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Slash Solo Album To Feature Ozzy Osbourne

Photo of Guns N Roses

Band Photo: Guns N Roses (?)

Heavy metal legend Ozzy Osbourne has been confirmed to appear on the legendary guitarist, Slash's first solo album. Another vocalist confirmed, is none other than Black Eyed Peas frontwoman Fergie. This was confirmed by Slash's wife Perla Hudon in a video interview which you can check out below.

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16 Comments on "Slash Solo Album To Feature Ozzy Osbourne"

Anonymous Reader

1. eulogy of the damed writes:

Slash's first solo album?
I thought that was Slash's snake pit?

# Nov 24, 2008 @ 4:18 PM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
Anonymous Reader

2. jimmy j. writes:

Slash and fergie? now that's odd.

# Nov 24, 2008 @ 4:57 PM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
btbamfav20's avatar


3. btbamfav20 writes:

about time he did his own solo album... if u can't work with other people, its like duh, do a SOLO album lol

Now listening to: Bone Marrow - Protest The Hero

# Nov 24, 2008 @ 5:26 PM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
Netromancer's avatar


4. Netromancer writes:

Yeah, well, I wish Fergie would just shut up and do porn. Not a song with Slash.

# Nov 24, 2008 @ 8:24 PM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
bbristowe's avatar


5. bbristowe writes:

I second post 4.

Title should read, "Ozzy Osbourne guest appearance featuring Slash"

Honestly, has he done ANYTHING worth listening to since AFD?

Anyways, fergie is a babe, and a milf.

# Nov 24, 2008 @ 8:36 PM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
Diamond Oz's avatar

Senior News Correspondent

6. Diamond Oz writes:

Never mind her size or passion... I'd whop it up her doggy fashion!

# Nov 24, 2008 @ 8:37 PM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
SHREDDER13's avatar


7. SHREDDER13 writes:

^ ahahahaha!!...No Doubt...

# Nov 24, 2008 @ 8:46 PM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
Necrobeast666's avatar


8. Necrobeast666 writes:

After working with Wacko Jacko anyone Slash work's with is a step up

# Nov 25, 2008 @ 8:51 AM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
b12's avatar


9. b12 writes:

apparently slash cant keep his own band together either....post 3: i agree

# Nov 25, 2008 @ 1:15 PM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
Anonymous Reader

10. slashfan101 writes:

post 2 he has already done con certs with fergie and they click well together !! lookin foward to it though !!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D

# Dec 1, 2008 @ 6:42 AM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
Crushem's avatar


11. Crushem writes:


# Dec 1, 2008 @ 11:03 PM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
Anonymous Reader

12. Guveneur writes:

So what happened to VR? I heard they were looking for a new singer, but did they stop? guveneursguitars.blogspot.com

# Dec 13, 2008 @ 10:13 AM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
Jake.Shall.Perish's avatar


13. Jake.Shall.Perish writes:


# Dec 13, 2008 @ 2:43 PM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
Anonymous Reader

14. Westfallen writes:

Fergie is a butter face.

# Dec 13, 2008 @ 3:52 PM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
Anonymous Reader

15. khanate writes:

Good to see sh** guitarists cashing in after the success of Guitar Hero. He better make sure he wears his dumb top hat, that will keep the marketing f***s happy.

# Dec 13, 2008 @ 8:09 PM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address
Anonymous Reader

16. Schaefs writes:

Say what you want about him being popular cuz of guitar hero... He's better than pretty much every other useless guitarist from todays horrible rock scene. Thank god some good guitarist are still making music.

# Dec 15, 2008 @ 3:22 PM ET | IP Logged Reveal posts originating from the same IP address

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