# Define your environment variables here in a FOO="bar" format. # # Later you can use them to start a Docker container: # $ docker run --env-file ./.env [rest] # # This variables will replace any ${VAR_NAME} in your config (eg. config/confix.exs) files. # # Warning! Don't enclose your variable values with quotes ("), # or they will appear in `sys.config` double-qouted! # DB ## PosgreSQL DB_NAME=annon DB_USER=postgres DB_PASSWORD=postgres DB_HOST=travis DB_PORT=5432 ## Migrations APP_MIGRATE=true # StatsD STATSD_HOST=travis # HTTP Endpoints GATEWAY_PUBLIC_PORT=4000 GATEWAY_PRIVATE_PORT=4002 GATEWAY_MANAGEMENT_PORT=4001 # Distributed Erlang settings ERLANG_COOKIE=c2VjcmV0X2VybGFuZ19jb29raWUK LISTEN_DIST_MIN=10000 LISTEN_DIST_MAX=10100 POD_IP= # Container testing purposes ## Distribution settings SKYCLUSTER_STRATEGY=Cluster.Strategy.Epmd SKYCLUSTER_KUBERNETES_SELECTOR=app=annon,component=api SKYCLUSTER_NODE_NAME=gateway # Log Level LOG_LEVEL=debug # Headers that is ignored from public api consumers PROTECTED_HEADERS=x-consumer-id,x-consumer-scope,x-consumer-token,x-consumer-token-id