Ruislip Lido Railway.

This is a map of the Ruislip Lido Railway, if you follow the line, at various points you will find a link to take you to a new page with pictures of the area.
Map of the Ruislip Lido and the Railway
For details of timetables, fares etc. visit their Website or contact the railway at
Ruislip Lido Railway, Reservoir Rd, Ruislip, Middlesex, HA4 7TY, UK.
or Telephone: 01895 622595.

Click on the postcode above to get a map of the location of the railway, courtesy of

There are currently a total of 6 hotspots, hint follow the railway line around the map.

If you are thinking of visiting the Ruislip Lido I can recommend this "Printer Friendly" directions page from Boat Share

© 2005 Buccabury
Ruislip Lido (Water's Edge) Station Lineside Shots The Level Crossing Haste Hill Station Eleanor's Loop Woody Bay Station