure. 

§  4.  DINITRO-GI/TCOLIC  ETHER  :  C2H2(N03H)2. 

1.  Equivalent,  152. 

2.  Composition^ 

C                  .........        ...  =  158 

H  ...............  =     26 

N  ...        ..  ..........  =   184 

0  .............  ,.  =  632 


This  composition  is  very  nearly  the  same  as  that  of  nitro- 
methylic  ether. 

3.  The  body  is  liquid. 

4.  The  heat  of  formation  from  the  elements  calculated  from 
the  formula  on  p.  285  — 

C2  (diamond)  +  H4  +  N2  +  06  =  C2H2(HN03)2  (liquid)  -f  66*9  CaL 

5.  The  heat  of  total  combustion  and  the  heat  of  explosive 
decomposition  coincide  — 

C2H2(N03H)2  =  2C02  4-  2H20  +  Na  +  2591  Gal. 

at  constant  pressure,  the  water  being  liquid;   -f-  2607  Cal.  at 
constant  volume. 

For  1  kgm.  we  shall  have  1705  Cal.  at  constant  pressure, 
1715  Cal.  at  constant  volume. 

6.  Volume  of  the  permanent  gases  for  1  equiv.,  86*9  litres 

\    ~*~  273/'  ^e  water  being  gaseous  111-6  litres  (l  +  7^);  or> 

for  1  kgm.,  440  litres  (  1  -f-  —  -  )  for   the    permanent    gases, 
\          2if  of 

734   litres   (l  +  oijo)  when  the  water  is  gaseous. 

7.  Theoretical  temperature  — 

241-900  =  7982° 


8.  Permanent   pressure,   at   0°   (the    liquid  water   occupies 
237  c.c.)— 

440  atm.  455  kgm. 

n  -  0-237    '  C  n  -  0*237' 

a  value  only  applicable  to  low  densities  of  charge. 

9.  Pressure  at  the  theoretical  temperature  calculated  accord- 
ing to  the  laws  of  gases — 


273  /       22170  atm. 

n      .  n 

or  22,910  kgm.  per  square  centimetre. 

§  5.  NITROGLYCERIN:  C3H2(N03H)3. 

1.  Nitroglycerin  is  considered  the  most  powerful  of  explosive 
substances.     In  spite  of  terrible   accidents,  its  extraordinary 
properties  have  been  taken  advantage  of  for  industrial  purposes. 
The  manufacture  of  nitroglycerin  in  France  commenced  on  a 
large  scale  during  the  siege  of  Paris,  at  the  instance  and  under 
the  direction  of  the  Scientific  Committee  of  Defence.     Since 
then  it  has  assumed  an  ever-increasing  importance,  dynamite 
tending  to  replace  blasting  powder  in  the  greater  number  of  its 

It  is  not  our  intention  to  make  here  a  complete  study  of 
nitroglycerin  and  dynamites,  nor  of  their  industrial  or  military 
applications ;  but  it  enters  into  the  scope  of  the  present  work 
to  present  the  figures  which  express  the  heat  and  pressure 
developed  by  the  explosive  decomposition  of  nitroglycerin. 

We  shall,  therefore,  devote  a  paragraph  to  pure  nitroglycerin, 
reserving  the  study  of  dynamites  for  the  following  chapter. 

2.  Formula:  C3H2(N03H)3. 
Equivalent,  227. 

3.  Composition — 

C       =  159 

H       =  22 

N        =  185 

0        =  634 


4.  Nitroglycerin  is  liquid,  but   solidifies  at   -f-  12°.     These 
circumstances   play   an   important   part  in   the   properties  of 

The  density  of  liquid  nitroglycerin  is  T60. 

This  body  is  very  soluble  in  alcohol  or  ether,  but  only  very 
slightly  soluble  in  water.  Nevertheless,  in  presence  of  a 
sufficient  quantity  of  water,  it  is  entirely  dissolved,  which  does 


not  permit  of  allowing  nitroglycerin,  either  free  or  associated 
with  a  pulverulent  substance,  to  remain  long  in  a  current  of 

It  is  poisonous.1 

5.  Nitroglycerin   is   very  sensitive   to   shock,  and   explodes 
easily  by  the  shock  of  iron  on  iron  or  silicious  stone.     The  fall 
of  a  flask  or  of  a  stone  jar  has  occasionally  sufficed  to  cause 
explosion.     The  shock  of  copper  on  copper,  and  especially  of 
wood  on  wood,  is  considered  less  dangerous ;  however,  there  are 
instances  of  explosion  provoked  by  a  shock  of  this  kind. 

6.  Pure  nitroglycerin   keeps   for   an  indefinite  time.      The 
author  has  kept  a  bottle  of  it  in  his  collections  for  ten  years 
without   it   showing   any   signs    of   alteration.      But   a   little 
moisture,  or   a   trace   of   free   acid,   is   sufficient  to   excite   a 
decomposition,   which,   when   once   commenced,   is   sometimes 
accelerated  up  to  the  point  of  inflammation,  and  even  of  ex- 
plosion of  the  substance. 

The  action  of  s)lar  light  also  causes  the  decomposition  of 
nitroglycerin,  as  well  as  that  of  the  nitric  compounds  in  general. 

Electric  sparks  inflame  it,  though  with  difficulty.  They  may 
even  cause  it  to  explode  under  certain  conditions ;  for  instance, 
under  the  influence  of  a  series  of  strong  sparks,  nitroglycerin 
changes,  turns  brown,  then  explodes. 

Submitted  to  the  action  of  heat,  it  is  volatilised  to  an  ap- 
preciable extent,  especially  towards  100°;  it  may  even  be 
completely  distilled,  if  this  temperature  be  long  maintained. 
But  if  the  temperature  be  suddenly  raised  to  about  200°,  nitro- 
glycerin ignites;  and  a  little  above  it,  explodes  with  terrible 

Its  inflammation,  caused  by  contact  with  an  ignited  body, 
gives  rise  to  nitrous  vapour  and  a  complex  reaction,  with  the 
production  of  a  yellow  flame,  without  explosion,  properly  so 
called,  at  least  as  long  as  small  quantities  of  matter  are  operated 
upon.  But  if  the  mass  be  too  great  it  ends  by  exploding. 

The  explosion  of  nitroglycerin  corresponds  to  a  very  simple 
decomposition — 

2C3H2(N03H)3  =  6C02  +  5H20  +  6£T  +  0. 
It  will  be  seen  that  nitroglycerin  possesses  the  exceptional    ^ 
property  of  containing  more  oxygen  than  is  necessary  for  com- 
pletely burning  its  elements. 

7.  Heat  of  formation  from  the  elements  (p.  282) — 

C3  (diamond)  +  H3  +  N3  +  O9  =  C3H2(N03H)3  liberates 
+  98  Cal. 

8.  The  heat  of  total  combustion  and  the  heat  of  decomposi- 

1  For  the  preparation  with  the  aid  of  two  binary  mixtures  made  beforehand, 
see  Boutmy  et  Faucher,  "Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  1'Acade'rme  des 
Sciences,"  torn.  Ixxxiii.  p.  786. 


tion  are  identical,  according  to  what  has  just  been  said.  The 
reaction  will,  therefore,  be  represented  by  the  following 
formula  :  — 

=  6CO2  +  5H30  +  6N  +  O. 
The  heat  developed  will  be— 

The  water  being  liquid,  at  constant  pressure  +  356*5  Cal.,  at 

constant  volume  +  358*5  Cal. 
The  water  being  gaseous,  at  constant  pressure  +  331*1  Cal,,  at 

constant  volume  +  335'6  Cal. 

For   1    kgm.,   at   constant  pressure,    the   water   being  liquid, 
1570  Cal.  ;  at  constant  volume,  1579  Cal. 

Sarrau  and  Vieille  found  1600,  a  figure  the  difference  between 
which  and  the  above  does  not  exceed  that  which  might  be  due 
to  experimental  errors. 

In  the  miss-fires,  treated  of  on  page  283,  the  heat  liberated  is 
necessarily  less,  the  combustion  being  incomplete. 

9.  Volume  of  the  permanent  gases  for  1  equiv.  — 

106  litres  /  1  4-  -rzr  Y  the  water  being  liquid  ; 

161*8  litres  fl  +  "^^)*  the  water  being  gaseous. 

Or,  for  1  kgm.,  467  litres  (  1  -f  5=5),  the  water  being  liquid. 
\         273/ 

Sarrau  and  Vieille  found  465  litres,  at  0°,  by  experiment. 

We  should  have  713  litres  (l  -f  y^>\  the  water  being  gaseous. 
For  a  litre  of  liquid  nitroglycerin  we  should  have,  lastly  — 
747  litres  (I  -f  ^  J  the  water  being  liquid  ; 

1141  litres  (l  +       A  tne  water  being  gaseous. 

10.  Theoretical  temperature,  at  constant  volume  — 


-IT  "  6980°' 

11.  Permanent  pressure  (the  liquid  water  occupies  198  c.c.)  — 

467  atm.  482  kgm. 
-  or  -  —  — 
n  -  0-198  n-  0198* 

This  figure  is  only  applicable  to  low  densities  of  charge  and 
with  the  usual  exception  as  to  the  liquefaction  of  carbonic 


12.  Pressure  at  the  theoretical  temperature — 

713  V1  +  27s)       18966  atm. 

— —  =  -  — ,  or    19,t)80    kgm.   per   square 

n  n 


13.  Let  us  compare  this  result  with  the  pressures  observed 
by  Sarrau  and  Vieille  by  means  of  the  crusher  and  with  dyna- 
mite at  75  per  cent. 

They  found  under  the  density  of  charge — 

-    =       0-2  1420  kgm. 

n  0-3  2890    „ 

0-4  4265  (3984  and  4546)  kgm. 

0-5  6724  (6902  and  6546)     „ 

0-6  9004  kgm. 

The  volume  occupied  by  the  silica,  after  undergoing  the 
temperature  of  the  explosion,  may  be  estimated  at  Ol  c.c.  for 
1  grm.  of  dynamite.  Consequently,  the  volume  occupied  by 
the  gas  yielded  by  1  grm.  of  pure  nitroglycerin  would  be  equal 

to  -  (n  —  0*1),  neglecting  the  expansion  of  silica  by  heat. 


We  find  in  this  way,  referring  the  corrected  densities  of 
charge  to  nitroglycerin,  and  calculating  the  pressures  from  the 
results  of  the  "  crushers  " — 

n'  =  6-5  c.c.   ?r=  9230  kgm. 

4-3  c.c.  ..          „.  12430  kgm. 

3'2   „  13640    „ 

2-5  „  16800    „ 

2-1    „  18900    „ 


It  will  be  noticed  that  the  values  of  -—  are  not  constant. 


But  here  intervenes  the  new  theory  of  crushing  manometers  by 
Sarrau  and  Vieille  (p.  23),  which  accounts  for  these  variations 
by  the  duration  of  decomposition  of  dynamite  and  tends  to 
reduce  by  one-half  the  figure  obtained  with  very  high  densities 
of  charge. 

According  to  their  new  trials,  made  with  very  heavy  piston, 

for  the  density  ~  =  0'3,  we  obtain  a  pressure  of  2413  kgm., 


which  corresponds  to  n'  =  4*3  c.c. 

— ,  =  10,376  kgm. 


If  we  wish  to  compare  with  strict  accuracy  these  figures  with 
the  theoretical  pressures,  the  heat  yielded  to  the  silica  must  be 
taken  into  account  in  calculating  the  latter.  Let  the  specific 


heat  of  silica  be  supposed  constant  and  equal  to  0*19,  which 
makes  for  73*7  grms.  of  silica  14'4,  the  theoretical  temperature 
becomes — 

335600  _ 


The  corresponding  pressure  will  be — 
/         8378\ 
V  +  ~273~)  _  14759  atm.      15281  kgm. 

n  n  n 

a  value  higher  by  a  third  than  the  actual  figure  found  for  high 

14  To  sum  up — weight  for  weight  nitroglycerin  produces 
three  and  a  half  times  as  much  permanent  gases  reduced  to  0° 
as  nitrate  powder,  and  twice  as  much  as  chlorate  powder. 

At  equal  volumes  it  produces  nearly  six  times  as  much 
permanent  gases  as  ordinary  powder.  As,  moreover,  it  produces 
weight  for  weight  more  than  double  the  heat,  the  difference 
between  the  effects  of  the  two  substances  taken  in  equal 
weights  is  easy  to  foresee. 

At  equal  volumes  this  difference  is  still  greater.  Thus 
one  litre  of  nitroglycerin  weighs  1'60  kgm.,  whilst  one  litre  of 
ordinary  powder  weighs  about  0*906  kgm.  At  the  same  volume 
as  powder,  nitroglycerin  will  develop  a  pressure  ten  or  twelve 
times  greater ;  which  may  be  actually  realised  in  a  completely 
filled  capacity,  as  in  the  case  of  a  blast-hole,  or  when  operating 
under  water.  Under  these  conditions  the  maximum  work 
developed  by  one  litre  of  nitroglycerin  may  amount  to  a  value 
treble  that  of  the  maximum  work  of  ordinary  powder  at  the 
same  volume.  These  colossal  figures,  no  doubt,  are  never 
attained  in  practice,  especially  owing  to  phenomena  of  dis- 
sociation, but  the  fact  that  they  are  approached  is  sufficient  to 
explain  why  the  work,  and  especially  the  pressures  developed 
by  nitroglycerin,  exceed  the  effects  produced  by  all  the  other 
explosive  substances  industrially  employed.  The  relations 
which  these  figures  show  between  nitroglycerin  and  ordinary 
powder,  for  example,  agree  pretty  closely  with  the  empirical 
results  observed  in  the  working  of  mines.1 

15.  The  rupture  into  fragments  and  the  explosion  of  wrought 
iron,2  effects  which  cannot  be  produced  by  ordinary  powder, 

1  See  the  experiments  cited  in  the  small  treatise  "  La  Dynamite,"  by  Trauzl, 
extracted  by  P.  Barbe,  pp.  91  and  92  (1870).     The  usual  effect  of  nitro- 
glycerin in  quarries  has  been  found  to  be  five  or  six  times  greater  than  that, 
of  blasting  powder,  weight  for  weight.     For  an  equal  volume  in  blast-holes, 
there  is  obtained  with  dynamite  about  eight  times  the  effect  produced  by 
powder  ;  that  is  to  say,  eleven  times  the  same  effect  for  a  given  weight  of  pure 
nitroglycerin  employed  under  this  form.     This  refers  to  effects  of  dislocation, 
which  depend  especially  upon  the  initial  pressures. 

2  Same  work  (pp.  98  and  99). 


are  fresh  proofs  of  the  enormous  initial  pressures  developed  by 
nitroglycerin.  The  question  of  the  rapidity  of  decomposition, 
moreover,  intervenes  here  (p.  35). 

Although  nitroglycerin  is  shattering,  it  nevertheless  fractures 
rocks  without  crushing  them  into  small  fragments.  The  facts 
observed  during  the  study  of  the  pressures  exerted  by  the 
crushers,  at  various  densities  of  charge,  would  lead  us  to  foresee 
this  property.  It  may  also  be  accounted  for  by  the  phenomena 
of  dissociation.  The  elements  of  water  and  carbonic  acid  will 
be  partly  separated  in  the  first  instance,  which  diminishes  the 
initial  pressures  ;  but  the  formations  of  water  and  carbonic  acid 
being  completed  during  expansion,  successively  reproduce  fresh 
quantities  of  heat,  which  regulate  the  fall  of  the  pressures. 
Nitroglycerin  will  therefore  act  during  expansion  in  a  similar 
manner  to  ordinary  powder.  However,  the  dissociation  will 
be  less  with  nitroglycerin,  because  the  compounds  formed  are 
simpler  and  the  initial  pressures  higher. 

In  short,  nitroglycerin  combines  the  apparently  contradictory 
properties  of  various  explosive  substances  :  it  is  shattering,  like 
nitrogen  chloride  ;  dislocates  and  fractures  rocks  without  crush- 
ing them,  like  ordinary  powder,  though  with  more  intensity ; 
lastly,  it  produces  excessively  great  effects  of  projection.  All 
these  properties,  recognised  by  observers,  can  be  foreseen  and 
explained  by  theory. 

16.  It  could  further  be  shown  that  inflammation  induced  at 
a  point  of  the  mass  is  less  dangerous  with  nitroglycerin  than 
with  chlorate  and  even  nitrate  powder,  seeing  that  the  com- 
bustion of  the  same  weight  of  matter  raises  the  temperature  of 
the  neighbouring  parts  to  a  less  extent,  either  owing  to  the 
cooling  produced  by  contact  with  the  surrounding  liquid  parts, 
or,  especially,  owing  to  the  specific  heat  of  nitroglycerin,  which 
appears  to  be  much  greater  than  that  of  potassium  chlorate  and 
nitrate  powders. 

With  regard  to  the  theory  of  the  effects  of  shock  on  nitro- 
glycerin, the  reader  is  referred  to  p.  52. 

17.  Lastly,  let  us  compare  nitroglycerin  with  ordinary  powder 
from  the  point  of  view  of  the  best  use  of  a  given  weight  of 
potassium  nitrate.     According  to  the  equivalent,  303  parts  of 
nitre  produce  either  404  parts  of  ordinary  powder,  or  227  parts 
of  nitroglycerin,  that  is  to  say,  a  weight  less  by  half.     But  as 
a   set-off  the  latter   can  develop,   under  the  most  favourable 
circumstances,  a  pressure  from  eight  to  ten  times  greater  than 
the  same  volume  of  powder. 

It  follows  from  these  numbers  that  a  given  weight  of 
potassium  nitrate,  if  it  could  be  changed  atomically,  and  with- 
out loss,  into  nitroglycerin,  would  develop  in  a  blast-hole  a 
pressure  treble  that  yielded  by  ordinary  powder,  made  with  the 
same  weight  of  nitrate. 


§    6. — NITROMANNITE  :  C6H2(N03H)6. 

1.  Equivalent,  452. 

2.  Composition — 

C  ...                  =  159 

H  =  18 

N  =  186 

0  =  637 


The  body  crystallises  in  fine  white  needles.  It  must  be 
carefully  purified  by  being  re-crystallised  in  alcohol  to  free  it 
from  -the  products  of  incomplete  nitrification. 

3.  Its   apparent  density  is  1'60,  but   by  melting   it  under 
pressure  as  much  as  1/80  may  be  observed  at  20°. 

4.  It  melts  between  112°  and  113°,  and  solidifies  at  93°. 
The  temperature  of  the  melting  point  given  by  various  authors 

falls  to  70°,  but  this  is  for  an  impure  product 

5.  Mtromannite  commences  to  give  off  acid  vapours  from  the 
melting  temperature.     But  this   emission  is  very  slow ;  it  is 
accelerated   with  the  rise  in  temperature.     When   suddenly 
heated  to  about  190°  it  takes  fire ;  towards  225°  it  deflagrates, 
towards  310°  it  explodes. 

When  the  heating  has  been  progressive,  and  accompanied  by 
a  commencement  of  decomposition,  which  alters  the  composition 
of  the  residuum,  inflammation  and  explosion  can  no  longer  take 

6.  Mtromannite  purified  by  crystallisation  in  alcohol  and 
kept  protected  from  sunlight  can  be  kept  for  several  years 
without  alteration, 

But  if  care  be  not  taken  to  re-crystallise  it,  it  contains  much 
more  changeable  products,  which  cause  its  progressive  decom- 
position. These  products  also  lower  its  melting  point  to 
about  70°. 

7.  Nitromannite  explodes  by  the  shock  of  iron  on  iron  more 
readily  than  nitroglycerin,  but  with  rather  more  difficulty  than 
mercury  fulminate.     It  is  intermediate  in  its  shattering  pro- 
perties.    It  explodes  by  the  shock  of  copper  on  iron  or  copper, 
and  even  of  porcelain  on  porcelain,  provided  the  latter  shock 
be  violent. 

8.  The  heat  of  formation  of  nitromannite  from  the  elements 
has  been  found  (p.  283),  +  1561  Cal.,  according  to  a  calculation 
founded  on  the  heats  of  formation  of  mannite,  nitric  acid,  and 
nitromannite,  or  -f  161*4  according  to  the  heat  of  combustion 
observed  by  Sarrau  and  Vieille. 

9.  The  heat  of  total  combustion  coincides  with  the  heat  of 
decomposition  (see  p.  283).     It  is  equal  to  +  683'9  Cal.  at  con- 


stant  pressure,  the  water  being  liquid,  or  689  -6  at  constant 
volume.  Or,  for  1  kgm.,  at  constant  pressure,  2513  Cal.  ;  at 
constant  volume,  1529  Cal.  — 

C6H2(N03H)6  =  6C02  +  4H20  +  3N2  +  02. 

Sarrau  and  Vieille  found  1512  at  constant  volume,  and 
proved,  further,  that  the  decomposition  really  takes  place 
according  to  the  above  equation. 

The  heat  of  combustion  is  inferior  to  that  of  nitroglycerin 
and  of  nitroglycol,  an  inferiority  due  to  the  formation  of  a 
larger  amount  of  free  oxygen. 

10.  Volume  of  the  permanent  gases  for  1  equiv.  — 

223  litres  (  1  +  -^r  J;  the  water  being  gaseous,  (  1  +  —  -  J  312  litres. 

The  water   being  gaseous,  we  should  have  for  1  equiv.  at 
constant  pressure  +  603*9  Cal.,  at  constant  volume  +  612  Cal. 

Or,  for  1  kgm.,  494  litres  (l  +  —  \  for  the  permanent  gases, 


litres  (l  +  TZJJ)  the  water  being  gaseous. 

612000       Cf7ino 

11.  Theoretical  temperature,  =  b/iu  . 

oL  a 

12.  Permanent  pressure   at   0°   (the  liquid  water   occupies 

159  c.c.)— 

494  atm»_       510  kgm., 

n  -  0159  °r  n  -  0159 

subject  to  the  usual  proviso  as  to  the  lowness  of  the  densities 
of  charge  and  of  the  limit  of  liquefaction  of  carbonic  acid. 

13.  Pressure    at    the    theoretical    temperature,    calculated 
according  to  the  laws  of  gases  — 

/         6710\ 
692  (14-  —  -  —  ) 

V         273  /       17220  atm,       17760  kgm. 
--  =  -  or  - 
n  n  n 

or  23,510  kgm.  per  square  centimetre,  a  value  very  close  to 
those  which  belong  to  nitroglycol  (22,910)  and  nitroglycerin 
(19,580),  as  might  be  expected. 

14.  The  pressures  actually  exerted  in  the  explosion  of  nitro- 
mannite  have  been  measured  by  Sarrau  and  Vieille.     These 
authorities  found  — 

At  the  density  of  charge  01,  2273  kgm, 
At  the  density  of  0'2,  4634  kgm. 


Or   as  mean,  -       —  ,  a  value  very  near  the  theoretical  figure. 


But  the  new  theory  of  the  authors  would  tend  to  reduce  it  to 
the  half  (p.  23). 

But  this  pressure  is  so  quickly  developed  that  the  piston  of 
the  crusher  is  often  broken,  which  shows  the  shattering  charac- 
ter of  nitromannite.  The  same  property  intervenes  in  the  tests 
founded  on  the  capacity  of  chambers  hollowed  in  leaden  blocks 
by  various  explosives  (p.  374).  Now,  the  capacity  hollowed  by 
a  given  weight  of  nitromannite  is  greater  by  a  fourth  (43  c.c. 
for  1  grm.)  than  that  hollowed  by  nitroglycerin  (35  c.c.  for 
1  grm.)  Nitromannite,  moreover,  manifests  a  much  more 
marked  tendency  to  tear  the  leaden  blocks  in  diagonal  direc- 
tions. These  facts  contrast  with  the  theoretical  calculation  of 
the  pressures  or  of  the  maximum  work,  which  give  nearly  the 
same  value  for  nitromannite  and  nitroglycerin.  They  show 
that  the  empirical  method  of  chambers  hollowed  by  an  explo- 
sive does  not  really  measure  either  the  pressure  or  the  work, 
but  certain  more  complicated  effects. 

(    431     ) 




1.  IN  1866,  iii  consequence  of  terrible  accidents  caused  by 
explosions,2  the  use  of  this  substance  was  going  to  be  forbidden 
everywhere,  when  a  Swede,  Mr.  Nobel,  conceived  the  idea  of 
rendering  it  less  sensitive  to  shocks  by  mixing  it  with  an  inert 
substance,  a  well-known  artifice  for  attenuating  the  effects  of 
the  ordinary  powder,  but  which  leads  to  unexpected  results  in 
the  present  case.  Nobel  added  to  it  first  a  little  methylic 
alcohol ;  then,  this  expedient  being  insufficient,  he  mixed  it 
with  amorphous  silica.  He  designated  this  mixture  by  the 
name  of  dynamite. 

He  soon  recognized,  and  this  was  a  very  important  discovery, 
that  the  explosion  requires  the  use  of  special  mercury  fulminate 
detonators,  and  that  it  acquires  in  this  way  an  exceptional 
violence ;  it  can  then  be  produced  even  under  water.  By  using 
these  detonators  tamping  may  be  dispensed  with,  when 
absolutely  necessary,  in  blasting  with  dynamite. 

This  name  has  since  been  extended  to  very  diversified 
mixtures,  with  nitroglycerin  as  base,  and  at  the  present  day  a 
score  of  different  dynamites  are  distinguished.  Mixtures  con- 
taining liquid  explosives  other  than  nitroglycerin  have  even 
been  designated  by  the  same  word.  Dynamites  have  the 
common  property  of  not  exploding  either  by  simple  inflamma- 
tion, slight  shock,  or  moderate  friction.  But  they  explode,  on 
the  contrary,  by  the  use  of  strong  caps,  called  detonators,  gene- 
rally composed  of  mercury  fulminate. 

Dynamites  are  divided  into  several  classes. 

2.  In   some,  containing   an  inert  base,  the  nitroglycerin  is 

1  See  "  La  Nitroglycerine  et  les  Dynamites,"  par  Fritsch,  1872  ("  Memorial 
de  Tofficier  du  Genie  ") ;  "  Manuel  de  pyrotechnic  a  1'usage  de  I'ArtilJerie  de 
Marine,"  torn.  ii. ;  "  Traits'  de  la  poudre,"  etc.,  revu  par  Desortiaux,  p.  798. 

2  Stockholm,  Hamburg,  Aspinwall,  San  Francisco,  Quenast  in  Belgium. 


associated  with  silica,  alumina,  magnesium  carbonate,  calcined 
alum,  brick-dust,  tripoli,  sand,  boghead  ashes,  etc.,  all  these 
being  substances  intervening  only  to  a  slight  extent,  or  not  at 
all,  by  their  chemical  composition,  but  only  by  their  physical 
constitution  and  their  relative  proportion.  They  check  the 
propagation  of  the  molecular  shocks,  the  harmonious  succession 
of  which  gives  rise  to  the  explosive  wave  (p.  78).  After 
deflagration,  they  are  more  or  less  modified. 

3.  Others,   containing  an   active  base,  may   themselves   be 
separated  into  three  groups. 

4.  Some  dynamites  (those  with  ammonium  nitrate  or  potas- 
sium chlorate  base)  are  formed  by  the  association  of  nitroglycerin 
with   an   explosive  substance,  which  explodes  simultaneously 
without  the  elements  of  the  one  intervening  chemically  in  the 
decomposition  of  the  other.     They  might  be  termed  dynamites 
with  simultaneous  active  base. 

5.  Other  dynamites  with  simple  combustible  base  are  manu- 
factured by  taking  advantage  of  the  fact  that  the  explosion  of 
nitroglycerin  sets  free  a  certain  quantity  of  oxygen  (3*5  per 
cent.)  in  excess  of  that  which  is  necessary  to  convert  the  whole 
of  the  carbon  into  carbonic  acid  and  the  whole  of  the  hydrogen 
into  water. 

There  is  then  added  to  the  nitroglycerin,  whether  pure  or 
already  mixed  with  an  inert  substance,  a  certain  quantity  of  a 
combustible  body  (coal,  wood  sawdust,  starch,  straw,  bran, 
sulphur,  spermaceti,  etc.)  for  the  purpose  of  utilising  this  excess 
of  oxygen. 

6.  But  the  quantity  of  oxygen  is  generally  too  small  for  the 
corresponding  proportion  of  combustible  matter,  such  as  1  per 
cent,  of  coal  or  spermaceti,  or  2  per  cent,  of  wood  sawdust,  or 
3 '5  per  cent,  of  powdered  sulphur,  to  be  sufficient  to  absorb  the 
whole  of  the  corresponding  nitroglycerin.     Hence  in  practice 
the   complementary   substance    must    be    employed    in    great 
excess,  which  constitutes  the  mixed  base  dynamites.     We  will 
only  mention  black  dynamite,  a  mixture  of  charcoal  and  sand, 
capable  of  absorbing  45  per  cent,  of  nitroglycerin.     Such  an 
excess   of  combustible   matter   changes   the   character   of  the 
chemical  reaction,  which  may  cease  to  be  a  total  combustion. 

7.  Dynamites  with  a  combustible  explosive  base  may  also  be 
prepared  by  employing  as  combustible  complement  a  compound 
explosive  in  itself,  but  which  does  not  contain  enough  oxygen 
to  undergo  total  combustion. 

Such  are  gun-cotton,  the  several  varieties  of  nitro-cellulose 
and  nitro-starch,  picric  acid,  etc. 

They  belong  to  two  principal  groups. 

8. — (1st)  Dynamites  with  nitrate  base;  such  as  dynamite 
with  black  powder  as  base  (100  parts  of  black  powder  associated 
with  from  10  to  50  parts  of  nitroglycerin). 


Dynamite  with  Hasting  powder  as  base. 

Dynamite  with  saltpetre  and  charcoal  as  base. 

Dynamite  having  as  base  barium  nitrate  and  resin,  or  charcoal, 
with  or  without  the  addition  of  sulphur. 

Dynamites  having  as  base  sodium  nitrate,  charcoal,  and  sulphur, 

Dynamites  formed  by  nitroglycerin,  saltpetre  and  wood  saw- 
dust, or  starch,  or  cellulose. 

9. — (2nd)  Dynamites  having  as  base  pyroxyl,  such  as  Trauzl 
dynamite,  formed  of  nitroglycerin  and  gun-cotton  in  a  paste. 

Abel's  glyoxylin,  formed  of  the  same  substances,  with  the 
addition  of  saltpetre. 

Dynamites  having  as  base  a  nitrified  ligneous  substance  (paper 
pulp,  or  wood  pulp),  and  analogous  ones. 

Blasting  gelatin,  formed  by  the  association  of  93  to  95  parts 
of  nitroglycerin,  and  5  to  7  parts  of  collodion  cotton. 

10.  We  should  here  note  that  the  relative   proportions   of 
nitroglycerin  and  of  the  combustible  or  explosive  base,  which 
are  the  most  useful  in  practice,  are  not  always  those  which 
correspond  to  a  total  combustion ;  either  because  an  incomplete 
combustion  gives  rise  to  a  greater  volume  of  gas,  or  because  the 
rapidity  of  decomposition  and  the  law  of  expansion  vary  accord- 
ing to  the  relative  proportions  and  the  conditions  of  application. 

11.  It  can  further  be  seen  that  the  inert,  the  simple  com- 
bustible, and  the   explosive   combustible   substances   may  be 
associated  in   various  proportions,  and  this   constitutes   fresh 
dynamites  with  mixed  base,  extremely  varied. 

The  requirements  of  practice  and  the  imagination  of  inventors 
are  daily  multiplying  these  varieties,  designated  by  the  most 
diversified  and  sometimes  the  most  pompous  names :  Hercules 
powder,  giant  powder)  petralites,  etc. ;  but  they  all  belong  to  the 
five  foregoing  types. 

12.  Among  these  practical  requirements  we  shall  point  out 
some   of  those   which  play  the  most  important   part,   inde- 
pendently of  the  question  of  the  first  cost.    The  most  important 
point  lies  in  the  strength  of  the  mixture.    Indeed,  the  additions 
have  generally  the  effect  of  lowering  the  strength,  by  reducing 
the  amount  of  nitroglycerin.     It  is  sought  in  this  way  to  retard 
decomposition,  so  as   to   change  the   shattering  agent  into  a 
propulsive  agent.     But  if  the  retardation  be  too  great,  we  enter 
into  the   category  of  the  slow  powders  (p.   2),   and  lose   the 
advantages   due  to  the  presence  of  nitroglycerin.     There  is, 
therefore,  a  practical  limit  to  these  additions,  if  it  be  desired  to 
obtain   the   greatest  useful  effect.     The  use  of  mica,  on  the 
contrary,  increases  the  rapidity  of  explosion. 

The  homogeneousness  and  stability  of  the  mixture  are  of  the 
highest  importance ;  it  is,  in  fact,  requisite  that  the  nitroglycerin 
should  be  entirely  absorbed  by  the  substance  which  serves  as 



base,  and  that  this  mixture  should  remain  uniform  without 
chemical  change  and  without  exudations  due  to  shocks  in 
transport  or  to  variations  in  temperature,  otherwise  we  should 
be  brought  back  to  the  drawbacks  and  dangers  of  pure  nitro- 
glycerin.  The  absorbent  substance  must,  therefore,  have  a 
special  structure  opposing  itself  to  the  spontaneous  separation 
of  the  nitroglycerin.  Dynamites  having  as  base  ordinary  sand, 
brick-dust,  and  powdered  coke  have  thus  been  set  aside  owing 
to  their  instability. 

The  presence  of  an  excess  of  nitroglycerin  beyond  the  satura- 
tion point  may  even  diminish  the  strength  of  a  dynamite  instead 
of  increasing  it,  owing  to  the  difference  of  the  mode  of  propaga- 
tion of  the  explosive  wave  in  the  liquid  and  in  the  porous 
mixture.  It  is  in  this  way  that  the  crushing  effects  upon  a 
leaden  block  are  more  marked  with  75  per  cent,  dynamite  than 
with  a  richer  dynamite,  and  even  with  pure  nitroglycerin. 

13.  This  tendency  to  separation  is  increased  by  a  special 
property  of  nitroglycerin,  which  plays  an  important  part  in  the 
application  of  all  dynamites   formed  by  this   agent,  viz.  the 
solidification  of  nitroglycerin  at  about  12°.    In  fact,  in  becoming 
solidified,  the  explosive  more  or  less  completely  separates  itself 
from  its  absorbent,  and  thenceforth  constitutes  a  new  system, 
endowed  with  special  properties. 

On  the  one  hand,  solid  nitroglycerin  seems  less  sensitive  to 
shocks,  and  especially  to  their  transmission  step  by  step.  It 
requires  more  powerful  fuses  to  explode  it,  which  generally 
renders  it  necessary  to  reheat  the  cartridges  in  order  to  liquefy 
it,  and  to  reconstitute  the  original  dynamite,  an  operation  which 
has  occasioned  numberless  accidents  in  mines. 

On  the  other  hand,  nitroglycerin  thus  liquefied,  after  having 
been  partly  separated  from  its  absorbent  by  crystallisation,  may 
not  mix  with  it  again  in  so  intimate  a  manner  as  before, 
especially  if  the  absorbent  be  not  of  good  quality,  and  if  it  be 
submitted  to  pressure. 

14.  The  degree  of  sensitiveness  to   shock  of  dynamites  is 
a   circumstance   of  fundamental  importance,   particularly  for 
military  applications.     Thus   it  is  necessary  to  put  into  the 
hands  of  soldiers  a  substance  which  does  not  explode  during 
transport,  nor  under  the  shock  of  a  ball.     Ordinary  dynamite 
with  silica  base  does  not  satisfy  this  condition,  which  has  often 
caused  compressed  gun-cotton  to  be  preferred,  though  the  latter 
is  not  entirely  free  from  danger  in  this  respect. 

15.  It  has  been  attempted  to  gain  the  end  in  view  by  adding 
certain  foreign  substances  to  dynamites — camphor,  for  instance, 
to  the  amount  of  a  few  hundredth  parts ;  but  this  mixture  is 
only  moderately  efficacious. 

The  condition  sought  after  is  especially  realised  by  blasting 
gelatin,  formed  of  nitroglycerin  and  collodion  cotton.  But  here 


we  meet  another  stumbling-block ;  the  substance  requires  special 
capsules  and  too  great  a  quantity  of  fulminate  to  explode  it. 
This  must  be  compensated  for  by  employing  a  small  inter- 
mediate cartridge  of  compressed  gun-cotton,  primed  itself  with 
fulminate,  which  complicates  the  question.  It  appears  that 
even  in  this  way  it  is  sometimes  difficult  to  effect  the  explosion 
of  blasting  gelatin. 

16.  This  technical  discussion   will  not   be  further   entered 
upon  here  except  to  observe  that  the  absence  of  explosion  by 
simple  ignition,  and  the  necessity  for  special  detonators,  are 
among  the  number  of  essential  characteristics  which  distinguish 
dynamite  from  service  powder  and  all  analogous  kinds. 

Hence  arise  fresh  complications  in  the  use  of  these  substances. 
Thus,  owing  to  this  circumstance  and  the  risk  of  explosions  by 
influence,  the  detonators  should  be  carefully  kept  apart  from 
the  stores  of  dynamite,  in  magazines,  and  during  transport. 
Many  accidents  are  due  to  the  neglect  of  this  precaution. 

17.  These  general  notions  being  set  forth  it  would  require 
a  whole  volume  to  enter  into  the  study  and  the  discussion  of 
the  properties  of  all  the  dynamites  proposed,  or  even  only  of 
those  actually  employed.     This  is  why  we  shall  confine  our- 
selves to  treating  with  more  detail  three  interesting  varieties  of 
dynamite  in  order  to  show  how  our  theories  are  applied  to  their 
study.     They  are — 

1st.  Dynamite  proper  with  silica  as  base. 

2nd.  Dynamite  with  ammonium  nitrate  as  base. 

3rd.  Blasting  gelatin  with  collodion  cotton  as  base. 


1.  We  have  said  above  how  Nobel  had  invented  this  substance 
to  obviate  the  terrible  effects  which  result  from  the  propagation 
of  shocks  in  liquid  nitroglycerin.     Now,  dynamite  proper,  being 
less  sensitive  to  shocks  than  nitroglycerin,  can  be  transported 
and  handled  almost  without  danger,  provided  certain  rules  be 

2.  For  many  years  dynamite  has   been  employed  in  mines 
and  in   tunnel  boring  to   rupture   and  reduce  very  hard   or 
fissured  rocks,  as  well  as  in  harbour  and  other  works.     It  has 
been  applied  to  break  up  blocks  of  stone,  masses  of  cast  or 
wrought  iron,  blocks  of  pyrites,  beds  of  flint,  accumulated  ice, 
to  break  up  and  lighten  soils  intended  for  vine  growing,  etc., 
and  its  applications  are  daily  being  developed. 

Dynamite  also  plays  a  most  important  part  in  warfare 
(torpedoes,  mines,  the  destruction  of  palisades,  the  levelling  of 
trees,  buildings  and  bridges,  the  destruction  of  rails  and  rail- 
ways, the  bursting  of  cannons,  etc.). 



3.  Dynamite    proper  results,   as   we   have   said,   from    the 
association   of  nitroglycerin   with   amorphous   silica.     At   the 
outset  Nobel   employed  for   this  purpose  Kieselguhr,   that  is, 
the  silicious  earth  of  Oberlohe  (Hanover) ;  but  there  have  since 
been  found  in  various  places  natural  silicas,  such  as  randanite 
(Auvergne),  which  answer  the  same  purpose. 

The  special  structure  and  the  organic  origin  of  these  varieties 
of  silica,  formed  for  the  greater  part  of  shells  and  infusoria 
(Diatoms),  were  at  first  regarded  as  indispensable  for  the 
fabrication  of  dynamite.  But  amorphous  silica,  prepared  by 
a  chemical  process — for  instance,  that  resulting  from  the  action 
of  water  on  silicon  fluoride — is  no  less  suited  for  this  preparation ; 
it  even  stores  up  at  least  as  large  quantities  of  nitroglycerin 
(more  than  nine  times  its  weight)  as  natural  silica. 

4.  Dynamites  are  also  distinguished  according  to  their  origin — 
as  Nobel  and  Iboz  dynamites,  Vonges  dynamites,  etc. ;  and 
according  to  their  strength — No,  1  dynamite,  with  75  per  cent. 
of  nitroglycerin ;   No.  2  dynamite,  with  50  per  cent. ;  No.  3 
dynamite,  with  30  per  cent. 

5.  Preparation.     The  silica  is  first  dried  in  ovens,  without 
however  heating  it  to  too  high  a  temperature,  and  sifted  to 
eliminate  the  large  grains  5  then  the  nitroglycerin  is  incorporated 
with  it.     A  few  hundredth  parts  of  lime  or  magnesia  carbonates 
or  of  sodium  bicarbonate  are  added  in  order  to  prevent  the 
mixture  from  becoming  acid,  a  transformation  which   is   the 
prelude  to  its  spontaneous  decomposition. 

6.  Properties.    The  substance  thus  obtained  is  grey,  brown, 
or  reddish  (according  to  the  foreign  ingredients),  rather  greasy 
to  the  touch,  forming  a  pasty  mass.     It  should  not  give  rise  to 
considerable  exudations  of  nitroglycerin;     The  absolute  density 
of  dynamite  is  a  little  more  than  1-60.     The  relative  density, 
obtained  by  the  gravimetric  method,  is  1'50  for  dynamite  at  75 
per  cent. 

In  preparing  dynamite  an  apparent  contraction  of  the 
materials  is  observed;  that  is  to  say,  that  the  nitroglycerin 
occupies  a  volume  less  than  the  air  interposed  in  the  silica. 
Nitroglycerin  freezing  at  12°,  dynamite  is  transformed  at  about 
this  temperature,  or  slightly  below,  into  a  hard  mass,  expanding 
at  the  same  time.  The  properties  of  dynamite  are  then 
extremely  modified,  and  it  requires  much  stronger  detonators 
to  explode  it ;  say  1'5  grm.  of  fulminate,  instead  of  0'5.  How- 
ever, the  explosive  force  remains  the  same.  This  circumstance 
forms  one  of  the  most  serious  drawbacks  to  the  keeping  and 
use  of  dynamite.  Indeed  the  necessity  for  thawing  it  frequently 
occasions  serious  accidents,  especially  if  this  operation  be 
effected  at  an  open  fire  and  without  precautions.  It  was  in 
this  way  that  at  Parma,  in  1878,  a  lieutenant  of  cavalry  having 
placed  on  a  brazier  a  can  containing  one  kgm.  of  dynamite,  an 


explosion  immediately  occurred,  eighty   persons   being  killed 
or  wounded. 

Moreover,  thawing  may  occasion  exudations  of  pure  nitro- 
glycerin,  the  latter  expanding  by  the  fact  of  solidification.  It 
is  thus  exposed  and  may  explode  by  subsequent  shock  of  friction. 
It  is  sometimes  enough  to  bring  about  an  accident,  to  cut  a 
frozen  cartridge  with  an  iron  tool.  Ramming  is  even  dangerous 
with  it.  Moreover,  frozen  dynamite  has  not  lost  the  property 
of  exploding  by  influence. 

7.  Action  of  heat.     Dynamite,  submitted  to  the  action  of  a 
gentle  heat,  undergoes  no  change,  even  under  the  prolonged 
influence  (an  hour)  of  a  temperature  of  100°.     Heated  rapidly, 
it  takes  fire  near  220°,  like  nitroglycerin.     If  ignited,  it  burns 
slowly   and  without  exploding ;   but  if   it  be   enclosed  in  a 
hermetically  sealed  vessel  with  resisting  walls,  it  explodes  under 
the  influence  of  heating.     The  same  accident  is  sometimes  pro- 
duced in  the  inflammation  of  a  large  mass  of  dynamite,  owing  to 
the  progressive  heating  of  the  interior  parts,  which  brings  the 
whole  mass  to  the  temperature  of  explosive  decomposition. 

Dynamite,  moreover,  becomes  more  sensitive  to  shock,  as  do 
also  explosive  substances  in  general,  according  as  it  is  raised 
nearer  to  temperature  of  decomposition. 

Direct  solar  light  can  cause  a  slow  decomposition,  as  with  all 
the  nitro  and  nitric  compounds.  Electric  sparks,  generally 
speaking,  ignite  dynamite  without  exploding  it,  at  least  when 
operating  in  the  open  air. 

8.  Spontaneous     decomposition.     Dynamite     prepared     with 
neutral  nitroglycerin  appears  to  keep  indefinitely  if  care  be 
taken  to  add  to  it  a  small  quantity  of  calcium  carbonate,  or 
alkaline  bicarbonate,  thoroughly  mixed.     Contact  with  iron  and 
moisture  changes  it  in  course  of  time.     Dynamite  which  has 
commenced  to  undergo  change  becomes  acid  and  sometimes 
explodes   spontaneously,   especially  if   contained  in  resisting 
envelopes.     Nevertheless,  neutral  and  well-prepared  dynamite 
has  been  kept  for  ten  years  in  a  magazine  without  loss  of  its 
explosive  force. 

9.  Action    of    water.     Water    brought    into     contact    with 
dynamite  gradually  displaces  the  nitroglycerin  from  the  silica. 
This  action  is  slow  but  inevitable.     It  tends  to  render  all  wet 
dynamite    dangerous.      However,    ordinary   dynamite    hardly 
attracts  the  atmospheric  moisture. 

It  has  been  observed  that  a  dynamite  made  with  wood  saw- 
dust can  be  moistened,  then  dried  without  marked  alteration, 
provided  the  action  of  the  water  has  not  been  too  prolonged. 
Fifteen  to  twenty  per  cent,  of  water  may  be  added  to  cellulose 
dynamite,  rendering  it  insensible  to  the  shock  of  a  ball  without 
depriving  it  of  the  property  of  exploding  by  a  strong  fuse.  But 
nitroglycerin  is  then  separated  under  a  slight  pressure. 


10.  Action  of  shock.     Dynamite  requires  a  much  more  violent 
shock  than  nitroglycerin  to  explode  it.      It  explodes  by  the 
shock  of  iron  on  iron,  or  of  iron  on  stone,  but  not  by  the  shock 
of  wood  on  wood. 

Dynamite  is  the  more  sensitive  the  more  nitroglycerin  it 

When  dynamite  is  struck  with  a  hammer,  the  part  directly 
affected  by  the  shock  alone  explodes,  the  surrounding  portions 
being  simply  dispersed. 

Owing  to  this  circumstance  the  effects  may  vary  greatly,  unless 
the  dynamite  be  contained  in  a  resisting  and  completely  filled 
envelope,  or  placed  at  the  bottom  of  a  receptacle.  It  explodes 
by  the  direct  shock  of  a  ball  at  a  distance  of  50  m.,  and  even 
more,  a  very  important  matter  in  military  applications. 

11.  The  detonation  of  dynamite  in  tubes  entirely  filled  with 
this  substance  propagates  itself  with  a  speed  of  about  5000  mm. 
per  second. 

12.  Its  explosion,  when  complete,  does  not  produce  noxious 
gases,  like  gunpowder ;  but  if  it  burn  by  simple  inflammation 
(miss-fires),  it  produces  nitric  oxide,  carbonic  oxide,  and  nitrous 
vapour,  which  are  deleterious  (p.  283). 

13.  The  heat  liberated  by  the  sudden  decomposition  of  dyna- 
mite is  the  same  as  its  heat  of  total  combustion,  and  pro- 
portionate  to    the   weight  of  nitroglycerin   contained  in   the 

It  can  therefore  be  easily  calculated  from  the  data  on  page 

14.  The  volume  of  gases  liberated  by  any  dynamite,  and  the 
theoretical  pressure  which  it  can  develop,  are  also  calculated  in 
this  way,  taking  into   account  the   volume   occupied   by   the 
silica  (see  p.  425),  and  the  heat  absorbed  in  raising  its  tem- 

The  experiments  of  Sarrau  and  Vieille  on  this  question  have 
been  described  above. 

15.  It  will  be  shown  in  a  general  way  that  thermal  theories 
favour  the  employment  of  dynamite.     In  the  fii  st  place,  dyna- 
mite is  less  shattering  than   nitroglycerin,  because   the   heat 
liberated   is  shared    between  the   products    of  explosion   and 
the  inert-  substance.     In  consequence  there  is  a  less  rise  in 
temperature,   which  diminishes   the  initial  pressures   propor- 

For  instance,  the  silica  and  anhydrous  alumina,  which  may 
be  mixed  with  nitroglycerin,  have  nearly  the  same  specific  heat 
(019)  as  the  gaseous  products  of  explosion  of  the  latter  at 
constant  volume.  Weight  for  weight,  and  in  a  completely  filled 
space,  they  will  lower  the  temperature,  and  consequently  the 
initial  pressure  by  half. 

For  an  equal  weight  of  nitroglycerin  the  shattering  properties 


will  therefore  be  diminished  proportionately  to  the  weight  of 
the  inert  matter  in  the  mixture  ;  while  the  maximum  work  will 
retain  the  same  value,  being  always  proportional  to  the  weight 
of  nitroglycerin. 

The  same  circumstances  will  render  the  propagation  of  simple 
ignition  of  a  small  portion  of  the  mass  into  the  neighbouring 
parts  more  difficult,  since  the  latter  explode  only  when  raised 
suddenly  to  a  temperature  approaching  200°.  Hence  the  ex- 
plosion produced  by  a  detonator  requires  a  greater  initial 
disturbance  in  order  to  take  place. 

If  deflagration  be  produced  by  the  shock  of  a  hard  body,  or 
of  a  fulminating  fuse,  the  solid  particles  interspersed  in  the 
liquid  divide  the  energy  of  the  shock  between  the  inert  and 
the  explosive  substance,  in  a  proportion  depending  on  the 
structure  of  the  inert  substance.  The  latter  thus  changes  the 
law  of  explosion  ;  it  opposes  itself  to  some  extent  to  the  propa- 
gation of  the  explosive  wave,  except  in  the  case  of  extremely 
violent  shocks,  and  introduces  an  extreme  diversity  into  the 
phenomena,  as  follows  from  the  experiments  of  Nobel,  and  those 
of  Grirard,  Millot,  and  Vogt,  on  nitroglycerin  mixed  with  silica, 
alumina,  ethal,  or  sugar. 

It  is,  moreover,  evident  that  the  useful  effects  of  the  inert 
substance  could  only  be  completely  produced  when  the  mixture 
is  homogeneous,  and  without  any  separation  of  liquid  and  nitro- 
glycerin, for  the  liquid  which  has  exuded  retains  all  its  pro- 
perties, hence  the  necessity  of  the  special  structure  in  a  solid 


1.  This  substance  is  very  interesting  on  account  of  the  great 
energy  which  is  derived  both  from  nitroglycerin  and  ammonium 
nitrate,  whether  associated  or  not  with  a  complementary  com-  . 
bustible  substance. 

It  has  been  proposed  on  various  occasions  by  inventors,  with 
certain  variations  due  to  the  introduction  of  the  complementary 
bodies  (charcoal,  cellulose,  etc.),  the  latter  being  for  the  double 
purpose  of  utilising  the  excess  of  oxygen  supplied  both  by  nitro- 
glycerin and  ammonium  nitrate,  and  for  completing  the  absorbent 
properties  of  the  substance. 

But  this  dynamite  presents  a  certain  drawback,  because 
ammonium  nitrate  is  hygroscopic,  especially  in  an  atmosphere 
saturated  with  moisture.  Moreover,  water  immediately  separates 
nitroglycerin  from  it. 

2.  The  relative  proportions  of  nitroglycerin,  ammonium  nitrate, 
and  combustible  substances  may  vary  extremely,  even  when  it 
is  subjected  to  the  condition  of  a  total  combustion.     We  shall 
consider  only  the  mixtures  in  which  charcoal  constitutes  the 


combustible  substance,  and  for  the  sake  of  simplicity  the  char- 
coal will  be  considered  as  pure  carbon. 

All  systems  which  satisfy  the  condition  of  total  combustion 
reduce  themselves  to  the  following  formula  :  — 

4C3H2(N03H)3  +  £0]  +  </(N03NH4  +  C). 
They  produce 

The  corresponding  weight  is 

(230z  +  86y)  grms. 
The  heat  liberated  (gaseous  water)  is  equal  to 

325-7z  +  79%  ; 
Or,  for  1  kgm., 

The  volume  of  the  gases  is 

(7iz  +  4Jy)  22-32  litres  (1  +  at)= 


The  permanent  and  the  theoretical  pressure  at  a  density  of 
charge  -—  are  immediately  deduced  from  the  above  data. 

3.  For  instance,  let 


be  the  corresponding  weight  :  230  +  1376  =  1606  grms. 
The  percentage  of  the  immediate  composition  will  be  — 

Nitroglycerin  ............     14-1 

Ammonium  nitrate  ............     79-6 

Charcoal      ...............       6-3 

4.  The  heat  liberated  =  1593  Cal.  (gaseous  water),  or  1938 
Cal.  (liquid  water)  ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  992  Cal.  gaseous  water,  or 
1207  Cal.  liquid  water. 

^  5.  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  (gaseous  water)  =  1769 
litres,  or  642  litres  (liquid  water)  ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  1101  litres 
gaseous  water,  or  400  litres  liquid  water. 

6.  The  permanent  pressure  (liquid  water)  =  4QO  atm->  with 

fli  —  U'O«7 

the  usual  reservation  as  to  the  liquefaction  of  the  carbonic  acid 
when  n  falls  below  a  certain  limit. 

7.  The  theoretical  pressure  =  --  5*5t  a   vaiue   higher 

than  the  theoretical  figure  for  ordinary  75  per  cent  dynamite 
(p.  425). 


This  is  in  conformity  with  the  practical  tests  which  point  to 
the  approximate  equal  power  of  60  per  cent,  dynamite  and  the 
mixture  formed  of  75  parts  of  ammonium  nitrate,  3  parts  of 
charcoal,  4  parts  of  paraffin,  and  18  parts  of  nitroglycerin. 


1.  The  association  of  nitroglycerin  with  gun-cotton  was  first 
proposed  in  1868  by  Trauzl,  in  Austria ;  but  the  product  thus 
obtained  was  dangerous  and  difficult  to  manufacture,  and  was 
not  adopted  in  practice.     However,  at  the  present  day  there  is 
a  tendency  to   return   to  active  base  dynamites  of  a  similar 
formula   (dualines).      They    are    sometimes    associated    with 
potassium   nitrate   (lithofracteur),    etc.      Mixtures   containing 
40  parts  of  nitroglycerin  and  60  parts  of  gun-cotton  or  nitro- 
lignite,  with  the  addition  of  2  per  cent,  of  ammonium  carbonate, 
are  those  which  are   more   especially  manufactured.     These 
mixtures  do  not  correspond  to  a  perfect  combustion,  but  they 
will  produce  effects  very  closely  approaching  the  mean  of  their 
components.     Dynamite   with  ligneous   nitrocellulose  base  is 
somewhat  less  sensitive  to  shock  and  freezing  than  that  con- 
taining gun-cotton.     If  potassium  nitrate   be  superadded  it 
allows  of  the  combustion  being  completed,  but  it  increases  the 

2.  Some  years  since  Nobel  conceived  the  idea  of  forming  a 
compound  of  quite  a  different  order  by  dissolving  collodion 
cotton  in  nitro-glycerin  in  the  proportion  of  93  parts  of  the 
latter  and  7  parts  of  the  former,  and  in  this  way  obtained  the 
substance   called   blasting  gelatin,  explosive  gelatin,  or  gum 
dynamite,  a  clear,  yellow,  gelatinous,  elastic,  transparent  com- 
pound, more  stable  than  ordinary  dynamite,  especially  from  a 
physical  point  of  view,  for  it  gives  rise  to  no  exudation,  even  by 
pressure.     It  is  unchangeable  by  water  (see  further  on).   Lastly, 
it  is  much  more  powerful  than  Kieselguhr  dynamite  and  com- 
parable in  this  respect  to  pure  nitroglycerin. 

By  adding  to  blasting  gelatin  a  small  quantity  of  benzene,  or, 
better  still,  of  camphor  (from  1  to  4  per  cent.),  it  is  rendered 
insensible  to  mechanical  actions  which  cause  the  explosion  of 
ordinary  dynamite,  such  as  friction,  the  shock  of  a  bullet  at  a 
short  range,  etc.  Its  strength  is  appreciably  diminished  by  this 
mixture,  but  it  is  no  longer  developed  except  under  the  influence 
of  very  strong  charges  of  fulminate  or  of  a  special  primer  formed 
of  nitrohydrocellulose  (4  parts),  nitrocellulose  and  nitroglycerin 
(6  parts),  which  itself  may  be  ignited  by  a  small  charge  of 

The  work  of  the  initial  shock  necessary  to  explode  blasting 
gelatin  has  been  calculated  at  six  times  that  which  would  be 
required  for  ordinary  dynamite,  coeteris  paribus,  a  difference 


which  is  doubtless  attributable  to  the  cohesion  of  matter  ;  that 
is  to  say,  to  the  greater  mass  of  particles  in  which  the  energy 
of  the  shock  transformed  into  heat  causes  the  first  explosion 
which  is  the  origin  of  the  explosive  wave  (p.  54). 

Owing  to  these  circumstances  blasting  gelatin  is  far  less 
sensitive  to  explosions  by  influence.  All  these  conditions  are 
very  favourable  to  its  use  as  an  explosive  for  military  purposes. 

3.  The  properties  of  this  substance  will  now  be  more  par- 
ticularly considered.     Blasting  gelatin  does  not  absorb  water  ; 
it  merely  turns  white  on  the  surface  under  this  influence,  owing 
to  the  solution  of  the  nitroglycerin  contained  in  the  superficial 
stratum,  but  the  action  does  not  go  any  further.     The  collodion 
couon,  separated  by  the  action  of  the  water  on  the  first  stratum 
of  substance,  being  insoluble  in  this  agent,  envelops  the  whole 
of  the  rest  of  the  mass  in  a  protecting  film.     Blasting  gelatin 
therefore  remains  unaltered,  even  after  having  been  kept  for 
forty-eight  hours  under  running  water.     The  explosive  force 
has  been  found  to  be  the  same  after  this  test. 

Neither  does  freezing  change  its  shattering  force,  but  it  causes 
it  partly  to  lose  its  insensibility  to  shock. 

4.  The  density  of  blasting  gelatin  is  1*6,  i.e.  equal  to  that  of 
nitroglycerin,   as   might  have  been   expected,  from  its   com- 
position and  its  homogeneous  structure  without  pores.     This 
density  is  higher  than  the  apparent  density  of  dry  gun-cotton 
(TO)  or  damp  gun-cotton  (1*16),  which  constitutes  a  real  and 
important  advantage. 

5.  Blasting  gelatin  burns  in  the  open  air  without  exploding, 
at  least  when  small  quantities  are  operated  upon  and  a  previous 
heating  is  avoided.     It  has  been  kept  for  eight  days  at  70° 
without  being  decomposed. 

After  having  been  kept  for  two  months  between  40°  and  45° 
it  lost  the  half  of  the  camphor  and  a  small  quantity  of  nitro- 
glycerin without  further  alteration. 

Slowly  heated  it  explodes  towards  204°. 

If  it  contains  10  per  cent,  of  camphor,  it  no  longer  explodes, 
but  it  fuses. 

6.  Let  us  now  estimate  the  strength  of  blasting  gelatin  by 
our  ordinary  calculations. 

As  an  example,  a  blasting  gelatin  formed  of  91*6  parts  of 
nitroglycerin  and  8  '4  parts  of  collodion  cotton,  which  are  the 
proportions  corresponding  to  a  total  combustion. 

The  collodion  cotton  is  here  taken  as  corresponding  to  the 
formula  — 

Such  a  dynamite  is  formed  in  the  proportions  — 

51C3H2(N03H)3  + 
Its  equivalent  weight  is  12,360  grms. 


The  explosion  produces 

177CO2  +  143H20  +  81N2. 

7.  The  heat  liberated   by  its   explosion  is  equal  to  19381 
Cal.  (gaseous  water)  ]or  2241  Gal.  (liquid  water) ;  or,  for  1  kgm., 
1535  Cal.  (gaseous  water),  or  1761  Cal.  (liquid  water). 

8.  Eeduced  volume  of  the  gases  =  8950  litres  (gaseous  water) 
or  5759  litres  (liquid  water) ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  709  litres  (gaseous 
water),  or  456  litres  (liquid  water). 

9.  The  permanent  pressure  (liquid  water)  =  -  :,  with 

n  —  0*41 
the  usual  reservations. 

10.  The    theoretical    pressure  = 1,   value    nearly 


identical  with  that  of  nitroglycerin  (p.  425). 

It  might  have  been  supposed  that  the  pressure  and  the  heat 
developed  would  have  been  greater  owing  to  the  complete 
utilisation  of  the  oxygen,  but  there  is  a  compensation  on  account 
of  the  greater  loss  of  energy  which  takes  place  at  the  outset  in 
the  union  of  the  elements,  and  afterwards  in  the  combination  of 
nitric  acid  with  the  cellulose,  which  liberates  11*4  Cal.  per 
equivalent  of  fixed  acid  instead  of  4'9  Cal.  liberated  in  the  case 
of  nitroglycerin  (see  p.  282). 

Hence  it  will  be  seen  that  blasting  gelatin  considerably  sur- 
passes ordinary  dynamite  in  the  ratio  of  19  :  14  according  to 
theory.  The  ratio  of  the  actual  effects  of  the  two  substances  has 
been  estimated  by  Hess,  by  the  aid  of  practical  tests  based 
on  the  rupture  of  strong  pieces  of  wood.  It  has  been  found  to 
approach  the  numbers  78  :  56,  which  notably  are  in  accord. 

(    444    ) 




1.  IN  1846  Schonbein  proposed  to  replace  service  powder  by  a 
new  substance,  the  composition  of  which  he  kept  a  secret.  This 
was  gun-cotton,  the  discovery  of  which  is  the  starting-point  of 
the  works  since  accomplished  with  the  new  explosive  substances. 
In  1832  Braconnot  and  Pelouze  had  already  made  known  some 
similar  nitric  compounds. 

Numerous  experiments  carried  out  up  till  1854  led  to  gun- 
cotton  being  regarded  as  more  powerful  for  equal  weights  than 
black  gunpowder,  that  it  possessed  shattering  properties  which 
hardly  admitted  of  its  continued  use  in  firearms.  Soon,  terrible 
explosions  and  accidents  in  powder  factories 1  gave  evidence  of 
the  existence  of  spontaneous  decompositions,  which  put  a  stop 
to  its  manufacture  almost  everywhere;  nevertheless,  experi- 
ments were  still  carried  out  in  Austria,  under  the  direction  of 
Lenck,  until  the  occurrence  of  a  fresh  explosion  in  a  magazine 
at  Simmering  in  1862.  Another  explosion  occurred  in  1865  at 

2.  In  England,  however,  Abel  succeeded  in  almost  entirely 
removing  risks  by  a  very  careful  process  of  manufacture,  namely, 
by  reducing  the  cotton  to  pulp,  which  enabled  it  to  be  more 
completely  washed,  and  finally,  by  the  compression  of  the  cotton 
(1865)  by  hydraulic  presses. 

Compressed  gun-cotton  thus  came  into  use.  Brown  discovered 
in  1868  that  it  could  be  detonated  by  means  of  mercury 

The  explosion  which  happened  in  1871  in  the  Stowmarket 
factory,  and  in  which  twenty-four  persons  perished,  was  at- 
tributed, rightly  or  wrongly,  to  imperfect  supervision,  and  the 
manufacture  of  compressed  gun-cotton  is  still  carried  out  in 
England.  It  has  been  carried  out  also  in  France  for  some  time 
at  the  "  Moulin  Blanc  "  factory. 

1  Bouchet  and  Vincennes,  1847. 


3.  Gun-cotton  is  practically  only  used  for  military  purposes, 
since  its  high  price  prevents  it  becoming  a  rival  of  dynamite, 
which,  besides,  is  more  easily  adapted  to  the  requirements  of 

In  Austria,  Eussia,  and  France,  even  up  till  recently,  dynamite 
has  been  preferred  to  it  as  a  war  explosive,  whereas  in  England 
and  Germany  gun-cotton  has  the  preference.  The  Marine 
Artillery  in  France l  also  uses  it,  and  the  French  army  autho- 
rities evince  a  tendency  to  go  back  to  its  use  on  account  of  its 
safer  preservation. 

4.  However,  gun-cotton  being,  like  dynamite,  susceptible  of 
detonation  from  the  shock  of  a  ball  at  a  short  distance,  en- 
deavours have  been  made  to  reduce  this  sensitiveness.     In  order 
to  effect  this  it  suffices  to  incorporate  with  it  from  ten  to  fifteen 
per  cent,  of  water  or  paraffin.     Damp  gun-cotton  is  much  better 
able  to  resist  mechanical  agents. 

In  this  state  it  cannot  be  inflamed  by  contact  with  a  body  in 
ignition,  or  by  spontaneous  decomposition.  Gun-cotton,  when 
mixed  with  paraffin,  is  also  less  sensible  to  shock,  but  it  is  not 
safe  from  the  risk  of  inflammation. 

On  the  other  hand,  the  detonation  of  moistened  or  paraffined 
gun-cotton  is  more  difficult ;  it  requires  the  employment  of  a 
very  strong  dose  of  fulminate,  or  a  small  hand-made  cartridge 
of  dry  gun-cotton  primed  with  fulminate. 

The  presence  of  water,  as  also  of  paraffin,  further  lessens  the 
force  of  the  explosion. 

The  application  of  water  is  subject  to  variations  owing  to 
spontaneous  evaporation,  which  is  a  serious  difficulty. 

In  the  German  army  paraffin  is  employed.  The  application 
of  this  is  simpler,  and  it  is  not  subject  to  variations  on  account 
of  the  weather.  Nevertheless,  sensibility  to  detonators  does  not 
appear  to  be  the  same  in  paraffined  gun-cotton  which  has  been 
recently  or  for  some  time  prepared,  probably  on  account  of  the 
change  in  structure,  which  is  the  result  of  the  slow  crystallisa- 
tion of  the  paraffin. 

5.  Gun-cotton  does  not,  like  nitroglycerin,  contain  a  suffi- 
cient quantity  of  oxygen  for  the  combustion  of  its  elements ; 
hence  the  proposal  to  associate  it  with  potassium,  barium,  or 
ammonium  nitrate,  or  with  potassium  chlorate ;  bodies  which 
would  supply  it  with  oxygen. 

Abel's  glyoxyline  contains  potassium  nitrate  and  nitro- 

The  most  varied  compounds  have  from  this  point  of  view 
been  proposed,  and  continue  to  be  proposed  daily.  We  shall 
particularly  mention  Schultze  powders,  formed  by  nitrified 

1  See  "  Memorial  des  Poudres  et  Salpetres  "  (Rapport  sur  1'emploi  du  coton- 
poudre  aux  operations  de  guerre),  par  H.  Sebert,  Commissions  des  Explosive 
Substances,  p.  109.  1882. 


wood-pulp  associated  with  various  nitrates,  an  explosive  which 
has  assumed  some  importance  recently. 

6.  In  the  following  paragraphs  we  shall  merely  treat  of 
ordinary  gun-cotton  alone  and  when  with  water  or  nitrates, 
these  three  substances  being  regarded  as  types.  We  shall,  as 
usual,  regard  them  chiefly  with  reference  to  the  degree  of  heat 
liberated,  the  volume  of  gases,  and  the  pressures  developed. 


1.  The  nitrification  of  cellulose  under  its  various  forms  (cotton, 
paper,  straw,  wood-pulp,  etc.)  is  accomplished  by  means  of 
nitric  acid  of  various  degrees  of  concentration,  with  or  without 
the  addition  of  sulphuric  acid,  and  working  at  different  tempe- 
ratures. The  products  are  numerous,  and  they  have  been  the 
object  of  many  researches.  Here  we  shall  content  ourselves  by 
reproducing  the  results  of  the  most  recent  experiments,  namely, 
those  by  Vieille  l  carried  out  at  11°,  in  the  presence  of  an  excess 
of  acid  sufficient  to  prevent  the  water  formed  by  the  reaction 
modifying  the  composition  to  any  appreciable  extent. 

The  highest  nitrification  is  obtained  with  nitro-sulphuric 
mixtures  ;  it  corresponds  sensibly  to  the  formula  of  an  ende- 
canitric  cellulose  — 


This  is  gun-cotton  intended  for  military  purposes. 

With  nitric  acid   alone,  corresponding  to  the  composition 

(N03H  +  |H20), 

and  when  experimenting  at  11°,  we  obtain  a  decanitric  cellulose  ; 
that  is  to  say,  less  rich  in  acid  — 


a  body  which  is  completely  soluble  in  acetic  ether,  but  almost 
insoluble  in  a  mixture  of  alcohol  and  ether.  This  is  still  gun- 

When  the  acid  is  rather  more  diluted  — 

(HN03  +  -34H20), 

it  yields  collodion  cotton,  the  composition  of  which  is  very 
similar  to  that  of  the  enneanitric  and  octonitric  celluloses  — 
C24H22(N03H)9011,  and  024H24(N03H)8011,  /y 

bodies  which  are  soluble  in  acetic  ether  and  in  a  mixture  of 
alcohol  and  ether. 

With  the  acid  N03H+  iH20,  a  cellulose  is  obtained  which 
answers  to  the  characteristics  of  a  heptanitric  compound  — 

1  "  Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  1'Academie  des  Sciences,"  torn.  xcv. 
p.  132.    1882. 


yet  still  preserving  the  aspect  of  the  cotton,  but  which  becomes 
gelatinous  without  actually  dissolving  in  a  mixture  of  alcohol 
and  ether  and  in  acetic  ether. 

If  the  acid  is  more  diluted,  such  as 

(N03H  +  -75H20), 

the  cotton  becomes  dissolved  in  such  an  acid,  producing  a  viscous 
liquor  which  can  be  precipitated  by  water.  The  product  ob- 
tained is  similar  in  its  characteristic  features  to  hexanitric 
cellulose  — 


It  swells  in  acetic  ether  without  dissolving.  A  mixture  of 
alcohol  and  ether  does  not  act  on  the  substance. 

With  the  acid  N03H  mixed  with  +  1/375  to  1-5  H20,  we 
obtain  friable  products,  without  any  action  on  acetic  ether  or 
on  the  mixture  of  alcohol  and  ether,  and  which  vary  between 
the  following  formulae  :  — 


With  a  more  diluted  acid,  the  nitrification  is  incomplete,  the 
products  still  being  darkened  by  iodine  ;  that  is  to  say,  it  is  no 
longer  possible  to  distinguish  the  nitro  compounds  properly  so 
called  from  their  mixture  with  the  unaltered  cellulose. 


1.  Gun-cotton2  preserves  the  appearance  of  cotton,  although 
it  is  slightly  rougher  to  the  touch.  It  is  not  hygroscopic,  and 
it  also  possesses  the  property  of  becoming  electrified  by  friction. 
Plates  for  electric  machines  have  even  been  constructed  with 
nitrified  paper. 

Gun-cotton  is  soluble  in  acetic  ether,  but  insoluble  in  most 
other  solvents  (water,  alcohol,  ether,  acetic  acid,  and  ammoniacal 
copper  oxide). 

It  may  be  moistened,  and  when  dried  resumes  its  properties. 

When  in  lumps,  its  apparent  density  is  only  01  ;  if  it  be 

1  Table  of  the  volumes  of  nitric  oxide  obtained  by  Schloassing's  process  from 
various  celluloses  by  Vieille.  One  grm.  gives  — 

I  Collodion  cotton         1178 

Heptanitric         „            162 

Hexanitric          „             ...         146 

Pentanitric          „  

Tetranitric          „             108 

2  For  its  preparation  see  "  Traite"  sur  la  poudre,"  par  Upman  et  Meyer, 
traduit  et  augmente"  par  Desortiaux,  etc.,  p.  350. 


twisted  into  thread,  it  increases  to  0'25;  when  subjected,  in 
the  form  of  pulp,  to  hydraulic  pressure,  it  becomes  TO;  but 
these  densities  are  apparent,  the  absolute  density  of  gun-cotton 
being  1'5. 

Nitrohydrocellulose  prepared  with  cellulose  disintegrated  by 
hydrochloric  or  sulphuric  acid  (A.  Girard's  process)  has  a 
pulverulent  form,  which  is  very  convenient  for  practical  use. 
Its  composition  and  the  force  are  the  same  as  for  gun-cotton. 

2.  Gun-cotton  is  an  extremely  explosive  compound,  which  is 
ignited  by  contact  with  a  heated  body  or  by  shock,  or,  again, 
when  it  is  raised  to  a  temperature  of  172°.     It  burns  suddenly, 
with  a  large  yellowish-red  flame,  but  almost  without  smoke  or 
residue,  and  liberates  a  large  volume  of  gas  (carbonic  acid, 
carbonic  oxide,  nitrogen,  steam,  etc.). 

Compressed  gun-cotton  previously  heated  to  100°  may  explode 
when  ignited.  It  is,  therefore,  more  liable  than  dynamite  to 
explode  on  simple  inflammation. 

Gun-cotton  kept  at  80°  to  100°  decomposes  slowly,  and  may 
end  by  inflaming. 

It  has  been  shown  that  a  thin  disc  of  compressed  gun-cotton 
may  be  pierced  by  a  ball  without  explosion ;  but  if  the  thick- 
ness of  the  disc  be  increased,  or  if  resisting  envelopes  be  used, 
an  explosion  occurs. 

3.  Sunlight  causes  it  to  undergo  slow  decomposition. 

4.  Gun-cotton  should  be  neutral  to  litmus,  when  it  has  been 
carefully  freed  from  all  acid  products  by  washing  with  alkali. 
Nor  should  it  emit  acid  fumes  even,  after  keeping  for  some 
time.     A  little  sodium  or  ammonium  carbonate  is  incorporated 
with  it  to  increase  its  stability. 

In  the  French  navy,  gun-cotton  is  submitted  to  a  heat  test, 
which  consists  in  heating  it  to  65°,  until  it  gives  off  sufficient 
nitrous  vapour  to  turn  the  iodised  starch  paper  blue,  or  more 
simply  to  redden  litmus.  It  should  stand  this  test  for  eleven 
minutes.  The  heat  test  may  be  carried  out  either  on  the  raw 
material  or  on  the  washed  product  (the  washing  frees  it  from 
alkaline  carbonates),  compressed  between  blotting  paper,  dried 
at  a  low  temperature,  then  left  some  time  in  the  open  air. 

5.  The  indefinite   stability  of  gun-cotton   has  always  been 
regarded  as  doubtful,  both  by  reason  of  its  chemical  constitution 
and  by  the  presence  of  the  accessory  products  arising  from  the 
original  reaction  or  formed  by  accidental  causes,  which  it  is 
hardly  possible  to  avoid  indefinitely.     A  slow  decomposition 
produced  in  this  way  sometimes  becomes  considerably  accele- 
rated by  the  heat  which  it  liberates  and  by  the  reaction  of  the 
products  originally  formed  on  the  rest.     It  may  become  violent, 
and  end  by  exploding  (see  p.  45). 

Nevertheless,  gun-cotton  has  been  preserved  for  ten  years 
and  more  without  any  alteration.  It  has  also  been  kept  dry  on 


board  vessels  during  long  voyages,  even  in  high  temperatures  in 
the  tropics. 

6.  Gun-cotton  is  very  susceptible  to  explosions  by  influence. 
According  to  experiments  made  in  England,  a  torpedo,  even 
placed  at  a  long  distance,  may  explode  a  line  of  torpedoes 
charged  with  gun-cotton. 

7.  The  velocity  of  the  propagation  of  the  explosion  in  metallic 
tubes  filled  with  pulverised  gun-cotton  has  been  found  to  be 
from  5000  to  6000  mms.  per  second  in  tin  tubes,  and  4000  in 
leaden  tubes  (Sebert). 

Gun-cotton  loosely  exposed  in  the  open  air  burns  eight  times 
as  quickly  as  powder  (Piobert). 

8.  It  is  admitted  that  the  effect  of  gun-cotton  in  mines  is 
very  nearly  the  same  as  that  of  dynamite  for  equal  weights.     It 
requires  stronger  detonation,  and  it  gives  rise  to  a  large  quantity 
of  carbonic  oxide,  which   is   sometimes  difficult  to   disperse, 
because  the  earth  remains  impregnated  with  the  gas.     Carbonic 
oxide  being  very  deleterious,  the  use  of  gun-cotton  is  dangerous 
to  workmen  in  mines,     But  the  form  of  compressed  gun-cotton 
is   more   convenient,   because   it   does    not    require    resisting 
envelopes,  and  because  it  preserves  the  form  which  is  given  to 
it.     Besides,  it  is  less  sensitive  to  shock  by  reason  of  its  special 
structure.     Its  use  for  firearms  has  been  abandoned. 

9.  Let  us   now  examine  gun-cotton  a  little  closer  from  a 
theoretical  point  of  view.     Its  force  depends  upon  its  composi- 
tion, and  upon  the  nature  of  the  products,  which  vary  with  the 
density   of    the    charge;    that   is   to   say,   with  the  pressure 

10.  We  have,  at  p.  288,  given  a  summary  of  the  very  in- 
teresting researches  of  Sarrau  and  Vieille  on  this  question. 

Let  us  simply  remember  that  the  substance  studied  by  these 
authors  contained — 

C      24-4 

H     2-4 

N      12-8 

0      56-5 

Water          1-4 

Ash 2-5 

that  is  to  say,  abstracting  the  water  and  the  ash — 

C  ...                  ...  25-4 

H     2-5 

N      13-3 

0      58-8 

the  formula  C24Hi8(N03H)1109  requires — 

C  ...    25-2 

H     2-6 

N      13-5 

0      58-7 

2  G 


11.  The  equivalent  of  this  substance  is  1143. 

12.  The  heat  liberated  by  the  formation  of  gun-cotton  from 
the  elements  under  constant  pressure — 

€24  (diamond)  +  H^  +  N^O*, 

amounts  to  624  Cal.  for  1143  grins.,  or  546  Cal.  for  1  kgm. 
The  heat  of  formation  of  collodion  cotton — 

C*  +  H31  +  N9  +  038  =  CatHa(N03H9)Ou, 

is  696  Cal.  for  1053  grms.,  or  661  Cal.  for  1  kgm. 

Soluble  gun-cotton  made  in  Norway  is  very  near  this  com- 

13.  The  heat  liberated  in  the  total  combustion  of  gun-cotton 
by  free  oxygen — 

2[C24H18(N203H)1109]  +  0*!  =  48C02  +  29H20  +  11N2, 

at  constant  pressure,  is  2633  Cal.  for  1143  grms.  (water  liquid), 
or  2488  Cal.  (water  gaseous).     Say  for  1  kgm.  of  gun-cotton, 
2302  Cal.  (water  liquid),  or  2177  Cal.  (water  gaseous).         ^~*,  / 
The  total  heat  of  combustion  of  collodion  cotton — 

2[C24H22(N03H)9011]051  =  48C02  +  31H«02  +  9N2, 

at  constant  pressure,  the  water  being  liquid,  -f  2627*5  CaL  ;  the 
water  being  gaseous,  +  2474'5  Cal. 

It  will  be  seen  that  it  is  nearly  the  same  at  equal  equivalents  0 
as  for  gun-cotton. 

For  1  kgm.  of  collodion  we  should  have   2428  Cal.  (water 
liquid),  2351  Cal.  (water  gaseous). 

14.  The  heat  of  decomposition   of  gun-cotton   in  a   closed 
vessel,  found  by  experiment  at  a  low  density  of  charge  (0'023), 
amounts  to  1071  Cal.  for  1  kgm.  of  the  substances,  dry  and  free 
from  ash,  or  1225  Cal.  for  1143  grms.  (water  liquid). 

We  proceed  to  compare  this  result  with  the  heat  calculated 
from  the  equation  for  the  decomposition. 

15.  Equation  for  the  decomposition.     From  the  analysis  of  the 
products,  the   decomposition  of  the  gun-cotton  which  yielded 
this   quantity  of  heat  practically  agreed  with   the   following 
equation  (low  densities  of  charge) : — 

(1)  2[CaiH18(N08H)1109]  =  30CO  =  18C02  +  11H2  +  18H2O 

+  11N2. 

But  the  quantity  of  heat  changes  with  the  equation  of  decom- 
position, the  latter  approximating  to 

(2)  24CO  +  24C02  +  12H20  +  17H2  +  11N2 

for  high  densities  of  charge,  according  to  Sarrau  and  Vieille  (p. 
289).    There  is,  moreover,  no  nitric  oxide  under  these  conditions.1 

1  Karolyi,  Sarrau  and  Vieille. 


On  the  contrary,  in  a   miss-fire  (progressive  combustion)  the 
carbonic  oxide  increases  and  nitric  oxide  appears  (p.  289). 
We  shall  treat  here  only  of  the  explosive  combustion. 

16.  Let  us  now   calculate   the  heat  liberated   at   constant 
pressure.1    According  to  equation  (1),  which  corresponds  to  low 
densities   of  charge,  the  reaction  liberates  1230   Gal.   (water 
liquid),  or  1140  Cal.  (water  gaseous). 

That  is  to  say,  for  1  kgm.,2  1076  Cal.  (water  liquid),  or  9977 
Cal.  (water  gaseous). 

According  to  equation  (2),  which  represents  the  limit  of  re- 
action for  high  densities  of  charge,  we  should  have  1228  Cal. 
(water  liquid),  or  1168  Cal.  (water  gaseous).  That  is  to 
say,  for  1  kgm.,  1074  Cal.  (water  liquid),  or  1022  Cal.  (water 

It  will  be  remarked  that  the  heat  liberated  is  practically  the 
same  according  to  equations  (1)  and  (2).  It  therefore  varies 
but  little  with  the  density  of  charge,  an  observation  which 
appears  applicable  to  explosive  substances  in  general.  Thus  the 
numbers  1074  CaL,  and  1076  Cal.,  which  correspond  to  the  two 
equations,  are  very  close  to  each  other,  and  also  to  the  figure 
1071  Cal.  found  by  experiment. 

17.  The  volume  of  the  reduced  gases,  calculated  from  equation 
(1),   will  be   781   litres    (water  liquid),   or   982   litres  (water 
gaseous) ;  that  is  to  say,  for  1  kgm.,2  684  litres,  or  849  litres. 
Sarrau  and  Vieille  found  671  litres,  with  a  substance  leaving 
2 '4  per  cent,  of  ash,  which  agrees.     According  to  equation  (2), 
the  volume  of  the  gases  will  be  the  same,  the  water  being  sup- 
posed liquid ;  it  would  be  raised  to  743  litres  per  kilogramme, 
the  water  being  gaseous.     Hence  the  volume  of  the  gases  does 
not  change  much  with  the  density  of  charge. 

18.  The    permanent    pressure    according    to  equation    (1) 

(low  densities)  =  —        -f-     This  formula  is  only  applicable  for 
n  —  0*14 

densities  -  low  enough  for  the  carbonic  acid  not  to  be  liquefied. 

16400  atm 

19.  The  theoretical  pressure,  from  equation  (1),  = -• 


From  equation  (2)  =  1675°  atm" 

Sarrau  and  Vieille  actually  found,  by  means  of  the  crusher 
and  for  densities  of  charge  -,  the  following  pressures,  P'  ex- 


pressed  in  kilogrammes  : — 

1  At  constant  volume  these  figures  must  be  increased  by  one  per  cent. 

2  The  substance  supposed  dry  and  free  from  ash. 

2  G2 








But  these  results  should  be  interpreted  in  accordance  with 
their  new  researches  on  the  calibration  of  "  crushers  "  (p.  23). 

The  latter  gave  for  -  =  0'20,   a  maximum  pressure  of  1985 


F  F 

kgm. ;  which  would  make  —  =  9825  kgm.     The  limit  — ,  that 

n  n 

is,  the  specific  pressure,  relating  to  gun-cotton  would  therefore 
seem  to  need  to  be  reduced  to  about  10,000  kgm.,  in  round 
numbers,  for  high  densities  of  charge.  The  theoretical  pressure 
calculated  from  our  formula  would,  on  the  contrary,  be 
applicable  to  low  densities.  To  obtain  the  maximum  effect  of 
gun-cotton,  theory,  in  accordance  with  the  latest  experiments, 
shows  that  this  powder  must  be  compressed  and  reduced  to  the 
smallest  possible  volume.  For  the  initial  pressures  are  thereby 

20.  Let  us  now  compare  gun-cotton  with  other  explosive 
substances.  It  is  especially  distinguished  by  the  magnitude 
of  the  initial  pressures.  Thus,  according  to  theory,  the  initial 
pressure  will  be  more  than  treble  that  of  ordinary  powder, 
which  is,  in  fact,  the  empirical  ratio  given  by  Piobert.1  This 
theoretical  pressure,  calculated  from  the  reactions  of  the  final 
state,  will,  moreover,  be  diminished  in  practice,  as  in  the  case  of 
ordinary  powder,  owing  to  the  incomplete  state  of  combination 
of  the  elements  and  the  complexity  of  the  compounds  which 
tend  to  be  formed.  Hence  results  a  less  sudden  and  more 
regular  expansion,  following  upon  a  combination  which  has 
become  more  complete  during  cooling. 

On  the  contrary,  pure  nitroglycerin,  weight  for  weight, 
realises  a  work  greater  by  half  than  gun-cotton,  the  initial 
pressure  being  nearly  the  same.  It  is  not  surprising,  there- 
fore, that,  nitroglycerin  should  have  been  found  preferable  for 
industrial  purposes,  at  least  in  the  form  of  dynamite ;  the  more 
so  as  the  latter  needs  no  previous  compression,  is  easier  to  divide, 
and,  above  all,  more  economical.  But  it  is  easier  to  distribute 
non-compressed  gun-cotton  in  a  uniform  manner  over  a  con- 
siderable space,  which  offers  certain  advantages  in  practice. 

1  "  Trait^  de  I'Artillerie,"  2'  Edition,  p.  496. 


§  4.  WET  GUN-COTTON. 

1.  We  have  explained  how  it  has  been  found  advisable  to 
employ  gun-cotton  saturated  with  water,  in  order  to  lessen  its 
sensitiveness  to  shock  and  to  render  its  direct  inflammation 
impossible,  which  limits  the  risks  due  to  a  fire.     Three  per 
cent,  of  water  is  sufficient  to  diminish  the  sensitiveness,  but 
more  than  11  per  cent,  is  required  to  prevent  direct  inflamma- 
tion.    The  standard  quantity  is  15  per  cent,  of  water;  but  it  is 
difficult  to  maintain  constant  and  uniform  in  the  whole  mass. 
Thus  regular  saturation,  followed  by  compression,  leaves  about 
25  per  cent,   of  water  in  the  mass,   which  renders  a  partial 
drying  necessary.     Besides,  the  moist  substance,  if  it  be  not  kept 
in  hermetic  receptacles,  tends  to  lose  the  water  by  spontaneous 

2.  Damp  gun-cotton  retains  the  property  of  exploding  under 
the  influence  of  a  powerful  fulminate  detonator,  or  of  a  small 
intermediate  cartridge  of  gun-cotton  dry,  or  mixed  with  nitrate, 
with  fulminate  cap.     Thus  a  torpedo  containing  100  kgm.  of 
gun-cotton  requires  a  priming  cylinder  containing  0'560  kgm. 
of  dry  gun-cotton.     It  will  be  useful  to  examine  the  influence 
of  the  water  thus  introduced  on  the  pressures  developed. 

3.  Granted  that  the  chemical  reaction  is   the  same  as  with 
high  densities  of  charge  (which,  however,  has  not  been  verified), 
the  heat  liberated  remains  the  same.     The  volume  of  the  gases 
produced  by  gun-cotton  also  remains  the  same,  whether  it  be 
calculated  from  that  of  the  permanent  gases  alone,  or  the  water 
derived  from  the  gun-cotton  be  supposed  to  retain  the  gaseous 
state  at  the  first  instant  of  the  explosion  ;  an  hypothesis  which 
the  experiments  made  on  the  explosive  wave  (p.  99)  justify  us 
in  regarding  as   possible.     Condensation  will,  moreover,  take 
place  almost  immediately  ;  the  water  vapour  thus  ceasing  to  be 
active  beyond  the  first  instant. 

Nevertheless,  the  water  imprisoned  in  gun-cotton  also  absorbs 
heat,  and  may  even  be  regarded  as  assuming,  either  wholly  or 
partly,  the  gaseous  state,  simultaneously  with  the  water  pro- 
duced by  the  reaction. 

We  will  calculate  the  pressure  developed  at  the  moment  of 
explosion  according  to  the  various  hypotheses. 

4.  Take,  for  example,  gun-cotton  with  the  addition  of  20  per 
cent,  of  water — 

CaiH18(N03H)u09  +  26H20, 

and  gun-cotton  with  10  per  cent,  of  water — 
C24H18(N03H)U09  +  13H20. 

The  heat  liberated  by  decomposition  with  a  high  density  of 
charge  will  be  1168  Cal.  (water  gaseous),  or  1022  Gal.,  for  1 
kgm.  of  the  dry  substance.  This  heat  falls  to  908  Cal.  for  the 


same  weight  of  dry  gun-cotton  with  20  per  cent,  of  added 
water.  It  is  1038  Cal.  with  only  10  per  cent,  of  added  water. 
This  makes,  in  other  terms,  for  1  kgm.  of  the  damp  substance 
containing  16*7  per  cent,  of  water,  662  Cal.,  and  for  1  kgm.  of 
the  substance  containing  91  per  cent,  of  water,  882  Cal.,  the 
whole  of  the  water  being  supposed  gaseous.  The  heat  is  there- 
fore reduced  by  a  fifth  in  the  latter  case,  and  by  a  third  in  the 
former,  owing  to  the  vaporisation  of  the  added  water. 

5.  The  volume  of  the  reduced  gases  will  be  for  1  kgm.  of  the 
dry  substance,  with  20  per  cent,  of  added  water,  1563  litres  ; 
or  1139  litres  for  1  kgm.  damp. 

We  shall  have  further,  for  1  kgm.  of  dry  matter  with  10  per 
cent,  of  added  water,  1272  litres ;  or  1133  litres  for  1  kgm.  of 
the  damp  substance. 

The  gaseous  volume  is  therefore  increased  by  the  addition 
of  water,  as  might  be  expected,  supposing  vaporisation  to  take 


391  kgm.    f 

6.  The  permanent  pressure  =  -  for   the   substance 

7t  —  Uol 

with  20  per  cent.,  and  —    -f— -  with  10  per  cent,  of  water 
n  —  0'2o 

added,  with  the  usual  reservations  regarding  the  limits  of 
liquefaction  of  carbonic  acid. 

7.  The  theoretical  pressure  =    — -   for   the    substance 


with  20  per  cent.,  and  — '  with  10  per  cent,  of  added 


water.  It  will  be  seen  that  it  is  diminished  by  a  third  in  the 
latter  case,  and  that  it  is  reduced  almost  to  the  half  in  the  case 
of  the  most  hydrated  substance. 

8.  Paraffined  gun-cotton.     Instead  of  adding  water  to  gun- 
cotton  it  has  also  been  proposed  to  paraffin  it,  which  yields 
mixtures  which  are  more  stable  and  even  capable  of  being  cut 
arid    wrought   by   tools   working   at   high    speeds.     But  it   is 
difficult  to  render  them  uniform,  unless  by  adding  so  great  a 
quantity  of  paraffin  that  the  mixture  only  explodes  with  great 
difficulty;   100  parts  of  gun-cotton  absorb  as  much  as  33  of 

Hence  the  operation  is  often  confined  to  paraffining  the 
cartridges  superficially.  To  explode  paraffined  gun-cotton  an 
auxiliary  cartridge  of  ordinary  gun-cotton  is  employed,  ignited 
by  a  fulminate  detonator. 

9.  The  use  of  camphor  and  plastic  substances  diminishes  still 
further  the  liability  of  gun-cotton  to  explode.     We  may  also 
mention    here   celluloid,   a    variety   of    nitro-cellulose,   nearly 
corresponding  to   C^H^NOaH)^,   to   which    camphor    and 


various  inert  substances  are  added  so  as  to  render  it  non- 
sensitive  to  shock.  This  product  may  be  worked  with  tools,  in 
the  manner  of  ivory,  and  is  very  plastic  when  heated  towards 
150°.  But  it  must  not  be  forgotten  that  it  then  tends  to 
become  sensitive  to  shock,  and  that  large  quantities  of  such 
substances  might  become  explosive  during  a  fire,  owing  to  the 
general  heating  of  the  mass  and  the  evaporation  of  the  camphor. 
Heated  celluloid  may  even  explode,  when  greatly  compressed, 
and  press  accidents  have  occurred  in  factories.  When  main- 
tained at  135°  in  an  oven  celluloid  decomposes  quickly.  This 
is  not  all,  for  in  an  experiment  made  in  a  closed  vessel  at  135°, 
and  the  density  of  charge  0'4,  it  ended  by  exploding,  developing 
a  pressure  of  3000  kgm. 

It  is  therefore  a  substance  the  working  of  which  calls  for 
certain  precautions,  though  it  is  not  explosive  under  ordinary 
circumstances,  even  with  very  powerful  detonators. 


Mixture  formed  with  ammonium  nitrate. 

1.  We  will   examine   gun-cotton    mixed    with    ammonium 
nitrate,  and  also  with  potassium  nitrate,  these  two  products 
having  been  studied  in  a  special  manner  by  Sarrau  and  Vieille. 

We  will  first  observe  that  gun-cotton — 

C24H18(N03H)U09  =  1143  grms., 

requires  41  equivalents  of  oxygen  (328  grms.)  for  complete  com- 
bustion, and  that  it  then  develops  at  constant  pressure 
2633  Cal.,  the  water  being  liquid';  ors  2488  Gal.,  the  water 
being  supposed  gaseous.  The  volume  of  oxygen  employed  is 
equal  to  229  litres;  the  carbonic  acid  produced  occupying 
536  litres,  the  nitrogen  123  litres,  and  the  water  vapour 
(reduced  volume)  324  litres. 

2.  This  being  granted,  the  total  combustion  by  ammonium 
nitrate  corresponds  to  the  formula — 

2[C24H18(N03H)1109]  +  41N03NH4  =  48C02  +  111H20  +  52N2 

Or  1640  grms.  of  nitrate  for  1143  of  gun-cotton  ;  in  all,  2783  grms. 
The  substance,  then,  contains  in  1  kgm.  589  grms.  of  nitrate 
and  411  grms.  of  gun-cotton,  all  the  products  being  supposed 
dry  and  free  from  fixed  ash.  Sarrau  and  Vieille  used  60  parts 
of  nitrate  to  40  parts  of  gun-cotton.  The  substances  were 
triturated  together,  24  parts  of  water  having  been  previously 
added  to  the  gun-cotton,  then  the  whole  dried  at  60°.  It  was 
ascertained  that  the  combustion  of  the  mixture  yielded  only 
carbonic  acid  and  nitrogen,  these  two  gases  being  in  the  ratio 
of  54  :  46  volumes ;  the  difference  between  which  and  the 
theoretical  figures,  or  52  :  48,  corresponding  to  the  slight 


deviation  of  the  composition  employed  from  the  composition  in 

In  a  miss-fire,  on  the  contrary,  combustion  ceases  to  be  total. 
The  authors,  for  instance,  have  observed,  out  of  100  volumes  of 











3.  The  heat  liberated    by  the  total    and    regular    reaction 
amounts,   according  to  the   calculation,  to   3678   Gal.    (water 
liquid),  3117*5  Cal.  (water  gaseous) ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  1321  Cal. 
(water  liquid),  or  1120  Cal.  (water  gaseous).     Sarrau  and  Vieille 
actually  found  1273  Cal.  (water  liquid)  for  a  composition  con- 
taining only  40  per  cent,  of  gun-cotton  instead  of  41.     The 
difference  between  the  figure  observed  (1273)  and  the  calculated 
figure  (about  1288)  does  not  exceed  the  limits  of  experimental 

4.  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  =  1116  litres  (water  liquid), 
2399  litres  (water  gaseous) ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  401  litres  (water 
liquid),  and  862   litres  (water  gaseous).     Sarrau   and  Vieille 
found  387  litres,  with  the  composition  containing  40  per  cent, 
of  gun-cotton  instead  of  41  per  cent. 

401  atm. 

5.  The  permanent  pressure  =  -  under  the  ordinary 

71  —  U  ot) 


a    TU    ^        .•    i  14900  atm. 

6.  The  theoretical  pressure  =  . 


It  is  somewhat  less  than  for  gun-cotton. 
Sarrau  and  Vieille  actually  found,  with  the  composition  con- 
taining 40  per  cent,  of  gun-cotton,  and  by  the  crusher  method — 

Density  of  charge  0'2,  P  =  3270  kgm. 
„      0-3,  P  =  5320  kgm. 

which  would  make  for  the  density  1,  16358  and  17730 ;  mean, 
17000  kgm.  approximately,  a  figure  which  is  rather  higher  than 
14900.  But  it  is  possible  that  it  ought  to  be  reduced  to  the 
half  by  a  more  exact  estimation  of  the  force  of  calibration 
(p.  23). 


1.  The  total  combustion  of  gun-cotton  by  potassium  nitrate 
corresponds  to  the  formula — 

10[C24H18(N03H)11OJ  +  82KN03  =  199C02  +  41K2C03  + 
145H20  +  96N2. 


Note  further  that  during  cooling  the  potassium  carbonate  is 
charged  into  bicarbonate,  which  gives  finally — 

158C02  +  82KHC03  +  104H20  +  96N2. 

Or  828  grms.  of  nitrate  for  1143  grms.  of  gun-cotton ;  in  all,  1971 
grms.  The  substance  contains,  therefore,  for  1  kgm.,  420  grms. 
of  nitrate  and  580  grms.  of  gun-cotton. 

2.  Sarrau  and  Vieille  operated  with  equal  weights,  to  assure 
total   combustion.     These   proportions    correspond    practically 
with — 

6[C24H18(N03H)1109]  +  68KN03  =  110C02  +  34K2C03  + 

87H20  +  470  +  67N2 
or  after  cooling — 

76C02  +  68KHC03  +  53H20  +  67N2  +  470. 
The  authors  have  found,  with  high  densities  of  charge  (0'3  and 
0'5),  that  a  mixture  of  carbonic  acid,  nitrogen,  and  oxygen,  in 
the  following  ratios  of  volume,  is  obtained — 

52-3  ;  371 ;  10'7. 
The  formula  gives —      54'9  ;  33*4 ;  11'7. 

The  difference  shows  that  there  probably  exists  a  certain 
quantity  of  nitrite.  With  low  densities  of  charge  (0'023)  the 
relative  proportion  by  volume  of  carbonic  acid  increases  (59*5), 
nitrogen  diminishes  (33*8),  oxygen  disappears,  and  carbonic 
oxide  (5*0)  and  hydrogen  (1*8)  are  obtained;  the  nitrite  is 
necessarily  here  present  in  a  considerable  quantity.  Lastly, 
in  a  combustion  experiment  at  the  atmospheric  pressure,  a 
condition  comparable  to  a  miss- fire,  the  authors  obtained  for 
100  vol.— 

NO 363 

CO 29-5 

C03 29-0 

H      1-6 

N      3-4 

3.  We  shall  give  the  calculations  for  the  proportions  (1)  and 
(2),  which    correspond    to    total   combustion.      Equation    (1) 
represents   an   exact   combustion,  without  excess   of  oxygen; 
giving  rise  to  a  liberation  of  1606  Cal.  (initial  formation   of 
neutral  carbonate  and  gaseous  water),  or  of  1766  Cal.  (bicar- 
bonate, liquid  water) ; l  or  for  1  kgm.  of  the  substance,  815  Cal. 
or  891  Cal.     Note  that  each  molecule  of  liquefied  water  H20 
increases  the  heat  by  +  10   Cal.     Each  equivalent  of  carbonate 
changed  into  bicarbonate — 

K2C03  +  C02H20  liquid  =  2KHC03, 

further  increases  the  heat  by  4- 12 '4  Cal.  If  the  water  were 
gaseous  to  commence  with,  the  increase  would  be  +  17'4  Cal. 
Equation  (2)  represents  a  combustion  with  excess  of  nitrate  and 

1  Neglecting  the  dissolving  action  of  this  water  on  the  salt. 


consequently  of  oxygen.  It  corresponds  to  a  liberation  of 
2240  Cal.  (carbonate,  gaseous  water),  or  2560  Cal.  (bicarbonate, 
liquid  water).  Or  for  1  kgm.  of  the  substance,  980  Cal.  or 
1120  Cal.  Sarrau  and  Vieille  found  954  Cal.  for  a  substance 
of  this  order ;  but,  in  reality,  the  combustion  in  their  experiment 
did  not  give  rise  either  to  the  total  destruction  of  the  nitrate,  or, 
probably,  to  the  integral  and  immediate  change  of  the  carbonate 
into  bicarbonate. 

4.  The  volume  of  the  reduced  gases  will  be,  according  to 
equation  (1),  1062*5  litres  (carbonate  and  gaseous  water)  or  728 
litres  (bicarbonate  and  liquid  water)  ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  475  litres 
or  271  litres. 

Sarrau  and  Vieille  found  only  196  litres ;  a  figure  which  is 
too  low,  for  the  reasons  given  above. 

5.  Owing    to   these    considerable    differences    between   the 
theoretical  and  the  real  equation,  it  appears  useless  to  calculate 
the  theoretical  pressure  of  this  powder.     We  will  only  mention 
that  Sarrau  and  Vieille  found,  by  the  crusher  process,  operating 
on  the  product  containing  an  excess  of  nitre — 

Density  of  charge.  Pressure. 

0-20 1315  kgm. 

0-30 3100     „ 

0-40 4900      „ 

0-50 5520      „ 

values  which  are  nearly  the  half  of  those  given  by  pure  gun- 
cotton  or  the  same  mixed  with  ammonium  nitrate. 

6.  This  is,  moreover,  what  theory  would  enable  us  to  fore- 
see in  a  general  way. 

In  fact,  1  kgm.  of  gun-cotton,  decomposed  under  a  high 
pressure,  develops  859  litres  and  produces  1020  Cal.  (water 
gaseous).  On  the  other  hand,  1  kgm.  of  gun-cotton  mixed  with 
ammonium  nitrate  develops  862  litres  and  produces  1120  Cal. 
(water  gaseous).  Whilst  1  kgm.  of  gun-cotton  mixed  with  potas- 
sium nitrate  can  only  develop  475  litres  and  produce  980  Cal. 

The  volume  of  the  gases  with  the  latter  mixture  is  therefore 
nearly  half  that  produced  by  the  two  other  substances,  the  heat 
being  slightly  less.  Consequently  the  pressures  will  fall  to 
about  the  half  for  the  same  density  of  charge.  Dissociation, 
moreover,  will  intervene  to  lower  the  initial  pressure  and 
moderate  the  fall  of  the  successive  pressures. 

7.  On  the  whole,  theory  does  not  show  that  the  addition  of 
potassium  nitrate  to  gun-cotton,  which  is  rather  inconvenient 
to  realise  in  practice,  offers  any  very  great  advantages,  except 
in  the  way  of  economising  the  gun-cotton,  rendering  expansion 
less  abrupt  and  suppressing  the  carbonic  oxide.      The  experi- 
ments which  have  been  made  with  similar  mixtures  formed  of 
various   nitrocelluloses    impregnated   with    potassium    nitrate 
seem  to  point  to  this  conclusion. 


8.  The  Faversham  "  Cotton  Powder  "  consists  of  a  mixture  of 
equal  weights  of  gun-cotton  and  barium  nitrate.     Gun-cotton 
may  also  be  mixed  with  sodium  nitrate,  the  hygroscopic  pro- 
perties of  which  lessen  the  risk  of  inflammation.     But  special 
detonators  must  then  be  employed.     The  relations  by  weight  of 
total  combustion  would  be  51'6  of  gun-cotton  to  484  of  barium 
nitrate.      The  heat  liberated  is   practically  the   same  (pp.   4 
and   134)  as  for  an  equivalent  weight  of  potassium  nitrate  ;  but 
the  barium  nitrate  mixture  weighs  2223  grms.  instead  of  1971 
grms.,  or  one-eighth  more. 

The  volume  of  the  gases  gives  rise  to  the  same  relations,  this 
volume  being  identical  for  equivalent  weights  (provided  only 
the  carbonate  be  neutral),  but  less  at  equal  weights. 

9.  Schultze's  powder,  made  from  nitrated  wood  meal,  will  now 
be  considered. 

It  is  prepared  from  wood  reduced  to  small  grains,  which  are 
freed  from  resinous,  nitrogenous,  and  incrusting  matters  by  the 
following  treatments.  It  is  boiled  for  six  to  eight  hours  with 
sodium  carbonate;  washed,  dried,  and  treated  successively  by 
steam,  cold  water,  bleaching  powder ;  then  16  parts  of  a  mixture 
of  nitric  acid  of  1*50  specific  gravity,  with  twice  its  volume  of 
concentrated  sulphuric  acid,  is  allowed  to  react  for  from  two  to 
three  hours.  In  this  way  is  obtained  a  substance  nearly  related 
by  its  composition  to  heptanitrocellulose — 

In  reality  it  is  a  mixture  of  several  unequally  nitrified  products. 
It  is  washed  in  cold  water,  then  in  a  weak  solution  of  sodium 
carbonate.  This  done,  the  substance  is  steeped  in  a  concentrated 
solution  of  potassium  or  barium  nitrate,  pure  or  mixed,  and 
dried  at  45°.  The  nitrate  and  the  ligneous  grains,  which  are 
impregnated  beforehand  with  20  to  25  per  cent,  of  water,  can 
again  be  incorporated  under  light  edge  runners.  The  com- 
position of  the  final  substance  varies  with  the  amount  of  the 
nitrates.  The  following  is  the  result  of  some  of  the  analyses : — 
Nitrocellulose  soluble  in  alcohol  ether  13-1  \  KQ  ^ 
„  „  insoluble  „  „  44-9  / 

Foreign  matters  soluble  in  alcohol        2-3 

Potassium  nitrate  6-2 

Barium  nitrate    30-0 

Water      3-5 

Another  sample — 

Nitrocellulose       ..         ...         ...         ...         ...     66*5 

Barium  nitrate 15-0 

Potassium  nitrate  15-0 

Water     3-5 

1  One  grm.  produces  166  cc.  of  nitric  oxide  by  Schlcessing's  process. 


The  latter  had  as  gravimetric  density,  0'416. 
Density  taken  with  mercury,  0'944. 

The  substance  gave  7300  granules  to  the  gramme.  It  is  a3 
sensitive  to  shock  as  black  powder,  keeps  well,  decomposes 
towards  174°.  It  gives  a  light  smoke  which  dissipates  rapidly. 

This  powder  has  been  much  used  for  sporting  purposes. 


1.  Some  data  may  now  be  given  regarding  this  mixture,  the  use 
of  which,  however,  has  been  abandoned  owing  to  the  dangerous 
character  of  the  chlorate  powders. 

2.  The  complete  combustion  corresponds  with  the  following 
equations : — 

e]  +  41KC103  =  144C02  +  87H20  +  33N2 

+  41KC1. 

It  corresponds  to  the  proportions,  1143  grms.  of  gun-cotton  and 
838  grms.  of  chlorate  ;  in  all,  1981  grms. ;  or,  for  1  kgm.  of  the 
mixture,  577  grms.  of  gun-cotton  and  423  grms.  of  chlorate. 

3.  It  liberates  2708  Cal.,  the  water  being  liquid,1  and  2563 
Cal.,  the  water  being  gaseous ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  1367  Cal.  (water 
liquid),  or  1294  Cal.  (water  gaseous),  figures  which  are  some- 
what higher  than  those  for  pure  gun-cotton,  but  the  volume  of 
the  gases  is  far  less. 

4.  The  volume  of  the  reduced  gases  is  978*6  litres  (water 
gaseous),  or  653  litres  (water  liquid) ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  484-5  litres 
(gaseous  water),  or  323*5  litres  (liquid  water),  figures  lower  by 
half  than  those  for  pure  gun-cotton.     They  are  likewise  less 
than  those  for  gun-cotton  mixed  with  ammonium  nitrate. 

*    m,  .    323-5  atm.          ... 

5.  The  permanent  pressure  is ,  provided  n  be  large 

enough  for  the  carbonic  acid  not  to  be  liquefied. 

a    rru     4.U          .•     i  -     13175  atm' 

6.  The  theoretical  pressure  is . 

n  —  O'Oo 

This  number  is  less  by  a  third  than  that  for  pure  gun-cotton, 
and  by  an  eighth  than  that  for  gun-cotton  mixed  with 
ammonium  nitrate.  The  smallness  of  the  gaseous  volume 
would  enable  this  inferiority  to  be  anticipated.  Gun-cotton 
mixed  with  potassium  nitrate  would  alone  yield  volumes  of 
nearly  equal  magnitude.  Hence  it  will  be  seen  that  chlorated 
gun-cotton  does  not  present,  from  the  point  of  view  of  strength, 
the  same  advantages  over  the  other  varieties  of  gun-cotton, 
which  have  often  been  attributed  to  the  chlorate  powders.  When 
we  add  that  it  is  much  more  sensitive  to  shocks  and  friction, 
and  therefore  much  more  dangerous,  it  will  be  easy  to  understand 
the  reasons  which  have  led  to  the  use  of  it  being  given  up. 
1  Neglecting  the  action  of  this  water  on  the  potassium  chloride. 

(    461    ) 



TRINITROPHENOL,  otherwise  termed  picric  acid,  heated  towards 
300°,  decomposes  with  a  sudden  explosion,  and  its  salts  behave 
in  a  similar  manner.  But  the  decomposition  is  complex,  and 
only  takes  place  at  a  temperature  higher  than  that  of  nitro- 
glycerin,  when  oxidising  bodies,  such  as  potassium  nitrate  or 
chlorate,  are  added.  It  occurs  at  a  lower  temperature  than 
with  the  pure  acids  and  salts,  and  yields  simpler  products. 
Powders  of  various  natures  are  obtained  in  this  way,  some 
having  as  base  picric  acid  and  sodium  nitrate  (Borlinetto 
powders),  others  having  as  base  potassium  picrate  associated 
either  with  potassium  nitrate  (Designolle  powders)  or  chlorate 
(Fontaine  powder);  other  powders  again  having  as  base 
ammonium  picrate  with  potassium  nitrate  (Brugere  powder  and 
Abel  powder).  The  chlorate  powder  has  been  proposed  for 
torpedoes  only,  it  being  very  dangerous.  On  the  other  hand, 
the  powders  formed  with  the  nitrates  can  be  employed  in  fire- 
arms, especially  ammonium  picrate  powder,  which  has  of  late 
been  greatly  studied  in  France.  We  shall  successively  examine 
the  picric  acid,  potassium  picrate,  and  ammonium  picrate 

§  2.  PICRIC  ACID. 

1.  Picric  acid  is  a  yellow  body,  in  laminated  and  friable 
crystals,  having  a  bitter  taste,  very  stable  in  itself,  not  easily 
soluble  in  water,  but  soluble  in  all  other  solvents. 

When  heated  it  melts,  and  can  even  be  sublimed  when 
very  small  quantities  are  operated  upon.  But  if  the  quantity 
be  at  all  considerable,  or  the  acid  be  suddenly  heated,  it  explodes 
very  violently.  This  property  has  occasioned  serious  accidents. 
For  instance,  it  has  happened  that  experimenters  have  been 
injured  by  throwing  powdered  picric  acid  into  a  furnace  from  a 


flask  to  show  its  explosion,  the  latter  having  been  propagated 
backwards  along  the  trail  of  dust  up  to  the  principal  mass. 

2.  The  formula  for  picric  acid  is  C6H3(N02)30,  its  equivalent 

3.  Its  heat  of  formation  from  the  elements  (p.  277) — 

C6  (diamond)  +  H3  +  N3  +  07  =  C6H3N307  +  491. 

This  body  hardly  contains  more  than  half  the  oxygen  necessary 
for  its  complete  combustion. 

4.  Its  heat  of  total  combustion  by  free  oxygen — 

2[C6H3(N02)30]  +  013  =  12C02  +  3H20  +  3N2, 

is  equal  to  -f  61 8 '4  Cal.  (water  liquid),  according  to  the  results 
of  the  experiments  of  Sarrau  and  Vieille. 

5.  The  equation  representing  its  explosive  decomposition  has 
not  been  studied.     Admitting  provisionally  the  following — 

2[C6H3(N02)30]  =  3C02  -f  SCO  +  C  -f  6H  +  6N, 

the  heat  liberated  would  be  +  13O6  Cal.,  or  570  CaL  per 

6.  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  would  be  190  litres  per 
equivalent,  or  829  litres  per  kilogramme. 

7.  This  figure  divided  by  n,  or -,  practically  represents 

the  permanent  pressure,  owing  to  the  small  volume  occupied  by 
the  carbon,  with  the  usual  exception  of  the  liquefaction  of  the 
carbonic  acid. 

10942   atm. 

8.  Lastly,  the    theoretical  pressure  = .      These 

values  are  only  given  with  all  due  reserve. 

9.  To  obtain  a  total  combustion  of  picric  acid,  recourse  must 
be  had  to  a  complementary  oxidising  agent — nitrate,  chlorate, 
etc.     It  has   been   proposed,  for  instance,  to  mix  picric  acid 
(10   parts)   with   sodium    nitrate    (10   parts)   and    potassium 
bichromate  (8 '3   parts).     These  proportions   would   furnish  a 
third  of  oxygen  in  excess  of  the  necessary  proportion. 

But  it  is  doubtful  whether  this  powder  has  ever  been  pre- 
pared on  a  large  scale  or  kept.  In  fact,  the  mechanical  mixture 
of  bodies  of  this  nature  can  only  be  executed  without  danger 
on  the  condition  of  wetting  the  pulverised  substances  before 
incorporating  them  under  the  millstone  or  otherwise.  Now, 
as  soon  as  water  intervenes,  the  picric  acid  displaces  the  nitric 
acid  of  the  nitrates,  even  in  the  cold,  and  this  volatile  acid  dis- 
appears wholly  or  partly  during  the  drying  in  the  stove.  This 
circumstance  hardly  permits  of  employing  free  picric  acid  in 
the  manufacture  of  powders. 

An  analogous  reaction  renders  its  mixture  with  potassium 
chlorate  particularly  dangerous. 



1.  Potassium  picrate, 


crystallises  in  long  orange-yellow  needles,  very  slightly  voluble 
in  water. 

2.  It  explodes,  when  heated  above  300°,  much  more  violently 
than  picric  acid.     It  also  explodes  by  contact  with  an  ignited 
body,  which  renders  it  still  more  dangerous  than  black  powder. 
In  the  dry  state  its  fine  and  light  dust  takes  fire  at  a  distance, 
and   may  cause  the  whole  mass   from  which  it  emanates  to 
explode.     Operators  have  been  wounded  in  public  lectures  by 
throwing  upon  lighted  coals  potassium  picrate  contained  in  a 
flask.     This  kind  of  accident  is  even  more  to  be  feared  with 
potassium  picrate  than  with  picric  acid.     The  catastrophe  in 
the  Place  de  la  Sorbonne  (1869)  appears  due  to  this  property. 
Potassium  picrate  is  sensitive  to  shock,  and  even  much  more  so 
than  picric  acid.     The  addition  of  15  per  cent,  of  water  deprives 
it  of  this  sensitiveness.     Potassium  picrate  does   not  contain 
enough  oxygen  to  produce  complete  combustion.     Hence  the 
necessity  for  mixing  it  with  potassium  nitrate  or  chlorate. 

3.  Its  equivalent  is  267. 

4.  Its  heat  of  formation  from  the  elements — 

C6  (diamond)  +  H2  +  K  +  N3  +  07  =  C6H2K(N02)30, 

is  equal  to  -f  117*5  CaL,  according  to  the  data  of  Sarrau  and 

5.  The  heat  of  total  combustion  by  free  oxygen — 
2[C6H2K(N02)30]  +  0*  =  2KHC0310C02  +  H20  +  6N, 

amounts  to  619'7  Cal.  (potassium  bicarbonate  and  liquid 
water).  The  explosive  decomposition  of  potassium  picrate 
yields  products  which  vary  with  the  conditions,  as  is  generally 
speaking  the  case  with  bodies  which  do  not  contain  a  sufficient 
quantity  of  oxygen  to  produce  complete  combustion  (p.  7). 

Sarrau  and  Vieille  have  studied  this  decomposition  minutely. 
The  following  are  the  results  obtained  by  them,1  with  various 
densities  of  charge,  per  100  vols. — 

Densities  of  charge. 












Volume  of  gases  disengaged  per  1  kgm.,     5741,      557'9. 

1  "  Comptes  rendus  des  stances  de  1' Academic  des  Sciences,11  torn,  xciii.  p.  6. 


6.  The  solid  residuum  is  formed  of  potassium  carbonate  and 
cyanide,  with  a  trace  of  carbon.     The  proportion  of  potassium 
changed  to  cyanide,  in  100  parts,  amounted  respectively  to  29 '8, 
347,  24'3.     At  the  density  0'5,  the  reaction  approximates  to 
the  following  formula : — 

16C6H2K(N02)30  =  4KCN  +  6K2C03  4-  21C02  +  52CO  + 

44N  +  6CH4  +  8H  +  70. 

It  tends  towards  4CH4  +  50 ;  that  is  to  say,  the  methane  is 
formed  in  an  increasing  quantity,  according  as  the  density 
augments.  On  the  contrary,  the  methane  tends  to  disappears 
for  low  densities. 

7.  Heat  of  decomposition.     The  formula  given  above  would 
correspond  to  +  208*4  Cal.  for  1  equiv.  of  picrate  decomposed, 
or  781-2  Cal.  for  1  kgm. 

8.  Volume  of  the  gases.     It  would  yield   146*5  litres  (re- 
duced volume)  of  gases  per  equiv.,  or  549  litres  for  1  kgm. 

n  ™    .*        . .    T  5600  atm. 

9.  The  theoretical  pressure  =± TTTT- 

n  —  014 

Sarrau  and  Vieille  found  6700  kgm.  at  low  densities  of 
charge,  such  as  0*023. 

It  has  been  seen  that  for  high  densities  the  gaseous  volume 

found  tends  to  approach  the  theoretical  figure.     Now,  at  these 

high  densities  the  ratio  —  has  been  found  by  the  same  authors 


at  nearly  12,000  kgm.,  a  figure  which  should  be  corrected 
according  to  their  recent  experiments  (p.  23).  These  point  kto 
about  the  half,  or  6600  kgm.,  a  value  near  the  theoretical 
figure,  which  would  correspond,  for  n  =  1,  to  6700  kgm.  It 
will  further  be  seen  that  it  is  greatly  lower  than  the  pressures 
developed  by  nitroglycerin,  or  by  gun-cotton,  for  the  same 
density  of  charge  (p.  425).  This  is,  in  fact,  as  it  should  be, 
according  to  theory,  the  heat  liberated  being  less,  weight-  for 
weight,  as  well  as  the  volume  of  the  gases. 

Potassium  picrate,  therefore,  does  not  offer  the  advantages 
which  had  been  anticipated  from  it  at  first,  from  the  abruptness 
of  its  explosive  effects. 


1.  The  total  combustion  of  potassium  picrate  by  potassium 
nitrate  corresponds  to  the  following  formula  : — 

5C6H2K(N02)30  +  13KN03  =  9K2003  +  21C02  +  5H20 

+  28N.1 

2.  The  total  weight  of  the  substance  in  equivalents  is  267 
grins,  of  picrate  and  263  grms.  of  nitrate ;  in  all,  530  grms.     For 

1  The  slow  formation  of  2  equiv.  of  bicarbonate  is  here  neglected. 


1  kgm.  both  bodies  are  nearly  in  equal  weights,  504  grms.  of 
picrate  to  496  grms.  of  nitrate.  This  composition  is  that  of 
torpedo  powders. 

3.  The  heat  liberated  amounts  to  +  538-0  Gal.  (water  liquid), 
or  +  528-2  Cal.  (water  gaseous) ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  1015  Cal.,  or 
997  Cal. 

4.  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  =  170   litres   (water 
gaseous),  or  116  litres  (liquid  water  and  bicarbonate) ;  or,  for 
1  kgm.,  326  litres,  or  246  litres. 

.  6320  atm. 

5.  The  theoretical  pressure  is — — ;  it  does  not  greatly 

fb    ~—     \J*£i\. 

differ  from  the  value  for  pure  potassium  picrate. 

6.  The  potassium  picrate  powders  proposed  for  cannons  and 
guns  have  a  different  composition.     The  amount  of  picrate  has 
been  diminished  in  order  to  reduce  its  shattering  properties,  and 
it  has  been  replaced  by  carbon  ;  for  cannons,  9  parts  by  weight 
of  picrate,  80  of  nitre ;  for  guns,  23  parts  of  picrate,  69  of  nitre, 
8  of  carbon,  etc. 


1.  The  total  combustion  of  potassium  picrate  by  potassium 
chlorate  corresponds  to  the  formula — 

6C6H2K(N02)30  +  13KC103  =  3K2C03  +  33C02  +  6H20  + 

18N  +  13KC1, 
or  rather 

6KHC03  +  30C02  +  3H20  +  18N  +  13KC1. 

2.  The  equivalent  weight  is  267  grms.  of  picrate  to  265*7  of 
chlorate ;  in  all,  532'7  grms. 

For  1  kgm.,  502  grms.  of  picrate  and  498  grms.  of  chlorate ; 
that  is  to  say,  nearly  equal  weights.  The  composition  is,  more- 
over, very  nearly  the  same  by  weight  for  the  nitrated  and  the 
chlorated  powders,  owing  to  a  numerical  coincidence  in  the 

3.  The  heat  liberated  will  be  622-2  Cal.  (gaseous  water  and 
carbonate),  or  647'6  (liquid  water   and  bicarbonate) ;   or,  for 
1  kgm.,  1168  Cal.,  or  1214  Cal. 

4.  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases,  178 -6  litres  (gaseous 
water),  or  145  litres  (liquid  water,  bicarbonate) ;  or,  for  1  kgm., 
335  litres,  or  272  litres. 

5.  The    permanent    pressure  =  -  ',    with   the    usual 


8200  atm 

6.  The  theoretical  pressure,  n  01 ',  is  about   a   third 

n  —  U'AL 

greater  than  that  of  nitrated  picrate  and  that  of  pure  picrate. 
But  it  hardly  reaches  half  of  that  of  dynamite  or  gun-cotton. 



Hence  it  will  be  seen  that  "  chlorated  "  picrate  does  not  bear 
out,  by  an  exceptional  strength,  the  hopes  which  the  vivacity 
of  its  explosion  had  given  rise  to  at  the  outset.  It  therefore 
does  not  compensate  in  this  direction  for  the  considerable 
dangers  which  result  from  its  great  sensitiveness  to  shock, 
friction,  and  inflammation,  as  well  as  the  easy  propagation  of 
the  latter  by  dust  trails.  Its  use,  therefore,  seems  to  be  almost 


1.  This  is  an  orange-yellow  salt,  in  needles,  less  hard  than 
potassium  picrate.     It  is  far  less  sensitive  to  shock.    Ignited  in 
the  open  air  it  burns  like  a  resin,  with  a  smoky  flame.     It  has 
been  used  in   pyrotechny  as   a  fusing  substance.     However, 
when  burnt  at  a  high  density  of  charge,  or  in  a  confined  space, 
from  which  the  gases  only  escape  by  a  small  orifice,  its  com- 
bustion may  change  into  detonation. 

2.  Its  formula  is — 

its  equivalent,  246. 

3.  Its  heat  of  formation  from  the  elements — 

C6  +  H6  +  N4  +  07  =  C6H6N407, 

is  equal  to  -f  801  Cal. ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  326  Cal. 

4.  Its  total  combustion  needs  an  excess  of  oxygen — 

C6H6£T407  -f  08  =  6C02  -f  3H20  +  2N2, 

and  liberates  +  690*4   Cal.   (liquid    water),   or    -f  6604   Cal. 
(gaseous  water). 

5.  The  equation  of  the  explosive  decomposition  has  not  been 

6.  Only  the  combustion  by  a  combustive   agent,   such  as 
potassium  nitrate,  will  be  examined — 

5C6H6£T407  +  16KN"03  =  8K2C03  +  22C02  +  15H20  +  36N, 

16KHC03  -f  14C02  +  7H20  +  36N 
after  cooling. 

The  total  weight  is  here  569*5  grms.  per  1  kgm.;  viz.,  568 
grms.  of  saltpetre  and  432  grms.  of  picrate. 

The  heat  liberated  by  the  combustion  of  "  nitrated  "  ammo- 
nium picrate  amounts  to  +  701  Cal.  (liquid  water,  bicarbonate), 
or  to  -f  631-5  Cal.  (gaseous  water) ;  or,  per  1  kgm.,  1231  Cal.,  or 

7.  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  =  245 -5  litres  (gaseous 
water),  or  174  litres  (liquid  water,  bicarbonate),  which  makes 
per  1  kgm.  431  litres,  or  305  litres. 


o     mi  305  atm.        ...     ,, 

8.  The    permanent   pressure  =  -  7—  rr>  Wlt^   tne   usual 

n  =  0'17 


n  mi     .T_       ^    T  9050  atm. 

9.  The  theoretical  pressure  =  -    -  . 

It  is  higher  than  that  of  potassium  picrate,  whether  pure  or 
mixed  with  potassium  chlorate  or  nitrate. 

10.  The  Brugere  powder  is,  in  fact,  formed  of  ammonium 
picrate  and  potassium  nitrate.     It  contains  54  parts  of  picrate 
and  46  of  saltpetre.     Here  combustion  is  not  total,  and  the  true 
reaction  is  therefore  imperfectly  known. 

This  powder  is  only  slightly  hygroscopic:  it  is  stable,  and 
makes  little  smoke.  Its  strength  is  double  that  of  black  powder 
weight  for  weight. 

11.  On  account  of  its  fusing  properties,  ammonium  picrate 
can  also  be  employed  in  fireworks. 

For  example,  this  salt  mixed  with  barium  nitrate  gives  green 

DesignoUe  powder  ...     48 

C  Ammonium  picrate          ......     25 

Brugere  powder      <  Barium  picrate     .........     67 

(Sulphur     ............       8 

Mixed  with  strontium  nitrate  it  gives  red  fires. 

Ammonium  picrate       ...............     54 

Strontium  nitrate          ...............     46 

None  of  these  proportions  correspond  to  total  combustion. 


(    468    ) 


§  1.  SUMMARY. 

WE  shall  give  in  this  chapter  the  observations  and  calculations 
relative  to  various  explosive  compounds,  such  as  mercury 
fulminate  and  diazobenzene  nitrate,  both  belonging  to  the 
group  of  diazo  compounds,  the  acid  mixtures  formed  of  nitric 
acid  associated  with  an  organic  compound,  which  is  generally 
already  nitrified,  the  perchloric  ethers  and  mercury  and  silver 
oxalates.  This  list  might  be  made  much  longer  in  theory  (see 
p.  368  and  the  following),  but  experimental  data  and  practical 
applications  would  be  wanting. 


1.  The  analysis  and  mode  of  decomposition  of  this  body  have 
been  given  (p.  297)  — 

2.  This  reaction  liberates  +  114-5  Cal.  at  constant  pressure 
for  284  grms.  ;  the  mercury  being  supposed  gaseous,  +  99'1  Cal.; 
or,  for  1  kgm.,  463  Cal.  or  349  Cal. 

3.  The  formation  from  the  elements  absorbs  —  62  '9  Cal.  for 
284  grni.,  or  -  221'5  Cal.  for  1  kgm. 

4.  The  total  combustion  by  free  oxygen  — 

C2N2Hg02  +  02  =  2C02  +  Hg  +  N*  liberates  +  250'9  Cal., 

or,  the  mercury  being  gaseous,  +  235  -5  Cal. 

5.  The  density  is  equal  to  4  -43. 

6.  Pure  fulminate  may  be  kept  for  an  indefinite  length  of 
time.     Water  does  not  affect  it.     It  explodes  at  187°,  and  also 
on  contact  with  an  ignited  body. 

It  is  very  sensitive  to  shock  and  friction,  even  that  of  wood 
upon  wood.  When  used  in  a  cannon,  it  bursts  it,  without  the 
projectile  having  time  to  displace  itself.  However,  it  may  be 


employed  for  discharging  bullets  in  saloon  arms.  If  placed  in 
a  shell,  and  the  latter  can  be  projected  by  the  aid  of  some 
artifice  of  progressive  expansion,  the  shell  bursts  at  the  striking 
point,  owing  to  the  shock  and  heating  resulting  from  the  sudden 
stoppage  of  the  projectile.  A  hollow  projectile  is  broken  by. 
fulminate  into  a  multitude  of  small  fragments,  much  more 
numerous  than  those  produced  by  powder,  but  which  are  not  as 
widely  scattered. 

Its  inflammation  is  so  sudden  that  it  scatters  black  powder 
on  which  it  is  placed  without  igniting  it ;  but  it  is  sufficient  to 
place  it  in  an  envelope,  however  weak,  for  ignition  to  take 
place.  The  more  resisting  the  envelope  the  more  violent  is  the 
shock,  a  circumstance  which  plays  an  important  part  in  caps 
and  detonators. 

The  presence  of  30  per  cent,  of  water  prevents  the  decom- 
position of  finely  powdered  fulminate  by  friction  or  shock. 
With  10  per  cent,  of  water,  it  decomposes  without  explosion ; 
with  5  per  cent.,  the  explosion  does  not  extend  beyond  the  part 
struck.  But  these  results  are  only  strictly  true  for  small 
quantities  of  the  substance,  and  it  would  be  dangerous  to  attach 
too  much  importance  to  them. 

Moist  fulminate  slowly  decomposes  on  contact  with  the 
oxidisable  metals. 

7.  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  produced  by  the  decom- 
position is  66'96  litres  per  284  grms.,  or  235*6  litres  per  1  kgm. 

If  the  mercury  be  supposed  in  the  gaseous  state,  at  a  suitable 
temperature  t,  we  shall  have  89*28  litres  (1  -f  at)  per  1  equiv., 
or  per  1  kgm.,  3141  litres  (1  +  at). 

235-6  atm. 

8.  The  permanent  pressure  =  r~rr~- 

n  —  0'05 

6280  atm. 

9.  The  theoretical  pressure  =    • 


The  experiments  which  the  author  made  with  the  crusher,  in 
common  with  M.  Vieille,  gave — 

Density  of  charge     O'l        480  kgm. 

„    '          „  0-2        1730    „ 

„          0-3       2700    „ 

9000  atm. 
We  should,  therefore,  have  for  high  densities  about  -  — 


But  these  figures  should  be  reduced,  in  accordance  with  a  more 
exact  estimation  of  the  force  of  calibration  (see  p.  23).  The 
corrected  calculation  gives  results  very  closely  agreeing  with 
theory  (p.  27),  and  leads  to  a  specific  pressure  equal  to 

— '-.    At  the  density  4'43,  that  is  to  say,  the  fulminate 


exploding  in    its    own   volume,   we    should    have,   therefore, 


28,750  kgm.  according  to  the  theoretical  formula,  or  27,470  kgm. 
according  to  the  indications  of  the  crusher  —  values  higher  than 
those  of  all  known  explosives.  In  fact,  nitroglycerin  gave  only 
12,376  kgm.,  and  gun-cotton  9825  kgm. 

It  is  the  immensity  of  this  pressure,  combined  with  its  sudden 
development,  which  explains  the  part  played  by  mercury 
fulminate  as  priming. 

Silver  fulminate  presents  very  similar  properties  ;  but  it  is 
much  more  sensitive,  and  therefore  more  dangerous. 


1.  Suppose,  now,  mercury  fulminate  mixed  with  potassium 
nitrate,  the  mixture  corresponds  to  the  formula  — 

that  is  to  say,  284  grms.  of  fulminate  to  84*2  of  saltpetre  ;  in 
all,  368*2  grms.  Or  for  1  kgm.  of  the  mixture,  229  grms.  of 
saltpetre  and  771  grms.  of  fulminate. 

In  practice  a  third  of  saltpetre,  that  is,  an  excess,  is  em- 
ployed. Antimony  and  lead  sulphides  are  also  added. 

2.  The  heat  liberated  is  -f-  224  Gal,   the  mercury  liquid  ; 
4-  209'6  Cal.,  the  mercury  gaseous  ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  +  609  Gal. 
or  +  567  Cal. 

3.  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  =  64'9  litres,  or  (gaseous 
mercury)  87*2  litres  for  1  equiv.  ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  176  litres  or 
257  litres. 

4.  The  permanent  pressure  =  -  -  —  -i,  with  the  usual  re- 


,    ™      .,        a    ,  4380  atm. 

5.  The  theoretical  pressure  =  --  TTTTT* 

n  —  O'lJ 

It  will  be  seen  that  it  is  less  by  about  a  third  than  the 
pressure  corresponding  to  pure  fulminate.  Further,  the  presence 
of  the  nitrate  diminishes  the  rapidity  of  inflammation  and  the 
violence  of  the  shock.  On  the  other  hand,  it  gives  more 
expansion  to  the  flame. 


1.  The  reaction  is  the  following  (exact  combustion) — 
3C2N202Hg  +  2KC103  =  6C02  +  3N2  +  3Hg  +  2KC1; 

that  is  to  say,  284  grms.  of  fulminate  to  81'7  of  chlorate ;  in  all, 
356*7  grms. ;  or,  for  1  kgm.  of  the  mixture,  223  grms.  of  chlorate 
and  777  grms.  of  fulminate. 

2.  The  heat  liberated  is  +  258'2  Cal.  for  1  equivalent,  or 


-f  242-8  CaL  (gaseous  mercury);  or,  for  1  kgm.,  706  Cal.,  or 
663  Cal. 

3.  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  =  67  litres,  or  89*2  litres 
(gaseous  mercury) ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  183  litres,  or  244  litres. 

4.  The  permanent  pressure  -  -    — —'  with  the  usual  reserva- 

K    m,     .*        A    ,  6830  atm. 

5.  The  theoretical  pressure  = —  —  • 

n  —  Oil 

It  is  very  nearly  the  same  as  that  of  pure  fulminate.  Potas- 
sium chloride  lessens  the  effects  of  the  shock ;  but  potassium 
chlorate  renders  the  mixture  very  sensitive.  Accidents,  there- 
fore, frequently  ocour  in  factories  when  this  mixture  is  being 


1.  The  properties  and  analysis  of  this  body,  as  well  as  the 
study  of  its  explosive  decomposition,  have  been  set  forth  (p.  291). 
We  shall  only  repeat  the  following  figures. 

The  formula  is — 

C6H4N2NO3H  =  167  grms. 

2.  The  formation  from  the  elements  absorbs  —  47'4  Cal. 

3.  The  total  combustion — 

2C6H4N2N03H  +  230  =  12C02  +  5H20  +  6N, 

liberates  -f  782 '9  Cal.  at  constant  pressure  (liquid  water).  No 
attempt  has  been  made  to  study  the  effects  of  the  combustion  of 
diazobenzene  by  the  oxidising  bodies.  The  mixture  with  these 
bodies  would,  moreover,  present  great  difficulties,  owing  to  the 
sensitiveness  of  the  dry  substance  and  its  immediate  decomposi- 
tion by  water. 

4.  The  explosive    decomposition  yields   complex    products, 
which  vary  with  the   conditions.     They  have    been    noticed 
(p.  293). 

5.  Heat  liberated.     The  decomposition  having  been  effected 
by  the  incandescence  of  a  platinum  wire,  at  a  low  density  of 
charge,  it  liberated  -f  114'8  Cal.  at  constant  volume  for  1  equiv., 
or  687'7  Cal.  for  1  kgm. 

6.  Gaseous  volume.     There  was  produced  at  the  same  time 
136'6  litres  of  gas  (reduced  volume)  for  1  equiv.,  or  817'7  litres 
for  1  kgm. 

7.  The  theoretical  pressure  =  -  7-  •  It  is  higher  than 

n  —  O'Oo 

that  of  the  fulminate  at  the  unit  of  weight,  and  approaches  that 
of  the  most  powerful  substances. 


8.  Let  us  compare  these  theoretical  results  with  the  experi- 
mental measurement  of  the  pressures.  M.  Vieille  and  the 
author  obtained  with  a  crusher  the  following  figures  :— 

Density  of  Weight  of  Pressures  in  k^ms. 

charge.  the  charge.  per  square  centimetre. 

0-1  ...  2-37  grins.  ...  990  kgm. 

0-2  ...  4-74     „  ...  2317    „ 

0-3  7-11     „  ...  4581    „ 

In  the  last  experiment  made  with  diazobenzene  nitrate,  this 
body  filled  the  whole  of  the  vacant  space,  and  the  steel  tube 
was  cracked.  This  points  to  local  effects,  which  may  have 
slightly  affected  the  results.  The  recent  researches  of  Sarrau 
and  Vieille  on  the  calibration  of  the  "  crushers "  tend  to 
reduce  by  half  the  absolute  value  of  the  pressures  for  substances 
having  so  sudden  an  explosion,  but  without  changing  the 

In  any  case,  the  pressures  of  diazobenzene  nitrate  are  far  higher, 
actually  and  theoretically,  for  the  same  density  of  charge,  than 
those  developed  by  the  explosion  of  mercury  fulminate.  On 
the  contrary,  the  fulminate  exploding  in  its  own  volume  would 
develop  a  far  greater  pressure  (28750  kgm.,  instead  of  7500 
kgm.),  owing  to  its  great  density. 

The  great  activity  of  diazobenzene  nitrate,  in  any  case,  renders 
it  more  dangerous. 


1.  It  has  been  seen  in  Chapter  III.  (p.  396),  how  the  liquefied 
oxygenated  gases,  especially  nitrogen  monoxide  and  nitric  per- 
oxide, when  mixed  with  combustible  liquids,  form  explosive 
substances  of  a  very  special  character.  It  has  been  proposed 
to  prepare  similar  substances  by  mixing  nitric  acid  with  com- 
bustible organic  substances.  In  case  of  need  the  mixture  may 
be  made  on  the  spot,  the  ingredients  being  separately  conveyed  ; 
it  is  exploded  by  a  fulminate  cap.  This  is  the  principle  of 
Sprengel's  acid  explosive.  In  practice,  the  substances  capable 
of  being  mixed  with  nitric  acid  are  few  in  number,  owing  to  the 
violent  oxidising  action  exerted  by  this  acid  on  the  greater 
number  of  organic  substances.  Few  liquids  can  be  mixed  with 
it  without  being  attacked,  and  the  pastes  formed  by  imbibition 
are  also  subject  to  reaction. 

In  fact,  only  two  mixtures  of  this  kind  have  been  employed, 
or  rather,  specially  prepared — the  mixture  of  picric  acid  (solid) 
and  nitric  acid,  which  forms  a  paste  ;  and  the  mixture  of  nitro- 
benzene and  the  same  acid,  bodies  which  dissolve  each  other 
reciprocally.  It  will  be  seen  that  it  is  two  already  nitrified 
bodies  which  serve  as  base  to  the  mixtures ;  further,  that  the 
second  would  soon  be  transformed  into  crystallised  dinitro- 


benzene.    We  will  now  give  the  theoretical  calculations  for  the 
combustion  of  these  two  mixtures,  including  dinitrobenzene. 

§  7.  NITRIC  Aero  ASD  PICRIC  Aero. 

1.  The  reaction  corresponding  to  total  combustion  is, 
SCtH^NOJaQ  +  13HNO3  =  30CO,  +  14H10  +  28N. 

2.  The  proportions  by  weight  are,  229  grms.  of  picric  acid  to 
164  grms.  of  nitric  acid  ;  in  all,  393  grms.  ;  or,  per  kilogramme, 
583  grm.  of  picric  acid  and  417  grms.  of  nitric  acid. 

3.  The  heat  liberated  will  be,  for  1  equiv.,  318  CaL  (liquid 
water),  or  290  CaL  (gaseous  water)  ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  809  litres,  or 
738  CaL 

4  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases,  for  1  equiv.,  500  litres,  or 
659  litre*, 

5.  The  permanent  pressure  =  -          rr,  with  the  usual  reser- 

n  —  0*1.3 

vation  of  the  limit  of  liquefaction  of  carbonic  acid. 

9450  atm. 

6.  The  theoretical  pressure  =  --  • 


No  experiment  has  been  made  with  the  object  of  directly 
measuring  the  heat,  the  volume  of  the  gases,  or  the  pressure  ; 
a  remark  which  is  equally  applicable  to  the  following  mixtures. 


1.  The  reaction  of  total  combustion  i 

C«H*NO2  +  5HNO,  =  6CO,  +  5H,O  +  6X. 

2.  The  proportions  by  weight  are,  123  grms.  nitrobenzene  to 
315  grms.  nitric  acid  ;  in  all,  438  grms.  ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  719  grms. 
acid  and  281  grms.  nitrobenzene.      It  will  be  borne  in  mind 
that  the  nitrobenzene  is  liquid. 

3.  The  heat  liberated1  will  be,  for  1  equiv.,  415  CaL  (liquid 
water),  or  365  CaL  (gaseous  water);  or,  for  I  kgm.,  947  CaL,  or 
834  CaL 

4  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases,  for  1  equiv.,  201  litres 
(liquid  water),  373  litres  (gaseous  water)  ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  459 
litres,  or  714  litres. 

5.  The  permanent  pressure  =  -  7r7rrf  with  the  usual  reser- 

n  — 

a   „,     .,  _  ^    .  10700  atm. 

6.  The  theoretical  pressure  = 



1.  The  reaction  of  total  combustion  is — 

C6H4N204  +  4N03H  =  6C02  +  4H20  +  3N2. 

2.  The  proportions  by  weight  are,  168  grms.  of  dinitrobenzene 
to  252  grms.  of  acid ;  in  all,  420  grms. ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  400  grms. 
of  dinitrobenzene  and   600   grms.   of    acid.      Note   that  the 
dinitrobenzene  is  crystallised. 

3.  The  heat  liberated  will  be,  for  1  equiv.,  387'4  Cal.  (liquid 
water),  or  347'4  Cal.  (gaseous  water);  or,  for  1  kgm.,  899  Cal., 
or  827  CaL 

4.  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases,  for  1  equiv.,  201  litres 
(liquid  water),  or  290  litres  (gaseous  water);  or,  for  1  kgm., 
479  litres,  or  690  litres. 

479  atm. 

5.  The  permanent  pressure  =  -  . 

n  —  U'lo 

10800  atm. 

6.  The    theoretical  pressure  =  >   with   the  usual 



It  is  nearly  identical  with  that  of  nitrobenzene.  This  is  as 
it  should  be,  the  heat  liberated  and  the  reduced  gaseous  volume 
being  nearly  the  same  for  equal  weights.  With  picric  acid  the 
difference  is  also  slight.  On  the  whole,  all  these  mixtures  are 
very  inferior  in  theory  to  nitroglycerin  or  gun-cotton.  The 
corrosive  properties  of  nitric  acid  must,  moreover,  render 
difficult  the  transport  of  mixtures  made  beforehand.  Lastly, 
the  stability  of  such  mixtures  is  more  than  doubtful.  But  they 
have  this  advantage,  that  they  can  be  prepared  on  the  spot  and 


1.  The  ethers  of  the  highly  oxygenated  acids  are  probably 
explosive,  but  the  only  ones  which  have  so  far  been  prepared 
are  the  perchloric  ethers.     These  are,  in  fact,  eminently  explosive 
bodies.     The  thermal   and  mechanical  properties   of  methyl- 
perchloric  ether,  the  only  one  corresponding  to  a  total  com- 
bustion among  the  ethers  of  monatomic  alcohols,  will  be  given. 

2.  The  formula  for  methylperchloric  ether  is  the  following : — 

It  corresponds  to  the  equivalent  114*5. 

3.  The  explosive  decomposition  will  be — 

CH2(C104H)  =  C02  +  H20  +  HC1  +  0. 

It  will  be  seen  that  it  sets  free  an  excess  of  oxygen,  like 
nitroglycerin  and  nitromannite. 

4.  The  heat  of  formation  of  methylperchloric  ether,  from  the 


elements,  may  be  calculated,  granting   the  formation  of  this 

ether  from  the  acid  and  alcohol,  both  dilute. 

CH40  (dilute)  +  C104H  (dilute)  =  CH2(C104H)  (dilute)  +  H20 

absorbs  -  2'0  CaL, 

a  value  found  in  general  for  organic  oxacid  ethers,  and  even  for 
nitric  ether  itself. 
We  further  have — 

C  +  H4  +  0  +  water  =  CH40  (dissolved)     

Cl  +  04  +  H  +  water  =  C104H  (dilute)         

Reaction  ...  


Supposing  the  solution  of  the  ether  in  the  water  to  have 
liberated  +  2*0,  the  formation  of  the  pure  ether  then  corresponds 
to  +  65  Cal. 

Now,  the  formation  of  H20  produces  +  69-0.  We  finally 
obtain — 

C  +  H3  +  04  +  Cl  =  CH2(C104H)  (dilute)  -  4-0  Cal., 

5.  The   explosive   decomposition   will   liberate1  +  175   Cal. 
(gaseous  water) ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  +  1529  Cal. 
,    6.  It  will  produce  781  litres,  or,  for  1  kgm.,  682  litres. 

7.  The  permanent  pressure  would  be  calculated  from  this 
figure  if  reaction  did  not  take  place  between  water  and  the 
acid  during  cooling  (see  note). 

0  rm.          i*    1  i7730  atm- 

8.  Theoretical  pressure  = • 


9.  From  these  numbers  the  heat  liberated  is  nearly  that  of 
nitroglycerin  (1480  Cal.  for  1  kgm.  and  gaseous  water).     The 
gaseous  volume  is  also  nearly  the  same. 

It  is  therefore  easy  to  understand  that  the  theoretical 
pressure  must  also  be  nearly  the  same  as  that  of  nitroglycerin. 
We  should  have  a  still  more  powerful  effect  by  mixing  3 
equiv.  of  methylperchloric  ether  with  1  equiv.  of  ethylperchloric 
ether,  so  as  to  obtain  an  exact  combustion  of  both  ethers.  On 
the  whole,  the  explosive  properties  of  the  perchloric  ethers 
correspond  to  those  of  nitroglycerin  and  the  most  powerful 
substances.  It  is  this  that  has  led  the  author  to  mention  here 
this  class  of  compounds. 


1.  It  has  been  shown  (p.  366)  that  this  compound  is  explosive, 
and  explodes  by  shock,  or  heating,  towards  130°.  It  is  even  a 
shattering  body. 

1  HC1  and  H20  being  supposed  separated  from  each  other  in  the  gaseous 
state.     In  reality  there  will  be  a  partial  reaction  during  cooling  with  formation 
of  hydrate  and  corresponding  liberation  of  heat. 


2.  The  following  reaction — 

C2Ag04  =  2C02  +  Ag2, 

corresponds  to  304  grins,  of  the  substance. 

3.  It  liberates  +  29'5  Cal.  for  1  equiv.,  or  +  97  Cal.  for  1  kgm. 

4.  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  is  44'6  litres  for  1  equiv., 
or  114  litres  for  1  kgm. 

114  atm. 

5.  The    permanent    pressure  = fwv?*    W1^n    *  e    usuai 


712  atm. 

6.  The  theoretical  pressure  = T-TJ. 

n  —  0*06 

This  pressure  is  much  less  than  that  of  the  explosives 
hitherto  examined.  However,  owing  to  the  great  density  of 
the  salt,  it  would  be  nearly  quadrupled,  if  the  latter  exploded 
in  its  own  volume,  which  accounts  for  the  shattering  character 
of  the  compound. 


1.  This  is  a  white,  heavy,  hard   powder,  which   does  not 
explode  by  shock,  but  which  explodes  feebly  by  heating. 

2.  The  reaction — 

C2Hg04  =  2COS  +  Hg, 

corresponds  to  288  grms.  of  matter. 

3.  It  liberates  +  17 '3  Cal.  per  equivalent  (liquid  mercury), 
or  +  1-9  Cal.  (gaseous  mercary) ;  or.  for  1  kgm.,  +  60  Cal.,  or 
6-6  Cal. 

4.  The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  is,  for  1  equiv.,  44'6  litres 
(liquid  mercury),  or  6 6 '9  litres  (gaseous  mercury) ;  or,  for  1  kgm., 
155  litres,  or  227  litres. 

5.  The  permanent  pressure  =   -s^r-j   with    the    usual 

n  -  0'05 

6.  Theoretical  presure  =300  atm' 


This  pressure  is  very  small  compared  with  the  other  explosive 
substances,  which  explains  why  mercury  oxalate  explodes  so 
feebly,  and  why  the  mixture  of  mercury  oxalate  with  the 
fulminate,  which  is  produced  when  the  manufacture  is 
defective,  greatly  lessens  the  properties  of  the  fulminate. 

(    477    ) 


§    I- 

1.  BLACK  powder  consists  of  a  mixture  of  saltpetre,  sulphur, 
and  charcoal.  According  to  the  relative  proportions  of  these 
three  ingredients,  there  is  obtained — service  powder,  in  which  the 
greatest  possible  strength  is  sought  for ;  sporting  powder,  in 
which  facility  of  inflammation  and  combustion  are  aimed  at ; 
and  blasting  powder,  for  which  the  most  copious  production  of 
gas  is  desired.  Even  the  proportions  of  the  ingredients  of  each 
of  these  powders  vary  with  different  nations  between  very  wide 

Few  substances  have  been  more  studied  than  powders  of 
this  kind,  and  there  is  a  copious  literature  on  this  subject.  It 
is  not  intended  to  give  here  a  detailed  examination  of  them, 
which  may  be  found  in  a  more  complete  manner  in  the 
"  Treatise "  by  Piobert,  in  the  "  Traite  sur  la  Poudre,  par 
Upmann  et  Meyer  "  (traduit  et  augmente  par  Desortiaux),  as 
well  as  the  long  and  important  pamphlets  written  by  Bunsen 
and  Schisckhoff,  Linck,  Karolyi,  and  especially  by  Noble  and 
Abel,  Sarrau,  Vieille,  Sebert,  etc.  Here  we  shall  confine  our- 
selves to  examining  the  various  powders  from  the  point  of  view 
of  the  chemical  reactions  developed  by  their  combustion,  as 
well  as  the  heat  liberated,  and  the  volume  of  the  gases  pro- 
duced by  these  reactions.  The  results  of  theory  with  those  of 
experiment  will  be  compared,  as  far  as  is  permitted,  by  the 
following  circumstances,  which  are  difficult  to  introduce  into  a 
precise  calculation : — 

1st.  The  charcoal  employed  is  not  pure  carbon.  It  contains 
only  75  or  80  per  cent,  of  this  element,  2  per  cent,  of 
hydrogen,  1  or  2  per  cent,  of  ash,  and  15  or  20  per  cent,  of 

2nd.  Powder  contains  a  little  moisture,  the  quantity  of  which 
varies,  being,  however,  generally  nearly  1  per  cent. 


3rd.  The  mixture  of  sulphur,  saltpetre,  and  charcoal  is  never 
absolutely  intimate,  and  undergoes  continual  variations  during 
the  course  of  the  operations. 

4th.  The  combustion  is  never  total,  small  quantities  of  nitre 
and  sulphur  principally  escaping  the  reaction  owing  to  the  lack 
of  homogeneousness.  The  saltpetre  itself,  under  the  influence  of 
the  high  temperature  of  explosion,  tends  at  first  to  yield  the 
nitrites,  then  more  and  more  stable  compounds  (hyponitrites, 
potassium  peroxide,  etc.)  still  imperfectly  known. 

5th.  The  metallic  vessels  (iron,  copper),  in  which  the  opera- 
tions are  carried  out,  are  attacked,  with  the  formation  of 
metallic  sulphides,  single  and  double  sulphides  resulting  from 
the  association  of  the  former  with  potassium  sulphide.  Never- 
theless the  theoretical  calculations,  however  imperfect  their 
relation  to  practical  conditions  may  be,  offer  the  advantage  of 
indicating  the  maximum  limit  of  the  effects  which  we  may 
hope  to  attain,  and  the  direction  which  should  be  given  to 
experimental  inquiry  for  this  end.  In  order  to  explain  more 
clearly  the  chemical  phenomena,  the  fresh  experiments  will  be 
given  which  the  author  has  lately  made  on  various  questions 
relating  to  the  theory  of  the  reactions  developed  during  the 
explosion  of  service  powder,  such  as  the  reactions  between  the 
sulphur,  the  carbon,  their  oxides  and  salts  (§  2).  The  decompo- 
sition by  heat  of  the  alkaline  sulphides  (§  3).  The  decomposi- 
tion by  heat  of  the  alkaline  hyposulphites  (§  4).  The 
measurement  of  the  heat  of  combustion  of  the  charcoal 
employed  in  the  manufacture  of  powder  (§  5). 

These  preliminary  notions  having  been  gained,  we  shall 
study — 

1st.  Powders  corresponding  to  an  exact  combustion  (§  6). 

2nd.  Powders  with  an  excess  of  combustible,  such  as  service 
powder  properly  so  called,  sporting  and  blasting  powder  (§  7). 

3rd.  Powders  formed  of  nitrates  other  than  potassium, 
which  are  employed  for  industrial  purposes  in  particular 
cases  (§  8). 



1.  The  study  of  the  products  of  the  explosion  of  powder  led 
the  author  to  make  some  observations  on  the  reciprocal  action 
of  sulphur,  carbon,  their  oxides  and  salts.  The  operations  were, 
in  some  cases,  carried  out  by  means  of  the  electric  spark,  and 
in  others  by  means  of  a  red  heat.  In  both  cases  there  are 
foreign  energies  which  intervene  in  the  chemical  actions 
properly  so  called,  energies  developed  by  electricity  or  heating, 
especially  successive  decompositions,  dissociations,  and  changes 
of  molecular  states  (polymerised  carbon  changed  into  gaseous 


carbon,  gaseous  sulphur  reduced  to  its  normal  molecular  weight, 
instead  of  sulphur  of  triple  density  volatilisable  towards  448°). 

It  may  be  first  noted  that  sulphur  burning  in  dry  oxygen 
produces  sulphurous  acid,  mixed  with  a  considerable  proportion 
of  anhydrous  sulphuric  acid.  Sulphur  vapour  directed  upon 
charcoal  at  a  red  heat  combines  with  it,  producing  carbon 

Carbon  burnt  in  oxygen  produces  carbonic  acid,  always 
mixed  with  a  little  carbonic  oxide. 

Carbonic  acid  directed  upon  red-hot  charcoal  is  changed  into 
carbonic  oxide ;  but  the  transformation  is  never  complete. 

2.  Decomposition  of  the  sulphurous  gas.     A  series  of  electric 
sparks  decompose  sulphurous  acid  gas  into  sulphur  and  sulphuric 
acid  (Buff  and  Hoffman)— 

3S02  =  2S03  +  S. 

Operating  in  a  sealed  tube  without  mercury,  with  platinum 
electrodes,  several  hours  are  needed  to  decompose  the  half  of 
the  gas,  and  decomposition  ceases  at  a  certain  point,  as  was 
observed  by  Deville.  It  does  not  yield  free  oxygen,  but  a 
portion  of  the  sulphur  unites  with  the  platinum. 

The  greater  portion  of  the  sulphur  forms  with  anhydrous 
sulphuric  acid  a  special  viscid  compound,  which,  moreover, 
absorbs  a  certain  quantity  of  sulphurous  gas.  This  compound 
is  the  real  medium  of  the  reaction.  Being  inversely  decom- 
posable, the  tension  of  sulphurous  and  sulphuric  gases  which  it 
gives  off  limits  the  reaction. 

3.  Decomposition  of  the  carbonic  oxide.     Carbonic  oxide  under 
the   influence   of  the   spark,  or  even  of  a  white  heat,  partly 
decomposes  into  carbon  and  carbonic  acid — 

2CO  =  C02  -f  C. 

But  the  reaction  is  limited  to  a  few  thousandth  parts.  It  was 
found  that  it  takes  place  at  a  bright  red  heat,  and  even  at  the 
temperature  of  the  softening  of  glass.  The  carbon  is  deposited 
at  the  point  where  the  porcelain  tube  issues  from  the  furnace, 
and  undergoes  a  lowering  of  temperature,  even  without  having 
recourse  to  the  artifice  of  the  hot  and  cold  tube.  It  may  be 
still  better  shown  by  placing  fragments  of  pumice-stone  in  this 
region  of  the  tube.  A  trace  of  carbonic  acid  produced  at  the 
same  time  may  be  observed  in  the  gases  collected  by  adopting 
certain  precautions. 

Though  so  slight  and  inappreciable,  this  reaction  is,  never- 
theless, of  great  importance ;  for  it  intervenes,  together  with  the 
dissociation  of  the  carbonic  gas  into  carbonic  oxide  and  oxygen, 
in  the  reduction  of  the  metallic  oxides  and  in  a  great  number  of 
other  reactions,  brought  about  by  heat.  We  will  now  place 
sulphur  and  carbon,  whether  free  or  combined,  together. 

4.  Sulphurous  acid  gas  and  carbon  (baker's  embers  calcined 


beforehand  for  several  hours  at  a  white  heat,  in  a  current  of  dry 
chlorine,  then  cooled  in  a  current  of  nitrogen).  Operating  in  a 
porcelain  tube  at  a  clear  red  heat,  a  gas  was  collected,  formed  of 
carbonic  oxide,  carbon  oxysulphide,  and  disulphide  in  the 
following  proportions  : — 

4S02  +  90  =  600  +  2COS  +  CS2, 

a  small  quantity  of  sulphur  being  sublimed  at  the  same  time. 
All  this  is  intelligible,  on  the  supposition  that  the  carbon  took 
the  oxygen, 

S02  +  20  =  200  +  S2, 

and  that  the  gaseous  sulphur,  being  set  free,  combined  for  its 
own  part  partly  with  the  carbon  and  partly  with  the  carbonic 

In  these  experiments  the  carbon  contained  in  the  tube 
becomes  covered  with  a  sort  of  sooty  coating,  and  undergoes  a 
remarkable  disaggregation,  which  divides  it  into  small  frag- 
ments, according  to  three  rectangular  planes ;  phenomena  which 
appear  to  be  due  to  the  state  of  dissociation  peculiar  to 
disulphide,  which  is  partly  destroyed  at  the  same  temperatures 
at  which  it  is  formed  according  to  former  observations.1 

5.  Carbonic  add  and  sulphur.  The  experiment  was  carried 
out  at  two  different  temperatures. 

1st.  The  sulphur  is  raised  to  the  boiling  point  in  a  glass 
retort,  and  a  slow  current  of  dry  carbonic  gas  is  passed  through 
it.  This  reaction  has  been  given  as  producing  carbon  oxysul- 
phide. This  is  not  the  case,  as  the  author  has  assured  himself 
by  most  careful  tests.  What  may  have  occasioned  the  error 
are  the  traces  of  sulphuretted  hydrogen,  which  even  the  best 
purified  sulphur  always  liberates  when  heated. 

In  reality,  sulphur  in  a  state  of  ebullition  is  without  action 
on  dry  carbonic  gas. 

2nd.  If  carbonic  gas  mingled  with  sulphur  vapour  be  passed 
through  a  porcelain  tube  at  a  clear  red  heat,  a  reaction,  very 
slight  it  is  true,  but  unquestionable,  may,  on  the  contrary,  be 

Thus  the  gas  liberated  contained,  out  of  100  volumes,  2'5  vols. 
of  gases  other  than  carbonic  acid,  viz. — 

1  vol.  COS;  1  vol.  CO ;  0-5  vol.  S02. 

These  small  quantities  seem  to  be  attributable  not  to  the  action 
proper  of  sulphur  on  carbonic  acid,  but  to  the  previous  dissocia- 
tion of  the  latter  into  carbonic  oxide  and  oxygen ;  a  dissociation 
which,  moreover,  is  but  slight  under  these  conditions,  but  which 
the  presence  of  sulphur,  which  unites  at  one  and  the  same  time 
with  the  oxygen  and  carbonic  oxide,  tends  to  render  manifest. 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4"  s£rie,  torn,  xviii.  p.  169. 


6.  Carbonic  acid  and  sulphurous  acid  gas.     The  two  gases  were 
mixed  in  equal  volumes,  passed  into  a  glass  tube,  which  was  then 
sealed.     After  two  hours  and  a  half  of  strong  sparks  the  author 
observed — 

Diminution  of  volume 19  vols. 

S02          31   „ 

C02         30  „ 

CO  ...        ...        20  „ 

Each  of  the  gases  was  decomposed  for  its  own  part.  The 
oxygen  resulting  from  the  dissociation  of  the  carbonic  acid  was 
condensed,  uniting  with  the  sulphurous  acid  under  the  form  of 
sulphuric  acid. 

The  sulphurous  acid  gas  here  seems  more  stable  than  the 
carbonic  acid  gas,  contrary  to  what  might  have  been  expected. 

7.  Sulphurous  acid  gas  and  carbonic  oxide.     1st.  The  mixture 
made  in  equal  volumes  was  slowly  passed  through  a  very  small 
porcelain  tube  at  a  clear  red  heat.     There  was  collected — 

Intermediate  gas.  Final  gas. 

S02 47  vols.       ...        37  vols. 

C02 9  „  ...        20  „ 

CO    ...  ...     44  „  ...        43  „ 

Sulphur  was  formed.  Neither  carbon  oxysulphide  nor  carbon 
disulphide  was  present  in  any  considerable  proportion. 

Thus  the  carbonic  oxide  reduced  the  sulphurous  acid  gas — 

2CO  +  S02  =  2C02  +  S. 

But  the  reduction  remained  incomplete,  as  the  experiment 
made  with  carbonic  acid  permitted  of  foreseeing. 

2nd.  Two  vols.  of  carbonic  oxide  and  one  vol.  of  sulphurous 
acid  gas  were  mixed  and  passed  into  a  glass  tube  provided  with 
platinum  electrodes,  the  tube  being  then  closed.  A  series  of 
sparks  was  passed  through  it.  The  following  are  the  results 
of  both  trials  : — 

After  After 

half  an  hour.  two  hours. 

Diminution 14  vols.  ...  28  vols. 

S02 20    „  ...          6    „ 

C02 18   „  ...          9    „ 

CO 48   „  ...  57    „ 

No  sulphur  nor  carbon  oxysulphide.  Here  again  we  see  the 
reduction  of  the  sulphurous  acid  by  the  carbonic  oxide.  But, 
and  it  is  a  remarkable  circumstance,  a  considerable  portion  of  the 
former  gas  is  destroyed  for  its  own  part  without  yielding  its 
oxygen  to  the  carbonic  oxide,  and  giving  the  same  compound  of 
sulphur,  sulphurous  acid,  and  sulphuric  acid  already  described, 
and  which  condenses  on  the  walls  of  the  tube. 

3rd.  The  same  experiment,  repeated  over  mercury,  with 
strong  sparks,  in  the  space  of  four  hours  caused  the  total 

2  I 


destruction  of  the  sulphurous  acid  gas,  producing  a  final  mixture 
containing — 

CO,  24vols. 

CO          75  „ 

0  1   „ 

Under   these   conditions  the  mercury  absorbs  the   anhydrous 
sulphuric  acid,  and  eliminates  it,  forming  a  sub-sulphate. 

8.  Saline  compounds.     All  the  alkaline  oxysalts  of  sulphur 
being  reduced  to  the  state  of  sulphate  and  sulphide  towards 
a  red  heat,  special  attention  was  paid  to  these  two  salts,  together 
with  potassium  carbonate,  and  they  were  allowed  to  act  at  a  red 
heat  on  sulphur,  carbon,  and  their  gaseous  oxides.     The  salts 
were  contained  in  elongated  vessels  arranged  in  a  porcelain 

9.  Potassium  sulphate  and  carbonic  acid.     At  a  'bright  red 
heat,  no  action  took  place.     At  a  higher  temperature  it  would 
doubtless  be  important  to  take  into  account  the  dissociation  of 
the  sulphates  observed  by  Boussingault. 

10.  Potassium  sulphate  and  carbonic  oxide.     At  a  bright  red 
heat  the  sulphate  was  charged  into  sulphide,  or  rather  into 
poly  sulphide,1  containing  some  flakes  of  carbon,  and  a  mixture 
of  carbonic  acid  and  carbonic  oxide  was  collected,  the  relative 
proportion  of  the  former  gas  varying  between  four-fifths  and 
the  half,  according  to  the  speed  of  the  current  and  the  tempera- 

The  principal  reaction  here  is — 

S04K2  +  400  a  K2S  +  4002. 

There  is  a  trace  of  carbonate. 

11.  The  reducing  action  of  carbon  on  potassium  sulphate  is 
so  well  known  that  it  was  not  deemed  necessary  to  reproduce  it. 

12.  Potassium  sulphate  and  sulphurous  acid.     There   is   no 
action  at  a  bright  red  heat. 

13.  Potassium  sulphate  and  sulphur.     Sulphur  may  be  evapo- 
rated in  presence  of  potassium  sulphate,  provided  the  tempera- 
ture be  carefully  kept  below  a  red  heat. 

On  the  contrary,  in  a  red-hot  porcelain  tube,  sulphur  vapour 
reduces  potassium  sulphate,  producing  polysulphide  and 
sulphurous  gas — 

S04K2  +  4S  =  K2S3  +  2S02. 

This  transformation  was  never  total.  It  seems,  moreover,  to 
represent  the  last  term  of  a  series  of  changes,  in  which  the  lower 

1  The  constant  formation  of  polysulphide  in  the  actions  caused  by  heat 
which  yield  sulphur,  has  been  remarked  by  Gay-Lussac,  Berzilius,  and  Bauer. 
It  is  connected  with  some  imperfectly  known  reaction,  such  as  the  formation 
of  an  oxy sulphide  of  potassium. 


oxysalts  of  sulphur  intervene ;  compounds  of  which,  in  fact, 
traces  may  be  found  by  moderating  the  action. 

The  well-known  reaction  of  carbon  disulphide  on  potassium 
sulphate,  which  it  changes  into  sulphide,  may  be  roughly 
regarded  as  the  sum  of  those  of  sulphur  and  carbon.  But 
according  to  Schone  it  is  also  preceded  by  intermediate  com- 
pounds, such  as  sulphocarbonate. 

14.  Sulphur  and  potassium  carbonate.     This  is  among   the 
number  of  reactions  which  have  received  the  greatest  amount 
of  investigation.     At  a  red  heat  it  yields  polysulphide,  sulphate, 
and  carbonic  acid — 

4C03K2  +  168  =  3K2S5  +  S04K2  +  4C02. 

But  these  are  also  the  extreme  terms  of  successive  reactions, 
hyposulphite,  for  instance,  forming  at  250°,  according  to 

15.  Carbon  and  potassium  carbonate.     This  reaction  yields  at  a 
red  heat  carbonic  oxide  and  potassium  oxide,  not  without  there 
being  formed  various  secondary  compounds,  such  as  the  acety- 
lides.     The  dissociation  of  potassium  carbonate  also  intervenes 

16.  Potassium  carbonate  and  sulphurous   acid.     If  the   gas 
passes  rapidly,  the  red-hot  salt  changes  into  sulphate,  with  only  a 
trace  of  sulphide.     If  the  current  is  slow  the  sulphide  increases. 

17.  Carbonic    acid    and    sulphite.     Sulphate,   polysulphide, 
and  a  little  carbonate   are  formed.     Metasulphite  (anhydrous 
bisulphite)  gives  the  same  products. 

18.  Carbonic  acid  and  potassium  polysulphide.     In  a  red-hot 
tube  some  sulphur  is  sublimed,  and  the  gas  liberated  contains 
about  three  per  cent,  of  a  mixture  of  carbonic  oxide,  sulphurous 
acid,  and  oxysulphide.    It  is  the  same  reaction  as  that  of  sulphur 
on  carbonic  acid,  which  is  attributable  to  the  dissociation  of 
the  latter  compound.     A  small  quantity  of  alkaline  carbonate 
appears   also   to    result  from   this   dissociation ;    the   oxygen 
supplied  by  the  latter  concurring  with  the  excess  of  carbonic 
acid  to  displace  the  sulphur. 

19.  From  these  facts,  there  result  several  consequences  con- 
nected with  the  study  of  the   reactions   produced  during  the 
explosion  of  powder. 

For  example,  if  potassium  carbonate  subsists  in  any  consider- 
able amount  in  presence  of  sulphur  resulting  from  the  dissocia- 
tion of  the  simultaneously  produced  polysulphide,  it  is  apparently 
because  both  salts  do  not  form  at  the  same  spot  of  the  substance 
in  ignition.  The  same  sulphur  would  also  attack  the  potassium 
sulphate  if  both  bodies  were  kept  together  at  the  same  point. 
The  carbonic  oxide  would  also  destroy  the  sulphate  if  it  were 
formed  at  the  same  spot,  or  if  it  remained  for  some  time  in 
contact  with  the  melted  salts,  etc. 



Hence  we  see  how  the  more  or  less  homogeneous  character 
of  the  initial  mixture,  the  greater  or  less  duration  of  combustion, 
and  the  varying  rapidity  of  cooling  may  cause  the  nature  of  the 
final  products  to  vary  within  very  wide  limits.  There  will  be 
occasion  to  return  to  these  problems,  which  have  a  great  im- 
portance in  practice. 

20.  Hitherto  we  have  examined  the  final  products  of  reactions 
taking  place  at  a  red  heat.  In  these  reactions  neither  sulphite 
nor  hyposulphite  is  found,  because  both  these  classes  of  salts 
are  decomposed  below  this  temperature. 


1.  We  shall  distinguish  between   the  neutral  sulphites  and 
the  metasulphites  formerly  called  anhydrous  bisulphites. 

The  neutral  potassium  sulphite    may  be   decomposed   into 
sulphate  and  sulphide,  according  to  theory — 
4S03K2  =  3S04K2  +  K2S. 

2.  A  special  study  was  made  of  this  decomposition,  which 
forms   one  of  the  most  striking   distinctions  between  normal 
sulphites  and  metasulphites. 

It  was  found  that  the  accurate  analysis  of  the  products 
verifies  the  above  equation  in  the  most  precise  manner,  when 
dry  sulphite  is  brought  to  a  dull  red  heat  in  an  atmosphere  of 
nitrogen.1  Several  estimations  by  iodine,  made  with  the 
requisite  precautions,  absorbed,  for  instance,  31'5  c.c.,  32'5  c.c., 
30*8  c.c.  of  the  iodine  solution ;  while  the  original  salt  took  up 
126  c.c.  The  quarter  of  the  latter  figure  is  just  31/5. 

No  sulphurous  acid  is  liberated,  contrary  to  an  assertion 
made  by  Muspratt,  which  would  require  an  inexplicable  setting 
free  of  potash. 

The  decomposition  of  the  sulphite  does  not  commence  at 
450°,  the  salt  remaining  intact  till  towards  a  dull  red  heat,  and 
even  at  that  temperature  needing  a  certain  time  to  be  completely 

3.  It  is  well  known  that  two   series  of  sulphites  are  dis- 
tinguished:  the  neutral,  and  the  acid  sulphites,  supposed  to 
correspond  to  the  composition  of  a  dibasic  acid ;  viz.  S02K2O, 
and  S02KHO,  salts   which  have   been  studied  by  Muspratt, 
Rammelsberg,  and  De  Marignac. 

These  investigators  have  further  discovered  an  anhydrous 
bisulphite:  (S02)2K20. 

In  following  up  his  researches  on  the  products  of  the  explo- 
sion of  powder,  the  author  has  been  led  to  measure  the  heat  of 

1  Only  the  sulphite  contains,  as  is  always  the  case,  some  small  amount  of 
a  red  poly  sulphide,  a  compound  which  is  met  with  under  all  the  conditions 
in  which  the  monosulphide  alone  should  be  formed. 


formation  of  these  various  potassium  sulphites,  and  has  found, 
not  without  surprise,  that  the  so-called  anhydrous  bisulphite, 
far  from  belonging  to  the  same  type  as  the  other  sulphites, 
constitutes  in  reility,  by  its  chemical  reactions  and  thermal 
properties,  a  distinct  and  characteristic  type  of  a  new  saline 
series,  viz.  the  mztasulphites,  as  distinct  from  the  sulphites 
properly  so  called,  as  the  metaphosphates  and  pyrophosphates, 
for  example,  are  from  the  normal  phosphates. 

Pure  potassium  metasulphite  is  obtained  by  saturating  with 
sulphurous  acid  gas  a  concentrated  solution  of  potassium 
carbonate,  either  warm  or  even  cold,  and  by  drying  at  120°  the 
salt  which  separates  by  crystallisation.  The  anhydrous  salt 
already  described  under  the  name  of  anhydrous  bisulphite  by 
Muspratt  and  Mirignac  corresponds  to  the  formula  S2O5K2.1 
This  salt  is  distinguished  by  its  heat  of  formation,  its  stability, 
its  tendency  to  form  hydrates,  and  even  solutions  distinct  from 
those  of  the  normal  bisulphite,  and,  finally,  by  its  decomposi- 
tion by  heat.  In  leed,  the  normal  bisulphite  prepared  in  dilute 
solutions  by  the  saturation  of  the  neutral  sulphite  by  sulphurous 
acid  soon  change  5  state  in  the  liquid  itself.  It  is  dehydrated, 
and  becomes  metasulphite,  liberating  +2*6  Cal.,  a  fact  which 
accounts  for  the  preponderance  of  the  metasulphite  and  its 
definite  formation  in  solutions. 

The  dissolved  potash,  moreover,  reduces  the  metasulphite  to 
the  state  of  neutral  sulphite. 

Without  dwelling  any  further  here  upon  the  characteristics  of 
the  metasulphites,  we  shall  describe  the  action  which  heat  has 
upon  this  one  as  entering  into  the  scope  of  the  present  work. 

4.  Decomposition  of  metasulphite  by  heat.  The  action  of  heat 
forms  one  of  the  most  striking  characteristics  of  potassium 
metasulphite.  In  fact,  dry  metasulphite  does  not  lose  sulphurous 
acid  even  at  150°. 

However,  if  it  be  brought  to  a  dull  red  heat,  it  liberates 
sulphurous  acid,  but  without  regenerating  a  corresponding 
amount  of  neutral  sulphite,  and  even  changing  in  a  well-defined 
and  entire  manner  into  potassium  sulphate  and  sublimed 
sulphur  when  the  reaction  is  carefully  carried  out — 

2S205K2  =  2S04K2  +  S02  +  S. 

This  equation  has  been  verified  by  accurate  measurements. 
These  are  characteristic.  Sulphurous  acid  is  actually  liberated. 
The  volume  of  this  gas  indicated  by  the  above  formula  should 
be  the  half  of  that  corresponding  to  the  normal  reaction  of  a 
bisulphite,  such  as 

S205K2  =  S03K2  +  S02. 

1  "  Comptes  Rendus  des  stances  de  1'Acade'mie  des  Sciences,"  torn.  xcvi. 
p.  142,  and  especially  p.  208. 


Further,  the  neutral  sulphite  should  be  decomposed  in  its 
turn  into  sulphate  and  sulphide. 

'Now,  the  author  has  ascertained,  operating  in  a  very  confined 
space  filled  with  dry  nitrogen,  with  a  progressive  heating,  and 
collecting  the  gases  as  they  were  formed,  to  prevent  their 
further  reactions  on  the  remaining  salts — 

1st.  That  the  volume  of  the  sulphurous  gas  is  exactly  the 
half  of  the  volume  required  by  the  second  formula  (normal 

2nd.  That  the  salt  residuum  consists  of  almost  pure  sulphate, 
only  exercising  an  insignificant  action  on  an  iodine  solution. 

The  transformation  is  perfectly  definite  when  the  metasulphite 
alone  is  heated.  In  a  current  of  an  inert  gas,  such  as  nitrogen, 
or  even  in  a  considerable  space  filled  with  this  gas,  metasulphite 
commences  to  be  decomposed  into  sulphurous  acid,  which  is 
carried  off,  and  neutral  sulphite,  which  afterwards  yields  a 
certain  amount  of  sulphide.  But  these  complications  may  be 
avoided  by  operating  as  has  been  described.  These  reactions 
characterise  metasulphite  most  distinctly. 


1.  On  the  occasion  of  the  discussion  which  was  raised  some 
years  since  on  the  composition  of  the  products  of  explosion  of 
powder,  the  author  showed  that  potassium  hyposulphite,  shown 
by  former  analyses  to  the  extent  of  34  per  cent.,  does  not  in 
reality  pre-exist  in   any  appreciable   proportion  among  these 
products,  but  is  introduced  during  the  analytical  manipulations. 
This  demonstration  is  based  on  the  fact  that  potassium  hypo- 
sulphite is  entirely  destroyed  near  500°,  a  temperature  far  lower 
than  that  of  the  explosion  of  powder.     It  was  finally  accepted, 
not  without  opposition  at  the  outset,  by  Noble  and  Abel,  after 
the  experiments  of  Debus,  who  proved  that  the  hyposulphite 
found  in  the  analysis  resulted  from  the  use  of  cupric  oxide  to 
eliminate  the  alkaline  polysulphides. 

The  author  since  proved  the  same  with  zinc  oxide.  This 
oxide,  acting  on  potassium  polysulphide,  yields  besides  zinc 
sulphide  some  hyposulphite,  sulphate,  and  hyposulphate,  the 
relative  proportion  of  sulphur  contained  in  the  three  latter 
bodies  being  1118  and  8  in  one  experiment.  The  presence  of 
the  hyposulphite  in  particular  had  escaped  notice  previously ; 
it  is  probable  that  this  body  is  produced  also  with  cupric  oxide. 
It  is  even  formed,  though  only  in  small  quantities,  when 
polysulphide  is  destroyed  by  zinc  acetate. 

2.  These   facts   being    ascertained,   it    seemed   desirable   to 
determine  more  accurately  the  temperatures  of  decomposition 
of  the  alkaline  hyposulphites.      The  experiments  were  made 


with  salts  dried  in  a  progressive  manner,  at  first,  in  vacuo, 
then  at  150°,  conditions  under  which  they  undergo  no  altera- 

If,  on  the  contrary,  they  are  suddenly  heated  to  200°,  decom- 

rition  begins  under  the  influence  of  the  water  vapour  supplied 
the  hydrates. 

When  they  are  further  heated,  it  is  necessary  to  operate  in  an 
atmosphere  of  pure  and  dry  nitrogen,  the  least  trace  of  oxygen 
causing  an  oxidation  and  sublimation  of  sulphur.  The  decom- 
position of  the  hyposulphites  is  shown  by  analysis  by  means  of 
iodine,  which  should  be  reduced  to  the  half,  according  to  the 
theoretical  formula — 

4S203K2  =  3S04K2  +  K2S5. 

The  first  body  takes  I2,  the  second  body  only  I. 

The  operations  were  carried  out  in  an  alloy  bath,  the  tempera- 
tures being  given  by  an  air  thermometer.  With  standardised 
solutions  containing  a  known  weight  of  iodine,  the  following 
results  were  obtained : — 

Amount  of  standard 
iodine  used. 

S203K2  according  to  theory       323 

„        dried  in  vacuo 323 

„        heated  to  255° 325 

„        310°  ten  minutes  320 

„        310°  an  hour      323 

„        430°  for  a  short  time 320 

„        470°        160 

490°        161 

S203Na2  theoretical  (another  standardised  solution) 632 

dried  at  150° 632 

„      200° 634 

„      255° 634 

„  „      331°  ten  minutes      633 

331°  an  hour 633 

„     358° 632 

„      400° 569 

„     470° 375 

,,      490°    ...  ...  381 

It  results  from  these  analyses  that  the  potassium  and  sodium 
hyposulphites  resist  without  alteration  up  to  about  400°.  The 
soda  salt  commences  to  alter  at  this  temperature ;  the  potash 
salt  resists  a  little  longer,  up  to  about  430°,  at  least  if  the  dura- 
tion of  the  heating  be  not  prolonged  too  much,  otherwise  it 
commences  to  change.  At  470°  the  decomposition  is  total.  It 
is  strictly  theoretical  in  the  case  of  the  potash  salt.  In  that  of 
the  soda  salt  there  occurs  partial  sublimation  of  sulphur,  and  the 
strength  found  is  too  high  by  about  8  per  cent,  (on  50). 




1.  In  equations  relative  to  the  combustion  of  powder,  pure 
carbon  is  usually  considered ;  but  in  reality  the  charcoal  should 
be  taken  with  its  true  composition,  for  the  results  calculated  on 
the  supposition  that  the  oxygen  is  in  the  state  of  water  whilst 
carbon  and  hydrogen  would  be  free,  are  not  certain,  owing  to 
the  complex  composition  of  charcoal  and  the  thermal  excess 
which  it  liberates  in  its  total  combustion. 

2.  It  might  be  imagined  that,  in  order  to  take  this  fact  into 
account  in  calorimetric  calculations,  it  would  be  sufficient  to 
calculate  the  formation  of  carbonic  acid  and  carbonic  oxide 
from  amorphous  carbon — 

C  +  02  =  C02  liberates  +  48'5  Cal., 

instead  of  -f  47  Cal.  for  diamond  carbon. 

But  even  this  way  of  reckoning  gives  figures  which  are  too 
low,  because  the  charcoal  used  in  the  manufacture  of  powder  is 
not  pure  carbon,  but  contains  hydrogen  and  oxygen  nearly  in 
the  proportions  of  water.  For  instance,  the  charcoal  of  the 
powder  studied  by  Bunsen  contained  in  11*0  parts — 

0=  7'6;  H  =  0-4;  0  =  3-0. 

Now,  the  combustion  of  the  hydrocarbons  yields  more  heat 
than  that  corresponding  to  the  carbon  they  contain,  the  hydro- 
gen and  oxygen  being  supposed  in  the  state  of  pre-existing 
water,  that  is  to  say,  no  longer  contributing  to  the  production 
of  heat.  Thus  Favre  and  Silbermann,1  burning  bakers'  embers 
(which  contained  to  1  grm.  of  carbon  0*027  grm.  of  hydrogen), 
found  52,440  cal.,  instead  of  47,000  for  6  grms.  of  carbon  burnt, 
which  makes  an  excess  of  more  than  a  ninth,  or  906  cal.  per 

3.  This  is  intelligible  if  it  be  noted  that  calcined  charcoal  is 
derived  from  a  carbohydrate,  and  that  the  carbohydrates,  as  the 
author  pointed  out  many  years  ago,  yield  by  their  combustion 
more  heat  than  the  carbon  which  they  contain,  deduction  being 
made  of  the  oxygen  and  hydrogen  in  the  form  of  water. 

The  heat-  of  combustion  of  a  carbohydrate  of  the  formula 
(C6HpOp)  is,  according  to  experiment,  generally  709  Cal.  to 
726  Cal.  for  72  grms.  of  carbon. 

This  would  make  for  the  heat  of  combustion  of  C  =  6  grms. 
59  CaL  to  61*6  Cal.,  that  is,  an  excess  of  more  than  a  fourth  of 
the  heat  of  combustion  of  the  real  carbon  of  the  substance. 
When  the  carbohydrates  are  dehydrated  by  heat,  a  portion  of 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  3e  serie,  torn,  xxxiv.  p.  420.   1852. 


this  thermal  excess,  that  is,  a  portion  of  this  excess  of  energy, 
remains  in  the  residual  carbon.1 

Further  this  latter  carbon  sometimes  retains  an  excess  of 
hydrogen  which  yields,  weight  for  weight,  four  times  as  much 
heat  as  carbon. 

4.  It  is  hardly  possible  accurately  to  estimate  the  influence  of 
these  complex  circumstances,  unless  by  very  special  analysis 
and  calorimetric  determinations  made  on  the  charcoal  employed 
in  the  manufacture  of  a  given  powder.     But  it  is  clear  that  they 
tend  to  reduce  the  error  committed  by  assuming  in  the  calori- 
metric calculations  the  weight  of  the   charcoal  employed   as 
equal  to  the  weight  of  pure  carbon,  than  which  it  is  really  lower 
by  about  a  fifth.     This  compensation  extends  itself  even  to  the 
volume  of  the  gases  ;  since  the  deficiency  in  volume  of  carbonic 
acid  produced  is  almost  entirely  replaced  at  the  moment  of  the 
explosion   by  the  volume  of  water  vapour,  resulting  from  the 
hydrogen  and  oxygen  contained  in  charcoal. 

5.  With  a  view  to  rendering  these  notions  clearer,  we  shall 
give  some  observations  made  on  the  composition  of  a  charcoal 
derived  from  pure  lignite.     Having  had  occasion  to  see,  in  the 
powder  factory  at  Toulouse,  some  spindle-tree  charcoal,  pre- 
pared with  the  ordinary  precautions,  that  is  to  say  protected 
from  the  air  and  at  a  relatively  low  temperature,  from  young 
branches   containing  a  considerable  quantity  of  pith,   it  was 
deemed  of  interest  to  examine  the  carbonaceous  portion  derived 
from  this  pith,  a  pure  and  homogeneous  substance. 

Further,  the  central  position  allows  of  the  decomposition  of 
the  substance  by  heat  taking  place  outside  the  influence  of  the 
the  air  and  the  gases  formed  by  secondary  reaction  in  the  dis- 
tilling apparatus.  Some  of  the  carbonised  branches  were 
obtained,  and  the  charcoal  contained  in  the  medullary  channel 
extracted  and  examined. 

It  retained  exactly  the  appearance  and  structure  of  the 
original  pith,  except,  of  course,  its  colour.  In  order  to  analyse 
it,  it  was  dried  in  an  oven,  and  burnt  in  a  current  of  oxygen, 
completing  the  combustion  of  the  gases  by  a  column  of  cupric 
oxide.  Eesults : 

(1)  Loss  at  100°          9-0 

This  loss  is  due  to  water,  which  can  be  absorbed  by  sulphuric 
acid.  However,  there  is  also  produced  a  trace  of  carbonic  acid, 
as  was  proved,  which  is  doubtless  produced  by  oxidation  on 
contact  with  the  air,  which  is  worthy  of  notice,  from  the  low 
temperature  of  the  experiment  (100°).  But  the  weight  is  less 
than  the  one-thousandth  part,  from  direct  measurements. 

(2)  Ash  3-5 

1  See  also  the  works  of  M.  Scheurer-Kestner,  who  has  found  an  analogous 
excess  in  the  combustion  of  certain  kinds  of  coal. 


(3)  The  combustible  substance,  dried  at  100°,  contained  — 

Carbon  73-6,  that  is,  including  the  saline  carbon  of  the  ash  73-9 

Hydrogen       .....................  2-2 

Potassium       .....................  2-1 

Oxygen           .....................  21-8 

These  numbers  may  be  represented  by  the  following  empirical 
proportions,  C^B^KO^,  which  require  — 

C  ............  73-7 

H  ............  2-2 

K  ...                   ................  2-0 

0  .....................  22-1 

Of  course  it  will  be  understood  that  it  is  not  the  question  here 
of  a  formula  properly  so  called. 

These  proportions,  compared  with  those  expressing  the  com- 
position of  cellulose,  C^H^xAoo,  show  that  distillation  deprives 
this  substance  not  only  of  an  excess  of  water,  but  also  of  an 
excess  of  hydrogen,  which  corresponds  with  the  formation  of 
methane,  CH4,  acetone,  C3H60,  and  analogous  products.  The 
charcoal  of  the  pith  is  therefore  not  a  simple  carbohydrate,  but 
contains  a  proportion  of  oxygen  higher  than  that  which  would 
correspond  to  such  a  composition. 

The  proportion  of  oxygen  contained  in  this  charcoal,  viz. 
22  per  cent.,  is  very  remarkable,  on  account  of  the  physical 
properties  of  the  substance.  We  are  here  in  presence  of  special 
compounds  having  a  very  high  equivalent,  but  the  insolubility 
and  amorphous  state  of  which  prevent  their  being  properly 
determined.  The  author  has  elsewhere  maintained  the  existence 
of  these  moist  and  carbonaceous  compounds  formed  by  successive 
condensations,  and  of  which  the  various  carbons  represent  the 
extreme  limit.1 


1.  Two  combustible  elements  being  associated  with  the 
combustive,  it  is  easy  to  imagine  an  unlimited  number  of 
powders  of  this  kind.  We  shall  consider  the  three  following 
cases : —  . 

(1)  Mixture  of  saltpetre  and  charcoal. 

(2)  Mixture  of  saltpetre  and  sulphur. 

(3)  Mixture  of  saltpetre  with  sulphur  and  charcoal  in  equal 

1  "  TraitS  de  Chimique  organique,"  p.  384  (1872) ;  2e  Edition,  torn.  i.  p.  456 
(1881) ;  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4e  se'rie,  torn.  xix.  p.  143,  and 
torn.  ix.  p.  475.  The  analogy  (torn.  ix.  p.  478)  of  these  compounds  with  the 
metallic  oxides  obtained  by  a  more  or  less  intense  calcination,  and  which 
r  epresent  products  of  successive  condensation,  was  also  maintained. 


(1)  Saltpetre  and  charcoal.     The  equation  is  the  following — 

4KN03  +  50  =  2K2  C03  +  3C02  +  4K 

It  corresponds  to"  101  grms.  of  nitre  and  15  grms.  of  carbon;  in 
all,  116  grms. ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  129  grms.  of  charcoal  and  871 
grms.  of  nitre. 

1.  This  being  admitted,  the  heat  liberated  will  be,  for  1  equiv. 
of  potassium  nitrate   employed   to   burn  carbon,  at   constant 
pressure  +  90*7  Cal.,  or  +  91-2  Cal.  at  constant  volume;  or,  for 
1  kgm.,  782  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  or  786  Cal.  at  constant 

2.  The  reduced  volume  of  the   gases  =  27*9  litres ;  or,  for 
1  kgm.,  240-5  litres. 

240-5  atm. 

3.  Permanent  pressure  =  -  • ,  with  the  usual  reservation 

n  —  0*27 

relative  to  the  liquefaction  of  carbonic  acid. 

(2)  Saltpetre  and  sulphur.     The  equation  is  the  following  : — 

2KN03  +  S2  =  K2S04  +  S02  +  2K 

It  corresponds  to  101  grms.  of  nitre  and  32  grms.  of  sulphur ; 
in  all,  133  grms. ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  241  grms.  of  sulphur  and  759 
grms.  of  nitre.  The  sulphur  may  be  considered  as  pure,  in 

1.  The  heat  liberated  will  be,  for  one  equivalent,  87'0  Cal. 
at  constant  pressure,    8 7" 5   Cal.    at  constant  volume;  or,  for 
1  kgm.,  654  Cal.   at  constant  pressure,  658  Cal.  at  constant 

2.  Keduced  volume  of  the  gases  =  22*3  litres  for  the  equi- 
valent ;  or  168  litres  for  1  kgm. 

168  atm. 

3.  The  permanent  pressure  = — — ,  with  the  reservation 

n  —0-25 

of  the  liquefaction  limit  of  sulphurous  acid. 

4.  Theoretical  temperature  at  constant  volume,  3870°. 

2545  atm. 

5.  Theoretical  pressure  = — — . 

n  —  0'2o 

Note  that  under  the  conditions  attending  the  use  of  black 
powder  the  sulphurous  acid  shown  by  the  above  equations  does 
not  appear. 

(3)  Saltpetre,  sulphur,  and  carbon,  the  latter  in  equal  weights 
(black  powder  with  excess  of  nitre.)  The  equation  of  the  reaction 
is — 

10KN03  +3S  +  8C  =  3K2S04  +  2K2C03  +6C(V 
It  corresponds  to  505  grms.  of  nitre,  48  grms.  of  sulphur  and 

1  Admitting  the  following  specific  molecular  heats : — C02  =  3'6  ;  N  =  2-4  ; 
C03K2  =  151-0 ;  S04K2  =  16-6 ;  S02  =  3-6  (see  p.  141). 


48  grms.  of  carbon ;  in  all,  601  grms. ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  840  grms. 
of  nitre,  80  of  sulphur,  and  80  of  charcoal. 

1.  The  heat  liberated  will   be  for  the  equivalent  weight, 
479-6  CaL  at    constant    pressure,  or    481'2  Gal.  at    constant 
volume;    or,  for  1  kgm.,  798  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  and 
801  Cal.  at  constant  volume. 

2.  Eeduced  volume  of  the  gases  =  66'9  litres  for  the  equiva- 
lent weight ;  or  111/3  litres  for  1  kgm. 

3.  The  permanent  pressure  =  _         ',  with  the  reservation  of 


the  limit  of  liquefaction  of  carbonic  acid. 

4.  Theoretical  temperature,  4746°. 

2046  atm. 

5.  Theoretical  pressure  = — — . 

n  —  0'27 

6.  The  heat  produced  slightly  exceeds  that  of  sporting  and 
service  powder.     But  the  volume    of   the    permanent    gases 
developed  by  the  latter  is   double  that  corresponding   to   a 
complete  combustion.     Hence   the  pressure   is  far  lower  for 
powder   with  excess   of  nitre  than  for  -sporting  and  service 

The  complete  combustion  effected  by  an  excess  of  nitre  is 
therefore  not  advantageous  from  the  point  of  view  of  the  effects 
developed  by  the  pressure  of  powder.  This  inferiority  of 
powder  with  an  excess  of  nitrate  had  already  been  discovered 
in  practice. 

7.  However,  it  is  worthy  of  remark   that  the   compounds 
which  are  formed  by  the  complete  combustion  of  a  powder  with 
an  excess  of  nitre,  viz.  potassium  sulphate  and  carbonate,  are 
also  noticed  by  writers  on  the  subject   as  principal  products 
in  the  deflagration  of  sporting  and  service  powder,  as  well  as  in 
that  of  powders   the  most   different  in   appearance,  such   as 
blasting   powder,  which  is  very  rich  in  sulphur,  and  powder 
with  an  excess  of  charcoal.     Although  the  products  vary  a  little 
with  the   conditions   of   deflagration,  potassium   sulphate  and 
carbonate  have  almost  always  been  observed,  and  this  is  the  more 
important,  as  these  two  salts  do  not  figure  in  the  theoretical 
equations  formerly  admitted. 


1.  We  shall  divide  the  study  of  service  powders  into  four 
sections,  comprising — 

(1)  The  general  properties  of  powder. 

(2)  The  products  of  combustion  of  powder. 

(3)  The  theory  of  combustion  of  powder. 

(4)  The  comparison  between  theory  and  observation. 


(1)   General  Properties  of  Powder. 

1.  The  proportion,  "  six,  ace  and  ace,"  that  is  to  say— 

Saltpetre          75'0 

Sulphur  12-5 

Charcoal          12-5 

has  never  been  far  departed  from  in  France.  An  excess  of  char- 
coal and  of  nitre  increases  the  strength ;  an  excess  of  sulphur 
has  been  found  favourable  to  the  preservation  of  powder.  The 
presence  of  sulphur,  moreover,  lowers  the  initial  temperature  of 
the  decomposition  of  the  substance  and  regulates  it.  The 
actual  proportions  in  France  are — 

Nitre.        Sulphur.        Charcoal. 

Ordnance  powder  75  12'5  12-5 

Old  coarse  grained  powder          ...         ...  75  10  15 

Rifle  powder,  Class  B      74  10'5  15-5 

Rifle  powder,  Class  F      77  8  15 

Austria      75'5  10  14-5 

United  States,  Switzerland          76  10  14 

Holland     70  14  16 

China         61-5  15-5  23 

Prussia      74  10  16 

England,  Russia,  Sweden,  Italy 75  10  15 

The  composition  75,  12*5,  13*5,  corresponds  practically  to  the 

2KN03  -f  S  +  30, 

or  101  -f  16  +18 ;  in  all,  135  grms. ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  748  grms.  of 
saltpetre,  118*5  grms.  of  sulphur,  and  133*5  grms.  of  carbon. 

2.  The  temperature  of  inflammation  of  powder  was  fixed  at 
316°  by  Horsley.     This  temperature  varies  with  the  process  of 
heating.     It  may  fall  to  265°,  according  to  Violette. 

If  the  heating  takes  place  slowly,  the  sulphur  melts,  causes 
the  aggregation  of  the  grains,  then  gradually  vaporises  and 
may  even  be  almost  entirely  sublimed.  The  nature  of  the 
charcoal  has  great  influence  in  this  case ;  some  wood  charcoals 
yielding  carbonic  acid  on  contact  with  the  air  at  100°  and  even 
below  p.  (489). 

It  is,  therefore,  natural  to  suppose  that  such  charcoals,  if  their 
surface  be  not  completely  covered  by  sulphur  and  saltpetre 
through  a  very  intimate  mixture,  may  become  more  and  more 
rapidly  oxidised  at  a  temperature  which  moreover  goes  on 
increasing  owing  to  the  oxidation.  They  may  even  take  fire, 
especially  if  the  mass  be  so  large  that  the  heat  produced  by 
this  oxidation  has  not  time  to  dissipate  itself.  We  may  in 
this  way  account  for  certain  accidents  caused  by  spontaneous 
inflammation  of  heaps  of  powder  dust. 

3.  The  inflammation  of  powder  is  caused  by  the  shock  of 
iron  on  iron,  iron  on  brass  or  marble,  brass  on  brass,  quartz  on 
quartz,  less  easily  by  iron  on  copper,  or  copper  on  copper.     It 


is  caused  even  by  lead  on  lead,  or  lead  on  wood ;  seldom  by 
copper  on  wood,  never  by  wood  on  wood,  without  of  course  the 
interposition  of  gravel. 

4.  Powder  absorbs  a  certain  amount  of  moisture,  principally 
owing   to  the  hygroscopic  properties  of  the  charcoal  and  the 
impurities  of  the  saltpetre;  this  amount  varying  from  0'5  in 
dry  magazines  to  1*20  in  damp  magazines.     The  proportion  of 
water  thus  absorbed  may  rise  to  seven  per  cent,  in  a  saturated 
atmosphere,   the    temperature    of   which  undergoes   alternate 
changes.      When  it   exceeds    a    certain    limit  it  causes    the 
separation   of   the   saltpetre    by   eventual    efflorescence,   thus 
destroying  the  powder. 

5.  The  density  of  powder  has  been  considered  from  three 
points  of  view : 

1st.  The  absolute  density,  denned  in  the  sense  in  which  it  is 
employed  by  physicists. 

2nd.  The  apparent  density  of  the  isolated  grains,  called  real 

3rd.  The  apparent  density  of  unrammed  powder,  called 
gravimetric  density  (weight  of  powder  at  the  unit  of  volume). 
The  gravimetric  density  varies  from  0'83  to  0'94,  according  to 
the  coarseness  of  the  grain. 

The  so-called  real  density  is  found  by  plunging  a  given 
weight  of  powder  into  a  given  medium  of  which  the  variation 
of  volume  is  observed.  The  following  substances  have  been 
used: — lycopodium,  a  solid  body  in  a  very  fine  powder, 
essence  of  turpentine,  water  saturated  with  saltpetre,  absolute 
alcohol,  and  mercury ;  the  latter  being  the  only  liquid  which 
can  be  considered  as  exercising  no  dissolving  action. 

In  the  tests,  it  is  subjected  to  a  fixed  pressure  (2  atm.) 
during  the  operation.  The  results  obtained  in  this  way  have 
only  a  relative  significance. 

The  following  have  been  found  in  this  manner : — 

Ordnance  powder      1-56  to  1-72 

Rifle  powders  1-63  to  1-82 

Sporting  powder        1-87 

The  absolute  density,  measured  by  the  volumometer,  is  2*50. 

(2)  Products  of  Combustion  of  Powder. 

1.  These  products  are  those  of  the  combustion  of  charcoal 
and  sulphur  by  oxygen,  modified  by  the  presence  of  nitrogen 
and  the  reaction  between  these  products  and  potassium,  proceed- 
ing from  the  saltpetre,  at  the  high  temperature  of  combustion. 

2.  The  proportions  of  the  composition  of  powder  are  not 
those  of  total  combustion,  oxygen  being  wanting ;  they  therefore 
do  not  correspond  to  the  greatest  heat  which  might  be  liberated 
by  the  oxidation  of  the  sulphur  and  carbon  by  a  given  weight 


of  saltpetre.  On  the  other  hand,  they  yield  a  much  greater 
volume  of  gas,  which  compensates,  so  that  the  strength  of  such 
a  powder  is  after  all  superior  to  that  of  a  total  combustion 
powder.  It  will  be  seen  that  this  fact  must  introduce  some 
complication  into  the  chemical  reactions. 

3.  The  latter,  moreover,  change  greatly  in  character  with  the 
pressure,  when  operating  in  a  closed   vessel.     They  are  also 
modified  during  the  discharge  of  firearms  owing  to  the  rapid 
expansion  of  the  gases.     But  the  analytical  experiments  then 
become  very  delicate  owing  to  the  difficulty  of  collecting  the 
products,  and  preventing  them  from  undergoing  at  this  moment 
the  oxidising  action  of  the  air,  which  is  the  more  to  be  appre- 
hended, the  more  divided  the  pulverulent  products  are. 

4.  Let  us  now  go  into  detail.     Observation  shows  that  the 
combustion  of  powder  produces  as  principal  products  the  follow- 
ing bodies  (neglecting  certain  accessory  substances  to  which  we 
shall  return  later  on)  : — 

Potassium  carbonate,  sulphate,  and  sulphide,  or  rather, 
poly  sulphide,  carbonic  oxide,  and  nitrogen. 

There  subsists  no  sulphurous  acid,  nor  carbon,  nor  oxygenated 
compounds  of  nitrogen,  whether  free  or  in  the  saline  form 
(except  sometimes  some  nitrite). 

5.  These  results  are  accounted  for  in  the  following  way.     At 
first  the  salts  of  the  lower  oxygenated  acids  of  sulphur  and 
nitrogen  are  all  decomposed  by  the  high  temperature  of  the 
explosion.     As  for  sulphurous  and  hyponitric  acids,  they  are 
reduced  by  the  carbon  and  carbonic  oxide  (see  p.  480). 

6.  Nevertheless,  some  traces  of  accessory  products  are  obtained, 
such  as  water,  ammonium  carbonate,  potassium  hyposulphite,  and 
sulphocyanide,  sulphuretted  hydrogen,  hydrogen  and  methane ; 
all  these  bodies  being  due  to  secondary  reactions,  or  reactions 
developed  during  cooling.     We  shall  presently  return  to  them. 

7.  We  have  now  to  examine  the  relative  proportions  of  the 
various  products.     We  shall  first  define  the  initial  state. 

8.  Initial  state.     The  analyses  were  made  on  powders,  the 
composition  of  which  was  nearly  the  following : — 

Saltpetre  74-7 

Sulphur  10-1 

Charcoal  14-21 

Water  1-0 

These  numbers,  taken  roughly,  approach  the  following  relations  : 

16KN03  +  21C  +  7S, 
in  the  vicinity  of  which  the  composition  of  the  powder  of  the 

1  The  charcoal  used  contained  in  14-2  parts  :  pure  carbon,  12'1 ;  hydrogen, 
0'4 ;  oxygen,  1-45  ;  ashes,  0'2. 

Nitre          772-5 

Carbon      120'5 

Sulphur     107 



principal  nations  would  fluctuate,  according  to  Debus.  These 
relations  expressed  in  weights  represent ;  1616  grms.  of  nitre, 
252  grms.  of  carbon,  224  grms.  of  sulphur;  in  all,  2092  grms., 
which  makes  per  kilogramme  772'5  grms.  nitre,  120-5  carbon, 
107  sulphur. 

It  should  be  observed  that  in  this  estimate  three  to  four  per 
cent,  of  matter  are  neglected,  represented  by  moisture  (I'O),  ash 
(0*2  to  0-3),  and  especially  by  the  hydrogen  (04  to  0'5)  and 
oxygen  (1'5  to  2*5)  of  the  charcoal.  The  moisture  and  ash 
have  little  influence ;  but  the  hydrogen  and  oxygen  of  the 
charcoal  modify  sensibly  the  volume  of  the  gases.  They  increase 
above  all  the  heat  liberated,  to  such  a  degree,  that  the  difference 
between  the  latter  calculated  from  the  weight  of  carbon  sup- 
posed pure  and  the  real  heat  amounts  at  least  to  a  tenth,  and 
with  some  kinds  of  charcoal  might  even  rise  to  the  fourth  of 
the  former  quantity  (see  p.  488). 

9.  Final  state.  We  are  indebted  to  Noble  and  Abel  for 
a  long  and  important  work  on  this  question.  They  effected  the 
combustion  of  powder  in  a  closed  vessel ;  a  condition  which  is 
not  quite  the  same  as  that  of  the  combustion  of  powder  in  fire- 
arms, on  account  of  expansion,  and  also  of  the  action  on  the 
walls  of  the  vessels,  with  the  formation  of  iron  sulphide,  a  com- 
pound which  was  produced  in  very  considerable  quantities  in 
their  experiments.  The  mean  density  of  the  products  of  combus- 
tion varied  in  their  experiments  from  O'lO  to  0'90.  The  following 
are  the  proportions  by  weight  of  the  products  observed : — 

Pebble  Powder,  W.A. 

R.L.G.  Powder,  W.A. 

F,G.  Powder,  W.A. 





25-0  —27-8 


24-8  —27-6 


24-9  —28-9 



5-7  —  3-7 


5-8  —  3-1 


5-8  —  2-6 



11-0  —11-2 


12-3  —10-5 


11-7  —10-6 




0-4  —  0-03 





1*8  _  o-7 


1-8  —  0-8 


1-5  —  1-0 



1-14—  O'O 


0-17—  0-01 




0  . 





o-i  —  o 


Total  gaseous  1 
products     .  / 

43-2  —44-8 


42-1  —43-7 


41-5  —43-7 



371  —29-8 


38-0  —28-8 


34-3  —25-1 



5-3  —  8-6 


2-8  —14-0 


10-4  —14-0 


K2S    . 

12-5  —  6-7 


10-9  —  6-2 


12-1  —  4-7 


S  .     . 

6-2  —  2-3 


7-2  —  2-7 


5-8  —  2-3 



0-3  —  0-003 




0-15       ... 



0-09—  0-03 


0-08—  0-02 


0-09—  0-01 










6-27—  6-0 




o'i'e—  6-05 


K20    . 



Total       solid\ 
products     .  [ 



56-7  —55-2 


57-0  —54-8 


Water      .     . 







The  variations  are  wider  when  we  pass  to  powders  in  which 
the  proportion  of  nitre  is  different,  such  as  sporting  and  blast- 
ing powders,  but  we  suppress  these  data  in  order  not  to  unduly 
extend  our  explanations. 

10.  These  analyses  give  rise  to  various  remarks.     It  should 
in  the  first  place  be  noted  that  the  sulphur  observed  is  not  free 
in  reality,  but  combined,  partly  in  the  form  of  potassium  poly- 
sulphide,  and  partly  as   iron   sulphide  (or  rather  of  double 
sulphide  of  iron  and  potassium),  resulting  from  the  action  on 
the  walls  of  the  vessels.     This  phenomenon  manifested  itself  to 
the  greatest  extent  in  Noble  and  Abel's  experiments,  but  it  is 
far  less  appreciable  in  firearms  owing  to  the  rapidity  with 
which  the  products  are  cooled  by  expansion  and  expelled. 

11.  For  a  long  time  potassium  hyposulphite,  which  appears 
in  the  analyses  of  Bunsen,  Linck,  Federow,  and  in  the  early 
publications  of  Noble  and  Abel,  as  representing  an  amount 
sometimes  very  considerable,  had  been  admitted  among   the 
products  of  the  combustion  of  powder.     The  author  had  called 
attention  some  years  since  to  the  fact  that  this  compound  could 
not  be  an  initial  product  of  the  combustion  of  powder,  since  it 
is  completely  decomposed  by  heat  towards  450°  into  sulphate 
and  poly  sulphide  (see  p.  487).    At  the  very  most  the  presence 
of  some  trace  of  it  might  be  admitted,  due  to  the  secondary 
reactions  taking  place  during  cooling.     But  the  considerable 
amounts  observed  by  writers  on  the  subject  appeared  attributable 
to  the  alteration  of  the  products  produced  both  by  contact  with 
the  air  and  during  the  analytical  manipulations. 

Shortly  afterwards  Debus  confirmed  this  opinion,  and  dis- 
covered that  the  hyposulphite  found  was  attributable  chiefly  to 
the  reactions  of  the  potassium  polysulphides  on  the  copper  oxide 
employed  in  the  analysis  to  separate  the  sulphur  from  the 
alkaline  sulphide.  Thus  at  the  present  day  hyposulphite  has 
disappeared  from  the  list  of  the  essential  products  formed 
during  the  combustion  of  powder. 

12.  It  will  further  be  remarked  that  in  exceptional  cases 
a  small  quantity  of  charcoal   escapes   combustion.     A   small 
quantity  of  nitre  up  to  three  thousandth  parts  is  almost  always 

Lastly,  some  powders  would  yield  free  potash  up  to  three  per 
cent. ;  a  sign  of  some  dissociation  of  which  the  suddenness  of 
cooling  or  of  solidification  has  preserved  a  trace;  this  potash 
not  having  had  time  to  unite  with  the  carbonic  acid  of  the 
superposed  atmosphere. 

The  free  oxygen  which  would  result  from  some  analyses  may 
be  attributed  either  to  particles  of  nitrate  remaining  isolated  in 
the  mass  and  decomposed  by  the  high  temperature  of  the  explo- 
sion, or  more  probably  to  the  dissociation  of  the  carbonic  acid 
(see  p.  504),  and  the  sudden  cooling  of  the  mass,  which  did  not 

2  K 



allow  this  oxygen  to  recombine  with  the  excess  of  carbon  or 

13.  Hydrogen  and  methane  are  unimportant  products,  due  to 
the  complex  composition  of  the  charcoal. 

The  sulphocyanide  appears  to  result  from  the  action  of  the 
sulphur  on  a  small  quantity  of  potassium  cyanide,  which  may 
be  formed,  as  is  well  known,  in  the  reaction  of  carbon  in  excess 
on  potassium  nitrate. 

A  portion  of  this  cyanide  changed  into  cyanate  by  the 
oxidising  action,  then  decomposed  by  water  vapour  during 
cooling,  appears  to  be  the  origin  of  the  ammonium  carbonate. 

The  same  reaction  of  water  vapour  and  the  co-existing  car- 
bonic acid  on  the  alkaline  sulphide  explains  the  formation  of  a 
small  quantity  of  sulphuretted  hydrogen. 

14.  Equivalent  relations.     If,  for  the  sake  of  simplicity,  the 
accessory  products  (sulphuretted  hydrogen,  methane,  hydrogen, 
sulphocyanide,  oxygen,  ammonium  carbonate,  etc.)  be  neglected, 
we  find  the  following  equivalent  relation  between  the  principal 
products : — 



R.L.G.,  W.A. 

F.G.,  W.A. 












CO.                .     .     . 


K,CO,  . 

K-SO.  .     .     .     . 

K^S      .     . 

The  general  mean  of  the  analyses  would  not  differ  greatly 
from  the  following  relation  proposed  by  Debus  : — 

16KN03  +  21C  -f  7S  ==  13C02  +  SCO  -f  5K2C03  +K2S04 
+  2K2S3  -f  16N. 

15.  Variations  in,  the  composition  of  the  final  products.  But 
this  mean  does  not  take  into  account  the  variations  amounting 
in  the  case  of  carbonic  oxide  to  from  2 '6  to  5'8 ;  in  that  of 
potassium  carbonate  from  251  to  38'0 ;  the  sulphate  from  2'8 
to  14'0  ;  the  sulphide  from  4*7  to  12'5. 

Generally  speaking,  the  amount  of  carbonic  acid  and 
potassium  carbonate  increases  slightly  (except  F.G.,  W.A.  for  the 
latter)  with  the  pressure ;  while  the  carbonic  oxide  tends  to 
diminish  (except  E.G.,  W.A.). 

The  potassium  sulphate,  sulphide,  and  carbonate  must  contain 
the  whole  of  the  potassium.  Hence  no  one  of  these  three  salts 
can  vary  without  the  whole  of  both  the  others  undergoing  a 


complementary  change.  Similarly  the  carbon  will  be  shared 
between  the  potassium  carbonate,  carbonic  acid,  and  carbonic 
oxide,  which  are  complementary.  The  variations  in  the 
sulphur  have  less  influence  on  the  other  compounds,  owing 
to  the  formation  of  the  polysulphide,  which  absorbs  a  variable 
excess  of  this  element.  The  nitrogen  becoming  free  almost  in 
its  entirety  does  not  enter  into  account. 

The  free  carbonic  acid  changes  but  little. 

But  the  variations  in  the  carbonic  oxide  and  carbonic  acid, 
combined  with  the  potassium,  are  complementary  to  the  more 
or  less  advanced  transformation  of  the  sulphate  into  sulphide. 

We  are  about  to  attempt  to  account,  by  a  theory,  for  the 
formation  of  the  fundamental  products,  together  with  the  fluctua- 
tions observed  in  their  relative  proportions. 

3.  Theory  of  the  Combustion  of  Powder.     Simultaneous  Equations. 

1.  In  the  case  of  powder,  as  well  as  in  that  of  ammonium 
nitrate  (p.  5),  and  generally  of  the  substances  which  do  not 
undergo  total  combustion,  several  simultaneous  reactions  are 
produced,  due  to  the  diversity  of  the  local  conditions  of  combus- 
tion in  the  unavoidable  absence  of  homogeneousness  in  a  purely 
mechanical  mixture  of  three  pulverised  bodies,  and  to  the 
rapidity  of  the  cooling  of  the  mass,  which  does  not  allow  of  the 
reactions  attaining  their  limits  of  definite  equilibrium.  If  we 
limit  ourselves  to  the  principal  products  these  equations  may  be 
reduced  to  the  following  :  — 

(1)  2KN03  +  8+30  =  ^8  +  3C02  +  2N 

(2)  4KN03  +  50  =  2K2CO,  +  3C02  +  4N 

(3)  2KN03  +  30  =  K2C03  +  C02  +  CO  +  2N 

(4)  2KN08  +  S  +  2C  =  KjS04  +  2CO  +  2N 

(5)  2KN03  +  S  +  C  =  K^  +  C02  +  2N 

By  combining  them  with  each  other,  two  by  two,  three  by 
three,  etc.,  we  obtain  systems  of  simultaneous  equations  repre- 
senting all  the  analyses,  the  extreme  as  well  as  the  intermediate 

In  this  way  equations  less  numerous,  but  more  complicated, 
are  formed,  which  any  one  may  combine  so  as  to  represent  any 
particular  circumstance  of  the  explosion  to  which  he  attaches  a 
special  importance.  But  all  these  arrangements  essentially 
belong  to  an  analogous  conception.  Kepresentations  of  this 
kind  are,  moreover,  indispensable,  unless  by  an  arbitrary  fiction 
we  suppress  the  experimental  variations,  which  it  is  precisely 
the  object  of  the  simultaneous  equations  to  express. 

2.  On  the  contrary,  by  devoting  exclusive  attention  to  the 
variations,  one  would  run  the  risk  of  falling  into  a  blind 

2  K  2 


empiricism,  incapable  of  serving  as  guide  for  the  perfecting  of 
the  practical  applications.  We  shall  now  apply  these  ideas  in 
detail.  Take,  for  instance,  the  mean  value  given  above,  accord- 
ing to  Debus  (p.  498) ;  it  corresponds  to  an  equation  which  is 
too  complicated  to  be  admitted  as  the  general  representation  of 
the  phenomenon,  but  it  is  easy  to  see  that  it  results  from  a 
certain  system  of  transformations  in  which  a  fourth  of  the  salt- 
petre has  been  destroyed  according  to  equation  (1) — the  sulphide, 
moreover,  having  been  changed  into  polysulphide  at  the  expense 
of  the  excess  of  sulphur ;  an  eighth  of  the  saltpetre  has  been 
destroyed  according  to  equation  (5) ;  three-eighths  according  to 
equation  (3) ;  and  a  fourth  according  to  equation  (2). 

On  the  other  hand,  the  analyses  which  have  given  the 
maximum  of  carbonate  also  correspond  to  the  maximum  of 
carbonic  oxide,  and  to  a  very  small  proportion  of  sulphate,  all 
these  being  correlative  circumstances  which  may  be  expressed 
by  the  system  according  to  simultaneous  equations,  viz.  equa- 
tion (1)  for  a  third  of  the  saltpetre ;  equation  (3)  for  the  half ; 
equation  (2)  for  about  a  sixth. 

The  opposite  extreme  is  that  in  which  the  potassium  sulphate 
gives  the  maximum  proportion,  or  a  fifth  of  the  potassium ; 
while  the  carbonate  retains  the  half  of  it,  and  the  carbonic  oxide 
tends  to  disappear.  These  relations  still  show  regular  reactions, 
always  expressed  by  a  certain  system  of  simultaneous  equations : 
or  equation  (1)  for  a  third  of  the  saltpetre,  and  equation  (2)  for 
nearly  the  half,  which  corresponds  to  the  carbonate ;  while  the 
formation  of  potassium  sulphate  would  correspond  for  an  eighth 
of  the  substance  to  equation  (4),  and  for  a  twelfth  to  equa- 
tion (5). 

3.  The  five  simultaneous  equations,  therefore,  represent  the 
extreme  cases ;  but  it  is  easy  to  prove  that  their  combinations 
also  represent  in  an  approximate  manner  the  intermediate  cases. 

Consequently,  the  system  of  equations  expresses  the  chemical 
transformation  of  powder,  at  least  as  regards  the  fundamental 
products.  Further,  it  represents  the  variations,  which  could  not 
be  done  by  a  single  equation. 

The  transformation  reduces  itself  definitively  to  five  simple 
reactions,  which  cause  the  formation  of  the  potassium  sul- 
phate, sulphide,  and  carbonate,  of  carbonic  acid,  and  carbonic 

4.  It  is   also   easy  to  prove  that  the   combustion   of  any 
powder  may  be  represented  by  a  certain   combination  of  the 
above  five  equations;  the  first  members  being  taken  in  such 
relative  proportions  that  they  represent  the  initial  composition 
of  the  powder  under  consideration,  provided  the  more  or  less 
abundant  formation  of  the  polysulphide,  and  of  the  deficit  of 
about  a  fourth  compared  with  real  carbon,  which  results  from 
the  use  of  charcoal,  be  taken  into  account. 


5.  The  chemical  transformation  of  powder  being  thus  defined, 
let  us  now  calculate  the  heat  liberated  and  the  volume  of  the 
gases  produced,  according  to  each  of  the  five  equations  regarded 

6.  Equation  (1), 

2KN03  -f  S  +  30  =  K2S  +  3C02  +  2£T, 

represents  135  grms.  of  matter ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  784  grms.  of 
nitre,  118*5  grms.  of  sulphur,  133-3  grms.  of  carbon.  The 
products  being,  408  grms.  K2S,  488  grms.  C02,  104  grms.  K. 

The  reaction  liberates  +  734  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  74'5 
at  constant  volume,  a  quantity  which  the  formation  of  the 
polysulphide,  K2S2,  by  an  excess  of  sulphur  during  cooling 
would  raise  to  about  77  Cal.1  This  figure  itself  is  calculated 
with  the  aid  of  data  obtained  at  the  ordinary  temperature.  At 
the  high  temperature  of  the  explosion  it  is  modified  by  various 
circumstances,  such  as  the  partial  dissociation  of  the  carbonic 
acid,  the  state  of  fusion,  or  even  of  volatilisation,  of  the 
potassium  sulphide,  the  variation  in  the  specific  heats,  etc. 
But  it  is  not  possible  in  the  present  state  of  the  science  to  take 
these  various  circumstances  into  account;  we  shall  therefore 
confine  ourselves  to  the  calculation  based  upon  the  data 
observed.  These  remarks  apply  likewise  to  the  other  equations. 

Supposing,  therefore,  -f  73 '4  or  74*5  liberated  by  the  trans- 
formation (1) ;  this  quantity,  referred  to  1  kgm.,  becomes  544 
Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  or  552  Cal.  at  constant  volume. 

The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  is  44*6  litres,  or,  for  1  kgm., 
330-4  litres. 

330-4  atm. 

Permanent  pressure  = ,  with  the  usual  reservation 

n  —  0*1^ 

of  the  liquefaction  of  carbonic  acid  for  small  values  of  n. 
Theoretical  temperature  2  =  3514°. 

4592  atm.         5740  atm. 
.Theoretical  pressure  8=  nTTo""'  °r '  assuming 

the  total  vaporisation  of  the  potassium  sulphide. 

1  It  is  here  supposed  that  C  +  02  =  C0a  liberates  +  47-0  Cal.    See  remarks 
on  page  488. 
8  The  following  specific  heats  are  taken — 

C02      3-6  (at  constant  volume) 

N         2-4 

CO       2-4 

ILS      8.0 

C03K2 15-0 

BOA 16-6 

They  are  supposed  constant  for  the  sake  of  simplicity. 

3  The  real  density  of  sulphide  of  potassium  not  being  known,  a  density 
nearly  equal  to  3  has  here  been  taken. 


7.  These    figures    would    be    appreciably    modified    if    we 
assumed,  as  was  formerly  done,  the  total  vaporisation  of  the 
saline  compounds  at  the  moment  of  the  explosion,  which  would 
increase  the  volume  of  the  gases  by  a  fourth,  while  slightly 
diminishing  the  heat  liberated.     But  this  hypothesis  appears 
to  be  abandoned  by  nearly  all  specialists  at  the  present  day. 
It   might,  however,  be  true  for  potassium   sulphide,  a  body 
which  is   volatilised   at  a  red  heat.      It   should  further  be 
observed  that  the  theoretical   temperature  is  too  high,  as  in 
all  calculations  of  this   kind,  owing  to  dissociation  and  the 
variation  in  the   specific  heats  with  the  temperature.     This 
tends  to  lower  the  theoretical  pressure.     But  there  is,  as  we 
have  said  elsewhere  (p.  11),  a  certain  compensation,  due  to 
the  fact  that  in  greatly  compressed  gases  the  variation  of 
pressure  with  temperature  is  far  smaller  than  would  be  indicated 
by  Mariotte's  and  Gay-Lussac's  laws.     All  these  remarks  apply 
equally  to  the  other  equations  above  set  forth,  and  which  we 
are  about  to  discuss. 

8.  If  the  substance  used  contained  a  certain  proportion  of 
sulphur  in  excess  and  this  sulphur  were  changed  into  iron 
sulphide  (p.  497),  11 '9  Cal.  should  be  added  per  equivalent  of 
iron  sulphide.     The  heat  liberated  will  therefore  be  increased. 
This  increase  represents  one-eighth  of  the  heat  liberated ;  but 
the  increase  in  the  relative  weight  for  an  equivalent  of  sulphur 
is  nearly  the  same,  which  forms  a  compensation  for  the  same 
weight  of  matter. 

These  observations  are  equally  applicable  to  the  other 

9.  Equation  (2), 

4KN03  +  5C  =  2K2C03  +  3C02  +  4N, 

represents  116  grms.  of  matter,  or,  for  1  kgm.,  129  grms.  of 
carbon  and  878  grms.  of  nitre.  The  products  being,  593*6  grms. 
C03K2,  284-5  grms.  C02,  120-5  K 

The  reaction  liberates  +  901  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  or  90'8 
CaL  at  constant  volume;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  777  Cal.  at  constant 
pressure,  or  783  Cal.  at  constant  volume. 

The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  =  27'9  litres ;'  or,  for  1  kgm., 
240-5  litres. 

Permanent  pressure  =  — — ',  with  the  usual  reservation. 

n  —  O'At 

Theoretical  temperature  =  3982°. 

T,         , .    ,                     3749  atm. 
Ineoretical  pressure  = — . 


10.  Equation  (3), 

20T03  -f  30  =  K2C03  +  CO  +  C02  +  2N, 

represents  119  grins,  of  matter;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  106  grms.  of 
carbon  and  894  grms.  of  nitre.  The  products  being,  580  grms. 
C03K2,  117-5  grms.  CO,  117'5  grms.  N,  185  grms.  C02. 

The  transformation  liberates  +  801  Cal.  at  constant  pressure, 
+  80 '9  Cal.  at  constant  volume ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  673  Cal.  at  con- 
stant pressure,  680  Cal.  at  constant  volume. 

The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  =  33'5  litres ;  or,  for 
1  kgm.,  281-5  litres. 

_,  281-5  atm. 

Permanent  pressure  =  Tr^r,  with  the  usual  reservation. 

n  —  U'Jo 

Theoretical  temperature  =  3458°. 

3847  atm. 

Theoretical  pressure  = ^r~' 

n  -  0-26 

11.  Equation  (4), 

2KNO3  +  S  -f  2C  =  K2S04  -f  2CO  -f  2N, 

represents  129  grms.  of  matter;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  124  grms.  of 
sulphur,  93  grms.  of  charcoal,  and  783  grms.  of  nitre.  The 
products  being,  675  grms.  S04K2,  217  grms.  CO,  108  grms.  N. 

The  transformation  liberates  78'2  Cal.  at  constant  pressure, 
79-0  Cal.  at  constant  volume ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  606  Cal.  at  con- 
stant pressure,  612  Cal.  at  constant  volume. 

The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  =  3  3 '5  litres ;  or,  for 
1  kgm.,  260  litres. 

260  atm. 
Permanent  pressure  =  — -  with  the  usual  reservation. 

Theoretical  temperature  =  3320°. 

„_        •-.    .                     3422  atm. 
Theoretical  pressure  = ?VOK"' 

12.  Equation  (5), 

2KN03  +  S  +  C  =  K2S04  +  C02  +  2N, 

represents  123  grms.  of  matter ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  821  grms.  of 
nitre,  130  of  sulphur,  49  grms.  of  carbon.  The  products  being, 
708  grms.  S04K2,  178  grms.  C02,  114  grms.  N. 

The  transformation  liberates  +  99'4  Cal.  at  constant  pressure, 
+  100  Cal.  at  constant  volume. 

The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  =  22'3  Cal. ;  or,  for  1  kgm., 
181-5  litres. 

Theoretical  temperature  =  4425°. 
3122  atm. 


181-5  atm. 

Permanent  pressure  =  -  TT^T,  Wltn  tne  usual  reservation. 
n  —  U'zb 

Theoretical  tempera 

Theoretical  pressure 

n  —  U'^o 

The  five  foregoing  equations  are  the  only  ones  which  it  is 
necessary  to  take  into  account  in  problems  relating  to  service 
powder  where  the  whole  of  the  charcoal  disappears,  as  has  been 

13.  However,  the  study  of  blasting  powder,  which  contains 
an  excess  of  charcoal,  has  led  us  to  consider  a  fresh  reaction, 
that  of  charcoal  on  carbonic  acid.  This  reaction  appears  due  to 
the  previous  decomposition  of  the  latter  producing  free  oxygen 
capable  of  changing  in  its  turn  the  carbon  into  oxide. 

C02  =  CO  +  0  (partial  dissociation)  absorbs  —  34*1  ; 
C  -f  0  =  CO  (oxidation)  liberates  +  12'9. 

It  already  plays  a  part  in  two  of  our  equations,  for  it  allows 
of  passing  from  (3)  to  (2),  and  from  (5)  to  (4). 

Without  dwelling  on  the  intermediate  cases,  we  shall  con- 
sider the  hypothesis  of  a  decomposition  as  far  advanced  as 
possible,  a  hypothesis  which  never  really  applies  to  any  but  a 
portion  of  the  substance. 

Take,  therefore,  the  equation 

2KN03  +  S  +  6C  =  K2S  +  600  +  2N. 

It  represents  153  grms.  ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  105  grms.  of  sulphur, 
235  grms.  of  carbon,  660  grms.  of  nitre.  The  products  being, 
360  grms.  K2S  and  640  grms.  CO. 

The  heat  liberated  is  9  '8  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  or  114  at 
constant  volume  ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  64  Cal.  at  constant  pressure, 
or  74*5  Cal.  at  constant  volume. 

The  reduced  volume  of  the  gases  =  66'9  litres  ;  or,  for  1  kgm., 
437  litres. 

437  atm. 
Permanent  pressure  =  -  nTTf 

Theoretical  temperature  =  501°. 

1304  atm. 
Theoretical  pressure  =  -        . 

The  heat  liberated  is  very  slight,  and  the  theoretical 
temperature  so  low  that  this  reaction  can  hardly  be  regarded 
as  explosive. 

14.  If  the  foregoing  results  be  compared  from  the  point  of 


view  of  the  heat  liberated  and  the  volume  of  gases  produced  by 
a  given  weight  of  nitre,  we  obtain  the  following  table — 


Heat  at  constant  volume. 

Volume  of  the  gases. 


1  equi  v. 

1  kgm. 

1  equi  v. 

1  kgm. 












n  -  012 
n  -  0-27 

n  -  0-26 

n  -  0-25 

n  -  0-26 
n  -  0-11 

15.  Equation  (5)  would  be  that  liberating  the  maximum 
heat,  if  this  maximum  still  subsisted  at  the  temperature  of 
combustion,  in  spite  of  the  variation  in  the   specific  heats. 
Hence  it  seems  that  this  reaction  should  take  place  to  the 
exclusion  of  the  others.     In  any  case  it  should  be  so  with  the 
integral  transformation  of  the  oxygen  by  the  carbon  changed 
into  carbonic  acid  in  accordance  with  equations  (2)  and  (5). 

16.  But  these  preponderating  productions  are  checked   by 
the  following  circumstances  : — 

(1)  Dissociation,  which  does  not  allow  either  the  whole  of 
the  potassium  sulphate  or  the  whole  of  the  carbonic  acid  to  be 
formed  at  the  high  temperature  developed  by  the  combustion. 

(2)  The  change  in  the  constitution  of  the  sulphur  at  this  high 
temperature  (see  p.  27),  a  change  which  tends  to  increase  in 
an  imperfectly  known  but  certainly  considerable  proportion  the 
heat  of  formation  of  the  compounds  of  this  element.     This  fact 
may  play  a  specially  important  part  in  the  way  of  increasing 
the  thermal  importance  of  the  polysulphides. 

(3)  The  change  in  the  constitution  of  the  carbon  at  a  high 
temperature ;  this  element  existing  in  the  gaseous  state,  at  least 
for  an  instant,  in  the  flames,  and  the  heat  of  formation  of  carbonic 
oxide  being  then  increased  so  as  to  become  equal  to,  or  perhaps 
higher  than,  that  of  carbonic  acid  for  the  same  weight  of  oxygen.1 

Owing  to  these  circumstances  the  thermal  maximum  calcu- 

1  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  4s  serie,  torn,  xviii.  pp.  162  and 
175,  176  ;  1869.     "  Revue  Scientifique/'  Novembre,  1882,  pp.  677-680. 


lated  for  the  ordinary  temperature  may  be  very  different  from 
the  thermal  maximum  near  2000°  or  3000°,  temperatures  ap- 
proaching that  of  the  explosion  of  powder. 

(4)  The  rapidity  of  cooling  is  .too  great  for  the  products, 
formed  at  the  first  instant  to  have  time  to  react  on  one  another 
so  as  to  reconstitute  the  most  stable  system. 

The  specific  rapidity  of  each  reaction  (p.  40)  plays  here  a 
most  important  part,  both  at  the  moment  of  the  initial  forma- 
tions which  take  place  at  the  highest  temperature,  and  during 
the  successive  reactions. 

It  should  further  be  noted  that  cooling  is  more  rapid  at  the 
point  of  contact  with  the  walls  of  the  vessels,  when  operating 
in  a  closed  vessel,  than  towards  the  centre  of  the  mass.  Hence 
the  composition  is  different  at  the  various  points  of  the  mass, 
apart  from  the  reactions  exercised  by  the  substances  of  the  walls 
themselves,  such  as  the  formation  of  iron  sulphide. 

17.  The  rapidity  of  cooling  is   very  different  according  as 
combustion  takes  place  in  a  closed  vessel  strong  enough  not  to 
be  broken ;  or  in  a  shell  which  bursts  suddenly,  the  fragments 
being  projected  and  a  portion  of  the  heat  being  transformed 
into    mechanical  work;    or  again    in  a  firearm,  where    the 
expansion  of  the  gases  takes  place  according  as  the  projectile  is 
thrust  forward  and  the  gases  themselves  are  continually  expelled 
towards  the  cold  portions  of  the  metallic  tube.     The  variation 
in  the  chemical  reactions  which  may  result  from  these  different 
circumstances  would  be  very  interesting  to  study,  but  it  has  not 
been  fully  examined. 

18.  We  shall,   however,  note    that   according    to    thermo- 
chemical  principles  the  progressive  reactions  produced  during 
cooling  must  be  such  as  to  liberate  increasing  quantities  of 

In  principle,  when  operating  without  changing  the  condensa- 
tion of  the  substance — that  is  to  say,  at  constant  volume — it 
cannot  be  admitted,  in  the  author's  opinion,  that  endothermal 
reactions,  such  as  dissociations,  succeed  during  the  period  of 
cooling  to  a  total  combination  produced  at  the  instant  of 
explosion.  The  dissociation  must,  generally  speaking,  be 
regarded  as  being  at  its  maximum  at  the  outset,  that  is,  at  the 
moment  when  the  temperature  is  highest,  and  diminishing  as 
cooling  progresses.  This  applies  principally  to  reactions  effected 
in  closed  and  resisting  vessels. 

It  is  only  when  expansion  takes  place  at  constant  temperature, 
owing  to  the  increase  in  the  volume  of  the  gases,  that  dissocia- 
tion, regarded  as  a  function  of  the  pressure,  could  increase ;  the 
possibility  of  this  increase  may  even  be  conceived,  strictly 
speaking,  in  a  case  of  this  sort  during  a  certain  period  of  the 

But  these   are    quite    exceptional   cases,   and    endothermal 


reactions  cannot  in  general  be  admitted  during  the  period  of 
rapid  cooling  succeeding  combustion. 

19.  Let  us  now  compare  the  volume  of  the  gases  liberated. 
The  reactions  of  powder,  according  to  the  table  on  page  506, 
liberate  a  volume  of  gas  greater  in  proportion  as  they  develop 
less  heat. 

The  minimum  of  gaseous  volume  (22*3  litres)  corresponds  to 
the  thermal  maximum  (100*0  Cal.),  and  vice  versa  (66'9  litres 
and  11-4  Cal.). 

The  gases  may  also  vary  from  the  single  to  the  double,  the 
heats  only  changing  by  a  fifth,  with  the  exception,  however,  of 
the  transformation  (6). 

20.  Hence  follows   this  interesting  consequence,   that  the 
theoretical  pressure  appears  to  be  the  greatest  for  the  transforma- 
tion liberating  the  least  heat  (except  6) ;  it  would,  on  the  con- 
trary, be  the  smallest  for  that  liberating  the  most. 

In  fact,  several  transformations  take  place  at  the  same  time 
owing  to  locarconditions  of  temperature,  dissociation,  and  relative 
rapidity  of  combination.  The  heat  liberated,  the  volume  of 
gases,  and  therefore  the  pressure,  will  consequently  remain  inter- 
mediate between  these  extreme  limits. 

4.  Comparison  between  Theory  and  Observation. 

1.  Such  are  the  general  consequences  of  the  theory.     We  are 
about  to  show  that  observation  confirms  these  consequences  by 
summing  up  the  results  of  the  experiments,  especially  of  those 
made  by  Noble  and  Abel,  which  have  been  carried  out  with 
greater  care  than  any  others. 

2.  Take  first  the  mean  equation  (p.  498) — 

16KN03  +  210  +  7S  =  13C02  +  3CO  +  5K2C03  +  K2S04 

+  2K2S3  +  16N. 
Equation  (1)  x  2  +  eq.  (5)  X  1  +  eq.  (3)  x  3  +  eq.  (2)  +  2. 

Further,  it  is  supposed  that  the  excess  of  sulphur  has  been 
changed  into  trisulphide,  K^. 

According  to  this  mean  equation,  964  grms.  of  matter  would 
have  yielded  674'5  Cal.  at  constant  volume,  developing  290'1 
litres ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  697  Cal.  and  300  litres. 

4350  atm. 

The  theoretical  pressure  would  be  TTT^r- 

n  —  O'Zb 

3.  Take,  now,  the  transformation  observed  which  produced 
the  most  carbonate  and  carbonic   oxide,  that  is  to  say,  the 
following  system : — 

Equation  (1)  X  J  +  eq.  (2)  X  J  +  eq.  (3)  X  £. 

We  should  have  had  in  this  case,  for  120 '8  grms.  of  imatter, 
815  Cal.  and  363  litres  of  gas ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  674'5  Cal.  and 
300*5  litres.  These  are  practically  the  same  figures  as  above. 


4.  On  the  contrary,  the  transformations  yielding  the  maximum 
of  sulphate,  that  is  to  say,  the  following  system : — 

Eq.  (1)  X  £  +  eq.  (2)  x  i  4-  eq.  (4)  X  J  +  eq.  (5)  X  ^ 

should  have  produced,  for  1238  grms.  of  matter,  853  Cal.,  and 
321  litres  of  gas ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  689  Cal.  and  259  litres. 

5.  But  the  heat  calculated  as  corresponding  to  the  preceding 
transformations  is  greatly  too  small.     In  short,  we  neglected  in 
the  calculation — 

1st.  The  change  of  the  sulphide  into  trisulphide,  which 
liberates  about  -f  6  Cal.  per  equivalent. 

2nd.  The  change  of  an  appreciable  portion  of  carbonic  acid 
into  bicarbonate,  under  the  influence  of  a  portion  of  the  water 
(1  per  cent.),  contained  in  powder  a  reaction  unnoticed  in  theo- 
retical equations  neglecting  the  presence  of  water. 

This  quantity,  moreover,  can  hardly  exceed  2  per  cent. ;  that 
is  to  say,  about  an  equivalent,  being  limited  by  the  weight  of 
the  water  itself  as  well  as  by  the  quantity  of  the  latter,  which 
produces  sulphuretted  hydrogen.  Nevertheless  this  might  add 
further  +  124  Cal.  ' 

3rd.  A  portion  of  the  sulphur,  instead  of  producing  potassium 
trisulphide,  was  changed  into  iron  sulphide,  which  liberates  per 
equivalent  of  sulphur — 

F-f  S  =  FeS,4-ll'9Cal. 

If  the  whole  of  the  excess  of  sulphur  assumed  this  form,  we 
might  therefore  have  a  thermal  excess  of  +  47'6  Cal.,  and  even 
more,  owing  to  the  formation  of  a  double  iron  and  potassium 
sulphide.  The  real  figure  is  lower,  the  sulphur  being  by  no 
means  all  changed  into  iron  sulphide,  but  it  is  impossible  to 
determine  it  for  want  of  data. 

4th.  The  heat  of  combustion  of  carbon  has  here  been  calculated 
supposing  it  pure,  and  even  in  the  diamond  state.  In  reality 
the  figure  thus  calculated  is  too  low  by  an  amount  which  may 
be  regarded  as  compromised  between  1*5  Cal. .  (pure  carbon 
derived  from  charcoal)  and  5 '2  (bakers'  embers),  for  1  eq. 
(6  grms.)  of  carbon.  This  makes  for  964  grms.  of  powder  a 
thermal  excess  comprised  between  31 '5  Cal.  and  109'2  Cal.  It 
is  true  that  this  error  is  partly  compensated,  because  we  have 
taken  the  weight  of  real  carbon  as  equal  to  the  weight  of 
charcoal,  while  it  is  less  by  about  a  fourth  (see  p.  488). 

However  this  may  be,  we  see  from  this  that  the  error  in  the 
number  above  calculated  (674*5  Cal.)  might  amount  in  an 
extreme  case  to — 

109-2  +  47-6  +  12-4  =  169-2, 

which  would  make  in  all  8437  Cal.,  or  an  excess  of  a  fourth  in 
the  number  calculated. 

The  real  excess,  under  the  conditions  of  the  experiment  of 


Noble  and  Abel  and  the  other  authorities,  is  certainly  less.  But 
nothing  can  be  definitely  settled  with  regard  to  this  point  till  a 
special  study  has  been  made  of  the  heat  of  combustion  of  the 
charcoal  used  in  the  manufacture  of  each  of  the  classes  of 
powder  which  have  been  the  object  of  the  thermal  measurements 
and  the  chemical  analysis ;  as  also  the  real  proportion  of  the  iron 
sulphide,  and  even  of  the  double  iron  and  potassium  sulphide 
formed  during  combustion  in  the  interior  of  an  iron  vessel. 

6.  Heat  liberated.  These  reservations  having  been  made,  we 
shall  give  the  figures  found  by  the  authorities  who  have  measured 
the  heat  liberated  by  the  combustion  of  powder  in  closed 
vessels.  Bunsen  and  Schiskhoff  found  for  1  kgm.,  619*5  Gal. ; 
but  this  number,  far  lower  than  those  of  the  other  operators, 
appears  to  be  invalidated  by  some  error. 

Koux  and  Sarrau  found  for  1  kgm.  at  constant  volume  in  a 
bomb  filled  with  air,  of  which  the  oxygen  contributed  to  increase 
the  heat  liberated — 

Cannon  powder  753  Cal. 

Fine  sporting  powder 807    „ 

B  rifle  powder 731    „ 

Powder  of  commerce .'        ...  694    „ 

Blasting  powder  570    „ 

Tromeneuc  found  from  729  to  890  Cal.,  viz. — 

Ordnance  powder        840  Cal. 

English  powder  891    „ 

Blasting  powder 729    „ 

Noble  and  Abel  gave  at  first  (dry  powder) — 

KLG     696  to  706  Cal. 

FG        701  to  706    „ 

mean,  705  Cal.  They  since  discovered  that  these  figures  were 
slightly  too  low,  and  they  supplied  after  correction  the  following 
new  mean  values  : — 


Pebble  powder 721-4  Cal. 

R.L.G.,  W.A.  powder 725-7    „ 

F.G.,  W.A.  powder 

No.  6  Curtis  and  Harvey's  powder 

Blasting  powder 

Spanish  spherical          

738-3    „ 

764-4  (733  to  784)  Cal. 

516-8  Cal. 

767-3    , 

In  order  to  be  able  to  compare  these  figures  with  the  numbers 
calculated,  we  must  first  take  into  account  the  ash,  oxygen,  and 
hydrogen  contained  in  the  charcoal,  and,  finally,  the  nitre  which 
has  escaped  combustion.  The  weight  of  these  various  substances 
is  properly  known  only  for  Noble  and  Abel's  experiments.  It 
amounts  to  about  four  per  cent,  of  the  weight  of  dry  powder 
(more  than  one  per  cent,  of  moisture  in  ordinary  powder). 


This  being  taken  into  account,  the  heat  liberated  amounts  for 
1  grm.  of  explosive  matter  really  transformed  to  750  Cal.,  a 
figure  which  exceeds  by  75 '5  Cal.,  or  by  a  ninth,  the  theoretical 
value  674-5  Cal. 

This  excess  is  evidently  owing  to  the  causes  just  described, 
and  principally  to  the  use  of  charcoal  instead  of  pure  carbon, 
and  to  the  formation  of  iron  sulphide.  The  calculation  made 
from  the  heat  of  combustion  of  the  weight  of  pure  carbon,  as 
extracted  from  charcoal,  would  give  706  Cal.,  a  value  which  is 
also  too  low.  But  the  number  750  Cal.  remains  below  the 
possible  difference,  which  amounts  to  843  Cal.,  according  to 
what  has  been  said  above.  For  the  powders  studied  by  other 
observers,  the  effective  reaction  being  unknown,  we  cannot 
carry  out  the  thermal  work  with  certainty.  The  values  deduced 
from  our  equations  generally  remain  below  the  figures  actually 
found,  which  is  attributable  to  analogous  causes,  and  principally 
to  the  excess  of  heat  produced  by  the  combustion  of  the  charcoal 
of  powder.  This  excess  will,  moreover,  vary  with  the  constitu- 
tion of  this  charcoal  itself,  which  changes  greatly  in  the  different 
countries  and  for  the  different  kinds  of  powder. 

7.  Volume  of  the  gases  liberated.  The  uncertainties  are  less, 
and  consequently  the  discrepancies  between  theory  and  practice 
more  limited  for  the  volume  of  the  gases.  For  instance,  the 
volume  of  the  gases  obtained  by  Noble  and  Abel  had  a  mean 
value  of  267  litres,  with  variations  comprised  between  285  and 
232  litres. 

The  following  table,  according  to  these  authors,  expresses  the 
volume  of  the  permanent  gases  produced  by  the  explosion  of 
1  grm.  of  powder,  supposed  perfectly  dry : — 

W.A.  pebble  powder        278-3  c.c. 

K.L.G.,  W.A.  powder      274-2    „ 

F.G.,  W.A.  powder          263-1    „ 

No.  6,  Curtis  and  Harvey's  powder        241-0    „ 

Blasting  powder 360-3    ,, 

Spanish  spherical 234-2    „ 

Gay-Lussac  assigned  250  c.c.1  at  a  low  pressure.  Bunsen  and 
Schiskhoff  (sporting  powder),  193  c.c.  (at  a  low  pressure) ;  Linck, 
218  c.c.  (cannon  powder)  at  high  pressures ;  Karolyi,  209  c.c. 
(ordnance  powder)  and  227  c.c.  (rifle  powder);  Yignotti,  231  c.c. 
to  244  c.c.,  according  to  the  nature  of  the  charcoal — results, 
the  differences  of  which  are  attributable  to  the  diversity  of  the 
pressures  and  relative  proportions. 

The  above  formula  indicates  300  litres,  a  figure  which  would 
reduce  itself  to  288  litres  were  the  foreign  substances  taken  into 
account.  The  change  of  a  small  quantity  of  carbonic  acid  into 
bicarbonate  would  lower  it  still  more,  and  bring  it  nearly  to  the 
value  found  by  Noble  and  Abel. 

1  He  gives  elsewhere  449*5  cc.,  owing  to  some  error  in  copying. 


8.  The  value  of  the  permanent  gases  varies  nearly  inversely 
with  the  heat  developed  in  accordance  with  the  equation  on 
p.  499  (see  also  p.  505),  and  as  is  shown  by  the  table  below — 

Heat  disengaged         Volume  of  gases 
Powder.  per  gramme  of  produced  per 

powder.  gramme  of  powder. 

Spanish  pellet        767-3  Cal.  234-2  cc. 

Curtis  and  Harvey  No.  6 764-4    „  241-0 

F.G.,  W.A 738-3    „  263-1   „ 

R.L.G.,W.A 725-7    „  274-2  „ 

Pebble  W.A 721-4    „  278-1   „ 

Blasting     516-8    „  360-3  „ 

9.  In  general  the  characteristic  product,  QV,  is  nearly  con- 
stant, as  the  author  observed  in  1871,  for  the  various  powders. 
Now,  this  product  measures  the  strength  for  explosive  sub- 
stances   of   which    the   specific   heat  is  the  same,   which  is 
practically  the  actual  case  (p.  34). 

The  temperature  of  the  combustion  of  powder  has  been 
estimated  by  writers  on  this  subject,  from  rather  uncertain 
tests,  at  2200°. 

10.  The  pressures  developed  during  the  combustion  of  powder 
at  constant  volume  have  been  observed  by  Noble   and  Abel 
with  the  aid  of  the  crusher.    The  following  are  their  numbers : — 

Density  of  charge^ 


These  results  may  be  represented,  according  to  these  authors, 

2193  2460  ' 

by  the  empirical  formula,  — -,   or  — - ,  formulae  in 

n  —  U'bo          n  —  U'b 

which  they  suppose  that  the  products  which  are  not  gaseous 
at  the  temperature  of  the  explosion  occupy  0*68  c.c.,  or,  more 
simply,  0'6,  the  same  volume  being  calculated  at  the  ordinary 

The  theoretical  formula  on  p.  499  gives  pressures  nearly  the 
same  as  the  above  for  high  densities  of  charge  (1*0  and  0'9) ; 
below  which  it  gives  results  which  are  too  high,  amounting  to 
double  the  numbers  found  for  the  density  01.  This  difference 
increases  as  the  pressure  diminishes;  it  may  be  connected 
with  the  increase  of  dissociation. 

!                       Pebble  and  R.L.G. 
n         r 























1.  Sporting  powder  is  distinguished  from  service   powders 
principally  by  the  surplus  proportion  of  saltpetre  and  by  the 
choice  of  the  charcoal. 

The  following  are  the  proportions  adopted  in  France : — 

Saltpetre        78 

Sulphur          10 

Charcoal         12 

2.  The  rapidity  of  inflammation  of  sporting  powder  is  less, 
according  to  Piobert,  than  that   of  service  powder,  being  in 
proportion  to  the  coarseness   of  the  grains.     For  a  sporting 
powder  containing  30,000  grains  to  the  gramme,  the  rapidity  of 
the  inflammation  was  0'30  m.  per  second ;  while  for  a  service 
powder  containing   259   grains  to   the  gramme,  the  rapidity 
amounted  to  1-52  m. 

The  rapidity  of  combustion  is  also  checked  by  the  surplus 
proportion  of  saltpetre.  It  amounted  to  8  mm.  to  9  mm.  per 
second  in  Piobert's  experiments ;  while  for  service  powder  this 
writer  found  10  mm.  to  13  mm. 

3.  Brown  charcoal  tends  to  give  powder  shattering  properties 
because  it  increases  the  heat  liberated  owing  to  the  special  com- 
position of  this  charcoal. 

4.  The  surplus  proportion  of  saltpetre  also  increases  the  heat ; 
but  it  diminishes  the  volume  of  the  gases,  as  is  shown  by  the 
figures  on  page  491,  compared  with  those  on  page  503. 

5.  If  the  heat  liberated  be   supposed   proportional  to  the 
weight  of  the  saltpetre,  which  should  not  be  far  from  the  truth, 
the  heat  will  be  greater  by  about  a  twenty-fifth  for  sporting, 
than  for  service  powder,  weight  for  weight.     Now,  the  experi- 
mental data  are  not  greatly  at  variance  with  this  calculation. 
On  the  other  hand,  the  permanent  gases  will  diminish,  which 
also  agrees  with  Noble  and  Abel's  results.     Hence  a  certain 
compensation  is  afforded  by  it.     Owing  to  this  fact  there  is 
little  difference  between  the  strength  of  sporting  and  that  of 
service  powder. 


1.  Blasting  powders  present  very  varying  proportions.  The 
principal  object  aimed  at  is  to  increase  the  volume  of  the  gases ; 
which  is  attained  by  the  diminution  of  the  saltpetre,  and  the 
increase  of  the  sulphur  and  charcoal.  It  is  also  sought  to 
dimmish  the  cost  of  this  powder. 

The  following  are  the  proportions  adopted  in  France : — 

Saltpetre        62 

Sulphur          20 

Charcoal         18 


In  Italy  :— 

Saltpetre        70 

Sulphur          18 

Charcoal         12 

What  is  called  export   trade  powder  in  France,  or  strong 
Hasting  powder,  contains — 

Saltpetre 72 

Sulphur       13 

Charcoal 15 

2.  There  was  formerly  distinguished  a  class  known  as  slow 

blasting  powder : — 

Saltpetre 40 

Sulphur      30 

Charcoal     30 

But  the  slowness  of  the  reaction  tended  to  diminish  the  effects 
too  much,  and  this  powder  is  no  longer  in  use.  However,  this 
slowness  may  offer  certain  advantages  for  special  uses,  such  as 
the  making  of  flying  fuses,  composed  in  the  following  manner : — 

Powder  dust 25O 

Saltpetre         44-5 

Sulphur           9-1 

Wood  charcoal           2*4 

3.  It  was  formerly  supposed  that  blasting  powder  produces 
a  much  greater  volume  of  gases  than  that  of  service  powder, 
because  it  would  be  decomposed  according  to  the   following 
equation : — 

2KN03  +  6C  +  S  =  600  +  K2S  +  2K 
This  equation  would  correspond  to  the  proportions — 

Saltpetre 65'5 

Sulphur 10-0 

Charcoal 24'5 

But  observation  has  proved  that  it  must  be  rejected,  at  least  as 
the  fundamental  representation  of  the  reaction. 

It  would  produce,  moreover,  so  little  heat  (74'5  Gals,  per  kgm., 
p.  504),  that  the  reaction  could  hardly  propagate  itself. 

4.  Now,  powder  with  an  excess  of  charcoal  deflagrates  with 
vivacity,  and  forms,  like  other  powders,  potassium  sulphate  and 
carbonate,  with  a  liberation  of  heat  which  is  probably  not  far 
remote  from  that  of  blasting  powder  for  the  same  weight  of 
nitre  consumed.     A  portion  of  the  carbon  tends,  however,  to 
increase  the  proportion  of  carbonic  oxide ;  but  a  considerable 
portion  of  the  charcoal  must  remain  intact. 

5.  Hence,  in  this  case,  as  in  the  foregoing,  the  sudden  transfor- 
mation of  the  explosive  substance  has  a  tendency  to  form  the 
products  liberating  the  most  heat,  a  remark  of  capital  impor- 
tance, and  without  which  it  would  be  difficult  to  understand 



the  preponderating  proportion  of  potassium  sulphate  and  car- 
bonate which  is  produced  in  every  case.  The  production  of 
potassium  sulphide  and  carbonic  oxide  is  due  to  the  secondary 
reaction  of  the  sulphur  and  charcoal  on  the  above  salts ;  it  plays 
an  essential  part  in  the  study  of  powder,  as  it  contributes  to 
increase  the  volume  of  the  gases. 

6.  This  being  established,  it  may  in  general  be  admitted  that 
the  heat  liberated  by  any  powder  is  nearly  proportional  to  the 
weight  of  saltpetre  which  it  contains.     The  heat  liberated  by 
blasting  powder  will  therefore  be  to  that  of  service  powder  in 
the  ratio  of  62  to  75 ;  Eoux  and  Sarrau  actually  obtained  570  Cal. 
instead  of  751  Cal. 

7.  Sarrau  and  Vieille  since  found  the  volume  of  the  gases 
equal  to  304  c.c.  for  French  blasting  powder  at  the  density  of 
charge  0*6. 

This  volume  is  greater  by  a  tenth  than  that  developed  by 
service  powder. 

The  pressures  observed  by  them  were — 

Density  of  charge.  Pressure. 

0-3 800  kgm. 

0-6 2730     „ 


from  which  would  result  the  pressure  -    — ;  a  formula  in  which 


the  volume  of  the  solid  substances  is  not  taken  into  account. 

8.  These  gases  contained  in  100  volumes — 

C02  ...        ... 49-4 

CO ;..  20-5 

H      2-0  to  1-4 

CH4 0-3  to  l-4i 

H2S 7-0  to  5-5 

N20 21-3 

The  proportion  of  sulphuretted  hydrogen  is  far  larger  than  that 
for  ordinary  powder  (4  per  cent.). 

The  carbonic  oxide  forms  a  fifth  of  the  volume  of  the  gases, 
or  20  c.c.,  whilst  with  ordinary  powder  it  amounts  only  on  an 
average  to  one-eighth,  viz.  12*5  c.c.  Hence  it  will  be  seen  that 
the  volume  of  deleterious  gases  is  nearly  double,  in  the  case  of 
blasting  powder,  the  volume  of  the  s.ame  gases  yielded  by 
ordinary  powder. 

Noble  and  Abel  found  also  7*0  of  sulphurettted  hydrogen; 
but  nearly  equal  volumes  of  carbonic  oxide  (33 '7)  and  carbonic 
acid  (321),  which  is  still  more  disadvantageous.  They  obtained 
less  heat  and  more  gas  with  blasting  than  with  service  powder ; 
which  affords  a  compensation  from  the  point  of  view  of 

1  The  proportion  of  methane  increases  with  the  pressure  (see  p.  288  and 


9.  On  the  whole,  blasting  powder  offers  hardly  any  other 
advantage  than  its  low  price,  due  to  the  diminution  in  the 
weight  of  nitre.  It  would  certainly  be  preferable  to  employ  a 
less  weight  of  ordinary  powder,  which  would  realise  the  same 
economy.  Moreover,  the  daily  increasing  use  of  dynamite  tends 
to  limit  the  consumption  of  blasting  powder. 


1.  Sodium  nitrate  lends  itself  as  well  as  potassium  nitrate  to 
the  manufacture  of  powders ;  it  has  been  employed  on  a  large 
scale   in  the   Isthmus   of  Suez   works,   and   offers   a  marked 
economy.     It  has  also  been  employed  in  the  mines  of  Freyberg 
and  Wetzlar. 

Unfortunately  this  salt  is  very  hygroscopic,  and  the  keeping 
of  the  powders  into  the  composition  of  which  it  enters  needs 
special  precautions. 

2.  Thermal  theories  increase  the  interest  there  may  be  in 
overcoming  these  difficulties  by  showing  that  the  powder  with 
sodium   nitrate  base   develops  a  greater  pressure,  weight  for 
weight,  than  powder  with  potassium  nitrate  base,  and  that  it 
can  effect  a  greater  work. 

3.  Take,  in  fact,  a  composition   equal  to   that  of  powder, 
such  as — 

Saltpetre        75 

Sulphur          10 

Charcoal         15 

It  would  correspond  by  weight  to  the  following  proportions : — 

Sodium  nitrate       71*8 

Sulphur       11-3 

Charcoal      16'9 

4.  Supposing  the  chemical  reactions  to  be  exactly  the  same, 
the  heat  liberated  and  the  gaseous  volume  would  also  remain 
nearly  the   same  at  equal   equivalents  (p.  4).     But  at  equal 
weights  there  would  be,  on  the  contrary,  an  eighth  more  heat, 
or  for  1  kgm.  782  Cal.  from  the  calculation  (or  818  Cal.  for 
carbon  derived  from  wood  charcoal),  there  would  further  be  a 
volume  of  gas  equal  to  338  litres. 

The  resultant  force  would  retain  the  same  expression,  but 
it  would  be  increased  by  about  an  eighth  for  a  given  density  of 
charge.  Such  are  the  results  indicated  by  theory.  But  up  to  the 
present  no  experiment  has  been  made  to  study  the  true  re- 

5.  In  general,  powders  with  sodium  base  will  develop  stronger 
pressures  and  a  greater  quantity  of  heat,  that  is  of  work,  than 
the  same  weight  of  powders  with  potassium  base  and  of  equiva- 

composition.     Indeed,  experiment  proves  that  the  substitu- 

2  L  2 


tion  of  sodium  for  potassium  in  a  defined  salt,  whether  dissolved 
or  anhydrous,  causes  an  almost  constant  liberation  of  heat, 
whatever  be  the  nature  of  the  salt.  Now,  the  alkaline  metal 
existing  in  the  saline  form,  both  in  the  powder  and  in  the 
products  of  combustion,  its  influence  is  eliminated  in  estimating 
the  heat  liberated  by  combustion,  that  is  when  the  heat  is 
estimated  for  equivalent  weights  of  the  sodium  and  potassium 
salts.  Weight  for  weight,  on  the  contrary,  much  more  heat 
will  be  obtained  with  the  sodium  salts  ;  similarly,  a  larger 
volume  of  gas  will  be  obtained,  since  the  equivalent  of  sodium 
is  lower  than  that  of  potassium.  Various  explosives  proposed 
for  industrial  purposes,  such  as  Davy  powder,  pyronome,1  Espir 
powder,  may  be  classed  with  this  one. 
Take  for  example — 

Sodium  nitrate          63 

Sulphur          16 

Wood  sawdust          23 

This  is  a  slow  acting  substance,  employed  in  quarries,  especially 
to  produce  dislocations.  It  is  not  explosive  either  by  heating, 
ordinary  shocks,  or  friction.  It  contains  three  to  four  per  cent, 
of  moisture,  a  quantity  which  may  increase  to  as  much  as  30 
per  cent,  by  its  being  in  a  damp  place,  but  not  without  the 
powder  becoming  deliquescent. 

The  following  have  been  found  as  the  tensions  in  a  closed 
vessel : — 

Densities  of  charge  0'4      1613  kgms. 

„       0-5      2401     „ 

values  differing  but  slightly  from  that  of  ordinary  blasting 
powder,  which  confirm  the  foregoing  deductions. 

7.  The  sodium  nitrate  powders  have  sometimes  been  mixed 
with  dry  sodium  sulphate,  or  dried  magnesium  sulphate,  to 
check  the  absorption  of  moisture.     But  the  remedy  is  merely 
temporary,  and  of  little  efficiency. 

The  potassium  and  sodium,  and  even  barium  nitrates,  have 
also  been  associated  in  the  same  explosive. 

8.  We  shall  further  mention  Violette's  mixture : — 

Sodium  nitrate       62-5 

Sodium  acetate      37'5 

This  mixture  corresponds  to  a  total  combustion — 
10C2H3lsra02  +  16NaHT03  =  ISCOaNTa,  +  7C02  +  15H20  + 16K 

The  two  salts  may  be  melted  together,  which  gives  a  very 
intimate  mixture.  But  if  the  temperature  be  raised  slightly 

1  Under  the  latter  name  variable  mixtures  containing  as  combustive 
elements  the  alkaline  nitrate  and  potassium  chlorate.  This  confusion  should 
be  avoided,  the  chlorate  base  powders  being  highly  dangerous. 


above  the  melting  point,  the  mixture  explodes  towards  350°.     It 
is  hygroscopic. 

9.  Lastly,  the  sulphur  and  carbon  have  been  replaced  by 
a  compound  which  contains  both,  such  as  potassium  ethylsulpho- 
carbonate,  or  xanthate  (xanthine  powders) — 

Saltpetre      100 

Xanthate      40 

Wood  charcoal        6 


1.  Barium  nitrate  has  been  introduced  into  the  composition 
of  the  complex  powders  with  special  objects.     The  equivalent 
of  this  salt  (130*5)  being  higher  by  nearly  a  third  than  that  of 
potassium  nitrate,  it  will  be  necessary  to  employ  more  of  it. 
For  instance,  the  following  proportion — 

Barium  nitrate  80 

Sulphur          8 

Charcoal         12 

will  be  equivalent  to  service  powder. 

2.  With    equivalent  weight,    always    assuming    the    same 
chemical  reactions,  we  should  have  nearly  the  same  quantity  of 
heat  and  the  same  gaseous  volume.     But  it  will  be  necessary 
to  take  a  weight  of  powder  greater  by  a  little  more  than  a  fifth. 
Hence,  weight  for  weight,  the  heat  will  be  diminished  by  about 
a  fifth,  together  with  the  volume  of  the  gases  and  the  strength, 
for  a  given  density  of  charge. 

3.  The  following  mixtures,  for  example,  have  been  proposed 
— lithofracteur,  or  saxifragine : 

Barium  nitrate          77 

Wood  charcoal          21 

Potassium  nitrate      2 

Similarly  the  Schultze  powders,  a  mixture  of  pyroxylated  wood 
with  potasium  and  barium  nitrates  (p.  459). 

4.  Barium  nitrate  is  also  employed  in  pyrotechny  to  produce 
green  fires. 

5.  Strontium  nitrate  equivalent  (1057)  differs  but  slightly 
from  potassium  nitrate.     It  is  hardly  employed,  save  in  pyro- 
techny to  produce  red  fires. 

6.  Lead  nitrate  equivalent  (165*5)  is  capable  of  yielding  for 
equal  equivalents  a  fifth  more  oxygen  than  the  other  nitrates ; 
but  the  reactions  which  it  develops  are  by  this  very  fact  all 
different,  since  the  lead  is  reduced  to  the  metallic  state,  instead 
of  subsisting  under  the  form  of  carbonates,  as  happens  with 
the  alkaline  nitrates.     Besides,  the  high  price  of  this  substance, 
and  its  high  equivalent,  hardly  permit  of  its  being  used,  except 
for  very  special  purposes ;  for  instance,  by  mixing  it  with  red 

(    518    ) 




1.  BERTHOLLET,  after  having  discovered  potassium  chlorate,  and 
recognised  the  oxidising  properties  so  characteristic  of  this  salt, 
thought  of  utilising  it  in  the  manufacture  of  service  powders. 
He  made  several  attempts  in  this  direction,  but  immediately 
suspended  them  after  an  explosion  which  happened  during  the 
manufacture  carried  on  at  the  Essonnes  powder  factory,  an 
explosion  in  which  several  persons  were  killed  around  himself. 
The  same  attempt  has  been  revived  at  various  periods,  with 
certain  variations  in  the  composition. 

But  in  every  case  explosions,  followed  by  loss  of  lives — such, 
for  instance,  as  those  which  happened  during  the  siege  of  Paris 
in  1870,  and  at  L'Ecole  de  Pyrotechnie  in  1877 — happened 
before  long  in  the  course  of  its  manufacture. 

It  is  thus  clear  that  potassium  chlorate  is  an  extremely 
dangerous  substance,  which  is  only  natural,  because  its  mixture 
with  combustible  bodies  is  sensitive  to  the  least  shock  or 
friction.  The  catastrophe  in  the  Eue  Beranger  (see  p.  46), 
produced  by  an  accumulation  of  caps  for  children's  play- 
things, containing  potassium  chlorate,  has  helped  to  confirm 
these  ideas.  Chlorate  powders  are,  generally  speaking,  more 
easily  ignited,  and  burn  with  more  vivacity  than  black  powder. 
They  explode,  like  the  latter,  on  contact  with  an  ignited  body. 
They  are"  hardly  used  at  the  present  day,  except  as  fuses  for 
fireworks,  or  to  produce  shattering  effects  in  torpedoes,  for 
instance.  A  powder  of  this  kind  has  even  been  proposed  in 
America  as  motive  agent  of  forge-hammers  or  pile-drivers.  In 
this  case  the  cartridge  is  placed  between  the  head  of  the  pile  and 
the  ram,  when  the  explosion  drives  in  the  one  and  sends  the 
other  upwards.  Their  strength  is  superior  to  that  of  nitrate 
base  powders,  but  less  than  that  of  dynamite  or  gun-cotton. 

2.  We  shall  first  state  the  general  properties  of  chlorated 


compositions.  Potassium  chlorate,  which  is  the  essential 
ingredient,  is  a  salt  fusible  at  334°,  and  which  decomposes 
regularly  at  352°.  Nevertheless,  it  may  become  explosive  by 
itself  under  the  influence  of  a  sudden  heating,  or  a  very  violent 
shock  (p.  406). 

We  have  seen  that  it  yields  39 '1  per  cent,  of  oxygen  and 
60 49  of  chloride  of  potassium — 

C103K  =  KC1  +  03, 

liberating,  at  the  ordinary  temperature,  11  Cal.  for  each 
equivalent  of  oxygen  (8  grms.)  fixed;  or  T4  Cal.  per  gramme 
of  oxygen ;  or  0'54  CaL  per  gramme  of  potassium  chlorate. 

These  quantities  of  heat  must  therefore,  generally  speaking, 
be  added  to  those  which  would  be  produced  by  free  oxygen, 
when  developing  the  same  reaction  at  the  expense  of  a  com- 
bustible body  (p.  134).  But  the  presence  of  the  potassium 
chloride,  which  acts  as  inert  matter,  tends  to  lessen  this 

3.  The    extreme   facility  with    which    potassium    chlorate 
powders  explode  under  the  influence  of  the  least  shock  is  a 
consequence  of  the  great  quantity  of  heat  liberated  by  the  com- 
bustion of  the  particles  which  are  ignited  at  the  very  outset 
and  their  low  specific  heat ;  this  heat  raises  the  temperature  of 
the  neighbouring  portions  higher  in  the  case  of  chlorate  than 
of  nitrate  powder,  and  it  therefore  more  easily  propagates  the 
reaction.     The  influence  is   the   more  marked   the  lower  the 
specific  heat  of  the  compounds,1  and  as  the  reaction  commences, 
according  to  the  known  facts,  at  a  lower  temperature  with  the 
chlorate  than  with  the  nitrate  of  potassium. 

Everything,  therefore,  combines  to  render  the  inflammation  of 
the  powder  with  chlorate  base  easier. 

Therefore  the  substances  of  which  they  are  formed  should  not 
be  pulverised  or  crushed  together,  but  pulverised  separately 
and  mixed  by  screening. 

The  drying  in  the  stove  of  these  powders  is  dangerous.  The 
presence  of  powdered  camphor,  so  efficacious  with  gun-cotton, 
does  not  lessen  the  sensitiveness  of  chlorate  powders. 

4.  Not  only  is  the   chlorate    powder  more   energetic  and 
inflammable,  but  its  effects  are  more  rapid;  it  is  a  shattering 
powder.     Theory  again  is  able  to  account  for  the  property.     In 
fact,  the   compounds   formed   by  the   combustion   of  chlorate 
powder  are  all  binary  compounds,  the  simplest  and  most  stable 
of  all,  such  as  potassium  chloride,  carbonic  oxide,  and  sulphurous 
acid.     Such  compounds  will  undergo  dissociation  at  a  higher 
temperature  and  in  a  less  marked  manner  than  the  more  com- 

1  In  fact,  these  two  powders  only  differ  by  the  substitution  of  the  chlorate, 
the  specific  heat  of  which  is  0-209,  for  the  nitrate,  the  specific  heat  of  which 
is  0-239. 


plex  and  advanced  combinations,  such  as  potassium  sulphate 
and  carbonate,  or  carbonic  acid,  which  are  produced  by  nitrate 
powder.  It  is  for  this  reason  that  the  pressures  developed  in 
the  first  instance  will  be  nearer  the  theoretical  pressures  with 
chlorate  than  with  nitrate  powder,  and  the  variation  in  the 
pressures  produced  during  the  expansion  of  the  gases  will  be 
more  abrupt,  being  less  checked  by  the  action  of  the  combina- 
tions successively  reproduced  during  the  cooling. 

5.  The  explanations  just  given  apply  not  only  to  powders  in 
which  potassium  chlorate  is  mixed  with  charcoal  and  sulphur, 
compared  with  analogous  powders  with  nitre  as  base,  but  also 
comprise  all  powders  formed  by  the  association  of  the  same 
salts  with  other  substances.  It  can  be  shown  that  this  is  so, 
without  entering  into  special  calculations,  for  which  the  exact 
values  would  in  the  majority  of  cases  be  wanting. 

Now,  our  comparisons  are  based  on  the  following  data,  which 
present  a  general  character : — 

1st.  Both  salts  employed  in  equal  weights  supply  to  the 
bodies  which  they  oxidise  the  same  quantity  of  oxygen.  122*6 
grms.  of  chlorate  yield  6  equiv.  or  41  grms.  of  oxygen ;  that  is  to 
say,  8  grms.  of  oxygen  for  20  grms.  of  chlorate ;  whilst  101  grms. 
of  potassium  nitrate  yield  only  5  equiv.,  or  40  grms.  of  available 
oxygen,  viz.  8  grms.  of  oxygen  to  20*2  grms.  of  salt.  Hence 
it  follows  that  both  salts  must  be  employed  in  equal  weights 
in  the  greater  number  of  cases. 

Now,  one  and  the  same  weight  of  oxygen,  8  grms.,  yielded  by 
potassium  chlorate  liberates  +  11  Gal.  more  than  free  oxygen ; 
if  it  be  yielded  by  the  nitrate,  it  produces  on  the  contrary 
+  8*3  Cal.  less  j1  which  makes  a  difference  of  19'3  CaL,  or  6*95 
Cal.  per  gramme  of  salt  employed. 

The  formation  of  the  same  compounds  will  therefore  liberate 
more  heat  with  the  chlorate  than  with  the  nitrate,  and  the 
excess  will  subsist,  even  in  taking  into  account  the  union  of 
the  acids  of  sulphur  and  carbon  with  the  potash  of  the  nitrate. 

This  greater  quantity  of  heat  will  give  rise  to  a  higher 
temperature,  since  the  mean  specific  heat  of  the  products  is  less 
with  the  chlorate  than  the  nitrate.  The  mean  specific  heat  of 
the  products  at  constant  volume  may  be  calculated  theoretically 
by  multiplying  the  number  of  atoms  by  2 '4,  and  dividing  the 
product  by  "the  corresponding  weight.  Now,  the  weight  of  the 
combustible  body  being  the  same  will  require  the  same 
respective  weights  of  nitrate  and  chlorate,  according  to  what 
has  just  been  said ;  but  the  latter  will  correspond  to  a  less 
number  of  atoms,  since  the  equivalent  of  chlorine  is  greater 
than  that  of  nitrogen. 

2nd.  The  volume  of  the  permanent  gases  is  greater,  or  at  the 

1  Supposing  it  to  act  upon  a  carbonated  body,  the  carbon  of  which  is 
changed  into  potassium  carbonate. 


lowest  equal,  with  potassium  chlorate  than  with  the  nitrate, 
because  the  potassium  of  the  former  salt  remains  in  the  form 
of  chloride,  the  whole  of  the  oxygen  acting  on  the  sulphur  and 
carbon  to  produce  gases ;  whereas  the  potassium  of  the  nitrate 
retains  a  part  of  the  oxygen,  at  the  same  time  as  it  brings  a 
portion  of  the  sulphur  and  carbon  to  the  state  of  saline  and 
fixed  compounds,  the  formation  of  the  salts  more  than  com- 
pensating for  the  volume  of  nitrogen  set  free. 

3rd.  In  the  case  where  only  the  carbon  or  a  hydrocarbon 
burns,  the  compensation  in  the  gaseous  volumes  is  exactly 
effected  because  each  volume  of  nitrogen  liberated  from  the 
nitrate  replaces  an  equal  volume  of  carbonic  acid  combined 
with  the  potassium  yielded  by  the  said  nitrate.  Nevertheless 
the  pressure  will  be  increased,  even  in  this  case,  with  the 
chlorate,  because  its  temperature  is  higher. 

4th.  The  compounds  formed  with  the  chlorate  being  in 
general  simpler  than  with  the  nitrate,  dissociation  will  be  less 
marked,  and  consequently  the  action  of  the  pressures  will  be  at 
once  more  extended,  because  the  initial  pressure  is  greater,  and 
more  abrupt,  because  the  state  of  combination  of  the  elements 
varies  between  narrower  limits.  Hence  arise  shattering  effects 
rather  than  those  of  dislocation  or  projection. 

6.  Potassium  chlorate  possesses  another  property  which  has 
sometimes  been  utilised.     Its  mixture  with  organic  substances, 
or  with  sulphur  or  other  combustible  bodies,  takes  fire  under 
the  influence  of  a  few  drops  of  concentrated  sulphuric  acid ; 
which  is  due  to  the  formation  of  chloric  acid,  which  is  immedi- 
ately decomposed  into  hypochloric  acid,  an  extremely  explosive 
compound  and  a  very  powerful  combustive. 

This  property  has  been  utilised  to  cause  the  ignition  by 
shock  of  torpedoes  and  hollow  projectiles  charged  with 
potassium  chlorate  powder.  It  is  sufficient  to  place  in  them 
a  tube  or  glass  balls,  filled  with  concentrated  sulphuric  acid. 

This  artifice  may  even  be  employed  to  ignite  chlorate  fuses 
for  exploding  dynamite  or  gun-cotton. 

But  all  these  arrangements  are  very  dangerous  for  those  who 
put  them  into  execution,  and  they  have  not  been  practically 

7.  We  have  yet  to  say  a  few  words  about  potassium  perchlorate, 
which  is  generally  regarded  as  equivalent  to  the  chlorate,  but 
by  a  mere  theoretical  generalisation,  for  it  is  a  salt  which  is 
expensive,  difficult  to  prepare  pure,  and  it  has  hardly  formed 
the  object  of  real  experiments  as  an  explosive  agent. 

Weight  for  weight  it  yields  a  little  more  oxygen  than  the 
chlorate;  about  a  sixth,  viz.  46 '2  per  cent,  instead  of  391. 

C104K  =  KC1  +  04. 
But  this  liberation   of  oxygen  absorbs  heat;  -  7 '5  Cal.   per 


equivalent  of  salt,  or  -  O9  Cal.  per  equivalent  of  oxygen,  instead 
of  liberating  it. 

From  this  point  of  view,  therefore,  the  perchlorate  acts  almost 
like  free  oxygen,  with  the  disadvantage  of  half  of  it  being 
useless  inert  matter. 

Pure  perchlorate  is  not  explosive  either  by  shock  or  inflam- 
mation, as  the  chlorate.  Further,  its  mixtures  with  organic 
substances  are  far  less  sensitive  to  shock,  friction,  the  action 
of  acids,  etc.  They  ignite  with  more  difficulty  and  burn 


1.  Potassium  chlorate  powder  was  formerly  manufactured  in 
the  following  proportions  : — 

Chlorate      75-0 

Sulphur       12-5 

Charcoal      12-5 

This  powder  is  extremely  shattering  and  easy  to  ignite ;  its 
preparation  has  occasioned  terrible  accidents,  but  the  true 
reaction  which  it  develops  is  not  well  known.  The  above 
proportions  correspond  to  the  following  weights : — 

3C103K  +  2S  +  50, 

assuming  the  weight  of  pure  carbon  equal  to  that  of  charcoal, 
which  however  is  not  exact  (see  p.  488). 

It  was  first  supposed  that  the  reaction  consists  in  the  trans- 
formation of  this  system  into  the  following  bodies : — 

3KC1  +  2S02  4-  500. 

The  presence  of  sulphurous  acid  is  unquestionable  at  any 
rate,  but  carbonic  acid  is  also  produced,  which  the  equation 
does  not  take  into  account. 

The  same  uncertainty  prevails  concerning  the  numberless 
mixtures  formed  by  potassium  chlorate,  whether  pure  or 
mixed  with  nitrate,  these  bodies  being  associated  with  com- 
bustible substances,  such  as  charcoal,  sugar,  ferrocyanide,  tan, 
wood  sawdust,  gamboge,  benzene,  sulphur,  carbon  disulphide, 
antimony  sulphide,  and  the  metallic  sulphides,  phosphorus  and 
the  phosphides,  etc.,  all  these  being  mixtures  which  have  been 
proposed  or  patented  of  late  years,  both  as  explosives  and  fuses. 
We  shall  give  the  theoretical  calculations  only  for  the  total 
combustion  mixtures  formed  by  the  association  of  potassium 
chlorate  with  carbon,  sulphur,  sugar  and  yellow  prussiate,  for 
the  sake  of  comparison  between  them,  and  the  analogous 
mixtures  formed  by  potassium  nitrate. 


2.  Take  first  the  chlorate  mixed  with  carbon  supposed  pure — 

2C103K  +  30  =  3C02  +  2KC1. 

The  equivalent  weight  is  140  "6  grms.,  and  there  is  formed 
66  grms.  carbonic  acid  and  74*6  potassium  chloride,  which 
makes  for  1  kgm.  872  grms.  chlorate,  128  grms.  carbon,  with 
the  production  of  469  grms.  carbonic  acid. 

The  heat  liberated  amounts  to  -f  152  Cal.  at  constant  pres- 
sure, 4-  153*5  at  constant  volume ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  1010  Cal. 
at  constant  pressure,  1092  at  constant  volume. 

Eeduced  volume  of  the  gases,  33'5  litres;  or,  for  1  kgm. 
238  litres. 

_  238  atm.       .  _     _  . 

Permanent  pressure  =  — — ,  with  the  usual  reservation. 

n  —  (j'2ii  , 

.        u                           5950  atm. 
Theoretical  pressure  =   0^7" 

3.  Take  again  chlorate  mixed  with  sulphur — 

2C103K  -f  3S  =  3S02  +2KC1. 

This  mixture  ignites  at  150°. 

The  equivalent  weight  is  170'6  grms.,  and  there  is  formed 
96  grms.  sulphuric  acid  and  74'6  grms.  potassium  chloride. 
This  makes  for  1  kgm.  719  grms.  chlorate,  281  grms.  sulphur, 
with  the  production  of  563  grms.  sulphurous  acid.  The  heat 
liberated  amounts  to  124*8  Cal.  at  constant  pressure,  126*3  at 
constant  volume ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  731  Cal.  at  constant  pressure, 
740  Cal.  at  constant  volume. 

Eeduced  volume  of  gases,  33-5  litres ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  196*4 

196-4  atm. 

Permanent  pressure  =  -  —  ,  with  the  usual  reservation. 

ti  —  0*22 

4120  atm. 

Theoretical  pressure  = . 

n  -  0'22 

4.  Chlorate  mixed  with  equal  weights  of  sulphur  and  carlon 
(total  combustion) — 

22C103K  -f  9S  +  24C  =  9S02  +  24C02  +  22KC1. 

The  equivalent  weight  is  1637  grms.  and  there  is  formed  288 
grms.  sulphurous  acid,  528  grms.  carbonic  acid,  and  821  grms. 
potassium  chloride  ;  which  makes  for  1  kgm.  824  grms.  chlorate, 
88  grms.  sulphur,  88  grms.  carbon,  with  the  production  of  176 
grms.  sulphurous  acid  and  322  grms.  carbonic  acid. 

The  heat  liberated  amounts  to  1560  Cal.  at  constant  pressure, 
1576  at  constant  volume;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  953  at  constant 
pressure,  963  at  constant  volume. 


Volume  of  the  gases,  368  litres ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  225  litres. 

225  atm. 

Permanent  pressure  = 7—3,  with  the  usual  reservation. 

n  —  0'25 

.  5170  atm. 

Theoretical  pressure  = .  nr  . 

7i  —  0*25 

5.  Chlorate  mixed  with  cane  sugar — 

8C103K  +  CjaHaOu  =  12C02  +  11H20  +  8KC1. 

The  equivalent  weight  is  661  grms.  There  is  formed  264 
grms.  carbonic  acid,  99  grms.  water,  and  298  grms.  chloride, 
which  makes  for  1  kgm.  742  grms.  of  chlorate,  258  grms. 
sugar,  with  the  production  of  400  grms.  carbonic  acid,  150 
grms.  water. 

Heat  liberated :  +  766  Cal.  liquid  water  *  at  constant  volume, 
4-  726  Cal.  gaseous  water ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  1159  CaL  liquid 
water,  1098  Cal.  gaseous  water. 

Volume  of  the  gases,  134  litres  liquid  water,  257  litres 
gaseous  water. 

134  atm 

Permanent  pressure  = — — ^,  with  the  usual  reservation. 

n  —  (j'26 

5400  atm. 

Theoretical  pressure  = • 

n  _  0-23 

6.  Chlorate    mixed    with    potassium  ferrocyanide    (yellow 
prussiate),  supposed  dry — 

46KC103  +  9K4FeC6N6  =  36C02  +  18K2C03  +  54N  +  3Fe304 

+  46KC1. 

This  makes  by  weight,  1880  grms.  of  chlorate  and  1105  grms. 
prussiate ;  in  all,  2985  grms. ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  630  grms.  chlorate 
and  370  prussiate. 

There  is  formed  528  grms.  carbonic  acid,  828  grms.  car- 
bonate, 232  grms.  nitrogen,  and  323  grms.  magnetic  oxide. 

The  heat  liberated  amounts  to  2700  Cal.  at  constant  pressure, 
2711  Cal.  at  constant  volume ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  904  Cal.  at 
constant  pressure,  908  Cal.  at  constant  volume. 

Volume  of  the  gases,  468  litres ;  or,  for  1  kgm.,  157  litres. 

Permanent  pressure  = — — ",  with  the  usual  reservation. 

n  —  0*o4 

3120  atm. 

Theoretical  pressure  =  —          — . 
n  -  0-34 

7.  We   shall    first  compare  with    each    other    the  results 
1  Neglecting  the  dissolving  action  of  the  water  on  the  chloride. 


obtained  by  the  total  combustion  of  various  bodies  by  potassium 

Weight  of 
the  chlorate. 

Heat  libe- 
rated by 
1  kgm.  of 
the  mixture. 



Chlorate  and  carbon  .... 
Chlorate  and  sulphur       .     . 
Chlorate  with  sulphur  and  carbon 
Chlorate  and  sugar     .... 
Chlorate  and  prussiate     .     .     . 





257  l 

n  -  0-27 

n  -  0-22 

n  -  0-25 

n  -  0-23 


From  this  we  see  that  the  mixture  of  chlorate  and  carbon  is 
the  most  advantageous,  weight  for  weight ;  but  that  the  mixture 
of  chlorate  and  sugar  develops  a  nearly  equal  pressure,  with 
a  relative  weight  of  chlorate  less  by  a  seventh.  The  mixture 
of  chlorate  and  prussiate  is  not  advantageous,  the  iron  acting 
as  an  almost  useless  inert  component,  that  is  to  say  liberating 
a  relatively  small  amount  of  heat. 

8.  Let  us  now  examine  the  results  obtained  with  chlorate 
and  the  analogous  data  relating  to  the  mixtures  formed  by  salt- 
petre, for  equal  weights,  such  as  1  kgm.  of  the  mixtures,  always 
considering  total  combustion. 


Volume  of 
the  gas. 


(Chlorate  and  sulphur    ...... 




n  —  0-27 

Nitrate  and  sulphur 




n  -  0-25 

(Chlorate  and  carbon      •     •     .          .     . 




n  -  0-22 

Nitrate  and  carbon 




«  -  0-27 





n  —  0-25 

Nitrate,  sulphur,  and  carbon  .... 




n-0  12 

1  Gaseous  water. 


It  will  be  seen  that  in  general  the  values  for  the  chlorate  base 
powders  are  much  greater  than  those  for  the  corresponding 
nitrate  base  powders. 

The  pressures  exerted  by  the  former  are  greater,  for  the  two- 
fold reason  that  the  quantities  of  heat  developed  are  greater,  and 
the  gaseous  volumes  equal  or  greater.  Hence  these  powders 
will  produce  effects,  both  of  dislocation  and  projection,  superior 
to  those  of  the  nitrate  base  powders. 

These  conclusions  agree  perfectly  with  the  known  facts, 
and  it  seems  that  they  may  be  extended  to  incomplete  combus- 
tion powders. 

But,  on  the  other  hand,  all  the  numbers  given  are  far  inferior, 
with  regard  both  to  heat  and  gaseous  volume,  to  those  of  gun- 
cotton  and  dynamite  (pp.  425  and  451).  This  inferiority  will  not 
disappear,  even  for  the  greatest  gaseous  volumes  which  result 
from  incomplete  combustion. 

From  this  point  of  view,  therefore,  the  chlorate  powders 
do  not  exhibit  any  superiority  over  the  new  explosive  sub- 
stances sufficient  to  compensate  for  the  exceptional  dangers  in 
manufacturing  and  handling  them.  It  is  only  as  fuses  that 
their  easy  inflammation  may  offer  certain  advantages. 

(    527     ) 



WE  have  now  reached  the  end  of  our  task.  We  have  submitted 
a  general  theory  of  explosive  substances,  based  on  the  know- 
ledge of  their  chemical  metamorphoses,  and  of  the  heat  of 
formation  of  the  compounds  which  contribute  thereto,  that  is  to 
say,  entirely  deduced  from  thermo-chemistry.  We  will  sum- 
marise the  fundamental  results  of  this  study,  both  as  regards 
general  notions  and  as  regards  the  particular  definition  of  ex- 
plosive bodies. 

Meanwhile,  industry,  in  this  respect,  as  in  many  others,  has 
received  an  unexpected  impetus  as  a  consequence  of  the 
theoretical  discoveries  of  organic  chemistry;  discoveries  which 
have  facilitated  the  manufacture  at  will  of  a  multitude  of  ex- 
plosive substances  hitherto  unknown,  and  whose  properties 
vary  ad  infinitum. 

Empiricism,  however,  was  still  the  only  guide  in  forecasting 
with  accuracy  the  properties  of  each  of  these  substances  at  the 
time  when  thermo-chemistry  came  to  our  aid,  enabling  us  to 
establish  the  general  principles  which  define  new  explosive 
substances  according  to  their  formulae  and  their  heat  of  forma- 
tion. Thermo-chemistry  thus  marks  the  limits  which  we  can 
hope  to  reach  in  practice,  and  it  lends  the  light  of  rational  rules, 
by  which  alone  the  subject  is  capable  of  being  fully  developed. 

It  is  this  transformation  of  the  empirical  study  of  explosive 
substances  into  a  strict  science,  based  on  thermo-chemistry,  that 
the  author  has  been  pursuing  since  1870,  and  of  which  the 
present  work  is  the  most  advanced  expression  at  the  present 
state  of  our  knowledge. 


1.  The  sudden  development  of  a  considerable  expansive  force 
characterises  explosive  substances.  By  this  means  they  effect 
enormous  mechanical  work,  which  industry  would  be  unable  to 


accomplish  otherwise,  except  by  the  aid  of  complicated,  bulky 
machinery,  necessitating  considerable  hard  labour  and  expendi- 
ture. By  this  means  also  we  have  replaced  with  unspeakable 
advantage  the  energy  afforded  by  the  old  war  appliances  based 
on  the  use  of  the  lever  and  the  sling,  while  at  the  same  time 
the  range  and  the  power  of  the  new  weapons  are  extended  far 
beyond  the  dreams  of  former  days. 

Such  mechanical  effects  are  produced  by  the  act  of  explosion 
and  by  the  energy  of  gaseous  molecules,  and  even  this  energy 
results  from  chemical  reactions,  these  latter,  in  fact,  determining 
the  volume  of  the  gases,  the  quantity  of  heat,  and  consequently 
the  explosive  force. 

2.  Two  orders  of  effects  should  here  be  distinguished:   the 
one  due  to  pressure,  the  other  to  the  work  developed.     Thus  the 
rupture  of  hollow  projectiles  and  the  dislocation  of  rocks  is  due 
more   especially  to   pressure ;    whereas    the  clearing  away  of 
materials  in  mines  and  the   projection  of  missiles  in  firearms 
represent  more  especially  work  due  to  expansion.     Now,  pressure 
depends  both  on  the  nature  of  the  gases  formed  and  on  their 
volume    and  temperature.     Work,   on   the   contrary,   depends 
especially  on  the  heat  liberated,  which  is  the  measure  of  the 
potential  energy  of  the  explosive  substance. 

The  time  necessary  for  the  realisation  and  the  propagation  of 
chemical  reactions  plays  an  essential  part  in  the  applications,  as 
the  terms  shattering  powders,  slow  powders,  and  rapid  powders 
themselves  indicate.  These  various  characters  do  not  depend 
merely  on  the  structure  of  the  powders  and  of  the  nature  of  the 
reactions ;  but  we  may  observe,  even  with  the  same  explosive 
substance,  taken  in  an  identical  form,  extremely  unequal 
durations  of  combustion,  and  consequently  of  its  effects. 

This,  for  instance,  is  what  is  exemplified  in  dynamite.  Such 
diversities  are  observable  in  a  substance  which  is  identical  in  its 
chemical  composition  and  in  its  physical  structure.  They  result 
from  the  establishment  of  two  very  different  laws :  the  law  of 
ordinary  combustion  slowly  communicated,  and  the  law  of 
detonation,  that  is  to  say,  the  law  of  the  explosive  wave  which 
propagates  itself  with  a  lightning-like  velocity. 

These  notions  on  the  velocity  of  the  propagation  of  pheno- 
mena, added  to  the  knowledge  of  the  heat  liberated  and  of  the 
volume  of  gases,  characterise  the  comparison  which  may  be 
made  between  the  old  black  powder  and  the  new  substances 
now  practically  used,  such  as  dynamite  and  gun-cotton. 

From  this  it  follows  that,  in  order  to  define  the  force  of  an 
explosive  substance,  we  should  know  the  following  data :  first, 
the  nature  of  the  chemical  reaction  which  determines  the  heat 
developed  and  the  volume  of  gases,  and  secondly,  the  rapidity  of 
the  reaction. 

3.  Chemical  reaction  is  characterised  by  the  initial  composi- 


tion  of  the  explosive  substance  and  by  the  composition  of 
the  products  of  explosion.  These  are  further  denned,  a  priori, 
in  the  case  of  a  total  combustion,  that  is  to  say,  when  the 
substance  contains  a  sufficient  quantity  of  oxygen.  This  is  the 
case  with  nitroglycerin  and  nitromannite,  where  carbon  and 
hydrogen  are  entirely  transformable  into  water  and  carbonic 

If,  on  the  other  hand,  oxygen  be  deficient,  the  products  vary 
with  the  conditions,  and  several  reactions  are  often  produced 
simultaneously,  as  is  the  case  with  ammonium  nitrate,  with 
gun-cotton,  and  also  with  service  powder.  This  last,  for 
instance,  does  not  only  produce  carbonic  acid,  potassium  sul- 
phate, and  carbonate,  the  results  of  a  complete  explosion,  but 
also  carbonic  oxide  and  potassium  sulphide,  due  to  an  imperfect 

In  both  cases  it  must  be  borne  in  mind  that  the  products 
developed  at  the  moment  of  the  explosion,  and  at  the  high 
temperature  of  such  explosion,  are  not  necessarily  the  same  as 
the  products  observed  after  cooling.  A  part  of  the  water,  for 
instance,  may  be  found  decomposed  into  oxygen  and  hydrogen, 
a  part  of  the  carbonic  acid  into  oxygen  and  carbonic  oxide. 
Such  are  the  effects  of  dissociation;  it  tends  to  diminish  the 
pressure  of  the  system  at  the  moment  of  the  explosion,  owing  to 
the  lesser  amount  of  heat  developed,  but  heat  is  regenerated, 
even  during  the  process  of  cooling ;  and  it  is  this  which 
moderates  the  expansion  and  brings  the  total  amount  of  work 
to  the  same  value  as  if  dissociation  had  not  taken  place. 

4.  The  liberated  heat  is  calculated  from  our  knowledge  of  the 
products  of  the  reaction,  either  under  constant  pressure  or  under 
constant  volume ;  it  is  calculated,  that  is,  if  the  reaction  is  not 
accompanied  by  any  mechanical  work.     Otherwise,  there  is  a 
transformation  of  a  part  of  this  heat  into  work.     Now,  it  is 
precisely  this  transformation  which  it  is  proposed  to  effect  by 
the  use  of  explosive  substances.     It  never  takes  place  except 
fractionally,  as  we  see  in  all  transformations  of  this  kind  in 
mechanics.     The  fraction  available  in  principle  amounts  almost 
to  one-half  in  ordinary  gunpowder;  in  practice  we  have  not 
obtained  more  than  one-third.   This  figure  defines  the  maximum 
results  which  have  been  observed  for  this  substance,  constantly 
employed  in  artillery. 

5.  The  volume  of  gases  also  results  from  chemical  reaction ; 
it  is  easily  found  from  the  equation  which  expresses  this  re- 
action.    It  may  be  calculated  either  at  a  temperature  of  0°,  and 
under  normal  pressure,  or  at  any  temperature  or  pressure.     It 
should  be  observed  that  in  making  this  calculation  it  is  neces- 
sary to  add  to  the  permanent  gases  the  volume  of  the  bodies, 
such  as  water  or  mercury,  which  are  susceptible  of  acquiring 
the  gaseous  stage  at  the  explosive  temperature.     Water,  in  fact, 

2  M 


hardly  plays  any  part  in  the  case  of  service  powder,  which 
barely  contains  one  per  cent,  of  its  weight  of  water ;  but  water 
is,  on  the  other  hand,  a  very  important  factor  in  gun-cotton, 
nitroglycerin,  and  in  the  majority  of  organic  explosive  sub- 

6.  Having  thus  defined  the  volume  of  the  gases  we  deduce 
from  it  the  pressure  which  they  should  exercise  at  the  tempera- 
ture developed  by  the  explosion  at  constant  volume,  and  even 
at  any  volume.  This  calculation  rests  on  the  ordinary  laws  of 
gases,  laws  whose  application  to  these  conditions  requires  the 
greatest  caution.  Thus  it  is  preferable,  in  practical  application, 
to  measure  the  pressure  of  the  gases  direct  from  some  of  their 
given  mechanical  effects,  and  particularly  from  the  crushing  of 
small  copper  or  leaden  cylinders. 

The  results  should  be  referred  to  the  weight  of  the  water 
contained  in  the  unit  of  volume.  Now,  experience  shows  that 
the  pressure  of  the  unit  of  weight  for  the  unit  of  volume  tends 
to  a  constant  value ;  this  is  what  we  term  specific  pressure,  and 
this  can  be  taken  as  a  certain  measure  of  force.  Here  we  may 
note  a  remarkable  circumstance  :  the  pressures  found  by  experi- 
ment are  similar  to  the  figures  calculated  by  the  ordinary  laws 
of  gases,  whether  for  solid  or  liquid  explosive  compounds ;  at 
least,  for  those  which,  in  becoming  transformed,  give  rise  to  pro- 
ducts which  cannot  be  dissociated,  such  as  nitrogen  sulphide 
and  mercury  fulminate. 

On  the  other  hand,  in  the  case  of  gaseous  explosive  mixtures, 
systems  whose  density  for  the  unit  of  volume  is  low,  we  find  a 
considerable  difference  ranging  from  the  single  to  the  double, 
and  even  beyond  this.  This  difference  may  be  attributable 
either  to  dissociation,  or  to  uncertainty  as  to  the  real  laws  of 
gases,  which  would  be  applicable  under  these  extreme  con- 

The  maximum  effort  of  an  explosive  substance  evidently 
applies  to  that  case  in  which  it  explodes  in  its  own  volume. 
Owing  to  this  the  effect  will  be  all  the  greater  in  proportion  to 
the  density  of  the  substance.  Such  is  the  circumstance  which, 
added  to  the  suddenness  of  the  chemical  decomposition,  appears 
to  confer  on  mercury  fulminate  the  pre-eminence  over  all  other 
bodies  use^  as  primings.  The  density  of  the  fulminate  is,  in 
fact,  alrnostifive-  times  as  great  as  that  of  nitroglycerin.  This 
allows  mercury  fulminate  to  exercise  an  effort  which  seems  to 
attain  27,000  kgm.  per  square  centimetre,  being  almost  triple 
the  effort  exercised  by  the  other  known  substances. 

Here  we  have  the  total  consequences  deducible  from  the 
mere  knowledge  of  chemical  reaction.  But  in  order  to  com- 
pletely define  an  explosive  substance  it  is  also  desirable  to 
know,  as  we  have  said  above,  what  is  the  duration  of  its 


7.  This  is  a  new  datum  in  the  problem,  and  one  of  the  most 
important,  since  it  determines  the  real  effects  of  explosive  sub- 
stances in  their  various  applications,  such  as  the  velocity  com- 
municated  to   projectiles   in   fire-arms,  the   division   and   the 
projection  of  fragments  of  bombshells,  and,  in  fine,  the  various 
results  developed  in  blasting  at  the  expense  either  of  the  rocks 
required  to  be  dislocated  or  removed,  or  of  any  obstacles  which 
it  is  proposed  to  crush  or  overturn. 

8.  The  origin  of  explosive  reactions,  that  is  to  say,  of  the 
preliminary  work  which  determines  their  beginning,  appears  to 
correspond  in  all  cases  to  an  initial  heating,  which  raises  the 
substance  to  its  decomposing  temperature,  and  from  which  re- 
action   propagates   itself.      In   order  for  this   heating  to  be 
efficacious,  the  heat  developed  by  the  decomposition  must  attain 
a  sufficient  intensity  to  raise  gradually,  and  up  to  the  same 
degree,  the  temperature  of  the  adjacent  portions ;  it  is  necessary, 
also,  that  the  heat  should  not  become  dissipated  meanwhile  by 
radiation,  by  conduction,  or  by  the  expansion  of  the  compressed 
gases.     In  other  words,  the  molecular  velocity  of  the  reaction 
in  the  system  regarded  as  homogeneous,  and  raised  to  a  uniform 
temperature  throughout,  must  be  sufficiently  great,  otherwise 
there  would  be  no  explosion.     This  is  noticeable  when  decom- 
posing cyanogen   by  means   of  the  electric  spark,   or  when 
changing  acetylene  into  benzene  by  heating.     The  heat  liberated 
by  this  last  reaction  is  enormous,  and  for  equal  weights  is  four 
times  that  of  the  explosion  of  gunpowder,  but  it  is  so  slowly 
disengaged  that  dissipation  takes  place  gradually. 

9.  The  molecular  velocity  of  a  reaction  is  therefore  a  main 
element  in  the  question.     Let  us  summarise  the  laws  which 
characterise  it. 

It  increases  with  the  temperature  according  to  a  very  rapid 

It  increases  also  with  the  condensation  of  the  substance,  that 
is  to  say,  with  the  pressure  in  the  gaseous  systems. 

On  the  other  hand,  its  action  is  retarded  by  the  presence  of 
an  inert  body  which  lowers  the  temperature  at  the  same  time 
as  it  lessens  condensation.  In  this  way  we  can  at  will  modify 
the  character  of  an  explosive  substance.  For  instance,  black 
powder,  mixed  with  sand,  will  fuse  instead  of  detonating ; 
dynamite,  which  is  a  mixture  of  silica  and  nitroglycerin,  is  less 
shattering  than  nitroglycerin ;  besides,  the  shattering  character 
due  to  the  nitroglycerin  decreases  rapidly  in  proportion  as  the 
quantity  of  silica  is  increased. 

10.  The  velocity  of  the  propagation  of  reactions  developed 
in  consequence  of  ignition  or  of  a  local  shock,  represents   a 
phenomenon  totally  distinct  from  the  molecular  velocity  which 
we  have  just  defined  ;  for  it  expresses  the  requisite  time  for  the 
physical  conditions  of  temperature,  etc.,  which  have  caused  the 

2  M  2 


phenomenon  at  one  point  to  reproduce  themselves  successively 
at  all  points  of  the  mass.  This  is  what  has  been  illustrated  by 
the  works  of  artillerists  on  the  velocity  of  the  combustion  of 
ordinary  powder,  a  velocity  which  is  variable  with  the  physical 
structure  of  powders  and  their  chemical  composition.  This 
velocity  varies  exceedingly  with  the  pressure ;  gunpowder,  for 
instance,  does  not  explode  in  a  vacuum,  because  the  heated 
gases  which  combustion  has  caused,  escape,  and  are  dispersed 
before  having  had  time  to  communicate  the  heat  to  the  adjacent 

Here  considerations  of  an  entirely  novel  character  intervene. 

Formerly,  it  was  thought  it  was  sufficient  to  inflame  an 
explosive  substance,  no  matter  how,  since  the  effects  of  the 
ensuing  explosion  did  not  appear  to  depend  on  the  initial  pro- 
cess of  inflammation.  But  nitroglycerin  and  gun-cotton  have 
manifested  a  peculiar  diversity  in  this  respect.  Thus,  for 
instance,  according  to  the  process  employed  in  ignition,  dynamite 
can  decompose  quietly  and  flamelessly,  or  it  may  burn  with  a 
flame,  or  again,  it  may  give  rise  to  explosion  properly  so  called ; 
this  explosion  may  further  be  either  moderated  or  accompanied 
by  shattering  effects.  Mercury  fulminate  used  as  a  priming  is 
particularly  apt  to  cause  these  latter  effects  ;  it  is  the  detonating 
agent  par  excellence. 

11.  It  has  been  shown  how  thermo-dynamic  theories  and  the 
suitable  analysis  of  the  phenomena  of  shock  will  explain  this 
diversity  ;  the  energy  of  the  shock  transforming  itself  into  heat 
at  the  point  acted  on,  and  raising  the  temperature  of  the  parts 
first  struck,  up  to  the  degree  of  explosive  decomposition,  their 
sudden  decomposition  produces  a  fresh  shock  more  violent  than 
the  first  on  the  adjacent  parts  ;  and  this  regular  alternation  of 
shocks  and  of  decompositions  transmits  the  reaction  from  layer 
to  layer  throughout  the  whole  mass,  developing  a  real  explosive 
wave,  which  progresses  with  a  velocity  incomparably  greater 
than  that  of  simple  inflammation. 

12.  By  this  we  see  the  all-importance  of  primings,  hitherto 
looked  upon  as  simple  igniting  agents.    Here  also  we  note  the  dis- 
tinction between  progressive  combustion  and  the  almost  instan- 
taneous detonation  of  explosive  substances,  extreme  phenomena 
among  which  we  observe  a  series  of  states  and  of  intermediate 
reactions,  which  explain  the  variety  of  the  effects  produced  by 
the  same  agent.     In  fact,  there  exists  in  chemistry  a  certain 
number   of  endothermal   combinations,  that  is   to   say,  those 
which  are  susceptible  of  liberating  heat  by  their  decomposition ; 
these  are  acetylene,  cyanogen,  and  arseniuretted  hydrogen,  etc. 
Yet  these  gases  do  not  detonate  either  by  heating  or  by  the 
electric  spark.     The  author  has  now  shown  that  these  same 
gases  do,  on  the  contrary,  detonate  and  resolve  themselves  into 
elements,  and  with  peculiar  violence,  under  the  influence  of 


the  sudden  shock  produced  by  the  explosion  of  mercury 

13.  Hence  we  are  led  to  account  for  explosions  by  influence, 
peculiar  phenomena  which  have  singularly  attracted  the  atten- 
tion of  artillerists  and  engineers. 

.  It  has  been  seen,  for  instance,  that  a  cartridge  of  dynamite  or 
gun-cotton,  exploded  by  means  of  a  fulminate  priming,  causes 
the  explosion  of  the  neighbouring  cartridges  even  when  placed 
at  considerable  distances,  and  without  the  detonation  being 
followed  by  a  direct  propagation  of  the  inflammation.  Torpedoes 
charged  with  gun-cotton  and  submerged  will  also  explode 
under  the  influence  of  strong  cartridges  of  the  same  agent 
placed  in  the  vicinity.  In  the  present  work  it  has  been  shown 
how  these  phenomena  explain  themselves  by  the  development 
of  the  explosive  wave  in  the  detonating  substance,  and  by  the 
violence  of  the  sudden  shock  which  results  therefrom,  and 
which  the  surrounding  medium  transmits  to  the  second 

Here  is  recalled  to  mind,  though  the  author  does  not  adopt 
it,  the  ingenious  theory  of  synchronous  vibrations,  according  to 
which  the  determining  cause  of  the  detonation  of  an  explosive 
body  consists  in  the  synchronism  between  the  vibrations  of  the 
body  which  causes  the  detonation  and  that  which  would  be 
produced  by  the  body  acted  upon.  It  is  shown  that  this  theory 
does  not  in  reality  explain  the  facts  observed,  and  the  chemical 
stability  of  matter  in  sonorous  vibration  is  proved  by  direct 
experiment ;  these  experiments  have  been  made  with  the  most 
unstable  substances,  such  as  ozone,  arseniuretted  hydrogen, 
persulphuric  acid,  oxygenated  water,  etc. 

The  sonorous  waves,  properly  so  called,  are  not  therefore  the 
real  agents  propagating  chemical  decompositions  and  explosions 
by  influence ;  their  energy  and  their  pressure  are  too  slight  to 
provoke  such  effects.  But  propagation  takes  place  in  conse- 
quence of  the  explosive  wave,  a  phenomenon  of  quite  a  different 
nature,  and  in  which  the  pressure  and  energy  are  incomparably 
greater,  and  are  incessantly  regenerated  throughout  the  wave  by 
chemical  transformation  itself. 

Thus,  according  to  the  new  theory,  explosive  matter  detonates 
by  influence,  not  because  it  transmits  the  initial  vibratory 
movement  by  vibrating  in  unison,  but,  on  the  contrary,  because 
it  stops  it  and  appropriates  to  itself  the  energy  thereof. 

14.  Let  us  examine  somewhat  more  closely  the  characteristics 
of  this  explosive  wave  which  we  have  been  led  to  discover,  and 
of  which  we  avail  ourselves,  in  order  to  explain  the  detonations  of 
dynamite  and  gun-cotton.     Its  discovery,  as  well  as  the  study 
of  it,  constitute  one  of  the  most  interesting  chapters  in  the 
present  work. 

It  is  in  gaseous  media  that  the  study  of  it  is  at  one  and  the 


same  time  the  easiest  and  the  strictest,  and  it  is  then  that  the 
results  it  offers  are  most  far  reaching,  theoretically  speaking. 
This  study  enables  us,  in  fact,  to  show  the  existence  of  a  new 
kind  of  undulatory  movement  of  a  compound  order,  that  is  to 
say,  produced  in  virtue  of  a  certain  concord  of  physical  and 
chemical  impulses,  within  a  substance  under  transformation. 
In  the  sonorous  wave  the  energy  is  weak,  the  excess  of  pressure 
stands  at  the  minimum,  and  the  velocity  is  determined  by  the 
mere  physical  constitution  of  the  vibrating  medium.  On  the 
other  hand,  it  is  the  change  in  the  chemical  constitution  which 
propagates  itself  in  the  explosive  wave,  and  which  communicates 
to  the  system  an  enormous  energy  and  considerable  excess  of 
pressure.  Like  phenomena  may  become  developed  both  in 
solids  and  in  liquids. 

This  wave  propagates  itself  uniformly  with  a  velocity  depend- 
ing essentially  on  the  nature  of  the  explosive  mixture,  and 
which  is  almost  independent  of  the  diameter  of  the  tubes,  except 
when  these  latter  are  capillary.  It  is  equally  independent  of 
pressure,  a  fundamental  property  which  determines  the  general 
laws  of  the  phenomenon. 

Finally,  the  energy  of  the  translation  of  the  molecules  of  the 
gaseous  system  produced  by  the  reaction,  and  containing  all  the 
heat  developed  by  such  reaction,  is  in  proportion  to  the  energy 
of  the  gaseous  system  itself,  containing  merely  the  heat  which 
it  retains  at  zero.  This  is  an  essential  detail  which  experience 
has  confirmed,  and  which  enables  us  to  calculate  the  velocity  of 
the  explosive  wave  in  the  most  diverse  mixtures. 

It  appears  that  in  the  act  of  explosion  a  certain  number  of 
gaseous  molecules  among  those  which  form  the  inflamed  sections 
at  the  outset,  are  hurled  forward  with  all  the  velocity  corre- 
sponding to  the  maximum  temperature  developed  by  the 
chemical  combination.  Their  shock  determines  the  propagation 
of  this  latter  through  the  neighbouring  sections,  and  the  move- 
ment is  reproduced  from  section  to  section  with  a  velocity 
which  may  be  compared  to  that  of  the  molecules  themselves. 

It  is  in  this  way  that  observations  were  made  of  the  propaga- 
tions of  explosions,  with  velocities  of  2480  metres  per  second 
in  a  mixture  of  oxygen  and  hydrogen,  of  2480  metres  in  a 
mixture  of  oxygen  and  acetylene,  and  of  2195  metres  in  a 
mixture  of 'cyanogen  and  oxygen,  etc.  This  velocity  constitutes 
a  genuine  specific  constant  for  every  gaseous  mixture. 

The  propagation  of  the  explosive  wave  is  a  phenomenon 
altogether  distinct  from  ordinary  combustion.  It  only  occurs 
when  the  inflamed  section  exercises  the  greatest  possible 
pressure  on  the  adjoining  section ;  that  is  to  say,  when  the 
inflamed  molecules  preserve  almost  in  its  entirety  the  heat 
developed  by  chemical  reaction.  This  state  constitutes  the  law 
of  detonation. 


On  the  other  hand,  the  law  of  ordinary  combustion  answers 
to  a  system  in  which  heat  is  to  a  great  extent  lost  by  radiation, 
conduction,  expansion,  contact  with  surrounding  bodies,  etc., 
with  the  exception  of  the  very  small  quantity  indispensable  for 
raising  the  adjacent  parts  up  to  the  temperature  of  combustion  ; 
the  excess  of  heat  here  tends  to  reduce  itself  to  zero,  and  con- 
sequently the  excess  of  the  velocity  of  translation  of  the  mole- 
cules, that  is  to  say,  the  excess  of  pressure  of  the  inflamed 
section  on  the  adjacent  section. 

After  having  shown  in  Book  I.  the  general  characteristics  of 
explosive  phenomena,  it  is  now  desirable  to  define  the  funda- 
mental circumstance  which  determines  their  energies,  that  is, 
the  heat  liberated  by  chemical  transformation.  This  is  the 
object  of  Book  II. 


Any  theoretical  study  of  explosives  demands  a  general 
knowledge  of  the  principles  of  thermo-chemistry,  namely,  of  its 
methods  and  of  its  results ;  we  have  deemed  it  fitting  to  sum- 
marise these  notions  at  the  opening  of  Book  II.  The  reader 
will  there  find  more  especially  the  description  of  the  author's 
ordinary  calorimeter  and  of  the  calorimetric  bomb  which  he 
used  in  studying  the  heat  of  detonation  of  a  large  number  of 
gases.  Some  extensive  tables  will  be  shown  in  this  summary, 
showing  the  heat  of  formation  of  the  principal  combinations  in 
various  stages,  as  also  the  specific  heats  and  densities  of  the 
various  compounds  likely  to  intervene  in  the  study  of  explosive 

We  have  devoted  ourselves  principally  to  the  heat  of  forma- 
tion of  those  fundamental  compounds  which  help  to  form  these 
substances,  namely,  oxygenated  compounds  of  nitrogen  and 
their  salts,  the  hydrogenated  compounds  of  nitrogen,  cyanic 
compounds,  carbonated  derivatives  of  nitrogen,  nitrogen 
sulphide,  hydrocarbon  nitric  derivatives,  such  as  nitric  ether  of 
alcohol,  nitroglycerin,  nitromannite,  gun-cotton ;  the  nitrated 
derivatives,  such  as  nitro-benzene,  picric  acid,  etc. ;  the  azoic 
derivatives,  such  as  diazobenzene  and  mercury  fulminate.  We 
have  also  studied  the  results  derived  from  the  oxacids  of 
chlorine  and  the  explosive  oxalates. 

This  study,  which  has  been  lengthy,  difficult,  and  sometimes 
even  fraught  with  danger,  is  almost  entirely  the  result  of  the 
author's  own  personal  experiments. 

Hence  it  has  been  thought  advisable  to  set  down  here  the 
amplified  statement  of  methods  and  results,  and  thus  to  place 
before  the  readers  all  the  data  on  which  the  thermo-chemistry  of 
explosive  compounds  is  based. 



1.  It  now  remains  merely  to  define  the  force  of  the  various 
explosive  matters,  regarded  individually,  in  accordance  with  the 
general  principles  set  down  in  the  first  two  portions  of  the  work. 
This  is  the  object  of  Book  III. 

2.  In  practice,  a  system  susceptible  of  a  rapid  transformation, 
accompanied  by  a  marked  development  of  gas  and   by  great 
development  of  heat,  may  be  utilised  as  an  explosive  agent. 
These    systems    belong,    in    fact,    to    eight    distinct    groups, 
namely : — 

The  explosive  gases  (ozone,  oxacids  of  chlorine)  formed  with 
absorption  of  heat,  that  is  to  say,  containing  an  excess  of  energy 
(acetylene,  cyanogen,  etc.). 

Detonating  gaseous  mixtures — such  as  hydrogen,  carbonic 
oxide,  and  hydrocarbons,  mixed  with  oxygen,  chlorine,  and 
oxides  of  nitrogen. 

Explosive  mineral  compounds  —  nitrogen  sulphide  and 
chloride,  fulminating  metallic  oxides,  ammonium  nitrate,  etc. 

Explosive  organic  compounds — nitric  ethers,  nitric  derivatives 
of  hydrocarbons,  nitro  derivatives,  diazoic  derivatives,  fulmi- 
nates, perchloric  ethers,  salts  of  metallic  oxides  easily  re- 

The  mixtures  of  explosive  compounds  with  inert  bodies. 

The  mixtures  formed  by  an  explosive  oxidisable  compound 
and  a  non-explosive  oxidising  body — gun-cotton  mixed  with 
nitrate,  picrate  mixed  with  chlorate,  mixtures  of  nitric  acid  or 
hyponitric  acid  with  nitrated  and  other  bodies. 

Mixtures  with  an  explosive  oxidising  base — such  as  charcoal 
dynamite,  and  blasting  gelatin. 

Mixtures  formed  by  oxidising  bodies  and  by  oxidisable  bodies, 
none  of  which  is  explosive  separately — such  as  powders  with  a 
nitrate  or  chlorate  base. 

3.  The    theoretical   and   practical   data  which   characterise 
explosive  substances  having  been  generally  enumerated,  as  also 
the  practical  questions  relative  to  the  use,  manufacture,  and 
preservation  of  the  same,  as  well  as  the  proofs  of  their  stability, 
we  have  now  come  to  the  special  study  of  these  matters. 

4  We  at  first  treated  of  gases  and  detonating  gaseous 
mixtures,  beginning  with  the  figures  relative  to  the  heat  of 
transformation,  at  the  theoretical  gaseous  volume  and  pressure 
in  regard  to  explosive  gases  properly  so  called.  Thus,  at  page 
387,  we  have  given  the  table  of  the  characteristic  data  respect- 
ing the  chief  gaseous  mixtures. 

This  table  indicates  that  the  potential  energy  of  gaseous 
compounds  at  unit  weight  only  varies  from  single  to  double  in 
the  case  of  gases  containing  carbon  and  hydrogen  mixed  with 
oxygen.  It  is  also  the  same  in  the  case  of  the  various  hydro- 


carbon  gases.  But  it  is  far  beyond  that  of  all  solid  or  liquid 
compounds.  For  instance,  in  the  case  of  hydrogen  and  oxygen, 
the  potential  energy  is  four  times  what  it  is  in  ordinary  gun- 
powder, and  double  what  it  is  in  nitroglycerin.  In  most  of  the 
hydrocarbons  associated  with  oxygen  it  scarcely  attains  to  two- 
thirds  of  the  energy  of  an  oxyhydric  mixture ;  acetylene  alone 
approaches  hydrogen. 

But  these  advantages  are  discounted  by  the  considerable 
volume  of  gaseous  mixtures  and  by  the  necessity  for  preserving 
them  in  strong  receptacles. 

We  have  given  the  theoretical  pressures  and  the  pressures 
observed  for  these  different  mixtures.  By  comparing  these  we 
may  observe  that  the  theoretical  pressures  exceed  the  real  pres- 
sures by  double  and  sometimes  even  more,  probably  owing  to 
the  dissociation  of  the  compounds,  water  and  carbonic  acid,  and 
to  the  increase  in  the  specific  heats  with  the  temperature. 

In  fact,  the  pressures  observed  with  total  combustion  mixtures 
have  not  exceeded  20  atm.,  and  in  most  cases  they  were  con- 
siderably below  the  figure.  These  pressures  are  very  far 
inferior  to  those  of  solid  or  liquid  explosive  substances,  this 
inferiority  being  due  to  the  lesser  condensation  of  the  sub- 

In  the  case  of  liquefied  gases,  or  of  analogous  bodies,  such  as 
hyponitric  acid,  we  obtain  a  nearer  approach  to  solid  substances. 
The  table  at  page  398  furnishes  a  certain  number  of  details  on 
-this  point. 

Finally,  we  have  examined  the  mixtures  of  gases  and  com- 
bustible dusts  to  which  numerous  accidents  in  mines  have  been 
attributed,  and  we  have  briefly  summarised  both  the  theoretical 
data  and  the  facts  which  have  come  under  notice. 

5.  We   now  come  to  liquid  or  solid  explosive   compounds. 
In  the   case   of  each   of  these   we  have  given   the  physical 
properties,  the  temperature  of  decomposition,  the  heat  liberated, 
the  volume  of  gases,  the  permanent  pressure,  the  theoretical 
pressure  at  the  moment  of  the  explosion,  in  fact,  the  results 
of  experiments   made   recently   in  order  to  measure  the  real 
pressures  and  the  time  necessary  for  the  propagation  of  the 

6.  All  these  particulars  are  shown  in  the  following  table, 
which  summarises  the  characteristic   details  of  the  principal 
explosive  substances  (see  next  page). 

According  to  this  table,  gaseous  mixtures,  such  as  hydrogen 
and  oxygen,  or  acetylene  and  oxygen,  represent  those  systems 
whose  potential  energy  is  the  greatest ;  nitroglycerin  and  nitro- 
mannite,  which  are  the  most  powerful  among  solid  or  liquid 
powders,  do  not  attain  the  half  of  the  proportions  referred  to 
gases;  gun-cotton  one-third;  potassium  picrate  slightly  over 
one-fourth,  and  black  powder  does  not  even  reach  one-fourth. 



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But  this  inequality  is  redeemed  in  practice  by  the  impossi- 
bility of  raising  gaseous  mixtures  to  densities  of  charge  compar- 
able with  those  of  other  explosive  substances.  This  observation 
applies  equally  to  the  comparison  of  the  gaseous  volumes 
developed  by  the  two  orders  of  substances.  The  absolute  volume 
of  gases  produced  by  one  kgm.  of  matter  is  the  maximum  for 
hydrogen  mixed  with  oxygen;  the  other  gaseous  mixtures 
scarcely  attain  the  half  of  this.  Among  solid  or  liquid  com- 
pounds, gun-cotton  and  diazobenzene  nitrate  are  those  which 
furnish  the  largest  volume  of  gas,  namely,  two-fifths  of  the 
volume  produced  by  the  oxyhydric  mixture ;  nitroglycerin  is  less 
by  one-sixth ;  service  powder  does  not  attain  to  one-fourth  the 
volume  furnished  by  the  oxyhydric  mixture,  and  is  about  one- 
third  the  volume  developed  by  nitroglycerin  or  gun-cotton. 

Any  advantage,  however,  which  gaseous  mixtures  appear  to 
offer  according  to  these  figures  is  not  founded  on  the  actual 
measurements  which  have  been  made  of  specific  pressures.  In 
fact,  the  most  energetic  mixtures,  such  as  oxygen  and  hydrogen, 
and  methane  and  oxygen,  barely  attain  the  same  pressures  at  a 
given  density  of  charge  as  nitroglycerin,  nitromannite,  and 
gun-cotton,  which  substances  are  very  similar  to  one  another  in 
this  respect. 

In  truth,  the  specific  pressures  are  deduced  from  experiments 
made  with  gaseous  mixtures  at  very  small  densities  of  charge. 
Probably,  if  experimenting  with  gases  compressed  beforehand 
so  as  to  bring  them  up  to  densities  comparable  to  those  of 
liquids,  we  might  arrive  at  much  higher  specific  pressures.  At 
all  events  the  fact  is  one  worth  noting. 

The  specific  pressure  of  black  powder  under  a  density  of 
charge  equal  to  unity  would  exceed  the  foregoing  by  about 
one-half.  Mercury  fulminate  does  not  go  beyond  this  at  this 
density  of  charge.  But  its  great  specific  weight  (443)  allows  it 
to  attain  four  times  this  pressure  when  it  detonates  in  its  own 
volume ;  pressures  to  which  no  known  body  approaches.  We 
have  said  already  that  this  circumstance  plays  a  leading  part 
in  the  use  of  fulminate  as  a  priming. 

In  order  to  complete  these  ideas  and  to  fully  characterise 
explosive  bodies,  we  must  further  know  the  duration  of  the 
decomposition  in  each  of  the  substances,  that  is  to  say,  the 
specific  velocity  of  their  explosive  wave.  This  velocity  has,  in 
fact,  been  found  equal  to  2840  metres  per  second  in  oxyhydric 
mixtures,  and  to  2400  metres  in  acetylene  mixed  with  hydrogen. 
The  other  combustible  gases  give  similar  velocities,  with  the 
exception  of  carbonic  oxide  mixed  with  oxygen,  which  falls  to 
1089  metres.  With  solid  or  liquid  substances  similar  data  are 
for  the  most  part  wanting,  nevertheless  velocities  of  5000  metres 
have  been  observed  with  dynamite,  and  5000  to  6000  metres 
with  gun-cotton.  These  velocities  are  ample  to  account  for  the 


shattering  effects  produced  by  these  substances.  In  order  to 
attenuate  these  effects  it  is  well  to  dilute  the  bodies  with  an 
inert  matter ;  this  tends  to  change  the  detonation  into  a  pro- 
gressive combustion,  a  phenomenon  of  quite  another  character, 
and  in  which  mechanical  actions  are  exercised  more  slowly; 
this  kind  of  combustion  is  the  only  one  known  with  any 
certainty  in  connection  with  black  powder. 

Such  are  the  general  results  of  the  comparison  of  different 
explosive  substances.  In  this  work  will  be  found  the  theoretical 
volumes  calculated  for  a  great  number  of  other  mixtures ;  but 
in  the  above  table  we  have  limited  ourselves  to  facts  resulting 
from  experiments. 

7.  Among  the  interesting  conclusions  which  we  have  had 
occasion  to  develop,  attention  may  be  called  to  the   study  of 
the  manifold  decompositions  of  the  same  explosive  substance, 
such  as  ammonium  nitrate ;  the  examination  of  the  properties 
of  nitrogen  chloride,  of  potassium  and  ammonium  chlorate,  and 
of  ammonium   bichromate ;   the   decomposition   of  the   nitro- 
ethylic   and   nitro-methylic   ethers ;    the   classification   of  the 
various  kinds  of  dynamite  and  the  theoretical  discussion  of  their 
properties  ;  the  study  of  gun-cotton  properly  so  called,  and  that 
of  wet,  paraffined,  and  "  nitrated  "  gun-cotton ;  the  examination 
of  picrates,  of  mixtures  formed  with  nitric  acid,  associated  with 
an  organic  matter,  and  the  examination  of  perchloric  ethers,  and 
lastly  of  oxalates. 

8.  The  study   of  powders   with  a  nitrate  base  has  led  to 
special  developments,  both  practically  and  theoretically,  owing 
to  the  importance  of  this  class  of  powders. 

The  chemical  reactions  which  take  place  between  sulphur, 
carbon,  their  oxides  and  their  salts,  have  been  carefully  studied, 
as  also  the  decomposition  of  sulphites  and  of  hyposulphites, 
and  the  study  of  certain  charcoals  used  in  the  manufacture  of 
gunpowder,  and  which  retain  an  excess  of  the  original  energy 
of  the  hydrocarbons  from  which  they  are  derived.  This  excess 
plays  a  very  important  part  in  the  explosive  properties  of 

Then  the  different  mixtures  of  nitre,  sulphur,  and  charcoal 
which  answer  to  total  combustion  were  examined;  the  only 
mixtures  in  which  chemical  reaction  can  be  foreseen  a  priori. 

Service  powders  are  first  studied,  taking  the  products  of  their 
combustion  such  as  are  known  by  analysis.  After  having 
summarised  these  analyses  and  carried  them  to  the  fundamental 
products  and  to  the  equivalent  relations,  the  fluctuations 
observed  between  these  relations  are  considered,  and  a  theory 
founded  on  the  existence  of  five  simultaneous  equations  is 
established,  in  accordance  with  which  the  metamorphosis  is 
developed  in  a  direction  and  relative  proportion  determined  by 
the  local  conditions  of  mixture  and  of  inflammation.  The 


characteristic  data  of  each  of  these  equations  is  estimated,  and 
it  is  shown  that  they  represent  all  the  observed  phenomena. 

In  the  case  of  blasting  powder  we  must  also  consider  the 
transformation  of  carbonic  acid  into  carbonic  oxide. 

Powders  with  a  sodium  or  barium  nitrate  base  are  then 
considered,  but  bearing  in  mind  this  circumstance,  that  chemical 
reactions  referred  to  equivalent  weights  ought  to  liberate 
approximately  the  same  quantities  of  gas- and  heat  as  powder 
with  a  base  of  potassium  nitrate,  yet  that  at  the  same  weight 
sodium  nitrate  is  superior,  whereas  barium  nitrate  would  be 
less  favourable. 

9.  We  conclude  by  the  examination  of  powders  with  a 
potassium  chlorate  base,  and  we  show  how  these  powders 
possess  a  force  superior  to  those  with  a  base  of  nitrate,  seeing 
that  they  liberate  more  heat  and  at  least  an  equal  volume  of 
gas,  but  they  are  very  inferior  to  dynamite  and  gun-cotton. 

They  are  besides  much  more  dangerous,  owing  to  the 
extreme  facility  with  which  they  inflame  under  the  influence 
of  shock  or  friction,  and  on  account  of  their  shattering  proper- 
ties ;  the  theory  of  all  of  which  circumstances  is  accounted  for, 
and  which  circumstances  explain  the  numerous  accidents  pro- 
duced in  manufacturing  experiments,  and  the  use  of  chlorate 
powders  made  at  different  periods.  Such  powders,  being  also 
surpassed  by  dynamite  and  gun-cotton,  do  riot  offer  any  special 
advantage  to  compensate  for  the  exceptional  dangers  attending 
their  preparation  and  application. 

(    542    ) 





Weight  of  a  litre. 



/1-433  (Theory) 



\1'430  (Regnault) 



f  1-254  (Theory) 



\l-256  (Regnault) 
















Hydrochloric  acid     .... 
Hydrobromic  acid     .... 
Hydriodic  acid    
Hydrofluoric  acid      .... 
Water  vapour       
Hydrogen  sulphide   .... 




Hydrogen  phosphide      .     .     . 
Nitrogen  monoxide  .... 



1  343 

Nitrogen  trioxide      .... 








Carbonic  oxide     
Carbonic  acid      
Hypochlorous  oxide  .... 





/1-971  (Theory) 
\1  9774  (Regnault) 

Chlorine  tetroxide     .... 
Carbon  oxy  sulphide  .... 
Carbon  oxychloride  .... 







/CH2  or 



Ethane      .     .          .     . 

/CH3  or 



Methane    .     .     . 




C*  TT 






Hydrocyanic  acid           .     .     . 




(    543    ) 


MM.  BERTHELOT  and  Vieille  continued  their  researches  on  deto- 
nating gaseous  mixtures,1  and  their  experimental  results  and  their 
conclusions  are  embodied  in  a  series  of  papers  published  in  the 
*'  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  6e  serie,  torn.  iv.  pp.  3-90 ; 
but  it  is  impossible  in  the  space  available  to  give  here  more  than 
a  brief  indication  of  the  general  character  of  the  communications. 

The  first  is  "  On  the  calculation  of  the  temperatures  of  combustion, 
specific  heats,  and  dissociation  of  detonating  gaseous  mixtures."  This 
is  essentially  theoretical  in  character.  The  second  paper  is  entitled 
"  Experimental  determinations  of  pressures"  and  the  third  relates 
to  the  "  Relative  rapidity  of  combustion  of  various  gaseous  mixtures." 
The  fourth  is  on  the  "  Influence  of  the  density  of  gaseous  mixtures  on 
the  pressure,  and  isomeric  mixtures.  The  experiments  were  made 
both  with  . gaseous  mixtures  compressed  beforehand  and  with 
isomeric  mixtures. 

The  remaining  four  papers  are  theoretical,  and  treat  of  the 
Calculation  of  the  temperatures  and  specific  heats  of  gaseous  mixtures ; 
the  specific  heats  of  gaseous  elements  at  very  high  temperatures; 
the  specific  heats  of  water  and  carbonic  acid  at  very  high  tempera- 
tures ;  and  finally,  in  the  last  paper,  M.  Berthelot  examines  the 
manner  in  which  the  consequences  which  result  from  the  experi- 
ments affect  two  fundamental  questions — the  scale  of  temperatures 
and  that  of  the  molecular  weights. 

The  following  results  are  taken  from  the  second  paper,  on  the 
determinations  of  pressures : — 


I.  Hydrogen  and  oxygen.  Pressures. 


(1)  H2  +  O...        980 

(2)  H2  +  O  +  H2 8-82 

(3)H2  +  O+2H3 8-02 

(4)H2  +  0  +  3H2 7-06 

(5)H2+0  +  02 8-69 

(6)H2  +  O  +  303 6-78 

»  p.  383. 


II.  Hydrogen,  nitrogen,  and  oxygen.  Pressures. 

(7)H2+0+iN  ..................       9-16 

(8)H2  +  0  +  N2  ..................      8-75 

(9)  H2  +  O  +  2N2  ..................      7-94 

(10)H2  +  O  +  3N2  ..................      6-89 

III.  Hydrogen  and  nitrogen  monoxide. 

(11)H2+N20        ..................  13-60 

(12)  H,  +  N,O  +  N,         ...............  11-08 


I.  Carbonic  oxide  and  oxygen. 

(13)CO  +  O  ..................  1012 

II.  Carbonic  oxide,  nitrogen,  and  oxygen. 

(14)  CO  +  N  +  O  ..................  9-33 

(I5)CO  +  N2  +  0  ..................  8-77 

(16)CO  +  5N  +  O  ..................  7-05 

III.  Carbonic  oxide  and  nitrogen  monoxide. 

(17)CO  +  N20        ..................  11-41 

IV.  Varied  mixtures. 

(18)  2CO  +  H3  +  O8          ...............  9-81 

(19)  2CO  +  H4  +  04          ...............  8-79 

(20)  2CO  +  He  +  05          ...............  9-44 

(21)  2CO  +  H8  +  O6          ...............  9-61 


I.  Cyanogen  and  oxygen  ;  total  combustion, 

(29)C2N,  +  04        ..................  20-96 

II.  Cyanogen,  nitrogen,  and  oxygen  ;  total  combustion. 

(30)  2C2N2  +  2N2  +  O,      ...............  17-70 

(31)  C2N2  +  2N2  +  04       ...............  14-74 

(32)  C2N2  +  4N2  +  04       ...............  12-33 

III.  Cyanogen,  nitrogen,  and  oxygen  ;  incomplete  combustion. 

(33)C2N2  +  O2        ..................  25-11 

(34)  C2N2  +  1JN  +  02        ...............  20-67 

(35)  C2N2  +  2N2+02         ...............  15-26 

(36)C2N8+#N2+0,       ...............  11-78 

IV.  Cyanogen,  carbonic  oxide,  and  oxygen  ;  incomplete  combustion. 

(37)  2C2N2  +  l^CO  +  04   ...............  21-24 

(38)  C2N2  +  2CO  +  02      .......  ........  15-46 

V.  Cyanogen  and  compound  combustive  gases  ;  total  combustion. 

(39)C2N2  +  4NO    ,  .................     16-92 

(40)  C2N3  +  4N2O  ...    .......        ...  ........     22-66 

VI.  Cyanogen  and  compound  combustive  gases  ;  incomplete  combustion. 

(41)C2N2  +  2NO     ..................    23-34 

(42)  C2N2  +  2N2O  .........        ...        ......    26-02 

This  last  is  the  greatest  pressure  which  has  been  obtained  with 
gaseous  mixtures  taken  at  the  normal  pressure. 



I.  Pure  gases.  Pressures. 

attn.     . 

(22)  Acetylene,  C2H2  +  O5  15-29 

(23)  Ethylene,  C2H4  +  O8 1613 

(24)  Ethane,  C2Hfl  +  O7 16-18 

(25)  Methane,  2CH4  -f  O8 16-34 

II.   Varied  mixtures.. 

(26)  Ethylene  and  hydrogen,  C2H4  +  H2  +  O7  ...     14-27 

III.  Gases  containing  oxygen. 

(27)  Methylic  ether,  C2H6O  +  O6  1991 

(28)  Ordinary  ether,  C4H10O  +  OJ2          16-33 

In  regard  to  the  relative  rapidity  of  combustion  of  various  deto- 
nating gaseous  mixtures,  the  authors  found  that  in  the  total 
combustion  of  hydrogen,  carbonic  oxide,  cyanogen,  and  hydro- 
carbons containing  much  hydrogen,  by  oxygen  and  nitrogen 
monoxide,  the  rate  of  combustion  was  much  slower  with  carbonic 
oxide  than  with  hydrogen.  The  use  of  nitrogen  monoxide  in  place 
of  oxygen  retarded  the  action,  and  the  rapidity  of  combustion  of 
cyanogen  and  the  hydrocarbons  was  little  different  from  that  of 

In  the  case  of  incomplete  combustion  of  cyanogen  the  rate  was 
more  rapid  than  when  the  combustion  was  complete. 

Experiments  on  the  influence  of  an  excess  of  one  of  the  com- 
ponents, hydrogen  or  oxygen,  showed  that  in  both  cases  the  com- 
bustion was  retarded,  the  retarding  effect  of  the  oxygen,  however, 
being  nearly  double  that  of  the  hydrogen  for  equal  volumes. 

The  presence  of  products  of  combustion  also  caused  great 
retardation,  the  rate  being  three  times  slower  for  an  equal  volume 
of  carbonic  acid,  and  six  times  for  carbonic  oxide.  An  inert  gas, 
such  as  nitrogen,  retards  the  combustion  of  hydrogen  more  than 
that  of  carbonic  oxide.  This  shows  that  the  phenomenon  is  not 
only  due  to  the  lowering  of  temperature,  which  is  approximately 
the  same  in  both  cases,  but  also  to  the  greater  inequality  between 
the  velocities  of  translation  of  the  gaseous  molecules. 

Combustion  proceeds  more  slowly  in  the  less  condensed  isomeric 

When  two  combustible  gases,  such  as  hydrogen  and  carbonic 
oxide,  are  burned  with  oxygen,  the  rate  is  in  no  case  the  mean  of 
that  of  the  two  gases.  They  appear  to  burn  separately,  each  with 
its  own  rapidity. 

The  fact  that  the  rapidity  of  combustion  of  hydrocarbons  rich 
in  hydrogen  is  nearly  the  same  as  that  of  hydrogen  appears  to 
indicate  that  the  hydrogen  burns  before  the  carbon,  even  in  total 

From  their  experiments  on  the  influence  of  the  density  of 
detonating  gaseous  mixtures  on  the  pressure  the  authors  find  that 
the  results  do  not  differ  much  from  those  calculated  according 
to  the  ordinary  laws  of  gases,  but  have  the  advantage  of  being 
independent  of  the  laws  themselves.  They  conclude  that  at 



about   the  highest  temperatures  known,   3000°-4000°  on  the  air 
thermometer : 

(1)  The  same  quantity   of   heat  being  supplied  to  a   gaseous 
system,  the  pressure  of  the  system  will  vary  in  proportion  to  its 

(2)  The  specific  heat  of  gases  is  practically  independent  of  the 
density  as  well  at  high  temperatures  as  at  0°. 

(3)  The  pressure  increases  with  the  quantity  of  heat  supplied 
to  the  same  system. 

(4)  The  apparent  specific  heat  increases  with  this  quantity  of 

Referring  to  temperatures  deduced  from  the  expansion  of  a 
given  volume  of  air,  M.  Berthelot  points  out  that  the  scale  of 
temperatures  defined  by  the  variations  in  volume  at  constant 
pressure  (or  by  the  variations  in  pressure  at  constant  volume)  and 
the  scale  of  temperatures  defined  by  the  quantities  of  heat  absorbed 
will  correspond  between  0°  and  200°,  but  will  diverge  more  and 
more  as  the  temperature  increases  until  when  the  temperature 
deduced  from  the  expansion  indicates  4500°,  that  calculated  from 
the  heat  absorbed  will  be  8815°. 

Further,  he  says  that  the  indications  of  an  air  and  of  a  chlorine 
or  iodine  thermometer  differ  greatly  at  high  temperatures,  and 
that  there  is  no  valid  reason  for  preferring  the  indications  of  an 
air  thermometer  to  those  of  a  chlorine  thermometer  in  the  defini- 
tion of  temperatures. 

The  rapidity  of  propagation  of  detonation  in  solid  and  liquid 

In  continuation  of  the  experiments  made  with  gaseous  mixtures 
while  studying  the  explosive  wave  (p.  88),  M.  Berthelot,  with 
the  assistance  of  members  of  the  French  Explosive  Commission, 
has  extended  his  experiments  to  solid  and  liquid  explosives.  Full 
details  are  to  be  found  in  "  Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  6° 
serie,  torn.  vi.  pp.  556-574.  Trials  were  made  with  gun-cotton  and 
"starch  powder"  compressed  in  metallic  tubes,  and  at  different 
densities  of  charge ;  also  on  granulated  gun-cotton,  dynamite, 
liquid  nitroglycerin,  and  panclastite,  a  mixture  formed  of  equal 
parts  of  carbon  disulphide  and  liquid  nitric  peroxide. 


(1)  In  a  former  series  of  experiments  the  velocity  in  leaden  tubes 
4  mm.  exterior  diameter,  and  about  100  m.  in  length,  varied 

from  3903 — 4267  m.  per  second, 
and  from  4818 — 6238  m.  per  second 

in  tin  tubes  of  the  same  size.  The  density  of  charge,  however,  was 
1'4  in  the  tin  tubes,  and  varied  from  0'9  to  1'2  in  the  lead  tubes. 
This  may  have  occasioned  the  variation  in  velocity. 

(2)  In  a  second  series  of  experiments,  made  a  few  years  after- 
wards on  similar  gun-cotton,  at  densities  of  charge  varying  from 


1  to  1'2,  contained  in  leaden  tubes  4  mm.  external  diameter,  and 
about  100  m.  in  length,  the  average  velocity  varied  from 

4952  m.— 9500  m.  (9  experiments), 

and  from  4749  m. — 5133  m.  for  similar  tubes  covered  with 
plaited  string. 

In  a  similar  tube  the  velocity  measured  at  successive  intervals 
of  25  m.  varied  from 

4671  m.— 5980  m., 
being  least  at  the  beginning. 

The  general  average  of  the  velocities  is 

5200  m. 

The  irregularity  of  the  results  appears  to  be  due  to  the  difficulty 
of  obtaining  leaden  tubes  of  uniform  internal  diameter.  The 
duration  of  the  phenomenon  may  also  be  influenced  by  the  time 
necessary  to  destroy  the  tubes.  To  get  perfectly  regular  results  it 
would  be  necessary  to  have  tubes  which  would  not  burst.  This 
has  only  been  accomplished  when  working  with  gaseous  systems. 

(3)  With  the  same  product  contained  in  a  tin  tube,  the  density 
of  charge  being  slightly  higher,  that  is  over  1'2}  the  average 
velocity  varied 

from  5736  m. — 6136  m.  for  tubes  of  4  mm.  external  diameter, 
and  from  5845  m. — 6672  in.  for  tubes  of  5'5  mm.  diameter. 


Velocity  per  second. 

(25  m.)  from  2nd  to  3rd  interrupter  6389m. 

(25m.)    „     3rd  to  4th          „  5932    „ 

(25m.)    i,    4th  to  5th          ,,  6435    „ 

Mean  velocity        6242  m. 

Experiments  were  also  made  in  a  tin  tube,  consisting  of  two 
parts,  one  4  mm.,  the  other  5'5  mm.  in  diameter.  The  general 
average  velocity  in  the  4  mm:  tube  was 

4919  m. 

and  in  the  5'5  mm.  tube  6100  m. 

Apparently  the  velocity  was  rather  more  rapid  in  the  tin  tubes 
(5916  m.)  than  in  the  leaden  ones  (5200  m.)  ;  perhaps  because  the 
former  metal  resists  longer  than  the  latter  the  explosive  effort 
which  destroys  the  tube. 


At  high  density  of  charge,  1'17,  in  a  tube  2  mm.  internal 
diameter,  the  average  velocity  was 

4770  m. 

In  a  tube  3-15  mm;  internal  diameter,  density  of  charge  1'27, 
the  mean  velocity  was 

5406  m. 

This  greater  velocity  was  due  to  the  greater  diameter  of  the  tube 
and  density  of  charge. 



At  low  densities  of  charge,  0'67  and  0'73,  the  mean  velocities 
varied  from 

3767  m.  to  3795  m. 

This  reduced  velocity  is  evidently  occasioned  by  the  greater 
discontinuity  of  the  explosive  resulting  from  the  diminished 
density  of  charge. 

Abel,  operating  with  dry  compressed  gun-cotton  placed  in 
continuous  trains  in  the  open,  observed  velocities  of 

5320  m.  to  6080  m. 
with  gun-cotton  containing  20  per  cent,  of  water — 

6090  m. 
with  "nitrated  "  gun-cotton — 

4712  m.  and  4865  m. 

With  charges  of  gun-cotton  placed  in  an  iron  tube  and  separated 
by  spaces  of  1  mm.,  he  found 

1800  m., 
the  transmission  being  retarded  on  account  of  the  discontinuity 


The  average  velocities  observed  with  this  powder,  density  of 
charge  about  1'2  in  a  tin  tube  4  mm.  external  diameter,  were  in 
two  experiments  5222  m.  and  5674  m. 

In  a  tin  tube  5'5  mm.  external  diameter,  the  velocity  was  5816  m. 

In  a  leaden  tube,  for  density  of  charge  between  I'l  and  1*2,  the 
average  velocity  was  5006  m.,  and  for  1'35  density  5512  m.  All 
other  things  being  equal,  the  velocity  increases  with  the  density  of 
charge.  The  process  employed  for  making  these  tubes  does  not 
permit  of  the  interior  diameter  being  sufficiently  guaranteed  to 
authorise  definite  conclusions  being  drawn  from  the  difference  in 
velocities  observed  in  tubes  of  tin  and  lead. 


Compressed  pulverulent  nitromannite  fired  in  leaden  tubes  4  mm. 
external  diameter,  density  of  charge  1'58  and  1'53,  gave  average 
velocities  of  6911  m.,  7082  m.,  and  6965  m.  At  higher  density  of 
charge,  1*9,  the  average  velocity  was  7705  m. ;  and  this  is  the 
highest  average  velocity  which  has  been  observed. 


Liquid  nitroglycerin  detonates  with  difficulty  in  narrow  tubes 
at  low  temperature,  it  having  been  found  impossible  to  detonate  it 
in  a  leaden  tube  of  less  than  3  mm.  diameter  at  12°  to  13°. 

In  tubes  of  lead  or  Britannia  metal  of  3  mm.  to  4  mm.  diameter, 
temperature  14°,  when  placed  in  the  shade,  the  detonation  was  only 
transmitted  a  short  distance ;  but  when  the  tubes  were  placed  in 
the  sun,  and  thereby  heated  to  18°  to  20°,  the  detonation  was 
transmitted  the  whole  length  of  the  tube. 


This  difference  is  apparently  due  to  the  greater  viscosity  of  the 
liquid  at  lower  temperatures. 

Average  velocities  of  1310  m.,  1015  m.,  and  1286  m.  were 
observed  in  lead,  Britannia  metal,  and  tin  tubes  3  mm.  in  diameter. 
A  Britannia  metal  tube  9  mm.  in  diameter  gave  1386  m.  Abel 
found  1672  m.  under  slightly  different  conditions. 


Velocities  of  2333  m.  and  2753  m.  were  observed  in  Britannia 
metal  tubes  3  mm.  internal  diameter,  while  in  tubes  of  the  same 
metal  or  lead  6  mm.  diameter  the  average  velocity  was  2668  m. 

Abel  found  5928  m.  to  6566  m.  for  a  train  of  dynamite  cartridges, 
30  mm.  in  diameter,  placed  end  to  end  and  fired  in  the  open  air. 
These  much  higher  velocities  are  no  doubt  due  to  the  much 
greater  diameter  of  the  explosive  cylinders. 


Owing  to  the  extreme  volatile  nature  of  this  mixture,  bubbles  of 
gas  formed  in  the  interior  of  the  tube,  and  caused  irregularity  in 
the  results.  A  mixture  of  equal  parts  of  liquid  nitric  peroxide  and 
carbon  disulphide,  contained  in  a  leaden  tube  3  mm.  internal 
diameter,  gave  4685  m.  velocity  ;  another  similar  experiment  gave 
5470  m.  in  the  first  half  of  the  tube,  and  6658  m.  for  the  total 
length.  On  the  whole,  these  figures  are  similar  to  those  found  for 

To  sum  up,  principally  from  the  experiments  made  with  gun- 
cotton — 

The  velocity  increases  with  the  density  of  charge.  It  increases 
with  the  diameter,  at  least  within  the  limits  of  the  very  narrow 
tubes  experimented  with. 

It  appears  to  increase  with  the  resistance  of  the  envelope  (the 
latter  being  pulverised  by  the  explosion). 

Finally,  comparative  measurements  made  with  a  tube  of  200  mm. 
very  much  curved,  and  a  similar  but  straight  tube,  gave  practically 
the  same  velocity. 

These  experiments  should  be  regarded  as  applicable  to  practical 
conditions  comparable  to  those  under  which  they  were  made, 
although  the  indications  of  the  correlation  between  the  velocity 
and  the  density  of  charge  or  the  resistance  of  the  envelopes 
appear  conformable  to  theory. 

To  further  develop  this  study,  experiments  were  made  with  a 
homogeneous  and  very  mobile  liquid  explosive,  methyl  nitrate 
(p.  420),  contained  in  tubes  of  caoutchouc,  glass  of  different  thick- 
nesses, Britannia  metal,  and  steel. 

The  details  of  these  experiments  are  to  be  found  in  a  com- 
munication on  the  "  Explosive  Wave,"  by  M.  Berthelot,  "  Annales 
de  Chimie  etde  Physique,"  6*  serie,  torn,  xxiii.  pp.  485-503  (1891). 

1.  Canvas-covered  caoutchouc  tubes. — The   tube  had  an   internal 


diameter  of  5  mm.,  the  external  diameter  being  12  mm.  and 
the  length  39'8  m.  The  velocity  was  found  to  be  1616  m.  per 
second.  The  tube  after  the  explosion  was  rent  in  long  plates  in 
the  direction  of  the  length  of  the  tube. 

2.  Glass   tubes. — Numerous   experiments  were   made,    but   the 
results  were   not   very   concordant.     The   following   are  extreme 
numbers : — 

Internal  diam.  Thickness.  Velocity  per  second. 

3  mm.  4'5  mm.  2482  m. 

3    „  2-0    „  2191   „ 

3    „  1-0    „  1890   „ 

The  thinnest  glass  tube  resisted  longer  than  the  canvas-covered 
caoutchouc,  but  the  glass  tubes  were  pulverised  in  every  case  by 
the  explosion. 

3.  Britannia  metal  tubes, — Experiments  made  with  tubes  3  mm. 
internal  and  6  mm.  external  diameter,  and  about  50  m.  long,  all  in 
one   piece,  showed  an   average  velocity  of    1217  m.     This  metal 
offers  less  resistance  and  breaks  more  quickly  than  the  thinnest 
glass  and  canvas-covered  caoutchouc. 

4.  Steel  tubes. — Specially  drawn  steel  tubes,  in  uniform  lengths 
of   5  m.,  were  obtained  which  had  been  very  carefully  annealed 
by  heating  in  a  closed  vessel  for  42  hours,  in  order  to  prevent  all 
crystalline  structure.     The  internal  diameter  was  3  mm,  and  the 
external  15  mm. 

Experiments  were  made  in  tubes  about  20  m.  long,  formed  of 
four  lengths  carefully  joined  together  in  a  special  manner. 

Average  velocities  of  2155  m,  and  2094  m.  were  observed.  All 
the  steel  tubes  operated  with,  opened  during  the  explosion,  and 
were  split  into  long  plates  as  in  the  caoutchouc  tubes. 

The  fracture  of  such  thick  steel  tubes  shows  that  there  is  no 
hope  of  being  able  to  detonate  a  liquid  explosive  in  a  metallic 
tube  in  its  own  volume  without  breaking  it,  whatever  be  the 
thickness  of  the  tube.  This  is  explained  by  the  fact  established 
by  the  theory  of  elasticity,  that  the  resistance  of  a  metallic  tube 
does  not  increase  indefinitely  with  its  thickness.  The  resistance 
tends  towards  a  certain  limit  beyond  which  the  walls  of  the  vessel 
tear  whatever  be  the  thickness.  Now  explosive  liquids,  like 
methyl  nitrate,  offer  this  remarkable  property — that  the  volume 
defined  by  their  density  is  less  than  the  volume  limit  below  which  the 
gases  or  liquids  produced  by  the  explosion  are  susceptible  of  being 
reduced  by  the  pressure  developed  in  the  limits  of  the  experiments. 

It  is  known  that  gases  cannot  be  indefinitely  reduced  in  volume 
by  compression,  their  compressibility  diminishing  beyond  certain 
limits.  This  is  still  more  the  case  with  solids  and  liquids,  the 
volumes  of  which  cannot  be  materially  altered  by  pressure. 
Suppose,  for  instance,  that  the  gases  produced  by  the  explosion 
of  methyl  nitrate — carbonic  acid,  carbonic  oxide,  nitrogen,  gaseous 
water — at  about  3000°,  the  temperature  developed  by  the  explosion, 
tend  towards  a  density  near  unity;  then  the  possible  volume  of 
the  gas  will  be  about  one-fifth  greater  than  that  of  the  methyl 
nitrate  (density  1*182).  Consequently  the  vessel  will  necessarily 
be  ruptured  before  the  whole  of  the  matter  has  detonated,  and 


this  will  take  place  at  a  moment  which  will  vary  with  its  own 
instantaneous  resistance.  This  resistance  is  quite  different  from  the 
static  resistance  of  the  vessel,  which  can  be  measured  by  hydraulic 

Let  us  examine  what  actually  happens  when  an  explosive 
detonates  in  a  tube,  the  detonation  being  provoked  in  the  first 
instance  by  the  violent  shock  of  the  mercury  fulminate,  which 
immediately  raises  to  the  extreme  limit  the  initial  pressure,  the 
heat  which  it  disengages,  and  the  chemical  reactions  developed  from 
layer  to  layer  which  arise  from  it. 

No  regular  state  of  affairs  corresponding  to  the  explosion  of  the 
matter  in  its  own  volume  can  be  established,  since  the  tube  is 
necessarily  broken.  However,  if  it  be  homogeneous,  so  that  the 
pressures  and  reactions  can  be  propagated  in  a  uniform  manner, 
then  the  tube  will  be  regularly  and  progressively  ruptured  in  pro- 
portion as  the  pressure  propagated  attains  a  certain  limit,  and 
thus  a  special  regime  of  detonation  may  be  established  which  will 
depend  on  the  conditions  realised  in  the  system.  A  velocity 
of  propagation  fairly  uniform  for  each  given  system  will  then  be 
observed,  but  very  variable  between  different  systems  even  when 
the  same  explosive  has  been  used,  as  shown  by  the  experiments 
with  methyl  nitrate  and  the  tubes  of  different  material. 

This  regime  of  detonation  depends  on  the  structure  of  the 
explosive  as  well  as  on  the  nature  of  the  envelope.  Thus  nitro- 
glycerin  gives  a  lower  velocity  than  dynamite,  it  being  a  viscid 
liquid  which  transmits  the  shock  which  determines  detonation 
more  irregularly  than  the  silica  uniformly  impregnated  with  it. 
Dynamite  made  with  mica  gives  still  higher  velocities,  which  is 
accounted  for  by  the  crystalline  structure  of  the  mica,  this  body 
being  more  rigid  than  the  amorphous  silica.  This  view  is  also 
confirmed  by  the  observations  made  with  nitromannite,  a  solid 
crystalline  body,  which  appears  more  apt  to  transmit  the  detona- 
tion than  liquid  methyl  nitrate,  having  given  a  velocity  of  7700  m.  ; 
picric  acid,  another  crystalline  body,  has  given  6500  m.  This 
contrast  between  liquid  methyl  nitrate  and  crystallised  nitro 
compounds  is  thus  in  accord  with  what  has  been  observed  between 
nitroglycerin  and  dynamite. 

On  the  other  hand,  in  certain  pulverulent  systems  in  which 
complete  continuity  has  almost  been  attained  by  compression, 
experiment  has  proved  that  there  is  a  limit  of  compression  beyond 
which  the  mass  cannot  be  exploded  by  a  fulminate  detonator. 
This  has  been  observed  with  certain  powders  formed  of  potassium 
chlorate  and  tarry  materials. 

A  few  further  observations  with  gun-cotton  may  be  given  as 
showing  the  influence  of  the  envelope. 

Compressed  gun-cotton,  density  of  charge  1  and  1*27,  gave 
velocities  of  5400  in.  in  leaden  tubes  of  3'15  mm.  internal 
diameter;  while  with  density  of  charge  0'73,  in  a  leaden  tube 
3*77  mm.  internal  diameter,  the  velocity  observed  was  3800  m., 
the  inequality  being  evidently  due  to  the  less  continuity  of  the 
material.  The  feeble  resistance  of  the  envelope  may  be  com- 
pensated by  the  mass  of  the  explosive,  which  prevents,  especially 


in  the  centre,  the  instantaneous  escape  of  the  gases.  This  is 
shown  by  Abel's  experiments,  already  referred  to,  when  he 
observed  velocities  of  5300  m.  to  6000  m. 

The  facts  set  forth  in  this  paper  show  that  the  explosive  wave 
only  exists  with  its  simple  characteristics  and  definite  laws,  in  the 
detonation  of  gases.  These  laws  and  characteristics  only  partially 
hold  in  the  detonation  of  liquids  and  solids  while  remaining 
subject  to  the  same  general  notions  of  physico-chemical  dynamics. 

On  the  different  modes  of  explosive  decomposition  of  picric  acid  and 
nitro  compounds.1 

Considerable  diversity  of  opinion  has  existed  as  to  whether 
picric  acid  can  be  exploded  by  simple  heating.  It  is  indeed  much 
less  explosive  than  nitric  ethers  like  nitroglycerin  and  gun-cotton, 
for  if  a  fairly  large  mass  be  heated  gradually  in  a  capsule  or  flask 
it  melts  and  emits  vapours  which  catch  fire  and  burn  with  a 
fuliginous  flame,  but  without  giving  rise  to  any  explosion.  A 
very  small  quantity  carefully  heated  in  a  glass  tube  may  even  be 
volatilised  without  decomposition. 

But  it  is  a  mistake  to  believe  that  picric  acid  is  incapable  of 
exploding  by  simple  heating.  Now  this  body,  when  submitted 
to  a  high  temperature,  decomposes  with  disengagement  of  heat, 
oxidising  itself  at  the  expense  of  the  nitrous  vapours  it  contains. 
The  author  has  experimentally  proved  that  when  a  reaction 
liberates  heat  its  rapidity  increases,  on  the  one  hand,  with  the 
condensation  of  the  matter  for  the  same  temperature,  and,  on  the 
other  hand,  with  the  temperature  for  the  same  condensation. 
The  latter  increase  takes  place  very  rapidly,  according  to  a  law 
expressed  by  an  exponential  function  of  the  temperature.  This 
tends  to  render  the  reaction  explosive. 

When  a  closed  vessel  is  used  the  heat  disengaged  by  the 
reaction  helps  further  to  elevate  the  temperature,  and  consequently 
to  accelerate  the  phenomena. 

In  conformity  with  these  principles  picric  acid  may  be  caused  to 
detonate  violently  in  an  open  vessel  at  the  ordinary  pressure, 
when  it  is  suddenly  heated  in  a  vessel  which  has  been  previously 
raised  to  a  high  temperature,  and  the  mass  of  which  is  such  that 
the  introduction  of  a  small  quantity  of  picric  acid  does  not 
appreciably  modify  the  general  temperature. 

The  experiment  may  be  made  in  the  following  way : — A  glass 
tube  is  taken,  closed  at  one  end,  and  about  25  mm.  or  30  mm.  in 
diameter,  placed  vertically  over  the  flame  of  a  gas  burner,  and 
heated  to  visible  redness,  without,  however,  melting  the  tube. 
Two  or  three  crystals  of  picric  acid,  not  exceeding  a  few  milligrams 
in  weight,  are  projected  into  the  bottom  of  the  tube,  when  they 
immediately  explode  violently,  before  having  had  time  to  be 
reduced  to  vapour,  a  very  bright  white  light  and  characteristic 
noise  being  also  produced. 

An  experiment  was  made  in  an  atmosphere  of  nitrogen,  and 
only  a  few  flakes  of  carbon  remained. 

1  "Annales  de  Chimie  et  de  Physique,"  6C  serie,  torn,  xv.  pp.  21-25. 


If  a  larger  quantity,  not  more,  however,  than  a  few  centigrams, 
be  used,  the  bottom  of  the  tube  may  be  sufficiently  cooled  to  pre- 
vent immediate  detonation,  but  the  picric  acid  will  be  vaporised 
and  a  less  violent  explosion,  accompanied  with  flame,  will  soon 
take  place. 

With  a  decigram  of  the  acid  the  action  is  slower,  but  the  sub- 
stance soon  fuses  and  deflagrates  with  vivacity.  Finally,  if  the 
quantity  be  still  further  increased,  the  acid  decomposes  without 

Similar  experiments  were  also  made  on  other  nitro  compounds, 
and  it  was  found  that  nitrobenzene,  dinitrobenzene,  mono-,  di-,  and 
trinitronaphthalene  all  detonated  under  the  conditions  of  the 
experiments,  while  giving  rise  to  different  modes  of  decomposition 
when  the  quantities  were  increased. 

These  varied  modes  of  decomposition l  depend  on  the  initial 
temperature  of  decomposition. 

If  the  surroundings  be  of  sufficient  mass  to  absorb  the  heat 
produced  there  will  be  neither  deflagration  nor  detonation.  If, 
however,  a  large  mass  of  a  nitro  compound  like  picric  acid  while 
burning  heats  the  walls  of  the  vessel  containing  it  sufficiently  to 
start  deflagration,  this  will  still  further  heat  the  containing  vessel, 
and  the  phenomenon  may  develop  into  detonation. 

It  would  suffice,  if  this  happened  at  an  isolated  point,  through  a 
fire  or  any  local  superheating,  to  start  the  explosive  wave,  which 
would  be  propagated  through  the  entire  mass,  and  thus  give  rise 
to  a  general  explosion. 

1  Compare  the  different  modes  of  decomposition  of  ammonium  nitrate,  p.  5. 

(    555     ) 


ABEL,  memoirs  of,  16 

on  ballistics,  20,  21 

on  explosion  of  black  powder,  31 

on  synchronous  vibrations.  80 

on  deflagrating  gun-oottou,  52 

on  primings,  59 

on  explosions  in  water,  77 

on  explosives,  374,  401 

and  gun-cotton,  444 

on  hyposulphite,  486 

on  final  state,  powders,  496,  497 

on  gulphur  etiects  on  arm?,  etc., 


on  heat  liberation,  509 

on  gas  liberation,  512 

on  blasting,  etc,,  powders,  514 

ABEL'S  glyoxyliu,  433,  445 

powder,  461 

Absorbents,  434 
Absorption  of  energy,  2 
Accelerograph,  21 
Accel  eronieter,  21 
Accidents  at  Aspinwall,  431 

at  Bouchet,  444 

at  Hamburg,  431 

at  L'Ecole  Poly  technique,  518 

at  Paris,  518 

,  Place  de  la  Sorhonne,  463 

at  Rue  Be'ranger,  46,  77 

at  Parma,  436 

at  Quenasr,431 

at  St.  Denis,  281,  420 

at  San  Francisco,  431 

at  Simmering,  444 

at  Stockholm,  431 

at  Stowmarket,  444 

on  the  Thames,  46 

at  Vanves,  46 

at  Vincennes,  444 

at  Wiener  Neustadt,  444 

Acetone,  136,  140 

Acetylene,   66,   69,  71,  73,    136,  184, 

227,  269,  301,  385 

Acetylene,  heat  liberated,  385 
Acetate  of  soda,  516 

of  ammonia,  318 

Acetates,  127,  sqq. 
Acetylide,  317,  369 
Acid,  organic,  138 
Aoids,  137 

and  salts,  119 

,  complex,  317 

,  explosive,  and  salts,  268 

,  free,  trace  of,  423 

,  fumes  of,  448 

,  highly  oxygenated,  368,  369 

,  medium,  211,  212 

,  non  -oxygenated,  329 

,  strong,  212 

,  vapours  of,  381 

,  weak,  118,  212 

Affinities,  chemical,  114 

,  thermal  balance  of,  123 

Agglomeration,  378 

Air,  detonation  in  the  open,  14 

,  incomplete  combustion,  1G 

and  transmission,  76,  77 

and  the  explosive  wave,  78,  1 07 

and  alkalis,  207 

and  nitrogenous  compounds,  207 

and  oxidation,  211 

and  stability,  381 

,  combustion  by,  390 

and  charcoal,  399 

and  starch,  399 

and  sulphur,  400 

and  firearms,  495 

Albumenoids,  217 
Alcohol,  139,265,494 

,  oxidised,  216 

Alcohols  and  nitric  ethers,  279 

,  complex,  285 

Aldehyde,  125,  136,  140 

,  formation  of,  138 

Algae,  microscopic,  234 
Alkali  and  oxidation,  210,  211 
Alkaline  sulphites,  484-486 
hyposulphites,  486,  487 



Alkalinity,  209 
Alkalis  and  acids,  215 

,  organic,  253 

Alum,  calcined,  432 
Alumina,  130,  144 
Aluminium,  143 
Amarantaceae,  207 
Amides,  258,  315 
Ammonia,  237,  250 

,  heat  of  formation,  237 

,  combustion  of,  240 

Ammoniacal  salts,  243 
Ammonium  bichromate,  41 5 

,  composition,  415 

bromide,  317 

chloride,  317 

cyanide,  317 

nitrate,  409 

nitrite,  165, 167,  203,  409 

,  decomposition,  409 

perchlorate,  414 

picrate,  466 

in  fireworks,  467 

with  strontium  nitrate,  467 

Amorces,  46,  77,  et  passim. 
ANDRE,  124 
ANDREWS,  124 

on  heat  measurement,  160 

on  the  electric  spark,  191 

Aniline,  291 

Atmospheric  electricity,  233 

Authorities,  list  of,  124 


Bacteria,  208 

BALARD   on  ammonium  hypochlorite, 


Ballistic  pendulum,  21 
BARBE  on  "  La  Dynamite,"  426 
Barium,  specific  heat  of,  143 

carbonate,  142 

chlorate,  133,  345 

dioxide,  169,  173,  174,  179 

nitrate,  134,  182 

nitrite,  164,  167 

,  formation  of,  182 

perchlorate,  133 

sulphate,  142 

BARRAL,  analysis  of  rain,  222 
Baryta,  130,  173 

and  acids,  144 

and  solid  salts,  126,  127,  133 

Bases  and  salts,  119 

,  weak,  119 

,  strong,  212 

Benzene,  125, 136, 138,  139,  140,  271 

,  combustion  of,  154 

and  sulphuric  acid,  276 

Benzoates,  127 
BERTHOLLET  on  ignition,  61 

,  discoveries  of,  518 

BERZELIUS  on  ignition,  416 
BERZELIUS  on  polysulphide,  482 

BIANCHI  on  gunpowder  in  a  vacuum. 


Bismuth,  139,  141, 142,  370 
Blasting  gelatine,  433,  441 
Bodies,  inert,  43 
Borlinetto  powders,  461 
BOULENGE,  LE,  dynamometer  of,  21 

,  monograph  of,  21 

,  chronograph  of,  93,  95,  96 

BOUSSINGAULT  on  gaseous  states,  31 

on  mould,  232 

on  absorption  of  free  nitrogen, 


on  dissociation  of  sulphates,  482 

BOUTMY  on  nitroglycerin,  423 
BOYLE  on  powder  in  a  vacuum,  48 
BRACONNOT  on  nitric  compounds,  444 
Bromic  acid,  357 
Bromine,  liquid,  176 

,  oxygenated  compounds  of,  357 

BROWN  on  gun-cotton,  444 
Brugere  powder,  46 1 

,  analysis  of,  467 

BUFF  on  nitrogen  monoxide,  191 

on  nitric  oxide,  192 

on  sulphurous  gas,  479 

RUIGNET  on  hydrocyanic  acid,  310 
BUNSEN  on  velocity  of  combustion,  49 , 


on  the  regime  of  combustion,]!  13 

,  ice  calorimeter  of,  145 

on  measurement  of  heat,  160 

elements,  191,  193 

on  pressures,  389 

on  temperature,  390 

on  powders,  477 

on  charcoal  powders,  488 

on  potassium  hyposulphite,  497 

on  heat  liberation,  509 

on  gas  liberation,  510 

BUSSY  on  hydrocyanic  acid,  310 

Cadmium,  318 

Calibration  of  crusher  gauge,  29X 

Calorie,  14,  145 

Calorimeter,  the,  145-148. 

,  ice,  water,  and  mercury,  145 

Calorimetric  bomb,  148-159 

Cane  sugar  and  chlorate,  524 

Carbon  burnt  in  oxygen,  479 

and  potassium  carbonate,  483 

and  sulphurous  acid  gas,  479 

Carbonates,  126 

Carbonic  acid  and  sulphur,  480 

oxide,  decomposition  of,  479 

,  combustion  of,  by  oxygen, 


,  combustion  by  nitrogen  mon- 
oxide, 162 

CARIUS  on  ozone,  218 

CASTAN  on  combustion  velocity,  49 

CAVALLI  and  the  ballistic  pendulum,  21 



CAVENDISH,  celebrated  experiment  of, 

Celluloid,  452 

• ,  explosion  of,  73 

CHABRIER  on  nitrites  and  nitrate,  213 
CHAMPION  on  synchronous  vibrations, 


on  nitroglycerin,  281 

CHAPPUIS  on  ozone,  384 
Charcoals  in  powder,  488 
Chili,  nitrate  mines  in,  207 
Chlorate  mixtures,  523-526 

powders,  dangers  of,  518 

Chlorated  powders,  522 

,  disadvantages  of,  541 

Chlorates,  133,  143,  344 

,  formation  of,  348 

Chloric  acid,  344 
Chlorine,  73,  344 

on  ammonia,  239 

Chromates,  134 
Chronograph,  the,  93 
CLAUSIUS  on  specific  heats,  10 

on  molecules,  90 

CLOEZ  on  porous  bodies,  218 

on  rust,  219 

Collodion  cotton,  442,  446 
Combination,  chemical,  11 
Combustible  bodies,  list  of,  159 
Combustion  and  detonation,  55 

,  modes  of,  52 

of  bodies,  153 

Compounds,  see  tables,  125 

through  nitric  acid,  265 

COVILLE  on  dynamite  cartridges,  75 
Curtis  and  Harvey  powder,  510 
Cyanides,  double,  325 

,  mercury  and  potassium,  325 

,  silver  and  potassium,  326 

Cyanogen,  66,  71-73,  300 

compounds,  132 

series,  formation  of,  299 

,  combustion  of,  161,  300 

witli  chloride,  320,  333 

with  chlorine,  337 

with  iodine,  340 

iodide,  339 

Daniell  cells,  231,  233 

D ALTON  on  oxides  of  nitrogen,  190 

DAVY,  H.,  on  ignition,  61,  394 

Davy  powder,  516 

DEBUS  on  hyposulphite,  486,  497 

on  equivalent  relations,  498,  500 

Decoin position  in  a  Closed  vessel,  15 

,  spontaneous,  45 

,  modes  of,  57 

Deflagration,  propagation  of,  53 
DEHERAIN  on  nitrites  and  nitrates,  2Q9, 


DEMONDESIR  on  mixture  limits,  393 
Densities,  table  of,  144 

DEPREZ,  MARCEL,  manometric  balances 

of,  21 

,  accelerograph  of,  21 

,  accelerometer  of,  21 

on  the  blow  of  a  hammer,  53 

Designolle  powders,  461 

,  analysis  of,  467 

DESAINS  on  nitrogen  pentoxide,  183 


Detonating  gaseous  mixtures,  383, 386, 

Detonation,  55 

,  limit  of,  107,  110 

,  conditions  of,  103 

,  rapidity  of,  in  solid  and  liquid 

explosions,  546 
Detonators,  148-159 

,  the  most  powerful,  55 

DEVILLE  on  potassium  nitrate,  160 

on  nitrogen  pentoxide,  181 

on  sulphur-density,  402 

on  nitrogen  chloride,  405 

on  sulphurous  gas,  479 

Dextrine,  231 

Diazobenzene  nitrate,  291,  471 
Diazo  compounds,  290,  468 
Dinitrobenzene,  272,  553 
Dinitroglycolic  ether,  421 
Dispersion  of  explosives,  56 
Dissociation,  8 

,  influence  of,  11 

,  phenomena  of,  12,  13 

,  annulled  influence  of,  111 

,  effects  of,  529 

DITTE  on  hydrated  iodic  acid,  361 
DIVERS  discovers  silver  hyponitrite,  185 

on  ammonium  chloride,  190 

Dynamite,  2,  54 

with  ammonium  nitrate  base,  439 

with  nitrocellulose  base,  444 

Dynamites,  431 

,  classes  of,  431-433 

,  designation  of,  433,  436 

,  practical  needs  of,  433 

,  general  notions  of,  434 

DULONG  on  specific  heats,  115,  121 

with  the  water  calorimeter,  124 

on  oxides  of  nitrogen,  1 90 

on  nitrogen  trioxide,  196 

on  cyanogen,  301 

Dusts,  gas  and  combustible,  399 

,  air  and  charcoal,  399 

, and  starch,  399 

, and  sulphur,  400 

Electricity  and  nitrous  oxide,  1 93 

in  general,  actions  of,  219 

,  low  tension  of,  230 

,  atmospheric,  233 

Empiricism,  527 
Endothermal,  66,  115 
Energy,  absorption  of,  2 



Energy,  potential,  of  an  explosive,  17 
Eprouvette,  the,  22 
Espir  powder,  516 
Ethane,  combustion  of,  155 
Ethers,  137 

from  alcohols,  279 

,  nitric,  418 

Ethylamine,  254 
Ethylene  nitrate,  ?85 
Exothermal  reactions,  115 
Expansion  of  gases,  17 
Explosions  by  influence,  75-87 
Explosive  compounds,  402,  536 
,  decomposition   by  heat   of 

picric  acid  and  nitro  compounds,  552 
,  multiple  decomposition  of, 


gases,  536 

mixtures,  table  of,  387,  536 

substances,  table  of,  538 

,  remarks  on,  537,  539,  540 

wave,  theory  of  the,  77-82 

,  general  characteristics  of,  88 

,  establishment  of,  108 

,  real  nature  of  the,  533 

Explosives,  force  of,  1-4,  367 

,  high,  low,  pure,  mixed,  2,  3 

,  effects  of  decomposition  of,  7 

,  list  of,  368 

,  data  as  to  employment  of,  371 

,  practical  question  as  to,  376 

,  as  to  the  manufacture  of,  379 

,  as  to  pressure  by,  379 

,  stability,  tests  of,  381 

FAUCHER  on  saltpetre,  207 

on  nitroglycerin,  423 

Faversham  u  cotton  powder,"  459 
FAVBE,  mercury  calorimeter  of,  145 

on  potassium  nitrate,  160 

on  nitric  oxide,  161 

on  nitrogen  trioxide,  167 

monoxide,  183 

on  absorption  of  chlorine,  237 

on   hydrochloric  acid  and  am* 

rnonium  chloride,  238 

• on  phenol,  277 

on  chloric  acid  and  chlorates,  344 

on  bakers'  embers,  488 

FEDEROW  on  potassium  hyposulphite, 


Ferment,  the  nitric,  209 
Ferrocyanide,  327-329 

,  heat  of  formation  of.  329,  332 

, liberated  by,  330 

FILHOL  on  nitric  acid  from  rain,  222 

Firearms,  theory  of,  16 

Fontaine  powder,  461 

FORDOZ  on  nitrogen  sulphide,  261 

Formamide,  259,  414 

reaction,  260 

Formate,  317 

Formates,  127 

Formation,  tables  of,  125-139     . 

Formic  acid,  259 

Forrnonitril,  formation  of,  314 

FRANKLAND     on    chloric    acid     and 

chlorates,  344 

FRITSCH  on  nitroglycerin,  431 
FRITZSCHE  on  nitrogen  trioxide,  196 
Fuses  on  high  mountains,  49 
Fusion,  table  of  heat  of,  139 


GALLOWAY  on  combustible  dusts,  401 
Gas  and  combustible  dusts,  399 
Gaseous    mixtures,    detonating,    383, 

536,  543 

,  pressure  by,  388,  395 

with  an  inert  gas,  392 

,  inflammability  of,  392,  394 

,  energy  of,  536 

Gases,  volume  and  increase  of,  8 

,  pressure  of,  20 

,  temperature  of,  18 

,  specific  heat  of,  19,  141-143 

,  formation  of,  125 

,  explosive,  383 

Gauge,  crusher,  20 

GAY-LUSSAC,  law  of,  on  pressure,  9,  11. 

28,  373,  383 

on  nitric  oxide,  192 

on  oxygen  and  nitrogen,  195,  196 

on  hydrocyanic  gas,  313 

on  polysulphide,  482 

on  powder-explosion,  510 

GAYON  on  nitrites  and  nitrates,  209, 213 
GELIS  on  nitrogen  sulphide,  261 
GERNEZ  on  nitrogen  sulphide,  240 
GILBERT,  agricultural  experiments  of, 

GIRARD  on  nitroglycerin,  51 

on  explosion,  439 

Glucose,  73,  123 

Glycol,  heat  of  combustion  of,  285 

GOPPELSHODER  on  nitrites  in  stables, 

213 7 

GRAHAM  on  potassium  nitrate,  160 
Griess's  process  on  aniline  nitrate,  292 
GROVE  on  nitrogen  monoxide,  191 
Gunj-cgiton,  286,  444,  447,  546 

,  non-compressed,  49 

,  pulverulent  compressed,  55,  56 

,  mode  of  explosion,  59 

compounds,  267 

,  preparation  of,  287 

,  heat  of  detonation,  288,  450 

and  dynamite,  445 

and  paraffin,  445,  454 

,  compressed,  444 

and  water,  54,  445,  453 

,  properties  of,  447-449 

,  comparison  with  other  explosives, 

,  nitrated,  453 



Gun-cotton  with  ammonium  nitrate, 

with  potassium  nitrate,  456 

and  chlorate,  460 


Halogen  elements,  344 

and  alkalis,  362,  363 

Haloid  salts,  131 

HASENBACH  on  nitrogen  trioxide,  196 
HAUTEFEUILLE  on  potassium  nitrate, 

on  ozone,  384 

on  nitrogen  chloride,  405 

HAWKSBEE  on  powder  fusing,  48 
Heat,  absorption,  3 

hi  reaction,  10,  11,  14 

,  summation  of,  13 

,  explosive  measure  of,  14 

and  oxidising  agents,  134 

of  organic  compounds,  134 

of  fusion,  139 

,  volatilisation  of,  140 

,  specific,  19,  141-143 

HEEREN  on  nitroglycerin,  48 
HENRY  on  ignition,  62,  65 

on  impact,  21 

HESS  on  potassium  nitrate,  160 

on  blasting  gelatin,  -143 

HIRN  on  specific  heat,  19 

on  mixed  pressure,  391 

Holz  machine,  223,  229 
HORSLEY  on  temperatures  of  powder, 

HUGONIOT  on  powder,  16,  17 

Hydrates,  134 

Hydrations  of  organic  compounds,  260 

Hydrocarbons,  136,  138 

Hydrochloric  and  hydrocyanic  acids, 

Hydrocyanic  acid,  329,  341 

,  heat  of  formation,  308,  313 

,  conversion  of,  302 

,  vaporisation  of,  309 

Hydroferrocyanides,  317 

Hydrogen,  arseniuretted,  72,  73 

,  vibrations  of,  85,  86 

Hydroxylamine,  245 

,  derivation  of,  245 

,  apparatus  for,  245 

,  decomposition,  248 

,  reactions,  249 

,  constitution,  252 

,  temperature,  253 

Hypobromite,  358,  359 

Hypobromous  acid,  358 

Hypochlorous  gas,  detonation  of,  67 

Hypoiodite,  359 

,  formation  of,  359,  360 

,  final  product  of,  360 

Hyponitrites,  185 

Hyponitrous  acid,  formula  of,  185 

Hyponitrous  acid,  formation  of,  186 
— ,  heat  of  formation  of,  188 
— ,  heat  of  neutralisation  of,  189 

HUYGHENS  on  ignition  of  powder,  48 


Iboz  dynamite,  436 
Inflammation,  propagation  of,  56 

— ,  influence  of  initial,  109 
lodates,  126,  358 
lodic  acid,  360 
Isomeric  mixtures,  105 

JOANNIS  on  cyanides,  etc.,  300 
Joule's  law,  19,  121 


KAROLYI  on  gun-cotton,  350 

on  powders,  477 

• — —  on  ordnance  and  rifle  powder,  510 
Kieselguhr,  silicious  earth,  436,  441 
KOENIG  on  ozone  vibrations,  85 
KOPP  on  specific  heats,  143 

on  nitrobenzene,  270 

KUHLMAKN  on  oxidation,  208 

LAMBERT  on  dynamite  cartridges,  82 

LAPLACE,  ice  calorimeter  of,  145 

on  heat  relation,  115 

Latent  heat,  140 

LAVOISIER  on  heat  relation,  115 

,  ice  calorimeter  of,  145  - 

on  oxygen.  160 

LAWES,  agricultural  experiments  of, 

LE  CHATELIEK  on  combustion  velocity, 

on  the  regime  of  ordinary  com- 
bustion, 113 

on  gaseous  pressures,  389,  391 

on  combustible  dusts,  401 

Lead,  explosions  in  a  block  of,  374, 

Leclanche  cells,  231 

LINCK  on  gun-cotton,  444 

on  powders,  477 

on  potassium  hyposulphite,  497 

on  cannon  powder,  510 

Liebig  tube,  157 

Liquefied  gases,  etc.,  396 

,  table  of,  398 

LONGCHAMP  on  absorption  of  nitrogen, 

LOUGUININE  on  nitroglycerin,  282 

on  glycol,  285 

Lycopodium,  494 




Manometer,  389 
Manometric  balances,  21 
MAQUENNE  on  nitrites  and  nitrates,  209, 

MARIGNAC  on  sulphites,  484 

on  anhydrous  bisulphite,  485 

Mariotte's  law,  27,  28,  403 

.    See  GAY-LUSSAC 

MARSH  on  arseniuretted  hydrogen,  68 
MASCART  on  fixation  of  nitrogen,  233 
Measurements,  20,  89 
MEILLET  on  cyanide,  327 
MELLONI  on  Soliatara,  393 
Mercuric  cyanide,  302,  310,  318,  322 
,  formation  from  the  acid  and  the 

oxide,  318 
,  formation  from  the  elements,  298, 


,  absorption  of  heat  of,  319,  320 

Mercury  fulminate,  2,  48,  91,  297,  468 
,  point  of  deflagration  of,  292, 


,  analysis  of,  297 

,  heat  of  formation  of,  297,  468 

,  heat  of  decomposition  of,  298 

oxalate,  476 

Metallic  cyanides,  318 

oxalates,  364 

,  heat  of  formation  of,  365 

oxides,  130 

sulphides,  131 

Metalloids,  128,  129 

Methyl    nitrate,    284,   549.     See   also 

Nitro-methylic  ether 
Methylperchloric  ether,  474 
MEUDON,  apparatus  of,  20 
Microbes,  208 
Microderms,  208 
MILLON  on  barium  chlorate,  350 
MILLOT  on  nitroglycerin,  439 
MITSCHERLICH  on  hyposulphite,  483 
Mixtures,  chlorate  and  nitrate,  525 
Molecular  volumes,  table  of,  144 
MONTLUISANT,  apparatus  of,  20 
MULDER  on  earthy  substances,  219 
MUSPRATT  on  sulphites,  484,  485 
MUNTZ  on  nitre,  208 
on  the  oxidation  of  ammonia,  214 


Naphthalene,  136,  139 
Neumann,  ballistic  pendulum,  21 
Nitrate,  diazobenzene,  291 
Nitrates,  126 

,  formation  of  the,  126, 1 27, 133, 1 35 

,  heat  of  formation,  202 

,  general  remarks,  204 

,  origin  of  the,  207 

Nitrates,  queries  on,  208 
Nitric  acid,  200,  213,  293 
,  heat  liberated  by,  200 

,  formation  of,  213 

,  reproduction  of,  296 

,  heat  of  formation,  173 

and  dinitrobenzene,  474 

and  nitrobenzene,  473 

and  organic  compounds,  472 

and  picric  acid,  473 

derivatives,  139 

ether,  279 

,  formation  of,  279-281 

,  heat  of  formation,  280 

,  decomposition  of,  281 

,  heat  of  total  combustion,  28 1 

ethers,  279  418 

oxide,  160,  192 

,  decomposition,  192 

,  heat  of  formation,  1 60 

,  heat  liberated  by,  200 

,  want  of  stability,  194 

peroxide,  167,  179,  198 

,  heat  of  formation,  167-172 

,  heat  liberated,  172,  199 

Nitrides,  368 
Nitrification,  chemical,  210 

,  natural,  207 

,  thermal,  215 

Nitrites,  124,  163-167 

,  ammonium,  165 

,  barium,  164 

,  silver,  166 

Nitrogen,  fixation  of,  217 

chloride,  404 

iodide,  406,, 

monoxide,  162,  195 

pentoxide,  181-184 

— —  selenide,  263 

,  an  endothermal  compound, 


sulphide,  261 

trioxide,  163,  167,  171,  195 

Nitro  compounds,  137 
Nitrobenzene,  269,  553 
Nitrobenzoic  acid,  275 
Nitrogenous  compounds,  217,  290 
Nitrocelluloses,  444,  446 
Nitro-ethylic  ether,  418 
Nitroglycerin,  14,  59,  281,  422,  548 

,  heat  of  formation,  282,  423 

,  inflammation  of,  423 

,  poisonous,  423 

,  pressures,  424,  425 

,  summation,  426,  427 

Nitrohydrocellulose,  448,  547 
Nitromannite,  283,  428,  548 

,  maximum  work,  430 

Nitro-methylic  ether,  420 
Nitro-starch  (xyloidin),  286,  548 
Nitrous  acid,  195,  212 

,  formation  of,  212 

,  from  ammonia,  212 

NOBEL  on  detonators,  52 



NOBEL  on  explosion,  68 1 

on  dynamite,  431,  435 

uses  Kieselguhr,  436 

on  mixtures,  439 

invents  blasting  gelatin,  441 

NOBLE.    See  ABEL 

Notes,  influence  of  musical,  82 


OQIBB  on  temperature,  61 

on  arseniuretted  hydrogen,  63, 

on  silver  hyponitrite,  185 

,  combustion  vessel,  241 

Organic  compounds,  forms  of,  138 
Oxalates,  127 

,  metallic,  364 

Oxalic  acid,  365,  366 

Oxamide,  formation  of,  258,  259 

Oxidation  by  nitric  acid,  200 

Oxyammonia,  245 

Oxysalts,  127 

formation  of  solid,  133,  134 

PAMABD  on  dynamite,  76 
Panclastite,  375,  397,  549 
PAPIN  on  motive  power,  396 
PELIGOT  on  nitric  peroxide,  etc.,  190, 


PELLET  on  vibrations,  80,  82 
PELOUZE  on  nitric  compounds,  444 
Perchlorates,  351 
Perchloric  acid,  351 

ethers,  474 

Pernitro-cellulose,  286 

Phosphates,  126 

Phosphorus,  64 

Picrate,  potassium,  463,  465 

Picrates,  127,  277,  461 

Picric  acid,  277,  471 

PIOBERT  on  combustion  of  powder,  47- 

49,  512 

on  gun-cotton  and  powder,  449 

,  empirical  powder-ratio  of,  452 

,  Treatise  of,  477 

PIBIA  on  the  Solfatara,  393 

PLAATS,  VAN   DEB,  on    silver   hypo- 

nitrite,  185 

Porous  bodies,  function  of,  218 
Potassium  carbonate  and  sulphurous 

acid,  483 

chlorate,  407,  520-522 

,  tables  of  total  combustion 

by,  525 

cyanate,  340 

cyanide,  315,  342 

.        ferrocyanide,  327 

hyposulphite,  497 

iodate  in  solution,  360,  361 

nitrite,  167 

perchlorate,  521 

Potassium  permanganate,  177 

picrate,  278 

sulphate,  482 

POTHIEB  on  slow  action,  381 
Powder,  black,  477 

,  service,  477 

,  sporting,  477,  512 

,  blasting,  477,  512 

,  properties  of,  494 

,  densities  of.  494 

,  products  of  initial  state,  495 

, final  state,  496 

, ,  final,  variations  in,  498 

,  combustion  theory,  499 

,  equations  of,  499 

,  pressures  of,  501 

,  observation  and  theory  compared, 


,  heat  liberated,  501 

,  volume  of  gases,  501 

,  total  combustion  of,  400 

,  saltpetre  and  charcoal,  491 

,  saltpetre  and  sulphur,  491 

,  saltpetre, sulphur,  and  carbon,  491 

Powders  with  a  lead  nitrate  base,  517 

with  a  nitrate  base,  477-517 

with  a  barium  nitrate  base,  517 

with  a  chlorate  base,  518-526 

with  a  sodium  nitrate  base,  515 

,  chlorated,  properly    so    called, 


,  combustion  lists,  525 

Pressure,  calculation  of,  26, 140 

,  gaseous,  9,  18,  20 

- ,  measurements  of,  20 

,  specific,  28 

,  characteristic  product  of,  32 

PBIESTLEY  on  the  electric  spark,  191, 


Primers,  importance  of,  54 
Priming,  manufacture  of,  297 
Products,  formation  of  gaseous,  11  ^ 
Proposition  on  chemical  combination, 


Prussian  blue,  328 
Pyroxyl,  433 

,  wood-pulp,  445 

,  wood-meal,  459 

RAMMELSBEBG  on  sulphites,  484 
Eandanite,  75 
Eapidity,  molecular,  38,  531 
Reactions,  35 

,  heat  in  gaseous,  10,  11 

,  measure  of,  14 

,  pressure  in  explosive,  20 

— ,  duration  of  explosive,  35 

,  general  ideas  of,  35 

,  origin  of,  36 

,  molecular  rapidity  of,  38,  531 

,  analysis  of,  42 

,  rapidity  of  propagation  of,  47 

2  o 



Keactions,  transmission  of,  53 

,  intermediate  mode  of,  57 

,  difference  in,  63 

.     See  under  the  substances 

between  sulphur,  carbon,  their 

oxide,  and  salts,  479 
RECHENBERG  on  phenol,  277 

on  nitromannite,  283 

REFFYE,  DE,  apparatus  of,  20 
Be'gime  of  detonation,  112 

of  ordinary  combustion,  112 

REGNAULT  on  pressure,  10 

on  specific  heat,  19 

and  the  water  calorimeter,  145 

,  eudiometer  of,  151 

on  vaporisation  of  water,  158 

on  absorption  of  ammonia,  224 

RICQ,  Captain,  the  recorder  of,  21 
RODMAN  punch,  the,  20 
ROSCOE  on  perchloric  acids,  351,  352 
Roux  on  explosions,  52 

on  charges  for  bombs,  58 

on  heat  liberation,  509,  514 

RUHMKORFF,  machine  of,  '/20-229 
RUMFORD,  apparatus  of,  20 


SAINT-ROBERT,  DE,  on  ballistics,  16 

on  velocity  of  powder- combustion, 


Saline  compounds,  482 

Salts,  formation  of,  117 

,  solid,  126, 127 

in  solution,  135 

and  acids,  119 

SARRATJ  on  explosion  of  nitroglycerin, 

,  memoirs  of,  16 

,  researches  of,  23,  29 

,  new  method  of,  25 

on  dynamite,  31 

on  gun-cotton,  52,  288,  449,  450, 

451,  458 

on  explosions,  55 

on  charges  for  a  bomb-shell,  58 

on  powder-combustion,  205 

on  picrates,  277 

•  on  nitroglycerin,  283,  424,  425 

on  nitromannite,  428,  429 

—  on  picric  acid,  462 

on  potassium  picrate,  463 

on  calibration  of  crushers,  472 

on  an  air-bomb,  509 

SCHEURER-KESTNER    on    coal-combus- 
tion, 489 

SCHISCHKOFF    on    potassium    nitrate, 

on  powders,  477 

on  heat  liberation  of  powders,  509 

on  volume  of  gases  of  powders, 


SCHLOESING  on  the  regime  of  combus- 
tion, 113 

SCHLOESING  on  ozone,  208 

on  oxidation  of  ammonia,  214 

— ,  cold  process  of,  311,  447 
SCHONBEIN  on  ozone,  208,  218 

,  discovery  of  gun-cotton  by,  444 

SCHONE  on  sulphur  and  carbon,  483 
Schulze  chronograph,  21,  22 

powders,  445,  517 

,  analysis  of,  459 

SEBERT,  memoirs  of,  16 

,  experiments  of,  17 

,  apparatus  of,  2i 

on  velocities  of  propagation,  55 


—  on  gun-cotton,  445 
Selenide,  nitrogen,  253 

,  VERNEUIL'S  formula  of,  26S 

,  an  endothermal  compound,  263 

Shock,  phenomena  of,  50 
SILBERMANN,  mercury  calorimeter  of, 


.    See  FAVRE 

Silent  discharge,  action  of  the,  222 

Silica,  amorphous,  436 

Silver  cyanide,  from  acid  and  base,  233 

fulminate,  nature  of,  470 

hyponitrite,  185 

nitrate,  166 

oxalate,  366,  475 

Sodium  acetate,  416 

nitrate,  515,  516 

nitrite,  formation  of,  167 

Solfatara,  phenomenon  of  the,  393 
SOUBEYRAN  on  a  chlorine  compound. 


Stability,  tests  of,  381 
STAHL  on  nitric  acid,  207 
Stirrer,  the,  147 
Succinates,  126 
Sulphates,  126 
Sulphide,  nitrogen,  261 
Sulphur  and  potassium  carbonate,  483 
Sulphurous  acid  gas  and  carbon,  479 

and  carbonic  oxide,  481 

gas,  decomposition  of,  479 

Summary — Book  L,  527 
,  Book  II.  535 

— ,  Book  III.,  536 
Synchronous  vibration,  80,  533 

Table  of  authorities,  124 

of  compounds,  125-144 

of  weights  of  gases,  542 

TAIT  on  nitrogen  monoxide,  191 
Tamping,  41,  56 
Tartrates,  127 

Temperatures,  theoretical,  64 
THENARD  on  acetylene,  228 
Thermo-chemistry,  114,  527 

and  molecular  work,  114,  115 

,  calorific  equivalence,  etc.,  115- 




Thermochemistry,   theorems    on    re- 
actions, 115-117 

,  salts,  117-119 

,  organic  compounds,  119,  120 

,  heat  of  combination,  120-122 

,  maximum  work,  122-124 

,  principles  of,  first,  114 

, ,  second,  115 

f 1  third,  122 

THOMSEN  and  the  water  calorimeter,  145 

on  potassium  nitrate,  160 

on  nitric  oxide,  161 

on  nitrogen  trioxide,  167 

on  nitric  oxide  and  oxygen,  168 

on  nitric  peroxide,  169 

on  ammonia,  237,  238,  242,  302 

on  hydrocyanic  acid,  303 

on  chloric  acid    and  chlorates, 


on  bromic  acid,  357 

on  iodic  acid,  361 

THOTJVENEL  on  nitrification,  210 
TRATJZL  on  priming,  80 

,  "  La  Dynamite  "  of,  432 

on  the  pyroxyl  base  of  dynamite, 


on  nitroglycerin  and  dynamite, 


Trimethylamine,  255 
Trinitrophenol,  277 
TROMENENO  on  powders,  509 
TROOST,  124 

on  nitrated  derivatives,  264 

• on  sulphur,  402 

TRTJCHOT  on  soils,  235 

TURPIN  on  nitric  peroxide,  397,  398 


UCHATITJS,  eprouvette  of,  20 
UPPMANN  on  powder,  20  et  passim 

Vacuum,  explosives  in  a,  48 
Valerian ic  acil,  187 
Vapours,  acid,  341 
Vegetation,  217,  233,  244 

Veloci meter,  21 

Velocity    of    powder-combustion,    48 

et  passim 

VERNEUIL  on  nitrogen  selenide,  263 
Vibration,  sonorous,  82,  87 

,  synchronous,  80,  533 

VIEIJJ.E  on  nitrogen  sulphide,  261 

on  diazobenzene  nitrate,  291 

on     detonating    mixtures,    389, 


on  nitrocelluloses,  446,  447,  449 

.    See  SARRAU 

VIGNOTTI  on  powder,  510 
VINCENT    on    trimethylamine    hydro- 
chloride,  257 

VIOLETTE  on  inflammation  of  powder, 

on  mixture  of  powder,  513 

VOQT  on  nitroglycerin,  51,  439 
Volatilisation,  table  of,  140 
Voltaic  arc,  action  of  the,  221 
Volume,  gaseous,  8,  9,  18,  and  under 
the  substances 


Water,  oxygenated,  86 
WEBER  on  nitrogen  pentoxide,  181 
WETZLER  on  sodium  nitrate,  515 
WIEDEMANN  on  gases,  11 
WOOD  on  potassium  nitrate,  160 

Xanthale,  517 
Xanthine,  517 

Zinc  acetate,  486 

oxide,  130,  486 

,  specific  heat  of,  141 

,  density  of,  144 

and  cyanogen,  318 

ZORN  on  hyponitrite,  185 
on  hyponitrous  acid,  186 


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