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This crate provides a command line tool to pretty print SARIF files to easy human readable output.

The latest documentation can be found here.

SARIF or the Static Analysis Results Interchange Format is an industry standard format for the output of static analysis tools. More information can be found on the official website:


sarif-fmt may be installed via cargo

cargo install sarif-fmt

via cargo-binstall

cargo binstall sarif-fmt

or downloaded directly from Github Releases

# make sure to adjust the target and version (you may also want to pin to a specific version)
curl -sSL -o sarif-fmt


For most cases, simply pipe a SARIF file into sarif-fmt (cat ./foo.sarif | sarif-fmt)


$ cargo clippy --message-format=json | clippy-sarif | sarif-fmt
$ warning: using `Option.and_then(|x| Some(y))`, which is more succinctly expressed as `map(|x| y)`
    ┌─ sarif-fmt/src/
423 │ ╭             the_rule
424 │ │               .full_description
425 │ │               .as_ref()
426 │ │               .and_then(|mfms| Some(mfms.text.clone()))
    │ ╰───────────────────────────────────────────────────────^
    = `#[warn(clippy::bind_instead_of_map)]` on by default
      for further information visit

Often it is useful to record the SARIF file for machine processing but also print the nicely formatted results to stdout at the same time. This can be done using the tee command:

$ clang-tidy -checks=cert-* cpp.cpp -- | clang-tidy-sarif | tee clang-tidy.sarif | sarif-fmt
$ 2 warnings generated.
warning: 'atoi' used to convert a string to an integer value, but function will not report conversion errors; consider using 'strtol' instead [cert-err34-c]
  ┌─ /home/psastras/repos/sarif-rs/sarif-fmt/tests/data/cpp.cpp:4:10
4 │   return atoi(num);
  │          ^^^^^^^^^^

warning: calling 'system' uses a command processor [cert-env33-c]
  ┌─ /home/psastras/repos/sarif-rs/sarif-fmt/tests/data/cpp.cpp:8:3
8 │   system("ls");
  │   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^

$ cat clang-tidy.sarif
  "runs": [
      "results": [
          "level": "warning",
          "locations": [
              "physicalLocation": {
                "artifactLocation": {
                  "uri": "cpp.cpp"
                "region": {
                  "startColumn": 10,
                  "startLine": 4
          "message": {
            "text": "'atoi' used to convert a string to an integer value, but function will not report conversion errors; consider using 'strtol' instead [cert-err34-c]"
          "level": "warning",
          "locations": [
              "physicalLocation": {
                "artifactLocation": {
                  "uri": "cpp.cpp"
                "region": {
                  "startColumn": 3,
                  "startLine": 8
          "message": {
            "text": "calling 'system' uses a command processor [cert-env33-c]"
      "tool": {
        "driver": {
          "name": "clang-tidy"
  "version": "2.1.0"

License: MIT