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12.12.2024 LittleMonkey [F] for fans Kon`yakuhaki Sareta Reijou o Hirotta Ore ga, Ikenai Koto o Oshiekomu Kon`yakuhaki Sareta Reijou o Hirotta Ore ga, Ikenai Koto o Oshiekomu
This series is a fun, lighthearted watch with characters that have a lot of potential.
11.12.2024 Bibi666 [F] recommended Sousou no Frieren Sousou no Frieren
i want to understand how a show like sousou no frieren has such a high rating. i don't understand how anyone can compare it to fullmetal alchemist. if frieren is a 9 then fullmetal alchemist should be a 20 and i'm not saying that because it's a fact but because in fullmetal alchemist you have real character development for all the characters in this great show and that's another undeniable fact about you degenerate feminists.
dkavatar13 [F] recommended The New Gate The New Gate
So this feels a lot like a fan made version season 2 for Sword Art Online (with a few changes made later to make it different.) Personally I think if it was it would have improved the series verses the fairy world, the strange program baby and other oddities that game along SAO Season 2 and onward. This series on it's own is a bit weak within the Isekai flood we are in nowadays but it is worth a watch. Personally It would be nice to be able to watch another season or two but from what I understand this was panned in Japan and might be dropped.
JoeGP [F] for fans Hachinantte, Sore wa Nai Deshou! Hachinantte, Sore wa Nai Deshou!
The story isn't too bad, it's just the execution of it that was bad.
The pacing is very awkward and slow, the music is bad and too quiet, the story skips along randomly, things happen with little to no explanation, people appear without any introduction an disappear just as fast, the characters are also lacking and their development also skips along and lastly the MC is ... well he's not a coward but lacks any ambition, it's like he has no desires, not even to slack off. And as soon as he reincarnated it's like he completely forgot his past life except for his cliche/unhealthy desire for japanese food.
Only recommended if you have nothing better to watch and I'm sure you do.
10.12.2024 sammy321 [F] for fans Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern Yuuki Bakuhatsu Bang Bravern
Not knowing anything about this series, I went in blind and the start was incredible as humanity was being invaded and fighting to avoid extinction by an unknown enemy. The beginning was grounded and showed the military getting overwhelmed, this was a serious mecha anime... then out of the blue, this went in a completely different direction with over-the-top action, calling out attacks, fusions, talking robots and I'm like "whoa... what just happened?!". The comedy is unexpectedly funny, but the drastic change in tone when this started out serious wasn't for me. For fans of mecha parodies.
08.12.2024 LittleMonkey [F] for fans Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu Isekai Shoukan wa Nidome Desu
I loved the idea of returning to the same isekai world, but sadly, the show didn't live up to my expectations. The art style didn't really do it for me, and the story was just plain boring. Felt like a total waste of time
recommended Murai no Koi Murai no Koi
OMG, every time I hear the Tokyo Love Story theme song, I crack up! If you've watched this old-school J-drama, you'll know exactly what I mean!
o_0_O_0_o [F] recommended Kekkon Surutte, Hontou Desuka Kekkon Surutte, Hontou Desuka
07.12.2024 aroptua [F] for fans Megami no Cafe Terrace Megami no Cafe Terrace
The romance and ecchi are balanced very well. You get the right amount of both at, generally, the right time. Paced appropriately and with quite likeable characters, it is a rather pleasant harem, especially for fans of the genre.
chumchummaru [F] must see Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu (2024) Boku no Kokoro no Yabai Yatsu (2024)
Škoda že takéto nie sú aj ostatné šónen školské romance, hneď by sa naňe lepšie pozeralo. za mňa 9/10
recommended Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata Chiyu Mahou no Machigatta Tsukaikata
Zbytočná 8 a 9 ep. nemám chuť sa pozerať na historku kde kapitánke umrela celá čata a ona sa z toho utápala v depresiách. Celé sa to dalo skrátiť do pár viet a tie 2 ep. sme sa moli posunúť v deji ďalej. inač to bolo fakt dobré anime ktorému nemám čo viac vytknúť. za mňa 8/10
recommended Henjin no Salad Bowl Henjin no Salad Bowl
Pripomína mi to Hinamatsuri ale bohužiaľ humorom to naň nemá ale aj tak sa mi to páčilo aj keď zo začiatku som tomu nevedel prísť na chuť. za mňa 8/10
must see Hinamatsuri (2018) Hinamatsuri (2018)
Musím povedať že je jedna z najlepších komédií ktorú sa oplatí si pozrieť (aj niekoľko krát). Škoda že nevyužili viac aj scény s jej schopnosťami a boli len zo začiatku určite by to bolo zábavné. Sám neviem čo viac by som k tomu dodal keďže ma to neskutočne bavilo (chcelo by to pokračovanie), viem to iba odporučiť. za mňa 10/10
for fans Ichigo 100% Ichigo 100%
Ďalšia klasika ktorá končí ako väčšina podobných (prečítaj si mangu).

Máme tu MCho ktorý náhodnými udalosťami nadviaže kontakt s dievčinou ale ako pribúda ďalšia a ďalšia tak tá predošlá s ním vždy ukončí vzťah bo vie že prišla konkurencia ale pritom ho stále milujú a stále sa oňho snažia aby bol ich a takto sa to opakuje.

Ako nebolo to zlé, ale mne osobne to neprinieslo nič nové. Postavy boli klasicky uškriekané takže som z nich nemal dobrý pocit. Jediné čo ma potešilo bol obraz 4:3 ktorý zbožňujem a ED ktorý sa niesol v štýle eurobeatu. Čo sa týka pokračujúcej OVA tak tú vynechám bo očakávam rovnaký scenár. takže za mňa 5/10
recommended Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru Jiisan Baasan Wakagaeru
Bolo to dobré len by nemuseli mudrovať o tom kto s nich umrie skorej alebo či vlastne sú nesmrteľný a miesto toho si ten nový život viac užívať.

A v to som aj očakával že budú robiť veci ktoré v mladosti nerobili ale miesto toho som dostal všelijaké kombinácie kde raz on bol znova starý potom zase ona alebo zase ona omladla až moc že si na nič nepamätala atd. Prišlo mi to divné keďže zjedli jablko čo im malo len vrátiť mladosť a nie si z nich robiť dobrý deň na staré kolená. za mňa 8/10
recommended Kaibutsu Oujo Kaibutsu Oujo
Not bad, fakt je to taká oddychovka na ktorej mi jediné vadil hiro keďže je to ukážkový budiž k ničomu, ale už ma to ani neprekvapovalo, keďže som videl dosť podobných.

V podstate anime bez deja. Každú ep. sa tu niečo deje ale nič čo by dáko posúvalo dej dopredu. máme tu princeznú ktorá vedie "súrodeneckú vojnu" o trón ale v skutočnosti je tu viac ep. kde sa vysporiadáva s nepriateľmi ktorý ju napádajú ako so samotnými súrodencami. postavy neboli nič extra (však hiro) ale boli sympatické takže mi skoro ani jedna nevadila.

Veľa som od toho neočakával aj navzdory hodnoteniu ale milo ma to prekvapilo, takže som spokojný. Najlepšia mi aj tak prišla flandre a jej fuga. za mňa 7/10
for fans Keijo!!!!!!!! Keijo!!!!!!!!
Jediné čo mi vadilo, je že to berú až moc vážene a pritom ide o neexistujúci šport ktorý vznikol len pre fanservis takže až tak moc to hrotit nemusia a ani nevidím dôvod prečo sa stať najlepšou hráčkou vo vystrkovaní zadkov a pŕs. Ale ináč sa to viac menej dalo až na poslednú súťaž východu a západu kedy ma to nezaujímalo bo prvá polovica mi aj tak stačila. takže za mňa 6/10
recommended Kenka Dokugaku Kenka Dokugaku
Aj keď to nie je také dobré ako bolo Oemo Jisang Juui (Lookism) tak sa mi to páčilo. Síce to zo začiatku škrípalo ale po čase to už bolo lepšie.

Jedine čo ma mrzí je že aj po 12 ep. sa vôbec nezmenil a ostane rovnaký ako na začiatku bez svalov, že na to aby sa dostal do formy a mal konečne poriadne svaly by muselo anime mať minimálne 24 ep. aj ti mi príde málo. pokračovanie neočakávam čo mi nevadí, skôr mi to príde ako promo pre manhwu tak ako pri Lookism.

a nesmiem zabudnúť ani na OP ktorý sa mi tiež páčil. za mňa 8/10
for fans Maken-ki! Maken-ki!
Čo viac čakať od ečči/erotické anime ako len prehnane veľké prsia a samé gatky. Ak hľadáte nejaký hlbší dej, tak ste na nesprávnom mieste. Všetko sa to točí len okolo pŕs a gatiek takže je pochopiteľné že všetko sa bude odohrávať tak aby tam bolo aspoň jedno z toho vidieť (najlepšie oboje). Treba to brať len ako oddychové anime a preto ho hodnotím 6/10 na to že to bolo ečči to nebolo až také zlé ale videl som aj lepšie klenoty z tohto žánru.
for fans Maken-ki! Two Maken-ki! Two
Nič sa od predošlej sezóny nezmenilo (veď čo by sa aj malo) stále tu máme rovnaké prsia a rôznofarebné gatky. A tentoraz sa dej vôbec nikde neposunul a každá ep. má svoj samostatný uzavretý dej. A súhlasím, je to čistý fanservis.

Ale ako pri minulej sezóne to beriem ako oddychové anime. nič veľké od toho nečakajte. takže za mňa 6/10

P.S: najviac ma prekvapila 8 ep. a jej paródia na hitlera (hlavne tá časť v bunkri, kedy mu povedali že ríša padla), niečo také som tu nečakal.
for fans One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki. One Room, Hiatari Futsuu, Tenshi-tsuki.
klasický šónen kde nesmie nič chýbať a čo je ohrané z kopec iných šónen anime, klasický trápny MC (aj ženy), klasické detské reakcie, čo viac k tomu dodať iba to že už som starý na takéto anime.

Naozaj má jeho ‘‘teta‘‘ 28 rokov bo podľa jej správania by som typoval tak zrelú pubertu a nielen u nej ale aj u väčšiny dospelých postáv. za mňa 5/10
for fans Queen`s Blade Queen`s Blade
tu som sa rozhodol že to ukončím, bo nakoniec mi to okrem fanservisu (nie že by mi vadil ale nakoniec všetkého veľa škodí) neponúka nič nové. pokračujúca sezóna pre ktorú boli tieto 2 ep. promo, bude rovnaká ako tie predošlé len s novými postavami. čo sa týka ostatných OVA tak tie tiež vynechám bo sú to len vedlajšáky ktoré ponúknu len fanservis (ktorého som aj tak videl viac než dosť a to mi stačí).
for fans Queen`s Blade: Gyokuza o Tsugu Mono Queen`s Blade: Gyokuza o Tsugu Mono
Koukám, že i tady je pár odporně velkých koz...

Dramatická omáčka okolo postáv pokračuje. ako chápem každý potrebuje dôvod prečo, ale pri takomto druhu anime je to len zbytočné keďže hlavná pointa je aj tak iná. Ináč hodnotím rovnako. Ďalšie čo sa mi páčilo bol OP. takže za mňa 7/10
for fans Queen`s Blade: Rurou no Senshi Queen`s Blade: Rurou no Senshi
Koukám, že i tady je pár odporně velkých koz...

fanservis bolo jediné lákadlo prečo som si toto anime pozrel. Takže účel to splnilo, čo ma prekvapilo bolo že ho tu bolo viac ako vo väčšine podobných anime. Jedine čo mi málinko vadilo je pre mňa zbytočná dramatická omáčka okolo postáv. To jediné som nevedel ignorovať a užívať si sledovanie ale ináč sa mi to nakoniec páčilo. takže za mňa 7/10
for fans Queen`s Blade: Utsukushiki Toushi-tachi Queen`s Blade: Utsukushiki Toushi-tachi
6 dielna OVA ktorá pomaly ukončuje predošlú sezónu z pohľadu ostatných postáv. Čo nie je na škodu dozvedieť sa ako skončili ostatný, ale vo výsledku je to nepodstatné, keďže nič zaujímavé okrem fanservisu to neponúkna. takže za mňa 7/10
recommended Sentai Dai Shikkaku Sentai Dai Shikkaku
Zaujímavé spracovanie bojovníkov za slobodu či ako sa im vraví. Páčilo sa mi to aj na vzdory povahám jednotlivých postáv na ktoré som si po čase zvykol. Ďalšie sa mi páčil OP spolu z ED. za mňa 8/10
for fans The God of High School The God of High School
No prvé ep. mali potenciál ale bohužiaľ mi vadili ich životné problémy, respektíve omáčka ktorú nám museli vkuse ukazovať. Je síce pekné že každý tam pre niečo súperí ale vo výsledku je to zbytočné keďže ich sny a túžby sa aj tak nenaplnia, takže mi to prišlo ako nepodstatné. Ináč bojové scény a doprovodná hudba bola skvelá ale všetko ostatné som už nemusel. Takže viac tomu neviem dať, nenadchlo ma to až tak ako som si pôvodne myslel. takže za mňa 6/10
recommended Ueno-san wa Bukiyou Ueno-san wa Bukiyou
Pekná komédia, len škoda že krátka či už časovo alebo epizódami. Pripomína mi to Tonari no Seki-kun takže som spokojný, mám rád takéto komédie. za mňa 8/10
for fans VTuber Nanda ga Haishin Kiriwasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta VTuber Nanda ga Haishin Kiriwasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta
Osobne na VTuberoch nevidím nič zaujímavé (a ani ich nesledujem), sú to len obyčajný streamery ktorý sa len skrývajú za anime postavy. preto hodnotím 5/10 nebolo to nič super a každú ep. počúvať toho alkoholika ako miluje pivo ma tiež nebavilo.
recommended Yubisaki to Renren Yubisaki to Renren
Som myslel že je to ďalšia obyčajná romance, ale potom pri prvej ep. pozerám že aké to má štýlové sluchatká a ona bola hluchonemá. Tak ma to trochu zaskočilo. ale nakoniec to bola skvelá a pekná romance ktorá sa mi páčila ľúbim takéto romance. za mňa 9/10
JoeGP [F] for fans Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho Zero kara Hajimeru Mahou no Sho
This has got to be one of the most boring and uninteresting shows I've ever watched, then again I dropped it after 5 eps so I can't talk for the rest, but I don't recommend watching this.
04.12.2024 bnns [F] recommended Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf Ookami to Koushinryou: Merchant Meets the Wise Wolf
Years ago I had watched the original Anime, who's story seemed similar but not quite the same as this one. I suspect that this one follows the Manga (/Story) closer than the previous. I also like the fact how they bookend the series showing this as a romance series whether we think so or not. Very beautifully done. Looking forward to watching S2
Mrs-Hatake [F] must see Princess Tutu Princess Tutu
If you like cute characters, magical girls and dark stories, this anime is perfect for you. Also, the cat teacher is hilarious. Don't knock it till you try it. I first seen it when I was like 13, I think and it still holds up to me after 8 years.
02.12.2024 AyanamiSan [F] for fans Kubo-san wa Mob o Yurusanai Kubo-san wa Mob o Yurusanai
While for me this is a 8/10 show, I can't honestly recommend it to just anyone. If you like cute very light romance - definitely check this out. If not - don't bother.
For me the start was a bit slow, it was about 6/10 for the frist 4-6 episodes. But the pacing is just perfect - scenes are long enough to hold the story, but not any longer - so nothing dragged out, and even if you don't like some trope it's short enough to go through.

Definitely the best part of this anime is art and animation. While it might not be for everyone, it's clear a lot of effort gone into it. I recently watch anime mostly to get screenshots for drawing practice, and in this show I've been taking dozens of screenshots per episode.
deathcrow [F] must see Sousou no Frieren Sousou no Frieren
I've initially rated this 9/10 out of the usual conservative thoughts of, "Eh, what if it doesn't hold up?!" After the first re-watch I immediately bumped it up to a 10 and after many revisits to my favorite moments of the show throughout this year, I'm pretty confident that this is one of the best anime's I've ever seen.

The characters feel very authentic and real, the pacing is tight and the action has the appropriate weight and punch to it. Having a very overpowered protagonist is incredibly hard to pull off, but Sousou no Frieren manages to inject stakes, intrigue and massive amounts of charm into moments where you wouldn't expect.
EvGaS [F] must see Mahou Shoujo Tai Arusu Mahou Shoujo Tai Arusu
For Me - this is still best animation about witchcraft & magical girls.

Also - if You looking good series for little kids - this is solid choise.

Pure fantasy about magic: without fanservice, etc.
nexus0123 [F] must see Tsuki ga Kirei Tsuki ga Kirei
Sweet story about two middle schoolers dealing with first love and learning how to express their feelings to one another and in front of others. They overcome their youthful embarrassment, only to be hit with the realities of growing up. The animation was excellent and detailed oriented, and there were a bunch of well placed insert songs that added a nice touch to important moments in the plot. A down-to-earth heart-warming romance that will make you nostalgic for more innocent days.
01.12.2024 LittleMonkey [F] must see Girls Band Cry Girls Band Cry
I'm not usually into CGI anime, but this one's a gem! The characters are super lovable, and it's clear that the creators put a lot of effort into polishing the animation. I've been a fan of music anime since watching BECK ages ago, and it's awesome to see good one still popping up. My only complaint is that the series feels a bit short – it ends just when things are getting exciting and the band is finally coming together.
sammy321 [F] for fans Ayakashi Triangle Ayakashi Triangle
I went into this series not expecting much even though the plot on paper was interesting... exorcist ninjas that get rid of supernatural creatures. This played out as expected; light-hearted comedy with some fanservice throughout. Unfortunately, one of the characters (Suzu) was frustratingly annoying with being in the way and constantly needing to be saved. Overall, the plot was weak, which for the most part I didn't mind, but did struggle with some of the characters in this anime. This is for those that are looking for light-hearted comedy with some fanservice sprinkled in.
28.11.2024 sammy321 [F] recommended Dungeon no Naka no Hito Dungeon no Naka no Hito
This series was interesting b/c it starts with enjoyable dungeon exploring and the MC's calculated methods; however that quickly shifts to the upkeep of maintaining a dungeon. When this focused on the admin side of the dungeon, this was slow... but when this went back to the adventures of the dungeon, that was entertaining, unfortunately, this primarily focuses on the management of the dungeon. This anime could've benefited from being half episodes to make the pacing better. In the end, this was a mixed watch as the majority of this is slowed paced with some brief dungeon adventuring sprinkled throughout.
snelg [F] recommended Kaijin Kaihatsubu no Kuroitsu-san Kaijin Kaihatsubu no Kuroitsu-san
A lighthearted and enjoyable parody of the traditional henshin/transforming hero genre.
27.11.2024 Ezeuz [F] recommended Yarinaoshi Reijou wa Ryuutei Heika o Kouryakuchuu Yarinaoshi Reijou wa Ryuutei Heika o Kouryakuchuu
Such a strange anime, you expect this to be another low tier ones, but a ton of the jokes are amazingly executed. During the latter half, you get introduced with new characters that makes everything more cool and funny.

The MC are fine, the combo def works great. Just like any other overpowered series, you're excitedly expecting the MC to do something. But they don't abuse this troupe, and letting other characters take the stage often. And adding some moral dilemma on why they can't do it all the time.

Plot-wise it's okay, they def put some thought into that but nothing much.
ornehx [F] recommended Isekai Yakkyoku Isekai Yakkyoku
Surprisingly good despite its unattractive title

From the title 'Pharmacy', didnt expect to be entertain much
But it was surprisingly adequate in details and good balance in science and magic around medicines and illness
Some episodes even got me close to tears, some episodes got me sitting up in anticipation, some gave out feel good vibes

Despite the medical-esque theme, it was an easy watch and easy to get hook on
Great artwork, often bright and cheerful in contast to the morbid topics
But damn the queen is hot!

Though the ending was a bit deus ex medicina and rushed
Noticeable artwork quality drop too, as it rushed to tie up the loose end with hurried narrations instead of show-tell

It is still a recommended watch. Nothing to shout out about, but it just fits nicely into the comfort watch zone. Give it a try. 6/10 for me
YeahWhatever [F] recommended Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai Koi wa Futago de Warikirenai
Sad to see this with low score, this anime is a hidden gem for me. Theres a lot of dialogue referencing both western, anime otaku and the likes which was amusing for me. The romance/drama was okay atleast their logic and reasoning is sound to me unlike other titles that leaves me questioning even a gradeschooler can give a better argument to their logic. The main the side characters their bantering and interactions are great. The ending was not definitive but thats because afaik the source material is not finish yet which is something to look forward to. Ah I also want a girl like the other twin to love me T_T
26.11.2024 azaghal666 [F] recommended Tokidoki Bosotto Rossiya-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san Tokidoki Bosotto Rossiya-go de Dereru Tonari no Alya-san
I feel this was a run-of-the-mill classic school romcom. There is definitely a potential for a deeper stories so there might be something more interesting than a daily school life plot in second season, but for now it's nothing you probably haven't seen already.
bnns [F] recommended Yeosin Gangnim Yeosin Gangnim
I did in fact like this series, the premise is engaging and usually a romance anime centers around a guy (or a couple) with a gaggle of girls fawning over them, but in series they are just treated like normal guys and through the well execution of the craft we see the characters start to develop feelings for one another, and some of the reasons surrounding it.

The episodes are shorter than standard, and each episode ends on the perfect cliffhanger to draw the viewer into the next episode, i felt it was hard to resist the urge to binge it.
EvGaS [F] for fans Gekijouban Overlord: Sei Oukoku Hen Gekijouban Overlord: Sei Oukoku Hen
Only for fans of "source texts".

Neia Baraja had way more of potential.

But... probably it is already a miracle that this part of story was animated at all - as child abuse, hostage situations, gore, warzone realities, etc - rise a very red flags for modern censorship culture, where everything must be "polished".

If You was reading source matherial, or at least seen seasons I-IV few times, or just like good old gritty (non-censored violence+erotic) anime of 80-90-ies - give this movie a chance ...maybe?
25.11.2024 bnns [F] recommended Make Heroine ga Oosugiru! Make Heroine ga Oosugiru!
The artwork is wonderful with beautiful animation and nicely done action sequences, although this is a romance series a number of the scenes are done with over the top detail, which made me stop at times and just appreciate how well everything was done and some of the jokes were brilliantly executed the shock of which made me laugh.

As this is a romance for the rejected, it at times just crossed the line of indecency, though throughout, the story is geared around the journey of these high school kids and how they learn to grow into themselves and support one another. I felt the viewer was never quite led on to believe otherwise.
JoeGP [F] for fans VTuber Nanda ga Haishin Kiriwasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta VTuber Nanda ga Haishin Kiriwasuretara Densetsu ni Natteta
It's a Slice-of-life/CGDCT so the interest/entertainment levels are already lowered, as such after 5 eps I felt like I'd seen enough, but I watched it all hoping I was wrong, but I was mostly right, it was kind of a waste of time.

It didn't have a parody vibe at all, it felt more like a bunch of princesses/goddesses came down to Earth to have some fun, which would have been way more interesting a plot.

Recommended only for fans of Slice-of-life/CGDCT, but the degeneracy and rabid lesbian lust that never goes anywhere kinda ruins that too.
24.11.2024 LittleMonkey [F] recommended Dead Dead Demon`s Dededededestruction (Web) Dead Dead Demon`s Dededededestruction (Web)
I nearly abandoned this anime due to its unconventional character designs, which didn't resonate with me. Additionally, the storyline seemed disjointed around the midpoint. However, I later realized that the narrative was exploring multiple parallel universes, which made it easy to lose track if not paying close attention. Despite initial reservations, I'm glad I persisted, as the anime ultimately proved to be a poignant and emotional experience. By the conclusion, I was left wanting more.