
I am Tobias van Beek a Dutch PHP developer. During my day job, I work for Normec Foodcare Online where we work on software for the quality assurance in the food supply chain. Another part of my job is a continuous search for useful improvements in our toolset and sharing new knowledge in the team.

In my spare time, I occasionally contribute to different open source projects on Github. Be a part of the maintainer team for PHPMD, PHP_Depend and maintain my own on GitLab.

After a couple of years visiting meetups, I joined the Leadership team of the PHP & Laravel development Eindhoven meetup where I search for and contact speakers to give a talk.

In my life away from code and computers I'm happily married to my wife, father of our daughter. And responsible for the technique in our church.

Since 2009 I'm allowed to call myself Zend Certified Engineer and since 2018 I'm also allowed to use the title Certified Laravel Developer.

You can find and contact me on: