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HiTop bitcoin payment framework (HiTopBPF) and web-application

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HiTopCPF (HiTop Cryptocurrency Payment Framework)


HiTopCPF is a self-contained cryptocurrency payment framework and store-front web-application. It uses no custodial or third party wallet/blockchain services (excluding exchange rate conversion and QR code generation). It has been specifically built with all business logic, cryptocurrency-specific transaction logic & wallet custodianship completely within the application itself.


after having been denied payment gateway services by paypal and others and not finding an existing, open-source, free, self-custodial bitcoin transaction/wallet service with the features i wanted, i decided to build my own. it's intended to be a simple (two page) store-front web-application with self-contained multi-cryptocurrency transaction engine and user-custodian'd wallet.

sample application


if you need test network bitcoin, you can obtain them here.

required development tools

tool version
JAVA OpenJDK 1.9
Maven 3.6.1
Spring Boot 2.4.0
BitcoinJ 0.15.10
LitecoinJ-core 0.2
MySql 8.0.23
Docker (optional) 19.03.11
Docker Compose (optional) 1.17.1

certificate requirements

HiTopCPF uses bitpay to obtain current USD->BTC/LTC exchange rate. after downloading bitpay SSL certificate (or using your preferred exchange-rate service), run command:

$ keytool -import -trustcacerts -file </location/of/downloaded/security.cer> -alias <any_alias> -keystore </location/of/java/lib/security/cacerts>

to install certificate into your application.

customization instructions

  • in file src/main/resources/, update productname value to be your product name.
  • in file src/main/resources/, update unit.price.usd value to be your product price in USD.
  • save your index page image as src/main/resources/public/images/index.jpg
  • save your order page image as src/main/resources/public/images/order.jpg

development build instructions

to build web-app, run command:

$ mvn clean install

or build and execute directly using command:

$ mvn spring-boot:run

webserver on localhost:8080 will start and both web-app & crypto-specific testnet logs will echo to console.

for exampke, bitcoinj and spvchain files:


will be created and once spvchain load is completed (which can take some time on slow connections), console will display the following:

Chain download 100% done with 0 blocks to go, block date 2019-09-02T07:35:47Z
End of sync detected.
TomcatWebServer  : Tomcat started on port(s): 8080 (http) with context path ''

indicating application is ready for use (by default, on their respective testnets). any crypto payment made (to payment page HD wallet address) will be registered on the relevant crypto (BTC/LTC) network then displayed both on server console and in browser window.

note: a unique bitcoin/litecoin address is generated for each QR code displayed on the payment page. each of these addresses is a child address of the parent HD wallet address, such that all payments are accumulated in the parent HD wallet.

eclipse/intellij developers

HiTopBPF uses project lombok annotations. run the following command from project root prior to IDE startup to properly configure either IDE for lombok usage.

$ java -jar lib/lombok.jar

and follow steps as indicated

docker image build (optional)

to build an HiTopCPF docker image, use command:

$ docker build  -t <image_name>:<tag_name> dir


$ docker build  -t <image_repo>/<image_name>:<tag_name> dir

and can be customized via Dockerfile in project root directory

docker-compose container deployment (optional)

to deplay an HiTopCPF container (along with a separate mysql volume container for data storage), use command:

$ docker-compose up

environment variables can be configured via docker-compose.yml in project root directory

intended audience

  • open source to download, modify, customize, fork and deploy as you like. licenced under Apache Software Foundation LICENSE-2.0
  • i encourage usage and contribution by others in the community, new features & PR's (pull requests) very much welcome and appreciated.
  • seeking those interested to help grow, improve framework in the usual/celebrated open source ASF/2.0 spirit.

application use (development mode)

once you've started HiTopCPF (either via mvn spring-boot:run or docker-compose up), open a web browser to https://localhost:8080

current functionality
  • as of this writing, HiTopCPF currently can complete a full bitcoin/litecoin payment transaction on the bitcoin test network. - configuration exists to run on bitcoin & litecoin main networks, but hasn't been run there (yet).
  • uses HD wallet with newly generated HD child address for each order
  • currently supports bitcoin & litecoin, but API/interface exists for (any) crypto-currency extension.
  • website images and product name completely customizable via file
known limitations
  • for ease of user testing, all but two entity bean fields (name and btcaddress) have been commented out. users can uncomment remaining fields and include them in controller logic & html/thymeleaf template as needed
  • more unit tests coming (TDD... yes, yes, i know 💩)
  • html/javascript/css ~80% culled to remove unneccary libs. more cleanup coming soon.
  • no javadoc yet, but in the meanwhile (hopefully sufficient) OO design for developer ease of understanding what's going on and where.
  • TODO's annotated in various places throughout codebase, none of which are show-stoppers.