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Ruby Version

A ruby playground quickstart


To check out and prepare the ruby playground in path/to/new/dir run

curl -s | bash -s - path/to/new/dir

Note that there is a script scripts/ruby-playground that one can install in /usr/local/bin which wraps the above command into a simple to run script.

Quick description

This project provides a one-step quick start template to start a ruby project. It is set up to include the following:

  • ruby-version: is pinned to 2.7.2 via .ruby-version
  • rspec
  • rubocop
  • pry
  • quick development scripts ./scripts/{console,test,watch}
  • a basic ruby application configuration in ./config

The ruby playground should provide a easy start for gem-like projects (add code in ./lib), and for application-like projects (add code mostly to ./app). It provides an easy set up to run specs and rubocop.


  1. Checkout and prepare

    To check out and prepare the ruby playground in path/to/new/dir run

     curl -s | bash -s - path/to/new/dir

    Note that there is a standalone ruby-playground script that one can install locally, which wraps the curl command.

  2. Ruby code setup

    To load a ruby playground app run, from your ruby source code:

    load "config/application.rb"

    This does the following:

    1. adjust library path to allow requiring from lib.static;
    2. loads all initializers, from config/initializers/*.rb;
    3. loads all library files, from lib/*.rb;
    4. loads all application files, from app/models/*.rb.
  3. Testing: to run tests run scripts/test (or just bundle exec rspec).

  4. rubocop: rubocop is prebundled; run bundle exec rubocop.

  5. Github actions: the playground comes with a ruby-test github action. Simply push to github, have actions generally enabled, and enjoy the workflow.

Bundled gems

The Gemfile bundles the following gems:

The following gems can easily activated in the Gemfile, but are not bundled by default:

Other notes

  • direnv support

This repository comes with a .envrc file, which adds ./bin/ to the current path once inside this repository. This feature is especially nice when running rspec, because it lets you copy failed specs directly from the rspec failure output.

To make use of that feature you need to have direnv installed, see

  • scripts and shortcuts

The ./scripts directory contains a number of development helper scripts. They require a bash shell; macOS' version (3.2.57) is good enough.

  • scripts/console: loads an app and starts a Pry console;
  • scripts/test: runs rspec, with a given sets of arguments;
  • scripts/watch: watches a specified set of folders (see scripts/watch), and runs tests on changed files.

I recommend to add the following aliases to your shell .profile, and use this consistently across all your repositories:

alias C='scripts/console'
alias T='scripts/test'
alias W='scripts/watch'
  • Want to add a github action badge?

Here is a pointer: see


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