Fully Known and Fully Loved by God

You know me inside and out, you know every bone in my body; You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit, how I was sculpted from nothing into something.”
Psalm 139:13 (Message Bible translation)

These words from scripture describe the reality in which we live. We are fully known - inside and out - by the God who created us. God held our unformed substance in God’s hand and sculpted us from nothing into something. As God’s creation, we are loved forever and always. We cannot flee from God’s presence. God will always chase after us - arms extended - ready to carry us.

This is both our reality today and God’s promise for our future. Nothing will change God’s love for us. We are fully known and fully loved by God - always and forever.

Today we wrap up our sermon series “God Knows Us Inside Out.” For the past seven weeks, we have been exploring the emotions of joy, sadness, anger, disgust, fear and anxiety. God has woven these emotions into our being. Emotions are good and of God, so we can embrace them.

May you write Psalm 139:13 on your heart this week. Carry it with you. Know, trust and believe that God knows you and loves you.