- {{Chapter needs to emphasize that HTML is universal "container".
Not so much this or that feature of HTML. Designers problems with
HTML (see https://www.webreview.com/97/04/04/feature/index.html). But
basic idea of text-based container/glue is what's key.}}
- In chapter 1, mentioned contrast between ease of compound doc in HTML
vs. difficulty with MS OLE, e.g. WinWord. Some more details:
{INCLUDEPICTURE "C:\\BOOKS\\controlweb\\1-5688~1.bmp" \d \* MERGEFORMAT}
The \d if picture not included in WinWord doc file.
Microsoft Word Err=1227 (Word cannot open the graphics file)
On LAN, can use UNC name. Closest thing MS came to URL.
Or if do as object:
{LINK Paint.Picture "C:\\BOOKS\\controlweb\\1-5688~1.bmp" \a \p}
{LINK ClassName "Filename" [PlaceReference ] [Switches ] }
PlaceReference: Identifies the portion of the source file that's being
linked. If the source file is a Microsoft Excel workbook, the reference
can be a cell reference or a named range. If the source file is a Word
document, the reference is a bookmark.
Clearly, that would be desirable in Web linking (# fragment?)
\b Inserts the linked object as a bitmap.
\d Graphic data isn't stored with the document, thus reducing the file size.
\p Inserts the linked object as a picture.
\r Inserts the linked object in rich-text format (RTF).
\t Inserts the linked object in text-only format.
Can save out WinWord file as HTML; converts BMP to GIF via XXXX.
HTML output from Internet Assistant is crappy. Need optimizing
compiler for it!
- Object linking and embedding in Web vs. in MS OLE. OLE
incomprehensible, monickers, etc., and only for one machine. On web,
just works.
- OLE takes on harder problem, for sure, but burdens what do 90% of the
time with what required in only 10% of cases (typical
- Now, both Netscape for Windows and MSIE use OLE, so one can argue
that it perhaps is a useful underlying technology. But most browsers
can do <IMG SRC> without OLE. Even if genuinely useful, still
have to question how many developers really should learn: put it in
the browser, once, and be done with it. {{This sounds
"know-nothing."}} This general theme taken up again in chapter X on
web browser as "display engine."
- EXPAND!!! on the other hand, Andreesen "IMG hack" (Web Review:
imghack.html): didn't go through standards, Tim B-L against autoload
(Robert Cailliau in Soul of Internet, pp. 193-4??); inconsistency
(why just GIF, JPEG?); compound doc draft (EMBED); also GIF
legalities (CIS, Unisys). Standards process: on the one hand, IMG;
on the other hand, BLICK and MARQUEE!
- Or anything with a MIME type embeddable via the <IMG SRC> tag. Yes,
<IMG SRC> is limited to certain types of files. This is now a problem
(see intro to RFC on compound documents), but is probably why the
thing succeeded in the first place: simplicity, maybe even
over-simplicity at first. This is a good opportunity to discuss Marc
Andreesen's <IMG> "hack," which single-handedly caused the Web
- EXPAND!!! sidebar: IMG SRC legalities (linking vs. copying); is
linking IMG like HREF, or "adding insult to injury" because stealing
cycles too? (disk quotas, $), "fair use". Need separate section in
chapter 5 on CGI legalities?
- https://www.intellicast.com/weather/bos/sat/
<IMG SRC="https://;alb;supsat"
ALT="[boston satellite map]" BORDER=0></A>
Did reverse lookup (https://www.bankes.com/nslookup.htm):
is www3.intellicast.com; try with geturl; returns err 404
- Some sites invite linking to graphics (Map View), others like
Intellicast discourage or make impossible.
- US gov: maps etc. public domain! E.g., see
https://tiger.census.gov/faq.html.) (Vicinty GeoViewer license:
- See https://www.news.com/News/Item/0,4,9145,00.html on "Web sites
feud over design"; re: copying HTML code from other sites!
- Dave Kennedy [CISSP] Research Team Chief, National Computer
Security Assoc. (get URL from RMS): In an action similar to a
(settled) legal threat over "inlining" of copyrighted comic strip
graphics in a third party web page, a host of publishing companies
have filed suit in New York City federal district court against a
company called TotalNews. TotalNews uses the experimental "frames"
extension to Web code to point their site's visitors to various news
sources around the Web. CNN, Washington Post, Dow Jones, Times
Mirror and Reuters, who have filed the suit, allege that TotalNews'
practice of displaying the content of the various companies' news
sites within a "frame" with TotalNews' banner ads, is a violation of
the companies' rights.
- See stuff on frames/copyright in frame_copy.txt (also see
- can have animated GIF (see https://webreview.com/books/gif/); story
behind animated GIFs; did it require change to browser, or for some
reason did it "just work"? (See Koman book)
- Often used in ads, such as
Article on banner ads at https://www.msnbc.com/news/69527.asp.
- Actually, this one is GIF CGI: verified with geturl -head that this
comes back with Content-type: image/gif; note interaction IMG SRC and
- Multiple animated GIFs on same page: multithread?
- can have program that outputs GIF!; e.g. USNO GIF; not just object
linking: process linking (see next section); GIF "on the fly"
- https://tycho.usno.navy.mil/howclock.html: uses Content-type: multipart/x-mixed-replace;
- Maybe contrast Java applet at https://www.intellicast.com (can reuse
by specifying full URL!):
<applet codebase="https://www.intellicast.com/java" code="GMTClock.class" width=275 height=20>
- Another Java clock at https://www.boulder.nist.gov/timefreq/javaclck.htm (NIST Time &
Frequency Division, using atomic clock)
- Good article on web time servers:
https://nytsyn.com/live/Latest_columns/104_041497_094207_662.html; see
- image output from program: also means can attach cameras to web,
produce gif, jpg, etc. on the fly. e.g.,
https://www.randyville.com/cc/latest.jpg (Live view of Cuyahoga River,
Cleveland OH). Or better,
https://www.netscape.com/fishcam/fishcam.html (which in Netscape is
CTL-ALT-F!!). Explanation at
https://home.netscape.com/fishcam/fishcam_about.html. Hmm, actually
this is a static GIF or JPG file that updated on disk once every
minute. Following is CGI, updated every 30 sec:
Doing geturl -head on this shows "Refresh: 15" and "Content-type:
image/jpeg". (Note simplicity of Refresh!! push/pull.) List of these
sort of things at
A particularly interesting one is
https://pilot.msu.edu/user/golebie1/fan.html (image at
VIDEO from the FAN CAM... at: %I:%M:%S%p"). Also has form to speak
to him via his Mac: ACTION="",
NAME="speech", METHOD="post". hidden
"location"="https://pilot.msu.edu/user/golebie1/fanspeak.html". Cool
NASA webcams at
https://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/1080/nasacams.html (e.g., CUSeeMe,
QuickCam. https://www.unitedspacealliance.com/live/tracker.htm is Java
alternative to refresh GIFs/JPGs? Also see
https://www.activeimaging.com/ (demo: Monterey Bay Aquarium; image
location: https://video1.mbayaq.org/push.jpg). Squirrels at
https://taycam.cc.utexas.edu/ (image at
- multipart content-type important!
- what determines what displayable with IMG SRC? MIME?
- (Note above is in cgi-bin and is obviously program because params
after ?, but has .gif extension presumably to fool browser; also note
nph for nonparsed header; tested with geturl -head and comes back
without any MIME header: is a GIF87a file)
- perl for GIF, etc. output: see
https://www.panix.com/~clay/perl/query.cgi?graphics+index (perl interface
to GD; GIFgraph; graph.pm; pgperl/pgplot)
- frames make up for some deficiencies of IMG (See Webmaster in a Nutshell,
chapter 4, for a nice overview of frames); saw earlier, esp. borderless
- Or <IFRAME> in MSIE: placed within doc like <IMG>
(not supported by Netscape):
<IMG SRC="https://www.idgbooks.com/images/smallcovers/1-56884-305-4.gif">
<IFRAME SRC="https://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ISBN=1568843054" HSPACE=3
Scrollbars without border weird, but can see that placed within page
like image.
- Can have map based on GIF: map, ismap (client-side image maps; good
explanation at https://www.ee.ed.ac.uk/online/imagemaps.html: <IMG SRC
USEMAP>, <MAP>, and <AREA SHAPE COORDS HREF> tags; spec by James
Seidman, Spyglass)
- {{Airplane tracking based on flight number!
or https://tms1.vntsc.dot.gov/; https://tms1.vntsc.dot.gov/docs/asd.html
is Interactive Aircraft Situation Display -- image map of US, click
on dots to get more info on plane! This cool, but probably not URL
related. Maybe move to area on images, compound docs, UI. See saved
asd.html. Though get flight# from dot.gov, then test with flytrax
(Flyte Trax Query).}}
- Another image map example:
https://pubweb.parc.xerox.com/mapdocs/mapviewer.html. Xerox paper
- Image map tutorial:
- Images to extend UI. INPUT TYPE=image, ability to do box around
image, etc. Good example: www.lycos.com? (Maybe handle this subject
in chapter 7, on web browser as display engine.)
- Good example of GIF as UI: "MSNBC Viewers Top 10" at e.g.,
https://www.msnbc.com/news/69527.asp (article on ad banners). Client-side
image map, links to https://www.msnbc.com/modules/bom/vote.asp?points=1,
https://www.msnbc.com/modules/bom/vote.asp?points=2, etc.
- Extreme example of images to extend UI: single-pixel GIF
- Putz Xerox paper also explicitly discusses incorporation of
images in other docs:
"In addition to providing an interactive user interface for browsing
world maps, the map server can also provide separate map images on
demand. GIF format map images can be incorporated by reference from
arbitrary HTML documents... It is also possible to link the image
back to the interactive Map Viewer interface so that clicking on the
image will allow the user to zoom and customize the view" (this followed
by an A HREF/IMG SRC example similar to my ex11).
- "A fundamental and important aspect of the design of World-Wide
Web is that information references (currently implemented as URLs)
can just as easily refer to dynamically generated information as
static files. Although most World-Wide Web servers today perform
primarily as hypertext file servers, there is an increasing trend
towards more dynamic information services, where custom documents are
assembled and delivered to a user on request. The presentation
markup and hypertext capabilities of HTML make it possible to present
dynamically generated information in a way which is both functional
and aesthetically pleasing. Authored hypertext documents can be
combined with HTTP based interactive services to provide
documentation that is well integrated with the application's user
interface. Links to appropriate documentation can appear in
dynamically generated pages, and static hypertext documents can
include sample links which invoke queries or other services."
Used for example by https://www.civeng.carleton.ca/cgi-bin/quakes
(near-real-time earthquake bulletin).
- One point here is how much can be done with existing HTML; surprisingly
flexible. Feel we've barely scratched surface of what can be done with
existing web standards, barely understand how to use, now we're off with
new things (ActiveX, Java) before truly understand what already have.
- HTML & SGML purists?
- XML (https://techweb3.web.cerf.net/wire/news/mar/0318xml.html). See
general description at https://www.gca.org/conf/xml/xml_what.htm. Dale says
that Microsoft Document Object Model (DOM) is also relevant here. Note that
MS CDF based on XML (https://www.microsoft.com/corpinfo/press/1997/mar97/cdfrpr.htm).
- Dynamic HTML: Netscape? (https://www.techweb.com/se/directlink.cgi?WIR1997030709).
MS white paper: https://www.microsoft.com/workshop/prog/aplatfrm/dynhtml.htm
(dynamic expansion, dynamic content: modify text; not just at load-time).