
jOOQ Open Source Logo

All of jOOQ is available for free under the terms of various Open Source licenses:

jOOQ runtime Apache-2.0
jOOQ meta Apache-2.0
jOOQ codegen Apache-2.0
jOOQ codegen output Your license

Third-party tools

Third-party tools are included under the terms of their respective license.

JSON Simple Apache-2.0
CSVParser Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Google Guava Apache-2.0
JetBrains Annotations Apache-2.0
jOOR Apache-2.0
jOOU Apache-2.0
Reactive Streams CC0
R2DBC Apache-2.0
pgjdbc BSD 2

jOOQ depends on


jOOQ-meta-extensions depends on

H2 Database MPL 2.0
Hibernate LGPL 2.1
Liquibase Apache-2.0
Spring Apache-2.0

jOOQ-checker depends on

Checker Framework GPL 2.0
Error Prone Apache-2.0

The jOOQ documentation also includes

Sakila Database BSD
jOOQ Express Logo   jOOQ Professional Logo   jOOQ Enterprise Logo

jOOQ is dual-licensed. All of jOOQ is available under a commercial license including warranties and professional support.

jOOQ runtime jOOQ License
jOOQ meta jOOQ License
jOOQ codegen jOOQ License
jOOQ codegen output Your license

Third-party tools

The jOOQ License does not affect the licenses of the incorporated third party tools, which are shipped with jOOQ as an internal dependency under their respective license.

JSON Simple Apache-2.0
CSVParser Apache-2.0
Apache Commons Lang Apache-2.0
Google Guava Apache-2.0
JetBrains Annotations Apache-2.0
jOOR Apache-2.0
jOOU Apache-2.0
Reactive Streams Public Domain (CC0)
R2DBC Apache-2.0
JAXB CDDL+GPL with classpath exception
pgjdbc BSD 2

jOOQ depends on (doesn't ship with)

mssql-jdbc MIT
ojdbc Oracle FUTC

jOOQ-meta-extensions depends on (doesn't ship with)

H2 Database MPL 2.0
Hibernate LGPL 2.1
Liquibase Apache-2.0
Spring Apache-2.0

jOOQ-checker depends on (doesn't ship with)

Checker Framework GPL 2.0
Error Prone Apache-2.0

The jOOQ documentation also includes

Sakila Database BSD

FAQ: Commercial Licensing

How many licenses do I need to buy?

One for every developer workstation which is used to write jOOQ code. Server licenses are included. Examples:
  • You have 5 developers using jOOQ, you run jOOQ on 1 test server and on 1 production server, and you have 100+ clients accessing that production server. You need 5 licenses. Your test server, production server, and client licenses are included.
  • You have 2 backend developers using jOOQ to produce an application run on 5 test servers, which are used by 10 frontend developers developing the frontend application without jOOQ (e.g. using JavaScript). You need 2 licenses. Your test server licenses are included. Your frontend developer workstations do not need to be licensed.

Can I reassign a workstation to a new employee?

Yes, jOOQ's Workstation License is an "unnamed license" or "floating license". You can reassign them between workstations any time, but you cannot use the same license by multiple users at the same time.

Do my build servers, test servers, or end users need to be licensed?

They are licensed for free, forever! We only charge for developer workstations, not server workstations.

Will my license expire?

The "Unlimited" price plans are perpetual licenses, which will never expire. The "Monthly" and "Yearly" price plans are subscription licenses which expire at the end of their term, and will thus need to be renewed for continued usage of the jOOQ API.

This does not affect your build, test, and production servers, however, which will be licensed for free forever, in any price plan.

Is renewal automatic for subscription licenses?

For your convenience, the renewal of "Monthly" and "Yearly" subscriptions ordered online directly from us using credit card is automatic. If you wish to stop renewing your subscription, you must cancel it on Bluesnap (or get in touch at [email protected], so we can do it for you).

If you ordered your license via reseller or purchase order, then renewal is manual.

Is renewal automatic for perpetual licenses?

Renewal of maintenance and support for perpetual ("Unlimited") licenses is optional, and can be done manually from the downloads page.

Is renewal automatic for licenses purchased via reseller?

Renewal of "Yearly" license subscription as well as of maintenance and support for perpetual ("Unlimited") licenses is manual, if the license has been purchased from a reseller. Please contact your reseller to get a renewal quote from them.

How many upgrades do I get?

The "Unlimited" price plan includes 1 year of maintenance (upgrades) and support. This can be renewed optionally. The "Monthly" and "Yearly" price plans include ongoing maintenance and support.

I only use the parser to translate SQL strings. Do I still need a license?

The parser is jOOQ API and its usage needs to be licensed. However, the SQL that is parsed is not jOOQ API.

Will I still get the jOOQ source code with a commercial license?

Yes, we will ship the source code for documentation and debugging purposes.

Wow, can I apply fixes to the jOOQ source code myself?

Yes, we trust our customers make good decisions when they fix bugs themselves in the jOOQ sources. If in doubt, contact us or refer to the jOOQ license agreement to learn about the details.

What if workstation licensing is too much administrative work for us?

We also offer large-volume discounts.

Can we ship the commercial binaries with our Open Source product?

Yes, as long as your customers accept a compatible EULA for our binaries. Get in touch to discuss details.

Do we need a license server?

No, jOOQ does not require a license server, nor does it call home.

We're a startup and cannot afford the license for this awesome software.

Contact us for a creative solution.

FAQ: Open Source Licensing

Can I use "jOOQ Open Source Edition" also in commercial software?

Yes, as any Apache-licensed software, jOOQ can be used in commercial software.

Can I use "jOOQ Open Source Edition" also with commercial databases?

It is unlikely that you will get the "jOOQ Open Source Edition" to work properly with a commercial database that is not supported by the "jOOQ Open Source Edition". We strongly suggest purchasing commercial licenses.

FAQ: Independent of licensing

What is the license of generated code output?

The generated code output is not jOOQ API, but your own code. You can license it under any license you want. However, it makes use of jOOQ's internal APIs.


Do you have any questions related to the best license for you? Feel free to contact us, we'll be more than glad to help you.

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