
VII.2.44 Pompeii. Taberna Hedones. Excavated 1865, 1868.


VII.2.44, centre left, and VII.2.45, centre right, Pompeii. April 2019. 
Looking west along front façade on Via degli Augustali, from near VII.2.45.  Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.

VII.2.44 Pompeii, centre left, and VII.2.45, centre right. April 2019.

Looking west along front fa�ade on Via degli Augustali, from near VII.2.45. Photo courtesy of Rick Bauer.


VII.2.44 Pompeii. May 2010. Entrance. Fiorelli quoted, as being found on the wall between VII.2.43 and VII.2.44 (on the left),
See Pappalardo, U., 2001. La Descrizione di Pompei per Giuseppe Fiorelli (1875). Napoli: Massa Editore. (p. 84)

VII.2.44 Pompeii. May 2010. Entrance.

Fiorelli quoted graffiti as being found on the wall between VII.2.43 and VII.2.44 (on the left),





See Pappalardo, U., 2001. La Descrizione di Pompei per Giuseppe Fiorelli (1875). Napoli: Massa Editore. (p. 84)

According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) it read as:


M(arcum) Cerrinium

Vatiam aed(ilem) o(ro) v(os) f(aciatis) seribibi

universi rogant

scr(ipsit) Florus cum Fructo���� [CIL IV, 581 (p 696) = D 06418d]

According to Fiorelli, in the atrium of VII.2.45 on the left towards the doorway leading into VII.2.44, was the graffito, CIL IV 1679:

According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) it read as:


Invicte castre(n)se

habeas propiteos

deos tu(c)<a=O>stresit

e et qui leges

calos (H)edone

valeat qui legerit

(H)edone dicit

assibus hic

bibitur dipundium

si dederis meliora

bibes quatt<u=O>s

si dederis vina(m)

Falerna(m) bib(es)����� [CIL IV 1679]


According to Della Corte, the graffito was found on the pilaster to the left of the room joining with the atrium of Colepio:�

Calos (H)edone.� Valeat qui legerit. �(H)edone dicit: Assibus (singulis) hic bibitur; dupundium si dederis, meliora bibes; qua(rtum) (assem) si dederis, vina Falerna bibes.��� [CIL IV 1679]

See Della Corte, M., 1965.� Case ed Abitanti di Pompei. Napoli: Fausto Fiorentino. (p. 180)


According to the translation found in Pompeii, the history, life and art of the buried city, edited by Panetta, M. R, (page 231), this graffiti was found at the entrance to Hedone�s tavern:

Hedone says �You can get a drink here for only one coin.� You can drink better wine for two coins.� You can drink Falernian for four coins�. [CIL IV 1679]


According to Cooley, the graffito was found in the bar at VII.2.44, and the translation:

Hedone says, �You can drink here for one as, if you give two, you will drink better; if you give four, you will drink Falernian.�� [CIL IV 1679]

See Cooley, A. and M.G.L., 2004. Pompeii: A Sourcebook. London: Routledge. (p.162, H12)


Della Corte thought the owner of the house at VII.2.45, and the joined bar at VII.2.44, was a certain Colepius.

An electoral recommendation written on the left pilaster of the entrance to the bar names him as Colepius [CIL IV 582].

According to Epigraphik-Datenbank Clauss/Slaby (See www.manfredclauss.de) the full recommendation read:�


Capellam Iivir(um)

Colepius rogat��� ����[CIL IV 582]


See Della Corte, M., 1965.� Case ed Abitanti di Pompei. Napoli: Fausto Fiorentino. (p.179-80 with Note 1).


VII.2.44, in centre, and VII.2.45, Pompeii December 2018. Looking towards entrance doorways. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.

VII.2.44 Pompeii, in centre, and VII.2.45. December 2018. Looking towards entrance doorways. Photo courtesy of Aude Durand.


VII.2.44, in centre, and VII.2.45 Pompeii. October 2017. Looking towards entrance doorways.
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.2.44 Pompeii, in centre, and VII.2.45. October 2017. Looking towards entrance doorways.

Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 D�COR.


VII.2.44 Pompeii. September 2018. Looking north across doorway threshold.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.2.44 Pompeii. September 2018. Looking north across doorway threshold.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 D�COR.


VII.2.44 Pompeii. October 2017. Looking north to entrance doorway. 
Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR

VII.2.44 Pompeii. October 2017. Looking north to entrance doorway.

Foto Taylor Lauritsen, ERC Grant 681269 D�COR


VII.2.44 Pompeii.  December 2007.  Entrance.

VII.2.44 Pompeii. December 2007. Entrance doorway.


VII.2.44 Pompeii.  December 2007.  West wall.

VII.2.44 Pompeii. December 2007. West wall.


VII.2.44 Pompeii.  December 2007.    Base of staircase in north west corner.

VII.2.44 Pompeii. December 2007. Base of staircase in north-west corner.


VII.2.45 Pompeii. September 2018. 
Looking towards north wall with base of staircase and door to atrium of VII.2.45.
Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 DÉCOR.

VII.2.45 Pompeii. September 2018.

Looking towards north wall with base of staircase and door to atrium of VII.2.45.

Foto Annette Haug, ERC Grant 681269 D�COR.


VII.2.44 Pompeii.  December 2007.    North wall with base of staircase and door to atrium of VII.2.45.

VII.2.44 Pompeii. December 2007. North wall with base of staircase and door to atrium of VII.2.45.


VII.2.44 Pompeii. May 2005. Looking towards north wall and north-east corner.

VII.2.44 Pompeii. May 2005. Looking towards north wall and north-east corner.


VII.2.44 Pompeii.  December 2007.   East wall.

VII.2.44 Pompeii. December 2007. East wall.


VII.2.44 Pompeii.  December 2007.   Sill.

VII.2.44 Pompeii. December 2007. Sill.





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Le immagini fotografiche a bassa risoluzione pubblicate su questo web site sono copyright � di Jackie e Bob Dunn E NON POSSONO ESSERE UTILIZZATE, IN ALCUNA CIRCOSTANZA, PER GUADAGNO O RICOMPENSA COMMERCIALMENTE. Su concessione del Ministero della Cultura - Parco Archeologico di Pompei. Si comunica che nessun riproduzione o duplicazione pu� considerarsi legittimo senza l'autorizzazione scritta del Parco Archeologico di Pompei.

Ultimo aggiornamento - Last updated: 02-Oct-2022 19:51