Adblock Plus filters explained

Please note: This cheatsheet is outdated. Please read the current documentation in our Help Center here.

Simple blocking rules

Blocking rules determine addresses that Adblock Plus should block.

Example 1: Blocking by address parts

Verbatim text

This text must be present in the address to be blocked.

Wildcard character

This stands for any number of characters.


The address must either end here or a separator character like ? or / has to follow.


This rule blocks:

This rule doesn't block:

Example 2: Blocking by domain name

Domain name anchor

The following text must be the domain name of the address.

Verbatim text

This text must be present in the address to be blocked.


A separator character has to follow that will indicate the end of the domain name, e.g. / or :.


This rule blocks:

This rule doesn't block:

Example 3: Blocking exact address

Start anchor

The following text must be the beginning of the address.

Verbatim text

This text must be present in the address to be blocked.

End anchor

The preceding text must be the end of the address.


This rule blocks:

This rule doesn't block:

Options in blocking rules

Blocking rules can have a number of options to fine-tune their behavior.

Address to be blocked

This part of the rule defines which addresses it is applied to.

Option separator

This character indicates that the following text defines filter option.

Type option

Type options define request types to be blocked. Common type options are script or image indicating that only scripts/images should be blocked. The inverse type option ~script means that the filter should not be applied to scripts.

Domain option

Domain option restricts the filter to a set of domains (here It also allows to disable the rule on some domains (here on


This rule blocks only if the following conditions are met:

Exception rules

Exception rules are built the same as blocking rules, they define which addresses should be allowed even if matching blocking rules exists.

Example 1: Exception for particular requests

Exception rule

Rules starting like this are exceptions, they will override blocking rules.

Address to be allowed

This part of the rule defines which addresses it is applied to, it is structured the same as for blocking rules.

Type option

This type option prevents the exception from being applied to scripts.


Example 2: Exception for an entire site

Exception rule

Rules starting like this are exceptions, they will override blocking rules.

Address to be allowed

This part of the rule defines which addresses it is applied to, it is structured the same as for blocking rules.

Type option

This special type option indicates that Adblock Plus should be completely disabled on pages that this rule applies to.




An exclamation mark at the beginning of the rule indicates a comment.

Comment text

This text will not be used for blocking, you can write anything you want.

!This is a comment

Filter options

Option Purpose
Include or exclude JavaScript files
Include or exclude image files
Include or exclude stylesheets (CSS files)
Include or exclude content handled by browser plug-ins like Flash or Java
Include or exclude pages loaded within pages (frames)
Include or exclude requests started using the XMLHttpRequest object or fetch API
Include or exclude requests initiated via WebSocket object
Include or exclude connections opened via RTCPeerConnection instances to ICE servers
popup Include pages opened in a new tab or window
generichide Used to prevent applying global element rules on a page (e.g. @@||^$generichide)
genericblock Used to prevent applying global blocking rules on a page (e.g. @@||^$genericblock)
document Used to whitelist the page itself (e.g. @@||^$document)
elemhide Used to prevent element rules from applying on a page (e.g. @@||^$elemhide)
domain= Specify a list of domains, separated by bar lines (|), on which a filter should be active. A filter may be prevented from being activated on a domain by preceding the domain name with a tilde (~).
Specify whether a filter should be active on third-party or first domains

Less frequently used options, including ping, other and match-case are explained in the Writing Adblock Plus Filters documentation.

Element hiding

Example 1: Hiding elements

We want to hide elements with class the advert on, and subdomains.


An optional comma separated list of domains this filter applies to. If ommitted, it applies everywhere.


For an element hiding filter using standard CSS selectors, the separator is ##.


The CSS selector for the elements to hide.,

Example 2: Exception in element hiding

We want to exclude the above hiding rule on


Comma separated list of domains this exception applies to. This can be ommitted.

Exception separator

For an element hiding filter exception using CSS selectors, the separator is #@#.


The CSS selector matching the rule we want to create an exception for.

Domain selection

##selector is used as a placeholder for element selectors.

Example rules Domain selection

Active on:

  • All domains, including:
  • ftp:

Not active on:

  • Not applicable

Active on, for example:

  • ftp:

Not active on:

  • All other domains, including
  • ftp:

Active on:

  • All other domains, including
  • ftp:

Not active on, for example:

  • ftp:,

Active on, for example:

  • ftp:

Not active on:

  • All other domains, including:

Active on:


Not active on:

  • All other domains

Element selection

Selector Purpose
###advert Matches the element with the unique id "advert"
##.advert Matches elements with the class "advert"
##table[height="100"][width="100"] Matches a table with a height of 100 and a width of 100
##a[href=""] Matches links to
##div[style="width:300px;height:250px;"] Matches div elements that have exactly the style specified
###advert > .link Matches elements with the class "link" that are enclosed within elements with the id "advert"
###advert + .link Matches elements with the class "link" that are immediately preceded by elements with the id "advert"
##a[href^=""] Matches links to any pages hosted on
##div[style^="width:300px;height:250px;"] Matches div elements that start with the style specified
##div[style$="width:300px;height:250px;"] Matches div elements that end the style specified
##div[style*="width:300px;height:250px;"] Matches div elements that containing the style specified

The above filters are examples of valid element hiding rules. Any CSS selector supported by your browser can be used for element hiding.

Extended CSS selectors (Adblock Plus specific)

In some situations standard CSS selectors are not sufficient. For those cases there are extended CSS pseudo-selectors, and the filter syntax differs from the element hiding by using an alternate separator.

Example 1: Hiding element based on their content

Hide div elements that contain a div that contain an image with CSS class advert.


Comma separated list of domains this filter applies to. This is mandatory.


For an element hiding filter using extended CSS pseudo-selectors, the separator is #?#.


The CSS selector to select the elements to hide. It can use the extended selectors syntax.,> div > img.advert)

Example 2: Exception for the element hiding


Comma separated list of domains this exception applies to.

Exception Separator

Like for an element hiding filter, the separator for an exception is #@#.


The CSS selector matching the rule we want to create an exception for.> div > img.advert)

Adblock Plus specific pseudo-selectors

You can use the following Adblock Plus specific pseudo-selectors:

Pseudo-class Purpose
:-abp-properties() Select an element if its CSS style properties match what's specified. You can pass a regular expression by surrounding it with "/".
:-abp-has() Select an element if its content subtree match the selector specified
:-abp-contains() Select an element if its text content contains the specified string

When writing element hiding filters that make use those you must use the #?# syntax (replace ## with #?#) and take care to specify one or more domains. Some examples:

Selector Purpose;height:250px;) Matches div elements whose style contain the specified properties> div > img.advert) Matches div elements that contain as a direct descendant a div element whose direct descendant is an img with the class "advert"> div > img:-abp-properties(width:300px;height:250px;)) Matches div elements that contain as a direct descendant a div element whose direct descendant is an img element whose style properties contain the specified properties, a width of 300 pixels and an height of 250 pixels> div > img:-abp-properties(WidTh:300px;hEigHt:250px;)) Since the CSS properties are matched case-insensitively, this filter matches the same thing as above> span:-abp-contains(Advertisment)) Matches div elements that have a direct descendent span element containing the text "Advertisment" > img:-abp-properties(width:*px;height:250px;) By using a wildcard *, this filter matches an img whose CSS style properties have a width specified in pixels and a height of 250 pixels > img:-abp-properties(/width: 3[2-8]px;/) By using a regular expression, this filter matches an img whose CSS style properties have a width between 32 and 38 pixels

Snippet filters

Snippet filters allow executing snippet scripts.


Comma separated list of domains this filter applies to.


For a snipet filter, the separator is #$#.


The snippet script.,$#log Hello world!