Condobolin Courthouse

Item details

Name of item: Condobolin Courthouse
Type of item: Built
Group/Collection: Law Enforcement
Category: Courthouse
Primary address: Bathurst Street, Condobolin, NSW 2877
Local govt. area: Lachlan
Hectares (approx): 0.0832
All addresses
Street AddressSuburb/townLGAParishCountyType
Bathurst StreetCondobolinLachlan  Primary Address


Organisation NameOwner CategoryDate Ownership Updated
Attorney Generals Department - Department of Communities and JusticeState Government 

Statement of significance:

The Condobolin Courthouse is significant for its long association with the provision of
justice in Condobolin and has been in use for almost 120 years. The exterior appearance of the courthouse is an imposing example of the Victorian Classical style by NSW Government Architect Walter Liberty Vernon. The courthouse is a landmark building in Condoblin.
Date significance updated: 19 Oct 10
Note: The State Heritage Inventory provides information about heritage items listed by local and State government agencies. The State Heritage Inventory is continually being updated by local and State agencies as new information becomes available. Read the Department of Premier and Cabinet copyright and disclaimer.


Designer/Maker: J Barnet
Construction years: 1881-1892
Physical description: The Condobolin Courthouse is a large and impressive turn of the century building with a classical influence evident in the decorative features. The design is symmetrical with a central courtroom flanked on either side by single-storey wings. The front elevation feature a colonnade with an entablature supported on columns. The wing buildings have pedimented gables and decorative rendered string coursing. (Schwager & Brooks 1993)
Other accommodation: Ford Judge, Freeman Judge, Gallen Judge, Gobson Judge, Graham Judge
Construction: The Condobolin Courthouse is constructed in face brick and features corrugated-iron hipped roofs. Rendered concrete has been used liberally for decorative detailling to the building. The windows are of multi-panelled double-hung sash construction. (Schwager & Brooks 1993)
Interior materials: Plaster, timber joinery.
Exterior materials: Brick, render, corrugated iron.
Physical condition and/or
Archaeological potential:
Fair. (April 2007)
Date condition updated:18 Jun 10
Modifications and dates: Major additions including front portico c1900.
Current use: Courthouse
Former use: Courthouse


Historical notes: Condobolin Courthouse was completed in 1892 to a design by Colonial Architect James Barnet.
Requests for a police presence in the early settlement of Condobolin were made as early as 1856, but with little success. The first wooden courthouse was built on the site of the current courthouse in 1869 by H Rogers, but was variously used as a church, gaol and meeting hall. The stumps of the building are reported to have been used to chain prisoners.
It was not until 1880 that the construction of a second courthouse commenced. It was finally completed in 1892, having been delayed due to the timing of a delivery of bricks from Sydney. It was described as a handsome building that contrasted with the basic structures that formed most of the streetscape.
By 1900 the building could no longer cope with its requirements and further additions and improvements were made that produced a 'semi-Corinthian Courthouse' with a row of circular stone pillars.
The courthouse and police station have been in continual use for over 110 years. In 1989, an attempt by a government-led policy to close local courthouses was unsuccessful.

Historic themes

Australian theme (abbrev)New South Wales themeLocal theme
7. Governing-Governing Law and order-Activities associated with maintaining, promoting and implementing criminal and civil law and legal processes Administration of justice-

Assessment of significance

SHR Criteria a)
[Historical significance]
Condobolin Courthouse has historical significance for its long association with the provision of justice in Coonabarabran. The courthouse has been in use for almost 120 years.
SHR Criteria b)
[Associative significance]
Condobolin Courthouse is associated with James Barnet, NSW Colonial Archtitect from 1862-1890 and Walter Liberty Vernon, NSW Government Architect from 1890-1911.
SHR Criteria c)
[Aesthetic significance]
Condobolin Courthouse is a landmark building in Condobolin.
SHR Criteria g)
Condobolin Courthouse is an imposing example of the Victorian Classical style.
Assessment criteria: Items are assessed against the PDF State Heritage Register (SHR) Criteria to determine the level of significance. Refer to the Listings below for the level of statutory protection.


Heritage ListingListing TitleListing NumberGazette DateGazette NumberGazette Page
Heritage Act - s.170 NSW State agency heritage register     

References, internet links & images

TypeAuthorYearTitleInternet Links
Written  Condobolin Courthouse
WrittenNSW Department of Commerce2007Condition Assessments GAP Analysis Court House Report: Condobolin
WrittenSchwager Brooks and Partners Pty Ltd1993Department of Courts Administration: Preliminary Heritage and Conservation Register

Note: internet links may be to web pages, documents or images.

rez rez
(Click on thumbnail for full size image and image details)

Data source

The information for this entry comes from the following source:
Name: State Government
Database number: 3080043

Every effort has been made to ensure that information contained in the State Heritage Inventory is correct. If you find any errors or omissions please send your comments to the Database Manager.

All information and pictures on this page are the copyright of Heritage NSW or respective copyright owners.