Biological science links
Aging databases
Chemical compound similarity networks
- ChemProt: a database of more than 700,000 chemicals, 30,000 proteins and their over 2 million interactions integrated to a human protein-protein interaction network having over 400,000 interactions
- Connectivity Map similarity of mRNA expression profiles extended with disease mRNA expression profiles
- iCTNet Cytoscape plug-in, polymorphism (SNP) associations, protein-protein interactions, disease-tissue, tissue-gene and drug-gene relationships: integrated Complex Traits Networks
- IMID, protein-protein interactions, protein-small molecule interactions, associations of interactions with pathways, species, diseases and Gene Ontology terms with the user-selected integration of manually curated and/or automatically extracted data: integrated molecular interaction database
- SARANEA: a freely available program to mine structure-activity and structure-selectivity relationship information in compound data sets
Disease related web-resources
- CIPHER: closeness of unrelated proteins is calculated in the interactome from protein products of disease-related genes, and compared with phenotype similarity profile: large closeness marks a potential new disease-related gene
- DADA: statistically corrects random walk-based prediction with the degree distribution of the network
- DisGeNET Cytoscape plug-in:, human disease network
- Endeavour: integrative method using similarities of neighbors or shortest paths in multiple data sources including interactomes
- Genes2Networks:, new disease-related genes are predicted by their interactome closeness to known disease-related proteins
- GPEC Cytoscape plug-in: random walks in the interactome are started from protein products of disease-related genes: frequent visits of a previously unrelated protein mark a potential new disease-related gene
- iCTNet: a Cytoscape plug-in to construct an integrative network of diseases, associated genes, drugs and tissues (
- Phenopred: integrative method using similarities of neighbors or shortest paths in multiple data sources including interactomes
- PRINCIPLE/PRINCE Cytoscape plug-in iterative steps of information flow from disease-related and between interacting proteins: after convergence a large flow of a previously unrelated protein marks potential new disease-related gene
- Prioritizer:, constructs an integrative network and predicts candidate genes by their network closeness to known disease-related genes
- rcNet: calculates rank coherences between the integrated network characteristic to the target disease and unrelated diseases
- VAVIEN: calculates neighborhood similarity in the interactome and prioritizes candidate genes
Drug-target related resources
- Integrated drug and drug target information resource
- Drug targets of neglected tropical diseases
- Drug – drug target docking information resource
- Information on drug targets
- Integrated network resource of chemical-protein interactions
- Drug combination database:
- Drug side-effect resource:
- Drug-induced toxicity related protein database
Gene databases, List of E. coli gene database resources
Genetic networks
Protein databases
Protein structure tools and networks
Protein networks
Text search engines for extracting information on bionetwork
Datamining sites for network buildings
Chemical reactions, metabolic networks
Signaling pathway analyzer tools
- Signaling pathway resources
- Transcription factor – transcription factor binding information
- mRNA-miRNA target information
- Integrated resource of miRNA target information
- Regulatory information of miRNAs
- Integrated signaling network resources