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🦀 Small exercises to get you used to reading and writing Rust code!
🔮 ChatGPT Desktop Application (Mac, Windows and Linux)
ripgrep recursively searches directories for a regex pattern while respecting your gitignore
🤱🏻 Turn any webpage into a desktop app with Rust. 🤱🏻 利用 Rust 轻松构建轻量级多端桌面应用
“连续八年成为全世界最受喜爱的语言,无 GC 也无需手动内存管理、极高的性能和安全性、过程/OO/函数式编程、优秀的包管理、JS 未来基石" — 工作之余的第二语言来试试 Rust 吧。本书拥有全面且深入的讲解、生动贴切的示例、德芙般丝滑的内容,这可能是目前最用心的 Rust 中文学习教程 / Book
An incremental parsing system for programming tools
Neon: Serverless Postgres. We separated storage and compute to offer autoscaling, code-like database branching, and scale to zero.
🚀 10x easier, 🚀 140x lower storage cost, 🚀 high performance, 🚀 petabyte scale - Elasticsearch/Splunk/Datadog alternative for 🚀 (logs, metrics, traces, RUM, Error tracking, Session replay).
The fast Rust-based web bundler with webpack-compatible API 🦀️
🥧 Savoury implementation of the QUIC transport protocol and HTTP/3
📙《高并发的哲学原理》开源图书(CC BY-NC-ND)https://pphc.lvwenhan.com
GritQL is a query language for searching, linting, and modifying code.
A tutorial of building an LSM-Tree storage engine in a week.
Apache HoraeDB (incubating) is a high-performance, distributed, cloud native time-series database.
weggli is a fast and robust semantic search tool for C and C++ codebases. It is designed to help security researchers identify interesting functionality in large codebases.
A proxy to expose real tls handshake to the firewall
Advanced Fuzzing Library - Slot your Fuzzer together in Rust! Scales across cores and machines. For Windows, Android, MacOS, Linux, no_std, ...
KCL Programming Language (CNCF Sandbox Project). https://kcl-lang.io
A tree-sitter based AST difftool to get meaningful semantic diffs
Blazing-fast query execution engine speaks Apache Spark language and has Arrow-DataFusion at its core.
A high-performance, lightweight, and cross-platform QUIC library
🧠 Motorhead is a memory and information retrieval server for LLMs.
将 C/C++ 代码转换成流程图 / Turn your C/C++ code into flowchart
Generating structured data from arbitrary, unstructured input.
ClangQL is a tool that allow you to run SQL-like query on C/C++ Code instead of database files using the GitQL SDK