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Muqcs (pronounced mucks) is McGuffin's Useless Quantum Circuit Simulator. It is written in JavaScript, and allows one to simulate circuits programmatically or from a command line. It has no graphical front end, does not leverage the GPU for computations, and makes almost no use of external libraries (mathjs is used in only one subroutine), making it easier for others to understand the core algorithms. On many personal computers, it can simulate circuits of 20+ qubits, if no explicit matrices are used as part of the simulation (search for 'second approach' below for how to do this). On the other hand, if the user needs to compute explicit matrices (such as explicit density matrices to compute a partial trace, which is used by the code to find things like purity, concurrence, and von Neumann entropy), then a performance limit is hit somewhere around 10+ qubits.

The code is contained entirely in a single file, and defines a small class for complex numbers, a class for complex matrices (i.e., matrices storing complex numbers), and a few utility classes like Sim (for Simulator). These classes take up about 1600 lines of code. The rest of the code consists of a regression test (in the function performRegressionTest()) followed by some performance tests. Having a relatively small amount of source code means that the code can be more easily studied and understood by others.

Unlike other javascript quantum circuit simulators, Muqcs implements partial trace and can compute reduced density matrices, purity, concurrence, and von Neumann entropy, to quantify entanglement between qubits.

To run the code, load the html file into a browser like Chrome, and then open a console (in Chrome, this is done by selecting 'Developer Tools'). From the console prompt, you can call functions in the code and see output printed to the console.

Muqcs is named in allusion to mush, Moser's Useless SHell, written by Derrick Moser (dtmoser).

Creating and Manipulating Matrices

To create some matrices and print out their contents, we can do

let m0 = new CMatrix(2,3);  // CMatrix means 'complex matrix', a matrix with complex entries
console.log("A 2x3 matrix filled with zeros:\n" + m0.toString());
let m1 = CMatrix.create([[10,20],[30,40]]);
console.log("A 2x2 matrix:\n" + m1.toString());
let c0 = CMatrix.createColVector([5,10,15]);
console.log("The transpose of a column vector is a row vector:\n" + c0.transpose().toString());

which produces this output:

A 2x3 matrix filled with zeros:
A 2x2 matrix:
The transpose of a column vector is a row vector:

Notice that the toString() method returns a string containing newline characters. In the source code, this is referred to as a 'multiline string'. Next, we create a matrix containing complex numbers, add two matrices together, and print out the matrices and their sum:

let m2 = CMatrix.create([[new Complex(0,1),new Complex(2,3)],[new Complex(5,7),new Complex(-1,-3)]]);
let m3 = CMatrix.sum(m1,m2);
console.log(StringUtil.concatMultiline(m1.toString()," + ",m2.toString()," = ",m3.toString()));

which produces this output:

[10,20] + [1i  ,2+3i ] = [10+1i,22+3i]
[30,40]   [5+7i,-1-3i]   [35+7i,39-3i]

Similarly, there are static methods in the CMatrix class for subtracting matrices (diff(m1,m2)), multiplying matrices (mult(m1,m2) and naryMult([m1,m2,...])), and for computing their tensor product (tensor(m1,m2) and naryTensor([m1,m2,...])). There are also some predefined vectors and matrices. For example,


prints the column vector |1>:




prints the 4x4 matrix for the CNOT (also called CX) gate:


Notice that zeros are replaced with underscores to make it easier for a human to read sparse matrices (to change this behavior, you can call toString({suppressZeros:false}) or toString({charToReplaceSuppressedZero:'.'})). You might also notice that the matrix for the CNOT gate looks different from the way it is usually presented in textbooks or other sources. This is related to the ordering of bits and ordering of tensor products. Search for the usingTextbookConvention flag in the source code for comments that explain this, and set that flag to true if you prefer the textbook ordering. We can also call a method on a matrix (or a vector) to change its ordering:


prints the 4x4 matrix for the CNOT gate in its more usual form:


Simulating a Quantum Circuit

To simulate a circuit, there are two approaches. The first involves computing one explicit matrix for each layer (or step or stage) of the circuit. In a circuit with N qubits, the matrices will have size 2^N x 2^N. Here we see an example of how to simulate a 3-qubit circuit with this first approach:

// Simulate a circuit on three qubits
// equivalent to
// qubit q0 |0>----(x^0.25)-------------------------
// qubit q1 |0>----(y^0.25)-----(x^0.25)----(+)-----
//                                           |
// qubit q2 |0>-------H----------------------o------
input = CMatrix.naryTensor( [ Sim.ketZero /*q2*/, Sim.ketZero /*q1*/, Sim.ketZero /*q0*/ ] );
step1 = CMatrix.naryTensor( [ Sim.H /*q2*/, Sim.SSY /*q1*/, Sim.SSX /*q0*/ ] );
step2 = CMatrix.naryTensor( [ Sim.I /*q2*/, Sim.SSX /*q1*/, Sim.I /*q0*/ ] );
step3 = Sim.expand4x4ForNWires( Sim.CX, 2, 1, 3 );
output = CMatrix.naryMult([ step3, step2, step1, input ]);
    " * ", step2.toString({decimalPrecision:1}),
    " * ", "...", // step1.toString({decimalPrecision:1}),
    " * ", input.toString(),
    " = ", output.toString({binaryPrefixes:true})

Each matrix takes up O((2^N)^2) space (half a gigabyte for N=13 qubits, assuming 4 bytes per float), and calling CMatrix.mult() on two such matrices would cost O((2^N)^3) time. However, the call to naryMult() above causes the matrices to be multiplied right-to-left, because naryMult() checks the sizes of the matrices to optimize the multiplication order, and the right-most matrix passed to naryMult() is just a column vector of size 2^N x 1. The matrix just before that has size 2^N x 2^N, and multiplying the two together costs O((2^N)^2) and produces another column vector, which gets multiplied by the next matrix before them, etc. Hence, in this first approach, the space and time requirements of each layer of the circuit are O((2^N)^2). Notice in the last call to toString() above, we pass in {binaryPrefixes:true}; this causes bit strings like |000> to be printed in front of the matrix, as a reminder of the association between base states and matrix rows. The output is:

[1,_,_,_,_,_,_,_]   [0.9+0.4i,0       ,0.1-0.4i,0       ,0       ,0       ,0       ,0       ]         [1]   |000>[0.302+0.479i]
[_,1,_,_,_,_,_,_]   [0       ,0.9+0.4i,0       ,0.1-0.4i,0       ,0       ,0       ,0       ]         [_]   |001>[0.198-0.125i]
[_,_,1,_,_,_,_,_]   [0.1-0.4i,0       ,0.9+0.4i,0       ,0       ,0       ,0       ,0       ]         [_]   |010>[0.302+0.125i]
[_,_,_,1,_,_,_,_] * [0       ,0.1-0.4i,0       ,0.9+0.4i,0       ,0       ,0       ,0       ] * ... * [_] = |011>[0.052-0.125i]
[_,_,_,_,_,_,1,_]   [0       ,0       ,0       ,0       ,0.9+0.4i,0       ,0.1-0.4i,0       ]         [_]   |100>[0.302+0.125i]
[_,_,_,_,_,_,_,1]   [0       ,0       ,0       ,0       ,0       ,0.9+0.4i,0       ,0.1-0.4i]         [_]   |101>[0.052-0.125i]
[_,_,_,_,1,_,_,_]   [0       ,0       ,0       ,0       ,0.1-0.4i,0       ,0.9+0.4i,0       ]         [_]   |110>[0.302+0.479i]
[_,_,_,_,_,1,_,_]   [0       ,0       ,0       ,0       ,0       ,0.1-0.4i,0       ,0.9+0.4i]         [_]   |111>[0.198-0.125i]

A second approach to simulating the same circuit is to not compute any explicit matrices of size 2^N x 2^N. Instead, we only store the state vector of size 2^N x 1, and update it for each layer of the circuit. The following code does this:

input = CMatrix.naryTensor( [ Sim.ketZero /*q2*/, Sim.ketZero /*q1*/, Sim.ketZero /*q0*/ ] );
step1 = Sim.transformStateVectorWith2x2(Sim.H,2,3,input,[]);
step1 = Sim.transformStateVectorWith2x2(Sim.SSY,1,3,step1,[]);
step1 = Sim.transformStateVectorWith2x2(Sim.SSX,0,3,step1,[]);
step2 = Sim.transformStateVectorWith2x2(Sim.SSX,1,3,step1,[]);
output = Sim.transformStateVectorWith2x2(Sim.X,1,3,step2,[[2,true]]);
    " -> ", step1.toString(),
    " -> ", step2.toString(),
    " -> ", output.toString({binaryPrefixes:true})

In this second approach, the space and time requirements of each step of the circuit are O(2^N), so, much better than in the first approach. The magic happens in the Sim.transformStateVectorWith2x2() method, which is inspired by Quirk’s source code , in particular, Quirk's applyToStateVectorAtQubitWithControls() method in src/math/Matrix.js (link to specific line). This is essentially the "qubit-wise multiplication" algorithm described in chapter 6 of the book Viamontes, G. F., Markov, I. L., & Hayes, J. P. (2009) "Quantum circuit simulation", although their pseudocode contains errors and does not support control bits.

More explanation and code examples appear in the slides under the doc folder of the repository.

Circuit and Qubit Statistics

From the amplitudes output by muqcs, we can easily find the probability of each computational basis state. In addition, muqcs can compute the (2^N x 2^N) density matrix for a give state vector, and also compute the (2x2) reduced density matrix (using the partial trace) for each qubit, from which we can compute the phase, Bloch sphere coordinates, and purity (also called 'reduced purity' or 'purity of reduced state') for each qubit. The Bloch sphere coordinates are a way to describe the qubit's 'local state'. The purity for a single qubit varies from 0.5 to 1.0 and indicates how entangled the qubit is with the rest of the system: 0.5 means maximally entangled, 1.0 means not entangled, and an intermediate value means partially mixed. Here is an example computing these statistics with muqcs:

let N = 4; // total qubits
input = CMatrix.naryTensor( [ Sim.ketZero /*q3*/, Sim.ketZero /*q2*/,
                              Sim.ketZero /*q1*/, Sim.ketZero /*q0*/ ] );
step1 = CMatrix.naryTensor( [ Sim.RY(45) /*q3*/, Sim.RX_90deg /*q2*/,
                              Sim.RX_90deg /*q1*/, Sim.RX(45) /*q0*/ ] );
step2 = CMatrix.naryTensor( [ Sim.RX(45) /*q3*/, Sim.RZ(120) /*q2*/,
                              Sim.RZ(100) /*q1*/, Sim.I /*q0*/ ] );
output = CMatrix.naryMult([ step2, step1, input ]);
output = Sim.transformStateVectorWith2x2(Sim.RZ_90deg,2,N,output,[[1,true]]/*list of control qubits*/);
output = Sim.transformStateVectorWith2x2(Sim.RY(45),2,N,output,[[3,true]]/*list of control qubits*/);
baseStateProbabilities = new CMatrix( output._rows, 1 );
for ( let i=0; i < output._rows; ++i ) baseStateProbabilities.set( i, 0, output.get(i,0).mag()**2 );
    "Output: ", output.toString({binaryPrefixes:true}), ", Probabilities: ", baseStateProbabilities.toString()

Qubit statistics in Muqcs

More qubit statistics in Muqcs

... and now the same circuit in IBM Quantum Composer:

// Copy-paste the below instructions into IBM’s website at to recreate the circuit

include "";

qreg q[4];
rx(pi / 2) q[1];
rx(pi / 2) q[2];
rx(pi/4) q[0];
ry(pi/4) q[3];
rz(1.7453292519943295) q[1];
rz(2.0943951023931953) q[2];
rx(pi/4) q[3];
crz(pi / 2) q[1], q[2];
cry(pi/4) q[3], q[2];

Qubit statistics in IBM Quantum Composer

... and the same circuit in Quirk:

Qubit statistics in Quirk

There are also subroutines (Sim.computePairwiseQubitConcurrences() and Sim.computePairwiseQubitVonNeumannEntropy()) that compute pairwise concurrence between qubits and the von Neumann entropy of each pair of qubits, to quantify entanglement and mixedness.


In a circuit with N qubits, the wires are numbered 0 for the top wire to (N-1) for the bottom wire. The top wire encodes the Least-Significant Bit (LSB).


There is currently no support for measurement gates, nor for iSWAP gates.

The code depends on mathjs, but only in one subroutine (Sim.eigendecomposition()) which is used to compute concurrence and von Neumann entropy.

Under Construction

Think of bra ($\langle a |$) as a row vector, and ket ($| a \rangle$) as a column vector equal to the conjugate transpose of the bra. Then, multiplying a bra by a ket yields a dot product (i.e., $(\langle a |)(| b \rangle)$, abbreviated to $\langle a | b \rangle$, yields a 1x1 matrix); multiplying a bra by its corresponding ket ($\langle a | a \rangle$) yields a dot product equal to the sum of the squared magnitudes of the complex numbers in the bra; and multiplying a ket by its corresponding bra ($| a \rangle \langle a |$) yields a square matrix called the density matrix, whose trace (sum of elements along the diagonal) is equal to $tr(| a \rangle \langle a |) = \langle a | a \rangle$.

Some predefined basis vectors:

Common names Muqcs code Size (rows x columns) Matrix Notes
$\langle 0 |$ Sim.braZero 1x2
[ 1 0 ]
$| 0 \rangle$ Sim.ketZero 2x1
[ 1 ]
[ 0 ]
$\langle 1 |$ Sim.braOne 1x2
[ 0 1 ]
$| 1 \rangle$ Sim.ketOne 2x1
[ 0 ]
[ 1 ]
$\langle + |$ Sim.braPlus 1x2
(1/sqrt(2)) [ 1 1 ]
$| + \rangle$ Sim.ketPlus 2x1
(1/sqrt(2)) [ 1 ]
[ 1 ]
$| + \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(| 0 \rangle + | 1 \rangle)$
$\langle - |$ Sim.braMinus 1x2
1/sqrt(2) [ 1 -1 ]
$| - \rangle$ Sim.ketMinus 2x1
(1/sqrt(2)) [  1 ]
[ -1 ]
$\langle +i |$ Sim.braPlusI 1x2
(1/sqrt(2)) [ 1 -i ]
$|+i\rangle$ Sim.ketPlusI 2x1
(1/sqrt(2)) [ 1 ]
[ i ]
$| +i \rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(| 0 \rangle + i| 1 \rangle)$
$\langle -i |$ Sim.braMinusI 1x2
(1/sqrt(2)) [ 1 i ]
$|-i\rangle$ Sim.ketMinusI 2x1
(1/sqrt(2)) [  1 ]
[ -i ]

Consider a circuit of $N$ qubits where the overall state of the circuit is pure, i.e., none of the qubits are entangled with the environment. The state of the $N$ qubits can be described using a $2^N \times 1$ (column) state vector $| \psi \rangle$, or using a $2^N \times 2^N$ density matrix $D = | \psi \rangle \langle \psi |$. To better understand some subset of $M$ qubits within the circuit, we can compute a partial trace of $D$ to "trace out" or "trace over" the other qubits, yielding a $2^M \times 2^M$ reduced density matrix $R$. The purity of $R$ is given by the trace of $R^2$, and one minus that purity gives the linear entropy, which is an approximation of the von Neumann entropy ( of the subset of $M$ qubits. Purity ranges from $1/(2^M)$ to 1.0, linear entropy ranges from 0.0 to $1-1/(2^M)$, and von Neumann entropy ranges from 0.0 to M. Entropy is a measure of the mixedness (the opposite of purity) of the subset of qubits, and mixedness is, roughly speaking, how entangled the subset of qubits is with other qubits outside the subset. Concurrence is a measure of how much the qubits are entangled with other qubits within the same subset. There's a nice table at showing types of states, by crossing {pure, mixed} $\times$ {product, separable, entangled}.

A matrix $M$ is unitary if its inverse is equal to its conjugate transpose, i.e., $M^{-1} = M^{*}$ or $M^{-1} = M^{\dagger}$

A matrix $M$ is hermitian if it is equal to its own conjugate transpose, i.e., $M = M^{*}$

A matrix $M$ is involutory if it is equal to its own inverse, $M = M^{-1}$

Any two of the above properties implies the third. All valid quantum gates are described by matrices that are unitary. Some of them (like I, X, Y, Z, H, CX, SWAP) are described by matrices that are additionally hermitian and involutory.

A density matrix is always hermitian.

Circuits consisting only of Clifford gates (which includes I, H, X, Y, Z, SX, SY, SZ, CX, SWAP) can be simulated in polynomial time on a classical computer, by the Gottesman-Knill theorem. Thus, mere superposition (which can be created with H gates) and entanglement (CX gates) are not sufficient to explain the speedup offered by quantum computers.

Matrices encoding the effect of a quantum gate:

Common names Muqcs code Qubits Size Notes
zero, 0 Sim.ZERO 1 2x2 not unitary
identity, I Sim.I 1 2x2 no-op
I = Phase(0)
Hadamard, H Sim.H 1 2x2
Pauli X, NOT Sim.X 1 2x2 bit flip
X = -iYZ = iZY = HZH
Pauli Y Sim.Y 1 2x2 Y = iXZ = -iZX
Pauli Z, Phase($\pi$) Sim.Z or Sim.Phase(180) 1 2x2 phase flip
Z = Phase(180)
Z = -iXY = iYX = HXH
$\sqrt{X}$, SX, $\sqrt{NOT}$, V Sim.SX 1 2x2 The name SX means 'Square root of X'
$\sqrt{X} = H \sqrt{Z} H = \sqrt{Y} \sqrt{Z} \sqrt{Y}^{-1}$
$V = H S H = \sqrt{Y} S \sqrt{Y}^{-1}$
$\sqrt{Y}$, SY Sim.SY 1 2x2 $\sqrt{Y} = H Z e^{i\pi/4} = X H e^{i\pi/4} = \sqrt{X}^{-1} \sqrt{Z} \sqrt{X}$
$\sqrt{Y} = V^{-1} S V$
$\sqrt{Z}$, SZ, Phase($\pi/2$), S Sim.SZ or Sim.Phase(90) 1 2x2 SZ = Phase(90)
$\sqrt{Z} = H \sqrt{X} H$
$S = H V H$
$\sqrt[4]{X}$ Sim.SSX 1 2x2 The name SSX means 'Square root of Square root of X'
$\sqrt[4]{X} = \sqrt{Y} \sqrt[4]{Z} \sqrt{Y}^{-1}$
$\sqrt[4]{X} = \sqrt{Y} T \sqrt{Y}^{-1}$
$\sqrt[4]{Y}$ Sim.SSY 1 2x2 $\sqrt[4]{Y} = \sqrt{X}^{-1} \sqrt[4]{Z} \sqrt{X}$
$\sqrt[4]{Y} = V^{-1} T V$
$\sqrt[4]{Z}$, Phase($\pi/4$), T, $\pi/8$ Sim.SSZ or Sim.Phase(45) 1 2x2 SSZ = Phase(45)
global phase shift Sim.GlobalPhase (angleInDegrees) 1 2x2 Has the same effect regardless of which qubit it is applied to; causes an equal phase shift in all amplitudes
phase shift Sim.Phase (angleInDegrees) 1 2x2 Z = Phase(180)
$R_x$ Sim.RX (angleInDegrees) 1 2x2 RX(a) = RZ(-90) RY(a) RZ(90)
RX(a) = RY(90) RZ(a) RY(-90)
$R_y$ Sim.RY (angleInDegrees) 1 2x2 RY(a) = RX(-90) RZ(a) RX(90)
$R_z$ Sim.RZ (angleInDegrees) 1 2x2 Phase(angle) * GlobalPhase( -angle/2 ) = RZ( angle )
Phase(angle) = RZ( angle ) * GlobalPhase( angle/2 )
Z = Phase(180) = RZ(180) * GlobalPhase(90)
Sim.RotFreeAxis (ax,ay,az) 1 2x2 The angle, in radians, is encoded in the length of the given vector
Sim.RotFreeAxisAngle (ax,ay,az, angleInDegrees) 1 2x2
Sim.SWAP_2 2 4x4
Sim.SWAP(i,j,n) 2 $2^n \times 2^n$
CNOT, CX, XOR Sim.CX 2 4x4

zero, 0, Sim.ZERO

$$\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 0 \\ 0 & 0 \end{bmatrix}$$

identity, I, Sim.I

$$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}$$

Hadamard, H, Sim.H

$$\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 1 \\ 1 & -1 \end{bmatrix}$$

Pauli X, NOT, Sim.X

$$\begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 \\ 1 & 0 \end{bmatrix}$$

Pauli Y, Sim.Y

$$\begin{bmatrix} 0 & -i \\ i & 0 \end{bmatrix}$$

Pauli Z, Phase($\pi$), Sim.Z, Sim.Phase(180)

$$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & -1 \end{bmatrix}$$

$\sqrt{X}$, SX, $\sqrt{NOT}$, V, Sim.SX

$$\frac{1}{2} \begin{bmatrix} 1+i & 1-i \\ 1-i & 1+i \end{bmatrix}$$

$\sqrt{Y}$, SY, Sim.SY

$$\frac{1}{2} \begin{bmatrix} 1+i & -1-i \\ 1+i & 1+i \end{bmatrix}$$

$\sqrt{Z}$, SZ, Phase($\pi/2$), S, Sim.SZ, Sim.Phase(90)

$$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & i \end{bmatrix}$$

$\sqrt[4]{X}$, Sim.SSX

$$\frac{1}{2} \begin{bmatrix} 1+e^{i \pi/4} & 1-e^{i \pi/4} \\ 1-e^{i \pi/4} & 1+e^{i \pi/4} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} (2+\sqrt{2})/4 + i/(2 \sqrt{2}) & (2-\sqrt{2})/4 - i/(2 \sqrt{2}) \\ (2-\sqrt{2})/4 - i/(2 \sqrt{2}) & (2+\sqrt{2})/4 + i/(2 \sqrt{2}) \end{bmatrix}$$

$\sqrt[4]{Y}$, Sim.SSY

$$\frac{1}{2} \begin{bmatrix} 1+e^{i \pi/4} & i(e^{i \pi/4}-1) \\ i(1-e^{i \pi/4}) & 1+e^{i \pi/4} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} (2+\sqrt{2})/4 + i/(2 \sqrt{2}) & -1/(2 \sqrt{2})-i (2-\sqrt{2})/4 \\ 1/(2 \sqrt{2})+i (2-\sqrt{2})/4 & (2+\sqrt{2})/4 + i/(2 \sqrt{2}) \end{bmatrix}$$

$\sqrt[4]{Z}$, Phase($\pi/4$), T, $\pi/8$, Sim.SSZ, Sim.Phase(45)

$$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i \pi/4} \end{bmatrix}$$

global phase shift, Sim.GlobalPhase (angleInDegrees)

$$e^{i \theta} \begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & 1 \end{bmatrix}$$

phase shift, Sim.Phase (angleInDegrees)

$$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i \theta} \end{bmatrix}$$

$R_x$, Sim.RX (angleInDegrees)

$$\begin{bmatrix} \cos(\theta/2) & -i \sin(\theta/2) \\ -i \sin(\theta/2) & \cos(\theta/2) \end{bmatrix} = \cos(\theta/2) I - i \sin(\theta/2) X$$

$R_y$, Sim.RY (angleInDegrees)

$$\begin{bmatrix} \cos(\theta/2) & -\sin(\theta/2) \\ \sin(\theta/2) & \cos(\theta/2) \end{bmatrix} = \cos(\theta/2) I - i \sin(\theta/2) Y$$

$R_z$, Sim.RZ (angleInDegrees)

$$\begin{bmatrix} e^{-i \theta/2} & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i \theta/2} \end{bmatrix} = \cos(\theta/2) I - i \sin(\theta/2) Z$$

Sim.RotFreeAxis (ax,ay,az)

(see definition in source code)

Sim.RotFreeAxisAngle (ax,ay,az, angleInDegrees)

(see definition in source code)

$X^k = R_x(k \pi) GlobalPhase(k \pi/2)$

$$\frac{1}{2} \begin{bmatrix} 1+e^{i k \pi} & 1-e^{i k \pi} \\ 1-e^{i k \pi} & 1+e^{i k \pi} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \cos(k \pi/2) & -i \sin(k \pi/2) \\ -i \sin(k \pi/2) & \cos(k \pi/2) \end{bmatrix} e^{i k \pi/2}$$

$Y^k = R_y(k \pi) GlobalPhase(k \pi/2)$

$$\frac{1}{2} \begin{bmatrix} 1+e^{i k \pi} & i(e^{i k \pi}-1) \\ i(1-e^{i k \pi}) & 1+e^{i k \pi} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} \cos(k \pi/2) & -\sin(k \pi/2) \\ \sin(k \pi/2) & \cos(k \pi/2) \end{bmatrix} e^{i k \pi/2}$$

$Z^k = R_z(k \pi) GlobalPhase(k \pi/2) = Phase(k \pi)$

$$\begin{bmatrix} 1 & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i k \pi} \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} e^{-i k \pi/2} & 0 \\ 0 & e^{i k \pi/2} \end{bmatrix} e^{i k \pi/2}$$