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File metadata and controls

380 lines (273 loc) · 14.9 KB


UMedia provides access to digitized collections from across the University of Minnesota. These materials include photographs, archives, audio, video, maps, and more, with new items added on a regular basis. These open and freely available resources support the teaching and research needs of scholars, educators, students, and the public.


Data is ingested from CONTENTdm into a Solr index and served by this Ruby on Rails application.

Developer Quickstart

Build, populate with data, and start the app

Initialize and start the local dev environment:


Note: you will be prompted for a password. Use your sudo / machine admin password here. If you need to test a different branch or commit of the umedia_solr_conf Solr core repository, set the variable $UMEDIA_SOLR_CONF_VERSION


Bring up services:

docker-compose up

Note If you see somthing like ERROR: The image for the service you're trying to recreate has been removed., respond with y to continue with the new image.

You'll see something like the following eventually appear in your terminal:

app_1          | [6] Puma starting in cluster mode...
app_1          | [6] * Version 3.12.1 (ruby 2.6.1-p33), codename: Llamas in Pajamas
app_1          | [6] * Min threads: 5, max threads: 5
app_1          | [6] * Environment: test
app_1          | [6] * Process workers: 3
app_1          | [6] * Preloading application
app_1          | [6] * Listening on tcp:
app_1          | [6] * Daemonizing...
app_1          | [1] Puma starting in cluster mode...
app_1          | [1] * Version 3.12.1 (ruby 2.6.1-p33), codename: Llamas in Pajamas
app_1          | [1] * Min threads: 5, max threads: 5
app_1          | [1] * Environment: development
app_1          | [1] * Process workers: 3

Wait for the app to fully boot, then open a new terminal tab and populate the local test and development solr core instances:


Open https://localhost:3000/ in your browser to see your dev instance.

Ingest Sample Records Into Dev

A set of sample records has been selected for local development and testing. To ingest these records, open a new tab in your terminal / console application and issue the following command:

docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake ingest:sample_records

Note: this is pretty slow in develpment instances and will take a while.

Once these records have been indexed (monitor sidekiq indexing workers here: https://localhost:3000/sidekiq), commit them to solr and ingest the homepage collection overview info:

Commit items to solr:

docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake solr:commit

Ingest Collection Metadata:

docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake ingest:collection_metadata

After populating the development index, syncronize the development solr index to the test solr index ./ so that integration tests may pass.

Optional: Configure credentials in the .env file:

# Nailer is a lambda app that handles thumbnail processing and storage:
# URI should look real when testing e.g. is good
# This key is used to give the app permission to delete thumbnail
# from a given S3 bucket:

# number of search results per page from Solr
# number of collections per page on homepage
# Always set to 1 by the test suite to enforce reliable paging on /home

Then, reboot the app: docker-compose stop; docker-compose up. You should now be ready to develop via https://localhost:3000.

Ingest CONTENTdm Content Into Solr

Interact with the Solr index and Sidekiq processor with the following methods:

# Ingest a fixed set of sample records (this is the "official" list of records used in our
# solr test index - see "Working With the Solr Test Index")
docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake ingest:sample_records

# Ingest everything (ingest content from all collections)
# Might take up to 36 hours
docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake ingest:collections

# Ingest content for a single collection
docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake ingest:collection[set_spec_here]

# Ingest a single record
docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake ingest:record[record_id_here]

# Ingest collection metadata (used to populate the collection search on the home page)
docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake ingest:collection_metadata

# Enrich parent items with the transcripts of their children (makes search by
docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake ingest:collection_transcripts

Once the ingest sidekiq jobs (background worker processes) have completed:

docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake solr:commit

Interacting with the App on the Command Line

Enter an interactive session with the application (must be running in another tab):

docker-compose exec bundle exec app /bin/bash

Replace /bin/bash with rails console to skip right to a Rails console session.

Execute a task in the Rails Test Environment (e.g. shell into the test version of the app service):

./docker-compose-test-exec app /bin/bash


To run the test suite: ./docker-compose-test-run app bundle exec rake test

Watching Your Functional Tests (Helpful for Debugging)

The Reflections docker-compose.yml comes equipped with a selenium server running VNC. To watch Selenium as it drives the test browser, install a VNC Viewer and connect it to localhost:5900 (note: no https://) with the password "secret".

Working With the Solr Test Index

Let's say you found a bug that depends on a certain record being in the index and want to write a test for this error.

  1. Write your (failing test).

  2. Add the record to the sample-records.json file in the root directory of this repository.

    This allows others to deterministically recreate the sample index. Note: be sure to git pull origin main before modifying this file so that you have the most recent list of example records.

  3. Ingest the new record(s)

    (Assumes your app is up and running via docker-compose up in another terminal tab)

    docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake ingest:sample_records

    This...will take a while. Go get a snack.

  4. Commit the record after sidekiq has finished processing (watch sidekiq here: https://localhost:3000/sidekiq)

    docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake solr:commit
  5. Index transcript metadata

    Compound records may have children with transcripts. In order to make these child transcripts searchable, we have to run a post-indexing process that enriches the parent record with child record transcripts as child records are not searched in the primary index search UI.

    docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake ingest:collection_transcripts;
    docker-compose exec app bundle exec rake solr:commit
  6. Synchronize the Solr dev index to the test index

    After verifying that your new record appears in the dev instance of your site, you may then sync it to the test instance.

  7. Get your tests to pass.

  8. Take a snapshot of the test instance and commit it as the new test instance:

./docker-compose-test-exec app bundle exec rake solr:backup
git add snapshots_test; git commit -m "update solr test instance with latest records"`
  1. Create a PR with your working code, test, and new sample-records.json and snapshots_test instance.

Docker Help

Troubleshooting docker-compose

Any updates to the Gemfile/Gemfile.lock require rebuilding the app's Docker image. Local gem installs via bundle install|update will not affect the existing images and may result in confusing errors from docker-compose when you believe gems should be present.

app_1          | Could not find rake-13.0.2 in any of the sources
app_1          | Run `bundle install` to install missing gems.

Running bundle install as suggested by the error means doing so with docker-compose exec. As a temporary fix you can:

$ docker-compose exec bundle install

To permanently resolve it, rebuild the image and restart the containers

$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up

Some aliases for your shell

# Note: you might consider adding aliases (shortcuts) in your shell
# env to make it easier to run these commands. e.g.:
# alias dps='docker ps -a'

# Show all docker images
docker ps -a

# Force Remove all umedia images
docker-compose stop; docker rmi -f $(docker images -q --filter="reference=umedia*")

# Remove all inactive Docker images (ones that have "Exited")
docker rm $(docker ps -a | grep Exited | awk '\''BEGIN { FS=" " } ; {print $1;}'\'')

# CAREFUL! Scorched earth! remove all Docker images and volumes
docker system prune -a --volumes

Useful Tools

This is especially useful for analyzing containers to see why they are the size that they are and finding ways to slim them down.

Maintenance Tasks

Refreshing thumbnails

Thumbnails are stored in S3 (by way of AWS Lambda and Nailer) and served out of CloudFront. The S3 object name is a SHA1 hash of the provider's thumbnail URL as harvested by ETLHub. For example:

$ echo -n | sha1sum
6c738be3eac3276240b4776d2d175975d594e652  -

To force a thumbnail to be refreshed, delete it from the S3 bucket CloudFront is pointing to, then invalidate the item in CloudFront.

  • Examine the image in the browser to find its URL (e.g.
  • Log into AWS console
  • Navigate to CloudFront
  • Locate the CDN distribution identified by the domain name you found with the image (e.g. and note which bucket is its Origin
  • Navigate in the AWS console to S3
  • Open the bucket associated with the CloudFront domain and search for the thumb's hash (e.g. a457332b5a24d00b615d26308639ebf499c3c053)
  • Delete the item from S3
  • Navigate in the AWS console to CloudFront
  • To force a cache invalidation, open the Distribution, click the Invalidations tab
  • Create a new Invalidation using the thumb's hash as an object path to invalidate (a457332b5a24d00b615d26308639ebf499c3c053.png)

Clearing Rails Cache (if expected display changes do not appear)

The application cache (in Redis) may need to be cleared if collection metadata changes do not show up after the nightly rake ingest:collection_metadata job.

$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake umedia_cache:clear

Full reindexing (wipe & reindex)

Perform full reindexing on the staging server, backup the new index then restore it to production via shared NFS.

Note: Make sure sidekiq is running on the staging server with sudo systemctl status sidekiq-*

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Wipe the index - takes a few seconds
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake solr:delete_index

# Ingest collection metadata - takes a minute or so
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake ingest:collection_metadata

# Ingest all collection data - takes 60+ hours
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake ingest:collections

# Load transcript data
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake ingest:collection_transcripts

# Run the daily changes job if the staging server does not keep crons
# up to date and the restore target gets a day ahead of this index
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake ingest:collections_daily

# Once Sidekiq has finished everything, backup the new index to NFS
# Commit Solr for good measure (probably not necessary but only takes a moment)
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake solr:commit
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake solr:backup

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Restore the index from the shared NFS space (automatically uses the most recent)
# WAIT until the snapshot has completed: `ls -lt /solr_snapshots` to locate the one you kicked off
# It won't be there until it is ready. Then you can proceed.
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake solr:restore

# Clear cache
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rails runner 'Rails.cache.clear'
$ RAILS_ENV=production bundle exec rake umedia_cache:clear_counts

OAI-PMH Troubleshooting Examples

  • List all collection metadata (ListSets):
  • List all items in a collection (ListIdentifiers for set p16022coll345):
  • Resume listing (next page) of that same set with its resumptionToken found at the end of the XML (note some params replaced by resumptionToken)
  • Get a single full record (GetRecord, identifier